Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 25 - 2/17/29 - The Permissive and Wanted acts

V. 4 - 10/12/00 - The most powerful enemies of man are: the love of pleasures, of riches, of honors. These enemies render man unhappy because they penetrate even into his heart and consume him continuously; they embitter him and they bring him down so much as to make him lose all happiness

V. 12 - 1/27/19 - The three mortal wounds of Jesus are the pains and sorrows of His Mama and all those who suffer because of Him; the second is ingratitude and the third is obstinacy

V. 14 - 11/24/22 - My daughter, Herod’s perversity and the lack of disposition of his soul were such that he did not deserve  that I look at him or say a word to him. And if I had done so, he would have rendered himself more guilty because each word or gaze of mine are additional bonds which are formed between Me and the creature. Each word is one more union, one more closeness and as the soul feels looked upon, grace begins it’s crafting…

V. 24 - 5/26/28 - In fact, there is this prerogative in Us: If We make a good of Ours, a truth, a knowledge that belongs to Us known, it is because We want to give It to the creature as gift. See then, how many gifts My Will has given you; how many knowledges about Itself It has made known to you! They are such and so many, that you yourself cannot count them.

V. 12 - 10/15/19- My Kingdom is hers, as much as It is Mine; and defending Our Rights, she takes part in judging and condemning others

V. 22 - 8/15/27 - It is My usual way to ask for small sacrifices - depriving oneself of a pleasure, of a desire, of a small interest, of a vanity or detaching oneself from something which seems to do no one harm. These small tests serve as little support on which to place the great capital of My Grace in order to dispose them to accept greater sacrifices. And when the soul is faithful to Me in the small tests, then I abound in Grace and ask for greater sacrifices, so as to be able to abound yet more in giving; and I make of her a portent of sanctity. How many sanctities begin from a small sacrifice of no importance, have remained scrawny in good, weak in comprehending it, frail in walking on the way that leads to Heaven. Poor ones, they can be seen crawling and licking the earth in a way that arouses pity. It takes greater attention to small sacrifices than to great ones because the small ones are the strength of the great to dispose God to give Grace and the soul to receive it.

V. 20 - 11/20/26 - All things have a continuous motion because, having come out of a Supreme Being Who contains a motion of Life, as a consequence, all things that came out of God were to contain a vital motion that never ceases. And  if it ceases, it means life ceases. See, you yourself have a murmuring, a continuous motion in your interior. Even more, the Divinity, in creating the creature, gave him the likeness of the Three Divine Persons; They placed in him three motions that were to murmur continuously, to unite themselves to that continuous motion and murmuring of love of their Creator. And these are: the motion of the beating of the heart that never ceases; the  blood circulation that always circulates without ever stopping; the breathing of the breath that never stops. This, in the body; in the soul, then, there are three more motions  that murmur continuously: the intellect, the memory and the will.

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