Saturday, December 28, 2019



V. - 18 - 8/15/25 - The “Feast of the Assumption” should be called the “Feast of the Divine Will”
V.- 36 - 12/28/38 - An act done in the Divine Volition never finishes
V. - 24 - 8/30/28 - Difference between the Humanity and the Divinity of Jesus

V. - 25 - 11/14/28 - Living in the Divine Will is the greatest prodigy and if Our Divinity wanted to make a greater one, It could not because by giving Our Will, We give everything

V. - 24 - 9/24/28 - The first purpose, act and end of Creation was that Our Divine Will alone reign; and in order for It to reign, it is necessary to know It

V. - 25 - 10/10/28 - Everything is Divine in the soul in whom My Divine Will reigns

V. - 35 - 11/7/37 -  ...You see, therefore, to what a noble, Divine and precious purpose, these Truths will serve, that I have had you write about My will in order to form his day ? To some, they will form the dawn, to some the beginning of the day, to some the full day and lastly the full noon. These Truths, according to what they know of Them, will form the different categories of the souls who will live in My Volition. One knowledge more or less will make them climb or remain in the different categories; it will be the Life Itself of the fullness of My Will in them.

V. - 10 - 6/23/11 - Love is not subject to death. There is no power, no rights over love. Love is eternal and  one who loves is eternal with Me. Love fears nothing and converts evils themselves into love. I Myself am love and I love so much one who loves Me in everything and who does everything out of love that woe to those who touch him! I will make them be burned by the fire of My terrible justice
V. - 16 - 11/24/23 - The Story of the Divine Will
V. - 16 - 11/24/23 - The most beautiful title of the “Queen of Heaven” is: “Mother and Queen of the Divine Will”
V. - 4 - 1/10/03 - The most beautiful, consoling word for My Sweet Mama: “Dominus Tecum”
V. -4 - 11/1/02 - True seriousness is found in religion and true religion consists in looking at one’s neighbor in God and at God in one’s neighbor
V. -4 - 1/5/03 - I did not make man for the earth but for Heaven
V. 4 - 3/6/03 - The meaning of the words: “Ecce Homo”
V. - 4 - 3/18/03 - One who does the Will of God chooses the optimum
V. - 4 - 8/21/01 - The Celestial Mama teaches the Secret of True Happiness
V. - 11 - 11/15/16 - The soul forms her Paradise on earth
V. - 11 - 8/12/16 - The Glory of the souls who will live in the Divine Will on earth
V. - 11 - 6/15/16 - The Queen Mama teaches Luisa how to pray
V. - 6 - 1/16/06 - One who lives in the Sphere of the Divine Will resides in the abode of riches

V. 13 - 11/12/21 - Now, the sanctity in My Will, symbolized by the sun, will come out from the center of My Own sanctity; It will be a ray delivered by My sanctity that has no beginning. Therefore, these souls existed in My sanctity; they exist and will exist. They were together with Me in the good I did; they never went out of the ray in which I delivered them to the light. Since they never departed from My Will, I amused Myself with them and I still do.  This is why It will have primacy over all other sanctities. What a grace it is for you to know It ! To be the first, like solar ray, to come out from the center of My sanctity without ever detaching from It, Greater grace I could not give you - more portentous miracle , I could not operate in you. My Will is eternal and is the eternal miracle that never ends. It is the miracle of every instant in which the human will has a continuous connection with the Divine Will.

V. 15 - 6/6/23 - My daughter, the sign that there is no evil in the soul and that it is completely filled with God is that there is nothing left within it that is not completely Mine and that in everything that can happen to it from within and from without, it experiences no enjoyment whatsoever.

V. 15 - 6/15/23 - The Lord sent me to confer upon me the reward for the merit I acquired by wanting to hear the Truths. If you only knew what it means to hear Divine Truths. The sun's good is eclipsed by the good they bear to whoever tells about them and to whoever listens to them...Remembering what Jesus had told me about the meaning of charity, I told him. My words were changed  into light, clothing him.

