The Crux of the Divine Will
The Greatest Gift that the Father wants to give His Children
The depth of God's Love for each one of His children is "incomprehensible" to the created mind
Fiat Lux - Amor Vincit Omnia
In 1996, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger released these Truths and Knowledges from the Vatican Archives which had been held for over fifty years into the custody of Archbishop Carmelo Cassati of the Archdiocese of Trani-Barlette-Bisceglie, Italy
And Jesus: See then, how many Gifts My Will has given you(Luisa); how many Knowledges about Itself, It has made known to you! They are such and so many, that you yourself cannot count Them - Each Divine Truth that is known and loved is one Step higher in Heaven - The soul who does My Will, however small, ignorant, unknown, leaves the other Saints behind in spite of their prodigies, sensational conversions and miracles. Rather, in comparison, the souls who do My Will are Queens and it is as if the others were at their servce. Jesus says: Rest in My Arms and I will see to everything - Do My Will and I will see to everything - Live in My Will and I will see to everything - The Divine Truths carry the happiness that each one contains and and as many Truths as the soul knows, so many happinesses she acquires - Greater Gift, the Father could not give - that is, the Gifts, the Fruits, the Effects of His Will - There is nothing which can equal the great evil of not doing God's Will. There is no Good which can equal It; there is no virtue which can stand before It. So, the Good that one loses by not doing My Will is irreparable -Those who live in My Volition, who share in My Wound, are like Me on earth nd will be like Me in Heaven by sharing in the same Glory of My Humanity - Volume 11 - 11/11/1915 - In this third Era, Sanctification, this Fiat will be the end, as Creatures will return to the Original State of full maturity as Adam and Eve had been created. Jesus Preached and Suffered His Passion and Death between the age of thirty and thirty-three to re-do this age of full maturity to bring creatures back to full maturity - Creatures have to do One Act in the Divine Will before entering Heaven - this act is done when leaving the body - Jesus appears in all Tenderness and Love to the creature to elicit One Act in His Will for Salvation - this Act is an Act of Love by saying "I am sorry and I Love You" Those who will not say: "I am sorry and I Love You are the "most perverse and obstinate" - this is the Sin against the Holy Spirit, the God of Love - the horrible, eternal state of the creature of " not seeing, not having and not Loving God" by denying Love to God(Trinity) for eternal Salvation is incomprehensible! Vol. 31 - 10/16/1932 and Vol. 35 - 3/22/1938. Creatures were not created for the earth but were created for Heaven - Each creature is to live in God and God is to live in each creature - Volume 36 - 7/30/1938
Star of the Sea - Star of Light - Queen of Heaven - Celestial Empress as Jesus named Her, are a few of the many Names of the Mother of Jesus - Jesus performed His greatest Miracle by Incarnating Himself in the Virgin Mary's Womb - She is, Who She is - because She never left God's Will - the only One Who has always lived in the Divine Will - Her Glory in Heaven surpasses all - one of the most outstanding Truths that has been revealed! - She wants Her children to share in Her same Glory that She has in Heaven! Volume 23 - 10/16/1927 and Volume 35 - 8/9/1937 - Our Queen, Celestial Mama enters into Heaven! - Volume 18 - 8/15/1925 - Her Heart contains a Speaking Sun -Volume 32 - 8/6/1933 - There is no Grace that descends upon earth that first is not deposited in Her Heart of Mother - Volume 34 - 12/8/1935 - The Glory of the Mama of Heaven is insuperable - Volume 24 - 8/15/1928 - The Truths concerning Her are at the end of these Divine Will Knowledges and Truths - Her Bio is in
The 24 hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
This is a most comprehensive Revelation on the Sufferings of Jesus - Jesus reveals what He will give to those who will study His Passion - Volume 11 - 4/10/1913; 9/6/1913; 11/6/1914; 10/13/1916 and Volume 12 - 7/12/1918 - (1) - Second Hour of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemani - ...But I hear the trembling Voice of my Sweet Jesus which says: Father, if it is possible, let this Chalice pass from Me; yet not My Will but Yours be done. It is now the second time I hear this from my Sweet Jesus. But what do You make me understand from this 'Father, if it is possible, let this Chalice pass from Me" Oh Jesus, all the rebellions of creatures advance toward You; You see that Voluntas Tua", that "Your Will be done", which was to be the Life of each creature, being rejected by almost all of them and instead of finding Life, they find death. And wanting to give Life to all and make a Solemn Reparation to the Father for the rebellions of the creatures, as many as three times, You repeat: Father, if it is possible, let this Chalice pass from Me: that the souls withdrawing from Our Will, become lost. This Chalice is very bitter for Me: however, not My Will but Yours be done... - (2) - Fourth Word on the Cross - ...amid contortions because of the atrocious spasms, You cry out loudly"My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me"- eloi eloi lama sabachthani - At this Cry, everyone trembles; the darkness becomes thicker, Your Mama, petrified, turns pale and faints! Ah, You are about to die; Your very pains are about to leave You. And at the same time, after so much suffering, with immense Sorrow, You see that not all souls are incorporated in You. Rather, You see that many will be lost and You feel the painful separation of them, as they detach themselves from Your Limbs. And You, having to satisfy Divine Justice also for them, feel the death of each one of them and the very pains they will suffer in hell. And You cry out loudly, to all hearts: "Do not abandon Me. If you want more pains, I am ready - but do not separate yourselves from My Humanity. This is the Sorrow of all Sorrows - it is the death of deaths; everything else would be nothing, if I did not have to suffer your separation from Me! O please, have pity on My Blood, on My Wounds, on My Death!. This Cry will be continuous to your hearts. O please, do not abandon Me!..." - The 24 Hours of the Passion is on the Internet under the above Heading
The Virgis Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will - Thirty-one days and 6 Meditations -
by the Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will - also, on the Internet
Vol. 12 - 1/29/1919 - Lays the foundation - What is to occur and the reason - can be read
V. 21 - 5/22/1927 - ...After this, I was thinking to myself and asked what this Divine Will could be, and Jesus continued: My daughter, Divine Will means giving God to God. It is a Divine outpouring which transforms human nature into Divine. It is the Communication of the Creative Virtue, It embraces the Infinite, It is the soul lifting herself up into the Eternal in the palm of her hand to tell God: "From all Eternity I have loved You. Your Will has no beginning, It is Eternal with You, and I, in It, loved You with Love that has no beginning and no end. What is My Will? It is everything."
V. 16 - 12/8/1923 - ...First, you must know that My Divinity is One Single Act; all Acts concentrate into a Single One. This is what it means to be God - the greatest Portent of Our Divine Essence: not to be subject to sucession of Acts. And if to the creature it seems that We do now something and now something else, it is, rather that We make known what it present in that single Act; in fact, since the creature is incapable of knowing it all at once, We make it known little by little. Now, everything that I, Eternal Word, was to do in My assumed Humanity formed One Single Act with that Single Act which My Divinity contains. Therefore, before this Noble creature was conceived, everything that the Eternal Word was to do upon earth, already existed; and so, in the Act in which this Virgin was conceived, all My Merits, My Pains, My Blood - everything that the Life of a Man and God contained, lined up around Her Conception and She was conceived in the endless abysses of My Merits, of My Divine Blood and in the Immense Seas of My Pains. By Virtue of them, She remained Immaculate, Beautiful and Pure; My incalculable Merits barred the enemy's way and he could do no harm to Her...Therefore, the One who most gathered the Fruits of Redemption - or rather, who received a complete Fruit - was this excelling creature. Having being conceived in It, She loved, esteemed and kept as Her own, everything that the Son of God did upon earth. Oh, the Beauty of this tender little One: She was a Prodigy of Grace, a Portent of Our Divinity. She grew up as Our Daughter; She was Our Decorum, Our Joy, Our Honor and Our Glory...
V. 35 - 10/19/1937 - ...With the Power of His Word, He invests the human act, the breath, the heartbeat, the thought, the human word and there He forms His Divine Work, Breath, Heartbeat, Thought, Divine Word. These Acts elevate themselves to Heaven, present themselves before the Most Holy Trinity; Our Divinity looks at these Acts and what does It find? It finds Itself reproduced in these Acts, Its Life; the Most Holy Trinity Itself... A single one of these Acts contains such marvels, that they cannot find the place where they can put themselves; so much is their Greatness.. - Oh, if everyone might know what it means to live in the Divine Volition, to let Him reign, they would compete to make themselves invested in order to have Him make Divine Life... - My daughter, do not marvel; everything is possible in My Will. True Love, when It is perfect, commences from oneself. The true Model is the Most Holy Trinity. My Celestial Father loved Himself and in His Love generated His Son, hence, He loved Himself in the Son. I, His Son, loved Myself in the Father and from this Love proceeded the Holy Spirit. In this loving oneself, the Celestial Father generated only One Love, only One Power and Sanctity and so on; It bound the inseparable Union of the Three Divine Persons. And when We created the Creation,We loved Ourselves... Our Will is the Fecundator and Sower of Our Life and where He finds souls disposed, He loves Himself with His Love and He fecundates them and there He sows His Divine Acts, which, united together, forms the great Prodigy of the Divine Life in the creature.
V. 16 - 5/13/1924 - My daughter, true and perfect Adoration is in the complete accord of the union of the Will of God with the soul. The more the soul makes her will one with that of her Creator, the more complete and perfect is her Adoration...The first act of adoration is to recognize the Will of her Creator in order to do It; if this is not there, she adores with words but in fact, she insults and offends. and if you want to know the true and perfect model of Adoration, come with Me into the midst of the Three Divine Persons...See My daughter, the Primary Act of the Divine Persons is the Perfect Accord of Our Will. Our Will is so unified that the Will of One cannot be distinguished from That of the Other; so much so, that even though Our Persons are Distinct - We are Three - Our Will is One and this One Will produces a continuous Act of Perfect Adoration among the Divine Persons - One adores the Other. This Accord of Will produces Equality of Sanctity, of Light, of Goodness, of Beauty, of Power, of Love and establishes in Us the true Reign of Order and of Peace, giving Us Immense Joys and Happiness and Infinite Beatitudes. So, the human will with the Divine is the first link of connection between Creator and creature...This is why I say that the soul who does My Will is My Amusement and My Contentment. And in order to amuse Myself, I keep the Brush of My Will in My Hands and as she dives into My Will, I touch her up and I amuse Myself by impressing on her, with a Brush stroke of Mine, one more Shade of My Beauty, of My Love, of My Sancitity and of all My Qualities. So, for Me, being in her and being in Heaven are the same - I find the same Adoration of the Divine Persons, My Will, My Love. And since there is always something that can be given to the creature, I act now as a skillful Painter and I portray My Image in her; now as a Teacher and I teach the highest and most sublime Doctrines; now as a Passionate Lover, givng and wanting Love...
V. 2 - 2/28/1899 - Order of the Confessor to write - Purity of Intention - Faith - How Luisa sees the Divinity of Jesus - - Fascinating!
V. 24 - 9/10/1928 - My daughter, the first period of the life of Adam is unforgettable for Us, for him and for all of Heaven...So, by virtue of the first period of his life, innocent and carried out all in the Unity of Our Fiat, Adam possesses such Glory and Beauty that no one can equal him. At the mere sight of him, all of the Blessed recognize how beautiful and majestic the creation of the first man was, enriched with so much Grace. In looking at him, they can see in him, the incalculable Good of the Divine Will in the creature and the Joy and Happiness that the creature can possess. In him alone, as though within a mirror, the Blessed can see how man was created, the exuberant Love that We had for him, the Abundance with which We enriched him. We gave him everything, as much as a creature could contain, to the point of overflowing outside and being able to flood the whole earth. If it were not so - if the whole Magnifience of Our creative Hands could not be seen in Adam - then the great things We did in the Creation and what the creature does and can do in Our Divine Will would not be known even in Heaven. It is Our Love that demands this and also Our Justice that wants to keep, in Heaven, the reality of that Image, as man was created - and not another man but the very one who came out of Our creative Hands, so that, if the earth does not know him, Heaven may know him. They look at their Origin in Adam, and, grateful, they thank Me and pray that My Fiat may come to reign upon earth and form more Images, more beautiful than Adam because he was not a complete Work in My Divine Will but a period of life. Only the Sovereign Queen possesses complete Life and Works in My Fiat, therefore, there is no one who can equal Her. My Will wants to make more complete Lives in It, so as to repeat what It did in the Creation, to make known to the earth, the way and the order in which the creature was created and the Great, Beautiful, Holy things that My Divine Will can do in her. Moreover, you must know that, up to now, I have not manifested to anyone either the great qualities of Adam or his Sublimity, Greatness and Sanctity as he lived his first period of life in the Unity of My Will; and by virtue of his Acts done in It, the great Glory that he enjoys in Heaven. Many, on the contrary, believed that since he slipped into sin, he could at most have a Glory common to all the other Blessed or perhaps even less than the others. But wanting to restore again the Kingdom of My Divine Will, I feel within Me a necessity of Love to manifest the first Epoch of Creation and the first period of the life of Adam - all of Divine Will - as well as the Glory which he enjoys in Heaven by virtue of It, so that, as the other creatures come to know a Good so great, they may dispose themselves and long for the Divine Fiat on earth as It is in Heaven
V. 4 - 11/1/1902 - ...And He said to me: True seriousness is found in Religon and True Religion consists in looking at one's neighbor in God and at God in one's neighbor. - The Word "Religion" is a ridiculous Word for the World and it seems to be worth nothing. Yet, before Me every Word that pertains to Religion is a Virtue of infinite value; so much so that I made use of the Word in order to propagate the Faith in the whole Universe and one who exercises himself in this, serves Me as mouth to manifest My Will to creatures...
V. 6 - 11/1/1903 - My daughter, when the soul does all her actions for the sole purpose of loving Me and wants no other recompense for her work but My Love alone, she walks always in the daylight - it is never night-time for her. Even more, she walks within the sun itself, almost like steam, surrounds her to let her walk within itself, making her enjoy all the fullness of light. Not only this, but her very actions serve as light for her journey and increase for her ever new light.
V. 30 - 5/8/1932 - I(Luisa) continue to think on the Divine Will and of the grave evils of the human volition and how this, without the Life of the Fiat is without guide, without light, without strength, without food, ignorant because she doesn't hold the Teacher who teaches her the Divine Science. So that without Him the creature knows nothing of her Creator...Behold the reason that God is so little known, the Celestial language, the Divine Truths are not understood because the Divine Will doesn't reign as Life, as first act... Oh, how there is to cry over the great misfortune of the human will! Without the Divine, it seems that she lacks the Life of Good and the necesary foods in order to live. But while I thought this, My Celestial Teacher Jesus, making His brief little visit, said to me: My blessed daughter, doing one's own will is so very grave, that it would be a minor evil if the creature might impede the course of the sun, of the sky, etc... and yet this grave evil would be nothing in comparison to the grave evil of doing one's own will because with this, she doesn't impede the course to created things but to her Creator Himself. Adam with removing himself from Our Will stopped the Gifts that He should give to His beloved creature. If he might have been able to, he would have constrained God to immobility. Our Supreme Being with creating the creature wanted to remain in continuous correspondence with her; He wanted to give her now one Gift and now another. He wanted to make her so many beautiful surprises not ever interrupted. Now, as the creature does her will, thus silently she says to her Creator: Withdraw, I don't have anywhere to put Your Gifts. If You speak to me, I don't understand You, Your surprises are not for me, I am enough by myself; and with reason, she says this because without My Will that is her Primary Life, she has lost the life and the capacity where to put My Gifts, to understand Our Celestial Language and she makes herself a stranger to Our most beautiful surprises. The creature, with not doing Our Will, loses the Divine Life, the most beautiful Acts, most interesting, more necessary than her creation and of how she was created by God.
V. 16 - 1/4/1924 - The Words of Jesus in the Garden: "Not My Will but Yours be done." Through them, He established with His Celestial Father the Contract for the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth. - Redemption is in the Secondary Order to My Will - This reading explains the "Our Father" Prayer to be fulfilled through Luisa - @ - a must read
****V. 13 - 12/27/1921 - This was the only purpose of the Creation of man: through the exchange of our wills, he with Us and We with him, to form Our Amusement as well as to render man happy in everything. As the Union with Our Will was broken by man, Our Bitternesses began and also his unhappiness. Therefore, the Purpose of Creation failed. Now, who compensates Us for this failure? Who puts in force the Proceeds of Our Creation? The soul who lives in Our Will. She leaves all Generations behind and as being the first to be created by Us, she places herself in order, according to the Purpose for which We created man. Our Will and hers are One and as she operates with the Divine Will, Our Will Acts in the human will - and here begins Our Divine Proceeds in the human will; the Purpose of Creation is now in force. And since Our Will has Infinite Ways, as long as It finds a soul who offers herself to let Our Will Act, It immediately recovers from the failure of all the other human wills. This is why We Love her so much as to surpass all the Love for all the other creatures together. She has rendered Decorum, Honor, Glory, Regime and Life to Our Will, oppressed and despised in the other creatures. How could We not give everything to her?
V. 20 - 11/4/1926 - ...Oh! how beautiful was the Celestial Sovereign, as We saw in Her not only Our copy but all of Our Works enclosed in Her. And this, because She enclosed Our Will within Herself. Now, for the coming of the Supreme Fiat, another daughter of Our Will was needed because if she was not Its daughter, Our Will could not entrust to her neither Its secrets nor Its sorrows nor Its Knowledges, Its Prodigies, Its Sanctity, Its Dominions. Just as a father and a mother enjoy making their goods known to their children and making their children possess them - so does My Will enjoy making Its Goods known to Its children, to make them rich and happy, of a happiness without end. Now, in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, We will have the copies of the Sovereign Queen. So, She too longs for and awaits this Divine Kingdom on earth in order to have Her copies. What a beautiful Kingdom It will be - a Kingdom of Light, of infinite Riches, a Kingdom of perfect Sanctity and of Dominion. Our children of this Kingdom will all be Kings and Queens; they will all be members of the Divine and Royal Family. They will enclose all Creation within themselves; they will have the resemblance, the physiognomy of Our Celestial Father and therefore will be the fulfillment of Our Glory and the Crown of Our Head...
V. 14 - 9/11/1922 - ...They will be few - be it even one alone: was it not one alone, he who withdrawing from My Will disfigured and broke My Plans and destroyed the purpose of Creation? In the same way, one alone can adorn It and fulfill Its purpose. However, My Works never remain isolated; so, I will have the Army of the souls who will live in My Will and in them I will have My Creation restored - all beautiful and striking, just as It came out of My Hands. Otherwise, I would not have so much interest in making My Will known.
V. 17 - 10/23/1924 - ...This Enchantment is not present in Heaven because in My Kingdom, My Will dominates as if in Its own House and the Enchantment is formed within Myself, not outside of Me; therefore, it is I - it is My Will that enchants all the Blessed with an enrapturing strength in such a way that their pupils are enclosed in My Enchantment to delight in It eternally... - Ah! you do not know how necessary this Enchantment is in these times. How many evils will come! The peoples will be forced to eat one another up; they will be taken by such rage as to become ferocious, one against the other. But the greatest fault is of the leaders. Poor peoples! They have true slaughterers, incarnate devils as leaders, who want to make a slaughter of their own brothers. If the evils were not grave, your Jesus would not leave you as though without Him. You fear that it may be because of other things that I deprive you of Me - no, no, be assured; it is My Justice that, depriving you of Me, wants to unload Itself upon creatures. You, however, never go out of My Will, so that Its sweet Enchantment may spare the peoples worse evils.
V. 8 - 3/25/1908 - Continuing in my usual state, Blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: Daughter, temptaions can be conquered easily because the devil is the most cowardly creature that can exist and a contrary act, a contempt, a prayer are enough to make him flee. In fact, these acts render him even more cowardly than he is and in order not to bear that confusion, as soon as he sees the soul resolute in not wanting to pay attention to his cowardice, he flees terrified.
V. 27 - 10/7/1929 - My daughter, terrible indeed was the moment of the fall of Adam. As he rejected Our Divine Will to do his own, Our Fiat was in Act of withdrawing from the heavens, from the sun and from all Creation to reduce it to nothing because the one who rejected Our Divine Will no longer deserved that Our Fiat maintain the continuous Act of Creation and preservation in all Creation, made for Love of man and given to him as Gift from his Creator. If it wasn't that the Eternal Word offered His forseen Merits of the future Redeemer, as He offered them to preserve the Immaculate Virgin from original sin, everything would have gone to ruin: the heavens, the sun, would have withdrawn into Our Source; and as Our Divine Will withdraws, all created things would lose life. But the Word Humanate presented Himself before the Divinity, and making present all His forseen Merits, all things remained in their place and My Fiat continued His Creating and Preserving Work, waiting for My Humanity in order to give It as legitimate Gift, which I deserved so much so, that the solemn Promise was given to man, after his fall, that the future Redeemer would descend to save him, so that he would pray and dispose himself to receive Him... If it wasn't for My Humanity, everything was lost for man. Therefore, not doing My Will encloses all evils and is to lose all rights, of Heaven and of the earth, while doing It encloses all Goods and acquires all rights, human and Divine.
V. 24 - 4/12/1928 - Analogy between Eden and Calvary. A kingdom cannot be formed with one act alone. Necessity of the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord - @ - a must read
V. 16 - 9/14/1923 - ...Now, because of original sin. man lost his Round around his Creator and therefore, he lost order, dominion of himself, light. And every time he sins, not only does he not rotate around his God, but he makes his stops from rotating around the Goods of Redemption which, like new sun, came to bring him forgiveness, escape, Salvation. But do you know who it is that never stops in her Rounds? The soul who does My Will and lives in It. She always runs, she never stops, and she receives all the Reflections of My Humanity and also the Flashes of Light of My Divinity
V. 24 - 7/7/1928 - My daughter, you must know that the body did nothing evil, but all the evil was done by the human will. Before sinning, Adam possessed the complete Life of My Divine Will in his soul; one can say that he was filled to the brim with It, to the extent that it overflowed. So, by virtue of My Will, the human will transfused Light outside and emitted the Fragrances of its Creator... Now, as Adam sinned, his human will remain alone and he no longer had the One who would diffuse in his will, the varieties of so many Fragrances which, being transfused outside, preserved the soul and body as it had been created by God. Instead, thick clouds, putrid air, perfumes of weakness and of miseries began to emanate within his human will, in such a way that the body also lost its freshness, its beauty. It became debilitated and remained subject to all evils, sharing in all the evils of the human will, just as it had shared in the Good. So, if the human will is healed by receiving again the Life of My Divine Will, all the evils of the human nature will have life no more, as if by, magic.
V. 6 - 12/3/1903 - My daughter, any human action which has no connection with the Divine Will puts God out of His Own Creation. even suffering itself, as holy, noble and precious as it might be before My Eyes, if it is not a birth from My Will, instead of pleasing Me, makes Me indignant and is disgusting to Me. And Luisa: Oh, Power of the Will of God, how Holy, Adorable and Lovable You are! With You, we are everything, even if we did nothing because Your Will is fecund and gives Birth to all Goods for us. Without You, we are nothing, even if we did everything because the human will is sterile and makes everything sterile
V. 17 - 6/3/1925 - Everything was done in Creation; in It, the Divinity manifested all of Its Majesty, Power and Wisdom and made display of His complete Love toward the creatures. If man does not take the Divine Will as Life, the Works of Redemption and Sanctification will not have their copious effects @ -this says it all - a must read
V. 14 - 9/1/1922 ...When they crucified Me, they stretched Me on the Cross so much as to tear all My nerves, to the point that I felt them snap and twist. And those of My throat suffered a greater pain and tearing, which was such that I felt suffocated. It was the cry of humanity submerged by passions which, clasping My throat, drowned Me with pains. This pain of Mine was terrible and horrible - how I felt the nerves and the bones of My throat being stretched, to the point of feeling all the nerves of My Head, of My Mouth and even of My Eyes, being snapped. The tension was such that every small movement made Me feel mortal pains - now I would become motionless, now I would writhe so much as to batter against the Cross in a horrible way, to the extent that even the enemies were terrorized.
V. 8 - 8/19/1908 - ...My Goodness is so great that great wrong is done by those who make Me known as severe, very demanding and rigorous. Oh, what an affront they give to My Love! I will ask for no other account but of the little field given to them; and I will ask for an account for nothing but to give then the fruit of their harvests. I will give it to the intelligence, for the more it has comprehended Me in life, the more it will comprehend Me in Heaven; and the more it will comprehend Me, the greater the joy and beatitude with which it will be inundated. To the mouth I will give the harvest of the different Divine Flavors and its voice will harmonize above all the other Blessed; to the works I will give the Harvest of My Gifts; and so on with all the rest.
V. 4 - 10/10/1900 - These Writings manifest in clear notes how Jesus loves souls. The soul can only go out of the body either by force of pain or by force of Love - a must read
V. 30 - 12/6/1931 - ...My daughter, how many things these Veils hide Our Divine Qualties but it is given to no one to break these Veils if not to one who does and lives in Our Volition. She alone is the fortunate creature who doesn't see her God veiled but as He is in Himself. Since We are not recognized for what We are in Ourselves, they have ideas so base and perhaps also twisted of Our Supreme Being and this is because not having Our Will in themselves, they don't feel in themselves the Life of He Who has created them; they touch Our Veils but not what there is inside and therefore they feel Our Power as oppresive, Our Light as eclipsing as in the act of removing them from Us and putting them at a distance. They feel Our Veiled Sanctity that makes them ashamed and disheartened so they live immersed in their passions but the guilt is all theirs. Because there is a sentence said by Us in the terrestrial Paradise: There she doesn't enter. This Place is only for one who does and lives in Our Will and hence the first creatures were put out, and We put an Angel at watch so that he might prevent them from the entrance. Our Will is Paradise of creatures, terrestrial on earth and Celestial in Heaven...
V. 21 - 4/24/1927 - Ah! My daughter, grave things must come down so that a Kingdom, a house may be reordered. First, there is a general upheaval and many things must perish; some lose, others gain, things become unsettled, the fatigue is increased and many things suffer so that things might be reordered and renewed to give the new form to the Kingdom or to the house. One suffers more and works more if things must be destroyed before they can be rebuilt - much more than if things must only be built. So, it will happen in the re-edification of the Kingdom of My Will. How much renovation is required - it is necessary to overturn everything, to bring down and destroy human beings, unsettle the earth, the sea, the air, the wind, the water, the fire, so that all things go to work to renew the face of the earth, to bring the Order of the new Kingdom of My Divine Will among creatures. So many grave things will happen and as I see this I look at the upheaval and I feel afflicted. If I look beyond and see the Order and My new Kingdom re-edified, I pass from a profound sadness to a Joy so great that you cannot understand. This is the reason you see Me sad and now with the Joy of My Celestial Fatherland...My daughter, let's look beyond these things so that we may be consoled. I want things to return as they were in the beginning of Creation, which was none other than an outpouring of Love. This overflowing of Love still lasts because what We do once, We do forever - it never is subject to interruption. In Us, there is never the fatigue of repeating an Act; that which We do one time, We enjoy doing always...
V. 23 - 1/31/1928 - ...After this, I was thinking of how much evil the human will has done to poor creatures, hence I abhor it. I neither want to know it anymore nor to look at it because it is too nauseating; but while I thought this, my Beloved Jesus moved in my interior and said to me: My daughter, the human will by itself is nauseating but united with Mine, it is the most beautiful thing I created...
V. 38 - 8/15/1938 - My blessed daughter, today, the Feast of the Assumption is the most beautiful Feast, more sublime, more great in which We remain more Glorified, Loved and Honored. Heaven and earth are invested with an unusual Joy never experienced, the Angels and Saints feel invested by seas of new joys and new happiness and they extol with new Hymns the Sovereign Queen, who in Her Empire reigns over everyone and gives Joy to everyone. Today is the Feast of Feasts and the only and new one that is not repeated anymore. Today, the day of the Assumption becomes celebrated the first time the Divine Will worked in the Sovereign and Lady. The Wonders are enchanting. In Her every little Act, even in Her Breath, in Her Motion, one sees so many of Our Divine Lives that flow as so many Kings in Her Acts, that more than radiant suns, they inundate Her, surround Her, embellish Her and make Her so beautiful, that She forms the enchantment of the Celestial Regions. Does it seem little to you that Her every Breath, Motion, Work and Suffering were filled with so many of Our Divine Lives? This is truly the great Prodigy of the Work of My Will in the creature, to form so many of of Our Divine Lives for how many time He had entrance into the motion, into the acts of the creature... You must know that Our Divine Lives are such and so many that She possesses that as She entered into Heaven, She populated the whole Celestial Region, that not being able to contain them, they filled all the creation. So there is no point where there don't flow Her Seas of Love, of Power and so many Lives of Ours of which She is the Possessor and the Queen... - Therefore, the Feast of the Assumption is the most beautiful because it is the Feast of My Working Will in this Great Lady, that made Her so Rich and Beautiful, that the Heavens can not contain it; the Angels themselves, feel mute, nor do they know how to speak of that which My Will does in the creature...My daughter, her Beauty is unreachable, fascinates, conquers and Her Love is so much, that It is offered to everyone; She loves everyone and all remain behind Her Seas of Love; one can call Her Queen of Love, Victor of Love, that She loved so much by way of Love, She conquered Her God... - Oh, if this Holy Virgin, didn't possess so much Love, it would be difficult for Us to watch the earth! But Her Love not only makes Us watch but We want to give Our Reigning Will in their midst because She wants it and She wants to give to Her children, what She possesses and by way of Love She will conquer Us and Her children. This Virgin Queen is a continuous Prodigy. what I did on earth, She continues in Heaven because Our Will when He works as much in the creature as in Us, that Act never finishes and while It remains in Her, she can give It to everyone... Therefore, the Glory of this Queen is insuperable because She holds in possession Our Working Will... And then it is Our Own Volition that asks what She wants, that with His Eternal Bonds, She ties Us everywhere and We can not deny Her anything...
V. 15 - 12/21/1922 - ...This pain strikes such fright, fears and heartbreak that I call it the pain of hell. Poor souls without God how - how can they go on? What pain must the loss of God be for them? Ah! my Jesus do not allow anyone to lose You...
V. 16 - 7/23/1923 - ...Don't you see how many souls drag themselves along because of their weakness in being unable to conquer themselves to do good; others, who don't know how to dominate themselves; others, inconstant like reeds in the blowing wind; others, who don't know how to pray without a thousand distractions; others, always discontent; others, who seem to be born to do evil? These are all souls who do not encounter My Will in all their things. Yet, My Will is there for all, but because they shun It, they do not receive the Good which My Will contains - a just pain for one who wants to live of her own, involving herself in all miseries. However, this Will of Mine, which they did not want to encounter in life, when It would give them as many Goods for as many times as they would encounter It, they will encounter It at death, giving them as many pains for as many times as they shunned It, because in shunning It, they have rendered themselves guilty; they have stained themselves and covered themselves with mud. So it is just that they receive a pain; and as many painful encounters form for them, for as many times as they have not encountered My Will upon earth. But these painful encounters will be without merits, without new gains, as would have happened had they encountered It in life. Oh! how many moans of sorrows come from the prisons of Purgatory, how many shouts of desperation can be heard from hell because My Will was not encountered on earth. Therefore, My daughter, may your first act be to encounter My Will; may your first thought and heartbeat be to encounter the Eternal Heartbeat of My Will, that you may receive all My Love. Try to make continuous encounters in everything, that you may be transformed in My Will and I in yours, so as to dispose yourself to make the final encounter with My Will at your last hour. In this way, you will have no painful encounter after your death.
V. 30 - 3/20/1932 - Three necessary conditions in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Will. How everyone lives in the Divine Will. Different ways of living - a must read
V. 12 - 2/22/1921 - The generations will not end until My Will reigns upon earth. My Reedeming Fiat will place Itself in the middle, between the Creating Fiat and the Sanctifying Fiat. They will interweave, all Three together and will accomplish the Sanctification of man. The Third Fiat will give such Grace to the creature to make him return to the State of Origin; and only then, when I see man just as he came out from Me, will My Work be complete and I will take My Perpetual Rest in the last Fiat. Only the Life in My Volition will give back to man his State of Origin. Therefore, be attentive, and together with Me, help Me to complete the Sanctification of the creature - My daughter, even if nobody had been save with My descent upon earth, the Work of Glorifying the Father would already be complete. The same now: even if no one wanted to receive this Gift - which will not be - you alone will be enough and you will give Me the complete Glory which I want from all creatures.
V. 19 - 4/16/1926 - How, in order to live in the Divine Will, it takes full abandonment in the Arms of the Celestial Father - @catholicdivinewill.blogspot - a must read
V. 6 - 12/28/1903 - My daughter, all human lives are in My Humanity in Heaven as though inside a Cloister; and since they are inside My Cloister, the Regime of their lives comes from Me. Not only this, but My Humanity, being the Cloister, conducts the lives of each soul. What Joy is Mine when souls remain in this Cloister and the Echo that comes from My Humanity blends with the Echo of each human life of the earth! And what bitterness is Mine when I see souls are not content and go out of It. Others remain, but forced and unwilling; they do not submit to the Rules and the Regime of My Cloister, therefore, My Echo does not blend with theirs.
V. 25 - 12/14/1928 - My daughter, within Us, in Our Divinity, one single Act is enough to do everything. That Act is will, thought, word, work and step. So, a single Act of Ours is voice that speaks, it is hand that operates, it is foot that walks and enveloping everything, if the creature thinks, works, speaks and walks, it is the virtue of Our single Act, echoing in each act of the creature, communicates the good of the thought, of the word and of all the rest. Therefore, it can be said that We are the Bearer, Singular, (referring to the One Triune God), of all creatures and their acts. Oh! how offended We feel when Our Act bears voice, thought, work and step but not only is it not done for Us but to offend Us. Creatures use Our very Acts to form the weapons with which to offend Us! Human ingratitude, how great you are. Now, one who does Our Divine Will and lives in It unites herself to Our single Act and forming one single act of the will with Ours, she flows together with Our Act, and together with Us, she makes herself thought, voice, work and step of all. And, oh! how We enjoy, because Our Virtue, investing the human littleness, makes her the bearer of all the acts of creatures together with Us and she uses all Our Acts - not to form weapons with which to offend Us but to form weapons with which to defend Us, to love Us and to glorify Us. So, We call her Our warrior, who defends Our Rights.
V. 24 - 7/14/1928 - ...Then with a tender and moving Voice and a stronger emphasis of Love, He added: Oh! Divine Will, how powerful You are! You alone are the transformer of the creature in God! Oh, My Will You alone are the consumer of all evils and the Producer of all Goods! Oh, My Will, You alone possess the enrapturing Force and whoever lets herself be enraptured by You becomes Light; whoever lets herself be dominated by You is the most fortunate one in Heaven and earth! She is the most loved by God; she is the one who receives everything and gives everything.
V. 26 - 8/25/1929 - My daughter, you must know that My coming upon earth and everything I did in Redemption, My very Death and Resurrection was nothing other than preparatory Act for the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and whenI formed the "Our Father", I formed the seed of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures. And if, when I speak, I create and I make the greatest, most beautiful and marvelous Works come out of nothing, mush more so when, with the Empire of My Speaking Prayer. I have the virtue of creating what I want. Therefore, the Seed of the Kingdom of My Will was created by Me in the Act of My Praying, as I formed and recited the "Our Father". And if I taught It to the Apostles, it was so that the Church, by reciting It, might water and fecundate this Seed and they might dispose themselves to model their lives according to the dispositions of My Divine Fiat. My Knowledges about It, My many manifestations, have developed this Seed; and since they have been accompanied by the Acts done by you in My Divine Will, so many little grains have formed as to form a great mass, from which each one can take their part - always if they want to - in order to live of the Life of the Divine Will. Therefore, everything is there, My daughter - the most necessary Acts. There is the Seed created by Me because if ther is no Seed, it is useless to hope for the plant but if the Seed is there, it takes work, the will of wanting the fruit of that Seed...
V. 25 - 11/14/1928 - ...Unity means everything. But while I was thinking about this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, We created man with Our Likeness, therefore, he too possesses his human unity. So, if he speaks, if he works, if he walks and so on, these can be called the effects of his unity because one is his will, one his head on which all of his acts depend. Therefore, it can be said that it is the strength of the unity, of his will that speaks, that works, that walks, as the effects of it. If man did not have this unity, all of his acts would be in contradiction with one another...Now, for one who does and lives in My Will, the human volition ceases, its life ends, nor has any reason to exist any longer because the Life of the Unity of My Will begins. And since Mine is One Single Act and everything It created, or can do, can be called the effects of this Single Act, the soul, living in this Unity of My Divine Volition as in her own center, is present in all the effects of the Single Act of It, and - oh! how beautiful it is to see this happy creature in all the Effects which Our Will knows how to and can produce...This is why, the living in Our Will is the greatest Prodigy and if Our Divinity wanted to make a greater One, It could not; nor could It find anything greater, more prodigious, more powerful, more beautiful, more happy than Our Will to give to the creature because by giving Our Will, We give everything. It's Power forms Our Echo in the depth of the soul and forms Our most beautiful Images; and the Echo of the human littleness becomes One with Ours, in such a way that, uniting to Our Prime Act, she runs and diffuses herself in all the Effects which the Single Act of God produces...
V. 4 - 7/16/1901 - My daughter, do you want to know where the evil of man began? The beginning of it is that as soon as he knows himself - that is, as soon as he begins to acquire reason - man says to himself: I am something. And believing themselves to be something, they move away from Me, they do not trust Me, Who am the All and they draw all their confidence and strength from themselves. From this it happens that they lose every good beginning and by losing the good beginning, what will be the end? Imagine, yourself, My daughter. Moreover,, by moving away from Me, Who contains every Good, what good can man hope for, since he is a sea of evil? Without Me, everything is corruption, misery and without a shadow of true Good. This is the present society... - ...After this, I said to Him: My sweet Good, let me come with You to Heaven and if You do not want it forever, at least for a little while. O please, I pray You, make me content. And He told me: Don't you know that in order to enter that Blessed Dwelling, the soul must be completely transformed in Me, in such a way that she must appear as another Christ? Otherwise, what impression would you make in the midst of the other Blessed? You yourself would be ashamed of being with Them...
V. 24 - 4/26/1928 - Therefore, the virtues can form the ornament of the soul but not the Life. On the other hand, My Will is the Prime Act of all the acts of the creature; so, if she thinks, if she speaks, if she breathes, it is My Will that forms the thought and the word; and giving her the breath, It maintains the circulation, the heartbeat, the warmth... My Will is so necessary that one cannot do without It even for one instant because It is the bearer, not only of all human acts but also of all created things... Therefore, in all things, be they small or great, even in the breath, the creature can always do My Will; and by not doing It, it is an act of Life of Divine Will that she loses - it is her breath that she suffocates continuously. She receives Its Life, Its Breath - but to convert it into human rather than to be, herself, transformed into My Divine Will.
V. 2 - 10/24/1899 - My daughter, man is a product of the Divine Being and since Our Food is Love, always reciprocal, alike and constant among the Three Divine Persons, since he came out of Our Hands and from pure and disinterested Love, he is like a Partical of Our Food. Now, this particle has become bitter for Us; not only this, but the majority of them, by moving away from Us, have made themselves pasture for the infernal flames and food for the implacable hatred of demons, Our capital enemies and theirs. This is the main cause of Our Sorrow in the loss of souls: they are Ours - they are something that belongs to Us. Likewise, the cause that pushes Me to chastise them is the great Love that I have for them, so as to place their souls in safety.
V. 30 - 4/2/1932 - How the Divine Power will put a limit to the evil of man and it will tell him: Enough, even here. How Our Lord demonstrates with facts that He wants to give the Kingdom of His Will - - a must read
V. 16 - 5/24/1924 - ...You must know the cause - the reason why the Divine Wisdom and Omnipotence wanted to pronounce the "Fiat" in Creation. He could have created all things without saying a word but since He wanted His Will to hover over all things and for all things to receive the Virtue and the Goods It contains, He pronounced the "Fiat". And as He pronounced It, He communicated the Prodigies of His Will. so that all things might have My Will as Life, as Regime, as Example and as Teacher. Great, My daughter, was the first Word of your God which resounded in the vault of the Heavens - It was the "Fiat"; nor did He say anything else. This meant that everything was in the "Fiat"; with the "Fiat" I created everything, I constituted everything, I ordered everything, I enclosed everything, I bound all of Its Goods for the benefit of all those who would not go out of My Eternal Fiat. And when, after I created everything, I wanted to create man; I did nothing but repeat the "Fiat"... - So, everything I have told you about My Will had this as My purpose: that My Will be known and come to reign upon earth - and what I have said will be. I will overwhelm everything in order to obtain this but everything must return to Me within that Word - "Fiat". "Fiat" did God say and "Fiat" must man say. In all his things, he will have nothing but the echo of My "Fiat", the mark of My "Fiat", the Works of My "Fiat", so that I may give the Goods which My Will contains. In this way, I will fulfill the complete purpose of all Creation...
V. 19 - 4/9/1926 - Difference between the virtues and the Divine Will - - a must read
V. 24 - 8/2/1928 - ...Then, after this, He made Himself seen in my interior. In the depth of it, I saw a most extensive field - not of earth but of clearest crystal. Every two or three steps in this field there was a baby Jesus surrounded by a Light. Oh, how beautiful this field looked with so many babies! Each of them had His own Sun, radiant and beautiful - all for Himself. I was surprised at seeing so many Jesuses in the depth of my soul, each of them all intent on enjoying His own Sun; and my sweet Jesus, seeing my surprise, told me: My daughter, do not be surprised. This field you see is My Divine Will and the many Jesuses you see are My Truths regarding My Fiat! In each of them, there is a Life of Mine which, forming its radiant Sun, surrounds itself with Light so as to spread its rays to make known that I am the springing Fount of My Truths. See then, how many Lives of Mine I put out; as many Truths as I have manifested to you, so many are My Lives that I put out along with the very source of the Sun - not just a single Light. And I have remained in their midst so that all may feel the strength, the Creative Virtue of these Truths; and I love each of them as much as I love Myself. And whoever would not want to recognize My Life, My Sun, My creative Virtue in these Truths about My Fiat is either blind or has lost the good of the intellect. Also, it should be a great consolation for you to possess within you as many Lives of Mine for as many Truths as I have manifested to you. Therefore, recognize this great Good - greater treasure I could not entrust to you; and do not be concerned - the Sun will know how to make Its way; and since It is Light, no one will be able to prevent Its step. Then He added with a more tender accent: My daughter, Our Adorable Majesty loves the creature so much that We put Our Life at her disposal to make of her one who is similar to Us. We place Our Life as a model before the creature, so that, by modeling herself as Our model, she may copy Our Life and form facsimilies of her Creator. This is why We use so many stratagems, finesses of Love and We give surprising Graces - to see Ourselves copied in the creature. And only then shall We be content, when - as Our Love, united with Our Divine Will, conquers the creature - We will be able to recognize Our Image and Likeness in her, just as she came out of Our Creative Hands.
V. 24 - 8/2/1928 - ...If you knew how many Graces and Lights I keep prepared for those whom I see disposed to occupy themselves with Them! They will be the first to feel the Balm, the Light, the Life of My Fiat. Look at how I keep in My Hands, prepared, the clothes, the food, the ornaments, the gifts for those who must occupy themselves with Them. But I am looking to see who the true disposed ones are, so as to invest them with the prerogatives that are needed for a Work so Holy, which I so much love and want them to do. However, I must also say to you: Woe to those who are opposed or might place obstacles! You, however, do not move anything - not even one comma of that which is needed to prepare the Kingdom of My Divine Will, so that, by doing what is needed to give this Great Good to the creatures, nothing may be lacking on My Part and on yours and so that, as soon as the creatures dispose themselves, they may find everything in place and that which is needed/
V. 11 - 3/15/1912 - My daughter, My Will is the Sanctity of sanctities. The soul who does My Will, however small, ignorant, unknown, leaves the other Saints behind in spite of their prodigies, sensational conversions and miracles. Rather, in comparison, the souls who do My Will are Queens and it is as if all the others were at their service...
V. 17 - 3/1/1925 - ...But do you know what true Light is? True Light is the Truth. The Truth, known, embraced, loved and put into practice by the soul, is the True Light which transforms her into Light itself and causes new and continuous births of Light to be placed inside and outside of her. This Truth forms the true Life of God within the soul because God is Truth and the soul is bound to the Truth - even more, she possesses It. God is Light and she is bound to the Light and is nourished with Light and with Truth. However, while I nourish the soul with Truth and with Light, she must keep the current of her will opened in order to receive the current of the Divine Communications...
V. 24 - 9/28/1928 - My daughter, as the soul places herself in the act of doing her act in My Divine Will, she places herself within the Source of Its Light and forms her own Light. If you knew what it means to be able to form Light... What Glory, what Honor for the creature to acquire the virtue of being able to form Light! To no one is it given to be able to form Light - only to one who lives in My Divine Will. In fact, My Will nourishes the soul with Light and she, feeding on Light, acquires the Gift and the natural Prodigy of forming Light. Oh! how delightful it is for Us to see that the creature, within the Source of Our Light, forms her own, to give It to Us and say: Adorable Majesty, Eternal Light You are and Light You give me; and I bring You my little being soaked with Your Light, which forms my Light for You...
V. 13 - 6/6/1921 - I was dissolving myself in the Holy Will of Blessed Jesus and I thought to myself: Which one is greater, more varied and more complex - the Work of Creation or the Redeeming
Work? And my always lovable Jesus told me: My daughter, the Redeeming Work is greater, more varied and complex than the Work of Creation - even more it is so much greater, that each act of the Redeeming Work is most vast seas which surround the Work of Creation. The Work of Creation, surrounded by the Redeeming Work, is nothing other than little rivulets surrounded by the imeense seas of the Redeeming Work. Now, one who lives in My Will, who takes My Fiat Voluntas Tua as her own life, flows in these seas of the Redeeming Work, diffusing and expanding herself together with them, in such a way as to surpass the very Work of Creation. Therefore, only the Life of My Fiat can give true Honor and Glory to the Work of Creation because My Fiat multiplies and extends everywhere - It has no limits. On the other hand, the Work of Creation has its limits nor can it become larger than it is. My daughter, the greatest Miracle that My Omnipotence can perform is a soul who lives in My Fiat. Do you think it is trivial that My Will, Holy, Immense, Eternal descends into one creature and that putting My Will and hers together, I dissolve her in Me, becoming the Life of all that the creature does, even the smallest things? So, her heartbeat, word, thought, motion, breath are those of the Living God within the creature. She conceals Heaven and earth within herself, although apparently, one sees a creature. Greater Grace, a Prodigy more portentous, a Sanctity more heroic than My Fiat, I could not give. See, the Work of Creation is great; the Work of Redemption is even greater; but My Fiat - making the creature live in My Will - surpasses both one and the other. In fact, in Creation, My Fiat created and put out My Works but did not remain as Center of Life in the created things. In Redemption, My Fiat remained as Center of Life in My Humanity but did not remain as Center of Life in the creature; and therefore, I repeat to you, as other times, that My Fiat Voluntas Tua will be the true Glory of the Work of Creation and the fulfillment of the abundant Fruits of the Work of Redemption. Here is the reason why I want nothing from you but that My Fiat be your Life and that you look at nothing but My Will: because I want to be the Center of your Life.
V. 14 - 4/8/1922 - ...My daughter, My sorrow was great and incomprehensible to the created mind, especially when I saw the human intelligence deformed - the beautiful Image of Myself which I produced in it, no longer beautiful but ugly and horrid. I endowed man with will, intellect and memory. In the first shone My Celestial Father Who as Primary Act communicated His Power, His Sanctity and His Height, through which He elevated the human will, investing it with His Own Sanctity, Power and Nobility, leaving all currents between Himself and the human will open, so that it might be enriched more and more with the Treasures of My Divinity... But how much has this will disfigured itself? Free as it was, it became the slave of man of most vile passions. Ah, it is the will that is the beginning of all evils of man! It can no longer be recognized. How it decayed from its Nobility - it is disgusting to look at. Now, as Second Act, I, Son of God concurred by endowing man with intellect, communicating to him My Wisdom and the Knowledge of all things, so that he might enjoy them and delight in what is Good. But alas, what a bilge of vices is the intelligence of the creature! He has used knowledge to deny his Creator. Then, as Third Act, the Holy Spirit concurred by endowing him with Memory, so that in remembering so many benefits, he might be in continuous currents of Love in continuous relations. But how saddened the Eternal Love remains! This Memory remembers pleasures, riches and remembers to sin, while the Sacrosanct Trinity is cast out of the Gifts which It gave to Its creature. My Sorrow was indescribable at seeing the deformity of the Three Powers of man. We had formed Our Royal Palace in him and he had cast Us out.
V. 24 - 8/6/1928 - ...Operating in My Fiat is Life that the soul takes into herself, it is Divine Life with the fullness and the source of all Goods. For each Act done in My Will, the soul encloses within her Life which has no beginning and no end. But what it it that springs forth? Continuous Sanctity springs forth; Happiness, Beauty Love spring forth - all of the Divine Qualities are in the act of springing and growing continuously... - My daughter, My Will is Light and the prerogative and Virtue of Its Light is to empty of every passion the soul who lets herself be dominated by It...
V. 11 - 6/12/1913 - Now, this Union with Me - part to part, mind to mind, heart to heart, etc. - produces in you, in the highest degree, the Life of My Will and of My Love. In this Will, the Father is formed; and in this Love, the Holy Spirit; and through the operating, the words, the works, the thoughts and everything else that can come from this Will and from this Love, the Son is formed - and here is the Trinity in souls. So, if We need to operate, it is indifferent whether We operate in the Trinity in Heaven or in the Trinity within souls on earth. This is why I keep taking everything else from you, be they even good nnd holy things; to be able to give you the best and the holiest - which is I; and to be able to make of you another Myself. as much as it is possible for a creature...
V. 34 - 12/8/1936 - ...My Humanity was the refuge, the hideaway, the incorporation of this Celestial Creature. So that if She loved, Her Love was Incarnated and Conceived in My Love and oh, how Her Love loved Us; It enclosed everything and everyone and I can say that She loved as a God knows how to love; She had Our same follies of Love for Us and for all creatures and that loving one time, She loves, loves always without ever ceasing; Her Prayer was conceived in My Prayer and therefore It had an immense Value, a Power over Our Supreme Being and who could deny Her anything?... - Therefore, I alone can tell the true Story of the Immaculate Conception and all Her Life because I conceived Her in Me and am Light of everything and if the Holy Church speaks of the Celestial Queen, they can say only the first letters of the alphabet of Her Sanctity, Greatness and Gifts with which She was enriched. If you might know the Contentment that I experience when I speak of My Celestial Mother, who knows how many demands you would make Me in order to give Me the Joy of making Me speak of Whom I love so much and Who has loved Me.
V. 2 - 3/13/1899 - This morning, Beloved Jesus did not make Himself seen in the usual way, all affability and sweetness - but severe. I felt my mind in a sea of confusion and my soul so afflicted and annihilated especially because of the chastisements I saw in these past days. In seeing Him with that appearance I did not dare to tell Him anything; we looked at each other but in silence. Oh God, what pain! The, in one instant, I also saw the Confessor and Jesus sending forth a ray of intellectual Light, spoke these Words: "Charity". Charity is nothing but an outpouring of the Divine Being and this outpouring I have diffused over the whole Creation in such a way that all Creation speaks of the Love I have for man and all Creation teaches him how He must love Me - from the largest being to the most tiny little flower in the field... - After this, my Lovable Jesus told me: This is all I want: Love God and your neighbor for Love of Me. See how much I have Loved man - and he is so ungrateful. How could you not want Me to chastise them?....
V. 11 - 2/8/1915 - My daughter, the Union of Our Wills is such that the Will of One cannot be distingusished from that of the Other. It is this Union of Will that forms all the Perfection of the Three Divine Persons because since We are equal in the Will, this Uniformity brings also the Uniformity of Sanctity, of Wisdom, of Beauty, of Power, of Love and of all the Rest of Our Being. So, We reflect Ourselves in One Another and Our Satisfaction in looking at One Another is so great as to render Us fully Happy. So, each One is reflected in the Other; and each One pours into the Other all the Qualitites of Our Being, like many Seas of different Joys. If anything were dissimilar among Us, Our Being could not be Perfect nor fully Happy. Now, in creating man, We infused Our Image and Likeness in him as to overwhelm him with Our Happiness and be Reflected and Delighted in him. But man broke the first link of connection - the will - between himself and the Creator, therefore losing the true Happiness; even more, all evils swooped down upon him. So, We can neither reflect Ourselves nor Delight in him. Only in the soul who does Our Will in everything can We do it and in her We enjoy the complete Fruit of Creation...
V. 27 - 2/17/1930 - How the Divine Will is the heartbeat and the creature is the heart, the Divine Will is the breath, the creature the body. Inseparability of one from the other -
V. 6 - 7/30/1904 - ...Oh, separation, how bitter and painful you are! There is no pain that can be compared to you. Oh, Divine privation, you consume, you pierce, you are a two-edged sword that cuts on one side and burns on the other. The pain you give is immense, as immense as is God. Now, while wandering about, I found myself in Purgatory and my sorrow and my crying seemed to increase the sorrow of those poor souls deprived of their life, God. Among them there seemed to be quite a few Priests, one of whom seemed to be suffering more than the others; and he said to me: My grave sufferings come from the fact that in life I was very attached to family interests, to earthly things and I had a little attachment to some people. This produces so much evil for the Priest as to form an iron shell, covered with mud, that enwraps him like a garment and only the fire of Purgatory and the fire of the privation of God - which is such that, compared to it, the first fire disappears - can destroy this shell. Oh, how much I suffer! My pains are unutterable. Pray, pray for me. I felt even more tormented and I found myself inside myself
V. 28 - 9/30/1930 - My daughter, Eden is a field of Light in which Our Supreme Being created man. It can be said that man was created in the Light of Our Fiat. His first Act of Life was Light which extended an interminable field of Light behind and before him, to the right and to the left. His first act had to run its course in order to form Adam's Life, with Adam drawing in his acts - as much Light for as many acts that he did in order to form a Light all his own, as his own property in virtue of his acts, although the the Light was drawn from My Divine Will. Now, one who works in My Divine Will as its beginning and end, in which all of its acts are tied to the beginning of the Light where the creature's life had it's first act of life, the Light holds this life in custody, defends it and lets nothing foreign enter in that creature's Light, to form one of the portents that only the Light knows how to form. Instead, whoever descends from this Light, enters inside the obscure prison of its will. And in doing its acts, it draws darkness, that is all his own. Darkness does not how to take care of nor defend he who lives in it. And, if that creature does some good act, the act is always obscure because it is tied to darkness. And since the darkness does not have this virtue of knowing how to defend, foreign things enter the soul. The molestations of weaknesses, the enemies of the passions and the tenacious thieves that make the creature fall headlong in sin - even to the point of making it fall headlong in the eternal darkness where there is no hope of light. What a difference there is between one who lives in the Light of My Divine Will and one who lives imprisoned it its human will.
V. 25 - 12/8/1928 - ...And since this little earth of the Celestial Sovereign was vivified, animated and preserved continuously by the Sun of My Fiat, it appeared always flowery but with the most beautiful flowerings, which turned into the most sweet fruits, such as to draw Our Divine Gazes and make Us remain enraptured - but so much, that We could not do without looking at Her, so great was the beauty and the happiness She gave Us. All beautiful was the Immaculate Little Virgin; Her Beauty was enchanting and enrapturing. It is enough to say that She was a Prodigy of Our Will, to say everything. Oh! if creatures knew what it means to live of Will of God, they would lay down their lives to know It and live in It.
V. 35 - 12/18/1937 - All that one does in the Divine Will acquires Life and these Lives swim and float in the Seas of Love in the Divine Volition - fascinating - a must read -
V. 20 - 1/30/1927 - ...This is why I delight so much in writing what regards the Divine Fiat - because I write things which belong to My Fatherland. Too perfidious and ungrateful will be those who will not recognize these Manifestations of Mine, the Echo of Heaven, the long Chain of Love of the Supreme Will, the Communion of Goods of Our Celestial Father, which He wants to give to creatures and as though wanting to put aside everything that has passed in the History of the World, He wants to begin a new Era, a new Creation, as if the new History of Creation was just now beginning. Therefore, let Me do because whatever I do is of highest importance.
V. 11 - 12/20/1912 - ...I can say to one who does My Will: Laws are not for you - for you there are no judgments...
V. 30 - 2/16/1932 - My daughter, you should know that every act of the creature holds its post around God; as every star holds its post under the vault of Heaven. Thus, the acts of them, each one holds its post. But which are those that depart for the Regal Way, as Property of the Celestial Country and take the most honored Post and give Divine Glory to their Creator? The Acts done in My Will. When one of these Acts depart from the earth, the Heavens lower themselves, all the Blessed go to meet It and they accompany that Act to the Post of Honor around the Supreme Throne. They all feel Glorified in that Act because the Eternal Will has triumphed in the Act of the creature and has put there His Divine Act. Instead, the acts not done in My Will and perhaps even good, they don't depart by the Regal Way, they depart by the tortuous ways and they cover a long stop over by going through Purgatory and there wait for the creature in order to purify themselves together with ways of fire and when they finish purifying themselves, then they depart for Heaven in order to take their post but not in the high-class posts but in the secondary posts. Do you see the difference? For the first Acts, no sooner than the Act is formed, It doesn't remain together with the creature because being stuff of Heaven, It can not remain upon the earth and therefore immediately takes Its flight into Its Country; not only, but all the Angels and Saints demand in Heaven that which has been done by the Divine Will as their stuff because all that which becomes done by him, as much on earth as in Heaven are all properties of the Celestial Country. Therefore, his every little act is demanded by all of Heaven because they are all Fonts of Joys and Eternal Beatitudes, that belong to them. All to the contrary for one sho doesn't work in My Will.
V. 4 - 2/10/1901 - My daughter, man is born in Me first, receiving the Imprint of the Divinity; then, as he goes out of Me to be reborn from the maternal womb, I give him the command to walk a little stretch of the way; and at the end of that way, letting Myself be found by him, I receive him again into Myself, making him live eternally with Me. See now, how Noble is man, where he comes from and where he goes and what is his destiny. Now, what should the Sanctity of this man be, coming out of a God so Holy? But in covering the way to come to Me, man destroys that of the Divine which he has received; he corrupts himself in such a way that at the encounter I have with him to receive him into Myself, I no longer recognize him, I no longer see the Divine Imprint in him, I find nothing of My Own in him; and no longer recognizing him, My Justice condemns him to go wandering on the way of perdition.
V. 12 - 5/22/1919 - ...This is why I am preparing the Era of the living in My Will; and for all that creatures have not done in the past generations and will not do, in this Era they will complete the Love, the Glory, the Honor of the whole Creation and I will give them astonishing and un-heard of Graces. This is why I am calling you to live in My Will...
V. 18 - 11/1/1925 - ...Ah! Jesus, You have put me in a living hell, even more, my pains surpass the very infernal pains. Ah! the damned do not love You and since the seed of Love is missing, they run away from You nor do they long for Your embrace; their pains would become harsher with Your Presence. A Love that is hated cannot stand the presence of the person who is hated; therefore, for them Your privation is more bearable; but for me, unhappy one, it is all the opposite. I love You; I feel the Seed of Love deep inside my bones, in my nerves, in my blood... - But for me, these are pains that a God gives me; it is not a creature who runs away from me but a God - the Infinite Being. Jesus does not have another God who might leave Him nor can He not have Him; therefore, He cannot suffer the pain which surpasses every pain - that of being without a God.. Instead, my pain of being without a God is great, is infinite, as great as God is... - My poor mind was speaking nonsense I felt that there was no pain which could be compared to the pain of the privation of Jesus. It is a pain without beginning and without end, incalculable and irreparable - that which Jesus is, such becomes the pain. My poor heart was drowned and without life...
V. 12 - 7/25/1917 - ...And He: You must know that the most noble, the most sublime, the greatest and the most heroic Act is to do My Will and to operate in My Volition. At this Act, which no one else can equal, I display the Pomp of all My Love and Generosity. As soon as the soul decides to do It - in the Act in which the two wills meet to be fused into each other and become One - to give her the honor of keeping her in My Volition, if she is stained, I purify her; if the thorns of human nature envelope her, I shatter them; and if some nail pierces her - that is, sin - I pulverize it because nothing evil can enter My Will. Even more, all My Attributes invest her, turning her weakness into fortitude, ignorance into wisdom, misery into richness and so with all the rest. Something of herself always remains in other acts but in these, she remains completely stripped of herself and I fill her completely with Me.
V. 6 - 9/26/1904 - ...In fact, the greatest Good that the creature has received from God was being created in His Image and Likeness and endowed with three Powers -Intellect, Memory and Will - and there is no sin that the creature commits in which these three Powers do not concur. So, she stains and disfigures the beautiful Divine Image that she contains within herself, using the Gift to offend the Giver. And I, in order to restore this Divine Image in the creature and to give God all the Glory that the creature owed Him, concurred with all My Intellect, Memory and Will in a special way with these "triples" suffered by Me in order to render the Glory due to the Father and the Good necessary for creatues complete.
V. 13 - 11/19/1921 - The two supports of Jesus in Gethsemani. In order to know the Truths , it is necessary to have the will, the desire, to know Them. The Truth is simple- - a must read
V. 9 - 5/20/1909 - My daughter, there is nothing that can surpass Love - neither doctrine nor dignity and much less nobility. At the most, one who uses those for the good of making speculations around My Being can know Me more or less; but who reaches the point of making of Me his own object? Love. Who reaches the point of eating Me as one does with food? Love. One who loves Me, devours Me; one who loves Me finds My Being identified with each particle of his being. There is as much difference between one who really loves Me and the others, whatever their conditions or qualities might be, as between one who knows a precious object, appreciates it, esteems it but it does not belong to him and one who possesses that precious object as his own. Who is the most fortunate between these: the one who knows it or the one who possesses it? Certainly the one who possesses it. So, Love makes up for doctrine and surpasses it; It makes up for dignity and surpasses all dignities, providing one with Divine Dignity. It makes up for everything and surpasses everything.
V. 11 - 11/1/1915 - And as He was saying this, He kissed me over and over again, telling me: I love you but with an Eternal Love; I love you with an Immense Love; I love you with a Love that is incomprehensible to you; I love you with a Love that will never have limits nor an end; I love you with a Love that you will never be able to match.
V. 36 - 11/13/1938 - How the Truths on the Divine Will, will form the Regime, the Laws, the trained Army. The Knowledges will give the eyes in order to make such a Good possessed. The Distinction/Badge of the Most Holy Trinity. Sign in order to know if we live in the Divine Will - incredible - a must read -
V. 25 - 3/31/1929 - Absolute Rights of the Divine Will . How the human will changed the human destiny and the Divine. How, if man had not sinned, Jesus was to come upon earth Glorious and with the Scepter of Command - Man was to be the Bearer of his Creator - @catholicdivinewill.blogspotcom - a must read
V. 4 - 2/17/1902 - This morning, after much waiting, finally I found my most Sweet Jesus, and lamenting to Him, I said: My Beloved Good, how can You make me wait so long? Do You perhaps not know that without You I cannot live and my soul experiences a continuous dying? And He: My beloved, every time you look for Me, you dispose yourself to dying because, in truth, what is death if not stable and permanent Union with Me?...
V. 11 - 11/7/1913 - The Divine Will is the highest point which can exist, both in Heaven and on earth -
V. 6 - 11/19/1903 - ...Suffering makes the soul become pontiff, priest, king, prince, minister, judge, advocate, repairer, protector, defender. And since true suffering is the suffering wanted by God in the soul, if the soul apeases herself completely in His Volition, this appeasement, united to suffering, allows the soul to rule over Justice, over the Mercy of God, over men and over all things...
V. 12 - 1/10/1921 - ...And then, do you think it is something trivial and easy to move from within My Will? You would move an Eternal Point and if you knew what it means to move an Eternal Point, you would tremble with fright.
V. 2 - 10/22/1899 - My daughter, the way of the Cross is a way strewn with Stars and as one walks through it, those Stars change into most luminous Suns. What will be the happiness of the soul for all Eternity in being surrounded with these Suns? Furthermore, the great Reward I give to the Cross is so great that there is no measure, either of width or of length - it is almost incomprehensible to human minds; and this, because in bearing Crosses, there can be nothing human - all is Divine.
V. 6 - 8/7/1904 - ...My daughter, sufferings divert My just Indignation and the Light of Grace is renewed in human minds. Ah, daughter, do you think that it will be the secular who will be the first to persecute My Church? Ah, no, it will be the Religious, the very Leaders who, pretending now to be sons, shepherds, while in realty they are poisonous snakes that poison themselves and others, will begin among themselves to lacerate this good Mother; and then the secular will follow.
V. 15 - 5/25/1923 - Jesus told me: Beloved daughter of Our Supreme Will, see, the whole machine of the Universe - heavens, sun, seas and all the rest - was created by Us to give it as a Gift - but do you know to whom? To the ones who would do Our Will. Everything was given to them as to Our legitimate children... - So, they would requite for Us each distinct Love and would give Us Glory and Honor for all the Goods given to them. Our Will, which had created them with One Fiat and which knew all the secrets - dwelling in Our legitimate children, with another Fiat would reveal Our secrets contained in all created things and would make them give Us Love for Love. Harmonies and communications would be mutual between them and Us. And even though it seems that those who do not do Our Will, enjoy and take part in them, the Gifts are not theirs - they do so as an indirect cause, as usurpers and illegitimate children. More so, since My Will does not dwell in them and therefore they understand nothing or very little of My Love which all Creation brings them and of the great Goods present in it. Even more, many don't even know Who created so many things - true foreign people who, while living of the things that belong to Me, don't even want to recognize Me.... - So, My Will knocks down all the barriers that exist between the soul and God. It places her in harmony between Heaven and earth; It reveals all secrets contained in the whole Creation and It renders her the depository of all the Gifts of God.
V. 15 - 6/6/1923 - My daughter, the sign that there is nothing evil and that the interior of the soul is completely filled with God, is that nothing is left to her which is not all Mine and that in everything that may happen inside and outside of her, she no longer has a taste for anything - her taste is only for Me. And not only with profane or indifferent things but also with Holy things, pious people, Services, music, etc - everything is cold, indifferent to her and like something that does not belong to her. And the reason is natural: if the soul is completely filled with Me, she is also filled with My Tastes. My Taste is hers and other tastes find no place in which to put themselves; therefore, as beautiful as they may be, they hold no attraction for the soul; rather, they are as dead for her...
V. 11 - 3/7/1915 - ...and this is the least - if I told you about the Religious side...hos many sacrileges! How mnay rebellions! How many pretend to be My childres, while they are My fiercest enemies! These false sons are usurpers, self-interested and incredulous; their hearts are bilges of vice. These very sons will be the first to wage war against the Church - they will try to kill their own Mother! Oh! how many of them are already about to come out into the field. Now, there is war among governments and countries; soon they will make war against the Church and Her greatest enemies will be Her own children...
V. 15 - 4/28/1923 - ...Now, while He was saying this, I felt myself being drawn outside of myself and I found an ugly monster under my feet, which was biting itself out of rage. And Jesus, being near me, added: Just as My Virgin Mother crushed the head of the infernal serpent, so do I want another virgin, who must be the first possessor of the Supreme Will, to press again that infernal head so as to crush it and debilitate it in such a way as to confine it into hell, that she may have dominion over it and it may not dare to approach those who must live in My Will. Therefore, place your foot on its head and crush it. Made brave, I did it, and it would bite itself more and so as to not feel my touch, it shut itself up in the darkest abysses. Then, Jesus resumed His speaking: My daughter, do you think that the living in My Will is nothing? No, no - on the contrary, it is the fulfillment of all sanctities, it is the absolute dominion of oneself, of one's passions and of one's capital enemies; it is the complete triumph of the Creator over the creature. So, if she adheres and I come to letting her live in My Will, without her ever again wanting to know her own, I have nothing left to want from the creature and she has nothing left to give Me. All My Yearnings are fulfilled - there is nothing left but delighting in each other. It is true that I came upon earth to redeem man but My primary Purpose was that the Divine Will might triumph over the human will by according these two wills together and making them one, taking the human will into that Will from which it had gone out. This was the main offense that My Celestial Father received from man and I was to compensate Him for it, otherwise I would not give Him full satisfaction...
V. 4 - 1/5/1903 - ...My daughter, I did not make man for the earth but for Heaven; his mind, his heart and everything that his interior contains were to exist in Heaven. Had he done this, he would have received the influence of the Most Holy Trinity within his three powers and It would have been copied within himself; but since he occupies himself with earth, he receives mud, rot and the whole bilge of vices that the earth contains.
V. 11 - 2/5/1913 - Jesus told me: My daughter, one who does not do My Will has no reason to live on earth; her life becomes without purpose, without means and without an end... - My daughter, do you want to know the difference between My Will and Love? My Will is Sun - Love is fire. My Will, like sun, has no need of nourishment nor does It grow or decrease in Light and in Heat - It remains always equal to Itself and Its Light is always most Pure... On the other hand, the fire, which symbolizes Love, needs wood in order to be fed and if the wood is missing, it can even be distinguished...
V. 3 - 1/12/1900 - ...My daughter, this has been the cause of all evils whcih invade the earth - lack of Humility; and by exercising this virtue, I was to draw all Goods from Divine Justice. Ah, yes, no conesssions of Grace come from My Throne, if not by means of Humility, nor can any ticket be received by Me if it does not carry the signature of Humility. No Prayer is listened to by My Ears and moves My Heart to compassion, if it is not perfumed by the fragrance of Humility. If the creature does not arrive at destroying that seed of honor, esteem - and this can be destroyed by arriving at loving to be despised, humiliated, confused - she will find a braiding of thorns around her heart and she will feel a void in her heart which will always bother her and will render her very dissimilar from My Most Holy Humanity. If she does not arrive at loving humiliations, at the most she will be able to know herself a little bit but will not shine before Me, clothed with the Garment of Humility, Beautiful and worthy of sympathy.... - Humility is the Key of the Door of Heaven, such that no one can enter into It, if he does not keep this Key in good custody - Humility is the Smile of God and of all Heaven and it is the crying of all hell.
V. 6 - 11/2/1903 - ...And He: My daughter, do not be surprised. Indeed, there is no beauty that equals suffering for the Love of God alone...
V. 2 - 3/18/1899 - ...And Jesus told me: What moves you, Oh My daughter, to pray Me not to chastise creatures? Immediately I answered: Because they are Your Images and if creatures should suffer, You Yourself would suffer. And Jesus, heaving a sigh, told me: Charity is so dear to Me, that you cannot comprehend It. Charity is Simple, just like My Being which, though Immense, is yet most Simple; so much so that there is no place which It does not penetrate. So, Charity is; being Simple, It diffuses everywhere, It has regard for no one - whether a friend or an enemy, whether a citizen or a stranger, It loves all.
V. 18 - 10/24/1925 - My Will is One Single Act which has no succession of Acts. This Single Act is as though fixed to One Point which never moves; and this Point is Eternity. And while being One Single Act, Prime Act, Endless Act, Its circumference is so Immense that nothing can escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with One Single Embrace because everything starts from that Prime Act, as One Single Act. So, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are One Single Act for the Divinity and only because It is One Single Act, It has the Power to make all acts Its Own, as if they were one alone. Now, one who lives in My Will possesses this Single Act... - This is why the living in My Will is the Prodigy of Prodigies; it is the enchantment of God and of all Heaven, as they see the littleness of the creature flow in all the things of their Creator. Like solar ray, bound to this single Act, she diffuses everywhere and in everyone... - The Power of a single Act repeated continuously is great; much more so, for the single Act of an Eternal God, Who has the virtue of doing everything with one single Act. Therefore, neither past nor present nor future exist in this Act and one who lives in My Will already finds herself in this single Act... - Wherever this single Act and this heartbeat of the soul has full vigor and reigns completely; there is a continuous Prodigy - the Prodigy which only a God can do; and therefore new heavens, new abysses of Graces, surprising Truths are discovered in her. But if one asks: "Where does so much Good come from?, she would answer, united with the sun, together with the human heartbeat and with the the single Act of the Eternal God: I do only one thing - I do always the Will of God and I live in It. This is all my secret and all my Fortune"...
V. 2 - 5/7/1899 - ...Jesus told me: My Person is surrounded by all the works that souls do, as by a garment: and the more Purity of intention and intensity of Love, the more Splendor they give Me and I will give them more Glory; so much so, that on the Day of Judgment, I will show them to the whole World, to let the whole World know how much My childdren honored Me and how I honor them.
V. 6 - 10/25/1904 - Continuing in my usual state, after I struggled very much, He came. As soon as I saw Him, I said: The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us. And Blessed Jesus added: The Verbum took Flesh but did not remain Flesh - He remained as He was; and just as "verbum' means "word" and there is nothing that has more influence than the word, "The Word" means manifestation, communication, Divine Union with the human. So, if the Word had not taken flesh, there would have been no other means to be able to unite God and man. Having said this, He disappeared.
V. 3 - 11/27/1899 - My daughter, do you know what My Grace does? My Grace renders the souls of the Blessed happy and It renders the pilgrim souls happy - with this differcence alone: that the Blessed take Bliss and Delight in It while the pilgrim souls work to make It circulate. So, one who possesses Grace holds Paradise within herself because Grace is nothing other than to possess Me and since I alone am the Enchanting Object that enchants the whole of Paradise and forms all the Contentments of the Blessed, the soul, by possessing Grace, possesses her Paradise whereever she is.
V. 16 - 3/2/1924 - ...My daughter, the whole Creation was created so that all would do My Will. The Life of creatures was to flow within My Will like the blood flows in the veins. They were to live in It as My true children; nothing was to be foreign to them of all that belonged to Me. I was to be their tender and loving Father and they were to be My tender and loving children. Now, since this was the purpose of Creation, even though there have been other generations before, this says nothing - they will be placed behind and My Will, will place as first the ones who will be and who have been faithful in maintaining intact the purpose for which they were created. These, whether they have come before or later, will occupy the first Order before the Divinity. By having maintained the purpose of Creation, they will be distinguished among all and marked by the Halo of Our Will as by a refulgent Gem and everyone will let them pass freely, so that they may occupy their first place of Honor... - So, My daughter, only those who will have preserved intact within themselves the purpose of Creation will be My true legitimate children. By doing My Will, they have preserved within themselves the pure Blood of their Celestial Father, Who has given them all the features of His Likeness; and therefore, it will be very easy to recognize them as Our legitimate children, who have always been in Our Will and who have never given life to their own; they will be as though the first to be created by Us, giving Us the Glory and the Honor of the purpose for which all things were created. This is why the World cannot end: We are waiting for the generation of Our children who, by living in Our Will, will give Us the Glory of Our Works These will have My Will alone as Life; it will be so very natural in them to do the Divine Will - spontaneous, effortless, just as natural as the heartbeat, the breathing, the blood circulation. They will not keep It as law because laws are for rebels - but as Life, as Honor, as the beginning and as the end. Therefore, My daughter, may you take to heart My Will alone; be concerned with nothing else, if you want your Jesus to fulfill in you and enclose in you the purpose of the whole Creation.
V. 18 - 11/9/1925 - (Jesus teaches Luisa a Divine Will Prayer) - ...But while I was thinking this, my Sweet Jesus came out from within my interior and placing His Face close to mine, told me: My daughter, I want you "to fuse yourself in My Will, coming before the Supreme Majesty to reorder all human wills in the Will of their Creator, to repair with My Own Will for all the acts of the wills of creatures opposed to Mine". Will came out of Us in order to Divinize the creature and Will do We want. And when this Will is rejected by them to do their own will, it is the most direct offense to the Creator - it is to deny all the Goods of the Creation and to move away from His Likeness...
V. 4 - 9/10/1902 - ...After this, He told me: The prerogatives of Love are three: Constant Love without end; strong Love and Love of God and neighbor bound together. If these prerogatives do not appear in the soul, one can say that hers is not the quality of True Love
V. 15 - 1/2/1923 - Oh! if all knew the Power of My Fiat and the great Good It contains, they would all give themselves to My Omnipotent Will. Yet, there is to weep about. How many souls with these great voids within themselves are worse than the great void of the Universe before My Fiat was pronounced. Since My Fiat does not hover within them, everything is disorder and the darkness is so thick as to strike horror and fright. There is one heap, all mixed together - nothing is in place. The Work of Creation is upset in them because My Fiat alone is order; the human will is disorder.
V. 17 - 6/3/1925 and 6/11/1925 - Creation - Redemption - Sanctification - The Three Eras - This says it all @catholicdivinewill.blogspot - a must read
V. 11 - 3/21/1914 - My daughter, I love one who does My Will so much, that I cannot manifest to her everything - or everything at once - of how much I love her, the Grace with which I keep enriching her, the Beauty with which I keep embellishing her and all the Goods with which I keep filling her. If I manifested to her everything together, the soul would die of Joy and her heart would burst in such a way that she could no longer live on earth, but in a flash, would take flight towards Heaven. However, I feel an irresistible need to make Myself known, as well as the Love I have for her. It is to hard to love, to do good without making oneself known. I feel My Heart crack and unable to resist so much Love as I keep manifesting to her, little by little, how I love her and all the Gifts with which I keep filling her. And when the soul feels filled to the brim, to the point of no longer being able to contain them, in one of these manifestations of Mine, she will disappear from the earth and will emerge within the Bosom of the Eternal One.
V. 3 - 2/21/1900 - My daughter, the Gift of Purity is not a natural gift but an attained Grace; and it is obtained by rendering oneself worth of sympathy. The soul becomes so through mortifications and through sufferings. Oh, how worthy of sympathy becomes the mortified and suffering soul! Oh, how striking she is! And I feel such sympathy as to go mad for her and whatever she wants, I give to her.
V. 24 - 8/30/1928 - So, my highest Good Jesus, told me: My Daughter, the Kingdom of My Will is all prepared within My Humanity and I am ready to put It out to give It to the creatures. It can be said that I formed the Foundations and raised the Factories; the Rooms are innumerable and all Adorned and Illuminated - not with little Lights but with as many Suns for as many Truths as I have manifested about the Divine Fiat. Nothing else is needed but those who would inhabit It; there will be a Place and Room for all because It is vast, more than the whole World. With the Kingdom of My Will, everything will be renewed in Creation; things will return to their Original State. This is why many scourges are necessary and will take place - so that Divine Justice may place Itself in balance with all of My Attributes, in such a way that, by balancing Itself, It may leave the Kingdom of My Will in Its Peace and Happiness. Therefore, do not be surprised if such a great Good, which I am preparing and which I want to give, is preceded by many scourges. It is My Justice that claims Its Rights, so that, once balanced, It may place Itself in Peace with the creatures, bothering them no more; more so, since the children of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat will no longer offend It and My Divine Justice will change all of Itself into Love and Mercy for them.
V. 11 - 1/22/1913 - The triple Passion of Jesus: of Love, of sin and from the Jews. Jesus is thrown into the Cedron stream - @
V. 6 - 12/24/1903 - ...In the opposite way, the devil also makes his birth in souls. As soon as the soul begins to desire and to want evil, the devil is conceived with his perverted works; and if this desire is nourished, the devil grows and fills all of man's interior with passions, the most ugly and disgusting ones and reaches the point of overflowing outside, as man lets all vices rush in. My daughter, how many births the devil makes in these most sad times! If men and demons had the power to do it, they would have destroyed My births in souls.
V. 23 - 10/20/1027 - ...Those who will in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, will be under the force of a new Act, of a continued irresistible Force, so that they will feel themselves invested with a new Act of Sanctity, of radiant Beauty, of the most refulgent Light and while they will possess this, another new one arrives and then still another one without ever ceasing; they, themselves surprised will say: how Holy, Beautiful, Rich, Strong, Happy is our Fiat three times Holy...Whence, these fortunate creatures will be the true Triumph of the Divine Fiat, the most beautiful Ornament of all the Creation, the most refulgent Sun, that with their Light, they will cover the void of those that had not lived in the Kingdom of the Divine Will...
V. 25 - 11/10/1928 - After I had gone through several days of privation of my Sweet Jesus, my poor heart could take no more. I felt it undone and I remembered vividly His many Visits. His lovable Presence, His enrapturing Beauty, the Gentleness of His Voice, His many beautiful Lessons, were many memories that wounded me, undid me, and made me long for my Celestial Fatherland, like a poor pilgim, tired of my long journey...
V. 33 - 7/21/1935 - ...And then there is another anticipation, more sorrowful yet, the longing, the ardent desire of the Kingdom of My Divine Will; it is around six-thousand years that I await that the creature reenters into Him; I love her so much that I want, I long to see her happy but in order to obtain this, we must live with one Will alone, so that every act opposite to Mine is a nail that transfixes Me. But do you know why? Because it renders her all the more unhappyand dissimilar from Me, and seeing Myself in the Immense Sea of My Happiness, and My children unhappy, oh, how I suffer...
V. 23 - 10/23/1927 - ...You see what great difference there is of the kingdom of the kings of the earth and that of My Kingdom; the kings don't put at their disposition of every individual their own life nor do they enclose the life of the people in them and therefore their reign is subject to end because it is not life that races between the one and the other but laws and impositions and where there is not life, there is not love nor true reign. Instead, the Kingdom of My Divine Will is Kingdom of Life, the Life of the Creator enclosed in the creature and that of the creature transfused and identified/unified with the Creator. Therefore, the Kingdom of My Divine Will is of a height and inarrivable Nobility; the soul becomes constituted Queen and do you know what she becomes Queen of? Queen of Sanctity, Queen of Love, Queen of Beauty, of Light, of Goodness, of Grace, in short Queen of the Divine Life and all His Qualities; what Noble and full Reign of Life is the Kingdom of My Will...
V. 4 - 4/5/1901 - ...After this, I semed to find myself on Mount Calavary in the act of the Crucifixion of Our Lord and while He suffered the Crucifixion, I could see - I don't know how - all generations, past, present and future in Jesus. And since Jesus had everyone within Himself, He felt all the offenses that each of us would give Him and He suffered for all in general and for each individual in particular in such a way that I could see also my sins and the pains that He suffered for me individually; and I could also see the remendy that He administered to us, with the exception of no one, for our evils and for our eternal salvation. Now, who can say all that I saw in Blessed Jesus?; from the first to the last man...
V. 8 - 9/3/1908 - As I was in my usual state, Blessed Jesus made Himself seen all Light and said thse simple words: I am Light - but what is Light made of? What is the principle of It? It is Truth. So, I am Light because I am Truth. Therefore, in order for the soul to be Light and to have Light in all of her actions, these must come from Truth. Wherever there is artifice, deception and duplicity, there cannot be Light - but darkness.
V. 28 - 6/2/1930 - ...Love and Divine Will united together, form the greatest offering and the most beautiful homage that the creature can make to its Creator. It is the act that most resembles Our Act. So, lets remain at our place of always loving one another and never interrupting our Love. A Divine will always fulfilled and a Love never interrupted is the greatest thing that can be found in Heaven and on earth, which is only of Our Divine Being and of who gives himself in dependency upon Our Volition...
V. 33 - 3/19/1935 - The Divine Will and the human volition, two spiritual powers, facility of whom wants to possess as Life; how Jesus doesn't teach nor wants impossible things - - a must read
V. 11 - 8/28/1912 - ...Then He added: Oh! if all knew My Love and My Will, they would stop leaning on themselves and even more, on othere - human supports would end. Oh, how insignificant, painful, uncomfortable, they would find them! All would lean only on My Love and since My Love is most Pure Spirit and does not contain matter, they would feel so much at ease leaning within Me and with the effects they want...
V. 23 - 11/23/1927 - ...And all the Blessed say among themslves taken with admiration: Who is she who brings the whole cortege of the Divine Works before the Divinity and with the Power of the Divine Fiat that she possesses overwhelms us all and makes us ask for a Kingdom so Holy? No one has had this Power, no one until now has asked for the Kingdom of the Fiat with such Power and Empire; at the most, some asked for the Glory of God, some the salvation of souls, some for reparation of so many offenses, all things that are referred to the external Works of God; it is the destruction of sin, not Salvation only but Divine Sanctity in creatures, it is the liberation from all Spiritual and bodily evils, it is transporting the earth in Heaven in order to make descend Heaven on earth. Therefore, asking for the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat is the greatest thing, most perfect, most Holy and therefore, all reverently, they respond to your echo and the beautiful Harmony resounds in the Celestial Country, Your Will be Done as in Heaven, so on earth.
V. 6 - 12/3/1904 - ...First, do you think that you have deserved all the Graces that God has given you or that they have been Gift and Grace of God? And I: Everything by the Grace of God. Second, do you think that in all the Graces that the Lord has given you, your good will has anticipated Grace or that Gace has anticipated you. And I: Certainly, Grace has always anticipated me. And He: These answers make Me know that you are not a deluded one.
V. 11 - 3/8/1912 - ...Everything that man does externally is nothing other than the outpouring of his interior. If so much evil shows on the outside, what must the interior be like? Therefore, the redoing of the interior of man cost Me very much; it is enough to tell you that it took Me as long as thirty years. My thought, My heartbeat, breath and desire were always intent on running close to the thought, heartbeat, breath and desire of man to repair them and Sanctify them...
V. 3 - 2/26/1900 - ...What forms the Beatitude of Paradise? Certainly My Divinity. Now, what would form the Beatitufe of My dear ones on earth? With certainty, My Will. My Will can nver escape you; you will always have It in your possession and if you remain in the circle of My Will, there you will experience the Joys most ineffable and the Pleasures most pure. By never going out of the circle of My Will, the soul becomes Noble, Divinized and all of her operations reverberate in the Center of the Divine Sun, just as the sun's rays reverberate on the surface of the earth - not one of them goes out of their Center, which is God...
V. 12 - 1/8/1919 - My beloved, courage. Enter into Me, come and swim in the Immense Sea of My Volition, of My Love. Hide yourself inside the Uncreated Will and Love of your Creator. My Volition has the Power to render Infinite all that enters into My Will and to raise and transform the acts of the creatures into Eternal Acts. In fact, all that enters into My Will acquires Eternity, Infinity, Immensity, losing all that has a beginning, that which is finite, little. All that My Will is, so It renders their acts. Therefore, say - shout loudly, in My Will: "I love You". I will hear the note of My Eternal Love; I will feel the created love hidden inside the Uncreated Love and I will feel Myself being loved by the creature with an Eternal, Infinite, Immense Love - a Love worthy of Me, which stands in for Me and which can compensate Me for the Love of all. My dear, do not be surprised. Everything is Eternal in Me - nothing has a beginning nor will it have an end. You yourself and all creatures were Eternal in My Mind. The Love with which I formed Creation, which was unleashed from Me and which endowed every heart, was Eternal.. What is the wonder, then, if the creature, leaving her own will, enters into Mine and uniting herself to the Love which longed for her and loved her from Eternity and binding herself with that Eternal Love from which she came, performs her acts, loves Me and acquires Eternal, Infinite, Immense Value and Power? Oh, how little it is known about My Will! This is why It is not loved nor appreciated; and because of this, the creature is content with remaining down below, operating as if she did not have an Eternal Origin but a temporary one... - I am the Sun. The little lights which come from the Sun are the creatures. The Lights which live inside the Sun are the souls who live in My Will.
V. 6 - 5/2/1905 - As I continued to be in suffering a little more than ususal, on coming, my Good Jesus told me: My daughter, suffering contains three types of resurrection. First, suffering makes the soul rise again to Grace. Second, as suffering advances, it gathers the virtues and the soul rises again to Sanctity. Third, as suffering continues, it perfects the virtues, it embellishes them with splendor, forming a beautiful Crown; and the soul, crowned, rises again to Glory on earth and to Glory in Heaven. Having said this, He disappeared.
V. 11 - 5/2/1915 - Those who dwell in My Will are the ones who possess all the Fruits of My Humanity because My Humanity had Its limits while My Will has no limits and My Humanity lived in My Will immersed in It, inside and out. Now, the souls who live in My Will are the closest to My Humanity. Making My Humanity their own - because I gave It to them - they can present themselves before the Divinity as invested with It, like another Me and they can disarm Divine Justice and imperate scripts of forgiveness for the perverted creatures. Since they live in My Will, they live in Me; and since I live in everyone, they also live in everyone and for the good of all. They live hovering in the air like sun and their prayers, acts, reparations and everything they do are like rays which descend from them for the good of all.
V. 15 - 5/5/1923 - ...While I was saying this, a voice came out from within the Immensity of the Light, saying: As many times as the soul enters into the Divine Will in order to pray, work, love, etc., so many ways does she opens between Creator and creatures. And in seeing that the creature is making her way to go to It, the Divinity opens Its ways in order to meet the creature. In this encounter she copies the Virtues of her Creator, absorbs ever new Divine Life into herself, penetrates more into the Eternal Secrets of the Supreme Volition and everything she does is no longer human in her but Divine. This Divine operating forms a Golden Heaven within her, on which the Divinity strolls, delighting in finding Its Own operating in the creature, awaiting the creature in order to receive her Divine Acts and therefore opens more ways for her in Its Divinity. And It keeps repeating with great Love: Behold - here is how, in My Will, the creature comes closer to My Likeness, she accomplishes My Designs, she fulfills the Purpose of Creation.
V. 24 - 5/10/1928 - My daughter, one who lives in My Will enters the Divine Order. And since Our Divinity is incapable of suffering, nothing, even the slighest thing can in the least shade Our Perennial and Infinite Happiness; and as much as creatures offend Us, the pain, the offenses, remain outside of Us - never within Us. And if pain could enter Us, it would immediately lose the nature of pain and would convert into Happiness. In the same way, for one who lives in My Will, pain cannot enter her soul; more so, since in feeling the Light, the Strength, the Happiness of the Nature of My Divine Will within her, she already feels in possession of that Jesus of Whom she seem to be deprived. How can she grieve if she already possesses Him?. Therefore, pain remains outside of the soul - that is, in the human nature...
V. 6 - 4/9/1904 - ...My daughter, when it is about voluntary sin, then it takes sorrow; but when it is about imperfections, weaknesses, coldnesses and the like and the soul has added nothing of her own, then a perfect act of resignation is enough; and if needed, she is also purged of this state because in doing this act, the soul first encounters My Divine Will, which purges her human will and embillishes it with Its Qualities and then she identifies herself with Me.
V. 27 - 11/6/1929 - My daughter, My Divine Will simplifies the creature, It empties her so much of everything that does not belong to It, that nothing else is left of the human being but a complex of Simplicity. Simple the gaze, the word, the manners, the steps; the mark of the Divine Simplicity can be seen in her as though in a mirror. Therefore, when My Divine Will reigns on earth, Pretense, lie which can be called origin of every evil, will no longer exist; while Simplicity, as origin of every true good, will be the true character that will point out that here reigns the Divine Will. Now, you must know that Our Love for one who lets herself be dominated by Our Divine Fiat is so great, that everything We want the creature to do is first performed in God Himself and then it passes into her. And since her will and Ours are one, she keeps it as her own act and she repeats it to Us as many times as We want. So, one who lives in Our Divine Volition is the bearer of Our Works, the continuous copier and repeater. With the eye of Light that she possesses, given to her by It, she fixes upon her Creator to see what He is doing in order to absorb it into herself, to say to Him: I want to do nothing else but what Your Adorable Majesty does. And We feel twice as happy, not because We are not happy without the creature, since to Us, Happiness is Our Nature but because We see the creature happy, who by virtue of Our Will comes closer to Our Likeness and lives with Our Love and glorifies Us with Our Own Works. We feel that the Creative Power of Our Fiat reproduces Us and forms Our Life and Our Works in the creature.
V. 11 - 5/25/1912 - ...Such is the soul who lives in My Will. She is a soft object and I can make of her whatever I want. Now, I wound her, now I embellish her, now I enlarge her; in one instant I remake her again and the soul is ready for everything, she opposes nothing and I always carry her in My Hands, delighting in her continuously.
V. 14 - 11/8/1922 - My daughter, the pains, the offenses that creatures give Me are so many that I cannot take any more; the Nations are banding together to enter the field with new wars. Did I not tell you that the wars have not ended and that the Peace was a false and apparent Peace because Peace without God is impossible? It was a Peace which did not come from Justice, therefore, it could not last. Ah, the leaders of these times are true incarnate devils, who are banding together to do evil and cast confusion, slaughters and wars among the peoples.
V. 3 - 8/1/1900 - My daughter, there is no one who can stand before My Majesty and Purity; rather, all are forced to be terrified and struck by the thunderbolt of My Sanctity. Man would want to flee from Me because his misery is such and so great that he does not have the courage to stand before the Divine Being. And here is why, giving the field to My Mercy, I took on My Humanity, which, tempering the Rays of the Divinity, is the means to infuse in man trust and courage to come to Me. Placing him before My Humanity, which spreads temperate Rays of the Divinity, man has the good of being able to purify, sanctify and even divinize himself in My Deified Humanity.
