Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 34 - 12/8/35 - Nothing comes from Heaven except through the Queen Mama

V. 12 - 2/20/19 - The perfect preacher of the Divine Being
V. -14 - 4/1/22 - The pain that surpasses any other pain
V. 11 - 7/9/15 -  Beatific vision never escaped the Humanity of Jesus
V. 33 - 7/8/35 -  Who forms the most beautiful crown of the BVM
V. 16 - 2/22/24 - What attracts God the most

V. 27 - 1-2-30 -  Difference between acts and effects of the Divine Fiat
V. 24 - 4/12/28 - The necessity of the death and resurrection of Jesus
V. 19 - 7/18/26 - These deceive themselves if Jesus would leave man only with the goods of Redemption…
V. -16 - 10/4/23 - Divine Will is everywhere and in everything
V. - 9 - 3/10/09 - What does the Father do ?
V. -28 - Nov/Dec, 30 - Why God is not loved or known
V. -30 - 5/8/32 - The Grave evil of doing one’s own will
V. 15 - 4/21/23 - The ugliest sin
V. 1 - 9/14/89 - The prayer to be crucified
V. - 20 - 1/30/27 -  The Queen is the Co-Redemptrix
V. 4 - 10/10/00 - For two reasons alone can the soul go out of the body
V. 4 - 7/16/01 - The soul must appear as another Christ
V. 4 - 7/16/01 - The evil of man begins as soon as he begins to acquire reason and to believe that he is somebody.

V. 24 - 6/3/28 - Poor man, asleep to true good and deaf to listening to My Will that is his revealer, his noble history, his origin, his marvelous height and beauty. And if he is awake, he listens to either sin, to his passions or to things that do not have an eternal origin. He acts just like that sleeping child who, if he wakes up, cries, makes fusses and torments the poor father who almost regrets having such a nervous child. This is why My Will is revealing  so many of It’s knowledge(s) - to wake man up from his long sleep, so that, waking up in My Fiat, he may lose the sleep of the human will, he may reacquire what he lost and may feel the kisses, the love, the loving squeezes to the bosom of His Creator. So, each knowledge that regards My Divine Will is a call, it is a voice that I emit, it is a cry that I send, to wake man up from the sleep of the human will.

V. 31 - 9/18/32 - There is a mistaken knowledge in the base world and they believe that the creature can live as removed from Us. What mistake! What mistake! All the creation is none other than in inheritance gone forth, gone forth from Us, hence it is Ours; she belongs to Us, so much so, that although she went forth but We have brought her forth inseparable from Us and We want the honor, the glory of Our inheritance; and that creatures be not vile servants but children and as so many princes of Our Kingdom. And this principality is given by the inseparability of Our Will, so much so that the creature can not do less of It than with Him; nor can she live nor separate herself not even to hell itself. To live without My Will would be like the body without the soul - Now living in My Will is really this: To feel in one’s whole being, in all the acts, the light, the Divine strength, the life of My Will because where there is not His working Life, that act remains without Life, without heat, without Divine Light. It is as dead for good and when there is no good inside, it forms evil and finishes with putrefying. Oh! If the creature might be able to see herself without the working Life of My Volition, she would see herself so counterfeit that she herself would be horrified to look at herself…

V. 18 - 11/12/25 - How one who is called to be the head of a mission must enclose all the goods pertaining to that mission in order to communicate them to others. It is the usual way of the Eternal Wisdom to establish the acts of the creature in order to give completion to the good It wants to do to her.

V. 32 - 8/6/33 - But while my sweet Jesus said this, He made me see the Celestial Queen, that from within Her Heart went forth a Sun, that invaded the whole Celestial Court, all the earth and It's rays were formed with the most refulgent Light with speaking voices, that spoke to God, to the Saints and Angels, to all the creatures of the earth. So that my Celestial Mama still possesses Her continuous speaking Sun that with voices of Light She speaks to Her God and loves and glorifies Him Divinely, She speaks to the Saints and does as Mother, Beatifier and Bearer of joy to all the Celestial Court; She speaks to the earth and as Mother makes for us the road to conduct us to Heaven and my beloved Jesus added: You see therefore what it means to live of Divine Will; she acquires the doing, the speaking, the continuous love, that goes forth from within My Will; she holds operative, illuminative and continuing virtue and therefore they are triumphant Acts that conquer God.

V. 23  10/16/27 - My daughter, My Will possesses the unity and who lives in Him lives in this unity and do you know what unity means ? it means one and this one can embrace everything and everyone, He can give all because He contains all. My Divine Will possesses the unity of love and of all loves united together. He possesses the unity of sanctity and contains all the sanctities. He possesses the unity of beauty and contains in Himself all that is beautiful. In short, He contains the unity of light, power, goodness, wisdom...

V.  35 - 8/9/37 - And Our Love is so much for Her that, as We hold the Hierarchy of the Angels in Heaven, the diversity of the orders of the Saints, with Her being the Celestial Empress, the Heiress of the great inheritance of Our Will, when this Kingdom will be formed on earth, the Great Lady will call her children to possess Her Inheritance and We will give the great glory to them to have them form the new Hierarchy, similar to the nine Choirs of the Angels; so that it will have the Choir of the Seraphim, of the Cherubim and so on, as it will also form the order of the Saints who lived in Her Inheritance; and after having formed them on earth, She will transport them to Heaven, surrounding Herself with the new Hierarchy, regenerated in the Divine Fiat, in Her Own Love in Her Inheritance.This will be the conclusion of Creation, Our"consumatum est ", because We will have had the Kingdom of Our Volition in creatures, in virtue of the Celestial Heiress, who wanted to give Her Life for each in order to make Him reign. And oh, how We will remain glorified, felicitated because the Sovereign Lady holds Her Hierarchy as We hold Ours; much more so Ours will be Hers and Hers Ours because all that which one does in Our Volition is inseparable... The love of this Celestial Queen and Mother is unsurpassable and only in Heaven will they know how much She loves creatures and what She has done for them and Her most exuberant, magnanimous and greatest act is wanting that they might possess the Kingdom of My Volition as She possessed It Herself; and oh, what this Celestial Lady would do in order to obtain the intent !  You, also, unite yourself with Her and pray for a purpose so Holy.

End of Vol. 4 - Understanding of "Divine Will" and "Divine Volition"

The word "Will" translates from the Italian "Volonta". We know from the Writings of Luisa that the Will of God is the "boundless container" which contains all the Acts of God and that the Will of God and the Acts of God possess the same qualities as the Nature of God - They are Infinite, Omnipotent, Eternal, as God is. The word "Volition" translates from the Italian "Volere". This word indicates the "will in act" - This distinction  could be relevant in the case of a human will and of human acts, which are finite and limited (as they possess the same qualities as the human nature), therefore they have a beginning and an end; so we could distinguish between whether they are in act or not. But when we speak about "Will of God" and "Volition of God", the distinction does not exist. In fact, the Will of God is, yes, the "boundless container" of all the Acts of God but we know that the Acts of God are always in act, always present, and therefore there is no distinction between whether these Acts are in act or not - the Acts of God are simply always and eternally in act.

V. 33 - 3/19/35 - The Divine Will and the human volition, two spiritual powers, faciltiy of whom wants to possess as Life; how Jesus doesn't teach nor wants impossible things.

V. 25 - 1/1/29 - About twenty centuries have passed and I have not stopped - My sighs last still; and if I have manifested to you so many knowledges about My Divine Will. these are nothing other than My speaking tears and the indelible characters of My pains and sighs, which transforming into words, manifest themselves to you, to make you write on paper with the most tender and convincing manners what regards My Divine Volition and how It wants to reign on earth as It does in Heaven. Therefore, on Our part, the Divinity has decided with indelible and unshakeable decrees that Our Divine will come to reign upon earth - and no one can move Us; and as the sign of this, We have dispatched from Heaven the army of It's knowledges. If it were not so, it would not be worthwhile to place the so many values of a Divine Will at risk; just as they have remained hidden to man for many centuries, so they could continue. Now We are waiting for the creatures' part who are still temporizing from making up their minds, especially those who temporize from occuping themselves with making known the secrets of My Divine Will and the great good of It's knowledges. Human will, how ungrateful you are; I am waiting for your decision so that we may exchange the kiss and I may give you the Kingdom which I have prepared for you. And you temporize still ? My daughter, pray and place no obstacle on your part to a good so great that will be the greatest display of Our Love.

V. 30 - 4/13/32 - My daughter, My Divine will possesses the inseparability from all His acts and effects as much as if He works alone in Himself or as if He works in the creature; or if the creature works in Him or else in order to execute what My Divine Will wants. In this way of working, My Will puts forth His works and retains them as His acts and His properties that are inseparable from Him. Now, if the creature lives in My Will, these acts make themselves common property with the one and the other. If then, she makes some exits, she loses her first rights that had been made in Our House and the substance, the life of the act, the sanctity, the beauty, the prerogatives that are needed to be able to form one of Our acts and what has been put forth by Out Divine Volition. The creature has done nothing other than to assist and to occur with her will, to work with Ours. But of substance, she puts nothing of hers. Hence, if she persists to live in Our Volition, she masters together; if she goes out of Our Volition, with justice, she touches nothing; but if she re-enters, she acquires anew the right of mastery.

V. 36 - 5/6/38 - My blessed daughter, one who lives in My Will remains always inseparable from her Creator; even from eternity she was already with Us, Our Divine Volition carried her in Our Arms in Our Bosom and made Us love, court and enjoy her; and since that time We felt her love palpitating in Us and it called Us to the work of Our creative Hands in order to make of her one of Our most beautiful images. Oh, how We enjoyed in finding in Our Will, in one who could develop Our creative work!... The life of Our Fiat is just this, to generate; and where He reigns, He generates continually without ever ending; He generates in Us and conserves the generative virtue of the Sacrosanct Trinity; He generates in the creature where He reigns and He generates Our images, love and sanctity.

V. 16 - 3/19/24 - But when the soul enters into My Will, it is her acts that, being filled with Divine virtue, make My Life arise according to how her acts are more or less extended and are done. This is the reason for My Feast in seeing that the creature takes MY Own and gives Me My Love, My Glory and even My very Life. My contentment is so great that it is not given to the creature to comprehend it while she lives in the exile but she will comprehend it in the Celestial Fatherland when she sees herself repaid with as many Divine Lives for as many as she formed upon earth.

V. 14 - 2/24/22 - My daughter, when I received the Cross, I looked at it from top to bottom, to see the place that each soul would take in My Cross. Among so many of them, I looked with more love and I paid a more special attention to those who would be resigned and would live life in My Will. I looked at them and I saw their cross, long and large just as Mine because My Will made up for all that their cross lacked, making it longer and larger like Mine. Now, My Will has the virtue of softening hardness, of sweetening bitterness and enlarging short things. So, when I felt the Cross upon My Shoulders, I felt the softness and the sweetness of the cross of the souls who would suffer in My Will. Ah ! My Heart heaved a sigh of relief and the softness of the crosses of these souls made My Cross adapt to My Shoulders, sinking so much into It as to cause a deep wound ; and although It gave Me a sharp pain, I also felt the softness and sweetness of the souls who would suffer in My Will. And since My Will is eternal, their suffering, their reparations, their acts, ran within each drop of My Blood in each wound, in each offense. My Will made them be as though present at the offenses of the past from the first moment man sinned, at the present and at the future offenses.  They were the ones who returned the rights of My Will to Me; and for love of them, I decreed Redemption. And if others enter into it, it is because of these souls who they partake in it. There is no good I concede, either in Heaven or on earth, that is not because of them.

V. 20 - 9/17/26 - How each thing created by God has its place and one who goes out of the Divine Will loses his place. Importance of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat -

V. 29 - 3/30/31 - And Jesus: My good daughter, do not fear, the humiliation is bearer of glory, to the contempt of creatures, Divine appreciation arises and the abandonment  to them is the re-call of the faithful company of your Jesus.

