Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 12 - 1/7/21 - This smile will arise on My lips when I see the first fruits - the children of My Will - living not in the human sphere but in the Divine Sphere. I will see them all marked with the eternal, immense, infinite Will; I will see that eternal point which has Life only in Heaven, flow upon earth and mold the souls with It’s infinite principles, with Divine acting, with the multiplication of acts within one single act. And just as Creation came out from the Fiat, in the Fiat It will be fulfilled. Only the children of My Volition will accomplish everything in the Fiat; and in My Fiat, that will have Life in them, I will receive complete love, glory, reparation, thanksgiving and praise for everything and for everyone. My daughter, things return there where they come from: everything came out of the Fiat and in the Fiat everything will return to Me. They will be few but in the Fiat they will give Me everything.

V. 12 - 10/15/19 - Therefore, among the many goods that living in My Will brings, It also brings the state of security. And since she makes all that is Mine her own, how can she fear about her possessions? Therefore, fear, doubt, hell lose their way and cannot find the door, the way, the key to enter the soul. Even  more, as soon as the soul enters the Divine Volition, she strips herself of herself and I clothe her of Me, with royal garments; and these garments place on her the seal of My daughter. My Kingdom is hers, as much as It is Mine; and defending Our rights, she takes part in judging and condemning others.

V. 13 - 10/29/21 - I remained in prison for three hours. With this, I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of the world, that of the law of nature, that of written law and that of the law of grace. I wanted to release all, reuniting them all together and to give them freedom as children of Mine. By being there three hours, I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of man: childhood, youth and old age. I waned to rehabilitate when he sins out of passion, out of his will and out of obstinacy. Oh, how the obscurity I saw around Me made Me feel the thick darkness that sin produced in man!  Oh, how I cried over him, saying: Oh! Man, your sins have thrown Me into this thick darkness and I suffer it to give you light. It is your evils that have smeared Me like this and their darkness is such as to prevent Me even from seeing them. Look at Me - I am the image of your sins. If you want to know them, look at them in Me!

V. 11 - 1/13/13 - My daughter, My first Passion was of love because the first step  that man, in sinning, gives himself to evil is the lack of love; so, since love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of love of the creatures, love made Me suffer more than anyone; It almost crushed Me, more than if I were under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life. The second step that occurs by sin is defrauding God of His glory. So, in order to be repaid for the glory taken away by the creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin such that each sin gave Me a special Passion. Although there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world. So, the glory of the Father was restored. The third effect produced by sin is weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews - My third Passion - to restore in man his lost strength. Therefore, with the Passion of love, love was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of sin, the glory of the Father was restored and placed at It’s level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of the creatures was placed at It’s level and restored. I suffered all this in the Garden and the pain was so much, so many deaths - the atrocious spasms inflicted upon Me, that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for My death had arrived.

V. 17 - 9/22/24 - The living in My Will brings with Itself the loss of any right of one’s own will - all the rights belong to the Divine Will. And if the soul does not lose her rights, it cannot be called true living in My Will; at the most, it can be called living resigned, conformed. In fact, living in My Will is not merely that she does her own action according to My Will but that  the whole interior of the creature gives place to neither one affection, nor one thought, not one desire and not even one breath in which My Will does not have It’s place…And do you think it is easy that a soul would willingly lose her rights ? Oh ! How difficult it is ! In fact, losing one’s rights is the greatest sacrifice that a creature could do; but it is the one that disposes My goodness to open the doors of My Will for her and letting her live in It, to give her My Divine rights in exchange.

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