V. 17 - 9/18/1924 - ...My daughter, they do not understand. To live in My Will is to reign; to do My Will is to be submitted to My Orders. The first state is to possess; the second is to receive My Orders and execute them. To live in My Will is to make My Will one's own, as one's own thing, it is to dispose of It; to do My Will is to hold It as Will of God, not as one's own thing nor can one dispose of It as one wants. To live in My Will is to live with one single will - that of God; and since It is a Will all Holy, all Pure, all Peace and It is one single Will that reigns, there are no contrasts - everything is Peace. Human passions tremble bvefore this Supreme Will and would wamt to shun It; nor do they dare to move or oppose It, seeing that Heaven and earth tremble before this Holy Will... - To live in My Will is to live as a son/daughter; to do My Will is to live as a servant... - My daughter, the living in My Will is the living that is closest to the Blessed in Heaven; and it is so distant from one who does My Will and is faithfully submitted to My Orders, just as Heaven is distant from the earth, just as the distance between a son and a servant and between a king and a subject. And besides, this is a Gift which I want to give in these times, so sad - that they may not only do My Will; but possess It. Am I not free to give whatever I want, whenever I want and to whomever I want?. - ...And so that no one may prevent him from possessing his goods, he legitimizes this servant as his own son and gives him the right to possess. If a rich man can do so, much more can I do it... - And do not be surprised if you see that they do not understand. In order to understand, they woul have to dispose themselves to the greatest of sacrifices: that of not giving life, even in Holy things, to their own will. Then, would they feel the possession of Mine and would touch with their own hands what it means to live in My Will. You, however, be attentive and do not be bothered by the difficulties they raise; and I, little by little, will make My Way to make them understand the living in My Will.
V. 6 - 5/30/1904 - Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about and offering the Passion of Our Lord, especially the Crown of Thorns and I was praying that He would give light to so many blinded minds and that He would make Himself known because it is impossible to know You and not to love You. While I was saying this, my Adorable Jesus came out from within my interior and told me: My daughter, how much ruin pride causes in souls! It is enough to tell you that it forms a wall of division between the creature and God and from Images of Me, it transforms them into demons...
V. 36 - 10/2/1938 - ...Daughter, in order to arrive at this, I wanted to conquer man by ways of Love but human perfidy impedes Me; therefore, I will use Justice, I will sweep the earth, I will take away all the harmful creatures, that like poisonous plants poison the innocent plants; when I have purified everything, My Truths will find the way in order to give Life to the survivors, the Balm, the Peace that They contain and everyone will receive It and They will give the kiss of peace to them, to the confusion of whom has not believed Him, indeed condemned, He will reign and I will have My Kingdom upon the earth, that My Will be done as in Heaven, so on earth... Jesus became silent and my poor mind remained devastated by the so many gruesome evils of which He invested and will invest the earth. In this while, He made the Sovereign Queen seen with red Eyes and as blood stained by the so much weeping that She had done but what straights to the heart in seeing my Celestial Mama cry, and with Her Maternal accent, with an inexpressible tenderness, crying, She said to me: My dearest daughter, pray together with Me, how My Heart aches in seeing the scourges in which the entire humanity will be enrapped, the inconstancy of the heads; today they say and tomorrow they unsay it; it will cast the peoples in a sea of sorrows and also of blood; My poor children! Pray, My daughter, do not leave Me alone in My Sorrow, that all occurs for the trumph of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
V. 8 - 9/5/1908 - ...Ah! My daughter, it is sin that casts so much disorder into the creature, that she reaches the point of wanting to destroy herself so as not to bear My Presence. On the Day of Judgment, it will be terrible for the wicked. Not seeing any seed of Love in themselves, but rather, hate toward Me, My Justice imposes on Me to not Love them; and the persons who are not Loved, one doesn't want to keep around and one makes use of some means to drive them away. I will not want to keep them with Me and they will not want to stay - we will shun each other. Love alone is that which unites everything and makes all happy.
V. 6 - 9/2/1904 - My daughter, don't you know that if all the diabolical forces would unite together, they could not enter into a single heart and take dominion of it, unless the soul herself, of her own will, would let them in? Only God has this Power of entering into hearts and dominating them as He pleases....And He: I tell you that it is the Breath of the Holy Spirit which, blowing continuously into you, keeps you always ignited and consumes you for Love of Him
V. 2 - 9/26/1899 - ...Afterwoods, I looked at His most beautiful Face and in my interior, I felt an indescribable contentment; and turning to Him, I said: My most Sweet Love, if I take so much delight in looking at You, what must it have been for our Queen Mama, when You enclosed Yourself in Her Most Pure Womb? What Contentments, how many Graces did You not give Her? And He: My daughter, the Delights and Graces that I poured into Her were such and so many, that it is enough to tell you that what I am by Nature, Our Mother became by Grace; more so, since She had no sin and therefore My Grace was able to lord freely within Her. There is nothing of My Being which I did not give to Her. At that instant, I seemed to see our Queeu Mama as if She were another God, with this difference alone: that in God, this is His Own Nature, while in Mary Most Holy it is acquired Grace...
V. 7 - 9/11/1906 - As I was in my ususal state, I found myself with Baby Jesus in my arms in the midst of many people and He said to me: My daughter, all the works, words and thoughts of creatures should be sealed with the mark: "Gloriam Dei, Gloriam Dei" And everything which is not sealed with this mark remains obscured and as though buried in darkness, stained or at the most, as something of no value. So, the creature does nothing other than pull out darkness and abominable things from herself because by not operating for the Glory of God, the creature runs away from the purpose for which she was created - she is as though lost from God and left alone with herself. God alone is Light and it is through God that human actions acquire value. Now, what is the wonder if the creature, by not operating for His Glory, remains buried in her own darkness and gains nothing from her toils - on the contrary, she loads herself with heavy debts...
V. 21 - 5/8/1927 - ...You can see that, of all that occurred within My Humanity, the greatest Miracle was containing the whole Immensity of My Divine Will within My Humanity. The Miracles which I did may be called nothing in front of this one and even more so since it was natural in Me to be able to give Life so that creatures could be resurrected - to give sight to the blind, speech to those who could not speak and all the rest of the Miraculous Works I accomplished - because it was in My Nature to give as many Goods as I wanted. It was certaintly a Miracle for those who received these Goods but for Me the greatest Miracle was to constrain in Myself, My Divinity, the Immensity of My Will, Its interminable Light, Its Beauty and Unreachable Sanctity. This was the Prodigy of Prodigies that only a God could do. Therefore, no matter how much I can give to a creature, it will always be giving little as compared to My giving the great Gift of My Will because in It, there will be seen new Heavens, more resplendent Suns, unheard- of things and Surprises never before seen. Heaven and earth tremble and kneel before a soul who possesses the great Gift of My Will and with reason because they see come forth from the soul, the Virtue and the vivifying Creative Force which conserves them in the new Life created by God. Oh, Power of My Will, if they knew You, how ambitious they would be for Your great Gift. How they would give their life to have You. My daughter, whoever lives in My Will has within herself this same Divine Will Dominating and Reigning and the soul is in possession of It and has It within her Power; and while she possesses the Divine Volition, she has in her Power, Its Strength, Sanctity, Light and Its Goods. The Divine Volition possesses the soul and keeping her within Its Power, the human weaknesses, passions, misereies and the human will are under the immovable and Holy Power of the Supreme Will and before this Power, these things feel this loss of their life. Thus weakness feels won over by the irresistible Force of the Divine Fiat, darkness feels itself won over by the Light, miseries by Its Infinite Riches, the passions by Its Virtues, the human will by the Divine. What difference there is between one who live in My Will and one who only does My Will!,,, - Such was Adam's condition before he withdrew from the Divine Will. If the Divine Will was given to him by his Creator as the greatest of Gifts because It contains all Goods together. Adam possessed It, dominated over It and made himself the supporter of this Divine Will because God Himself had given him the right to rule over It. Thus he was lord of the Power, Light, Sanctity and Happiness of this Eternal Fiat. But when he withdrew from the Divine Will, Adam lost the possession and dominion - and was reduced to not possessing as his own but only receving the effects of My Will according to his dispositions. And whoever finds himself in the condition of only receiving, is always poor, never rich because the rich possess and are not forced to receive and are in a position to be able to give some of their own goods to others,
V. 12 - 1/1/1920 - My daugher, but do you know what are the Garments of the soul who lives in My Will? They are not of Gold but of most pure Light. This Garment of Light will serve as Mirror to show all of Heaven how many Acts she has done in My Will - because in each Act she has done in My Will, she had enclosed Me Completely. The Garment will be adorned with many Mirrors and in each Mirror, all of Myself will appear. Therefore, from whatever side they will look at her - from behind, from the front, from the right, from the left - they will see Me, multiplied for as many Acts as she did in My Volition. I could not give her a more beautiful Garment: It will be the exclusive distinction of the souls who live in My Will.
V. 36 - 12/18/1938 - ...But the greatest Gift, is when We see her carried in the Arms of Our Will; We feel so very drawn that We can not do less than to speak of Our Divine Being, to tell her one Knowledge more of what We are. It is the greatest Gift that We can do that exceeds all the Creation; knowing Our Works is Gift; to make Ourselves known is Our Life that We give; it is to admit her to Our Secrets; it is to entrust the Creator with the creature - Now, Our Will is Our Life, Love is Food... - With this, We see the creature grow to Our Image and Likeness and these are Our true Joys in the Creation; in order to be able to say to Our children: We resemble each other. And what should not be the joy of the creature to be able to say: I resemble my Celestial Father. Therefore, I want that she live in My Volition because I want My children who resemble Me... - Such are We; one who doesn't live in Our Volition dishonors Us and forms Our Sorrow; how can they resemble Us if Our Will is not theirs?...They remain embellished with Our Beauty; they acquire should knowledge of their Father because Our Fiat with His Light speaks to them, tells them so many things of their Father even to make them fall in Love so much so that they can not be without Him; and this produces the Likeness...
V. 26 - 5/21/1929 - My daughter, My Divine Will is Light, Love is Heat. Light and Heat are inseparable from each other and form the same Life; this is the necessity of the fusion of My Will and of My Love: a will which does not love is not operative; a love which has no will is without life. However, My Will has the first Act; it can be said that Its Light makes the Heat arise. It does the first Act and calls the Life of Love within Its light forming one single thing. Who can ever separate the heat from the light? No one. However, the bigger the light, the stronger the heat... - In addition to this, life needs nourishment; My Divine Will is Life, My Love is Food. Each "I love You of yours is a sip of nourishment which you give to My Fiat within you and each act of yours done in My Will makes the Life of It grow within you. Oh! how the Life of My Will delights and grows admirably in the creature when It finds much Divine Love. It can be said that My Fiat finds Its Food and My Love finds Its Life.
V. 6 - 8/4/1904 - This morning, when Blessed Jesus came, He transported me outside of myself, and taking me by the hand, He led me as far as underneath the vault of the heavens, from where one could see the Blessed and hear their Chanting. Oh, how the Blessed were swimming in God! One could see their lives in God and the Life of God in them. This alone seems to me to be the whole essence of their Happiness. It also seem to me that each Blessed is a new Heaven in that Blessed Dwelling but all distinct among themselves - there is no one similar to anyone else; and this happens according to the ways in which they comported themselves with God on earth. One tried to love Him more; he will love Him more in Heaven and will receive from God ever new and increasing Love in such a way that this Heaven will have a Divine Shade and Feature, all special. Another tried to Glorify Him more and Blessed God will give him ever increasing Glory, all special in such a way that this new Heaven will be more Glorious and Glorified by the very Divine Glory; and so on with all the other distinct ways that each one had with God on earth, and that, if I wanted to say everything, I would be too long. So, it can be said that what we do for God on earth, we shall continue in Heaven, but with greater Perfection; therefore, the Good we do is not temporary, but will last for Eternity and will shine before God and around us continuously. Oh, how happy we will be in seeing that all our Good and the Glory we give to God, as well as our own, comes from the little bit of Good that we started imperfectly on earth! If all could see this - oh, how they would hasten more to Love, to Praise, to Thank and other things the Lord, so as to be able to do it with greater intensity in Heaven! But who can say everything?...
V. 12 - 1/27/1919 - The three Mortal Wounds of the Heart of Jesus - can be read @ - a must read
V. 16 - 5/19/1924 - My daughter, My Will is Eternal and only one who lives in It, embracing Eternity, all of her acts, from the littlest to the greatest, being animated by an Eternal Will, all acquire the Value, the Merit, the Form of Divine and Eternal Acts. The Divine Volition empties those acts of all that is human, and filling them with Its Divine Will, It makes them Its Own and places Its seal on them, constituting them as many Eternal and Divine Acts. On hearing this, surprised, I said: How is it possible, Oh my highest Good, that by just living in Your Will, the creature can receive this great Good - that her acts become Eternal and Divine? And Jesus: Why are you surprised? It is a most simple thing; the whole reason is that My Will is Eternal and Divine and everything that comes from It, being a Birth from an Eternal and Divine Will, cannot be excluded from being Eternal and Divine, as long as the creature puts her human will aside to give place to Mine. If she does so, her acts are counted among Ours, both the great act and the littlest of them... - Ah! if creatures could see a soul who lets My Will live within herself, they would see astounding things, never before seen: a God operating in the little circle of the human will, which is the greatest thing thing that can exist on earth and in Heaven. The Creation Itself - oh! how It would remain behind, compared to the Prodigies I keep working in this creature.
V. 19 - 8/12/1926 - My daughter, man was created by God with three Powers: Memory, Intellect and Will; and this, so that he might have the links of communications with Divine Persons of the Sacrosanct Trinity. These were like paths along which to ascend to God, like doors through which to enter, like rooms in which to form the continuous dwelling - the creature for God, God for the creature... Now, in order to be able to form Its Kingdom in the inmost place of the soul, My Will wants to find these three Powers given to the creature to raise her to the Likeness of the Creator, in order with the Father, the Son and with the Holy Spirit. My Will would not go out of Its dominion if these three Powers of the soul were in order with God and Its regime would be happy and as though natural because her three Powers being in order with God, the creature would have order within herself and outside of herself and the Kingoom of the Will of God and that of the creature would not be a divided Kingdom but a single one and therefore Its dominion and regime would be one... - Ah! My daughter, how much disorder reigns in the three Powers of the human soul. One can say that they have shut the door on Our Face, they have barricaded the paths to prevent Our passing and to break the communications with Us, while it was the greatest Gift We gave creatures in creating them. These three Powers were to serve him to comprehend the One Who had created him, to grow in His Likeness and, his will being transfused in that of his Creator, to give Him the right to let It reign. This is why the Supreme Volition cannot reign in the soul if these three Powers - Intellect, Memory and Will do not hold hands in order to return to the purpose for which God created man.
V. 8 - 9/6/1908 - My daughter, I wanted My Flesh to be scattered in pieces and My Blood to be shed from My whole Humanity, so as to reunite all of dispersed humanity. In fact, of all that was torn from My Humanity - Flesh, Blood, Hair - nothing was dispersed on My Resurrection but everything was reunited again to My Humanity. By this, I incorporated all creatures within Me. So, after this, if one wanders away from Me, it is out of his obstinate will that he tears himself from Me to go out and be lost.
****V. 13 - 11/12/1921 - My daughter, Sanctity in My Will is not yet known... - Now, the Sanctity in My Will, will be symbolized by the sun. The sun has always been and will always be; and even though it had a beginning in illuminating the world, since it is light which takes orgin from My Eternal Light, one can say that it has no beginning. The sun does good to all; it extends to all with its light; it makes no exception with anyone... Now, the Sanctity in My Will, symbolized by the sun, will come out from the Center of My Own Sanctity; It will be a Ray delivered by My Own Sanctity, which has no beginning. Therefore, these souls existed in My Sanctity; they exist and will exist. They were together with Me in the Good I did; they never went out of the Ray in which I had delivered them to the Light. Since they never departed from My Will, I amused Myseslf with them and I still do. My union with them is permanent. I see them floating over everything; human supports do not exist for them, just as the sun does not lean on anything - it lives up high as though isolated but with its light, it encloses everything within itself... In this Sanctity, I see My Shadows, My Images, hovering over the whole earth, in the air and in Heaven. This is why I love and will love the World: because I am waiting for My Sanctity to have Its Echo over the earth and for My Rays to come out to the light and to give Me complete Glory, returning to Me the Love and the Honor which the others have not given to Me. However, just like the sun, they will be the most unobserved, without clamor at all. And if anyone wants to look at them, My Jealously will be such that they will run the risk of remaining blinded and will be forced to lower their eyes in order to regain their sight. Do you see how beautiful is the Sanctity in My Will? It is the Sanctity closest to your Creator. This is why It will have Primacy over all other Sanctities. It will enclose within itself all other Sanctities together and will be Life of all other Sanctities. What a Grace it is for you to know It! To be the first, like solar ray, to come out from the center of My Sanctity, without ever detaching from It! Greater Grace, I could not give you - more portentous Miracle I could not operate in you...****
V. 12 - 3/8/1921 - ...As you call My Will into yourself, this too is a unique act, therefore, for the decorum of My Will which must dwell in you, I must pour so much Grace, so much Love, as to make you surpass all other creatures. And since My Will has supremacy over all, and is Eternal, Immense, Infinite, I must communicate this to the one in whom the Life of My Will must have Its beginning and completion, endowing and enriching her with the same Qualities of My Will, giving her supremacy over all. My Eternal Volition will take the past, the present and the future; It will reduce them to one single point and will pour them into you. My Will is Eternal and wants to have Life there where It finds Eternity; It is Immense and wants Life in the Immensity; It is Infinite and wants to find Infinity. How can I find all this, if I do not pour It in you before?...
V. 17 - 7/16/1924 - ...Then, afterwards, He added: My daughter, in creating man, I infused the soul in him with My Breath, wanting to infuse in him the inmost part of Our Interior - Our Will, which would also bring him all the Particles of Our Divinity which, as a creature, he could contain, to the extent of making of him Our Image. But man, ungrateful, wanted to break off from Our Will and even though he still had his soul, the human will, which took the place of the Divine, obscured him, infected him and rendered all the Divine Particles idle, to the extent of disordering him completely and of maiming him. Now, since I want to dispose him again to receive this Will of Mine, it is necessary that I return to breathe on him again, so that My Breath may put to flight darkness and infections from him and may render active the Particles of Our Divinity which We infused in him in creating him. Oh! how I wish to see him Beautiful, Restored, just as I created him! And My Will alone can work this great Prodigy. This is why I want to breathe on you - that you may receive this great Good: that My Will reign in you and give you back all the Goods and the rights which It gave in the creation of man. And as He was saying this, drawing near me, He breathed on Me, He clasped me and then He disappeared from me.
V. 19 - 3/9/1926 - Creation forms the mute Glory of God. How, in creating man, God played a risky game; but it failed and He has to make up for it - @ - a must read
V. 12 - 5/24/1920 - My daughter, the acts done in My Will dissolve the human acts and identifying themselves with My Divine Acts, they rise up to Heaven, circulate in everyone, embrace all centuries, all points and all creatures. And since they remain fixed in My Will, these acts are and will be the defenders of My Throne for each offense which creatures give to Me - not only in the present time but until the end of the centuries. Rising to defend Me, they will make reparations counter to the offenses that creatures will give. The acts done in My Will have the virtue of multiplying themselves according to the need and the circumstances which My Glory requires. What will the happiness of the soul be, when she finds herself up there in Heaven and sees her acts done in My Will as defenders of My Throne and which, having a continous echo of reparation, will reject the echo of the offenses that come from the earth? Therefore, the Glory in Heaven of the soul who lives in My Will on earth will be different from that of the other Blessed. The others will draw all their contentments from Me; while these souls will not only draw them from Me but will also have their own little rivers within My Sea. As they lived in My Volition on earth, they themselves formed them within My Sea. It is right that in Heaven also they have this little river of happiness and contentments, which will extend over all the Blessed. How beautiful are these rivers, within My Sea; they pour into Me and I into them. It will be an enchanting sight, at which all the Blessed will remain astonished.
How the creature calls the Divine Volition to reign in the soul:
V. 14 - 5/27/1922 - I was thinking to myself: if one act done in His Will is so great, how many of them, alas, do I let escape! And my Sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, there is the Prevenient Act and the Actual Act. The Prevenient Act is when the soul, at the first rising of the day, fixes her will in Mine and decides and confirms that she wants to live and operate only in My Volition. She anticipates all of her acts and makes them all flow in My Will. With the Prevenient Will, My Sun rises, My Life remains duplicated in all of her acts, as though in one single act; and this makes up for the Actual Act. However, the Prevenient Act can be shaded - obscured by negligence and other things which are like clouds before the sun, that render its light less vivid on the face of the earth. On the other hand, the Actual Act is not subject to clouds; on the contrary, it has the virtue of dispelling the clouds, if there are any and it makes many more suns rise, in which My Life is duplicated, with such vividness of light and heat as to form as many new suns, one more beautiful than the others. However, both of them are necessary: the Prevenient Act gives the hand, disposes and forms the plane for the Actual Act; the Actual Act preserves and expands the plane of the Prevenient.
V. 6 - 1/21/1905 - My daughter, if one reasons over obedience, by merely reasoning over it, he dishonors it and one who dishonors obedience, dishonors God
V. 19 - 2/28/1926 - ...By entering into the Divine Will, the soul forms One single Act with the Divine Will and as though naturally, she takes part in what It does and contains. More so, since in order to live in My Will, the soul is stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam and is clothed anew with the Garments of the new and Holy Adam. Her Garment is the Light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its Divine Manners are communitacted to her, which are Noble and communicative to all. This Light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator. What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since One is the Life and One the Will?
V. 4 - 9/18/1900 - Then, all afflicted, He told me: My daughter, one who harms his neighbor, harms himself and by killing his neighbor, he kills his soul; and since Charity predisposes the soul for all virtues, because Charity is missing, the soul is predisposed to commit all sorts of vices.
V. 13 - 10/9/1921 - Then He added:The will of man is that which makes him more like his Creator. In the human will, I placed part of My Immensity and of My Power by giving it the place of Honor and I constituted it Queen of the whole of man and depository of all his works. Just as creatures have chests in which they keep their things to maintain them secured, the soul has her will in which to keep and secure all that she thinks and does. Not even one thought will be lost. What she cannot do with her eyes, with her mouth, with her works, she can do with her will - in one instant she can will a thousand goods and a thousand evils. The will makes her fly up to Heaven, to the farthest places and deep into the abysses. She might be prevented from operating , from seeing, from speaking but she can do all this in her will. Whatever she does and wants, forms an act which remains deposited in her own will. Oh, how the will can be expanded! How many goods and how many evils can it not contain? This is why, among all things, I want the will of man, because if I have this, I have everything - the fortress is conquered.
V. 12 - 4/8/1918 - ...I found myself in Jesus. My tiny atom was swimming in the Eternal Volition. And since the Eternal Volition is one single Act that contains, all together, all the acts, as much as it is possible for the creature. I took part also in the acts which do not exist and which must yet exist, until the end of the centuries and until God will be God. And for these acts too I loved Him, I thanked Him, I blessed Him, etc. There was no act which escaped me. I took the Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and I made It mine, just as Their Will was mine; and I gave It to Them as if It was my own. How happy I was to be able to give Them Their Own Love as though my own! And how They found Their full Contentment and complete Outpouring in receiving Their Own Love from me, as if It was mine! But who can say everything? I lack the words. Now, Blessed Jesus tokd me: Have you seen what living in My Will is? It is to disappear and to enter the Sphere of Eternity; it is to penetrate into the Omnipotence of the Eternal One - into the Uncreated Mind and take part in everything and in each Divine Act, as much as it is possible for a creature. It is to make use, even while on earth, of all the Divine Qualities; it is to hate evil in a Divine Way. It is extending oneself to everyone without exhaustion because the Wlll which animates this creature is Divine. It is the Sanctity which is not yet known, which I will make known and which will place the last Ornament, the most Beautiful and the Brightest among all other Sanctities. It will be the Crown and the fulfillment of all the other Sanctities. Now, to live united with Me is not to disappear - two beings appear together; but one who does not disappear cannot enter into the Sphere of Eternity to take part in all the Divine Acts. Ponder well and you will see the great difference.
V. 30 - 12/21/1931 - ...Who is that resembles Me? Who knows how to imitate My Sweet, Harmonious and Strong Voice as to be able to shake Heaven and earth? Who holds so much strength as to enrapture Me in her works in order to make Me work together with her? Who is it? Who is it? Ah! It is she who lives in Our Divine Fields. It is just that she resembles Us, in all for how much it is possible to a creature. She is Our daughter and it is enough. We allow that she imitates Us, that she resembles Us. She will be Our Glory, Our Creative Work, the longed for one of her Cekestial Father. These souls will form the New Hierarchy in their Celestial Country, where there is a Post reserved for them, that to no one else is it given to occupy.
V. 16 - 8/20/1823 - I (Luisa) feel I am the most abject and insignificant one who does nothing good; while the Saints - how much good did they not do? Sensational things, miracles...And yet, He says that the living in His Will leaves all the Saints behind... - He told me: My daughter, when a Sanctity is individual, for a time and a place, it has more of external prodigies in order to attract those individuals, places and times, to receive the Grace and the Good which that Sanctity contains. On the other hand, the Sanctity of living in My Will is not an individual Sanctity, assigned to doing Good to certain places, to certain people and to certain times; rather, it is a Sanctity which must do Good to all, in all times and in all places. It is a Sanctity which remains eclipsed in the Eternal Sun of My Will, which, invading all, is Light without speech, fire without wood, without clamor, without smoke. But in spite of this, It does not cease to be the most Majestic, the most Beautiful, the most Fecund; Its Light is most Pure, Its heat more intense. The true image of It is the sun which illuminates our horizon. It illuminates all, but without clamor; It is Light but has no speech, It says nothing to anyone - the Good It does, the seeds It fecundates, the life It gives to all plants and how It purifies the polluted air with Its heat and destrooys what can be harmful to all humanity. But in spite of this, It does not cease to be Majestic and Beautiful and to contain the Good It does to all...
V. 6 - 11/8/1903 - ...And I: Lord, and You, for what purpose did You love us? And He:" I love you because you are My Own thing, and when an object is one's own, one feels compelled to love it - it is like a necessity"...
V. 20 - 9/17/1926 - Oh! If all knew what it means to break up with OurWill and into what an abyss they fall - all would tremble with fright and would compete in order to return into the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat, to take their place again, assigned to them by God. Now, My daughter, since My Eternal Goodness wants to give My Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat once again, after man so ungratefully rejected It, don't you think that this is the greatest Gift I can give to the human generations? But in order to give It, I must form It, constitute It and make known that which, up to now, is not known about My Will - and such Knowledges about It, as to win those who will know Them to love, appreciate and desire to come and live in It. The Knowledges will be the chains - but not imposed; rather they themselves, willingly, will let themselves be bound. The Knowledges will be the weapons, the conquering arrows which will conquer the new children of the Supreme Fiat. But do you know what these Knowledges possess? The changing of one's own nature into Virtue, into Good, into My Will in such a way that they will possess them as their own property.
V. 33 - 12/18/1933 - My daughter, you will cease your wondering if looking well in this Sea of My Volition, you will see where, who, how and when every creature was fully formed. Hence where? In the Eternal Bosom of God. Who? God Himself gave them origin. How? The Supreme Being Himself formed the series of her thoughts, the number of her words, the order of her works, the motion of her steps and the continuous palpitation of her heart. So, that God gave such Beauty, Order and Harmony as to be able to find Himself in the creature with such fullness that she could not find a place where to put some of hers, that had not been put there by God... and when was the creature formed in Us? Ab Eterno, therefore, she didn't exist in time but in Eternity; she always existed; she had her Post in Us, her palpitating Life, Her Creator's Love...
V. 12 - 4/7/1919 - ...Afterwards, He transported me into the midst of creatures. But who can say what they were doing? I will just say that my Jesus, with sorrowful tone, added: What disorder in the World! But this disorder is because of the leaders, both civilian and ecclesiastical. Their self-interest and corrupted lives did not have the strength to correct their subjects, therefore they closed their eyes to the evils of the members, since they already showed their own evils; and if they did correct them, it was all in a superficial way, because, not having the life of good within themselves, how could they infuse it in others? How many times these perverted leaders have placed the evil before the good, to the extent that the few good were shaken by this behavior of the leaders. Therefore, I will have the leaders struck in a speical way....
V. 15 - 12/1/1922 - ...And this, not only with My Pains but also with My Words, because, being spoken in My Will, they reached everyone, as for example when Pilate asked Me whether I was King and I answered: My Kingdom is not of this World for if It was of this World, millions of Legions of Angels would defend Me. And Pilate, on seeing Me so poor, humiliated, despised, was surprised and said with greater emphasis: What? You are a King? And I, with firmness, answered him and all those who are in his position: I am King and I have come into the World to teach the Truth. And the Truth is that it is not positions nor kingdoms nor dignities nor the right of command that make man reign, that ennoble him, that raise him above all. On the contrary, these things are slaveries, miseries which make him serve vile passions and unjust men, making him also commit many unjust acts which disennoble him, cast him into mud and draw the hatred of his subordinates upon him. So, riches are slaveries, positions are swords, by which many are killed or wounded. True reigning is virtue, to be stripped of everything, to sacrifice oneself for all, to submit oneself to all. Therefore, My Kingdom will have no end, while yours is near to perishing. And, in My Will, I made these Words reach the ear of all those who are in positions of authority, to let them know the great danger they are in and to put on guard those who aspire to positions, to dignities, to command.
V. 34 - 7/25/1937 - ...Jesus became silent and I remained soaked in this Sea and I don't know how but I felt myself transported in the Celestial Fatherland; in the middle there were three Circles of Light and at the head of Them, there was the Queen of Heaven at one point and Our Lord at the other with an enchanting Beauty and indescribable Love; in the midst of These was a multitude of souls, all transformed in the Light in which they lived and grew, but guarded, directed and fed by Jesus and by the Celestial Mother; how many beautiful surprises were seen as these souls possessed the Likeness and the Life of their Creator and my sweet Jesus and His Mother said to me: These Circles of Light that you see are symbol of the Sacrosnct Trinity and the souls are those who will form the Kingdom of the Divine Will; this Kingdom will be formed in the Bosom of the Divinity. The Rulers of this Kingdom will be the Mother and the Son Who will guard It with jealousy. You see therefore the certainty of this Kingdom, as It is already formed because in God, things are as already done. Therefore, pray that what is in Heaven is realized on earth.
V. 33 - 1/28/1934 - ...I love the creature because he is destined to populate Heaven and being My brother of Glory, we will Glorfy each other. I will be his Glory as Life and he will by My Glory as My Work. Behold, therefore I love so much that one does and lives in My Will because with Him, My Divine Qualities find their place of Honor and they can maintain the fraternization with the creature...
V. 11 11/1/1915 - ...And as He was saying this, He kissed me over and over again, telling me: I love you but with an Eternal Love; I love you but with an Immense Love; I love you but with a Love that is incomprehensible to you; I love you with a Love that will never have limits nor an end; I love you with a Love that you will never be able to match.
V. 33 - 2/10/1934...What won't I give to My children after I have been loved and recognized as Father? Everything, I won't deny them anything and they give Me the Right, the Joy of My children. For one who lives in My Will, I don't know how to deny her anything, if I might do this, I would deny it to Myself; therefore I give everything and she repeats the scenes to Me, to give Me everything; Therefore in Him there are exchanges of Works, reciprocal Love which forms such moving scenes as to form the Paradise of God and of the soul. Oh! Thousands and thousands of times Blessed is one who comes to live in the Celestial Sojourn of My Will.
V. 11 - 9/12/1913 - ...Everything I have done before has been Graces to dispose you to the Ecstasy of My Will because when I dispose a soul to live in a higher way in My Will, I have to manifest Myself in order to infuse Graces so great. Surpsised, I said: What are You saying, O Jesus? What? Your Will is Ecstasy? Yes, My Volition is true and perfect Ecstasy and you break this Ecstasy whenever you want to think about yourself.
V. 32 - 5/14/1933 - My little daughter of My Volition, you should know that when I manifest a Good, a Truth, it is the most certain sign that I want to give that Good or the Gift of a Truth of Mine, as property of the creature; if this might not be so I would deceive her, I would seduce her, I would make her waste time in a thousand useless desires, without the possession of the Good that I have made her know. I don't know how to deceive anyone nor do I do useless things, rather first I decide to give that Good and then I manifest the nature of that Good and while I manifest It, I already put the seed in the depth of the soul, so that she starts to feel the beginning of the new Life of that Good that I have made her know and the succession of My manifestations that I make her know serves to make the seed germinate to bedew It and water It in order to form the entire Life of the Gift that I want to give her...
V. 6 - 9/8/1905 - My daughter, true Charity is when, in doing Good to his neighbor, one does it because he is My Image. All the Charity that goes out of this sphere cannot be called Charity. If the soul wants the merit of Charity, she must never go out of this sphere of looking at My Image in everything. It is so true that true Charity consists in this, that My very Charity never goes out of this sphere. I only love the creature because she is My Image; and if by sin, she deforms this Image of Mine, I no longer feel like loving her - on the contrary, I abhor her; and I only preserve plants and animals because they serve My Images; and the creature must modify all of herself on the example of her Creator.
V. 24 - 6/29/1928 - My daughter, when My Will has Its Kingdom upon earth and souls live in It, Faith will have no more shadows, no more enigmas but everything will be clarity and certainty. The Light of My Will, will bring in the very created things, the clear vision of their Creator; creatures will touch Him with their own hands in everything He has done for Love of them. The human will is now a shadow to Faith; passions are clouds that obscure the clear light of It... How I long for the Kingdom of My Will! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures and to Our Sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our Feasts and theirs will reacquire the order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a Veil over everything, so that the Feasts may never agin be interrupted.
V. 6 - 6/3/1904 - ...In fact, if the soul lets herself be dominated by the cross, the cross destroys three evil kingdoms in her which are the world, the devil and the flesh and it constitutes in her three more Good Kingdoms: The Spiritual, the Divine and the Eternal Kingdom
V. 29 - 4/2/1931 - In My Will, force doesn't exist, in fact no one forced Him(Our Will) in creating the sky, the sun, the earth, man himself but He did it voluntarily, without anyone saying anything, for the Love of creatures; and yet He knew how much He had to suffer for their cause. Thus I want one who wants to live of My Will; force is of the human nature, force is impotence, it is mutability, force is the true character of the human will.
V. 7 - 7/10/1906 - My daughter, one who gives herself completely to Me, deserves that I give Myself completely to her. Here I am, at your complete disposal; whatever you want - take. I did not ask Him for anything; I only said to Him: My Good, I do not want anything - I want only You and You alone. You alone are enough for me in everything because if I have You, I have everything. And He: Brava, you have asked well and while wanting nothing, you have wanted everything.
V. 24 - 6/29/1928 - My daughter, the creature has three kingdoms in her soul, which are her three powers....If My Will arrives at taking over the three capitals of these kingdoms, raising Its Throne in them, all of the other cities will be conquered and dominated by the Supreme Fiat. How much Glory these kingdoms will acquire! They will be the happiest and most populated ones because the One who rules over them and dominates them is the Invincible, the Strong, the Powerful One. No one will dare to molest and disturb their order; everything will be peace, joy and perennial Feast. So, those who live in My Fiat will possess three Suns, one more beautiful than the other - three peaceful Kingdoms, enriched with all the Joys, Harmonies and Happiness; and they will be endowed with three Crowns. But do you know who will crown the forehead of the children of My Will? The Sacrosanct Trinity. Enraptured by their Likeness to Us which We infused in them in creating them, seeing that Our Fiat has raised them and formed them as We wanted and wounded at the sight of Our Own Features in them, the order of Our Love will be so great, that each of the Three Divine Persons will place Its Own Crown, as the special distinctive Sign that they are the children of Our Divine Will.
V. 32 - 8/6/1933 - ...But while my sweet Jesus said this, He made me see the Celestial Queen, that from within Her Heart went forth a Sun, that invaded the whole Celestial Court, all the earth and Its Rays were formed with the most refulgent Light, with speaking Voices, that spoke to God, to the Saints and Angels, to all the creatures of earth. So that my Celestial Mama still possesses Her continuous Speaking, Her speaking Sun that with Voices of Light, She speaks to Her God and Loves and Glorifies Him Divinely; She speaks to the Saints and does as Mother, Beatifier and Bearer of Joy to all the Celestial Court; She speaks to the earth and as Mother makes for us the Road in order to conduct us to Heaven and my beloved Jesus added: You see therefore, what it means to live of Divine Will; She acquires the doing, the speaking, the continuous Love, that goes forth from within My Will; She holds Operative, Illuminative and continuing Virtue and therefore, They are Triumphant Acts that conquer God.
V. 14 - 6/23/1922 - ...My daughter, do not be surprised at this. One who is not completely empty of his own will cannot have a sure knowledge of Mine because the human will forms the cloud between Mine and his and hinders the knowledge of the Value and the Effects which Mine contains. But in spite of this, they cannot say that It is not Light...
V. 30 - 1/30/1032 - My daughter, you should know that Our Love gives of the incredible. Our Divine Will is the spy of the creature and goes spying when she is disposed to receive His Gift of continued Love because He knows that the creature doesn't possess a great quantity of Divine Love; she hardly holds the particle of the Infinite Love of when she was created; and if this has not been fed, it is like the fire when it is under ash, that while the fire exists, the ash holds it covered and repressed in a way that the heat is not even felt. We don't want any human love and therefore Our Will uses His loving stratagems; He spies the dispositions and blows; His Puff as light breeze puts in flight the ash that the human volition has produced; the Particles of Our Infinite Love revives Itself, ignites Itself. My Divine Volition continues to blow and adds on other Divine Love. The soul feels herself emptied, warmed and she experiences the loving refreshments and from inside the Particle of the Infinite Love that she possesses, she loves Us and gives Us Our Divine Love as hers... Now, you should know that Our Supreme Being found Ourselves in a kind of profound Ecstasy in the Act of creating the creature ;Our Love enraptures Our Divine Being, Our Love enraptures Us and Our Fiat put Us in Act of Work with His Creative Virtue and it was this Loving Ecstasy that all the Graces, the Gifts, the Virtues, the Beauties, the Sanctities and so on were put forth from Us with which all creatures should be endowed and enriched...
V. 24 - 8/23/1928 - Certainty of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth. Rights of God and of the creature. The new Gospel: The Truths about the Divine Fiat. Human prudence causes the most beautiful Works to fail. Loneliness of Jesus; the ones who kept Him company - - an explanation of the new Gospel -Evangelists - a must read
V. 12 - 10/15/1919 - ...My daughter, as soon as the soul enters My Volition and decides to live in It, all doubts and fears depart from her. It happens as to a daughter of a king, who, no matter how much people say that she is not the daughter of her father, pays no attention. On the contrary, she keeps on going, saying to everyone: It is useless for you to say the contrary or to put doubts or fears in me. I am the true daughter of the king - he is my father. I live with him; even nore, his very kingdom is mine. Therefore, among the many Goods which living in My Will brings, It also brings the state of Security. And since she makes All that is Mine her own, how can she fear about her possessions? Therefore, fear, doubt, hell lose their way and cannot find the door, the way, the key to enter the soul. Even more, as soon as the soul enters the Divine Volition, she strips herself of herself and I clothe her of Me, with Royal Garments; and these Garments place on her the Seal that she is My daughter. My Kingdom is hers, as much as It is Mine; and defending Our Rights, she takes part in judging and condemning others.
V. 31 - 9/25/1932 - My little newborn of My Volition, come between My Arms. You have reason that only in My Arms can you be secure nor are there perils in My Will, Who more than Mama holds you to His Bosom, feeds you with Its Light and with His Love. There are no oppressions nor sadness, nor fear; these are stuffs outside My Will, not inside of Him, where there is none other than Peace, Joy conitnuous aptitude. There is so much to do that the soul doesn't find neither time nor place in order to oppress herself. The abandoment produces the sweet sleep and in the same sleep, she dreams of He Whom she loves and Who loves her so much that He holds her pressed to His Bosom...
V. 36 - 4/25/1938- ...Instead one who lives in Our Volition, there is no peril that the smoke of self-esteem enters, even in the greatest works that one can do; she is the little flame, fed by the great Light that is God and the Light knows how to clear Itself from the darkness of the passions, from the smoke of self-esteem; and since It is Light, It touches with Its Hand all that one does of good; it is God Who works in her own nothing and if this nothing is not emptied of all that which doesn't belong to God, God does not descend into the depths of her own nothing in order to do great Works worth of Him. So that in Our Volition, not even humility enters there but the true nothing, to know oneself who is nothing; and all this of Good that enters into her, is none other than the Divine Work; and it happens that God is the carrier of the nothing and the nothing is the carrier of God.
V. 6 - 6/23/1905 - My daughter, one who is united with My Humanity already finds herself at the door of My Divinity because My Humanity is Mirror for the soul from which the Divinity is reflected in her...
V. 16 - 9/21/1923 - ...Then, after some time, He came back again and He made Himself seen inside of me, in the middle of a Circle and He was inviting souls to go up on It, so as to let them walk on that Circle. I went up on it, never to descend again and my lovable Jesus told me: My daughter, this Circle is My Eternal Will which embraces the great Wheel of Eternity. Everything that is inside this Circle is nothing other than all that My Humanity did in the Divine Will in order to impetrate that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. Everything is prepared and done; there is nothing left but to open the doors and make It known, so that souls may take possession of It. When I came upon earth to Redeem man, it was said about Me that I would be the Salvation and the ruin of many. The same will be said now: that this Will of Mine will be either of great Sanctity - because My Will is of absolute Sanctity - or of ruin for many. See, while rotating upon this Circle, it is necessary to look inside of It, never outside because inside of It , there is Light, Knowledge, My Strength and My Acts, as help, attraction and Life, so that souls may take the Life of My Will within themselves. Outside of It, there is none of this; souls will find darkness and will fall into the abyss. Therefore, be attentive, keep your gaze always fixed into My Will and you will find yourself with the fullness of the Grace of living in My Will.
V. 33 - 10/7/1935 - After this I continued my abandment in the Divine Volition, which had transported me outside of myself, and oh, how horrifying it was to look at the earth, I would have liked to withdraw myself in order not to see anything but my sweet Jesus, as if He wanted that I might see scenes so excruciating, stopped me and said to me: My daughter, how sorrowful to see so much perfidy, one nation that deceives the other, and they drag by circumstances the poor people into torment and into the fire, My poor children. You should know that the tempest will be so very strong that it will happen as when an impetuous wind transports with its strength stones, earth, trees in a way that it remains emptied by everyone, so much so that with more ease, new plants can place themselves. Thus the tempest will serve to purify the peoples and to make arise the serene day of peace and brotherly union. Pray so that all serves to My Glory, to the triumph of My Will and to the good of everyone.
V. 7 - 10/3/1906 - My daughter, Simplicity fills the soul with Grace to the point of diffusing outside; so, if one wanted to constrain Grace within her, this could not be done. In fact, just as the Spirit of God, because He is most Simple, diffuses everywhere without effort or strain, but rather, naturally; in the same way, the soul who possesses the virtue of Simplicity diffuses Grace into others without even realizing it.
V. 16 - 10/16/1923 - My daughter, so that My Will may descend upon earth, it is necessary that your will rise up to Heaven. And so that it may rise up to Heaven and live in the Celestial Fatherland, it is necessary to empty it of all that is human, that is not Holy, Pure and Upright. Nothing enters into Heaven to live communal Life with Us, if it is not completely Divinized and transformed completely into Ourselves; nor can My Divine Will descend upon earth and carry ont Its Life as within Its Own Center, if It does not find the human will emptied of everything, so as to fill it with all the Goods which My Will contains...
V. 31 - 11/20/1932 - My daughter, do not wonder. Everything is possible in My Will; without Him, the creature holds the All in her power and can do all. Rather she feels His Empire over all of her being and not one act escapes from her, if not invested by a Divine Act, Power and Strength. The human will dies in Our Will, but a happy and glorious death; it dies in order to re-arise with the Life of the Acts of a Divine Power and of a Will that is not hers....
V. 5 - 10/18/1903 - My daughter, do you know what forms sin? An act of the human will opposite to the Divine. Imagine two friends who are in opposition; if the thing is light, you would say that their friendship is not perfect and loyal. Be it even in little things, how can they love and yet oppose each other? True Love is to live in the will of the other, even at the cost of sacrifice. If then the thing is grave, not only are they not friends but they are fierce enemies. Such is sin. Opposing the Divine Will is the same as making God one's enemy; be it even in little things, it is always the creature that puts herself in opposition to the Creator.
V. 15 - 4/2/1923 - ...It does not matter whether they are few or maybe even one alone because, with Its Power, My Will can make up for everything, even with one alone, when It does not find others. But it is always a human will that must come into Mine to substitute for everything that the others do not do. This will be so pleasing to Me as to split the Heavens and make My Will descend, making known all the Good and the Prodigies about It and to narrate to you more Prodigies because I want you to know the Good and Prodigies It contains. Each additional entrance you make into My Will pushes Me to give you new Knowledges about It and to narrate to you more Prodigies because I want you to know the good you do, so that you may appreciate It and desire to possess It. And in seeing that you love It and appreciate It, I give you possession of It. Knowledge is the eyes of the soul. The soul who does not know is as though blind to that Good and to those Truths. In My Will there are no blind souls; rather, each Knowledge brings her a greater length of sight. Therefore, enter often into My Volition, expand your boundaries in My Will, and as I see this, I will come back to tell you more surprising things about My Will...
V. 25 - 10/25/1928 - ...So it is for one who lives in My Divine Fiat. She enters into the Royal Palace of her Celestial Father and finding many varied Beauties, she puts them in motion, to gladden, delight and love the One Who let her in. And since there is no Good which My Eternal Volition does not possesss, there is no Joy, Love, Glory which the soul cannot give to her Creator. And, oh! how pleasing she is to Us, as We see this fortunate creature in Our Royal Palace of Our Divine Volition, who wants to take everything, wants to put everything in motion, wants to touch everything. It seems that she is not content if she does not take everything in order to give Us everything, to make Feast for Us and renew for Us Our Joys and Happinesses...
V. 33 - 9/28/1935 - My daughter, listen still to Me, so much is Our Love that in every single Work that We do, We call everyone, as if they might be one alone in order to give to each one the Good of the Work that We do; We would not work as God if Our Acts might not have the Virtue to be able to give Itself to everyone in order to give the Good that they contain. You feel therefore My Conception in the Bosom of a Virgin was the greatest Work of the whole Story of the World...
V. 11 - 6/9/1912 - As I was feeling a little in sufferng, I was saying to my lovable Jesus: When will You take me with You? Oh please! hurry, Oh Jesus; let death cut this life of mine and unite me with You in Heaven. And Jesus: for the soul who does My Will and lives of My Volition, there is no death. Death is for one who does not do My Will because she has to die to many things: to herself, to passions, to the earth. But one who does My Will has nothing to die to; she is already used to living in Heaven. For her, it is nothing other than laying down her remains, like one who would lay down the clothes of a poor one to wear the Garments of a Queen in order to leave exile and take possession of the Fatherland. The soul who does MyWill is not subject to death; she receives no judgment; her living is Eternal. That which death was supposed to do, Love has done in advance and My Will has reordered her completely in Me in such a way that I have nothing for which to judge her. Therefore, remain in My Will and, when you least expect it, you will find yourself in My Will in Heaven.
V. 8 - 11/20/1908 - My daughter, the true loving soul is not content with loving Me with anxiety, with desires, with surges but when she comes to make Love her food and daily nourishment, only then is she content. It is then that Love becomes solid, serious and keeps on loving all that lightness of Love to which the creature is subject. And since she makes it her food, it is spread throughout all of her members and because it is spread everywhere, she has the strength to bear the flames of Love that consume her and give her life. By containing Love within her, by possessing it, she no longer feels those intense desires, those anxieties but she only feels that she loves more the Love that she possesses. This is the Love of the Blessed in Heaven - this is My Own Love. This is the sign that a soul has come to feed on Love; she loses more and more of the characteristics of human love...
V. 13 - 1/15/1922 - Do you beliece that all of Heaven is aware of all My Goods? No, No! Oh, how much remains for It to enjoy which It does not enjoy today! Each creature who enters into Heaven, having known one more Truth which was unkown to the others, will carry within herself the Seed as to have new Contentments, new Joys and new Beauty released from Me. And these souls will be their cause and fount while the others take part in them. The last day will not come if I do not find souls who are disposed, so that I may reveal all My Truths - so that the Celestial Jerusalem may resound with My complete Glory and all the Blessed may share in all of My Beatitudes, some as direct cause for having known that Truth and some as indirect cause through the one who has known It...
V. 31 - 1/22/1933 - ...Now you should know that when We put forth the creature to the light of day, We gave her the Dowry, the Outfit of Our Divine Particles. The Dowry is Our Will nor did We put forth a limit, rather We gave her the liberty to augment her Dowry. Now, the acts that you do in Our Will, they are new properties that she acquires...
V. 15 - 3/12/1923 - You must know that when the Divinity issued the Work of Creation, It also issued all the Glory, all the Goods and Happiness that each creature was to receive, not only in this life but also in the Celestial Fatherland. Now, the whole part which was destined for souls who are lost remained suspended, having no one to whom to give Itself. Therefore, having to complete everything and absorb everything into Myself, I offered Myself to suffering the privation which the very damned suffer in hell. Oh! how much this pain cost Me - it cost Me pain of hell and ruthless death. But it was necessary. Having to absorb everything into Myself - everything that came out of Us in Creation, all the Glory, all the Goods and Hapiness, so as to let them come out of Me and enter the field again for all those who wanted to enjoy them, I had to absorb all pains and the very privation of My Divinity.
V. 33 - 5/14/1935 - ...Now the Angels, the Saints, seeing the Celestial Father, the Soverign Queen and their King, all intent working in this creature, they also want to help Us in the Work and lining up around the fortunate creature, they work with defending her, they remove the enemies, they free her from the perils and form walls of fortitude, so that no one can molest her. You see, therefore how one who lives in My Divine Volition gives work to everyone and everyone occupies themselves with her.
V. 15 - 5/2/1923 - When the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" has it's fulfillment " on earth as It is in Heaven", then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the "Out Father" occur - - The "Our Father Prayer" -
V. 27 - 10/27/1929 - Why the Kingdom of the Divine Will could not come before the coming of Our Lord upon earth. The Graft of Jesus Christ and the Graft of Adam - - a must read
V. 23 - 2/2/1928 - ...Is not My Will Master to perhaps give Himself again, provided that He finds again one who doesn't want to have of his human will anymore? And then you must know that if there was not My Will in you, you would not have beeen able to understand His Celestial language; it would have been for you as a strange dialect, as a light without heat, as a food without substance and it woul have been difficult for you to write on paper about Him in order to transmit Him to others. All this is a sign that My Will mastering you in everything, makes Himself thought in your mind, word on your lips, heartbeat in your heart...Therefore, it was necessary to make you the Gift of My Divine Will in order to give you necessary Graces in order to make you know and transcribe all the most beautiful prerogatives of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. And this is the reason, why no one until now has spoken at length of My Will, in order to make understood the immense Seas of the Goods that He contains and that He wants to give and can give to creatures....
V. 12 - 11/27/1917 - ...Now I want you to be the beginning of the Sanctity of living in My Will. My daughter, all other Sanctities are not exempt from waste of time and from personal interest... But the Sanctity of living in My Divine Will is exempt from personal interest and waste of time; there is no danger that they might mistake the virtue for Me because I Myself am the living in My Will. This was the Sanctity of My Humanity on earth and therefore It did everything for everyone without a shadow of personal interest. Self-interest takes away the mark of Divine Sanctity. Therefore, it can never be a Sun; at the most, as beautiful as it may be, it can be a star. This is why I want the Sanctity of living in My Will - in these times, so sad, this generation needs these Suns, which may warm it, illuminate it and fecundate it. The disinterest of these terrestrial Angels, all for the good of others, without a shadow of their own self, will open in hearts the way to receive My Grace. And then, Churches are few and many will be destroyed. Many times I do not find Priests to Consecrate Me; other times they allow unworthy souls to receive Me and worthy souls not to receive Me; other souls are unable to receive Me, therefore, My Love finds Itself hindered. This is why I want to make the Sanctity of living in My Will. In It, I will no longer need Priests to be Consecrated, nor Churches, Tabernacles or hosts. These souls will be everything altogether: Priests, Churches, Tabernacles and hosts. My Love will be more free. Anytime I want to Consecrate Myself, I will be able to do It - in every moment, during the day, at night, in any place where they might be. Oh, how My Love will have Its complete outpouring! Ah! My daughter, the present generation deserved to be destroyed completely; and if I will allow a little something to be left of it, it is to form these Suns of the Sanctity of living in My Will, who through My example, will repay Me for all that other creatures, past, present and future, owed Me. Then will the earth give Me true Glory and My "Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven" will have Its completion and fulfillment.
V. 33 - 6/16/1934 - Blessed daughter, you should know that the most beautiful thing created by Us was the human will, among all created things, it is the most beautiful, that resembles Us more, therefore, one can call it the Queen among everyone, as in fact it is...
V. 13 - 12/15/1921 - ...All things are in order, have their place of honor and are perfect when they do not move from the origin from which they came. Once they move from their origin, all is disorder, dishonor, imperfection. Only the acts done in My Will give themselves back to the origin in which the soul was created and take life within the sphere of Eternity, bringing to their Creator the Divine Homages and the Glory of their own Will. All other acts remain down below, waiting for the last hour of life, each to undergo its own judgment and the pain it deserves because there is no act done outside of My My Will, even good, which can be called pure. The mere lacking of aim at My Will is to throw mud over the most beautiful works; and then, the mere moving from one's origin deserves a penalty. Creation was delivered on the wings of My Volition and on those same wings, I would want it to return to Me - but I wait in vain. This is why everything is disorder and confusion. Therefore, come into My Will to give Me, in the name of all, reparation for such great disorder.
V. 17 - 9/22/1924 - ...At the same time, I heard a terrible din from afar, from some who were beating each other and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turning to my Jesus, said to Him: My Jesus who is making such a din? They seem to me like enraged demons. What do they want that they rage so much? And Jesus: My daughter, it is really them. They would want you not to write about My Will; and when they see you write more important Truths on the living in My Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment all the damned even more. They fear so much that these Writings on My Will might come out because they see themselves losing their kingdom upon earth which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his human will. Ah! yes, it was precisely then, that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if My Willl could reign upon earth, My enemy, on his own, would shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they rage with such fury...
V. 7 - 3/9/1906 - Continuing in my usual state, I just barely saw Blessed Jesus and many purging souls, whom Jesus Christ was sending to the help of the peoples. It seemed that many disgraces of contagious diseases were to happen to the peoples and earthquakes in some places. Some were killing themselves, some were throwing themselves into wells or into the sea and some were killing others. It seems that man is tired of himself because without God, he does not feel the strength to continue living. Oh, God, how many chastisements and how many thousands of people will be victims of these scourges!
V. 33 - 1/2/1034 - ...Therefore, one immediately sees when there is not Our Will in the soul, true Good is not for her; before the Light of My Truths, she has gone blind and becomes more stupid nor does she love to know Them, rather, she looks at Them as if They did not belong to her. All the opposite for one who does and lives in My Will.
V. - 19 - 5/10/1926 - The virtue of darkness is to give death; the virtue of light is to give life - Now, My daughter, the Sun is the symbol of My Will and you have seen how beautiful and enchanting is its rising over the earth... - Now, what would happen to the earth without the Sun? Much more ugly and frightening would be the soul without My Will. How she decays from her origin! How the nightmare of passions and vices, more than darkness, makes her die and prepares the tomb in which to bury her... So it is with My Will. It can do so much Good, It can infuse so much Beauty and Divine Life, for as much as the soul lets herself be touched, invested, molded by the Hands of Light of My Will. If the soul gives herself prey to this Light, abandoning herself completely in It, My Supreme Will, will perform the greatest Prodigy of Creation - the Divine Life in the creature.
V. 36 - 12/28/1938 - You must know that every Act done in Our Volition never finishes as It becomes repeated continually; and since My Will is found everywhere, thus the Act is repeated in Heaven, in created things and in everyone. Therefore, an Act in Our Will surpasses everything, fills Heaven and earth and gives Us such Love and Glory that all other works remain like so many drops before the sea because It is We Ourselves Who Glorify and Love Ourselves in the creature who is covered with her Creator and works together with Him...
V. 12 - 12/6/1917 - ...So, how could other things, outside My Will, ever please Me, as beautiful as they may be? They are always low, human and finite acts. Instead, the Acts in My Will are Noble, Divine, Interminable and Infinite - as My Volition is. They are similar to Mine and I give Them the same Value, Love, Power of My Own Acts; I multiply Them in everyone; I extend Them to all generations and to all times.. What do I care if They are small? They are still My Acts that are being repeated and that's enough...
V. 16 - 1/4/1924 - ...And if I taught one Prayer, it was none other than this - that the Divine Will be done on earth as in Heaven; but it was the Prayer which enclosed everything. So, I did not move if not around the Supreme Will; My Words, My Pains, My Works, My Heartbeats were filled with Celestial Will. So do I want you to do: you must go around in It so much as to let yourself be burned by the Eternal Breath of the Fire of My Will in such a way as to lose any other knowledge and to know nothing else but My Will, only and always.
V. 18 - 1/24/1926 - My daughter, in My Will there are neither deaths nor abortions and one who lives in It contains, as Life, the Life of My Will and even if she feels herself dying, or even dead, she is in My Will which contains Life, makes her rise again in every instant to new Light, to new Beauty, Grace and Happiness, delighting in preserving her always little within Itself, so as to have her great with Itself - little but strong, little but beautiful, just newly born...
V. 19 - 7/1/1926 - There is no Sanctity without the Will of God. The coming of Jesus upon earth served to form the ways and the stairs to reach the Kingdom of His Will - @catholicdivine - a must read
V. 16 - 12/8/1923 - My daughter, you have not yet understood that all evil is in the will. It was the will that overwhelmed man - that is, his nature; it was not his nature that overwhelmed the will of man. His nature remained at its place, just as it was created by Me - nothing changed. It was his will that changed; it put itself against no less that a Divine Will and this rebellious will overwhelmed his nature, debilitated it, contaminated it and rendered it a slave to most vile passsions...
V. 12 - 5/28/1920 - Then He added: The Acts done in My Will are those which excel over all and have supremacy over everything. Since they are done in My Will, they enter into the sphere of Eternity and taking the first places, they leave all human acts behind, running always ahead. Nor can whether they are performed before or after have any influence- whether in one era or in another or whether they are small or great. It is enough that they be performed in My Will for them to be always among the first and to run ahead of all human acts...
V. 19 - 6/6/1926 - My daugheer, everything was established - the epoch and the time, both that of Redemption and that for making My Will known upon earth, so that It might reign. It was established that My Redemption was to serve as means of help; Redemption had not been the origin of man but It arose as means, after man moved away from his origin. On the other hand, My Will was the origin of man and the end in which he must enclose himself. All things have their origin from My Will and everything must return into It; and if not everyone will do it in time, no one will be able to escape It in Eternity. Therefore, also for this reason, the Primacy is always of My Will.
V. 20 - 1/1/1927 - Now, you must know that one who puts an end to her will, returns into the origin from which she came and the new Life, the Life of Light, the Perennial Life of My Will, begins in her - He told me: My daughter, the easiest means in order to hasten the coming of My Will upon earth are the Knowledges about It. The Knowledges bring Light and Heat and form within themselves the Prime Act of God in which the creature finds the First Act on which to model her own...
V. 32 - 3/12/1933 - ...And as in the Creation, thus in the Redemption, there are no past acts but all acts in act and present; for the Supreme Being, the past and the future doesn't exist. So that your Jesus is always in Act of being conceived, of being born, of crying, of suffering and of dying and re-arising; all of these Acts of Mine in continuous Act, they besiege every single creature without ever ceasing and they drown her with Love and for vent of My ardent Love, I go repeating: you see, only for you I descend from Heaven and am conceived and born and you come to conceive yourself with Me in order to be reborn together with Me to the new Life that your Jesus brings to you...
V. 21 - 3/22/1927 - ...Where My Volition rises, It puts to flight the night of the human will and removing every fear, It thoroughly forms Its Gold in those pains and with Its Light, It invests the bitter waters of suffering and crystalizes them into seas of sweetness, so as to form an enchanting and admirable horizon. What can My Will not do? It can do all and wants to give all and where It rises, It does things worthy of Our Creative Hands.
V. 23 - 11/6/1927 - My daughter, who lives in My Divine Will doesn't descend from her origin and since everything was created for who should live in Him, all the Goods of the Creation are hers, that are more extensive than the Goods of Redemption. Because who maintains themselves in the original state with living in the Supreme Fiat is owed the state of Queen and as Queen, it is appropriate that she possesses more , because as Queen, she lives in the Regal Palace of Our Volition; hence, it is appropriate that she possesses Kingdoms, Suns, Heavens, seas, and that the King Himself has Life together with her, felicitating His Queen and she facilitating her King... My daughter, for who lives or will live in My Volition, all will be as First Act before God because He holds One Act alone, an Incessant Act that always departs from the First Act and in virtue of this Single Incessant Act that elevates all the Acts done in Him to His First Act, in a way that all those people who wlll live in My Volition, will find themselves in His Single Act and everyone as First before the Adorable Majesty. Hence,, in My Divine Will there will not be neither first nor after, but all fused together in One Single Act; what Honor, what Glory for the creature to be able to hold the Post in this Act only of the Will of her Creator from which as a Spring gushes forth all Good, all Happiness possible and imaginable.
V. 12 - 8/19/1918 - ...Then He added: Anyway, I am tired of the vileness of Priests. I cannot take anymore - I would want to finish them. Oh, how many devastated souls, how many of them disfigured, how many idolatrized! To use Holy Things to offend Me - this is My most bitter pains, the most abominable sin, the mark of total ruin, which attracts maledictions and breaks all communications between Heaven and earth. I would want to eradicate these beings from the earth. Therefore, chastisements will continue and will multiply. Death will devastate the cities; many houses and roads will disappear; there will be no one to live there. Mourning, desolation will reign everywhere.
V. 32 - 6/25/1933 - My daughter, dearest daughter, of My Will, the reason, the cause, the purpose that, I long so much that My Divine Will takes His Post, His Dominion and does as Sovereign in the creature, it is because Our Supreme Being goes in search of finding Himself in the human littleness. Think well of what it means that a God goes in search of Himself, but where? maybe in the Heavens? no; in the breadth of the light that occupies the earth? no maybe in the multiplicity of the waters of the sea? no, but in the little human heart, We want to hide Our Immensity, Our Power, Our Wisdom and all Our Divine Being in the creature...
V. 19 - 5/3/1926 - I was about to fuse myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my ususl way and I said: Supreme Majesty, I come in the name of all from the first to the last one who will exist on earth, to give You all the homages, the adorations, the praises, the love that each creature owes You and to make all reparations for all and for each sin. Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: My daughter, this way of praying is only of My Will because It alone can say: I come in the name of all before the Supreme Majesty. In fact, with Its all-seeingness and immensity, It sees everything and embraces everyone; so It can say - not as a manner of speaking but in reality: I come in the name of all, to do for You all that creatures owe You. No human will can say - in reality: "I come in the name of all", This is the sign that My Will reigns in you... - Therefore, the living in My Will is the Prodigy of Prodigies because everything is in the will, both for God and for the creature. How many things We could do but because We do not want them, We do not do them. When We want something, We are all Love, all Power, all Eyes, Hands and Feet; in sum, all of Our Being is centralized in that Act which Our Will wants to do...
V. 32 - 10/15/1933 - My blessed daughter, there is nothing more beautiful, more holy, more pleasant and that more Pleases and Glorifies Us, than forming the Life of Our Divine Volition in the creature; in her becomes formed a little Paradise. where Our Supreme Being is delighted to descend in order to make His Sojourn there. You see, instead of one Paradise, We hold two, in which We find Our Harmonies, Beauty that enraptures Us, pure Joys that double Our Happiness because of having formed one more of Our Lives in the little circle of the creature...
V. 18 - 11/22/1925 - My daughter, do you want to know what the soul receives by living in My Will? She receives the Union of the Supreme Will with hers and in this Union MyWill takes on the task of giving the parity with Itself to the will of the soul. So, My Will is Holy, is Pure, is Light and It wants to make the soul equal to Itself in Holiness, Purity and Light; and if the task of the soul is to live in My Will, the task of Mine is to give My Likeness to the human will in a perfect way. And this is why I want you in It - so that It may not only keep you in Its company but It may make you grow in Its Likeness... - This is what the soul receives by living in My Will: she receives It as her own, she possesses It, she feels Its Celestial Aura, Its Life of Heaven, the Likeness of the One who created her; and as she lives in My Will, she feels studded with the Reflections of her Creator. In everything, she feels the Power of that Fiat which gives Life to all things; and in the sea of Goods which she possesses, she says: How happy I am, the Will of God is mine - I possess It and I love It...
V. 3 - 12/22/1899 - ..Jesus saud: I draw you to love Me in three ways: by dint of benefits, by dint of sympathies and by dint of persuasions - The second time Jesus said to me: I manifest Myself to the soul in three ways: by Power, by News and by Love. The Power is the Father, the News is the Word, the Love is the Holy Spirit
V. 19 - 7/18/1926 - ...My daughter, those who think that Our highest Goodness and Infinite Wisdom would have left man with only the Goods of Redemption, without raising him again to the Original State in which he was created by Us, deceive themselves. In that case, Our Creation would have remained without Its Purpose and therefore without Its full Effect, which cannot be in the Works of a God...
V. 4 - 1/13/1903 - As I was in my ususal state, I seemed to see the Most Holy Trinity. They were looking at One Another and in those Gazes, Their Beauty was so great that They would remain Ecstatic at the mere gazing upon One Another. In this State, They overflowed with Love and were as though stirred by that Love, to then become more intensely Ecstatic. So, all of Their Good and Delight was compriseed within Themselves and the whole of Their Eternal Life, Beatitude and Exercise was enclosed in this word alone: "Love". And the whole Beatitude of the Saints was formed by this perfect operating of the Most Holy Trinity. While I was seeing this, the Son assumed the form of the Crucified and coming our from Their midst, He came to me, sharing with me the pains of the Crucifixion. And while remaining with me, He brought Himself once again into Their midst and offered His Sufferings and mine, satisfying for the Love that all creatures owed Them. Who can say Their Delight and how satisfied They were by the Offering of the Son! It seemed that, since in creating the creatures, nothing had come out of Their Interior but contained Flames of Love; so much so, that in order to give vent to this Love, They began to create other Images of Themselves - only when They receive what They have given, are They satisfied - that is, Love They gave, Love They want. So, the most awful affront is to not Love Them. Yet, Oh God, who is there who Loves You?
V. 2 - 6/2/1899 - ...After this, Jesus told me: The greatest favor I can do for a soul, is to make her know herself. The knowledge of self and the knowledges of God go together; the more you know yourself, the more you know God. When the soul has known herself, as she sees that she can do nothing good by herself, her shadow, her being, transforms her in God and it happens that she does all of her operations in God. It happens that the soul is in God and walks beside Him, without looking, without investigating, without speaking - in a word, as if she were dead. In fact, knowing the depth of her nothingness, she dares to do nothing by herself but she blindly follows the trajectory of the operations of God - The soul, by placing herself in God, makes sublime flights on the way of perfection, knowing, however, that it is not her, but rather, she does it by virtue of that Blessed God Who carries her within Himself. Oh, how the Lord favors her, enriches her and concedes the greatest Graces, knowing that she attributes nothing to herself but everything to Him. Oh, soul, you who know yourself - how fortunate you are!
V. 11 - 9/29/1912- I am writing of past things. I was thinking to myself: The Lord spoke to some about His Passion, to some about His Heart, to some about His Cross and many other things. I would like to know who has been most favored by Jesus: And my Lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: My daughter,, do you know who has been most favored by Me? The soul to whom I have manifested the Prodigies and the Power of My Most Holy Will. All other things are parts of Me, while My Will is the Center, the Life, the Ruler of everything. My Will directed My Passion, gave Life to My Heart and esalted the Cross. My Will encompasses everything, captures everything and gives effects to everything; therefore, My Will is everything. As a consequence, the one to whom I have spoken about My Will - she has been most favored, among everyone and above everything. How much you should thank Me for having admitted you to the Secrets of My Volition! Even more, one who is in My Will is My Passion, she is My Heart, she is My Cross and She is My very Redemption. There is nothing dissimilar between Myself and her. Therefore, in My Will do I want the whole of you, if you want to take part in all My Goods. Another time I was thinking about what would be the best way to offer our actions, prayers, etc. - whether as reparations, as adorations, etc. And my always benign Jesus told me: My daughter, one who is in My Will and does her things because I want it, does not need to dispose her intentions herself. Since she is in My Will, as she operates, prays, suffers, I Myself dispose these things as I best please. Do I like Reparation? I placed them as Reparation. Do I like Love? I take them as Love. Being the Owner, I do with them whatever I want. Not so for those who are not in My Will: they are the ones who dispose and I comply with their will...
V. 18 - 12/7/1925 - My daughter, the true living in the Supreme Will is precisely this: I must find everything and everyone in the depth of the soul; everything that My Will has issued in Creation for the Good of creatures must be bound in the soul with her Love. By living in My Will and by her requital of Love, she is already bound to and in possession of all that My Will has done and will do; and she loves as My Will loves and can love. So, given all this, by her living truly in It and having bound everything to herself, I find in the soul the starry heavens, the refulgent sun, the vastness of the seas, the prairies of flowers - I find everything in her... - This is why I always say to you that the living in My Will is not yet known; and I keep teaching you now one thing, now another and I expand your capacity so that all My Things and all the Good which My Will has issued, may enter into you. I want to hear you repeat to Me your requital of Love in everything that belongs to Me. I do not tolerate for one who lives in My Will not to know all of My Things and not to love them and possess them. Otherwise, what would be the great Prodigy of living in My Will?
V. 13 - 11/22/1921 - ...Then He came back and added: My daughter, the pain which pierced Me the most during My Passion was the affectation of the Pharisees. They feigned justice but they were the most unjust. They feigned sanctity, order and they were the most perverted, outside of any rule and in full disorder. And while they pretended to honor God, they were honoring themselves, their self-interest, their own comfort.... - I feel more drawn toward the most perverted sinner, not false, than to those who are good but false. Oh, how disgusted I am by one who apparently does good, pretends to be good, prays but nurses evil and self-interest inside; and while his lips are praying, his heart is far away from Me; and in the very act of doing good, he is thinking about how to satisfy his brutal passions... - Oh, how much safer are the temptations under appearance of sin, than those under appearance of good! In the same way, it is safer to deal with perverted people than with good people, but false. How much poison do they hide? How many souls do they not poison? If it wasn't for pretenses, and all made themselves known for what they are, the root of evil would be removed from the face of the earth and all would be stripped of illusion.
V. 11 - 11/11/1915 - My daughter, in issuing the creature, My Divinity remained as though wounded by My Own Love for love of the creature. This Wound made Me come down from Heaven to earth, and cry, and shed My Blood and do all that I did. Now, the soul who lives in My Will feels this Wound of Mine vividly, as if It were her own. She cries and prays and would suffer anything to save the poor creature and so My Wound of Love may not be exacerbated by the offenses of creatures. Ah! My daughter, these tears, prayers, pains, reparations, soothe My Wound and descend upon My Breast like shinning Gems and I Glory in keeping them on My Breast to show them to My Father so as to move Him to pity toward the creatures. So, a Divine Vein ascends and descends between these souls and Me which keeps consuming the human blood and the more they share in My Wound and in My very Life, the larger this Divine Vein becomes, It becomes so large that they become other Christs. And I keep repeating to the Father: I am in Heaven but there are other Christs on earth, who are wounded with My same Wound, who cry like Me, who suffer, who pray, etc. Therefore, We must pour Our Mercies upon the earth. Ah! only those who live in My Volition, who share in My Wound, are like Me on earth and will be like Me in Heaven by sharing in the same Glory of My Humanity.
V. 19 - 3/31/1926 - Now, My daughter, the centralization of everything that belongs to MyWill will be as thought natural for you also, if you arrive at doing the Divine Will as God Himself does It. The Will of God in you and That which reigns within God Himself will be One. What is the wonder then, if everything which is of God and which this Will rules, preverves and dominates, is also yours? Rather, what is needed is that you know what belongs to It, so that you may love the Goods you possess, and in loving them, you may acquire the right of possession. Doing the Will of God as God does It was the highest, the most substantial, the most necessary point for My Mama in order to obtain the longed for Redeemer. All of Her other prerogatives were the superficial part, the decency, the decorum which befitted Her. The same for you: if you want to obtain the longed for Fiat, you must arrive at this - doing the Will of God as God does It.
V. 20 - 9/20/1926 - ...Do you know for whom day and night, dawn and sunset are formed? For one who now does My Will, now her own. If she does Mine, she forms the day; if she does her own, she forms the night. One who lives fully in It forms the fullness of the day. One who does not live in It but does My Will only with stain, forms the dawn. One who laments about what It disposes and wants to withdraw, forms the sunset. And for one who does not do My Will at all, it is always perennial night time - the beginning of that Eternal Night of hell which will never end.
V. 18 - 10/1/1925 - The Divine Will is the Center of the Humanity of Jesus. One who lives in It, lives in this Center - @
V. 28 - 2/26/1930 - ...No slavery exists where Our Will reigns but everything is ownership. Therefore, for as long as man lived in Our Fiat, he didn't know slavery. When man sinned, withdrawing himself from Our Divine Volition, he lost the ownership and reduced himself in slavery. What a change! From son to servant! He lost the command over created things and became the servant of everything. By wihdrawing from Our Divine Fiat, man felt himself shaken to the foundation and he felt his very person vacillating. He experienced what weakness is and he felt himself to be a servant of passions, that made him be ashamed of himself. And he arrived to the point of losing his dominion. So, strength, light, grace and peace were no longer in his power like before. He had to beg his Creator for them with tears and prayers. Do you seen then, what it means to live in My Divine Volition? To be owner. Whoever does his own will is a servant... Jesus added: My daughter if it is necessary to speak to you about My Divine Fiat that will serve as an invitation, attraction and as soft, sweet and strong voices to call everyone to live in the Royal Palace of My Divine Will so that they are no longer servants but owners, so too, it is necessary to speak to you about the evil of the human will because I will never take away man's free will. Therefore, in the Kingdom of My Divine Will, it is necessary that I make the guardsmen mount, these nobel sentinels that make creatures be attentive, making creatures know the great evil of the human will so that they are attentive; and so that abhorring the human will, creatures love the happiness and the ownership that My Divine Will gives them.
V. 4 - 12/3/1900 - This morning, as I was outside of myself, I found myself with Baby Jesus in my arms; and while I delighted in looking at Him, I don't know how, from the same Baby a second came out and after a few instants, a third Baby, both of Them similar to the first, though distinct among Themselves. Stupefied in looking at this, I said: Oh, how one can touch with hand the Sacrosanct Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, that while You are One, You are also Three. It seemed to me that all Three of Them spoke to me, but as the Word came out, It became One Single Voice: Our Nature is formed of Most Pure, Most Simple, Communicative Love and the Nature of true Love has this of Its Own: It produces from Itself Images fully similar to Itself in Power, in Goodness, in Beauty and in Everything It contains; and only to give Prominence to Our Omnipotence, It places the mark of Distinction in such a way that, melting in Love, this Nature of Ours - which is Simple, with no matter at all which might prevent Our Union - forms Three Persons; and returning to melt, It forms One. It is so true that the Nature of true Love has this prerogative of producing Images fully similar to Itself, or of assuming the Image of the Beloved, that the Second Person, in Redeeming mankind, assumed the Nature and the Image of man and communicated the Divinity to man. While They were saying this, I could distinguish my Beloved Jesus very well, recognizing the Image of the human nature in Him and only because of Him I had the confidence to remain in Their Presence; otherwise, who would have dared? Ah, yes! It seemed to me that the Humanity assumed by Jesus had opened commerce for the creature, so as to let her ascend up to the Throne of the Divinity to be admitted to converse with Them and to obtain Deeds of Graces. Oh what happy moments I enjoyed! How many things I understood; but in order to describe something, I would have to describe it when my soul is with my dear Jesus, as she seems to be set free from the body. But as I find myself imprisoned again, the darkness of the imprisonment, the distance of my Mystical Sun, the pain of not seeing Him again, render me incapable of describing it and makes me live dying. Yet, I am forced to live, fastened, imprisoned in this miserable body. Ah, Lord, have compassion for a miserable sinner who lives infirm and imprisoned! Break soon the wall of this prison, that I may fly to You and come back no more.
V. 20 - 9/26/1926 - My daughter, the mere word "Will of God" contains an Eternal Point, which no one can equal. It is a word that embraces everything - Heaven and earth. This Fiat contains the Creative Fount and there is nothing Good which cannot come from It. So, one who possesses My Will, by virtue of It, acquires by right all the Goods that this Fiat possesses. Therefore, she acquires the right to the Likeness of her Creator, she acquires the right to Divine Sanctity, to His Goodness, to His Love. By right, Heaven and earth are hers because all came into existence from this Fiat. With reason, her rights extend over everything. So, the greatest Gift, the greatest Grace I can give to the creature is to give her My Will because all possible imaginable Goods are bound to It - and by right because everything belongs to It...
V. 3 - 3/11/1900 - ...Then I passed by Purgatory, and as I recognized a late friend of mine, I questioned her about various things regarding my state, especially whether my state is Will of God, and whether it is true that it is Jesus who comes, or the devil. So I said to her: Since you are present before the Truth and you know things with clarity, with no possibility of deceiving yourself, you can tell me the truth about my things. And she said to me: Do not fear, your state is Will of God and Jesus loves you very much - this is why He is pleased to manifest Himself to you... and she added: If the Lord wants it because we are so immersed in God that we cannot even flutter our eyelashes if we do not have His Concourse. We dwell in God just like a person who dwelled in another body, who can think, speak, look, work, walk insofar as it is allowed to him by that body which surrounds him on the outside. In fact, for us it is not like for you, who can exercise your free volition, your own will; for us, every will has ceased, our will is only the Will of God - from It we live, in It we find all our contentment and It forms all our Good and our Glory. And as she was showing an unspeakable contentment for this Will of God, we separated.
V. 18 - 10/17/1925 - The Eternal Wisdom has established that the food of man's soul be the Will of God - @
V. 20 - 12/22/1926 - Signs that one belongs to the Celestial Family. How it is God's usual way to do His usual Works first one on one with the creature. So He did with His Mama. The greater is the Work that Jesus does, the more It carries within Itself the Image of the Divine Unity - - a must read.
V. 19 - 5/27/1926 - The Divine Will envelops everything and everyone in the Unity of Its Light. How the whole Creation possesses Unity and one who must live in the Divine Will also possesses this Unity -
V. 20 - 12/12/1926 - Lament of Jesus in His Passion, in seeing His Garments being divided and lots drawn for His Tunic. How Adam, before sinning, was clothed with Light, and as he sinned, he felt the need to cover himself -
V. 26 - 9/20/1929 - My daughter, only your Jesus can have sufficient words in order to speak about My Eternal Volition because by Divine Nature, I am the Will Itself. But I must limit Myself in speaking because your small capacity cannot embrace and comprehend and enclose all that belongs to It... - Therefore, in order to enter into My Fiat, the creature must empty herself of everything, reduce herself to that point as when her Creator, calling her from nothing, gave her existence - to the way in which the Creative Power of My Divine Will created her, beautiful, empty of everything and filled only with the Life of the One Who had created her... - And so, this is why only one who lives in My Fiat is the only fortunate one to be preserved in the Prodigy of her Creator and to have the rights to possess and to live in the abundance of the Goods of her Creator. My daughter, one who lives in My Fiat will have the great good of possessing a Divine Will on earth, which will bring her the bearer of impertubable peace, of immutable firmness. My Fiat will raise her in a Divine Manner in each act she does; It will give her a sip of Our Divine Being, so that there might be no Quality of Ours which is not centralized in this creature. Not only this, but My Volition will delight in enclosing in her My Divine Will, bearer of happiness, with which It makes all the Blessed happy, so that not even this may be missing in one who lives in It; in such a way that, when she comes into Our Celestial Fatherland, she will bring her Paradise of Joy and of Happiness, all Divine, as the triumph of her having lived in Our Fiat. And while she comes to find yet more surprising Beatitudes because My Will is never exhausted and always has something to give; the creature will find her own joys and the happiness which My Will enclosed in her when she was on earth. Therefore, rise ever more in It, expand your boundaries because the more of Divine Will you take on earth, the more Our Life will grow in you and the more happiness and joys you will enclose in your soul. And the more of them you will bring, the more you will be given in Heaven, in Our Celestial Fatherland.
V. 3 - 5/9/1900 - ...After these few Words spoken by Jesus, I found myself outside of myself and in looking into the vault of the heavens, I saw three Suns: one seemed to set in the east, another in the west and the third in the south. The Splendor of the Rays that They sent forth was so great that they united with one another, in such a way as to become one. I seemed to see the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, and man, formed with the three Powers in Its image. I also understood that for one who stayed in that Light, his will would be transformed in the Father, his intellect in the Son, his memory in the Holy Spirit. How many things I understood! But I am unable to manifest them.
V. 25 - 12/29/1928 - My daughter, look - how beautiful is Creation! What order, what harmony It contains. And as beautiful as It is, the heavens, the stars, the sun are all mute - they have no virtue to say even one word. On the other hand, the heavens, the stars, the sun of My Divine Will are all speaking and have such eloquence that no one can equal them; the Angel, the Saint, the learned one, before the heavens of My speaking Will, remain mute and feel ignorant. But why are these heavens and suns speaking?. Because they contain Life. But do you know what these speaking heavens and suns are? They are the Knowledges which I have manifested to you about My Divine Will. My Will is not only Life, but is the Fount, the Source and the Life of all lives, therefore, the heavens of Its Knowledges could not be mute. So, each Knowledge about My Divine Fiat is a Heaven, a Sun, It is a Wind, one distinct from the other, which, having the speaking virtue and possessing the Divine Life, have the virtue of producing new Heavens and Suns more beautiful and Winds more mighty, such as to invest the hearts and make conquests of them by their sweet moaning. See then, My daughter, how My Love surpasses the Love We had in Creation, in manifesting to you the many Knowledges about My Divine Will...
V. 20 - 1/6/1927 - The soul who lives in the Divine Will is always equal to herself. The order of Providence in the Incarnation and in the manifestations of the Holy Magi -
V. 19 - 6/6/1926 - Jesus wants our link with everything He has done. Just as God established the epoch and the time of Redemption, so it is for the Kingdom of His Will. The Redemption is means to help the creature, the Divine Will is Origin and End of the creature - - a must read
V. 21 - 3/24/1927 - My daughter, not doing My Will is the evil that encloses all evil and is the downfall of all Goods; it is the destruction of Happiness, of Order and Peace; it is the great loss of My Divine Kingdom.
V. 26 - 9/15/1929 - ...There is not one instant in which My Divine Will leaves the creature, and pouring Itself over her, does not communicate to her Its various shades of Beauty, Its infinite Sweetness, Its inextinguishable Love. What does My Divine Will not do for her and give to her? Everything. Yet, It is not recognized nor loved; nor do they preserve within the Goods It communicates to them. What sorrow! While It pours Its Own Self out over each creature, It does not find the Goods It communicates; and, in Its sorrow, It continues Its Act of Light over them without ever ceasing...
V. 25 - 1/1/1929 - Pages of her life which will form an epoch. The gift that Jesus wants. The Circumcision. Decision on the par of God; He is waiting for the decision of creatures -
V. 17 - 10/2/1924 - ...In the meantime, I felt myself being transported outside of myself, toward the vault of the heavens and I seemed to encounter the Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit. And Jesus, Who was with me, placed Himself between Them and He put me on the Lap of the Father, Who seemed to be waiting for me with so much Love that He pressed me to His Bosom and identifying me with His Will, He communicated His Power to me. And so did the other two Divine Persons. But while They communicated Themselves to me, One by One, They all became One and I felt I was being infused with, all together, the Will of the Power of the Father, the Will of the Wisdom of the Son and the Will of the Love of the Holy Spirit. But who can say what I felt as being infused in my soul. And my Lovable Jesus said to me: Daughter of Our Eternal Will, prostrate yourself before Our Supreme Majesty and offer your adorations, your homages, your praises, in the name of all, with the Power of Our Will, with the Wisdom and with the Will of Our Supreme Love. We will feel the Power of Our Will adoring Us, the Wisdom of Our Will Glorifying Us, the Love of Our Will loving Us and praising Us. And since the Power, the Wisdom and the Love of the Three Divine Persons are in communication with the intellect, the memory and the will of all creatures, We will feel your adorations, homages and praises flow within all the intelligences of creatures, which rising between Heaven and earth, will make Us hear the Echo of Our Own Power, Wisdom and Love, adoring Us, praising Us and loving Us. Greater Adorations, more Noble Homages, Love and Praises more Divine, you cannot give Us. No other Act can equal these Acts or give Us as much Glory and as much Love because We see, hovering within the Act of the creature, the Power, the Wisdom and the reciprocal Love of the Three Divine Persons - We find Our Own Acts in the act of the creature. How not to enjoy them and not to give them supremacy over all other acts? So, I prostrated myself before the Supreme Majesty, adoring Them, praising Them and loving Them in the name of all, with the Power, the Wisdom and the Love of Their Will, which I felt within me. But who can say the effects of this? I have no words to express them, therefore, I move on.
V. 4 - 2/17/1902 - This morning, after much waiting, finally I found my most Sweet Jesus and I lamented to Him. I said: My Beloved Good, how can you make me wait so long? Do you perhaps not know that without You I cannot live and my soul experiences a continuous dying? And He: My beloved, everytime you look for Me, you dispose yourself to dying because in, in truth, what is death if not permanent union with Me? Such was My Life - a continuous dying for love of you and this continuous death was the preparation for the great sacrifice of dying on the Cross for you. Know that one who lives in My Humanity and nourishes himself from the Works of My Humanity, forms of himself a great tree, filled with abundant flowers and fruits which form the nourishment of God and the soul. For one who lives outside of My Humanity, then, his works are odious to God and unfruitful for himself.
V. 19 - 6/20/1926 - "Ecce Homo". Jesus felt as many deaths for as many as were those who cried out: "Crucify Him!" One who lived in the Divine Will takes the Fruit of the pains of Jesus. The Ideal of Jesus in Creation was the Kingdom of His Will in souls - a must read
V. 13 - 7/14/1921 - My Will is more than sun. As the soul enters into Its burning Rays, she receives Life; and as she keeps repeating her acts in My Volition, she receives My Beauty, now My Sweetness and Fecundity, now My Goodness and Sanctity. So, each time she enters the Rays of My Will, she receives many more Divine Qualities. Oh, how many different Beauties, how much liveliness of Colors, how many Fragrances she acquires! If these souls could be seen by the other creatures, they would form their Paradise on earth, so great is their Beauty. They are My Reflectors - My true Images.
V. 26 - 8/3/1929 - My daughter, Our Supreme Being is inexhausttible vein - We are never exhausted nor can We say that We have finished giving because as much as We give, We have always something to give and while We give one Good, another one arises to put itself on the way in order to give itself to creatures. But as inexhaustible as We are, We do not give Our Goods, Our Graces, nor do We tell Our Truths to one who is not disposed, to one who does not pay attention to listen to Us in order to team Our sublime Lessons and model her life according to Our Teachings, in such a way that We may see Our Teachings written in her and see her enriched with Our Gifts. If We do not see this, Our Gifts do not depart from Us, nor does Our Voice reach the hearing of the creature; and if she hears anything at all, it is as though of a voice that comes from afar, such that she is unable to comprehend clearly what We want to tell her...
V. 20 - 1/13/1927 - Jesus pray her to write. How His Word is Happiness. How one who lives in the Divine Will is looked upon as one from the Celestial Fatherland. She prays together with the whole Creation; how Jesus promises her that everything will be granted to her -
V. 27 - 12/18/1929 - ...Ah! how demanding is My Love! In order to enclose Me completely and make Me give Life to all, It put Me in the middle of a devouring fire, and - oh! how vividly I feel the sins, the miseries, the pains of all. I am still little. yet I am spared nothing! I can say: All evils have fallen inside and outside of Me. And in the midst of these devouring flames, loaded with so many pains, I look at everyone and crying, I exclaim: My Love has given Me everyone back as Gift; It gave them to me in Creation and they escaped from Me; It gives them to Me again in conceiving Me in the Womb of My Mama. But, am I sure, that they will not escape from Me? Will they be Mine forever? Oh! how happy I would be if all would not escape from Me. Their pains would be refreshment for Me if all of My dear children, the dear Birth from Me, conceived in My little Humanity were safe. And, crying and sobbing, I looked at each one in the face to move them with My Tears; and I repeated: My dear children, do not leave Me, don't go away from Me any more; I am your Father, do not abandon Me. O please! recognize Me, have pity at least on the fire that devours Me, on My ardent Tears - and all because of you, because I love you too much, I love you as God, I love you as most passionate Father, I love you as My Life. But do you know, little daughter of My Divine Volition, what was the greatest interest of My Love? That of devouring, in creatures, their human will because it is the origin of all evils and in spite of all Its devouring flames, it formed clouds so as not to let itself be burned. Oh! what tortured Me the most was the human will, which not only formed clouds but formed the most sorrowful scenes in My very Humanity. Therefore, pray that My Divine Will be known and reign in it; and then will you be able to call Me the Happy Jesus. Otherwise, My Tears will not cease as I will always have reason to cry over the lot of poor humanity, as it lies under the nightmare of its miserable will.
No. 11 - Letter from Luisa to Mra. Mazari from Bari, Italy - ...Now considering all you have told me about your son, in my feeble opinion, it seems to me that he is still too young; let him mature and he will get more practice of life. Marriage is cross - and to put him on the cross so young does not seem fair to me...
V. 19 - 7/26/1926 - The four Degress of the Living in the Supreme Will - - a must read
V. 25 - 1/13/1929 - The Prophets; how the Kingdom of Redemption and that of the Fiat hold hands. Necessity that what regards the Kingdom of the Divine Will be known - - a must read
V. 13 - 1/3/1922 - Daughter of My Volition, come into My Will that you may know the relations which exist between the Divine Will and the human will, which the creature shattered from the very terrestrial Eden. But the soul who knows no other life but the Life of My Will, binds It once again, giving back to It all the relations which the creature had broken - relations of Creation and of Principle of Existence. These were Bonds of Union between Creator and creature - relations of Likeness, Sanctity, Science, Power... Everything I contain, I placed in relationship with man - relations in the order of all created things and to him I gave primacy over everything. Now, by withdrawing from My Will, man broke all these relations and placed himself in relationship with sin, with passions, with his fiercest enemy. Therefore, the soul who lives in My Will rises so high as to leave everyone behind; she places herself in order between Me and her; she gives herself back to the Origin and places all broken Relations in force. All created things form her Cortege and recognize her as their legitimate daughter, feeling honored to be dominated by her. The purpose for which they were created, to be commanded and to obey her slightest wishes, is already accomplished. Therefore, all Nature remains reverent around her and exults in seeing that finally its God receives the Glory of the Purpose for which He had created it - that of serving man. And so, fire, light, water, cold, will let themselves be commanded and will faithfully obey...
V. 1 - ...4 - My daughter, from the devouring Love, move on to look at My Operative Love. Each conceived soul brought Me the burden of their sins, of their weaknesses and passions and My Love commanded Me to take the burden of each one of them. And it conceived not only the souls but the pains of each one, as well as the satisfaction which each one of them was to give My Celestial Father. So, My Passion was conceived together with Me. Look well at Me in the Womb of My Celestial Mama. Oh! how tortured was My little Humanity. Look well at My Little Head, surrounded by a Crown of Thorns, which, pressed tightly around My Temples, made rivers of tears pour out from My Eyes; nor was I able to make a move to dry them. O please! be moved to compassion for Me - dry My Eyes from which so many evil thoughts which crowd the human minds. Oh! how they prick Me, more than thorns which sprout from the earth. But, look again - what a long Crucifixion of nine months. I could not move a finger or a hand or a foot. I was always immobile; there was no room to be able to move even a tiny bit. What a long and hard Crucifixion, with the addition that all evil works, assuming the form of nails, continuously pierced My Hands and Feet...
V. 17 - 6/10/1924 - ...My daughter, My Will is everything and contains everything; and then, It is beginning, means and end of man. This is why, in creating him, I did not give him any law nor did I institute Sacraments but I gave man My Will alone because as he would find himself in the beginning of It, It would be more than sufficient so that he might find all the means to reach, not a low Sanctity but the height of the Divine Sanctity and therefore find himself in the port of his end. This means that man was to need nothing but My Will alone, in which he was to find everything in a surprising, admirable and easy way to render himself Holy and Happy in time and eternity...
V. 25 - 3/13/1929 - How the Divine Love overflowed in Creation. How the Divine Will does not know how to do broken things. How each privation of Jesus is a new pain -
V. 26 - 8/12/1929 - So, who will put to flight the thick darkening of the human will? Who will give back to it the freshness, the beauty of its creation? The acts done in Our Divine Will. They will be the light which will dispel the darkness and heat which, molding it with its heat, will destroy in it all the bad humors that have rendered it ugly...