V. 16 - 11/24/23 - The Story of the Divine Will - How the Most Holy Virgin, for the work of Redemption, made all the acts of the Divine Will Her Own and prepared the food for Her children - this is the reason She is "Mother and Queen of the Divine Will" - Luisa must do the same for the work of the"Fiat Voluntas Tua"
(This reading is in: -

V.  4 - 10/10/1900 - Rather you must know that for two reasons alone can the soul go out of the body; by force of pain which happens at natural death or by force of the reciprocal love between the soul and Me...

V. 3 - 6/7/1900 - On hearing Him say this to me I was consoled and I said in my interior: If it is up to me, I will not chastise anyone at all. But I lost my illusion when Blessed Jesus gave me a key and placed me in the middle of a light such that by looking from within that light, I could see all the Attributes of God and also that of Justice. Oh, how everything is orderly in God ! And if Justice punishes, this is order and if It did not punish, It would not be in order with the other Attributes. So, I saw myself as a wretched worm in the middle of that light for if I wanted to prevent the course of Justice, I would ruin that order and would go against men themselves because I understood that Justice Itself is most pure Love toward men. I found myself all confused and embarrassed, and so, to get rid of it, I said to Jesus: Throught this light with which You have surrounded me, I understand things differently and if you leave it up to me, I would do worse than You. Therefore, I do not accept this knowledge and I renounce the keys of Justice. What I accept and want is that You make me suffer and spare these people; as for the rest, I don't want to know anything about it. And Jesus, smiling at my words, said to me: How quickly you want to get rid of it without wanting to know the reason...

V. 24 - 9/5/28 - And Jesus: I cannot change nor is it of the Divine Nature to change. The human nature changes but the Divine never does. Therefore, be certain that nothing has changed in Me. But do you know what I want to give you as recompense ? My Own Life. Each truth that I manifest to you is a Gift of Divine Life that I give to you; and I give you the freedom not only to keep this great Gift for yourself but to multiply It in order to give It to whomever you want and to whomever wanted to receive It.

V. 22 - 6/20/27 - ...Therefore, even from now, My Divine Fiat  makes you extend your love to the past, to the present and to the future, to give you the right that your love may extend everywhere and to all times and it may never cease to love. Here is the great difference between one who lives in My Will and one who lives outside of It.

V. 20 - 9/17/26 - My daughter, as long as he remained in the terrestrial Eden, living in the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, Adam knew all the knowledges, as much as it is possible for a creature, of that which belonged to the Kingdom he possessed. But as soon as he went out of It, his intellect was obscured; he lost the Light of his Kingdom and could not find the fitting words in order to manifest the knowledges he had acquired on the Supreme Will because that very Divine Volition which would hand to him the necessary terms to manifest to others what he had known, was missing. This, on his part; more so, since everytime he remembered  his withdrawal from My Will and the highest good which he has lost, he felt such a grip of sorrow as to become taciturn, engrossed in the sorrow of the loss of a Kingdom so great and of the irreparable evils which, as much as Adam might do, it was not given him to repair. On the part of his Creator, he received no order and therefore he was not given enough capacity to manifest It. Why manifest a knowledge if It would not give him the good It contained ?  I only make a good known when I want to give It. However, even though Adam did not speak extensively about the Kingdom of My Will, he taught many important things on what regarded It; so much so, that during the first times of the history of the world, up to Noah, the generations had no need of laws, nor were there idolatries ( no diversity of languages ), but all recognized their One God ( one single language )  because they cared more about My Will. But as they kept moving away from It, idolatries arose and degenerated into worse evils. And this is why God saw the necessity of giving His laws as a preserver for the human generations. So, one who does My Will has no need of laws because My will  is Life, is law - is everything for man....

V. 14 - 2/9/22 - Finding myself in my usual state, I was following the Hours of the Passion; and while I  was accompanying my sweet Jesus in the Msystery of His painful scourging, He made Himself seen with His flesh all torn up. His Body was stripped, not only of His garments but also of His flesh; His bones could be counted one by one. The sight of Him was not only harrowing but horrible to look at, such as to strike fear, fright, reverence and love at the same time. I felt mute before such a harrowing scene. I would have wanted to do, who knows what, to relieve my Jesus but I could do nothing - the sight of His pains gave me death; and Jesus, all goodness, told me: My beloved daughter, look well at Me, that you may know My pains in depth. My Body is the true portrait of the man who commits sin. Sin strips him of the garments of My Grace; and I let Myself be stripped of My garments so as to give Grace back to him once again. Sin deforms him and while he is the most beautiful creature who came out of My Hands, he becomes the ugliest one - disgusting and repugnant. I was the most beautiful of men, and I can say that, in order to give beauty back to man, My Humanity took on the ugliest form. Look at Me - how horried I am. I let My skin be torn off by dint of lashes, to the point that I could no longer recognize Myself... - Ah ! Had I not had the fount of the Life of My Divinity within Me, which, since My Humanity died at each pain they gave Me, sustituted for My Life - I would have died from the very beginning of My Passion...

V. 17 - 12/24/24 - The pain of death was the first pain that Jesus suffered in His Conception and which lasted for His whole Life. In the Incarnation, God placed Himself at the mercy of His creatures. Firmness in operating -

V. 27 - 12/16/29 - But do you want to know the primary reason for which I lowered Myself so much in doing so many lowly and human acts ? Necessity did not exist in Me but I did it to fulfill in each act, the Divine Will. All things would present themselves before Me for what they were in themselves where they had come from, sealed by the Divine Fiat and I would take them because it was wanted by It. It can be said that there was a contest between My Divine Will which by nature, as Word of the Celestial Father, I possessed within Me, and My same Divine Will spread in the whole Creation. So. in all things, I knew and saw nothing but My Divine Will; It was My food, My water, My work; everything would disappear from Me and it was always My Divine Will that I would deat with. And while My Divine Will would make Me descend into the human acts of creatures, I would call all the human acts of each one of them, that they might receive the great gift of having My Divine Volition descend as Prime Act and as Life of their acts. Oh! if creatures looked at created things for what they are in themselves - their origin, Who it is that nourishes them and preserves them and Who the Bearer is of so many things that serve the human life - oh ! how they would love My Divine Will and would take the substance of created things. But they look at the exterior and therefore they attach their hearts to them and feed themselves from the cortex of them, losing the substance present inside of created things that came out of Us, so as to let creatures perform many acts of Our Divine Will...

V. 28 - 7/16/30 - My daughter, My Love toward creatures is so much that It does not cease even for one instant to Love them. If My Love ceased one sole instant to Love them, all of the Universe and all creatures would end in nothing. But, the existence of all things had the first act of Life from My full, whole, complete, endless and unceasing Love. In summary, there is nothing that the creature does in which My Will does not run as Life and My Love as food and Who feeds all of its acts.

V. 31 - 8/14/32 - My blessed Daughter, My Will produces the Light in the soul and the Light generates the knowledge - Light and knowledge love each other and generate Love. So that where My Supreme Will reigns, the Sacrosanct Trinity reigns in Act. Our adorable Trinity is carried in nature in an irresistible way without ever interrupting to generate continually and the first generating Act We do is in Ourselves. The Father generates Me continually and I His Son feel Myself generated in Him continually, the Celestial Father generates Me and Loves Me, I am generated and I Love Him and from One and the Other proceeds the Love. In this generative Act wtithout ever ceasing, It encloses all Our admirable knowledges, Our secrets, Our beatitudes, the times, Our dispositions, Our power and wisdom all as much the Eternity, enclosed in One single generating Act which forms all the whole of Our Divine Being. Hence, this reciprocal Love of Ours that forms the Third Person of Our inseparable Being from Us; it seems that He is not content with Our generating Act in Ourselves but He wants to generate outside of Ourselves, in souls, and behold We entrust the assignment to Our Will animated by Our Love that descends in souls and goes to form with His Light Our Divine generation; indeed He can do this in one who lives in Our Volition, outside of Him, there is no post in order to form Our Divine Life, Our Word would not find the hearing in order to make Himself listened to and lacking Our knowledges, the Love would not find the substance in order to generate, and behold Our Most Holy Trinity disarranged in the creature. Therefore, only Our Will is that which can form this Divine generation of Ours. So, be attentive to listen to what this Light wants to say to you in order to give Him the field to His generating Act.

V. 31 - 9/18/32 - Blessed daughter, My Will encloses everything, rather for every creature He holds there His written page of how her story should develop for her life and this written page was "ab eterno" written in the Light of Our Will. So that the life of every creature in time had It's beginning and without end. Now all the Creation didn't yet exist and We loved her because she was already within Us: We held the great birth of all creatures enclosed within the Sanctuary of Our Divinity, We looked in each one of them at Our written page, her circumstances, her little tale and according to this, what was more or less written, what should be completed and glorified in  Our Most Holy Will, thus We loved her more intensely. You didn't exist but Our Will enclosed you and loving you We gave you the place, the rest on Our Paternal Knees; We gave you the various lessons on Our Fiat, and oh ! how much pleasure We took in seeing you listen and write in your soul as copying, what was written in Our Eternal Page. Because you should know that We want that the creature does Our Will, first becomes done by Us, formed by Us in Our same Volition and then overflowing from Us, He wants to do It and form It in the creature,making His field of Divine action with her. So much is Our Love that We don't want other than that she does what We have done, giving her the model of Our Act, so that she makes the copy of It and how much help, assistance don't We give her, while she makes the copy, giving her Our same Will as her Act, as prime material, so that the copy succeeds according to Our design....

V. 31 - 9/25/32 - My little newborn of My Volition, come between My Arms. You have reason that only in My Arms can you be secure, nor are there perils in My Will Who more than Mama holds you to His Bosom, feeds you with His Light and with His Love. There are no oppressions, nore sadness, nor fear; these are stuffs outside of My Will, not inside of Him, where there is none other than peace, joy, continuous aptitude. There is so much to do that the soul doesn't find neither time nor place in order to oppress herself, and then oppression is the lack of total abandoment in My Arms. The abandoment produces the sweet sleep and in the same sleep, she dreams of He Whom she loves and Who loves her so much that He holds her pressed to His Bosom. Instead the oppression, the fear produces the vigil and she becomes all eyes in order to look at herself, not He Who loves her and is all Eyes for her. You should know that the doing and the living in My Will, calls My Life to form Himself in you and the total abandoment calls My Works and one who doesn't live abandoned impedes in herself My Life and My Works and I would feel badly if I might not be able to develop what I want to do in the creature. Therefore, abandon yourself totally in Me and I will think of everything.

V. 27 - 11/6/29 - My daughter, My Divine Will simplifies the creature; It empties her so much of everything that does not belong to It, that nothing else is left of the human being but a complex of simplicity. Simple the gaze, the word, the manners, the steps; the mark of the Divine Simplicity can be seen in her as though in a mirror. Therefore, when My Divine Will reigns on earth, pretense, lie, which can be called origin of every evil, will no longer exist; whilc simplicity, as origin of every true good, will be the true character that will point out that here reigns the Divine Will...

V. 17 - 6/14/24 - Look at yourself - how beautiful My Will has made you; not only this but in each one of your acts, I enclose Myself because by enclosing My Will, you enclose everything. I looked at myself and - oh ! how much Light came out. But what struck me and pleased me the most was to see Jesus enclosed in each one of my acts. His Will imprisoned Him within me.

V. 17 - 7/20/25 - My daughter, have you seen how painful is the state of immobility ? It is the hardest state because even while feeling bitter pains, motion is a relief - it is a sign of life. Contortions are mute voices that ask for help and stir those around to compassion. You have experienced how painful that is. But do you know why I put you in this state of immobility ? To make you comprehend the state in which My Grace finds Itself and to receive a reparation from you. - Oh ! In what painful constraints does My Grace finds Itself ! And this, not only from those who, openly, are said to be evil but also from those who are said to be religious, pious souls; and , many times, because of trifles because of something which is not to their liking, a whim, a most vile attachment or because they do not find the satisfaction of their own wills in the very holy things. While My Grace is all motion and life for them, to their whim, to human attachments and to everything in which they feel the satisfaction of their own self. So, in the place of My Grace, they put their own self, as life and as their own idol.

