Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 25  - 4/4/29 - My daughter, the first who will do My Will and live in It, will be like the yeast of It’s Kingdom. The many knowledge(s) that I have manifested to you about My Divine Fiat will be like the flour for the bread, which in finding the yeast, becomes fermented - as much flour as one puts in . But the flour is not enough - it takes the yeast and the water in order to form the true bread, to nourish the human generations. In the same way, the yeast of the few who live in My Volition is necessary to Me as well as the multiplicity of the knowledge(s) about It, which will serve as the mass of light that will give all the goods that are needed in order to nourish and make happy all those who want to live in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Therefore, do not worry if you are alone and few are those who know, in part, what regards My Divine Will; as long as the little portion of the yeast is formed, united to It’s knowledge(s), the rest will come by itself - Look, everything that serves the whole human family in a universal way is always one. On the other hand, the other things that do not serve in a universal way, are multiple - The sky is one alone and it extends above the heads of all; the sun is one and it serves as light for all; the water is one and therefore it gives itself to all; and even though it seems divided into many fonts, seas, wells, however, from whatever place in descends, it possesses one single force. The earth is one and it extends under the feet of all. And just as in the natural order of Creation, so in the supernatural order. God is the universal Being and He is One; and because one is the God of all, He gives Himself to all, He envelopes all, He is everywhere, He does good to all and is Life of all. One is the Virgin  and therefore universal Mother and Queen of all. One is your Jesus and therefore, My Redemption extends everywhere and in a universal way… Therefore, everything I tell you contains the universal virtue that will give Itself to all and will do good to all.

V. 33 - 10/27/35 - My blessed daughter, you have not yet understood what it means, My Will working in the human act of the creature. He descends in the human act with His Creative Power, with His Majesty, with His Light and with His luxury of innumerable Graces and pouring Himself out again in the human act, He makes use of His Power and Creates His act in it; and the human act remains as material with which He has made use of in order to create His act; and to create means that He creates so many acts, as many acts He wants to create and of the times He creates so many of It for how many creatures are disposed that can receive that act of His which contains unheard of prodigies of graces, of light, of love; It contains the palpating and creative life of a Divine Volition.  Behold therefore, having to do an act so great, He doesn’t want to do it if the creature doesn’t know It and that she herself doesn’t long for and want it and she calls Him to undergo in the act His Creative Will of a Volition so Holy and Powerful - So that the soul that lets My Divine Will work in her act, gives the field to the continuous creation and oh, how glorified , loved He feels because He can
Create  what He wants in her act, she feels the Sovereignty, His Dominion,  the Royalty recognized, beloved and respected. Therefore, the Heavens are trembling and everyone is attentive and in the act of profound adoration when they see My Divine Will Create in the act of the creature.

V. 13 - 1/17/22 - My daughter, have you seem how vice and passions triumph in these sad times; how victoriously they walk along the streets, while good is trampled, beaten and annihilated ? Good is I - there is no good  that a creature might do in which I am not involved. And every good that the creature does is a sip of life that she gives to her soul; therefore the more good acts she does, the more the life of her soul grows, rendering her stronger and more disposed to do more good acts. However, to be exempt from any poisonous substance, these acts must be upright without human purpose and only to please Me. Otherwise, the most beautiful acts, the holiest acts in appearance - who knows how much poison they contain ! And I, being pure Good, shun these contaminated acts and I do not communicate Life. Therefore, although it seems that they do good, their good is empty of Life and creatures feed themselves with foods that gives them death.  Evil strips the soul of the garment of  grace, deforms her and it forces her to swallow poison, so as to make her die immediately. Poor creatures, made for life, for happiness, for beauty… while sin does nothing but give them sips of death, sips of unhappiness, sips of ugliness, which, taking all vital humors away from her, make of her dry wood, to burn with greater intensity in hell.

V. 14 - 5/27/22 - My daughter, there is the prevenient act and the actual act. The prevenient act is when the soul, at the first rising of the day, fixes her will in Mine and confirms that she wants to live and operate only in My Volition. The actual act is not subject to clouds and it expands the plane of the prevenient act…

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