V. 19 - 8/27/1926 - And Jesus, placing Himself near the Priest, said to him: My Son, the Title you will give to the Book you will print about My Will is this: "The Kingdom of My Divine Will in the midst of creatures: Book of Heaven. The call of the creatue to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was created by God"
V. 13 - 9/6/1921 - As the Truths are known, new Union with Jesus is formed. Jesus wants to make known what His Will did in His Humanity in order to constitute the new generations as Heirs of His Will and of the effects and the value It contains.
V. 17 - 7/25/1924 - ...So, the Sanctity in My Will brings into the soul the mark of the operating of her Creator - that is, His continuous Love, the continuous preservation of all the things created by Him. He never changes, and is immutable. One who is subject to changing belongs to the earth, not to Heaven. Changing is of the human will, not of the Divine; interrupting Good is of the creature, not of the Creator...
V. 19 - 8/25/1926 - The Divine Will makes of the whole Life of Our Lord, One single Act in His interior -
V. 17 - 5/4/1925 - The Mission of the Divine Will, will veil the Most Holy Trinity upon earth and will make man return to his Origin - - a must read
V. 21 - 5/24/1927 - My daughter, each Act which the Divine Will does in unon with the soul forms a Divine Life because, being Divine, It cannot help but form a Divine Life in Its Acts...Thus, in everything that the soul does, so many Divine Lives spring forth from her in such a was as to fill Heaven and earth with many Images of Divine Lives. The soul becomes the duplicator, the bilocator of the Divine Life. My Will is no less powerful in the soul where It reigns with the Power of Its Sovereignty , than It is in the Bosom of the Three Divine Persons. Therefore, possessing the bilocating virtue not only forms in the soul as many Divine Lives as she wants but it forms her heaven, sun, seas of Love, flowered yards and makes the soul say to her God: You have given me heaven and I give it to You in return; You have given me the sun and I give it to You also; seas and fowered yards You have given me ans seas and flowered yards I give to You. All that you have done for me in the Creation and Redemption, Your Will repeats in me in such a way that I can give to You all what You have given me. Oh, Power of My Will - what can It not do in the soul where It reigns? Where It reigns, It delights in placing the soul on par with Us because It knows that it is Our Will to want the creature similar to Our Image and as Our faithful executioner, the creature carries Our Will out and We call this creature where Our Supreme Fiat reigns: Our Glory, Our Love and Our Virtue. And only with Our Volition can the soul become as such; without It, there is a great difference between Creator and the creature. Thus, I love it greatly when the Divin Will reigns in the soul, making way for the field of action where Our Will can bilocate Our Works, Our Lives and elevate the creature to the purpose for which she was created. The creature came forth from Our Volition, so it is right that she walk in the steps of Our Will and that she return to her Creator by that same path from which she came forth, all Beautiful and enriched by the Prodigies of Our Eternal Fiat.
V. 19 - 5/23/1926 - ...So, as evil and bad as a creature might be. if she has the fortune of letting one act of My Will enter into herself, even at the point of death, since My Will is Life, It sows the Seed of Life in the soul. And as she possesses this Seed of Life, there is great hope that the soul may be saved because the Power of My Will, will be careful so that thia act of Life of Its Own, which has entered the soul, may not perish and turn into death...
V. 26 - 8/7/1929 - The principal means in order to make the Divine Will reign: the Knowledges. Difference between one who lives in the Divine Will and one who lives in the human will - @catholicdivinewill.blogspot - a must read
V. 17 - 10/6/1924 - ...In sum, in everything My Will has Its Life and forms with Its Power the Act It wants. So, It maintaiins harmony in all created things and forms in them the differect effects, colors, offices which each of them contains. But do you know why? To make Myself known to the creature, to go to her, to court her, with as many different Acts of My Will for as many things as I created...
V. 13 - 11/8/1921 - ...My daughter, do not fear. I am taking your little light with Me and I leave you Mine. This little light of yours is nothing other than your will which, having placed itself in front of Mine, has received the Reflection of My Will. That's why it became a light. I am taking it in order to let it go around. I will take it to Heaven as the most rare and beautiful thing - which is the human will that has received the Reflection of the Will of her Creator. I will let it wander among the Divine Persons, so that They may receive the Homages and Adorations of Their Own Reflections - the only Ones worth of Them...
V. 19 - 8/31/1926 - ...Now, how many Things there are in My Will which I must give to creatures - but they have to come into It's Kingdom in order to receive them. Just as the human nature could never partake in the goods of Creation if it did not want to live under the heavens and have a place on earth, where the things created by Me surround it like a crown; in the same way, if the soul does not come to live under the Heaven of My Will, in the midst of the Goods which Our Paternal Goodness issued in order to make her happy, to embelish her, to enrich her, she will never be able to partake in these Goods - They will be as though foreign and unkown to her. More so, since each soul would be a distinct Heaven which Our Supreme Will would delight in adorning with a sun more radiant and with stars brighter than those which can be seen in Creation - one more beautiful than the other... - Oh! how many things My Will keeps prepared and has established to give to one who wants to live in It's Kingdom, under It's liberal, sweet Regime... - And yet, there is the great remedy of My Will to avoid any evil of the soul, so as not to become paralyzed in good but to grow strong and robust in Sanctity - and who takes It? And still, It is a remedy given out for free, nor do they have to wander around in order to get It; rather It is ready to give Itself and constitute Itself as the regular Life in the creature. What sorrow, My daughter! What sorrow! Having said this, He disappeared.
V. 17 - 1/27/1925 - My daughter, you must know that all the Acts done in Our Will enter into the first Act when We created the whole Creation. And the Acts of the creature, in kissing with Ours - because One is the Will which gives Life to these Acts - diffuse in all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere; and they constitute themselves return of Love, of Adoration and of continuous Glory for everything We have issued in Creation. Only that which is done in Our Will begins together with Us, to give Us return of perennial Love, Adoration in a Divine manner, Glory that never ends...
V. 3 - 5/21/1900 - The height of the perfection of a soul undone in My Will is such that she reaches the point of eperating like God. And this is no wonder, because, since it is no longer her will that lives in her but the Will of God Himself; every amazement ceases if, by living with this Will, she possesses the Power, the Wisdom, the Sanctity and all the other Virtues that God Himself contains. It is enough to tell you, so that you may become enamored and cooperate as much as you can on your part to reach such a point, that the soul who arrives at living of My Will alone is Queen of all queens and her Throne is so high as to reach the Throne of the Eternal One; she enters the secrets of the Most August Trinity and participates in the reciprocal Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Oh, how all the Angels and Saints honor her, men admire her and the demons fear her, seeing the Divine Being in her...
V. 22 - 6/1/1927 - ......My daughter, courage, you must know that everything which that soul, so dear to Me, has done, all the Knowledges he has known about My Will, have caused him to enclose so much Light within his soul. So, each additional Knowledge is a greater Light that he possesses and each Knowledge places a distinct Light in the soul, one more beautiful than the other, together with the seed of the distinct Happiness which each Light contains... And as the many seeds of Happiness he develped, which are the effects of the Knowledges about My Will, he began to feel the beginning of the Life of true Beatitudes. And dying into the Eternal Light of his Creator, he found himself in the Celestial Fatherland in which he will continue his mission about My Will, assisting everything himself from Heaven. If you knew the great difference in Glory, in Beauty, in Happiness which exists between one who upon dying, brings Light from the earth, together with the seeds of many happinesses and one who only receives it from his Creator...There is such distance to surpass the distance betwen Heaven and earth Oh! if mortals knew the great Good they acquire by knowing a true Good, a true Truth and by making it their own blood in order to absorb it in their own lives, they would compete among themselves and they would forget about everything in order to know one Truth and would lay down their lives to put it into practice - While Jesus was saying this, I saw the Blessed soul of Father Di Francia before me, near my bed, invested with Light, suspended from the earth, fixing on me but without telling me one word. I too felt mute before him and Jesus added: Look at him, how transformed he is. My Will is Light and has transformed that soul into Light; It is beautiful and has given him all the shades of perfect beauty; It is Holy and he has been Sanctified. My Will possesses all Sciences and his soul has been invested by Divine Science. There is nothing which My Will has not given him. Oh! if all understood what Divine Will means, they would put everything aside, they would care about doing nothing else; and their whole commitment would be to do My Will alone...
V. 13 - 9/14/1921 - Each time the soul does her acts in the Divine Will, she grows more and more in Sanctity -
V. 22 - 6/17/1927 - ...After this, I found myself outside of myself and while looking for my Sweet Jesus, I encountered Father Di Francia. He was all cheerful and he told me: Do you know how many beautiful surprises I found? I did not think it would be so when I was on earth, though I thought I had done good by publishing the Hours of the Passion. But the surprises I found are marvelous, enchanting, of a rarity never before seen: all the Words regarding the Passion of Our Lord changed into Light, one more beautiful than the other - all braided together; and these Lights grow more and more as creatures do the Hours of the Passion, so more Lights add to the first. But what surprised me the most were the few Sayings published by me about the Divine Will: each Saying changed into a Sun and these Suns, investing all the Lights with their Rays, form such a surprise of Beauty that one remains enraptured, enchanted. You cannot imagine how surprised I was at seeing myself in the midst of these Lights and these Suns - how content I was; and I thanked our Highest Good, Jesus, Who had given me the occasion and the Grace to do it. You too, thank Him on my behalf...
V. 19 - 9/9/1926 - When Jesus speaks, He gives the Good which His Word encloses. In the Divine Will, there will be neither slaves, nor rebels, nor laws, nor commands -
V. 17 - 3/8/1925 - ...Now, if you want to cover the paths of the Eternal Volition, enter through the door of My Humanity. In It, you will find My Divinity; and the Divine Will, will make present to you, as though in act, everything It has done, does and will do, both in Creation and in Redempton and Sanctification; and you will have the contentment of being able to kiss those Acts and to place in them your little Act of Love, of Adoration, of Gratitude. You will fine them all in the act of giving themselves to you; and you will love them and will take the Gifts of your Celestial Father. Greater Gift, He could not give you - that is, the Fruits, the Effects of His Will. But you will take them according to how much you cooperate and let your will live dissolved within Mine.
V. 21 - 5/18/1927 - Living in My Will is praiseworthy and a continuous Prodigy; it is the bearer of all Goods, the Seed which multiplies Itself to the Infinite - and Its fecundity is unreachable. Therefore, it is longed for by earth and by all of Heven. It is the Victory of God over the creature, it is the soul winning over her Creator. How beautiful it is to see the Greatness of the Supreme Being, the Eternal Majesty and the smallness of the creature singing victory; and in virtue of this Divine Will they conpete - the Great and the small, the Strong and the weak, the Rich and the poor - and both come forth victorious. Thus, I greatly long for My Divine Will to be known, that Its Kingdom come, so the creature can win and put herself on equal footing with Me. Without My Will reigning in the creature, that cannot happen and there will always be a certain distance between Me and the creature. She will be the loser and will never be able to rejoice and sing victory. The Work of Our Hands will not have Our Likeness.
V. 4 - 11/20/1900 - Since Luisa must live from the Heart of Jesus, He gives her rules in order to undertake a more perfect way of living -
V. 33 - 6/17/1935 - My little daughter of My Divine Volition, there is no greater Prodigy nor Goodness and Love more great nor magnanimity on Our part that has no limite, than to descend into the depths of the human will and work as the God that We are in her, as if We might work in Ourselves... - Therefore, the Glory, the Honor that the creature gives Me when she lets Me work in her will is so very great that no one can understand it; it is Our same Glory and Honor that she gives Us in all her acts, Our Love races, Our Love can say: I give God to God; it is the highest point where the creature can arrive, it is the most excessive Love where a God can arrive...
V. 17 - 9/22/1924 - Diabolical rage because Luisa writes on the Divine Will. The living in the Divine Will brings with Itself the loss of any right of one's own will -
V. 32 - 7/30/1933 - ...Hence, in order to have the beginning of the Working Life of My Divine Will in the creature, He must administer the Prime Materials in order to form It; but do you know what these Prime Materials have been? the first Knowledges and Truths that I have manifested to you on My Divine Will; They have formed the Humor, the Heat and the first Act of Life in order to give beginning to His Life... - When I act, I act with Wisdom, Order and Divine Harmony; should I say to you that He wanted to form this Life of My Divine Will in you without making you know Him, without giving you the Divine Materials in order to form Him and the continous Food to make Him grow? I don't know how to do these things; if I say that I want it, I must give all that which is needed and in a superabundant way in order to make that the creature might be able to do what I want. And since creatures don't know My Way of Acting, some marvel, they doubt it and certain ones arrive to condemn My Work and the creature that I have made the aim in order to complete My great Designs, that will serve to the whole entire World, because the Life of My Divine Will working in the creature, is not subject neither to die nor to finish but He will have His Perpertuity in the midst of the human generations. Therefore, leave Me to do It and you always follow your flight in My Divine Will.
V. 4 - 12/25/1900 - The Birth of Jesus - - a must read
V. 33 - 11/18/1934 - My little daughter of My Divine Volition, Our Love was so much and is still in the Creation, that if the creature might pay attention, she would be drowned by Our Love and she would not know how to do other than love Us...
V. 13 - 12/3/1921 - ...Therefore, Redemption is Salvation - It is to save man from any precipice. This is why I told you another time that making the soul live in My Will is greater than Redempton Itself because being saved while living a life in the middle, now falling and now standing up, is not so difficult. And this was impetrated by My Redemption because I wanted to save man at any cost; and this I entrusted to My Apostles, as the Depositories of the Fruits of Redemption. So, having yet to do the least, I left the greater for later, reserving other times for the fulfillment of My High Designs. Now, living in My Will is not only Salvation but is Sanctity which must rise over all Sanctities and which must carry the Seal of the Sanctity of the Creator. Therefore, minor Sanctities were to come first, as cortege, hearers, messengers and preparations for this Sanctity which is fully Divine...
V. 22 - 6/29/1927 - How God keeps His Gaze fixed on our interior. For one who lives in the Divine Will, everything becomes Wll of God - @
V. 23 - 11/6/1927 - My daughter, who lives in My Divine Will doesn't descend from he origin and since everything was created for who should live in Him, all the Goods of the Creation are hers, that are more extensive than the Goods of Redemption. Because who maintains themselves in the original state with living in the Supreme Fiat is owed the state of Queen and as Queen, it is appropriate that she possesses more because she lives in the Regal Palace of Our Volition; hence, it is appropriate that she possesses Kingdoms, Suns, Heavens and that the King Himself has Life together with her, falicitating His Queen and she, facititating her King. Behold therefore, that the Goods of the Creation had to be more extensive, othewise how could she have been in the state of Queen, if she didn't have Dominion and Kingdoms to dominate? Instead, with not living in Our Divine Volition, the soul descends from her origin, dis-enobles herself and puts herself in the state of servant; hence, Kindoms and Empires are not appropriate to her... My daughter, for who lives or will live in My Volition, all will be as First Act before God because He holds One Act alone, an Incessant Act, that always departs from the First Act and in virtue of this Single Incessant Act that elevates all the Acts done in Him to His First Act, in a way that all those people who will live in My Volition will find themselves in His Single Act and everyone as First before the Adorable Majesty. Hence, in My Divine Will, there will not be neither first nor after but all fused in One Single Act; what Honor, what Glory for the creature to be able to hold the post in this Act only of the Will of her Creator from which, as a spring, gushes forth all Goods, all Happiness possible and imaginable...
V. 17 - 11/27/1924 - The immutability of God and the mutability of creatures -
V. 24 - 5/26/1928 - ...In fact, there is this prerogative in Us: If We make a Good of Ours, a Truth, a Knowledge that belongs to Us known, it is because We want to give It to the creature as Gift. See then, how many Gifts My Will has given you; how many Knowledges about Itself It has made known to you! They are such and so many, that you yourself cannot count them.
V. 26 - 5/28/1929 - Every time Jesus has spoken about His Will, the Heavens have lowered themselves. The Feast of all Heaven. The Divine Will, Crown of Creation and Redemption. Sorrow of Jesus because the Divine Fiat is not known-
V. 19 - 4/4/1926 - Just as I am One single Act which, after It is done once, is done forever; Creation also was to be One single Act; and just as in Creation, My single Act continues by preserving It ever new and fresh, so is My creatting in souls continuous - I never stop. I am always - always in the Act of forming more beautiful things, surprising and new things, unless I find souls who close the door to Me and arrest My continuous Act of Creation. Then I find another device: I abound, I multiply My continuous Act in the souls who keep the doors open and with them I delight and continue the Office of Creator. But do you know where this continuous Act of Mine is never interrupted? In the soul who lives in My Will. Ah, yes, only in her can I do, freely, what I want because My Will, which the soul contains, prepares her for Me to receive My Fiat that came out in Creation. So, My Will, possessed by the soul and That which I Myself keep, extends Hands to each other and kisses each other and forms the greatest Portent.
V. 13 - 10/16/1921 - As Jesus was conceived, He made all creatures be reborn in Him -
V. 4 - 7/30/1901 - My daughter, how pride has ruined the world - it has reached the point of destroying that small light of reason which all carry with them at birth. Know, however, that the virtue which most exalts God is Humility and the virtue which most exalts the creature before God and men, is Humility.
V. 21 - 2/23/1927 - My daughter, whoever - lives in My Will does exactly this: by virtue of My Will, he multiplies the acts of his soul for as many created creatures who exist. The soul receives the Divine disposition, so, his act becomes the act of all. Precisely, this is Divine behavior: an act which multiplies and can be done by everyone, just as if that act had been done for each individual. In reality it was a single act but in the soul where It reigns, My Volition takes upon Itself the condition of God Himself, be it of Glory as well as Sorrow, depending upon if the creature receives or rejects the act. The Glory that the act can give - the Goods and the Life of Jesus - is Great, Exuberant and Infinite; the Sorrow of not having all creatures accept that Good and My Own Life remaining suspended without giving the benefit of My Divine Life, is the suffering which surpasses all suffering.
V. 17 - 12/24/1924 - The Pain of death was the first Pain which Jesus suffered at His Conception and which lasted His whole Life. In the Incarnation, God placed Himself at the mercy of His creatures. Firmness in operating -
V. 16 - 11/15/1923 - In order to come and to reign upon ewarth, the Divine Will wants to find one who would receive It, comprehend It and love It for all. So did the Celestial Mama in order to obtain the Redemption. The creature is incapable of receiving the Works of her Creator all at once; this is why she needs to receive minor things first, to dispose herself to receive greater ones. - a must read - a long reading
V. 15 - 4/14/1923 - How God, in doing Works which must serve the good of all, centralizes all the Good He wants to give in one creature from the human family - - a must read
V. 4 - 10/2/1901 - ...So, even in Heaven my dearest brothers, Angels and Saints, being creatures, do not have the capacity of comprehending their Creator in everything. They are like many containers filled with God, which, if one wants to fill them more, overflow outside.
V. 13 - 12/22/1921 - My daughter, the current of My Grace enters into the souls who operate out of pure Love. Only the purpose of loving Me keeps souls open to receiving the current of all My Graces. Love I am - Love are they. So, they are in continuous currents for Me and I for them. On the other hand, those who operate with a human purpose are closed to Me; their current is open to all that is human, so they receive the current of what is human. One who operates with the purpose of sinning receives the current of guilt and one who operates with a diabolical purpsoe receives the current of hell. The purpose of operating gives man many different shades; it tranforms him into beautiful or ugly, into light or darkness, into Sanctity or into sin. Whatever is the purpose of operating, such is man. Therefore, My current does not enter into everyone; and since it is rejected by the souls who are closed with Me, it unloads itself more mightily and abundantly upon the souls who are open.
V. 17 - 1/4/1925 - The most important act of one's life. How the whole of Heaven goes to meet the soul who fuses herself in the Divine Will. The noble martyrdom of the soul. - - a must read
V. 16 - 11/28/1923 - The newborn of the Divine Will. The Cross of the Divine Will was the largest and the longest for Jesus. How each act of the human will opposed to the Divine was a distinct Cross for Jesus - - a must read
V. 26 - 5/16/1929 - How the Knowledges about the Divine Will are the Army; the acts done in It, the weapons; Its Light, the Royal Palace; the Ministry, the Sacrosanct Trinity. Divine ardor for eatablishing Its Kingdom. Divine need; Its silence; the sorrow of Its secrets -
V. 25 - 3/3/1929 - My daughter, the creation of man was the most beautiful, the most solemn Act of the whole Creation. In the fullness of the ardor of Our Creating Love, Our Fiat created in Adam all other creatures and remained always in the Act of creating and of renewing over each creature what We did over the first man - Oh! if creatures knew how many new Creating Acts, one more beautiful than the other, My Divine Fiat is about to create and issue from Itself to pour them upon each one of them - oh! how they would hasten to enter into My Divine Volition in order to begin their lives again in It and receive Its Infinite Goods - My daughter, the sign that a soul possesses My Will is her feeling herself the dominator of herself in such a way that her passions do not dare to move before the Light of My Fiat; they feel impotent to act, as if they had no life. In fact, the Power and Sanctity of My Will knocks everything down and over the very miseries of the human will It lays Its Light, Its Sanctity and the most beautiful flowerings, in a way as to admirably convert miseries themselves into fecund and blessed earth, which knows not how to produce them any more, but Celestial Flowers, sweet and mature Fruits. And the dominion of this fortunate creature is so great, that she feels the owner of God Himself, of creatures and of all created things. She has a charming virtue, such that whoever has the good of knowing her feels so bound as to be unable to be away from her. It is the Power of My Fiat that, enclosed within her, charms God, Who feels happy to remain enclosed in her and it charms creatures because they feel the balsamic fragrance of My Divine Fiat that brings true Peace and true Good into their hearts. What would some not do in order to have one word from you(Luisa), which, like life, may descend into their hearts? Therefore, be attentive and always continue your flight in My Divine Will.
V. 17 - 2/22/1925 - How, in creating man, God formed many paths in order to facilitate his entrance into His Will and therefore, into the Celestial Fatherland -
V. 16 - 9/6/1923 - ...In fact, do you want to know why Adam sinned? Because he forgot that I loved him and he forgot to love Me. This was the first seed of his fall! Had he thought that I loved him very much and that he was obliged to love Me, he would have never decided to disobey Me. So, Love ceased first and then sin began; and as he ceased to love his God, true Love towards himself also ceased. His Members and Powers rebelled against him; he lost Dominion, Order and became fearful. Not only this but true Love toward other creatures ceased, while I had created him with the same Love which reigned among the Divine Persons, by which one was to be the Image of the other, the Happiness, the Joy and Life of the other. This is why, in coming upon earth, the thing on which I placed greatest importance was that they love one another as they were loved by Me in order to give them My first Love, to let the Love of the Most Holy Trinity hover over the earth. Therefore, in all your pains and privations, never forget that I love you very much, so as to never forget to love Me; and as daughter of Our Will, you have the task to love Me for all. In this way, you will remain in the order and will fear nothing.
V. 34 - 8/2/1937 - ...Ah! My daughter,, even to such that man doesn't return into his origin, doesn't reenter into My Divine Will, My Creative Work will be a broken, displaced work; poor man without the first vowel of My Divine Will, for how much He can give Light to him, can speak to him, he won't understand Me because he lacks the origin; he lacks the first vowels in order to be able to read My Lessons upon My Fiat. Hence, without base, without foundation, without teacher, without defense, such is his cretinism, that he doesn't know his poor state and hence doesn't implore to reenter into MyVolition in order to learn the first vowels with which he was created by God in order to be able to follow, to learn the true Celestial Science and thus form all his Fortune, as much on earth as in Heaven...
V. 13 - 1/20/1922 - Wanting to have one's own merits is of servants, of slaves - not of sons and daughters. What belongs to the Father, belongs to his children. Besides, what are the merits that you could acquire compared to One single Act of My Will? All merits have their own little value, weight and measure but who could ever measure One single Act of My Will? No one - no one. And then, what are your merits compared to Mine? In My Will, you will find them all and I make of you the owner. Aren't you happy?
V. 16 - 11/24/1923 - The Story of the Divine Will. How the Most Holy Virgin, for the Work of Redemption, made all Acts of the Divine Will Her own and prepared the Food for Her children; this is why She is Mother and Queen of the Divine Will. Luisa must do the same for the Work of the Fiat Voluntas Tua - - a must read
V. 21 - 3/13/1927 - My daughter, to you it seems as if I left you and you no longer felt My Life in you. My Will has never left you; on the contrary It's Life in you was at Its fullest because It never leaves anyone - not even the damned in hell. There It is fulfilling Its unyielding and irreconcilable Justice because in hell, there is no reconciliation. There, My Will forms their torment. It is proper that whoever did not want to receive It so that they could be loved, made Happy and Glorified, receive It to be tormented and humiliated. Thus, My Will leaves no one, neither in Heaven nor on earth nor in hell. Everything is ecnlosed within It; It has everything in the Palm of Its Hand. Nothing can flee from It, neither man, nor fire, nor water, nor the wind, nor the sun. It has Its Sovereignty everywhere and extends Its Life, reigning and dominating everything.
V. 18 - 11/12/1925 - How one who is called to be the Head of a Mission must enclose all the Goods pertaining to that Mission in order to communicate them to others. It is the usual way of the Eternal Wisdom to establish the acts of the creature in oreder to give completion to the Good It wants to do to her. - - a must read
V. 31 - 12/21/1932 - ...Whence in hearing this, I said: Tell me my Love, why do You take such interest, that You want the will of the creature and You want to give Yours? And Jesus" Do you want to know the reason? Because with taking her will, I put the creature in security and with giving Her Mine, I take her from all sides and I put My Life in security in her...
V. 4 - 3/10/1902 - The pain of Love is more terrible than hell -
V. 17 - 4/15/1925 - The Mission of the Divine Will is Eternal and It is precisely the Mission of Our Celestial Father - - a must read
V. 18 - 12/25/1925 - The dispositioos are needed in order to possess the Gift of the Divine Will. Similes of It. The living in Supreme Volition is the greatest thing; it is to live Divine Life and the soul operates in the Unity of the Eternal Light - a must read
V. 31 - 11/27/1931 - ...Oh, if everyone might be able to see, the sweet surprise, the unheard of Prodigy, the Supreme Being enclosed in the brief round of the human act, they would remain so stupefied that the whole Prodigy of the Universe would be a beautiful nothing in comparison to this....
V. 15 - 5/2/1923 - When the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" has its fulfillment "on earth as it is in Heaven", then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father occur @ - a must read
V. 26 - 4/21/1929 - How the Divine Will is fullness. How Adam, before sinning, possessed the fullness of Sanctity. The Virgin and all created things possess this fullness -
V. 16 - 11/5/1923 - ...Ah! you do not want to understand that this Sanctity of living in My Will is a Sanctity completly different from the other Sanctities. Except for the crosses, the mortifications, the necessary acts of life which, done in My Will, embellish the soul more, it is none other than the Life of the Blessed in Heaven who, because they live in My Will, by virtue of It, have Me within each of them, as if I were for each one alone - alive and real - and not mystically but really dwelling within them...
V. 31 - 1/14/1933 - ...And He: Therefore because you love Me, you say to Me: "I love You" and is this not the greatest of My Contentment, My Sighs, My Anxieties, My Deliriums, to be loved by the creature? Now know that your "I love You", to your every "I love You", I whisper to the ear of your heart "I love you and I put My Celestial punctuation to the page of your life; are you not content with it?
V. 17 - 4/23/1925 - Each Act which the creature does in the Divine Will is a Kiss that she exchanges with God and with all the Blessed. Once the Divine Will is established in the will of the creature, she has the eye, the hearing, the mouth, the hands, the feet of the Divine Will - - a must read
V. 22 - 8/12/1927 - My daughter, water, fire and blood will unite together and will make justice. All the Nations are taking up arms to make war and this irritates Divine Justice more and disposes the elements to take revenge against them. Therefore, the earth will pour out fire, the air will send fountains of waters and the wars will form fountains of human blood in which many will disappear and cities and regions will be destroyed. What wickedness - after so many evils of a war they have gone through, they are preparing another one, more terrible, and they are tring to move almost the entire world, as if it were one single man. Does this not say that sin has entered deep into their bones to the point of transforming their very nature into sin?
V. 25 - 11/20/1928 - ...Therefore, greater thing than Our Will I could not give to man in creating him because only with It could he reach wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted, to the point of becoming the dominator of what belongs to Us - We did not do this in creating the other things - they are dominated by Us, nor can they do what they want; their rights are limited. Indeed, in creating man, there was a more intense ardor of Love, and in this ardor of Love, the All fused Himself in the nothing and the nothing received his life again in the All. And in order to keep him more safely, we gave him Our Divine Will as his inheritance, so that one might be the will, common the goods, as much as a creature is capable of and the Love of one might be as great as the Love of the other, to the point of letting themselves be dominated by each other. Therefore, the most beautiful thing for Us, which enraptures Us and Glorifies Us the most, is the soul in whom Our Divine Will reigns because she alone does not make Our Love say, "enough of giving", but We always have something to give, always something to say; and in order to enjoy more, we render her the winner of Our Very Selves.
V. 17 - 5/10/1925 - Different ways of fusing oneself in the Divine Will. In the Divine Will, there is the void of the human acts which must be done in It -
V. 18 - 11/5/1925 - The Moans of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments. The requital of Love of the soul. - @
V. 17 - 5/17/1925 - More ways to fuse oneself in the Divine Will in order to give God, in the name of all, the requital of Love and Glory for the works of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification -
V. 12 - 3/18/1917 - ...By fusing herself in Me, the soul repeats all that I did and continues to do. What will be the contentment of these souls who lived their lives in Me, embracing together with Me all creatures and all reparations, when they will be with Me in Heaven? They will continue their lives in Me; and as the creatures will think or will offend Me with their thoughts, these will be reflected in their minds and they will continue the reparations which they did on earth. They will be together with Me, the Sentries of Honor before the Divine Throne; and as creatures on earth will offend Me, they will do opposite Acts in Heaven. They will guard My Throne; they will have the place of honor; they will be the ones who will conprehend Me the most - the most Glorious. Their Glory will be completly fused in Mine and Mine in theirs.
V. 16 - 11/8/1923 - You must know that when I came upon earth, I came to abolish the ancient laws and to perfect others. But in abolishing them, I did not exempt Myself from observing these laws; rather, I observed them in a more perfect way than others did. But having to unite the old and the new within Myself, I wanted to observe them in order to give completion to the ancient laws, placing on them the seal of their abolition and to give rise to the new law, which I came to establish upon earth - a law of Grace and of Love, by which I enclosed all Sanctities wthin Myself, since I was to be the true and only sacrificed one. Therefore, all other sacrifices were no longer necessary because, I being Man and God, this was more than sufficient to satisfy for all.
V. 11 - 4/23/1912 - ...Then He added: True Sanctity is in doing My Will and in reordering all things in Me. Just as I keep everything in order for the creature, so should the creature order all things for Me and in Me. My Will keeps all things in order.
V. 34 - 12/2/1935 - My blessed daughter, when the creature does and lives in the Divine Will, Our Supreme Being darts her continually with His Light; He darts her mind and casts there in her the Nobility of the Divine Thoughts in a way that she feels in her intelligence, memory and will, the Sanctity, the remembrance of her Creator, the Love, the Will of He who doing as Actor forms in her the order, the Divine Wisdom darting her, He casts there with His Kisses of Light, the Divine Substance of Light in a way that everything is Noble, everything is Holy, everything is Sacred in her... This Actor of My Divine Will takes the office of insuperable Craftsman, to transform God in the creature and the creature in God. When My Will has arrived to this, that is the greatest Act that He can do, that is forming of God and of the creature One single Life, rendering them inseparable, the one from the other; He rests in His Work and feels such Happiness because He has conquered the creature and He has formed His Work in her and has completed His Will. Then, it seems that He says in the emphasis of His Love: I have done everything, there remains none other to Me, than to possess her and Love her...
V. 17 - 5/21/1925 - One who lives in the Divine Will must consider himself a Citizen of Heaven. This is the living in Divine Will: Never to leave the Creator alone, to admire all of His Works and to give to Him, in return for His Great Acts, the little acts of a creature - @catholicdivinewill.blogspot,com
V. 4 - 10/14/1901 - It seemed to me that God contains all Goods within Himself in such a way that, finding all Goods which God contains within Him, one does not need to go any where else to see the vastness of His boundaries - no; but He alone is enough to find everything that is His. Now, in one flash He showed a special distinction of His Beauty - but who can say how Beautiful He is? I can only say that all the Angelic and human beauties, the beauties of the variety of flowers and fruits, the splendid azure and starry heavens which seem to enchant us and speak to us of a Supreme Beauty as we look at them, compared to His Beauty, are shadows, or a Breath that God has sent forth from His Beauty which He contains within Himself. That is, they are little drops of dew compared to the immense waters of the sea. I move on for my mind begins to get lost. In another flash, He showed a special distinction of the Attribute of Charity - but how can I, miserable one, open my mouth about this Attribute, Trice Holy, which is the Fount which all other Attributes derive? ...
V. 12 - 7/4/1917 - My daughter, each pain that the soul suffers is one additional communication that the soul acquires. In fact, all the pains that the creature could suffer were suffered before by Me, in My Humanity and took their place in the Divine Order. And since the creature cannot suffer them all together, My Goodness communicates them little by little and in doing so, the chains of union with Me keep growing. This, not only for the pains, but for all the good that the creature can do. In this way, the links of connection between Me and her develop...
V. 4 - 1/6/1901 - Jesus communicates Himself to the three Magi through Love, through Beauty and through Power -
V. 11 - 3/2/1916 - My daughter, what I contain in My Power, the soul contains in her will. So, I look at all the good that the soul really wants to do, as if she had really done it. I have Will and Power - if I want, I can; on the other hand, the soul cannot do many things but her will compensates for power. In this way she keeps becoming more like Me and I keep enriching her with all those merits that her good will contains and that her will wants to do...Ah! everything is in My Will. If the soul takes It, she takes the whole Substance of My Being and encloses the whole of Me within herself. And as she goes on doing good, by having the Substance of My Life within herself, she makes that good come out of My very Self; and since It comes out of Me, It runs like Ray of Light for the good of all creatures.
V. 15 - 5/18/1923 - How difficult it is to find a soul who wants to suffer. The executioners of souls present in the Church - @
V. 18 - 10/24/1925 - My Will alone is One Single Act which has no succession of Acts. The Single Act is as though fixed to One Point which never moves and this Point is Eternity. And while being One Single Act, Prime Act, Endless Act, Its Circumference is so Immense that nothing can escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with One Single Embrace because everything starts from that Prime Act, as One Single Act. So, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are One Single Act for the Divinity; and only because It is One Single Act, It has the Power to make all acts Its Own, as if they were One Act alone. Now, one who lives in My Will possesses this Single Act. It is no wonder that she takes part in the Pains of My Passion, as though in Act. In this single Act she finds, as though in Act, her Creator creating the Creation; and forming One Single Act with her God, she creates with Him, flowing as One Single Act in all created things and forming the Glory of Creation for her Creator. Her love shines over all created things; she enjoys and takes pleasure in them as things belonging to herself and to her God. In that Single Act, she has a note that echoes the whole of the Divine Operating; and in her emphasis of love, she says: What is Yours is mine and what is mine, Yours. Be Glory, Honer and Love to my Creator. In this Single Act, she finds the Redeeming Act; she makes It all her own and she suffers My Pains as if they were her own; she flows within everything I did, in My Prayers, in My Pains, in My Words - in everything; she has a note of reparation, of compassion, of love and of substitution for My Life. In this Single Act she finds everything; she makes everything her own and it is the enchantment of God and of all Heaven, as they see the littlest of the creature flow in all the things of their Creator. Lke Solar Ray, bound to this Single Act, she diffuses everywhere and in everyone. Therefore, I recommend to you - even at the cost of your life, never go out of this Single Act of My Will, that I may repeat in you, as though in Act, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification...The Power of a Single Act repeated continuously is great, much more so, for the Single Act of an Eternal God, Who has the Virtue of doing everything with One Single Act. Therefore, neither past, nor present, nor future exist in this Act and one who lives in My Will already finds herself in this Single Act; and just as the heart does always a heartbeat in the human nature, which constitutes itself life of it, so does My Will palpitate continuously in the dept of the soul - but with one single heartbeat. And as It palpitates, it gives her Beauty, Sanctity, Strength, Love, Goodness, Wisdom. This heartbeat encloses Heaven and earth; it is the blood circulation; like circumference of light, it can be found in the highest points and in the outermost parts...
V. 17 - 8/2/1925 - The "I love you" is everything, The Work of Luisa with the Celestial Mama -
V. 11 - 2/2/1917 - My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of My Passion. In darkness, it has not found the Light of My Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it My Love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to loving the One who has truly loved it; and the Light of My Passion, guiding it, would put it on guard against all dangers...
V. 34 - 11/3/1936 - ...Hence, you sense the greatest excess of the Love of My Volition; as the creature decides with immutable firmness to want to live of My Will, letting Him reign and dominate in her, Our Infinite Goodness is so much, Our Love, that doesn't know how to resist a true decision of the creature, more so that He doesn't want to see acts dissimilar from Ours in her, do you sense what He does? He covers all that which she has done even then with My Will, moulds them, transforms them in His Light in a way that He sees everything transformed with the Prodigy of His Love, that everything is His Will in the creature and with Love all Divine, He follows to form His Life and His Acts in the creature. Is this not an excessive and astounding Love of My Volition, to have all decide, even the most ungrateful, to make My Will live in them, knowing that He wants to put everything aside and cover and supply for that which lacks in them of My Will? This also says the absoluteness of Our Will that He wants to reign in the midst of creatures; that He doesn't want to mind anything nor to that which she lacks, wanting to give not as payment that He goes finding if she merits, oh no, but as a free Gift of Our great liberality and as completion of Our Own Will. And completing Our Will for Us is everything.
V. 4 - 1/16/1901 - Jesus Christ explains to her the Order of Charity -
V. 17 - 8/4/1925 - One who lives in the Divine Will is in communication with all Creation and is sustained by all the Works of her Creator -
V. 22 - 7/21/1927 - My daughter, I do like the Love of Heaven but that of the earth, I like more. That of the earth is always new for Me, it is new gains that I make, new Glory. On the other hand, that of Heaven I already possess and no one can take it away from Me - It is all My Own thing. But that of the earth I am in the act of acquiring and many times I lose the new gains I should make because souls do not always give Me the Love and the Glory they should give Me...
V. 20 - 11/20/1926 - Oh! how Our Celestial Father, more than Father, sighs, burns, raves for His children because He delivered them from His Womb and awaits their return in order to enjoy them in His Loving Arms. And the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is precisely this: the return of Our children into Our Paternal Arms; and this is why We long for It so much...
V. 4 - 3/8/1901 - It was the Cross that made Jesus recognized as God. The Cross of Pain and the Cross of Love -
V. 16 - 10/4/1923 - ...On hearing this, I said: My Jesus, your Will is everywhere, there is no point at which It is not present and You are saying that It is imprisoned in me? And Jesus: It is indeed everywhere with Its Immensity, with Its All-seeingness and with Its Power. Like Queen, It subjects everything to Itself, letting no one escape Its Empire. But as life in which the creature forms her life, to carry out her life in the Life of My Will and form the Life of the Divine Will on earth - It does not exist...So it is with My Will: in order for It to become Life of the soul, the soul must make her will disappear in Mine; her will must no longer exist. My Will, as Primary Act, must take over all of her acts...
V. 12 - 1/7/1921 - ...This smile will arise on My Lips when I see the first Fruits - the children of My Will - living not in the human sphere but in the Divine Sphere. I will see them all marked with the Eternal, Immense, Infinite Will; I will see that Eternal Point which has Life only in Heaven, flow upon earth and mold the souls with Its Infinite Principles, with Divine Acting, with the multipliction of Acts within One single Act. And just as Creation came out from the Fiat, in the Fiat It will be fulfilled. Only the children of My Volition will accomplish everything in the Fiat; and in My Fiat, which will have Life in them, I will receive complete Love, Glory, Reparation, Thanksgiving and Praise for everything and for everyone. My daughter, things return there where they come from: everything came out from the Fiat and in the Fiat, everything will return to Me. They will be few but in the Fiat, they will give Me everything.
V. 5 - 3/23/1903 - As I was in my usual state, after much struggling, for just a little I saw my Adorable Jesus in my arms and a Light coming out of His Forehead. Within this Light these Words were written Love is everything for God and for man; if Love ceased, Life would cease. However, there are two species of Love: One, Spiritual and Divine, the other, corporal and disordered. There is a great difference between these two loves in intensity, multiplicity, diversity. One could say that there is almost the difference which exists between the thinking of the mind and the operating of the hands; in a very short time the mind can think of a hundred things, while the hands can only perform one work. God is the Creator and if He creates the creatures, it is Love alone that makes Him create; if He keeps all of His Attributes in continuous attitude towards creatures, it is Love that pushes Him to this and His very Attributes receive Life from Love. The same for a disordered love, like the love of riches, of pleasures and of many other things: these are not the things that form the Life of man but if he feels love for these things, not only do they come to form his life, but he reaches the point of making of them his own idol. So, if a Love is Holy, It forms the Life of Sanctification; if it is perverted, it forms the life of damnation.
V. 15 - 5/23/1923 - The Will of God is fullness and one who lives in It must centralize everything within herself -
V. 35 - 2/14/1938 - ...Therefore, My Love is exuberant for one who wants to live in Our Fiat; We are all Eyes over him, We are almost on the spy, in order to see when she lends Us her act in order to let Us put into Work Our Creative Virtue. She is for Us Our show of Love, the activity of Our Power ane makes herself a repeater of Our Own Life...
V. 11 - 12/30/1916 - Oh, how My Will and My Love triumphed in the midst of My enemies! They would strike Me with scourges and I would strike their hearts with My Love; and with My Will, I would chain them. They would prick My Head with thorns and My Love would turn on the Light in their minds to make Me known. They would open wounds on Me and My Love would heal the wounds of their souls. They gave Me death and My Love gave life back to them; so much so, that as I breathed My last on the Cross, the Flames of My Love, touching their hearts, forced them to prostate themselves before Me to confess Me as true God. Never was I so Glorious and Triumphant as I was in My pains during the course of My mortal Life down here...
V. 4 - 4/5/1901 - In compassionating the Mother, one compassionates Jesus. On Calvary, at the Crucifixion, Luisa sees all generations in Jesus
V. 33 - 10/7/1934 - ...There is no greater happiness for the creature to be able to say and to be certain of being loved by God and there is no greater Happiness for Us, than to be loved by one who was created by Us, only in order to love Us and to complete Our Will...
V. 34 - 3/1/1936 - You should know, before incarnating Myself, My Celestial Father looked in Himself and in the enthusiam of His Love, not being able to contain It, seas of Love went forth from Himself in torrents; in this enthusiam of Love, He looked at His Son and I found Myself in the same flames of Love and I commanded Myself that I might incarnate Myself. I wanted this and in an impetus of Love, without the Father leaving, nor the Holy Spirit, the great Portent of the Incarnation happened. I remained with My Father and at the same time descended in the Bosom of My Mother. The Three Divine Persons were inseparable, nor subject to separate Ourselves. Therefore, I can say: I remained in Heaven and descended on earth and the Father and the Holy Spirit descended with Me and They remained in Heaven. Hence, in this Act so great, Our Divine Being overflowed so much in Love, that the Heavens were stupefied and the Angels surprised and mute, everyone wounded in Our Flames of Love. The Incarnation was none other than an Act of Our Divine Will; what doesn't He know how to do and can do? everything; with His Power and with His Infinite Love, He arrives, even to work the Prodigy not ever heard of, nor done, of making Us remain in Heaven and descend in the prison of the Maternal Bosom. Thus Our Will wanted, thus It was done.
V. 33 - 3/19/1935 - The Divine Will and the human volition, two spiritual powers, facility of whom wants to possess as Life; how Jesus doesn't teach, nor wants impossible things - - a must read
V. 12 - 5/20/1918 - My daughter, I do not have desires or affections but everything is concentrated in My Will. My Will is everything in Me. Those who can not, desire; but I can - everything. Those who do not have love, wish to love; but in My Will there is the fullness, the fount of true Love. And since I am Infinite, in one single Act of My Will, I possess all Goods, which, overflowing from My Being descend for the Good of all. If I had desires, I would be unhappy, I would lack something; but I possess everything, therfore I am happy and I make everyone happy.
V. 36 - 8/12/1938 - An act in My Will gives of the incredible; these acts will form the new day, the human generations will feel themselves renewed, rejuvenated in good through means of them; they will form the dispositions in order to dispose them to receive His Life in order to let Him(Divine Will) reign. These acts of creatures done in My Will, will be the outfit/wealth, the powerful preparations, the most effective means in order to obtain such a Good...Therefore each Truth of Ours carries Our Divine Life in the creature, Suitor, that loves and wants to be loved and Our Love is so much that We adapt Ourselves to human conditions in order to facilitate the Knowledge, so that if we know each other, it is easy to conquer the human will in order to make it Ours and she will have an interest in possessing her God. Without knowledge, the ways are closed, the communications broken and We remain the God distant from the creature, while We are inside and outside of them and they remain distant from Us; no one can possess a good if they don't know it. Therefore, We want to make known that one who lives in the Divine Will and works in Him, everything becomes Divine Life in her...
V. 15 - 5/8/1923 - Luisa must reach the beginning and she sees the evils of the earth and those which will come - unfortunately, horrifying. Only the Divine Will can place in safety and keep with jealousy all the Goods which God wants to give to the creature -
V. 11 - 10/13/1916 - How the Angels are around the soul who does the Hours of the Passion. These Hours are sweet little sips that souls give to Jesus -
V. 33 - 10/20/1935 - My daughter, Love and Will of God go equal steps, they are never separated and form one Life alone. So that My Will created, worked so many things but created and worked loving, nor would it have been worthy work of Our Infinite Wisdom, if We might not love what was created by Us... Now, if the creature does My Will and doesn't love, it can not be said with facts that she does My Will; it will be perhaps Will of God by circumstance, by necessity, by time because only the Divine Love holds Unitive Virtue that unites and centralizes everything in My Divine Will in order to form the Life... Therefore, Will of God and Love are inseparable; if you will do My Will, you will love and if you love you put in security My Will in you as the one and the other go hand in hand; My Will creates, Love lends itself as material in order to undergo the Creative Act and in order to put forth Our most beautiful Works...
V. 4 - 4/7/1901 - She sees the Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus speaks about obedience -
V. 16 - 2/24/1924 - Just as Jesus deposited the whole Law and the Goods of Redemption in His Mama, so will He now place in Luisa the foundation of the Eternal Law of His Will, what is necessary so that It may be understood, as well as the teachings which are needed. The Immense Goods of one single Word about the Divine Will and of one single Act done in It. @ - a must read
With His Father and the Holy Spirit, the Divine King appeals to His children on earth to come now and enter into the Kingdom of His Will
My dear and beloved children,
I come into your midst with My Heart all drowned in flames of Love. I come as a Father to be among My children because I love you so very much. My Love is so great that I come to remain with you so that we may live together with one, single Will; with one, single Love... As I come to you, I bring with Me My Pains, My Blood, My Works and even My very death.
Look at Me. Each drop of My Blood, each of My Pains and Steps and all the things I did compete with one another because they want to give you My Divine Will. Even My death wants to give rebirth to the Life of My Will in you.
I have prepared everything for you in My Humanity; and I have prayed for and obtained Graces, helps, light and strength for you to receive a Gift so Great. On My part I have done everything; so now I am waiting for you to do your part. Who would be so ungrateful as to turn Me away and not welcome the Gift I am bringing you?
Know that My Love is so great that I will forget about your past life, your sins, all your evils; and I will bury them in the ocean of My Love to burn them all away; and then we will begin a new life together, all of My Will.
Who would have the heart to refuse Me and send Me away without accepting My visit which is so full of a Father's Love? But, if you will welcome Me, I will remain with you as a Father in the midst of His children. Then We must be in the greatest accord and live together with one Will alone.
Oh, how much I long for this! How I moan, how I cry, even going into delirium and weeping because I want My dearest children to gather around Me and live with My very own Will.
It has been almost six thousand years; and My Humanity has sighed so much and shed so many bitter tears because I want My children to come back and live together with Me. I want them around Me to make them Holy and Happy again. I weep and weep as I call to them to come back to Me. Who would not be moved to compassion over My tears and My Love which goes so far as to suffocate Me, even choking Me. Among sighs and agonies of Love, I go about repeating: My children, where are you? Why don't you come back to your Father? Why do you go away from Me? Why do you want to wander about poor and full of so many miseries? Your misfortunes are wound to My Heart. I am weary of waiting for you. And, since you do not come back to Me, I come in search of you because I can no longer contain the Love that consumes Me; and I am bringing you the great Gift of My Will. Oh, I beg you, I plead with you, be moved to compassion for My so many tears and ardent sighs!
I come to you not only as a Father but also as a Teacher among His disciples. I want you to listen to Me because I will be teaching you surprising things, lessons of Heaven, which will carry with them a Light that will never go out and blazing Love which endures forever... My lessons will will give you a Divine strength, an invincible courage, a holiness which keeps growing more and more. These lessons will light the way for your steps and will guide you along the way to your Heavenly Fatherland.
I come as a King to live among His people but not for the purpose of levying taxes upon you. No, no! I come becausd I want your will, your miseries, your weaknesses, all your evils. My Sovereignty is really this: I want everything that distresses you and causes you to be unhappy and restless so that I can hide it within My Love and burn it all away. As the beneficent, pacific and magnanimous King that I am, I want to exchange My Will for yours, filling you with My most tender Love, with My Riches and Happiness, with My Peace and most pure Joy.
If you will give Me your will, all will be done just as I have said: and you will make Me happy and you will be happy also. I long for nothing else than for My Will to reign among you. Heaven and earth will be smiling at you. My Heavenly Mama will be sure to be a Mother and Queen to you. She knows the great Good that the Kingdom of My Will, will bring to you; and, in order to satisfy My ardent desires and to stop My weeping and because She loves you as Her true children, She is traveling amongst the people of the Nations disposing and preparing them to receive the Dominion of the Kingdom of My Will. It was She who prepared the people for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth. And now I am entrusting to Her and to Her Maternal Love, the task of disposing the souls of Our people to receive a Gift so Great.
So please listen to Me. And I beg you, My children, to read very attentively these pages that I am placing before you. If you will do this, you will feel the need to live in My Will and I will be standing right beside you when you read, touching your mind and your heart so that you will understand what you read and truly want the Gift of My Divine Fiat.
The Appeal of the Queen of Heaven for Her children to come into the Kingdom of the Divine Will
From: The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Dearest daughter, I feel the irresistible need to come down from Heven to make you My Maternal visits. If you assure Me of your filial love and faithulness, I will remain always with you in your soul, to be your teacher, model, example and most tender Mother.
I come to invite you to enter the Kingdom of your Mama - the Kingdom of the Divine Will - and I knock at the door of your heart, that you may open it to Me. You know, with My own hands, I bring you this book as a Gift; I offer it to you with maternal care so that, in reading it, you may learn in your turn to live from Heaven and no longer from the earth.
This book is of Gold, My daughter. It will form your spiritual fortune and your happiness also on earth. In it you will find the fount of all goods; if you are weak, you will acquire strength; if you are tempted, you will achive victory; if you have fallen into sin, you will find the compassionate and powerful hand which will raise you again. If you feel afflicted, you will find comfort; if cold, the surest way to get warm; if hungry, you will find the delicious Food of the Divine Will. With it, you will lack nothing; you will no longer be alone because you Mama will keep you sweet company and with all Her maternal care will take on the commitment to making you happy. I, Celestial Empress, will take care or all your needs, provided that you agree to have united with Me.
If you knewMy anxiety, My ardent sighs and also the tears I shed for My children! If you knew how I burn with desire that you listen to My lessons, all of Heaven, and learn to live from the Divine Will!
In this book, you will see wonders; you will find a Mama who loves you so much as to sacrifice Her own beloved Son for you in order to allow you to live of that very Life from which she lived on earth!
Do not give Me this sorrow - do not reject Me. Accept this Giift of Heaven I am bringing you; welcome My visit and My lessons. Know that I will go over the world; I will go to each invidiual, to all families, to religious communities, to every Nation, to all peoples and if needed, I will go about for entire centuries until, as Queen, I have formed My people and as Mother, My children who may know the Divine Will and let It reign everywhere. Here is the purpose of this book. Those who will welcome it with Love will be the first fortunate children to belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat and with gold characters, I will write their names in My Maternal Heart
Do you see, My daughter? That same Infinite Love of God, Who wanted to use Me in the Redemption to make the Eternal Word descend upon earth, calls Me into the field once again, entrusting to Me the difficult task, the sublime mandate to form the children of the Kingdom of His Divine Will on earth. Therefore, with maternal care I put Myself to work, preparing for you the way which will lead you to this happy Kingdom. For this purpose, I will give you sublime and Celestial lessons and finally, I will teach you special and new prayers through which you will bind the heavens, the sun, the creation, My own Life and that of My Son and all the rest of the Saints, so that in your name they may beseech the adorable Kingdom of the Divine Volition. These prayers are the most powerful because they bind the Divind Work itself. Through these, God will feel disarmed and won over by the creature. Confident of this help, you will hasten the coming of His most happy Kingdom and with Me, you will obtain that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, according to the desire of the Divine Master
My sweet Jesus, I am here in Your Arms to ask Your help. Ah, You know the anguish of my soul, how my heart bleeds, my great repugnance in making known all that which You have told me about Your Most Holy Volition (because of Luisa's desire to remain anonymous). Obedience imposes herself! You want it...And though I should be crushed, I am constrained by a Supreme Force to accomplish the sacrifice. But remember, oh my Jesus that You Yourself have called me the litttle newborn of Your Most Holy Will. A newborn hardly knows how to stammer. Therefore, what shall I do? I shall scarcely stammer about Your Volition. You will do the rest. Will You not, oh my Jesus?...You write on this paper the long history of Your Will, Your pain in seeing Yourself driven back by creatures into the Celestial Regions. And as a sun on high, although rejected, You dart Your Rays over all the human generation; You want to come down to come to reign in their midst and therefore You send the Rays of Your sighs, of Your groanings, of Your tears, of Your intense and eternal pain in seeing Yourself exiled and the union of Your Will, as it were, broken off from the will of human creatures. And therefore, You are waiting for them to call You into their midst, to receive You as triumphant King and to make You reign on earth as in Heaven. Descend, oh Supreme Volition! I am she who first calls You. Come to reign upon the earth! You Who created man so that he do only Your Volition ( which he, ungrateful, broke by rebelling against You ), come to retie anew this human will to Yourself in order that Heaven and earth and all may be re-ordered in You! Oh, how I would give my life so that Your Volition be known! I would take flight in Its interminable confines, to bring to every creature Its eternal kiss, Its knowledge, Its goods, Its value, Your inexpressible groans because You want to come to reign upon the earth so that by knowing You, they receive You with love and with festivity make You reign! Oh Holy Volition, with Your luminous rays shoot forth the arrows of Your knowledge! Make known to all that You come to us to make us happy but not with a human happiness but Divine, to give us the lost dominion over ourselves and that light which makes known the true Good to possess It and the true evil to flee it, that renders us stable and strong but with a Divine strength and stability! Open the current between the Divine Will and the human and paint with the brush of Your Creative Hand all those Divine lineaments upon our souls which we lost by withdrawing ourselves from It! Your Volition will paint in us that freshness which never grows old, that beauty which never fades, that light which is never overshadowed, that Grace which always grows, that Love which burns and is never extinguished... Oh Holy Volition, make Your way; You make the way to make Yourself known...Manifest to all, Who You are and the great Good that You want to give to all, so that attracted, enraptured by such a Good, all become the prey of Your Will and thus You will be able to reign freely on earth as in Heaven...
V. 11 - 8/20/1912 - My daughter, how sorry I feel in seeing the soul huddled within herself - in seeing her operating by herself. I am close to her and look at her, and seeing that many times she is unable to do well what she does, I wait for her to call Me and say: I want to do this thing but I am unable to do it. Come and do it together with me and I will do everything well. For example: I want to love, come to love together with me. I want to pray; come and pray together with me. I want to make this sacrifice; come and give me Your Strength, for I feel weak..., and so with everything else. Gladly and with greatest delight, I would offer Myself for everything.
V. 6 - 12/28/1903 - After I struggled very much, my Blessed Jesus came for just a little and made me see many souls inside of His Humanity, and while seeing this, He told me: My daughter, all human lives are in My Humanity in Heaven as though inside a cloister; and since they are in My Cloister, the Regime of their lives comes from Me. Not only this, but My Humanity, being the Cloister, conducts the lives of each soul. What Joy is Mine when souls remain in this Cloister and the echo that comes from My Humanity blends with the echo of each human life of the earth! And what bitterness is Mine when I see that souls are not content and go out of It! Others remain but forced and unwilling; they do not submit to the Rules and the Regime of My Cloister, therefore My echo does not blend with theirs.
V. 34 - 12/29/1935 - My daughter, Our Supreme Being possesses one Act alone, so that all the Creation, every single creature are none other than effect of the Unity of Our Act, so that the human will uniting itself becomes Our continuous effect. And this effect, do you know what it means? to always give to her and to always receive from the creature. Now I remained stupefied and fixed in the Divine Volition and I understood so many things of this Union in the Divine Unity, and lead by Him, but sustained, united, bound in this Unity, while I looked at the sky and so many Lights of varied Beauty were seen that possessed all the variety of colors, but with an admirable way that these Lights enraptured, meandered, in the azure Vault and while they were so many, they formed one alone; they penetrated in the Heavens, they descended in the depths, they wanted to give Life of Light to everyone and they never stopped as they raced and flew. And my sweet Jesus added: My daughter, these Lights are the Wonders of the Acts done in My Divine Volition; how beautiful they are, they carry the Imprint of their Creator.
V. 4 - 6/18/1901 - Jesus demands His Glory from every particle of our being. From the state of union to that of consummation -
V. 35 - 8/9/1937 - My daughter, the force would be lacking to not elevate the creature to the level of Our Likeness and to make her possess Our Goods becauses she lives in Our Will. So, very true is this that My Celestial Mother, since She lived, She possessed the Life of My Divine Fiat, We love each other with one Love alone and We love souls with a Twin Love. And Our Love is so much for Her that, as We hold the Hierarchy of the Angels in Heaven, the diversityof the Orders of the Saints, with Her being the Celestial Empress, the Heiress of the great Inheritance of Our Will, when this Kingdom will be formed on earth, the great Lady will call Her children to possess Her Inheritance and We will give the great Glory to them to have them form the new Hierarchy, similar to the nine Choirs of the Angels; so that It will have the Choir of the Seraphim, of the Cherubim and so on, as It will also form the Order of the Saints who lived in Her Inheritance; and after that having fully formed them on earth, She will transport them to Heaven, surrounding Herself with the new Hierarchy, regenerated in the Divine Fiat, in Her Own Love lived in Her Inheritance. This will be the conclusion of the Work of Creation, Our "consumatum est" because We will have had the Kingdom of Our Volition in creatures in virtue of the Celestial Heiress, who wanted to give Her Life for each in order to make Him reign. And oh, how We will remain Glorified, Felicitated because the Sovereign Lady holds Her Hierarchy as We hold Ours; much more so Ours will be Hers and Hers Ours because what one does in Our Volition is inseparable. If you might know how mcuh this Celestial Queen loves souls!
V. 34 - 1/4/1937 - How every creature holds even from the beginning of her existence an act wanted and decided by the Divine Will, which creates her, raises her, forms her. Feast of Jesus in every act of the creature that does His Will - @
V. 11 - 8/24/1915 - How can those Words spoken by Me in creating man, "Let Us make man in Our Image and Likeness" be explained? How could the creature, so incapable, ever resemble Me and be My Image? Only in My Will, could be arrive at this because by making It his own, he comes to operate in a Divine Manner; and through the repetition of these Divine Acts, He comes to resemble Me - to become My Perfect Image. It happens as to a child who, by repeating the acts which he observes in his teacher, becomes like him. So, the only thing that makes the creature be like Me is My Will. This is why I have so much interest that the creature, by making It his own, fulfill the purpose for which he was created.
V. 4 - 6/30/1901 - Signs to know whether the soul possesses Grace -
V. 33 - 10/13/1935 - Listen to Me, My Celestial Father was Mine; I loved Him with such intensity of Love that I would consider Myself Happy to put forth My Life, so that no one might be able to offend Him; I was one sole thing with Him, My same Life and not to love Him, I could not do it nor wanted to as Our Divine Virtue forms one sole Love with My Celestial Father, hence inseparable, creatures departed from My Humanity, they were Mine incorporated in Me; I could say that they formed My Humanity Itself, how then not to love them? It would be as not to love one's own life and oh, in what conditions, intrigues, impediments, My Love puts Me; I loved My Father, to see Him offended was the greatest of My Martyrdoms; I loved creatures, they were already Mine, I felt them in Me and of these, there were no offences that they didn't do, ingratitudes that they didn't commit. My dear Celestial Father justly wanted to strike them to unmake them and in the middle between the one and the other, I remained struck by He whom I so very much loved and underwent the sufferings of those people, suffering Myself for love of them and while with the Father I remained offended, I also, loved them even to folly and I put forth My Life in order to save every single creature; I could not nor did I want to remove Myself from My Celestial Father because He was Mine and I loved Him; rather it was My Duty as His true Son, to re-give Him all the Glory, the Love, the Satisfaction that all creatures owed Him and although struck by indescribable sufferings, I wanted the same to make Me struck because I loved Him and I loved those people for which I was stricken...
V. 16 - 2/28/1924 - All the Goods which God had issued in Creation in order to give them to creatures are suspended in His Will, waiting for the human will to return to the Original Order. This is the Work He is doing in Luisa - the reordering of her will with the Divine -
V. 7 - 7/3/1906 - ...Then He told me: My beloved, the soul who lives in My Will rests because the Divine Will does everything for her and while It operates for for her, I find the most beautiful rest in her. So, the Will of God is rest for the soul and rest for God in the soul. While resting in My Will, the soul remains always attached to My Mouth and suckles Divine Life into herself, making of It her continuous Food. The Will of God is the Paradise of the soul on earth and the soul who does the Will of God comes to form the Paradise of God on earth. The Will of God is the only Key that opens the Treasures of the Divine Secrets, and the soul acquires such familiarity in the House of God as to dominate as if she were the owner. Who can say what I (Luisa) comprehended about this Divine Will? Oh, Will of God, how admirable, lovable, desirable, beautiful You are! It is enough to say that being in You, I feel all my miseries and all my evils dissolved and I acquire a new being with the fullness of all the Divine Goods.
V. 29 - 5/19/1931 - Scenes of Eden. Fall of man. The Queen of Heaven Who crushes the head of the infernal serpent. How the Words of Jesus hold the Communicative Virtue. How He speaks of the doubts and difficulty - @ - a must read
V. 12 - 4/15/1919 - ...Now, if My Resurrection symoblizes the Saints of the living in My Will - and this with reason, since each act, word, step, etc. done in My Will is a Divine Resurrection that the soul receives; it is a mark of Glory that she receives; it is to go out of herself in order to enter the Divinity and to love, work and think, hiding herself in the refulgent Sun of My Volition - what is the wonder if the soul remains fully risen and identified with the very Sun of My Glory and symbolizes My Resurrected Humanity? But few are those who dispose themselves to this, because even in Sanctity, souls want something for their own good; while the Sanctity of living in My Will has nothing of its own - everything is of God. It takes too much for souls to dispose themselves to this - to strip themselves of their own goods. Therefore, they will not be many. You are not in the number of the many, but of the few.
V. 34 - 5/31/1936 - How the Divine Will contains all the Acts of the Life of Jesus as in Act to always repeat them for love of creatues. The Life of Jesus symbolizes the call of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth - - a must read
V. 11 - 9/8/1916 - Then He added: The Acts in My Will are the simplest Acts but because they are Simple, they communicate themselves to all. The light of the sun, because it is simple, diffuses itself in every heart, in every work, in everyone - yet the act is one.. My very Being, because It is most Simple, is One single Act but an Act that contains everything; It has no feet but is the step of all; no eyes but is the eye and the Light of all; It gives Life to everything but with no effort, with no toil, yet It gives the Act of operating to all. So, the soul in My Will becomes Simple and together with Me, she multiplies in all and does good to all. Oh! if all comprehended the immense value of the Acts, even the littlest, done in My Will - they would let not one Act escape them.
V. 21 - 3/16/1927 - ...I represented the new Adam who not only must provide the remedies for saving creatures but must redo and restore what the old Adam lost. Therefore, it was necessary for Me to take on human nature to be able to enclose within It what the creature had lost and, by My means, give It to him once again...Not only that but is was necessary that I would first choose a creature who would live in the Divine Fiat in order to receive Universal Acts from her because My Will is Universal, It is found everywhere and there is no creature who does not receive Its Life. Now man, by withdrawing from My Will, rejected a Universal Good; he took from the Universal Good, Glory, Adoration and Love. Now, to give this Kingdom and these Universal Goods once again, it is necessary by right that there be a creature, living in this Fiat, to communicate this Universal Act to other creatures...Behold, therefore, the necessity of the Knowledge about the Marvels of My Supreme Fiat in order to dispose creatures to entice them, to desire, to want and to long for this Kingdom and the Goods that there are in It. Behold, the necessity that I first choose a creature, who, living in It with her Universal Acts that My Own Volition administers to her - which are Divine Acts - begs the Kingdom of My Fiat for creatures...
V. 36 - 7/18/1938 - Now you should know that My Love is not content, if I don't make and give new surprises of Love to one who lives in My Volition, if I don't add on new things to make them known. Do you feel, My daughter, when I have loved you: My Celestial Father generated Me and I loved Him; in that Love I also loved you because My Will carried you always present. I generate continually and in the enthusiasm of Our Love of Father and Son proceeded the Holy Spirit; in that enthusiasm I also loved you with continuous love. I created the entire Creation and each thing that I created, first I loved you and then I created it to your service. Also in the Love between Me and My Celestial Mama, I loved you; and oh, how much I loved you in My Incarnation in Her Virginal Bosom! I loved you in every breath, in every motion, in every tear; My Will made you present, so that I might love you and you might receive as My Gift, My Breath, My Tears, My Motion; My Love arrived to so much for the one who should live in My Volition, that also I made Graces to My Saints and I loved them, in that Love she became enclosed...
V. 16 - 3/13/1924 - True Love can hide nothing to the Beloved. The Divine Will is most pure Light which encloses everything and contains the power of all pains; and penetrating into the soul, It brings the pains It wants -
V. 11 - 8/3/1916 - Each act the creature does is one more Paradise she acquires in Heaven -
V. 7 - 3/5/1906 - ...Blessed Jesus came back with the Crown of thorns, so sunken into His Head, that the thorns penetrated even into His Mouth; and He told me: Ah, my daughter, yet many do not believe the thorns penetrated even into My Mouth. the sin of pride is so awful as to be the poison of the soul - it kills it. Just as one has something across his mouth prevents any food from passing into his body to give him life, so does pride prevent the Life of God in the soul. This is why I wanted to suffer so much because of human pride; and in spite of this, the creature reaches such pride, that drunk with pride, he loses the knowledge of himself and reaches the point of killing his body and soul.
V. 34 - 6/14.1936 - God and His Will, His Will and the Creation, His Will and the Celestial Beings, His Will in discord with the human family - @
V. 35 - 8/15/1937 - You must know that the living in Our Volition is Unity. So much so, that if the creature loves, God is head of her love, so that the love of the one and the other is one alone; if she thinks, God is head of her thought; if she speaks, God is the beginning of her word; if the creature works, God is the first actor and worker of her work...To leave one who lives in Our Volition apart from Our Love, from Our Power, from Our Acts proves impossible. If one is the Will, all the rest goes from itself: Unity of Love, of works and of everything. Behold that the living in Our Divine Fiat is the Prodigy of the greatest Prodigies, never seen nor heard of, it is Our exuberant Love, that not can contain it: We wanted to do this Prodigy, that only a God can do in the creature but that ungrateful one didn't accept. But We have not changed Will; in spite of Our Love having been opposed, that it makes Us be racked with spasms of pain, We will use such excesses of Love, such industries and stratagems, that We will arrive to the intent that Our Will be one with the creature.
V. 16 - 4/11/1924 - Scenes of chastisements. Jesus does not force anyone but moves on when the soul is not ready to let Him in, just as He did with the people of Bethlehem at His Birth -
V. 12 - 11/27/1917 - ...In all Sanctities there have always been Saints who first started each kind of Sanctity. So, there was the Saint who started the Sanctity of the Penitent; another who started the Sanctity of Obedience; another of Humility and so with all the other Sanctities. Now I want you to be the beginning of the Sanctity of the living in My Will... - But the Sanctity of living in My Will is exempt from personal interest and waste of time; there is no danger that they might mistake the Virtue for Me because I am the Living in My Will. This was the Sanctity of My Humanity on earth and therefore It did everything for everyone without a shadow of personal interest. Self-interest takes away the Mark of Divine Sanctity. Therefore, it can never be a Sun; at the most, as beautiful as it may be, it can be a star. This is why I want the Sanctity of living in My Will - in these times, so sad; the generation needs these Suns, which may warm it, illuminate it and fecundate it. The disinterest of these terrestrial Angels, all for the good of others, without a shadow of their own self, will open in hearts the way to receive My Grace. And then,
Churches are few and many will be destroyed. Many times, I do not find Priests to Consecrate Me; other times, they allow unworthy souls to receive Me and worthy souls not to receive Me; other souls are unable to receive Me, therefore, My Love finds Itself hindered. This is why I want to make the Sanctity of living in My Will. In It, I will no longer need Priests to be Consecrated, nor Churches, Tabernacles or hosts. These souls will be everything altogether: Priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts. My Love will be freer. Anytime I want to Consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it - in every moment, during the day, at night, in any place where they might be. Oh, how My Love will have Its complete outpouring. Ah! My daughter, the present generation deserved to be destroyed completely; and if I will allow a little something to be left of it, it is to form these Suns of the Sanctity of living in My Will, who, through My Example, will repay Me for all that other creatures, past, present and future, owed Me. Then will the earth give Me true Glory and My "Fiat Volantes Tua on earth as It is in Heaven" will have Its completion and fulfillment.
Churches are few and many will be destroyed. Many times, I do not find Priests to Consecrate Me; other times, they allow unworthy souls to receive Me and worthy souls not to receive Me; other souls are unable to receive Me, therefore, My Love finds Itself hindered. This is why I want to make the Sanctity of living in My Will. In It, I will no longer need Priests to be Consecrated, nor Churches, Tabernacles or hosts. These souls will be everything altogether: Priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts. My Love will be freer. Anytime I want to Consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it - in every moment, during the day, at night, in any place where they might be. Oh, how My Love will have Its complete outpouring. Ah! My daughter, the present generation deserved to be destroyed completely; and if I will allow a little something to be left of it, it is to form these Suns of the Sanctity of living in My Will, who, through My Example, will repay Me for all that other creatures, past, present and future, owed Me. Then will the earth give Me true Glory and My "Fiat Volantes Tua on earth as It is in Heaven" will have Its completion and fulfillment.
V. 30 - 4/2/1932 - ...You should know that when I came upon the earth, while I made the Office of Redeemer, at the same time all that My Humanity did enclose so many Acts of My Will as deposit to give to the creature. I didn't have need because I was the Divine Will Himself. Hence, My Humanity did as a most tender Mother, He enclosed in Himself so many Births of My Will for how many Acts He did in order to give them to the Light and to give them Birth in the womb of the acts of creatures in order to form in their acts, the Kingdom of the Acts of My Fiat...
V. 11 - 5/3/1916 - In the Divine Will, the soul prays like Jesus; she satisfies the Father and repairs for all, as He did -
V. 33 - 12/10/1933 - ...My daughter, I also feel the desire to tell you what was the first word pronounced from the lips of the first creature created by Us. You should know that no sooner than Adam felt life, motion, reason, he saw God before himself and understood that He had formed him, he felt in himself, in all his yet fresh being the impressions, the touch of his created and thankful hands and in an impetus of Love, he pronounced his first word: "I love You, my God, my Father, Author of this my life" but it was not only the word but the breath, the heartbeat, the drops of his blood that raced in his veins, the motion, all his being, united together, they said as in chorus" "I love You, I love You, I love you...
V. 34 - 7/4/1936 - How an act of human will can spoil the Divine Order and His most beautiful Works. The first thing that God wants is absolute liberty. How the Divine Will, will form so many Jesuses where He reigns - @ - a must read
V. 33 - 5/31/1935 - How the Divine Power has no limits. Certainty that the Kingdom of the Divine Will must come. How the Redemption and His Kingdom are inseparable - @
V. 11 - 11/6/1914 - ...In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, Blessed Jesus said: My daughter, know that by doing these Hours, the soul takes MyThoughts and makes them her own; she takes My Reparations, Prayers, Affections and even My most intimate Fibers and makes them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does My same Office and as Co-Redemptrix she says with Me: "Ecce ego, mitte, me" { Here I am, send me} - I want to repair for all, answer for all and impetrate good for all.
V. 34 - 1/24/1937 - The Divine Will, for who lives in Him, He forms the repeater of His Life and of His Love and forms and extends in her all the Creation and all that Jesus did. How He will give her a new name, calling her: My Fiat - @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot.eom
V. 9 - 7/14/1909 - God alone can infuse peace in the soul -
V. 12 - 4/3/1920 - ...Then He told me: My daughter, My Whole Will in creating man was that he would do My Will in everything. And as he would continue to do My Will little by little, I could complete My Life in him in such a way that, after repeated Acts done in My Will, forming My Life in him, I would come to him. And finding him similar to Me - as the Sun of My Life would find the Sun of My Life formed in his soul, It would absorb him within Me; and as the two would be transformed together, like two Suns into one, I would bring him into the delights of Heaven. Now, as the creature does not do My Will or if she does It every now and then, My Life is halved by the human life and the Divine Life cannot be completed. It is obscured by the human acts and does not receive abundant food sufficient to the development of a life. Therefore, the soul is in continuous opposition to the purpose of Creation. And alas! how many are those who, by living the life of passions and of sin, form the diabolical life within themselves.
V. 4 - 8/3/1901 - The soul who possesses Grace has authority over hell, over men and over God Himself -
V. 11 - 4/23/1916 - My daughter, each pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each wound, prayer, action, step, etc., produced a Light within My Humanity, which embellished Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul has about My Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other than draw Light from My Humanity and be embellished in My Likeness. So, each additional thought about My Passion will be one more Light which will bring her Eternal Joy.
V. 33 - 11/19/1933 - How one who disposes herself to do the Divine Will forms the passport, the way, the train/retinue - how Jesus wants to re-make Himself in the creature. The Signer and the Celestial Motor - @
V. 7 - 2/28/1906 - The greatest honor that the creature can give to God is to depend on His Divine Will in everything. The way in which Grace communicates Itself - @
V. 34 - 6/6/1937 - ...You see therefore what great dowry I will give to whom should live in Our Eternal Volition, all the Knowledges that I have manifested upon Him, the immense values, His merits, His love and the Love that He has pushed Me to manifest them; it will be the great dowry and the Divine dowry that I will give to whom will want to live in My Fiat in which they will find all the superabundant helps in order to become rich and happy...
V. 33 - 7/24/1934 - How it is established by God, the Truths that must be manifested on the Divine Will. How He bilocates, repeats, traps Divine Life. How the Creation didn't finish but continues -
V. 28 - 11/30/1930 - My daughter, man was created to be inseparable from God. And, if God is not known and loved, it is exactly because man thinks that God is the Being Who is far from him as if We had nothing to do with him nor he with Us. Believing that God is far makes man go astray from God. Consequently, everything that man had when he was created, Our same Divine Qualities, remain weakened and suffocated; and for many, as if they did not have Life. Our Divinity is not far but near. Even more so, inside of man. And, in all his acts, we are Actors and Spectators. So, Our Pain is great in seeing that creatures hold Us far from themselves and believe that We are far from them. Therefore, they do not know Us or Love Us. Thinking that We are far is the deadly tool that kills the Love of the creature towards its Creator... - My little daughter of My Divine Volition, My Will is One. Although It has the bioactive Virtue, it bilocates Itself in every instant in everything and in every act in such a way that everyone can have It as their own act and their own Life...
V. 4 - 8/6/1901 - The Love of the Blessed is a Property of God, while the Love of the pilgrim is like a Property which He is in the act of acquiring -
V. 11 - 4/10/1914 - Then Jesus made me pass to other steps of the Passion but I felt my heart pierced in seeing Him suffer so much. And He, to cheer me, began to speak about His Holy Will again: My daughter, My Center on earth is the soul who does My Will...
V. 35 - 8/23/1937 - How the Divine Will wants to grow in the creature and form His fullness. How one who lives in Him stays enlightened by all the Works of his Creator which makes him possessor of all of the Divine Works - - a must read
V. 3 - 11/19/1899 - My daughter, pride corrodes Grace. In the hearts of the proud, there is nothing but a void of smoke which produces blindness. Pride does nothing but renders oneself an idol and so the proud soul does not have her God with her. By sin, she has tried to destroy Him in her heart, and raising an altar within her heart, she places herself on it and she adores herself...
V. 11 - 3/19/1914 - The soul who diffuses herself in the Divine Will forms the Jewel and the Amusement of the Three Divine Persons - @
V. 33 - 7/20/1934 - All that goes forth from God is all Innocent and Holy. How the Creation is one single Act of Divine Will. Who is the Triumphant One in the space of the Universe -
V. 7 - 7/17/1906 - While He was saying this, I felt all immersed in the Divine Will, so much so, that I could see nothing, but Will of God and I spent the whole day in this Paradise of His Will. What happiness, what contentment! During the night, as I found myself outside of myself, I continued to be in this atmosphere and Jesus added: See, my beloved, for one who lives in My Will, there is no Grace that comes from My Will for all creatures of Heaven and earth in which she does not take part as first. And this is natural because the one who lives in the house of a father is the one who abounds in everything; and if the others who are outside receive something, it is the surplus from the one who lives inside. But who can say what I understood of this Divine Will? These are things that cannot be expressed. May everything be for the Glory of God.
V. 11 - 10/2/1913 - When the human will unites to the Divine Will, the Life of Jesus is formed in the soul. The soul who does the Will of God can say that her life is ended -
V. 35 - 8/29/1937 - Therefore, I love so much that one lives in My Will because I want that what I created only for Me; I demand My Knoll, My Throne, My Divine Room. Therefore, up to such that man doesn't return into My Divine Will and give Me My Regal Position in his, I cannot complete the Creation. We have so many other beautiful things to do in Our Space of the human volition, so many other things to say; and We are not able to either do nor say because missing Our Will, We find Our Space encumbered, hence, We have nowhere to put Our Works and if We speak, he won't understand Us, neither will he have the hearing in order to listen to Us. Therefore, We will do Prodigies never heard of in order to reacquire what is Ours, the Space and the Divine Room.
V. 34 - 3/14/1937 - The Divine Will is Life and as Life forms the generation of His Life in the acts of the creature who will live in Him and forms there the long generation of the children of His Divine Fiat - @ - a must reading
V. 4 - 9/14/1901 - The beginning and the end of our actions must be the Love of God -
V. 30 - 2/24/1932 - My daughter, born and reborn in My Volition, every time that you abandon yourself with all of your full knowledge in His Arms of Light and you remain within, so many times you are reborn in Him; and these rebirths are one more beautiful and specious than the other. Behold, therefore I have called you so many times the little newborn of My Will because while you are reborn, you return to be reborn because He doesn't know how to be idle with one who lives together with Him... - Behold, My daughter, for the one who lives in My Divine Will, He puts this fortunate creature in the First Act of her creation and she feels her beginning in God, the Creative Virtue, Vivifier and Conservator with His Omnipotent Breath, that if she withdraws, she returns into her nothing where she went forth; and therefore, she feels her continuous Rebirth alive in the Arms of her Creator; and feeling herself in her beginning, the creature restores to God the First Act of Life that she received from Him, that is the Most Holy Act, most Solemn, most Beautiful, the Act of God Himself...
V. 6 - 11/18/1904 - The Heaven of Jesus on earth is the soul who gives a dwelling to His Divinity - @
V. 19 - 8/12/1926 - My daughter, man was created by God with three Powers: Memory, Intellect and Will; and this, so that he might have links of Communications with the Divine Persons of the Sacrosanct Trinity... - Now, in order to be able to form Its Kingdom in the inmost place of the soul, My wants to find these three Powers, given to the creature to raise her to the Likeness of the Creator, in order with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit. My Will would not go out of Its Dominions if these three Powers of the soul were in order with God and Its reigning would be happy and as though natural because her three Powers being in order with God, the creature would have order within herself and outside of herself and the Kingdom of God and that of the creature would not be a divided Kingdom but a single One and therefore Its Dominion and Regime would be One... - Ah! My daughter, how much disorder reigns in the three Powers of the human soul. One can say that they have shut the door on Our Face; they have barricaded the paths to prevent Our passing and to break the Communications with Us, while It was the greatest Gift We gave man in creating him. These three Powers were to serve him to comprehend the One Who had created him, to grow in His Likeness and, his will being transfused in that of his Creator, to give Him the right to let It Reign. This is why the Supreme Volition cannot Reign in the soul if these three Powers - Intellect, Memory and Will - do not hold hands in order to return to the Purpose for which God created him.
V. 11 - 4/10/1913 - Value and effects of the Hours of the Passion. The Love of Jesus is Fire that burns evil and gives Life to Good -
V. 34 - 4/8/1937 - All that one does in the Divine Volition constitutes a Right for everyone and everyone can do that good. These Rights were given by Adam, by the Queen of Heaven, by Our Lord Whom prepared for us the Regal Attire - @
V. 9 - 11/4/1909 - With His Beatitude, God renders all Heaven blissful because everything is Harmony in Him -
V. 27 - 11/20/1929 - How Peace is the Fragrance, the Air, the Breath of Jesus. How the Works of God are all Ordered. How He does minor things first and then greater things. Example of Creation and Redemption - @
V. 29 - 3/6/1931 - ...This says in clear notes that only your Jesus was the Author of your state. But I can not hide My Sorrow that is so very great, that I can say that in the whole story of the world, I have never received a similar Sorrow from creatures. My Heart is so very Sorrowful and torn by this sorrow, that I am forced to hide from you the deep tear in order to not embitter you more; and then in seeing the indifference of some, and you know who they are, as if they might have done nothing to Me; it increases My Sorrow and they constrain My Justice to continue to rain scourges and I will continue to rain chastisements My daughter. I told you before, that if I might arrive for one single month to hold you suspended from your state of sufferings, they will feel and they will see how many chastisements will rain down on the face of the earth...
V. 35 - 9/6/1937 - Purpose of Creation. Speaking and working Life of God in the creature. Who is His Word: the Divine Will. How one who does his own will, loses the Divine One -
V. 11 - 2/5/1913 - One who does not do the Divine Will steals from God. Difference between Divine Will and Love -
V. 34 - 5/16/1937 - ...The Truths are none other than palpitating Lives of Our Divine Being in the midst of creatures, heartbeat without beat because Our Heart is the creature and We as Most Pure Spirit, that We find Ourselves everywhere; We are the heartbeat, that while it isn't seen, it is felt and We form the Life and We give it to all the human generations. Whence there is no miracle similar to the great miracle of when We bring forth from Us a Truth; It is a Life of Ours that We expose, which more than sun, It will make Itself Light of creatures that darting them with Its vital heat, will mature Its Life, first to whom It becomes directed and then to diffuse Itsself in whom wants to receive It; and if They find ungrateful ones who don't want to receive such a Good, They are not subject to die nor to lose Life but They wait with unconquered patience, if needs be centuries, new generations, to which They will give the Goods that They possess and They will complete the purpose why They went forth from the Divine Bosom...
V. 4 - 1/6/1902 - Portentous effects of uniting our lives with that of Jesus. A few words about death -
V. 22 - 7/16/1927 - My daughter, one who lives in My Will has the wideness, the capacity, to be able to enclose all the Acts of God within herself, therefore becoming the depository of the Divine Will. And because of this, God finds in that soul the whole of Himself with all His Acts. Therefore, everything - everything is Sacred in her, everything is Holy, everything is Light and Beauty; she possesses perfect Balance, Divine Order and I find in her the Glory of My Sanctity. of My Light, of My Rare Beauty. I look at her and I find My Reflections, My Dearest Image created by Me, as wanted by Me and in the excess of My Love, I keep repeating: How Beautiful you are - My Will has enclosed everything in you. The Creation is a pale Image of you; you are more Refulgent than the sun, you are more Adorned than the heavens, you are lovelier than the flowery fields. You are all Beautiful because the Power of My Divine Volition invests you, nourishes you - is your Life...Behold then, the living in My Will is the true transmission of the Divine Life to the creature.
V. 2 - 3/14/1899 - The evil of man forces God to chastise him - @
V. 34 - 6/28/1937 - That which God does to the creature when she enters in His Will. As one decides to live in the Divine Volition, her name is written in Heaven and she remains confirmed in Good, in Love and Divine Sanctity and she becomes enrolled in the Celestial Militia. Example - @
V. 13 - 2/2/1922 - ...In the same way, the Acts done in My Will, more than Sun, are wanted and demanded by all. The past generations await them, so as to receive the dazzling Light of My Will over everything they have done. The present ones await them, so as to feel fecundated and invested by this Light. The future ones await them, as the fulfillment of the Good that they will do. In sum, My Will is I and the Acts done in My Will always go around within the endless wheel of Eternity, to become Life, Light and Heat of all.
V. 34 - 5/23/1937 - My blessed daughter, My Will is Order and the sign if He reigns in the soul is perfect Order which generates Peace. So that Peace is the daughter of Order and Order is the immediate son and generated by My Fiat. But you don't know what great Good Order produces; He gives dominion to the creature and renders her dominator of herself, dominator of all created things and since her dominion is Divine because generated by My Volition, she dominates over My Will Himself and over everyone...
V. 6 - 3/20/1905 - True Love and true Virtues must have their origin in God - @
V. 28 - 4/12/1930 - ...Instead, the Sun of My Divine Will never leave the soul. As it reflects upon the soul with Its Light, and more than sun - It is a Divine Sower, It forms Its Sun there in the creature with Its Reflections. Therefore, for whoever lives in My Divine Volition, there are no nights, no sunsets, no sunrises, nor daybreaks, but always full day because the Light of My Divine Volition is given to the creature to be its own nature. And that which is given as one's nature, remains as its own property...
V. 34 - 3/18/1937 - The Divine Will makes a Gift of all His Works to whom lives in Him. The Breath of God in His Works and in all the holy works of creatures. The Divine Will makes Himself supplier of what the creature lacks - @
V. 35 - 9/12/1937 - How Truths are the greatest Gifts that God does for us. Divine Birth. Yearnings and deliriums of wanting to see us possessors of His Gifts. Outlet of Love, His Word. The great good of an act done in His Divine Will - @ - a must read
V. 26 - 5/9/1929 - ...My Word is Life and as I kept repeating to you about My Fiat, more than tender Father, so I kept forming Its Life in you. In fact, you could never have understood what regarded My Will, had you not had Its Life in you because It is what forms one's life that one has true interest in comprehending and defending; what does not form one's life enters into the secondary order, not the primary and one does not feel the true Love which one can have for one's own life. So, to the very Life of My Fiat formed in you, I could entrust all of Its Knowledges, to be able to form as many other Lives of It in the creatures. And besides, I was to do with you what I did with Myself: when I came upon earth, I observed all Laws, I submitted Myself to all sacrifices of the Ancient Law in a perfect way, as no one else had observed up to that time; and after I completed everything within Me, consummating in My Humanity all the Laws and Sanctities of the Ancient World, I abolished them and gave rise to the New Law of Grace and to the New Sanctity which I brought upon earth. So, I have done with you: I centralized in you the pains, the sacrifices, the battles of the present Sanctity in order to complete it and therefore be able to start again the New Sanctity of living in My Will - that is, the Fiat Voluntas Tua as It is in Heaven.
V. 4 - 6/15/1902 - Love is not an attribute of God but His very Nature. The soul who truly loves Jesus cannot become lost -
V. 8 - 9/7/1908 - My daughter, the more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she will have up there in Heaven. So, the poorer on earth, the richer in Heaven; the more she is deprived of tastes, pleasures, amusements, trips, strolls on earth, the more tastes and pleasures she will have in God. Oh, how she will stroll in the expanse of the Heavens, especially in the immeasurable Heavens of the Attributes in God! In fact, each attribute is one more Heaven, one more Paradise; and among the Blessed - some enter into them as though at the margin of the Attributes of God; some walk in the middle of them, some even higher; and the more they walk, the more they taste, enjoy and amuse themselves. So, one who leaves the earth, takes Heaven, be it even in the smallest things. Therefore, it follows that the more one is despised, the more he is honored; the smaller, the greater; the more submitted, the more dominant; and so with all the rest. Yet, of the mortals, who thinks of depriving himself of something on earth, to have it eternally in Heaven? Almost on one.
V. 3 - 12/21/1899 - ...It seems to me(Luisa) that Purity is the noblest of Gems that the soul can possess. The soul who possesses Purity is invested with candid Light, in such a way that Blessed God, in looking at her, finds His very Image...
V. 29 - 3/30/1931 - ...How intolerable to Me is the hardness of the human heart! more so before Mine, which is all loving Tenderness and Goodness; all the Fibers, all the Affections. the Desires, the Love, the Heartbeat of My Heart have for beginning Tenderness, so that My Fibers are tender, My Affections and Desires are most tender. My Love and Heartbeat are so very tender that they arrive to liquefy My Heart for Tenderness and this tender Love makes Me arrive to love creatures so much, that I am content to suffer, rather then to see them suffer... A hard Love without tenderness is unacceptable and would not hold the virtue to make itself loved by anyone, therefore, My Heart suffers so much in seeing the hardness of creatures, that they arrive to change My Graces into scourges.
V. 30 - 5/15/1932 - My daughter, you should know that although I burn with the desire to see My Divine Will reign, I can not yet give this Gift; first the Truths that I have manifested, with creaures knowing Them, they will have the great Good to form the sight in order to be capable of understanding Him and hence dispose themselves in order to receive a Gift so Great. One can say that now they lack their eye in order to see and the capacity in order to understand Him...
V. 34 - 3/26/1937 - The Creation, the Humanity of Jesus are the fields in which the soul develops her acts who lives in the Divine Will. How she forms Our Lord's Humanity and the Paradise for Jesus upon the earth - @
V. 24 - 7/23/1928 - My daughter, the soul who lives in My Will is the Luminous Point in the world. Just as a Sun appears under the vault of the heavens, which invests the earth with its rays and penetrating everywhere, embellishes, colors, fecundates the whole earth with its life of light, so another Sun, more beautiful and more refulgent, can be seen in that point of the world - that is, in the soul in whom My Divine Will reigns - and her Rays extend and expand so much , as to embrace everything and everyone. How beautiful it is to see from Heaven these Luminous Points in the depths of the earth! It no longer seems earth - but Heaven, because the Sun of My Fiat is present. Its Rays embellish, fecundate and scatter such variety of Divine Colors as to communicate the Varieties of Beauties of the Creator with Its Life of Light. Wherever these Luminous Points are present, the current of evil is stopped, My Justice Itself feels disarmed by the strength of this Light and changes the scourges into Grace. These Points are the smile of the earth; their Light is Herald and Bearer of Peace, of beauty, of Sanctity, of Life that never dies. They can be called the Fortunate Points of the Earth because in their midst there is the Light that never dims, the Life that always rises; while where these Luminous Points are not present, the earth is obscure and if any good is done, it is like those little lights that have no rays because the source of the light is missing in that good and therefore it has no strength nor virtue to extend or expand. And since the source is missing, they are subject to being extinguished and the earth remains obscured, as though buried in thick darkness because the human will is herald and bearer of evils, disturbances, of disorder and the like.
V. 8 - 12/16/1908 - The privation of Jesus is the greatest of all pains -
V. 32 - 8/13/1933 - My Blessed daughter, you could say that it is a delirium, a Divine Passion of My Will, that wants to have Life together with the creature surrendering hers, in order to have the human littleness. But do you know why? You should know that My Divine Volition always holds ready a New Act to give to the creature but if she doesn't live together, has not become accustomed to do her acts united with My Volition in order to form One alone, I can not give It because first she would not be worthy to receive It, secondly, she would not understand the Value of the great Gift that she receives and she would not have the Virtue to absorb It in herself as proper Life. With living together with My Divine Will, she acquires new Life, Divine Ways, Celestial Science, Penetration of the most Profound Things, in short, since My Fiat is the Teacher of Teachers; it is He Who creates the Highest Science, makes known things not veiled but as they really are. Hence, living together with the creature, He doesn't want to keep her ignorant; He instructs her, makes for her His Surprises, recounts to her His Divine Story and this transforms her, makes her capable to receive His New Act that My Volition wants to give her and in every Act that the soul does unite with Him, she acquires a new Prerogative of Divine Likeness... - Therefore, living together with My Fiat is the greatest Fortune and should be the Delirium, the Vehement Passion and the Ambition of everyone...