V. 18 - 2/11/26 - ...All the opposite for one who lives of her own will which is the key of hell, of miseries, of inconstancy; whatever place it opens, it can open only there where evil is. And if she does any good at all, it is apparent, because inside of it, there is the woodworm of her will which gnaws at everything. Therefore, even if it should cost you, your life, never - never go out of My Will.

V. 19 - 3/28/26 - Now, My daughter, when I came upon earth, creatures were all illiterate in the things of Heaven and if I had wanted to speak about the Fiat and the true living in It, they would have been incapable of comprehending. Since they did not know the way to come to Me, the majority of them being crippled, blind, sick, I had to lower Myself with the guise of My Humanity which covered that Fiat that I wanted to give, becoming their brother, associating with everyone, to be able to teach the first rudiments - " a, b, c, " of the Supreme Fiat. And everything I taught, did and suffered, was nothing but preparing the way, the Kingdom and the dominion of My Will.

V. 19 - 4/28/26 - Afterwards, I was thinking to myself: It is true that my Queen Mama made the greatest of all sacrifices, which no one else had made - that is not even wanting to know Her own will but only that of God; and through this She embraced all sorrows up to the heroism of sacrifice, sacrificing Her own Son in order to do the Supreme Will - but once She made this sacrifice, everything She suffered afterwards was the effect of Her first act. Nor did She have to struggle as we do in different circumstances, in unforeseen encounters, in unexpected lossess... But while I was thinking this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior, telling me: My daughter, you are wrong. The maximum sacrifice of My Mama was not only one but they were so great and so many - for as many as were the sorrows, the pains, the circumstances and the encounters to which Her existence and Mine were exposed. Pains were always doubled in Her because My  pains were Hers - more than Her own pains. Besides My Wisdom did not change direction with My Mama; in each pain She was to receive, I always asked Her whether She wanted to accept it in order to hear that "Fiat" being repeated to Me in each pain, in each circumstance and even in each of Her heartbeats. That "Fiat" resounded so sweet, gentle and harmonious to Me, that I wanted to hear It being repeated in every instant of Her life. This is why I would always ask Her: "Mama do you want to do this ? Do you want to suffer this pain ?" And My Fiat would bring Her the seas of the goods It contains and would make Her understand the intensity of the pain She was accepting. This understanding, through Divine Light, of what, step by step, She was to suffer gave Her such martyrdom as to infinitely surpass the struggles which creatures suffer. In fact, since the seed of sin was missing in Her, the seed of the struggle was missing and so My Will had to find another device, that She might not be inferior to the other creatures in suffering because having to acquire by justice the right of Queen of Sorrows, She was to surpass in suffering all creatures together. How many times have you not experienced this - that while you felt no struggle within you, as My Will would make you understand the pains It inflicted on you, you would remain petrified by the intensity of the pain; and while you were undone in that pain, you were the tiny little lamb in My Arms, ready yet to accept more pains to which My Will wanted you to be submitted. Ah, did you not suffer more than in the struggle itself ? The struggle is a sign of vehement passions, while My Will, if It brings suffering, It gives intrepidness; and with the knowledge of the intensity of the pain, It gives one such merit that only a Divine Will can give. Therefore, just as I act with you - that in everything I want from you, first I ask you whether you want it, whether you accept it - so I did with My Mama. This, so that the sacrifice may be always new and may give Me the opportunity to converse with the creature, to be with her and My Volition may have It's field of Divine action in the human will.

V. 19 - 8/4/26 - ...My highest Good, moved in my interior and as I felt Him, I said to Him: Jesus, how can You leave me ! Without  You, I do I don't know where I am. And He, all Goodness, told me: My daughter, what ? You don't know where you are ?  Are you not in My Will ?  The house of My Will is large and if you are not on one floor, you must be on another. In fact, My Will contains four floors: the first one is the low level of the earth - that is the sea , the earth, the plants, the flowers, the mountains and everything else that exists in the lower part of the universe. My Will dominates and rules everywhere; Its place is always of Queen and It holds everything in the palm of It's hand. The second floor is the sun, the stars, the spheres. The third is the azure sky. The fourth is the Fatherland, Mine and of the Angels and Saints. In all of these floors, My Will is Queen, It occupies the first place of honor; therefore, whatever these floors you might be on, be certain that you are always in My Will.

V. 20 - 11/23/26 - Now, the Sun of My Will, Its sphere, is not limited and therefore, It possesses Its full day; therefore, one who lives in It embraces all time, all generations and investing the acts of all, she forms one single act, one single love and one single glory for her Creator. But do you know what this Sun of My Supreme  Will is formed of ? My Attributes are the rays of this Sun, which, though different among themselves in their qualities and in the office they hold, are Light in their substance; and My Will, the combining Light which assumes all these Lights together, is the directore of all My Attributes. And so, when creatures deserve to be struck, I direct the ray of Light of My Justice and, defending My rights, It strikes creatures.

V. 20 - 12/3/26 - My daughter, do you know why I allowed Myself to be put in prison during the course of My Passion ?  To free man from the prison of the human will. Look at how horrible is My prison. It was a narrow place which served to contain the rubbish and the excrements of creatures; so, the stench was unbearable, the darkness was thick - they left Me not even a little lamp. My position was excruciating - dirtied with spit, My hair was disheveled, suffering in all of My Members, bound not even erect but bent. I could help Myself in no way, not even to remove the hair from My Eyes, that bothered Me - this prison of Mine is the true image of the prison formed by the human will of creatures...

V. 20  - 12/10/26 - How the Divine Will is a continuous Act that never ceases. How the Virgin let Herself be dominated by this Act and formed Its Life within Her. How, in Heaven, in the Feasts of the Virgin, they celebrate the Divine Will -

V. 20 - 1/9/27 - ...Therefore, you will always have the first fruits in the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; there will be nothing in It which will not start from your prime act. So, all will be turned  toward you - to you the beginning of the glory. Therefore, I want everything to begin from you in order to form My Supreme Kingdom.

V. 20 - 1/13/27 - ...My daughter, in order to live in My Will, the soul must ascend; and in order to ascend in It, she must leave that which does not belong to My Will. She must leave her miserable rags, her vulgar habits, her vile foods, her miseries. Everything, she must leave, to make use of royal garments, of divine habits, of precious and nourishing foods, of infinite riches - in sum, of everything that belongs to My Will. What you have written serves you for now - it serves the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. then it will be the rule for those who must live in It - how they must make use of all the operating acts of My Will in order to maintain themselves within the boundaries of My Kingdom. Therefore, what to you does not seem to be necessary, it is necessary for the formation of My Supreme Kingdom.

V. 20 - 2/13/27 - Now, My Divine Will has not withdrawn - there is not one point to which Its Divine Life does not extend; there is not one creature who is not invested by this Supreme Will. But while It extends everywhere and invests everything and everyone, It cannot form Its Life. How many  Divine Lives are suffocated in creatures; how many deny to It the first place in their acts; how many place It after unworthy and vile acts, denying Its dominion to It. And do you think that the destruction of so many Divine Lives of this Will of Mine in creatures is something trivial ?...of so many of Its Acts, noble and sublime, that It feels as being destroyed while they use It to form human lives, deplorable lives, monsters who will serve for hell ? And do you think  this is trivial, My daughter ? The detriment that Our Glory receives on the part of Creation is great and incalculable, such that not even all the good of Redemption could repay Us because even  with Redemption, man has not come back into the unity of Our Will nor does It reign fully in creatures. Therefore, Our Glory in Creation is not complete; and only when the things created by Us will serve Our Own Will as well as those who will give It the first place of honor, will recognize It in all things and letting It reign in all their acts, will constitute It absolute Queen and dominating King - then when It will be complete. - This is My purpose - that in My Kingdom there be no servants but My children and Kings and Queens like Me. This will happen with My Divine Will. Oh! How It  awaits to be given back Its complete Glory in Creation; and that It be recognized that everything belongs to It, so as to be able to say: Everything is yours - let us reign together. How It awaits for Its knowledges on the Supreme Fiat to cover the paths to stir, to call - to press creatures to come into My Kingdom, so as to form My true children, to whom I can give the title of Kings and Queens. This is why I have so much interest that the manifestations on My Divine Will be known - because this is about My greatest Act, which is the fulfillment of My Glory and the complete good of creatures.

V. 20 - 2/21/27 - Now, My daughter, the reason that We issued the Creation and created man was to give Our Riches, so that the external Glory of Our Works may unite to the internal Glory and the immense happiness which We possess. So, since the creature is not in Our Will, We feel her far away from Us; there is no one who surrounds Us with her "thank You", nor anyone who smiles at Us with delight for Our Works. Everything is isolation; We are surrounded my immense riches but because Our creatures are far away from Us, We have no one to whom to give them; We have no one who admires Our Works to enjoy them. We are happy of Ourselves, nor is there anyone who could slightly disturb Our happiness; but We are forced to see the unhappiness of creatures because, being disunited from Us, they cannot take and We cannot give.  The human will has formed the fences and has locked the doors of communication. To give is liberality, heroism, love - to receive is Grace; and the creature by doing her own will, hinders Our liberality, Our heroism, Our love. And if something is given, it is always restricted and given by dint of strains, of intrigues because since the order between them and Us is missing, things do not run freely. We are not capable of sorrow - Our Being is untouchable by all evils; but if We were capable of sorrow, the creature would poison Our existence. This is, then, the reason for all Our interests in wanting to make Our Will known and that It reign in the midst of creatures: We want to give, We want to see them happy of Our Own happiness; and Our Will alone can do all this - realizing the purpose of Creation and allowing Us to place Our Goods in common.

V. 21 - 5/22/27 - After this I was thinking to myself, and asked what this Divine Will could be, and Jesus continued: " My daughter,  Divine Will means giving God to God. It is a Divine outpouring that transforms human nature into Divine. It is the communication of the Creative Virtue, It embraces the Infinite; It is the soul lifting herself up into the Eternal to have Eternity in the palm of her hand to tell God: From all Eternity I have loved You. Your Will has no beginning, It is Eternal with You and I, in It, loved You with love that has no beginning and no end. What is My Will ? It is everything".

V. 21 - 4/18/27 - My daughter, in being raised up My Humanity gave the right to all creatures to be raised up into glory and into Eternal bliss not only in their souls, but also in their bodies. - All glory and all honor is of My Will. If I had not risen up, no one would be able to rise up. With the Prime Act comes the succession of acts which are similar to the first. See what is the power of a Prime Act: My Queen Mother made the Prime Act in conceiving Me. To be able to conceive Me, the Eternal Word, She enclosed within Herself all the acts of creatures and offered them back up to Her Creator in such a way that She could say to Him: It is I Who love You, adore You and satisfy You for everyone. Thus by finding everyone in My Mama, and notwithstanding My Conception was only once, I could give Myself to everyone as Life of each creature. So, daughter, by you doing your Prime Acts in My Will, other creatures receive the right to enter into It and to repeat your acts so that they may receive the same effects. How necessary it is that one alone do the Prime Act because this serves to open the door and prepare the prime material to form the model which gives life to that act. When the Prime Act has been done, it makes it much easier for others to imitate it.

