Saturday, December 28, 2019

Divine Will Truths

The Greatest Gift that the Father wants to give His Children


The Divine Will of God

God, the Father looked inside Himself and in His Love for Himself, loved and Generated His Son. And the Son looked inside of Himself and in His love for Himself, loved His Father. And between the Love of the Father for His Son and the Love of the Son for His Father, the Holy Spirit Proceeded. This Generating and Proceeding are not adequate words to use, for this Generating and Proceeding is One Act, the Prime Act, the Endless Act and It has no beginning nor end as It is Eternal and everyone and everything came from this One Prime Act. If It should cease for one moment, everyone and everything would be withdrawn back into the Womb of the Divinity. This is explained beautifully by Thomas M. Fahey: "Their Kingdom is Their Divine Will - the same Kingdom that we pray to come on earth when we recite the Lord's Prayer. This Divine Will is all spiritual. It is Life - pure Life - the very Vital Principle of the Holy Trinity, one God. It produces all the Attributes, the Perfections, Joys, Delights and Happiness of the Holy Trinity. This marvelous Trinity of the three Divine Persons unified in one Divine Will is all Love. The Will of the Father gives Life to Love and eternally generates His Only-Begotten Son so that the Father may see and know Himself. The Father is enraptured at this sight of His Son; and the Son manifests and communicates all that He is to His Father. This mutual manifestation and communication of God to God is God, is total God-Love, is the Holy Spirit. All this eternal activity of Love, of delight, in perfect harmony takes place in the ambience of Eternal Life-the Divine Will, the uncreated Kingdom of God! - God, all Love, all Divine Love, wanted to give Himself entirely to man, to ennoble man, to be the Life of man, to share His Divinity with him, going so far as to make man part of the Divine Family and give to this beloved creature the power to enrapture his own Creator and to love his Creator, not with mere human love but with Divine Love! How can this be? How is it that God can share His Own Divinity with a creature and raise her to His Own level. In order to do this, God, in His limitless Wisdom, Power and Love, decided to crown His creature, man with His Greatest Gift, His Divine Will, the Kingdom of God which would be the Life of man as It is the Life of God, Himself!... So we see quite clearly that the oneness  in God that Jesus requests for mankind is the oneness that can be possible only by sharing the very Divine Will of God. This Gift of the Divine Will makes us one with the Trinity, one with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In no other way is oneness  possible nor is anything less worthy of the Infinite Goodness of God." -  God is Most Pure Light and this Purest Light produces an Immensity of most Pure, most Simple, Communicative Love - so God is Love! God the Father is the Power, God the Son is the News/Light and God the Holy Spirit is the Love. The Trinity are Three, yet They are One. The Trinity has no need of speaking to Each Other. Just looking at Each Other gives Them Perfect Glory, Perfect Adoration, Perfect Ecstasy. God was lonely and the Trinity could not create another God - so, creatures, as little gods, were formed to be enjoyed and loved by God. The most intimate and beautiful part of creatures and of God is the Will. Man was created to be free with each person to be King and Queen, Son and Daughter with no one over each one as the Divine Will would reign. Three Powers, three Kingdoms, three Suns which are intellect, memory and will were placed in each creature. God speaks to creatures through these three. Creatures were formed with, by and for Love and each act of the creature has it's origin in/from Love. When God formed Adam, He placed His Divine Will to reign over the human will. When Adam withdrew from the Divine Will, all evils swooped down on Adam and he became fearful and his appearance changed. He cried the rest of his life. He did not know it at the time but he had been living in Ecstasy as the Divine Will is Ecstasy. Adam and all generations became God's degenerate children. God was silenced! There are three Eras - Creation, Redemption and Sanctification (the Divinization of Man) yet, they are one. In this third Era, which has begun, God is to renew the face of the earth - to bring us back to our origin - to bring us back to the state Adam had lived. God is to bring us back into His Will where we will be fully Happy and Safe as the Divine Will is full of all Goods and the human will, without the Divine Will, is darkness and tends toward evil ( V. 12 -1/29/1919). This is going to occur through the Knowledges and Truths that Jesus has revealed about the Trinity and Their One Divine Will.  All we have to do is want to know these Knowledges for the Divine Will to reign in us!                                 

 When the Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum  was pronounced, God performed His greatest Miracle and Incarnated Himself as God-Man in the Womb of the Virgin. Jesus came in Redemption for a new way of living. The Religious authorities rejected this new way and the Priests killed the Christ. In this third Era, the Sanctification - mankind is to be Divinized by the revelation of Knowledge(s) and Truths about the Trinity and Their Will, which are unknown. The Religious should have immediately recognized, accepted and loved these knowledge(s). Unfortunately, they are the first to reject and oppose; but Jesus is going to have His way. These Knowledge(s) and Truths are going to totally change the world for the Divine Will is Peace, Love, Sanctity that is Divine. A person will not need anything! Everyone and everything is in God’s Will but creatures do not recognize the Divine Will in them, as the human will reigns. The Divine Will is writhing in agony and wants to get out, to be free to reign with Love over the human will. The human has to submit to the Divine as two wills cannot reign in the creature. Jesus does not use force as it is of the human nature, of impotence and is not of Love. Creatures will have to accept this, greatest of Gifts, freely of their own will - the only way is to know and love these magnificent Knowledge(s) of the Will of God. Knowledge is the eyes of the soul. Of the many Truths revealed through Luisa, that are too many to count, the following are highlighted:

I Bring You Tidings of Great Joy - Lk. 2,10
A work of Fr. Pablo Martin, Civitavecchia 1992

Epilogue - Let us say immediately: The Divine Will is the great unknown, notwithstanding the eloquent hints - that, even though being hints, are of importance - that we find in Sacred Scripture

But, we must eliminate misunderstandings and point out a few things clearly:

-About the Divine Will as an idea. About It is a very vague and reduced knowledge is held, be it at the theological level, be it at other levels. For example: - that the Will of God is a kind of faculty in Him in the same manner as is considered in man. Almost secondary to the Intelligence and both things are relative to the Divine Nature, to the "substance" of the Being of God. Almost as one of the attributes...In the Theological treatises, It occupies scarcely an appendix. -Or when one speaks of the Will of God, one thinks always of what God wants or does not want or what He permits... -About the Divine Will, from the emotive point of view, we point, for example, a subtle reaction of relief when someone uses the argument of the Love of God with us (We set out in great depth with a certain cleverness if we have something to do for some compelling motive.) But if there is said: "This is so because it is Will of God", we feel a very light reaction  of dismay and impotence; we do not have a means of escape; they have given us "checkmate"...Why does this have to be: -About the Divine Will as problem. The greater part of good souls are not capable of perceiving of the "Will of God" any-thing other than this: And how can I know if a thing is "Will of God?" Which means, the problem of these persons ends in themselves. They are always at the center of the vital problem; God is in service to them. They are the protagonists of their life.

Instead, the Divine Will - what Jesus in the Gospel calls "The Will of the Father" - is the reality most intimate, most vital and essential of God. To say it in perhaps a more intuitive manner( the term that expresses the substance), while, on the other hand, all the Divine attributes; Omnipotence, Wisdom, Love, All-seeingness, Immutability, Eternity, Goodness, Justice, Mercy, Sanctity, etc, are His Attributes. The Divine Will is therefore the "beyond", the "above" of all that It does, of what God wants or does not want or permits. It is the Fountain and the Supreme cause of all that God is, of the ineffable Life of the Most Holy Trinity and of Their Works of Eternal Love.

V. 12 - 1/29/19 - What is to occur and the reason. - The last display of God's great Love for His Creatures - ( This reading lays the Foundation )

V. 19  -7/1/1926 - All in glowing health

V. 13 - 1/3/1922 - Those in DW leave all the Saints behind
V..24 - 8/2/1928 - Woe to those who are opposed or might place obstacles
V. 35 - 12/18/1937 - Divine Lives formed by the acts of creatures (incredible)
V. 11 -9/29/1912 - Soul most favored by Jesus
V.11 - 6/9/1912 - No death or judgment
V. 29 - 2/13/1931 - God is purest Light
V. 10 -12/25/1910 - The Priests killed Christ
V. 24 - 8/23/1928  -The new Gospel
V. 17 -6/3/1925 - Creation, Redemption, Sanctification -DW makes one think differently
V. 20 - 12/22/1926 - The degenerate children of Jesus

For excerpts from the Passion Book about the Agony in the Garden, the Scourging, the Crucifixion in #7 Divine Will Truths; Bio. of the Queen in #10 and a glimpse of Heaven in # 12 can be read @

The Beauty of Jesus:

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Twenty-Five(a)[8]

...After we had fulfilled our duty in the Temple and celebrated the Passover, we prepared to return to Nazareth. In the confusion of the crowd, we were separated; I remained with the women and Joseph joined the men. I looked around to see whether My dear Jesus had come with Me but not seeing Him, I thought He had remained with His father Joseph but what was not the surprise and the consternation I felt when, as we arrived at the place we were to reunite, I did not see Him at his side. Unaware of what had happened, we felt such fright and such pain that we both remained mute. Overcome with sorrow, we went back hurriedly, anxiously asking those whom we met: O please! tell us if you have seen Jesus, our Son for we cannot live without Him. And, crying, we would describe His features: He is all lovable; His beautiful azure Eyes sparkle with light and speak to the heart; His gaze strikes, enraptures, enchains; His Forehead is majestic; His Face is beautiful, of an enchanting beauty; His most sweet Voice descends into the heart and sweetens all bitternesses; His Hair, curly and like finest gold, renders Him striking and charming. All is Majesty, Dignity, Sanctity in Him. He is the most beautiful among the sons of men.

Volume 1 - Autobiography of Luisa


Sometimes, carrying me with Him, He would take me to Paradise and there I would listen to the canticles of the Blessed and I could see the Divinity, the different Choirs of Angels, the Orders of the Saints, all immersed in the Divinity of God - absorbed, identified with It. It seemed to me that there were many Lights around the Throne which were more brilliant than the sun; and these Lights  displayed in clear notes all the Virtues and the Attributes of God in such a way that they could not arrive at penetrating the whole Immensity of that Light, therefore they would move to a second Light without understanding all the depth of the first one. So, the Blessed in Heaven cannot comprehend God perfectly because the Immensity, the Greatness, the Sanctity of God is such, that a created mind cannot comprehend an uncreated Being.. Now, it seemed to me that by reflecting themselves in these Lights, the Blessed would come to participate in the Virtues of these Lights. Therefore, in Heaven, the soul resembles God - with this difference: that God is that Immense Sun, while the soul is a little sun. But who can say all that can be understood in that Blessed Dwelling?...

Other times, in this hiding of Jesus and my going around in search for Him, when He would make Himself felt inside of me and then come out from within me, I would find not Jesus alone but all Three Divine Persons - now in the form of three Children, Gracious and immensely Beautiful, now with one single Body and three distinct Heads but resembling each Other, all three of Them Attractive.Who can tell my contentment? Especially when I could see the three Children, Whom I would hold, all three of Them, in my arms. I would kiss One, now Another and receive Their kisses; now One would lean on my shoulder, Another on the other shoulder and Another would remain in front of me. And while delighting in Them, I would go about looking at Them, to my amazement, from Three, I would find One. Another amazement for me, when I would be with these Three Children, was that One would weigh as much as the Three of Them together. I would feel as much Love for One of these Children, as for all Three of Them together; each One of Them attracted me in the same way.

I remember that He would say: My Spouse, Virtues become weak if they are not strengthened and fortified by the grafting of the Cross. Before My coming upon earth, pains, confusions, disgraces, calumnies, sufferings, poverty, illnesses and especially the Cross, were considered dishonors; but from the moment they were borne by Me, they were all Sanctified and Divinized by My contact. They all changed their appearance, becoming sweet, pleasant and the soul who has the good of having some of them, receives honor - and this, beause she has received the vestment of Me, Son of God. Only those who look and stop at the cortex of the Cross experience the contrary; finding it bitter, they are disgusted by it, they complain, as if someone had done wrong to them. But those who penetrate into it, finding it enjoyable, for their happiness in it.

Oh! if all could see who God is and who the soul is in the act of sinning, they would all die of sorrow and I believe sin would be exiled from the earth.

...One morning - I don't remember well but I think that about three months has passed of my continuously staying in bed - while I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus came with a look all lovable, as a young man of the age of about eighteen. Oh! how beautiful He was. With His golden hair, all curly, He seemed to chain my thoughts, my affections, my heart. From His Forehead, serene and spacious, one could admire the interior of His Mind, as from within a crystal and one could discover His Infinite Wisdom, His imperturable peace. Oh! how I felt in my mind, my heart brighten up; even more, before Jesus, my very passions are knocked down and do not dare to give me the slightest bother. I don't know how if I'm wrong but I believe that one cannot see this Jesus, so beautiful, if one is not in the most profound calm; so much so, that the slightest breath of disturbance prevents one from receiving a sight so beautiful. Ah! yes, at just seeing the serenity of His adorable Forehead, the infusion of peace that one receives in the interior is so great, that I believe that there is no diaster or war most fierce, which do not appease themselves before Jesus. Oh! my all and beautiful Jesus, if you communicate so much peace in the few moments You manifest Yourself in this life-in such a way that one can suffer the most painful martyrdoms, the most humiliating pains with the most perfect tranquillity(it seems to me a blend of peace and sorrow) - what will it be like in Paradise? Oh! how beautiful are His most pure Eyes, sparkling with Light. It is not like the light of the sun, that if one wants to look at it, it harms our sight - no; in Jesus, while being Light, one can very well fix his gaze on It and by just looking at the interior of His Pupil, of a dark sky-blue - Oh! how many things they would tell me. The beauty of His Eyes is such that one alone of His Gazes is enough to make me go outside of myself and run after Him through paths and through mountains, through the earth and through the heavens. One single glance is enough to transform me in Him and make me feel a certain something Divine descend into me. Who can tell, then, the beauty of His adorable Face...Oh! how beautiful you are - all beautiful, oh my sweet Jesus! What I have said of Your Beauty is nothing...

The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion


But I already hear the clamor of Your enemies, who are coming to takeYou. Who will defend You in Your state? But here You are, stirring Yourself as though rising again from death to life looking at me, saying: O soul, are you here? Have you been spectator of My pains and of the so many deaths I suffered? Know that in these three hours of most bitter agony in the Garden, I enclosed in Myself all the lives of creatures and I suffered all of their pains and their very death, giving My Own Life to each one of them. My agonies will sustain theirs; My bitternesses and My death will turn into a font of sweetness and life for them. How much souls cost Me! Were I at least requited! You have seen that while I was dying, I would return to breathe again; those were the deaths of the  creatures that I felt within Me!

But I hear the trembling and dying voice of my sweet Jesus that says: "Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet not My Will but Yours be done." It is now the second time I hear this from my sweet Jesus. But what do You make me understand from this "Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me?" O Jesus, all the rebellions of creatures advance toward You; You see that "Fiat Voluntas Tua", that "Your Will be done" which was to be the life of each creature, being rejected by almost all of them and instead of finding life, they find death. And wanting to give life to all and to make a solemn reparation to the Father for the rebellions of the creature, as many as three times, You repeat: "Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me: that the souls, withdrawing from Our Will, become lost. This chalice is very bitter for Me; however, not My Will, but Yours be done.

O child, how many souls escape Me by force and fall into eternal ruin! So, how can My sorrow ever be soothed, if I love one single soul so much - as much as I love all souls together.

Do you know why I allowed Myself to be put in prison during the course of My Passion? To free man from the prison of the human will. Look at how horrible is My prison. It was a narrow place, which served to contain the rubbish and the excrements of creatures; so, the stench was unbearable, the darkness was thick - they left Me not even a little lamp. My position was excruciating - dirtied with spit, My hair disheveled, suffering in all of My members, bound not even erect but bent. I could help Myself in no way, not even to remove the hair from My eyes, which bothered Me...

And as I prick up my ear, I hear You say: Holy Father, look at Your Son, clothed as a madman. May this repair before You for the madness of many creatures fallen into sin. May this white garment be like a defense before You for many souls who clothe themselves with the dismal garment of sin. Do You see, O Father, their hatred, their fury, their rage against Me, which almost makes them lose the light of reason, for thirst for My Blood? And I want to repair for all of the hatreds, the revenges, the anger, the murders and impetrate the light of reason for all. Look at Me again, My Father, can there be a greater insult? They have placed Me after the greatest criminal. And I want to repair for all the misplacements they do. Ah, the whole world is full of misplacements: some place Us after a vile interest, some after honors, some after vanities, some after pleasures and even after sin. ,All creatures unanimously place Us after a tiny little trifle. And I am ready to accept being placed after Barabbas in order to repair for the misplacements the creatures make with Us.

...Be silent, My child - it was necessary that I be stripped, in order to repair for many who strip themselves of every modesty, of purity and of innocence; who strip themselves of every good and virtue and of My Grace, clothing themselves with every brutality and living like brutes.With My Virginal Blush, I wanted to repair for so much dishonesty, luxury and brutal pleasure...

How beautiful and touching it was to hear Jesus pray! And since I was accompanying Him in the sorrowful mystery of His scourging, He made Himself seen deluging Blood and I hear Him say: My Father, I offer You this Blood of Mine. O please! let It cover all the intelligences of creatures, rendering all their evil thoughts vain, dampening the fire of their passions and making holy intelligences rise again. May this Blood cover their eyes and be a veil to their sight, so that the taste for evil pleasures may not enter into them and they may not dirty themselves with the mud of the earth. May this Blood of Mine cover and fill their mouths and render their lips dead to blasphemies, to imprecations, to all their bad words. My Father, may this Blood of Mine cover their hands and strike in them terror for so many wicked actions. May this Blood of Mine circulate in Our Eternal Will to cover all, to defend and be a defending weapon for creatures before the Rights of Our Justice.

And my lovable Jesus says to me: My child, courage, do not miss anything of what I have suffered. Be attentive to My Teachings. I have to redo man in everything. Sin has removed the crown from him and has crowned him with opprobrium and with confusion; so he cannot stand before My Majesty. Sin has dishonored him, making him lose any right to honors and to glory. This is why I wanted to be crowned with thorns - to place the crown on man's forehead and to return to him all rights to every honor and glory. Before My Father, My thorns will be reparations and voices of defense for many sins of thought, especially pride; and for each created mind they will be voices of light and supplication, that they may not offend Me.

This is why, on the last of My mortal days, I suffered the Passion on the part of creatures, in which the injustices, the hatred, the mockeries, the revenges and the humiliations that they used against Me were so many as to render My poor Humanity the opprobrium of all, to the point that I did not look like a man. They disfigured Me so much that they themselves were horrified in looking at Me. I was the abject and the refuse of all. Therefore, I could call them two distinct Passions

My child, come into these bound arms of Mine, place your head on My breast and you will see pains more intense and bitter because what you see on the outside of My Humanity is nothing but the outpouring of My interior pains. Pay attention to the beats of My Heart and you will hear that I repair for the injustices of those who command, for the oppressions against the poor and the innocents subordinated to kings, for the pride of those who, in order to preserve dignities, positions, riches, do not hesitate to break any law and to harm their neighbor, closing their eyes to the light of the truth.With these thorns I want to shatter the spirit of pride of their lordships; and with the holes which they form in My head, I want to open My way into their minds. By remaining so humiliated before this unjust judge, I want to make everyone understand that only virtue is what constitutes man king of himself; and I teach to those who command that virtue alone, united to upright knowledge is worthy and capable of governing and ruling others, while all other dignities, without virtue, are dangerous and deplorable things.

My heart, Jesus, Your pains are mine and I echo Your reparations. But I see that Pilate is astonished and he hastens to say: How can this be? Should I crucify your King? I find no guilt in Him to condemn Him. And the Jews cry out, deafening the air: We have no other king but Caesar and if you do not condemn Him, you are not a friend of Caesar. Insane, insane - crucify Him, crucify Him!...But while You repair for this, Your Heart bleeds with sorrow in seeing Your chosen people, struck by the malediction of Heaven, which they themselves, with full will, have wanted, sealing it with Your Blood which they cursed! Ah, Your Heart faints. But Your Love pushes You higher and impatient, You already look for the Cross!

Holy Father, I give You  thanks for all I have suffered and for all that is left for Me to suffer. And just as this dawn calls the day and the day makes the sun rise, so may the dawn of Grace arise in all hearts; and as daylight arises, may I, Divine Sun, rise in all hearts and reign over all. Do you see these souls, O Father? I want to answer for all of them, for their thoughts, words, works and steps - at the cost of Blood and Death.

Holy Father look at Your Son, clothed as a madman. May this repair before You for the madness of many creatures fallen into sin. May this white garment be like a defense before You for many souls who clothe themselves with the dismal garment of sin. Do You see O Father, their hatred, their fury, their rage against Me, which makes them lose the light of reason, for thirst for My Blood? And I want to repair for all of the hatreds, the revenges, the anger, the murders and impetrate the light of reason for all. Look at Me again, My Father, can there be a greater insult? They have placed Me after the greatest criminal. And I want to repair for all the misplacements they do. Ah, the whole world is full of misplacements: some place Us after a vile interest, some after honors, some after vanities, some after pleasures, some after their own attachments, some after dignities, some after gluttonies and even after sin. All creatures unanimously place Us after even a little trifle. And I am ready to accept being placed after Barabbas in order to repair for the misplacements the creatures make with Us.

Be silent, O child - it was necessary that I be stripped in order to repair for many who strip themselves of every modesty, of purity and of innocence; who strip themselves of every good and virtue and of My Grace, clothing themselves with every brutality and living like brutes. With My Virginal Blush, I wanted to repair for so many dishonesties, luxuries and brutal pleasures.