V. 6 - 5/20/1905 - The Way of Suffering of Jesus - @
V. 11 - 5/9/1912 - My daughter, if the will wants nothing but Me, if the intellect occupies itself with nothing but knowing Me, if the memory remembers nothing other than Me; here they are - the three Powers of the soul consumed in Love. The same for the senses: if one speaks only about to only about Me, if she hears only what regards Me, if she enjoys only My Things, if she works and walks only for Me, if her heart desires only Me; here it is - the consummation in Love of her senses. My daughter, Love has s sweet enchantment, and it renders the soul blind to all that is not Love, making her all eyes for all that is Love. Therefore, for one who loves, whatever her will may encounter, if it is Love, she becomes all eyes; if not, she becomes blind, stupid and does not understand anything. The same for her tongue; if she has to speak about Love, she feels many eyes of Light flow within her word and becomes eloquent; if not, she begins to stammer and ends up dumb; and so, with all the rest.
V. 23 - 1/18/1928 - ...Now that which I manifest on My Divine Will and that you write, one can call the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will; nothing opposes itself neither to the Sacred Writings nor to the Gospel that I announced being upon earth, rather one can call one the support of the other. And therefore, I permit and call the Priests that come, that read the Gospel of all of Heaven of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat in order to say as I said to the Apostles: preach It throughout the whole World because I make use of My Work of the Priesthood as I had the Priesthood before My coming in order to prepare the people, the Priesthood of My Church in order to confirm My coming and all that which I did and said, thus I will have the Priesthood of the Kingdom of My Will. Behold what the so many things that I have manifested to you will serve, the so many surprising Truths, the promises of the so many Goods that I must give to the children of the Fiat Voluntas Tua{Your Will be done), will be the Gospel, the base, the inexhaustible source which everyone will draw Celestial Life, the terrestrial happiness and the restoration of their Creation. Oh! how happy they will feel who with anxiety will drink long sips in these sources of My Knowledges because They contain the virtue to bring the Life of Heaven and of scattering whatever unhappiness...
V. 35 - 10/3/1937 - Prodigies of Creation. Dose of power, of sanctity, et cetera, that God put forth for love of man. The acts done in the Fiat will always be new and one more distinct and beautiful than the other. They will contain everything and will form the sea, the works, the speaking steps of their Creator - - a must read - a long reading
V. 9 - 11/14/1909 - Sin is the only disorder in the soul -
V. 16 - 2/22/1924 - ...See then, how the greatest thing, the most important, the most pleasing and which attracts God the most, is the living in My Will; and one who lives in It, conquers God and makes God give Gifts so great as to astonish Heaven and earth - Gifts which, for centuries upon centuries, could not be obtained. Oh! how My Humanity, being on earth and containing the very Life of the Supreme Volition - even more, It was inseparable from Me - brought to the Divinity, in a wholly complete way, all the Joys, the Glory, the requital of Love of the whole Creation. And the Divinity was so delighted as to give Me Primacy over everything and the right to Judge all peoples. Oh! what Good did creatures obtain, knowing that a brother of theirs, who loved them so much and had suffered so much in order to place them in safety, was to be their Judge...
V. 36 - 12/28/1938 {The last reading in the thirty-six Volumes} - ...My Love was so much that I said to Her: My Mother, I want that You be the Mother of everyone, and that what You have done for Me, You will do to all creatures; let Your Maternity be extended in all their acts in a way that all I will see is covered and hidden in Your Maternal Love. My Mama accepted and remained confirmed that not only should She be Mother of everyone but to invest every act of theirs with Her Maternal Love. This was one of the greatest Grace that I did to all the human generations but how many sorrows doesn't My Mother receive? They arrive to not want to receive Her Maternity, to refuse to acknowledge Her; and therefore, all Heaven prays, awaits with anxiety that the Divine Will be known and reigns and then the great Queen will do to Her children of My Volition what She did to Her Jesus; Her Maternity will have Life in Her children. I will surrender My Place to one who lives in My Volition in Her Maternal Heart. She will raise them for Me, will guide their steps, will hide them in Her Maternity and Sanctity; one will see impressed in all their acts Her Maternal Love and Her Sanctity; they will be Her true children who will resemble Me in everything. And oh, how She would love that everyone might know that one who wants to live in My Volition has a Queen and powerful Mother who will make up for that which they lack; She will raise them in Her Maternal Womb and in all that they will do, She will be together with them in order to model their acts to Hers, so much so that they will know that they are children raised, guarded, educated by the Love of the Maternity of My Mama! And these will be those who will render Her Contentment, Her Glory and Her Honor.
Adveniat Regnum tuum:
Fiat Voluntad tua
sicut in coelo et in terra
Why God is God - The Substance of God - @ - Number 1 -
V. 35 - 10/12/1937 - In My Will, there are no fears but highest Love, Courage and Firmness and decision one time that is not moved anymore; so much so, that one who lives in Him does not pray but commands and she herself as mistress can take what she wants...
V. 19 - 4/16/1926 - ...In fact, the Creation was the beginning of Our Work towards the creatures, the Redemption was the means, and the Fiat will be the end; and when works are accomplished, they are loved more, and they acquire their complete value. Until a work is accomplished, there is always something to do, to work on, to suffer, nor can one calculate its right value. But when it is accomplished, all that is left is to possess and to enjoy the work done; and its complete value comes to complete the glory of the one who has formed it. Therefore, Creation and Redemption must be enclosed in the Supreme Fiat...
V. 4 - 2/23/1903 - Men do not want Jesus Christ as their Head. The Church will always be Church -
V. 11 - 12/21/1914 - ...Then Jesus added: To have company in My Pains is the greatest relief for Me. This is why My Divine Father was not so inexorable after My Incarnation but milder because He longer received offenses directly but indirectly - that is, through My Humanity, which acted as a continuous shield for Him. In the same way, I keep searching for souls who would place themselves between Me and creatures; otherwise, I will make of the world a heap of ruins.
V. 6 - 11/2/1905 - The soul must conform to the Divine Will, and if she does so, Jesus makes her live of Himself and in Himself - @
V. 6 - 10/25/1904 - The "Word" means Manifestation, Communication, Divine Union with the human. If the Word had not taken flesh, there would have been no other means to be able to unite God and man - @
V. 12 - 2/20/1919 - ...The Eternal One looked at the heavens and remained content in seeing the Immense Harmonies, the Communications of Love which He had opened between Heaven and earth. Therefore, He moved forward and with one single Creative Word, He created the sun, as the continuous Relater of His Supreme Being, providing it with light and heat, placing it suspended between Heaven and earth in the act of holding everything, fecundating, warming and illuminating everything. With its searching look of light, it seems to say to everyone: I am the most Perfect Preacher of the Divine Being. Reflect yourselves in me and you will recognize Him. He is Immense Light, He is Endless Love, He gives life to everything, He needs nothing; nobody can touch Him. Look well at me and you will recognize Him. I am His shadow, the reflection of His Majesty, His continuous Relater...
V. 9 - 11/20/1909 - Human and Divine views of the Cross -
V. 2 - 4/26/1899 - ...After this, we withdrew from the Confessor and we found many religious people who seemed all to have their goals set on working for their interest. Passing through their midst, Jesus said: Woe - woe to one who works for the purpose of gaining money! You have already received your recompense.
V. 32 - 3/19/1933 - Food that the Supreme Being gives to the creature that serves to make the soul grow and to make the Divine Life grow in the soul. The Divine Will, depository of everyone and everything - @
V. 24 - 8/6/1928 - Operating in My Fiat is Life that the soul takes into herself, it is Divine Life - Life with the fullness and the Source of all Goods. For each Act done in My Will, the soul encloses within her a Life which has no beginning and no end; she encloses an Act from which everything springs forth - Founts that never exhaust. But what is it that springs forth? Continuous Sanctity springs forth; Happiness, Beauty, Love spring forth - all of the Divine Qualities are in the Act of springing and growing continuously. If a soul could possess one Act alone done in My Will and all the good works of all creatures of all centuries could be put together, they could never equal this single Act done in My Will because it is Life that reigns in this Act, while in the other works done outside of My Will there is no life but a work without life...
V. 4 - 3/6/1903 - The meaing of the words "Ecce Homo"
V. 35 - 10/25/1937 - One act in My Will overwhelms Heaven and earth and if It doesn't find souls disposed who want to receive such a good, It puts Itself on the lookout, spying the circumstances, the occasions, the disillusionments of life in order to invest them, to embalm them and give them the Good that they possess....
V. 6 - 11/2/1905 - The first step to enter the Will of God is Resignation. The soul who is resigned to the Divine Will comes to make of God her favorite Food -
V. 19 - 9/13/1926 - Now, who until now has ever prayed with interest, with insistence, laying down the sacrifice of his own life that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat may come upon earth and may triumph and dominate? No one. It is the true that the Church has been reciting the "Our Father" from the time that I came upon earth in which one asks, "Thy Kingdom come", so that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, but who thinks about the request they make? It can be said that the whole importance of such a request remained in My Will and that creatures recite It just to recite It, without understanding and without any interest in obtaining what they ask for. Therefore, My daughter, everything is hidden in secret while one lives on earth and therefore everything seems a mystery; and if anything is known, it is so limited, that man has always something to say about all that I operate in My Works through the veils of creatures. They reach the point of saying: And why this Good and these Knowledges not been given before, while there have been so many great Saints. But in Eternity there will be no secrets as I will reveal everything and will show all things and My Works with Justice and how Justice could never have given, had there not been sufficient acts in the creature to be able to give what the Supreme Majesty wants to give. It is true that everything that the creature does is My Grace but My Grace Itself wants to find the prop of the dispositions and good will of the creature. Therefore, in order to restore the Kingdom of My Will upon earth, it takes sufficient acts of the creature, so that My Kingdom may not remain in the air, but many descend, to be formed upon the very acts of the creature formed by her to obtain a Good so great.
V. 33 - 3/11/1934 - ...Now you should know that the soul in Grace is the Temple of God. However, when the soul lives in Our Will, God make Himself Temple of the soul, and oh, the great difference between the creature Temple of God and between God Temple of the soul; the first one is a temple exposed to perils, to enemies, subject to passions and many times Our Supreme Being finds Himself in these temples as in temples of stone, not cared for, not loved as is appropriate and the little lamp of her continuous love, that she should hold as homage to her God Who resides in her, without pure oil is extinguished and if ever she were to fall into grave sin, Our Temple and she becomes occupied by thieves, Ours and her enemies who profane her and they make her foolish. The Second Temple, that is God Temple of the soul, is not exposed to dangers, enemies cannot draw near, the passions lose life...
V. 3 - 1/1/1900 - The Circumcision of Jesus. The more the soul humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the Truth - @
V. 13 - 12/10/1921 - As I was in my usual state, my always Lovable Jesus came, telling me: My daughter, how great is one Act done in My Will! See, if you asked the Sun: How many seeds have you fecundated, how many of them have you multiplied from the moment you rose above the horizon? ; neither the Sun nor any other creature, as learned as he might be, would be able to tell you, even with an approximate number, how many seeds It fecundated or how many of them It multiplied. Now, one Act in My Will is more than Sun, which multiplies to Infinity not human, but Divine Seeds. Oh, how It surpasses the fecundity and the multiplicity of the seeds that the Sun has fecundated! An innovation in the Spiritual World occurs and such Harmony that all are attracted. In hearing this Harmony, those who are most disposed get warm; thousands and thousands of effects arise like many seeds; and since the Act done in My Will carries the Creative Power with Itself, It fecundates those seeds in a way which is incalculable to a finite mind. Therefore, the Acts done in My Will are Divine Seeds which carry with them the Creative Power and which, more than Suns, not only fecundate, but create Seeds and multiply them to Infinity. They give Me the Field for new Creations, put My Power in motion and are the Bearers of the Divine Life.
V. 16 - 9/9/1923 - My daughter, don't you know that the thing which the infernal serpent knows the least about Me is My Will? In fact, he did not want to do It and by not doing It, he did not know It or love It. And even less did he penetrate the secrets of My Inscrutable Volition in order to know the effects and value of My Will; and if he does not know them, how can he speak of them? Even more, the thing that he abhors the most is that the creature do My Will...
V. 35 - 10/31/1937 - Now, you must know that an act of My Will in the creature contains such Power, Grace, Love, Sanctity that if My Volition did not work a Prodigy, the creature could not contain It because It is an Infinite Act and to the finite, it is not given to be able to embrace all of It...These Acts are Divine Acts and can form the passport for the other creatures in order to have them enter into the Kingdom of Our Volition. They will give a child into Our Kingdom; so that how many more acts will be done in Him, so many more will be populated and all the Good will redound to those people who have been the first ones to give Life to My Will in their acts.
V. 2 - 5/16/1899 - The Virtue of the Cross. Stripping oneself of one's own will - @
V. 11- 11/15/1916 - My daughter, the more you fuse yourself in Me, the more I fuse Myself in you. So, it is on earth that the soul forms her Paradise; according to how much she fills herself with Holy thoughts, with Holy affections, desires, words, works and steps, so does she keep forming her Paradise. To one more Holy thought or word, one more Contentment will correspond and many kinds of Beauty, of Contentment, of Glory, for as much Better she has done. What will be the surprise of this soul be when, once the prison of her body is broken, immediately she will find herself in the sea of as many Pleasures and Happinesses, as much Light and Beauty, for as much Better as she has done - be it even a thought!
V. 6 - 9/26/1904 - The Lamp of Grace. All the pains that Jesus suffered in His Passion were triple -
V. 26 - 5/21/1929 - My daughter, My Divine Will is Light, Love is Heat. Light and Heat are inseparable from each other and form the same Life; this is the necessity of the fusion of My Will and of My Love; A will which does not love is not operative, a love which has no will is without Life. However, My Will has the first Act; it can be said that Its Light makes the Heat arise. It does the first Act and calls the Life of Love within Its Light, forming One single thing. Who can ever separate the heat from the light? No one. However, the bigger the light, the stronger the heat; so, with a small light one can barely feel the strength of the heat; a big light gives much heat and produces admirable effects. How many and what effects does the sun not produce because its light is so great as to embrace the whole earth? It can be said that it is the king of the earth; with its light and with its heat it caresses everyone, it embraces everything and does good to all - and without asking anything from anyone. Why? First, because it does not need anything; second, because all would feel impotent to repay the sun for the good it does to all the earth. So, this is why you feel within yourself two Infinite Powers, fused into One; My Divine Will and My Love; and the Light of My Volition makes you run to make your "I love You, which It unleashes from Its Womb of Light upon all created things, so as to see the whole Creation bejeweled by Its "I love you" and yours. In addition to this, Life needs nourishment; My Divine Will is Life, My Love is Food. Each "I love You" of yours is a sip of nourishment which you give to My Fiat in you and each Act of yours done in My Will makes the Life of It grow within you. Oh! how the Life of My Will delights and grows admirably in the creature when It finds much Divine Love. It can be said that My Fiat finds Its Food and My Love finds Its Life. My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will is under the continuous outpouring of her Creator. Our Love towards her is so great, that We are so enraptured in seeing Our Fiat in the littleness of the creature, that We want to give her always - always without ever ceasing...But do you know what We pour Out? Love, Light, Grace, Sanctity, Power, etc. Now, all these Qualities of Ours compete among Themselves for carrying this little creature in Triumph in Its Arms...
At the end of Volume 4 -
Understanding of "Divine Will "and Divine Volition"
The word "Will" translates from the Italian "Volante". We know from the Writings of Luisa that the Will of God is the boundless "container" which contains all the Acts of God and that the Will of God and the Acts of God possess the same qualities as the Nature of God - They are Infinite, Omnipotent, Eternal, as is God. The word "Volition" translates from the Italian "Volare". This word indicates the "will in act". This distinction could be relevant in the case of a human will and of human acts, which are finite and limited (as they possess the same qualities as the human nature), therefore, they have a beginning and an end; so we could distinguish between whether they are in act or not. But when we speak about "Will of God" and Volition of God", the distinction does not exist. In fact, the Will of God is, yes, the "boundless container" of all the Acts of God, but we know that the Acts of God are always in act, always present, and therefore there is no distinction between whether these Acts are in act or not - the Acts of God are simply always and eternally in act.
V. 19 - 3/19/1926 - How the Most Will of God eclipses everything, even Creation and Redemption; and being Life of everything, it will produce greater Fruits - @ - a must read
V. 11 - 3/3/1912 - ...As she goes along doing even the littlest actions, she makes a Melody for Me, and as I hear It, I immediately recognize that it is music that the soul has taken from My Will - that is, from My Temperament - and I run to listen to It and I like It so much that I am amused and cheered of all the wrongs which the other creatures do to Me. My daughter, what will happen when these Melodies will pass into Heaven? I will put the soul in front of Me; I will play My Music and she will play her own - We will dart through each other; the sound of one will be the echo of the sound of the other; the Harmonies will mix together. In clear notes it will be known to all the Blessed that this soul is nothing other than the Fruit of My Will - the Portent of My Will; and all Heaven will enjoy one more Paradise...
V. 6 - 12/22/1903 - The Cross forms the Incarnation of Jesus in the womb of souls and the incarnation of the soul in God - @
V. 36 - 12/28/1938 - You must know that every Act done in Our Volition never finishes; It becomes repeated continually; and since My Will is found everywhere, thus the Act becomes repeated in Heaven, in created things and in everyone. Therefore an Act in Our Will surpasses everything, fills Heaven and earth and gives Us such Love and Glory, that all other works remain like so many drops before the sea because it is We Ourselves Who Glorify and Love Ourselves (in the) creature who is covered with her Creator and works together with Him. Therefore, for how many beautiful things it seems that they do outside of Our Volition, they can never please Us because they don't give of Us and they can not be diffused everywhere, the love is so little that it hardly, if even, covers the act that she has done...
V. 3 - 5/20/1900 - All things have their origin from nothing. Necessity of rest and of interior silence - @
V. 32 - 4/16/1933 - How God in all things created, holds to tell us, "I Love you". How Jesus in all the Acts of His Life enclosed Love, Conquests, Triumphs -@
V. 16 - 10/30/1923 - ...One who lives in My Will must be exposed to the Rays of the Burning and Eternal Sun in order to live of Light, see nothing but Light and touch nothing but Light. This leads to the Deification of the soul. Only when the soul is all Deified in God - then it can be said that she lives in My Will....
V. 12 - 3/19/1920 - ...I too would have wanted to enclose in Me all the pains of creatures. My Love towards creatures was so great that I would have wanted no pain to touch them; but I could not obtain this. I had to submit to the Wisdom and Justice of the Father Who, while allowing Me to satisfy for the great part of the pains of creatures, did not want satisfaction from Me for all the pains - and this, for the decorum and balance of His Justice. My Humanity would have wanted to suffer so much as to put an end to hell, to Purgatory and to all chastisements but the Divinity did not allow it; and Justice said to My Love: You wanted the Right of Love; It has been granted to You. I too want the Rights of Justice. I resigned Myself to the Wisdom of the Father - I recognized It as Just; but My moaning Humanity felt the pain of it because of all the pains which had to come to creatures...
V. 9 - 11/1/1910 - The Consummation in the Unity of wills forms the Supreme Unity -
V. 24 - 6/12/1928 - ...Then, with a more tender emphasis, He added: My daughter, Power I do not lack - neither do I lack Will; therefore, it is I Who must lift again decayed man and restore him because the human will render the Work of Our Creative Hands a wreck...
V. 11 - 5/25/1915 - Ah, My daughter, how great is human perfidy! Look at how obedient they are to Governments: Priests, lay people, do not demand anything, do not refuse sacrifices and must be ready to give their own lives. Ah, for Me only there was no obedience and no sacrifices and if they did anything at all, it was more pretensions and interests. This, because the Government uses violence; but I make use of Love, yet this Love is disregarded by creatures - they remain indifferent as if I did not deserve anything from them! As He was saying this, He burst into tears. What a cruel torment to see Jesus' crying! Then He continued: But blood and fire will purify everything and will restore the repentant man. And the more he delays, the more blood will be shed, and the carnage will be such as man has never imagined. While He was saying this, He showed me the human carnage. What torment to live in these times! But may the Divine Volition be always done.
V. 2 - 5/19.1899 - Humility is the safeguard of the Celestial Favors -
V. 28 - 8/24/1930 - ...Ah! How many times does My Will remain without the creature giving It any attention. What pain! How My Divine Will remains pierced! But with all of this, My Divine Will does not stop; It incessantly continues. And, It incessantly continues with Its all-Divine Firmness to make Its Divine Life run in all created things, to offer Its Life to everyone under the veil of these created things, waiting with invincible patience for the one who must recognize and receive It to form Its Life inside the appearances and human form of the creature and thus completely reign in everything We created. After this, I followed the Divine Will in the Acts of Creation. And arriving in Eden where man was created, my always amiable Jesus added: My daughter, the creation of man was the center where Our Fiat and Our Love invested Themselves to hold Their perennial Seat. Our Divine Being held everything inside of Us: The Center of Our Love and the unfolding of the Life of Our Volition. With the creation of man, Our Divine Being wanted to form the second Center of Our Love in order that Our Fiat could unfold human lives with Its Rule and Dominion, like It was doing in Our Supreme Being. You must know that in creating Adam, all creatures came to be created in him. All were present, no one escaped Us. We loved all creatures like We loved him and We loved them all in him. When We formed Adam's humanity with so much Love, molding it and touching it with Our Creative Hands, forming the bones, extending the nerves, covering them with flesh, forming all the harmonies of the human life, all creatures were molded and kneaded in him. We formed the bones of everyone and extended the nerves. And covering them with flesh, we left there the Touch of Our Creative Hands, the Seal of Our Love and the vivifying Virtue of Our Volition. And fusing the soul into Adam, with the Power of Our Omnipotent Breath, souls came to be formed in all the bodies with the same Power in which the soul came to be formed in Adam. Do you see then that each creature is a new Creation, as if We had created the new Adam? Because in each creature, we want to renew the great Prodigy of Creation, the investiture of the Center of Our Love and the unfolding of the Life of Our Fiat...
V. 3 - 12/2/1899 - Eloquent praise of the Cross - - a must read
V. 6 - 8/10/1904 - God knows the number, the value and the weight of all created things @
V. 11 - 4/10/1912 - My daughter, the souls who will shine the most, like bright Gems in the Crown of My Mercy, are the souls who have more Trust because the more Trust they have, the more they give space for the Attribute of My Mercy to pour into them any Grace they want...
V. 24 - 9/24/1928 - ...Now, We are more than a father -even more, his love is a shadow compared to Ours and Our Divine Will is unshakeable - no one will be able to change It; the unhappiness of man is a disorder for the Work of Creation and We want Our Rights over Our Work; We want It to return to Us just as It came out. Our Love drowns Us, Our Justice demands It, Our Goodness claims It, Our very Happiness longs for It and does not tolerate unhappiness in Our Work. Our Divine Will, surrounding Us like a Crown, renders Us Immutable and wants Its Kingdom to be possessed... - My daughter, because the first Purpose, Act and End of Creation was that Our Divine Will alone reign; and in order for It to reign, it is necessary to know It... - If you knew how much My Fiat suffers in looking at man; It looks at him and says in Sorrow: Did I really make him with My Creative Hands? Is he My Work - is he really the one whom I so much delighted in creating? Yet, I am not within him as in My Kingdom; he broke My Seal, and putting Me out, he destroys the Purpose for which I gave him life. See then, how it is an absolutely necessity that My Divine Will be known and reign; and until It does, our most Beautiful Works cannot produce for man the Goods which They contain - the very Work of Redemption is without fulfillment...
V. 12 - 7/7/1917 - My daughter, neither past nor future exist for one who does My Will, but everything is in a Present Act. Everything I did and suffered is in a Present Act in such a way that, if I want to give satisfaction to the Father or do Good to the creatures, I can do It as if I was in the Act of Suffering and Operating. In the same way, all that the creature can suffer and do in My Will is already identified with My Pains and Works and they become One. So, when the soul wants to give Me a proof of Love with her pains, she can take the pains suffered at other times, which are in Act, and give them to Me in order to replicate her Love, her satisfactions for Me...
V. 26 - 7/24/1929 - ...Therefore, My coming upon earth served to draw the two wills, human and Divine, closer to each other and to place them in intimate relations and to increase the news in order to make It known; so much so, that I taught the "Our Father", making them say: "Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven." If My Will does not live on earth as It does in Heaven, it cannot be said that It has Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures. And therefore, in the time of Its Kingdom, It will be present not only in their midst but inside each one of them as perennial Life; and in order to come to this, It must be recognized - how It is like head and primary Life of each creature...
V. 15 - 11/28/1922 - My daughter, My Will is Beginning, Means and End of every Virtue; without the Seed of My Will, it cannot be given the name of true Virtue - Now, My Will was to be the Crown of everything and the fulfillment of My Glory on the part of the creature because only in My Will can she say: I have accomplished everything. And finding in her, accomplished, everything I want, not only do I make her know the Fruits but I nourish her and I make her reach such heights as to surpass everyone. This is why I love so much and I so much care that the Fruits, the Effects, the immense Goods contained in My Will and the great Good which the soul receives by living in It, be known. If they are not known, how can they be desired? Much less can anyone be nourished by Them. And if I did not make known the living in My Will - what It means, the Values It contains - the Crown would be missing to Creation and to Virtues and My Work would be a Work without Crown. See then, how necessary it is that everything I have told you about My Will be manifested and also the reason for which I push you so much...
V. 12 - 4/2/1917 - The pains of the privation of Jesus are Divine Pains @
V. 14 - 8/15/1922 - ...Now in Heaven, She embraces all the Glory of each creature; My Will gives Her such Glory on the part of each creature that there is no Glory which She does not contain and no Glory which does not descend from Her. And since She braided Her Works, Her Love, Her Pains, etc. with Me, now in Heaven She is circumfused with as much Glory as were the braidings She did in My Will: this is why She surpasses everything, embraces everything and flows in everything. This is what it means to live in My Will. My Beloved Mama could never have received so much Glory, if all of Her acts had not run in My Will; Acts which constitute Her Queen and Crown of all.
V. 6 - 1/16/1906 - No one can resist the Truth - One who lives in the sphere of the Divine Will resides in the Abode of all Riches - @
V. 3 - 6/7/1900 - ...And He: My daughter, in order to content you, I deliver to you the Keys of Justice and the Knowledge of how absolutely necessary it is to punish man; and with this you will do whatever you please. Aren't you content? On hearing Him say this to me I was consoled and I said in my interior: If it is up to me, I will not chastise anyone at all. But how I lost my illusion when Blessed Jesus gave me a Key and placed me in the middle of a Light, such that by looking from within that Light, I could see all the Attributes of God and also that of Justice. Oh, how everything is orderly in God! And if Justice punishes, this is Order; and if It did not punish, It would not be in order with the other Attributes. So, I saw myself as a wretched worm in the middle of that Light, for if I wanted to prevent the course of Justice, I would ruin that Order and would go against men themselves because I understood that Justice Itself is most pure Love towards them. I found myself all confused and embarrassed, and so, to get rid of It, I said to Our Lord: Through this Light with which You have surrounded me, I understand things differently and if you leave it up to me, I will do worse than You do. Therefore, I do not accept this Knowledge and I renounce the Keys of Justice...
V. 14 - 7/10/1922 - Now it is necessary that you rise and carry with you, My Will, so that My Volition of the earth and That of Heaven may fuse together and you may live for some time in the Womb of the Divinity, where your volition will be acting in Mine in order to expand It as much as a creature can be capable of. Then, you will descend again upon earth, bringing the Power and the Prodigies of My Will in such a way that the creatures will be shaken, they will open their eyes, and many will know what it means to live of My Will - to live in the Likeness of their Creator. This will be the beginning ot the coming of My Kingdom upon earth and of the final Fulfillment of My Will. Do you think that living in My Will is something trivial? There is nothing that equals It nor Sanctity that matches It. It is the real Life, not a fantastic one, as some may imagine; and this Life of Mine is not only in the soul but also in the body. But do you know how this Life of Mine is formed? My Eternal Will is that of the soul, and My Heartbeat, palpitating in her heart, forms My Conception; her love, her pains and all of her acts done in My Will form My Humanity and make Me grow so much that I cannot remain hidden, nor can she help feeling Me. Don't you feel Me, alive, in your interior? This is why I told you that the Sanctity of living in My Will cannot be matched by anything else; all other sanctities will be like little lights, while It will be the great Sun transfused in its Creator...
V. 10 - 7/2/1911 - Wherever Love is, there is Life. Without Love, everything is dead -
V. 23 - 11/23/1927 - ...And all the Blessed say among themselves, taken with admiration: Who is she who brings the whole cortege of the Divine Works before the Divinity and with the Power of the Divine Fiat that she possesses overwhelms us all and makes us ask for a Kingdom so Holy? No one has had this Power, no one until now has asked for the Kingdom of the Fiat with such power and empire; at the most some have asked for the Glory of God, some the salvation of souls, some the reparation of so many offenses, all things that are referred to the external Works of God, it is the destruction of sin, not salvation only but Divine Sanctity in creatures, it is the liberation from all spiritual and bodily evils, it is transporting the earth in Heaven in order to make descend Heaven on earth. Therefore, asking for the Kingdom of My Will is the greatest thing, most perfect, most holy and therefore all reverent, they respond to your echo and the beautiful harmony resounds in the Celestial Country, Your Will be Done as in Heaven so on earth.
V. 3 - 5/3/1900 - This morning I found myself outside of myself and I saw all of Heaven studded with Crosses - some small, some medium, some which were larger, emanated more splendor. It was a most sweet enchantment to see so many Crosses adorning the firmament, more refulgent than suns. Then, it seemed that Heaven opened, and one could see and hear the Feast that the Blessed were making for the Cross. Those who had suffered more were celebrated on this day. One could distinguish in a special way the Martyrs and those who had suffered in a hidden way. Oh, how esteemed was the Cross and those who had suffered more in that Blessed Dwelling. As I was seeing this, a voice resounded throughout the whole of Heaven, saying: If the Lord did not send crosses upon the earth, He would be like a Father Who has no Love for His Own children - Who wants to see them poor and dishonored instead of Honored and Rich. The rest that I saw during this Feast I have no words to describe. I can feel it within me, but I am unable to express it; so I remained silent.
V. 2 - 6/25/1899 - Three Spiritual Joys of Faith - @
V. 14 - 8/2/1922 - ...My Humanity too found Itself in these painful conditions. It was inseparable from My Divinity; yet, since My Divinity was untouchable by the pains nor capable of suffering any shadow of pain, My Humanity found Itself alone in suffering, while My Divinity was only the Spectator of the pains and deaths which I suffered. Even more, It was My inexorable Judge, who wanted to be paid the penalty of each pain of each creature. Oh! how My Humanity trembled. I remained crushed before that Sureme Light and Majesty, in seeing Myself covered with the sins of all and with the pains and deaths that each one deserved! It was the greatest Pain of My Life - that while I was One with the Divinity and inseparable from It, in the pains I remained alone and as though apart.
V. 35 - 11/7/1937 - How all the Truths written about the Divine Will, will form the day to whom must live in Him. The Queen of Heaven suffers agonies of Love because She wants to endow Her children - @ - a must read.
V. 4 - 10/12/1900 - ...After this, He assumed the appearance of the Crucified and He shared His Pains with me and said to Me: My daughter, the most powerful enemies of man are: the love of pleasures, of riches and of honors. These enemies render man unhappy because they penetrate even into his heart and consume him continuously; they embitter him, they bring him down so much, as to make him lose all happiness. And I, on Calvary, defeated these three enemies and obtained for man the Grace to conquer them also, giving back to him the lost happiness. But man, always ungrateful and heedless, rejects My Grace and loves these enemies fiercely, which put the human heart in a continuous torture. Having said this, He disappeared, and I comprehended with such clarity the truthfulness of these words that I felt abhorrence and hate for these enemies.
V. 3 - 5/27/1900 - The Love of God and Grace penetrate into the most intimate parts of man -
V. 24 - 9/5/1928 - ...And Jesus: I cannot change, nor is it of the Divine Nature to change. The human nature changes but the Divine never does. Therefore, be certain that nothing has changed in Me. But do you know what I want to give you in recompense? My Own Life. Each Truth I manifest to you is Gifts of Divine Life that I give you; and I give you the freedom not only to keep this Great Gift for yourself but to multiply It in order to give It to whomever you want and to whomever wanted to receive It...
V. 32 - 4/23/1933 - How the Life of Jesus was a continuous abandonment in the Hands of the Father. One who lives in the Divine Will never interrupts her walk. Example of the clock. She takes Heaven in fist and with assault - @
V. 16 - 5/19/1924 - My daughter, My Will is Eternal and only for one who lives in It, embracing Eternity, all other acts, from the littlest to the greatest being animated by an Eternal Will, all acquire the value, the merit, the form of Divine and Eternal Acts. The Divine Volition empties those acts of all that is human and filling them with It's Divine Will, It makes them Its Own and places Its Seal on them, constituting them as many Eternal and Divine Acts... - Ah! if creatures could see a soul who lets My Will live within herself, they would see astounding things, never before seen: a God operating in the little circle of the human will, which is the greatest thing that can exist on earth and in Heaven. The Creation Itself - oh! how It remain behind, compared to the Prodigies I keep working in this creature.
V. 14 - 8/19/1922 - ...My interior pains were Incarnate and My Very Humanity was transformed into nails, into thorns, into scourges, into wounds, into martyrdom, so cruel as to give Me continuous deaths; and these were inseparable from Me - they formed My Very Life. On the other hand, those of My Passion were extraneous to Me; they were thorns and nails which could be driven inside and eventually, they could also be removed; and the mere thought that a pain can be removed is a relief. But My interior pains which were formed of My Own Flesh - there was no hope that they might be removed or that the sharpness of a thorn or the piercing of the nails might be lessened. My interior Pains were so great and so many that I could call the Pains of My Passion reliefs and kisses given to My interior Pains; and uniting together, they gave the last proof of My Great and excessive Love for the Salvation of souls. My external Pains were voices which called everyone to enter into the ocean of My interior Pains, to make them comprehend how much their Salvation cost Me...
V. 15 - 12/16/1922 - On the Conception of the Eternal Word - @
V. 2 - 10/28/1899 - This morning, my Lovable Jesus came surrounded by a Light, and looking at me, as though penetrating me everywhere, so much so, that I felt annihilated, He told me: "Who am I and who are you?". These Words penetrated me deep into the marrow of my bones and I could see the infinite distance that exists between the Infinite and the finite, between the All and the nothing. Not only this, but I could also see the malice of this nothing and how it had covered itself with mud. It seemed to me like a fish that swims in the water; so was my soul swimming in rot, amid worms and many other things which are fit only for striking horror to the sight. Oh! God, what an abominable sight! My soul would have wanted to flee before the sight of God Trice Holy, but with two more Words He binds me; and these are: "What is My Love for you? And what is your return for Me?"
V. 10 - 10/11/1911 - True Love is in the Union of the wills. Jesus can deny nothing to one who loves Him -
V. 2 - 7/22/1899 - My daughter, what you have seen is the path which all men cover on this earth. The movable steps, on which they cannot even lean to find support, are the human supports, the earthly things; if one tries to lean on them, instead of giving him help, they give a push to fall more quickly into hell. The safest means is to climb, almost flying, without touching the ground, by force of one's arms, with the eyes all fixed on oneself - without looking at others - and also by keeping them all intent on Me in order to receive help and strength. In this way, one can easily avoid the precipice.
V. 26 - 6/27/1929 - ...And if you knew how much We delight, how happy We feel, in seeing the littleness of the creature living in the sea of Our Volition - not as a stranger but as the owner, not as servant but as Queen; not as poor, bit immensely rich and rich in Our conquests which she has made in Our Fiat...
V. 14 - 7/28/1922 - See, My daughter, I suffered double deaths for each creature - one of Love and another of Pain. In creating him, I created him as a complex, all of Love, so that nothing but Love was to come out of him, so much so, that My Love and his were to be in continuous currents. However, not only did man not love Me, but ungrateful, he offended Me and so I was to repay My Divine Father for this lack of Love, accepting a death of Love for each one and another one of Pain for the offenses... - You must know that also My Humanity, as Holy as It was and immensely eager to suffer, felt this repugnance. But it was not Mine; it was all the repugnance that creatures would feel in doing good and in accepting the pains they deserved. And I had to suffer these pains which tortured Me not a little in order to give them the inclination to good and to render their pains sweeter; to the point that in the Garden, I cried out to the Father: "If it be possible, let this Chalice pass from Me!" Do you think it was I? Ah, no! - you deceive yourself. I loved suffering to folly; I loved death to give Life to My children. It was the cry of the whole human family that echoed in My Humanity, and I, crying out together with them to give them strength, repeated as many as three times: "If it be possible, let this Chalice pass from Me!" I was speaking in the name of all, as if it were My Own thing; but I was crushed...
V. 28 - 7/24/1930 - My daughter, courage. Don't fear. I am here with you. And the sign - is that you feel the Life of My Fiat in you. I am inseparable from It. You must know that Our Will is in Continuous Movement in Our Divine Being. Its Movement never ceases. Its Works are always in Act. Therefore, It is always Operating. The marvelous Surprises that happen when the creature enters Our Will are Enchanting and Prodigious. As the creature enters, Our Volition closes Itself within the creature. And while It closes Itself to the point of completely filling the creature, since the creature is not able to completely embrace It nor completely close It inside of herself, Our Volition overflows outside of Itself in a way that fills Heaven and earth and in a way that one sees that the littleness of the creature encloses a Divine Will, which maintains Its Incessant Movement and Its Operating Works in the creature. There is nothing Greater, more Holy, more Beautiful, more Prodigious than the Operating of My Volition in the littleness of the creature. While My Volition works, since the creature cannot completely enclose It within herself nor completely embrace It because the creature is finite and therefore doesn't have the capacity to enclose the Immense and the Infinite, the creature takes as much as she can contain until It is overflowing outside. And while My Volition overflows, one sees the creature under a rain of Light of various and rare Beauties inside and out, which Our Divine Being takes so much delight in - that We feel Ourselves rapt because We see that the human littleness, in virtue of Our Fiat that fills her, is transmuted in the Beauties of Our Divine Qualities, which have such strength to rapt Us and make Us enjoy Our pure Joys and Our inexpressible Happinesses in the creature...
V. 11 - 8/20/1912 - My daughter, how sorry I feel in seeing the soul huddled within herself - in seeing her operating by herself. I am close to her and look at her and seeing that many times she is unable to do well what she does, I wait for her to call Me and say: I want to do this thing, but I am unable to do it. Come and do it together with me. I want to pray; come and pray together with me. I want to make this sacrifice; come and give me Your Strength, for I feel weak... and so on with everything else. Gladly and with greatest delight, I would offer Myself for everything...
V. 10 - 10/14/1911 - Everything is in Love. How scarce is the number of those who fuse their lives completely in Love - @
V. 2 - 7/28/1899 - The Cross is the Noblest Mark in the soul -
V. 25 - 2/22/1929 - ...This is a Commitment, It is a Sacred and Divine Right that It has to be the Actor, the Dictator and the Spectator while you write, so that everything may be Light and surprising Truths in a way that the Divine Characters of My Will may be known in clear notes. Do you think that you are the one who writes? No, no - you are nothing other than the superficial part. The Substance, the Primary Part, the Dictator is My Divine Will; and if you could see the Tenderness, the Love, the Yearnings with which My Fiat inscribes Its Life on these papers, you would die consumed with Love...
V. 16 - 12/26/1923 - ...Then, afterwards, He told me: Beloved daughter of My Will, look inside of Me, how My Supreme Will conceded not even a breath of Life to the will of My Humanity as Holy as It was not even that was conceded to Me. I was to remain under the pressure of a Divine, Infinite, Endless Will, more than a press which constituted Itself Life of each one of My Heartbeats, Words and Acts; and my little human will die in each heartbeat, breath, act, word, etc. But it died in reality - it actually felt death because it never had life, I had My human will only to make it die continuously and even though this was a great honor for My Humanity and the greatest of Portents - each death of My human will was substituted by a Life of Divine Will - however, this continuous dying was the greatest, the hardest, the most bitter and painful martyrdom of My Humanity. Oh! how the pains of My Passion became little before this continuous dying of Mine. And in this alone, I completed the Perfect Glory of My Celestial Father, and I loved Him with a Love that surpasses any other love for all creatures...
V. 11 - 3/7/1915 - ..And this is the least - if I told you about the religious side... how many sacrileges! How many rebellions! How many pretend to be My children, while they are My fiercest enemies! These false sons are usurpers, self-interested and incredulous; their hearts are bilges of vice. These very sons will be the first to wage war against the Church - they will try to kill their own Mother! Oh! how many of them are already about to come out into the field. Now there is war against governments and countries; soon they will make war against the Church and Her greatest enemies will be Her own children. My Heart is lacerated with sorrow...
V. 10 - 10/17/1911 - Jesus gets more taste from the Love of the pilgrim soul, than from that of the Saints - @
V. 24 - 9/8/1928 - ...In the same way, when It reigns in the creature, Our Divine Will dispels the evils, puts to flight darkness, weaknesses, miseries and afflictions and as Queen, becomes her nourisher with Light, with Strength, with Divine Riches and with Happiness. Therefore, for one who lives in Our Fiat, bitterness, oppressions and everything that gives of human will, lose their place because the Light of Our Fiat tolerates nothing but what belongs to It...
V. 12 - 5/2/1917 - How Jesus died little by little -
V. 36 - 12/5/1938 - ...You must know that ab Eterno it has been established by Our Divinity, that so many Lives, We will make of Ourselves for how many things We have created and for how many Acts the creature will do in Our Will. Being that Our Being is superior to everything, it is just that in It's Lives, It exceeds the number of all the created things and of all the acts of the human family. Now, if the creature doesn't live in Our Will, We cannot do It; there would be missing the Divine Material, in order to form Our Life in her acts, there would be missing the place to put It; and then, to form these Lives of Ours without one who might want to receive Them, without one who might know Them and might Love Them, is to what advantage? Do you see therefore, how it concerns the most beautiful Act, the most Powerful and Wise? It concerns exposing Our Lives that We already hold generated in Our Bosom and We cannot bring Them forth because Our Volition doesn't reign. And it seems little to you that which the great Work of Creation lacks? It is the most interesting Act, the most culminating point in which the Creation and all Acts be enveloped with a Beauty so rare, a Glory so great, as to make remain as so many drops the Beauty that they have known of Us and the Glory that they have given us of the past...
V. 3 - 6/3/1900 - Luisa, chosen among a thousand. Lack of esteem for others is lack of true humility - @
V. 22 - 9/3/1927 - My daughter, until the creature comes to letting My Divine Will reign within her, she will be always unhappy, always restless, because as good, holy, learned and rich as she may be, she will feel within herself that she lacks the fullness of happiness and the sea of peace which are such that from no side may she be disturbed, or her happiness broken. So, she can only be happy by half and her peace will be halved; and because it is not whole, the half that she lacks will keep the way open to bring unhappiness and disturbance...
V. 11 - 5/2/1915 - Now, the souls who live in My Divine Will are the closest to My Humanity. Making My Humanity their own - because I gave It to them - they can present themselves before the Divinity as invested with It, like another Me, and they can disarm Divine Justice and impetrate scripts of forgiveness for the perverted creatures. Since they live in My Will, they live in Me; and since I live in everyone, they also live in everyone and for the good of all. They live hovering in the air like sun and their prayers, acts, reparations and everything they do, are like rays which descend from them for the good of all.
V. 26 - 6/9/1929 - And so this is why, My daughter, My Divine Will wants to make Itself known; It wants to form Its Kingdom - because these children belonging to It will live voluntarily within and of Its Light; they will remain with their mouths open to receive Its Kisses, Its Embraces and Its Affections, in order to form Its Divine Life in them. Then, yes!, will the Prodigies that My Volition knows how to do and can do, be seen. Everything will be transformed and the earth will become Heaven...But My Will, will make greater display, so much so, as to form a new enchantment of prodigious Beauties never before seen, for the whole of Heaven and for all the earth.
V. 4 - 12/24/1902 - ...After this, I saw people who believed themselves to be something greater than others; and Blessed Jesus said: My daughter, one who believes himself to be something before Me and before men, is worth nothing. One who believes himself to be nothing is worth everything - first, before Me because if he does something, he does not think he does it because he can do it, having the strength and capacity, but rather, because he receives from God the Grace, the helps and the lights; therefore, it can be said that he does it by virtue of Divine Power and one who has Divine Power with him is already worth something. Second, before me because this acting by virtue of Divine Power makes him operate in a completely different way and he does nothing but send forth the light of the Divine Power he contains within himself in such a way that the most perverted ones, without wanting it, feel the strength of this light and submit to his volition; and here is how he is worth everything also before men. On the contrary, one who believes himself to be something, in addition to be worth nothing, is abominable to My Presence and because of his ostentatious and particular manners - for he belives he is something and makes fun of others - men keep him pointed out as an object of derision and of persecution.
V. 10 - 11/18/1911 - What true crucifixion consists of. The esterior crucifixion lasted only three hours but the crucifixion of all the particles of His Being and the crucifixion of His human will in the Will of the Father lasted for His whole Life -
V. 24 - 4/22/1928 -Afterwards, I was thinking to myself: But what harm does the creature do when she does her will? And Jesus added; My daughter, the harm is great. My Will is Light, while the human will is darkness; My Will is Sanctity, while the human will is sin; Mine is Beauty and contains every Good, while the human will is ugliness and contains every evil. Therefore, by not doing My Will, the soul makes the Light die and gives death to Sanctity, to Beauty and to all Goods; and by doing her will, she makes darkness rise and gives life to sin, to ugliness and to all evils. Yet, doing their own will seems nothiig to creatures, while they dig themselves an abyss of evils which leads them to the precipice...
V. 11 - 6/24/1913 - The soul who has no appetite for good, feels a sort of nausea and repulsion for good itself. Therefore, these souls are the refuse of God.
V. 21 - 4/14/1927 - My daughter, all that I suffered in My Humanity was nothing other than all the evil that the human will had produced for the poor creature. It formed the prison and took away his freedom to be able to move about in his God, in the heavens, wherever he wanted; it incapacitated him in doing good; it took away his Light; and it encircled him in darkness. And I came to earth and enclosed Myself in the Prison of the Womb of My dear Mama and even though She was Holy, it cannot be denied that Prison was the most restricted that could exist in the World. I could neither reach out My Hand nor move a Foot; I could not take a step. There was not even enough space to open My Eyes... - In My Passion, I wanted to suffer being stripped in the flagellation and placed nude on the Cross, being torn apart in such a horrible way that My Bones could even be counted - I wanted to suffer all amid the confusion, abandonment and unspeakable bitternesses. All of that was nothing other than the fruit of the human volition which had stripped the creature of all goods and with its poisonous breath had covered him with confusion and humiliations to the point of transforming him in a horrible way and making him the scorn for all his enemies. Daughter, if you want to know all the evils that the human will has done, study well My Own Life... - My daughter, when I speak, I put forth a Life, which is the greatest of Gifts and I must see if there is the disposition on the part of the creature to receive this Life of Mine; and if I don't see it, I am constrained to keep silent because there is no place to put this great Gift. That is why many times I do not speak because what regards My Divine Fiat is not only for you but will serve other creatures. At the most, It will form Its Capital in you, so that It may be transmitted for the good of others. Thus, while I am silent, you pray that the Kingdom of My Will be known and you suffer because you see yourself deprived of Me, your Life. To live without Life is the greatest martydom; these pains and these prayers mature the Gift and as they make Me open My Mouth to put forth new Life regarning My Divine Will, they dispose the creature to receive It.
V. 3 - 6/14/1900 - The Effects of the Cross - @
V. 11 - 1/22/1913 - I was thinking about the Passion of my always Lovable Jesus, especially of what He suffered in the Garden. I found myself all immersed in Jesus and He told me: My daughter, My first Passion was of Love because the first step with which man gives himself to evil is the lack of Love; so, since Love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of Love of creatures, Love made Me suffer more than anyone; It almost crushed Me, more than if I was under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life. The second step that occurs in sin is defrauding God of His Glory. So, in order to be repaid for the Glory taken away by creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin, such that each sin gave Me a special Passion. Although, there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the World. So, the Glory of the Father was restored. The third effect produced by sin is weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews - My third Passion - to restore in man his lost strength. Therefore, with the Passion of Love, Love was restored and placed at its level; with the Passion of sin, the Glory of the Father was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of creatures was placed at its level and restored. I suffered all this in the Garden and the pain was so much, so many the deaths - the atrocious spasms inflicted upon Me that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for My death had arrived...
V. 14 - 9/24/1922 - All the evil in man is that he has lost the Seed of My Will; therefore, he does nothing but cover himself with the greatest crimes which degrade him and make him act like a madman. Oh! how many follies they are about to commit! Just penalty - since they want to have their own self as God.
V. 12 - 7/25/1917 - ...And He: You must know that the most Noble, the most Sublime, the Greatest and most Heroic Act is to do My Will and to operate in My Volition. At this Act, which no one can equal, I display the Pomp of all My Love and Generosity. As soon as the soul decides to do It - in the Act in which the two wills meet to be fused into each other and become One - to give her the honor of keeping her in My Volition, if she is stained, I purify her; if the thorns of human nature envelope her, I shatter them; and if some nail pierces her - that is sin - I pulverize it because nothing evil can enter My Will. Even more, all My Attributes invest her, turning her weakness into fortitude, ignorance into wisdom, misery into richness and so with all the rest. Something from herself always remain in other acts but in These she remains completely stripped of herself and I fill her completely with Me.
V. 14 - 6/26/1922 - ...See, I am the God isolated by creatures; I live in their midst, I am Life of each one ot their acts, while they keep Me as if I were not with them. Oh, how I cry over My loneliness - So I am - alone! always alone...while being in their midst, I am Light of every thought, Sound of every word, Motion of every work, Step of every foot, Beat of every heart. Yet, man, ungrateful leaves Me alone and he says not a "thank you" to Me, not one "I love You". I remain isolated in his intelligence because he uses the Light, I give to him for himself and perhaps to offend Me. I remain isolated in his words because many times the sound that they form serves to blaspheme against Me. I remain isolated in his works, which he uses to kill Me; in his steps and in his heart which are intent only on disobeying Me and on loving what does not belong to Me. Oh, how this loneliness weighs on Me! But My Love, My Magnanimity, is so great that, more than sun, I continue My course, and, in My course, I keep investigating whether anyone wants to keep Me company in so much loneliness. And as I find him, I form My Perennial company in him, and I Lavish all My Graces upon him. This is why I have come to you - I was tired of so much loneliness. Never leave Me alone, My daughter.
V. 11 - 7/28/1915 - My daughter, one who does My Will is so identified with Me, that her heart and Mine form one single heart. And since all the souls who are saved, are saved through this Heart and as Its Heartbeat is formed, so do they take flight towards salvation, coming out from the Mouth of this Heart - I will give to the soul the merit of these saved souls because she has wanted the salvation of those souls together with Me and I have used her as the life of My Own Heart.
V. 10 - 2/10/1912 - The sign in order to know whether one has left everything for God and has reached the point of operating and of loving everything Divinely - @
V. 12 - 3/12/1921 - After a little while He came back and I said to Him: My Life, Jesus, if the souls who will live in Your Volition will be Rainbows, what will be the Colors of these Rainbows of Peace? And Jesus, all Goodness: Their Qualities and Colors will be fully Divine. They will blaze with the most Beautiful and Bright Colors, which are: Love, Goodness, Wisdom, Power, Sanctity, Mercy and Justice. The variety of these Colors will be as Light in the darkness of the night and by virtue of these Colors, they will make the Day arise in the minds of creatures.
V. 23 - 10/30/1927 - How the Divine Love regurgitated in the Creation. Liberality and Magnificense in creatung the machine of the Universe especially in creating His beloved Jewel without merit of anyone. Decision of the Divine Will in wanting to come to reign in the midst of creatures. His balsamic air, His enchanting and enrapturing Beauty. What His Knowledges will do. -
V. 23 - 11/2/1927 - Difference that passes between one who live s in the Divine Volition and works, and between one who does good in the night of the huuan will
V. 15 - 4/25/1923 - ...And I: My Love, if with Your Redemption, not all are saved, how can it be that Your Will will give this Happiness to all? And Jesus: Man will always be free. I will never take away from him these rights which I gave him in creating him; only, in Redemption I came to open many ways, small paths and shortcuts to faciltitate Salvation, the Sanctity of man while with My Will I come to open the Royal and straight way which leads to the Sanctity of the Likeness of their Creator and which contains true Happiness. But in spite of this, they will always be free to remain - some on the Royal Way, some on the small paths and some completely outside; however, in the world there will be what now is not - the Happiness of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. Man did his first Acts in My Will and then he withdrew, therefore he was ruined; and since he was the head of all, all members were ruined together. My Humanity formed the Plane of all human acts in the Divine Will, My Mama followed Me faithfully; so, everything is prepared. Nothing else is needed but another creature who, wanting to live perennially in this Will, may come to take possession of the Plane formed by Me and may open the Royal Way to all, which leads to terrestrial and Celestial Happiness.
V. 20 - 12/25/1926 - How the Little Baby made Himself seen, newly born, by His Mama. The Light that the Little Baby sent forth. which gave to everyone the Greeting of His coming upon earth. Difference between the Grotto and the Prison of the Passion -
V. 30 - 12/21/1931 - ...Now We want to open the Doors of Ours after so many centuries to one who wants to enter, not to force her, but freely in order to make these Divine Fields of Ours populated in order to give a new Form, a Way of Life all new to the creature and to be able to receive not works from her but in her every act, Life formed in Our same Life. Behold therefore, the reason fo My Speaking so much on My Will with the strength of My Creative Word. It will dispose them; It will give them the desire, It will change the human will and knowing that I want to open the Doors, they will knock and I will open them immediately so that I Myself remain satisfied and have My fortunate people in which I will give Myself to, for the exchange of My Life that I have given for them, their life in exchage for Mine. I have never spoken without having something or in vain. I spoke in the Creation and My Word served in order to form the admirable things of the whole Universe; I spoke in the Redemption and My Word, My Gospel serves to guide to My Church as Light, as Support. One can say that My Word is the substance and My palpitating Life in the Womb of the Church. Now, if I have spoken and still speak on My Divine Will, It won't be in vain, no, but I wil make the Admirable Effects and the Life of My Will known, Working and Palpitating in the midst of creatures. Hence, leave Me to do and I will dispose things in a way that My Word won't be a dead Word but alive, that will give Life with all Its Admirable Effects. More so that these Fields and Celestial Seas of Ours will act as Mother to the fortunate souls who want to live in Them...These souls will form the new Hierarchy in their Celestial Country, where there is a Post reserved for them, that to no one else is it given to occupy.
V. 9 - 3/10/1909 - Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself with Baby Jesus in my arms and I said to Him: Tell me, my little Pretty One, what does the Father do? And He: The Father forms One Single Thing with Me; therefore, whatever the Father does, I do. And I added: And with the Saints - what do You do? And He: I give Myself continuously; so, I am their Life, Joy, Happiness, Immense Good, without end and without boundaries. They are filled with Me; they find everything in Me - I am everything for them and they are all for Me...
V. 15 - 1/16/1923 - The second general turmoil -
V. 17 - 1/22/1925 - ...I would have wanted to tell Him who knows how many things; but - no, I could just say to Him: Jesus, do not leave me anymore; don't You see that without You I cannot last in this exile! And He, all Goodness: I do not leave you, no, no - this is a mark you want to give to your Jesus. I never leave anyone - creatures withdraw from Me, not I from them; on the contrary, I go after them. So, do not want to give Me this affront - that I may leave you - ever again. And besides did you not see that I was inside of you, not outside of you; and not only Myself but the whole World?...
V. 3 - 6/17/1900 - To be in God is to be in Peace - @
V. 12 - 8/14/1917 - My daughter, I did nothing other than give Myself prey to the Will of My Father. Therefore, if I thought, I thought in the Mind of the Father; if I spoke, I spoke in the Mouth and with the Tongue of the Father; if I worked, I worked in the Hands of the Father. I even breathed My breathing in Him; and everything I did was Ordered the way He wanted. Therefore, I could say that I carried out My Life in the Father and that I was the Bearer of the Father because I enclosed everything in His Will and I did nothing by Myself. My Main Point was the Will of the Father because I did not care about Myself nor did I interrupt My Course because of the offenses I received; rather, I kept flying more and more towards My Center. Only then, did My natural Life end, when I fulfilled the Will of the Father in everyting... - Living in the Divine Will means being inseparable, doing nothing by oneself because in the face of the Divine Will, one feels incapable of anything. He does not take orders nor does he receive them because he feels incapable of going by himself. So he says: If You want me to do this, let us do it together and if You want me to go, let us go together. Therefore, he does all that his Father does... - Oh, the rapid and sublime flights of this child in the Divine Will! This Divine Will is Immense; in every instant It circulates within everyone; It gives Life and Order to everything. And the soul wandering within this Immenstiy, flies to all, helps all, loves all but as Jesus Himself Helps and Loves - which cannot be done by one who lives only resigned.
V. 11 - 6/29/1914 - Now, My daughter, My "Ad Intra" about which I spoke to you is precisely this: Somethimes I keep you together with Me, with My Humanity and you take part in My Pains, in the Works and in the Joys of My Humanity; other times, drawing you inside of Me, I make you to be dissolved within My Divinity. How many times have I not made you swim within Me, keeping you so deep inside of Me, you took part in the Enjoyments, in the Love and in all the rest, always according to your little capacity; and even though Our Works "Ad Intra" are eternal, the creatures can still enjoy the effects of those Works in their lives, according to their love... - Besides, My Being is always in Act, It has no beginning and no end, I am Old and New, therefore, Our Works "Ad Intra" have always been, are and will be - and always in Act...
V. 36 - 6/16/1938 - How the Divine Volition wants to always give to creatures and wants to receive. Delivery/Consignment of both parts; Rights that one loses and Reign that one acquires. How God finds everything in the Act done is His Will - - a must read
V. 13 - 1/14/1922 - Then Jesus told me: My daughter, let us go back together into your bed. What you see is the Most Holy Trinity, as though holding all creatures in the Palm of Its Hand; and as It gives Life, Preserves, Purges and Delights from Its mere Breath, there is no creature which does not hang upon It. Its Light is inaccessible to the created mind. If anyone wanted to enter, it would happen to him as to a person who wanted to enter into a great fire. Therefore, being extinguished, he would never be able to say either how much or what kind of heat that fire contained. The Rays are the Divine Virtues. Some Virtues are less adaptable to the created mind; this is why the created mind is delighted by Them; it can see Them but is unable to describe anything. The other Virtues, which are more adaptable to the human mind, can be described but like a stutterer would do because no one can speak about them in a way which is right and worthy. The Virtues which are more adaptable to the human mind are - Love, Mercy, Goodness, Beauty, Justice, Science. Therefore, with Me, let us send our Homages to the Most Holy Trinity in the name of all, to thank It, praise It and bless It for so much Goodness towards all creatures.
V. 28 - 2/22/1930 - My daughter, if you only knew what it means to make yourself prey of My Divine Will! The soul remains surrounded by Our Immutability and everything becomes immutable for the soul; immutable - the Sanctity, the Grace, the Love. So, the soul no longer feels the variety of the human ways but the stability of the Divine Ways - It can be said that this is the sign for to know if one lives of the Divine Will. The Immutability in the Good. And, this is the sign to know if one lives of the human will. It changes itself in every little moment.
V. 19 - 9/12/1926 - ...Therefore, remove these thoughts that I might leave you because it is not something that My Will produces or that belongs to It. My Will is firmness and indissoluble Bond. It seems unseemly for one who possesses My Will as Life to occupy herself with anything else; rather, you should remain firm on how to expand the boundaries of Its Kingdom, so that It may triumph, It may be formed in you and you may transmit It to the poor generations which are now wriggling about and forming the current of the chasms into which they will be swept. But the chastisements also are necessary; this will serve to prepare the ground so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat may form in the midst of the human family. So, many lives, which will be an obstacle to the Triumph of My Kingdom, will disappear from the face of the earth and therefore many chastisements of destruction will take place; others will be formed by creatures themselves to destroy one another. However, this must not worry you; rather, pray that everything may take place for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. Having said this, He disappeared...
V. 11 - 6/15/1916 - So I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then I felt the Queen Mama near me and She told me: My daughter, pray. And I: My Mama, let us pray together for by myself I don't know how to pray. And She added: The most powerful prayers over the Heart of My Son and those which move Him the most, are for the creature to clothe herself with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as Gift to the creature. Therefore, My daughter, surround your head with the thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His Tears, impregnate your tongue with His bitterness, clothe your soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His Wounds, pierce your hands and feet with His nails and like another Christ present yourself before His Divine Majesty. This sight will move Him in such a way that He will not be able to deny anything to the soul with His Own Insignia. But - oh! how little do creatures know how to make use of the Gifts which My Son gave them! These were My Prayers upon earth and these are My Prayers in Heaven. So, together we clothed ourselves with the Insignia of Jesus and together we presented ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved all; the Angels made way for us and remaind as though surprised. I thanked Mama and I found myself inside myself.
V. 16 - 12/29/1923 - For one who lives in the Divine Will, it is always Christmas. The continuous dying of Jesus and the continuous dying of Luisa in the Divine Will -
V. 12 - 10/15/1919 - My daughter, as soon as the soul enters My Volition and decides to live in It, all doubts and fears depart from her... - Therefore, among the many Goods which living in My Will brings, It also brings the State of Security... - My Kingdom is hers, as much as It is Mine; and defending Our Rights, she takes part in judging and condemning others.
V. 7 - 10/16/1906 - I seemed to be outside of myself and it seemed that there was a special Feast in Heaven and I was invited to this Feast. It seemed I was singing with the very Blessed, because up there, there is no need to learn but one feels as though an infusion in one's interior and whatever the others sing or do, one is able to do as well. Now, it seemed to me that each Blessed is a Key, that is, a Melody himself but all are in harmony among themselves. though each one is different from the other. One sings the notes of Praise, one the notes of Glory, one of Thanksgiving, one of Blessings but all those notes reunite into one single note and this note is Love. It seems that one single voice reunites all those voices and ends with the word "Love". This cry, "Love" is such a sweet and strong resounding that all other voices remain as though extingushed in this Canticle, "Love" It seemed that all the Blessed were made ecstatic, drowsy, awake. inebriated by this cry or Chant, "Love", high, harmonious, beautiful, which deafened the whole of Heaven; they participated - one could say - in one more Paradise. But who were the fortunate ones who cried out more loudly, who made this note "Love", resound in everything and who brought great Happiness into Heaven Itself?. They were the ones who had loved the Lord more when they were on earth. Ah, they were not the ones who had done great things, penances, miracles...Ah, no-never! Love alone is what surpasses everything and leaves everything behind. So, it is one who loves much, not one who does much who will be more pleasing to the Lord. It seems I am speaking nonsense but what can I do? It is obedience's fault. Who doesn't know that the things from up there cannot be spoken down here? So, in order not to speak more nonsense, I stop here.
V. 8 - 1/30/1909 - The Story of "Why" - @
V. 3 - 4/16/1900 - My daughter, the passport to enter Beatitude, which the soul can possess on this earth, must be signed with three Signatures; and these are Resignation, Humility and Obedience...
V. 14 - 4/25/1922 - Thousands of Angels are the Guardians and Custodians of the Acts done in the Divine Will - @
V. 13 - 10/27/1921 - And Jesus: My daughter, it is fair, after I carried you in My Interior for My Whole Life, that your duty be to carry Me in your interior for your whole life. If I placed you in My Interior, it was in order to perfume your soul and to extend a new Heaven within you, so as to render it a worthy dwelling for My Person. It is true that you felt safer and that joys poured down upon you; but the earth is not a place of delights -its inheritance is pain and the cross is the bread of the strong...
V. 22 - 9/14/1927 - ...Therefore, if My Dear Mama gave Me Love, Acts, Steps,Words - I, in each Degree of Grace, gave Her a Divine Life because Grace is nothing other than the bilocated Life of God which gives Itself to creatures...
V. 16 - 1/14/1924 - The Divine Will was everything for man, and with It, he needed nothing. Before being scourged, Jesus wanted to be strippe in order to give back to the creature the Royal Garment of the Divine Will - @ - a must read
V. 15 - 1/24/1923 - How it had been reserved that the Doors of the Divine Will would be opened to Luisa. The Divine Will acting alone in Three Distinct Persons in Heaven wants to Act alone in three distinct persons on earth - @ - a must read
V. 11 - 8/12/1916 - Glory of the souls who live in the Divine Will on earth - @
V. 31 - 8/14/1932 - My blessed daughter, My Will produces the Light in the soul, the Light generates the Knowledge, Light and Knowledge love each other and generate Love. So that where My Supreme Will reigns the Sacrosant Trinity reigns in Act. Our Adorable Divinity is carried in nature in an irresistible way without ever interrupting to generate continually; and the first generating Act We do is in Ourselves. The Father generates Me continually, and I His Son, feel Myself generated in Him continually, the Celestial Father generates Me and Loves Me; I am generated and I Love Him and from the One and the Other proceeds Love. In this Generative Act without ever ceasing, It encloses all Our Admirable Knowledges, Our Secrets, Our Beatitudes, Our Dispositions, Our Power and Wisdom all as much the Eternity, enclosed in One Single Generating Act, Which forms all the whole of Our Divine Being. Hence, this Reciprocal Love of Ours that forms the Third Person of Our Inseparable Being from Us, it seens that He is not content with Our Generating Act in Ourselves but He wants to generate outside of Ourselves, in souls, and behold We entrust the assignment to Our Will animated by Our Love and goes to form with His Light Our Divine Generation; indeed He can do this in one who lives in Our Volition; outside of Him, there is no Post in order to form Our Divine Life; Our Word would not find the hearing in order to make Himself listened to and lacking Our Knowledges, the Love would not find the substance in order to Generate; and behold, Our Most Holy Trinity disarranged in the creature. Therefore, only Our Will is that which can form this Divine Generation of Ours. Hence, be attentive to listen to what this Light wants to say to you in order to give Him the field to His Generating Act.
V. 3 - 6/27/1900 - The soul must recognize herself in Jesus, not in herself -
V. 27 - 11/10/1929 - ...But while I was thinking of this, my Sweet Jesus told me: My little daughter, it is true that you are too little, but you must know that, in My Divine Fiat only the little ones enter to live in Its Light; and at every Act that these little ones do in My Divine Will, they suffocate their own, giving a sweet death to the human will because in Mine, there is no room nor place to let it operate. The human volition has no reason nor right, as it loses its value before a Will, Reason and Right which are Divine...
V. 6 - 1/16/1906 - ...My Blessed Jesus came for a little, and told me: No one can resist the truth nor can man say that it is not the truth. As evil and stupid as one might be, he cannot say that white is black and that black is white, that light is darkness and that darkness is light. Only, one who loves it, embraces it and puts it to work, while one who does not love it, remains perturbed and tormented.
V. 16 - 1/23/1924 - Just as Jesus braided the Creating Fiat with His Redeeming Fiat, so does He want the third Fiat to be braided with the Creating and Redeeming Fiat. The Humanity of Jesus is smaller than His Eternal Will - - a must read
V. 21 - 4/8/1927 - How all the Figures and Symbols of the Old Testament symbolize the childdren of the Divine Will - How Adam fell from one place to a lower place.- @ - a must read
V. 15 - 12/1/1922 - ...So, riches are slaveries, positions are swords, by which many are killed or wounded - True reigning is Virtue, to be stripped of everything, to sacrifice oneself for all, to submit oneself to all. This is true reigning, which binds all and makes one loved by all...
V. 10 - 11/23/1910 - ...So, one can say that Love is patience, Love is obedience, is sweetness, is fortitude, is peace - it is everything. If all the other virtues do not receive life from Love, they can be called natural virtues at the most but Love changes them into Divine Virtues. Oh! what a difference between the two: the natural virtues are servants. the Divine are Queens.
V. 7 - 2/12/1906 - ...And the soul, while living in this Divine Volition, is clothed with a Light all similar to the One in whom she lives, so much so, that also in Heaven, she will shine more than all the others, in such a way as to be an occasion of greater Glory for the very Saints. Ah, My daughter, think a little bit of what an atmosphere of Peace and of Goods the mere words "Will of God" contain. At the mere thought of wanting to live in this atmosphere, the soul feels already changed; she feels a Divine Air investing her, from impatient, patient; from proud - humble, docile, charitable, obedient; in sum, from poor, rich. All the other Virtues arise to surround, like a Crown, this high wall which has no boundaries; because, since God has no boundaries, the soul dissolved within God, she loses her own boundaries and she acquires the boundaries of the Will of God.
V. 16 - 2/16/1924 - Immense Sorrow and Infinite Joys of the Heart of Jesus. One who, with Love and submission, shares in His Sorrows and in His Joys - - must read
V. 13 - 10/29/1921 ...And sobbing, He told me: Daughter, the enemies left Me alone in prison, horribly bound and in the dark. Everything around Me was thick darkness. Oh, how this darkness afflicted Me! My clothes were wet from the filthy waters of the stream, I could smell the stench of the prison and of the spit with which I was smeared. My hair was disheveled without a pitying hand to remove it from My Eyes and from My Mouth. My Hands were bound by chains and the darkness did not allow Me to see My state - alas, too painful and humiliating. Oh, how many things did My state, so painful, tell of it in this prison! I remained in prison for three hours. With this I wanted to rehabilitate the three Ages of the World: that of the Law of Nature, that of Written Law and that of the Law of Grace. I wanted to release all, reuniting them all together and to give them Freedom as children of Mine. By being there three hours, I wanted to rehabilitated the three Ages of man: childhood, youth and old age. I wanted to rehabilitate him when he sins out of passion, out of his will and out of obstinacy. Oh, how the obscurity I saw around Me made Me feel the thick darkness which sin produces in man! Oh, how I cried over him, saying: Oh! man, your sins have thrown Me into this thick darkness and I suffer it to give you light. It is your evils that have smeared Me like this and their darkness is such as to prevent Me from even seeing them. Look at Me - I am the image of your sins. If you want to know them, look at them in Me!
V. 6 - 1/6/1906 - My daughter, Prayer is music to My Hearing, especially when a soul is all conformed to My Will in such a was that nothing can be seen in her interior but a continuous attitude of Life of Divine Will...
V. 15 - 4/20/1923 - God does His greatest Works in virgin and unknown souls - @
V. 5 - 5/11/1903 - As I was in my usual state, I saw my Adorable Jesus for just a little, Who said to me: Peace puts all passions in their place but what triumphs over everything, establishes all the Good in the soul and Sanctifies everything, it to do everything for God - that is, to operate with the upright intention of pleasing God alone. An upright operating is what directs, dominates and rectifies the Virtues themselves and even obedience. In sum, it is like a conductor who directs the spiritual music of the soul.
V. 15 - 4/2/1923 - ...Each additional entrance you make into My Will pushes Me to give you new Knowledges about It and to narrate to you more Prodigies because I want you to know the good you do, so that you may appreciate It and desire to possess It. And in seeing that you love It and appreciate It, I give you possession of It. Knowledge is the eyes of the soul...
V. 11 - 2/24/1912 - ...And I: Jesus, I want to be poor poor, little little, I want nothing, even of Your very Things; it is better if You keep Them. I want only You and as I need things, You will give them to me; isn't it true O Jesus/ And Jesus: Brava, brava, My daughter! Finally I have found someone who does not want anything. Everyone wants something from Me, but not the All - that is, Myself alone: but you, by wanting nothing, have wanted everything and here is all the Fineness and the Astuteness of true Love.
V. 10 - 5/24/1911 - What God is by Nature, the soul is by Grace -
V. 20 - 11/14/1926 - ...You must know that great Graces are needed in order to form in the soul the Sanctity of living in My Will. The other Sanctities can be formed with small Graces because it is not an Immense and Eternal Will that they must embrace and possess but little Particles of It, Its Commands, Its Shadow. On the other hand,, in this Sanctity, they must possess My Will as their own life, they must form Its Cortege and make Its Acts their own acts; therefore, Seas of Graces are needed in order to form this Sanctity. My Will must bilocate Itself in order to extend Its Sea in the depth of the soul and then extend another Sea of Itself so as to be able to receive what benefits Its Sanctity, Its Unending Light, Its Immensity without boundaries. The goodwill of the soul is nothing other than the bottom of the sea which, forming the shore, surrounds the waters in order to form the Sea. My daughter, it takes much to sustain and preserve a Divine Will in the soul; and the Divinity knowing that the creature does not have equivalent things for a Will so Holy, holds nothing back - everything is placed in her at her disposal in order to form the Sanctity of living in My Will. God Himself Acts as Prime Actor and Spectator; My Humanity gives everything - everything It Suffered and Conquered, which are Endless Seas - as help of this Sanctity, fully Divine. The Queen Mama Herself places Her Sea of Graces. of Love and of Sorrows at Her disposal, as help and feels honored that they serve the Supreme Will in order to accomplish the Sanctity of the Eternal Fiat in the creature...
V. 15 - 4/21/1923 - ...Can there be a time sadder than this? Pretense is the ugliest sin and that most wounds My Heart.
V. 29 - 2/13/1931 - And My Heart while It is human, It is Divine, It possesses the Sweetest Tenderness... - My daughter, the Substance of Our Divine Being is an Immensity of Purest Light, that produces an Immensity of Love; this Light possesses all the Goods, all the Joys, interminable Happiness and indescribable Beauties: this Light invests everything, sees everything, encloses everything for neither past nor future exist for It but One Act alone, always in Act, that produces such multiplicity of Effects as to fill Heaven and earth. Now the Immensity of the Love that this Light produces makes Us Love Our Being and all that goes forth from Us, with such Love as to render Us true and perfect Lovers, so that We don't know how to do other than to Love and to give Love and to ask for Love...
V. 30 - 12/14/1931 - ...Not one rescript of Grace is conceded by Us, if it is not signed by the Gold Signature of Our Volition; the Doors of Heaven are not opened, if not to one who wants to do Our Will; Our Paternal Knees are not adapted to take her in Our Arms in order to make her rest in Our Loving Bosom, if not to one who comes as daughter of Our Volition...
V. 16 - 8/9/1023 - My daughter, the human will has covered the whole atmosphere with clouds in such a way that thick darkness hangs over creatures and almost all of them walk limping and groping. And each human action they do without the connection of the Divine Will intensifies this darkness and man becomes more blind because the Light - the sun for the human will is the Divine Will. Without It, there is no Light for the creature....
V. 13 -11/4/1921 ...Among Ourselves, the Three Divine Persons, We had no need to speak in order to understand One Another. However, in the Creation I wanted to use the Word, so I said,"Fiat"and things were made. To this "Fiat", I bound and gave the power that creatures might have the word in order to understand one another... - My only purpose in creating the creature was that he would do My Will in everything. But with this, I wanted to bring into existence new Births of Myself. I wanted to make of him a Prodigious Portent, worthy of Me and in everything similar to Me. But - alas, the human will was going to be the first to set itself against Me...
V. 33 - 1/20/1935 - My Blessed daughter, it is really this to live in My Will, to acquire the Right of daughter and God acquires the Supremacy, the Command, the Right of Father; only He knows how to unite together the one and the other and form one Life alone. Now you should know that one who lives in My Divine Volition acquires three Prerogatives: First: the Right of Divine Life...Now to the first prerogative goes out in field the second, that is the Right of Property...From the second is born the third prerogative: the Right of Glory...
V. 8 - 3/25/1908 - Continuing in my usual state, Blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: Daughter, temptations can be conquered easily because the Devil is the most cowardly creature who can exist and a contrary act. a contempt, a prayer are enough to make him flee. In fact, these acts render him even more cowardly than he is, and in order not to bear that confusion, as soon as he sees the soul resolute in not wanting to pay attention to his cowardice, he flees terrified.
V. 24 - 9/21/1928 - After this, I was thinking of how the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat could come and my Sweet Jesus added: My daughter, all things in My Hands can be means to obtain the intent that My Divine Will be known and reign in the midst of creatures. I will act like a king when he wants a city to surrender to his dominion: he lays siege to it; he makes its people touch with their own hands - if they do not surrender, he will make them die of starvation; and when the people see that they lack the means to survive, they surrender. So the king lifts the siege; ruling, he enters the city; he provides all the means of support in a superabundant way; he gives them feats and amusements and makes that people happy. So I will do: I will lay siege to the human will; I will embitter and destroy that which serves to nourish it and therefore many chastisements will occur, which will be nothing but the siege I will lay to all that is human in such a way that, tired and disillusioned, they will feel the need for My Divine Fiat to reign in their midst; and as soon - as It sees that they long for It, It will take Dominion. It will provide them with everything in abundance; and will make them Happy. Therefore, you, have no concern; I know how to dispose all the events in order to obtain the intent...
V. 21 - 4/22/1927 - My daughter, see how beautiful all of Creation is: what fascination of light, what enchantment of varieties, what rare beauty! Yet, these are none other than the ornaments of Our Divine Being. If such are Our adornments, Our Being surpasses in an unfathomable way Our Own Ornaments and the creature is incapable of understanding the Incomprehensibility of Our Own Being...
V. 3 - 7/10/1900 - Difference between living for God and living in God -
V. 23 - 2/9/1928 - ...My daughter, My Mama and I were as Two Twins born from the same Birth because We didn't hold but One Will alone that gave Us Life; the Divine Fiat put Our Acts in common in a way that the Son Reflects in Her and the Mama Reflected in the Son...
V. 13 - 12/25/1921 - ...But do you know who was the first, after My Mama, Whom I called with My Tears to be close to Me in My very Manger, to pour Myself out in Love? It was you - the little daughter of My Will. You were so little as to surpass My Dear Mama in littleness, so much so, that I was able to keep you near Me, in My Own Manger and I could pour out My Tears into your heart. These Tears sealed My Will in you and constituted you legitimate daughter of My Will. My Heart rejoiced in seeing what My Will had delivered in Creation coming back in you, as whole in My Will. This was important and indispensable for Me - at My first coming out to the light of this World. Therefore, the first Kiss and the first Gifts of My tenderest age were for you. And I: My Love, how could this be, if at that time I did not exist? And Jesus: In My Will everything existed and all things were one single point for Me. I could see you then, just as I see you now and all the Graces I have given you are nothing other than the confirmation of what you had been given from Eternity. And I could see not only you but in you I saw My little Family Who would live in My Will. How content I felt! These soothed My crying, warmed Me and surrounding Me like a Crown, defended Me from the perfidy of the other creatures.
V. 17 - 6/3/1925 - ...Then, after He had me look at the whole Universe, my Sweet Jesus told me: My daughter, everything was done in Creation. In It, the Divinity manifested all of Its Majesty, Power and Wisdom and made display of His complete Love towards creatures. There is not one point, either in Heaven or on earth or in any created thing, in which the completeness of Our Works cannot be seen - not one thing was left half-done. In Creation, God showed off all His Works for the creatures; He loved with complete Love and did complete Works - there was nothing to be added or to be removed... - The Redemption was nothing other than a Reparation of the evils that creatures had done; It added nothing to the Work of Creation. And Sanctification is nothing other than Help, Grace, Light, so that man may return to his Origin and to the Purpose for which he was created. In fact, in Creation, by virtue of My Will, the Sanctity of man was complete because he came out of a Complete Act of God. He was Holy and Happy in the soul because My Will brought to him the Reflections of the Sanctity of his Creator and he was also Holy and Happy in the body... - My Will makes one think differently; It makes one look at My Will in all created things, speak with the Echo of My Will, operate through the veils of My Will...
V. 3 - 8/30/1900 - ...After this, the Queen Mama said to me: Do you want to come to Purgatory to relieve the king(of Italy) of the horrible pains he is in? And I: My Mama, as He wants. In an instant, She took me and flying, She transported me into a place of atrocious torments, all mortal; and that miserable one was there, going from one torment to another. It seemed that for as many souls as had been lost because of him, so many deaths was he supposed to suffer. Then, after I went through several of those torments myself, he was relieved a little bit. Again, the Queen Mama took me away from that place of pain and I found myself inside myself.
V. 14 - 4/1/1922 - ...While I was thinking of this and other things, my Lovable Jesus came and told me: Poor daughter of Mine, how much you suffer. Your painful state surpasses even the state of purging souls. In fact, if these are without Me, it is because of the sins with which they see themselves smeared and which prevent them from seeing Me; and they themselves do not dare to come before Me because before My Infinite Sanctity, there is not a tiny flaw that can stand before My Presence. And if I allowed them to be before Me, this would be the greatest torment for them, such as to surpass the very pains of hell. The greatest tortue I could give to a soul would be to keep her, stained. before Me. So, in order not to tortue her more, first I let her be purged and then I admit her before My Presence.
V. 14 - 4/17/1922 - ...Then He made me notice a point of the world from which black smoke was coming out. And He: See over there are statesmen who want to decide the lots of the kingdoms but they do it without Me and where I am not present there cannot be light. They have nothing but the smoke of their passions which blinds them more. Therefore, they will come up with nothing good. It will only serve them to embitter one another and cause grave consequences. Poor peoples, led by blind and interested men! These men will be pointed to as the laughing-stock of history, good only at bringing ruin and confusion. But, let us withdraw; let us leave them at their own mercy, that they may know what it means to do things without Me.
V. 9 - 10/17/1910 - ...While He was saying this, I felt I was outside of myself together with Blessed Jesus and again, I said to Him: My Sweet Love, tell me, where is this soul? And Jesus: In Purgatory. Oh, if you saw in what Light he is swimming, you would be amazed! And I: You say that he is in Purgatory and then You say that he swims in Light? And Jesus: Yes, he finds himself swimming in Light because he had kept this Light in deposit and in the act of dying, this Light has invested him and will never leave him. I understood that this Light was his Good Works done with Purity of Intention.
V. 28 - 8/2/1930 - All created things are Veiled. Only in Heaven everything is unveiled. Necessary conditions and work in order to know the Truths -
V. 7 - 12/3/1906 - ...I love this sweetness and peace so much, that even if it were about something great concerning My Honor and Glory, I do not want, I never approve, resentful, violent, fiery manners, but rather sweet and peaceful manners. In fact, sweetness alone is what binds hearts like a chain in such a way that they cannot unbind themselves...
V. 3 - 7/25/1900 - There is no cruelty at all in Jesus - everything is Love -
V. 15 - 6/15/1923 ...Now, as He was saying this, He let many Flames come out of His Most Holy Heart, which filled Heaven and earth, and then, uniting together, formed one single Flame. And He added: Continuous Flames of Love come from My Heart and to some they bring Love, to some pain, to some Light, to others strength, etc. And because They come from the Center of the Furnace of My Love, even though they do different Offices, since one is the Purpose - to send Love to the creature - they are all Flames which, uniting together, form one single Flame. The same for the creature: even if she does different things, the purpose must be Love, so as to be able to make of her actions as many little flames which, uniting together, will form the great Flame that will burn everything and will transform her completely into Me. Otherwise, she will not possess true Charity.
V. 34 - 7/12/1937 - How the human reflections take away the place from the Divine ones and they are rubble that makes the font of the soul turbid. How the Divine Will converts His Love in nature and what He does at the point of death one can anticipate it who lives in Him - - a must read
V. 19 - 3/9/1926 - ...Therefore, come with Me before the Divine Throne and there you will find the Little Flame of the Will of the Queen of Heaven at the Feet of the Supreme Majesty which She placed into the Divine Game. In fact, in order to play, one must always put something of one's own, otherwise the one who wins has nothing to take and the one who loses has nothing to leave. And since I won the game with My Mama, she lost the Little Flame of Her Will. But, happy loss! - by having lost Her Little Flame, leaving It as continuous Homage at the Feet of Her Creator, She formed Her Life in the great Divine Fire, growing within the Sea of the Divine Goods; and therefore, She could obtain the longed-for Redeemer. Now, it is your turn to place the Little Flame of your Little Will near that of My Inseparable Mama, so that you too may be formed in the Divine Fire and may grow with the Reflections of your Creator in order to find Grace before the Supreme Majesty to be able to obtain the longed-for Fiat...
V. 31 - 12/6/1932 - Value of an Act done in the Divine Will. How It becomes powerful over everyone and is the only busybody that moves everything in order to make her Creator loved - @
V. 4 - 3/9/1903 - ...My daughter, how terrible it can be for those souls who have been much fecundated by My Grace but have not correspondent to It. The Jewish Nation was the favorite one, the most fecundated, and yet, the most sterile; and the Whole of My Person could not obtain that Fruit which Paul obtained in other Nations, less fecundated but more corresponding. In fact, lack of correspondence to Grace blinds the soul, it makes her deceive herself and disposes her to obstinacy, even in the face of any Miracle.
V. 18 - 8/9/1925 - ...My daughter, you must know that this way of praying - that is, to requite God in Love for all the things created by Him - is a Divine right and it enters the first duty of the creature. The Creation was made for Love of man, even more, Our Love was so great that, had it been necessary, We would have created as many heavens, as many suns, stars, seas, earths, plants and all the rest, for as many creatures as were to come to the light of this world... - And if it seems that man lacks something, that life suffers hardships, it is because of sin which, barring the way of My Benefits, prevents the things created by Me from being abundant for the ungrateful creature. So, given all this - that in all created things God bound His Love towards each creature -hers was the duty to requite God with her little Love, with her gratitude, with her "thank You" to the One Who had done so much for her. Not requiting God in Love for everything He has done for man in Creation, is the first fraud that the creature makes against God; it is to usurp His Gifts without even recognizing where they came from and the One Who has loved her so much...
V. 6 - 6/3/1904 - ...In fact, if the soul lets herself be dominated by the cross, the cross destroys three evil kingdoms in her which are the world, the devil and the flesh and it constitutes in her three more good kingdoms: the Spiritual, the Divine and the Eternal Kingdom
V. 23 - 10/30/1927 - ...What won't My Will do? He will put all His Power in Aptness in order to come to reign in the midst of creatures. He possesses an enrapturing Beauty that if He makes Himself seen only one time with clarity, He enraptures, casting His waves of Beauty on the soul in a way that hardly can they forget a Beauty so rare; they will remain as within the labyrinth of His Beauty to not be able to go out from there. He possesses an enchanting Power and the soul remains fixed in His Sweet Enchantment. He possesses a Balsamic Air that breathed, they will feel enter in them the Air of Peace, of Sanctity, of Divine Harmony, of Happiness, of the Light that purifies all, of the Love that burns all, of the Power that conquers all in a way that this Air will bring the Celestial Balm to all evil products from the bad, morbid and deadly air of the human will... Then with an emphasis more tender, He added: Oh! My Will how very Amiable, Admirable, Powerful You are! Your Beauty enamors the Heavens and maintains the enrapturing Enchantment to the whole Celestial Court in a way that they are Happy that they can not move their look from You, oh! with Your Enchanting Beauty that enraptures everything, enraptures the earth and with Your Sweet Enchantment, You enchant all creatures so that One is the Will of everyone, One the Sanctity, One the Life, One Your Kingdom, One Your "Fiat as in Heaven so on earth."
V. 19 - 7/14/1926 - How Jesus kept the Kingdom of His Will prepared in His Humanity to give It back to creatures. All Divine and human interests are in danger if one does not live in the Divine Will - @catholicdivinewill. blogspot - a must read
V. 20 - 11/16/1926 - The human will renders man a slave; it causes him to be in need of everything. He feels strength and light missing in him continuously; his existence is always in danger and whatever he obtains is by dint of prayers and with difficulty. So. the man who lives of his will is the true beggar. On the other hand, one who lives in Mine has no need of anything; he has everything at his disposal. My Will gives him the Dominion of himself and therefore, he is the owner of strength, of light - and not of human strength and light but of Divine. His existence is always secure and since he is the owner, he can take whatever he wants nor does he need to ask in order to receive. This is so true, that before Adam withdrew from My Will, prayer did not exist...
V. 6 - 8/7/1904 - My daughter, sufferings divert My just Indignation and the Light of Grace is renewed in human minds. Ah, daughter, do you think that it will be the secular who will be the first to persecute My Church? Ah, no, it will be the Religious, the very Leaders who, pretending now to be sons, shepherds, while in reality they are poisnous snakes that poison themselves and others, will begin among themselves to lacerate this good Mother; and then the secular will follow.
V. 3 - 8/19/1900 - ...Such is the conduct of those souls who care only about themselves - that is, about their satisfaction, about favors and anything that pleases them - saying that this is Love for Me; while it is all their satisfaction. In fact, one can see from their deeds, that they do not care about My Interests and the things that belong te Me; and if what satisfies them is missing, they no longer care about Me. Ah, daughter, only an Operative Love is that which distinguishes the true from the false Lovers - everything else is smoke!
V. 12 - 5/8/1919 - Ah, how much man costs Me! But man, ungrateful, does not care about Me; he does not try to comprehend how much I love him and how much I suffered for him, to the extent that he has not even come to understand all that I suffered in the Passion which creatures gave Me. And if they do not understand the lesser, how can they understand the greatest, which I suffered for them? This is why I delay in revealing the innumerable and unheard-of pains which the Divinity gave Me because of them.
V. 27 - 1/30/1930 - As Redemption unfolded, so will the Kingdom of the Divine Will unfold. Analogy between the two of them. Leap of Joy and of Sorrow of Jesus -
V. 28 - 7/9/1930 - If you knew the Beauty, the Value that the human will acquires when it enters and makes its continuous stay in the Fiat! Ah! Don't lose one instant of living in It. You must know that as the human will enters into the Divine Will, Our Light invests it and embellishes it of a rare Beauty. The soul remains so fused, that it does not feel like a stranger to its Creator. Rather, the soul feels that its own being is all of the Supreme Being and that the Divine Being is all it's own - and with the freedom of child...There is no greater crime than that of impeding good...
V. 2 - 9/19/1899 - ...Most Loving Jesus continued: If Faith is the King, Charity is Queen and Hope is like the peacemaking Mother Who pacifies everything. In fact, with Faith and Charity there may be disturbance but Hope, being bond of peace, converts everything into peace...
V. 15 - 2/16/1923 - ...Oh! how much will creatures love Me when they come to know what My Humanity did in the Divine Will and what It made Me suffer for Love of them. My Cross was not of wood - no; It was made of souls. It was them that I felt palpitating in the Cross on which the Divine Will laid Me - and It let none of them escape Me; It gave a place to each one and in order to give a place to all, It stretched Me in such a harrowing way and with pains so atrocious that I could call the pains of My Passion little and reliefs. Therefore, hasten, so that My Will may make known all that this Eternal Volition operated in My Humanity. This Knowledge will win so much Love, that creatures will bend to let It reign in their midst...
V. 7 - 1/13/1907 - My daughter, how much I love souls! Listen: the human nature was corrupted, humiliated, without hope of glory and of resurgence; and I wanted to suffer all humiliations in My Humanity. In a special way, I wanted to be stripped, scourged and let My Flesh fall off in shreds under the scourges, almost undoing My Humanity in order to redo the humanity of creatures and to make it rise again. full of life, of honor and of glory to Eternal Life. What more could I have done?
V. 31 - 10/21/932 - My daughter, do not fear, and in order to reassure you, I want to tell you the sign when I reside and when I depart. Hence, if the soul submits herself to My Will, loves Him, gives Him the first post, it is a sign that I reside there because My Presence holds the Virtue to hold the human will be submitted to Mine. Instead, if she feels rebellious to My Will, then it is a certain sign that I have withdrawn...And this sky is your soul - The sun that shone inside of her is My Will; the sea that flows is My Grace; the wind, my sublime Truths that form the blooming meadows with the most beautiful Virtues; The Creation is all enclosed in the creature...
V. 19 - 7/2/1926 - Now, one who will possess the Kingdom of My Will, will be for Us like a Child born after about six thousand years. What Joy, what Feast will not be Ours is seeing Our Image in him, Intact, Beautiful as We delivered him from Our Maternal Womb. All the Caresses, the Kisses, the Gifts, will be for this Child; more so since, having given in Creation the Kingdom of Our Will to man as his Special Inheritance and since this Kingdom of Ours has been in the hands of strangers, of servants, of traitors for so long a time, in seeing this Son who will possess It as a Son and will give Us the Glory of the Kingdom of Our Will, Our Inheritance will be placed in safety on the part of this Son. Is it not right that We give him everything, even Our very Selves and that he enclose everything and everyone? While Jesus was saying this, I became concerned and I said to Him: How can all this be possible, My Love? And Jesus added: My daughter, do not be surprised. By possessing the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, the soul will possess a Divine, Infinite, Eternal Will, which encloses all Goods; and one who possesses everything can give Us everything. What will be Our Contentment, Our Happiness and his, in seeing the littleness of the creature in this Kingdom of Ours, taking from Us continuously as the Owner - as Our true Child! And what he takes from Us is Divine, he takes the Divine and the Divine he gives to Us; he takes Immense Things from Us and Immense Things he gives back to Us; he takes Light from Us and Light he brings to Us. He will do nothing but take and give to Us. We will place everything at his disposal, so that, in the Kingdom of Our Will, given to him by Us, nothing extraneous to Us may enter any more but only Our Own Things and We may receive the Fruits, the Glory, the Love, the Honor of the Kingdom of Our Will.