V. 22 - 6/1/27 - 6/17/27 - While Jesus was saying this, I saw the Blessed soul of Di Francia, near my bed, invested with light, suspended from the earth, fixing on me but without telling me one word. I, too felt mute before him, and Jesus added: Look at him, how transformed he is. My Will is Light and It has transformed that soul into Light; It is beautiful and has given him all the shades of perfect beauty; It is holy and he has been sanctified. My Will possesses all sciences and his soul has been invested by Divine Science. There is nothing that My Will has not given him. Oh! if all understood what Divine Will means, they would put everything aside, they would care about nothing else and their whole contentment would be to do My Will alone - After this, I found myself inside of myself and while looking for my sweet Jesus, I encountered Father Di Francia (St. Annibale Maria di Francia ) . He was all cheerful and he told me: Do you know how many beautiful surprises I found ? I did not think it would be so when I was on earth, though I thought I had done good by publishing the Hours of the Passion. But the surprises I found are marvelous, enchanting, of a rarity never before seen: all the words regarding the Passion of Our Lord changed into Light, one more beautiful than the other - all braided together; and these Lights grow more and more as creatures do the Hours of the Passion, so more Lights add to the first. But what surprised me the most were the few sayings published by me about the Divine Will; each saying changed into a Sun and these Suns, investing all the Lights with their Rays, form such a surprise of beauty that one remains enraptured. You cannot imagine how surprised I was at seeing myself in the midst of these Lights and these Suns - how content I was; and I thanked our Highest Good, Jesus, Who had given me the occasion and the Grace to do it. You too, thank Him on my behalf...

V. 22 - 6/20/27 - Therefore, even from now, My Divine Fiat makes you extend your love to the past, to the present and to the future, to give you the right that your love may extend everywhere and to all times and it may never cease to love. Here is the great difference between one who lives in My Will and one who lives outside of It.

V. 22 - 6/26/27 - My daughter, in Our things, there is perfect and equal measure of everything. So, as much as is the love, the heat, the light, so much is the freshness, the beauty, the power, the sweetness, etc. One is the weight of everything and therefore heat is nourished by freshness and freshness by heat; light is nourished by beauty and beauty nourishes light in such a way that one tempers the other. Strength nourishes sweetness and sweetness strength and so with all the rest of Our Divine things in such a way that each of them makes Us happy. By themselves Our qualities would oppress Us but, together, being in perfect quality, they serve Us as happiness, as joys and as contentments and they all compete to make Us happy...

V. 22 - 6/29/27 - My daughter, I do not look at what you do externally but I look at whether the fount of your interior is full of My Love alone - and so much as to flow outside in your external acts in such a way that your external acts too remain all beaded, as though by celestial dew, by the fount of My Love which you have inside...Everything I have manifested to you about My Will was also told to the Sovereign Queen of Heaven because She would do nothing but make It rise coninuously in order to draw Its manisfestations, to know them, love them and possess them as more than Her Own Life. But they would not overflow outside of Her - They would remain inside of Her because She did not have the mandate to make My Divine Will known; it was not Her mission and so She kept them in Her Heart even the littlest Truths, just as the greatest - as precious relics, as sacred deposit, waiting for you who were to have a mission all special, so as to administer to you Her wind also, that you might make the waves of the Light of the Divine Will rise, so that, as they would overflow outside of you, She might have Her part in making My Will known.

V. 22 - 7/10/27 - My daughter, the triumph of God is the human will  operating in His Own. This is His victory - to have what came out of Him, come back into Himself, into His Will. It is true that My Will is everywhere - there is not one point that can escape It but where does It carry out It's power, It's Divine Operating ? In the soul who lives in It...

V. 22 - 8/9/27 - My daughter, in order to form a greater light, it takes more heat. Light and heat are inseparable from each other. If there is light, there must be heat because the nature of light is heat and the nature of heat is light. However, if one wants great light, it takes much heat; they are both equal forces and together they form their life. Now, one who does My Will and lives in It receives the life of light and of heat from her Creator; and as the soul thinks about My Divine Will, she forms the heat; as she speaks about It, she adds more heat; as she operates in order to fulfill It, she doubles the heat - as she walks on Its ways, she multiplies the heat - and the light becomes brighter, stronger and extends and expands more. So, there if not one part of her being that does not spread rays of vivifying light; more so, since she possesses the source of the life of light which is My Supreme Fiat. From this, you will be able to comprehend how creatures possess so much light and heat for as much contact as they have with My Will and for as much as they try to fulfill It in their actions.

V. 22 - 8/12/27 - My daughter, water, fire and blood will unite together and will make justice. All the nations are taking up arms to make war and this irritates Divine Justice and disposes the elements to take revenge against them. Therefore, the earth will pour out fire, the air will send fountains of waters and the wars will form fountains of human blood, in which many will disappear; and cities and regions will be destroyed. What wickedness - after so many evils of a war they have gone through, they are preparing another one, more terrible; and they are trying to move almost the entire world, as if it were one single man. Does this not say that sin has entered deep into their bones to the point of transforming their very nature into sin ?

V. 22 - 8/28/27 - What does My Will not do in Creation ? There is nothing in which It does not hold Its primary Act of Life; and It runs and runs incessantly toward the creature. It runs in the wind, in the water, in the earth, in the flowery fields, in the waves of the sea, in the outstretched heavens, everywhere; and It runs in order to find It's Will in creatures; and not finding It, It feels a sorrow in all things, It feels It's Own Acts being snatched away from Itself without serving Its Own Volition. Oh ! if the creature could read the characters of My Divine Fiat - in everything she sees, touches and takes, she would read the incessant sorrow of this Divine Volition of Mine, which runs and will always run only to find My Will in them, the only purpose for which man and all Creation were created. This is the reason for all My cares in order to make My Will known, and that It may reign and dominate. Everything will be given to It's children because they alone will remove the characters of sorrow and will place the characters of joy, of glory, of happiness in all created things because they will receive Divine Will through them and Divine Will, will they let It find within themselves, rendering  the just homages and the glory which is due to the Acts that My Will exercise in all Creation.

V. 22 - 9/3/27 - My daughter, until the creature comes to letting My Divine Will reign within her, she will always be unhappy, always restless, because as good, holy, learned and rich as she may be, she will feel within herself that she lacks the fullness of happiness and the sea of peace which are such that from no side may she be disturbed or her happiness broken. So, she can only be happy by half and her peace will be halved; and because it is not whole, the half that she lacks will keep the way open to bring unhappiness and disturbance.

V.  31 - 10/16/32 and V. 35 - 3/22/38 - The sin against the Holy Spirit can be read at:

V. 25 - 11/4/28 - ...Then, while my mind was wandering in this light, my sweet Jesus, moving in this light, as it seemed He was as though sunken inside, told me: My daughter, for as many Truths as I have manifested to you about My Will, so many lights have unleashed themselves from Our Divine Womb and have fixed themselves in you but without detaching themselves from the center of your Creator. In fact, the light is inseparable from God; it communicates itself, it fixes itself  in the creature and it never loses its center from which it came out. How beautiful it is to see the creature with all these lights fixed in her, that have the virtue of making the One Who created her arise again in the creature - and so many times, for as many Truths as are manifested to her. And since what I have manifested to you on My Divine Will are innumerable Truths - so many, that you yourself cannot count them all - many lights, that is, many luminous rays, are fixed in you that descend from God but without detaching from Its Divine Womb. These lights form the most beautiful ornament in you and the greatest Gift you could receive from God. In fact, since these Truths are fixed in you, they give you right over the Divine Properties - and so many rights, for as many Truths as I have manifested to you. You cannot comprehend the great dowry you have been endowed with by God with these Truths, which, like many lights, are fixed in your soul. The whole of Heaven is amazed at seeing so many lights in you, all filled with many Divine Lives. And as you communicate them to other creatures, this light winds its way, it fixes itself in other hearts but without leaving you and forms the Divine Life wherever it reaches. My daughter, what great Treasure has been entrusted to you with so many Truths I have told you on My Divine Will; a Treasure which has its source in Its Divine Womb and which will always give light without ever ceasing.

V. 25 - 12/29/28 - My daughter, look - how beautiful is Creation ! What order, what harmony It contains. And as beautful as It is, the heavens, the stars, the sun, all are mute - they have no virtue to say even one word. On the other hand, the stars, the sun, the ruling wind of ray of My Divine Will are all speaking and have such eloquence that no one else can equal them; the Angel, the Saint, the learned one, before the heavens of My speaking Will, remain mute and feel ignorant. But why are these heavens and suns speaking ?  Because they contain Life. But do you know what these speaking  heavens and suns are ? They are the Knowledges which I have manifested to you about My Divine Will. My Will is not only Life but is the fount, the source and the Life of all lives, therefore the heavens of Its Knowledges could not be mute. So, each Knowledge about Our Divine Fiat is a heaven, a sun, It is a wind, one distinct from the other, which, having the speaking virtue and possessing the Divine Life, have the virtue of producing new heavens and suns more beautiful and winds more mighty such as to invest the hearts and make conquests of them by their sweet moaning - See then, My daughter, how My Love surpassed the Love We had in Creation, in manifesting to you so many Knowledges about My Divine Will...

V. 25 - 3/17/29 - See then, My daughter, each Truth I have manifested to you about My Divine Will was a child generated in Our Paternal Womb, such that, as We put It out, It brought you the child of Our light, the child of Our beauty, of Our sanctity and Our Love. And if the grace  was given to you to put Them out, it was because they found in you the space and freedom to be able to  generate, in such a way that, unable to contain within yourself, the so many Births of the children of Our Truths, you put them out for the good of those who had the good of listening to you. Therefore, it can be said that the one who does not take these Truths into consideration, does not esteem Them, appreciate Them and love Them, is a child of Ours who does  not appreciate and love the greatest thing that exists in Heaven and on earth and by not loving Them and esteeming Them, come to suffocate these children of Ours and to prevent their generation. There is no greater evil than this: not to use all the care in keeping a Truth of Ours as the greatest of treasures because It is a child of Ours, It is the bearer of Our Life upon earth. What good can a Truth of Ours not do ? It contains the Power of Our Fiat - and so very vast, It has the Power to save an entire world. More so, since each Truth possesses a distinct good to be given to creaures as well as a glory for the One Who generated It; and to hinder the good and the glory which the dear Births came from Us, is the greatest of crimes.

V. 25 - 3/22/29 - My daughter, in Creation, it was My Divine Will that had Its field of action; and although,Our Divinity was concurrent - because We are inseparable from It - however, the Prime Act, the action, was all of Our Will. It spoke and It operated; It spoke and It ordered; We were the spectators of what Our Supreme Volition was doing with such great mastery, order and harmony, that We felt worthily glorified and twice as happy by Our very Will - So much so, that in creating man, wanting to make greater display of Its power, of Its love and of Its mastery, It wanted to enclose in man all the art of the whole Creation. Not only this, but It wanted to surpass It, giving such brush strokes of Divine art as to make him the little god; and laying Itself inside and outside of him, to the right and to the left, above his head and under his feet, I carried him within My Divine Will as the outpouring of Our Love and as the triumpher and admirer of Its insuperable mastery. Therefore, it was the right of My Divine Fiat that man live only and always of Divine Will. What had It done for him ? It called him from nothing, It formed him, It gave him his being and It gave him double life - the life of man and that of My Divine Will in order to carry him always clasped in It's creative Arms, so as to preserve him beautiful, fresh, happy, just as It had created him - The Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven is precisely this: that man return into My Divine Will; and only when It sees again Its child happy, living in Its house with the opulence of It's goods - then will It calm Itself. And so It will be able to say: My child has come back, he is clothed with his royal garments, he wears the crown of King, he lives together with Me and I have given back to him the rights which I gave him in creating him. So, the disorder in Creation is ended because man has come back into My Divine Will.

V. 25 - 3/25/29 - My daughter, one who lives in My Volition is bound to all of Creation; neither can Creation do without this fortunate creature, nor can the creature unbind herself from created things becuause, the Will of one and the other, being one, which is My Divine Will, they form one single body with many members inseparable from one another. So, I look at one who lives in My Divine Will and I see her heavens; I return to look at her and I see her sun; My gazes, enraptured by so much beauty, fix  more upon her and I find her sea. In sum, I see in her all the varities of each created thing and I say: Oh !  Power of My Divine Fiat - how beautiful You render for Me, she who lives in You...Therefore, everything I have told you about My Divine Will has such importance, that It costs Me more than the whole Creation; because It is a renewal of It and when an Act is renewed, It costs double Love and in order to be more sure, We place double Grace and double Light to be given to creatures, so that We might not have to suffer the second sorrow, maybe more painful than the first, which We had in the beginning of Creation, when man sinned and formed within himself the failure of Our Love, of Our Light and of the precious inheritance of Our Supreme Volition...