All of you who love Me, come to learn the heroism of true Love! Come to damper in My Blood, the thirst of your passions, your thirst for so many ambitions, for so many intoxications and pleasures, for so much sensuality! In this Blood of Mine, you will find the remedy for all of your evils. Look at Me, O Father, all wounded under this storm of blows. But this is not enough; I want to form so many wounds in My Body as to give enough rooms to all souls within the Heaven of My Humanity in such a way as to form their salvation within Myself and then let them pass into the Heaven of the Divinity. My Father, may each blow of these scourges repair before You for each kind of sin - one by one. And as they strike Me, let them justify those who commit them. May these blows strike the hearts of the creatures and speak to them about My Love to the point of forcing them to surrender to Me.

This is why they crown Me with thorns for the third time. And by being stripped, I repair for those who wear luxurious and indecent clothing, for the sins against modesty and for those who so bound to riches, honors and pleasures as to make of them a god for their hearts.

The Crucifixion of Jesus Jesus is saying this, His enemies command Him to lay Himself upon it; and He promptly obeys, to repair for our disobedience - Ah, it seems that my adored Jesus says to me: My child, you have anticipated My Love; this is My Will: that all those who love Me, be crucifued with Me. Ah, yes, come and lay yourself on the Cross with Me; I will give you Life with My Life, I will hold you as the Beloved of My Heart. And now, my sweet Good, You lay Yourself on the Cross, looking with so much Love and with so much sweetness at Your executioners - who already hold nails and hammers in their hands ready to pierce You - as to make a sweet invitation to hasten the crucifixion. Indeed, with inhuman fury, they grab Your right hand, hold the nail on your palm and with blows of the hammer, make it come out the opposite side of the Cross. The pain You suffer is so great that You shiver, O my Jesus; the Light of your beautiful eyes eclipses and Your most Holy Face turns pale and looks like death - Oh Jesus, my sweet Life, Your torment has only begun  and here Your executioners, having finished the nailing of Your right hand, with unheard-of-cruelty, grab Your left hand and in order to make it reach the mark of the hole, with violence, pull it so much that the joints of your arms and shoulders are dislocated and by force of the pain, Your legs also, are contracted and convulsed. Then, with untiring fury, they nail it to the Cross as they did with the right one - My Love, Jesus, your enemies are not yet content. With diabolical fury, they grab Your most holy feet, contracted by the great pain suffered in the tearing of Your arms, and they pull them so much that Your knees, Your ribs and all the bones of Your chest are dislocated - I see Your beautiful eyes eclipsed and veiled with Blood for the intensity of the pain. Your livid lips contort, Your cheeks hollow, Your teeth chatter, while Your chest pounds rapidly - My Jesus, they put Your feet one on top of the other and drive a nail without a point through them - Oh Jesus, I come close to Your tortured Heart; I see You cannot take  any more but Love cries out more loudly: "Pains, pains, more pains" - O my Jesus, the executioners have now nailed Your hands and feet to the Cross and turning It over in order to bend the nails, they force Your adorable Face to touch the ground, soaked with Your Own Blood; and You, with Your Divine Lips, kiss it - Your tongue is almost attached to Your palate because of the bitterness of the bile and the ardent thirst...

However, know that I too suffered this pain. When they crucified Me, they stretched Me on the Cross so much as to tear all My nerves, to the point that I felt them snap and twist. And those of My throat suffered a greater pain and tearing, which was such that I felt suffocated. It was the cry of humanity submerged by passions which, clasping My throat, drowned Me with pains. This pain of Mine was terrible and horrible - how I felt the nerves and the bones of My throat being stretched to the point of feeling all the nerves of My Head, of My Mouth and even of My Eyes, being snapped. The tension was such that every small movement made Me feel mortal pains - now I would become motionless, now I would writhe so much, as to batter against the Cross in a horrible way, to the extent that even the enemies were terrorized.

And You, my sweet Love, remain suspended between Heaven and earth. In this solemn moment, You turn to the Father and with weak and feeble voice, You say to Him: "Holy Father, here I am loaded down with all the sins of the world. There is not one sin which does not pour upon Me; therefore, no longer load the scourges of Your Divine Justice upon man but upon Me, Your Son. O Father, allow Me to bind all souls to this Cross and to plead forgiveness for them with the Voices of My Blood and of My Wounds. O Father, do You not see how I have reduced Myself? By this Cross, by virtue of these pains, concede true conversion, peace, forgiveness and sanctity to all. Arrest Your fury against poor humanity, against My children. They are blind and know not what they are doing. Look well at Me, how I have reduced Myself because of them; If You are not moved for compassion for them, may You at least be softened by this Face of Mine, dirtied with spit, covered with Blood, bruised and swollen by the so many slaps and blows received. Have pity, My Father! I was the most beautiful of all and now I am all disfigured to the point that I no longer recognize Myself. I have become the abject of all; and so, at any cost, I want to save the poor creature!... - "My Father, look at Me once again, do not listen to the voices of the creatures, but to Mine; I am the One Who satisfies for all. Therefore, I beg You to look at the creature and to look at her in Me; if You look at her outside of Me, what will happen to her? She is weak,, ignorant, capable only of doing evil and full of miseries. Have pity - pity on the poor creature. I answer for her with My Tongue embittered by bile, parched by thirst, dried and burned by Love"...

The Crux of the Divine Will - - @  # 5 - # 2 will take a few seconds to open - condensed version of the Volumes - the 36 Volumes

V. 1 -  Luisa wrote volume 2 first; however, her Confessor asked her to write her autobiography, so this became volume 1 - Some notable portions of her autobiography are: 1. Jesus placed Luisa in the midst of demons for around one and a half years. 2.  Description of Jesus.  3. Luisa sees the Most Holy Trinity 4.  Jesus takes Luisa as His Spouse with the assistance of  His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. These can be read at:  - No. 2 can also be read in # 8 at:

V. 1 - 9/14/1899 - ...My sweet Jesus would say to me: My beloved, the Cross allows one to distinguish the reprobates from the predestined. Just as on the day of Judgment, the good will rejoice upon seeing the Cross, so even now it can be seen whether one will be saved or lost. If, as the Cross presents itself to the soul, she embraves it, carries it with resignation and patience, kissing and thanking that Hand which is sending it - here is the sign that she is saved. If, on the contrary, as the Cross is presented to her, she gets irritated, despises it and even reaches the point of offending Me - you can say that it is a sign that the soul is heading on the way to hell. So will the reprobates do on the day of Judgment: upon seeing the Cross, they will grieve and curse. The Cross tells everything: the Cross is a book that, without deception and in clear notes, tells you and allows you to distinguish the Saint from the sinner, the perfect from the imperfect, the fervent from the lukewarm. The Cross communicates such Light to the soul that, even now, it allows one to distinguish not only the good from the evil but also those who are more or less glorious in Heaven - those who are to occupy a higher or lower place. All other Virtues remain humble and reverent before the Virtue of the Cross, and grafting themselves to it, they receive greater glory and splendor.

V. 2 - 2/28/1899 - ...With the first one, I understood in my intellect that Faith is God and God is Faith. I tried to say a few things about Faith; now I will try to say how I see God - and this was the second ray.
While I am outside of myself and I find myself in the height of the heavens, I seem to see God within a Light. He Himself seems to be Light and within this Light there is beauty, strength, wisdom, immensity, height, depth - endless and boundless. Even in the air we breathe is God present and we breathe Him; so, each one can make Him his own life, as indeed He is. Nothing escapes Him and nothing can escape Him. This Light seems to be all voice, though it does not speak; and all operating, though it always rests. It is present everywhere, though it occupies no space; and while it is present everywhere, it also has it's own center. Oh, God incomprehensible You are! I see You, I feel You, You are my life. You restrict Yourself within me but You remain always immense and lose nothing of Yourself. In order to explain myself better, according to our human language, I will say that I see a shadow of God in the whole Creation because in the whole Creation - someplace He has cast the shadow of His beauty, someplace His fragrances, someplace His Light as in the Sun, in which I see a special shadow of God. I see Him as though concealed within this sphere, as the King of all other spheres. What is the Sun? It is nothing but a globe of fire. One is the globe but It's rays are many; from this we can easily understand how the globe is God and the rays are the immense Attributes of God. Second. The sun is fire but it is also light and heat. Here is the Most Holy Trinity veiled in the sun: the fire is the Father, the light is the Son, the heat is the Holy Spirit. However, the sun is one and just as one cannot separate fire from light and heat, so one is the Power of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who in reality cannot be separated from One another. And just as fire produces light and heat at the same time in such a way that fire cannot be conceived without light and heat; in the same way, the Father cannot be conceived before the Son and the Holy Spirit and vice versa but all Three of Them have the same Eternal beginning...God is most pure Spirit and we can represent Him with the sun which makes it's rays penetrate everywhere and no one can grab them with their hands. Moreover, God looks at everything - the iniquities and the evils of men - but He remains always  Pure, Holy and Immaculate...Oh, well one can see the Divine Qualities in the sun! With His Immensity, God is present in the fire but is not burned; in the sea but is not drowned; under our steps but is not trampled. He gives to all but does not become poor and needs no one; He looks at everything - even more, He is all eyes and there is nothing He does not hear. He is aware of each fiber of our hearts, of each thought of our minds but, being Most Pure Spirit, He has neither ears nor eyes and no matter what happens, He never changes. The sun invests the world with It's light and it does not tire; in the same way, God gives life to all, helps and rules the world and He does not tire...So, God has cast a shadow of Himself and of His perfections over the whole creation; it seems that we see Him and touch Him and we are touched by Him continuously. In addition to this, after the Lord said those Words - Faith is God - I said to Him: Jesus do You love me? And He added: And you, do you love Me? Immediately I said: Yes Lord and You know that without You I feel that Life is missing in me. Well then, Jesus continued, You love Me, I love you - so, let us love each other and remain always together.

V. 2 - 3/18/1899 - ...And Jesus told me: What moves you, O My daughter, to pray Me not to chastise creatures? Immediately I answered: Because they are your images and if creatures should suffer, You Yourself would suffer. And Jesus, heaving a sigh, told me: Charity is so dear to Me that you cannot comprehend it. Charity is simple, just like My Being which, though Immense, is yet most simple; so much so that there is no place which It does not penetrate. So Charity is; being simple, It diffuses everywhere; it has regard for no one - whether a friend or an enemy, whether a citizen or a sranger, It loves all.

V. 2 - 4/3/1899 - ...Finally, Jesus showed Himself a little more clearly and is seeing me so annihilated, he told me: If you knew how much I like humility...Humility is the littlest plant that can be found but it's branches are so high as to reach Heaven, wind their way around My Throne and penetrate deep into My Heart. This little plant is humility and the branches which this plant produces are confidence; so, there cannot be true humility without confidence. Humility without confidence is false virtue.

V. 2 - 5/7/1899 - Jesus told me: My Person is surrounded by all the works that souls do, as by a garment; and the more purity of intention and intensity of Love they have, the more splendor they give Me and I wll give them more glory; so much so, that on the Day of Judgment I will show them to the whole world, to let the whole world know how My children have honored Me and how I honor them - In fact, I do not look at the greatness of the works but at the intention with which they are done.

V. 2 - 5/12/1899 - My daughter, only then is Charity perfect when it is done for the sole purpose of pleasing Me and only then is it called true Charity and is it recognized by Me, when it is stripped of everything.

V. 2 - 5/16/1899 - ...then He told me: The Cross disposes the soul to patience. The Cross opens Heaven and unites Heaven and earth together - that is, God and the soul. The virtue of the Cross is powerful and when it enters into a soul, it has the virtue of removing the rust of all earthly things. Not only this, but it causes her boredom, bother and contempt for the things of the earth. giving her instead, the flavor and the enjoyment of Celestial things. However, few are those who recognize the virtue of the Cross; therefore  they despise it.

V. 2 - 5/19/1899 - Humility is the safeguard of the Celestial favors. Humility clothes the soul with such safety that the tricks of the devil cannot penetrate into her. Humility places all Celestial Graces in safety, so much so, that when I see humility, I let flow, abundately, all kinds of Celestial favors...Then He showed me many religious people, among them, Priests - even of holy life. But as good as they were, they lacked that spirit of simplicity in believing in the many Graces and the many ways the Lord uses with souls. Jesus said to me: I communicate Myself both to the humble and to the simple because they immediately believe in My Graces and take them into consideration, though they may be ignorant and poor. But with these others, I am very reluctant because the first step which draws the soul near Me is belief; and it happens that these, with all of their science and doctrine, and even holiness, never come to experience a ray of Celestial Light - that is, they walk along the natural way and they never arrive at touching, even slightly, that which is supernatural. This is also the reason for which in the course of My mortal Life, there was not one learned, one Priest, one man of power, among My followers but all ignorant and of low condition - because these were more humble and simple and also more disposed to make great sacrifices for Me.

V. 2 - 6/2/1899 - After this, Jesus told me: The greatest favor I can do for a soul, is to make her know herself. The knowledge of self and the knowledge of God go together; the more you know yourself, the more you know God. When the soul has known herself, as she sees that she can do nothing good by herself, her shadow, her being, transforms her in God and it happens that she does all of her operations in God...

V. 2 - 6/16/1899 - ...However, after a little while He came back but with greater affliction, with His Face all swollen and full of blood from offenses He had just received. All sad, Jesus said: Look at what they have done to Me - how can you say that you don't want Me to chastise creatures? Chastisements are necessary in order to humiliate them and not to let them grow bolder.

V. 2 - 7/9/1899 - After this, Heaven seemed to open and a nultitude of Saints came down, all armed with swords. A voice like thunder came out from within that multitude, saying: We come to defend the Justice of God and to take revenge on men, who have so much abused His Mercy!...

V. 2 - 8/2/1899 - ...and Jesus told me: The iniquities that rise from the earth to Heaven are so many, that if prayer and souls who are victims before Me were missing for a quarter of an hour, I would make fire come out of the earth and inundate the people.

V. 2 - 8/10/1899 - After this, He added: The daughter of Justice is Truth. Just as I am the Eternal Truth, and I do not deceive, nor can I deceive, in the same way, the soul who possesses justice makes truth shine in all of her actions. Therefore, since  she knows by experience the true light of truth, if someone wants to deceive her, she immediately recognizes the deceit. And so it happens that with this light of truth, she deceives neither herself nor her neighbor, nor can she be deceived. The fruit produced by this justice and by this truth is simplicity which is another quality of My Being. - being simple; so much so, that I penetrate everywhere; there is nothing that can prevent Me from penetrating inside of it. I penetrate into Heaven and into the abysses, into good and into evil; but My Being which is most simple, by penetrating even into evil, does not get dirty; even more, it does not receive the slightest shadow. In the same way, through justice and truth, gathering this beautiful fruit of simplicity within herself, the soul penetrates into Heaven, she enters into hearts to lead them to Me; she penetrates into everything that is good; and if she finds herself with sinners and sees the evil that they do, she does not get dirty because, being simple, she immediately brushes it off without receiving any harm. Simplicity is so beautiful, that My Heart is wounded at one gaze of a simple soul. She is the admiration of Angels and men.

V. 2 - 8/15/1899 - ...Then, seeing Him relieved, I began to caress Him and kiss Him and I said to Him: My sole and only Treasure, You didn't even let me watch the Feast of our Queen Mama or listen to the first Canticles that the Angels and the Saints sang as She entered Paradise. And Jesus: The first Canticle that they sang to My Mama was the "Hail Mary" because in the "Hail Mary" there are the most beautiful praises, the greatest honors; and the joy which She felt in being made Mother of God is renewed. Therefore, let us recite It together to honor Her and when you come to Paradise, I will let you find it as if you had recited It together with the Angels and the Saints for the first time in Heaven. So, we recited the first part of the "Hail Mary" together. Oh, how tender and moving it was to hail our Most Holy Mama together with Her Beloved Son! Each word He said carried an immense Light, through which one could comprehend many things about the Most Holy Virgin.

V. 2 - 8/18/1899 - ...And Jesus: My Word is not only Truth, but also Light and when a light enters a dark room - what does it do? It dispels the darkness and makes one distinguish the objects that are in it, whether they are ugly or beautiful, whether there is order or disorder; and from the way that room is found, one judges the person who occupies it. Now, the human life is the dark room and when the light of truth enters a soul, it dispels the darkness - that is, it makes her distinguish what is true from what is false, the temporal from the eternal in such a way that she casts vices away from herself and places the order of virtues within herself. In fact, since My Light is Holy - it is My very Divinity - it cannot communicate anything but Sanctity and Order and so the soul feels light of patience, of humility, of charity and the like come out of herself.

V. 2 - 9/19/1899 - Most loving Jesus continued: If Faith is the King, Charity is Queen and Hope is like the peacemaking mother who pacifies everything. In fact, with Faith and Charity, there may be disturbance, but Hope, being bond of peace, converts everything into peace...

V. 2 - 9/26/1899 - Afterwards, I looked at His most beautiful Face and in my interior I felt an indescribable contentment; and turning to Him, I said: My most sweet Love, if I take so much delight in looking at You, what must it have been for our Queen Mama, when You enclosed Yourself in Her most pure Womb? And He: My daughter, the delights and the Graces that I poured into Her were such and so many, that it is enough to tell you that what I am by Nature, Our Mother became by Grace; more so, since She had no sin, therefore, My Grace was able to lord freely within Her. There is nothing of My Being which I did not give to Her. At that instant, I seemed to see Our Queen Mother as if She were another God, with this difference alone: that in God this is His Own Nature, while in Mary Most Holy it is acquired Grace. Who can say how stupefied I was left; how my mind was lost in seeing a portent of Grace so prodigious? So, turning to Him, I said: My dear Good, Our Mother had so much good because You let Yourself be seen intuitively. I would like to know: how do You show Yourself to me - by abstractive or by intuitive sight? Who knows whether it is even abstractive at all. And He: I want to make you understand the difference that passes between one and the other. In the abstractive, the soul contemplates God, while in the intuitive, she enters into Him and obtains Graces - that is, she receives within her the participation in the Divine Being. How many times have you not participated in My Being? That suffering which almost seems natural in you; that purity by which you reach the point of feeling as if you did not have a body and many other things -have I not communicated this to you when I have drawn you to Myself intuitively?..

V. 2 - 10/3/1899 - Now, while I am sayng this, in my interior, I keep saying: But, what is this obedience? What is it made of? What is the nourishment that sustains it? And Jesus makes His harmonious Voice heard to my hearing, that says: Do you want to know what obedience is: Obedience is the quintessence of Love; obedience is the finest, the purest, the most perfect Love, extracted from the most painful sacrifice - to destroy oneself in order to live again of God. Being most noble and Divine, obedience tolerates nothing human in the soul and nothing that does not belong to it. Therefore, all its attention is on destroying within the soul everything that does not belong to its Divine nobility - that is, Love of self. And once it has done this, it cares very little about whether it alone struggles and toils on behalf of the soul while allowing the soul to rest peacefully. Finally, I Myself am obedience.

V. 2 - 10/22/1899 - Jesus continues to make Himself seen afflicted.  The moment He came, He threw Himself into my arms, totally exhausted, almost wanting refreshment. He shared with me a little bit of His sufferings and then He told me: My daughter, the way of the cross is a way strewn with stars and as one walks through it, those stars change into most luminous suns. What will be the happiness of the soul for all eternity in being surrounded with these suns? Furthermore., the great reward I give to the cross is so great that there is no measure, either of width or length - it is almost incomprehensible to the human mind; and this because in bearing crosses, there can be nothing human - all is Divine.

V. 2 - 10/25/1899 - My daughter, My Love towards creatures is so great that It resounds like an echo in the Celestial Regions and It fills the atmosphere and diffuses over the whole earth. But what is the correspondence that creatures give to this loving echo. Ah, they requite Me with an echo of ingratitude,  poison, filled with every kind of bitterness and sins; with an echo almost deadly, fit only for wounding Me... - If many perish, this is not My Will, it is only the effect of their wickedness and obstinate will - it is the effect of this poisonous echo which they want to keep sending Me to the point of seeing themselves destroyed.

V. 3 - 11/19/1899 - My daughter, pride corrodes Grace. In the hearts of the proud there is nothing but a void all full of smoke which produces blindness. Pride does nothing but renders oneself an idol and so the proud does not have her God with her. By sin, she has tried to destroy Him in her heart and raising an altar within her heart, she places herself on it and she adores herself.

V. 3 - 11/27/1899 - My daughter, do you know what My Grace does? My Grace renders the souls of the Blessed happy and It renders the pilgrim souls happy - with this difference alone: that the Blessed take Bliss and delight in It, while the pilgrim souls work and make It circulate. So, one who possesses Grace holds Paradise within herself because Grace is nothing other than to possess Me and since I alone am the enchanting Object Who enchants the whole of Paradise and forms all the contentments of the Blessed, the soul, by possessing Grace, possesses her Paradise wherever she is.

V. 3 - 11/28/1899 - ...He listened with great pleasure to my speaking out of proportion and almost wanting to test me, He transported me outside of myself, close to a deep place full of liquid fire and dark - the mere sight of it struck horror and fright. Jeus said to me: Here is Purgatory and many souls are crammed in this fire. You will go to this place to suffer in order to free the souls  I choose and you will do this for love of Me. Though trembling a little, immediately I said to Him: Everything for love of You, I am ready but You must come with me, if You leave me, You do not let Yourself be found anymore and then You make me cry a bit. And He: If I come with you, what would be your Purgatory? With My Presence, those pains would change into Joys and Contentments for you. And I: I do not want to go alone but as we go into that fire, You will remain behind my shoulders, so I will not see You and I will accept this suffering. So, I went into that place filled with thick darkness and He followed me from behind. For fear He might leave me, I grabbed His Hands, holding them tightly upon  my shoulders. As I arrived down there...who can describe the pains that those souls suffered? They are certainly unutterable for people clothed with human flesh. But as I entered that fire, it would be destroyed and the darkness would be dispelled and many souls would come out and others would be relieved. After being there for about a quarter of an hour, we came out and Jesus was all mournful. Immediately I said: Tell me my Good, why are Your mourning? My dear life, have I perhaps been the cause of it because I did not want to go into that place of pains by myself? Tell me, tell me, did You suffer very much in seeing those souls suffer? How are you feeling? And Jesus: My beloved, I feel all full of bitternesses, so much so, that unable to contain them any longer, I am about to pour them out over the earth. And I: No, no, my sweet Love, You will pour them upon me, won't You?...