V. 15 - 7/1/23 - So, this is what it means to enter into My Will, to agitate and move My Being and say to Me, I see how good, lovable, holy, immense and powerful You are. You are everything and I want to excite everything so as to love You and please you. Does this seem like such a small matter to you? - And one who is willing to listen to Me forms My joy and My delights in conversing with her...

V. 16 - 8/20/23 - ... And yet He says that the living in His Will leaves all the Saints behind -  The sanctity of living in My Volition is more than sun. An upright soul, in the order of My Will, is more than an army in battle. It's intelligence and it's orders are bound with the eternal Intelligence; and it's palpititions, affections and desires are ordered with the eternal bonds to the extent that it's thoughts, it's will and all of it's interior are armies of messengers that depart from her and fill Heaven and earth. They speak in voices; they are armies that defend everyone - above all, their God.

V. 16 - 9/14/23 - Before man sinned, My Divinity was not hidden because, by going around Me, he was My reflection and was, therefore, the little light. And so it was co-natural that My Being, the
Great Sun, the little light should receive My Reflection. But as man sinned, he stopped going around Me and his little light was obscured. He became blind and lost the light of being able to see My Divinity in his mortal flesh -for as much as the creature is capable.

V. 16 - 11/6/23 - My daughter, this mirror is the accident of bread that keeps Me imprisoned in it. I form My Life in the host but it give Me nothing - neither affection nor palpitation, nor an "I love You". It is as dead for Me. I remain alone without the shadow of an exchange; and therefore, My Love is impatient to go out, to break this glass and descend into hearts in order to find in them the exchange that the host neither knows how nor can give to Me. Do you know where I find My true exchange ? In the soul who lives in My Will.

V. 16 - 11/24/23 - The orgin of My Will is, therefore, eternal. Sorrow never entered into It. Among the Divine Persons, this Will was in complete accord - It was a single Thing. It emitted as much "ab intra" as "ad extra" and gave Us infinite joys, new contentment and immense felcitity and when We wanted to put forward the machine of creation, It gave Us much glory, honor and harmony...It was really from man that I received the first sorrow to My Volition and who embittered the One Who had loved him so much and Who had made him happy.

V. 16 - 11/28/23 - Look at My Interior and see how many billions of crosses My Humanity contains !
These crosses of My Humanity were incalculable; It's sorrow was infinite and I groancd under it's weight. This infinity sorrow had enough power to give Me death and give Me the cross for each Divine Act opposed by the human will.

V. 16 - 1/4/24 - I did not occupy Myself with anything other than the Will of My Father; and since all things are in It, I occupied Myself with everything. If I taught a prayer, it was none other than - that the Divine Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven - but it was the prayer that enveloped everything. This had been the first act of man - to withdraw from the Supreme Will - and therefore Our first offense; all his other evils are in the secondary order. Therefore, first I had to accomplish the purpose of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven, to then form the Redemption with My pains. In fact, Redemption Itself is in the secondary order; it is always My will that has primacy in all things. - If the beginning of evil was his will, it was this will that I was to order and restore, reuniting Divine Will and human will...

V. 16 - 1/14/24 - When man, in Eden, broke the bonds of union between the Supreme Will and his own will, he stripped himself of the royal garments of My Will and dressed himself in the miserable rags of his weak, inconstant, impotent and good-for-nothing will. My Will, which was held and absorbed in a pure Light was a sweet enchantment for him that did not let him know anything other than his God from Whom everything came forth.

V. 16 - 2/24/24 - Jesus replied: My daughter, certainly My Will is immense. It contains as much as eternity. If you knew all the good that one Word of My Will contains, as well as one single act done in It by the creature, you would remain stupefied. In One Act, one takes in his fist, Heaven and earth.