V. 17 - 10/30/1924 - Why the Angels are Angels and why there are different Choirs of Angels. The pains of Love suffered by Jesus are the most bitter, the cruelest; they are more painful than those of His very Passion - @
V. 30 - 1/7/1932 - My daughter, My Will holds surprising and different ways of acting and He acts according to the dispositions of creatures. Many times He makes known what He wants but He leaves the doing and the not doing at the disposition of creatures, and this is called Wanted Will. Other times to the Wanting Will, He adds the Commanding Will and gives double Graces in order to make the Command followed and this is for all Christians; this not doing means not to even be Christians. The other way is Operative Will; He descends in the act of the creature and works as if the act of the creature might be His Act and therefore as His Act, He puts there His Life, His Sanctity, His Operative Virtue; but in order to arrive to this, the soul must be accustomed to the Wanted and Commanded Will. This prepares the void in the human act in order to receive the Working Act of the Divine Fiat. But He does not stop; the Working Act calls the Completed Act, and the Completed Act is the Most Holy Act, most Powerful, most Beautiful, most Brilliant with Light, that My Will can do...
V. 15 - 6/18/1923 - Prodigies, Wonders, Excesses of Love of Our Lord in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament and in communicating Himself - - a must read.
V. 19 - 4/9/1926 - I was thinking to myself: My Sweet Jesus says many great, admirable, highest and wonderful things about the Will of God, yet it seems to me that creatures do not have that concept which It deserves, nor that great impression of the wonders which are in It. On the contrary, it seems that they place It on the same level as the virtues and maybe they care more about those, than about the Most Holy Will of God. And my always Lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, do you want to know why? Because their palates are not purged, and they are accustomed to the ordinary foods of this low world, which are the virtues, and not to the Celestial and Divine Food, which is My Will. This Celestial Food is appreciated by those who consider earth, things and even people, as nothing, or as fully ordered in God. The virtues which can be practiced on earth are rarely exempt from human purposes, from self-esteem, from self-glory, love of appearing and of pleasing people. All these aims are like many tastes for the ordinary palate of the soul; and many times one operates more for these than for the good that the virtue contains. This is why virtues breach more easily - because the human will always gains something. On the other hand, the first thing that My Will knocks down is the human will and It tolerates no purpose which gives of human. My Will is from Heaven and wants to place in the soul that which is Divine and which belongs to Heaven; therefore one's own self remains on an empty stomach and feels itself dying. So, in feeling her own self dying and in losing the hope of having any other food, the soul makes up her mind to take the Food of My Will; and as she takes It, her palate being purged, she feels the taste of the Food of My Will, which is such that she would not exchange It at the cost of her life - So, here is the great difference which exists between the virtues and My Will - between the Sanctity of one and the other: the virtues can be of creatures and can form a human Sanctity at the most.; My Will is of God and can form a Sanctity which is fully Divine. What a difference! However, since the creatures are used to looking down below, they are more impressed by the little lamps of the virtues, than by the great Sun of My Will... - Therefore, to live in the Supreme Will is the greatest thing for Us and for the soul. - it is the outpouring of the Creator over the creature; and pouring Himself over her, He gives her His Shape and makes her share in all the Divine Qualities in such a way that We feel Our Works, Our Joy, Our Happiness, being repeated by her.
V. 15 - 4/9/1923 - ...This is why I say that one who lives in My Will substitutes for all, defends Me from all and places My Motion, My very Life, in safety. And this is why to operate in My Will is the Prodigy of Prodigies, but without clamor, without human acclamations. It is My true Triumph over the whole Creation and since It is a Triumph fully Divine, what is human remains silent and has no equivalent words with which to acclaim the Triumph of My Supreme Will.
V. 5 - 10/7/1903 - The victim souls are human angels who must repair, impetrate, protect humanity - @
V. 27 - 12/24/1929 - My daughter, when I speak, I unleash Light of Truth and I want that It be accepted and caressed by the soul. If this Light is accepted and put in a place of honor in her interior, It calls for another Light; So, One calls for another. Otherwise, It goes back to Its Source. And when the soul returns to read Them, if They are written and to ponder Them, My Truths are like wrought-iron - as the iron is beaten, it becomes red-hot and gives out sparkles of Light; while, if it is not beaten, the iron is hard, black and an ice-cold metal. So it is with My Truths; if the soul reads Them over and over again in order to suck the substance that is inside My Truths that have been communicated to her soul which is symbolized by the iron, its blackness and coldness - she remains red-hot; and by pondering Them, she strikes blows over herself, who has received the Good of hearing My Truths, which, feeling honored, sparkles with Light of more Truths. But if My manifested Truths are put into oblivion, nor are They put in a place of honor, They remain as though buried. But the Living are not buried; in fact, They are Light which possesses and brings Life; therefore, since They are not subject to dying, the time will come in which others will treasure Them and will condemn those who have kept Them in oblivion and as though buried. If you knew how much Light there is in everything I have manifested to you on My Divine Will and how much more Light would sparkle if they were read and reread and spread, you yourself would remain eclipsed and amazed at the great Good They would do.
V. 3 - 9/4/1900 - ...After this, Blessed Jesus placed His Arm behind my neck and leaning His Head on my shoulder, He plaeed Himself in the act of wanting to take rest. While He was resting, I felt I was in a place in which there were many movable tiles and underneath them, an abyss. Fearing I might falll, I woke Him up, invoking His help and He said to me: Do not fear, this is the path that all cover. It takes nothing but all of one's attention; and since the majority walk carelessly, this is why many fall into the abyss and few are those who reach the harbor of Salvation.
V. 7 - 10/31/1906 - How for each suffering, the soul acquires one more Kingdom within herself - @
V. 9 - 7/4/1910 - My daughter, in a special way I wanted to suffer the Agony in the Garden in order to help all of the dying to die well. Look well at how My Agony is combined with the agony of Christians: tediums, sadnesses, anguishes, the sweat of blood - I felt the death of all and of each one, as if I were really dying for each one in particular; so I felt the tediums, the sadnesses, the anguishes of each one within Me and with My Own, I offered help, comfort and hope to all, so that, as I felt their deaths in Me, they all might receive the Grace to die in Me, as though in one simple breath - with My Breath and to be Beatified immediately by My Divinity. If the Agony in the Garden was in a special way for the dying, the Agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath. The are both Agonies but one is different from the other: the Agony in the Garden, full of sadnesses, of fears, of anxieties, of frights; the Agony on the Cross, full of peace, of impertubable calm. And if I cried out "I thirst!", it was the Insatiable Thirst that all might breathe their last in My Breath; and in seeing that many would go out of My last Breath, out of grief, I cried out "Sitio" ["I thirst"], and this "Sitio" still continues to cry out to all and to each one like a bell at the door of each heart: I thirst for you, oh soul! O please, never go out of Me but enter into Me and breathe your last in Me! So, six are the hours of My Passion which I gave to men in order to die well: the Three in the Garden were for help in the agony; the Three on the Cross for help at the very last sigh before death. After this, who could not look at death with a smile? More so, for one who loves Me, for one who tries to sacrifice himself on My very Cross. Do you see how beautiful death is and how things are changed?...
V. 28 - 3/9/1930 - My daughter, the Knowledges of My Divine Volition are ways that can conduct creatures into the Arms of Light of My Divine Fiat. The Knowledges are Seeds. And this Seed makes the beginning of the Life of My Divine Will be born in the creature. Each One of the Knowledges will be like so many sips of Life that will form the maturity of this Divine Life in the creature...
V. 16 - 2/2/1924 - ...But do you know who it is who, in Heaven, shares more in this newness which is never exhausted? One who has practiced more Good on earth. This Good will be like the Seed which will bring her the Knowledge of Our Beatitudes, Joys, Beauty, Love, Goodness, etc. And depending on the Good which the soul has practiced on earth which is in some harmony with Our varied Beatitudes, she will come closer to Us and will fill herself in large gulps, with that Beatitude whose Seed she contains, to the point of flowing outside. She will share in everything that the Circle of Eternity contains; she will be filled with it in place of the Seeds acquired on earth... - If this happens on earth, much more so in Heaven where Justice weighs with the Scales of Love every little Good act done by the creature and on that Good act places an unending Happiness, Joy and Beauty. Now, what will it be for the soul who has lived in My Will in which all her Acts remain with an Eternal and Divine Seed? The Circle of Eternity will pour Itself upon her to such an extent that the whole Celestial Jerusalem will remain stupefied and will make new Feasts and will receive new Glory.
V. 7 - 10/18/1906 - My daughter, the works which I like the most are hidden works because, free from any human spirit, they contain such preciousness within themselves, that I keep them as the choicest inside My Heart; so much so, that in comparing a thousand external and public works with one internal and hidden work, the one thousand external ones remain below the single internal work because in the external works, the human spirit always takes its part.
V. 30 - 1/12/1932 - My daughter, when My Divine Will Works in the soul, He is immediately known. As He Works, He extends in the human being, suaveness, sweetness, peace, fortitude, firmness; before that Work, He blows there and impresses His Omnipotent Fiat which extends there His Heaven around the Work that He wants to do...
V. 7 - 12/15/1906 - How the Divine Will contains all Goods -
V. 28 - 7/16/1930 - My daughter, one sole act does not form Life nor whole works in creatures. In Creation, the very Divinity wanted to do the repetition a good six times in order to form all the machine of the Universe. We could have made all created things with one sole "Fiat"; but no, it pleased Us to repeat It to have the pleasure in seeing go forth from Us with Our Creative Strength...And oh, how necessary is the repetition! By repeating, Love grows and the Enjoyment is doubled...
V. 6 - 1/6/1904 - The human race is all one family; when someone does some good work and offers it to God, the whole human family participates in that offering and is present to God as if all were offering it - @
V. 5 - 10/12/1903 - Meanings of the Crowning of Thorns
V. 11 - 7/9/1915 - ...On one hand My Humanity participated in My Divinity and therefore, It was Blissful, Happy and Its Beatific Vision never escaped It. On the other hand, having taken upon Itself the satisfaction for creatures before Divine Justice, My Humanity was tormented by the clear sight of all sins and having to take them upon Itself in order to satisfy for them, It felt the horror of each sin with its own special torment...
V. 31 - 9/18/1932 - The Page written in the Divine Will, Story of the creature. How God doesn't want servants but Kings/Queens of His Kingdom - The Divine Love in search of all creatures in order to love them - @
V. 6 - 12/6/1904 - Then Blessed Jesus told me: My daughter, courage, the beginning of Eternal Beatitude is to lose every taste of one's own. In fact, as the soul keeps losing her own tastes, the Divine Tastes take possession of her, and the soul, having undone and lost herself, no longer recognizes herself; she finds nothing else of her own - not even Spiritual things. Seeing that the soul has nothing else of her own, God fills her with all of Himself and replenshes her with all the Divine Happiness. Only then can the soul be called Blessed because as long as she had something of her own, she could not be exempt from bitternesses and fears nor could God communicate His Happiness to her. No soul who enters the Port of Eternal Beatitude can be exempted from this point -painful, yes, but necessary; nor can she do without it. Generally they do it at the point of death and Purgatory does the last job; this is why, if creatures are asked what God's taste is, what Divine Beatitude means, these are things unkown to them and they are unable to articulate a word. But with the souls who are My Beloved, since they have given themselves completely to Me, I do not want their Beatitude to have beginning up there in Heaven but to have beginning down here on earth. I want to fill them not only with the Happinesses, with the Glory of Heaven but I want to fill them with the Goods, with the sufferings, with the Virtues that My Humanity had upon earth; therefore I strip them, not only of material tastes which the soul considers as dung but also of Spiritual tastes in order to fill them completely with My Goods and give them the beginnint of true Beatitude.
V. 28 - 7/4/1930 - ...Therefore, My daughter, if you want to take all the Good of your Jesus and of the Sovereign Lady of Heaven, you will find them all in Act in Our Fiat. Implore them upon yourself, recognize them and you will feel yourself under the rain of Our continuous Acts.
V. 7 - 11/6/1906 - The Faith and the Hope of the soul who lives in the Divine Will -
V. 30 - 4/23/1932 - How the creature becomes called by the Divine Will. How many times she does her acts in Him, so many times she is reborn in His Acts. Competition between Creator and creature - @ - a must read
V. 26 - 6/4/1929 - My daughter, as the soul keeps operating in My DivineVolition, so does It expand more within the creature in such a way that for each additional act done in It, as much more growth does It form within her; and so, the Divine Life can be seen growing in the creature in an admirable way. But this is not all; as the Divine Life grows in the creature, the more acts she does in My Divine Fiat, the more the creature grows in the Womb of her Celestial Father. The Supreme Being opens His Womb and encloses in It this happy creature, to raise her in a Divine Manner, to clothe her with Royal Garments, to feed her the food with Their Own Hands, to embellish her with rare Beauty. All of Heaven remains amazed, enraptured, in seeing that their Creator raises a creature within His Womb...
V. 12 - 5/4/1919 - Jesus has His Throne on earth in One Who lives in His Will -
V. 31 - 11/6/1932 - How God does Deeds and not words. One who works in the Divine Will works in Eternity, one who works outside of Him works in time - The Words of Jesus are Works @ - a must read
V. 28 - 3/24/1930 - ...Our Divine Being is Purest Spirit; therefore, We don't have Senses. In the whole of Our Divine Being, We are Purest and inaccessible Light. This Light is Eye, Hearing Word, Work and Step. This Light does everything, looks at everything and is found everywhere. No one can escape from under the Dominion of Our Light. Therefore, while We created man, Our Love was such that Our Light formed him by bringing Our Reflections upon him. And forming him, Our Light brought him the Effects of the Reflections of God. Do you see then, My daughter, with how much Love man was created? - And yet, man makes use of Our Reflections to offend Us...
V. 5 - 10/16/1903 - The Divine Will is Light and one who does It nourishes himself with Light - @
V. 30 - 1/17/1932 - ...Therefore, Our only Feast and Happiness that We hold upon the earth is the soul who lets herself be possessed by the Domination of My Suppreme Will. In her, Our Word, Our Life, Our Joys find the Post. It can be said that the Work of Our Creative Hands is in the order where It was established by Our Infinite Wisdom; that It is at It's Post of Honor in Our Divine Will. Instead, one who lets herself be dominated by the human will is in disorder and is Our continuous letdown of Our Creative Work.
V. 6 - 2/8/1904 - One of the Qualities of Jesus is Pain. For one who lives of His Most Holy Will, Purgatory does not exist - @
V. 13 - 7/13/1921 - My Will is more than sun. As the soul enters into Its burning Rays, she receives Life; and as she keeps repeating her Acts in My Volition, she receives now My Beauty, now My Sweetness and Fecundity, now My Goodness and Sanctity. So, each time she enters the Rays of My Will, she receives many more Diving Qualities. Oh, how many different Beauties, how much liveliness of Colors, how many Fragrances she acquires! If these souls could be seen by the other creatures, they would form their Paradise on earth, so great is their Beauty. They are My Reflections - My true Images
V. 24 - 4/4/1928 - Knowledge is the bearer of the Life of Our Act and of the possession of Our Goods for creatures. Therefore, the Knowledges about My Will have the virtue of forming Its Kingdom in their midst because this has been Our Purpose in manifesting them... So, after about two thousand years of cure, it is just and decorus for Us and for man that he no longer be sick but that he be healthy again so as to enter into the Kingdom of Our Will. This is why the Knowledges about It were needed - so that Our Creative Power which Speaks and Creates, Speaks and Communicates, Speaks and Transforms, Speaks and Wins, might Speak and make new Horizons, new Suns rise for as many Knowledges as It manifests in such a way as to form many sweet Enchantments that, amazed, the creature will be conquered and invested by the Light of My Eternal Will. In fact, nothing else is needed for Its Kindom to come but the two wills kissing each other, one dissolving within the other - My Will, giving, and the human will, receiving.
V. 15 - 7/1/1923 - The good and the effect of prayer in the Divine Will. Delight of Jesus in manifesting His Truths to the creature - How God is ever New @ - a must read
V. 28 - 5/2/1930 - The Divine Will always runs towards the creatures to embrace them and make them happy and has the Virtue to empty them of every evil. The Course of the "I love you" in the Divine Volition - @
V. 29 - 6/16/1931 - Whence after this, I abandoned myself all in the Supreme Fiat and my poor mind lost itself in Him and I remained as enraptured in seeing before me, the Divine Being and an interminble Light arranged in so many Rays that went forth from Him. These Rays were very often woven by little Lights that were tied up in the interminable Rays of the Adorable Majesty, which seemed Birth of the Light Itself and that were fed with Light in order to form the Life of Light and to grow as God wanted Them to. What enchantment is the Divine Heights! His Presence enraptures, the eye loses itself in His Immensity, so much is His Beauty, the Multiplicity of His Infinite Joys, that it seems that more than copious rain, It falls from His Divine Being; so that one feels struck dumb and therefore, one knows how to say little or nothing. Hence, while I was all immersed in that which was present to my mind, my Beloved Jesus said to me: Daughter of My Divine Volition, look at this Immense Light, It is none other than the Emanation of Our Will from the Center of Our Divine Being; as We pronounced the Fiat, thus He extended Himself in order to form with His Creative Strength every created thing; and in order to make that not one thing might go forth from inside of His Light, He remained in that which went forth from Our Creative Hands...
V. 6 - 3/5/1904 - The Cross is Citation, Advocate and Judge of the soul, so that she may take possession of the Eternal Kingdom - @
V. 27 - 1/2/1930 - My daughter, there is not one good thing that does not come from My Divine Will; however, there is a difference between Acts and Effects of It. Creation was an Act of My Fiat and oh! how many beautiful things came out: heavens, suns, stars, air which was to serve for the natural life of the creature; sea, wind, everything was fullness and multiplicity of works. In fact, one Act of My Divine Will is capable of filling and doing everything. The creation of man was an Act of It - and what did It not enclose in the small circumference of man? Intelligence, eyes, hearing, mouth, word, heart and even Our Likeness, by which We made him the bearer of his Creator... Another Act of Our Divine Will was the creation of the Immaculate Virgin; the Prodigies operated in Her were such and so great, that Heaven and earth were stupefied; so much so, that She arrived at making the Divine Word descend upon earth, which formed another Act of My Fiat - and this was My Incarnation; and you know how It was the bearer of all Goods to the human family. All the rest of the Goods that there have been in the midst of creatures - virtues, prayers, good works, miracles - are effects of My Divine Volition which act according to the dispositions of creatures and therefore are always limited, nor with that fullness to fill Heaven and earth. On the other hand, the Acts of My Divine Fiat are independent of them, and therefore one can see the great difference between Acts and Effects... - In fact, you must know that the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven will be another Act of Our Supreme Fiat; It will not be an Effect but an Act - but with such magnificence, that all will remain stupefied.
V. 13 - 10/23/1921 - My Operating is Communicative and alway in Act without ever stopping. However, many times these Channels are covered with mud by creatures; others throw stones into them and the water does not flow freely but with difficulty. It is not that the Sea does not want to give water or that the water cannot penetrate everywhere because it is not clear; rather, it is the creatures who oppose such a great Good. Therefore, if they read these Truths not being disposed, they will not understand a thing. They will remain confused and dazzled by the Light of My Truths. For those who are disposed, it will be a Light that will light them up and water that will quench their thirst in such a way that they will never want to detach themselves from these Channels because of the great Good they feel and the New Life that flows in them...
V. 7 - 11/14/1906 - My daughter, if perfect resignation is the certain and sure sign of predestination, the cross expands the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
V. 29 - 3/9/1931 - ... We wanted man not as servant but child, not poor but rich, not outside of Our Goods but inside of Our Inheritance; and as confirmation of this, We gave him for Life and for Law Our Own Will. Behold the cause why We Love the creature so much because she holds of Ours and to not Love one's own things is outside of nature and against reason.
V. 5 - 6/15/1903 - How the creature can preserve the Creative, Redemptive and Sanctifying Works of God within herself - @
V. 10 - 6/23/1911 - My daughter, Love is not subject to death. There is no power, there are no rights over Love. Love is Eternal and one who loves is Eternal with Me. Love fears nothing and converts evils themselves into Love. I Myself am Love and I love so much one who loves Me in everything and who does everything out of Love, that woe to those who touch him! I will make him be burned by the fire of My terrible Justice.
V. 2 - 8/18/1899 - Truth places the soul in order -
V. 13 - 11/19/1921 - ...However, know that Dimplicity enters into all Truths as the first nourishment. If these Truths were not simple, they would not be Light and they could not penetrate into human minds to enlighten them; and where there is no light, objects cannot be distinguished. Simplicity is not only Light but it is like the air that one breathes which, though it cannot be seen, gives respiration to all; and if it wasn't for the air, the earth and everyone would remain without motion. Therefore, if the Virtues, the Truths do not carry the mark of Simplicity, they will be without light and without air - My daughter, in order to know the Truths, it is necessary to have the will, the desire, to know Them...
V. 28 - 5/10/1930 - All created things are happy because they were created by a Divine Will. God loved man with perfect Love and gifted him with Love, Sanctity and complete beauty @
V. 35 - 12/18/1937 - ...Now, my Dear Jesus made me see His interminable Seas which invested heavens and earth; and the little Love of the creature and all the rest, done in His Volition, as so many little but beautiful Lives Who swam in these Seas; some remained at the surface in order to look steadily at their Creator, some raced into His Arms; one embraced Him, another kissed Him, another penetrated into the Sea; in short, they made for Him thousands of mannerisms and stratagems to the One from whom they had received Life. The Supreme Being looked at Them but with such Love that called all the Celestial Court to celebrate together with Him and He said to everyone: Look at Them, how beautiful They are! These Lives, formed by the Acts of the creature, from My Will are My Glory, My Triumph, My Smile, the Echo of My Love, of Our Harmony and Felicity! Now, these Lives were seen in the Sun, in the stars, in the air, in the wind, in the sea; each "I love You" was a Life of Love, which raced to take their place of Honor in the Divine Seas. What enchantment! What Beauties! How many inexpressible surprises! I remained mute and didn't know what to say. And Jesus: Has My daughter seen? How many rare Beauties of Life, My Will knows how to do! His Love, His Jealousy is so much, that He gaurds Them in His Own Sea. But this is not yet everything, My daughter; I want to tell you another surprise. If the creature lives in My Volition, one "I love You" does not wait for the other, with the little Life of Love that It contains within the Prodigious "I love You", some race ahead, some escape behind, some fly in order to take a place in Our interminable Seas... - These little Lives never die; They are Eternal with Us. The "I love You", the Acts in My Volition populate Heaven. These little Lives diffuse Themselves everywhere: In all the Creation, in the Saints, in the Angels; and how many of Them race around the Queen!... - These little Lives are the Enchantment of all Heaven; They are the greatest Wonders of Our Supreme Being; They are the true Reciprocators of Our Eternal Love; They have follies so strange of Love that only by looking at Them one knows that they are Our daughters, Lives formed and created by Our Divine Volition. But who can say my surprises? And Jesus: Do not marvel; even My Life down here did not do other than emit Life from Me, so much so that My Steps walk still in the Presence of everyone, they are never stopped, rather all centuries will have the Life of My Steps. My Mouth still speaks because each Word of Mine contained a Life and therefore still Speaks...Every Suffering, every Drop of Blood, they contain My Distinct Lives and therefore They form the force of the sufferings of creatures and the labor of all their sins. They are the Prodigies of My Volition...
V. 6 - 3/20/1904 - All things take Origin from Faith - @
V. 19 - 5/6/1926 - How the ones who live in the Divine Will are the first in the Eyes of God and form His Crown. The Divine Will unites all who live in It and the Acts done in It, as One single Act. The Origin of one who lives in It is Eternal - - a must read
V. 29 - 3/30/1931 - ...And Jesus: My good daughter, do not fear, the humiliation is bearer of Glory, to the contempt of creatures Divine appreciation arises and the abandonment to them is the re-call of the faithful company of your Jesus... - A hard Love without tenderness is unacceptable and would not hold the virtue to make itself loved by anyone; therefore, My Heart suffers so much in seeing the hardness of creatures, that they arrive to change My Graces into scourges
V. 6 - 4/16/1904 - Jesus and God the Father speak about Mercy -
V. 13 - 7/26/1921 - ...And those who want to substract themselves from My Will, would be like the suicides of their own souls. But still, My Will would not leave them; It would follow the course of Justice over them, since It could not follow for them the course of the Goods that My Volition contains. If man knew what it means to do or not to do My Will, all would tremble with fright at the mere thought of subtracting themselves from My Will for one single second.
V. 2 - 8/10/1899 - About Justice. The Fruits of Justice: Truth and Simplicity. How Jesus is wounded by Simplicity - @
V. 2 - 8/30/1899 - Man has lost Religion. Threat of Chastisement -
V. 28 - 4/18/1930 - ...So, it wasn't only Adam who was the fortunate one of Creation. All the other creatures came to be enriched of all the Goods; and in him, owner of his same Goods. What's more, everything that God does in one sole creature, all the other creatures acquire the right of Our Acts except the one who does not want to make use of those Acts. Doesn't the same thing happen in Redemption? as the Sovereign Lady of Heaven had the Good of Conceiving Me and of giving Me to the light, all other creatures acquired the rights of the Goods of the Redemption. Not only this but each and everyone acquired the right of being able to receive Me in their hearts. And only the one who is ungrateful, who does not want Me, remains deprived of Me...
V. 1 - 9/14/1899 - ...Other times. I (Luisa) remember that, in renewing these crucifixions, my Sweet Jesus would say to me: My beloved, the cross allows one to distinguish the reprobates from the predestined. Just as on the Day of Judgment, the good will rejoice upon seeing the Cross, so even now it can be seen whether one will be saved or lost. If, as the cross presents itself to the soul, she embraces it, carries it with resignation and patience, kissing and thanking that Hand which is sending It - here is the sign that she is saved. If, on the contrary, as the Cross is presented to her, she gets irritated, despises It and even reaches the point of offending Me - you can say that this is a sign that the soul is heading on the way to hell. So will the reprobates do on the Day of Judgment: upon seeing the Cross, they will grieve and curse. The Cross tells everything; the Cross is a Book that, without deception and in clear notes, tells you and allows you to distinguish the Saint from the sinner, the perfect from the imperfect, the fervent from the lukewarm. The Cross communicates such Light to the soul that, even now, it allows one to distinguish not only the good from the evil but also those who more or less Glorious in Heaven - those who are to occupy a higher or a lower place. All other Virtues remain humble and reverent before the Virtue of the Cross and grafting themselves to It, they receive greater Glory and Splendor.
V. 20 - 10/9/1926 - Those who will let themselves be illuminated by Its Light will feel the Power of a new continuous creation of Joy, of Contentments and of Goods without end. Therefore, as My Will dominates all the acts of those who live in It, the Kingdom of My Will, will be a continuous Creation. So, the creature will remain under a new continuous Act of this Supreme Volition which will keep her so absorbed as to leave no field of action to her own self. This is why I love so much that the Kingdom of My Will be known - for the great Good that creatures will receive and for the free field of action It will have. In fact, the Supreme Will is now hindered by their own self, but when It becomes known, Its Rays vivifying, penetrating and full of vivid Light will eclipse the human will, which will be dazzled by Its refulgent Light and in seeing the great Good that comes to it, it will give freedom of action to My Will, giving It total dominion. So, in this Kingdom, a New Era, a New continuous Creation, will begin for My Will. It will put out everything which It had established to give to creatures, had they always done Its Will and which It had to keep within Itself for many centuries as though in deposit, to then release Them for the Good of the children of Its Kingdom.
V. 29 - 4/16/1931 - My daughter, you should know that the acts done in My Divine Will are imperishable and inseparable from God and they are the continuous memory that the soul has had the Good to work together with a Divine Will and that God has held together with Himself the creature in order to make her work with His same Divine Will...
V. 13 - 10/6/1921 - My daughter, sin is not just ugly but horrible. It is the black point of man! As he sins, he undergoes a brutal transformation; all the beauty I gave him is covered with such ugliness as to be horrible to the sight... _ If man is horrible in the state of guilt, he is also beautiful in the state of Grace and of doing good. Good, be it even the tiniest, is the bright point of man. As he does Good, he undergoes a Celestial, Angelic and Divine transformation...
V. 24 - 6/7/1928 - ...So, Jesus told me: My daughter, how many Prodigies of Ours in creating man! With Our Breath, the soul was infused in him and in the soul, Our Paternal Goodness infused three Suns by which We formed in it the perennial and refulgent day - not subject to any night. These three Suns were formed by the Power of the Father, by the Wisdom of the Son, by the Love of the Holy Spirit. While being formed in the soul, these three Suns remained in communication with the Three Divine Persons in such a way that man possessed the way through which to ascend to Us and We possessed the way through which to descend in him. These three Suns are the three Powers: Intellect, Memory and Will. While distinct among them, they hold hands and arrive at forming one single power, symbol of Our Adorable Trinity, since while being Three Distinct Persons, We form One Single Power, One Single Intellect and One Single Will. Our Love in creating man was so great that It felt content only when We communicated Our Likeness to him. These three Suns were placed in the depth of the human soul, just like the Sun in the depth of the vault of the heavens which keeps the earth in feast with it's light and gives life to all plants with its admirable effects, giving to each one the flavor, the sweetness, the color and the substance that befits it... - ...Such is the condition of man: all things are in place between Us and him, as nothing is broken or corrupted; but the human will has formed thick clouds and therefore one sees man without the glory, the order and the harmony of his creation. His works are without fruits, rotten and without beauty; his steps are unsteady. One can say that he is the poor ill one because he does not let himself be directed by the three Suns which he possesses within his soul. Therefore, in coming to Reign, the first thing that My Will, will knock down will be the human volition. Blowing, It will dispel the clouds and man will let himself be directed by the three Suns he has in the depth of his soul and which possesses Our Communication and immediately, he will rise to Our Origin and everything will be Feast and Glory for Us and for him.
V. 6 - 5/30/1904 - The Passion serves as Garment for man. Pride transforms the Images of God into demons - @
V. 20 - 10/13/1926 - ...I will never take free willing away from the human will - a great Gift given to man in creating him, which makes creatures distinguishable as to whether they want to be My true children, or not. But, rather with the Light of the Knowledges about My Will, I will form more than solar rays and whoever wants to know Them and look at Them will be invested by this Light; in such a way that, eclipsed, the human will, will take delight and love in looking at this Light and will feel fortunate that the action of the Light takes the place of its own. And it will lose love and delight for other things. This is why I am saying so much about My Will - to form the strong Light because the stronger It is, the greater is the eclipse It forms in order to occupy the human will...
V. 31 - 8/21/1932 -...Beyond this, you should know that Love is the blood of the soul. As My Will is the Life and as in the natural order, Life can not function without blood and blood can not circulate if it doesn't have a Life...
V. 29 - 7/27/1931 - If you might know what it means to not do My Divine Will! The creature dares to impede and to make that motion die that never ceases and to give death to the Holy Acts that My Divine Will has established to complete in the creature. He wants to give Divine Life and while He remains to give, if the human will doesn't receive Him and opposes Him, she makes the knife to kill and to suffocate this Divine Lie in her soul. It seems that not doing My Will is nothing while it is all the evil of the creature and the greatest offense for Our Supreme Majesty.
V. 25 - 2/27/1929 - My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Volition never moves from the ways of her Creator and from being Our repeater - that while Our Essence is One, One the Will, One the Life, One the Love, One the Power, We are yet Three Distinct Persons. In the same way, for the soul who lives in It, one is her heartbeat and in each heartbeat, she forms three Acts: One embraces God, the second embraces all creatures, the third herself. And so if she speaks, if she operates, in everything she does, she forms these three Acts which, echoing the Power, the Wisdom and Love of the One Who created her, embraces everything and everyone.
V. 14 - 4/6/1922 - In My Will, the soul places herself at the level of her Creator, and in His Own Will, she receives and she gives. Oh, what a contest between creature and Creator! If all could see it, they would remain stupefied at seeing that in My Will, the soul becomes a little god - but everything by virtue of the Power of My Will.
V. 20 - 10/15/1926 - In fact, it is established that in the Celestial Fatherland they will receive as much Glory, Beatitude and Happiness, for as much of My Will they have enclosed in their souls on earth. Their Glory will be measured by that very Will of Mine which their souls will possess; nor will they be able to receive more because their capacity and wideness is formed by that very Divine Will which they have done and possessed while living on earth. And even if My Liberality wanted to give them more, they would lack the space to contain It and It would overflow outside. - Then, I was thinking to myself: In the "Our Father", Our Lord teaches us to say - to pray: "Your Will be done". Now, why does He say that He wants us to live in It? And Jesus, always benign, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, "Your Will be done" which I taught in the
Our Father" meant that all were to pray that they might at least do the Will of God. And this is for all Christians and for all times; nor can anyone call himself a Christian if he does not dispose himself to do the Will of the Celestial Father. But you have not thought of the other addition which comes immediately after: "On earth as It is in Heaven". "On earth as It is in Heaven" means to live in the Divine Will; it means to pray that the Kingdom of My Will may come on earth in order to live in It. In Heaven, they not only do My Will but they live in It - they possess It as their own thing. And it they did It but did not possess It, their Happiness would not be full because true Happiness begins in the depth of the soul. To do the Will of God does not mean to possess It but to submit oneself to Its commands, while to live in It is to possess It. Therefore, in the "Our Father", in the words "Your Will be done" is the prayer that all may do the Supreme Will and in"On earth as It is in Heaven", that man may return into that Will from which he came in order to reacquire his Happiness, the lost Goods and the possession of his Divine Kingdom.
Our Father" meant that all were to pray that they might at least do the Will of God. And this is for all Christians and for all times; nor can anyone call himself a Christian if he does not dispose himself to do the Will of the Celestial Father. But you have not thought of the other addition which comes immediately after: "On earth as It is in Heaven". "On earth as It is in Heaven" means to live in the Divine Will; it means to pray that the Kingdom of My Will may come on earth in order to live in It. In Heaven, they not only do My Will but they live in It - they possess It as their own thing. And it they did It but did not possess It, their Happiness would not be full because true Happiness begins in the depth of the soul. To do the Will of God does not mean to possess It but to submit oneself to Its commands, while to live in It is to possess It. Therefore, in the "Our Father", in the words "Your Will be done" is the prayer that all may do the Supreme Will and in"On earth as It is in Heaven", that man may return into that Will from which he came in order to reacquire his Happiness, the lost Goods and the possession of his Divine Kingdom.
V. 27 - 2/11/1930 - ...See, then, man was created to live in intimacy with Us, in Our House, in Our Own Will for Us to secure Our Joys and perennial Happiness as well as his... - ...And this is why so little is known about My Divine Fiat, because it is Its legal share that creatures know and many times this legal share is not even recognized completely because one who lives of the legal share does not live in the House of his Father; he is far away from Him and many times he finds himself in the condition of spoiling with unworthy acts the very legal share he received...
V. 30 - 12/25/1931 - Desire of Jesus for the company of the creature. Extreme need of the little Child Jesus to be loved by His Celestial Mother - @
V. 17 - 7/20/1925 - Oh! in what most painful constraints does My Grace fine Itself! And this, not only from those who openly, are said to be evil, but also from those who are said to be religious, pious souls; and, many times, because of trifles, because of something which is not to their liking, a whim, a most vile attachment or because they do not find the satisfaction of their own wills in the very holy things. While My Grace is all Motion and Life for them, they render It immoble and they cling to what they like, to their whim, to human attachments and to everything in which they feel the satisfaction of their own self. So, in the place of My Grace, they put their own self, as life and as their own idol.
V. 13 - 10/9/1921 - I was thinking about the act in which Jesus had the Last Supper with His Disciples and my Lovable Jesus told me in my interior: My daughter, while I was having supper with My Disciples, I was surrounded not only by them but by the whole human family. I had all creatures near Me, one by one; I knew them all and I called them by name. I also called you and I gave you the place of honor between Me and John, constituting you the little Secretary of My Will. And as I divided the lamb, in offering it to My Apostles, I gave it to all and to each one. That lamb, bled dry, roasted, cut to pieces, spoke of Me; it was the symbol of My Life and of how I was to reduce Myself for Love of all...
V. 4 - 3/30/1901 - This morning, finding myself outside of myself, for a little while I saw my Adorable Jesus in the Act of His Resurrection - all clothed with Refulgent Light, so much so, that the sun remained obscured before that Light. I was enchanted and I said: Lord, if I am not worthy to touch Your Glorified Humanity, let me at least touch Your Garments. And He told me: My beloved, what are you saying? After I rose again, I had no more need for material garments; rather, My Garments are of Sun, of Most Pure Light which covers My Humanity and which will Shine Eternally, giving unspeakable Joy to all the senses of the Blessed. This has been conceded to My Humanity because there was no part of It which was not covered with opprobrium, with pains, with wounds...
V. 15 - 7/11/1923 - The greater the Work God wants to do, the more necessary it is that the creature He chooses be unique and singular. The Paternal Goodness wants to open another Era of Grace - @ - a must read
V. 11 - 6/6/1915 - In the Divine Will, everything resolves into Love for God and for one's neighbor
V. 20 - 11/20/1926 - My daughter, all things have a continuous motion because having come out of a Supreme Being, Who contains a Motion full of Life, as a consequence, all things that came out of God were to contain a vital Motion that never ceases. And if it ceases, it means Life ceases. See, you yourself have a murmuring, a continuous Motion in your interior. Even more, the Divinity, in creating the creature, gave him the Likeness of the Three Divine Persons; It placed in him three Motions which were to murmur continuously, to unite themselves to that continuous Motion and Murmuring of Love of their creator. And these three are: The Motion of the beating of the heart that never ceases, the blood circulation that always circulates without ever stopping, the breathing of the breath that never stops. This, in the body; in the soul, then, there are three more Motions that murmur continuously: the Intellect, the Memory and the Will. Therefore, everything is in keeping your Motion bound to the Motion of your Creator in order to murmur together with His Eternal Motion... - Oh! how Our Celestial Father, more than Father, sighs, burns, raves for His children because He delivered them from His Womb and awaits their return in order to enjoy them in His loving Arms. And the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is precisely this; the return of Our children into Our Paternal Arms; and this is why We long for It so much...
V. 5 - 10/25/1903 - The soul in Grace enamors God - @
V. 20 - 10/22/1926 - The Kingdom of My Fiat will enclose all Goods, all Miracles, the most sensational Prodigies; even more It will surpass them altogether. And if miracle means to give sight to a blind one, to straighten up a cripple, to heal one who is sick, to raise a dead man etc., the Kindom of My Will, will have the preserving nourishment and for whomever enters into It, there will be no danger that he might become blind, crippled or sick. Death will no longer have power over the soul; and if it will have it over the body, it will not be death, but transit. Without the nourishmen of sin and a degraded human will which produces corruption in the bodies and with the preserving nourishment of My Will, the bodies will not be subject to decomposing and becoming horribly corrupted as to strike fear even into the strongest ones, as it happens now, but they will remain composed in their sepulchers, waiting for the day of the Resurrection of all.
V. 28 - 10/12/1930 - My daughter, in the creation of man, Our Supreme Volition already established all of the acts that all creatures must do and constituted Itself Life of all of these acts. So, there is no human act that does not have its place in Our Will...
V. 34 - 5/16/1937 - My little daughter of the Divine Volition, you should know that the greatest Miracle that Our Divine Being can do is to manifest a Truth that pertains to Us because It first becomes formed, matured in Our Bosom and as Our Birth, We bring It forth as carrier of Divine Life to the good of creatures... - The Truths are none other than palpitating Lives of Our Divine Being in the midst of creatures, heartbeat without heart, because Our Heart is the creature and We as Most Pure Spirit, that We find Ourselves everywhere, We are the heartbeat that while it isn't seen, it is felt and We form the Life and We give It to all the human generations...
V. 13 - 1/17/1922 - My daughter, have you seen how vice and passions triumph in these sad times; how victoriously they walk among the streets, while good is trampled, beaten and annililated? Good is I - there is no good that a creature may do, in which I am not involed. And every good that the creature does, is a sip of Life that she gives to her soul; therefore, the more good acts she does, the more the Life of her soul grows, rendering her stronger and more disposed to do more good acts. However, in order to be exempt from any poisonous substance, these acts must be upright, without human purpose and only to please Me. Otherwise, the most beautiful acts, the holiest in appearance - who knows how much poison they contain! And I, being pure Good, shun these contaminated acts and I do not communicate Life. Therefore, although it seems that they do good, their good is empty of Life and creatures feed themselves with foods which give them death. Evil strips the soul of the Garment of Grace, it deforms her, it forces her to swallow poison, so as to make her die immediately. Poor creatures, made for life, for happiness, for beauty...while sin does nothing but gives them sips of death, sips of unhappiness, sips of ugliness, which, taking all vital humors away from her, makes of her dry wood, to burn with greater intensity in hell.
V. 20 - 10/26/1926 - ...Now, while I was saying this, my highest Good, Jesus, was moved and touched and making my first father Adam present to me, let he himself tell me with emphasis of Love, all special: Blessed daughter, finally my Lord God after so many centuries, has delivered to the light of the day the one who was to think about giving me back the Honor and the Glory which I lost, by doing my will. How I feel my Happiness redoubled. Until now, no one has ever thought of giving me back that Honor which I had lost. Therefore, I thank God profoundly for having delivered you to the light and I thank ou, the dearest daughter to me, for taking on the commitment of giving back to God the Glory as if His Will had never been offended by me and to me the great Honor that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat be established once again in the midst of the human generations. It is right that I give you the place which had been destined to me, as the first creature who came out of the Hands of the Creator...
V. 11 - 4/24/1915 - ...Then He added: My daughter, only the souls who live in My Will can give Me true reparations and soothe Me from thorns so sharp. In fact, since they live in My Will and since My Will is everywhere, they find themselves in Me and in everyone; they descend into creatures and rise up to Me, they bring Me all reparations, they soothe Me - and in creatures' minds they turn darkness into light.
V. 20 - 11/19/1926 - How the Divine Will is agonizing in the midst of creatures and how It wants to get out of this state - - A Must Read
V. 7 - 1/20/1907 - ...At that moment, the Lord told me in my interior: And it is here where I want you - in My Will.. Until the grain of wheat is buried in the earth and dies completely, it cannot rise again to new life and multiply itself, giving life to other grains. In the same way, until the soul is buried in My Will, to the point of dying completely by dissolving all of the will within Mine, she cannot rise again to new Divine Life through the rising of all the Virtues of Christ which contain true Sanctity. Therefore, let My Will be the seal which seals your interior and exterior; and since My Will has risen completely within you, you will find true Love - and this is the greatest of all the other sanctities to which one can aspire.
V. 18 - 12/20/1925 - ...This new Divine Graft was made by Me, Eternal Word, after four thousand years, when Adam had already passed on to the thresholds of Eternity. But in spite of this Divine Graft done by Me with Tears and Sighs and unheard of Pains, how many reduce themselves to the conditions of Adam after sin - merely doing My Will? Others, do not want to know It; others rebel against It. Only one who lives in My Will rises to the State of Adam innocent, before falling into sin. In fact, there is great distance between those who do My Will and those who possess It - the same distance which passes between Adam innocent and Adam after sin. And I, in coming upon earth, was to Act as God; I was to complete the Work of man in everything; I was to raise him to the first point of his Origin by giving him the possesion of My Will. And even though many make use of My Coming as Remedy for their Salvation and therefore take My Will as medicine, as strength and as antidote in order not to go to hell, I wait still, that souls may rise who take It as Life; and by making It known, they make take possession of It. In this way, I will complete the Work of My Coming upon earth and the Divine Graft formed anew with the creature, will have Fruit. Then will My Tears turn into Celestial and Divine Smiles for Me and for them. - My daughter, My Tears began from the first instant of My Conception in the Womb of My Celestial Mama, up to My last Breath on the Cross. The Will of My Father entrusted to Me also the task of Tears and I was to shed so many of Them from My Eyes, for as many as all creatures together would shed. Just as I conceived all of their souls within Me, so was I to shed all of their tears from My Eyes...
V. 11 - 5/18/1915 - My daughter, why do the Blessed themselves remain safe and fully happy even when they see that creatures suffer and that the earth is in flames? Precisely because they live completely in My Will. Know that I put the souls who live completely of My Will on earth in the same condition as the Blessed. Therefore, live in My Will and fear nothing. Even more, in these times of human carnage, I want you not only to live in My Will but to live also among your brothers - between Me and them. You will hold Me tightly within yourself, sheltered from the offenses that creatures send Me; and as I give you My Humanity and what I suffered as Gift, while keeping Me sheltered, you will give to your brothers My Blood, My Wounds,My Thorns and My Merits for their salvation.
V. 24 - 6/16/1928 - My daughter, man degraded himself and lost all Goods because he went out of My Will. In order to ennoble himself, to reacquire everything and receive the rehabilitation of the Marriage with his Creator, he must enter once again the Divine Fiat from Which he came. There are no ways in the middle; not even My Redemption is enough to make man return to the beginning of the Happy Era of his Creation. Redemption is means, way, light, help - but not the End. The End is My Will because My Will was the beginning and by Justice, one who is the beginning must also be the End. Therefore, humanity must be enclosed in My Divine Will to be given back her Noble Origin, her Happiness and to put the Marriage with her Creator in force once again. This is why the great Good that My Redemption did to man is not enough for Our Love but It yearns for more...
V. 29 - 9/29/1931 - Growth of the creature before the Divine Majesty. Living in the Divine Will is a Gift that God will give the creature @ - a must read
V. 13 - 1/25/1922 - Do you believe that all of Heaven is aware of all My Goods? No, no! Oh, how much remains for It to enjoy, which It does not enjoy today: Each creature who enters Heaven, having known one more Truth, which was unkown to the others, will carry within herself the seed so as to have new Contentments, new Joys and new Beauty released from Me. And these souls will be their cause and fount, while the others will take part in them...
V. 20 - 11/21/1926 - Tenderness of Jesus at the moment of death. How one who lives in the Divine Will has primacy over everything - @
V. 7 - 1/3/1907 - My daughter, if one fears much, it is a sign that she relies on herself because in noticing nothing but weakneses and miseries within herself, she naturally and justly fears. On the other hand, if one fears nothing, it is a sign that she relies on God because by relying on God, her miseries and weakneses are dissolved in God as she feels invested by the Divine Being; it is no longer she who operates but God within her. So, what can she fear? Therefore, true trust reproduces Divine Life in the soul.
V. 24 - 8/12/1928 - One who lives in the Divine Fiat rises into the Acts of innocent Adam and possesses the Universal Virtue. How the Fiat is Order. How the Life of one who lives in It is precious - - a must reading
V. 30 - 2/16/1932 - The acts done without the Divine Will are empty of the Infinite. How it is necessary to do everything and to wait for the events in order to make the Kingdom of the Divine Will to come. How the Acts done in Him depart for Heaven as Property of the Celestial Country - @
V. 28 - 2/8/1931 - Accusations, calumnies, condemnation. God's Will costs more than His Power. The Divine Will moves in two ways. In a Willed Way and in a Permissive Way. Round of chastisements that He will do to all Nations -
V. 35 - 12/25/1937 - ...Hence, in the descent from Heaven to earth, I, Word and Son of the Father, departed from Our first Motion; that is, I remained and I departed. The Father and the Holy Spirit descended with Me, They were concurrent, neither did I do any Act that I didn't do It together with Them and They remained upon the full Throne of Majesty in the Celestial Regions... - Little daughter of My Volition, the Feast of My Birth was Feast and as the beginning of the Feast of My Divine Will. As the Angels sang: "Glory to God in the highest of Heavens and Peace on earth to men of good will", the Angels, the Creation, were posed to Feast and while they celebrated My Birth, They celebrated the Feast of My Divine Will because with My Birth, Our Divinity received the true Glory even in the highest of Heavens and men will have true Peace when they will recognize My Will; they will give dominion to Him and they will let Him reign.. Then their will, will be made good, they will feel the Divine Strength and then the Heavens and earth will sing together: "Glory to God in the highest of Heavens and Peace on earth to the men who will possess the Divine Will!" all will be remitted in them and they will possess true Peace.
V. 5 - 7/3/1903 - If the soul give herself completely to Jesus in life, Jesus gives Himself to her at her death and exempts her from Purgatory -
V. 20 - 12/6/1926 - My daughter, only when an act encloses within itself all other acts together - then can it be called perfect. And My Will alone encloses this Perfect Act - that while It does One Act alone, all possible imaginable Acts that exist in Heaven and on earth gush forth from this Single Act. This Single Act of My Will is symbolized by a fount; while the fount is one, from it gush seas, rivers, fire, light, heaven, stars, flowers, mountains and earth. Everything comes out of this one fount. Now, Adam in the state of innocence and the Height of the Sovereign Queen, by possessing My Will, if they loved, in that Love, they enclosed adoration, glory, praise, blessing, prayer, nothing was missing in their littlest act; in it flowed the multiplicity of the qualities of the Single Act of My Supreme Volition which made them embrace everything, and so, in One Act, they gave to their Creator whatever befitted Him. So, if they loved, they adored; if they adored, they loved. Isolated acts, which do not embrace all acts together, cannot be called perfect - they are meager acts, which give of human will. And therefore, only in the Fiat can the soul find true Perfection in her Acts and offer a Divine Act to her Creator.
V. 36 - 6/20/1938 - ...There is too much needed to touch what I have had you write on My Will because I can call It the New Living and Speaking Creation; It will be the last Display of My Love towards the human generations. Rather you must know that every Word I make you write upon My Fiat, doubles My Love towards you and towards those whom will read Them in order to make them remain embalmed with My Love...
V. 20 - 12/8/1926 - In all the sayings, Truths, examples which I make you write on paper, I make flow the Dignity of My Celestial Wisdom in such a way that those who read them, or will read them, if they are in Grace, will feel within themselves My Tenderness, the Firmness of My Speech and the Light of My Wisdom and, as though between magnets, they will be drawn into the Knowledge of My Will. Those who are not in Grace, then, will not be able to deny that It is Light and Light always does good, It never does harm; It illuminates, It warms, It makes one discover the most hidden things and moves one to love them. Who can say he does not receive good from the sun? No one. More than sun, I am issuing these writings from within My Heart, that they may do good to all. This is why I have so much interest that you write - because of the great Good I want to do to the human family; so much so, that I look upon them as My Own writings because it is always I the One Who writes and you are the little Secretary of the long Story of My Will.
V. 11 - 10/29/1914 - ...In fact, My Will contains completely accomplished Acts; one single Act of My Will is enough to create a thousand Worlds, all perfect and complete. I do not need subsequent Acts - one is enough for all. So, in doing the simplest Act united with My Will, you will give Me a complete Act - that is, an Act of Love, of Praise, of Thanksgiving, of Reparaton. In sum, you will enclose for Me everything in this Act; even more, you will enclose even Myself and will give Myself to Me...
V. 18 - 2/11/1926 - ...All the opposite for one who lives of her own will, which is the key of hell, of miseries, of inconstancy; whatever place it opens, it can open where evil is. And if she does any good at all, it is apparent because inside of it, there is the wood worm of her will which gnaws at everything. Therefore, even if it should cost you your life never - never go out of My Will.
V. 19 - 7/1/1926 - Now, My daughter, does it not seen easier to you, more encouraging, more within the reach of the human nature, that after they have known the Kingdom of Redemption of My Will in which the blind, the lame and the sick can be healed - because the blind cannot enter the Kingdom of My Will, for in It all are straight and glowing with health - finding all possible means in the Kingdom of Redemption and the very Passport of My Passion and Death in order to pass into the Kingdom of My Will, animated at the sight of such a Good, they will decide to take possession of It? Therefore, be attentive, and do not want to constrain or reduce the Goods which are in the Kingdom of My Will - and you do this when you do not manifest everything of what I make known to you - because Knowledge is the Bearer of the Gift; and if now I abound in the Knowledges about It, it is Gifts that I make and in these Gifts. I establish the more or less to be placed in the Kingdom of My Will for the Good of those who will possess It.
V. 16 - 2/2/1924 - ...On hearing this, I said: But, tell me, my Love, what does Eternity mean and what is this Eternal Round? And Jesus added: My daughter, Eternity is an Immense Circle such that one cannot know either where It begins or where It ends. In this Circle is God, without beginning and without end and there He possesses Infinite Happiness, Beatitude, Joys, Riches, Beauty, etc. At each Divine Motion, which never ceases, He issuses New Happiness, New Beauties, New Beatitudes, etc. from this Circle of Eternity. But this New Act is an Act that is never interrupted, though One is different from the Other; Distinct among Themselves, Our Contentments are always New; Our Beatitudes are such and so many that while We are enjoying One, Another surprises Us. And so It is always so, and They never end - They are Eternal, Immense, just as We are; and what is Eternal has the Virtue of making ever New things arise. What is old, things that are repeated, do not exist in what is Eternal. But do you know who it is that, in Heaven shares more in this Newness which is never exhausted? One who has practiced more good on earth. This good will be like the seed which will bring her the Knowledge of Our Beauties, Joys, Beauty, Love, Goodness, etc....
V. 29 - 10/12/1931 - Incessant Breath of God. Divine Life and completed Act of God in the creature. Image. The People, the Princes, the Noble Court and the Regal Army of the Celestial Kingdom - @ - a must read
V. 34 - 6/18/1937 - You should know that Our Creation didn't finish in man because It was interrupted by the subtraction that he made from Our Volition, not reigning in him, We could not entrust Ourselves to him and therefore the continuation of Our Creative Work remained as though suspended; hence, with anxiety, We await that she returns in the Arms of Our Fiat, so that she lets Him reign and then We will resume the continuation of the Creation and oh how many beautiful things We will do; We will give surprising Gifts, Our Wisdom will put forth all It's Divine Art and oh how many beautiful Images who resemble Us will He put forth by His Divine Light, all beautiful, but distinct the one from the other in Sanctity, in Power, in Beauty, in Love, in Gifts; Our Love won't be impeded anymore, finding Our Volition, He can do and give what He wants; hence, He will show off so much in giving in order to re-do His repressed Love. And since We will be free in giving, We will call them Our Times, We will make known Who We are, how much We love them and how they should love Us; We will give them Our Love at their disposition, so that We might be able to love each other with One Love alone. So that who will live in Our Volition, will be Our Triumph, Our Victory, Our Divine Army, the continuation of Our Creation and Its completion...
V. 20 - 12/24/1926 - ...My daughter, My Will is the soul and all Creation is the body for It... - Therefore, the living in My Will is the most Happy and Indescribable Destiny: her acts, her point of origin are always toward Heaven; her life is in the midst of the Spheres.
V. 30 - 5/15/1932 - How the Knowledges on the Divine Will, will form the eye and the capacity in order to look at and receive the Gift of the Divine Fiat and to accustom creatures to live as children. Disarrangement of the human will - @
V. 24 - 6/29/1928 - My daughter, when My Will has Its Kingdom upon earth and souls live in It, Faith will have no more shadows, no more enigmas but everything will be clarity and certainty. The Light of My Will, will bring in the very created things, the clear Vision of their Creator...the human will is now a shadow to Faith; passions are clouds that obscure the clear light of it... - How I long for the Kingdom of My Will! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures and to Our Sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our Feasts and theirs will reacquire the Order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a Veil over everything, so that the Feasts may never again be interrupted.
V. 20 - 12/27/1926 - My daugher, every good in order to be good, must its origin in God. Therefore, Love, the doing Good itself, suffering, the heroism of those who rush headlong into achieving an intent, the study of sciences, sacred and profane - in sum anything which does not have its origin in God, inflates the creature but starts with a human origin, are like works swept by a mighty wind... - So, her motto is: God wants it, I want it. If He does not want it, neither do I want it...
V. 35 - 2/20/1938 - So, with coming upon earth, I wanted to form of Myself so many Jesuses for how many creatures were existing, existed and will exist. So that each one should hold her Jesus, all hers, to her disposition; hence, one should hold My Conception in order to remain conceived in Me; My Birth in order to be reborn, My Tears in order to wash, My Infant age in order to renew and give beginning to her new life, My Footsteps for life and guide of her, My Works in order to make hers arise and as satisfaction for whatever contracted debt with Divine Justice; My Death in order to re-find her life, My Resurrection in order to re-arise entirely in My Will and to the complete Glory that should be given to her Creator. And this with highest Love, with Reason, with Justice and with highest Wisdom. My Celestial Father had to find in Me, in order to satisfy, in order to be repaid for so much of His Love, so many of My Lives for how many creatures had been put and should be put to the light of day; and although not everyone takes this Life of Mine, My Celestial Father demanded My Life in order to Glorify Himself of all what He had done in the Work of Creation and Redemption...
V. 19 - 5/31/1926 - Difference between one who lives in the Divine Will and one who is resigned and submitted to It. The first one is Sun, the second is earth, which lives of the effects of the Light - @ - a must read
V. 20 - 1/1/1927 - Now, you must know that one who puts an end to her will, returns into the Origin from which she came and the New Life of Light, the perennial Life of My Will begins in her....
V. 30 - 6/26/1932 - Sublimity and power of the sacrifice. How God, when He wants to give a great Good, asks the sacrifice from the creature. - Example of Noah and Abraham - @
V. 29 - 10/20/1931 - ...Now in this Century, We have chosen you as Center of all the Creation in order to make the Great Good known with more clarity what it means to do Our Will, so that everyone might long for and might call Him to reign in their midst...
V. 20 - 1/16/1927 - Therefore the Prodigies of the living in My Will are indescribable and innumerable. Oh! if all knew what it means to live in My Will and the Good they receive - even more, there is no good which they do not take, there is no Good which they cannot do - they would compete and yearn to live in My Holy and Adorable Volition.
V. 11 - 2/5/1913 - My daughter, one who does not do My Will has no reason to live on earth; her life becomes without purpose, without means and without an end...
V. 36 - 4/20/1938 - ...But do you know where the true Resurrection of the creature consists? But not in the end of the days but while still alive upon the earth; one who lives in My Will arises to the Light and can say: My night is finished; she arises in the Love of her Creator in a way that the cold, the snows don't exist for her anymore but she feels the Smile of the Celestial Spring; arises the Sanctity which puts to precipitous flight the weaknesses, the miseries, the passions; she arises to all which is Heaven...
V. 20 - 1/25/1927 - My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will breaths the All; and just as the breath is taken and is given and one who receives it to then give it back with no time in between, one who breathes the All, which is God, in emitting her breath, gives the All which she has breathed. So, she takes All and she gives All. She gives the All to God, giving God to God and she gives the All to creatures, to then breathe God again and everything that God does... - My daughter, this is the true Image of the living in My Eternal Volition: the soul copies the Divine Will within herself and the Supreme Will copies in the soul in such a way that your Creator keeps the copy of your Image impressed within His Womb. He holds her so dear because He sees her exactly as He issued her from her Origin; she has lost nothing of her Freshness and Beauty...
V. 35 - 2/14/1938 - ...Therefore, My Love is exuberant for one who wants to live in Our Fiat; We are all Eyes over him, We are on the spy in order to see when she lends Us her act in order to let Us put into Work Our Creative Virtue. She is for Us Our show of Love, the activity of Our Power and makes herself a repeater of Our Own Life... - Now hear another surprise. When I, a little Baby, suckled milk from My Mama, I suckled souls because She held the deposit of them and in giving Me milk, She deposited in Me all souls because She wanted that I might love them, might give a Kiss to everyone and might form Hers and My Victory from It; not only this, but in giving Me milk, She made Me suck Her Maternity, Her Tenderness and She imposed Herself over Me with Her Love, so that I might love souls with Maternal and Fatherly Love; and I received in Myself Her Maternity, Her indescribable Tenderness and so I loved souls with Divine Maternal and Fatherly Love...
V. 20 - 1/28/1927 - ...But this is not yet all. The Creation, echo of the Celestial Fatherland, contains Music, the Royal March, the Spheres, the Heavens, the Sun, the Sea and all possess Order and perfect Harmony among themselves and they go around continuously. This Order, this Harmony and this going around without ever stopping form such Admirable Symphony and Music, that it could be said to be like the Breath of the Supreme Fiat blowing into all created things like many Musical Instruments and forming the most beautiful of all Melodies, such that, if creatures could hear it, they would remain ecstatic. Now, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will have the Echo of the Music of the Celestial Fatherland and the Echo of the Music of Creation...
V. 30 - 3/20/1932 - Three necessary conditions in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Will. How everyone lives in the Divine Will. Different ways of living. - @ - a must read
V. 20 - 2/3/1927 - My daughter, the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will have One Single Will as Its Center - the Divine; therefore, One will be the Will of all which, diffusing to all and embracing everything will give Happiness, Order, Harmony, Strength and Beauty to all. So, It will be the Kingdom of One Single Will - One Will for all and all for One Will. What renders the Celestial Fatherland Happy, if not the Will of God and Will of all? Oh! if another will which was not that of God could enter into Heaven - which cannot be - the Saints would lose their perennial Peace and would feel the disorder of a will which is not Divine, which does not contain all Goods and which is not Holy and bearer of Happiness and of Peace; and so, all unanimous, they would cast it out...
V. 20 - 2/6/1927 - My daughter, to possess a Divine Will is something astounding; the human nature cannot comprehend everything - it feels, it possesses and knows not how to express.
V. 35 - 11/12/1937 - ...My daughter, do not marvel. One Act alone by My Will is greater than Heaven and earth; Its Immensity has no confines, Its Power has no limits, It holds in Its Own Fist everything and everyone; therefore in It's Work, It has an Act of Infinite Love, that can say for everyone - Love! and after having loved everyone, oh how much It advances!...
V. 20 - 2/13/1927 - This is My Purpose - that in My Kingdom there be no servants but My children and Kings like Me. This will happen with My Divine Will. Oh! how It awaits to be given back Its complete Glory in the Creation; and that it be recognized that everything belongs to It, so as to be able to say: Everything is yours - let us reign together. How It awaits for Its Knowledges on the Supreme Fiat to cover the paths in order to stir, to call - to press creatures to come into My Kingdom, so as to form My true children, to whom I can give the Title of Kings. This is why I have so much interest that these Manifestations on My Divine Will be known - because this is about My greatest Act, which is the fulfillment of My Glory and the complete Good of creatures.
V. 2 - 10/21/1899 - Earthly goods must serve for the Sanctification of man, not as his idols. The cause of chastisements - @
V. 8 - 9/5/1908 - ...On the Day of Judgment it will be terrible for the wicked. Not seeing any Seed of Love in themselves, but rather, hate towards Me, My Justice imposes on Me to not Love them; and persons who are not Loved, one does not want to keep around and one makes use of some means to drive them away. I will not want to keep them with Me and they will not want to stay - we will shun each other. Love alone is that which unites everything and makes all Happy.
V. 20 - 2/21/1927 - The reason for the great interest of Jesus in wanting to make the Divine Will known - @
V. 11 - 7/23/1912 - ...Then He added: I make souls of all kinds: I make the ones sleepy with Love, the ignorant of Love, the crazy of Love, the learned of Love. But, of all this, do you know what interests Me the most? That everything be Love. Anything else which is not Love is worth not even a glance.
V. 16 - 2/10/1924 - ...The Doctrine on My Will is the Purest, the most Beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, both in the Supernatural and in the natural order. Therefore, like sun, It will be the most penetrating, the most Fecund and the most wlecomed and appreciated. And being Light, of It's Own, It will make Itself understood and will make It's way. It will not be subject to doubts or suspicions of error; and if some Word is not understood, it will be because of too much Light which, eclisping the human intellect, will not allow them to comprehend the whole fullness of the Truth. However, they will not find a Word which is not Truth. At the most, they will not be able to comprehend It fully...
V. 12 - 10/14/1918 - ...Then, with a more moving and sorrowful tone, He added: My daughter, the greatest Chastisement is the triumph of evil. More purges are needed and through their triumph, the evil will purge My Church. Then, I will crush them and scatter them, like dust in the wind. Therefore, do not be troubled at the triumphs that you hear but cry with Me over their sad lot.
V. 13 - 12/5/1921 - ...And I added: Tell me, my Life and who is my family! What is my dowry and Yours? And smiling, He continued: Your Family is the Trinity. Don't you remember that in the first years of bed I took you to Heaven and we celebrated our Union before the Most Holy Trinity? And the Trinity endowed you with such Gifts that you yourself have not yet known Them; and as I speak to you about My Will, about Its Effects and Value, I make you discover the Gifts with which, from that time, you were endowed. I do not speak to you about My Dowry because what is Mine is yours. And then, after a few days, We, the Three Divine Persons, descended from Heaven, took possession of your heart and formed Our Perpetual Dwelling in it. We took the reins of your intelligence, of your heart and of all of you and everything you did was an outpouring of Our Creative Will over you and the Confirmation that your will was animated by an Eternal Will.
V. 16 - 9/14/1923 - Before man sinned, My Divinity was not hidden to man because by rotating around Me, he was My Reflection and therefore he was the little Light... - But do you know who is it that never stops in her round? The soul who does My Will and lives in It. She always runs, she never stops and she receives all the Reflections of My Humanity and also the Flashes of Light of My Divinity.
V. 3 - 11/28/1899 - ...He listened with great pleasure to my speaking out of proportion and almost wanting to test me, He transported me outside of myself, close to a deep place, full of liquid fire and dark - the mere sight of it struck horror and fright. Jesus said to me: Here is Purgatory and many souls are crammed in this fire. You will go to this place to suffer in order to free the souls I choose and you will do this for Love of Me. Though trembling a little, I said to Him: Everything for Love of You, I am ready but You must come with me, otherwise, if You leave me,You do not let Yourself be found anymore and then You make me cry quite a bit. And He: If I come with you, what would be your Purgatory? With My Presence, those pains would change into Joys and Contentments for you. And I: I do not want to go alone but as we go into that fire, You will remain behind my shoulders, so I will not see You and I will accept this suffering. So I went into that place filled with thick darkness and He followed me from behind. For fear that He might leave me, I grabbed His Hands, holding them tightly upon my shoulders. As I arrived down there...who can describe the pains that those souls suffered? They are certainly unutterable for people clothed with human flesh. But as I entered that fire, it would be destroyed and the darkness would be dispelled and many souls would come out and others would be relieved. After being there for about a quarer of an hour, we came out and Jesus was all mournful. Immediately I said: Tell me, my Good, why are You mourning? My dear Life, have I perhaps been the cause of it because I did not want to go into that place of pains by myself? Tell me, tell me, did You suffer very much in seeing those suffer? How are You feeling? And Jesus: My beloved, I feel all full of bitternesses, so much so, that unable to contain them any longer, I am about to pour them out over the earth. And I: No, no my Sweet Love, You will pour them upon me, won't You?...
V. 29 - 10/26/1931 - The Good Acts done in the Divine Will change into Light. Admirable effects of the abandonment in the Arms of Jesus. One who lets herself be dominated by the Divine Will becomes peoples of His Kingdom - @
V. 17 - 5/4/1925 - The Mission of the Divine Will will veil the Most Holy Trinity upon earth and will make man return to his origin - @ a must read
V. 24 - 7/19/1928 - My daughter, three Acts from the Trinity concurred in the Creation, which were Power, Wisdom and Love. All of Our Works are always accompanied by these Three Acts because since Our Working is Perfect, They are executed wiht Highest Power, with Infinite Wisdom and with Perfect Love, communicating Three Immense Goods to the Work We are doing, as indeed We gave the great Good of the Intellect, Memory and Will to man...
V. 32 - 11/10/1933 - My blessed daughter, in My Celestial Country there reigns the Unique and Universal Act, One is the will of everyone and what one wants, the other wants; no one changes action nor will as every Blessed feels My Volition as their own and with every one having one will alone, it forms the Substance of the Happiness of all Heaven. More so, that My Divine Will dosen't know how to do, nor can He do, broken, but continuous and Universal Acts and since in Heaven, He reigns with His full Triumph and with the totality of His Dominion, everyone feels as in nature His Universal Life and they are full even to the brim with all the Goods that He possesses, at most there can be according to the capacity of each one and of the good that they have done in life but no one can change neither will nor action nor love. The Power of My Divine Will holds all the Blessed absorbed, unified in Himself as if they were one alone... - ...My daughter, do you want to know why I have such interest that one does My Will? because this was the purpose why I created the creature and her not doing It destroys for Me the purpose for which I created her and she takes away from Me My Rights that will all Reason and Divine Wisdom I have over her and she puts herself against Me - doesn't it seem grave to you that the children put themselves against the Father?...
V. 5 - 10/27/1903 - The Divine Way of operating is only Love for the Father and for men - @
V. 35 - 9/20/1937 - My daughter, what Sorrow in not being understood by creatures and hence, We cannot have the good of saying to them Who We are, of making Ourselves known, as We are none other than Love and We want to give Love in order to receive Love. As I would like that everyone might know it!...
V. 12 - 10/8/1917 - ...Now, being in Heaven, I diffuse My Humanity, My Pains and all that My Humanity did for the Good of corrupted souls in them, especially in those who love Me, so as to say to the Father: My Humanity is in Heaven but also on earth, in the souls who love Me and who suffer. Therefore, My Satisfaction is always complete; My Pains are always in Act because the souls who love Me, stand in for Me. So, be consoled when you suffer because you receive the Honor of standing in for Me.
V. 36 - 7/30/1938 - My little daughter of My Will, the Prodigies, the Wonders, the enchanting Scenes that I unfold in one who lives in My Volition are manifold and so very Beautiful and Enchanting that to no one is it given to imitate them - You must know that in Heaven are innumerable Offices/Mansions but those prepared for the souls who have lived in My Volition on earth will be the most beautiful and distinct from the others; they will possess harmonies and Divine scenes, enchanting joys always new that will rise from the depth of My Will in which they have lived; they will hold in their power, joys and happiness always new; in their power how much they will want of it, so much will they form of it because My Fiat holds the Virtue of creating always new joys; these Offices/Mansions will be the new enchantment of that Celestial Sojourn. - Now, I want to tell you another surprise more beautiful yet. In Heaven, every Blessed will have Me inside of himself as his Creator, King, Father and glorifier; he will have Me outside of himself, truly next to him in a way as to feel himself carried in My Arms; we will Love together; we will felicitate ourselves together; I won't be one God for everyone but a God for each one; rather I will keep Myself bilocated inside and outside of him; I will possess him inside and outside of Me and they will possess Me inside and outside as if I might be for each one alone. One God for everyone would not be full happiness; some will be near, some far, some to the right, some to left, hence some would enjoy My Caresses, some not, some would feel more loved and felicitated by My Near Presence and some not. Instead with each one haveing Me to himself, inside and outside, we will never lose slight of each other; we will enjoy close Love, not from afar; how much we would have loved and known each other on earth, more we will love each other in Heaven. - And then that which I will give to one who has lived in My Volition on earth, it will be so very great that all the Blessed will enjoy double happiness. It is true that there where I have My Throne, seas of joys spring forth to enlarge the whole Celestial Country but My Love is not content, if I don't bilcocate Myself and descend to be to you(face to face), one on one with My beloved creature, in order to Love each other more and to enjoy ourselves together with her; and then, how to be able to be far from one who lives in My Volition? If between her and Us is formed the inseparability of Will and of Love, how to be able to be even one single step away, if one alone is the Love with which we love each other and one the Will with which we work?...
V. 12 - 11/20/1917 - Oh, the beautiful living in My Will! I like it so much that I will make disappear all other sanctities under any aspect of virtue in the future generations and I will make the Sanctity of living in My Will reappear, which are and will be not human sanctities but Divine. Their Sanctity will be so high that, like Suns, they will eclipse the most beautiful Stars of the Saints of the past generations. This is why I want to purge the earth: it is unworthy of these Portents of Sanctity - My daughter, I am not concerned about the cities, the great things of the earth - I am concerned about souls. The cities, the Churches and other things, after they have been destroyed, can be rebuilt. Didn't I destroy everything in the Deluge? And wasn't everything redone again? But if souls are lost, it is forever - there is no one who can give them back to Me. Ah! I cry for souls. They have denied Heaven for the earth and I will destroy the earth; I will make the most beautiful things disappear which like rope, bind man.
V. 31 - 12/25/1932 - The Birth of the Baby Jesus was Universal - He was Born in all and in each one. How in order to hold us secure, He came to cover us with the Attire of His Humanity. Example of the sun - @
V. 11 - 3/8/1914 - ...My daughter, one instant of the operating of My Will is enough to surpass all the works of creatures, past, present and future. So, as the soul dies in My Will, there is no beauty that matches her nor heights, riches, sanctity, wisdom or love; nothing - nothing can equal her. As the soul who dies in My Will enters into the Heavenly Fatherland, not only will the Heaven's Gates open but the entire Heaven will bow to welcome her into the Celestial Dwelling, to honor the Working of My Will. What should I tell you, then, of the Feast and the surprise of all the Blessed in seeing this soul completely marked by the Working of the Divine Will; in seeing, in this soul who has done everything in My Will, that everything she has done during her life - each saying, each thought, word, work, action of hers - are many suns that adorn her, each one different from the other in Light and in Beauty and in seeing in this soul many Divine rivulets that will inundate all the Blessed and flow also upon earth for the good of pilgrim souls, since Heaven cnnot contain them? Ah, My dauhgter, My Will is the Portent of Portents...
V. 35 - 9/12/1937 - ...You must know that when We want to do a Good for creatures, to say a Truth, that is the greatest Good that We can give them because with saying It, We make a Gift of It, We mature It in the Bosom of Our Divinity and when We can contain It no longer, We give It, because Our Love is so much that It wants to see creatures possessors of that Gift, that It makes Us give into yearnings and deliriums and arrives to make Us languish because It wants to see that Good transmitted to them... - Therefore, when We find one who receives It, We confirm the Gift, We make feast and feel Ourselves Victorious with the Good We have given them... - You must know that each Word of Ours is an outlet of Love that We do with the creature, so that each Word said on Our Divine Will is an outlet of Love that We have done and receiving refreshment from this outlet, We have continued to speak in order to form the chain of Our outlets of Love because it was a repressed Love that We held within Us; and if you might know what it signifies, this Our outlet of Love the Good that It does...! This outlet of Love fills heavens and earth, invests everyone, embalms the sufferings, makes itself day in the night of sin, converts sinners, straightens one who limps in good, reconfirms the good ones; in short, there is no Good that one of Our Words that contains one of Our outlets of Love cannot do. So that, Us speaking is the greatest Good that can be done to creatures; It is Our Love reciprocated, It is giving the Divine Life to creatures, It is the greatest Glory that We can receive.
V. 12 - 12/30/1917 - Continuing in my ususal state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen afflicted and He was lamenting for the many who steal affections and hearts of creatures from Him, by putting themselves in His place within souls. And I said to Him: My Love, is this vice so ugly that it saddens You so much? And He: My daughter, it is not only ugly but awful. It is to turn upside down the Order of the Creator, placing themselves on top and Myself underneath, telling Me: I too am good at being God...
V. 16 - 10/4/1923 - ...While I was thinking this, my Sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me: My daughter, how can I leave you if My Will is imprisoned in your soul and giving life to all you acts, It carries out Its Life as within Its Own Center? So, at one point of the earth there is My Life. Ah! if this Life of Mine were not there on earth, My Justice would pour Itself out with such fury as to annihilate it. On hearing this, I said: My Jesus, Your Will is everywhere, there is not one point at which It is not present and You are saying that It is imprisoned in me? And Jesus: It is indeed everywhere with Its Immensity, with Its All-seeingness and with Its Power. Like Queen, It subjects everything to Itself, letting no one escape Its Empire. But as Life, in which the creature forms her life, to carry out her life in the Life of My Will, it is if My Will did not exist. For many, who do not do It, it is if My Will did not exist... - So it is with My Will: in order for It to become Life of the soul, the soul must make her will disappear in Mine; her will must no longer exist. My Will, as Primary act, must take over all of her acts and It will give Itself to the soul....
V. 31 - 2/24/1933 - ...But one knows, that My Truths find post more in the simple hearts than in the learned hearts. This happened in My Redemption, with My Sorrow not one learned one followed Me; but the poor, ignorant and simple ones...
V. 35 - 3/16/1938 - ...Even more so, as she enters Our Volition and asks Us that Our Will come to reign upon the earth, We make feast because she wants what We want, that is a great Thing and It is the most beautful of all; that the creature wants what her Creator wants. This forms Our Rest and Our Love smiles and is quieted.
Therefore, the living in Our Volition moves Heaven ane earth, puts Our Work in aptness for a cause so Holy.
My daughter, do you want to know why We want that the creature lives in Our Volition? Because We want to give her always new Gifts, new Love, new Charismas; We want to tell her always new Things of Our Divine Being. And she, because she must receive and listen to Us, if she doesn't live in Our Volition, she won't hold a place where to put Our Gifts and We won't put forth Our Gifts if We don't have a place to deposit Them; and We remain with Sorrow becausse We want to give and We are not able; We are as suffocating from the Love and We cannot relieve Ourselves because there is no one who takes It and We are constrained to see the poor creature, weak and ignorant. What Sorrow! While, in Our Volition, We put Our Goods in common and We go to her always saying: "Take this what you want and for Thanksgiving, give Us the little tribute of your love and of your will...
V. 12 - 5/20/1918 - My daughter, I do not have desires or affections but everything is concentrated in My Will. My Will is everything in Me. Those who can not, desire; but I can - everything. Those who do not have love, wish to love but in My Will, there is the fullness, the Fount of true Love. And since I am Infinite, in one simple Act of My Will, I possess all Goods, which, overflowing from My Being, descend for the good of all. If I had desires, I would be unhappy, I would lack something; but I possess everything, therefore, I am Happy and I make everyone happy...
The Sin against the Holy Spirit
The Sin against the Holy Spirit can be read in Vol. 31 - 10/16/1932 and Vol. 35 - 3/22/1938 -
( These readings are long, especially in Vol. 35 and the sin is towards the end of each reading. These most unfortunate creatures are easily recognizable by their lack of Love )
V. 17 - 12/8/1924 - ...This is why I always insist on My Will because It preserves the soul beautiful, as she came out of Our Hands and It raises her as the Original Copy of her Creator. As many great works and sacrifices as one might do, if My Will is not present in them, I refuse them, I do not recognize them - it is not food for Me; and the most beautiful works, without My Will, become food for the human will, for self-esteem and for the greed of the creature.
V. 12 - 7/9/1918 - My daughter, I am all Love. I am like a Fount which contains nothing but Love and everything that might enter into this Fount, loses it's qualities and becomes Love. Therefore, Justice, Wisdom, Goodness, Fortitude, etc. are nothing other than Love in Me. But Who directs this Fount, this Love and everything else? My Will. My Will dominates, rules, orders. So, all My Qualities carry the Mark of My Volition - the Life of My Will; and wherever they find My Will, they make feast - where they don't, saddened, they withdraw...
V. 24 - 10/3/1928 - Exchange between Jerusalem and Rome. In creating man, God placed as many seeds of happiness in him for as many things as He created - @
V. 6 - 10/20/1906 - My daughter, the cause of all these enormous crimes - because one sin is the cause and chastisement of making others fall into more sins - have been the sins of Priests...
V. 7 - 11/9/1906 - Effects of meditating continuously on the Passion -
V. 17 - 6/11/1925 - ...My daughter, there is nothing which can equal the great evil of not doing My Will. There is no Good which can equal It; there is no virtue which can stand before It. So, the Good that one loses by not doing My Will is irreparable; and only by returning again into It, can one find the remedy and be given back the Goods which Our Will had established to give to the creature... - Moreover, My Will is Eternal - It has no beginning nor will It have an end; and who can calculate one Act done in My Will, without beginning and without end? That Act is surrounded and filled with Goods without end; that which My Will is, so It renders the Act...
V. 31 - 3/5/1933 - How the human will reduces the soul to shreds and forms the little citadels without king and without defense. Cries of Jesus - - a must read
V. 25 - 2/3/1929 - My poor and little mind swims in the most bitter pain of the privation of my Sweet Jesus and feeling I am without Him, more than ever, I feel like longing for my Celestial Fatherland. Oh! how bitter is the earth without Jesus. Together with Him, it is more bearable, but without Him one cannot live at all. And if it wasn't for the fact that close to the sea of His privation flows more extensive the sea of the Divine Fiat, with It's Light, eases in part the bitterness and the intensity of the pain of the privation of Jesus - who knows how long ago, I would have taken flight to the Celestial Regions because of the pain. But, Fiat, Fiat! - You must know that the Angels, the Saints, the Sovereign Queen, are all One Piece; their Beings are nothing other than One Single Act of Divine Will. Therefore, nothing but Divine Will appears in each of them; the thought, the gaze, the word, the work, the step - nothing appears but Fiat! Fiat!; and this constitutes all the fullness of the Happiness of all Saints. Now, one who does and lives in My Will on earth is similar to the Inhabitants of Heaven - that is, she is all one piece and forms one single piece with them in such a way that if the pilgrim soul thinks, the Saints think together with her, if she loves, they love and operate with her. There are such tight bonds between her and Heaven, that all together form One Single Act of My Will; so much so, that all the Celestial Inhabitants are on the lookout to see what the creature on earth does, so that nothing may escape them. Wherever My Divine Will reigns, It has Its Heaven and has the Virtue of kidnapping Heaven onto earth and the earth into Heaven and of forming one single thing. Therefore, courage, do not lose heart; think that you are dealing with a Divine Will and this should make you content.
V. 24 - 7/10/1928 - My daughter, when My Will dominates on earth, then will there be perfect union between Heaven and earth. One will be the order, one the harmony, one the echo, one the life because one will be the will. Even more, In Heaven many Mirrors will be seen and the creatures, reflecting themselves in them, will look at what the Blessed in Heaven are doing. They will hear Their chants, Their Celestial Melodies and by them imitating what They do - Their chants, Their Melodies - there will be the life of Heaven in the midst of Creatures. My Fiat will place everything in common and there will be the true Life of the Fiat Voluntas Tuo on earth as It is in Heaven. Then will My Will sing victory and the creature will sing the Hymn of her Triumph.
V. 25 - 10/10/1928 - My daughter, how pleasing to Me are your kisses. I feel I am being kissed by you with the kisses of My very Volition; I feel My very Divine Kisses being impressed on My Lips, on My Face, in My Hands and Heart. Everything is Divine in the soul in whom My Divine Will reigns....
V. 36 - 5/6/1938 - My good daughter, in order to enter into My Will, the way is most simple because your Jesus never teaches difficult things; My Love makes Me adapt Myself much to the human ability, so that the creature, without difficulty, can do what I teach and want. Now, you must know that in order to enter into My Fiat, the first indispencable thing is volition, to yearn for with all firmness that she wants to live in Him. The second thing, to take the first step, indeed first My Divine Will surrounds her with Light and with such attractions, that the creature loses the desire to do her will because as soon as she has taken a step, she feels herself dominator; the night of the passions, of weaknesses, of miseries, is changed into daylight, into Divine Strength, hence, she feels the extreme need to take the second step, which calls the third step, the fourth, the fifth and so one... These steps are steps of Light which embellish her, Sanctify her, felicitate her, direct the way to her and participate her in her Creator's Likeness but so much so, that she not only feels the extreme need to live in My Volition but she feels it as proper( her own) life, that can not separate itself...
V. 25 - 10/28/1928 - How all that has been done in the Divine Volition has not been taken by the creature. Works of Jesus. The Feast of Christ the King, prelude of the Kingdom of the Divine Will @
V. 35 - 1/10/1938 - The first Sermon that the little King Jesus made to the children of Egypt; how each one held their Celestial Father in their own heart, that He loved them and wanted to be loved - @
V. 12 - 9/25,1918 - ...But the heart of man is hard and not completely tired. Man has not yet touched the summit of all evils and therefore, he is not yet satiated; so, he does not surrender and looks with indifference even upon the epidemic. but these are the preludes. The time will come! - it will come - when I will make this evil and perverted generation almost disappear from the earth.
V. 11 - 3/17/1914 - My daughter, one who does My Will takes part in the actions "Ad Intra" of the Divine Persons. Only for one who does My Volition is this privilege reserved: to take part not only in all of Our Works "ad Extra". but to pass from These to the Works "ad Intra"... And then We enclose her within Ourselves to enjoy her because just as We, Divine Persons, are inseparable, so does the soul who does Our Will becomes inseparable from Us.
V. 17 - 10/17/1924 - My daughter, see with how much Love I love the creature. Before coming out to the light of the day of this World, she was already in My Womb. and in deliviring her, I did not leave her- a Ray of Light contianing My Life follows her in order to administer to her everything that is ncecssary so as to carry out this life. And with how much care do I not raise her! I Myself make Myself light, heat, food, defense. And when she completes her days in time, along the path of that same Ray, I withdraw her into My Womb, to let her wander throughout the Celestial Fatherland...
V. 25 - 1/6/1929 - My daughter, to see the creature happy is My only Contentment and since what renders her unhappy is the human volition; once this is removed, all the unhappinesses end nor do they have any more reason to exist. But what makes all human unhappinesses die is My Will alone. Before It, all evils feel themselves dying; My Will is like sun that rises in the morning which has the virtue of dispelling the darkness of the night. Before the light, darkness dies, nor has any right to exist any more. So it is with My Divine Will.
V. 12 - 4/7/1919 - ...With sorrowful tone, added: What disorder in the world! But this disorder is because of the leaders, both civilian and ecclesiastical. Their self-interested and corrupted lives did not have the strength to correct their subjects, therefore, they closed their eyes to the evils of the members, since they already showed their own evils; and if they did correct them, it was all in a superficial way, because not having that good within themselves, how could they infuse it in others? How many times these perverted leaders have placed the evil before the good, to the extent that the few good were shaken by this behavior of the leaders. Therefore, I will have the leaders struck in a special way.
V. 25 - 2/22/1929 - ...My daughter, you must know that in Our Divinity, there is the ordinary order for the whole Creation and this is not moved because of any incident; not one point, not one minute earlier, not one minute later; life ends when it is established by Us - We are immutable in this regard. But, in Us, there is also the extraordinary order and since We are the Masters of the laws of the whole Creation, We have the right to change them whenever We want. But if We change them, a great Glory of Ours must enter into this and a great Good for the whole Creation; We do not change Our laws because of little things. Now, My daughter, you know that the greatest Work is to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth and to make It known; there is no Good that the creature can receive if she does not know it.. What is your wonder then, if We have surrended to obedience so as to not let you die? More so since, because of your connection with My Divine Fiat, you enter into extraordinary order; and since each Knowledge about My Divine Volition is many Divine Lives that have come out of Our Womb, the sacrifice of your life was needed in order to receive them and the very privation of Heaven from which obedience snatched you.
V. 35 - 3/6/1938 - My good daughter, courage! Oppressions, melancholies, the thought of the past, have no reason to exist for one who lives in My Will. These are discordant notes with Our Joys, of Peace and of Love and they form feeble sounds, that sound badly to Our Divine Ears... - Then the most beautiful Act of the creature is to throw herself into Our Arms, to abandon herself in a way to allow Us to do what We want to do with her, as much in time as in Eternity and then We take all gusto to make of her one of the most beautiful Statues that should adorn Our Celestial Jerusalem. - The abandoning of oneself in Our Volition takes Heaven by assault and so much is His Rule that He imposes Himself on Our Divine Being, encloses Himself in her littleness, and she, triumphant, encloses herself in Our Divine Breast - The Heavens are stupefied, the Angels and Saints remain in Ecstasy and everyone feels a new Life flow in them, in virtue of the Act of the abandonment that the creature has done, still a wayfarer. And We finding her abandoned in Our Fiat, We find in her that We can do what We want; all lends itself to Our Power... - So that, how much more you will be abandoned in Our Will, so much more We wil be liberal towards you and towards everyone who are more or less disposed, will find new strength, new light, new guidance.
V. 7 - 5/9/1907 - Death and Purgatory of Luisa's parents - @ catholicdivinewill.blogspotcom - a long reading.
V. 9 - 7/29/1910 - ...You, however, must lean on two pillars to be able to live with full confidence. One is My Will. In My Will, there cannot be sins; My Will smashes all passions and sins to pieces - even more, It pulverizes them to the point of destroying their roots. If you lean on the pillar of My Will, darkness will convert into light, doubts into certainty, hopes into possession. The second pillar on which you must lean is the firm will and continuous attention not to offend Me, even slightly; disposing one's own will to suffer everything, to face everything, to be submitted to everyone, rather than displease Me...
V. 24 - 3/19/1928 - ...All. even those who are said to be more good, feel that something necessary is lacking to them; they feel that their works are not complete and everyone longs for another good but they themselves don't know what it is. It is the fullness and the totality of My Divine Fiat that is missing in their acts and therefore their works are as though halved because only with My Will and in My Will can one do complete works. Therefore, It yearns to be known in order to bring Its Life and fulfillment to the works of the creatures.; more so, since I am preparing great events - sorrowful and prosperous; chastisements and Graces; unforeseen and unexpected wars - everything in order to dispose them to receive the Good of the Knowledges of My Fiat. And if they let them sleep without casting them into the midst of creatures, they will render the events which I am preparing fruitless. What an account will they not have to give Me? With these Knowledges I am preparing the Renewal and the Restoration of the human family.
V. 11 - 11/27/1913 - ...My Will is so great that whoever does It, can call himself a god of the earth; and just as My Will forms the Beatitude of Heaven, these gods who do My Will form the Beatitude of the earth and of those who are near them. There is no Good that exists on earth which is not attibuted to these gods of My Will - whether as direct or as indirect cause; everything is due to them. Just as there is no Happiness in Heaven which does not come from Me, so there is no Good on earth which does not come from them.
V. 6 - 8/12/1904 - ...and then He added: I created the soul with a rare beauty, I endowed her with a Light superior to any other created light, and yet, man disperses this beauty inside ugliness and this Light inside darkness.
V. 7 - 8/10/1906 - ...and He told me: My daughter, for every slightest pleasure of which the soul deprives herself in this life for Love of Me, I will give her one more Paradise in the next Life. So, one contentment less here, one Paradise more there. Imagine a bit of how many privations you have suffered in these twenty years of bed because of Me and how many more Paradises I will give you in Heaven...
V. 12 - 5/15/1920 - My daughter, My Crucifixion was complete and do you know why? And Jesus, moving in my interior: My daughter, It was done in the Eternal Will of My Father. In this Will, the Cross became so long as to embrace all Centuries and penetrate into every heart, past, present and future that I remained Crucified in the heart of each creature...
V. 25 - 3/17/1929 - See then, My daughter, each Truth I have manifested to you about My Divine Will was a child generated in Our Paternal Womb, such that, as We put It out, It brought you the child of Our Light, the child of Our Beauty, of Our Sanctity and of Our Love... Therefore, it can be said that one who does not take these Truths into consideration, does not esteem Them, appreciate Them and love Them and is a child of Ours who does not appreciate and love the greatest thins that exists in Heaven and on earth; and by not loving It and esteeming It, they come to suffocate these children of Ours and to prevent their generation. There is no greater evil than this: not to use all the care in keeping a Truth of Ours as the greatest of Treasures because It is a child of Ours, It is the bearer of Our Life upon earth...
V. 7 - 7/31/1906 - Jesus speaks about Simplicity - @
V. 2 - 7/30/1899 - ...My Beloved Jesus told me: Thr surest means to be upright with one's neighbor is to not look at all at what they are doing because looking, thinking and judging is all the same. Besides, by looking at his neighbor, one comes to defraud his own soul; therefore it happens that he is not upright either with himself or his neighbor or with God.
V. 8 - 2/6/1908 - Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace -
V. 25 - 3/22/1929 - The Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven is precisely this: that man return into My Divine Will; and only then when It sees again Its child happy, living in Its House, with the opulence of Its Goods - then will It calm Itself. And so It will be able to say: My child has come back, he is clothed with his Royal Garments, he wears the Crown of King, he lives with Me and I have given back to him the Rights which I gave him in creating him. So, the disorder in Creation is ended because man has come back into My Divine Will.
V. 3 - 3/11/1900 - Encounter with a soul in Purgatory -
V. 30 - 5/22/1932 - ...Now you should know that one who lives in the Divine Will, will receive, between so many prerogatives, the Gift of Infused Science, a Gift that will be a guide for her in order to know Our Divine Being, that will facilitate her carrying out the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat in her soul. It will be a guide for her in the order of natural things and it will be as the hand that guides her in everything nd will make known the palpating Life of the Divine Volition in all created things and the good that It continually brings her. This Gift was given to Adam in the beginning of his creation, together with Our Divine Will, he possessed the Gift of Infused Science in a way that he knew with clarity Our Divine Truths. Not alone, but all the beneficial virtues that all created things possessed to the good of the creature, from the greatest thing, even to the littlest blade of grass. Now as he rejected Our Divine Will with doing his, Our Fiat withdrew His Life and the Gift with which he had been bearer of. Hence, Adam remained in the dark without the true and and pure light of the knowledge of all things. Whence with the Life of My Will returning in the creature his Gift of the Infused Science will return. This Gift is inseparable from My Divine Will as light from the heat is inseparable and where He reigns, He forms the eye full of Light in the depth of the soul for how much it is possible for a creature... Where He reigns, He centralizes in the soul, this Gift of Infused Science, that more than eye sees and understands but without effort: Divine Truths, the most difficult Knowledges of Our Supreme Being, but with a marvelous clarity, without artifice and without study. More so, for tht natural things of which no one can know the substance, the good that there is within, if not He Who has created them.. Hence, no wonder if Our Divine Volition makes Himself revealer of Our Divine Being and of the things that He Himself has created in the soul where He reigns; and not reigning, everything is darkness for the poor creature. Our children are blind and don't know nor do they love He Who has created them,Who more than Father loves them and longs for the Love of His children...