V. 3 - 12/2/1899 - Eloquent praise of the Cross - can be read at

V. 3 -  1/1/1900 - ...Jesus told me: The more the soul humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the Truth, and being in the Truth, she tries to push herself along the path of virtues from which she sees herself far away...This is why I wanted to be circumcised - to give an example of highest humility that rendered the very Angels of Heaven stunned.

V. 3 - 1/5/1900 - My daughter, sin is a poisonous and deadly embrace to the soul, if it is grave; and not only to her but also to all the virtues present in the soul. If then it is venial, it is a wounding embrace which renders the soul very weak and infirm and together with her the virtues that she had acquired also become infirm. What a deadly weapon sin is! Sin alone can wound and give death to the soul! Nothing else can harm her, nothing else but sin alone renders her opprobrious and odious before Me.

V. 3 - 1/12/1900 - Difference between knowledge of self and humility. Jesus alone can Glory in possessing true Humility. - can be read @ 

V. 3 - 1/12/1900 - This has been the cause of all evils which inundate the earth - lack of humility; and by excercising this virtue, I was to draw all goods from Divine Justice. Ah, yes, no concessions of graces come from My Throne, if not by means of humility, nor can any ticket be received by Me, if it does not carry the signature of humility. No prayer is listened to by My Ears and moves My Heart to compassion, if it is not perfumed by the fragrance of humility. If the creature does not arrive at destroying that seed of honor, of esteem - and this can be destroyed by arriving at loving to be despised, humiliated, confused - she will feel a braiding of thorns around her heart; she will feel a void in her heart that will always bother her and will render her very dissimilar from My Most Holy Humanity. If she does not arrive at loving humiliations, at the most she will be able to know herself a little bit but will not shine before me, clothed with the garment of humility, beautiful and worthy of sympathy... - Humility is the anchor of peace during the storms of the sea waves of this life. Humility is the salt that spices all virtues and preserves the soul from the corruption of sin. Humility is the little grass which sprouts along the way treaded by wayfarers; while being treaded, it disappears, but soon one can see it sprout again, more beautiful than before. Humility is like a gentle graft that renders the wild plant gentle. Humility is the newborn of grace. Humility is like the moon, which guides us in the darkness of the night of this life. Humility is like that shrewd merchant who knows well how to trade his riches and wastes not even one cent of the grace that is given to him. Humility is the key of the door of Heaven, such that no one can enter into It if he does not keep this key in good custody. Finally - otherwise I would never end and I would be too long - humility is the smile of God and of all Heaven and it is the crying of all hell.

V. 3 - 1/27/1900 - Then, with an intellectual Light, He made me comprehend that everything must be orderly in the soul. The soul possesses many little apartments in which each virtue takes it's place, even though it can be said that one single virtue contains all others within itself and that the soul, by possessing only one of them, comes to be endowed with all the other virtues. However, in spite of this, they are all distinct among themselves, so much so, that each one of them has it's own place in the soul. And here is how all virtues have their origin in the mystery of the Sacrosanct Trinity; while It is one, there are Three distinct Persons and while They are Three, They are One. I also understood that these apartments in the soul are either full of virtue or of the vice opposite to that virtue; and if there is neither virtue or vice, they remain empty. It seemed to me that they are like a house that contains many rooms, all empty; or some rooms are full of snakes, some of mud; some are full of furniture full of dust and some are dark. Ah, Jesus, You alone can put my poor soul in order!

V. 3 - 2/20/1900 - ...He told me: I am the Flower of the Celestial Eden and the fragrance I spread is such that at My Perfume, the whole of Heaven remains captivated. And since I am the Lamp that sends Light to all, so much so, as to keep them immersed in It, all of My Saints draw their little lamps from Me. So, there is no Light in Heaven which has not been drawn from this Lamp. Ah, yes! There is not even the smell of Virtue without Jesus; and even if one went up to the highest heaven, there is no Light without Jesus!

V. 3 - 2/26/1900 - What forms the Beatitude of Paradise? Certainly My Divinity. Now, what would form the Beatitude of My dear ones on earth. With certainty My Will. My Will can never escape you; you will always have It in your possession and if you remain in the circle of My Will, there you will experience the joys most ineffable and the pleasures most pure. By never going out of the circle of My Will, the soul becomes noble, divinized and all of her operations reverberate in the center of the Divine Sun, just as the sun's rays reverberate upon the earth - not one of them goes out of their center - which is God...

V. 3 - 4/2/1900 - And Jesus: Whether you suffer or not, whether I come or not, your state is always victim; more so, since this is My Will and yours and I judge not according to the works that one does but according to the will with which one operates...

V. 3 - 4/16/1900 - ...My daughter, the passport to enter beatitude which the soul can possess on this earth must be signed with three signatures and these are resignation, humility and obedience. Perfect resignation to My Will is wax which melts our wills and forms a single one; it is sugar and honey. However, at a small resistance to My Will, the wax separates, the sugar becomes bitter and the honey turns into poison. Now, it is not sufficient to be resigned but the soul must be convinced that the greatest good for herself and the best way to glorify Me is to always do My Will. Here is the necessity of the signature of humility because humility produces this knowledge. But who ennobles these two virtues? Who fortifies them; who renders them persevering; who chains them together in such a way that they cannot separate: Obedience! ...

V. 3 - 4/20/1900 - ...He told me: The Cross is a Mirror in which the soul admires the Divinity and by reflecting herself in It, she acquires the Features and the Likeness that most resembles God. The Cross must not only be loved and desired but one must consider It an honor and a glory. This is to operate like God and to become like God by participation because I alone Gloried in the Cross and considered suffering an Honor and I loved It so much that in My whole Life, I did not want to be one moment without the Cross...

V. 3 - 4/21/1900 - My daughter, how precious is the Cross! see now: in giving Itself to the soul, the Sacrament of My Body unites her with Me, It transforms her, to the point that she becomes one with Me. But as the Species are consumed, the union, truly established, ceases. Not with the Cross. The Cross takes God and unites Him with the soul forever and It places Itself more surely as a seal. Therefore, the Cross seals God in the soul in such a way that there is never separation between God and the crucified soul.

V. 3 - 4/23/1900 - ...But Blessed Jesus made me understand that resignaion to the Divine Will is oil which, while salving and mitigating our pains, salves and mitigates the spasm of the wounds of Jesus at the same time. Then, after performing this office for my dear Jesus for quite some time, He disappeared and I came back into mself.

V. 3 - 5/3/1900 - The Feast of the Cross in Heaven- can be read @

V. 3 - 5/9/1900 - ...After those few words spoken by Jesus, I found myself outside of myself and in looking into the vault of the heavens, I saw three Suns: one seemed to be set in the east, another in the west and the third in the south. The splendor of the Rays that went forth was so great that they united with one another in such a way as to become one. I seemed to see the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, and man, formed with the three Powers in Its image. I also understood that for one who stayed in that Light, his will would be transformed in the Father, his intellect in the Son, his memory in the Holy Spirit. How many things I understood! But I am unable to manifest them.

V. 3 - 5/20/1900 - My daughter, all things have their origin from nothing. If this very machine of the universe which you are admiring with its great order had been full of other things before I created it, I could not have put My creative Hand to make it with such Mastery and to render it so splended and adorned. At the most, I could have undone everything that might have been there, to then redo it according to My liking. But we always come to this: all of My Works have their origin from nothing and when there is a mixing with other things, it is not decorous for My Majesty to descend and operate in the soul. But when the soul reduces herself to nothing and rises to Me, and takes her being within Mine, then I operate as the God that I am and the soul finds true rest. And here is how all virtues, from humility to the annihilation of oneself, begin.

V. 3 - 5/21/1900 - The height of the perfection of a soul in My Will is such that she reaches the point of operating like God. And this is no wonder because since it is no longer her will that lives in her but the Will of God Himself; every amazement ceases if, by living with this Will, she possesses the Power, the Wisdom, the Sanctity and all the other Virtues that God Himself contains. It is enough to tell you, so that you may become enamored and cooperate as much as you can on your part to reach such a point, that the soul who arrives at living of My Will alone is Queen of all Queens and her throne is so high as to reach the Throne of the Eternal One; she enters the secrets of the Most August Trinity and participates in the reciprocal Love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Oh, how all the Angels and Saints honor her, men admire her, seeing the Divine Being in her... - She must imitate Me Who, while I fill the world by keeping it absorbed within Myself and not being sbsorbed in it, render Myself invisible for I do not let Myself be seen by anyone. This means that there is no matter in Me but that everything is most pure Spirit. 

V. 3 - 6/3/1900 - Then, turning to certain people I could see, He reprimanded them, saying to them: Lack of esteem for others is lack of true Christian humility and of sweetness because a humble and sweet spirit knows how to respect everyone and interprets the things of others always for the good.

V. 3 - 7/10/1900 - Blessed Jesus repeated to me the difference that exists between living for God and living in God, saying to me: In living for God, the soul can be subject to disturbances, to bitterness, to being inconstant, to feeling the weight of passions, to meddle in earthly things. But the living in God - no, it is completely different because the most important thing so that one person may enter to dwell inside another person is to lay down all that belongs to him - that is, to strip himself of everything, to leave his own passions; in a word, to leave everything in order to find God. Now, when the soul has not only stripped herself but has slimmed down well, then will she be able to enter the narrow door of My Heart to live in Me according to My Way and from My Own Life. In fact, even though My Heart is Immense, that there is no end to Its boundaries, Its door, however, is extremely narrow and only one who is stripped of everything can enter into It. This, with reason, because since I am Most Holy, I would never admit anything to live in Me which is extraneous to My Sanctity. Therefore, My daughter, try to live in Me and you will possess Paradise in advance. 

V. 3 - 8/1/1900 - My daughter, there is no one who can stand before My Majesty and Purity; rather, all are forced to be terrified and struck by the thunderbolt of My Sanctity. Man would almost want to flee from Me because his misery is such and so great that he does not have the courage to stand before the Divine Being. And here is why, giving the field to My Mercy, I took on My Humanity Which, tempering the Rays of the Divinity is the means to infuse in man trust and courage to come to Me. Placing himself before My Humanity Which spreads temperate Rays of the Divinity,man has the good of being able to purify, sanctify and even Divinize himself in My very Deified Humanity...

V. 3 - 8/9/1900 - Then He added: Everything that comes from Me enters into Me. This is why men complain that they do not obtain easily what they ask for - because those are not things that come from Me; and not being things that come from Me, they cannot easily enter into Me and then come out to give themselves to them. In fact, what comes from Me and enters into Me is all that is Holy, Pure and Celestial. Now, what is the wonder if audience is precluded to them since what they ask for is not so? Therefore, you - keep well in mind that all that comes from God enters into God. 

V. 3 - 8/30/1900 - After this, the Queen Mama said to me: Do you want to come to Purgatory to relieve the king( of Italy) of the horrible pains he is in? And I: My Mama, as He wants. In an instant She took me and flying She transported me into a place of atrocious torments, all mortal; and that miserable one was there, going from one torment to another. It seemed that for as many souls as had been lost because of him, so many deaths was he supposed to suffer. Then, after I went through several of those torments myself, he was relieved a little bit. Again, the Queen Mama took me away from that place of pains and I found myself inside myself.

V. 3 - 7/10/1900 - So, Blessed Jesus repeated to me the difference that exists between living for God and living in God, saying to me: In living for God, the soul can be subject to disturbances, to bitternesses, to being inconstant, to feeling the weight of passions, to meddle in earthly things. But the living in God - no, it is completely different because the most important thing so that one person may enter to dwell inside another person is to lay down all that belongs to him - that is, to strip himself of everything, to leave his own passions; in a word, to leave everything in order to find everything in God....Therefore, My daughter, try to live in Me and you will possess Paradise in advance.

V. 3 - 9/1/1900 - Jesus told me: Would you be able to tell Me what is it that manitains correspondence between the soul and God? And I, but always through a Light that came from Him, said: "Prayer". And Jesus, approving of my answer, added: But what it it that draws God to intimate conversation with the soul? I did not know what to answer but immediately the Light moved in my intellect and I said: If vocal prayer serves to maintain the correspondence, certainly interior meditation must serve as nourishment to maintain the correspondence between God and the soul. Content with that, He continued: Now, would you be able to tell Me what is it that breaks the sweet contrasts and removes the loving discontents that may arise between God and the soul? Since, I did not answer, He Himself said: My daughter, only obedience has this office because she  alone decides about the things pertaining to Me and the soul. And when some contrasts arise or when some discontent comes to mortify the soul, as obedience breaks the contrasts, removes the discontents and puts peace between God and the soul.

V. 3 - 9/4/1900 - After this, Blessed Jesus placed His Arm behind my neck and leaning His Head on my shoulder, He placed Himself in the act of wanting to take rest. While He was resting, I felt I was in a place in which there were many movable tiles and underneath them, the abyss. Fearing I might fall, I woke Him up, invoking His help and He said to me: Do not fear, this is the path that all cover. It takes nothing but all of one's attention; and since the majority walk carelessly, this is why many fall into the abyss and few are those who reach the harbor of Salvation. 

V. 4 - 11/20/1900 - ...And while He was doing this, He told me: My beloved, since you must live from My Heart, it is appropiate for you to undertake a more perfect way of living. Therefore, from you I want: 1. Perfect harmony to My Will... 2. Profound humility... 3. Purity in everything... 4. Obedience, which must be connected with My Will... Then, He added: Know that from now on you will live with My Heart and you must see things the way My Heart does, that I may find My satisfactions in you.

V. 4 - 12/3/1900 - This morning, as I was outside of myself, I found myself with Baby Jesus in my arms and while I delighted in looking at Him, I don't know how, from the same Baby a second came out and after a few seconds, a third Baby, both of Them similar to the First, though distinct among Themselves. Stupefied in looking at this, I said: Oh, how can one touch with hand the Sacrosanct Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, that while You are One, You are also Three. It seemed to me that all Three of  Them spoke to me but as the Word came out, it became one single Voice: Our Nature is formed of Most Pure, Most Simple, Communicative Love and the Nature of true Love has this of It's Own. It produces from Itself Images fully similar to Itself in Power, in Goodness, in Beauty and in everything It contains; and only to give more sublime prominence to Our Omnipotence, It places the mark of distinction, in such a way that, melting in Love, this Nature of Ours - which is Simple, with no matter at all which might prevent Our Union - forms Three Persons and returning to melt, It forms One. It is so true that the Nature of true Love has this prerogative of producing Images fully similar to Itself or of assuming the Image of the Beloved, that the Second Person, in Redeeming mankind, assumed the nature and the image of man and communicated the Divinity to man. While They were saying this, I could distinguish my Beloved Jesus very well, recognizing the image of the human nature in Him and only because of Him, I had the confidence to remain in their presence; otherwise, who would have dared? Ah, yes! It seemed to me that the Humanity assumed by Jesus had opened commerce for the creature, so as to let her ascend up to the Throne of the Divinity to be admitted to converse with Them and to obtain deeds of Graces. Oh, what happy moments I enjoyed! How many things I understood; but in order to describe something, I would have to describe it when my soul is with my dear Jesus, as she seems to be set free from the body. But as I find myself imprisoned again, the darkness of the imprisonment, the distance of my Mystical Sun, the pain of not seeing Him, render me incapable of describing it and makes me live dying. Yet, I am forced to live, imprisoned in this miserable body. Ah, Jesus have compassion for a miserable sinner who lives infirm and imprisoned! Break soon the wall of this prison that I may fly to You and come back no more.

V. 4 - 11/23/1900 - As I was in my usual state, my loving Jesus transported me outside of myself and coming out from within my interior, He showed Himself so big as to absorb the whole earth within Himself and He spread His magnitude so much  that my soul could not find the end of It.  I felt dissolved in God - and not only myself but all creatures were dissolved in Him. Oh, how unseemly it appeared, what an affront is given to Our God, when we, little worms, though living in Him, dare to offend Him! Oh, if all could see how we are in God! Oh, how careful they would be not to cause Him a shadow of displeasure! Then He became so tall as to absorb the whole of Heaven in Himself; so, in God Himself I could see everyone - Angels and Saints; I could hear their singing, I could understand many things about Eternal Happiness.

V. 4 - 12/25/1900 - The Birth of Jesus - A must read - can be read at:

V. 4 - 3/8/1901 - My daughter, it was not My works nor My preaching nor the very power of My miracles that made Me recognized with clarity as the God I am but when I was put on the Cross and lifted up on It as though on My Own Throne - then was I recognized as God. So, the Cross alone revealed Me to the world and to the whole of hell Who I really was. All were shaken and recognized their Creator. Therefore, it is the Cross that reveals God to the soul and makes known whether the soul is truly of God. It can be said that the Cross uncovers all the intimate parts of the soul and reveals to God and men who she is. Then He added: Upon two crosses do I consume souls - one is of pain, the other is of Love. And just as in Heaven all nine Choirs of Angels love Me, though each one has its distinct office -  as for example, the special office of the Seraphim is Love and their Choir is positioned more in the front to receive the reverberations of My Love; so much so, that My Love and theirs, darting through each other, correspond continuously - in the same way, I give to souls on earth their distinct offices: some I render martyrs of pain, and some of Love, as both of them are skillfull masters in sacrificing souls and in rendering them worthy of My satisfactions.

V. 4 - 3/31/1901 - ... My daughter, the thing that displeases Me the most is inconstancy and volubility because this is the sign that the Truth has not taken possession of these souls. Even in things of Religion, it may be that they find their satisfaction, their own convenience and interest or that they just find themselves in that party; but tomorrow these  things may be missing or they find themselves involved in other parties - and here is how they deviate from Religion and with no regret they give themselves to other sects. Indeed, when the true Light enters a soul and takes possession of a heart, she is not subject to  inconstancy. On the contrary, she sacrifices everything for Love of It and to let herself be mastered by It alone. And while saying this, He cried over the condition of the present generation, worse than in those times, subject to inconstancy according to wherever the winds blow.

V. 4 - 4/5/1901 - ...After this, I seemed to find myself on Mount Calvary, in the act of the Crucifixion of Jesus and while He suffered the Crucifixion, I could see - I don't know how - all generations, past, present and future in Jesus. And since Jesus had everyone within Himself, He felt all the offenses that each of us would give Him and He suffered for all in general and for each individual in particular in such a way that I could also see my sins and the pains that He suffered for me individually; and I could also see the remedy that He administered to us, with the exception of no one, for our evils and for our eternal salvation.

V. 4 - 4/21/1901 - Continuing in my usual state, I saw my sweet Jesus for just a little, with a cross in His Hand in the act of pouring it upon the people; and He told me: My daughter, the world is always corrupted but there are certain times in which it reaches such corruption, that if I did not pour part of  My cross upon the people, they would all perish in corruption. So it happened at the time when I came upon earth: My cross alone saved many from the corruption in which they were immersed. The same in these times: corruption has reached such a point, that if I did not pour scourges, thorns, crosses, causing men to shed blood, they would remain immersed in the waves of corruption. And while saying this, He seemed to throw that cross over the people and chastisements would occur.

V. 4 - 7/16/01 -  And I: It is true that I am very dissimilar from You but if You want You can render me similar. So, to content me, He enclosed me completely within Himself in such a way that I could no longer see myself but Jesus Christ; and in this way  we rose toward Heaven. As we reached a certain point, we found ourselves before an indescribable Light. Before that Light, one experienced new life, unusual joy, never before felt. How happy I felt! Even more, it seemed to me that I was in the fullness of all happinesses. Now, as we advanced before that Light, I felt such concern; I would have liked to praise Him, to thank Him, but not knowing what to say, I recited three Glory Be's and Jesus responded along. But as soon as I finished, like a flash, I found myself in the miserable prison of my body. Ah, Lord, how come - so little has my happiness lasted? It seems that the clay of this body of mine is too hard, as it takes so much to be shattered and it prevents my soul from moving out of this miserable earth. But I hope that some vehement blow may cause it to be not only shattered but pulverized. Then, since I would no longer have a home to be able to stay here, You will have compassion for me and will receive me forever in the Celestial Dwelling.

V. 4 - 7/30/1901 - My daughter, how pride has ruined the world -  it has reached the point of destroying that small light of reason which all carry with them at birth. Know, however, that the virtue which most exalts God is humility and the virtue which most exalts the creature before God and men, is humility.

V. 4 - 8/3/1901 - ...You, however, do not stop because the soul who possesses Grace has authority over hell, over men and over God Himself. In fact, since Grace is part of God Himself, as the soul possesses It, does she perhaps not have power over what she possesses?

V. 4 - 9/14/1901 - The beginning and the end of our actions must be the Love of God - can be read

V. 4 - 10/14/1901 - ...So, I understood that as God creates us, this attitude of charity pours into us and fills us completely of itself in such a way that if the soul corresponded, being filled with the breath of the charity of God, her very nature should be transmuted into charity toward God. But as the soul keeps diffusing herself in the love of creatures, or of pleasures, or of interests, or of any other thing, that Divine breath keeps going out of the soul; and if the soul arrives at diffusing herself in everything, she becomes empty of Divine charity. But since the soul cannot enter into Heaven if she is not a complex of most pure charity, fully Divine, if the soul is saved, this breath which she received in being created, she will acquire again by dint of fire in the purging flames and only when she comes to the point of overflowing with it, then she will go out. So, who knows what an extremely long stop she has to make in that expiatory place! Now, if the creature should be so, what must God be?