V. 16 - 3/2/24 - Only those who have conserved in themselves the integral purpose of creation will be My true and legitimate sons and daughters. By doing My Will, they have conserved in themselves the most pure blood of their Celestial Father Who has given them all the features of His Likeness and by which it will be easy to recognize them as Our legitimate children. Our Will, will preserve them noble, pure, fresh, all love for the One Who had created them. And as Our children, who have always been in Our Will and who have never given life to their own, they will be as first to be created by Us, giving Us  the glory and the honor of the purpose for which all things were created. This is why the world cannot end: We are waiting for the generation of Our children who, by living in Our Will, will give Us the glory of Our works...

V. 16 - 3/13/24 - Ah, if creatures knew what My Divine Will made My Humanity suffer for love of them, they would be drawn to love Me like a powerful magnet !

V. 17 - 9/11/24 - What immense riches are taken to Heaven by the soul who lives in My Will while on earth. I can say that all eternity runs to encircle it so as to enrich it and make it happy. And it will not be deprived of anything that My Will contains. She is It's daughter, It's Will and It loves her so much that all It's joys are held in common with her.

V. 17 - 9/22/24 - And do you believe that it would be easy for a soul to voluntarily lose it's rights ? Oh, how difficult it is ! Moreover, there are souls who, when they reach the point of losing all their rights over their will, they regress and content themselves with leading a life of compromise because the loss of their own rights is the greatest sacrifice that the creature can make.

V. 17 - 10/6/24 - How beautiful it is to see a soul fuse itself in My Will ! As it fuses itself in It, the created heartbeat takes it's place and life in the Uncreated Heartbeat to form a single beat and they flow together with the Eternal Palpitation. This is the greatest happiness of the human heart.

V. 17 - 10/17/24 - My daughter, look with how much Love, I love creatures. Before their birth in this world, they were already in My Bosom. But after giving them birth, I do not leave them. A Ray of Light that contains My Life follows them, to administer all that is necessary to develop this life.

V. 17 - 10/23/24 - Populations will feel obligated to devour each other but the leaders and governments are to be blamed the most. Poor people ! Their leaders and governments are true butchers, incarnate devils who want their brothers' blood.

V. 17 - 10/30/24 - My daughter, do you want to know why the Angels are the way they are, why they have preserved themselves beautiful and pure as when they went forth from My Hand ? It is because they have always kept themselves firm in that Prime Act in which they were created.

V. 17 - 12/24/24 - My daughter, this is the nature of true love. This is to work as God; comittment to never retreat despite whatever sacrifice. This constancy in My Works is My victory and My greatest Glory. This is the sign that the creature works for God: constancy !

V. 17 - 2/8/25 - Blessed is the soul who welcomes the Divine Will and lets It reign; but miserable are so many souls who do not want to welcome It and do not want It to reign in them and leave It outside as a stranger and a derelict.

V. 17 - 5/21/25 - The Divine Will and the human will are the most fierce enemies and since the Divine Will is the strongest, holiest, the most immense, it is proper that the enemy, the human will, be under It's feet as a footstool to the Divine Will.

V. 17 - 6/18/25 - Our Will came from Us and We want the human will. All other things were done in a secondary order; but this was done and established in the primary order of creation. At most, time could pass but the centuries will not end without My Will obtaining It's purpose.

V. 17 - 6/20/25 - My daughter, how beautiful is My repose in the soul who has My Volition as Life. She does everything and loves My Will in herself ! You must know that as the soul breathes, palpitates, works, thinks, loves and acts in whatever undertaking, because My Will is in the soul as the center of Life, it is My Will that breathes, palpitates, loves, thinks, acts and gives motion to the work, circulation to the blood, thought to the mind, love to the heart and to everything else.

V. 17 - 8/2/25 - Thus, in the "I love You", the soul finds everything in God and God finds everything in the soul. Therefore, the value of the "I love You" is infinite; It is full of Life, of energy; It never tires; It surpasses everything and triumphs over all. Therefore, I want to see and hear this " I love You" directed to Me upon your lips, in your heart, in the flight of your thoughts, in the drops of your blood, in your pains and joys, in the food that you eat, in everything.

V. 17 - 8/4/25 - Oh ! If you knew what it means for a soul to live in My Will ! There are no divisions between her and Heaven. Where My Will is, there also is she. Her acts, her pains, her words are in act and operating wherever My Will is found.