V. 33 - 2/10/34 - Therefore, if you want to be the victor over everything, grow in the arms of My Will. He will pour Himself in you and you will feel His palpitating life in you and He will raise you to His Likeness and you will be His honor, His triumph and His glory - What won't I give to My children after I have been loved and recognized as Father ? Everything ! - I won't deny them anything and they give Me the right, the joy of My children. For one who lives in My Will, I don't know how to deny her anything; if I might do this, I would deny it to Myself, therefore I give everything and she repeats the scenes to give Me everything. Therefore, in Him there are exchanges of Works, reciprocal Love that forms such moving scenes as to form the Paradise of God and of the soul. Oh ! Thousands and thousands of times Blessed is one who comes to live in the Celestial sojourn of My Will.

V. 26 - 4/28/1929 - My daughter, it is Our Will that the creature ascend again into Our Womb, in Our creative Arms, that We may give her again Our continuous Breath, and, in this Breath, give her the current that generates all goods, joys and happiness. But in order for Us to be able to give this Breath, man must live in Our Will because  only in It can he receive It and We, give It - Therefore, so that man may return to his place of honor and enter once again to operate together with his Creator and they may amuse themselves together, into Our Arms that are waiting for him to clasp him tightly within Our Divine Womb and say to him: Finally, after six-thousand years you have come back. You have gone wandering, you have experienced all evils because there is no good without Our Fiat. You have experienced enough and have touched with your own hands what it means to go out of It; so, never go out of It again and come to rest and enjoy what is yours for in Our Volition, everything was given to you...

V. 27 - 10/7/29 - ...My daughter, terrible indeed was the moment of the fall of Adam. As he rejected Our Divine Will to do his own, Our Fiat was in act of withdrawing from the heavens, from the sun and from all Creation to reduce it to nothing because the one who had rejected Our Divine Will no longer deserved that Our Fiat maintain the continuous act of creation and preservation in all Creation, made for the love if man and given to him as gift from his Creator. If it wasn't that the Eternal Word offered His forseen merits of the future Redeember, as He offered them to preserve the Immaculate Virgin from original sin, everything would have gone to ruin: the heavens, the sun would have withdrawn into Our source; and as Our Divine Will withdraws, all created things would lose life. But the Word Humanate presented Himself before the Divinity and making present all of His forseen merits, all things remained in their place and My Fiat continued His creating and preserving work, waiting for My Humanity in order to give It as legitimate gift, which I deserved; so much so, that the solemn promise was made to man, after his fall, that the future Redeemer would descend to save him, so that he would pray and dispose himself to receive Him.

V. 27 - 12/18/29 - But do you know, little daughter of My Divine Volition, what was the greatest interest of My Love ? That of devouring, in creatures, their human will, because it is the origin of all evils. Oh! what tortured Me the most was the human will, which not only formed clouds, but formed the most sorrowful scenes in My very Humanity. Threfore, pray that My Divine Will be known and reign in the human will; and then will you be able to call Me, the happy Jesus. Otherwise, My tears will not cease as I will always have reason to cry over the lot of poor humanity, as it lies under the nightmare of its misererable will.

V. 27 - 1/16/30 - Little daughter of My Eternal Will, I want to make known to you that the work of Creation, of Redemption and that of the Kingdom of Our Will, are all work of Our Supreme Fiat. It is the Fiat that took on the operating role and the Three Divine Persons took on the concurring role; but it was to Our Divine Fiat that We gave the rask to create the Creation, to form the Redemption and to re-establish the Kingdom of Our Divine Will...

V. 27 - 1/26/30 - My daughter, the prayers done in MyDivine Volition to obtain the advent of Its Kingdom upon earth hold a great empire over God. God Himself cannot rid Himself of It, nor can He not grant It. In fact, as the creature prays in My Divine Fiat, We feel the strength of Our Will that prays with Its empire, with Its immensity; It extends everywhere and embracing the universal strength, the prayer extends everywhere in such a way that We feel surrounded from all sides, We feel Our Own Will praying within Us and from prayer, It changes into command and says: I want...

V. 27 - 1/20/30 - My daughter, how beautiful is the living in My Divine Will. It keeps, as though present, everything that has been done by God; and the creature finds everything that her Creator has done, and takes part in His works and can render to her Creator the honors, the love, the glory of that act. It can be said that one who lives in Our Divine Will places Us in the condition of renewing Our most beutiful works and makes herself the re-newer of Our Feasts. The creation of the Virgin says in clear notes what Our Divine Will means and what It can do. As soon as It took possession of Her Virgin Heart, We did not wait even one minute but immediately We made Her Queen. It was Our Will that We were crowning in Her because it was not fitting for a creature Who possessed Our Will not to  have the Crown of Queen and the Scepter of Command. Our Divine Will wants to hold nothing back; It wants to give everything to one who lets It form Its Kingdom in her soul. Now, you must know that just as you find, present in the Divine Fiat, the creation of the Sovereign Lady and you sing Her praises as Queen, so did She find you present in the same Divine Fiat and heard your singing. The Mama does not want to be outdone by the daughter; from that time, She sang your praises to honor that Divine Will which was to possess you; and in order to requite your singing, how many times She calls the heavens , the sun, the Angels and everything, to sing the praises of Her little daughter who wants to live in that Fiat which formed all Her glory, Her greatness, beauty and happiness...

V. 28 - 3/9/30 - The knowledges of  My Divine Volition are ways that can condut creatures into the arms of light of My Divine Fiat. The knowledges are seeds. And this seed makes the beginning of the Life of My Divine Will be born in the creature. Each one of these knowledges will be like so many sips of Life that will form the maturity of this Divine Life in the creature. For this reason, I have told you many things about My Divine Fiat. Each knowledge will bring something that will mature the Life of My Volition in souls; one will bring the seed, one the birth, one the food, one the breath, one the air, one the light and another the heat. Each knowledge contains one level higher of maturity. Consequently, the more they will look to know what I have manifested about My Divine Fiat, the more they will feel matured. My knowledges about My Divine Fiat will mold souls and will extinguish the evils of the human will with their touch. These knowledges will do like a merciful mother, who at whatever cost, wants to heal her child and see it healthy and beautiful. If you knew what one knowledge of My Divine Will means ! These knowledges contain the science to form the Life of My Divine Will, to form the people of It's Kingdom. - My daughter, when the soul remembers what I did and suffered in the course of My Life here below, I feel My Love renewed. As a result, My Love swells and overflows and the sea of My Love forms the highest waves to pour Itself out in a doubled way upon creatures...

V. 28 - 7/9/30 - And, in spite of the oppositions and contrary judgements from these authoritative people, I will make My way. And, if these, with their judgements want to bury such a great good and so many Divine Lives of My Truths, I will put these people aside and will make My way, disposing other persons- more humble and simple and more easy to believe in My admirable and multiple ways that I use with souls. And with their simplicity, and being disposed, instead of finding quibbles, they will recognize what I have manifested on My Divine Will as a Gift of Heaven. And these will serve Me admirably to propagate the knowledges of My Fiat in the world. Didn't the same happen in My coming upon the earth ? The wise, the educated and the people of dignity didn't want to listen to Me. Rather, they had shame to come near Me. Their doctrine made them believe that I could not be the promised Messiah, in such a way that they arrived to the point of hating Me. And, I put them aside in an admirable way to form My Church and propagate the great good of the Redemption. I will do the same with My Divine Will.

V. 28 - 8/24/30 - You must know that in creating Adam, all creatures came to be created in him. All were present, no one escaped Us. We loved all creatures like We love him and We loved them all in him. When We formed Adam's humanity with so much Love, molding it and touching it with Our creative Hands, forming the bones, extending the nerves, covering them with flesh, forming all the harmonies of the human life, all creatures were molded and kneaded in him. We formed the bones in everyone and extended the nerves. And covering them with flesh, We left there the touch of Our creative Hands, the seal of Our Love and the vivifying virtue of Our Volition. And infusing the soul into Adam, with the power of Our Omnipotent Breath, souls came to be formed  in all the bodies, with the same power in which the soul came to be formed in Adam. Do you see, then, that each creature is a new creation  as if We had created the new Adam ?  Because in each creature, We want to renew the great prodigy of Creation, the investiture of the center of Our Love and the unfolding of the Life of Our Fiat. The excess of Our Love in creating man was so much, that until the last creature will come on the earth, We will be in the continuous Act of Creation to give to each one -  what was give to the first created man; Our overflowing Love, the touch of Our creative Hands for the formation of each of  them.

V. 28 - 10/7/30 - My daughter, the Redemption is owed to the fidelity of the Queen Virgin - Because of Her fidelity never interrupted and because Our very Divine Will held Its Kingdom in Her Virginal Heart, We didn't have enough srength to deny Her. Her fidelity was the sweet chain that bound and  rapt Me from Heaven to the earth. That is why what creaures do not obtain in many centuries, they obtain through the Sovereign Queen. Ah, yes ! Only She was the worthy One Who merited that the Divine Word descend from Heaven to the earth and Who received the great good of the Redemption in such a way that if they want, everyone can receive the good of the Redemption - The firmness, the fidelity and the immovability in good and in the asking for the known good, can be called Divine Virtues, not human. Therefore, it would be to deny Our very Selves - if We deny what she asks of Us... - Therefore, let Me operate and be faithful to Me and I will think of everything else.

V. 28 - Nov/Dec 1930 - My daughter, man was created to be inseparable from God. And, if God is not known and loved, it is exactly because man thinks that God is the Being Who is far from him, as if We had nothing to do with him nor he with Us. Believing that God is far makes man go astray from God. Consequently, everything that man had when he was created, Our same Divine Qualities, remain weakened and suffocated; and for many, as if they did not have life. Our Divinity is not far but near. Even more so, inside of man. And, in all of his acts, We are Actors and Spectators. So, Our pain is great in seeing that creatures hold Us far from themselves and believe that We are far from them. Therefore, they do not know Us nor love Us. Thinking that We are far is the deadly tool that kills the love of the creature towards it's Creator. Distance breaks any friendship. Who can ever think to love, know and hope for something from a Being Who is distant ? No one. We are constrained to repeat: "We are with them, inside of them, and it seems they do not know Us"...

V. 29 - 2/17/31 - Good daughter, do not fear, Jesus has said it to you and it is enough, There is not one creature that fails the word, I am God and when I speak, I don't change. I have told you that even to such that they do not calm down and do not sample things, I won't make you fall and thus it will be; and although the world might go upside-down because My Justice wants to punish creatures, I won't change My Word. Because you should know that there is nothing that more placates My Justice and that arrives to change the greatest chastisements into receipts of graces, than voluntary suffering; and true victims can be called, not those who suffer by necessity, for illness, for accident, the whole world is full of these sufferings but those who have exhibited voluntarily to suffer what I want and the way how I want, these are the victims who resemble Me; My suffering was all voluntary, not one suffering were they able to give Me, even little, if I might not want it. Behold, therefore I always asked you, when I should make you fall into  the sufferings, if you voluntarily accepted it in order to have your sufferings voluntary, not forced; a forced suffering or by neccesity is not a great thing before God; what enamors and which arrives to tie God, Himself is voluntary suffering... - How much greater are My designs, so much more unusual a cross I form and I can say that there has never been in the world a cross similar to that which with so much Love your Jesus had prepared for you...