V. 29 - 7/13/1931 - Motion is the sign of life. The Passport in order to enter into the Kingdom of the Divine Will; the Language and the City of It. The Peacemaker between God and the creatures - @
V. 17 - 5/30/1925 - ...You are in the same condition which is almost similar to that of the Blessed in Heaven. They have not lost their free will; this is a Gift which I gave man and what I give once, I never take back. Slavery has never entered Heaven; I am the God of Sons and Daughters, not of slaves; I am the King Who makes everyone reign - there is no division between Me and them. But the Knowledges of My Goods, of My Will and of My Happiness is so great and so vast, that they are filled to the brim, to the point of overflowing outside and their will finds no place to act. And while they are free, the Kowledge of an Infinite Will and of the Infinite Goods in which they are immersed, leads them with an irresistible force to use their will as if they did not have it, considering this their greatest Fortune and Happiness but spontaneously free and of their own will...
V. 9 - 5/20/1909 - Love for God surpasses everything - @
V. 25 - 4/4/1929 - My daughter, look - everything that serves the whole human family in a universal way is always one. On the other hand, the other things, which do not serve in a universal way, are multiple. The sky is one and it extends above the heads of all; the sun is one and it serves as light for all; the water is one and therefore it gives itself to all... the earth is one and it extends under the feet of all. And just as in the natural order of Creation, so in the supernatural order. God is the Universal Being and He is One; and because One is the God of all, He gives Himself to all, He envelops all, He is everywhere, He does Good to all and is Life of all. One is the Virgin and therefore Universal Mother and Queen of all. One is your Jesus and therefore My Redemption extends everywhere and in a universal way; everything I did and suffered is at the disposal of all and of each one. One is the little newborn of My Divine Will and therefore the whole entire Universe will receive, in a universal way, all the Goods of the Manifestations and Knowledges of My Divine Fiat, which, like Sacred Deposit, I have deposited in you, so that, more than splendid Sun, It may shine Its innumerable Rays to illuminte the whole entire World. Therefore, everything I tell you contains the Universal Virtue, which will give Itself to all and do Good to all. So, be attentive and always follow My Divine Will.
V. 7 - 10/2.1906 - ...So, her sufferings will serve to medicate now My Side, now My Head, now My Hands and Feet which are too much in pain and embittered by the grave offenses that creatures give Me. This is a great honor that I give her, by giving her, Myself, the medicine to medicate My Wounds and by also giving her the Merit of Charity for having medicated Me. While He was saying this, I saw many purging souls who, on hearing this, all amazed, said: Fortunate are all of you to receive so many sublime teachings - that you acquire the merits to medicate a God, which surpass all other Merits in merit - and your Glory will be distinct from the others, as is Heaven from the earth. Oh, if only we had received these teachings - that our sufferings could serve to medicate a God - how many riches we would acquire, which now we do not have!
V. 34 - 4/25/1937 - Prodigy of the working Act of the Divine Will in the creature. How who lets Him work in her is the longed for one, the welcomed one, the darling of the whole Celestial Court. All that one does in Him acquires the virtue to produce Divine Life @
V. 18 - 8/15/1925 - ...On the other hand, My Will takes the attitude of Sorrow in those same created things when It has to serve one who does not fulfill My Will. This is why it happens that many times created things place themselves against man, they strike him, they chastise him - because they become superior to man, as they keep intact within themselves that Divine Will by which they were animated from the every beginning of their creation, while man has descended down below, for he does not keep the Will of his Creator within himself...
V. 2 - 9/9/1899 - Faith, Hope and Charity. The soul, Royal Palace of God - @
V. 2 - 10/3/1899 - ...Now, while I am saying this, in my interior I keep saying: But, what is this Obedience? What is it made of? What is the nourishment that sustains it? And Jesus makes His harmonious Voice heard to my hearing, which says: Do you know what Obedience is? Obedience is the quintessence of Love; Obedience is the finest, the purest, the most perfect Love, extracted from the most painful sacrifice - to destroy oneself in order to live again of God. Being most Noble and Divine, Obedience tolerates nothing human in the soul and nothing which does not belong to it. Therefore, all its attention is on destroying within the soul everything that does not belong to its Divine nobility - that is, Love itself. And once it has done this, it cares very little about whether it alone struggles and toils on behalf of the soul, while allowing the soul to rest peacefully. Finally, I Myself am Obedience.
V. 12 - 3/12/1921 - ...and I said to Him: My Life, Jesus, if the souls who will live in Your Volition will be Rainbows, what will be the Colors of these Rainbows of Peace? And Jesus, all Goodness: their Qualities and Colors will be fully Divine. They will blaze with the most Beautiful and Bright Colors, which are: Love, Goodness, Wisdom, Power, Sanctity, Mercy and Justice. The Variety of these Colors will be as Light in the darkness of the night and by virtue of these Colors, they will make the Day arise in the minds of creature
V. 9 - 3/16/1910 - The narrow path to Salvation - @
V. 3 - 5/9/1900 - ...After those few Words spoken by Jesus, I found myself outside of myself and in looking into the Vault of the Heavens, I saw three Suns; one seemed to set in the East, another in the West and the third in the South. The Splendor of the Rays that they sent forth was so great that they united with one another in such a way as to become One. I seemed to see the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, and man, formed with the Three Powers in Its Image. I also understood that for one who stayed in that Light, his will would be transformed in the Father, his intellect in the Son, his memory in the Holy Spirit. How many things I understood! But I am unable to manifest them.
V. 2 - 8/12/1899 - Jesus transforms her(Luisa) completely in Himself and teaches her Charity - @
V. 16 - 7/23/1923 - My daughter, My Will is in continous encounter with the will of the creature; and as the human will encounters Mine, it receives the Light, the Sanctity, the Strength which My Will contains. My Will is in continuous Act of giving Itself to the creature to give her the Life of Heaven in advance. If she receives Me, she remains with this Celestial Life; but if in every act they do, creatures do not receive this Supreme Volition, which is all intent for their good, on making them happy, strong, holy, divine and as though transformed into a dawn of Celestial Light, they remain with their human will alone, which renders them weak, miserable, muddy and surrounds them with vile passions, such as to arouse pity. Don't you see how many souls drag themselves along because of their weakness in being unable to conquer themselves to do good; others, who don't know how to dominate themselves; others, inconstant like reeds in the bloswing wind; others, who don't know how to pray without a thousnd distractions; others, always discontent; others, who seem to be born to do evil? These are all souls who do not encounter My Will in all their things. Yet, My Will is there for all; but because they shun It, they do not receive the Good which My Will contains - a just pain for one who wants to live of her will involving herself in all miseries. However, this Will of Mine, which they do not want to encounter in life, when It would give them as many Goods for as many times as they would encounter It, they will encounter at their death, giving them as many pains for as many times as they shunned It because shunning It, they have rendered themselves guilty, they have stained themselves and covered themselves with mud. So, it is just that they receive a pain; and as many painful encounters form for them for as many times as they have not encountered My Will upon earth. But these painful encountes will be without merits. without new gains, as would have happened had they encountered It in life.
Oh! how many moans of sorrows come from the Prisons of Purgatory, how many shouts of desparation can be heard from Hell because My Will was not encountered on earth. Therefore, My daughter, may your first act be to encounter My Will...
Celestial Empress - Mother and Queen of the Divine Will
V. 2 - 9/26/1899 - Oppositions to writing. How the Most Holy Virgin is a Portent of Grace. Abstractive sight and Intuitive sight - @
V. 35 - 8/9/1937 - ...My daughter, the Force would be lacking to not elevate the creature to the level of Our Likeness and to make her possess Our Goods because she lives in Our Will. So very true is this, that My Celestial Mother, since She lived, She possessed My Divine Fiat, We love each other with One Love alone, We love souls with a Twin Love. And Our Love is so much for Her that, as We hold the Hierarchy of the Angels in Heaven, the diversity of the Orders of the Saints, with Her being the Celestial Empress, the Heiress of the great Inheritance of Our Will, when this Kingdom will be formed on earth, the Great Lady will call Her children to possess Her Inheritance and We will give the great Glory to them, to have them form the New Hierarchy, similar to the Nine Choirs of the Angels; so that It will have the Choir of the Seraphim, of the Cherubim and so on, as It will also form the Order of the Saints Who lived in Her Inheritance; and after having fully formed Them on earth, She will transport Them to Heaven, surrounding Herself with the New Hierarchy, regenerated in the Divine Fiat, in Her Own Love lived in Her Inheritance. This will be the conclusion of the Work of Creation, Our, "Consumatum est", because We will have had the Kingdom of Our Volition in creatures, in virtue of the Celestial Heiress, Who wanted to give Her Life for each in order to make Him reign. And oh, how We will remain Glorified, Felicitated because the Sovereign Lady holds Her Hierarchy, as We hold Ours; much more so Ours will be Hers and Hers Ours because All that one does in Our Volition is inseparable..
V. 2 - 8/15/1899 - Charity orders all Virtues. The Virgin Mary assumed into Heaven. The "Hail Mary" together with Jesus @
V. 4 - 8/21/1901 - ...While saying this, I was crying and She said to me: My daughter, follow Me and you will find the way and Jesus. Even more, I want to teach you the secret of how you can always be with Jesus and live always content and happy, even on this earth: Fix in your interior that there is only Jesus and you in the world and no one else; and that Him alone must you please, satisfy and love and from Him alone must you expect to be loved in return and contented in everything...
V. 4 - 1/26/1902 - This morning, while I was in my ususl state, I saw an Endless Light before me and I comprehended that in that Light dwelled the Most Holy Trinity. I also saw the Queen Mama before that Light; She was all absorbed in the Most Holy Trinity and She absorbed all Three Divine Persons within Herself in such a way as to be enriched with the three Prerogatives of the Sacrosanct Trinity - which are Power, Wisdom and Charity. And just as God loves mankind as Part of Himself and as a particle that came out of Him and He ardently desires that this Part of Himself return into Himself, so does the Queen Mama, by participating in this, loves mankind with passionate Love. Now, while comprehending this, I saw the Confessor and I prayed the Most Holy Virgin to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for him. She bowed, taking my prayer to the Throne of God and I saw that from the Divine Throne, a flow of Light came out which covered the Confessor completely and I found myself inside myself.
V. 4 - 2/24/1902 - As I was in my usual state, the Queen Mother came and told me: My daughter, My Sorrows, as the Prophets say, were a Sea of Sorrows and in Heaven they have turned into a Sea of Glory and each of My Sorrows has borne the Fruit of as many Treasures of Grace. And just as on earth they call Me "Star of the Sea" because I guide them to the Harbor with certainty, in Heaven, they call Me Star of Light" for all the Blessed, because they are delighted by this Light that My Sorrows produced...
V. 4 - 1/10/1903 - ... Jesus told me: My beloved, the most pleasing and most consoling Words for My Mother are: "Dominus Tecum" [The Lord is with Thee]. In fact, as soon as They were pronounced by the Archangel, She felt the Whole of the Divine Being, being communicated to Her and therefore, She felt invested with Divine Power, in such a way that, in the face of the Divine Power, Her Own dissolved; and so My Mama remained with the Divine Power in Her Hand.
V. 5 - 6/30/1903 - The Most Holy Virgin teaches the soul how to keep her interior gaze on Jesus. The Beauty of the interior soul - @
V. 6 - 12/17/1903 - The Adoration that the Most Holy Virgin did when She encountered Jesus carrying the Cross. The true Spirit of Adoration @
V. 6 - 12/21/1903 - ...Then, drawing near me, all Goodnesss, She told me: My daughter, courage along the way of sorrow. See, these Seven Suns which come out from within My Heart are My Seven Sorrows which produced much Glory and Splendor for Me. These Suns, the Fruits of My Sorrows, dart continuously through the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity Who, feeling wounded, sends Me Seven Channels of Grace continuously, making Me their owner; and I dispense Them for the Glory of all Heaven, for the relief of purging souls and for the benefit of pilgrim souls.
V. 8 - 4/5/1908 - All that the Queen Mama contains has its origin in the Fiat -
V. 8 - 12/27/1908 - What passed between Baby Jesus and His Sweet Mama when She would feed Him from Her Breast. The "I love You" of the creature is requited by the "I love you" of the Creator - @
V. 10 - 6/21/1911 - There is no Sanctity if the soul does not die in Jesus -
V. 11 - 5/9/1913 - Jesus and His Mama are inseparable. How She carried out Her Office of Mother - @
V. 11 - 6/15/1916 - ...So, I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then, I felt the Queen Mama near me and She told me: My daughter, pray. And I: My Mama, let us pray together, for by myself, I don't know how to pray. And She added: The most powerful Prayers over the Heart of My Son and those which move Him the most, are for the creature to clothe herself with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as Gift to the creature. Therefore, My daughter, surround your head with the Thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His Tears, impregnate your tongue with His Bitterness, clothe your soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His Wounds, pierce your hands and feet with His Nails and like another Christ, present yourself before His Divine Majesty. This Sight will move Him in such a way that He will not be able to deny anything to the soul who is clothed with His Own Insignia. But - oh! how little do creatures know how to make use of the Gifts that My Son gave them! These were My Prayers upon earth and these are My Prayers in Heaven. So, together We clothed Ourselves with the Insignia of Jesus and together we presented Ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved all; the Angels made way for us and remained as though surprised. I thanked Mama and I found myself inside myself.
V. 12 - 1/17/1921 - The "Fiat Mihi" of the Most Holy Virgin had the same Power of the Creative Fiat. The Third Fiat will be the fulfillment and the completion of the Prayer taught by Jesus; Fiat Voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in Terra -
V. 15 - 2/22/1923 - ...And Jesus: My daughter, courage do not lose heart. One who must rise above all, must descend to the lowest bottom, below everyone. It is said of My Mother, Queen of all, that She was the humblest of all, because She was to be superior to all; but in order to be the humblest of all, She had to descend to the lowest bottom, below everyone. And My Celestial Mama with the Knowledges that She had of Her God and Creator and of Who She was, a creature, descended so low that, as She descended, We would raise Her, but so high, that there is no one who can equal Her.
V. 15 - 3/23/1923 - The Sorrows of the Celestial Mama and how the Divine Will acted in Them - @
V. 15 - 4/14/1923 - How God, in doing Works which must serve for the good of all, centralizes all the good He wants to give in one creature from the human family -
V. 15 - 12/8/1923 - On the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin. How She was conceived in the Merits, Works and Pains of the Incarnate Word, to be able to have the Virtue of conceiving that Word Who was to come to Redeem mankind. All the evil is in the will of man, not in his nature. @
V. 16 - 8/20/1923 - ...And then, there is the example of My Mama - true Sanctity of the living in My Will, Her interior all eclipsed in the Eternal Sun of the Supreme Volition. Having to be the Queen of the Sanctity of the Saints, Mother and Bearer of My Life to all and therefore, of all Goods, She remained as though hidden within all, bringing Good without making Herself recognized. More than silent sun, She would bring Light without speech, fire without clamor, Good without exposing Herself. There was no Good which would not come from Her; there was no miracle which would not spring from Her. By living in My Will, She lived hidden within all and She was, and is, the Origin of the Goods of all. She was so enraptured in God, so fixed and ordered in the Divine Will, that Her whole interior swam in the Sea of the Eternal Volition. She was aware of the whole interior of all creatures and She would place Her Own in order to reorder them before God. It was precisely the interior of man, more than the outside, to be in greater need of being redone and reordered; and so, having to do the major part, it seemed that She would leave out the minor, while She was the origin of both the external and the internal good. Yet, on the outside it seemed that She would not do great and sensational works. More than sun, She would pass unobserved and hidden in the cloud of Light of the Divine Will; so, much so, that the very Saints have given of themselves, doing apparently more sensational things that My very Mama did. Yet, what are the greatest Saints before My Celestial Mama?. They are just little stars compared to the great Sun and if they are illuminated, it is because of the Sun... - And in fact She won and performed the greatest miracle, which no one else can do...
V. 16 - 11/10/1923 - The beauty of littleness. God performs the greatest Works in the little ones: For Redemption, He used the littleness of the Most Holy Virgin; for the Fiat Voluntas Tua, the littleness of Luisa -
V. 16 - 11/24/1923 - The Story of the Divine Will. How the Most Holy Virgin, for the Work of Redemption, made all the Acts of the Divine Will Her Own and prepared the food for Her children; this is why She is Mother and Queen of the Divine Will. Luisa must do the same for the Work of the Fiat Voluntas Tua - - A Must Read
V. 16 - 8/13/1923 - The Virgin was the Beginning, the Origin, the Seed of the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" on earth as It is in Heaven. Upon this Seed of His Own Will, which Jesus found in His Divine Mother, He formed the great plane of the human will in the Divine Will. Now, by means of another creature, He Will open the field of this plane to the Generations - - a must read
V. 16 - 11/10/1923 - The beauty of littleness. God performs the greatest Works in the little ones: for Redemption, He used the littleness of the Most Holy Virgin; for the Fiat Voluntas Tua, the littleness of Luisa -
V. 16 - 3/22/1924 - ...And do not worry about what you were told; My Mama also contained My Will as Life; yet the world continued it's course in evil - in nothing did it appear to be changed. Not one external Miracle was seen in Her; and yet, what She did not do in the low world, She did in Heaven with Her Creator. By Her continuous living in the Divine Will, She formed the Place within Herself in order to draw the Word upon earth; She changed the Destiny of mankind, She performed the greatest of Miracles, which no one has done or will ever do - a unique Miracle: to transport Heaven upon earth. For one who must do the greatest, it is not necessary to do the lesser. And yet, who knew anything of what My Mama was doing? - what She did with the Eternal One in order to obtain the great Portent of the descent of the Word into the midst of creatures?...
V. 17 - 12/8/1924 - On the Immaculate Conception. The Test which the Virgin had to undergo - @ -
V. 17 - 5/1/1925 - In additional to Myself, there is My Celestial Mama, who was given the unique Mission of Mother of a Son-God and the Office of Co-/Redemptrix of mankind. For Her Mission of Divine Maternity, she was so enriched with so much Grace, that all that belongs to the other creatures, both Celestial and terrestrial, united all together, will never be able to equal Her...
V. 18 - 8/15/1925 - ...After this, I began to think about the Feast of My Celestial Mama Assumed into Heaven; and my Sweet Jesus, with a tender and moving tone, added: My daughter, the true name of this Feast should be "Feast of the Divine Will"... - So, the true cause of this Feast is the Eternal Will operating and fulfilled in My Celestial Mama. It operated such Prodigies in Her as to astonish Heaven and earth, chain the Eternal One with indissoluble bonds of Love and capture the Word even into Her Womb. The very Angels, enraptured, repeated among themselves: From where comes so much Glory, so much Honor, such Greatness and Prodigies never before seen, in this Excelling Creature? Yet, it is from the exile that She is coming. Astonished, they recognized the Will of Their Creator as Life operating in Her; and, trembling, they said: Holy, Holy, Holy - Honor and Glory to the Will of Our Sovereign Lord. And Glory and trice Holy - She Who let this Supreme Will operate... - And astonished, they looked at Her and said to Her: Ascend, ascend higher. It is right that She Who so much honored the Supreme Fiat and through Whom We find Ourselves in the Celestial Fatherland, have the Highest Throne and be Our Queen. And the greatest honor that My Mama received, was to see the Divine Will Glorified.
V. 18 - 10/10/1925 - Exchange of wills between the Celestial Father and the Most Holy Virgin and Luisa. The Most Holy Virgin repeats for the soul who lives in the Divine Will what She did for Her Son - @
V. 19 - 3/14/1926 - One who lives in the Divine Will must be the voice of all created things. In order to fulfill this office, the soul must be newly born in the Divine Will. The great difference that exists between one who is newly born in the Divine Will in time, like the Celestial Mama, and one who is reborn in the Divine Will at the thresholds of Eternity -
V. 19 - 3/28/1926 - How, by living in the Divine Will, all Goods are centralized within the soul. The primary purpose of Redemption was the Divine Fiat -
V. 19 - 4/28/1926 - The Creation and the Celestial Mama are the most perfect example of the living in the Divine Will. How the Virgin surpassed everyone in suffering - - a must read
V. 19 - 6/15/1926 - ...This happened also to My Celestial Mama, when She was told: "I hail You, Mary, full of Grace, you will Conceive the Son of God". On hearing this, she was frightened, she trembled, and said: "How can this happen?" But She ended up saying: "Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum" - She felt all the weight of the All over Her nothing and naturally, she was frightened...
V. 19 - 6/26/1926 - One who possesses the Kingdom of the Divine Will operates in a universal way and will possess Universal Glory. Universal requital to the Sovereign Queen -
V. 19 - 7/11/1926 - So, the Church knows so very little of the Pains of the Celestial Sovereign Queen, that one can say that She knows only the visible Pains, and this is why She gives the number of Seven Swords. But if She knew that Her Maternal Heart was the Refuge, the Deposit of all Pains and that the Light of My Will brought everything to Her, sparing Her nothing, the Church would not speak of Seven Swords but of millions of Swords. This is why, by right, she was constituted Queen of Martyrs and of all Sorrows...
V. 19 - 8/22/1926 - The acts done in the Divine Will assume the Image of the Divine Qualities. What privation of God means and how the Queen suffered this privation. What ie means to be the head of a mission
V. 20 - 9/23/1926 - ...See, My daughter, the first plane done in My Will, in the name of all and for all creatures, was done by the Sovereign Queen; and She obtained for all creatures the Highest Good of making the longed-for Redeemer descend upon earth. One who acts for all, in the name of all and makes up for all, earns Universal Goods that can serve all...
V. 20 - 11/4/1926 - Now, in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, We will have the copies of the Sovereign Queen. So, She too longs for and awaits this Divine Kingdom on earth in order to have Her copies. What a beautiful Kingdom It will be - a Kingdom of Light, of Infinite Riches, a Kingdom of Perfect Sanctity and of Dominion. Our children of this Kingdom will all be Kings and Queens as they will all be Members of the Divine and Royal Family. They will enclose all Creation within themselves; they will have the Resemblance, the Physiognomy of Our Celestial Father and therefore will be the fulfillment of Our Glory and the Crown of Our Head... - My daughter, one who must live in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, must have, as her beginning, her origin and everything that My Will has done and is doing for love of her. In fact, My Will is not loved because It is not known. Now, Creation is the Speaking Life of My Will. In all created things, My Will is hidden like a Noble Queen Who, in order to go out, wants to be known. Knowledge will tear the veil that hides It, so as to go out and reign in the midst of Its children...
V. 20 - 11/10/1926 - My daughter, My Celestial Mama was the first Who occupied the First Place in Heaven as Daughter of the Supreme Volition; and because She was the First, she has around Herself the Place for all the children of the Supreme Fiat. So, around the Queen of Heaven many empty places can be seen, which can be occupied by no one else but Her Copies. And since She was the First from the generation of My Will, the Kingdom of the Fiat will also be called "Kingdom of the Virgin". Oh! how the Sovereignty over all Creation will be recognized in these children of Ours...
V. 20 - 12/10/1926 - How the Divine Will is a Continuous Act which never ceases. How the Virgin let Herself be dominated by this Act and formed Its Life within Herself. How, in Heaven, in the Feasts of the Virgin, They celebrate the Divine Will @
V. 20 - 12/25/1926 - How the little Baby made Himself seen, newly born, by His Mother. The Light that the little Baby sent forth, which gave to everyone the Greeting of His coming upon earth. difference between the Grotto and the Prison of the Passion @
V. 23 - 10/16/1927 - ...More so that the Sovereign Lady of Heaven is Unique and Singular in Glory in the Celestial Fatherland because uniquely and singularly, She formed all Her Life in My Will and a Mother loves and wants that Her children possess the same Glory and She in Heaven can not communicate all Her Glory and Greatness and Sovereignty that She possesses because She doesn't find one who has made his same life continuous in the same Divine Will; therefore, She longs for the children of Her Kingdom in order to be able to make Reflect all Her Glory in them and to be able to say: I have My children who equal Me in My Glory, now I am more than happy because My Glory is the same Glory of My children. The happiness of a mother is more that of the children than her own, much more so for the Celestial Mother, that in My Divine Volition, she conceived more than a mother all the Redeemed and formed the Life Itself of the children of My Divine Will.
V. 23 - 1/18/1928 - How the Virgin remains isolated in Her Glory and She awaits the Cortege of the other queens in order to have Her succession/train. How the Works of God give a hand between themselves. How the manifestations on the Divine Will, will be the Gospel of His Kingdom. Question on the Writings. Necessity of the first Priests of the Kingdom of the Fiat
V. 23 - 3/11/1928 - Difference between Jesus and the Virgin - How all the hidden Life of Jesus in Nazareth was the call of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth. How the human will is the font of good or of evil -
V. 24 - 9/16/1928 - As She was Conceived, the Virgin Conceived the Kingdom of the Fiat and as She was born, she gave back to us the right to possess It. Difficulties in writing. Wounds that Jesus receives - @
V. 16 - 5/29/1924 - The pain of the Apostles when they saw Jesus ascend into Heaven. The good which this pain produced. Lesson to Luisa about the pain of the privation of Jesus -
V. 25 - 10/1928 - My daughter, everything that the Queen of Heaven did is all in that Divine Fiat which She had the Glory, the Honor to possess. It can be said that all of Her Acts are enveloped within the endless Sea of the Divine Volition... Only one who lives in My Will can sit at the Divine Table, can open all His Treasures, can into the the Sacrarium of the most intimate Secrets of the Divine Hiding Places, and, as the Owner, takes them and gives them back to her Creator...
V. 25 - 12/8/1928 - Why all Creation celebrated the Conception of the Sovereign Queen. How the Virgin awaits Her daughters into Her Seas in order to make of them Queens. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception - - A Must Read
V. 25 - 1/13/1929 - ...And just as in the Kingdom of Redemption, I left My Queen Mama in the midst of the Apostles, so that together with Her, helped and guided by Her, they might give start to the Kingdom of Redemption - because the Sovereign Queen of Heaven knew more than all of the Apostles, She was the most interested; it can be said that She kept It formed within Her Maternal Heart, therefore, She could very well instruct the Apostles in the doubts, in the way, in the circumstances; She was the true Sun in their midst and one word of Hers was enough for My Apostles to feel strong, illuminated and fortified - in the same way, for the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, having placed in you the deposit of It, I keep you in the exile still, so that the Priests might draw from you, as from a new Mother, what can serve as light, as guidance, as help, to give start to making known the Kingdom of My Divine Will. And as I see their little interest, if you knew how much I suffer - Therefore, pray, pray.
V. 26 - 9/8/1929 - The Birth of the Virgin was the Rebirth of all Humanity -
V. 27 - 1/20/1930 - ...My daughter, how beautiful is the living in My Divine Will... - The creation of the Virgin says in clear notes what Our Divine Will means and what It can do. As soon as it took possession of Her Virgin Heart, We did not wait even one minute but immediately We made Her Queen. It was Our Will that We were Crowning in Her because it was not fitting for a creature Who possessed Our Will not to have the Crown of Queen and the Scepter of Command...
V. 28 - 8/15/1930 - My daughter, the Glory and the Power of My Celestial Mama in Our Fatherland is insuperable. Do you know why? Her Life on earth was lived inside of Our Divine Sun. She never went out from inside the Dwelling Place of Her Creator. She knew nothing other than only Our Will. She loved nothing other than Our Interests and She asked for nothing other than for Our Glory. It can be said that She formed the Sun of Her Life in the Sun of Her Creator. So, whoever wants to find Her in the Celestial Dwelling, must come in Our Sun where the Sovereign Queen, having formed Her Sun, pours out Her Maternal Rays to the benefit of everyone. She is Radiant of such Beauty that She rapt all of Heaven and everyone feels doubly happy to have such a Holy Mother and a Queen so Glorious and Powerful. The Virgin is the first and only Daughter Who possesses Her Creator and is the only One Who has made Her Life in the Sun of the Supreme Being...
V. 28 - 10/7/1930 - How the Redemption is owed to the Fidelity of the Most Holy Virgin. Fidelity, the sweet chain that rapt God. The Celestial Farmer. The necessity of the seed to be able to diffuse the Divine Works - @
V. 29 - 5/19/1931 - Scene of Eden. The fall of man. The Queen of Heaven Who crushes the head of the Infernal Serpent. How the Words of Jesus hold the Communicative Virtue. How He speaks of the doubts and difficulty - @ - a must read
V. 30 - 12/8/1931 - The Queen of Heaven, Retraces of the Good Acts of creatures in Her Seas of Graces. The Immutability of God and the mutability of the creature. -
V. 30 - 3/13/1932 - The prisoner and the Divine Prisoner. The Virgin, Announcer, Messenger, Conductor of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. One who lives in the Divine Will forms the speaking Creation - @
V. 31 - 9/8/1932 - Prodigy of the Birth of the Queen of Heaven - ways of communication between Creator and creature - Who forms the Nobility - @
V. 31 - 10/9/1932 - God created man in an Ecstasy of Love. The Creation outfit of man. The sweet sound of the bell, each other's ecstasy of the Creator and of the creature. Prodigy of the Conception of the Virgin - @
V. 32 - 8/6/1933 - ...But while my Sweet Jesus said this, He made me see the Celestial Queen, Who from within Her Heart went forth a Sun that invaded the whole Celestial Court, all the earth and Its Rays were formed with the most Refulgent Light, with Speaking Voices that spoke to God, to the Saints and Angels, to all the creatures of the earth. So that my Celestial Mama still possesses Her continuous speaking, Her Speaking Sun that with Voices of Light, She speaks to Her God and Loves and Glorifies Him Divinely, She speaks to the Saints and does as Mother beautifier and bearer of Joy to all the Celestial Court, She speaks to the earth and as Mother makes for us the road in order to conduct us to Heaven and my Beloved Jesus added: You see therefore what it means to live of Divine Will, She acquires the doing, the speaking, the continuous Love that goes forth from within My Will. She holds operative, illuminative and continuing virtue and therefore, they are Triumphant Acts that conquer God.
V. 16 - 6/1/1924 - The great good produced by remembering everything that Jesus did, suffered and said in His Life -
V. 33 - 4/12/1935 - One who lives in the Divine Will leaves her cast-offs, reduces herself into nothing and the All forms her life in the nothing. How the Celestial Queen loves us in Her Conception, Prodigies that the Divine Volition did in Her @
V. 33 - 6/6/1935 - How who lives in the Volition of God holds God Himself in her power. The Queen of Heaven turns through all the Nations in order to put in safety Her children-
V. 33 - 7/8/1935 - My daughter, how beautiful is My Mama; Her Majesty is enchanting, before Her Sanctity, the Heavens abased themselves, Her Riches are interminable and incalculable, no one can say themselves to be similar to Her, therefore She is Lady, Mother and Queen; but do you know what are Her Riches? Souls. Every soul is worth more than an entire world; no one enters Heaven if not through Her Means and in virtue of Her Maternity and of Her Sorrows, so that every soul is a Property of Hers, therefore, one can give Her with fact the Name of true Lady. You see therefore how rich She is, Her Riches are special, they are full of speaking lives, lovers who extol the Celestial Lady. As Mother, She holds Her innumerable children, as Queen She will hold Her people of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. These children and this people will form Her most radiant Crown, some as Sun and some as Stars, they will crown Her August Head with such Beauty as to enrapture all Heaven. So that the children of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, will be those who will render Her the Honors of Queen and transforming themselves into Suns, they will form for Her the most beautiful Crown. Therefore, yearn so much that this Kingdom comes because to Her radiant Crown with which the Most Holy Trinity crowned Her, she awaits the Crown of Her people, who extolling Her as Queen, they offer Her their lives transformed into Suns as testament of Love and of Glory. Oh! If one might understand what it means to live in My Volition, how many Divine Secrets would be revealed, how many discoveries they would make of their Creator. Therefore, be content to die rather than to not live of My Will.
V. 33 - 7/14/1935 - ...And then there is the Queen of Heaven Who prays continually with Her Empire that the Kingdom of the Divine Will comes upon the earth and when have We denied Her anything? Her Prayers are impetuous winds for Us, that We can not resist Her and the same strength that She possesses of Our Will is for Us Empire, Command, She holds the whole right to impetrate It because She possessed Him on earth and possesses Him in Heaven; hence, as Possessor, She can give what is Hers, so much so, that this Kingdom will be called the Kingdom of the Celestial Empress; She will do as Queen in the midst of Her children on earth as She will put at their disposition, Her Seas of Graces, of Sanctity, of Power and She will put in flight all enemies; She will raise them in Her Womb, She will hide them in Her Light, covering them with Her Love, feeding them with Her Own Hands with the Food of the Divine Will. What won't this Mother and Queen do in the midst of this, Her Kingdom, as Her children and as Her people? She will give unheard of Graces, Surprises never seen, Miracles that will shake Heavens and earth; We will give Her the whole field free because She will form for Us the Kingdom of Our Will upon the earth, She will be the Guide, the true Model, the Kingdom of the Sovereign Celestial Queen will be Pure. Therefore, you also pray together with Her and in Her time you will obtain the intent.
Volume 34 - A majority of the readings are about the Celestial Queen
V. 35 - 11/7/1937 - How all the Truths written about the Divine Will, will form the day to whom must live in Him - The Queen of Heaven suffers agonies of Love because She wants to endow Her children - @ - a must read
V. 35 - 12/8/1937 - On the Conception of the Queen. Her race of Love. Where She found Her Creator She found Herself in order to love Him. How She remained conceived in each created thing and became constituted Queen of Heaven, of the sun and of everything -
V. 36 - How the Kingdom of the Divine Will is decreed that It must come upon the earth. How It must sweep - The earth, the Queen of Heaven cries and prays. The Divine Will is like the sap to the plants -
Volume 1 - Autobiography
V. 1 - One morning in particular, after Communion, He gave me a Light so clear about the great Love He had for me and about the fickleness and inconstancy of creatures, that my heart was so convinced as to be incapable from that time on of loving anyone. He taught me how to Love people without detaching myself from Him. - that is, by looking at creatures as Images of God in such a way that if I received good from creatures, I was to think that God alone was the Prime Author of that good and that He used the creature in order to send it to me; so my heart would be bound more to God. If then I received mortifications, I was to look at them also as instruments in the Hands of God for my Sanctification; so my heart would not stay huffy with my neighbor. In this way, it happened that I would look at all creaturs in God. Whatever defect I might see in them, I would never lose esteem for them. If they mocked me, I felt obliged, thinking that they were allowing me to make more gains for my soul; if they praised me, I received these praises with contempt, saying: Today this, tomorrow, they may hate me, considering their inconstancy. In sum, my heart acquired such freedom, that I myself cannot explain it...
V. 1 - ...Then He continued: If Faith makes one believe and Hope makes one hope, Charity makes one love. If Faith is Light and serves as the sight of the soul and Hope, which is the nourishment of Faith, provides the soul with courage, peace and persevervance and all the rest - Charity, which is the substance of this Light and of this nourishment, is like that most sweet and fragrant ointment which, penetrating everywhere, relieves and soothes the pains of life. Charity makes suffering sweet and makes one reach the point of desiring it. The soul who possesses Charity diffuses fragrance everywhere; her works, all done out of love, give off a most pleasing odor. And what is this odor? It is the odor of God Himself. The other virtues render the soul solitary and almost unrefined with creatures; Charity, on the other hand, being substance that unites, unites the hearts. But where? In God. Being a most fragant ointment, Charity spreads everywhere and with everyone. Charity makes one suffer the most ruthless torments with joy and one reaches the point of not being able to be without suffering. And when she sees herself deprived of it, she says to her spouse Jesus: Sustain me with the fruits, which is suffering, because I am languishing with Love; and where else can I show You my Love other than suffering for You? Charity burns, consumes all other things, even the Virtues themselves and turns them all into itself. In sum, It is like a Queen who wants to reign everywhere and does not want to surrender to anyone...
The last words of Luisa Piccarreta. Her "Spiritual Testimony" - March 4, 1947
"Now I die with greater contentment because the Divine Will has consoled me more than usual with It's Presence in these last few moments of my life.
Now I see a long, beautiful and spacious Road, all illuminated by an infinite number of Resplendent Suns - Oh, yes I recognize Them! They are my Acts done in the Divine Will!
This is the Road that I must now take; It is the Road that the Divine Will has prepared for me. It is the Road of my victory: It is the way of my glory, which will unite me with the Immense Happiness of the Divine Will.
It is my Road; it is the Road that I have prepared for you. It is the Road that I will keep reserved for all the souls who will ever want to live in the Divine Will"
Knowledges and Truths of the Divine Will
V. 3- -3/11/1900 - ...Then I passed by Purgatory and as I recognized a late friend of mine, I questioned her about various things regarding my state, especially whether my state is Will of God and whether it is true that it is Jesus Who comes or the devil. So I said to her: Since you are present before the Truth and you know things with clarity with no possibility of deceiving yourself, you can tell me the truth about my things. And she said to me: Do not fear, your state is Will of God and Jesus loves you very much - this is why He is pleased to manifest Himself to you. And I, proposing some of my doubts to her, prayed her to be kind as to see before the light of truth whether they were true or false and to do me the charity to come and let me know; and if she did that, as recompense, I would have a Mass celebrated in her suffrage. And she added: If the Lord wants it because we are so immersed in God that we cannot even flutter our eyelashes if we do not have His Concourse. We dwell in God just like a person who dwelled in another body, who can think, speak, look, walk, work insofar as it is allowed to him by that body which surrounds him on the outside. In fact, for us, it is not like for you, who exercise your free volition, your own will; for us every will has ceased, as our will is only the Will of God - from It we live, in It we find all our Contentment and It forms all our Good and Glory. And as she was showing an unspeakable Contentment for this Will of God, we separated.
V. 3 - 5/21/1900 - My daughter, in order to arrive at making her will perfectly one with Ours, the soul must render herself invisible. She must imitate Me Who, while I fill the world by keeping it absorbed within Myself and by not being absorbed in it, render Myself invisible, for I do not let Myself be seen by anyone. This means that there is no matter in Me but that everything is Most Pure Spirit; and if in My assumed Humanity I took on matter, it was to render Myself similar to man in everything and to give him a most perfect example of how to spiritualize this very matter. So, the soul must spiritualize everything and arrive at becoming invisible in order to be to easily make her will one with My Will because what is invisible can be absorbed by another object...
V. 4 - 9/18/1900 - This morning my adorable Jesus transported me outside of myself and showed me the many evils committed against Charity toward one's neighbor. How much sorrow they caused to most patient Jesus! - it seemed that He Himself was receivng them. Then, all afflicted, He told me: My daughter, one who harms his neighbor harms himself and by killing his neighbor, he kills his soul; and since Chairty predisposes the soul for all Virtues, because Charity is missing, the soul is disposed to commit all sorts of vices.
V. 4 - 10/10/1900 - ...Rather, you must know that for two reasons alone can the soul go out of the body: by force of pain that happens at natural death or by force of the reciprocal Love between the soul and Me...
V. 4 - 11/14/1900 - ...At the sight of those people, my adorable Jesus turned His Back to them, He clung against me with all of Himself, leaning His Head on my shoulder, close to my neck and He said to me: My beloved, do not let Me see them, otherwise I would suffer greatly. I too, clasped Him and drawing near one of those souls, I said: Tell me at least, who are you? And she answered: We are purging souls and our liberation is bound to the satisfaction of those pious legacies which we have left to our successors and since they are not satisfied, we are forced to stay here, away from Out God. What pain this is for us because God becomes for us a necessary Being, Whom we cannot do without. We experience a continuous death that martyrs us in the most ruthless way; and if we do not die, it is because our soul is not subject to this. So, sorrowful as we are, being without an Object that forms our whole life, we implore God to make mortals experience a minimum part of our pains by depriving them of what is necessary for the preservation of corporal life and that they may learn at their own expense how painful it is to be without what is absolute necessary. After this, Jesus carried me somewhere else and I feeling compassion for those souls, said: How come, O my Good Jesus, You turned Your Face away from those blessed souls who so much longed for You, while it would have been enough that You just let Yourself be seen for those souls to be freed of the pains and beatified? And He: Oh! My daughter, had I shown Myself to them, since they are not completely purged, they could not have stood in My Presence and instead of flinging themselves into My Arms, confused, they would have drawn back and I would have done nothing but increase their martyrdom and Mine.
V. 4 - 1/16/1901 - The Charity most acceptable to Me is toward those who are closest to Me and those who are closest to Me are the purging souls because they are confirmed in My Grace and there is no opposition between My Will and theirs...
V. 4 - 1/31/1901 - My daughter, patience is superior to purity because without patience, the soul easily unbridles and it is difficult for her to remain pure; and when a virtue needs another virtue in order to have life, the second one is called superior to the first. Even more, it can be said that patience is custody of purity; not only this, but it is staircase to ascend to the mountain of fortitude in such a way that if one went up without the staircase of patience, he would immediatly fall from the highest point to the lowest. In addition to this, patience is the seed of perseverance and this seed produces branches called firmness. Oh, how firm and stable in the good she has started is the patient soul! She pays no attention either to rain, or to frost, or to ice, or to fire but all her attention is on bringing to completion the good she has started. In fact, there is no greater foolishness than that of one who today does some good because he likes it and tomorrow he neglets it because he finds no more pleasure in it. What would one say of an eye which at one hour possesses sight and at anther is blind? Or of a tongue which now speaks and now is mute? Ah! yes, My daughter, patience alone is the secret key to open the treasures of virtues; without the secret of this key, the other virtues do not come out to give life to the soul and to ennoble her.
V. 4 - 6/30/1901 - ...So He replied: The first sign the soul possesses My Grace is that in anything that belongs to God which she may hear or see externally, she feels a sweetness, a gentleness fully Divine in her interior which is not comparable to anything human and terrestrial...
V. 4 - 7/16/1901 - My daughter, do you want to know where the evil of man began? The beginning of it is that as soon as he knows himself - that is, as soon as he begins to acquire reason - man says to himself: I am something. And believing themselves to be something, they move away from Me, they do not trust Me, Who am the All and they draw all their confidence and strength from themselves...
V. 4 - 10/3/1901 - Luisa offers herself in a special way. There is no greater obstacle to the Union with God than the human will -
V. 4 - 1/12/1902 - ...My daughter, this is why I am calling you to sufferings again - so that, as you offer yourself with Me to Divine Justice, those who must fight this law of divorce may obtain light and efficacious Grace in order to be victorious. My daughter, I tolerate that they make wars and revolutions and that the blood of the new martyrs inundate the world - this is an honor for Me and for My Church; but this brutal law is an affront to My Church and it is abominable and intolerable to Me...
V. 2/17/1902 - And He: My beloved, every time you look for Me, you dispose yourself to dying, because, in truth, what is death if not stable and permanent Union with Me...
V. 4 - 9/10/1902 - ...After this He told me:The prerogatives of Love are three: Constant Love without end, strong Love and Love of God and neighbor bound together. If these prerogatives do not appear in the soul, one can say that hers is not the quality of true Lo
V. 4 - 1/9/1903 - My daughter, in order to comprehend a subject well it takes belief because without belief everything is dark in the human intellect. On the other hand, the mere believing turns on a light in the mind and by means of this light one can recognize with clarity truth and falsehood, when it is Grace that operates, when it is nature and when the devil. See, the Gospel is known to all but who comprehends the meaning of My Words and the Truths contained in It? Who keeps them in his heart and makes of them a treasure with which to purchase the Eternal Kingdom? One who believes. As for all others, not only do they not understand a thing but they use My Words to mock them and to make fun of the Holiest things. So, it can be said that everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love, while nothing is written for everyone else. The same with you: one who has a little bit of belief, see things with clarity and finds the truth; one who does not, sees things as all confused.
V. 4 - 1/13/1903 - As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see the Most Holy Trinity. They were looking at One Another and in those Gazes, Their Beauty was so great that They would remain ecstatic at the mere gazing upon One Another. In this State, They overflowed with Love and were as though stirred by that Love, to then become more instensely ecstatic. So, all of Their Good and Delight was comprised within Themselves and the Whole of Their Eternal Life, Beatitude and Exercise was enclosed in this word alone: "Love". And the whole Beatitude of the Saints was formed by this perfect operating of the Most Holy Trinity. While I was seeing this, the Son assumed the form of the Crucified and coming out from Their Midst, He came to me, sharing with me the pains of the Crucifixion. And while remaining with me, He brought Himself once again into Their Midst and offered His Sufferings and mine, satisfying for the Love that all creatures owed Them. Who can say Their Delight and how satisfied They were by the Offering of the Son! It seemed that, since in creating the creatures, nothing had come out of Their Interior but contained Flames of Love; so much so, that in order to give vent to this Love, they began to create many other Images of Themselves - only when They receive what They have given, are They then satisfied - that is, Love They gave, Love They want. So, the most awful affront is to not Love Them. Yet, Oh God, Three Times Holy, who is there who Loves You? After this, They disappeared; but who can say what I understood? My mind got lost and my tongue is unable to articulate a word. Then, after a little while, Blessed Jesus came back with His Face covered with spit and with mud and He told me: My daughter, praises, adulations, are spit and mud that dirty and smear the soul and blind her mind, so as to prevent her from knowing who she really is, especially if they do not start from the Truth. In fact, if they start from the Truth and the person is worthy of praises, knowing the Truth, she will give the Glory to Me; but if they start from falsehood, they drive the soul to such excess that she will confirm herself more in evil.
V. 5 - 10/25/1903 - My daughter, the beauty of the soul in Grace is so great as to enamor God Himself. The Angels and the Saints are amazed at seeing this prodigious portent of a soul, still terrestrial, possesssed by Grace. At the fragrance of her Celestial odor, they run around her and to their highest pleasure they find in her that same Jesus Who beatifies Them in Heaven in such a way that it is indifferent for them to be up in Heaven or down near this soul. But Who maintains and preserves this portent, giving new shades of beauty, continuously, to the soul who lives in My Will? Who removes any rust and imperfection from her and administers to her the knowledge of the Object she possesses ? My Will.
V. 6 - 4/10/1904 - My daughter, why do you occupy yourself with useless thoughts and with things which are not? Know that you have three titles before Me, which, like three little ropes, bind Me all over and clasp Me more intimately to you in such a way that I cannot leave you; and these are: assiduous sufferings, perpetual reparation and persevering love. If you, as a creature, are constant in this, would the Creator perhaps be inferior to the creature - or would He let Himself be surpassed by her? This is impossible.
V. 6 - 5/30/1904 - ...My daughter, how much ruin pride causes in souls! It is enough to tell you that it forms a wall of division between the creature and God and from Images of Me, it transforms them into demons...
V. 6 - 8/10/1904 - ...It happens in this as to someone who, looking at millions and millions of coins in the twinkling of an eye, says to himself. They are innumerable - who can count them? But the one who put them in that place tells everything in one word: they are this many, they are worth this much, they weigh this much. My daughter, I know how many drops of water I Myself put in the sea and no one can disperse even a single one of them. I numbered everything, I weighed everything, I evaluated everything; and so with all the other things. So, what is the wonder if I know everything? On hearing this, I marveled at my silliness.
V. 6 - 12/15/1905 - ...While He was saying this, I said: Jesus, who are those who offend You the Most?. And He added: Those who make Me suffer the most are the Religious Who, living in My Humanity, torment and lacerate My Flesh within My very Humanity; while one who lives outside of My Humanity lacerates Me from afar.
V. 6 - 1/16/1906 - Continuing in my usual state, my Blessed Jesus came for a little and told me: No one can resist the Truth nor can man say that it is not Truth. As evil and stupid as one might be, he cannot say that white is black and that black is white, that light is darkness and that darkness is light. Only, one who loves it, embraces it and puts it to work, while one who does not love it remains perturbed and tormented. And He disappered like a flash. A little later He came back and added: My daughter, one who lives in the Sphere of My Will resides in the abode of all Riches and one who lives outside of this Sphere resides in the abode of all miseries. This is why it is said in the Gospel that one who has, will be given and one who has not, will be deprived of the little he has. In fact, since one who lives in My Will resides in the abode of all riches, it is no wonder that he will continure to be enriched more and more with all Goods because he lives in Me as though in his own house; and keeping him in Me, would I perhaps be stingy? Would I not keep giving him, day after day, now one favor, now another, never ceasing to give to him unitl I have shared all My Goods with him? Yes indeed. On the other hand, for one who lives in the abode of miseries, outside of My Will, his own will is already, in itself, the greatest of miseries and the destroyer of every Good. So, if he has a little bit of Good, not having contact with My Will and appearing as useless in that soul, what is the wonder if it is taken away from him?
V. 7 - 2/28/1906 - This morning Blessed Jesus made Himself seen for just a little and He told me: My daughter, the greatest honor that the creature can give to God is to depend on His Divine Will in everything; and the Creator, in seeing that the creature fulfills her duty of creature towards the Creator, communicates His Grace to her....
V. 7 - 12/15/1906 - My daughter, since the Divine Will is the only nourishing Food that contains all Flavors and Tastes together, which are suitable for the soul, the soul finds her favorite Food and becomes appeased. Her desire finds it's Food and it only thinks of pasturing itself, slowly, and it forms without desiring anything else; her inclination has nothing else towards which to tend because it has found the Food that satisfies it. Her will has nothing else to will because the soul has left her own will which formed her torment and has found the Divine Will, which forms her happiness; she has left poverty and has found wealth - not human but Divine. In sum, all of the interior of the soul finds it's Food - that is, Its crafting with which it remains so occupied and absorbed as to be unable to move any farther. In fact, while finding all contentments in this Food and crafting, the soul finds so much to do and to learn and ever new things to enjoy that, from a minor science, she learns major sciences and there is always something else to learn. She passes from small things to great things, from one taste she moves to other tastes and there is always something new to taste in this Environment of the Divine Will.
V. 7 - 1/13/1907 - My daughter, how much I love souls! Listen: the human nature was corrupted, humiliated, wiithout hope of Glory and of resurgence and I wanted to suffer all humiliations in My Humanity. In a special way, I wanted to be stripped, scourged and let My Flesh fall off in shreds under the scourges, almost undoing My Humanity in order to redo the humanity of creatures and to make it rise again full of life, of honor and of Glory to Eternal Life. What more could I do which I have not done?
.V. 8 - 6/23/1907 - Daughter, the most beautiful act and most pleasing to Me, is the abandonment in My Will - but so great, that the soul would remember no more that her being exists; rather, everything for her is Divine Will...However, as long as the soul remains completely in the Will of God, she acquires God; but as she goes out of My Will, she reacqires her own being, with all the evils of the corrupted nature.
V. 8 - 7/1/1907 - ...My Will is always Holy and one who lives in My Will is already sanctified, and enjoys, nourishes herself with, and thinks of all that My Will contains. Even though she has committed sins in the past, finding herself in the beauty, in the sanctity, in the immensity of Goods that My Will contains, she forgets the ugliness of her past and remembers only the present, unless she goes out of My Will...
V. 8 - 2/9/1908 - There are no passions in Me, but if there would be any passion, it would be only this and this alone: Love. But Love in Me is more than passion - it is My Life; and if passions can be destroyed, Life cannot. See the necessity of being loved in which I find Myself. Therefore, love Me, love Me.
V. 8 - 2/16/1908 - ...My daughter, it is really so, the cross alone is that which makes one know whether he really loves the Lord - but a cross carried with patience and resignation because where there is patience and resignation in crosses, there is Divine Life...
V. 8 - 8/19/1908 - ...The soul must sow good with her whole being - with all of it. The soul possesses a mental intelligence and she must apply it to comprehend God, to think of good alone, never allowing any bad seed to enter her mind; and this is the sowing of good with the mind. The same with her mouth: she must never sow any bad seed, that is, bad words, unworthy of a Christian but always say holy, useful and good words; so here is the sowing of good with the mouth. Then, with her heart she must love God alone, desire God, palpitate for Him and tend to Him; here is the sowing of good with the heart. Then with her hands, she must do holy works, with her feet she must walk after the examples of Our Lord; and here is another good seed.
V. 9 - 5/20/1909 - My daughter, there is nothing that can surpass Love - Doctrine nor Dignity and much less Nobility. At the most, one who uses those for the good of making speculations around My Being can know Me more or less; but who reaches the point of making Me his own Object? Love. Who reaches the point of eating Me as one does with food? Love. One who loves Me devours Me; one who loves Me finds My Being identified with each particle of his being... - So, Love makes up for Doctrine and surpasses it; It makes up for Dignity and surpasses all Dignities, providing one with Divine Dignity. It makes up for everyting and surpasses everything.
V. 9 - 7/4/1910 - My daughter, In Life, I was despised; the very Miracles did not produce the effects of My Death; even up to the Cross there were insults... But as soon as I breathed My last, death had the power to change things: all beat their breasts, confessing Me the true Son of God; My very Disciples plucked up courage and even those who were hidden became brave and asked for My Body, giving Me honorable burial. Heaven and earth, in full voice, confessed Me the Son of God. Death is something great, something sublime; and this happens also for My Own children: in life, they are despised, oppressed; those very virtues which, like light, should make those who are around them start, remain half-veiled; their heroisms in suffering, their abnegations, their zeal for souls, cast lights and doubts in those who surround them; and I Myself permit these veils, so as to preserve with more safety the virtue of My dear children. But as soon as they die, I withdraw these veils since they are no longer necessary and the doubts become certainties, the light becomes clear and this light makes others appreciate their heroism - they pay esteem to everything, even to the smallest things. Therefore, what cannot be done in life, is made up for by death. This, as for what happens down here. What happens up there, then, is truly surprising to all mortals.
V. 9 - 11/4/1909 - ...My daughter, you too, by taking all of My Being along with My Beatitude, can make others blissful. Why has My Being the Virtue of Beatifying? Because everything is Harmony in Me; One Virtue harmonizes with the Other: Justice with Mercy, Sanctity with Beauty, Wisdom with Strength, Immensity with depth and height and so with all the rest. Everything is Harmony in Me - nothing is discordant. These Harmonies make Me Blissful and I Beatify all those who draw near Me...
V. 9 - 11/3/1910 - This morning, Blessed Jesus made Himself seen in my interior in the act of cheering Himself and of relieving Himself of the many bitternesses of creatures and He said these simple Words: You are My Paradise on earth - My Comfort. And He disappeared.
V. 9 - 2/26/1910 - ...And Jesus told me: Don't you want to understand that before dying, you must die to everything - to suffering, to desires, to favors, to everything and that everything must die in My Will and in My Love? That which enters Eternity in Heaven is My Will and Love - all other Virtues end: patience, obedience, suffering, desires...Only My Will and Love never end. Therefore, you must die in advance in My Will and in Love...
V. 10 - 1/8/1911 - The family kills the Priest. Self-interest is the wood worm of the Priest - can be read @
V. 11 - 3/8/1912 - Everything that man does externally is nothing other than the outpouring of his interior. If so much evil shows on the outside, what must the interior be like?. Therefore, the redoing of the interior of man cost Me very much; it is enough to say that it took Me as long as thirty years...
V. 11 - 4/23/1912 - Then He added: True Sanctity is in doing My Will and in reordering all things for Me and in Me. My Will keeps all things in order
V. 11 - 5/25/1912 - ...Such is the soul who lives in My Will. She is a soft object and I can make of her whatever I want. Now I wound her, now I embellish her, now I enlarge her; in one instant I remake her again and the soul is ready for everything, she opposes nothing and I always carry her in My Hands, delighting in her continuously
V. 11 - 11/25/1912 - ... And Jesus, taking my hands in His, seemed to mitigate my pains and then He showed me two high Stairways from earth to Heaven. On one of them there were more people - very few on the other. The one on which there were only few people was of solid Gold and it seemed that those few who were going up were as many other Jesuses - each of them was one Jesus. The other one, on which there were more people, seemed to be made of wood and one could distinguish who the people were - almost all of them short and not very developed. Jesus told me: My daughter, those who live their lives in My Life ascend on the Golden Stairway; so I can say: They are My Feet, My Hands, My Heart - the whole of Myself. As you can see, they are another Me - they are all for Me and I am their Life. Their Actions are all of Gold and of incalculable Value because they are Divine. No one will ever be able to reach their height because they are My very Life. Amost without anyone knowing them because they are hidden in Me, only in Heaven will they be perfectly known.
V. 11 - 12/14/1912 - My daughter, one who is completely in My Will is not subject to temptation because the devil does not have the power to enter My Will. Not only this, but he himself does not want to enter because My Will is Light and before this Light, the soul would recognize his tricks very easily and would therefore make fun of the enemy. The enemy does not like this mockery which is more terrible for him than hell itself; so he does all he can to stay away from her. Try to get out of My Will and you will see how many enemies swoop down on you. One who is in My Will carries the Flag of Victory always high and none of the enemies dares to confront this impregnable Flag.
V. 11 - 4/10/1913 - This morning my always lovable Jesus came and hugging me to His Heart, told me: My daughter, one who always thinks about My Passion forms a Fount within her heart and the more she thinks about It, the larger this Fount becomes. And just as the waters that spring up are waters common to everyone, in the same way, this Fount of My Passion which is formed in her heart serves for the Good of the soul, for My Glory and for the Good of all creatures. And I: Tell me, My Good, what will You give as recompense to those who will do the Hours of the Passion the way You taught them to me? And He: My daughter, I will look at these Hours, not as yours, but as done by Me. I will give you My same Merits, as if I were in the Act of suffering My Passion; and the same effects, according to the dispositions of the souls. This, while they are on earth - and I could not give them a greater reward. Then, in Heaven, I will place these souls in front of Me, darting through them with darts of Love and of Contentments for as many times as they did the Hours of My Passion; and they will dart through Me. What a sweet enchantment this will be for all the Blessed... - The 24 Hours of the Passion and the 31 days of the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will @ - and @ Hours of the Passion
V. 11 - 5/9/1913 - While praying, I was thinking about that moment in which Jesus took leave of His Most Holy Mother to go and suffer His Passion; and I said to myself: How is it possible that Jesus could separate from His Dear Mama and She from Jesus? And Blessed Jesus told me: My daughter, surely there could not be separation between Me and My Sweet Mama; the separation was only apparent. She and I were fused together and the fusion was such and so great that I remained with Her and She came with Me. So, it can be said that there was a sort of bilocation. This happens also to souls when they are truly united with Me; and if, while praying, they let prayer enter into their souls as Life, a sort of fusion and bilocation occurs: I bring them with Me, wherever I am, and I remain with them. My daughter, you cannot comprehend well what My Beloved Mama was for Me. In coming upon earth, I could not be without Heaven and My Heaven was My Mama. There was such electricity running between Me and Her, that not one thought escaped Her which She would not draw from My Mind...
V. 11 - 9/12/1913 - ...Everything I have done before has been Graces to dispose you to the Ecstasy of My Will because when I dispose a soul to live in a higher way in My Will, I have to manifest Myself in order to infuse Graces so great. Surprised, I said: What are you saying, O Jesus? What? Your Will is Ecstasy? Yes, My Volition is true and perfect Ecstasy and you break this Ecstasy when you want to thing about yourself...
V. 11 - 9/21/1913 - My beloved daughter. all the things that the soul does in My Will and together with Me - prayers, actions, steps, etc. - acquire My same Qualities, the same Life and the same Value. See, all the things I did upon earth - Prayers, Sufferings, Works -are all in Act and will remain in Eternity for the Good of whomever wants them. My Operating differs from the operatng of creatures... - Now, My daughter, listen to a beautiful - beautiful thing, not yet understood by creatures: all the things that the soul does together with Me and in My Will, just as are My Things, so are hers also. The connection with My Will and her operating together with Me, participates in My same Creative Power. I remained ecstatic and with a Joy that I could not contain and I said: How can all this be possible, O Jesus? And He: "Whoever does not understand this can say that He does not know Me". And He disapeared.
V. 11 - 9/25/1913 - I told the Confessor that Jesus had said to me that the Will of God is the Center of the soul; that this Center is in the depth of the soul, and that, spreading Its Rays like sun, It gives Light to the mind, Sanctity to the actions, Strength to the steps, Life to the heart, Power to the word and to everything; and not only this but also that while this Center - the Will of God - is inside of us, so that we may never escape from It and so as to remain at our continuous disposal, never leaving alone or separated even for one minute - at the same time, It is also in front of us, on our right, on our left, behind and everywhere and It will be our Center also in Heaven.
V. 11 - 11/18/1913 - My daughter, when two wills are opposed to each other, one forms the cross of the other. So it is between Me and the creatures: when their wills are opposed to Mine, I form their cross and they form Mine; I am the long bar of the cross while they are the short one and crossing each other, they form the cross. Now, when the will of the soul unites with Mine, the bars are no longer crosses, but united, and therefore the cross is no longer a cross. Have you understood? And besides, I Sanctified the cross; it was not the cross that sanctified Me. It is not the cross that Sanctifies - it is the resignation to My Will that Sanctifies the cross; therefore, even the cross can do as much good insofar as it is connected with My Will...
V. 11 - 3/24/1914 - So, when I find souls who live completely of My Will, they make up for My Humanity - for the times, for the places, for the circumstances and even for the sufferings - because since My Will lives in them, I use them just as I used My Humanity. What was My Humanity if not the Organ of My Will? Such are those who do My Will.
V. 11 - 11/6/1914 - ...In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, Blessed Jesus said: My daughter, know that by doing these Hours, the soul takes My Thoughts and makes them her own; she takes My Reparations, Prayers, Desires, Affections and even My Most Intimitate Fibers and makes them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does My same Office and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me: Ecce ego, mitte me [Here I am, send me] - I want to repair for all, answer for all and impetrate for all.
V. 11 - 12/21/1914 - ...Then Jesus added: To have company in My Pains is the greatest relief for Me. This is why My Divine Father was not so inexorable after My Incarnation, but milder - because He no longer received offenses directly but indirectly - that is, through My Humanity Which acted as a continuous shield for Him. In the same way, I keep searching for souls who would place themselves between Me and the creatures; otherwise, I will make of the world a heap of ruins
V. 11 - 4/15/1916 - Mt daughter, I am the Verbum - that is, the Word - and My Love towards the creature is so great that I multiply into as many Voices for as many acts, thoughts, affections, desires, etc. as each creature does in order to receive from them the return of those acts done for Love of Me. I give Love and I want Love but I receive offenses instead. I give Life but if they could, they would give Me death. But in spite of this, I continue My Loving Office. However, know that the soul who lives united with Me and from My Volition, swimming in My Immensity, is all voice together with Me as well. So, if she walks, her steps speak, pursuing the sinner; her thoughts are voices to the minds; and so with all the rest. Only from these souls do I find as though a recompense in the Work of Creation. And is seeing that, unable to do anything by themselves to correspond to My Love and maintain the Harmonies between them and Me, they enter into My Will, they make themselves the owners of It and they act in a Divine Manner - My Love finds Its Outpouring and I Love them more than all other creatures.
V. 11 - 4/23/1916 - My daughter, each Pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each Wound, Prayer, Word, Action, Step, etc., produced a Light within My Humanity, which embellished Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul has about My Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other than draw Light from My Humanity and will be embellished in My Likeness. So, each additional thought about My Passion will be one more Light which will bring her Eternal Joy.
V. 11 - 8/3/1916 - ...And He; My daughter, Good is always Good. Even more, you must know that each prayer, each reparation, each act of Love, any holy thing that the creature does, is one more Paradise that she aquires. So, the simplest Holy Act will be one more Paradise; one act less, a Paradise less. In fact, every good act comes from God and therefore in evey good act the soul takes God; and since God contains Infinite, Innumerable, Eternal, Immense Joys - so many that the very Blessed will not arrive at enjoying them all throughout all Eternity - it is no wonder, then, that since each good act acquires God, God is bound to substtute them with as many contentments...
V. 11 - 8/10/1916 - My daughter, do not lose heart; when My Humanity was on earth, It contained all the lives of creatures and these lives came all from Me. But how many of them would not return into Me because they would die and bury themselves in hell - and I felt the death of each one which tormented My Humanity. These deaths were the most sorrowful and cruel pain of My whole Life up to My last Breath. My daughter, don't you want to take part in My pains? The death you feel because of My privation is nothing but a shadow of the pains of death which I felt because of the loss of souls. Therefore, give it to Me to sweeten the so many cruel deaths that My Humanity suffered. Let this pain flow in My Will and you will find Mine; and uniting with it, it will run for the good of all, especially for those who are about to fall into the abyss...
V. 11 - 8/12/1916 - My daughter, only by one who lives in My Will, do I feel as though repaid for Creation, Redemption and Sanctification and she Glorifies Me in the way in which creatures must Glorify Me. Therefore, these souls will be the Gems of My Throne and will take within themselves all the Contentments and the Glory which each Blessed will have for himself alone. These souls will be as Queens around My Throne and all the Blessed will be around them; and just as the Blessed will be as many suns who will shine in the Celestial Jerusalem, the souls who have lived in My Will will shine in My Own Sun. They will be as though circumfused with My Sun and these souls will see the Blessed from within Me because it is right that, having lived on earth united with Me, with My Will, as they lived no life of their own, they have a place distinct from all others in Heaven; and they continue in Heaven the Life which they lived on earth - completely transformed in Me and immersed in the Sea of My Contentments.
V. 11 - 9/8/1916 - ...Then He added: The Acts done in My Will are the simplest Acts but because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all. The light of the sun, because it is simple, is light of every eye - yet the sun is one. One Act alone in My Will, like most simple light, diffuses itself in every heart,, in every work, in everyone - yet the Act is one. My very Being, because It is most simple, is One single Act but an Act which contains everything; It has no feet but It is the step of all; no eyes but is the eye and the Light of all; It gives Life to everything but with no effort, with no toil, yet It gives the Act of operating to all. So, the soul in My Will becomes simple and together with Me, she multiplies in all and does good to all. Oh! if all comprehended the Immense Value of the Acts, even the littlest, done in My Will - they would not let one Act escape them.
V. 11 - 12/30/1916 - ...Never was I so Glorious and Triumphant as I was in My Pains during the course of My mortal Life down here. Now, My daughter, in My Likeness, I made the soul free in her will and in her love. So, others might take possession of the external works of the creature, but no one - no one can do so with her interior, with her will, with her love. I Myself wanted her to be free in this, so that, freely, not being forced, this will and this love might run toward Me; and immersing herself in Me, she might offer Me the noblest and purest acts that a creature can give Me; and since I am free, and so is she, we might pour ourselves into each other and run - run toward Heaven to Love and Glorify the Father and to dwell together with the Sacrosanct Trinity; run toward the earth to do good to all; run into the hearts of all to strike them with our Love, to chain them with our will and make of them conquests...
V. 11 - 2/2/1917 - My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of My Passion. In darkness, it has not found the Light of My Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it My Love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to the One Who has truly loved it; and the Light of My Passion, guiding it, would put it on it's guard against all dangers. In weakness, it has not found the strength of My Passion which would sustain it....
V. 12 - 5/10/1917 - ... As I breathe, I give Life to everything. All Life is in the breathing. Ah! My daughter, did you hear how human life is maintained? By My Breath. And when I find a soul who loves Me, how sweet her breath is, how she amuses Me - I feel cheered. An echo of harmonies is formed between Me and her; so she remains distinct from the other creatures and she will be distinct also in Heaven. My daughter, I could not contain My Love and I wanted to pour Myself out with you.
V. 12 - 9/28/1917 - ..Then He added: The Acts done in My Will are like Suns that illuminate all; and as the Act of the creature lasts in My Will, one more Sun shines in the blind minds and those who have a little bit of good will, will find the Light to escape from the precipice. All the others will perish. Therefore, in these times of thick darkness, how much Good is done by the Acts of the creature done in My Will. For those who will escape, it will be only by virtue of these Acts. Having said this, He withdrew...
V. 12 - 3/4/1918 - My, daughter, courage, do not move in anything. Firmness is the greatest Virtue. Firmness produces heroism and it is impossible for one not to be a great Saint. Rather, as she keeps repeating her acts, she forms two bars - one to the right and the other to the left - which serve her as support and defense; and as she reiterates her acts, a Font forms in her, of new and increasing Love. Firmness strenghtens Grace, placing on it the seal of final perserverance. Your Jesus does not fear that His Graces may remain without effects and therefore I pour them in torrents over a constant soul...
V. 12 - 3/26/1918 - My daughter, each time the soul enters My Volition and prays, works, suffers, etc., she acquires as many new Divine Beauties. Therefore, one more act or one less act, done in My Will, is one more Beauty or one Beauty less which the soul acquires. Not only this, but in every additional Act that she does in My Will, she takes one more Divine Strength, Wisdom, Love, Sanctity... And while she takes the Divine Qualities, she leaves the human ones. Even more, as she operates in My Will, what is human remains as though suspended; the Divine Life acts and takes It's place and My Love has the freedom to form It's attitude within the creature.
V. 12 - 3/27/1918 - Never go out of My Will and I will let you reach any place you want. Even more, there will be such electricity of communication between you and Me that you will not do one Act without Me and I will not do one Act without you. Therefore, when you lack something, enter into My Will and you will find ready, whatever you want - Nothing is missing in My Will. Not only this - but you will find things in a Divine and Infinite way.
V. 12 - 4/8/1918 - ...I found myself in Jesus. My tiny atom was swimming in the Eternal Volition. And since this Eternal Volition is One single Act that contains, all together, all the Acts, past, present and future - since I was in the Eternal Volition, I took part in that Single Act which contains all Acts, as much as it is possible for the creature. I took part also in the Acts which do not exist, and which must yet exist, until the end of the centuries. There was no Act which escaped me. I took the Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and I made It mine, just as Their Will was mine; and I gave It to Them as if It were my own. How happy I was - to be able to give Them Their Own Love as though my own! And how They found Their full Contentment and complete Outpouring in receiving Their Own Love from me, as if It were mine! But who can say everything! I lack the words...
V. 12 - 1/2/1919 - My daughter, My Humanity remained silent under the blows of the scourges. Not only did My Mouth remain silent but everything was silent in Me. Esteem, Glory, Power and Honor were silent; but in a mute language My Patience, My Humiliation, My Wounds, My Blood, the annihiliation of My Being, almost to dust, were eloquently speaking. And My Ardent Love for the salvation of souls gave Me an Echo to all My Pains. Here is, My daughter, the true portrait of loving souls. Everything must remain silent in them and around them. Esteem, glory, pleasures, honors, greatness, will, creatures. And if the soul had these things, she must remain as though deaf and as if she did not see anything. On the other hand, My Patience, My Glory, My Esteem, My Pains must take over within her; and everything she does, thinks and loves will be nothing other than Love, which will have one single echo with Mine and will ask Me for souls. My Love for souls is great and since I want everyone to be saved, I go in search for souls who love Me and who, taken by the same follies of My Love, would suffer and ask Me for souls. But alas!, how scarce is the number of those who listen to Me!
V. 12 - 2/4/1919 - Continuing in my usual state, for about three days I felt I was dissolved in God. Many times good Jesus drew me inside His Most Holy Humanity and I swam in the Immense Sea of the Divinity. Oh, how many things one could see! How clearly one could see all that the Divinity operated in His Humanity! Very often my Jesus interrupted my surprises, telling me: Do you see, My daughter, with what excess of Love, I loved the creature? My Divinity was too jealous to entrust to the creature the task of Redemption and so It made Me suffer the Passion. The creature had no power to make Me die as many times for as many creatures who had come out and were to come to the light of Creation and for as many mortal sins as they would have the disgrace to commit. The Divinity wanted Life for each life of creatures and Life for each death which she gave herself through mortal sin. Who could be so powerful over Me as to give Me so many deaths if not My Own Divinity? Who would have had the Strength, the Love, the Constancy to watch Me dying so many times, if not My Own Divinity? The creature would have grown tired and would have given up... - Then, after this, my sweet Jesus added: Beloved daughter, newborn of My Life, come into My Will - come and see how much there is to substitute for, for My many Acts, still suspended, not yet substituted for by creatures. My Will must be within you as the primary gear of a clock... - Therefore, be attentive - your Mission is great and fully Divine.
V. 12 - 2/13/1919 - ...I entered into Jesus and did what Jesus was doing. Oh, how clearly I could see what Jesus had told me! I remained multiplied with Him in everyone, even in the Saints. But as I returned into myself, some doubts arose within me and Jesus added: One single Act of My Will, even one instant, is full of Creative Life and whoever contains this Life, in that instant, gives Life to everything and preserves everything. From that Act of My Will alone the sun receives the Life of the Light, the earth Preservation, the creatures Life. Why then do you doubt? And then, I have My Court in Heaven and I want another Court on earth. Guess: who is going to form this Court? And I, The souls who will live in Your Will. And He: Brava, they are exactly the ones who without the shadow of interest and of personal Sanctity - but rather, fully Divine - will live for the Good of their brothers, forming one single Echo with Heaven.
V. 12 - 2/27/1919 - My daughter, what a stench emanates from the earth! I can find no place for Myself; and because of the stench, I am forced to run away from the earth. However, you can make for Me some sweet-smelling air, suitable for Me. Do you know how? By doing what you do in My Will...
V. 12 - 3/3/1919 - The Terrestrial Eden and the Divine Eden -
V. 12 - 3/6/1919 - ...And Jesus, on coming, told me: My daughter, what is impossible to the creature is possible to Me. It is true that this is the greatest Prodigy of My Omnipotence and of My Love but when I waant, I can do anything and what appeats to be difficult is very easy for Me, However, I want the "yes" of the creature and for her to be available, like soft wax, for whatever I want to make of her...
V. 12 - 3/12/1919 - Now, My daughter, I tell you that the earth is the image of those who do not live in My Will. The human acts render them movable; weaknesses, passions and defects form the mountains, the sunken places in which dens of vices are formed. So, their movability causes darkness and cold for them. And if they enjoy a little bit of light, it is at intervals because the mounts of their passions come up against this light. How much misery there is for those who do not live in My Will....
V. 12 3/18/1919 - Daughter of My Will, come to take part in the first deaths and pains that My little Humanity received from My Divinity in the Act of My Conception. As I was conceived, I conceived all souls with Me, past, present and future, as My Own Life and I also conceived all the pains and deaths which I had to suffer for each one of them. I had to incorporate everything within Me - souls, pains and deaths, that each one was to suffer, in order to say to the Father: "My Father, look no longer at the creature but only at Me. In Me you will find everyone and I will satisfy for all. As many pains as You want, I will give them to You. Do you want Me to suffer death for each one? I will suffer it. I accept everything, provided You give life to all." - So, as My little Humanity was conceived, It began to suffer alternating pains and deaths; all souls were swimming in Me as if inside an immense sea, forming the members of My Members, the blood of My Blood, the heart of My Heart. How many times, taking the first place in My Humanity, My Mama felt My pains and My deaths and died together with Me. How sweet it was for Me to find the echo of My Love in the Love of My Mama. These are profound Mysteries, in which the human intellect, unable to understand well, seems to get lost. Therefore, come into My Will and take part in the deaths and in the pains that I suffered from the moment of My Conception. From this, you will be able to better understand what I tell you...
V. 12 - 5/18/1919 - Ah, how much man costs Me! But man, ungrateful, does not care about Me; he does not try to comprehend how much I loved him and how much I suffered for him, to the extent that he has not even come to understand all that I suffered in the Passion which creatures gave Me. And if they do not understand the lesser, how can they understand the greatest, which I suffered for them? This is why I delay in revealing the innumerable and unheard-of-pains which the Divinity gave Me because of them.
V. 12 - 5/28/1920 - Then He added: The Acts done in My Will are those which always excel over all and have Supremacy over everything. Since they are done in My Will, they enter into the Sphere of Eternity, and taking the first Places, they leave all human acts behind, running always ahead. Nor can whether they are performed before or after have any influence - whether in one era or in another, or whether they are small or great. It is enough that they be performed in My Will for them to be always among the first and to run ahead of all the human acts...
V. 12 - 1/7/1921 - ...This smile will arise on My Lips when I see the first Fruits - the children of My Will - living not in the human sphere but in the Divine Sphere. I will see them all marked with the Eternal, Immense, Infinite Will; I will see that Eternal Point which has Life only in Heaven, flow upon earth and mold the souls with It's Infinite Principles, with Divine Acting, with the multiplication of acts within one single Act. And just as the Creation came out from the Fiat, in the Fiat It will be fulfilled. Only the children of My Volition will accomplish everything in the Fiat; and in the Fia; and in My Fiat, which will have Life in them, I will receive complete Love, Glory, Reparation, Thanksgiving and Praise for everything and for everyone. My daughter, things return there where they came from; everything came out from the Fiat and in the Fiat, everything will return to Me. They will be few but in the Fiat, they will give Me everything.
V. 12 - 1/24/1921 - My daughter, the first Fiat was pronounced in Creation with no intervention of creatures. The second Fiat was pronounced in Redemption; I wanted the intervention of the creature and I chose My Mama for the completion of the second Fiat. Now, for the fulfillment of both, I want to pronounce the third Fiat and I want to pronounce It through you; I have chosed you for the fulfillment of the third Fiat. This third Fiat will bring to completion the Glory and the Honor of the Fiat of Creation and will be confirmation and development of the Fruits of the Fiat of Redemption. These three Fiats will veil the Most Holy Trinity on earth and I will have the Fiat Voluntas on earth as It is in Heaven. These three Fiats will be inseparable - each one will be Life of the Other. They will be One and Triune but distinct among Themselves. My Love wants It, My Glory demands It: having unleashed the first two Fiats from the Womb of My Creative Power, It wants to unleash the third Fiat because My Love can no longer contain It - and this, in order to complete the Work which came from Me; otherwise, the Works of Creation and of Redemption would be incomplete... - So will the third Fiat be. It will germinate within you; the ear of grain will be formed; only the Priest will have knowledge of It. Then, a few souls - and then It will spread and will follow the same path as Creation and Redemption. The more crushed you feel, the more the ear of the third Fiat grows and is fecundated in you. Therefore, be attentive and faithful.
V. 12 - 2/16/1921 - My daughter, there are neither paths nor doors nor keys to enter My Will because My Will is everywhere. It flows under one's feet, on the right, on the left, above one's head - everywhere. The creature must do nothing but remove the little stone of her own will, which, though being in My Will, does not take part in nor does it enjoy Its effects, becoming like a stranger in My Volition - But if the soul removes the little stone of her will, at that instant, she flows into Me and I into her; she finds all My Goods at her disposal; strength, light, help - whatever she wants. This is why there are no paths, no doors and no keys; it is enough for her to want It and all is done...
V. 13 - 12/27/1921 - This was the only purpose of the creation of man; through the exchange of our wills, he with Us and We with him, to form Our amusement as well as to render man happy in everything. As the union with Our Will was broken by man, Our bitternesses began and also his unhappiness. Therefore, the purpose of Creation failed. Now, who compensates Us for this failure? Who puts in force the proceeds of Our Creation ? The soul who lives in Our Will. She leaves all generations behind and as being the first to be created by Us, she places herself in order according to the purpose for which We created man. Our Will and hers are one and as she operates with the Divine Will, Our Will acts in the human will - and here begins Our Divine Proceeds in the human will; the purpose of Creation is now in force. And since Our Will has Infinite Ways, as long as It finds a soul who offers herself to let Our Will act, It immediately recovers from the failure of all the other human wills. This is why We love her so much as to surpass all the Love for all the other creatures together. She has rendered Decorum, Honor, Glory, Regime and Life to Our Will, oppressed and despised in the other creatures. How could We not give everything thing to her ?
V. 13 - 6/2/1921 - Now, you must know that in coming upon earth, I came to manifest My Celestial Doctrine, to make known My Humanity, My Fatherland and the order which the creature had to maintain in order to reach Heaven - in a word, the Gospel. But I said nothing or very little about My Will, I almost passed over It, only making them understand the things that I cared the most about was the Will of My Father. I said nothing about Its qualities, about Its height and greatness and about the great Goods which the creature receives by living in My Volition because the creature was too much of an infant in Celestial things and would have understood nothing.. I just taught her to pray: "Fiat Voluntas Tua, Sicut in Coelo et in Terra", so that she might dispose herself to know this Will of Mine in order to Love It, to do It and therefore receive the Gifts It contains...
V. 13- -6/6/1921 - I was dissolving myself in the Holy Will of Blessed Jesus and I thought to myself; Which one is greater, more varied, more complex - the Work of Creation or the Redeeming Work? And my always lovable Jesus told me: My daughter, the Redeeming Work is greater, more varied and complex than the Work of Creation - even more, It is so much greater, that each Act of the Redeeming Work is most vast Seas which surround the Work of Creation. The Work of Creation, surrounded by the Redeeming Work, is nothing other than little rivulets surrounded by the immense Seas of the Redeeming Work. Now, one who lives in My Will, who takes My Fiat Voluntas Tua as her own life, flows in these Seas of the Redeeming Work, diffusing and expanding herself together with them, in such a way as to surpass the very Work of Creation. Therefore, only the Life of My Fiat can give true Honor and Glory to the Work of Creation because My Fiat multiplies and extends everywhere - It has no limits. On the other hand, the Work of Creation has Its limits nor can It become larger than It is. My daughter, the greatest Miracle that My Omnipotence can perform, is a soul who lives in My Fiat. Do you think it is trivial that My Will, Holy, Immense, Eternal, descends into one creature and that putting My Will with hers together, I dissolve her in Me, becoming the Life that all the creature does, even the smallest things? So, her heartbeat, word, thought, motion, breath, are those of the living God within the creature. She conceals Heaven and earth within herself, although apparently, one sees a creature. Greater Grace, a Prodigy more portentous, a Sanctity more heroic than My Fiat, I could not give. See, the Work of Creation is great, the Work of Redemption is even greater; but My Fiat - making the creature live in My Will - surpasses both one and the other... - But with My Fiat - making the creature live in My Will - I remain as center of Life of the creature; and therefore I repeat to you, as other times, that My Fiat Voluntas Tua will be the true Glory of the Work of Creation and the fulfillment of the abundant Fruits of the Work of Redemption. Here is why I want nothing from you but that My Fiat be your life and that you look at nothing but My Will; because I want to be the Center of your life.
V. 13 - 6/20/1921 - ...On the other hand, one who lives in My Will, like Sun, excels over everything, triumphs and conquers everything; and while he touches everything and becomes life of everything, he is intangible nor does he let anyone touch him because since he lives up high, nobody can reach him.
V. 13 - 6/28/1921 - The Kingdom of My Will means to "Reign", therefore all of them are Kings/Queens; but true reigning is to not be excluded from anything created by Me.
V. 13 - 7/20/1921 - ...However, when My Love will make arise the Era of My Will - the new Era of maximum benefit to creatures - then will the seas and rivers of My Volition overflow; and as their gigantic waves rise, they will sweep everything into My Will - but no longer hidden; rather, Its waves will make themselves seen by everyone and will touch everyone. And those who want to resist the current, will run the risk of losing their lives.
V. 13 - 11/12/1921 - Sanctity in the Divine Will has no boundaries; It is the Sanctity closest to the Creator; It will have Primacy over all other Sanctities and will be their Life. The Divine Will is the Eternal Miracle that never ends - @
V. 13 - 11/22/1921 - The Acts done in the Divine Will are Light. The Pain that most pierced Jesus in His Passion was Pretense - @
V. 13 - 8/25/1921 - ...Then He added: Every time I speak to you about My Will and you acquire new understandings and Knowledges, your Act in My Will receives more value and you acquire more immense riches...
V. 13 - 9/14/1921 - Jesus told me: My daughter, each time the soul does her Acts in My Will, she grows more and more before Me in wisdom, in goodness, in power and beauty...
V. 13 - 10/9/1921 - ...Then He added: The will of man is what makes him like his Creator. In the human will, I placed part of My Immensity and of My Power and giving It the place of honor. I constituted It Queen of the whole of man and depository of all of his works. Just as creatures have chests in which they keep their things to maintain them secured, the soul has her will in which to keep and secure all that she thinks, says and does. Not even one thought will be lost. What she cannot do with her eyes, with her mouth, with her works, she can do with her will - in one instant she can will a thousand goods and a thousand evils. The will makes her thought fly up to Heaven, to the farthest places and deep into the abysses. She might be prevented from operating, from seeing, from speaking but she can do all this in her will. Whatever she does and wants, forms an act which remains deposited in her own will. Oh, how the will can be expanded! How many goods and how many evils can it not contain? This is why, among all things, I want the will of man; because if I have this, I have everything - the fortress is conquered.
V. 13 - 10/16/1921 - ...Everything was repaired for; and for each offense, I suffered a special pain. Then, having made all of them be reborn in Me, I carried then within Me through the whole course of My Life. And do you know when I delivered them? I delivered them on the Cross, on the bed of My bitter pains, among atrocious spasms, in the last breath of My Life. As I died, they were born again to new life, all sealed and marked with the whole Work of My Humanity...
V. 13 - 10/21/1921 - Mt daughter, every time the soul thinks about My Passion, remembers what I suffered or compassionates Me, she renews the application of My pains within herself. My Blood rises to inundate her and My Wounds place themselves on the path to heal her if she is wounded or to embellish her if she is healthy - and all My Merits, to enrich her - In fact, everything I did and suffered is in continuous Act of giving Itself to man, just as the sun is in continuous act of giving light and heat to the earth. My Work is not subject to exhaustion; if the soul just wants it so and as many times as she wants it, she receives the Fruit of My Life. So, if she remembers My Passion, twenty, a hundred, a thousand times, so many more times she will enjoy It's effects. But how few are those who make a treasure of It! With all the Good of My Passion, one can see souls who are weak, blind, deaf, mute, crippled - living cadavers, such as to be disgusting. This, because My Passion is put into oblivion. My Pains, My Wounds, My Blood are Strength, which removes weaknesses, Light which gives sight to the blind, Tongue which loosens tongues and opens the hearing, Way which strengthens the crippled, Life which raises cadavers. All the remedies needed for the whole of humanity are in My Life and Passion. But the creature despises the medicine and does not care about the remedies; and so one can see, in spite of all My Redemption, the state of man perishing, as though affected by an incurable consumption. But what grieves Me the most is to see Religious People who tire themselves out in otder to acquire Doctrines, Speculations, Stories - but about My Passion, nothing. So, many times, My Passion is banished from Churches, from the mouths of Priests; therefore, their speech is without light and the peoples remain more starved than before...
V. 13 - 10/29/1921 - Meaning and effects of the three hours of imprisonment of Jesus ( How He suffered ! )- can be read -
V. 13 - 11/4/1921 - ...Among Ourselves, the Three Divine Persons, We had no need to speak in order to understand One Another. However, in the Creation, I wanted to use the Word, so I said: :Fiat", and things were made. To this "Fiat", I bound and gave the power that creatures might have the word in order to understand one another... My only purpose in creating the creature was that he would do My Will in everything. But with this I wanted to bring into existence new births of Myself. I wanted to make of him a prodigious portent, worthy of Me and in everything sinilar to Me. But - alas- the human will was going to be the first to set itself against Me.
V. 13 - 11/8/1921 - Then, my Jesus told me: Do you see what it means to live in My Will? It is to multiply My Life as many times as one wants and to repeat all the Good which My Life contains.
V. 13 - 12/15/1921 - Reordering oneself in Jesus by fusing oneself in His Will. Only the Acts done in the Divine Will give themselves back to the Origin in which the soul was created and takes Life within the sphere of Eternity - @
V. 13 - 12/18/1921 - Peace is the Springtime of the soul - @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot.eom
V. 13 - 1/17/1922 - ...My daughter, have you seen how vice and passions triumph in these sad times; how victoriously they walk along all the streets, while good is trampled, beaten and annihilated? Good is I - there is no good that a creature may do, in which I am not involved. And every good that the creature does, is a sip of life that she gives to her soul; therefore, the more good acts she does, the more the life of her soul grows, rendering her stronger and more disposed to do more good acts. However, in order to be exempt from any poisonous substance, these acts nust be upright without human purpose and only to please Me. Otherwise, the most beautiful acts, the holiest in appearance - who knows how much poison they contain! And I, being pure Good, shun these contaminated acts and I do not communicate Life.
V. 13 - 1/20/1922 - ...Wanting to have one's own merits is of servants, of slaves - not of sons and daughters. What belongs to the father belongs to his children. Besides, what are all the merits that you could acquire compared to one single Act of My Will? All merits have their own little value, weight and measure but who could measure one single Act of My Will? No one - no one. And then, what are your merits compared to Mine? In My Will, you will find Them all and I will make you the owner. Aren't you happy?...
V. 13 - 1/28/1922 - ...How many Goods did My Humanity not impetrate for man? I left the doors open, so that they might enter with all ease - but how few are those who enter.
V. 13 - 2/2/1922 - ...After this, Jesus came back and having drawn me into His Will, He said to me: My daughter, as the seed is cast into the earth, the earth makes the seed that was sown, germinate and multiply. My Will extends more than earth.; It casts the Seed of My Volition into souls and It makes many other images similar to Me, germinate and multiply. My Volition makes My children germinate and It multiplies them. However, know that the Acts done in My Will are like the sun; everyone takes the light, the heat and the good that the sun contains; nor can anyone prevent someone else from enjoying its goods. Without anyone defrauding anyone else, all enjoy it; all are owners of the sun; everyone can say: The sun is mine. In the same way, the Acts done in My Will, more than sun, are wanted and demanded by all. The past generations await Them, so as to receive the dazzling Light of My Will over everything they have done. The present ones await Them, so as to feel fecundated and invested by this Light. The future ones await Them, as the fulfillment of the good that they will do. In sum, My Will is I and the Acts done in My Will, will always go around the endless wheel of Eternity, to become Life, Light and Heat of all.
V. 14 - 2/4/1922 - ...Now, while My Love goes wandering and runs to give Itself, if It sees someone who is weak or poor, It bursts into sobs and says to him: Ah, if you did not make Me go wandering; if you had given Me a place in your heart, you would have been strong and you would lack nothing! If It sees someone else who has fallen into sin, It bursts into sobs: Ah, if you had let Me enter into your heart, you would not have fallen! For another whom It sees dragged by passions, muddied with earth, Love cries and, sobbing, It repeats to him: Ah, if you had taken My Love, passions would not have life over you, the earth would not touch you, My Love would be enough for you in everything. So, in each evil of man, small or big, Love has a sob of crying and continues to go wandering in order to give Itself to man. And when in the Garden of Gethsemane, all sins presented themselves before My Humanity, each sin carried the sob of My Love. All the pains of My Passion, each blow of the lash, each thorn, each wound were accompanied by the sob of My Love because if man had loved, no evil could have come. Lack of Love made all evils and even My very pains germinate...
V. 14 - 2/9/1922 - My beloved daughter, look well at Me, that you may know My pains in depth. My Body is the true portrait of the man who commits sin. Sin strips him of the Garments of My Grace; and I let Myself be stripped of My Garments so as to give Grace back to him once again. Sin deforms him and while he is is the most beautiful creature that came out of My Hands, he becomes the ugliest one - disgusting and repugnant. I was the most beautiful of men and I can say that, in order to give beauty back to man, My Humanity took on the ugliest form. Look at Me - how horrid I am. I let My Skin be torn off by dint of lashes to the point that I could no longer recognize Myself...
V. 14 - 2/17/1922 - Furthermore, what is most necessary to man is Love. Love is like bread for the natural life. One can do without science, power, wisdom, or at most, these are things which one wants in time and circumstance. But what would one say, if I had created man and did not love him? Besides, why create him if I were not to love him? It would be a dishonor for Me and a Work unworthy of Me, Who can do no other thing but Love. And what would happen to man if he did not have an origin of Love and could not love? He would be a brute and unworthy even to be looked at. Therefore, Love must run in everything - If Love does not run in a work, it is not recognized as My Work.
V. 14 - 2/26/1922 - ...Therefore, it is with reason that the Church says, "Fortunate Fall" because with sin came Redemption; and My Humanity not only nourished them with It's Blood but clothed them with It's Own Person and adorned them with It's Own Beauty. But now My Breasts are always full to feed My children. What will not be the condemnation for those who do not want to attach themselves to Them to receive Life, to grow and to have their deformities covered?
V. 14 - 3/13/1922 - ...On hearing this, my late Confessor told me: You must know that when Jesus speaks to you and manifests His Truths to you, it is Rays of Light that drop upon you. Back then, when you manifested Them to me, not having His Virtue, you manifested Them drop by drop and yet my soul remained all filled with those drops of Light. That Light gave me greater spur, more desire to hear more Truths, to be able to receive more Light because the Truths bring Celestial Fragrance and Divine Sensation - and this, by just hearing them. What will it be for those who practice them? This is why I loved - I desired so much to hear what Jesus told you and I wanted to tell others: it was Light and Fragrance that I felt and I wanted others to share in Them. If you know the great good that my soul has received in hearing the Truths which Jesus was saying to you! How it still drips with Light and emanates Celestial Fragrance which not only gives me refreshment but serves as Light to me and to those who are near me. And as you do your Acts in the Divine Volition, I take special part in Them because I feel the Seed of His Most Holy Will which you were sowing in me. And I: Let me see your soul - how does it drip with Light? He opened himself on the side of the heart and I saw his soul dripping with Light. Those drops were merging and separating, one flowing over the other - it was beautiful to look at. And he: Have you seen? How beautiful it is to hear the Truths!. Those who do not hear them drip with such darkness as to strike terror.