V. 18 - 9/16/25 - My daughter, in all My pains, I was always equal, I nver changed; My gaze was always sweet, My face always serene, My Word always calm and dignified. In all My Person, there was such an equality of mannerisms that if men had wanted to know Me as their Redeemer, by only My equal manner in everything and about everything, they would have known Me.

V. 18 - 10/1/25 - One who lives in My Will is in the center of My Humanity because the Divine Will is in Me as Sun in it's sphere...So, the Divine Will is found in Me as center in the Sphere of My Humanity and, from My Sphere, imparts Light to everyone and everywhere - If My Divine Will had wanted to enter the field on It's Own in order to call man, he would have been frightened. Instead, I wanted to call him with everything I did and suffered, like many enticements, encouragements and means, to make him return into My Arms. So, everything I did and suffered is the carrier of man to God. Now, one who lives in My Will, by living in the center of My Humanity, takes all the fruits of everything I did and suffered, and enters the order of Creation; and My Will fulfills in him the full purpose for which he was created. Others, then, who do not live in My Will, find the means to be saved but do not enjoy all the fruits of Creation and of Redemption.

V. 18 - 10/4/25 - My Will, as arrayed in Itself, the pains of My infancy; all the internal acts of My hidden Life, which are prodigies of Grace and of Sanctity; all the humiliations, the glories and the pains of My public Life and the hidden pains of My Passion. All are suspended; the complete fruit has not been taken by creatures. I await those who must live in MyVolition so that they will no longer be suspended but poured out, releasing their complete fruit upon creatures for their good. Only those who must live in My Will, will liberate My goods from this suspension.

V. 18 - 10/10/25 - Then a voice went out from the Divine Throne and said: This is the Elect among all the elect; She is the All-Beautiful. She is the Unique Creature Who made Us a Gift of Her will and, dead, She left It upon Our Knees, in Our Hands; and We, in exchange, made Her the Gift of Our Will... - You must know that everything I did towards My Son, I intended to do towards those souls who were to live in the Divine Will because, being in It, they would be disposed to receive all the Acts  I did toward Jesus and I would find sufficient space in which to place them. So, if I kissed My Son, I kissed them because I found them together with Him in His Supreme Will. They were the first to be as though lined up within Him and My Maternal Love pushed Me to let them partake in everything I did to My Son. Great Gaces were needed for those who were to live in this Holy Will and I placed all My Goods, My Graces, My Sorrows at their disposal, as their help, as defense, as strength, as support  and as light; and  I felt happy and honored with the greatest honors, to have, as My children, the children of the Will of the Celestial Father, who I too possessed and therefore I looked at them also as births from Me. Even more, it can be said of them what is said about My Son: that the first generations found salvation in the merits of the future Redeemer. In the same way, these souls, these future daughters, by virtue of the Divine Will operating in them, are the ones who incessantly implore salvation and graces for the future generations. They are with Jesus and Jesus is in them; and they repeat together with Jesus what Jesus contains. Therefore, if you want Me to repeat for you what I did for My Son, let Me always find you in His Will and I will be generous with My favors toward you.

V. 18 - 10/17/25 - The soul lacking the continuous food of My Will contains many bad tendencies; and it is necessary to apply the desiccants of humiliation in order to draw out the bad humor of self-esteem; bites of leeches in order to draw out the infected humor of vainglory, of one's own ego... - Now, since the Eternal Wisdom has established that the soul also should have food, she was assigned the Supreme Will as delicious food. So, one who takes this food is strong in doing good; she is as though soaked with Love for her God. This food increases the Divine Blood in order to form the growth of the Life of God within her... - All the opposite for one who does not take this food of My Will. For one who does not take It at all, it can be said that she disposes herself to die eternally. As for one who seldom feeds herself, she is weak and inconstant in good, she is cold in love, she is lacking in Divine Blood in such a way that the Divine Life grows as though anemic within her. The light of her intelligence is dim that she knows little or nothing of the Creator; and not knowing Him, His Likeness is so far away from her for as much as she is far away from the food of His Will. She is without liveliness in doing good because she does not have sufficient food; and now patience escapes her; now charity, now detachment from everything; so, the poor virtues live as though strangled, without enough food of My Will...the food of My Will is given out for free, therefore, one who does not take It deserves condemnation; and the condemnation is formed by herself because she has rejected the food that gave her life - Therefore if all did good  only in order to fulfill My Will, punctures would not be necessary because My Will is the safeguard against  all bad humors. So, punctures are also the penalties for those who do not take enough food of MyWill.