V. 4 - 1/6/1902 - ...And Jesus: Daughter, in truth, that extravagant fear of dying is foolishness, when one has all My Merits, Virtues and Works as passport in order to enter Heaven since I made a donation of It to everyone. Those who have added their own, then, profit even more from this donation of mine; and with all this Substance, what fear can one have of death? Rather, with this most safe passport, the soul can enter  wherever she wants and out of regard for her passport, everyone respects her and lets her pass. As for you then, your not fearing death at all comes from your having dealt with Me and having experienced how sweet and dear is the union with the Highest Good. Know, however, that the most pleasing homage  that can be offered to Me, is desiring to die in order to be united with Me. This is the most beautiful dispositon in order for the soul to be purged and to pass straight on with no interval, through the way of Heaven. Having said this, He disappeared.

V.4 - 3/2/1902 - My daughter, one who nourishes himself with faith acquires Divine life and by acquiring Divine life, he destroys the human - that is, he destroys within himself the germs which original sin produced, reacquiring the perfect nature as it came out of My Hands, similar to Me. And by this, he comes to surpass in nobility the very Angelic nature.

V. 4 - 3/30/1902 - This morning, finding myself outside of myself, for a little while I saw my adorable Jesus in the Act of His Resurrection - all clothed with refulgent Light, so much so, that the sun remained obscured before that Light. I was enchanted and I said: Lord, if I am not worthy to touch Your glorified Humanity, let me at least touch Your garments. And he told me: My beloved, what are you saying? After I rose again, I had no more need for material garments; rather, My Garments are of Sun, of most pure Light which covers My Humanity and which will shine eternally, giving unspeakable joy to all the senses of the Blessed. This has been conceded to My Humanity because there was no part of It which was not covered with opprobrium, with pains, with wounds.

V. 4 - 8/2/1902 - This morning, after struggling very much, all of a sudden my adorable Jesus came, spreading Rays of Light. I was invested by that Light and I don't know how, I found mself inside of Jesus Christ. Who can say how many things I comprehended inside that Most Holy Humanity? I can only say that His Divinity directed His Humanity in everything; and since in one single instant, the Divinity can do as many acts as each of us can do in the whole period of one's life and as many acts as one wants to do; I comprehended with clarity that because the Divinity operated in the Humanity of Jesus Christ during the whole course of His Life, Blessed Jesus redid for all in general and for each one individually everything that each one is obliged to do toward God in such a way that He adored God for each one in particular, He thanked, repaired, glorified for each one, He praised, suffered, prayed for each one. And I comprehended that everything that each one must do, has already been done before in the Heart of Jesus Christ.

V. 4 - 12/24/1902 - After this, I saw people who believed themselves to be something greater than others; and Blessed Jesus said: My daughter, one who believes himself to be something before Me and before men is worth nothing. One who believes himself to be nothing is worth everything - first, before Me because if he does something, he does not think he does it because he can do it, having the strength and the capacity but rather because he receives from God the Grace, the helps and the lights; therefore it can be said that he does it by virtue of Divine power and one who has Divine power with him is already worth something. Second, before men, because he does nothing but send forth the light of the Divine power he contains within himself in such a way that the most perverted ones without wanting it, feel the strength of this light and submit to his volition; and here is how he is worth everything also before men. On the contrary, one who believes himself to be something, in addition to being worth nothing, is abominable to My Presence and because of his ostentatious and particular manners - for he believes he is something and makes fun of others - men keep him pointed out as an object of derision and of persecution.

V. 5 - 10/18/1903 - Continuing in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus for short instants and He told me: My daughter, do you know what forms sin? An act of the human will opposite to the Divine. Imagine two friends who are in opposition; if the thing is light, you would say their friendship is not perfect and loyal. Be it even in little things, how can they love and yet oppose each other? True Love is to live in the will of the other, even at the cost of sacrifice. If then the thing is grave, not only are they not friends but they are fierce enemies. Such is sin. Opposing the Divine Will is the same as making God one's enemy; be it even in little things, it is always the creature who puts herself in opposition to the Creator.

V. 5 - 10/27/1903 - My daughter, to accept mortifications and sufferings as penance and as chastisements is praisworthy, it is good but it has no connection with the Divine way of operating. In fact, I did much, I suffered much but the way I had in all this was only for the Father and for men. So, it shows immediately whether a creature has the way of operating and suffering in a Divine manner - it is Love alone that pushes her to do it and to suffer. If she has other ways, as good as they may be, they are always the ways of creatures and therefore she will find in them the merit that a creature can acquire, not the merit that the Creator can acquire because there is no union of ways. But if she has My way, the fire of Love will destroy any disparity and inequality and will form one single thing between My work and that of the creature.

V. 5 - 5/2/1905 - As I continued to be in suffering a little more than usual, on coming my good Jesus told me: My daughter, suffering contains three types of resurrection. First, suffering makes the soul rise again to Grace. Second, as suffering advances,, it gathers the virtues and the soul rises again to Sanctity. Third, as suffering continues, it perfects the virtues, it embellishes them with splendor, forming a most beautiful crown; and the soul, crowned, rises again to glory on earth and to glory in Heaven.

V. 6 - 11/8/1903 - I was praying for certain needs of others and Blessed Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: For what purpose are you praying for these people? And I: Lord, and You, for what purpose did You love us? And He: I love you because you are My Own thing and when an object is one's own, one feels compelled to love it - it is like a necessity. And I: Lord I am praying for these people because they are Your Own thing, otherwise I would not have interested myself. And He, placing His Hand on my forehead, almost pressing it, added: Ah, it is because they are My Own thing! This is how the Love of neighbor is all right.

V. 6 - 11/19/1903 - I saw Blessed Jesus in my interior and a light in my intellect saying: While one is nothing, one can be all. But how? One becomes all through suffering. Suffering makes the soul become pontiff, priest, king, prince, minister, judge, advocate, repairer, protector, defender. And since true suffering is the suffering wanted by God in the soul, if the soul appeases herself completely in His Volition, this appeasement, united to suffering, allows the soul to rule over justice, over the mercy of God, over men and over all things. Now, just as suffering gave Christ all the most beautiful qualities and all the honors and offices that the human nature can contain, in the same way, by participating in the suffering of Christ, the soul participates in His qualities, in the honors and in the offices of Christ, Who is the All.

V. 6 - 12/22/1903 - My daughter, in the Creation, I gave My Image to the soul; in the Incarnation, I gave My Divinity, divinizing humanity. And since in the very act, in the very instant, in which  the Divinity incarnated Itself in humanity, It incarnated Itself in the Cross in such a way that from the moment I was conceived, I was conceived united with the Cross - it can be said that just as My Cross was united with Me in the Incarnation which I did in the Womb of My Mother, so does My Cross form as many other Incarnations of Mine in the womb of souls. And just as the Cross forms My Incarnation in souls, the Cross is the Incarnation of the soul in God, destroying in her everything that gives of nature and filling her with the Divinity so much, as to form a sort of Incarnation - God in the soul and the soul in God. I remained as though enchanted on hearing that the Cross is the Incarnation of the soul in God and He repeated: I am not saying union, but Incarnation because the Cross penetrates so much into her nature as to make nature itself become suffering because where there is suffering, there is God, as God and suffering cannot be apart. And the Cross, forming this Incarnation, renders this union more stable and the separation of God from the soul almost as difficult as is separating suffering from nature. On the other hand, through union, the separation can easily occur. It is understood, always, that this is not the Incarnation, but a simile of the Incarnation.

V. 6 - 12/24/1903 - This morning, as I was in my usual state, Baby Jesus came and on seeing Him so very little, as if He were just born, I said to Him: My pretty little One what was the cause - Who made You come from Heaven and be born, so little, in the world? And He: The reason was Love; not only this but My birth in time was the outpouring of Love of the Most Holy Trinity toward creatures. In an outpouring of Love of My Mother, I was born from her Womb and in an outpouring of Love, I am reborn in souls. But this outpouring is formed by desire. As soon as the soul begins to desire Me, I am conceived; the more she advances in her desire, the more I keep growing in the soul; and when this desire fills her whole interior and reaches the point of flowing outside, then I am reborn in the whole of man - in his mind, in his mouth, in his works and steps. In the opposite way, the devil also makes his birth in souls. As soon as the soul begins to desire and to want evil, the devil is conceived with his perverted works; and if this desire is nourished, the devil grows and fills all of man's interior with passions, the most ugly and disgusting ones and reaches the point of overflowing outside, as man lets all vices rush in. My daughter, how many births the devil makes in these most sad times! If men and demons had the power to do it, they would have destroyed My births in souls.

V. 6 - 12/28/03 - After I struggled very much, my Blessed Jesus came for just a little and made me see many souls inside of His Humanity; and while I was seeing this, He told me: My daughter, all human lives are in My Humanity in Heaven as though inside  a cloister; and since they are inside My Cloister, the regime of their lives comes from Me. Not only this, but My Humanity, being the Cloister, conducts the lives of each soul. What joy is Mine when souls remain in this Cloister and the echo that comes from My Humanity blends with the echo of each human life of the earth! And what bitterness is Mine when I see that souls are not content and go out of It! Others remain but forced and unwilling; they do not submit to the rules and the regime of My Cloister, therefore, My echo does not blend with theirs.

V. 6 - 1/6/1904 - The human race is all one family; when someone does some good work and offers it to God, the whole human family participates in that offering and is present to God as if all were offering it. Can be read @

V. 6 - 3/20/1904 - My daughter, all things take origin from Faith. One who is strong in Faith is strong in suffering; Faith makes one find God in every place, it makes one see Him in every action, touch Him in every movement and every new occasion that presents itself is a new Divine revelation that one receives. Therefore, remain strong in Faith, for if you are strong in it, in all states and circumstances, Faith will administer fortitude to you and will make you be always united with God.

V. 6 - 4/9/1904 - ...My daughter, when it is about voluntary sin, then it takes sorrow; but when it is about imperfections, weaknesses, coldnesses and the like and ths soul has added nothing of her own, then a perfect act of resignation is enough; and if needed, she is also purged of this state because in doing this act, the soul first encounters My Divine Will, which purges her human will and embellishes it with Its qualities and then she identifies herself with Me.

V. 6 - 6/3/1904 - This morning, since Blessed Jesus was not coming, I felt all oppressed and tired. Then, when He came, He told me: My daughter, do not want to become tired in suffering but rather, act as if at each hour you were just beginning to suffer. In fact, if the soul lets herself be dominated by the cross. the cross destroys three evil kingdoms in her, which are the world, the devil and the flesh and it constitutes in her three more good Kingdoms: the Spiritual, the Divine and the Eternal Kingdom.

V. 6 - 7/30/1904 - This morning Blessed Jesus was not coming and I, finding myself outside myself, went round and round in search of my highest and only Good; and not finding Him, my soul felt itself dying at each instant. But what increased my torment was that while I felt I was dying, I would not die for if I could die, I would reach my intent, to be forever in the center - God. Oh, separation, how bitter and painful you are! There is no pain that can be compared to you. Oh, Divine privation, you consume, you pierce, you are a two-edged sword that cuts on one side and burns on the other. The pain you give is immense, as immense as is God. Now, while wandering about, I found myself in Purgatory and my sorrow and my crying seemed to increase the sorrow of those poor souls deprived of their life, God. Among them, there seemed to be quite a few Priests, one of whom seemed to be suffering more than the others; and he said to me: My grave sufferings come from the fact that in life I was very attached to family interests, to earthly things and I had a little attachment to some people. This produces so much evil for the Priest as to form an iron shell, covered with mud, that enwraps him like a garment and only the fire of Purgatory and the fire of the privation of God - which is such that, compared to it, the first fire disappears - can destroy this shell. On, how much I suffer! My pains are unutterable. Pray, pray for me. I felt even more tormented and I found myself inside myself.

V. 6 - 9/26/1904 - The Lamp of Grace. All the pains that Jesus suffered in His Passion were triple; This reading can be found @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot,com

V. 6 - 10/25/1904 - Continuing in my usual state, after I struggled very much, He came. As soon as I saw Him, I said: The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And Blessed Jesus added: The Verbum took flesh but did not remain flesh - He remained as He was; and just as "verbum" means "word" and there is nothing that has more influence than the word, "The Word" means manisfestation, communication, divine union with the human. So, if the Word had not taken flesh, there would have been no other means to unite God and man. Having said this, He disappeared.

V. 6 - 5/20/1905 - My daughter, I did not occupy Myself with My sufferings, but rather, I occupied Myself with the purpose of My pains; and since in My pains I could see the Will of the Father fulfilled, I suffered and in My suffering, I found the sweetest rest. In fact, doing the Divine Will contains this good: while one suffers, one finds the most beautiful rest; and if one enjoys but this enjoyment is not wanted by God, in the very enjoyment one finds the most atrocious torment. Even more, the closer I would come to the end of My pains, yearning to fulfill the Will of the Father, the more relieved I would feel and My rest would become more beautiful. Oh, how different is the way of souls! If they suffer or operate, their gaze is neither on the fruit which they can obtain nor on the fulfillment of the Divine Will; rather, they concentrate all of themselves on the thing that they are doing and not seeing the good which they can earn or the sweet rest that the Will of God brings, they live bothered and tormented and they shun suffering and operating as much as they can, thinking of finding rest; but they remain more tormented than before.

V. 6 - 9/4/1905 - In all time, God has had souls from whom, as much as is possible for a creature, He has received the purpose of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification - and who have received His Goods - This reading can be found @

V. 6 - 9/8/1905 - My daughter, true charity is when, in doing good to his neighbor, one does it because he is My Image. All the charity that goes out of this sphere cannot be called charity. If the soul wants the merit of charity, she must never go out of this sphere of looking at My Image in everything. It is so true that true charity consists in this, that My very charity never goes out of this sphere. I only love the creature because she is My Image; and if by sin she deforms this Image of Mine, I no longer feel like loving her - on the contrary, I abhor her; and I only preserve plants and animals because they serve My Images; and the creature must modify all of herself on the example of her Creator.

V. 6 - 9/17/1905 - How one can participate in the Sorrows of the Queen Mama - This reading can be found @

V. 6 - 10/10/1905 - ...Then He clasped Himself with me and added: The sign that the soul is perfectly clapsed and united with Me is that she is united with all neighbors. Just as no clashing or disordered notes must exist with those who are visible on earth, so can no clashing note of disunion exist with the invisible God.

V. 6 - 11/6/1905 - ...My daughter, My interior was occupied with those pains primarily to satisfy My dear Father in everything and for all and then for the redemption of souls. The thing that pleased My Heart the most was to see the satisfaction that the Father showed to Me in seeing Me suffer so much for Love of Him in such a way that He gathered everything within Himself - not even a breath or a sigh was dispersed but He gathered everything in order to be satisfied and to show Me His satisfaction. And I was so satisfied by this, that if I had nothing else, the sole satisfaction of the Father was enough for Me to be satisfied in what I suffered; while, on the other hand, much - much of My Passion was dispersed on the part of creatures. And the satisfaction of the Father was so great that He poured in torrents the treasures of His Divinity into My Humanity. Therefore, accompany My Passion in this way, for you will give Me much pleasure.

V. 6 - 11/8/1905 - ...As she resigns herself in her very resigning, she sees a Divine Light and this Light dispels what prevents her from seeing God; and as she sees God, she desires to enjoy Him; and while she enjoys Him, she feels as if she were eating Him in such a way as to feel God Himself all transmuted into herself. Therefore, it follows that the first step is to resign oneself; the second is to desire to do the Will of God in everything; the third is to make of It one's favorite food, daily; the fourth is to consume the Will of God within one's own. But if one does not take the first step, he will remain empty of God.

V. 6 - 1/16/1906 - Continuing in my usual state, my Blessed Jesus came for a little and told me: No one can resist the truth nor can man say that it is not truth. As evil and stupid as one might be, he cannot say that white is black and that black is white, that light is darkness and that darkness is light. Only, one who loves it, embraces it and puts it to work while one who does not love it remains perturbed and tormented. A little later, He came back and added: My daughter, one who lives in the sphere of My Will resides in the abode of all riches and one who lives outside of this sphere of My Will resides in the abode of all miseries. This is why it is said in the Gospel that one who has, will be given and one who has not, will be deprived of the little he has. In fact, since one who lives in My Will resides in the abode  of all riches, it is no wonder that he will continue to be enriched more and more with all goods because he lives in Me as though in his own house; and keeping him in Me, would I perhaps be stingy? Would I not keep giving him, day after day, now one favor, now another, never ceasing to give to him until I have shared all My Goods with him? Yes indeed. On the other hand, for one who lives in the abode of miseries, outside of My Will, his own will is already, in itself,  the greatest of miseries and the destroyer of every good. So, if he has a little bit of good, not having contact with My Will, and appearing as useless in that soul, what is the wonder if it is taken away from him?

V. 7 - 2/12/1906 - My daughter, all other virtues in the creatures build a wall of a certain height but the wall of the soul who lives in the Will of God is a wall so high and deep that neither its depth nor its height can be found. Also, it is all of pure and solid gold, not subject to any misfortune because since this wall is in the Divine Volition - that is, in God - God Himself keeps it and there is no power that can defy God. And the soul, while living in this Divine Volition is clothed with a Light all similar to the One in Whom she lives, so much so, that also in Heaven she will shine more than all the others in such a way as to be an occasion of greater glory for the very Saints. Ah, My daughter, think a little bit of what an atmosphere of peace and of goods the mere words " Will of God" contain. At the mere thought of wanting to live in this atmosphere, the soul feels already changed; she feels a Divine air investing her, she feels her human being, being dissolved, she feels Divinized - from impatient, patient, from proud - humble, docile, charitable, obedient; in sum from poor, rich. All the other virtues arise to surround, like a crown, this high wall which has no boundaries; since God has no boundaries, the soul is dissolved within God, she loses her own boundaries and acquires the boundaries of the Will of God.

V. 7 - 2/23/1906 - My daughter, not only My Hands and Feet were nailed to the Cross but all the particles of My Humanity, soul and Divinity were all nailed and transmuted completely in the Will of the Father. This was necessary because, what is sin but withdrawing from the Will of God, from everything that is good and holy which God has given us, believing to be something of one's own and offending the Creator? And I, in order to repair for this audacity and for this self- idol which the creature makes of herself, wanted to dissolve My will completely and live from the Will of the Father at the cost of great sacrifice.

V. 7 - 3/5/1906 - ...Blessed Jesus came back with the Crown of Thorns, so sunken into His Head, that the Thorns appeared even inside His Mouth. The sin of pride is so awful as to be the poison of the soul - it kills it. Just as one who has something across his mouth prevents any food from passing into his body to give him life, so does pride prevent the Life of God in the soul. This is why I wanted to suffer so much because of human pride; and in spite of this, the creature reaches such pride that, drunk with pride, he loses knowledge of himself and reaches the point of killing his body and soul.

V. 7 - 6/13/1906 - Then, this morning, as I saw Him, I felt  myself being carried outside of myself - I cannot tell well whether it was Paradise. There were many Saints, all ignited with Love and the wonder was that all loved but the Love of one was distinct from the Love of the other. However, finding myself with them, I tried to distinguish myself and to surpass them all in Love, wanting to be the first among all in loving Him, since my heart, too proud, could not bear that others would equal me because I seemed to see that one who loves more is closer to Jesus and is loved more by Him. Oh, the soul would give in to all excesses, she would not care about life or death nor would she think of whether it is convenient for her or not. In sum, she would even do excesses to obtain this intent - to be closer to Him and to be loved a little more by her highest and only Good

V. 7 - 8/11/1906 - My daughter, the Cross is a treasure and the safest place to keep this valuable treasure is one's own soul. Or rather, it is a safe place when the soul is disposed to receive this treasure with patience, with resignation and with the other virtues because the virtues are as many keys that secure it, so as not to spoil or expose it to thieves.

V. 7 - 9/11/1906 - My daughter, all the works, words and thoughts of creatures should be sealed with the mark: "Gloriam Dei, Gloriam Dei". And everything which is not sealed with this mark remains obscured and as though buried in darkness, stained, or at the most, as something of no value. So, the creature does nothing other than pull out darkness and abominable things from herself because not operating for the glory of God, the creature runs away from the purpose for which she was created - she is as though lost from God and left alone with herself. God alone is Light and it is through God that human actions acquire value. Now, what is the wonder if the creature, by not operating for His glory, remains buried in her own darkness and gains nothing from her toils - on the contrary, she loads herself with heavy debts?

V. 7 - 10/2/1906 - ...and Blessed Jesus was saying: Tell her that in the act in which she feels as though dogged by persecutions, by punctures, by sufferings, she should think that I am present with her and that whatever she suffers, she can use to heal and medicate My Wounds. So, her sufferings will serve to medicate now My side, now My hands and feet which are too much in pain and embittered by the grave offenses that creatures give Me. This is a great honor that I give her, by giving her, the medicine to medicate My Wounds and by also giving her the merit of charity for having medicated Me. While He was saying this, I saw many purging souls who, on hearing this, all amazed, said: Fortunate are all of you to receive so many sublime teachings - that you acquire the merits to medicate a God which surpasses all other merits in merit - and your glory will be distinct from the others, as is Heaven from the earth. Oh, if only we had received these teachings - that our sufferings could serve to medicate a God - how many riches we would acquire, which now we do not have.