V. 29 - 5/19/31 - Scenes of Eden - Fall of man - The Queen of Heaven Who crushes the head of the infernal serpent - can be read at:
V. 29 - 7/23/31 - So much is Our Love for one who has decided to live in Him and to always do It, that He makes Himself brush of Light and painting with His touch of Light and Heat, He purifies the creature from whatever stain, so that she might not be ashamed in Our Adorable Presence; and He puts her with all trust and love to celebrate with Us. Therefore, allow yourself to be painted by My Divine Will, even at the cost of undergoing whatever suffering and He will think of everything.

V. 29 - 9/16/31 - My daughter, how beautiful My Divine Will is, isn't it true ? Ah, He alone is the bearer of true happiness and of great fortune to the poor creature which with doing her will she doesn't do other than break her happiness, break the current of light and change her fortune into the greatest misfortune. And as the creature disposes herself to do My Will, thus she goes rehabilitating the lost goods because the substance of My Divine Will is Light and all that she works can be called effects of this Light. So that in one who lets herself be dominated, one will be the act but as substance of the Light that He possesses; the creature will feel so many effects because this one Light will produce as effect of His Light the works, the steps, the word, the thought, the heartbeat of My Will in the creature; hence,she can say: "They are one act alone of Supreme Will, all the rest are none other than the effects of His Light." - Such is My Divine Will: without destroying anything of what the creature does, He embellishes the soul with His Light and communicates His Divine power there...

V. 29 - 10/12/31 - ...Our Breath, as We give It, forms sip by sip the growth of this Life of Ours in the creature; Our Breath, as It gives Itself, thus It forms Our completed act of sanctity, of beauty, of love, of goodness and so on; and when We have filled her so much in a way that We don't have anywhere to put Our Act in the creature, because she is limited, Our Breath ceases and her life finishes on earth and in order to immortalize Our Breath in Heaven, We transport Our fully grown Life in her, Our completed Act, into Our Celestial Country as triumph of Our Creation. There is no more beautiful rarity than these lives and completed Acts of Ours in the Celestial sojourn... - But do you know where We can form this Life and this completed Act of Ours, for how much it is possible and imaginable for a creature to receive from her Creator ? In the soul who lives in Our Divine Will and who lets herself be dominated by Him. Ah, only in her can We form the Divine Life and develop Our completed Act ! - In order to do a completed Act, it is the greatest glory that glorifies Us the most; It is the most intense Love that praises Us most, It is the power that praises Us continually. But alas, for one who doesn't live in Our Volition, how many broken Acts of Ours, without conclusion; how many Divine Lives of Ours are hardly conceived or at the most born without growing - Our earths are creatures and the ungrateful creature is the human volition, which opposing Ours, puts Us in impotence from forming Our Divine Life in them - Now you should know that in Heaven, one doesn't enter if one doesn't possess Our Divine Life, or at least being conceived or born and such will be the glory, the beatitude of the Blessed for how much growth has been formed of Our Life in them. Now what will be the difference for one who has hardly let Him be conceived, be born or let grow with little proportions from one who has let us form complete Life ? So much will be the difference, that it is incomprehensible to the human creature. Those will be as the people of the Celestial Kingdom; instead, Our Images will be as Princes, Ministers, the Noble Court, the Regal Army of the Great King.

V. 30 - 11/9/31 - Daughter of My Volition, do not leave Me alone. Your Mama wants you together with Her. I want your company in the incessant work that I do for all creatures; I do everything for them, I don't leave them one instant because if I leave them, they would lose their life. And there isn't one who recognizes Me; rather they offend Me, whilc I am all for them. Oh, how hard solitude is ! Therefore, I long for you My daughter. Oh, how dear your company is to Me in My Acts !  Company renders work sweet,it empties the weight of it and it is bearer of new Joys - My Will is untiring; wanting to maintain the lfe, the order , the equilibrium of all the generations and of the entire universe; He can not nor does He want to cease from His work - Now God holds established all the acts of creatures and the number of their acts. Whence, the pledge of these acts, because established by God, become taken by My Divine Will; He orders them and introduces His Life within, but who gives completion to these acts established by the Supreme Being ? One who cooperates and lets herself be dominated by the Divine Will; with the cooperation and with His dominion, she feels the bond and the inseparability from Him. While when she dosen't cooperate, she loses the dominion of My Divine Will and instead of doing Mine, she does her own will and every act of human will forms a void for the Divine in the soul. There voids disfigure the poor creature and since she has been made for God, only He can fill these voids because the established acts, their number, should serve to be filled with the Divine Being. Oh, how horrible are these voids ! One sees in them crooked ways, acts without Divine beginning and without life. Therefore, there is nothing that ruins the creature more, than her will...

V. 30 - 12/14/31 - Not one rescript of Grace is conceded by Us, if it is not signed by the Gold Signature of Our Volition; the doors of Heaven are not opened, if not to one who wants to do Our Will; Our Paternal Knees are not adapted to take her in Our Arms in order to make her rest in Our loving Bosom, if not to one who comes as daughter of Our Volition... - Now for one who lives in Our Volition, her acts become formed in the center of His Life, that is in Our Divine Being. Instead one who only does Our Will, she also does good, but she doesn't live in Him. Her acts are formed in the rays that emanates from His Center. There is a difference between one who can work in the light that the sun spreads from the center of it's sphere and between one who can climb in its center of light. This one would feel the consummation of her being and the revival of her being in that center of light in a way that it would prove difficult for her to be detached from within that sphere of light...

V.  30  - 12/25/31 - ...His power is so much that as He moves Himself, the soul springs forth and I want My dear together with Me in the bosom of My Light, that is of My Will because as souls become formed and issue forth, I don't want to be alone but I want your company, so that you recognize the great portent of the creation of souls, Our excessive Love. And since I want you  in My Will, I want to deposit them in you, to entrust them to you, to not leave them alone while pilgrims on earth but to hold one who protects and defends them together with Me. Oh, how sweet  is the company of one who takes care of the lives that go forth from Me !  It is so very pleasant to Me that I make one who lives in My Will depository of the creation of souls, channel through which I make them go forth to the light and channel in order to make them reenter into the Celestial Country. I want to give everything to one who wants to live in My Fiat. Their company is necessary to My Love, to My vents and to My works because they need to be recognized. To act and to not be recognized are as works that don't know any triumph, nor do they sing victory and glory. Therefore, do not deny Me your company as you would deny your Jesus a vent of Love and My works would lack the cortege and the satisfaction of the creature and would remain as isolated works and My contained Love would be changed into justice.

V. 30 - 1/3/32 - It is true that the times are sad and the people themselves are tired. They see all the ways closed as they don't find a way of exit even for the necessary natural means. The oppressions, the demands from the heads are unbearable, just suffering that they have elected for heads men without God, of evil life, without just right to be heads, that they merit a jail more than the law of the regime. Many thrones and empires have been upset and those few that have remained are all shaky ones and in the act of being overthrown, so that the earth will remain almost without king, in the hands of iniquitous men. Poor people, My poor children, under the regime of men without pity, without heart and without graces to be able to act as guide to their dependents. The epoch of the Jewish people is already being repeated that when I was near coming upon the earth, they were without king and were under the dominion of a foreign empire of barbaric and idolatrous men, who didn't even know their Creator. And yet this was the sign of My imminent coming in their midst. Between that epoch and this in many things they give each other a hand and the disapperance of the thrones and empires is the announcement that the Kingdom of My Divine Will is not far off. Having to be a universal, pacific Kingdom, there won't be need of a king who dominates as everyone will be King of himself. My Will, will be for them law, guide, support, life and absolute King of everyone and of each one and all the arbitrary heads and without right will go into splinters as dust in the wind...

V. 30 - 1/12/32 - My daughter, when My Divine Will works in the soul, He is immediately known. As He works, He extends in the human being, suaveness, peace, fortitude, firmness; before that work, He blows there and impresses His Omnipotent Fiat that extends there His Heaven around the work that He wants to do...

V. 30 - 2/6/32 - Blessed daughter, how beautiful is your course in Our Will and although you are the little atom, We can raise you as We want. Little ones can grow with Our features that resemble Us; We teach Our Divine ways, Our Celestial science in a way that she forgets the rough ways and the ignorance of the human will. To those who are great, they are already formed and We can redo little or nothing and then they are accustomed to live as great, according to the human vilition, and to destroy the habits, there is needed miracles, even if one succeeds. Instead to the little ones, it proves easy to Us nor does it cost Us so much becasuse they don't have radical habits. At the most, they have some fleeting impulse, that one little word of Ours, a puff of Our Light is enough in order to have that she does not remember it anymore. Therefore, always be little, if you want that My Divine Will doing for you as true Mother raises you, so that all might be to Our glory and also to yours.

V. 30 - 2/16/32 - My daughter, you should know that every act of the creature holds its post around God; as every star holds its post under the vault of heaven. Thus their acts hold their posts. But which are those that depart for the regal way, as property of the Celestial Country and take the most honored post and give Divine glory to their Creator ? The acts done in My Will  When one of these acts depart from earth, the Heavens lower themselves, all the Blessed go to meet it and they accompany that act to the post of honor around the Supreme Throne. They all feel glorified in that act because the Eternal Will has triumphed in the act of the creature and has put there His Divine Act. Instead, the acts not done in My Will, and perhaps even good, they don't depart by the regal way, they depart by the tortuous ways and they cover a long stop over by going through purgatory and there wait for the creature in order to purify themselves together with ways of fire; and when they finish purifying themselves, then they depart for Heaven in order to take their post, but not in the high-class posts but in the secondary posts. Do you see the great difference ? For the first Acts, no sooner than the Act is formed, It doesn't remain together with the creature because being stuff of Heaven, It can not remain upon the earth and therefore immediately takes Its flight into Its Country as their stuff because what becomes done by Him, as much on earth as in Heaven, are all properties of the Celestial Country. Therefore, the creature's every little Act is demanded by all of Heaven because they are fonts of Joys and Eternal Beatitudes that belong to them. All to the contrary for one who doesn't work in My Will.

V. 30 - 5/15/32 - My daughter, you should know that although I burn with desire to see My Divine Will reign, I can not yet give this Gift; first the Truths that I have manisfested, with creatures knowing them, they will have the great good to form the sight in order to be capable of understanding Him and hence dispose themselves in order to receive a Gift so great. One can say that now, they lack their eye in order to see and the capacity in order to understand Him. And therefore, first I have manifested so many Truths on My Divine Will and as the creatures will know these Truths of Mine, thus they will form the orbit where to put the pupil inside and animate it with sufficient light in order to be able look at and understand the Gift that more than sun will be given and entrusted to them. If I might want to  give It today, I would do as if I might want to give a sun to a blind one; poor little one, with the whole sun given, she would be always blind nor would her fate change nor would she receive any good, rather, she would have a sorrow to hold a sun for gift and to not see it nor receive the beneficial effects of it...

V. 30 - 6/26/32 - Sublimity and power of the sacrifice - How God when He wants to give a great good asks the sacrifice from the creature: Example of Noah and Abraham - now, Luisa - can be read at:

V. 16 - 10/16/23 - Now, while I was swimming in the immense sea of pain of His privation, My Jesus moved in my interior and taking my hands in His, He pressed them tightly to His Heart and told me: My daughter, so that My Will may descend upon earth, it is necessary that your will rise up to Heaven. And so that it may rise up to Heaven and live in the Celestial Fatherland, it is necessary to empty it of all that is human, that is not holy, pure and upright. Nothing enters into Heaven to live communal life with Us, if it is not completely Divinized and transformed completely into Ourselves; nor can My Divine Will descend upon earth and carry out Its Life as within Its Own center, if It does not find the human will emptied of everything, so as to fill it with all the goods that My Will contains. It will be nothing other than a most thin veil, which will serve Me to cover Myself and dwell inside of it, like a Consecrated Host in which I form My Life...