V. 18 - 10/21/25 - My daughter, I had a special sorrow for each sin and above My sorrow I placed the pardon for the sin. Now this, My sorrow is suspended in My Will, waiting for the sinner, when he offends Me, to feel sorry for offending Me; and My sorrow descends to join together with his sorrow and give him pardon quickly. But how many offend Me and are not sorry ? Then, My sorrow and My pardon are suspended in My Will and remain isolated.

V. 18 - 11/5/25 - The Moans of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments.

V. 18 - 11/9/25 - My daughter, first I want you to fuse yourself in My Volition, that comes before the Supreme Majesty to re-order all the human wills in the Will of their Creator and to repair with My same Will all the acts of the wills of creatures opposed to Mine.

V. 18 - 11/12/25 - As I chose Adam as Head, so I chose a point from Heaven at which to fix the center of the sun that must illuminate the earth; and likewise, I have chosen you as the center of the Sun of My Will; and there must be such a fullness of Light that everyone can enjoy and be invested by this Light and each one can make It their own.

V. 18 - 11/19/25 - There is nothing more beautiful, more gracious, more surprising to be seen than a soul who seeks to follow the Acts of the Will of her Creator. There is a continuous  competition between them, a reciprocal love, a continuous giving and receiving...Oh, if you knew how rich you are. For however many things you know of My Will, so many goods do you possess. If you tried to count them, you would become lost and drown in them.

V. 18 - 12/6/25 - Daughter, the true living in My Will is really this: That I must find everything and everyone in the depths of the soul...

V. 18 - 12/20/25 - My daughter, My tears began even from the first instant of My Conception in the womb of My Celestial Mother, until My last Breath upon the Cross. The Will of My Celestial Father entrusted to Me even the duty of tears and from My Eyes there must flow so many of them for as many as there ought to flow from all creatures together. 

V. 18 - 1/28/26 - My daughter, the primary purpose of My coming upon the earth was really that man would return into the Bosom of My Volition as he went forth when he was created - ...But in spite of this, My Will did not leave man completely. Unable to still be his source of life and the foundation that would sustain him, because he himself had withdrawn from It, It offered Itself as medicine so that he might not perish completely. So, My Will is medicine, is sanity, is preservation, is food, is life, is fullness of the highest sanctity. In whatever way the creature wants It so does It offer Itself. If she wants It as medicine, It offers Itself in order to take away from her the fever of passions, the weaknesses of  impatience, , the vertigo of pride, the sickliness of attachments; and so with all the rest of evils - If she wants It as Life and as fullness of Sanctity - oh ! then My Will makes feast because It sees man returning into the Womb of his origin from which he came; and It offers Itself to give him the Likeness of his Creator, the only purpose of his creation. My Will never leaves man; If It left him, he would resolve into nothing. And if man does not give himself into letting My Will make him a Saint, My Will uses the ways to at least save him.

V. 18 - 2/11/26 - Since Adam was created as Head of all generations, his will, withdrawn from his Creator, formed the woodworm in the roots of the tree of all the generations; therefore, all feel the ruin that the woodworm of the human will caused, even from the beginning of the creation of man.

V. 18 - 2/18/26 - Each manifestation that I make to you about My Will is a beatitude that is exhaled from the Bosom of the Divinity which felicitates you and disposes you in a great manner not only to live in My Volition but to prepare you to give other knowledges; and not only you alone because all of Heaven becomes inundated by this new beatitude that goes out from Our Bosom... Oh! how grateful they are to you...