V. 7 - 10/16/1906 -  Now, it seemed to me that each Blessed is a key, that is, a melody himself but all are in harmony among themselves, though each one is different from the other. One sings the notes of praise, one the notes of glory, one of thanksgiving, one of blessings but all these notes reunite into one single note and this note is "Love". It seems that one single voice reunites all those voices and ends with the word "Love". This cry, "Love" is such a sweet and strong resounding that all other voices remain as though extinguished in this canticle, "Love" It seemed that all the Blessed were made ecstatic, drowsy, awake, inebriated by this cry or chant "Love", high, harmonious, beautiful which deafened the whole of Heaven; they participated - one could say - in one more Paradise. But who were the fortunate ones who cried out more loudly, who made this note "Love", resound in everything and who brought great happiness into Heaven itself? They were the ones who had loved the Lord more when they lived on earth. Ah, they were not the ones who had done great things, penances, miracles... Ah, no - never! Love alone is what surpasses everything and leaves everything behind.

V. 7 - 10/20/1906 - ...While He was saying this, He told me: My daughter, the cause of all these enormous crimes - because one sin is the cause and chastisement of making others fall into more sins - have been the sins of Priests...

V. 7 - 10/23/1906 - My daughter, the bitternesses that creatures give Me are such that I cannot contain them; this is why I wanted to share them with you. In these times everything is effeminate; Priests themselves seem to have lost the masculine characteristic and acquired the feminine characteristic. So, only rarely can a masculine Priest be found; the rest - all effeminate. Ah, in what a deplorable state poor humanity is! Having said this, He disappeared. I myself do not comprehend the meaning of this but obedience wanted me to write it.

V. 7 - 12/3/1906 - ...I love this sweetness and peace so much, that even if it were about something great concerning My honor and glory, I do not want, I never approve, resentful, violent, fiery manners but rather, sweeet and peaceful manners. In fact, sweetness alone is what binds hearts like a chain in such a way that they cannot unbind themselves.

V. 7 - 1/3/1907 - My daughter, if one fears much, it is a sign that she relies much on herself because in noticing nothing but weaknesses and miseries within herself, she naturally and justly fears. On the other hand, if one fears nothing, it is a sign that she relies on God because by relying on God, her miseries and weaknesses are dissolved in God and as she feels invested by the Divine Being, it is no longer she who operates but God within her. So, what can she fear? Therefore, true trust reproduces Divine Life in the soul.

V. 7 - 3/13/1907 - Luisa prays to Jesus for her mother, that she may not go to Purgatory after her death and 5/9/1907 - Death and Purgatory of Luisa's parents - can be read @

V. 7 - 5/30/1907 - And my Good Jesus told me: My daughter, prayer is one single point and while it is one point, it can grasp all other points together. So, whether the souls prays for her self alone or for others, she can penetrate just as much. It's effectiveness is one.

V. 8 - 7/1/07 - ...When in the world has My Will ever produced sins or imperfections? My Will is always Holy and one who lives in My Will is already sanctified and enjoys, nourishes herself with and thinks of all that My Will contains. And even though she has committed sins in the past, finding  herself in the beauty, in the sanctity, in the immensity of goods that My Will contains, she forgets the ugliness of the past and remembers only the present, unless she goes out of My Will. Then, as she would return to her own being, it is no wonder that she remembers sins and miseries. Keep well in mind that these thoughts of sin and of oneself cannot enter My Will; and if she feels them, it means that she is not stable and fixed within Me but she makes some exits. Then, finding myself in my usual state, I saw Him for just a little and He told me" My daughter, as much as the Truth is persecuted, one cannot help recognizing it as Truth and the time comes in which that very persecuted Truth is recognized and loved. In these sad times, everything is falsehood and duplicity and so that Trutth may have lordship, man deserves to be beaten and destroyed. Part of these blows they themselves will give to themselves and will destroy one another; others will come from Me - especially France; there will be such a geat mortality as to almost depopulate her.

V. 8 - 7/14/07 - My daughter, it is true that Confession remits sins but the surest and most certain thing to be exempt from Purgatory is Love. Love must be the predominant passion in the soul. Love - her thought, her word, her movements...everything, everything must be enveloped by this Love. In this way, finding herself all Love, the Uncreated Love absorbs the created Love within Itself. In fact, Purgatory does nothing but fill the voids of Love that are present in the soul; and once It has filled these voids, It sends her to Heaven. But if these voids are not there, it is not something that belongs to Purgatory.

V. 8 - 7/19/07 - My daughter, be very careful when you speak about My Will because My Will is so happy that It forms Our very Beatitude while the human will is so unhappy, that if it could enter Ours, it would destroy Our happiness and would wage war against Us. Therefore, neither aridities, nor temptations, nor defects, nor coldness can enter My Will because My Will is Light and contains all possible tastes. The human will is nothing but a little drop of darkness, all full of disgusts...

V. 8 - 8/22/07 - Another day, He told me" My daughter, the cause that most renews My Passion is the lack of resolution. Ah! Not even among themselves are they so cowardly as to keep what they promise to one another. Only with Me do they reach such cowardice and ingratitude, even though they know that I suffer greatly because of it - that one hour they promise and another they deny what they promised.

V. 8 -  September,  1907 - ...And then Jesus added: Roundness is the same in all of it's parts; so, in order to be perfect, the soul must be the same in all states, in all circumstances, whether prosperous or adverse, whether sweet or bitter. Equality must surround her in everything in such a way as to shape her like a round object; otherwise, if she is not equal to herself in all things, she will not be able to enter, beautiful and smooth into the Celestial Jerusalem and will not be able to adorn like a Star the Fatherland of the Blessed. So, the more the soul is the same in everything, the closer she comes to Divine Perfection.

V. 8 - 10/4/1907 - ..While I was thinking of this, Blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: Daughter, the cross is part of one's life and only one who does not love his own life, does not love the cross because it was with the Cross alone that I grafted the Divinity to lost humanity. Only the cross continues Redemption in the world, grafting anyone who receives it into the Divinity; and if one does not love it, it means he knows nothing of virtues, of perfection, of love of God and of true life. Man has become so very poor and the cross is the means not only to save him from misery but to enrich him with all Goods. Therefore, the cross is the Richness of the soul.

V. 8 - 2/7/08 - ...and I said to myself: Jesus, life also is a weight - but what a weight, expecially because of You, My highest Good, are far away. At that moment, He came and told me: My daughter, it is true that life is a weight but when this weight is carried with Me and one finds out that at the end of his life, he can unload this weight within Me, he will find this weight changed into a treasure in which he will find gems, precious stones, diamonds and all riches such as to make him happy for eternity.

V. 8 - 2/12/1908 - My daughter, timidity represses Grace and hampers the soul. A timid soul will never be good at operating great things either for God or for her neighbor or for herself. When a soul is timid, it is as if she had legs tied; unable to walk freely, she always has her eyes fixed on herself and on the effort she makes in order to walk. Timidity makes her keep her eyes low, never high. In operating, she draws her strength not from God but from herself and therefore, instead of becoming stronger, she becomes weaker. If Grace sows, it happens as to a poor farmer who, having sown and worked his little field, harvests little or nothing. On the other hand, in one day a courageous soul does more than a timid one does in one year.

V. 8 - 4/5/08 - ...So, I looked at Her with amazement and She said to me: My daughter, all of My  Sanctity came out within the word "Fiat". I did not move even for one breath, one step, one action or anything at all, if not within the Will of God. My Life, My Food, My All was the Will of God; and this produced such sanctity, riches, honors for Me...not human but Divine. So, the more the soul is united, identified with the Will of God, the more she can be called holy and she is loved more by God. And the more she is loved, the more she is favored because her life is nothing but the product of the Will of God. How can He not love her if she is His Own thing? Therefore, one must not look at how much or how little he does, but rather, at whether it is wanted by God. In fact, the Lord looks more at something little, if it is according to His Will than at something great, without It.

V. 8 - 9/3/08 - As I was in my usual state, Blessed Jesus made Himself seen all Light and He said these simple words: I am Light - but what is Light made of ? What is the principle of It. It is Truth. So, I am Light because I am Truth. Therefore, in order for the soul to be Light and to have Light in all her actions, these must come fromTruth. Wherever there is artifice, deception and duplicity, there cannot be Light - but darkness. And He disappeared like a flash.

V. 8 - 9/5/1908 - I was speaking with the Confessor and he was saying: How terrible it will be so see God indignant! This is so true,  that on the Day of Judgment, the wicked will say: Mountains - bury us, destroy us, that we may not see the Face of God indignant. And I was saying: In God there can not be indignation but rather, it is according to the state of the soul; if she is good, the Divine Presence, His Attributes attract her whole self within God and she is consumed with the desire to immerse herself completely in God. If she is bad, His Presence crushes her, drives her away from Him; and in seeing herself rejected and not feeling within her any seed of Love toward a God so Holy, so Beautiful, while she is so ugly and bad, the soul would rather get rid of His Presence, if possible even by destroying herself. So, in God there is no mutation, but rather, we experience different effects according to how we are. Afterwards, I thought to myself: How much nonsense I said. Then, while I was doing the meditation during the day, He came for just a little and told me: My daughter, it was well said - I do not change but it is the creature who feels the different effects of My Presence, as she changes. In fact, how can one who loves Me ever fear, if she feels My whole Being flow within her and form her very life? Can she ever fear My Sanctity, if she takes part in Sanctity Itself? Can she ever be ashamed of My Beauty? She feels the whole of the Divine Being - all of It, flow in her blood, in her hands, in her feet, in her heart and mind in such a way that It is something that belongs to her - It is fully her own. And how can It fear or be ashamed of Itself? This is impossible. Ah! My daughter, it is sin that casts so much disorder into the creature, that she reaches the point of wanting to destroy herself so as not to bear My Presence. On the Day of Judgment it will be terrible for the wicked. Not seeing any seed of Love in themselves, but rather, hate toward Me, My Justice imposes on Me to not love them; and the persons who are not loved, one does not want to keep around and one makes use of some means to drive them away. I will not want to keep them with Me and they will not want to stay - we will shun each other. Love alone is that which unites everything and makes all happy.

V. 9 - 5/5/1909 - My daughter, mortifications, miseries, privations, sufferings, crosses for those who make use of them, serve for nothing but to impress well My Sanctity in the soul, as if the kept embellishing herself with all the varieties of the Divine colors. Even more, they are nothing other than many fragrances of Heaven with which the soul remains all perfumed.

V. 9 - 5/8/1909 - My daughter, one who talks much shows that he is empty in his interior while one who is filled with God, finding more taste in his interior, does not want to lose that taste; he hardly speaks and only out of necessity. And while speaking, he never departs from his interior and he tries as much as he can to impress in others what he feels within himself. On the other hand, one who talks much is not only empty of God but with his talking, he tries to empty others of God.

V. 9- 5/20/1909 - My daughter, there is nothing that can surpass Love - neither doctrine nor dignity and must less nobility. At the most, one who uses those for good of making speculations around My Being can know Me more or less; but who reaches the point of making Me his own object? Love. Who reaches the point of eating Me as one does with food? Love. One who loves Me, devours Me; one who loves Me finds My Being identified with each particle of his being. There is as much difference between one one who really loves Me and the others, whatever their conditions or qualities might be, as between one who knows a precious object, appreciates it, esteems it but it does not belong to him and one who possesses that precious object as his own. Who is more fortunate between these: the one who knows it or the one who possesses it? Certainly the one who possesses it. So, Love makes up for doctrine and surpasses it; It makes up for dignity and surpasses all dignities, providing one with Divine dignity. It makes up for everything and surpasses everything.

V. 9 - 7/29/1909 - At that moment, He made Himself heard and with dignified and imposing voice, answering my "why", He told me: Because peace is Divine Virtue, while the other virtues are human. So, any virtue, if it is not crowned with peace, cannot be called virtue - but vice. This is why I cherish peace so much  because peace is the surest sign that one suffers and works for Me and it is the heritage I give to My children, of the Eternal Peace they will enjoy with Me in Heaven.

V. 9 - 11/4/1909 - And Jesus told me: My daughter, you too, by taking all of My Being along with My Beatitude, can make others blissful. Why has My Being the virtue of beatifying? Because everything is harmony in Me, one virtue harmonizes with the other: Justice with Mercy, Sanctity with Beauty, Wisdom with Strength, Immensity with Depth and Heighth and so with all the rest. Everything is harmony in Me - nothing is discordant...

V. 9 - 11/20/1909 - My daughter, one who takes the cross according to human views finds it muddy; and therefore heavier and more bitter. On the other hand, one who takes the cross according to Divine views, finds it full of light, light and sweet. In fact, the human views are without grace, strength and light, therefore she has the boldness to say: Why did that person do that wrong to me? Why did this one cause me  this displeasure, this calumny? And the soul fills herself with indignation, with anger, with revenge, and so the cross becomes muddy, dark, heavy and bitter. On the other hand, the Divine views are full of grace, of strength and of light, therefore, she does not have the boldness to say: Lord, why did You do this to me? On the contrary, she humbles herself, she resigns herself and the cross becomes light and brings her light and sweetness.

V. 9 - 11/25/1909 -  My daughter, men did nothing but work the skin of My Humanity while the Eternal Love worked all of My interior. So, in My Agony, the Eternal Love, the Immense Love, the Incalculable Love, the Hidden Love - not men - opened large wounds in Me, pierced Me with flaming nails, crowned Me with burning thorns, made Me drink boiling gall. And My Humanity, unable to contain so many different martyrdoms at the same time, poured out large streams of Blood; It writhed and reached the point of saying: Father, if it be possible, let this Chalice pass from Me; yet, not My will but Yours be done - which I did not say in the rest of My Passion. Everything I suffered during the course of the Passion, I suffered all together in the Agony - but in a more intense, more painful, more, intimate way because Love penetrated deep into the marrow of My bones and into the most intimate fibers of My Heart which creatures could never reach. But Love reaches everything; there is nothing that can resist It. So, My first executioner was Love. This is why in the course of My Passion, there was not even a reproachful glance in Me toward those who acted as My executioners - because I had a more cruel, more active executioner in Me - Love. And where the external executioners could not reach or a little part of Me was spared, Love would continue Its work and spare Me nothing. This happens in all souls: the first work is done by Love and once Love has worked her and filled her with Itself, what appears on the outside is nothing but the outpouring of the crafting that Love has performed inside.

V. 9 - 2/26/1910 - ...He made Himself seen and told me: Don't you want to understand that before dying you must die to everything - to suffering, to desires, to favors, to everything; and that everything must die in My Will and in My Love? What enters Eternity in Heaven is My Will and Love - all other virtues end: patience, obedience, suffering, desires...Only My Will and Love never end. Therefore, you must die in advance in My Will and in Love. This is for all My Saints; and I Myself did not want to spare Myself being abandoned by the Father, so as to die completely in the Will and in the Love of the Father. Oh! how I would have wanted to suffer more! Oh! how much more did I yearn to do for souls! But all this died in the Will and Love of the Father and so also have the souls who have really loved Me. And you don't want to understand this.

V. 9 - 3/16/1910 - In speaking with the Confessor, he told me that it is difficult to be saved for Jesus Christ Himself said it: The door is narrow; you must strive to enter. Jesus told me: Poor Me, how stingy they consider Me. Tell the Confessor: from their stinginess they judge Mine. They do not hold Me as the great, interminable, immense, powerful Being, Infinite in all of My Perfections. And as He was saying this, I seemed to see a very narrow pathway which led to a little door, narrow but jam-packed with people who were competing with one another to see who could advance more and enter into it. Jesus added: See, My daughter, what a great crowd is pushing forward; and they compete to see who arrives first. In a competition there is much gaining while if the pathway were wide no one would bother hastening, knowing that there is room for them to walk on whenever they want. But while they are taking their time, death may come and not finding themselves walking on the narrow pathway, they would find themselves at the threshold of the wide door of hell. Oh, how much goodness this narrowness does!...This is what would have happened if the pathway to salvation were wide - few would bother hastening and the Feast of Heaven would have been for few.

V. 9 - 3/23/1910 - ...On hearing this, I said to myself: In a little while He is going to say that His Will is greater than Communion Itself. And He added: Of course, of course, because the Sacramental Communion lasts a few minutes while My Will if perennial communion; even more, Eternal - entering Eternity in Heaven. The Sacramental Communion is subject to some obstacles, either because of illness or necessity or because of those who have to administer It; while the Communion of My Will is not subject to any hindrance. If the soul only wants It, all is done...

V. 9 - 8/12/1910 - The origin of all the evil of Priests is in dealing with souls about human things. can be read @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot,com

V. 9 - 9/3/1910 - ...and Jesus, with a light that came out of Him, made me comprehend that when He comes, it is always a great good - not only for me but for the whole world because by loving one soul and pouring Himself out with her, He comes to regard the whole of humanity - ...Then, after this, I saw a young man - I believe he was an Angel Who went around marking those who were to be touched by the scourge. It seemed that a great number of people was taken.

V. 9 -  9/22/1910 - My daughter, each virtue is a heaven that the soul acquires. Therefore, as many virtues as she acquires, so many heavens does she keep forming and these heavens defeat all human inclinations, destroy that which is earthly and makes the soul wander through the purest auras, through the holiest delights, through the celestial fragrances of the highest good, anticipating for her part of the Eternal Joys.

V. 9 - 10/1/1910 - Love is fire that transmutes the soul in God; love unites, its flames invest all of the human operations and gives them the form of the Divine operations. 

V. 9 - 10/17/1910 -  While He was saying this, I felt I was outside of myself together with Blessed Jesus and again, I said to Him: My sweet Love, tell me, where is this soul? And Jesus: In Purgatory. Oh, if you saw in what light he is swimming, you would be amazed! And I: You say that he is in Purgatory and then You say that he swims in light? And Jesus: Yes, he finds himself swimming in light because he had kept this light in deposit and in the act of dying, this light has invested him and will never leave him. I understood that his light was his good works done with purity of intention.

V. 10 - 12/25/1910 - Priests have become attached to families, to interest, to exterior things, etc.This is why it is necessary to have Houses of Reunion for Priests ( The Priests killed Christ ) can be read @

V. 10 - 5/16/1911 - ...Listen My daughter, I am all sweetness, benign, clememt and merciful; so much so, that because of My sweetness, I enrapture hearts. But I am also strong, as to be able to crush and reduce to ashes those who not only oppress the good but reach the point of preventing the good that they want to do. Ah! you cry over the secular and I cry over the painful wounds that are in the body of the Church. These grieve Me so much as to surpass the wounds of the secular because they come from the side which I did not expect it and induce Me to make the secular rail against them.

V. 10 - 6/21/1911 - ...My daughter, Love acted powerfully in My Mother. Love consumed Her completely in Me, in My Wounds, in My Blood, in My very Death and It made Her die in My Love. And My Love, consuming Her Love and the whole of My Mother, made Her rise again to new Love - that is, all from My Love. So, Her Love made Her die and My Love made Her rise again to a Life all in Me, of a greater Sanctity and fully Divine. Therefore, there is no Sanctity if the soul does not die in Me; there is no true Life if she does not consume all of herself in My Love.

V. 10 - 10/8/1911 - ...My daughter, what sad times! Poor Italy! She Herself is preparing the landing to perish. I have given Her much; I have favored Her more than any other nation and in return, She has given Me more bitternesses.

V. 10 - 11/18/1911 - You must know that true crucifixion does not consist of being crucified in your hands and feet but in all the particles of your body. Therefore, I keep you more crucified now than before. How long did the exterior crucifixion of My hands and feet last? Only three hours. But the crucifixion of all the particles of My Being and the crucifixion of My Will in the Will of My Father lasted My whole Life. Don't you want to imitate Me in this too?

V. 10 - 2/10/1912 - The sign in order to know whether one has left everything for God and has reached the point of operating and of loving everything Divinely - can be read @catholicdivinewill.blogspot,com

V. 11 - 2/14/1912 - Jesus looks at everything in the will. In the Divine Will, all things acquire the same valuc - can be read @

V. 11 - 2/18/1912 - My beloved daughter, since you live of My Life, it can be said that your life is ended - you no longer live. So, since it is no longer you who lives, but I, anything they do to you, pleasing or displeasure, I receive as if it were done directly to Me. And you can comprehend this from the fact that, whatever they do to you, whether pleasing or displeasure, you do not feel anything. This means that there must be someone else who feels that pleasure or displeasure; and who else could feel it if not Myself Who lives in you and loves you very, very much?

V. 11 - 2/26/1912 - My daughter, I am Love and I made the creatures all Love. Their nerves, bones, flesh are woven with Love; and after I wove them with Love, I made blood flow in all their particles, as though covering them with a garment in order to give them the Life of Love. So, the creature is nothing but a complex of Love and she does not move other than out of Love. At the most, there can be varieties of Love but it is always out of Love that she moves. There can be Divine Love, Love of self, Love of creatures, evil Love - but always Love; nor can she do othewise because her life is Love, created by the Eternal Love and therefore led to Love by an irresistible force. So, after all, even in evil, in sin, there must be a Love that pushed the creature to do that evil. Ah, My daughter what is not My sorrow in seeing in the creatures the property of My Love which I delivered being profaned and contaminated by a different use! In order to guard this Love which came out of Me and which I gave to creatures, I remain around them like a poor beggar; and as the creature moves, palpitates, breathes, works, speaks, walks, I go begging for everthing from her and I beg her, I implore her - I beseech her to give everything to Me, saying to her: Daughter, I ask from you nothing other than what I gave you. It is for your own good; do not steal from Me what is Mine. The breath is Mine - breathe only for Me; the heartbeat and the movement are Mine - palpitate and move only for Me; and so with all the rest. But, to My greatest sorrow, I am forced to see the heartbeat taking one way, the breath another; and I, poor beggar, remain on an empty stomach while the Love of self, of creatures and even of passions remain full. Can there be a greater wrong than this? My daughter, I want to pour out My Love and My sorrow with you; only one who Loves Me can compassionate Me.