V. 21 - 5/8/27 - You can see that, of all that occurred within My Humanity, the greatest Miracle was containing the whole  Immensity of My Divine Will within My Humanity. The Miracles that I did may be called nothing in front of this one and even more so since it was natural in Me to be able to give life so that creatures could be resurrected - to give sight to the blind, speech to those who could not speak and all the rest of the miraculous works I accomplished - because it was in My nature to give as many goods as I wanted. It was certaintly a miracle for those who received these goods but for Me the greatest Miracle was to constrain in Myself, My Divinity, the Immensity of My Will, Its interminable Light, Its Beauty and unreachable Sanctity. This was the Prodigy of Prodigies that only a God could do. Therefore, no matter how much I can  give to a creature, it will always be giving little as compared to My giving the great Gift of My Will because in It there will be seen new Heavens, more resplendent Suns, unheard-of things and surprises never before seen. Heaven and earth tremble and kneel before a soul who possesses the great Gift of My Will and with reason; because they see come forth from the soul, the virtue and the vivifying and creative force with conserves them in their new Life created by God. Oh, Power of My Will, if they  knew You, how ambitious they would be for Your great Gift. How they would give their life to have You !

V. 12 - 5/28/20 - ...Then He added: The Acts done in My Will are those which always exel over all and have supremacy over everything. Since they are done in My Will, they enter into the sphere of Eternity and taking the first places, they leave all human acts behind, running always ahead. Nor can whether they are performed before or after have any influence - whether in one era or in another or whether they are small or great. It is enough that they are performed in My Will for them to be always among the first and to run ahead of all the human acts.

V. 23 - 9/25/27 - Therefore, I call you to work together with Me in this Kingdom of Mine; I work with preparing the earth and the necessary purifying of it as it is too filthy; there are certain points that don't merit that they exist anymore, so many are the iniquities, therefore, it is necessary that they disappear as much the inhabitants  as the filthied earth itself. The Kingdom of My Divine Will is the Kingdom most Holy, most pure, most beautiful and ordered that must come upon the earth, therefore it is necessary that the earth is prepared, purified. Hence, while I work to purify it and if needed destroy  places and unworthy persons for a Kingdom so holy; you will work with moving Heaven and earth with your Acts done in My Volition, and your echo will be incessant that you will make resound in all the Creation that you ask for the Kingdom of My Fiat with your continuous Acts and if needed your sufferings and even your life in order to impetrate a good so great and a Kingdom that will bring such happiness.

V. 23 - 11/27/27 - My daughter, the one who lets herself be dominated by My Divine Volition, in virtue of Him, she receives the virtue of Divine Fecundity and with this Fecundity she can generate in others what she possesses; with this Divine Fecundity, the soul forms the most beautiful and long generation that will bring her the cortege of having so many births generated in her Acts themselves; she will see go forth from within her the generation of the children of the light, of the happiness, of the Divine Sanctity. Oh ! how beautiful, how holy and pure is the fecundity of the seed of My Divine Volition; He is light and generates light, He is holy and generates sanctity, He is strong and generates fortitude, He possesses all goods and generates peace, joy and happiness. If you might know what good it will bring to you and then to everyone, the fertile seed of this Volition, so Holy Who knows and generates in every instant all the goods that He possesses ? It was This that the Heights of the Sovereign Queen could generate the Eternal Word without another's work because not giving life to Her human volition, She gave life only to the Divine Volition and She could generate He Who Heaven and earth can not contain; not only could She generate in Herself, in Her Maternal Bosom but She could generate in all creatures; how noble and long is the generation of the children of the Celestial Queen; She generated everyone  in that Divine Fiat Who can do all and contains all. So that My Divine Will raises the creature and makes her participate in the fecundity of the Celestial Paternity; what Power, how many sublime Mysteries doesn't He possess ?

V. 23 - 12/14/27  - My daughter, I hold you worth more than anything and putting everything aside, I will look at your value, that is the value of My Divine Will in you and I will dispose My Kingdom in the midst of creatures; a person is worth the value according to what becomes entrusted to her; if My Will contains an infinite value that exceeds the whole value of all creatures together, then those who possess Him, before the Supreme Majesty, holds the value that exceeds everything. Hence, for now I hold you and it is enough for Me in order to dispose the Kingdom of My Will. Therefore, all the evils of these times, and they are very many, they are not equal to the great value of My Divine Will working on one creature alone and He will make use of these evils in order to make of it a heap and with His power to sell them off from the face of the earth...

V. 23- 12/25/27 - My daughter, no sooner than I went forth from the bosom of My Mama that I fixed My looks, one to My dear Mama, nor could I do less than look at Her because there was in Her the enrapturing force of My Divine Will and the sweet enchantment of beauty and the most radiant Light of My Fiat, that eclipsing the pupil, I remained fixed on She Who possessed in virtue of Him, My same Life; in seeing My Life bilocated in Her, I was enraptured and could not move My look from the Celeatial Queen because My same Divine force constrained Me to fix on Her. The other look I fixed on who should do and possess My Will; they were two rings joined in one; the Redemption and the Kingdom of My Divine Will, both inseparable. The Redemption had to prepare, to suffer, to do; the Kingdom of the Fiat had to complete and to possess, the one and the other of highest importance, hence to the elect to which became entrusted  the one and the other, My looks became fixed because there was My same Will that enraptured My pupil. Why therefore fear if you have the look of your Jesus Who always looks at you, defends you and protects you ? If you might know what it means to be looked at by Me, you would not fear anything more.

V. 23 - 1/31/28 - After this, I was thinking of how much evil the human will has done to poor creatures, hence, I abhor it; I neither want to know it anymore, nor to look at it because it is too nauseating but while I thought this, My beloved Jesus moved in my interior and said to me: My daughter, the human will by itself is nauseating but united with Mine, it is the most beautiful thing that I created; more so, that the Divinity was never able to bring forth a thing created by Us that might be nauseous; she united with Ours would hold the continuous motion of goods. of light, of sanctity, of beauty and with Our continuous motion that never ceases, it would have been the greatest prodigy of the Creation; Our motion would purify her from every shadow of stain as it would happen as to the sea, that, because it continually murmurs and holds its perennial motion, its waters are pure and crystalline - Such is the human will more than sea, that if the Divine motion murmurs in her, she is beautiful and pure and all the evils remain buried and without life; instead if My Will doesn't murmur in her and doesn't hold His first motion, all the evils are reborn and renders her from the most beautiful, to the ugliest as to make one pity. Another image is the human nature, united with soul, it is beautiful, it sees, feels, walks, works, speaks, it doesn't stink; disunited from the soul, it rots, stinks horribly, makes one disgust to see it and one can that one can not recognize it anymore; who has made a change so different from the live body to the dead body ?  the lack of the murmur of the soul, of its continuos motion that excelled in the human nature.. Such was (put) My Will to the human volition, as soul from which it had to receive life, His continuous murmur. So long as she is united with Mine, she is a prodigy of life, of beauty. Disunited from Mine, she loses the legs, the hands, the word, the sight, the heat, the life and she becomes accordingly so very horried more than a dead body as to merit that one buries her in the most profoud abyss because her stink is intolerable. Therefore, one who is not united with My Will loses the life of the soul, therefore she can do nothing good and all that she does is without life.

V. 23 - 2/20/28 - ...This happened in the Queen of Heaven, that She having to be the depository of the Word Incarnate Who must give give Me to the human generations, I centralized in Her all the good of the Redeemed and all that was appropriate in order to be able to receive the Life of a God. Hence, the Heights of My Mama possesses the Sovereignty over all creatures and over every one of their acts and the goods that they can do in a way that if they think piously, She is the channel of the holy thoughts and hence She holds the Sovereignty over them; if they speak, if they work, if they walk piously, the beginning of all this descends from the Virgin and therefore, She holds the right and the Sovereignty over the words, steps, works; there is no good that one does that from Her doesn't descend because She was the primary cause of the Incarnation of the Word, it was just that She might be  the channel of all the goods and She might hold the rights of Sovereignty over everything.

V. 35 - 12/18/37 - ...Daughter of My Will, all that the creature does that holds My Will for beginning and for life, even though they might be little things, each one contains a Divine Life. So that in the interminable sea of My Volition and of My Love, so many little Lives of Love, of light, come to swim, to float, who have taken position in Our Sea; and oh, how We feel Ourselves reciprocated because it is life of love that She has given Us in her little love and life of light that she has given Us  in doing her acts, for they have been formed in the center of the life of Our Fiat, that possessing true life, all that goes forth from Him are lives that first He creates, forms them in Himself and then He puts them forth as giving birth to them from His Divine Bosom/Womb., Hence, each "I love You" possesses the life of love; each adoration possesses the life of divine adoration and so on. They will be little but We know what little the creature can give Us because great things, immensities are Ours.. The creature does not even have a place to put them, if We want to give them, so it is necessary that she take refuge in Us and We, seeing her in Our Seas, feel reciprocated with that love that We want from the creature. I remained in thought of what Jesus said, and He added: Do you want to see it, so that it convinces you of what I said ?  Now, My dear Jesus made me see His interminable seas that invested heavens and earth; and the little love of the creature and all the rest done in His Divine Volition, as so many little but beautiful lives who swam in these seas; some remained at the surface in order to look steadily at their Creator, some raced into His arms, one embraced Him, another kissed Him, another penetrated into the sea; in short, they made for him thousands of mannerisms and stratagems to the One from Whom they received life. The Supreme Being looked at them with such Love and called the Celestial Court to celebrate together with Him and He said to everyone: Look at them, how beautiful they are ! These lives, formed by the acts of the creature from My Will are My glory, My triumph, My smile, the echo of My love, of Our harmony, of Our felicity...These little lives never die; they are eternal with Us. The "I love You", the Acts in My Volition, populate Heaven. These little lives diffuse themselves everywhere, in all creation, in the Angels, in the Saints; and how many of them race around the Queen ! Everywhere they want their place; they arrive to descend into the hearts of creatures and they say between themselves: How, should our Creator be without our little life of love in human hearts ? Ah, no, no ! We are little; we can enter into them and love our Creator for them. But who can say my surprises ? And Jesus: Do not marvel; even My Life down her did not do other than emit Life from Me; so much so that My Steps still walk in the presence of everyone, they are never stopped, rather all the centuries will have the life of My Steps. My Mouth still speaks because each Word of Mine contained a Life and therefore still speaks; only the one who does not want to listen to Me, does not hear My Voice. My Tears are full of Lives and are always in the act of pouring themselves upon the sinner in order to embellish them and snatch away their hearts in order to make Me loved. Every suffering, every drop of My Blood contain My distinct Lives and therefore They form the force of the sufferings of creatures and the labor of all their sins. They are the Prodigies of My Volition...

V. 35 - 12/21/37 - How the Kingdom of  the Divine Will is decreed in the Consistory of the adorable Trinity upon the earth. The new Breath of God with which the creature will be renewed - can be read

V. 35 - 12/18/37 - Now I continue with the same Ttuths revealed on the 18th day of December about how our acts done in the Divine Volition change themselves into Life. And I thought to myself: There are so many good works but not brought forth from within the Divine Volition, that  His seed of Life is missing so they cannot be Life, but works, so what will they be in the Divine order ? And my sweet Jesus, always benign, added : My daughter, possessing in nature His creative Life, it is no wonder that each act of the creature, even a little "I love You", done in My Volition becomes as matured in the center of His Divine Life and as co-natural, they acquire Life. All what one does in Him becomes regenerated in Our Eternal Love and acquires the long progeny of so many Divine Lives that are exclusively Ours. Now the good works not done in My Volition can be so many beautiful ornaments in the creative work, some more, some less beautiful, but not ever Life. Even in the order of creation, there are  lives and there are ornaments. The flowers are not life and yet they form a beautiful ornament to the earth, however, not permanent; the fruits are not life but they serve to feed man and to let him taste the so many varied sweetnesses but they are not lasting and he can not always taste them as many times as he wants. If the flowers and fruits were life, man could enjoy them how many times he might want. The sun, the sky, the stars, the wind, the sea are not life but since they are Our works, how much good don't they do ?  First, they serve as the most beautiful and primary habitation of man. What are their habitations in comparison to the great habitation that We made of the entire universe ? There is an azure vault bombarded with gold that never loses color; there is a sun that never goes out, there is an air that making itself breathable gives life; there is a wind that purifies and refreshes and then so many other things. To Our Love, it was necessary to make a mixture of works and of lives because they had to serve to facilitate man, and because they had to serve to the decorum, to the habitation of whom We created with so much Love. So, having done more sufficient works, it was up to him, to enjoy Our works and to live in Our Volition in order to form so many lives of love and glory for He Who so very much Loved him. But the difference is great between works and Life. Life does not perish, but works are subject to so many changes and if they are not right and holy, instead of forming the ornament, they form Our dishonor and their confusion and perhaps their condemnation.