V. 19 - 2/23/26 - Do you want to know why I call you My little newborn ? Newborn means to be in the act of being born. So, you must be re-born in each of your acts in My Will.

V. 19 - 2/28/26 - You constrain Me to occupy Myself with things that do not regard the Supreme Will and your very Angel, who is beside you, remains fasting because of this, since each act that you do in It, as It follows It's course, is one more accidental beatitude that He enjoys by being at your side. 

V. 19 - 3/2/26 - At this time Heaven was opened and I heard everyone in chorus say: Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. I do not know how but I was moved to respond: sicut erat in principo, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum, Amen.

V. 19 - 3/19/26 - Thus, to place in safety a Divine Will in the midst of creatures is the greatest thing; and My Will known and reigning will surpass the fruits of Creation and Redemption. It will be the Crown and Triumph of Our Works.

V. 20 - 9/26/26 - My daughter, the mere word "Will of God" contains an eternal point, which no one can equal. It is  a word that embraces everything - Heaven and earth. Thie Fiat contains the creative fount and there is no good that cannot come from It. Therefore, one who possesses My Will, by virtue of It, acquires, by right, all the goods that this Fiat possesses - In sum, My Will makes the soul do what is holy - what belongs to the Divine Being. Therefore, the soul who possesses the Supreme Will as Life is the true Heaven which, be it ever mute, narrates the glory of God and announces itself as the work of His creative hands. How beautiful it is to see the soul in whom My Will reigns ! As she thinks, looks, speaks, breathes, moves, she forms the stars to adorn her Heaven, to narrate more the glory of the One Who created her. My Will embraces everything as though in one breath and lets nothing of all that is good and holy escape the soul.

V. 20 - 10/15/26 - In fact, it is established that in the Celestial Fatherland they will receive as much glory, beatitude and happiness for as much of My Will as they have enclosed in their souls on earth. Their glory will be measured by that very Will of Mine which their souls will posssess; nor will they be able to receive more because their capacity and wideness is formed by that very Divine Will that they have done and possessed while living on earth. And even if My liberality wanted to give them more, they would lack the space to contain it and it would flow outside.

V. 20 - 10/22/26 - The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will make the great miracle of banishing all evils, all miseries, all fears because It will not perform a miracle at one time or circumstance but will keep the children of It's Kingdom with Itself with an Act of continuous miracle, to preserve them from any evil and let them be distinguished as the children of It's Kingdom.

V. 20 - 10/26/26 - My daughter, not only Adam but all Heaven awaits your acts in My Will in order to receive the honor their human will has taken away from them. You must know that I have placed more grace in you than I placed in Adam, so that My Will might possess you and dominate triumphntly over you and that yours might feel honored to never have life and to give the place to My Will.

V. 20 - 11/1/26 - Therefore, if you want to know what My Will does in all Creation, go around in it, and My Fiat, finding It's daughter in all created things will unveil Itself and will tell you what It does toward the Divine Majesty and the call and the lessons It wants to give to the creatures - And My Will, veiled in the light of the sun, while loving and singing the praises of Our Divine Qualities, from the height of it's sphere says to man: In everything you do, be always light, just as I am, so that the light  may convert you completely into heat; and you may become as one single flame of love for your Creator. Look at Me: by being always light and heat, I possess sweetness; so much so, that I communicate it to the plants and from the plants to you. You too, if you  are always light and heat, will possess the Divine sweetness; you will have no more bile and angers in your heart; you will possess the flavors and the different tints of the beauties of the Supreme Being. You will be sun like me; more so, since God made me for you and you were made for Him; therefore, it is right that you be more sun than I.

V. 20 - 11/2/26 - In the Kingdom of My Will, there will be neither foods nor Communions that are interrupted - but perennial; and everything I did in Redemption will no longer serve as remedy but as delight, as joy, as happiness and as beauty ever growing. Therefore, the triumph of the Supreme Fiat will give complete fruit to the Kingdom of Redemption.