V. 11 - 3/13/1912 - The Baptsm of victim is Baptism by fire and has effects superior to the Baptism by water - can be read @

V. 11 - 8/14/1912 - In order to forget herself, the soul must do everything, not only because Jesus wants it but because Jesus Himself wants to do it in her. If He Redeemed  us with His Passion, with His hidden Life, He Sanctified and Divinized all human actions @

V. 11 - 11/25/1912 - ...And Jesus taking my hands in His, seemed to mitigate my pains and then He showed me two high stairways from earth up to Heaven. On one of them there were more people - very few on the other. The one on which there were only a few people was of solid gold and it seemed that those going up were as other Jesuses - each one of them was one Jesus. The other one, on which there were more people, seemed to be made of wood and one could distinguish who the people were - almost all of them short and not very developed. Jesus told me: My daughter, those who lived  their lives in My Life ascend on the golden stairway; so I can say: They are My Feet, My Hands, My Heart - the whole of Myself. As you can see, they are another Me - they are all for Me and I am their Life. Their actions are all of gold and of incalculable value because they are Divine. No one will ever be able to reach their height because they are My very Life. Alnost without anyone knowing them because they are hidden in Me, only in Heaven will they be perfectly known. On the wooden stairway there are more souls; these are the souls who walk along the way of the virtues, yes, but not in union with My Life and with the continuous connection of My Will. Their actions are of wood, therefore their value is minimal. These souls are short, almost scrawny because many human purposes are mixed in with their good actions and human purposes produce no growth. They are known to everyone because they are not hidden in Me but in themselves, therefore, no one covers them. They will not cause any surprise for Heaven, since they were known also on earth.

V. 11 - 12/20/1912 - Then I was thinking: What does Jesus like the most, Love or His Will? And Jesus: My Will must prevail over everything. Look at It, yourself: you have a body and a soul; you are made of intelligence, of flesh, of bones, of nerves. But you are not of cold marble - you also contain heat. So, the intelligence, the body, the flesh, the bones, the nerves must be My Will and the heat which the soul contains is Love. Look at the flame, the fire: the flame, the fire must be My Will while the heat produced by the flame and fire is Love. So, in all things, the substance must be My Will; the effects, Love. Both of them are so connected together that one cannot be without the other. So, the more substance of My Will the soul contains, the more Love she produces.

V. 11 - 1/22/1913  - I was thinking about the Passion of my always lovable Jesus, especially of what He suffered in the Garden. I found myself all immersed in Jesus and He told me: My daughter, My first Passion was of Love because the first step with which man, in sinning, gives himself to evil is the lack of Love; so, since Love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of Love of the creatures, Love made Me suffer more than anyone; It almost crushcd Me, more than if I were under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life. The second step that occurs in sin is defrauding God of His Glory. So, in order to be repaid for the Glory taken away by creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin such that each sin gave Me a special Passion. Although there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world. So, the Glory of the Father was restored. The third effect produced by sin is weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews - My third Passion - to restore in man his lost strength...

V. 11 - 2/5/1913 - My daughter, one who does not do My Will has no reason to live on earth; her life becomes without purpose, without means and without an end. She is just like a tree that is unable to produce any fruit or at the most it produces poisonous fruits  that poisons itself more and more, as well as anyone who would imprudently eat them... - So, one who does not do My Will must be held as a noxious and fraudulent stranger and therefore it is necessary to chain him and cast him into the deepest prisons.

V. 11 - 3/24/1913 - I add that I was thinking to myself about the sweet Mama and Jesus told me: My daughter, the thought of My Passion never escaped My dear Mama and by dint of repeating It, she filled all of Herself with Me, completely. The same happens to the soul: by dint of repeating what I suffered, she arrives at filling herself with Me.

V. 11 - 4/10/1913 - Value and effects of the Hours of the Passion. The Love of Jesus is fire that burns evil and gives Life to Good - can be read @

V. 11 - 5/9/1913 - Jesus and His Mama are inseparable. How She carried out Her Office of Mother. can be read @

V. 11 - 8/20/1913 - ...In the same way, the soul who does My Will can say: My Life is ended. It is no longer my works, my thoughts, my words that will come out of me but the works, the thoughts and the words of the One whose Will is my Life...As soon as the soul decides to live of My Volition, My Will creates Myself in the soul; and as My Will flows in the will, in the works, in the steps of the soul, she undergoes as many of My Creations. It happens as to a Pyx full of Consecrated Particles: there are as many Jesuses for as many Particles - One for each Particle. In the same way, by Virtue of My Will, the soul contains Myself in her whole being, as well as in each part of it. One who does My Will fulfills the true Eternal Communion - and a Communion with complete Fruit.

V. 11 - 9/3/1913 - My daughter, I place the soul who does My Will in My same conditions; I share with her My great Joys and bitternesses and everything she does is sealed with disinterest for herself. Ah! yes, the soul who does My Will is the true Sun which gives Light and Heat to all and she feels the necessity to give this Light and Heat. And while It gives to all, the Sun takes nothing from anyone because It is superior to everything and there is no one on earth who can match It in Light and in the great Fire It contains. Ah! if creatures could see a soul who does My Will, they would see her as more than a majestic Sun in the  Act of doing Good to all; and even more, they would recognize Myself in this Sun. So, the Sign that the soul has reached the point of doing My Will is that she feels in the condition of giving. Have you understood?

V. 11 - 9/6/1913 - The Hours of the Passion are the very Prayers of Jesus -

V. 11 - 9/12/1913 - Everything I have done before has been Graces to dispose you to the ecstasy of My Will because when I dispose a soul to live in a higher way in My Will, I have to manifest Myself in order to infuse Graces so great. Surprised, I said: What are You saying, O Jesus? What? Your Will is ecstasy? Yes, My Volition is true and perfect ecstasy and you break this ecstasy whenever you want to think about yourself. But I will not let you win - great chastisements will come in the near times and even though you do not believe it, you and the one who directs you will believe when you hear them. This is why it is necessary that the ecstasy of My Humanity be interrupted, though not completely; because otherwise you would bind Me everywhere. So, I will let the sweet enchantment of My Will take the place of It, also so that you may suffer less when you see the chastisements.

V. 11 - 10/2/1913 - Then, having received Communion, I was saying to Jesus, "I love You"; and He told me: My daughter, do you really want to love Me? Say: "Jesus, I love You with Your Will." And since My Will fills Heaven and earth, your Love will surround Me everywhere and your "I love You" will resound up there in the Heavens and down to the abysses. In the same way, if you want to say: I adore You, I bless You, I praise You...', you will say it united with My Will and will fill Heaven and earth with Adorations, with Blessings, with Thanksgivings. In My Will, things are simple, easy and immense. My Will is everything; so much so, that My very Attributes - what are They? A single Act of My Will. So, if Justice, Goodness, Wisdom, fortitude follow their course, My Will precedes Them, accompanies Them and places Them in the attitude of operating. In sum, they do not move one point from My Volition. Therefore, whoever takes My Will, takes everything; even more, she can say that her life is ended - ended the weaknesses, the temptations, the passions, the miseries; because all things lose their rights in one who does My Will, for My Will has primacy over everything and right to everything

V. 11 - 3/21/1914 - The irresistible need of Jesus to make known to the soul how He loves her and all the Gifts with which He keeps filling her - @

V. 11 - 4/10/1914 - ...Then He added: Love has it's anxieties, desires, ardors and restlessness; My Will, instead, is perpetual rest. And do you know why? Because Love contains the beginning, the means and the end of a work, therefore anxities and restlessness arise in order to reach the end; and much of what is human and imperfect mixes with them. And if My Will and Love are not united together at each step - a poor Love, how dishonored it remains, even in the greatest and holiest works. On the other hand, My Will operates in a simple Act, as the soul leaves the whole attitude of the work to My Will; and while My Will operates, the soul rests. Therefore, since it is not the soul who operates but My Will in her; there are no anxieties nor restlessness and her works are free of any imperfection.

V. 11 - 10/29/1914 - ...In fact, My Will contains completely accomplished Acts; one single Act of My Will is enough to create a thousand worlds, all perfect and complete. I do not need subsequent Acts - one is enough for all. So, in doing the simplest Act united with My Will, you will give Me a complete Act - that is, an Act of Love, of Praise, of Thanksgiving, of Reparation. In sum, you will enclose for Me everything in this Act; even more, you will enclose even Myself and will give Myself to Me. Ah, yes, only these Acts united with My Will can stand before Me because with a Perfect Being Who does not know how to do incomplete Acts, it takes complete and perfect Acts to give Him honor and satisfaction and only in My Will, will the creature find these complete and perfect Acts. Outside of My Will, no matter how good her acts might be, they will always be imperfect and incomplete because the creature needs subsequent acts in order to complete and perfect a work - if she manages at all. Therefore, all that the creature does oustside of My Will, I look on as a trifle.So, may My Will be your Life, your regime, your all. In this way, you will be in Me and I in you and you will be very careful not to say ever again that I have put you out of My Heart.

V.11 - 11/6/1914 - ...In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, Blessed Jesus said: My daughter, know that by these Hours, the soul takes My Thoughts and makes Them her own; she takes My Reparations, Prayers, Desires, Affections and even My Most Intimate Fibers and makes Them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does My same Office and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me: "Ecce ego, mitte me {Here I am, send me} - I want to repair for all, answer for all and impetrate good for all.

V. 11 - 12/21/1914 - ...Then He added: To have company in My pains is the greatest relief for Me. This is why My Father was not so inexorable after My Incarnation but milder - because He no longer received offenses directly but indirectly - that is, through My Humanity which acted as a continuous shield for Him. In the same way, I keep searching for souls who would place themselves between Me and the creatures; otherwise, I will make of the world a heap of ruins.

V. 11 - 2/8/1915 - My daughter, the Union of Our Wills is such that the Will of One cannot be distinguished from that of the Other. It is this Union of Will that forms all the Perfection of the Three Divine Persons because, since We are Equal in the Will, this Uniformity brings also the Uniformity of Sanctity, of Wisdom, of Beauty, of Power, of Love and of all the Rest of Our Being. So, We Reflect Ourselves in One Another and Our Satisfaction in Looking at One Another is so great as to render Us fully Happy. So, Each One is reflected in the Other; and Each One pours into the Other all the Qualities of Our Being, like many Immense Seas of different Joys. If anything were dissimilar among Us, Our Being could not be Perfect, nor fully Happy...

V. 11 - 3/7/1915 - If you knew how much I suffer...but the ingratitude of creatures forces Me to do this - if I told you about the Religious many sacrileges! How many rebellions! How many pretend to be My children, while they are My fiercest enemies! These false sons are usurpers, self-interested; their hearts are bilges of vice. These very sons will be the first to wage war against the Church - they will try to kill their own Mother! Oh, how many of them are already about to come out into the field. Now there is war among governments and countries; soon they will make war against the Church and her greatest enemies will be her own children. My Heart is lacerated with sorrow. But in spite of all this, I will let this storm pass by and the face of the earth and the Churches will be washed by the blood of the same ones who have smeared them and contaminated them.

V. 11 - 4/24/1915 - My daughter, the pains that I suffered were incomprehensible to the created mind. Much more painfully than by those thorns, My Mind was pierced by all the evil thoughts of creatures in such a way that none of these thoughts could escape Me - I felt them all inside Me. So, I felt not only the thorns but also the disgust of the sins which those thorns inflicted on Me. Then He added: My daughter, only the souls who live in My Will can give Me true reparations and soothe Me from thorns so sharp. In fact, since they live in My Will and since My Will is everywhere, they find themselves in Me and in everyone, they descend into creatures and rise up to Me, they bring Me all reparations, they soothe Me - and in creatures' minds, they turn darkness into Light.

V. 11 - 5/25/1915 - Ah, My daughter, how great is human perfidy! Look at how obedient they are to Governments: Priests, lay people, do not demand anything, do not refuse sacrifices and must be ready to give their own lives. Ah, for Me only there was no obedience and no sacrifices and if they did anything at all, it was more pretensions and interests. This, because the Government uses violence but I make use of Love; yet this Love is disegarded by creatures - they remain indifferent as if I did not deserve anythiing from them!. As He was saying this, He burst into tears. What a cruel torment to see Jesus crying! Then He continued: But blood and fire will purify everything and will restore the repentant man. And the more he delays, the more blood will be shed and the carnage will be such as man has never imagined. While saying this, He showed the human carnage. What torment to live in these times! But may the Divine Volition be always done. 

V. 11 - 4/15/1916 - However, know that the soul who lives united with Me and from My Volition, swimming in My Immensity, is all voice together with Me as well. So, if she walks, her steps speak, pursuing the sinner; her thoughts are voices to the minds; and so with all the rest. Only from these souls do I find as though a recompense in the Work of Creation. And in seeing that, unable to do anything by themselves to correspond to My Love and maintain the harmonies between them and Me, they enter into My Will, they make themselves the owners of It and they Act in a Divine manner - My Love finds It's outpouring and I love them more than all other creatures.

V. 11 - 6/15/1916 - ...So I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then I felt the Queen Mama near me and She told me: My daughter, pray. And I: My Mama, let us pray together for by myself I don't know how to pray. And She added: The most powerful prayers over the Heart of My Son and those which move Him the most are for the creature to clothe herself with everything  He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as Gift to the creature. Therefore, My daughter, surround your head with the thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His tears, impregnate your tongue with His bitterness, clothe your soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His Wounds, pierce your hands and feet with His nails and like another Christ present yourself before His Divine Majesty. This Sight will move Him in such a way that He will not be able to deny anything to the soul who is clothed with His Insignia. But - Oh! how little do creatures know how to make use of the Gifts that My Son gave them! These were My prayers upon earth and these are My prayers in Heaven. So, together we clothed ourselves with the Insignia of Jesus and together we presented ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved all; the Angels made way for us and remained as though surprised. I thanked Mama and I found myself inside myself.

V. 11 - 7/28/1915 - My daughter, one who does My Will is so identified with Me that her heart and Mine form one single heart. And since all the souls who are saved through this Heart and as Its heartbeat is formed, so do they take flight toward salvation, coming out from the mouth of this Heart - I will give to the soul the merit of those saved souls because she has wanted the salvation of those souls together with Me and I have used her as the Life of My Own Heart.

V. 11 - 10/28/1915 - My daughter, My Life on earth was nothing but seeds  sown which My children will harvest, as long as they remain on the same land in which I sowed these seeds. And according to their attitude for harvesting, My seeds will produce their fruits. Now, these seeds are My works, words, thoughts and even My Breaths, etc.; and if the souls harvests them all, making them her own, she will be enriched in such a way as to purchase the Kingdom of Heaven. But if she does not, these seeds will serve as her condemnation.

V. 11 - 11/1/1915 - ...And as He was saying this, He kissed me over and over again, telling me:" I love you but with an Eternal Love; I love you but with an Immense Love; I love you, but with a Love that is incomprehensible to you; I love you with a Love that will never have limits nor an end: I love you with a Love that you will never be able to match"

V. 11 - 11/21/1915 - ...At many ponts they will say: Here was such and such city, here such and such buildings. Some points will disappear completely. Time is short - man has reached the point of forcing Me to chastise him. He wanted to almost challenge Me, to incite Me and I remained patient - but all times come! They did not want to know Me by means of Love and Mercy - they will know Me by means of Justice.

V. 11 - 1/12/1916 - ...The Nations for which I had a predilection, Italy and France, are the ones that have denied Me the most; they hold hands in offending Me. Just chastisement: they will hold hands in being humiliated. They will also be the ones who will wage war more against the Church. Ah! My daughter, almost all Nations have united in offending Me; they have conspired against Me. What wrong have I done to them? So, almost all of them deserve chastisement.

V. 11 - 1/30/1916 - My daughter, when the soul lives completely in My Will, if she thinks, her thoughts are reflected in My Mind in Heaven; if she desires, if she speaks, if she loves - everything is relfected in Me and everything I do is reflected in her.

V. 11 - 2/5/1916 - ...Firmness, courage to the few good! May they not move in anything; may they not neglect anything.They will be exposed to great trials both from God and from men. Only through faithfulness will they not stagger, and be saved.The earth will be covered with scourges never before seen. Creatures will try to destroy the Creator, to have a god of their own and to satisfy their whims at the cost of any slaughter. And with all this, not attaining their purposes, they will arrive at the most awful brutalities. Everything will be terror and fright.

V. 11 - 3/2/1916 - My daughter, what I contain in My Power, the soul contains in her will. So, I look at all the good that the soul really wants to do, as if she had really done it. I have Will and Power - if I want, I can; on the other hand the soul cannot do many things but her will compensates for power. In this way, she keeps becoming more like Me and I keep enriching her with all those merits that her good will contains and that her will wants to do - Ah! everything is in My Will. If the soul takes It, she takes the whole Substance of My Being and encloses the Whole of Me within herself. And as she goes on doing good, by having the Substance of My Life within herself, she makes that good come out of her very self; and since It comes out of Me, It runs like Ray of Light for the good of all creatures.
V. 11 - 4/23/1916 - My daughter, each pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each wound, prayer, word, action, step, etc., produced a Light within My Humanity which embellished Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul has about My Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing than draw Light from My Humanity and be embellished in My Likeness. So, each additional thought about My Passion will be one more Light which will bring her Eternal Joy

V. 11 - 10/20/1916 - My daughter, I love the creature so much that I have placed Myself as sentry of each heart to watch them, to defend them and to work their Sanctification with My Own Hands. But to how many bitternesses do they not subject Me? Some reject Me, some do not care about Me and despise Me, some lament about My surveillance, some slam the door in My Face, rendering My Work useless. And I not only placed Myself to act as sentry but on purpose do I choose souls who will live of My Will. In fact, since they are present in all of Me, I place them with Me as a second sentry of each heart. These second sentries console Me, repay Me for them and keep Me company in the loneliness into which many hearts force Me; and they force Me not to leave them. Greater Grace I could not give to creatures by given them these souls who live of My Will, who are the Portent of Portents.

V. 11 - 12/5/1916 - The Good that the soul who lives in the Will of God does - can be read @

V. 12 -  3/28/1917 - ...And He: I could not tell you a more beautiful word than "I love you". This "I love you"  of Mine fills Heaven and earth. It circulates through the Saints and they receive new Glory; It descends into the hearts of the pilgrim souls and some receive Grace of conversion, some of Sanctification; It penetrates into Purgatory and pours upon their souls like beneficial dew and they feel refreshed by It. Even the elements feel invested by new life in fecundating, in growing. All perceive the "I love you" of your Jesus. And do you know when the soul attracts one of My "I love you's"? When, fusing herself in Me, she assumes the Divine attitude and, dissolving herself in Me, she does everthing I do.

V. 12 - 4/2/1917 - The Pains of the Privation of Jesus are Divine Pains - can be read @

V. 12 - 5/16/1917 - Effects of the Hours of the Passion - @

V. 12 - 7/7/1917 - For one who does the Divine Will, everything is present - can be read @

V. 12 - 7/18/1917 - ...And I: My Love, You do everything by Yourself and do not need the creature. Why then, do you love so much that the creature live in Your Will and of Your Will? And Jesus: Indeed I need nothing and I do everything by Myself; but in order to have Life, Love wants It's outpouring. Imagine a sun, which needs no light - it is sufficient for itself and for others. But still, there are other little lights, even if it does not need them, it wants them within itself for company, to pour itself out and to enlarge the little lights. What wrong would the lights not commit, if they refused? Ah! My daughter, when the will is alone, it is always sterile; when it is alone, Love languishes and dies down. And I love the creature so much that I want her united with My Will, so as to render her fecund and to give her the Life of Love; and I find My outpouring, since I created the creature only to pour out My Love - for nothing else. So, this is all My commitment.

V. 12 - 7/25/1917 - Jesus purifies the soul to admit her to live in His Will - can be read @

V. 12 - 8/14/1917 - Jesus did nothing other than give Himself prey to the Will of the Father. Difference between resigned to the Will of God and living in His Will - This long reading can be read @

V. 12 - 10/4/1917 - The Pains and the Blood of Jesus run after man, to heal him and save him - can be read @

V. 12 - 11/20/1917 - Oh, the beautiful living in MyWill! I like it so much that I will make disappear all other sanctities under any aspect of virtue in the future generations and I Will make the Sanctity of living in My Will reappear, which are and will be not human sanctities, but Divine. Their Sanctity will be so high that, like suns, they will eclipse the most beautiful stars of the Saints of the past generations. This is why I want to purge the earth; it is unworthy of these Portents of Sanctity

V. 12 - 11/27/1917 - ...But the Sanctity of living in My Will is exempt from personal interest and waste of time; there is no danger that they might mistake the virtue for Me because I Myself Am the living in My Will- Self-interest takes away the mark of Divine Sanctity - ...In the Divine Will, I will no longer need Priests to be consecrated, nor Churches, Tabernacles or Hosts. These souls will be everything altogether: Priests, Churches, Tabernacles and Hosts. My Love will be more free. Anytime I want to Consecrate Myself, I will be able to do It - in every moment, during the day, at night, in any place where they might be. Oh, how My Love will have Its complete outpouring...

V. 12 - 12/12/1917 - ...Now, such are the Acts done in My Will and still more. In doing her act, the creature makes it small and limited but as it enters into My Will, it becomes Immense, It invests all, It gives Light and Heat to all, It Reigns over all, It acqures Supremacy over all the other acts of creatures - It has Right over all. Therefore, she rules, she dominates; yet, her act is small but by doing it in My Will, it went through an incredible transformation which not even the Angels are allowed to comprehend. I alone can measure the just Value of these Acts done in My Will. They are the triumph of My Glory, the outpouring of My Love, the fulfillment of Redemption; and I feel as though repaid for Creation Itself. Therefore, always forward, in My Will.