V. 14 - 4/1/1922 - ...Poor daughter of Mine, poor daughter of Mine, how much you suffer.Your painful state surpasses even the state of purging souls. In fact, if these are without Me, it is because of the sins which they see themselves smeared and which prevent them from seeing Me; and they themselves do not dare to come before Me because before My Infinite Sanctity, there is not a tiny flaw that can stand before My Presence. And if I allowed them to be before Me, this would be the greatest torment for them, such as to surpass the very pains of hell. The greatest torture I give to a soul would be to keep her, stained before Me. So, in order not to torture her more, first I let her be purged and then I admit her to My Presence. But between Me and the little daughter of My Will, it is not sins that prevent Me from making Myself seen - it is My Justice that places Itself between Me and her. Therefore, your pain of not seeing Me surpasses any other pain... - My daughter, the most humiliating step of My Passion was precisely this: being clothed and treated as a madman. I became the amusement of the Jews - their rag. Greater humiliation, My Infinite Wisdom could not bear. Yet, it was necessary that I, Son of God, suffer this pain. By sinning, man becomes mad - greater madness there cannot be. And from the King he is, he becomes the slave and the amusement of most vile passions which tyrannize him and, more than madman, chain him as they please, casting him into mud and covering him with the most filthy things. Oh, what great madness sin is! In this state, man could never be admitted before the Supreme Majesty. Therefore, I Myself wanted to bear this pain, so humiliating...
V. 14 - 4/6/1922 - My daughter, man has forgotten Heaven for the earth. It is Justice that what is earth be taken away from him and that he go wandering, unable to find shelter, so that he may remember that Heaven exists. Man has forgotten the soul for the body. So, everything is for the body: pleasures, comforts, sumptuousness, luxury and the like. The soul is starving, deprived of everything and in many, it is dead, as if they did not have it. Now, it is Justice that their bodies be deprived, so that they may remember that they have a soul. But - oh, how hard man is! His hardness forces Me to strike him more - who knows whether he might soften under the blows... - My daughter, how beautiful are the prayers and the acts done in My Will. How the creature is transformed in God the Creator Himself and gives Him return for what He has given her..
V/ 14 - 4/17/1922 - Daughter, of My Will, this Light that you see is nothing other than My Will which wants to consume your will in order to give you the shape of Our Image, that is, the Three Divine Persons in such a way that, transforming you completely in Ourselves, We will leave Our Volition in you as Divine Actor that matches Us in everything We do...
V. 14 - 6/23/1922 - One who is not completely empty of his own will cannot have a sure knowledge of Mine because the human will forms the cloud between Mine and his and hinders the knowledge of the Value and the Effects which Mine contains. But in spite of this, they cannot say that it is not Light.
V. 14 - 8/2/1922 - ...Oh! how My Humanity trembled. I remained crushed before that Supreme Light and Majesty in seeing Myself covered with the sins of all and with the pains and deaths that each one deserved! It was the greatest pain of My Life - that while I was One with Divinity and inseparable from It, in the pains I remained alone, and as though apart.
V. 14 - 8/15/1922 - ...Now in Heaven, She embraces all the Glory of each creature; My Will gives Her such Glory on the part of each creature that there is no Glory which She does not contain and no Glory which does not descend from Her. And since She braided Her Works, Her Love, Her Pains, etc. with Me, now in Heaven She is circumfused with as much Glory as were the braidings She did in My Will: This is why She surpasses everything, embraces everything and flows in everything. This is what it means to live in My Will. My Beloved Mama could never have received so much Glory, if all Her Acts had not run in My Will; Acts which constiture Her Queen and Crown of all. Now I want you in My Will, so that the braiding may not be between two but among three; My Will wants to expand in order to find all creatures together in one creature. Do you see the great Good that will come to you, how much Glory you will give Me and how much Good you will do to all?
V. 14 - 8/19/1922 - ...Then He told me: My daughter, My pains are incomprehensible to human nature and the very pains of My Passion were shadows or similes of My interior pains. My interior pains were inflicted on Me by an Omnipotent God and not one fiber could dodge His blow; those of My Passion were inflicted on Me by men who, having neither Omnipotence nor All-seeingness, were not able to do what they wanted nor to penetrate into every single fiber of Mine. My interior pains were Incarnate and My very Humanity was transformed into nails, into thorns, into scourges, into wounds, into martyrdom, so cruel as to give Me continuous deaths and there were inseparable from Me - they formed My very Life. On the other hand, those of My Passion were extraneous to Me; they were thorns and nails which could be driven inside, and eventually, they could also be removed; and the mere thought that a pain can be removed is a relief. But My interior pains, which were formed of My Own Flesh - there was no hope that they might be removed or that the sharpness of a thorn or the piercing of the nails might be lessened...
V. 14 - 9/11/1922 - Now, the fulfillment of the Work of Creation was that man would fulfill Our Will in everything. Our Will was to be the Life, the Food, the Crown of the creature and since it is not yet so, the Work of Creation is not yet fulfilled... - Therefore, there is nothing I did which did not have as primary purpose that man take possession of My Will and I of his... -They will be few - be it even one alone: was it not one alone, he who withdrawing from My Will disfigured and broke My plans and destroyed the purpose of Creation? In the same way, one alone can adorn It and fulfill Its purpose...
V. 14 - 10/9/1922 - My daughter, the daughter of My Will, how dear you are to Me. Listen:as your will enters into Mine, It empties Itself of you and Mine enters, acting in you; and as Mine acts, yours receives the Strength of the Creative Power and remains acting in Me. And since I am one single point, containing everything, embracing everything, doing everything, I see your will acting in Me with My Own Creatve Power, wanting to give Me everything and to repay Me for all. And to My highest Contentment, I see it before Me from the very first instant in which I issued the whole Creation. Leaving all behind, it comes forward, as if you were the first one to be created by Me, in whom no split of wills exists between you and Me - just as I would have wanted the first man to be - and it gives Me Honor, Glory, Love as if Creation had not gone out of My Will. What Taste,what Contentment I feel! You cannot understand it. The Order of Creation is given back to Me; The Harmonies, the Joys, alternate together...What Happiness! It resembles Me in everything, with this difference: I am one single point; and you, little by little, as you keep operating, thinking, speaking, loving in My Will, take more space and form Divine Births in it.
V. 14 - 11/20/1922 - My daughter, the pains of Love are the most excruciating. See, in these currents of Love between My Father and Me there is all the Love that all creatures owed Me and therefore there is betrayed Love, denied Love, rejected Love, unknown Love, trampled Love, etc. Oh, how piercingly it reaches My Heart to the point that I feel I am dying!
V. 15 - 12/1/1922 - ...And Pilate, on seeing Me so poor, humiliated, despised, was surprised and said with greater emphasis: What? You are a King? And I, with firmness, answered him and all those who are in his position: I am King and I have come into the world to teach the Truth. And the Truth is that it is not positions, nor kingdoms, nor dignities, nor the right of command that make man reign, that ennoble him, that raise him above all. On the contrary, these things are slaveries, miseries that make him serve vile passions and unjust men, making him commit many unjust acts which disennoble him, cast him into mud and draw the hatred of his subordinates upon him. So, riches are slaveries, positions are swords, by which many are killed or wounded. True reigning is virtue, to be stripped of everything, to sacrifice oneself for all, to submit oneself to all. This is true reigning, which binds all and makes one loved by all. And, in My Will, I made these Words reach the ear of all who are in positions of authority, to let them know the great danger they are in and to put on guard those who aspire to positions, to dignities, to command.
V. 15 - 1/2/1923 - ...Now, My daughter, do you see this great void in which I created so many things? Yet, the void of the soul is even greater. The former was to serve as the dwelling of man; the void of the soul was to serve as the dwelling of a God - How many things does My Fiat not operate in this great void of the soul who lives in My Will! Oh! how the whole machine of the Universe is left behind. The heavens are astonished; trembling, they watch the Omnipotent Fiat operating in the will of the creature and they feel their happiness being doubled every time this Fiat acts and renews It's Creative Power. So, they are all attentive around Me, to see when My Fiat is pronounced, in order to receive their double glory and happiness.
V. 15 - 2/16/1923 - Oh! how much will creatures love Me when they come to know what My Humanity did in the Divine Will and what It make Me suffer for love of them. My Cross was not of wood - no; It was made of souls. It was them that I felt palpitating in the Cross on which the Divine Will laid Me. - and It let none of them escape Me, It gave a place to each one and in order to give a place to all, It stretched Me in such a harrowing way and with pains so atrocious, that I could call the pains of My Passion little and reliefs. Therefore, hasten, so that My Will may make known all that this Eternal Volition operated in My Humanity. This Knowledge will win so much Love that creatures will bend to let It reign in their midst.
V. 15 - 3/12/1923 - You must know that when the Divinity issued the Work of Creation, It also issued all the Glory, all the Goods and Happiness that each creature was to receive, not only in this life but also in the Celestial Fatherland. Now, the whole part which was destined for souls who are lost remained suspended, having no one to whom to give itself. Therefore, having to complete everything and absorb everything into Myself, I offered Myself to suffer the privation which the very damned suffer in hell. Oh! how much did this pain cost Me - it cost Me pain of hell and ruthless death. But it was necessary. Having to absorb everything into Myself - everything that came out of Us in Creation, all the Glory, all the Goods and Happiness, so as to let them come out of Me and enter the field again for all those who wanted to enjoy them, I had to absorb all pains and the very privation of My Divinity.
V. 15 - 4/2/1923 - ... It does not matter whether they are few or maybe even one alone because with It's Power, My Will can make up for everything, even with one alone, when It does not find others. But it is always a human will that must come into Mine to substitute for everything that the others do not do. This will be so pleasing to Me as to split the Heavens and make My Will descend, making known all the Good and the Prodigies It contains. Each additional entrance you make into My Will, pushes Me to give you new knowledge about It and to narrate to you more Prodigies because I want you to know the good you do so that you may apreciate It and desire to possess It. Knowledge is the Eyes of the Soul. The soul who does not know It is as though blind to that Good and to those Truths. In My Will, there are no blind souls; rather, each Knowledge brings her a greater length of sight. Therefore, enter often into My Volition, expand your boundaries in My Will and as I see this, I will come back to tell you more surprising things about My Will.
V. 15 - 4/14/1923 - Now, My daughter, let's come to My Will. Do you think It is a Sanctity like the other Sanctities? A Grace, a Good almost like the others which I have given for many centuries to the other Saints and to the whole Church? No, no! This is about a New Era - about a Good which must serve all generations; but it is necessary that I first centralize all this Good in one creature alone, just as I did in Redemption by centralizing everything in My Mama...
V. 15 - 4/21/1923 - The darkest point of the present Society - the ugliest sin -
V. 15 - 4/28/1923 - My daughter, do you think that the living in My Will is nothing? No, no - on the contrary, it is the All, it is the fulfillment of all Sanctities, it is the absolute dominion of oneself, of one's passions and of one's capital enemies; it is the complete triumph of the Creator over the creature. So, if she adheres and I come to letting her live in My Will, without her ever again wanting to know her own, I have nothing left to want from the creature and she has nothing left to give Me. All My Yearnings are fulfilled, My Designs realized - there is nothing left but delighting in each other. - And Jesus: This Divine Will of Mine grew within My Humanity like a flower which I transplanted from Heaven into the true Eden of My Terrestrial Humanity. It germinated in My Blood, It sprouted from My Wounds, to make of It the greatest Gift to the creature. Don't you want to receive It? And I: "Yes" And He: I want to transplant It into you - Love It and know how to keep It.
V. 15 - 5/2/1923 - ...Do you not want, then, that My Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had It's beginning in a Virgin - as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it can enter the Good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone - in the same way, now My Will must have It's beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants It, will enter the Goods which the living in My Will contains. Had I not been conceived in My Beloved Mama, Redemption would never have taken place. In the same way, if I do not operate the Prodigy of making one soul live in My Supreme Will, the 'Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven' will not take place in the human generations.
V. 15 - 5/5/1923 - As many times as the soul enters into the Divine Will in order to pray, work, love, etc., so many ways does she open between Creator and creatures. And in seeing that the creature is making her way to go to It, the Divinity opens It's ways in order to meet It's creature. In this encounter, she copies the Virtues of her Creator, absorbs ever new Divine Life into herself, penetrates more into the Eternal Secrets of the Supreme Volition and everything she does is no longer human but Divine. This Divine operating forms a Golden Heaven within her, on which the Divinity strolls, delighting in finding It's Own Operating in the creature, awaiting the creature in order to receive her Divine Acts and therefore opens more ways for her in Its Divinity. And It keeps repeating with Great Love: Behold - here is how, in My Will, the creature comes closer to My Likeness, and she accomplishes My Designs, she fulfills the Purpose of Creation.
V. 15 - 5/25/1923 - Beloved daughter of Our Supreme Will, see, the whole machine of the Universe - heavens, sun, seas and all the rest - was created by Us to give as a Gift - but do you know to whom? To the ones who wuld do Our Will. Everything was given to them as to Our legitimate children... - So, My Will knocks down all barriers that exist between the soul and God: It places her in harmony between Heaven and earth; It reveals all secrets contained in the whole Creation and It renders her the Depository of all the Gifts of God.
V. 15 - 6/6/1923 - My daughter, the sign that there is nothing evil and that the interior of the soul is completely filled with God, is that nothing is left to her which is not all Mine and that in everything that may happen inside and outside of her, she no longer has a taste for anything - her taste is only for Me and of Me. And not only with profane or indifferent things but also with holy things, pious people, services, music, etc. - everything is cold, indifferent to her and like something that does not belong to her. And the reason is natural: if the soul is complerely filled with Me, she is also filled with My Tastes. My Taste is hers and other tastes find no place in which to put themselves; therefore, as beautiful as they may be, they hold no attraction for the soul; rather, they are as though dead for her.
V. 15 - 7/1/1923 - ...Imagine then, what My contentment is in manifesting My Truths to the soul who, not in a mute language, but with speaking voice, will manifest My Goods, My Truths to others in order to infuse in others the Good she has received. Therefore, in manifesting My Truths, My Love finds It's outpouring and becomes festive; and I greatly love one who is willing to listen to Me. - This is what it means to enter into My Will: to stir - to move My Being and to say to Me: Do You see how Good, Lovable, Loving, Holy, Immense, Powerful You are? You are Everything and I want to move the Whole of You in order to Love You and to give You Pleasure. And do you think this is trivial?...
V. 15 - 7/5/1923 - ...And when, wanting to scrutinize Me also, Pilate asked Me: "Are you King? and where is Your Kingdom?". I wanted to give another sublime lesson by saying: "I am King". And I wanted to say: But do you know what My Kingdom is? My Kingdom is My Pains, My Blood, My Virtues. This is the true Kingdom which I possess, not outside of Me but within Me. What one possesses on the ourside is not a true kingdom, nor a safe dominion, because what is not inside of man can be taken away, usurped and he will be forced to leave it. But what he has inside, no one will be able to take away from him - its dominion will be eternal within him. The characteristics of My Kingdom are My Wounds, the Thorns, The Cross. I do not act like the other kings who make their peoples live outside of them, unsafe and eventually, even starving. Not Me - I call My peoples to dwell inside the Rooms of My Wounds, fortified and sheltered by My Pains, their thirst quenched by My Blood, their humger satisfied by My Flesh. This alone is true Reigning; all other reigns are reigns of slavery, of dangers and of death, while My Reign is True Life. How many sublime teachings, how many profound Mysteries in My Words. Each soul should say to herself in pains and in sufferings, in humiliations and in abandoments by all and in practicing true Virtues: This is my kingdom that is not subject to perishing. No onc can take it away from me or touch it. On the contrary, my kingdom is Eternal and Divine similar to that of my sweet Jesus. My sufferings and pains certify it for me and render my kingdom more fortified and fierce in such a way, in the face of my great strength, no one will be able to wage battle against me. This is the Kingdom of Peace, to which all My children should aspire.
V. 15 - 7/14/1923 - Now, the Nations want to fight against one another and those who believe themselves to be the most powerful are taking up arms to their teeth in order to destroy the weak Nations - Then, afterwards, He added: My daughter, the whole world is upside down and everyone is awaiting changes, peace, new things. They themselves gather to discuss about it and are surprised at not being able to conclude anything and to come to serious decisions. So, true peace does not arise and everything resolves into words but no facts. And they hope that more conferences may serve to make serious decisions, but they wait in vain. In the meantime, in this waiting, they are in fear and some prepare themselves for new wars, some hope for new conquests. But, with this, the peoples are impoverished, are strippped alive and while they are waiting, tired of the sad present era, dark and gloomy, which enwraps them, they wait and hope for a new era of peace and of light. The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon earth. All were awaiting a great event, a new era, as indeed occurred. The same now; since the great event, the new era in which the Will of God may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming - everyone is awaiting this new era, tired of the present one but without knowing what this new thing, this change is about, just as they did not know it when I came upon earth. This expectation is a sure sign that the hour is near. But the surest sign is that I am manifesing what I want to do and that turning to a soul, just as I turned to My Mama in descending from Heaven to earth, I communicate to her My Will and the Goods and Effects It contains, to make of them a Gift for the whole of humanity.
V. 16 - 11/28/1923 - ...Then afterwards, my Jesus told me: My little daughter, My Newborn of the Divine Will, My Volition conceived you, made you be born and now raises you with all Love. Don't you see with how much Love I hold you in My Arms and do not permit that you take any other food but the Breath of My Will? It is the most beautiful, the dearest, the most precious Thing which has been issued in Creation until now - the Newborn of My Will... - Now, My daughter, that the largest, the longest Cross for My Humanity, which never left Me, was the Divine Will. Even more, each act of the human opposed to the Divine was a distinct Cross which the Supreme Will impressed in My Inmost Humanity. In fact, when the human will moves from the earth in order to act, the Divine moves from Heaven in order to encounter the human volition and make it one with It's Own, so as to make torrents of Grace, of Light, of Sanctity flow in that act. but by not receiving the encounter with the Divine, the human will puts inself as though at war against its Creator and rejects into the Celestial Regions the Good, the Light, the Sanctity which He was about to pour upon it. So, the Supreme Will, offended, wanted to be repaid by Me and in each act of the human will, It inflicted a Cross upon Me; and even though, together with the Cross, I received all the Good rejected by them in order to keep It deposited within Me for the time when the creature would dispose herself to receive into her acts, the encounter with the Divine Will - in spite of this, I could not exempt Myself from feeling the intense pain of so many Crosses. Look at Me, in My Interior: how many billions of Crosses My Humanity contained. Therefore, the Crosses of My Will were incalculable; It's pain was infinite and I moaned under the weight of an infinite pain. This infinite pain had such power as to give Me death at each instant and to give Me a Cross for each act of the human will opposed to the Divine...
V. 16 - 2/20/1924 - ...It is not in the nature of true Love to hide what can make others happy and rich. If you knew how I longed for this time in which My little newborn of My Will would come to the light, to make you live in My Volition; what a cortege of Grace I prepared in order to obtain the intent - you would remain stunned and would be more grateful and attentive to Me. Ah! you do not know what it means to live in My Will. It means to make the pure Joys of the purpose of Creation, My innocent Amusements of the reason why I created man, return to Me. It means to remove from Me all the bitterness that the perfidious human will gave Me almost at the dawn of Creation. It means a continuous exchange between human will and Divine Will, as the soul, fearing her own, lives of Mine, while Mine keeps filling the soul with Joys, Love and Infinite Goods. Oh! how happy I feel in being able to give whatever I want to this soul because My Will contains such capacity as to be able to receive everything. So, there are no longer divisions between Me and her but stable union in operating, in thinking, in loving because My Will makes up for everything, so we remain in perfect accord and in communion of goods. This had been the purpose of the creation of man: to have him live as Our Own child and to place all Our Goods in common with him so that he might be fully happy and We might be amused with his happiness. Now, to live in My Will is precisely this: to have the purpose, the Joys, the Feasts of Creation returned to Us...
V. 16 - 2/28/1924 - (back to our origin) - You must know that, as the Divinity decreed Creation, It issued from Itself everything It was to give to the creature - the Gifts, the Graces, the Caresses, the Kisses, the Love which It was to manifest to her. Just as It issued the sun, the stars, the azure heavens and everything else, so It issued all the Gifts with which It was to enrich souls. Now, as man withdrew from the Supreme Will, he rejected all these Gifts; but the Divinity did not withdraw them into Itself - It left them suspended in It's Will, waiting for the human will to bind itself to It's Will and to enter into the original order created by It, so as to place all the Gifts established by It in current with the human nature. So, all the fineness of Love, the Kisses, the Caresses, the Gifts, the Communications and My Innocent Amusements which I was to have with Adam, had he not sinned, are suspended in My Will. My Will wants to unload from Itself these piles of Goods which It had established to give to creatures and this is why I want to establish the law of living in My Will - to place all these suspended Goods in force between Creator and creature. And this is why I am working in you - to reorder your will with the Divine...
V. 16 - 3/2/1924 - ( back to our origin ) - So, My daughter, only those who will have preserved intact within themselves the purpose of Creation will be My true legitimate children. By doing My Will, they have preserved within themselves the pure Blood of their Celestial Father, Who has given them all the Features of His Likeness and therefore it will be very easy to recognize them as Our Legitimate children. Our Will, will preserve them Noble, Pure, Fresh, all Love for the One Who created them. And as Our children, who have always been in Our Will and who have never given life to their own, they will be as though the first to be created by Us, giving Us the Glory and Honor of the purpose for which all things were created. This is why the world cannot end: We are waiting for the generation of Our Children Who, by living in Our Will, will give Us the Glory of Our Works. These will have My Will alone as Life; it will be so very natural in them to do the Divine Will - spontaneous, effortless, just as natural is the heartbeat, the breathing, the blood circulation. They will not keep It as law because laws are for rebels - but as Life, as Honor, as the beginning and as the end. Therefore, My daughter, may you take to heart My Will alone; be concerned with nothing else, if you want your Jesus to fulfill in you and enclose in you the purpose of the whole Creation.
V. 16 - 3/13/1924 - My daughter, how beautiful and delightful it is to see the creature live in Our Will. She lives of Our Reflections, and while living of Our Reflections, she absorbs into herself the Likeness of her Creator. So, she is embellished, enriched, expanded so much, as to be able to take everyone and bring everything to Us; and she draws so much Love from Us as to be able to Love Us for all. And We find everything in her - all Our Love issued in Creation, Our Satisfaction, Our Contentment and the return of Our Works. Our Love towards the soul who lives in Our Will is such and so great, that what We are by Nature, the soul becomes by Virtue of Our Will. We pour everything into her; not even one fiber of hers do We leave out which is not filled with what is Ours. We fill her so much, to the point of overflowing, forming Divine Rivers and Seas around her; and into these Seas, We descend to amuse Ourselves and We admire Our Works with Love, feeling fully Glorified. Therefore, My daughter, live in the most Pure Light of My Will, if you want your Jesus to repeat again that Word which He spoke in creating man: "By virtue of Our Will, let Us make this soul in Our Image and Likeness".
V. 16 - 5/13/1924 - My daughter, true and perfect Adoration is in the complete accord of the union of the Will of God with the soul. The more the soul makes her will one with that of her Creator, the more complete and perfect is her Adoration. The first act of Adoration is to recognize the Will of her Creator in order to do It; if this is not there, she adores with words but in fact, she insults and offends. And if you want to know the true and perfect model of Adoration, come with Me into the midst of the Three Divine Persons.. I don't know how, Jesus clasped me more tightly and raised me higher into the midst of an unending Light. I felt mself being annihilated but my annihilation was overtaken by a Divine Life which unleashed from Itself many different Shades of Beauty, of Sanctity, of Light, of Goodness, of Peace, of Love, etc; in such a way that my nothingness was transformed by those Divine Shades to the point of no longer being recognized and of enamoring the very One who had so much embellished me. And my sweet Jesus resumed His speaking: See, My daughter, the Primary Act of the Divine Persons is the perfect Accord of Our Will. Our Will is so unified that Will of One cannot be distinguished from That of the Other; so much so, that even though Our Persons are distinct - We are Three - Our Will is One and this One Will produces a continuous Act of Perfect Adoration among the Divine Persons - One adores the Other. This Accord of Will produces Equality of Sanctity, of Light, of Goodness, of Beauty, of Power, of Love and establishes in Us the true Reign of Order and of Peace, giving Us Immense Joys and Happiness and Infinite Beatitudes. So, the accord of the human will with the Divine is the first link of connection between Creator and creature; and from it, the Divine Virtues descend into her as within a channel, producing in her true Adoration and perfect Love for her Creator. And rising from within that same channel of connection, she receives the different Shades of the Divine Qualties; and every time the soul rises in order to dive into this Eternal Will, she is embellished by and acquires, as many more varieties of Divine Beauty. This is why I say that the soul who does My Will is My Amusement and My Contentment. And in order to amuse Myself, I keep the brush of My Will in My Hands and as she dives into My Will, I touch her up and I amuse Myself by impressing on her, with a brush stroke of Mine, one more shade of My Beauty, of My Love, of My Sanctity and of all My Qualities. So, for Me, being in her and being in Heaven are the same - I find the same Adoration of the Divine Persons, My Will, My Love...
V. 16 - 5/19/24 - My daughter, My Will is Eternal and only for one who lives in It, embracing Eternity, all of her Acts, from the littlest to the greatest, being animated by an Eternal Will, all acquire the Value, the Merit, the Form of Divine and Eternal Acts. The Divine Volition empties those Acts of all that is human and filling them with It's Divine Will and It makes them It's Own and places It's seal on them, constituting them as many Eternal and Divine Acts. On hearing this, surprised, I said: How is it possible, O my highest Good that by just living in Your Will, the creature can receive this great good - that her acts become Eternal and Divine? And Jesus: Why are you surprised? It is a most simple thing: the whole reason is that My Will is Eternal and Divine and everything that comes from It, being a birth from an Eternal and Divine Will, cannot be excluded from being Eternal and Divine, as long as the creature puts the human will aside to give place to Mine. If she does so, her acts are counted among Ours, both the great act and the littlest of them - Now, if all created things, small or big because they were created by virtue of My Omnipotent Fiat, can be called Divine Works, much more can one call Divne and Eternal Acts which My Will works in the soul who, placing her human will at the feet of My Volition, gives Me full freedom to let My Will act...
V. 16 - 5/24/1924 - ...So, everything I have told you about My Will had this as My Purpose: that My Will be known and come to reign upon earth - and what I have said will be. I will overwhelm everything in order to obtain this but everything must return to Me within that Word - "Fiat". "Fiat" did God say and "Fiat" must man say. In all his things he will have nothing but the echo of My Fiat, the mark of My Fiat, the Works of My Fiat, so that I may give all the Goods which My Will contains. In this way, I will fulfill the complete purpose of all Creation. This is why I have set about the Work of making known the Effects, the Value, the Goods, the sublime Things which My Will contains and how the soul, tracing the same path as My Fiat, will become so Sublimated, Divinized, Sanctified, Enriched,as to make Heaven and earth astonished at the sight of the Portent of My Fiat operating in the creature. In fact, by virtue of My Will, new Graces which I had never issued before, Light more refulgent, Portents unheard-of and never before seen, will come out of Me...
V. 17 - 8/9/1924 - Oh! If you knew how beautiful and delightful it is to see a soul operate in My Will! An image of this can be given to you by father sea and mother earth, which are so bound and linked to each other, that the water cannot be without the earth and the earth would be sterile without the water. There is like a marriage between them, such that the sea can be called "father" and the earth "mother". Such is the union which the soul should have with My Will
V. 17 - 12/24/1924 - ...Now, while I was thinking of this, my little Baby, sobbing, said to me: My daughter, the pains I suffered in this Virginal Womb of My Mama are incalculable to the human mind. But do you know what the first pain that I suffered in the first Act of My Conception and which lasted for My whole Life? The Pain of Death. My Divinity descended from Heaven as fully happy, untouchabel by any pain and by any death. When I saw My little Humanity being subject to death and to pains for Love of creatures, I felt the pain so vividly that I really would have died of sheer pain, if the Power of My Divinity had not sustained Me with a Prodigy, making Me feel the pain and the continuation of Life. So, for Me, it was always death: I felt the death of sin, the death of good in the creatures and also their natural death. What a cruel torment this was for Me, during My whole Life! I, Who contained Life and was the absolute Lord of Life Itself, was to subject Myself to the pain of death.
V. 17 - 6/10/1924 - My daughter, My Will is everything and contains everything; and then, It is beginning, means and end of man. This is why, in creating him, I did not give him any law nor did I institute Sacraments but I gave man My Will alone because, as he would find himself in the beginning of It, It would be more than sufficient so that he might find all the means to reach, not a low sanctity, but the height of the Divine Sanctity, and therefore find himself in the port of his end. This means that man was to need nothing but My Will alone in which he was to find everything in a surprising, admirable and easy way, to render himself holy and happy in time and eternity...
V. 17 - 6/14/1924 - ...Look at yourself - how beautiful My Will has made you; not only this but in each one of your Acts, I enclose Myself because by enclosing My Will, you enclose everything. I looked at myself and - oh! how much Light came out. But what struck me and pleased me the most was to see my Jesus enclosed in each one of my Acts. His Will imprisoned Him within me.
V. 17 - 6/20/1924 - The Divine Will contains the fullness of Happiness. When creatures live in the Divine Will, then will Charity and all Virtues reach the complete perfection - @
V. 17 - 7/25/1924 - The Divine Will keeps searching for souls who would lose all their rights, so that It may conitnue Its Act of placing all souls in Its Arms, as It did with Jesus on the Cross. Sanctity in the Divine Will is a continuous Act and contains the Image of the Sanctity of the Creator - @
V. 17 - 7/1/1924 - The Blood of Jesus is the defense of creatures before the Rights of Divine Justice. One who gives himself to God loses his rights and acquires the Divine Right to Happiness - can be read @
V. 17 - 9/22/1924 - ..At the same time,I heard a horrible din from afar, from some who were beating each other and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turing to my Jesus, said to Him: My Jesus, my Love, who is making such a din? They seem to me like enraged demons. What do they want that they rage so much? And Jesus: My daughter, it really is them. They would want you not to write about My Will and when they see you write more important Truths on the living in My Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment the damned even more. They fear so much that these writings on My Will might come out because they see themselves losing their kingdom upon earth which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his human will. Ah! yes, it was precisely then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if My Will could reign upon earth, My enemy, on his own, would shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they rage with such fury: they feel the Power of My Will in these writings and at the mere thought that they might come out, they fly into a rage and try anything they can to impede a Good so great.
V. 17 - 10/6/1924 - I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Divine Volition and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, now beautiful it is to see a soul fuse herself in My Will! As she fuses herself in It, the created heartbeat takes its place and life in the uncreated Heartbeat and forms a single one and it runs and beats together with the uncreated Heartbeat. This is the greatest happiness for the human heart: to palpitate in the Eternal Heartbeat of its Creator. My Will puts it in flight and the human heartbeat flings inself into the Center of its Creator...
V. 17 - 10/17/1924 - ... I, Who am the true Sun of souls, do not leave them, either at night or at daytime. I Myself form the souls; I give them the Water of My Grace so as to not let them wither; I nourish them with the Light of My Truths; I strengthen them with My Examples; I give them the Wind of My Caresses to purify them, the Dew of My Charisms to embellish them, the Arrows of My Love to warm them. In sum, there is nothing I do not do; I am all for them and I place the whole of My Life at each one's disposal, for their good. But how much ingratitude on the part of creatures! They seem to be attached like branches to My Vine, not out of Love but by force because they cannot do without Me; and so they grow like those branches which, not receiving all the good humors that the Vine contains, grow thin, without ever forming mature grapes but unripe ones, such as to embitter My Divine Taste. Ah! if all knew how I love their souls, all would be captured by the Strength and Attractiveness of My Love and they would love Me more! Therefore, you, love Me and may your Love expand so much as to Love Me for all.
V. 17 - 11/27/1924 - My daughter, look: there is not one point in which My Being is not present. I have no place where to oscillate, either to the right or to the left, or to the back - no empty space which is not filled with Me. Finding not one point in which I am not present, My Firmness feels unshakeable. This is My Eternal Immutability. This Immense Immutability renders Me immutable in pleasures: what I like, I like always; immutable in loving, in enjoying, in wanting; once I have loved, enjoyed, wanted something, there is no danger that I may ever change. In order to change, I would have to restrict My Immensity - which I cannot do, nor do I want to. My Immutablility is the most beautiful Halo that crowns My Head, extends under My Feet and renders Eternal Homage to My Immutable Sanctity - In speaking about the mutability of the creature, He said: Poor creature! How tiny is her little place! And as tiny as it is, her place is not even stable and fixed: today she is at one point, tomorrow she is flung to another. This is also the reason she loves, she likes someone, something or some place; tomorrow she changes and maybe even despises what yesterday she liked and loved. But do you know what renders the poor creature mutable? It is her human will that renders her fickle in love, in pleasures, in the good she does. The human will is like an impetuous wind which moves the creature at every blow like an empty reed - now to the right, now to the left. This is why in creating her, I wanted her to live of My Will - so that, arresting this impetuous wind of the human will, It might render her firm in good, stable in love, holy in operating. I wanted to let her live in the Immense Territory of My Immutability. But the creature was not content; she wanted her own tiny little place and rendered herself the amusement of herself, of others and of her very passions. This is why I pray - I supplicate the creature to take this Will of Mine, to make It her own that she may return into that Immutable Will from which she came, so that she may no longer be fickle but stable and firm. I have not changed - I wait for her, I long for her, I want her always in My Will.
V. 17 - 1/4/1925 - Having completed my whole day, I was thinking to myself: What else is left for me to do? And in my interior I heard, being said to me: You have to do the most important thing - your last act of fusing yourself in the Divine Will - My daughter, fusing yourself in My Will is the most solemn, the greatest, the most important act of your whole life. To fuse yourself in My Will is to enter the sphere of Eternity, to embrace It, to kiss It and to receive the deposit of the Goods which the Eternal Will contains. Even more, as the soul fuses herself in the Supreme Volition, all go to meet her in order to deposit in her everything they have. The Angels, the Saints, the very Dvinity - they all deposit, knowing that they are depositing in the same Will in which everything is safe - The soul who fuses herself in My Will receives, as though in deposit, all My Divine and Eternal Goods. The very Saints compete among themselves in order to deposit their Merits in the soul fused in My Will because they feel in her the Glory, the Power of My Will and they feel Glorified in a Divine Manner by the littleness of the creature...
V. 17 - 1/27/1925 - You must know that all the acts done in Our Will enter into the First Act when We created the whole Creation. And the acts of the creature, in kissing with Ours because One is the Will which gives Life to these Acts - diffuse in all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere; and they constitute themselves return of Love, of Adoration and of continuous Glory for everything We have issued in Creation. Only what is done in Our Will begins, together with Us, to give Us return of perennial Love, Adoration in a Divine Manner, Glory that never ends... - Now, the operating of the creature in Our Will enters into Our Own Works and Our Will makes Itself the Nourisher, Preserver and Act of the very act of the creature. These Acts done in Our Will by the creature place themselves around Us and, transfused in all created things, sing Our perpetual Glory. How different is Our operating from that of the creature,as well as the Love with which We operate! We operate and Our Love for the Work We do is so Great that We do not permit that It go out of Ourselves, so that It may lose nothing of the Beauty with which It was made.On the other hand, if the creature operates, she is unable to keep her work with herself. Rather, many times she does not know what has become of her work - whether it has become dirty or whether they have made a rag out of it - sign of her little love for her own works. And because the creature has gone out of her Origin - that is, the Divine Will from which she came - she has lost true love toward God, toward herself and her works. I wanted man to be in My Will of his own will, not by force, because I loved him more than all other created things and I wanted him to be like a King in the midst of My Works. But man, ungrateful, wanted to go out of his Origin; therefore, he was transformed and lost his Freshness and Beauty and became subject to continuous alterations and changes. And as much as I call him to return into his Origin, he plays deaf, pretending not to hear Me. But My Love is so Great that I keep waiting for him and I continue to call him.
V. 17 - 3/8/1925 - Now, if you want to cover the Paths of the Eternal Volition, enter through the Door of My Humanity. In It, you will find My Divinity; and the Divine Will, will make present to you, as though in Act, everything It has done, does and will do, both in Creation and in Redemption and Sanctification; and you will have the contentment of being able to kiss those Acts and to place in Them your little act of Love, of Adoration, of Gratitude. You will find Them all in the Act of giving Themselves to you; and you will love Them and will take the Gifts of your Celestial Father. Greater Gift, He could not give you - that is, the Gifts, the Fruits, the Effects of His Will. But you will take them according to how much you cooperate and let your will live dissolved within Mine.
V. 17 - 4/9/1925 - ...This has made you so gracious as to render you all striking and beautiful to My Eyes. So, My Will has this Virtue and Power of rendering the soul of a beauty so rare, so striking, that no one will be able to equal her beauty. It is so great and so charming as to draw My Eyes and the eyes of all, to look at her and to love her...
V. 17 - 4/15/1925 - The Mission of the Divine Will is Eternal and It is precisely the Mission of Our Celestial Father - @
V. 17 - 5/10/1925 - Different ways of fusing oneself in the Divine Will. In the Divine Will, there is the void of the human acts which must be done in It. - @
V. 17 - 5/21/1925 - ...My daughter, courage, do not fear. I have told you this and I have showed you how all of Heaven is bound to that Will of Mine which Reigns in you, so that you many never surrender to your will because the Divine Will and the human will are the fiercest enemies of each other. And since the Divine Will is Stronger, Holier, more Immense, it is befitting that Its enemy - the human will - remain under It's Feet and serve as the footstool of the Divine Will. In fact, one who must live in My Will must not consider himself a terrestrial citizen but must regard himself as a Citizen of Heaven. And it is with reason that all the Blessed feel shaken because one who lives with their same Will is thinking of letting the human will enter the field - cause of disorder - which has never entered the Celestial Regions. You must be convinced that by living of My Will, the life of your will is ended - it no longer has reason to exist...
V. 17 - 6/11/1925 - In vain, do creatures flatter themselves that they can do more works, virtues, sacrifices; if these are not a birth from My Will and are not done in order to fulfill It, they are not recognized by Me. More so, since it is established that Grace, aids, light, goods and the just reward be given to one who operates in order to fulfill My Will. Moreover, My Will is Eternal - It has no beginning nor will It have an end; and who can calculate one Act done in My Will, without beginning and without end? That Act is surrounded and filled with Goods without end; what My Will is, so It renders the Act. On the other hand, the other virtues, the works and sacrifices without My Will have a beginning, as well as an end. What great reward can things subject to perishing ever receive? Furthermore, My Will is the Balance of My Attributes. If My Power did not have this Holy Will, It would unfold into tyranny toward those who so much offend Me...
V. 18 - 9/16/1925 - My daughter, in all My pains, I was always the same - I never changed. My Gaze was always Sweet, My Face always Serenc, My Words always Calm and Dignified. In My Whole Person I had such Euality of Manners that if they had wanted to recognize Me as their Redeemer, merely, by My Way, always the same, in everything and for everything, they would have recogmized Me...
V. 18 - 10/1/1925 - ...Others, then, who do not live in My Will, find the means to be saved but do not enjoy all the Fruits of Creation and of Redemption...
V. 18 - 10/10/1925 - Exchange of wills between the Celestial Father and the Most Holy Virgin and Luisa. The Most Holy Virgin repeats for the soul who lives in the Divine Will what She did for Her Son - can be read @
V. 18 - 10/21/1925 - ...And Jesus, with unspeakable Love, added: How beautiful are the Acts in My Will. Ah! you do not know the Power, the Greatness, the Marvel of one Act in My Will. This Act moves everything - Heaven and earth - as if they were one single Act; and all Creation, the Angels, the Saints give and receive the return of that Act...
V. 18 - 10/24/1925 - ...My Will alone is One single Act which has no succession of Acts. This single Act is as though fixed to One Point which never moves and this Point is Eternity. And while being One single Act, Prime Act, Endless Act, It's Circumference is so Immense that nothing can escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with One single Embrace because everything starts from that Prime Act, as One single Act. So the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are One single Act for the Divinity; and only because It is One single Act, It has the power to make all It's Acts It's Own, as if They were One alone. Now, one who lives in My Will possesses this single Act and it is no wonder that she takes part in the Pains of My Passion, as though in Act. In this single Act she finds, as though in Act, her Creator creating the Creation; and forming One single Act with her God, she creates with Him, flowing as One single Act in all created things and forming the Glory of Creation for her Creator. Her Love shines over all created things; she enjoys and takes pleasure in them; she loves them as things belonging to herself and to her God. In that single Act, she has a Note that echoes the whole of the Divine Operating; and in her emphasis of Love, she says: What is Yours is mine and what is mine is Yours. Be Glory, Honor and Love to my Creator... - This is why the living in My Will is the Prodigy of Prodigies; it is the Enchantment of God and of all Heaven, as they see the littleness of the creature flow in all the things of their Creator. Like Solar Ray, bound to this single Act, she diffuses everywhere and in everyone. Therefore, I recommend to you: even at the cost of your life, never go out of this single Act of My Will, that I may repeat in you, as though in Act, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification...
V. 18 - 11/19/1925 - To live in My Will is precisely this: to keep company with all the Acts which My Will does. My Will does not want to livc isolated in the midst of Creation but wants the company of the creature...
V. 18 - 11/22/1925 - My daughter, do you want to know what the soul receives by living in My Will? She receives the Union of the Supreme Will with hers and in this Union My Will takes on the task of giving parity with Itself to the will of the soul. So, My Will is Holy, is Pure, is Light and It wants to make the soul equal to Itself in Holiness, Purity and Light; and if the task of the soul to live In My Will, the task of Mine is to give My Likeness to the human will in a perfect way.
V. 18 - 12/6/1925 - My daughter, the true living in the Supreme Will is precisely this: I must find everything and everyone in the depth of the soul; everything that My Will has issued in Creation for the Good of the creatures must be bound in the soul with her love... - After sin, Adam lost the possession of My Will and even though he wept over his fault and he sinned no more, he was able to do My Will, but not to possess It because the Divine Offended One was missing, Who was to form the new Divine Graft between the creature and the Creator in order to let him cross again the thresholds of the possession of the Eternal Volition...
V. 18 - 12/25/1925 - Now, while my mind was wandering amid many similies, I said to myself: So, the living in the Will of God is, to possess the Will of God and this is a Gift. Therefore, if the Goodness of God does not condesend to give It, what can the poor creature do? At that moment, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior, as though clasping me all to Himself and told me: My daughter, it is true that the livng in My Will is a Gift and it is to possess the Greatest Gift; but this Gift -which contains Infinite Value, which is Currency that arises at each instant, which is Light that never goes out, which is Sun that never sets, which puts ths soul in her Place, established by God in the Divine Order and therefore, she takes her Place of Honor and of Sovereignty in the Creation - is given but to one who is disposed, to one who will not waste It, to one who will esteem It so much and love It more than his own life; even more, he must be ready to sacrifice his own life so that this Gift of My Will may have Supremacy over everything and be held as more than life itself - even more, his life be nothing compared to It. Therefore, first I want to see that the soul really wants to do My Will and never her own, that she is ready to make any sacrifice in order to do Mine and that in everything that she does, she always asks Me for the Gift of My Will, even just as a loan. Then, when I see that she does nothing without the loan of My Will, I give It as a Gift because by asking for It over and over again, she has formed the void within her soul in which to place this Celestial Gift; and by becoming used to living with the loan of this Divine Food, she has lost the taste for her own will as her palate has been ennobled and will no longer adapt itself to the vile foods of her own self. Therefore, in seeing herself in possession of that Gift which she longed for, yearned for and loved so much, she will live of the Life of that Gift and she will love It and will give It the esteem It deserves... - This is why I say that the living in the Supreme Volition is the greatest thing - it is to live Divine Life. As soon as He sees the soul in His Will, the Celestial Creator takes her in His Arms and placing her on His Lap, He lets her operate with His very Hands and with the Power of that Fiat with which all things were made. He lets all His Reflections descend upon the creature in order to give her the Likeness of His Operating. This is why the operating of the creature becomes Light and it unites to that Single Act of her Creator and constitutes itself Eternal Glory and continuous Praise of her Creator.
V. 18 - 1/10/1926 - ...So, poor creatures, if My Will withdrew from making Its way in all created things, these would all remain like painted pictures, no longer producing the good that each thing contains towards man. Therefore, I can say that it is not created things that serve him but it is My Will, veiled, hidden, that makes Itself the servant of man. Is it not right, then and the most sacred duty, for him to look at My Supreme Will in all things and to fulfill It in everything, and returning the service, to serve the One Who does not disdain to serve him even in the smallest things? And I feel as though compensated, repaid of My crafting, when I see that they reach Him and takes them as the fulfillment of My Will. And therefore, I make Feast because the purpose of My long way in the created things has obtained My intent and the fulfillment of My Will realized in the creature.
V. 18 - 1/24/1926 - ...My daughter, in My Will there are neither deaths or abortions and one who lives in It contains, as life, the Life of My Will; and even if she feels herself dying, or even dead, she is in My Will Which containing Life, makes her rise again, in every instant, to a new Beauty, Grace and Happiness, delighting in preserving her always little within Itself, so as to have her great with Itself - little but strong, little but beautiful, just newly born, so that she might have nothing human but everything Divine...
V. 18 - 1/28/1926 - My Will never leaves man; if It left him, he would resolve into nothing. And if man does not give himself to letting My Will make him a Saint, My Will uses the ways to at least save him - My daughter, the primary purpose of My coming upon earth was indeed this one - that man would return into the Womb of My Will, as he came out of It when he was created...
V. 18 - 1/30/1926 - Now, while I was doing and saying this, a Globe of Light came before me and within that Light, there was the soul of my Confessor, taking its way toward the Vault of the Heavens without saying even a word to me. I remained consoled, yes for his destiny but embittered to the summit for my own...
V. 18 - 2/7/1926 - ...Oh! how My Will reigning in the soul raises her above everything; and loving with the Love of a God, she can love all things with His very Love and is constituted possessor and Queen of all Creation...
V. 19 - 2/23/1926 - Jesus calls her "the little newborn" so that she may be reborn continuously in His Holy Will to new Beauty, to new Sanctity, to new Light, to new Likeness of her Creator - @
V. 19 - 3/2/1926 - ...The Word had Its Divine Field when, in Creation, with the Word "Fiat" I issued the whole Creation. I could have created It remaining silent also but I wanted to use the word "Fiat" so that the Word too might have Divine Origin; and since It would contain the Creative Power, whoever would use It to manifest what belongs to Me might have the Power to communicate those Truths to whomever would have the fortune to listen to him... - Eternal things, which never end, can be found only in My Will and one who possesses It is in communication with Heaven. This soul takes part in everything they do in the Celestial Regions and she is as though in Act together with the Celestial Blessed.
V. 19 - 3/6/1926 - Only the most important thing was known about the Celestial Mama - that the Son of God was Her Son. The same will happen with the daughter of the Divine Will - the most important thing only will be known, so as to make the Divine Will known. A Good which is not known has no way to communicate itself - @
V. 19 - 5/10/1926 - ...Now, what would happen to the earth with out the sun? Much more ugly and frightening would the soul be without My Will. How she decays from her origin! How the nightmare of passions and vices, more than darkness, makes her die and prepares the tomb in which to bury her... - So, it is with My Will. It can do so much good, It can infuse so much Beauty and Divine Life for as much as the soul lets herself be touched, invested, molded by the Hands of Light of My Will. If the soul gives herself prey to this Light, abandoning herself completely in It, My Supreme Will, will perform the greatest Prodigy of Creation - the Divine Life in the creature.
V. 19 - 7/14/1926 - Now, while I was feeling sunken in this Eternal Volition, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen with His Heart open and at each heartbeat of His, a Ray of Light came out, at the top of which one could see a "Fiat" impressed. And since the beating of the Heart is continous, as one Ray would come out, another would follow and then another one - they never stopped coming out. These Rays invaded Heaven and earth but all of Them carried the "Fiat" impressed on Them. And not only His Heart, but as He looked, Rays would come out of His Eyes; as He spoke, as He moved His Hands and Feet, Rays would come out, all of Them carring the Supreme Fiat as Glory and Triumph. It was an enchantment to see Jesus - beautiful, all transfused in these Rays of Light that came out of His adorable Person. But what gave Him Sumptuousness, Majesty, Magnificence, Glory and Beauty was the "Fiat". It's Light eclipsed me and I would have stayed there for centuries before Jesus without saying anything to Him, if He Himself had not broken the silence, telling me: My daughter, the Perfect Glory and the Complete Honor were given to My Will by My Humanity. It was precisely in My Interior, in the center of this Heart, that I formed the Kingdom of the Supreme Will. And since man had lost It and there was no hope that he might be able to acquire It, My Humanity re-acquired It through intimate and unheard-of pains, giving It all the Honors due to It and the Glory that the creature took away from It, so as to give It back to the creature. So, the Kingdom of My Will was formed inside of My Humanity, therefore everything that was formed in My Humanity and came out of It carried the mark of the "Fiat". Each one of My Thoughts, Gazes, Breaths, Heartbeats, each drop of My Blood, everything - everything carried the seal of the Fiat of My Supreme Kingdom. This gave Me so much Glory and embellished Me so much, that Heaven and earth remained below and as though obscured before Me because My Divine Will is Superior to everything and puts everything under Itself as Its footstool...
V. 19 - 8/4/1926 - One who is in the Divine Will is safe, whever she might be because in It there are four floors - @
V. 19 - 8/14/1926 - My poor heart swims in the sea of the bitternesses of the privations of My Sweet Jesus. If He comes at all, He is like a flash that escapes and in that Light of the flash, I see the poor world, its grave evils, the bonds among nations which are binding themselves to one another to start wars and revolutions, and by doing this, they draw the chastisements of Heaven - but so grave as to destroy entire cities and peoples. Oh, God how great is the human blindness!...
V. 19 - 8/18/1926 - Jesus encourges the one who must undertake the printing of the Writings on the Most Holy Will of God. Power of the Acts done in the Divine Will -
V. 19 - 9/3/1926 - ...I abound - I abound so much in giving, that I never tire in giving. On the other hand, one who does not desire them, because the appetite is missing, will feel nausea for My Things and that Gospel saying will be repeated: "It will be given to one who has while one who does not desire My Goods, My Truths, Celestial Things, will be deprived of the little he has" Just penalty for one who does not desire, has no appetite for and wants to know nothing about the Things that belong to Me. And if he has any little thing at all, it is right that it be taken away from him and be given to those who possess much.
V. 20 - 10/2/1926 - How the genertions are linked to one another and therefore, there are some who pray, some who receive and some who possess. How Jesus gives according to our dispostions. His Word is a New Creation. How, in Heaven, there are no secrets -
V/ 20 - 10/6/1926 - New martyrdom. One who does not do the Divine Will cuts off the Divine Life within oneself. Luisa is deprived of the writings. Jesus consoles her, showing her how everything is written in the depth of her soul -
V. 20 - 10/12/1926 - What it means to be firstborn daughter of the Divine Will. How Jesus feels drawn by His Will to visit the soul, disposing her to be with Him -
V. 20 - 10/22/1926 - The Great Good which the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will bring. How It will be the Preserver from all evils. Just as the Virgin, while She made no Miracle, made the greatest Miracle of giving a God to creatures, so it will be for the one who must make the Kingdom known: she will make the great Miracle of giving a Divine Will - Death will no longer have power over the soul; and if it will have it over the body - it will not be death but transit - I will make the Great Miracle that man return to Me - into the Origin from which he came ( a must reading) can be read @
V. 20 - 11/23/196 - Now, the Sun of My Will, Its Sphere, is not limited and therefore It possesses Its full Day; therefore, one who lives in It embraces all times, all generations and in investing the acts of all, she forms one single Act, one single Love and one single Glory for her Creator. But do you know what this Sun of My Supreme Will is formed of? My Attributes are the Rays of this Sun, which, though different among Themselves in Their Qualities and in the Office They hold, are Light in Their substance; and My Will, the combing Light which assumes all these Lights together, is the Directior of all My Attributes. And so, when creatures deserve to be struck, I direct the Ray of Light of My Justice, and, defending My Rights, It strikes the creatures.
V. 20 - 10/26/1926 - ... Now, after I created everything, I formed the nature of man with My Own Creative Hands; and as I formed the bones, extended the nerves, formed the heart, so did I centralize My Love. And after I clothed him with flesh, forming as though the most beautiful statue which no artisan could ever make, I looked at him and I loved him so much that, unable to contain My Love, It overflowed; and breathing on him, I infused life in him. But We were not content. In an excess of Love, the Sacrosanct Trinity wanted to endow him, giving him intellect, memory and will; and according to his capacity as creature, We enriched him with all the particles of Our Divine Being. The Whole of the Divinity was intent on loving man and on pouring Itself into him. From the very first instant of his life, he felt all the strength of Our Love and from the depth of his heart, he expressed, with his own voice, love for his Creator. Oh! how happy We felt in hearing Our Work, the Statue made by Us, speaking, loving Us - and with perfect Love. It was the Reflection of Our Love that came out of him. This Love had not been contaminated by his will and therefore his love was perfect because he possessed the fullness of Our Love. Until then, of all the things created by Us, not one thing had said to Us that it loved Us. Now, in hearing that man loved Us, Our Joy, Our Contentment was so great that as the fulfillment of Our Feast, We constituted him King of all the Universe and the most beautiful Jewel of Our Creative Hands...If you could form a statue the way you liked the best and then you poured all of yourself into it, giving it all the vital humors and with the empire of your love, you gave life to it - how much would you not love it?...
V. 20 - 10/29/1926 - How in all created things, God centralized His Love towards Man. Outpouring of Love in creating him and how the Fiat made him live in the Reflections of his Creator -
V. 20 - 11/3/1926 - The more the soul has done the Divine Will on earth, the more paths she has formed for herself in order to receive Suffrages in Purgatory. The more the soul possesses of the Divine Will, the more Value her Prayers, Works and Pains contain - can be read @
V. 20 - 11/29/1926 - ...My Will, instead, does all the Acts in one single Act: while It operates, It walks; while It is all eyes to look, at the same time It is all voice to speak and with such eloquence that no one can equal It. It speaks in the roaring of the thunder, in the bolt of lightning, in the whistling of the wind, in the tumultuous waves of the sea, in the little bird that sings. It speaks everywhere, so that everyone may hear It's Voice - now strong , now sweet, now thundering. Will of Mine, how adimirable You are! Who can say he as loved the creatures as You have? My very Humanity - oh! how It remains behind You. I remained eclipsed in You and You remain in Your operating, which has no beginning nor does It ever end. You are always at Your Place, giving Life to all created things in order to bring Your Life to creatures. Oh! if all knew what It does for them, how much It loves all, how Its vital Breath gives Life to all - oh! how they would love It and all would remain there pressed around My Eternal Fiat, to receive the Life It wants to give them.... - My daughter, it is very sorrowful and humiliating for My Supreme Volition to Act as servant of creatures who do not let It reign within them. but It will feel much more Glorified and Happy in those who will let It reign...
V. 20 - 12/3/1926 - Do you know what puts distance between God and the soul? The human will! Each act of it is one step of distance between Creator and the creature...
V. 20 - 12/8/1926 - By living in Our Fiat, the soul does nothing other than imitate her Creator and the Eternal Sun concentrates all of Its Reflections upon her in such a way that she becomes the little sun in the likeness of the Divine Sun. Was this not precisely Our Purpose and Our Saying: "Let us make man in Our Image and Likeness"? To make him without his having to be like Us and carry within himself the Image of the One Who had created him, would be neither decorous nor worthy of a Work of Our Hands; nor would it be Power of that Regenerative Breath which came out of Our Womb to generate a being dissimilar from Us....
V. 20 - 12/12/1926 - My daughter, in My Passion there is a lament of Mine which came out with immense sorrow from the depth of My tormented Heart: They diviided My Garments and drew lots for My Tunic. How painful for Me to see My Garments being divided among My very executioners and My Tunic being gambled away. It was the only object I possessed, given to me, with so much Love, by My sorrowful Mama; and now, they not only stripped Me of It but they made a game of It. But do you know who pierced Me the most? In those Garments, Adam became present to Me, clothed with Innocence and covered with the indivisible Tunic of My Supreme Will. In creating him, the Uncreated Wisdom acted as more than a most loving Mother, more than with a Tunic, It clothed him with the unending Light of My Will - a Garment which is not subject to being either disarranged or divided or consumed; a Garment which was to serve man in order to preserve the Image of his Creator and the Gifts received from him and which was to render him Admirable and Holy in all his things. Not only this, but It covered him with the overgarment of Innocence. And Adam, in Eden, with his passions divided the Garments of Innocence and he gambled away the Tunic of My Will - a Garment which is incomparable and of radiant Light...
V. 20 - 12/15/1926 - The little Note of Love. How each Act of the Will of God done by the creature is one more Act of Beatitude - @
V. 20 - 12/19/1926 - How, in the Creation, the Divinity bilocated Its Will. The Nature of the Divine Will is Happiness. How It constituted Itself Act of everything. The Possession It wants to give to the creature - @
V. 20 - 12/22/1926 - The Power of one single Act animated by the Creative Power is incomprehensible and there is no Good which cannot come from It. It can change the face of the earth - from arid and deserted into a flowery springtime... - Such are the signs that one belongs to the Celestial Family - to have the same purpose as Mine, to want My same Will, to dwell in It as in one's own home, to work in order to make It known. And if one speaks, one can say nothing but what is done and wanted in Our Celestial Family...- Therefore, only one who does My Will and lives in It can be called My Child, a Member of My Divine and Celestial Family. All others are degenerate children and as though foreign to Our Family...
V. 20 - 12/27/1926 - My daughter, the affront that a creature commints by not doing My Will is great. My Will is more than solar light, It invades everyone and everything, nor can anyone escape It - from It's endless Light! Now, by doing her will, the creature wants to cut through this Light and she forms darkness in It but My Will rises and follows It's course of Light, leaving the creature in the darkness of her will... - Therefore, the most deplorable evil is to not do My Will because once My Will is removed, she dies of coldness for all the Celestial Goods, she dies of boredom, of tiredness, of weakness because My Will is missing, which makes the joy, the strength and the Life of the Divine Operating arise. She dies of hunger because Its Light is missing which makes the little field of the soul vegetate and fecundate in order to form the food on which she must live. Creatures think that not doing My Will is not a great evil, while, it encloses all evils together. Then, after this, He added: My daughter, every good, in order to be a good must have its origin in God... - So, her motto is: God wants it, I want it. If He does not want it, neither do I want it...
V. 20 - 1/16/1927 - My dughter, one who lives in the Divine Will takes everything together, as though in one blow. In fact, since My Will is everywhere, there is nothing that can escape It, Its Life is Eternal, Its Immensity knows no limits nor Circumferences; therefore the soul who lives in It takes the Eternal God, all the heavens, the sun, everything that exists, the Virgin, the Angels, the Saints - in sum, everything. And as she prays, palpitates, breathes, loves, her Act becomes common to all; so, all palpitate from her heartbeat, all breathe with her breath, all love with her Love because wherever My Will extends, It moves all to do the Act of one who lives in It... - therefore, though little, this creature moves everything and she imposes herself on everything; all let her do; all feel the power of the good that she wants to give to all. So, she is little and strong; she is little and she is present everywhere, she is little and her prerogative is littleness; therefore she possesses nothing - not even her will because voluntarily, she has given it to the One Who had rights over it. And the Divine Will gives her everything - there is nothing which It does not entrust to her. Therefore, the Prodigies of the living in My Will are indescribable and innumerable. Oh! if all knew what it means to live in My Will and the Good they receive - even more, there is no Good which they do not take, there is no Good which they cannot do - they would all compete and yearn to live in My Holy and Adorable Volition.
V.20 - 1/20/1927 - ...On the other hand, the Sacramental Communion was not given as origin of creatures, nor as end but it was given as means, help, refreshment and medicine; and the means, the helps, etc., are given in a limited way - they are not perennial... - You had no reason to afflict yourself because inside and outside of you there is the communion of My Will which is not subject undergoing any consummation. Its Life is always in Its fullness...
V. 20 - 1/28/1927 - ...Do you want to know then, why creatures lack natural means and many times these are snatched away from them and they reduce themselves to the most squalid misery? First, because they do not possess the fullness of the Supreme Fiat; second, because they confuse natural things and put nature in the place of God; nor do they look at the Supreme Will in the natural things, but greedy, they become attracted to them to form a vain glory for themselves, an esteem that blinds them, an idol for their hearts. But for one who is child of My Will, all these dangers do not exist and therefore I want them to abound in everything and to lack nothing. The Creation, Echo of the Celestial Fatherland, contains Music, the royal march, the spheres, the heavens, the sun , the sea and all possess order and perfect harmony among themselves and they go around continuously. This order, this harmony and this going around, without ever stopping, form such admirable Symphony and Music that it could be said to be like the Breath of the Supreme Fiat blowing Itself into all created things like many musical instruments and forming the most beautiful of all melodies, such that, if creatiures could heat it, they would remain ecstatic. Now, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will have the Echo of the Music of the Celestial Fatherland and the Echo of the Music of Creation...
V. 20 - 2/11/1927 - Now, in all Creation, in the children who will belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, will flow, more than blood, the Life of It, which will give them the right to belong to the Royal and Celestial Family in such a way that all will be Kings and Queens - all will occupy Noble Positions, worthy of the Family to which they belong.
V. 21 - 2/23/1927 - My daughter, whoever - lives in My Will does exactly this: by virtue of My Will, he multiplies the Acts of his soul for as many created creatures who exist. The soul receives the Divine Disposition, so his Act becomes the act of all. Precisely this is Divine Behavior; an Act which mulitplies itself and can be done by everyone, just as if that Act had been done for each individual. In reality, it was a single Act but in the soul where It reigns My Volition takes upon Itself the condition of God Himself, be it of Glory as well as of Sorrow, depending upon if the creature receives or rejects the Act. The Glory that the Act can give - the Goods and the Life of Jesus - is Great, Exuberant and Infinite; the sorrow of not having all creatures accept that Good and My Own Lfe remaining suspended without giving the benefit of My Divine Life, is the suffering which surpasses all suffering.
V. 21 - 2/26/1927 - My daughter, the soul in whom My Volition reigns has the Cords of purest Gold which descend from the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of Me, the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit. As the soul works, loves, prays and suffers, so I take the Cords in My Hands and put into action Our Power, Wisdom and Love for the Good and to the Glory of all the Blessed and all creatures. The ringing of these bells is so strong and harmonious that, as they ring out, they invite everyone to celebtate. So, everyone has come out to enjoy the festivities of your Act. As you can see, the Acts done in the soul where My Volition reigns are formed in Heaven, within the Womb of her Creator, then they descend to earth by means of the three Cords of Our Power, Wisdom and Love. They then return to their source,to bring back Glory to Our Divinity and I greatly enjoy pulling the ropes so that all may hear the ringing of these mysterious bells.
V. 21 - 3/5/1927 - My daughter, Firmness is of the Divine Nature and a Divine Gift and it is right that We give this participation and give of Our Divine Nature to who is to be the daughter of Our Divine Fiat and who lives in Our Kingdom. Thus continuing your acts in It without ever interrupting them lets you know that you are already in possession of Our Firmness. How many thing does Firmness say: It says that the soul moves only for God; It says that she moves with reason and with pure love, not with passion and personal interest; she is aware and knows the Good she does. So, always be firm in your acts and you will always have Our Divine Firmness in your working - ...The reason, My daughter why I want to place into safety My Eternal Fiat is because I want to enclose in your soul, the Most Holy Trinity and only My Divine Will can provide the Place and Glory worthy of Us...
V. 21 - 3/13/1927 - My daughter, to you it seems as if I had left you and you no longer felt My Life in you. My Will has never left you; on the contrary It's Life in you was at It's fullest because It never leaves anyone - not even the damned in hell. There It is fulfilling It's unending and irreconcilable Justice because in hell there is no reconciliation.There My Will forms their torment. It is proper that whoever did no want to receive It so that they could be Loved, made Happy and Glorified, receive It to be tormented and humiliated. Thus, My Will leaves no one, neither in Heaven nor on earth nor in hell. Everything is enclosed within It; It has everything in the Palm of It's Hand. Nothing can flee from It, neither man, nor fire, nor water, nor the wind, nor the sun. It has It's Sovereignty everywhere and extends It's Life Reigning and Dominating everything.
V. 21 - 3/19/1927 - ...To you then, We will give the Name of Co-Redemptrix of Our Will, declaring you Mother of all the children of the Fiat...
V. 21 - 3/16/1927 - ...There is great reason for this because a human nature had taken away from creatures the Rights of the Divine Will to reign and so another was necessary to resore Its Rights to them. Therefore, My coming upon earth was not for Redemption alone; rathar, the Primary Purpose was to form the Kingdom of My Will in My Humanity in order to re-give It to creatures. If that were not so, My coming upon the earth would have been an incomplete Work, not worthy of a God Who could do nothing less than restore Creation to It's Original State and restore the original order of things as they came forth from Our Creative Hands - namely, that Our Will should reign in everything!
V. 21 - 3/24/1927 - My daughter, not doing My Will is the evil that encloses all evil and is the downfall of all goods; it is the destruction of happiness, order and peace; it is the great loss of My Divine Kingdom
V. 21 - 3/31/1927 - But whoever does not live in It. lives with the human will and therefore all communications with the Supreme Being are closed; all is disorder and disharmony. Her relations are with her passions and in her passions, she prepares her acts; she understands nothing of what her Creator is doing. More than a serpent, she slides across the earth and lives in the disorder of human things. Thus the soul who lives with her human will is My Dishonor and the defeat of the Divine Fiat in the Work of Creation. What suffering. My daughter! What sorrow! Can you imagine that the human will wants to procure the downfall of its Creator's Volition - that Will which loves the soul so much and wants her in It's Triumph, which is the Triumph of the very creature!
V. 21 - 4/3/1927 - A free will who loves Me and who voluntarily annihilates herself for Me and who operates in My Will is the great wonder of Creation - My daughter, a will that doesn't love Me freely but under force, says distance between creature and Creator; it says slavery and servitude; it says dissimilarity. Instead, a free will that does My Will says union between the soul and God; it says inheritance; it says that what is of God, is also of the creature; it says similarity in Sanctity and Love in such a way that what one does the other also does and where one is to be found, the other is there also. So I created man with freedom of will so that he could receive the great honor that is befitting for a God. A will that is forced to love Me and that sacrificies itself - I do not know what to do with it. On the contrary, I don't even recognize it and neither does it merit any reward. So you can understand why My Eyes are fixed on the soul who, of spontaneous will, lives in My Will. Forced love belongs to men, not God, they content themselves with appearances and do not descend into the depths of gold found in the will, so that they might have a sincere and loyal Love...
V. 21 - 4/8/1927 - ...Many think that not doing My Will is of little importance; instead it is the total ruin of the creature and for as many acts as the creatuire commits of his own will, by so many times, his evils will increase, along with his ruin and he only continues to dig an abyss ever deeper for him to fall into - ...See, therefore, how when My Will is expressed, wanted and commanded, the sin is greater and the consequences are irremediable. Only My same Will Divine Will can make reparation to such a great evil as that which befell Adam. On the other hand, when It is not expressed, the creature still has the obligation to pray that I make known My Will in his actions, if inside his acts there is an interest for good and My pure Glory. But if this is not expressed, the evil is not as grave and it is easier to find a remedy. I do this to each creature to test their faithfulness and also to be assured of the love they say they have for Me...
V. 21 - 4/16/1927 - How Our Lord made the deposit of His Sacramental Life in the Heart of the Most Holy Virgin. The great Good that a life animated by the Divine Will can do. How the Most Holy Virgin found in Her Sorrows the strength of the Divive Will @
V. 21 - 4/18/1927 - All Glory and all Honor is of My Will. If I had not risen up, no one would be able to rise up. With the Prine Act comes the succession of Acts which are similar to the first. See what is the Power of a Prime Act: My Queen Mother made the Prime Act in Conceiving Me. To be able to Conceive Me, the Eternal Word, She enclosed within Herself all the acts of creatures and offered them back up to Her Creator in such a way that She could say to Him: It is I Who love You, adore You, satisfy You for everyone. This, by finding everyone in My Mama and notwithstanding My Conception was only once, I could give Myself to everyone as Life of each creature...
V. 21 - 4/24/1927 - Ah! My daughter, grave things must come down so that a Kingdom, a house may be reordered. First, there is a general upheaval and many things perish; some lose, others gain, things become unsettled, the fatigue is increased and many things suffer so that things might be reordered and renewed to give the new form to the kingdom or to the house. One suffers more and works more if things must be destroyed before they can be built - much more than if things must only be built. So it will happen in the re-edification of the Kingdom of My Will. How much renovation is required - it is necessary to overturn everything, to bring down and destroy human beings, unsettle the earth, the sea, the air, the wind, the water, the fire so that all things go to work to renew the face of the earth, to bring the order of the new Kingdom of My Divine Will among creatures. So many grave things will happen and as I see this, I look at the upheaval and I feel afflicted. If I look beyond and see the order and My new Kingdom re-edified, I pass from a profound sadness to a Joy so great that you cannot understand. This is the reason why you see Me now sad and now with Joy of My Celestial Fatherland - My daughter, let's look beyond these things so that we may be consoled. I want things to return as they were in the beginning of Creation, which was none other than an outpouring of Love. This overflowing of Love still lasts because what We do once, We do forever - it never is subject to interruption. In Us, there is never the fatigue of repeating an Act; what We do one time, We enjoy doing always - So it is with all of Creation. Man looks at It but doesn't receive the Life of Love which God placed in all created things - because man doesn't use his will nor opens his heart to receive this outpouring of the continuous Love of his Creator. But in spite of that, Our outpouring of Love is not arrested, Our Regenerating Breath is always in Act and in motion and We expect the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat so that Our hovering Love can come down among the creatures. As they receive Our Divine Life, the creatures will be formed; and their outpouring of Love will be given to He from Whom they receive It - Wherever My Divine Will reigns, I can give everything, centralize everything - and then comes the competition between Creator and creature: I in giving and she in receiving. I give to whoever gives to Me and she to whom I give, gives it back to Me in the most surprising ways. Therefore, I want you always in My Volition so that I can always be in a contest - you with Me and I with you.
V. 21 - 5/12/1927 - My daughter, which do you think would have been giving the people more; to have liberated them from the chastisements that they merited by so much sin, or to have given them the Redemption? The chastisements were temporary pains, while the Redemption is an Eternal Good that never finishes. If I had freed them from the chastisements, I would not have opened Heaven for them, nor given to them the right to Glory. Instead, by forming the Redemption, I opened Heaven for them and I placed them on the road for the Celestial Fatherland, giving them their lost Glory. When you do a greater good, you must content yourself to set aside the lesser good, especially if the lesser would serve to balance Divine Justice - and My Humanity neither could, nor wanted, to oppose Itself to this Divine equilibrium.
V. 21 - 5/18/1927 - I was following the Divine Will, making my rounds through all of Creation and as I was doing my Acts, my sweet Jesus made Himself seen in my interior gathering up these Acts which were all of Light into my lap. One was more refulgent than the next, one more beautiful than the other and He called the Angels and let them know part of these Acts. As He did so, they competed with each other to receive them and in Triumph, they carried them to Heaven. And Jesus, all Goodness, said to me: My daughter, the Value of the Acts done in My Will is so great, that the Angels esteem themselves fortunate to receive them. They see in them the Creative Virtue. They feel in these Acts the Echo of the Divine Fiat and while they are Light, they are Divine Voices; and while they are Voices, they are Music, Beauty, Bliss, Holiness and Divine Science and since My Will is the Value of Heaven, the Angels strive to bring the Acts done in It, into their Celestial Residence. All that was done in My Supreme Volition cannot rest on earth; what's more they do them on earth but My Own Volition, as a magnet, brings them back into their Source and gives birth to them in Heaven - Living in My Will is praiseworthy and a continuous Prodigy; it is the bearer of all Goods, the Seed which multiplies to the Infinite - and It's Fecundity is unreachable. Therefore, It is longed for by earth and by all of Heaven. It is the Victory of God over the creature and It is the soul winning over her Creator. How beautiful it is to see the Greatness of the Supreme Being, the Eternal Majesty and the smallness of the creature singing Victory and in virtue of this Divine Will, they compete - the Great and the small, the Strong and the weak, the Rich and the poor - and both come forth Victorious. Thus, I greatly long for My Divine Will to be known, that It's Kingdom come, so the creature can win and put herself on equal footing with Me. Without My Will reigning in the creature, that cannot happen and there will always be a certain distance between Me and the creature. She will be the loser and will never be able to rejoice and sing victory. The Work of Our Hands will not have Our Likeness.
V. 21 - 5/24/1927 - My daughter, eact Act which the Divine Will does in union with the soul forms a Divine Life because, being Divine, It cannot help but form a Divine Life in Its Acts. In this way, in the soul where My Will reigns and as the soul works, speaks, thinks, throbs, etc., My Divine Volition Works, Its Words, Its Thoughts and Its Heartbeats flow into those of the creature to first form Its Acts, Its Word and then to give a Place to Its Divine Life. Thus in everything that the soul does, so many Divine Lives spring forth from her in such a way as to fill Heaven and earth with many Images of Divine Lives. The soul becomes the duplicator, the bilocator, of the Divine Life. My Will is no less powerful in the soul where It reigns with the Power of Iis Sovereignty, than It is in the Bosom of the Three Divine Persons. Therfore, possessing the bilocating virtue not only forms in the soul as many Divine Lives as she wants but It forms her Heaven, Sun, Seas of Love, Flowered Yards and makes the soul say to her God: You have given me Heaven and I give It to You in return; You have given me the Sun and I give It to You also; Seas and Flowered Yards You have given me and Seas and Flowered Yards I give to You. All that You have done for me in the Creation and Redemption, Your Will repeats in me in such a way that I can give to You all that You have given to me. Oh, Power of My Will - what can It not do in the soul where It reigns? Where It reigns, It delights in placing the soul on par with Us because It knows that It is Our Will to want the creature similar to Our Image and as Our faithful executioner, the creature carries Our Will out and We call this creature where Our Supreme Fiat reigns: Our Glory, Our Love and Our Virtue. And only with Our Volition can the soul become as such; without It, there is a great distance between the Creator and the creature. Thus, I love it greatly when the Divine Volition reigns in the soul, making way for the field of action where Our Will can bilocate Our Works, Our Lives and elevate the creature to the Purpose for which she was created. The creature came forth from Our Volition, so it is only right that she walk in the steps of Our Will and that she return to her Creator by that same path from which she came forth, all Beautiful and enriched by the Prodigies of Our Eternal Fiat.
V.21 - 5/26/1927 - ...All the great Nations live shouldering great debts; if they had no debts, they could not live. And is spite of all this, they still make merry, they don't economize in anything - they are forming plans for war and taking on enormous expenses. Can't you see yourself the great blindness and folly into which they have fallen? And you little child, would like My Justice to not strike them...
V. 22 - 6/1/1927 - If you know the great dfference in Glory, in Beauty, in Happiness that exists between one who upon dying, brings Light from the earth, together with the seeds of many happinesses and one who only receives it from his Creator... There is such distance as to surpass the distance between Heaven and earth. Oh! if mortals knew the great Good they acquire by knowing a great Good, a Truth and by making It their own blood in order to absorb it in their own lives, they would compete among themselves, they would forget about everything in order to know one Truth - and would lay down their lives to put It into practice. While Jesus was saying this, I saw the blessed soul of father (Fr. Di Francia Annibale) before me, near by bed, invested with Light, suspended from the earth, fixing on me, but without telling me one word. I felt mute before him and Jesus added: Look at him, how transformed he is. My Will is Light and has transformed that soul into Light; It is beautiful and has given him all the shades of perfect Beauty; It is Holy and he has been Sanctifed. My Will possesses all Sciences and his soul has been invested by Divine Science. There is nothing My Will has not given him. Oh! if all understood what Divine Will means, they would put everything aside, they would care about doing nothing else and their whole commitment would be to do My Will alone...
V. 22 - 6/8/1927 - For one who does the Divine Will, all times and places are her own. How she takes Eternity in her power. How God loses nothing because He is Perfect in Loving - can be read
V. 22 - 6/12/1927 - Relations that exist between Creator and creature, between Redeemer and redeemed ones, between Sanctifier and sanctified ones. Who it is who will be able to read the Divine Characters -
V. 22 - 6/17/1927 - My daughter, even if the soul does not place this intention, everyone takes part in whatever is done in My Will - and much more do the Blessed, who live in the Unity of It.. My Will has Its current everywhere and with Its unifying strength, It brings to all, as Its Own Act, whatever the creature does in It. Only, there is this difference: that if the soul who operates in the Divine Will on earth places the intention of giving special Glory to those who live in the Celestial Fatherland, the Blessed hear Themselves being called from Heaven, in the Unity of My Will, by the one who wants to delight Them and Glorify Them more... ( also, she sees Father Annibale again who tells her of his surprises)
V. 22 - 6/20/1927 - Therefore, even from now, My Divine Fiat makes you extend your Love to the past, to the present and to the future, to give you the right that your Love may extend everywhere and to all times and it may never cease to Love. Here is the great difference between one who lives in My Will and one who lives outside of It.
V. 22 - 6/26/1927 - How all the things of God have equal weight. How everything that God did in Creation is beaded with His Love and this is felt by one who lives in the Divine Will - can be read @
V. 22 - 6/29/1927 - My daughter, I do not look at what you do externally but I look at whether the fount of your interior is full of My Love - and so much as to overflow outside of your external acts... - My daughter, for one who lives in My Divine Will, all things become My Will; in everything she does, touches and sees, she touches, sees and does My Will and she will feel the Sanctity of the Intelligence of the Divine Life invest her and flow within her mind...
V. 22 - 7/1/1927 - Now, My daughter, the Work of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat is the greatest Work and while It holds hands with the Work of Redemption because of the Divine Glory and the Good and Sanctity It will bring to creatures, It surpasses the very Redemption. This is why great sacrifices, innumerable pains and sorrows, incessant prayers are needed...
V. 22 - 7/16/1927 - My daughter, onw who lives in My Will has the wideness, the capacity to be able to enclose all the Acts of God within herself, therefore, becoming the Depository of the Divine Will. And because of this, God finds in that soul the whole of Himself with all His Acts. Therefore, everything - everything is Sacred in her, everything is Holy, everything is Light and Beauty; she possesses Perfect Balance, Divine Order; and I find in her the Glory of My Sanctity, of My Light, of My Rare Beauty. I look at her and I find My Reflections, My Dearest Image created by Me, as wanted by Me; and in the excess of My Love, I keep repeating: How beautiful you are - My Will has enclosed everything in you. The Creation is a pale image of you; you are more refulgent than the sun, you are more adorned than the heavens, you are lovelier than the flowery fields. You are all beautiful because the Power of My Divine Volition invests you - is your Life - Behold then, the living in My Will is the true transmission of the Divine Life to the creature
V. 22 - 7/21/1927 - My daughter, I do like the Love of Heaven but that of the earth I like more. That of the earth is always new for Me, it is new gains that I make, new Glory. On the other hand, that of Heaven, I already possess, no one can take it away form Me - it is all My Own thing. But that of the earth,I am in the act of acquiring and many times I lose the new gains I should make because souls do not always give Me the Love and the Glory they should give Me...
V. 22 - 7/26/1927 - My daughter, My Divine Will has Its triumph in you and this is why It squeezes you, drop by drop, under Its Divine press, so that not even a drop of your will may be left in you. - My Divine Will has two characters: unshakeable firmness and incessant Act. This is why, when the soul has given herself to It, Its Work is incessant...
V. 22 - 7/30/1927 - ...The interior acts are wounds, darts, arrows to the Divine Bosom, they are Celestial Messengers, which are released from the creature and fly to her Creator, bringing the mark of Glory of Love and of pleasing only the One Who had created her. In fact, who sees, who listens to, who appreciates all the things you do in your interior? No one. I alone am witness to them, listen to them, appreciate them. This is why in Our greatest Works, We choose souls who show nothing great and marvelous on the outside, but interior souls, who are unblemished either by human views or by the clamorous noise, the glory, the self-esteem which the external works bring...
V. 22 - 8/4/1927 - ...Now, as My Will beats in the soul, It beats and gives Divine Live, It beats and gives Its incessant motion, Its strength which is never exhausted; It beats and gives Its inextinguishable Light. How beautiful it is to see the continuous beating of My Will in the creature. It is the greatest Miracle that exists between Heaven and earth, it is the perfect Order between Creator and creature... - My daughter, My Word is Life and when I speak, I must see whether this Life can have Life in the creature; and it is enouh for Me to see even one single creature disposed, to release this Divine Life from Myself, within My Word, This is why many times I do not speak because I do not see anyone disposed to live the Life of My Word...
V. 22 - 8/9/1927 - My daughter, in order to form a greater light, it takes more heat. Light and heat are inseparable from each other. If there is light, there must be heat because the nature of light is heat... Now, one who does My Will and lives in It, receives the Life of Light and of Heat from her Creator; and as the soul thinks about My Divine Will, she forms the Heat -, as she walks on It's Ways, she multiplies the Heat; as she speaks about It, she adds more Heat - and the Light becomes brighter, stronger and extends and expands more, So, there is not one part of her being which does not spread Rays of vivifying Light since she possesses the source of the Life of Light which is My Supreme Fiat...
V. 22 - 8/15/1927 - How all created things possess the Unity of the Divine Will. Difference between the test of Adam and that of Abraham - @
V. 22 - 8/12/1927 - ...You seek nothing for yourself and you go round and round, asking over and over again that My Divine Will be known and that It Dominate and Reign. Not a shadow of what is human enters into this nor any personal interest; it is the Holiest and most Divine Prayer and Act; it is Prayer of Heaven, not of the earth, and therefore the purest, the most beautiful, the invincible one which encloses only the Interest of the Divine Glory. Until now, no one has prayed Me with such insistence. My Mama did pray Me with such insistence for the sake of Redemption and She was victorious; but for the Kingdom of My Will - no one until now with such insistence as to conquer a God... - My daughter. water, fire and blood will unite together and will make Justice. All the nations are taking up arms to make war and this irritates Divine Justice more and disposes the elements to take revenge against them. Therefore, the earth will pour out fire, the air will send fountains of waters and the wars will form fountains of human blood in which many will disappear and cities and regions will be destroyed. What wickedness - after so many evils of a war they have gone through, they are preparing another one, more terrible and they are trying to move almost the entire world, as if it were one single man. Does this not say that sin has entered deep into their bones to the point of transforming their very nature into sin?...
V. 22 - 8/28/1927 - ...This is the reason for all My Cares to make My Divine Will known - that It may Reign and Dominate. Everything will be given to Its children because they alone will remove the characters of Sorrow and will place the characters of Joy, of Glory, of Happiness in all created things because they will receive Divine Will through them...
V. 22 - 9/4/1927 - My daughter, the littlest motion, even the littlest breath done in the Divine Will, is all of God; and because it is His Own, He finds in it everything that is His. In the Act done in My Divine Fiat, He finds Divine Sanctity, He finds His Light, He finds His Goodness, His Love, His Power; that Act lacks nothing of what belongs to God. Therefore, they can be called Divine Acts, which are the most beautiful, the Holiest and the most welcome; and before these Acts, all other acts, as good as they may be, lose their valuse, their taste and can never please Me...
V. 22 - 9/8/1927 - How all Creation is fixed in God and is the Relator of the Supreme Being. The Sorrow in a Divine Way in Jesus and in Mary. Meaning of the forty days in the desert - can be found in @
V. 23 - 9/17/1927 - My daughter, I suffer for the great Sorrow of My Will, My Humanity suffered, It had its cross but Its Life was brief on earth; instead, My Will's Life in the midst of creatures is long, as it is already six thousand years and will last yet...
V. 23 - 10/10/1927 - How the Divine Will is manifold in His Acts, while He is One. How He remains conceived in one who lives in Him. How for one who lives in the Divine Will, the earth is not exile but it is exile for who doesn't do the Will of God - @
V. 23 - 10/10/1927 - How created powers are not able to neither embrace nor exhaust the uncreated Power, not even the Virgin nor the Humanity of Our Lord Itself. How the Divine Will possesses the incessant and always new Act and holds the Virtue of always making things new. Example. How He waits for His Kingdom in order to communicate this new Act as completion of His Glory -- can be read @
V. 23 - 1/6/1927 - Who lives in the Divine Will doesn't descend from her origin and is owed the State of Queen; instead who lives outside of Him, lives in the state of servant. Difference that the Kingdom of the Redemption carries to the one and the other. How in every Truth races within a Divine Life -
V. 23 - 11/10/1927 - The soul alone with Jesus and Jesus alone with her and how He alone enjoys her. Order and Harmony of the Creation; how every created thing had to undergo the action of Adam. God first Model of Creation, Adam the Second and Third, who must make the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat return -
V. 23 - 1/18/1928 - ...Now what I manifest on My Divine Will and that you write, one can call the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will; nothing opposes itself neither to the Sacred Writings nor to the Gospel that I announced being upon the earth, rather One can call One the support of the Other...
V. 23 - 1/29/1928 - My daughter, you thank Me for what I have made you write what regards My Will, Doctrine all of Heaven and It holds the Virtue of communicating the palpitating and all Celestial Life of He(Divine Will) to who reads these writings. My Will is palpitating in the midst of creatures, alive but suffocated by the human volition; these writings will make His Heartbeat felt so strongly that It will suffocate the human volition and will take His first place of Life for who waits for Him because My Will is the Heartbeat and the Life of all Creation. Therefore the Value of these writings is immense; they contain the Value of a Divine Will; if they might have been written of Gold, they would exceed with great length to the great Value that in themselves they contain; these writings are Suns impressed with characters of the most radiant Light in the Walls of the Celestial Country and they form the most beautiful ornament of those Walls of the Eternal City in which all the Blessed remain enraptured and surprised in reading the characters of the Supreme Will. Therefore, greater Grace I could not do in these times than to transmit the characters of the Celestial Country through you means to creatures that will bring the Life of Heaven in their midst...
V. 23 - 2/28/1928 - How God holds in Heaven the Hiearchy of the Angels with Nine Distinct Choirs, thus will He hold the Hierarchy of the Children of His Kingdom with Nine Other Choirs. Conditions of the deceased Confessors and how the memory of Padre di Francia will not be hidden in this Work -
V. 23 - 3/11/1928 - ...The human will is the Life or the death of creatures, her happiness or her tyranny and misfortune in which she is thrown, her Good Angel Who leads her to Heaven or transforming herself into a demon precipitates her to hell; all the evil is in the will as also all the good because it is as font of Life, mass in the creature that can gush forth joys, happiness, sanctity, peace, virtue or also cast from herself fountains of troubles, of miseries, of sins, of wars that destroy all goods...
V. 24 - 3/19/1928 - ...All, even those who are said to be more good, feel that something necessary is lacking to them; they feel that their works are not complete and everyone longs for another good but they themselves don't know what it is. It is the fullness and the totality of My Divine Fiat that is missing in their acts and therefore their works are as though halved because only with My Will and in My Will can one do complete works. Therefore, It yearns to be known in order to bring It's Life and fulfillment to the works of It's creatures; more so, since I am preparing great events - sorrowful and prosperous; chastisements and Graces; unforeseen and unexpected wars - everything in order to dispose them to receive the Good of the Knowledge(s) of My Fiat. And if they let Them sleep without casting Them into the midst of creatures, they will render the events which I am preparing fruitless. What an account will they not have to give Me? With these Knowledge(s) I am preparing the renewal and the restoration of the human family. Therefore, on your part, don't place any obstacle and continue to pray that the Kingdom of My Divine Will may come soon.
V. 24 - 3/25/1928 - My daughter, you must know that as man withdrew from Our Will, Our Paternal Goodness withdrew Its operating Life from the midst of creatures. This is why they have been able to say very little about It - because the Sea of the Operating Light of My Divine Fiat was not flowing in them as Lfe, because ungratefully, they had rejected It. And out of Highest Goodness, We left them the Good of being able to follow the orders of Our Will - not the Life - in which they could hope for the sake of their salvation because without It, there is neither salvation nor sanctity. But Our Paternal Goodness, Our Will and Our Love desired, longed for - strongly yearned for Its return as operating Life into the midst of creatures. We saw that they could not reach the perfect purpose of Creation nor form the Image wanted by Us completely in Our Likeness, just as We created them - without the operating Life of Our Fiat because Our Fiat is the Prime Act of the creature and if It is missing in her, she remains disordered, adulterated because she lacks the Prime Act of her existence...
V. 24 - 4/1/1928 - It can be said that one who is not tested has no value - neither before God nor before men, nor before himself. God cannot trust a man without a test and man himself does not know what strength he possesses. If Adam had passed the test, all human generations would have been confirmed in his state of Happiness and of Royalty. In the same way, I Mself, loving these children of My Divine Will with a Love all special, wanted to go through the test for all in My Humanity, reserving for them the one test of never allowing them to do their will but only and always My Will, so as to reconfirm for them all the Goods needed in order to live in the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. With this, I closed all exit doors for them; I anointed them with an invincible strength in such a way that nothing else will be able to enter the very high fences of My Kingdom. In fact, when I command that something should not be done, it is a door that I leave, through which the human will can make it's exit; it is an opportunity that the creature always has, by which she can go out of My Will. But when I say: from here there is no exit, all doors remain closed, her weakness if fortified and the only thing that is left to her is the decision to enter, never to go out again - or not to enter at all. Therefore, in order to live in the Kingdom of My Will there will only be the decision - the decision will carry the accomplished act. Am I not doing the same with you? Do I not cry out constantly from the depth of your heart: nothing dare enter but My Will alone? As center of Life, with It's Omnipotent Strength, with It's dazzling Light, My Will keeps everything outside of you; and eclipsing everything It makes It's Prime Motion of Life flow in all of your acts and It dominates and regins as Queen.
V. 24 - 4/4/1928 - So, after about two thousand years of cure, it is just and decorous for Us and for man that he no longer be sick but that he be healthy again so as to enter into the Kingdom of Our Will. This is why the Knowledges about It were needed - so that Our Creative Power which speaks and creates, speaks and communicates, speaks and transforms, speaks and wins, might speak and make new horizons, new suns for as many Knowledges as It manifests in such a way as to form so many sweet enchantments that, amazed, the creatre will be conquered and invested by the Light of My Eternal Will. In fact, nothing else is needed for Its Kingdom to come but the two wills kissing each other, one dissolving within the other, My Will, giving and the human will, receiving. Therefore, just as My Word was enough to create the Universe, It will be enough to form the Kingdom of My Fiat... - Knowledge is the bearer of the Life of Our Act and of the possession of Our Goods for creatures. Therefore, the Knowledges about My Will have the Virtue of forming It's Kingdom in their midst because this has been Our Purpose in manifesting Them...
V. 24 - 4/29/1928 - ...But since one who lives in My Will absolutely cannot go to Purgatory and the Universe will remain in It's place and My Will, will have the triumph of bringing to Heaven the one who had lived in It on this earth of exile.
V. 24 - 5/26/1928 - And I: My beloved Jesus, who knows when this Kingdom will come! And He: My daughter, in order for Redemption to come, it took four thousand years because the people that prayed and longed for the future Redemer was smaller, of limited humber. But those who belong to My Church are more peoples and - oh, how much greater in number that that one! herefore, the number will shorten the time; more so, since Religion is making It's way everywhere and this is nothing but the preparation of the Kingdom of My Divine Will - See then, how many Gifts My Will has given you; how many Knowledges about Itself, It has made known to you! They are such and so many, that you yourself cannot count Them.
V. 24 - 6/12/1928 - Then, with a more tender emphasis, He added: My daughter, Power I do not lack - neither do I lack Will; therefore, it is I Who must lift again decayed man and restore him because the human will rendered the Work of Our Creative hands a wreck... - My daughter, My Will can do anything - and without changing method from the way I created man from nothing, so It can draw the new man from his miseries - and without changing method from the way in which We created him. Leaving him his free will, We will use another Loving device: The Light of Our Will, will unleash It's most Refulgent Rays more powerfully; It will draw near him in such a way as to look at his human will face to face, which will receive the enchantment of a penetrating Light that, while dazzling it, draws it sweetly to Itself. And the human will, attracted by a Light so Radiant and of rare Beauty, will have the desire to see what is so beautiful in this Light. In looking, it will undergo the enchantment, it will feel happy and will love -not being forced, but spontaneously - to live in Our Will... - Now, the condition in which poor humanity finds itself is still that of a poor ill one and I am waiting for My Will to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures, for It will give them true Health, Royal Garments and a Beauty worthy of Me. Then will I form again the true and original Marriage.
