Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 23 - 10/16/27 - My Daughter, apparently it seems that all the interest of Our Queen Mama was for the Kingdom of the Redemption but this is not true; the external part was this but the interior was all for the Kingdom of My Will because She knew all the value and the complete glory to Her Creator and the maximum and complete good  to creatures of the Divine Will; She could do no less than ask for the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat; indeed, She, with obtaining the Redemption, cast the foundations of the Kingdom of My Will; it can be said that She prepared the materials of Him; it is necessary that the small things are done in order to obtain the greater ones and therefore  She had to give the field first to the Redemption, so as to construct the factory of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. If a kingdom is not formed, how can one say that a king holds his kingdom and dominion? More so that the Sovereign Lady of Heaven is unique and singular in Glory in the Celestial Fatherland because uniquely and singularly She formed all Her Life in My Will and a Mother loves and wants that Her children possess the same glory; and She, in Heaven, can not communicate all Her Glory and Greatness and Sovereignty that She possesses  because She doesn’t find one who has made his same life continuous in the same Divine Will; therefore She longs for the children of Her Kingdom in order to be able to reflect all Her Glory in them and to be able to say: I have My children who equal Me in My Glory; now, I am more than happy because My Glory is the same glory of My children. The happiness of a mother is more for her children than her own, much more so for the Celestial Mother, Who in My Divine Volition, She conceived more than a Mother all the Redeemed and formed the Life Itself of My Divine Will.

V. 25 - 12/8/28 - My daughter, how content I am; today it can be said that My Sovereign Mama receives from the Church, the divine honors, as She honors in Her, as the first act of Her Life, the Life of the Divine Will. These are the greatest honors that can be given - that the human will never had life in Her but always, always the Divine Will. This was the whole secret of Her Sanctity, of Her Height, Power, Beauty, Greatness and so on; it was My Fiat that, with It’s heat, extinguished the stain of original sin and conceived Her Immaculate and Pure. And My Church, instead of honoring My Divine Will, the primary cause and prime act, honored the effects of It and proclaimed Her Immaculate, conceived without sin. It can be said that the Church gave Her human honors, not Divine honors which She richly deserves because a Divine Will had continuous Life in Her. And this was a sorrow for Me and for Her because neither did I receive from My Church the honors of a Divine Will dwelling in the Queen of Heaven nor did She receive the honors due because She gave within Herself the place in which to form the Life of the Supreme Fiat. Therefore, today, by making known that everything in Her was the prodigy of My Will and that all of Her other prerogatives and privileges were in the secondary order and as consequence of the effects of that Divine Will which dominated Her; it can be said that, today, it is with decorum, divine glory and magnificence that the  “Feast of the Immaculate Conception” is celebrated; a Feast which, more truly, can be called: “The Conception of the Divine Will in the Sovereign Queen of Heaven”. And this Conception was the consequence of everything It is and It did and of the great prodigies of this Celestial Little Girl.

V. 13 - 12/3/21 - Then, after I accomplished Redemption, I had to strengthen man in the goods of  Redemption; and for this I chose the Apostles to strengthen the fruits of Redemption as they were to look for lost man and lead him to safety by means of the Sacraments. This is why I told you another time that making the soul live in My Will is greater than Redemption Itself; because being saved while living a life in the middle, now falling and now standing, is not so difficult. And this was impetrated by My Redemption because I wanted to save man at any cost; and this I entrusted to My Apostles, as the depositories of the fruits of Redemption. So, having yet to do the least, I left the greater for later, reserving other times for the fulfillment of My high designs. Now, living in My Will is not only salvation but is sanctity that must rise over all the other sanctities and that must carry the seal of the Sanctity of the Creator. Therefore, minor sanctities were to come first, as cortege, bearers, messengers and preparations for this Sanctity which is fully Divine - These are things established from eternity and no one will be able to move them.

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