Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 8 - 10/4/07 - The Cross is part of one’s life and only one who does not love his own life, does not love the Cross because it was with the Cross that I grafted the Divinity to lost humanity. Only the Cross continues Redemption in the world, grafting anyone who receives it into the Divinity; and if one does not love the Cross, it means he knows nothing of virtues, of perfection, of love of God and of true life

V.11 - 11/6/14 - And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does My same Office and as Co-Redemptrix, she says to Me.: “Ecce Ego”, Mitte Me” - I want to repair for all, answer for all and impetrate good for all

V. 21 - 4/24/27 - I want things to return as they were in the beginning of creation which was none other than an outpouring of love. This overflowing still lasts because what We do once, We do forever - Man looks at creation but doesn’t receive the life of love that God placed in all created things, nor open his heart to receive this outpouring of the continuous outpouring of love

V. 31 - 12/16/32 - I feel the irresistible need to love and to be loved

V. 33 - 3/10/35 - No one enters into Heaven if her soul is not filled, even to the brim, all with Our Will and with Our Love; it is enough for a little void of this, that Heaven is not opened for her - the necessity of purgatory - to empty herself by way of suffering and fire of all that is human…

V. 21 - 4/8/27 - Adam was left with all his goods smashed; he was left indolent in his actions; dulled in his intellect; suffering with a fever that weakened him; withered in all the virtues and he no longer felt the strength to dominate himself. Man’s most beautiful asset -  dominion of himself had vanished -

V. 12 - 1/1/20 - The Garments of the soul in Heaven who lives in the Divine Will

V. 12 - 5/24/20 - The Glory in Heaven of the soul who lives in My Will on earth will be different from the other Saints

V. 17 - 5/1/25 - The three unique Missions

V. 19 - 2/28/26 - This Light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator.

V. 19 - 5/1/26 - No extraneous feature nor anything that does not belong to My Will must appear in you. Therefore, from your physiognomy, from your manners, from your speaking and even from the way you love and pray, it must be recognized that you are My daughter - so, everything is hers; and I love her so much that I an unable to do anything without her because virtue of My Will, We have the same Life, the same Love, one single Heartbeat and one single Breath

V. 20 - 11/3/26 - The more the souls who have passed to the next life have been submitted to My Will and the more acts they have done in It, the more the paths they have formed for themselves in order to receive suffrages from the earth. 

V. 33 - 10/4/35 - The glory that a little blade of grass gives, equals the glory the sun gives Me because My Will wanted it and it does My Will

V. 18 - 1/30/26 - Now, while I was doing and saying this, a globe of light came before me and within that light there was the soul of my confessor(Fr. Franceso De Benedictis) taking it’s way toward the vault of the Heavens without saying a word to me.

V. 7 - 2/28/06 - My daughter, the greatest honor that the creature can give to God is to depend on His Divine Will in everything; and the Creator, in seeing that the creature fulfills her duty towards the Creator, communicates His Grace to her- And here is how, what God is by nature - eternal Truth, Who cannot deceive nor be deceive - the soul becomes by Grace. That is to say, the soul feels detachment from the things of the earth, she sees their fleetingness, their instability, how everything is false, everything is rot that deserves to be abhorred rather than loved. Wile the soul feels this state, God communicates His Grace and the Grace of true and eternal love; He communicates His beauty in such a way as to make the loving soul go mad and the soul remains filled with the love and beauty of God. And here is how, what God is by nature - love and eternal beauty - the soul becomes by Grace; and so with all the other Divine Virtues. Grace anticipates  the soul; It excites her but only when the soul masticates those truths and swallows them like food into her bosom; them It communicates Itself and enters to take possession of her.

V. 7 - 2/23/06 - My daughter, not only My hands and feet were nailed to the Cross but all the particles of My Humanity, Soul and Divinity were all nailed in the Will of the Father. In fact, the crucifixion was the Will of the Father; therefore, I was nailed and transmuted completely in His Will. This was necessary because, what is sin but withdrawing from the Will of God, from everything that is good and holy that God has given us, believing to be something of one’s own and offending the Creator ? And I, in order to repair for this audacity and for this self idol that the creature makes of herself, wanted to dissolve My Will completely and live from the Will of the Father at the cost of great sacrifice.

V. 7 - 3/5/06 - Ah, My daughter, yet many do not believe that the thorns penetrated even into My mouth. The sin of pride is so awful as to be the poison of the soul - it kills it. Just as one who has something across his mouth prevents any food from passing into his body to give him life, so does pride prevent the life of God in the soul. This is why I wanted to suffer so much because of human pride…

V. 7 - 6/13/06 - …There were many Saints, all ignited with love and the wonder was that all loved but the love of one was distinct from the love of the other. - because I seemed to see that one who loves more is closer to Jesus and is loved more by Him…In sum, she would even do excesses to obtain this intent - to be closer to Him and to be loved a little bit more by her highest and only Good

V. 7 - 7/3/06 - My beloved, the soul who lives in My Will rests because the Divine Will does everything for her and while It operates for her, I find the most beautiful rest in her. So, the Will of God is rest for the soul and rest for God in the soul. The Will of God is the Paradise of the soul on earth and the soul who does the Will of God comes to form the paradise of God on earth. The Will of God is the only key that opens the treasures of the Divine secrets and the soul acquires such familiarity in the house of God as to dominate as if she were the owner.