V. 24 - 8/2/1928 - ...If you knew how many Graces and Lights I keep prepared for those whom I disposed to occupy themselves with Them! They will be the first to feel the Balm, the Light, the Life of My Fiat. Look at how I keep in My Hands, prepared, the Clothes, the Food, the Ornaments, the Gifts for those who must occupy themselves with Them. But I am looking to see who the true disposed ones are, so as to invest them with the prerogatives that are needed for a Work so Holy, which I so much Love and want them to do. However, I must also say to you: "Woe to those who are opposed or might place obstacles! "...
V. 24 - 8/18/1928 - ...My daughter, for as many Truths as I have manifested to you about My Will, so many Divine Lives of My Will have I put out for the Good of creatures. Now, these Lives exist and are so many as to be able to fill the whole world with Life of Divine Will and to bring the Good They contain into the midst of creatures. But since They are not known, They live hidden, inactive, without bringing the Good that each Truth possesses. They are all in waiting - waiting with Divine Patience for those who would open the doors to let Them out. This will be done by those who will occupy themselves with making known to the world that these Lives exist; and by opening the doors to them, they will place Them on Their way into the midst of creatures, so that each of Them may perform Its Office and hold out the Light and the Good It possesses. In fact, now these Truths have feet but cannot walk; hands, but cannot operate; a mouth but cannot speak. What account will I not ask of those who keep so many Lives inactive? Look at Them, My daughter - how They are all in the Act of wanting to walk, to operate, to speak; but since they do not make Them known, it is as if they had no feet, hands and voice. I(Luisa) looked, and oh! how touching it was to see the number of these Lives, which was so great that I could not count Them, all in the Act of wanting to move, to speak and to bend down over each creature, so as to hold out Their Hands to them, let them hear Their Lesson and offer to them the Kiss and the Good of the Divine Fiat.
V. 24 - 8/12/1928 - Then, He continued sying: Therefore, My daughter, the Life of one who lets My Adorable Will live in her is so precious and striking to Me and of a Beauty so rare, that it is impossible to find one similar to her. I see nothing but Our Works come out of her...
V.24 - 9/24/1928 - My daughter, Our usual - way is to give the Truths We want to manifest sip by sip because the creature is incapable of receiving, all at once, all of Our Truths within her soul. At the same time, We do this in order to let the Life of the Truth We have manifested mature within her - Don't you know that what regards My Divine Will and It's Kingdom is nothing but the continuation of Creation - the narration which was to be made to man, had he not sinned, and had he possessed My Kingdom of the Fiat? But since he rejected My Divine Will, he interrupted the narrration of the Story of My Will; more so, since My Will no longer had reason to continue it because man no longer possessed It's Kingdom. Now, after so many centuries, My Will has resumed It's narration to make Itself known - a sign that It wants to give It's Kingdom. So, what I manifest to you about My Divine Will is nothing but the continuation - continuing from the beginning of Creation in order to narrate the Life of the Divine Will.
V. 25 - 11/20/1928 - My daughter, dearest daughter of My Will, one who is daughter of It is in possession of the perennial day which knows no night. Everything is Light for one who lives in My Will; her properties are Light, Beauty, Joy and Happiness. And this is nothing, in fact, by giving Our Will to the creature, We render her the owner of Our Very Selves and We place Ourselves at her disposal. We let her do and win whatever she wants because it is not a human will that dominates Us - no, but Our Own Volition which has bilocated Itself in the creature and therefore her doing, speaking and winning is not looked upon by Us as something extraneous to Us but as Our Own Thing; and We enjoy in letting her speak, do and win, more so, since she wins Us and We win her... - Therefore, greater thing than Our Will I could not give to man in creating him because with It could he reach wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted, to the point of becoming the dominator of what belongs to Us - We did not do this in creating other things - they are dominated by Us nor can they do what they want; their rights are limited. Indeed, in creating man, there was a more intense ardor of Love and in this ardor of Love, the All fused Himself in the nothing and the nothing received his Life again in the All. And in order to keep him more safe, We gave him Our Divine Will as his Inheritance so that one might be the will...
V. 25 - 12/2/1928 - And so, this is why all My Aims, My Cares and My Interests are in making My Divine Will known and in making It reign in the midst of creatures; then will each creature be a living Tabernacle of Mine - not mute but speaking; and I will no longer be alone but I will have My perennial company. And with My Divine Will bilocated in them, I will have My Divine Company in the creature. So, I will have My Heaven in each one of them because the Tabernacle of My Divine Will possesses My Heaven on earth.
V. 25 - 12/13/1928 - How all created things possess a dose of happiness. How the privation of Jesus makes life rise again - @
V. 25 - 12/14/1928 - The Tree of the Divine Will. The Single Act of God. One who lives in the Divine Will forms the echo in all created things -
V. 25 - 12/21/1928 - ...Therefore, you cannot comprehend the Joy that I experience, the Happiness I feel and the Inerest I take in Illuminating, in Offering My very Word, My very Heart, to one who occupies himself with making My Divine Will known. My Interest is so great, that I envelop him within Myself and, I Myself overflowing outside of him, I take the floor and I Myself speak about My Will Operating in Love. Do you think it is your Confessor that speaks in these evenings in which he is speaking in public about the Nine Excesses of My Love? It is I Who take his heart in My Hands and make him speak.
V. 25 - 12/29/1928 - Mute heavens and suns; speaking heavens and suns. How God resumes His Creation. How Heaven will no longer be foreign to the earth -
V. 25 - 1/1/1929 - Pages of her life which will form an epoch. The Gift that Jesus wants. The Circumcision. Decision on the part of God; He is waiting for the decision of creatures - can be read @
V. 25 - 1/6/1929 - Crowd of people who did not reach the proper stature because they went out of the inheritance of the Divine Fiat. Wherever the Divine Fiat is present, there is the Communicative Strength of the Divine Goods - ( a must read )
V. 25 - 1/13/1929 - The Prophets; how the Kingdom of Redemption and that of the Fiat hold hands. Necessity that what regards the Kingdom of the Divine Will be known - can be read @
V. 25 - 2/3/1929 - You must know that the Angels, the Saints, the Sovereign Queen, are all one piece; their beings are nothing other than One single Act of Divine Will. Therefore, nothing but Divine Will appears in each of Them... - My poor and little mind swims in the most bitter pain of the privation of my sweet Jesus and feeling I am almost without Him, nore than ever I feel like longing for my Celestial Fatherland. Oh! how bitter is the earth without Jesus.
V. 25 - 2/17/1929 - My daughter, you must know that in My Divine Will, there is the Permissive Act and the Wanted Act. In the fall of Adam there was the Permissive Act but not the Wanted Act; and in the Permissive Act, the Light, the Heat and the multiplicity of Colors of My Divine Will place Themselves aside and remain untouchable, without meddling in the human act. On the other hand, in the Wanted Act, they form one Single Act and One Single Thing. Does the light of the sun become stained because it passes over rubbish? Certainly not. Light remains always light and rubbish remains rubbish. On the contrary, the light triumphs over everything and remains untouchable by anything, regardless of whether they rample over it or whether it invests the dirtiest things; because things extraneous to light do not enter its life of light. My Divine Will is more than light; like light, It flows in all human acts but It remains untouchable by all the evils of creatures and only those who want to be Light, Heat and Colors - that is, those who want to live only and always of Divine Will - can enter into It; anything else does not belong to It.
V. 25 - 3/3/1929 - My daughter, the creation of man was the most beautiful, the most solemn Act of the whole Creation. In the fullness of the ardor of Our Creating Love, Our Fiat created in Adam all other creatures and remained always in the Act of creating and of renewing over each creature what We did over the first man. In fact, all of his descendents were to have their origin from him. And so, Our Divine Volition took on the commitment, as creatures would come out to the light, to renew Our Outpourings of Love, to put all of Our Divine Qualities and to make new displays of Beauties, of Graces, of Sanctity, of Love over each one of them. So, each creature was to be a new Feast for us - the well-issued one, the welcomed one and the happy increase in the Celestial Family... - My daughter, the sign that a soul possesses My Will is her feeling herself the Dominator of herself in such a way that her passions do not dare move before the Light of My Fiat; they feel impotent to act, as if they had no life. In fact, the Power and Sanctity of My Will knocks everything down and over the very miseries of the human will, It lays It's light, It's Sanctity and the most beautiful Flowerings in a way as to admirably convert miseries themselves into fecund and blessed earth which knows not how to produce thorns any more but Celestial Flowers, sweet and mature Fruits. And the Dominion of this fortunate creature is so great that she feels the owner of God Himself, of creatures and of all created things. She has a charming Virtue, such that whoever has the good of knowing her, feels so bound as to be unable to be away from her. It is the Power of My Fiat, enclosed within her, charms God, Who feels happy to remain enclosed in her; and It charms creatures because they feel the balsamic Fragrance of My Divine Fiat that brings true Peace and true Good into their hearts.
V. 25 - 3/8/1929 - ...In fact, My Will has a continuous Act to give to creatures and when they have not done My Will, these Acts died for them; and one who lives in It has the Virtue of vivifying Them and of keeping Them alive - So, the heavens contain one sound, each star has its distinct sound, the sun has another and so with all the rest. These sounds are nothing other than the participation in the harmony which My Divine Will possesses - Oh! if all creatures would let themselves be nourished by the Breath of My Omnipotent Fiat, all evils would no longer have life in them - My daughter, with One Single Act, My Fiat produces many effects, sustaining the whole Creation.
V. 25 - 3/25/1929 - How the Creation runs a vertiginous race toward Its Creator. One who lives in the Divine Will is inseparable from It. Order which Jesus has kept in manifesting the Truths about the Divine Will. Renewal of the Creation. Importance of the Truths - @ ( a must read )
V. 25 - 3/31/1929 - ...See then, if the soul decides always - always to do My Divine Will and to live in It, she will change her destiny and My Divine Will, will fling Itself upon the creature; It will make her It's prey and giving her the Kiss of Creation, It will change appearance and manner. Clasping her to It's Bosom, It will say to her: Let us put everything aside, the first times of Creation have come back for you and for Me; everything will be happiness between you and Me and you will live in Our House, as Our daughter in the abundance of the Goods of your Creator.
V. 25 - 4/4/1929 - How the first who will live in the Divine Fiat will be like the Yeast of the Kingdom of the Divine Will - ( a must read )
V. 26 - 4/16/1929 - My daughter, each act done in My Divine Will doubles My Love for you. Therefore, after so many years you have been in It, I can say that My Love has grown so much, that I have to expand your capacity so as to allow you to receive My growing Love which arises in Me in each act you do in My Divine Will. Therefore, My Love is more intense and increased a hundredfold compared to that of before. So, you can be sure that My Love will never be lacking to you - never
V. 26 - 4/21/1929 - How the Divine Will is Fullness. How Adam; before sinning, possessed the Fullness of Sanctity. The Virgin and all created things possess this Fullness - can be read @
V. 26 - 4/28/1929 - ...Therefore, so that man may return to his place of Honor and enter once again to operate together with his Creator and they may amuse themselves together, there are no means other than his re-entering into Our Fiat so that It may bring him to Us triumphantly into Our Arms which are waiting for him to clasp him tightly within Our Womb and say to him: Finally, after six thousand years you have come back...
V. 26 - 5/4/1929 - My little daughter, if you knew what a continuous Act in My Will means... This Act is incomprehensible to the created mind. The creature is the bilocater of Our continuous Act, she enters into Our Act and makes arise and puts out Our rare Beauty, Our invincible Love, Our Power that can do anything, Our Immensity that embraces everything, and showing them to all, she would like to say to all: "Look Who is our Creator." And We let her do it and We enjoy in seeing that the littleness of the creature wants to give Us Our Paradise and Our Divine Being, as Ours and as her own. What can one who lives in Our Fiat not do and not give to Us? Anything! More so since, because this happy creature is on earth, by virtue of her free will, she possesses the conquering Virtue which not even the Saints in Heaven possess; and with It she can conquer and multiply whatever good she wants. And Our Will, which keeps her within Itself, renders her the conqueror of Our Divine Being.
V. 26 - 5/16/1929 - How the Knowledges about the Divine Will are the Army; the Acts done in It, the Weapons; Its Light, the Royal Palace; the Ministry, the Sacrosanct Trinity. Divine Ardor for establishing Its Kingdom. Divine need; the Sorrow of Its Secrets - can be read @ ( a must read)
V. 26 - 5/25/1929 - Power of one who lives in the Divine Fiat. Virtue of the Acts done in It. How all generations hung upon the Acts done by Adam -
V. 26 - 5/28/1929 - Everty time Jesus has spoken about His Will, the Heavens have lowered Themselves. The Feast of all Heaven. The Divine Will, Crown of Creation and Redemption. Sorrow of Jesus because the Divine Fiat is not known - can be read @ ( a must read )
V. 26 - 5/31/1929 - How true Love needs an outpouring. Creation was an outpouring of Love, as well as Redemption and Divine Fiat. What a Divine outpouring means @
V. 26 - 6/9/1919 - Accounts with Jesus. The soul, Bank of the Divine Will. Unforgettable memories. Eden - @
V. 26 - 6/19/1929 - The Divine Will and the operating Life of It in the creature. Difference between one who lives in the Fiat and one who does not -
V.26 - 6/27/1929 - My daughter, how great is the Sea of My Will. It has no beginning and no end, therefore, the littleness of the creature can neither cross It nor embrace It all. However, one who lives in It finds herself on the way in the center of the Sea, as it will never be given to her to go out from within It's center because she will find neither a shore or a boundary of It. On the contrary, in the front and in the back, on the right and on the left, she will find nothing but Sea of Divine Will and for each Act that she emits in It, she is given a Divine Right back. In fact, since her Act has been done within and together with My Divine Volition, with Divine Justice, It communicates to the soul the right of the Divine Light, the Right of It's Sanctity, of It's Beauty, of It's Goodness, of It's Love. She lives in the Sea of My Will by Right - not as a stranger but as the Owner because she has her Acts changed into Divine Rights which have rendered her the Conqueror of My Divine Will. And if you knew how much We delight, how happy We feel in seeing the littleness of the creature living in the Sea of Our Volition - not as a stranger but as the Owner, not as servant but as Queen; not as poor but as Immensely rich and rich in Our Conquests which she has made in Our Fiat. Therefore, one who lives in Our Divine Volition will feel within herself, by Right, the Dominion of Light, the Dominion of Sanctity, the Dominion of Beauty and of making herself as beautiful as she wants. She has Goodness at her disposal, Love as the substance of her Acts, My Divine Will as her own Life - and completely her own; and all this by Divine Right, given by Our very Selves.
V. 26 - 7/18/1929 - ...What this is about is that this Work of Mine is the Renewal of the whole Creation, It is the centralization of all of Our Works, It is to establish My Divine Will in the midst of creatures, operating and dominating in their midst. Whoever will know this, My Work, will be a Kingdom of Mine. Therefore, I will have as many Kingdoms for as many as are the ones who will know what I have done and said in the littleness of your soul; and, fused together, they will form one single Kingdom...
V. 26 - 7/24/1929 - How the Divine Will holds the Primary Act over all created things. It is like the Head over the members - @
V. 26 - 7/30/1929 - Difference between one who operates in a Saintly way in the human order and one who operates in the Divine Will. How, without It, one has the strength of a child. How all evil is of the human will - @
V. 26 - 8/3/1929 - When God decides to do Works which must serve for all, in His Ardor of Love, He puts everyone aside. How the Supreme Being possesses the inexhaustible vein @
V. 26 - 8/7/1929 - My daughter, the principal means in order to make My Divine Fiat reign upon earth are the Knowledges about It. The Knowledges will form the ways, will dispose the earth to become Its Kingdom; They will form the cities, will act as telegraphs, as telephone, as postal service, as trumpeters in order to communicate, city to city, nation to nation, the news, the important Knowledges about My Divine Will. And the Knowledges about It will cast into the hearts the hope, the desire to receive a Good so great. From here one cannot escape: a Good cannot be wanted nor received if It is not known and if It were received without knowing It, it is as if It were not received. Therefore, the foundations, the hope, the certainty of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, will be formed by the Knowledges of It. This is why I have told so many of Them - because they will be the Riches, the Nourishment and the new Suns, the new Heavens, which the people of the Kingdom of My Volition will possess. Now, when the Knowledges about My Fiat will make their way, disposing thoses who will have the Good of knowing Them, My more than Paternal Goodness, in order to show the excess of My Love, will place My very Humanity, all the Good I did, in each creature, at her disposal, in a way that they will feel such strength and Grace as to let themselves be dominated by My Divine Will. And My Humanity will be in the midst of the children of My Kingdom, like Heart in their midst, for the Decorum and the Honor of My Fiat, and as antidote, Grace and defense from all the evils which the human will has produced. The Ardor of My Love that wants It to reign is such and so great, that I will perform such excesses of Love as to win the most rebellious wills.
V. 26 - 9/8/1929 - The Birth of the Virgin was the rebirth of all humanity -
V. 26 - 9/20/1929 - How Jesus alone has sufficient Words in order to speak about the Divine Will. How the creature can say "I possess everything." How the Divine Will forms Its Paradise wherever It reigns. @ ( a must read )
V. 27 - 9/23/1929 - One who lives in the Divine Will, in her littleness, encloses the All and gives God to God. The Divine Prodigies - @
V. 27 - 9/28/1929 - The first Kiss, outpouring between Mother and Son. How all created things contain each its own outpouring. How for one who lives in the Fiat it is continuous Creation. Divine Contentment - @
V. 27 - 10/2/1929 - Only the Divine Will renders the creature happy; one prey to the other. One who does not have the true will to do a good is a poor cripple and God does not want to make use of him - @
V. 27 - 10/7/1929 - How the Divine Fiat is inseparable from Its Works. The terrible moment of the fall of Adam - @
V. 27 - 10/12/1929 - ...My daughter, even if My Mother had not been My Mother, only because She did the Divine Will perfectly and knew no other life and lived in the fullness of It, by virtue of Her continuous living In My Fiat, She would have possessed all the Divine Prerogatives - She would still be Queen, the most Beautiful of all creatures...
V. 27 - 10/15/1929 - ...Everything that was done in Creation is not completely known by creatures - the Love We had in creating It, how each created thing carries a note of Love, one distinct from the other, enclosing a special good for creatures, so much so, that their lives are bound in Creation with indissoluble bonds and if the creature wanted to withdraw from the goods of the Creation, she could not live... - My daughter, you must know that everything that My Divine Will has done both in Creation and in Redemption, It has done for Love of creatures...
V. 27 - 10/18/1929 - ...And then don't you know that one who lives in My Divine Fiat, forms two arms for herself? One is Immutability, the other arm is Firmness in operating continuously...
V. 27 - 10/21/1929 - Parallel between the coming of the Word upon the earth and the Divine Will - @ ( a must read )
V. 27 - 10/24/1929 - My daughter, in My Divine Will, the soul has everything in her power; there is nothing that Our Divinity has done, both in Creation and in Redemption, whose fount Our Divine Fiat does not possess. In fact, It disperses nothing of Our Acts, but rather, It is the depository of everything; and one who possess Our Divine Volition, possess the fount of My Conception, of My Birth, of My Tears, of My Steps, of My Works, of everything. Our Acts are never exhausted and as she remembers and wants to offer My Conception, My Conception is renewed as if I were being Conceived again; I rise again to new Birth; My Tears, My Pains, My Steps and Works rise again to new Life and repeat the great Good that I did in Redemption. So, one who lives in Our Divine Will is the repeater of Our Works because just as nothing in the Creation has been dispersed of what was created, so is everything of Redemption in act of arising continuously...
V. 27 - 10/27/1929 - Why the Kingdom of the Divine Will could not come before the coming of Jesus upon earth - The Graft of Jesus Christ and the Graft of Adam - can be read @ ( a must read )
V. 27 - 10/30/1929 - One who lives in the Divine Will can go around in all the Works of God and acquires the Divine Rights - @
V. 27 - 11/26/1929 - All that is Mine is yours. Even more, I do not want you to say to Me: "Your heavens, your sun, your many created things" but you must say to Me: "Our heavens, our sun, our Creation". In fact, in My Divine Will, you were creating with Me and continuing your life in It, you offered yourself together with Me in preserving It...
V. 27 - 11/30/1929 - Condition of man before sinning. How in each of his acts, he looked for God, he found his Creator, he gave and received. How the human will is night for the soul - can be read @
V. 27 - 12/3/1929 - Difference between the Sanctity founded in the Virtues and the One founded in the Divine Will - @
V. 27 - 12/18/1929 - Ardor of Love. Specialties of the Three Ardors of Love of Jesus. The Devouring Love and how It devoured all souls. Tears of Baby Jesus - @ ( a must read )
V. 27 - 12/22/1929 - How the greatest works cannot be done on one's own, for they would die at birth. The three Prisons of Jesus. The two Mamas - @
V. 27 - 12/29/1929 - How, in descending from Heaven, Jesus formed the new Eden. How the Divine Will has always been Queen - @
V. 27 - 1/7/1930 - ...Don't you know that one who must live in Our Divine Fiat must be a Nimbus of Heaven? Such that, as it lowers itself upon earth - but so much as to eliminate any distance - at that point of the earh there is the fortunate creature, one must see Heaven not earth. Nor would My Divine Will be without Its Heaven; It Itself would form It for Itself and the drapes of Heaven would lower themselves to pay homage to that Fiat from which they recognize their existence. Therefore, all the Blessed remain stupefied in seeing a Nimbus of Heaven upon earth; but this ceases immediately, when they see that Divine Will that forms their Heaven and all their happiness is present as reigning in that creature, precisely at that point where they can see that the drapes of Heaven, lowering themselves, surround that creature to sing the praises of My Supreme Fiat.
V. 27 - 1/10/1930 - ...Indeed, everyone belongs to Me by Bonds of Creation but there is a great difference from one who belongs to Me not only by Bonds of Creation but with Bond of fusion of wills - that is, Mine is her Sole and only Will. I can say that these belong to Me with Bonds of true Family of Ours because the will is the most intimate thing that can exist, both in God and in the creature; it is the essential part of life, it is the director, it is the dominator that has the virtue of binding, with inseparable Bonds, God and the creature; and from this inseparability, it can be recognized that she belongs to Our Divine Family...
V. 27 - 1/16/1930 - Little daughter of My Eternal Will, I want to make known that the Work of Creation, of Redemption and that of the Kingdom of Our Will are all Works of Our Supreme Fiat. It is the Fiat that took on the Operating Role and the Three Divine Persons took on the concurring role; but it was to Our Divine Fiat that We gave the task to create the Creation, to form the Redemption and to re-establish the Kingdom of Our Divine Will. In fact, in the Works that come out from within the Divnity, it is always Our Divine Volition that takes on the Active Role, though All of Our Divine Being concurs together; because Our Will has the Directing and Operating Value and Office of Our Works...
V. 27 - 1/26/1930 - How each Word spoken by Jesus on His Fiat is like a Child of His that comes out of His Womb and has the Communicatiive Strength to communicate Itself to all Creation. Empire of the Prayer done in the Divine Will - @
V. 27 - 2/6/1930 - My daughter, the effects of living in My Divine Will are admirable. My Fiat keeps the creature always turned towards Heaven and It makes her grow, not of earth, but of Heaven; and since My Will is One with My same Will Who operates in the creature, this same Will of Mine places the creature in order with her Creator and keeps manifesting to her Who the One is Who created her, how much He loves her and how He wants to be loved... - My Will has the Virtue of changing the nature of things - so, everything is Heaven for the creature who lives in My Divine Will; she grows for Heaven because the Heaven of My Divine Will reigns in her soul.
V. 28 - 2/26/1930 - No slavery exists where Our Will reigns but everything is ownership. Therefore, for as long as man lived in Our Divine Will, he didn't know slavery. When man sinned, withdrawing himself from Our Divine Volition, he lost the ownership and reduced himself in slavery. What a change! From son to servant! He lost the command over created things and became the servant of everything. By withdrawing from Our Divine Fiat, man felt himself shaken to the foundation and he felt his very person vacillating. He experienced what weakness is and he felt himself to be a servant of passions that made himself ashamed of himself. And he arrived to the point of losing his dominion. So, strength, light, grace and peace were no longer in his power like before. He had to beg his Creator for them with tears and prayers. Do you see then, what it means to live in My Diving Volition? To be owner. Whoever does his own will is servant - I will never take away man's free will...
V. 28 - 3/5/1930 - My daughter, do you know what "Unity of Divine Will" means? It means that everything beautiful, good and holy goes forth from inside of this sole Will. Of this sole Divine Will of Ours, one is It's Unity, one is It's Act. But while it is One, the Will, the Unity and the Act extend themselves everywhere. And because Our Divine Will extends Itself everywhere like inside of one sole breath, It does everything and gives Life to everything. Then, whoever lives in Our Divine Volition, fuses themselves in Our Unity and everything they do, does not go forth outside of Us but remains inside of Us. Instead, from whoever lives outside of Our Divine Volition, We feel the pain of his acts being torn away from inside of Our Will...
V. 28 - 4/1/1930 - What it means to enter in the First Act of the Divine Volition. The little drops that the creature forms in Its Sea of Light. God put as many Acts of Love in all created things for as many times that created things must serve the creature. Life needs food -
V. 28 - 4/18/1930 - When I want to Work a Good to all creatures, I put the Rising Fount in one creature. From this Fount, I open many channels and I give the right to everyone to take the Goods that the Fount possesses. Therefore, be attentive and make your flight in My Divine Will be continuous.
V. 28 - 4/23/1930 - In creating man, God did not detach man from Himself. Condition of necessity to Love man. The last assault. The Great Gift of the Divine Will. The Order that God had in creating man. @
V. 28 - 5/10/1930 - My daughter, all created things are happy; happy because they were created by a Divine Will, Who in Itself is Eternally Happy - Nothing created by Us has been created unhappy. So, everyone possesses the fullness of happiness - Without My Will, happiness cannot reign - So, all the Good of man was tied to Our Divine Will. Rejecting Our Divine Will, all the Goods finish; and there is no greater misfortune than that of not making oneself be dominated by My Divine Will because only It is the Conserver and the call of Our Goods in the creature.
V. 28 - 7/9/1930 - Value of the human will when it enters into the Divine Will. Fears because of authoritative judgements. Jesus's Responses and His Teachings -
V. 28 - 8/2/1930 - Here is the reason why some read the Truths about My Divine Will and don't understand what they read; even more so, they are confused: Because they lack the true will of wanting to know Them, It can be said that they lack the work to know Them, and without work, nothing is acquired nor do they merit such a great Good. And I, with Justice, deny them what I abundantly give to the humble and to those who long for the great Good of My Truths....
V. 28 - 8/12/1930 - Disheartenment doubles the weight of the pains. In what way Jesus visits us. Love was the first thing that moved the First Act in everything God did for creatures but the Divine Will gave Life to Love - @
V. 28 - 8/29/1930 - My daughter, crosses, incidents, mortifications, acts,the abandonment of creatures and everything that can be suffered for My Love are none other than little stones that mark the road that conducts to Heaven. So, at the point of death, the creature will see that everything that they suffered has been useful for them to form the road that marked with indelible ways and with immovable stones - the straight way that leads to the Celestial Fatherland. And, if in everything that My Providence disposed for the creatuer to suffer, they suffered in order to fulfill My Divine Will, to receive not the pain but an Act of Its Divine Life, the creature will form as many Suns for as many acts they have done and pains they have suffered that the creature's road will be seen marked with Suns to the right and to the left, which, taking the creature and investing them with Its Light, will conduct them to the Celestial Regions. Therefore, the many incidents of life are necessary because they will serve to form the road and outline the road to Heaven. If roads are not formed, it is difficult to go from one country to another. Much more so, to reach the Eternal Glory.
V. 28 - 9/20/1930 - You must know that I am the Divine Administor of My Fiat in the creature. And when I see the creature disposed to do My Will in everything, in each act that she does, I get ready to do the preparatory work...
V. 28 - 9/30/1930 - ...The molestations of weaknesses, the enemies of the passions and the tenacious thieves that make the creature fall headlong in sin - even to the point of making him fall headlong in the eternal darkness where there is no hope of light. What a difference there is between one who lives in the Light of My Divine Will and one who lives as imprisoned in his human will...
V. 28 - 11/24/1930 - There is no point where the Divine Will does not perform Its operating Act towards creature. Creatures receive the Effects of that Sole Act according to their dispositions. Jesus speaks of chastisements -
Creating Divine Lives
V. 29 - 2/15/1931 - How the Divine Life has need of Foods in order to grow in the creature. The creature with her Love forms in God Himself His Divine Life. How the Divine Love holds the Germ/Seed to generate continuous Life - @
V. 35 - 12/18/1937 - All that one does in the Divine Will acquires Life and these Lives swim and float in the Seas of Love in the Divine Volition -
V. 29 - 3/6/1931 - How only Jesus has been the Author of her state of sufferings and why they forced Him to permit a pause. How in God is absolute rest, outside of God, labor -
V. 29 - 3/23/1931 - How feeling one's own will is one thing, to want it is another. The most beautiful rest that the Divine Will wants to give. Triple acts in the act of the creature - @
V. 29 - 4/4/1931 - ...Now, if there is the beginning and the middle, there must be the end; The end of man is Heaven and for one who holds My Divne Will as beginning, all her Acts flow in Heaven as end where her soul must arrive and as beginning of her Beatitude that will never have an end. And if you will have My Divine Will as end, you will give Me the Glory and the exchange of the Love that I have prepared a Celestial Country for creatures for their Happy Sojourn.
V. 29 - 5/31/1931 - The Happiness of Jesus is to find His creature in the Divine Will. God plunges Himself in the creature and she in God. The tiny, little House of Nazareth @
V. 29 - 6/5/1931 - How it is necessary to make friends in the beautiful time. Sorrow of Jesus in the abandoment of the Apostles. The human will prison of the creature - @
V. 29 - 6/8/1931 - Pleasure of God when one remembers what He did in Creation. The repeated Acts form the food of the soul. How on earth it begins and in Heaven, it is completed - @
V. 29 - 7/2/1931 - How the Divine Will holds the Virtue to convert into nature, the Good that one does. The return of the work to its Creator. How the Creation holds a Determined Act, the creature a growing Act - @
V. 29 - 7/13/1931 - The Motion is sign of Life. The Passport in order to enter into the Kingdom of the Divine Will; the Language and the City of It. The Peacemaker between God and creatures - @ ( a must read )
V. 29 - 7/27/1931 - ...A good today yes and tomorrow no is a broken Love and the nature of Our Love is not adapted to an interrupted Love; It is Eternal and never says enough. Hence Adam, as he broke with Our Divine Will, he gambled away all the Creation and also Our Life in him. The offense is very great to remove oneself from Our Divine Will, that We put aside all Our Preparations, the great Good that We had put forth and We retired from man and with Us all the Creation remained offended. So that as Adam formed the breakup with Our Will, he offended the sky, the stars, the sun, the air that he breathed, the sea, the earth that he trod on, all felt offended because My Divine Will is as heartbeat and circulation of blood of all created things, therefore all felt the sorrow of the breakup of the human volition feeling the heartbeat touched from which they receive life and conservation. Now, if never may it be, there had been a breakup of will beween yours and Mine, I would have put aside My so many preparations in your soul, My so many Graces poured forth and I would have retired Myself putting you aside; if you continue to feel Me, it is a sign that My Will remains firm in you and yours remains at it's Post.
V. 29 - 8/3/1931 - ...But do you want to know what are Our most beautiful Gifts that We make the creature? To manifest to her a Knowledge of Our Supreme Being, a Truth that pertains to Us, one Secret of Ours, it is the most beautiful Gift that We make her; each of these Gifts is one more Bond that We put between her and Us; Our every Truth is a Property that We put in her soul. Behold therefore, that in the soul where Our Will reigns, We find Our Divine Foods, Our Property for how much it is possible for a creature, Our Residence; hence, We find Ourselves in Our House, in Our Center, in the midst of Our Properties. Do you see therefore what it means to make Our Will reign and the great Good to make you know Our Truths? Our every Knowledge carries, each one, It's distinct Gift: Some carry His Light, Some Fortitude, Some Goodness, Some Wisdom, Some Love and so on; each One of Them binds the creature in a special way to God and God to her. Therefore, know how to correspond to the many Gifts that your Jesus made you and live always in Our Volition.
V. 29 - 8/10/1931 - My daughter, human nature that lives without My Will is ugly because it was created by the Supreme Being in order to live united together with the Divine Fiat; so that with living without Him, a move happens in the human nature; in this move, the order, the strength, the love, the light, the sanctity, the reason itself is removed. All these beautiful dowries are there in the creature because they were put there by God as within a Sanctuary but they are out of their Post, all in disorder and since they remain outside their Post, one is against the other; the passions combat sanctity, weakness combats strength, human love combats the Divine, the creature, the Creator and so on. Human nature without the Divine Will transforms into ugly, it overturns itself and in it's disorder, it moves to war with its Creator...
V. 29 - 9/16/1931 - In Voluntate Dei ! Deo Gratias - Therefore, Heaven opens over working souls, the miraculous strength of the Light of My Divine Volition, not over idle souls but over those who labor, who sacrifice themselves, who love, who always hold something to do for Me. Rather you should know that the Beatitudes of Heaven re-pour themselves out over the earth and they go to dispose themselves in the soul who lives and works in My Will because they don't want to leave her deprived of Joys and Celestial Happiness while she forms one Will alone with Heaven. However, the Blessed, while they swim in Divine Joys, they acquire nothing of merit; instead for the wayfaring soul, they not only felicitate her but they add on merit because for one who does My Will on earth, everything is merit: the word, the prayer, the breath and the joys themselves convert into merit and into new acquistions.
V. 29 - 10/8/1931 - ...Then, there is no greater honor that you can give to all Heaven, than to offer their acts that they did on earth, for the noble, most high and sublime purpose than that the Kingdom of the Divine Will comes upon the earth...
V. 29 - 10/12/1931 - Now you should know that in Heaven one doesn't enter if one doesn't possess Our Divine Life or at least conceived or born; and such will be the Glory, the Beatitude of the Blessed for how much growth has been formed of Our Life in them. Now what will be the difference for one who has hardly let Him be conceived, be born or let grow with little proportions from one who has let Us form complete Life? So much will be the difference, that it is incomprehensible to the human creature. Those will be as the people of the Celestial Kingdom; instead Our Images will be as Princes, Ministers, the Noble Court, the Regal Army of the Great King. Therefore, one who does My Divine Will and lives in Him can say: I do all and I also belong from this earth to the Family of My Celestial Father.
V. 30 - 11/4/1931 - My little daughter, how much more you will abandon yourself in Me, so much more you will feel My Life in you and I will take the Post of Primary Life in your soul. You know that true trust in Me forms the arms of the soul and the feet in order to climb up even to Me and to press Me so very strongly as to not be able to release Myself from her. So that one who doesn't have trust has neither the arms nor feet, hence, she is a poor cripple. Therefore, your trust will be your victory over Me and I will hold you pressed in My Arms, attached to My Breast in order to give you the continuous Milk of My Divine Will... - I did nothing for Myself as I didn't have any need; I did everything in order to redo, to rehabilitate human wills. My only need was Love and that I wanted to be loved in return...
V. 30 - 11/9/1931 - My abandoment in the Divine Volition continues. Oh, with what tenderness He waits me in His Maternal Womb in order to say to me: Daughter of My Volition, do not leave Me alone. Your Mama wants you together wth Her. I want your company in the incessant Work I do for all creatures; I do everything for them, I don't leave them one instant because if I leave them, they would lose their life. And yet there isn't one who recognizes Me; rather they offend Me while I am all for them. Oh, hard solitude is! Therefore, I long for you, My daughter. Oh, how dear your company is to Me in My Acts! Company renders work sweet, it empties the weight of it and is bearer of new joys... - Now, God holds established all the acts of creatures and their number. Whence, the pledge of these acts, because established by God, become taken by My Divine Will; He orders them and introduces His Life within, but who gives completion to these acts established by the Supreme Being? One who cooperates and lets herself be dominated by the Divine Will; with the cooperation and with His Dominion, she feels the bond and the inseparability from Him, and feels flows there His Divine Life in her acts. While when she doesn't cooperate, she loses the Dominion of My Divine Will and instead of doing Mine, she does her will, every act of human will forms a void for the Divine in the soul. These voids disfigure the poor creature and since she has been made for God, only He can fill these voids because the established acts, their number, should serve to be filled with the Divine Being. Oh how horrible are these voids! One sees in them crooked ways, acts without Divine beginning and without Life. Therefore, there is no thing that ruins the creature more, than her will...
V. 30 - 12/21/1931 - ... Now, We want to open these Doors of Ours after so many centuries to one who wants to enter, not to force her, but freely, in order to make these Divine Fields of Ours populated in order to give a new form, a way of Life all new to the creature and to be aboe to receive not works from her but in her every Act, Life formed in Our same Life. More so, that these Fields and Celestial Seas of Ours will act as Mother to the fortunate souls who want to live in Them.; They will educate them in the Divine Way, They will feed them with dainty foods taken from the Celestial Table and They will raise them in a Noble and Holy way, that in all their Acts, steps and words one will see written in clear notes, they are similar to their Creator. God will feel the Melody of His Voice in the their word, His Power in their works, His sweet Motion of steps that race near everyone because He wants them for Himself, in the steps of them and as enraptured He will say: Who is it who resembles Me? Who knows how to imitate My sweet, harmonious and strong Voice as to be able to shake Heaven and earth? Who holds so much strength as to enrapture Me in her works in order to make Me work together with her? Who is it? Who is it? Ah! It is she who lives in Our Divine Fields. It is just that she resembles Us in all, for how much it is possible to a creature. She is Our daughter and it is enough. We allow that she imitates Us, that she resembles Us. She will be Our Glory, Our Creative Work, the longed for of her Celestial Father. These souls will form the new Hierarchy in their Celestial Country, where there is a Post reserved for them, that to no one else is it given to occupy.
V. 30 - 1/3/1932 - Certainty of the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth. How all the difficulties will melt as snow before an Ardent Sun. The human will is a dark room for the creature ( a must reading ) @
V. 30 - 4/30/1932 - ...It is true that humanly speaking, for the creature, surrounded by the evils as she is, to live in My Volition, He forms His Kingdom in their midst, it is as if she might want to touch Heaven with her finger, what is impossible but what is impossible to men is possible to God. You should know that living in Our Will is a Gift that Our Magnanimity wants to give to creatures and with this Gift, the creature will feel transformed: from poor, rich, from weak, strong, from ignorant. learned, from slave of vile passions, sweet and voluntary prisoner of a Will all Holy that won't hold her imprisoned but King of herself, of the Divine Dominions and of all created the great Gift of Our Will, given as a Gift, He will change the unhappy fate of the human generations except one who voluntarily wants to remain in his unhappiness. More so, that this Gift was given to man in the beginning of his creation, and ungrateful, he rejected Him with doing his will, removing himself from Ours. Now, one who disposes herself to do Our Volition prepares the post, the decency, the nobility where to be able to put this Gift so Great and Infinite. Our Knowledges(s) on the Fiat will help and will prepare her in a surprising way to receive this Gift and what they have not obtained even today, they can obtain tomorrow...
V. 30 - 5/30/1932 - Blessed daughter of My Volition, every Act of the creature done in My Will is a step that she makes in order to draw near to God and God in His turn makes a step in order to draw near to her. One can say that the Creator and the creature are always walking, they never stop, the one towards the other, and My Will descends in the act of the creature in order to form His Step of Divine Life and she climbs in the Fiat in the Divine Regions in order to make herself conqueror of Light, of Love, of Sanctity and Celestial Knowledges. So that every act, word, breath, heartbeat in My Will are so many steps of Divine Life that the creature makes, and He, the One Who longs for these Acts in order to have His Field of Action in order to be able to form so many Divine Lives in the Creature. This was the Purpose of Creation: to form Our Life in the creature, to have Our Field of Divine Action in her and therefore, We love so much that she does Our Divine Will in order to put Our Life in safety, not in Us, We don't have need of anyone, We are more than sufficient to Ourselves, but in the creature. This was the greatest Portent that We wanted and We want to do in virtue of Our Will: to form Our Life in the life of the creature. Therefore, if We don't do this, the Creation would remain without Our first Purpose, an impediment to Our Love, a continuous bitterness to look at her and to see a Work so great and of such magnificence and not realized and Our Purpose failed. And if there was not in Us the certainty that Our Will might have to reign in the creature in order to form Our Life in her, Our Love would burn all the Creation and would reduce It into nothing. And if He supports and tolerates so much, it is because We see Our realized Purpose beyond the times...
V. 30 - 7/9/1932 - ...Because you should know that one who does and lives in My Divine Volition is none other than the Working Life of God Himself in the creature. Our Love is so much for one who lets herself be dominated by Our Divine Volition, that He lets Himself be sweetly imprisoned by her; restricts Himself, reduces Himself and takes high pleasure to Love, to Work in her soul - and if you might know what one single Act means of Love, one single Work done by Us in you, you would die of joy from It and all of Eternity would not be enough for you to thank Us for such a Good.
V. 31 - 7/24/1932 - How Jesus, with His Word generates His Sanctity, Goodness, etc. in the creature. Follies of Love in order to make her equal and in competition with Him. - @
V. 31 - 8/7/1932 - How the Light of the Divine Will makes one lose life to all the other things; It gives the Divine Freshness, And one who lives in Him is confirmed in the Good and acquires the right of Citizen of Heaven - @
V. 31 - 8/21/1932 - Desire and Need of Jesus that He feels the "I love You" of the creature. How His Love remains, Love Blood of the soul. Anemia that exists in the world -
V. 31 - 9/4/1932 - The exchange, the need of Divine Love. The Divine Will working the continuation of Creation - @
The sin against the Holy Spirit - Who is the God of Love - which will not be forgiven is in two Volumes
V. 31 - 10/16/1932 - ...Oh! not to do My Will, it seems that it is nothing, yet it is the greatest of crimes that cries out vengeance before the Divine Majesty for poor creatures. Especially when My Will is known that He does a Work, that He wants a sacrifice and not doing It, it is if one might want to seize the Truth and this is the sin against the Holy Spirit and cries vengeance before God. to know My Will and not do It closes Heaven, breaks the Divine Relations and not recognizing the Divine Mastery that every creature is obliged to know and to submit themselves to that which My Volition wants, although it may cost her life. Therefore, be attentive, adore My Will and that which I have disposed for you, if you want to content your Jesus.
V. 35 - 3/22/1938 - ...Now, My daughter, even to such that the fault doesn't begin in the creature, everything is My Will; and as the fault begins, so begins the tears, the sorrows of this Celestial Mother (Divine Volition). Oh, how He laments His child! But He doesn't leave her; His Love ties Him to live in that creature in order to give her Life and although He feels how suffocated His Divine Life is and perhaps not even known nor loved, His Love is so much that He follows her life, although she might offend Him, in order to make for her a surprise of Love in order to save His child. Our Goodness, Our Love is so much that We try all routes, We use all means in order to tear her from sin in order to put her in safety and if we don't succeed there in life, We make the ultimate surprise of Love at the point of death. Now, you must know that at that point, it is the ultimate spying of Love that We do to the creature and We furnish her with Graces, with Light, with Goodness; there We put such tenderness of Love, as to soften and to overcome the hardest hearts. And when the creature finds herself between life and death, between the time that finishes and the eternity about to begin, almost in the act that the soul is about to go forth from the body, I, your Jesus make Myself seen with an Amiability that enraptures, with a Sweetness that captivates and softens the bitterness of life, specifically at that supreme moment; then My Look... I look at her with so much Love as to tear an act of sorrow from her, an Act of Love, an adherence to My Will. Now, at that point of disillusionment, in seeing, in touching with one's hand how much We have loved and Love them, they feel such sorrow that they repent for not having loved Us and they recognize Our Will as beginning and completion of their life; and as satisfaction, they accept death in order to complete an Act of Our Will. Because you must know that if the creature doesn't do not even one Act of the Will of God, the doors of Heaven are not opened nor is she recognized as heir of the Celestial Fatherland nor can the Angels and Saints admit her among them nor would she like to enter there because she would know that It doesn't belong to her. Therefore, without Our Will, there is neither true Sanctity nor Salvation. And how many become saved in virtue of this spying of Ours all of Love, except the most perverse and obstinate, although it will be necessary for her to make the long stopover of Purgatory. Therefore, the point of death is Our daily catch, the recovery of lost man. Afterwards, He added: My daughter, the point of death is the hour of disillusionment and all things are presented in that point, the one after the other, in order to say: Good-bye, the earth for you is finished, Eternity for you begins. It happens for the creature as when she finds herself closed in a room and it comes to be said to her: Beyond this room, there is another room in which there is God, Paradise, Purgatory, Hell, in short Eternity; but she sees nothing, if she listens to it asserted by others and since those who say it, it has not yet come to them and they say it in a way almost as not believing, not giving a great importance as to make one believe reality, certainty of that which they say in words. Now, one beautiful day, the walls fall and she sees with her eyes what they said before; she sees her Father God, Who with so much Love has loved her; the benefits that He has done for her one by one and all the injured Rights of Love that she owed Him; how her life was of God, not hers. Everything brings itself before her: Eternity, Paradise, Purgatory, Hell; the earth escapes her, pleasures turn their shoulders/backs, everything disappears and only that what is present to her is in that room in which the walls have fallen, that is Eternity. What change happens for the poor creature! My Goodness is so much, that I want everyone safe, that I allow that these walls fall when creatures find themselves between life and death, between the soul going forth from the body in order to enter into Eternity, so that at least they make an Act of Sorrow and of Love for Me and they recognize My Adorable Will upon them; I can say that I give them an hour of Truth in order to put them in safety. Oh, if everyone might know My Industries of Love that I do at the last point of life, so that they don't escape from My more than Fatherly Hands, they would not wait for that point but they would Love Me for all their life.
V. 31 - 10/21/1932 - Behold therefore, that one who doesn't feel in herself the Life of My Divine Will, it means that she knows It theoretically but not in practice because when one knows a Good and practices It, she holds the Virtue to form the substance of the Life of the Good that she knows. Otherwise, she would remain without practice like a painted picture that not having life, doesn't hold the virtue to form her life in one who looks at her. My Will is Life, Our Works are alive Works not dead and yet for one who doesn't know Them or doesn't seek to know Them or doesn't put Them into practice, They can be called for her as dead works and without Life. Hence, it is to the practice that I await the creature in order to realize, to form and to raise the Life of My Volition and to make Our Works alive for her.
V. 31 - 11/20/1932 - ...My daughter, do not wonder. Everything is possible in My Will; with Him, the creature holds the All in her power and can do all. Rather, she feels His Empire over all her being and not one act escapes from her, if not invested by a Divine Act, Power and Strength. The human dies in Our Will but a happy and gloriuous death; it dies in order to re-arise with the Life of the Acts of a Divine Power and of a Will that is not hers.. And so much is the Empire that she feels over herself, that if it might be given her to do other things of her own volition, even holy and good, she would never do them. She would be content to remain even centuries without doing anything, rather than do one single act in which she doesn't feel over her act, the Empire of the working Act of My Will. Because in Him, the creature understands with clarity what one single Act of My Will working in her act means, that compared to a thousand of her acts,without the Divine Act, they would be almost nothing...
V. 31 - 1/22/1933 - ...Other than this, in order to give you My Divine Will, it is necessary that you give yours because two wills can not reign inside of one heart as they would cause war with each other and yours would be an obstacle to Mine and hence He would not be free to do what He wants, and I in order to make Mine free, with so many insistences, I ask yours of you. But this is not everything yet; you should know that your will being in you is weak, insignificant but as it arrives in My Creative Hands and transforming it, it changes aspect; I make it powerful, I revive it and enclose in it the productive value of Good and I make use of it not in order to remain in idleness and making Myself Celestial Gardener; I work in this field of your will and I make of it a beautiful meadow in bloom and a garden of My Delights. So, what is your hands is insignificant and perhaps also harmful, in Mine changes nature and serves Me in order to entertain Me and hold a little earth at My Disposition in order to form the most beautiful flowerings...
V. 32 - 3/19/1933 - As the Divine Will is depository of everyone and everything, thus the human will is depository of all her thoughts, words and steps, et cetera, as it loses nothing of all that she does, rather they form one thing alone with her and with indelible characters, every thought, word, suffering, everything remains written and sealed; it can be said that the memory doesn't keep count of everything and it has forgotten many things but the will hides everything and loses nothing, so that it is the depository and bearer of all her acts...
V. 32 - 3/26/1933 - The littleness in the Divine Will. How God does the greatest Works gratuitously. Example, the Creation and Redemption, thus the Kingdom of the Divine Will. In the Incarnation, the Heavens abased themselves - @
V. 32 - 4/2/1933 - My Blessed daughter, you should know that Our Divine Being is none other a Substance all of Love, so that as a conquence everything, inside and outside of Us, everything is Love, hence, Our Breath is Love and the air that We breathe is Love, Our Heartbeat is Love and while We palpitaite Love, It forms the circulation of Pure Love in Our Divine Being with a course that is not ever stopped and this circulation while it conserves Our Life in the pure and perfect equilibrium of Love, it gives Love to everyone and would like Love from everyone and all that is not Love, doesn't enter into Us nor can it enter nor will it find the post where to put itself; the fullness of Our Love would burn all that which might not be pure and holy Love...
V. 32 - 4/16/1933 - ...Thus, if I worked with My Foster Father in order to procure the necessities of life, it was Love that raced, they were conquests and triumphs that I made because One Fiat was enough for Me in order to have everything at My disposition and making use of My Hands for a little profit, the Heavens were stupefied, the Angels remained enraptured and mute in seeing Me abase Myself to the humblest actions of life but My Love had Its outlet, It filled, overflowed in My Acts and I was always the Divine Conqueror and Triumphator. For Me, taking food was not necessary but I took it to make Love race more and make new Conquests and Triumphs...
V. 32 - 4/23/1933 - His one Son abandoned in His Arms, My Celestial Father can deny nothing, My abandoment in every instant was the most pleasant Act, so much so that I wanted to crown the last gasp of My Life with the words: "Father, into Your Hands I comment My Spirit". The virtue of abandonment is the greatest virtue, it is a pledge to God that He takes care of the abandoned one in His Arms as abandonment says to God: I don't want to know anything of myself, this life of mine is Yours, not mine, and Yours is mine. Therefore, if you want to obtain all, if you want to love Me indeed, live abandoned in My Arms and let Me feel the echo of My Life in every instant: abandon all to Me and I will carry you in My Arms as the dearest of My daughters.
V. 32 - 5/14/1933 - You should know that true Sanctity becomes formed by the degrees of Love with which you are loved by God, and this Love, the creature then takes possession of when she loves; when she receives His Divine Love, God disposes Himself to love her more with new Love; to be loved by God with new Love is the greatest Act that God does toward the creature and all the Sanctity, the Glory becomes constituted by how many times she has been loved by God and by how many times she has loved Him.... - My little daughter of My Volition, you should know that when I manifest a Good, a Truth, it is the most certain sign that I want to give that Good or the Gift of a Truth, as Property of the creature; if this might not be so, I would deceive her, I would seduce her, I would make her waste time in a thousand useless desires without the possession of the Good that I have made her know; I don't know how to deceive anyone nor do I do useless things...
V. 32 - 5/25/1933 - Dearest daughter of My Divine Will, My Divine Volition is by Himself a continuous Miracle, to descend into the baseness of the act of the creature in order to form there His Act, His Life; It is the greatest of Miracles that has been given to no one to be able to do as His Investing Virtue penetrates everywhere with His Kiss of Light, He enraptures the act of the creature, moves it, transforms it, conforms it and with His miraculous Virtue forms there His Act in that of the creature and without destroying that of the creature, rather He makes use of the space as to install there His Act and He makes use of the void as to form there His Life, so much so that from outside one sees the human act, from inside the Wonders, the Sanctity, the great Miracle of the Divine Act. Therefore, one who does My Will and lives in Him, she doesn't have need of Miracles as she lives under the rain of the Miracle of My Volition and she possesses in herself the Font, the Source that transforms the creature in the miraculous Virtue of My Divine Will in a way that one sees in her the miracle of unconquered patience, miracle of perennial Love toward God, miracle of continuous prayer without ever getting tired and of one sees suffering, they are miracles of conquests, of triumphs, of glory that He encloses in her sufferings. For one who lives in My Will, He wants to give to the soul the miracle of Divine Heroism and in the sufferings, He puts the Infinite Weight and Value; He puts the Imprint, the Seal of the sufferings of your Jesus.
V. 32 - 6/25/1933 - My daughter, dearest daughter of My Will, the reason, the cause, the purpose that I long so much that My Divine Will takes His Post, His Dominion and does as Sovereign in the creature is because Our Supreme Being goes in search of finding Himself in the human littleness. Think well of what it means that a God goes in search of Himself, but where? maybe in the extensions of the Heavens? no: in the breadth of the light, that occupies all the earth? no; maybe in the multiplicity of the waters of the sea? no, but in the little human heart; We want to hide Our Immensity, Our Power, Our Wisdom and all Our Divine Being in the creature; hiding Ourselves in great things is not great but in the little ones, We show off more in Love, Power, et cetera and since We are able to do all, it delights Us more and We take more gusto in hiding Ourselves in the human littleness, rather than in great things and if We don't find Our Will there, We are not able neither to search for Ourselves nor find Ourselves in her; We would lack the Post where to put Ourselves and all Our Divine Attributes would feel impotent to hide Our Divine Life where there is not Our Will...
V. 32 - 4/2/1933 - My blessed daughter, you should know that Our Divine Being is none other than a Substance all of Love, so that as a consequence everything inside and outside of Us, everything is Love....
V. 32 - 5/25/1933 - Dearest daughter of My Divine Will, My Divine Volition is by Himself a continuous Miracle, to descend into the baseness of the act of the creature in order to form these His Act, It is the greatest of Miracles that has been given to no one to be able to do...
V. 32 - 11/10/1933 - My Blessed daughter, in My Celestial Country there Reigns the Unique and Universal Act - One is the will of everyone, what one wants, the other wants, no one changes action nor will; every Blessed feels My Volition as their own life and with everyone having one will alone, It forms the substance of the Happiness of all Heaven. More so that My Divine Will doesn't know how to do, nor can He do, broken but Continuous and Universal Acts and since in Heaven He reigns with His full Triumph and with the totality of His Dominion, everyone feels as in nature His Universal Life and they are full even to the brim with all the Goods that He possesses - at most there can be according to the capacity of each one and of the good that they have done in life but no one can chnge, neither will, nor action, nor Love. The Power of My Divine Holds all the Blessd absorbed, unified, fused in Himself, as if they were one alone...
V. 33 - 6/6/1935 - ...My daughter courage, everything wlll serve to the Triumph of My Will; if I strike, it is because I want to restore health and My Love is so much, that when I can not conquer by way of Love and Graces, I seek to conquer by way of terror and fright; human weakness is so much that many times she doesn't care for My Graces, she is deaf to My Voices, laughs at My Love but it is enough to touch her skin, to take away the necessary things to natural life that she abases her arrogance, feels so humiliated that she makes herself a rag and I do what I want with her, especially if they don't have a perfidious and obstinate will, it is enough for one chastisement, to see herself on the edge of the sepulcher that they return in My Arms. You should know that I always Love My children, My Beloved creatures that I would eviscerate Myself in order not to see them stricken, so much so that in the deadly times to come, I have put them all in the Hands of My Celestial Mama, to Her I have entrusted them, so that She holds them for Me under Her Secure Mantle; I will give to Her all those that She will want - death itself won't have power over those who will be in the Custody of My Mama. Now while He said this, my dear Jesus made me see with facts that the Sovereign Queen descended from Heaven with an indescribable Majesty and a Tenderness all Maternal and turned in the midst of creatures in all the Nations and marked Her dear children and those who should not be touched by the scourges; whomever my Celestial Mama touched, the scourges didn't have power to touch the creatures. Sweet Jesus gave the Right to His Mama to put in safety whom She pleased. How moving it was to see the Celestial Empress turn in all parts of the World who She took between Her Maternal Hands, She assembled them to Her Breast, hid them under Her Mantle so that not one evil might be able to harm those people that Her Maternal Goodness held in Her Custody, guarded and defended. Oh! If everyone might be able to see with how much Love and Tenderness, the Celestial Queen did this Office, they would cry from consolation and would love She Who very much loves us.
V.32 - 6/15/1933 - Now, you should know that I don't look at the external action of the creature but the intention that forms the life of the action, it is as the soul of the action, this becomes the veil of the intention...
V. 32 - 6/25/1933 - My daughter, dearest daughter of My Will, the reason, the cause, the purpose that I long so much that My Divine Will takes His Post, His Dominion and does as Sovereign in the creature, it is because Our Supreme Being goes in search of finding Himself in the human littleness. Think well of what it means that a God goes in search of Himself, but where? Maybe in the extensions of the Heavens? no; in the breadth of the light that occupies all the earth? no; maybe in the multiplicity of the waters of the sea? no, but in the little human heart; We want to hide Our Immensity, Our Power, Our Wisdom and all Our Divine Being in the creature; hiding Ourselves in great things is not great but in the little ones, We show off more in Love, Power, et cetera...
V. 32 - 6/29/1933 - ...Instead one who doesn't live in Our Divine Will, in the human littleness there are so many extraneous elements to Us, will, desires, affections, thoughts, that are not Ours and it can be said that she should adapt herself to Us with removing that which is not Ours, otherwise she could not understand Our Will, much less could she climb and enter into His Celestial Spheres; and hence, she will remain empty of God, full of miseries in the straights of human life. How many lives will be found without growth of Divine Life because they have not done My Will nor or they occupied with understanding what it means to live of Him and the great Good that they can receive. Therefore, they will bo many little ignorant ones and illierate of their Creator.
V. 32 - 8/6/1933 - ...But while my sweet Jesus said this, He made me see the Celestial Queen, that from within Her Heart went forth a Sun, that invaded the whole Celestial Court, all the earth, and It's Rays were formed with the most Refulgent Light, with Speaking Voices, that spoke to God, to the Angels and Saints, to all the creatures of the earth. So that my Celestial Mama still possesses Her continuous Speaking, Her Speaking Sun that with Voices of Light, She speaks to Her God and Loves and Glorifies Him Divinely, She speaks to the Saints and does as Mother Beatifier and Bearer of Joy to all the Celestial Court, She speaks to the earth and as Mother makes for us the road in order to conduct us to Heaven; and my Beloved Jesus added: You see therefore what it means to live of Divine Will, she acquires the doing, the speaking, the continuous love that goes forth from within My Will; she holds operative, illuminative and continuing virtue and therefore, they are triumphant Acts that conquer God...
V. 32 - 8/13/1933 - My daughter, do you want to know what it means to do and live in My Divine Will, to know where she finds herself, what she has to do with Us, what she can receive, not to forget the Good that she has received; these are all signs that the soul lives in My Divine Will. Because to say that she lives in Him and to not know where the Divine Palace is that lentds Itself to make her a Residence, would not be to appreciate It because things, persons, places when they don't know each other, they don't appreciate each other and to say I live in the Divine Volition, while the first thing that My Will does is reveal Himself, to make Himself known to the one who wants to live together with Him. Hence, knowing where she finds herself, she knows what she has to do with a Volition so Holy, Who wants all in order to give her all...
V. 32 - 9/10/1933 - How Jesus disburses the price in order to buy His Divine Will in order to give Him to creatures. The bath in the Divine Volition. The little sea of the soul and the great sea of God - can be read @
V. 32 - 9/17/1933 - My daughter, human life is composed of soul, of body, of distinct members the one from the other but who is the primary motion of this life? the Will, so that without it, she could not do beautiful works nor acquire science nor be able to teach them; therefore, all the beauty of life would disappear from the creature and if she possesses beauty, dowry, value, talent, it must be to the motion of order that the will holds over human life...
V. 32 - 10/15/1933 - My Blessed daughter, there is nothing more Beautiful, more Holy, more Pleasant and that more pleases and Glorifies Us, than forming the Life of Our Divine Volition in the creature; in her becomes a little Paradise, where Our Supreme Being is delighted to descend in order to make His Sojourn there. You see, instead of one Paradise, We hold two, in which We find Our Harmonies, Beauty that enraptures Us, pure Joys that double Our Happiness because of having formed one more or Our Lives in the little circle of the creature...
V. 33 - 10/20/1935 - My daughter, Love and Will of God go equal steps and they are never separated and they form One Life alone - Now, if the creature does My Will and doesn't Love, it can not be said with facts that she does My Will as it will be perhaps Will of God by circumstance, by necessity, by time because only the Divine Love holds Unitive Virtue that unites and centralizes everything in My Divine Will in order to form the Life... - Therefore, Will of God and Love are inseparable, if you do My Will, you will Love and if you Love, you put in security My Will in you - the one and the other go hand in hand - My Will creates, Love lends Itself as material in order to undergo the Creative Act in order to put forth Our most beautiful Works....
V. 33 - 11/26/1933 - ...So that, when the creature has understood what Divine Will means and she feels His Life flow in her, she doesn't feel the need of anything anymore because possessing My Volition, she possesses all the possible and imaginable Goods as there remains for her only the delirium, the yearings, the sighs that she wants that My Will embraces everyone and that He constitutes Himself Life of everyone and this is because she sees that My Will wants this and her littleness wants this...
V. 33 - 12/18/1933 - How the creature has been formed by God ab eterno, Beloved with Eternal Love. How the human will is the deranged one of the Works of her Creator -
V. 33 - 1/2/1934 - Therefore, one immediately sees when there is not Our Will in the soul, true good is not for her, before the Light of My Truths as she has gone blind and becomes more stupid nor does she love to know Them as if They didn't belong to her. All the opposite for one who does and lives in My
V. 33 - 1/14/1934 - Sweet enchantment on both parts of God and of the creature. How she acquires the power to make hers the Divine Will. The sufferings smile before the Glory, the Triumphs, the Conquests. Jesus hidden by the Sufferings - @
V. 33 - 2/4/1934 - Love of God hidden in the Virgin. The Divine Paternity gives Her the Divine Maternity and generates in Her the human generations as Her children. How the Divine Immensity renders all His Works inseparable - @
V. 33 - 5/6/1934 - First purpose of the Redemption, to restore the Life of the Divine Will in the creature. How God does the minor things before giving the post to His greater Works - @
V. 33 - 5/20/1934 - How the Divine Will devours everything as within a single breath[fiato] all the Acts in Him and of It, He forms One alone. How the Divine Will forms the cast-offs of the Humanity of Jesus and makes It present to creatures -
V. 33 - 6/16/1934 - Blessed daughter, you should know that the most beautiful thing created by Us was the human will and among all created things it is the most beautiful, that resembles Us more; therefore, one can call it the queen among everyne, as in fact it is...
V. 33 - 9/24/1934 - Now in Heaven, the Blessed feel and take part in the working and conquering Life that My Will does upon earth in the souls who live in Him; they feel the inseperability of their acts. breaths and heartbeats and the happiness of My Conquering Will, through Which they feel new joys, the beautiful surprises that My Conquering Fiat knows how to give in creatures...
V. 33 - 2/24/1935 - My blessed daughter, you should know that We endowed the creature with reason so that she might know the good and the evil that she might do, and in every act that she might do, if good, she might be endowed with new merit, new Grace and greater union with her Creator; if bad, she might undergo suffering from it, which as she suffers, it makes her feel the weakness and distance from He
Who had created her...
V. 33 - 3/10/1935 - ... Now it is Our Decree that no one enters into Heavin if her soul is not filled even to the brim, all with Our Will and with Our Love; it is enough, a little void of this, that Heaven is not opened for her, behold the necessity of Purgatory in order to empty herself by way of sufferings and fire of all which is human and to fill herself by ways of anxieties, longings and martyrdoms with pure Love and with Divine Will in order to be able to enter the Celestial Country and without acquiring with so many sufferings, neither merit nor great glory but only for the conditions that they want to be admitted to the Celestial Sojourn. Instead, if they might have done on earth with calling Our Life in their acts, every act would be one greater Glory, one Beauty more sealed by the Works of her Creator.
V. 33 - 5/14/1935 - One who does the Divine Will doesn't have need of laws, one who lives in Him gives work to everyone, to the Celestial Father, to the Celestial Mother and to Jesus Himself - @
V. 33 - 6/10/1935 - To be loved by God is the greatest of Happiness, it is the most beautiful Glory that can be found in Heaven and on earth - My daughter, the first duty of the creature is to adore He Who had created her, the first act that says Sanctity is duty; duty calls the order and the order makes arise the most bauttiful harmony between the Creator and the creature....
V. 33 - 7/21/1935 - The most intimate and must sorrowful Sufferings of Jesus are the Anticipations, His Inventions, Deliriums, Contrivances of Love -
V. 33 - 9/28/1935 - My Blessed daughter, let Me relieve My Love, listen to Me; you should know that the creature has always been with Us in Our Divine Mind, she has always held her post in the Bosom of her Creator and ab eterno her every act, thought, word, work and step was decorated with a special Love of Ours... - My daughter, listen still to Me, so much so is Our Love that in every single Work that We do, We call everyone, as if they might be one alone in order to give to each one the Good of the Work that We do; We would not Work as God if Our Acts might not have the Virtue to be able to give Itself to everone in order to give the Good that They contain. You feel therefore, My Conception in the Bosom of a Virgin was the greatest Work of the whole Story of the World...You see therefore, where My Love carries Me - to Conceive in every single soul, in every single instant, It is always conceived one time, conceived always...
V. 33 - 10/4/1935 - All the Glory, the Love, is in the power to say with facts: I am a Continuous Act of Will of My Creator. Necessity of diversity of offices and action -
V. 33 - 10/7/1935 - Rather, you should know that no sooner than the soul decides to want to live in My Volition, My Most Holy Humanity takes a Post in her, My Blood as copious Rain, rains on her, My Sufferings as impregnable Wall surround her, embellish her in an admirable way as to enrapture this Divine Will of Mine to live in her... - My daughter, how sorrowful it is to want to do Good, to be able to do It and not do It... - After this, I continued my abandonment in the Divine Volition, that had transported me outside of myself, and oh, how horrifying it was to look at the earth; I would have liked to withdraw into myself in order not to see anything but my sweet Jesus, as if He wanted that I might see scenes so excruciating, stopped me and said to me: My daughter, how sorrowful it is to see so much human perfidy, one nation that deceives the other and they drag by circumstances the poor people into the torment and into the fire, My poor children.You should know that the tempest will be so very strong that it will happen as when an impetous wind transports with its strength stones, earth, trees in a way that it remains emptied by everyone, so much so that with more ease new plants can place themselves. Thus, this tempest will serve to purify the peoples and to make arise the serene day of peace and brotherly union.
V. 33 - 10/20/1935 - Now, if the creature does My Will and doesn't Love, it can not be said with facts that she does My Will. It will be perhaps Will of God by circumstance, by necessity, by time because only the Divine Love holds Unitive Virtue that unites and centralizes everything in My Divine Will in order to form the Life... Therefore, Will of God and Love are inseparable - if you will do My Will, you will Love and if you Love, you put in security My Will in you, the one and the other go hand in hand...
V. 33 - 10/27/1935 - How the Divine Will descends in the human act and creates His palpitating Life in it. How He anticipates the Purgatory of one who lives in His Will -
V. 33 - 11/24/1935 - Oh! If creatures might possess as Life My Will, immediately they would have known Me because He Himself would have revealed Who I was, My Volition in her and that same Divine Volition in Me, they would have known Me, loved each other and they would have made crowds around Me nor would they have been able to separate from Me, recognizing Me under the likeness of their castoffs as Word Eternal...
V. 34 - 12/2/1935 - My Blessed dughter, when the creature does and lives in the Divine Will, Our Supreme Being darts her continually with His Light, He darts her mind and casts there in her the Nobility of the Divine Thoughts in a way that she feels in her intelligence, memory and will, the remembrance of the Creator, the Love, the Will of He Who doing as Actor forms in her the order, the Divine Wisdom; darting her, He casts there with His Kisses of Light, the Divine Substance in her mind in a way that everything is Noble, everything is Holy, everything is Sacred in her - This Actor of My Divine Will takes the Office of insuperable Craftsman to transform God in the creature and the creature in God. When My Will has arrived to this, that is the greatest Act that He can do, that is forming of God and the creature one single Life rendering them inseparable, the one from the other...
V. 34 - 12/8/1935 - ...So that, there is no Grace that descends upon the earth, there is no Sanctity that is formed, nor sinner who converts, there is no Love that departs from Our Throne, that first is not deposited in Her Heart of Mother, which forms the maturation of that Good, fecundates It with Her Love; She enriches It with Her Graces and if needed with the Virtue of Her Sorrows and then She deposits It in who should receive It in a way that who receives It, feels the Divine Paternity and the Maternity of Her Celestial Mother. We can do It without Her but We don't want to; Who will have the Heart to put Her aside? Our Love, Our Infinite Wisdom, Our Fiat Himself imposes Himself on Us and doesn't let Us do anything that doesn't descend through Her Means...
V. 34 - 12/15/1935 - My good daughter, to Love and not make oneself known is against the nature of true Love because true Love as by Itself spreads Itself out and races, flies in search of one whom It loves and then stays, hides her in It's Love and transforming her in It's Own Flames, it wants to find It's same Love in her... - Therefore, there is no greater honor that one can give Us than to come into Our Divine Will and We, as We see her come, We put at her disposition all the Creation because It was done for her...
V. 34 - 12/29/1935 - My daughter, Our Supreme Being possesses One Act alone, so that all the Creation, every single creature are none other than the effects of the Unity of Our Act, so that the human will uniting itself becomes Our continuous effect. And this effect, do you know what it means ? to always give to her and to always receive from the creature. Now I remained stupefied and fixed in the Divine Volition and I understood so many things of this union in the Divine Unity and while It was One, It enclosed all the Creation and everyone was enclosed in this Unity and lead by Him but sustained, united, bound in this Unity and since He is One, He is everything, He sustains and gives Life to everything, and while I looked at the Sky so many Lights of varied Beauty were seen that possessed all the variety of colors but with an admirable way that these Lights enrapture, meandered in the azure vault while they were so many they formed one alone, they penetrated in the Heavens, they descended in the depths, they wanted to give Life of Light to everyone, they never stopped, they raced, they flew. And my sweet Jesus added: My daughter, these Lights are the Wonders of the Acts done in My Divine Volition, how beautiful They are, They carry the Imprint of their Creator.
V. 34 - 1/22/1936 - So, that in one who lives in My Will I find the theater of My Life, the moving scenes of My Infancy and of My Passion. I find the speaking Skies, the Suns that love Me, the winds that groan with love foe Me, in short all created things hold to tell Me a little word, an I Iove You, a Testament of thankfulness, but who is it that makes it speaking for Me? Who is it that takes the voice to all things? Who lives in My Will; He transforms her so much that there is no Love, that doe not give itself nor work that He can not repeat in her, therefore, they can call them His living Lives and the repeater of the Works of their Creator.
V. 34 - 3/1/1936 - ...You should know, before Incarnating Myself, My Celestial Father looked in Himself and in the euthusiasm of His Love, not being able to contain It, Seas of Love went forth from Himself in torrents and in this enthusiasm of Love, He looked at His Son and I found Myself in the same Flames of Love and I Commanded Myself that I might Incarnate Myself; I wanted this and in an impetus of Love without My Father leaving nor the Holy Spirit, the Portent of the Incarnation happened. I remained with My Father and at the same time descended in the Bosom of My Mother. The Three Divine Persons, were inseparable nor subject to separate Ourselves. Therefore, I can say: I remained in Heaven and descended on earth and the Father and the Holy Spirit descended with Me on earth and they remained in Heaven. Hence, in this Act so Great, Our Divine Being overflowed so much in Love that the Heavens were stupefied and the Angels surprised and mute, everyone wounded in Our Flames of Love. The Incarnation was none other than an Act of Our Divine Will... - Thus, Our Will wanted, thus It was done - Now, My daughter, every time that the soul wants to do My Will, My Celestial Father first looks inside of Himself, calls as Counsel the Sacrosanct Trinity in order to fill that Act of Our Will with all the possible and imaginable Goods, then He issues It forth from Himself and makes It invest the creature by His Working, Communicating, Transforming Will and as in the Incarnation, the Three Divine Persons remained in Heaven and descended in the Bosom of the Immaculate Virgin, thus My Will with His Power transports with Himself in His Operative Act the Divine Trinity in the creature, while He leaves Him in Heaven and forms there in the human will, His Divine Act...
V. 34 - 5/20/1936 - Our Works don't suffer mutability as what We do one time, We always do. Beyond this, on this day of My Ascension, I had double Crowns, the Crown of My children who I brought with Me into the Celestial Country and the Crown of My children who I left upon the earth; they symbolized the few who will have beginning of the Kingdom of My Divine Will; all those who saw Me ascend to Heaven received so many Graces, that everyone put forth their life in order to make the Kingdom of the Redemption known and they cast the foundations in order to form My Church in order to make gathered in Her Maternal Womb all the human generations; thus the first children of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, they will be few but the Graces will be such and so many with which they will be invested, that they will put forth their life in order to call everyone to live in this Holy Kingdom. A clund of Light invested Me that took My presence away from the sight of My Disciples, whom remained as statues in watching My Person, such was the enchantment of My Beauty that It held their pupils enraptured so much so that they didn't know how to abase them in order to look to the earth, that there was needed an Angel in order to shake them and make them return to the Cenacle. Also this is symbol of the Kingdom of My Volition, the Light will be such and so much that It will invest His first children who will carry the Beauty, the Enchantment, the Peace of My Divine Fiat in a way that they will easily surrender themselves to want to know and to love a Good so great. Now, in the midst of the Disciples, there was My Mama, Who assisted in My departure for Heaven, this it is the most beauriful symbol. So that She is the Queen of My Church, assists It, protects It, defends It. Thus She will sit in the midst of the children of My Will; She will always be the Engine, the Life, the Guide, the perfect Model, the Majesty of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat that it is so much to Her Heart, they are Her anxieties, Her ardent desires, Her diliriums of Maternal Love, that She wants her children on earth in the Kingdom where She lived; She is not content that She holds Her children in Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will but She also wants them upon the earth as She feels the assignment given Her by God as Mother and Queen, she has not completed it, Her Mission is not finished up to such that the Divine Will doesn't reign upon the earth in the midst of creatures. She wants Her children who resemble Her and who possesses the Inheritance of their Mother. Therefore, the Great Lady is all eye in order to watch, all Heart in order to Love, in order to help who she sees in some way disposed, that they want to live of Divine Will.
V. 34 - 6/14/1936 - Blessed daughter of My Volition, you should know that at the Head of the Kingdom of My Divine Will is God Himself; Our Divinity doesn't do other than one continuous Act of His as We don't ever do the will of anyone but always Ours, the Crown of Our Attributes are dominated by Our Fiat, His Kingdom is inside of Us and extends outside of Us in Our Immensity, in Our Love, Power and Goodness, in everything. So that for Us everything is Our Will... - Beyond this, Our Love, Our Eternal Wisdom has established all the Graces that We should give to the creature, the degrees of Sanctity that she should acquire, the Beauty with which We should pearl her, the Love with which she should Love Us and the Acts themselves that she should do, where Our Fiat reigns...
V. 34 - 7/4/1936 - ...Such is My Will, more than light, It spreads Itself everywhere, invests everyone and everything and the sign that the soul possesses Him, is to feel the need together with Him of giving oneself to everyone, to do good to everyone, with her acts, to race to everyone and she would like to make so many Jesuses in order to give Him to each one. My Will is of everyone, I am Jesus of everyone and therefore, I am content when the creature makes My Will, My Life hers and she wants to give Me to everyone - she is My Joy and My continuous Feast. - My daughter, when My Divine Will wants to do a completed Act in the creature and do you know what it means a Complete Act of My Will? It means Complete Act of God in which He encloses Sanctity, Beauty, Love, Power and Light to make Heaven and earth astonished, God Himself must feel enraptured but so much so as to form His Seat, His Throne of Glory in this Complete Act of His which will serve to Himself and will descend as Beneficent Dew to the benefit of creatures...
V. 34 - 8/23/1936 - Now, My daughter, you should know that it is My absolute Will that the creature does My Will and how I long to see her ruling and working in Him, how I want to hear said: the Will of God is mine, what God wants I want, what God does, I do. Now it being My Will Who lives in her, He must give her the means, the necessary helps. And behold, My Humanity that puts Itseslf at the disposition of the creature in the little tiny field of the Immensity of My Will assigned to them, that I exhibit My Strength to sustain her weakness, My Sufferings for help of hers, My Love in order to hide hers in Mine, My Sanctity in order to cover her, My Life for support and brace of hers and in order to make of It the model, in short My Divine Will must find so many Jesuses for how many creatures want to live of My Will...
V. 34 - 3/11/1936 - ...Hence, you sense the greatest excess of the Love of My Volition, as the creature decides with immutable firmness, to want to live of My Will, letting Him reign and dominate in her, Our Infinite Goodness is so much, Our Love, that doesn't know how to resist a true decision of the creature, more so that He doesn't want to see acts dissimilar from Ours in her, do you sense what He does? He covers all what she has done even then with My Will, moulds them, transforms them with a prodigy of His Love, that everything is His Will in the creature and with Love all Divine, He follows to form His Life and His Acts in the creature. Is this not an excessive and astounding Love of My Volition and together to have all decide, even the most ungrateful, to make My Will live in them, knowing that He wants to put everything aside and cover and supply for that which lacks in them of My Will?. This also says the absoluteness of Our Will, that He wants to reign in the midst of creatures...
V. 34 - 12/8/1936 - Therefore, I alone can tell the story of the Immaculate Conception and all Her Life because I Conceived Her in Me and Am to Light of everything and if the Holy Church speaks of the Celestial Queen, They can say only the first letters of the alphabet of Her Sanctity, Greatness and Gifts with which She was enriched. If you might know the Contentment that I experience when I speak of My Celestial Mother, who knows how many demands you would make of Me in order to give Me the Joy of making Me speak of Whom I love so much and Who has Loved Me.
V. 34 - 12/24/1936 - Hence, first you should know that this Celestial Quenn possessing all the fullness of Our Divine Fiat, which possesses in nature His Generative and Bilocative Virtue, She together with the Divine Fiat can generate and bilocate how many times She wants, Her Son God....
V. 34 - 3/26/1937 - Now these souls who live in My Will are disposed to receive all the sufferings of My Humanity because it being impossible for Me to suffer, because Glorious in Heaven, My Will with His Omnipotent Puff creates the sufferings, the sorrows and forms there My Living Humanity that makes up for Me in everything and they are the new Saviors who put forth their life in order to save the entire World....
V. 34 - 6/6/1937 - ...Such am I, I will make known to the entire world, that I want the people of My Divine Volition and provided they give Me their names and they will make Me known that they want to come into My Kingdom, I will give them all the Goods; unhappiness won't have a place in her, each one will possess her Kingdom and she will be King of herself and they will have life together with their Creator. I will show off so much in giving, that everyone will remain enraptured by it. My daughter,Oh! how I long for it, this living of the creature in My Will; Pray and yearn together with Me for it and it will be sweet for you to put forth your life for a Kingdom so Holy.
V. 34 - 6/28,1937 - Now, you should know, that as the soul repeatedly and firmly decides to not live anymore of her will but of Ours, her name becomes written in Heaven with indelible characters of Light and she becomes enrolled in the Celestial Militia, as heir and daughter of the Kingdom of the Divine Will; but this is not enough for Our Love, as We confirm her in Good in a way that she will feel such horror for every slight sin, that she won't be capable anymore of falling, not only, but she will remain confirmed in the Goods, in the Love, in the Sanctity, et cetera, of her Creator and she will be as invested by the prerogative of the District, she will not be looked at anymore as exiled and if she will remain on earth, she will be as officiating of the Celestial Militia, not as exiled,, she will hold all Goods at her disposition...
V. 34 - 7/12/1937 - ...Now for one who doesn't want to do her will anymore but only Mine, We don't want to wait as Our Love brings Us with an irrestible strength to anticipate the confirmation of the good and to convert in nature Our Love and Our Will, so that she will feel that My Love, My Volition is hers and she will feel more My Life than hers but with that difference of those who are confirmed at the point of death, they will not grow anymore in good as their merits are finished ; instead with these, My Life will always grow, the merits don't finish, rather they will have the Divine Merits, as they continue to love Me and to live of My Will, thus they will know Me more and I love her more and I will augment their Glory...
V. 34 - 7/25/1937 - An Act in My Fiat can be a Celestial Atmosphere, that enclosing in Itself all Our Works, the Creation Itself and with the force of Our Works assail Our Divinity and impose Itself on Us to make Us give Graces and Gifts as to make creatures capable to receive the Kingdom of Our Volition. An Act in Our Will can contain such wonder, that the creature is incapable of being able to understand all of It's Value.
V. 35 - 8/23/1937 - ... My daughter, how contented I am of it when comes the disposed soul who wants to listen to Me and to receive the Great Gift of which My Word is bearer!...Now you must know that how much more the creature seeks My Will, wants to know Him, love Him, if she doesn't make Him flee in all her acts, so much grows His Fullness...My daughter,listen still to Me, where can the soul arrives who lives in Our Will. She puts all of Our Works to daylight. Our Supreme Being always holds in Continuous Act all her works. For Us, the past and the future do not exist, so that the Father generates continually His Son and between the Father and the Son proceeds the Holy Spirit. This is Life in Us and is as the Heartbeat and the Respiration, that forms Our Life: to Generate and to Proceed continually. We would be missing Life, if this were not so, as would be missing the life to the creature if she didn't have a heartbeat and a continuous breath....From the Immense Goods that the continuous Generation of the Word and the Proceeding of the Holy Spirit produces, overflowed outside the sumptuousness and magnificence of the machine of all creation, the creation of man, the Conception of the Immaculate Virgin and the Descent of the Word upon the earth; all this and more is always in Act in Our Divine Being, as It is always in Act that the Father Generates His Son and the Holy Spirit Proceeds. Now, one who lives in Our Will, is spectator of these Divine Prodigies and senses given back to herself from the Father, the Son Who always Generates, the Holy Spirit always Proceeds and oh, the Contentments, the Love, the Graces that she receives!...In Our Volition the creature can say: "Everything is mine, even God Himself, as is My Divine Will". Therefore, she feels the duty to Glorify Us and to Love Us in each thing and for everyone...
V. 35 - 10/3/1937 - Prodigies of Creation. Dose of Power, of Sanctity, et cetera, that God put forth for love of man. The Acts done in the Fiat will be always new and one more distinct and beautiful than the other. They will contain everything and will form the Seas, the Works, the speaking Steps of their Creator - @ - a must read!
V. 35 - 10/25/1937 - The Sovereign Queen Heiress of the Divine Will, hence, Heiress of Divine Life. How She formed in the creative hands, a precious pledge of Herself. "The great Good that an Act in My Fiat contains" - @
V. 35 - 11/7/1937 - These Truths about My Divine Will, will form the day of My Fiat in the midst of creatures; according to what they will know, so will It go forming the day. So that, as they will begin to know the first Truths that I have manifested to you, provided that they have the good will and disposition of making a proper life of It, so will It form a most splendid dawn; however, these Truths will have the Virtue even to dispose them and to give Light to so many blind ones who don't know and love Him - Then, sensing the great Good of the beginning of the day of My Volition they will long that the day advances itself; they will come to know other Truths, which will form the full day. In this full day, they will sense the Life of My Will living in them, His Joy and Happiness, His Operative and Creative Virtue in them; they will sense themselves in possession of My Own Life, that they are the carriers of My Divine Will. The full day will give them such anxieties to know the other Truths and known, they will form the full day. In this, she will not feel alone anymore; between her and My Volition, there will not be separation anymore. What He will do , she will do; working together. Everything by right, will be hers; Heaven and earth and even God Himself. You see therefore, to what a noble, Divine and precious purpose these Truths will serve that I have had you write about My Divine Will in order to from His Day? To some They will form the dawn, to some the beginning of the day, to some the full day and lastly the full noon. These Truths, according to what they will know of Them, will form the different Categories of the souls who will live in My Volition. One Knowledge more or less will make them climb in the different Categories. The Knowledges will be the Hand in order to let them climb to the Superior Categories; It will be the Life Itself of My Will in them. Therefore, I can say that with these Truths, I have formed the day to whom wants to live in My Divine Volition. Day of Heaven, more than of Creation Itself, not of sun and stars because each Truth holds the Virtue of creating Our Life in the creature, and oh, how It surpasses all Creation! Therefore, Our Love has overcome everything in manifesting so many Truths about My Divine Will; Our Glory will be full on the part of creatures because they will have Our Life in them in order to be able to Glorify Us and Love Us..
V. 35 - 12/21/1937 - How the Kingdom of the Divine Will is decreed in the Consistory of the
adorable Trinity upon the earth. The new Breath of God with which the creature will be renewed - @
V. 35 - 2/26/1938 - ...Our Love, when It doesn't find the Love of the creature, remains suspended and gives Me into crys of sorrow, almost wanting to deafen the creature in order to say to her: Why don't you Love Me? Not Loving Us is the cruelest wound for Us...
V. 35 - 3/20/1938 - My daughter, born and reborn in Our Volition, you must know that the living in Our Volition contains such prodigies and unheard of wonders that the heavens themselves are shaken and reverently they abase themselves in sensing them because in the creature, We can unfold Our Creative Work; We can affirm Our Love, Our Deliriums, Our Anxieties and Sighs, Our Will; she will make Our Supreme Majesty understood and she will make Us loved with Our Love - Behold, that the living in Our Volition awakens wonder in everyone and We Ourselves remain amazed by It, having to enclose the Infinite in the finite, the Immensity in the littleness. It is necessary that We make such Wonders and Prodigies, that only Our Love reigning over Our Divine Being induces Us to do the most outstanding Wonders but so much that the Angels and Saints Themselves remain surprised and mute for the amazement of It.
V. 35 - 3/28/1938 - ...I can say that My greatest Sorrow down here, that gave Me continuous death was seeing creatures, that they did not live nor do My Will because I saw that My Acts remained without the purpose for which I did Them, without giving Life with which They were invested; and if it was not that with My Omni-clairvoyance, I saw every century as presently acting in which I saw My beloved children who should live of My Divine Volition, of which they should make use of that which My Humanity did and suffered in order to establish My Kingdom and make use of It as the most beautiful of their Habitations, I would not have been able to support such a Sorrow.
V. 36 - 4/20/1938 - My good daughter, The pain that transfixed Me more upon the Cross was My ardent Thirst; I felt Myself burn alive as all the vital humors had gone out from My Wounds which burned like so many mouths and they felt an ardent Thirst that wanted to quench Itself, so much so that not being able to contain Myself, I cried out: "Sitio!". This "Sitio" remained and is always in the act of saying: I burn, I Thirst; I never cease to say It; with My open wounds and with My burnt Mouth I always say: I burn, I Thirst! Oh! Give Me a little drop of your Love in order to give Me a little refreshment to My ardent Thirst... - But do you know where the true Resurrection of the creature consists? But not in the end of the days but while still alive upon the earth; one who lives in My Will arises to the Light and can say: My night is finished; she arises in the Love of her Creator in a way that the cold, the snows don't exist for her anymore but she feels the smile of the Celestial Spring; arises the Sanctity which puts to precipitous flight, the weakensses, the miseries, the passions; she arises to all that which is Heaven and if she looks at the earth, the sky, the sun, she looks at it in order to find the Works of her Creator in order to have occasions to narrate to Him His Glory and His long Story of Love...
V. 36 - 4/25/1938 - One who lives in Our Volition, there is no peril that the smoke of self-esteem enters, even in the greatest works that one can do; she is the little flame, fed by the Great Light Who is God and the Light knows how to clear itself from the darkness of the passions, from the smoke of self-esteem;and since it is Light, It touches with It's hand all that one does of Good; it is God Who works in her own nothing.- So that, in Our Volition, not even humility enters there but the true nothing, to know oneself who is nothing...
V. 36 - 5/6/1938 - My good daughter, in order to enter into My Will, the way is most simple because your Jesus never teaches difficult things; My Love makes Me adapt Myself much to the human ability, so that the creature without difficulty can do what I teach and want. Now you must know that in order to enter into My Will, the first indispensable thing is volition, to yearn for with all firmness that she wants to live in Him. The second thing, to take the first step, indeed My Divine Will surrounds her with Light and with such attractions, that the creature loses the desire to do her will because as soon as she has taken a step she feels herself dominator; the night of passions, of weaknesses, of miseries, is changed into daylight, into Divine strength; hence, she feels the extreme need to take the second step, which calls the third step, the fourth, the fifth and so on and so forth. These steps are steps of Light... - My Blessed daughter, one who lives in My Will remains always inseparable from her Creator; even from Eternity, she was already with Us...
V. 36 - 6/6/138 - ...Whence you must know, that in every word or act done in My Will, all the centuries become embraced, all creatures are enclosed and present; the past and the future doesn't exist for Us and for the one who lives in Our Volition....
V. 36 - 6/30/1938 - Knowledge is the first ring of conjunction between them and Us; it is the wanting to live in Our Volition that removes the bars and opens all doors in order to let them come into Our Arms and to delight themselves with Us; it is loving Us that makes Us pour out in torrents, Our Love, Our Graces, even to cover them with Our Divine Qualities; if there is no knowledge, We can give nothing nor they receive. Instead, one who lives in Our Volition knows Us; as she enters into Him, thus she gives her kiss to her Father, she embraces Him, she puts around Us her little Love and We give her Our seas of Love; she kisses all of Heaven; We can say that the Feasts are opened between her and Us, between Heaven and earth. We Ourselves call her Blessed and We say to her: You are the most happy and fortunate creature because you live in Our Volition, you live and know Us, you live and love Us and We hold you hidden in Our Love, covered by Our Arms, beneath the rain of Our Graces.
V. 36 - 10/2/1938 - ...Hence, in order to complete this Decree of Ours, I must manifest the Goods that there are in Him, His Qualities, His Beauties and Marvels; behold the necessity that I had to speak to you so much in order to be able to complete this Decree. Daughter, in order to arrive to this I wanted to conquer man by way of Love but human perfidy impedes It from Me; therefore, I will use Justice, I will sweep the earth, I will take away all the harmful creatures, that like poisonous plants, poison the innocent plants; when I have purified everything, My Truths will find the way in order to give Life to the survivors, the Balm, the Peace that They contain and everyone will receive It and They will give the Kiss of Peace to them, to the confusion of those who have not believed Him, indeed condemned; He will reign and I will have My Kingdom upon the earth - that My Will be done as in Heaven so on earth - Jesus became silent and my poor mind remained devastated by the so many gruesome evils of which He invested and will invest the earth. In this, while He made the Sovereign Queen seen with red eyes and as blood stained by the so much weeping that She had done but what straights to the heart in seeing My Celestial Mama cry and with Her Maternal accent, with an inexpressible tenderness, crying She said to me: My dearest daughter, pray together with Me, how My Heart aches in seeing the scourges in which the entire humanity will be enwrapped, the inconstancy of the heads, today they say and tomorrow they unsay it; it will cast the peoples in a sea of sorrows and also of blood; My poor children! Pray, My daughter, do not leave Me alone in My Sorrow - that it all occurs for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Divine Will... - And yet My Will is at the disposition of everyone; He doesn't deny Himself to anyone; only who rejects Him, who ungrateful doesn't want to know Him, voluntarily deprive themselves of Him with Our highest Sorrow.
V. 36 - 12/8/1938 - How the Humanity of Jesus served to Veil His Divinity and the Prodigies of the Divine Volition. How all created things and the creature herself are veils that hide the Divinity. The Immaculate Conception - rebirth of everyone - can be read @
V. 36 - 12/18/1938 - Now, Our Will is Our Life, Love is Food. You see to what a high, noble, sublime point, We want the creature who forms in herself the Life of Our Will in which, all things, the circumstances, the crosses, even the air that she breathes will convert into Love, in order to feed her in a way to be able to say: The Life of Our Volition is yours and is Ours and We feed with the same Food. With this, We see the creature grow in Our Image and Likeness and these are Our true Joys in the Creation; in order to be able to say to Our children: We resemble each other. And what should not be the joy of the creature to be able to say: I resemble My Celestial Father. Therefore, I want that she live in My Volition because I want My children who resemble Me. - We never give if the creature doesn't want to receive and doesn't know what We want to give. You see, therefore, in what sorrowful conditions they put Us when one doesn't live of Our Will; they render Us the mute God nor can We make known how much We them and how they should love Us; it can be said: the communications remain broken between Heaven and earth... - One who doesn't live in Our Volition dishonors Us and forms Our Sorrow; how can they resemble Us if Our Will is not theirs? - They acquire such Knowledge of their Father because Our Fiat with His Light, speaks to them, tells them so many things of their Father even to make them fall in Love, so much so, that they cannot be without Him and this produces the Likeness...
V. 36 - 12/25/1938 - ...Then I had the Cortege of the Angels, Who never left Me alone. And since all times are Mine, I had the Cortege of My great people who would have lived in My Volition... I felt as repaid for My descent from Heaven to earth. This was My Primary Purpose to reorder the Kingdom of My Will in the midst of My children; never would I have created the world if I mignt not have the children who resemble Me and that might not live with My Own Will. My Will would have been in the conditions of a poor sterile mother who doesn't hold he power to generate and who cannot form a family for herself. Therefore, My Will holds the Power to generate and to form His long generation in order to form His family...
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