V. 20 - 11/3/26 - Since Creation came out of the Eternal Fiat, Our Will, jealous, allows no act to enter the Celestial Fatherland that has not passed throught It's Own Fiat. Oh ! If all knew what Will of God means and that all the works, even those that appear to be good but are empty of It, are works empty of Light, empty of value, empty of Life and works without Light,without value and without Life do not enter into Heaven.

V. 20 - 11/19/26 - Tired of an agony of centuries, My Will wants to go out and so It prepares two ways; the triumphant way, which are It's knowledges, It's prodigies and all the good that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will bring; and the way of Justice, for those who do not want to know It, as triumphant. It is up to the creatures to choose the ways they want to receive It.

V. 20 - 1/25/27 - All the magnificence, the sanctity, the sublimeness, the prodigies of the Kingdom of My Will, will be precisely this: The faithful copy of the soul in God and the copy of God, whole and beautiful, in the soul. Therefore, the children of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will be as many images of little gods in My Kingdom

V. 20 - 1/28/27 - For your Jesus, there will no longer be difference between remaining in the Celestial Fatherland and descending to stay in the midst of creatures in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat upon earth. Then Our work of Creation will sing victory and full triumph and We will have three Kingdoms in one - symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity because all Our works carry the mark of the One Who created them.

V. 20 - 2/21/27 - The reason for the great interest of Jesus in wanting to make the Divine Will known.

V. 21 - 4/16/27 - When I do an Act, first I look to see whether there is at least one creature in whom to place the deposit of My Act, so that she may take the good I do and keep It safe and well defended. Now, when I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament, I looked for the creature and My Queen Mama offered Herself to receive My Act and the deposit of this great Gift, telling Me: My Son, just I as offered You My Womb and all of My Being in Your Conception, to keep You safe and sheltered, now I offer You My Maternal Heart, to receive this great Deposit.

V. 21 - 5/8/27 - See, of everything that occurred in My Humanity, the greatest miracle was to restrict all the immensity of My Divine Will in It. The miracles I made can be called nothing compared to this.

V. 21 - 5/18/27 - My daughter, the value of the acts done in My Will is so great that the Angels consider themselves fortunate to receive them. They see in them the Creative Virtue. They feel in these acts the echo of the Divine Fiat and while they are light, they are Divine voices; and while they are voices, they are music, beauty, bliss, holiness and Divine science; and since My Will is the value of Heaven, the Angels strive to bring the acts done in It into their Celestial residence...

V. 21 - 5/22/27 - Now, in Redemption, the Eternal Fiat reigning in My Humanity knew all the acts which the creatures were supposed to do - all the thoughts, words, steps; nothing escaped It. Therefore, it is no wonder that I multiplied My Acts for each act of the creature, so that the Glory of the Celestial Father might be complete on My part...

V. 21 - 5/24/27 - Only with Our Will can the soul reach such an extent; without It, there is much distance between Creator and creature...The creature came out from Our Will and it is Justice that she walk in the steps of Our Will and that she return to her Creator on that same path from which she came - all beautiful and enriched by the prodigies of Our Eternal Fiat.

V. 21 - 5/26/27 - Therefore, It is established in Us that Our Will must be known and that It's Kingdom will come upon the earth.; it is as if it is already done. As Redemption came about because It was established by Us, so will it be with Our Will. This is especially so because in Creation the Divinity put forth this Kingdom, all in order, ruling and dominating. In the fall of man, this Kingdom wasn't destroyed but remained intact - and It still exists; It has just been suspended, as far as man is concerned. In the Redemption, I smoothed everything out and as I did everything so that man could be Redeemed, so I also provided everything for this suspension to be taken away so that the creature could enter into the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, first by paying attention to the Redemption, and then, with the passing of time, to My Will. It is difficult to build a Kingdom, a work but once it is done, it becomes easy to make it known. Especially because your Jesus lacks nothing in power. To want to do a work and not to do it is possible for Me but to lack the capacity - never. I will dispose things, circumstances, creatures and events in such a way that it will become simple to make My Will known.


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