V. 21 - 4/3/27 - My daughter, a will that doesn’t love me freely, but under force, says distance between creature and Creator; it says slavery and servitude; it say dissimilarity. Instead, a free will that does My Will says union between the soul and God; it says inheritance; it says that what is of God is also of the creature; it says similarity in sanctity and love in such a way that what one does, the other does also and where one is to be found, the other is there also. So, I created man with freedom of will so that he could receive this great honor that is fitting for a God. A will that is forced to love Me and that sacrifices itself, I do not know what to do with it. On the contrary, I don’t even recognize it and neither does it merit any reward. So you can understand why My eyes are fixed on the soul who, of spontaneous will, lives in My Will. Forced love belongs to men, not God; they content themselves with appearances and do not descend into the depths of gold found in the will, so that they might have a sincere and loyal love.
V. 4 - 12/24/02 - After this, I saw people who believed themselves to be something greater than others; and Blessed Jesus said: My daughter, one who believes himself to be something before Me and before men is worth nothing. One who believes himself to be nothing is worth everything - first before Me because if he does something, he does not think he does it because he can do it, having the strength and the capacity, but rather, because he receives from God the grace, the helps and the light…On the contrary, one who believes himself to be something, in addition to be worth nothing, is abominable to My presence and because of his ostentatious and particular manners - for he believes he is something and makes fun of others - men keep him pointed out as an object of derision and of persecution.
V. 4 - 3/8/01 - My daughter, it was not My works, nor My preaching, nor the very power of My miracles that made Me recognized with clarity as the God I am but when I was put on the Cross and lifted up on It as though on My Own Throne - then was I recognized as God. So, the Cross alone revealed Me to the world and to the whole of hell for Who I really was. All were shaken and recognized their Creator. Therefore, it is the Cross that reveals God to the soul and makes known whether the soul is truly of God. It can be said that the Cross uncovers all the intimate parts of the soul and reveals to God and to men who she is.. Then He added: Upon two crosses do I consume souls - one is of pain, the other is of love. And just as in Heaven, all nine Choirs of Angels love Me, though each One has it’s distinct office - as for example, the special office of the Seraphim is love and their Choir is positioned more in the front in order to receive the reverberations of My Love; so much so, that My Love and theirs, darting through each other, correspond continuously - in the same way, I give to souls on earth, their distinct offices: some I render martyrs of pain and some of love, as both of them are skilled masters in sacrificing souls and in rendering them worthy of My satisfactions.
V. 4 - 3/30/02 - After I rose again, I had no more need for material garments; rather, My garments are of sun, of most pure light that covers My Humanity and which will shine eternally, giving unspeakable joy to all the senses of the Blessed. This has been conceded to My Humanity because there was no part of It that was not covered with opprobrium, with pains and with wounds.
V. 11 - 3/8/12 - Everything that man does externally is nothing other than the outpouring of his interior. If so much evils shows on the outside, what must the interior be like? Therefore, the redoing of the interior of man cost Me very much; it is enough to say that it took Me as long as thirty years. My thought, My heartbeat, breath and desire were always intent on running close to the thought, heartbeat, breath and desire of man in order to repair them, satisfy for them and to sanctity them.
V. 14 - 10/27/22 - This happened also in Creation. How long did I not keep It in My Womb as really formed ? And when I pleased, I put It out. And even in Redemption, how long did I not keep It within Me, I could say from eternity; yet, I waited much time before descending from Heaven and bringing It to fulfillment. This is My usual way: first I fecundate My works, I form them within Myself and at the appropriate time I put them out. Even more, you must know that My Humanity contained two generations within Itself: the children of darkness and the children of light. I came to rescue the former and so I gave out My Blood in order to save them.
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