Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 33 - 2/10/34 - What won’t I give to My children after I have been loved and recognized as Father? Everything, I won’t deny them anything and they give Me the joy, the right of My children. For one who lives in My Will, I don’t know how to deny her anything, if I might do this, I would deny it to Myself, therefore I give everything and she repeats the scenes to give Me everything. Therefore in Him, there are exchanges of works, reciprocal love which forms such moving scenes as to form the Paradise of God and of the soul. Oh! Thousands and thousands of times blessed is one who comes to live in the Celestial sojourn of My Will.

V. 33 - 1/20/35 - My blessed daughter, it is this to live in My Will, to acquire the right of daughter and God acquires the supremacy, the command, the right of Father; only He knows how to unite together the one and the other and form one life alone. Now you should know that one who lives in My Divine Volition acquires three prerogatives: First, the right of Divine Life. All that she does is life that she feels, if she loves, she feels the life of love and as life she feels it flow in the mind, in the breath, in the heart; in everything she feels the vital virtue that forms in herself the act that is not subject to cease but the continuation of an act that forms life… Now to the first prerogative is added the second, that is the right of property. But Who is it Who endows her? My Will Himself because in Him there is no poverty as everything is abundance - abundance of sanctity, of light, of graces, of love and since He possesses these as Life, it is just that she possesses these Divine properties as hers… From the second prerogative is born the third prerogative: the right of Glory. There is nothing that she does, little or great, natural or supernatural that is not given the right of Glory to her, right to glorify her Creator in everything…

V. 33 - 2/24/35 - We endowed the creature with reason, so that she might know the good and the evil that she might do and in every act that she might do, if good she might be endowed with new merit, new grace, new beauty and greater union with her Creator; if bad, she might undergo a suffering from it, that as she suffers, it makes her feel the weakness and distance from He Who had created her. The reason is the eye of the soul and light, that while it makes it’s way to the creature, it makes known the beauty of her good works, the fruits of her sacrifices and when she does evil, she knows how to tear it to pieces. The reason holds this virtue, if the creature works good, she feels herself at her post of honor and as king of herself , she holds the order and in virtue of the merit she acquires, she feels the strength and the peace and if she does evil she feels all thrown into confusion and enslaved by her same evils. Now if the creature does good acts in My Divine Will in virtue of the reason she holds, We give her the merit of Divine acts and the merit is given to her according to what she knows…And so much is Our goodness, that even when the creature does good humanly, since in the good always races the reason, We give the human merit because it is Our usual way to not leave the creature without rewarding one good act of the creature. One can say that We remain all eyes over the creature to see in what We should credit her.

V. 33 - 5/14/35 - Now, the Angels, the Saints in seeing the Celestial Father, the Sovereign and their King all intent on working in this creature, they also want to help Us in the work, so lining up around this fortunate creature, they work with defending her; they remove the enemies, they free her from perils and form walls of fortitude, so that no one can molest her. You see how one who lives in My Divine Volition gives work to everyone and they occupy themselves with her.

V. 18 - 12/25/25 - So, the living in the Will of God is to possess the Will of God and this is a gift. It is to possess the greatest gift; but a gift which contains infinite value established by God in the divine order and therefore, she takes her place of honor and of sovereignty in Creation and It is given to one who is disposed, to one who will not waste It, to one who will esteem It so much and love It more than his own life; even more he must be ready to sacrifice his one life so that this gift of My Will may have supremacy over everything and be held as more than life itself - even more, his life be nothing to It…Therefore, in seeing herself in possession of the gift that she longed for and loved so much, she will live of the Life of this gift, she will love It and will give It the esteem It deserves.

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