V. 6 - 8/4/04 - This morning, when Blessed Jesus came He transported me outside of myself and taking me by the hand, He led me as far as underneath the vault of the Heavens from where one could see the Blessed and hear their chanting. Oh, how the Blessed were swimming in God! One could see their lives in God and the Life of God in them. This alone seems to be the whole essence of their happiness. It also seems to me that each Blessed is a new heaven in that Blessed Dwelling but all distinct among themselves - there is no one similar to anyone else; and this happens according to the ways in which they comported themselves with God on earth. One tried to love Him more; he will love Him more in Heaven and they will receive from God, ever new and increasing love, in such a way that this Heaven will have a divine shade and feature, all special.. Another tried to glorify Him more and Blessed God will give him ever increasing glory, in such a way that this new Heaven will be more glorious and glorified by the very divine glory; and so on with all the distinct ways that each one had with God on earth. So, it can be said that what we do for God on earth, we shall continue in Heaven but with greater perfection; therefore, the good we do is not temporary but will last for eternity and will shine before God and around us continuously. Oh, how happy we will be in seeing that all our good and the glory we give to God, as well as our own, comes from that little bit of good that we started imperfectly on earth! If we could see this - oh, how they would hasten more to love, to praise, to thank God, so as to be able to do it with greater intensity in Heaven. Then, afterwards, He transported me to earth. Oh, how horrifying are the troubles of the earth in these sad times! Yet, it seems that this is still nothing, compared to what will come both in the religious state - so much so, that it seems that the Church, this good and holy mother, will be torn to shreds by Her very children - and in the secular state.
V. 3 - 3/11/04 - …Then, I passed by Purgatory and as I recognized a late friend of mine, I questioned her about various things regarding my state, especially whether my state is the Will of God and whether it is true that it is Jesus Who comes, or the devil. So I said to her: Since you are present before the Truth and you know things with clarity with no possibility of deceiving yourself, you can tell me the truth about my things. And she said to me: Do not fear, your state is Will of God and Jesus loves you very much - this is why He is pleased to manifest Himself to you. And I, proposing some of my doubts to her, prayed her to be so kind as to see before the light of Truth whether they were true or false and to do me the charity to come and let me know; and if she did that, as recompense I would have a Mass celebrated for her suffrage. And she added: If Jesus wants it, because we are so immersed in God that we cannot even flutter our eyelashes if we do not have His concourse. We dwell in God just like a person who dwelled in another body, who can think, speak, look, work, walk, insofar as it is allowed him by that body that surrounds him on the outside. In fact, for us, it is not like for you, who exercise your free volition, your own will; for us, every will has ceased, for our will is only the Will of God - from It, we live and in It we find all our contentment and It forms all our good and our glory. And as she was showing an unspeakable contentment for this Will of God, we separated.
V. 12 - 6/16/19 - And then, don’t you know that My Justice suspends your pains when It is forced by the evil of peoples to pour out new chastisements? Evils will be so grave as to be horrifying. I know that this is a pain for you but I too had the same pain. I would have wanted to free creatures from all pains both in time and in eternity but this was not granted to Me by the Wisdom of My Father and I had to resign Myself. Would you perhaps want to surpass My very Humanity? Ah! Daughter no kind of sanctity is without cross. No virtue can be acquired without union of pains. However, know that I will repay you at usurious interest for all My privations and even for the pains that you want to suffer and you don’t.
V. 4 - 11/14/00 - I too clasped Him and drawing near one of those souls, I said: Tell me at least: who are you ? And she answered: We are all purging souls and our liberation is bound to the satisfaction of those pious legacies that we left to out successors; and since they are not satisfied, we are forced to stay here away from our God. What pain this is for us because God becomes for us a necessary Being Whom we cannot do without. We experience a continuous death that martyrs us in the most ruthless way; and if we do not die, it is because our soul is not subject to this. So, sorrowful as we are, being without an object that forms our whole life, we implore God to make mortals experience a minimum part of our pains by depriving them of what is necessary for the preservation of corporal life, that they may learn at their own expense how painful it is to be without what is absolutely necessary…
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