V. 12 - 12/28/1917 - Now, My daughter, since I want you together with Me in My Will, I want your continuous Act. Therefore, your awake mind is Act, the murmuring of your prayer is Act, the movements of your hands, the beating of you heart, the moving of your glances, are Acts. They may be small but what do I care? As long as there is motion, the seed, I unite them to Mine, I make them great and I give them the Virtue of producing Lives. My Acts also were not all apparently great, especially when, as a little One, I moaned and suckled milk from My Mama, I amused Myself in kissing Her, caressing Her, entangling My little Hands with Hers. Then, when I was a little older, I picked flowers, I brought the water and other things. These were all little Acts but They were united to My Will, My Divinity - and this was enough. They were so great as to be able to create millions and billions of lives. Therefore, as I was moaning, lives of creatures were coming out from My Moans; I suckled, I kissed, I caressed but lives were coming out. Souls were flowing in My Fingers entangled with the Hands of My Mama; and as I picked the flowers and brought the water, souls were coming out from the Heartbeat of My uncreated Heart and they entered into It. My Motion was continuous...

V. 12 - 2/12/1918 - ...And He: Ah! My daughter, when I allow that Churches remain deserted, Ministers dispersed, Masses reduced, it means that the Sacrifices are offensed for Me, that the prayers are insults, the adorations irreverences, the Confessions amusements and without fruit. Therefore, no longer finding My Glory but offenses, nor any good for them - making no use of them, I take them away. But this tearing Ministers away from the Sanctuary means also that things have reached the ugliest point and that the variety of scourges will multiply. How hard man is - how hard!

V.12 - 3/4/1918 -  Firmness is the greatest virtue. Firmness produces heroism and it is impossible not to be a great Saint. Rather, as she keeps repeating her acts, she forms two bars - one to the right and the other to the left - which serve her as support and defense...

V. 12 - 4/8/1918 - Difference between living united with Jesus and living in the Divine Will. - can be read @

V. 12 - 4/16/1918 - My daughter, I send sufferings to the creatures so that they may find Me in the sufferings. I am as though wrapped within those pains and if the soul suffers with patience, with Love, she tears the wrapping that covers Me and she finds Me. Otherwise, I remain hidden in the pain; she will not have the good of finding Me and I will not have the good of revealing Myself...

V. 12 - 5/20/1918 - My daughter, I do not have desires or affections but everything is concentrated in My Will. My Will is everything in Me. Those who can not; but I can - everything. Those who do not have Love, wish to love; but in My Will, there is the fullness, the fount of true Love. And since I am Infinite, in one single Act of My Will, I possess all Goods, which, overflowing from My Being, descend for the Good of all. If I had desires, I would be unhappy, I would lack something; but I possess everything, therefore I am happy and I make everyone happy..

V. 12 - 6/20/1918 - ...I reach so much jealousy of Love that, if I give to Priests the authority to Consecrate Me in the Sacramental Hosts so that I may be given to souls, I reserve to Myself the privilege to Consecrate these souls as they keep repeating their Acts in My Will, as they resign themselves, and as they make the human will go out in order to let the Divine Will enter. What the Priest  does over the Host, I do with them - and not only once: every time she repeats her Acts in My Will, she calls Me as a powerful magnet and I Consecrate her like a privileged Host, repeating over her the Words of the Consecration...

V. 12 - 7/9/1918 - My daughter, I am all Love. I am like a fount that contains nothing but Love and everything that might enter into this fount, loses its qualities and becomes Love. Therefore, Justice, Wisdom, Goodness, Fortitude, ete., are nothing other than Love in Me. But Who directs this fount, this Love and everything else? My Will. My Will dominates, rules, orders. So, all My qualities carry the mark of My Volition - the Life of My Will; and wherever they find My Will, they make feast - where they don't they withdraw... 

V. 12 - 8/19/1918 - Jesus is tired of the vileness of Priests - can be read @

V. 12 - 10/3/1918 - How Justice must be balanced - can be read

V. 12- 10/14/1918 - ...Then, with a more sorrowful tone, He added: My daughter, the greatest chastisement is the triumph of evil. More purges are needed and through their triumph, the evil will purge My Church. Then, I will crush them and scatter them, like dust in the wind. Therefore, do not be troubled at the triumphs that you hear but cry with Me over their sad lot.

V. 12 - 10/16/1918 - He predicts wars and the lot of some Countries - can be read @

V. 12 - 11/16/1918 - My daughter, what chains of crimes in these days - what a satanic triumph! The prosperity of the evil is the worst sign - it is shovings through which Faith leaves their Nations, which remain trapped within an obscure prison. Instead, humiliations to the evil are like many fissures through which light enters; a light which makes them come back to their senses, bringing Faith to them and to their Nations. Therefore, humiliations will benefit them more than any victory or conquest. What critical and painful points they will go through! Hell and the evil are consumed with rage to begin their plots and wicked deeds. Poor children of Mine! Poor children of Mine!

V. 12 - 1/8/1919 - ...and He: My dear, do not be surprised. Everything is Eternal in Me - nothing has a beginning nor will it have an end. You yourself and all creatures were Eternal in My Mind. The Love with which I formed Creation that was unleashed from Me and which endowed every heart was Eternal. What is the wonder, then, if the creature, leaving her own will, enters into Mine and uniting herself to the Love which longed for her and loved her from Eternity and binding herself with that Eternal Love from which she came, performs her Acts, loves Me and acquires Eternal, Infinite, Immense Value and Power? Oh, how little is it known about My Will! This is why It is not loved nor appreciated; and because of this, the creature is content with remaining below operating as if she did not have an Eternal Origin but a temporary one...

V. 12 - 2/24/1919 - ...So, what does this Uncreated Majesty do? He creates man in His Image and Likeness. He draws a Breath from the depth of His Love and infuses Life in him with His Omnipotent Breath, endowing man with all His Qualities, proportioned to a creature, making of him a little god. Therefore, everything you see in the Creation was absoutely nothing compared to the creation of man. Oh, how many more beautiful heavens, stars and suns did He extend in the created soul; how much variety of beauty, how many harmonies! It is enough to say that He looked at the created man and He found him so beautiful as to be enamored with him. Jealous of this Portent of His, He Himself became the custodian and possessor of man and said: I have created everything for you, I give you dominion over everything. All is yours and you will be all Mine...

V. 12 - 3/20/1919 - The Deaths and the Pains that the Divinity made the Humanity of Jesus suffer for each soul, were not just an intention but they were real. Luisa takes part in them. - can be read @

V. 12 - 4/7/1919 - ...And Jesus added with sorrowful tone: What disorder in the world! But this disorder is because of the leaders, both civilian and ecclesiastical. Their self-interested and corrupted lives did have the strength to correct their subjects, therefore they closed their eyes to the evils of the members, since they already showed their own evils; and if they did correct them, it was all in a superficial way because, not having the life of that good within themselves, how could they infuse it in others? How many times these perverted leaders have placed the evil before the good to the extent that the few good were shaken by this behavior of the leaders. Therefore, I will have the leaders struck in a special way.

V. 12 - 4/19/1919 - My daughter, My Humanity was the Sole Organ that reordered the harmony between Creator and creature. I did for each soul all that they were supposed to do toward their Creator, not excluding even lost souls, because I was to give to the Father complete Glory, Love and Satisfaction for all created things; with this only difference: the souls who somehow fulfill their duties toward the Creator - almost no one arrives at satisfying them all - unite their glory to Mine and everything they do remains as though grafted into Mine; while the lost ones remain as though parched members and since vital humors are missing in them, they are not fit for receiving any graft of the good I have done for them but they are only fit for burning in the eternal fire. Therefore, My Humanity restored the lost harmony between Creator and creature and sealed it at the price of blood and un-heard of pains.

V. 12 - 5/16/1919 - ...In the same way, although these Acts in My Will run for the good of all and they act according to the dispositon of each one and to the attitude of the soul who lives in My Volition. So, each additional Act done in My Will is one more sun that shines upon all creatures...

V.12 - 5/22/1919 - ...This is why I am preparing the era of the living in My Will; and for all that creatures have not done in the past generations and will not do, in this Era of My Will they will complete the love, the glory, the honor of the whole Creation and I will give them astonshing and unheard-of Graces. This is why I am calling you to live in My Will and I will whisper in your ear: Jesus, I lay at Your feet the adoration, the subjection of the whole human family; I place in Your Heart the "I love You" of all, on Your lips I impress my kiss in order to seal the kiss of all generations; I clasp You with my arms in order to clasp You with the arms of all, to bring You the glory of all the works of all creatures... - Now, My daughter, what the creature does on earth is the capital that she forms for Heaven. Therefore, if she does little, she will have little; if much, she will have much. If one loved Me and glorified Me for ten, she will receive ten more contentments, corresponding to as much glory and will be loved by Me ten times as much. If another loved Me and glorified Me for a hundred and for a thousand, she will receive contentments, love and glory for a hundred, for a thousand. In this way, I will give to the Creation all that I have decided to give; and the Creation will give Me all that I must receive from them - and My Glory will be completed in everything.

V. 12 - 6/4/1919 - ...And I thought to myself: When did Jesus suffer more - in the pains that the Divinity made Him suffer during the whole course of His Life or on the last day from the hands of the Jews? And my sweet Jesus, with a Light which He sent to my intellect, told me: My daughter, the pains which the Divinity gave Me surpass by far those which creatures gave Me, both in power, multiplicity and length of time. However, there was not injustice or hatred but highest Love and accord of All Three Divine Persons in the commitment which I had taken upon Myself to save souls at the cost of suffering many deaths for as many creatures as would come out to the light of Creation and which the Father had granted to Me with highest Love. Injustice and hatred do not exist in the Divinity nor can they exist. Therefore, It was unable to make Me suffer these pains. But man, with sin, had committed highest injustice and hatred, etc., and in order to glorify the Father completely, I was to suffer injustice, hatred, mockeries, etc. This is why, on the last of My mortal days, the mockeries, the revenges and the humiliations that they used against Me were so many as to render My poor Humanity the opprobrium of all, to the point that I did not look like a man. They disfigured Me so much that they themselves were horrified in looking at Me. I was the abject and the refuse of all Therefore, I could call them two distinct Passions...

V. 12 - 6/16/1919 - ...And then, don't you know that My Justice suspends your pains when It is forced by the evil of peoples - to pour out new chastisements? Evils will be so grave as to be horrifying. I know that this is a pain for you, but I too had the same pain. I would have wanted to free creatures from all pains both in time and in eternity but this was not granted to Me by the Wisdom of the Father and I had to resign Myself. Would you perhaps want to surpass My very Humanity? Ah! daughter, no kind of Sanctity is without cross. No virtue can be acquired without union with pains. However, know that I will repay you at usurious interest for all My privations and even for the pains that you want to suffer and you don't.

V. 12 - 7/11/1919 - ...I remember that one night He made Himself seen as tired and exhausted, even carrying as though a bundle of souls in His Arms. And looking at me, He told me: Ah! My daughter, the slaughter that they will make will be such and so great that only this bundle of souls that I am carrying in My Arms will be saved. What madness has man reached! You, do not be disturbed; remain faithful during My absence and after the storm, I will repay you at usury for all the privations of Me, redoubling My visits and My Graces. Another day, a Light, flying over in front of me remained in my mind which said that just as blessed Jesus extended the heavens over our heads, so did He extend a heaven within our souls; or rather, not one but many. Therefore, heaven is our intelligence, heaven is our gaze; heaven is the word, the action, the desire, the affection, the heart; with the difference, however, that the external heaven does not change nor do stars increase or decrease, while the heavens of our interior are subject to mutations. Therefore, if the heaven of our mind thinks in a saintly way, as thoughts are formed, stars, suns and beautiful comets are formed as well; and as our Angel sees them formed, He takes them and places them in the heaven of our intelligence. And if the heaven of our mind is holy, the gaze is holy, the word, the desire and the heartbeat are holy. Therefore, the gazes are stars, the word is light, the desire is comet that extends, the heartbeat is sun and each one of the senses adorns its own heaven. On the other hand, if the mind is evil, nothing beautiful is formed; rather, such darkness spreads as to obscure the other heavens. So, the gaze sends flashes of brutal passions; the heart unleashes from its womb a devastating hail over all the works of the creature. Poor heavens, how dark they are - how they arouse pity.

V.12 - 10/8/1919 - ...In fact, confidence in Me dispels fear and nourishes the soul with pure love; it dissolves doubts and gives her certainty; it takes away weakness and gives her fortitude. Even more, it makes her so daring with Me that she attaches herself to My Breast - and she suckles and suckles and feeds herself; nor does she want any other food... - The trusting soul is My smile and amusement. One who has confidence in Me, loves Me, esteems Me, believes I am Rich, Powerful, Immense;  On the other hand, one who has no confidence, does not really love Me; she dishonors Me, believes I am poor, powerless, small. What an affront to My Goodness.

V. 12 - 12/6/1919 - ...While I was saying this and other things, my sweet Jesus stretched His Arms around my neck and clasping all of me, told me: My daughter, echo of My Life, while you were praying, My Mercy was softening and My Justice was losing sharpness - and not only in the present time but also in the future because your prayer will remain in Act in My Will. By virtue ot It, My softened Mercy will flow more abundately and My Justice will be less rigorous. Not only this but I will feel the note of the love of the lost souls and My Heart will feel for you a love of special tenderness, finding in you the love which these souls owed Me; And I will pour into you the Graces which I had prepared for them...

V. 12 - 12/26/1919 - Ah! yes, I confirm it to you, I repeat it: My Will is Sacrament and It surpasses all the Sacraments together - but in a more admirable way; without mediation from anyone; with nothing material. The Sacrament of My Will is formed between My Will and the will of the soul; the two wills are tied together and form the Sacrament. My Will is Life and the soul is already disposed to receive Life; It is Holy and she receives Sanctity; It is strong and she receives Fortitude and so with all the rest.

V. 12 - 1/24/1920 - ...My daughter, if you knew how I desire, yearn for and love the company of the creature! So much that, if in creating man, I said: It is not good for man to be alone, let Us make another creature similar to him, who may keep him company, so that one may form the delight of the other; I said these same words to My Love before creating him in order to amuse Myself with him, to share all My Contentments with him.With his company, I will pour Myself out in Love. This is why I made him in My Likeness; and as his intelligence thinks of Me and is interested in Me, he keeps company with My Wisdom and as My Thoughts keep company with him, we amuse ourselves together. If his gaze looks at Me and at created things in order to love Me, I feel the company of his gaze. If his tongue prays or teaches what is good, I feel the company of his voice. If his heart loves Me, I feel the company of his love; and so with all the rest. But if he does the opposite, I feel lonely and like a destitute king. But, alas!, how many leave Me alone and neglect Me.

V. 12 - 3/14/1920 - ...Therefore, My martyrdom is continuous; even more, I feel it more vividly because it is the marryrdom of one who loves Me and the martyrdom of Love surpasses infinitely all other martyrdoms together... Then He added: Listen My daughter, If with the chastisement of war man had humbled himself and entered himself, other chastisements would not be necessary. But man has raged even more. Therefore, in order to make man enter  himself, more terrible chastisements than war are needed - which will occur. Therefore, My Justice is forming voids; and if you knew what a void is being formed in My Justice through My not coming to you, you would tremble...

V. 12 - 3/19/1920 - My Love towards creatures was so great that I would have wanted no pain to touch them; but I could not obtain this. I had to submit to the Wisdom and Justice of the Father Who, while allowing Me to sastify for the great part of the pains of creatures, did not want satisfaction from Me for all the pains - and this, for the decorum and balance of His Justice. My Humanity would have wanted to suffer so much as to put an end to Hell and Purgatory and to all chastisements but the Divinity did not allow it; and Justice said to My Love: You wanted the Right of Love; It has been granted to You. I too want the Rights of Justice. I resigned Myself to the Wisdom of My Father...

V. 12 - 3/23/1920 - I was saying to my sweet Jesus: I would like to hide myself to the point of disappearing from everyone and so that everyone would forget about me as if I no longer existed on earth. How heavy it is for me to deal with people! I feel all the necessity of a deep silence. And He: moving in my interior, told me: You want to hide yourself and I want you as a candelabra which must give Light. This candelabra will be lit by the reflections of My Eternal Light. Therefore, if you want to hide, you do not hide yourself but you hide Me, My Light and My Word.

V. 12 - 5/15/1920 - My daughter, My Crucifixion was complete and do you know why? Because It was done in the Eternal Will of the Father. In this Will, the Cross became so long and so wide as to embrace all centuries and penetrate into every heart, past, present and future in such a way that I remained crucified in the heart of each creature. This Divine Will put nails though all of My Interior - into My Desires, into My Affections and into My Heartbeats. I can say that I did not have a Life of My Own but the Life of the Eternal Will which enclosed all creatures within Me and which wanted Me to answer for all. My Crucifixion could never have been complete and so extensive as to embrace all, if the Eternal Volition had not been the Actor.

V. 12 - 6/10/1920 - For one who lives in My Will, detached from everyone - all for Me, anything more than  strict necessities are vile things and degrading herself from her Nobility. And if human supports are given to her, she senses the stench of the human and she herself drives them away. Then He added: As soon as the soul enters My Will, her volition remains bound with My Eternal Volition; and even if she does not think about it, since her will has been bound to Mine, whatever My Will does, hers does as well and together with Me, she runs for the good of all.

V. 12 - 11/28/1920 -  I was thinking of when my sweet Jesus, in order to begin His sorrowful Passion, wanted to go to His Mama and ask Her for Her Blessing. And Blessed Jesus told me: My daughter, how many things does this mystery reveal. I wanted to go to My dear Mama and ask Her for Her Blessing in order to give Her the opportunity to ask for My Blessing Herself.. The pains which She was to bear were too many and it was just that My Blessing would strengthen Her. It is My usual way to ask, whenever I want to give and My Mama understood Me immediately; so much so, that She did not Bless Me before asking for My Blessing and only after did I Bless Her, did She Bless Me. But this is not all. In order to create the Universe, I pronounced one "Fiat" and by that one "Fiat" I reordered and embellished heaven and earth. In creating man, My Omnipotent Breath infused Life in him. Upon beginning My Passion, I wanted to Bless My Mama with My Omnipotent and Creative Word. But I did not only Bless Her only; in My Mama I saw all creatures. Even more, I Blessed each thought, word, act, etc; I Blessed each thing which had to serve the creature. Just as the sun, created by My Omnipotent "Fiat" is still following its course for all and for each mortal without ever decreasing in light or heat; in the same way, in Blessing, My Creative Word remained in the Act of Blessing continuously without ceasing to Bless - just as the sun will never cease to give its light to all creatures...

V. 12 - 2/2/1921 - The third Fiat must run together with the other two Fiats. These three Fiats have the same value and power because they contain the Creative Power - can be read @

V. 12 - 2/8/1921 - While the world wants to cast Jesus away from the face of the earth, He is preparing an Era of Love: the Era of His third Fiat - @

V. 12 - 3/8/1921 - With Her Love,the Virgin called theWord to incarnate Himself in Her Womb. With Her Love and by fusing Herself in the Divine Will, Luisa calls the Divine Will to have Life on earth within Her - can be read

V. 12 - 4/26/1921 - The war which the Divine Will, will wage on the creatures - can be read @

V. 13  5/1/1921 - My daughter, My Will contains the Creative Power and just as My Will gave life to all things, so It has the power to destroy them. Now, the soul who lives in My Volition also has the power to give life to good and to give death to evil - See, Creation did not move from My Will in everything; the sky is always azure and starry; the sun is full of light and heat... - So would man have been, had he not withdrawn from My Will; and so are the souls who live in My Will; they are the new heavens, the new suns, the new earth, all flowery - even more, more varied with beauty and enchantment

V. 13 - 8/20/1921 - ...On the other hand, in the soul who lives in My Will, there is not just one Fiat but repeated Fiats. Therefore, as the soul operates in My Will, I repeat the Fiat and new heavens, new suns and stars are extended; and since the soul contains an intelligence, these heavens are new heavens of love, of glory, of light, of adoration, of knowledge - forming such a variety of beauty that I Myself remain enraptured. The whole of Heaven, the Saints, the Angels cannot take their gaze away from her because as they admire the variety of heavens she contains, more new ones extend, each more beautiful than the other. They see the Celestial  Fatherland copied in the soul who lives in My Will - the multiplicity of new things which miltiply to the infinite...

V. 13 -9/21/1921 - Jesus wants to give His Goods to His children. Jesus before Caiphas. The working of the Divine Will is Daylight - can be read @

V. 13 - 10/9/1921 - In the Last Supper, Jesus gave Luisa the place of honor between Himself and John. He gave Himself as Food to all in order receive food from all. The will of man is that which makes him more like  his Creator. The human will is the depository of all the works of man. can be read @

V. 13 - 10/13/1921 - ...In fact, hearing, speaking, writing about My Will is the most sublime thing that can exist in Heaven and on earth. It is what glorifies Me the most and takes all Goods together and the whole of Sanctity, all at once... - Oh! My Will, My Will! By just hearing It from you, It brings Me so much joy and sweetness; and as I feel surrounded by My Will contained in the creature as if by another Immensity of Mine, I feel such Taste that it makes Me forget about the evil of other creatures.