V. 7 - 8/10/06 - My daughter, for every slightest pleasure that the soul deprives herself in this life for love of Me, I will give her one more Paradise in the next life. So, one contentment less, one Paradise more there.

V. 7 - 10/2/06 - …and that whatever she suffers, she can use to heal and medicate My wounds. This is a great honor that I give her, by giving her, Myself, the medicine to medicate My wounds and by also giving her the merit of charity for having medicating Me. While, He was saying this, I saw many purging souls who, on hearing this, all amazed, said: Fortunate are all of you to receive so many sublime teachings - that you acquire merits to medicate a God, that surpasses all other merits in merit - and you glory will be distinct from the others, as is Heaven from the earth. Oh, if only we had received these teachings - that our sufferings could serve to medicate a God - how many riches we would acquire that now we do not have.

V. 7 - 10/18/06 - The works that I like the most are the hidden works because free from any human spirit, they contain such preciousness within themselves that I keep them as the choicest inside My Heart; so much so, that in comparing a thousand external and public works with one internal and hidden work, the one thousand external ones remain below the single internal work because in the external work the human spirit always takes it’s part.

V. 7 - 12/3/06 - I love this sweetness and peace so much, that even if it were about something great concerning My honor and glory, I do not want, I never approve, resentful, violent, fiery manners but rather, sweet and peaceful manners.

V. 7 - 1/3/07 - If one fears much, it is a sign that she relies much on herself because in noticing nothing but weaknesses and miseries within herself, she naturally and justly fears. On the other hand, if one fears nothing, it is a sign that she relies on God because by relying on God, her weaknesses and miseries are dissolved in God and as she feels invested by the Divine Being, it is no longer she who operates but God within her. So, what can she fear ? Therefore, true trust reproduces Divine Life in the soul.

V. 7 - 1/13/07 - My daughter, how much I love souls! Listen: the human nature was corrupted , humiliated without hope of glory and of resurgence and I wanted to suffer all humiliations in My Humanity. In a special way, I wanted to be stripped, scourged and let My Flesh fall off in shreds under the scourges, almost undoing My Humanity, in order to redo the humanity of creatures and to make it rise again full of life, of honor and of glory to eternal life. What more could I do that I have not done ?

V. 7 - 1/20/07 - Until the soul is buried in My Will, to the point of dying completely by dissolving all of her will within Mine, she cannot rise again to new Divine Life through the rising of all the virtues of Christ Who contains true Sanctity. Therefore, let My will be the seal that seals your interior and exterior; and once My Will has risen completely within you, you will find true love - and this is the greatest of all the other sanctities to which one can aspire.

V. 7 - 10/8/06 - Oh, if it wasn’t for the Cross which, by It’s mercy, Divine Providence holds as a reign in order to restrain man - oh, amid how many more evils would one see poor humanity lie !

V. 7 - 10/16/06 - Now, it seemed to me that each Blessed is a key, that is, a melody himself, but all are in harmony among themselves, though each one is different from the other. One sings the notes of praise, one the notes of glory, one of thanksgiving, one of blessings; but all these notes reunite into one single note and this note is “Love“. It seems that one single voice reunites all those voices and ends with the word “Love”. This cry, “Love” is such a sweet and strong resounding that all  other voices remain as though extinguished in this canticle “Love”. It seemed that all the Blessed were made ecstatic, drowsy, awake, inebriated by this cry or chant, “Love”, high, harmonious, beautiful, that deafened the whole of Heaven; they participated - one could say  - in one more Paradise. But who were the fortunate ones who cried out more loudly, who make this note, “Love”, resound in everything and who brought great happiness into Heaven Itself ? They were the ones who had loved  God more when they were on earth. Ah, they were not the ones who had done great things, penances, miracles…Ah, no never ! Love alone is what surpasses everything and leaves everything behind. So, it is one who loves much, not one who does much, who will be more pleasing to God.

V. 7 - 11/6/06 - This is My goal and this is why I often speak to you about perfect resignation because living in My Will, the soul acquires the most heroic love and reaches the point of loving Me with My Own Love. She becomes all love; she is in continuous contact with Me. So, she is with Me, in Me and for Me; she does everything I want; nor does she move or desire anything but My Will in which all the love of the Eternal One is enclosed and in which she herself remains enclosed. By living in this way, the soul comes to the point of dissolving faith and hope because as  she comes to live of Divine Will, the soul no longer feels in contact with faith and hope. Since she lives of the Will of God, what does she have to believe if she has found It and made of It her food ? And what does she have to hope for, if she already possesses It by living, not outside of God but in God ? Therefore, true and perfect resignation is the mark of sure predestination and the sure possession that the soul has of God.

V. 7 - 11/14/06 - My daughter, if perfect resignation is the certain and sure sign of predestination, the cross expands the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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