V. 17 - 6/10/24 - My daughter, My Will is everything and contains everything; and then, It is beginning, means and end of man. This is why, in creating him, I did not give him any law nor did I institute Sacraments but I  gave man My Will alone because as he would find himself in the beginning of It, It would be more than sufficient so that he might find all the means to reach, not a low sanctity but the height of the Divine Sanctity and therefore find himself in the port of his end. This means that man was to need nothing but My Will alone in which he was to find everything in a surprising, admirable and easy way to render himself holy and happy in time and eternity. And if I gave him a law, after centuries and centuries of Creation, it was because man had lost his beginning and therefore he had lost the means and the end - How many use the law and the very Sacraments to sin more and to fall into hell - while My Will alone, which is beginning, means and end, the soul places herself in safety and there is not a shadow of danger that she might offend Me. So, the safest way is only My Will. The very Sacraments, if they are not received in order with My Will, can serve as means of condemnation and of ruin. This is why I inculcate My Will so much - because, the soul being in her beginning, the means will be favorable to her and she will reveive the fruits which they contain. On the other hand, without My Will, the Sacraments themselves may be a poison for her that may lead her to eternal death.

V. 17 - 4/15/25 - ...Because She, having been the depository of all the goods of My Redemption, as My Mother, as Virgin, as Queen, I placed Her at the head of all the Redeemed ones, giving Her a distinct, unique and special mission that no one else will be given. The very Apostles and the whole Church depend on Her and receive from Her; there is no good that She does not possess - all goods come from Her; it was right that, as My Mother, I was to entrust everything and everyone to Her Maternal Heart. Embracing everything and being able to give everything to everyone, was only of My Mother.

V. 17 - 4/23/25 - In creating man, God infused life in him with His Breath; and in this life, He infused in him an intelligence, a memory and a will, to place them in relationship with His Divine Will. And this Divine Will was to be like a King Who was to dominate the whole interior of the creature and give life to everything in such a way as to form the intelligence and the memory wanted by the Supreme Will in her...Once the Divine Will is established in the will of the creature, she has the eye, the hearing, the mouth, the hands, the feet of My Will. She never departs from the origin from which she came; therefore, she remains always in My Arms and it is easy for her to feel My Breath and for Me to Breathe upon her. Now, this is precisely what I want from the creature: that she let My Will reign in her and that her will may serve as the dwelling of Mine, to let It deposit the Celestial Goods It contains. And this is what I want from you, so that all your acts, marked by My Will, may form one single Act; and uniting to the single Act of My Will that has no multiplicity of Acts, as in man, they may remain in that eternal beginning in order to copy your Creator and to give Him the glory and contentment that His Will be done in you, as It is in Heaven.

V. - 18 - 2/7/26 - ...My Will was the Prime Act of the creature; the creature had her prime act in My Will and therefore It wants to do Its course of life in her. And even though It was suffocated at Its very first rising in the creature, It was not extinguished and so It awaits Its field in her. Therefore, be attentive when you want something, never do it on your own but pray to Me that My Will may do it in you. In fact, that same thing, if you do it yourself, sounds bad as it gives of human; but if My Will does it, it sounds good, it harmonizes with Heaven, it is sustained by a Divine Grace and Power, it is the Creator Who operates in the creature; its fragrance is Divine; and rising everywhere, it embraces everyone with one single embrace in such a way that all feel the good of the operating of the Creator in the creature.

V. 15 - 12/8/22 - On the Immaculate Conception - These beautiful Truths are too many to place here. They can be read @

V. 15 - 12/21/22 - Oh, privation of my Jesus, how ruthless and cruel you are ! Even death would be an absolute nothing compared to you. After all, death does nothing other than bring one to Eternal Life, while the privation of Jesus makes life itself run away - This pain strikes such fright, fears and heatbreak that I could call it, pain of hell. Poor souls without God, how - how can they go on ? What pain must the loss of God be for them ? Ah! my Jesus, do not allow anyone - anyone to lose You.

V. 35 - 12/28/37 - My child, I love you; receive My love and give Me yours and by way of love I will heal you. My Jesus, my dear life, how much You love us! Now,  while I felt myself suffocate from His love and breathing in me with His burning Breath, surprising me, He said to me: Daughter of My love, let Me relieve Myself because I can no longer contain Myself. How hard it is to love and not be loved in return; and not to have one to give My surprises of love is the most indescribable suffering for Our Supreme Being. Therefore, listen to Me. Now you must know that I came upon the earth in order to put My habitations into safety. Man is My habitation that I had formed for Me with so much love in order to make him worthy of Me, My power and the creative art of My Wisdom had to concur. This habitation was a prodigy of Our love and of Our creative Hands. Now, with removing himself from Our Will, Our habibtation became collapsed, obscured and a habitation of enemies and thieves. What sorrow was this for Us! So that My life down here served to return and renew and put into safety this habitation that We had formed for Ourselves with so much love. He was also Ours; it was wothwhile to save him in order to be able to live in him again. Therefore, in order to save him, I gave all the possible and imaginable remedies; exhibited My Own life in order to strengthen him, to cement him again; I poured put all My life Blood in order to wash him from all the filths and with My death, I re-gave him life to make him worthy of receiving again as inhabitant, He Who had created him. Now, having given all means in order to save Our habibation, it was decorous for Us to put into safety the King Who would live in him. - Therefore, the Kingdom of Our Will, will serve to put into safety that Fiat rejected by the creature, to give Him entrance into His habibation, to make Him reign and dominate as the Sovereign that He is.. It would not be worthy of Our creative Wisdom to save the habitations, and He Who should live in them, goes wandering, in the open, without Kingdom and without Dominion. - Ah, yes, We will have Our Kingdom; We will make unheard of prodigies in order to have It. - My daughter, you do not understand well what it means not to do Our Will ! All rights become taken away, they suffocate so many of Our Divine Lives...

V. 35 - 1/16/38 - ...I, in hearing this, said: My dear Jesus, I earn so much in receiving so many times the merit for how many times I give my will to You and having Yours for exchange is the greatest profit for me but what is Your profit ? And He, assuming a smile: To you the merit and to Me the profit of receiving all the glory of My Divine Will; and how many times I give Him to you, so many times He doubles, He multiplies, He centuples My Divine Glory that I receive through means of the creature. So that I can say: She gives Me everything and I give her everything.

V. 35 - 1/30/38 - My good daughter, the prodigies that My Fiat works in the act of the creature who lives in Him are unheard of. As He sees that she is about to do It, He races, takes the act in His Hands, purifies It, molds It, invests It with Light; then He looks at It to see if that act can receive His Sanctity, His Beauty and if He can enclose It in His Immensity, and if He can make His Power, His Love race inside. When He has done everything, because nothing must be missing as His Act, He kisses It, embraces It and pouring Himself out again all over It, with an indescribable solemnity and love He pronounces there His Omnipotent Fiat and there creates Himself in that Act. The heavens put themselves at attention , when My Volition is about to work in the act of the creature, they are moved, they remain stupefied and enraptured by It and exclaim: Possible that a God, His Volition, three times Holy, arrives to love so much, even to creating Himself in the act of the creature ? My Own Fiat returns to look at what He has done in the human act, He feels Himself enraptured and is happy in seeing His new Life; and taken with indescribable joy, He makes festive all of Heaven and lavishes in pouring out Graces on all the earth. These Acts, I call them My Life, My Act, echo of My Power, Prodigies of My Love. My daughter, make Me content; these are the joys of My Creation, the Feasts of My creative Virtue: to form so many of My Lives for how many Acts the creature does. Therefore always call Me in your acts, do not put Me aside ever and I will always make new things in you, to stupefy all the people. And then I will have the exchange, the glory of all Creation when I will have filled heavens and earth with so many of My new Lives.

V. 35 - 3/12/38 - The value of one single Word on Our Fiat is so much that all the Creation, oh, how It remains behind because the Creation is Our Work, instead a Word on Our Fiat is Life and Life always cost more than all the works.

V. 36 - 5/6/38 - My good daughter, in order to enter into My Will, the way is most simple because your Jesus never teaches difficult things; My Love makes Me adapt Myself much to the human ability so that the creature, without difficulty, can do what I teach and want. Now, you must know that in order to enter into My Fiat, the first indispensable thing is volition, to yearn for with all firmness that she wants to live in Him. The second thing, to take the first step, indeed My Divine Will surrounds her with Light and with such attractions, that the creature loses the desire to do her will because as soon as she has taken a step, she feels herself dominator; the night of the passions, of weaknesses, of miseries is changed into daylight, into Divine strength; hence, she feels the extreme need to take the second step, which calls the third step, the fourth, the fifth and so on. These steps are steps of light that embellish her, sanctify her, felicitate her, direct the way to her and participate her in her Creator's Likeness so that she not only feels the extreme need to live in My Volition but she feels it as proper(her own) life that cannot separate itself...

V. 36 - 5/17/38 - We don't mind if the act is natural or spiritual, if it is great or little but We are attentive to look, to see if everything is Ours - You see how easy it is to live in Our Volition ?  One must not do new things but what one does: that is to unfold his life as We have given it to him in Our Will.

V. 36 - 8/28/38 - Now, you must know, she does all that all the other creatures should do; if she thinks in My Will, she circulates in every thought of the creature and the creature being in My Will circulates together and gives Me the homage, the glory, the adoration of every thought; creatures don't know anything about it but I Who am to Light of everything, I receive the glory of all created minds.If she speaks in My Will, since Mine is the voice of every word, I feel re-given to Me the love, the glory of every word. If she walks in My Fiat, being step of every foot, she gives Me the love, the glory of every step; and thus with all the other things; but creatures know nothing of it, that by means of one who lives in My Volition, I take the glory that should be given Me; they are secrets that pass between Me and the one who lives in My Volition. Rather there is even more, she arrives to give Me the glory, the love that the lost souls should give Me.

V. 36 - 11/26/38 - My daughter, My Volition wants to give but He wants to find the disposition of the creature in order to depose His Gifts. My Will wants to give but if He doesn't find the soul disposed, He would not find the place to put His Gifts, He would feel them cast back in the face with His highest sorrow and if He wants to speak to her, He would find her without hearing in order to let one listen. Therefore, the disposition prepares the soul, it opens the Divine doors, gives the hearing, puts her in communication; if they feel first what My Volition wants to give, in a way that she loves, yearns for what she should receive, if she is not disposed, We give nothing because We don't want to expose Our Gifts to uselessness - More so, if she is not disposed, she is not adapted to live in Our Volition, rather, it seems that it is not for her; her sanctity grounds her, her purity makes her ashamed, her light blinds her. Instead, if she is disposed, she throws herself into His Arms and lets Him do what We want to do; indeed, she is like a little child receiving Our Works with such love as to feel Ourselves enraptured; and Our Volition,what does He do ? He makes His Divine Motion flow...

V. 35 - 1/10/38 - The first sermon that the little King Jesus made to the children of Egypt. - Can be read at:

Fiat !!

Adveniat Regnum tuum
Fiat Voluntad tua
sicut in coelo et in terra

Your Kingdom come
Your Will be done
as It is in Heaven and on earth

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