V. 13 - 10/29/1921 - My daughter, the enemies left Me alone in prison, horribly bound and in the dark. Everything around Me was thick darkness. Oh, how this darkness affected Me! My clothes were wet from the filthy waters of the stream. I could smell the stench of the prison and of the spit with which I was smeared. My hair was disheveled without a pitying hand to remove it from My eyes and from My mouth. My hands were bound by chains and the darkness did not allow Me to see My state - alas, too painful and humiliating. Oh, how many things did My state, so painful, tell of in this prison! I remained in prison for three hours.With this, I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of the world. that of the law of nature, that of wrtten law and that of the law of Grace. I wanted to release all, re-uniting them all together and to give them freedom as children of Mine. By being there three hours, I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of man: childhood, youth and old age. I wanted to rehabilitate him when he sins out of passion, out of his will and out of obstinacy. Oh, how the obscurity I saw around Me made Me feel the thick darkness which sin produces in man! Oh, how I cried over him, saying: Oh! man, your sins have thrown Me into this thick darkness and I suffer it to give you Light. It is your evils that have smeared Me like this and their darkness is such as to prevent Me even from seeing them. Look at Me - I am the image of your sins. If you want to know them, look at Me!...

V. 13 - 11/12/1921 -  Sanctity in the Divine Will has no boundries; It is the Sanctity closest to the Creator; It will have primacy over all other sanctities and will be their Life. The Divine Will is the Eternal Miracle that never ends - can be read @

V. 13 - 11/19/1921 - The two supports of Jesus in Gethsemani. In order to know the Truths, it is necessary to have the will, the desire, to know them. The Truth is Simple. can be read @

V. 13 - 11/22/1921 - My daughter, the pain that pierced Me the most during My Passion was the affectation of the Pharisees. They feigned justice but they were the most unjust. They feigned sanctity, regularity, order and they were the most perverted, outside of any rule and in full disorder. And while they pretended to honor God, they were honoring themselves, their self-interest, their own comfort. Therefore, light could not enter into them because their affected manners  were closing the doors to it and pretense was the key which, closing them to death with double locks, blocked obstinately even a few glimmers of light, to the point that Pilate, idolatrous, found more light than the very Pharisees because everything he did and said started not from pretense but, at most, from fear. I feel more drawn toward the most perverted sinner, not false, than to those who are good but false. Oh, how disgusted I am by one who apparently does good, pretends to  be good, prays but nurses evil and self-interest inside; and while his lips are praying, his heart is far away from Me; and in the very act of doing good, he is thinking about how to satisfy his brutal passions. Then, a man who is false in the good which he apparently does and says is incapable of giving light to others, since he has closed the doors to it. So, they act as incarnate devils who many times attract men under the appearance of good. In seeing this good, men let themselves be drawn in; but when they feel most secure, they make them fall into graver sins. Oh, how much safer are the temptations under appearance of sin, than those under apearance of good!  In the same way, it is safer to deal with perverted people than with good people but false. How much poison do they not hide? How many souls do they not poison? If it wasn't for pretenses and all made themselves known for what they are, the root of evil would be removed from the face of the earth and all would be stripped of illusion.

V. 13 - 12/3/1921 - ...Therefore, Redemption is salvation - it is to save man from any precipice. This is why I told you another time that making the soul live in My Will is greater than Redempton Itself; because being saved while living a life in the middle, now falling, now standing up, is not so difficult. And this was impetrated by My Redemption because I wanted to save man at any cost; and this I entrusted to My Apostles, as the depositories of the fruits of Redemption. So, having yet to do the least, I left the greater for later, reserving other times for the fulfullment of My High Designs. Now, living in My Will is not only salvation but is Sanctity which must rise over all other sanctities and which must carry the seal of the Sanctity of the Creator...

V. 13 - 12/5/1921 - One who does not accept the Gifts of God is ungateful. The Gift of the Divine Will was given to Luisa from the time of the renewal of the Mystical Marriage before the Holy Trinity, thirty-two years before. Doubts and difficulties. Jesus answers them in advance. - can be read @

V. 13 - 12/10/1921 - Now, one Act done in My Will is more than sun which multiplies to infinity not human but Divine Seeds. Oh, how It surpasses the fecundity and the multiplicity of the seeds that the sun has fecundated! An innovation in the spiritual world occurs and such harmony, that all are attracted. In hearing this harmony, those who are most disposed, get warm; thousands and thousands of effects arise like many seeds; and since the Act done in My Will carries the Creative Power with Itself, It fecundates those seeds in a way which is incalculable to a finite mind. Therefore, the Acts done in My Will are Divine Seeds that carry with Them the Creative Power and which, more than suns, not only fecundate bur create Seeds and multiply them to infinity. They give Me the field for new Creations, put My Power in motion and are the bearers of the Divine Life.

V. 13 - 12/18/1921 - ..Peace is Light and everything that the soul thinks, says and does is Light that she emanates; and the enemy cannot get close to her because he feels struck, wounded and dazzled by this Light and is forced to flee so as not to be blinded. Peace is dominion, not only of oneself but also of others. So, before a peaceful soul, all remain either conquered or confused and humiliated. Therefore, they either let themselves be dominated, remaining as friends or they leave confused unable to sustain the dignity, the imperturbability, the sweetness of a soul who possesses peace. Even the most perverted ones feel the power that she contains. This is why I glory so much in having Myself called God of Peace - Prince of Peace. There is no peace without Me; I alone possess it and I give it to My children, as legitimate children who remain bound as heirs of all My Goods. The world, creatures, do not have this peace; and what is not possessed, cannot be given. At the most, they can give an apparent peace whihc torments them inside - a false peace, which contains a poisonous sip within it; and this poison puts to sleep the remorses of conscience and leads one to the kingdom of vice. Therefore, true peace is I and I want to conceal you within My peace, so that you may never be disturbed and the shadow of My peace, like dassling light, may keep far away from you anything or anyone who might shade your peace.

V. 13 - 12/22/1921 - Now, My Will is the greatest of all virtues; therefore, all virtues remain shrunken and dissolved within My Will. Even more, before the virtue of My Will, the other virtues tremble out of reverence for My Will. And if without My Will virtues think of doing something great, at the contact with the Sanctity and Power of the Virtue of My Will, they realize they have done nothing; and in order to give them the mark of virtues, I am forced to plunge them into the Immense Sea of My Will. Not only has My Will have primacy over all but It gives the different shades of beauty to the virtues; It places on them the Divine colors, the Celestial glaze and the dazzling Light. Therefore, if the virues are not covered by My Will, they may be good but not beautiful with that Beauty that enraptures, enchants and enamors Heaven and earth.

V. 13 - 12/23/1921 - ...But then, did my Jesus really sleep? And Jesus came back and added: My daughter, My sleep was extremely brief but I did sleep. However, I did not sleep for Myself but for creatures. As the Head, I represented the whold human family and I had to lay My Humanity over all in order to give them rest. I could see all creatures covered with  a mantle of disturbances, of struggles, of restlessness - some were falling into sin and remained saddened; some were dominated by tyrannical passions which they wanted to conquer and remained disturbed; some wanted to do good and struggled in order to do it...In sum, there was no peace because true peace is possessed when the will of the creature returns into the Will of its Creator from which it came. Outside of the center, dislocated from the origin, there is no peace.. Therefore, while sleeping, My Humanity laid Itself over all, wrapping them as though within a mantle, just like the hen, when it calls it's chicks under it's maternal wings, to give to some forgiveness of sin, to some victory over passions, to some strength in the fight - to give peace and rest to all. And in order not to strike fear in them but to give them courage, I did this while sleeping. Who would fear someone who is sleeping?...

V. 13 - 12/25/1921 - ...Therefore, the first kiss and the first gifts of My tenderest age were for you. And I: My Love, how could this be, if at that time I did not exist? And Jesus: In My Will everything existed and all things were one single point for Me. I could see you then, just as I see you now and all the Graces I have given you are nothing other than the confirmation of what you had been given from eternity. And I could see not only you but in you, I saw My little Family who would live in My Will. How content I felt!  These soothed My crying, warmed Me and surrounding Me like a Crown, defended Me from the perfidy of the other creatures.

V. 13 - 1/11/1922 - The souls who live in the Divine Will, will be for the Body of the Church like skin to the body and will bring to all of It's members the circulation of Life - can be read @

V. 13 - 1/17/1922 - My daughter, have you seen how vice and passions triumph in these sad times; how victoriously they walk along the streets while good is trampled, beaten and annihilated? Good is I - there is no good that a creature may do, in which I am not involved. And every good that the creature does, is a sip of life that she gives to her soul; therefore, the more good acts she does, the more the life of her soul grows, rendering her stronger and more disposed to do more good acts. However, in order to be exempt from any poisonous substance, these acts must be upright, without human purpose and only to please Me. Otherwise, the most beautiful acts, the holiest in appearance - who knows how much poison they contain! And I, being pure Good, shun these contaminated acts, and I do not communicate Life. Therefore, although it seems that they do good, their good is empty of Life and creatures feed themselves with foods that give them death. Evil strips the soul of the garment of Grace, while sin does nothing but give them sips of unhappiness, sips of ugliness, which, taking all vital humors away from her, make her dry wood, to burn with greater intensity in hell.

V. 13 - 2/4/1922 - ...How beautiful it is to see a soul enter into My Will! As she enters, the great wheel of Eternity winds her up, to make her go around within It's great expanse... - Then He added: You have not spoken about all the rounds that the little wheel of your will does within the great wheel of Eternity. And I: how could I speak about them, if I don't know? and He: As the soul enters into My Will - even with a simple adhesion, with an abandoment - I wind her so as to make her go around. And do you know how many times she goes around? She goes around as many times for as many thinking intelligences, for as many gazes as creatures give, for as many words they speak, for as many works as they do and as many steps they take. They go around at each Divine Act, at each motion, at each Grace that descends from Heaven... In sum, they form their round in anything that is done in Heaven and on earth. The rounds of these little wheels are fast and rapid, so they cannot calculate them. But I count them all - first to take the Glory and the eternal Love that they give Me and then, to fuse all the eternal Good; to give them the capacity of surpassing everything, to be able to embrace everyone and become crown of everything.

V. 14 - 3/18/1922 - Then afterwards, He returned and added: My daughter, I feel the need that the creature rest in Me and I in her. But do you know when the creature rests in Me and I in her? When her intelligence thinks of Me and comprehends Me, she rests in the Intelligence of her Creator and that of the Creator finds rest in the created mind. When the human will unites with the Divine Will, the two wills embrace and rest together. If human love rises above all created things and loves only it's God - what a beautiful rest do God and the creature find reciprocally! One who gives rest, finds it. I become her bed and keep her in the sweetest sleep, clasped in My Arms. Therefore, come and rest in My Bosom.

V. 14 - 3/21/1922 - ...This alone was the purpose of Creation - that the emanations of the wills be continuous. I want it, I demand it, I expect it. This is why I am in such haste that My Will, Its Value and Its Effects become known - so that, as souls who live in My Will do their acts, through their continuous emanations in My Will, they will diffuse them like air over everything, as Acts in My Will. Then will I obtain the purpose of Creation; My Will, will rest in them and will form the new generation and all things will have the double seal of My Will: the Fiat of Creation and the echo of My Fiat in the creatures.

V. 14 - 3/24/1922 - My daughter, as the soul emits her Acts in My Will, she multiplies My Life. So, if she does ten Acts in My Will, she multiplies Me ten times; if she does twenty, a hundred, a thousand and yet more, so many times am I multiplied...

V. 14 - 3/28/1922 - ...This was done by Me when I was on earth. There was nothing for which I did not requite My Father on the part of all creatures. Now it is done - and I want it, I expect it - by one who lives in My Will. If you could see how beautiful it is to see My Glory, My Love, My profound Adoration united to yours in every flickering of the stars, in every drop of light in the sun! Oh, how it runs - flies upon the wings of the wind, filling the whole atmosphere! It crosses the waters of the sea, it places itself in each plant, in each flower, it multiplies at each motion; it is a voice that echoes over everything, and says: Love, Glory, Adoration to my Creator! Therefore, one who lives in My Will is the echo of My Voice, the repeater of My Life, the perfect Glory of My Creation. How could I not love her? How could I not give to her all that I should give to all the other creatures together, giving her Primacy over everything? Ah, My Love would feel constrained if I did not do so!

V. 14 - 4/25/1922 - ...I place thousands of Angels as custodians of one single Act done in My Will. In fact, since these Acts done in My Will are seeds in oder that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, everyone is jealous of these Acts. Their Dew is My Breath; Their shadow is My Light. The Angels remain enraptured by them and, reverent, they adore Them because in these Acts, they see the Eternal Will which deserves all their adoration. Only when I find souls who, picking Them as Divine Fruits make of Them Food for their own souls, then are these Acts left. Oh, fecundity and multiplicity of these Acts! The creature herself who does Them cannot count them...

V. 14 - 6/26/1922 - See, I am the God isolated by creatures; I live in their midst, I am Life of each one of their acts while they keep Me as if I were not with them. Oh, how I cry over My loneliness! - So I am - alone! always alone..while being in their midst, I am Light of every thought, sound of every word, motion of every work, step of every foot, beat of every heart. Yet, man, ungrateful leaves Me alone and he says not a "thank You" to Me, not one "I love You"...

V. 14 - 7/10/1922 - ...Then, you will descend again upon the earth, bringing the Power and Prodigies of My Will in such a way that the creatures will be shaken, they will open their eyes and many will know what it means to live in My Will - to live in the Likeness of their Creator. This will be the beginning of the coming of My Kingdom upon earth and of the final fulfillment of My Will...

V. 14 - 7/28/1922 - ...See, My daughter, I suffered double deaths for each creature - one of Love and another of pain. In creating him as a complex, all of Love, so that nothng but Love was to come out of him, so much so, that My Love and his were to be continuous currents. However, not only did man not love Me, but ungrateful, he offended Me and so I was to repay My Divine Father for this lack of Love, accepting death for each one and another one of pain for the offenses - You must know that also My Humanity, as Holy as It was and immensely eager to suffer, felt ths repugnance. But it was not mine; it was all the repugnances that creatures would feel in doing good and in accepting the pains which they deserved. And I had to suffer these pains which tortured Me not a little in order to give them the inclination to good and to render these pains sweeter, to the point that in the Garden, I cried out to the Father: "If it be possible, let this Chalice pass from Me" Do you think it was I? Ah, no! - you deceive yourself. I loved suffereing to folly; I loved death, to give Life to My children. It was the cry of the whole human fanily that echoed in My Humanity, and I crying out together with them, to give them strength, repeated as many as three times: "If it be possible, let this Chalice pass from Me!" I was speaking in the name of all, as if it were My Own thing; but I felt crushed.

V. 14 - 8/6/1922 - ( back to our origin) - ...Only man moved away from Us, from the Balance of Our Will. Oh, how man tumbled and from the highest place, he fell to the deepest abyss! And in spite of My Redemption, not all of the human family has returned to its original state. This means that the gravest thing is to withdraw from the Balance of Our Will...

V. 14 - 8/23/1922 - This is why I told you many times that the Mission of calling a soul to live in My Will is the greatest one, the highest and the most sublime; there is no other that can match it...

V. 14 - 10/19/1922 - For many centuries I have held within Me, more than child, all My human Acts done in the Sanctity of the Eternal Volition in order to give them to the creature. And as They give themselves, they will raise the human acts of the creatures to Divine Acts and will adorn her with the most beautiful beauties, making her live with the Life of My Will; giving her the value, the effects and the Goods that My Will possesses. Therefore, more than mother, I agonize, I anguish, I burn with desire to deliver this birth from My Will. The time has come; there is nothing left but to find one who would receive the first birth, so as to continue with other births in other creatures. This is why I tell you - be attentive; enlarge your heart to be able to receive all the value, the effects, the Knowledge which My Will contains, so that I may place the first birth in you. How much joy you will give Me - you will be the beginning of My happiness upon earth. I could say that the human will rendered Me unhappy in the midst of creatures; and My Will operating in the creature will restore My happiness.

V. 14 - 10/30/1922  - ...And as I feel her always together with Me, I no longer feel lonely; and since I love the company of the creature very much, taken by Love for her, I Divinize her, I enrich her and I give her such Graces as to astonish Heaven and earth.

V. 14 - 11/8/1922 - ...My daughter, the pains, the offenses that creatures give Me are so many that I cannot take any more; the nations are banding together to enter the field with new wars. Did I not tell you that the wars have not ended and that the peace was a false and apparent peace because peace without God is impossible? It was a peace which did not come from Justice, therefore it could not last. Ah, the leaders of these times are true incarnate devils who are banding together to do evil and cast confusion, slaughters and wars among the peoples. And while He was saying this, I could hear the crying of mothers, the thundering of cannons, the alarms in all the cities. But I hope Jesus will placate Himself, so they will all remain in peace.

V. 14 - 11/11/1922 - ...My Acts await you, wanting the seal of yours; those of My Mama await you; the whole of Heaven awaits you, wanting to see all of their acts glorified in My Will by a creature of their own stock. The present and future generations await you, to be given back the lost happiness. Ah! no, no, the generations will not end until man returns into My Womb, beautiful, dominating, just as he came out of My Creative Hands. I am not content with having Redeemed him; even at the cost of waiting, I will still have patience but he must return to Me as I made him, by virtue of My Will. By doing his own will, he went down into the abyss and transformed himself into a brute; by doing My Will, he will rise and acquire the new transformation into the nature created by Me. Then will I be able to say: I have accomplished everything, the order of the whole Creation has returned to Me and I will rest in It.

V. 15 - 12/1/1922 - for exampe,when Pilate asked Me whether I was King and I answered: My Kingdom is not of this world, for if It were of this world, thousands of Legions of Angels would defend Me. And Pilate, on seeing Me so poor, humiliated, despised, was surprised, and said with greater emphasis: What? You are a King? And I, with firmness, answered him and all those who are in his position: I am King and I have come into the world to teach the Truth. And the truth is that it is not positions, nor kingdoms, nor dignities, nor the right of command that make man reign, that ennoble him, that raise him above all. On the contrary, these things are slaveries, miseries which make him serve vile passions and unjust men, making him commit many unjust acts which disennoble him, cast him into mud and draw the hatred of his subordinates upon him. So, riches are slaveries, positions are swords, by which many are killed or wounded. True reigning is virtue, to be stripped of everything, to sacrifice oneself for all, to submit oneself to all. This is true reigning, which binds all and makes one loved by all. Therefore, My Kingdom will have no end, while yours is near to perishing. And, in My Will, I made these Words reach the ear of all those who are in positions of authority, to let them know the great danger they are in and to put on guard those who aspire to positions, to dignities, to command.

V. 15 - 12/2/1922 - Jesus places three Pillars in the soul of Luisa on which He can lean - can be read @

V. 15 - 1/5/1923 - ...My Will must be like the air that one breathes which, while It cannot be seen, can be felt. It cannot be seen and It gives Life... - See, attentiveness is the way to Knowledge and Knowledge changes a person, as well as things, disposing him to receive great goods. So, by knowing that you are in the Royal Place of My Will, you will always receive and will take so much as to be able to give to all of your brothers.

V. 15 - 1/24/1923 - How it had been reserved that the doors of the Divine Will would be opened to Luisa.  The Divine Will, acting alone in the Three Distinct Persons in Heaven, wants to act alone in three distinct Persons on earth ( beautiful ) - can be read @

V. 15 - 4/9/1923 - This is why I say that one who lives in My Will substitutes for all, defends Me from all and places My Motion, My very Life, in safety. And this is why to operate in My Will is the prodigy of prodigies but without clamor, without human acclamations. It is My true Triumph over the whole Creation; and since It is a Triumph fully Divine, what is human remains silent and has no equivalent words with which to acclaim the Triumph of My Supreme Will.

V. 15 - 4/14/1923 - How God, in doing Works that must serve for the good of all, centralizes all the Goods He wants to give in one creature from the human family ( one of the very best in the Volumes )  - can be read @

V. 15 - 4/20/1923 - God does His greatest Works in virgin and unknown souls ( an absolute must read ) - can be read @

V. 15 - 4/21/1923 - The darkest point of the present society - the ugliest sin - can be read @

V. 15 - 4/25/1923 - The Will of God is the Royal Way that leads to the Sanctity of the Likeness of the Creator. As Luisa continues on from where Adam left, God constitutes her the Head of All and the Bearer of the happiness and the goods that had been assigned to all - can be read @

V. 15 - 5/2/1923 - When the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" has It's fulfillment " on earth as It is in Heaven", then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the "Our Father" occur - can be read

V. 15 - 5/5/1923 - ...While I was doing this, a voice came out from within the Immensity of that Light, saying: As many times as the soul enters into the Divine Will in order to pray, work, love, so many ways does she open between Creator and creatures. And in seeing that the creature is making her way to go to It, the Divinity opens Its ways in order to meet Its creature. In this encounter, she copies the Virtues of her Creator, absorbs ever new Divine Life into herself, penetrates into the external Secrets of the Supreme Volition and everything she does is no longer human in her, but Divine. This Divine operating opens a golden Heaven within her on which the Divinity strolls, delighting in finding Its Own operating in the creature, awaiting the creature in order to receive her Divine Acts and therefore open more ways for her in Its Divinity. And It keeps repeating with great Love: Behold - here is how, in My Will, the creature comes closer to My Likeness; she accomplishes My Designs, she fulfills the purpose of Creation. And while hearing this, I found myself inside myself.

V. 15 - 5/18/1923 - How difficult it is to find a soul who wants to suffer. The executioners of souls present in the Church - can be read @

V. 15 - 5/28/1923 - So, My Will knocks down all the barriers that exist between the soul and God; It places her in harmony between Heaven and earth; It reveals all secrets contained in the whole creation and It renders her the depository of all the Gifts of God.

V. 15 - 5/29/1923 - My daughter, the first one to form the crafting of My pains in My Humanity was My Celestial Father because He alone had the strength and the power to create pain and to place in it as many degrees of pain as were needed in order to be satisfied for the debt of creatures. Creatures were secondaty because they had no power over Me nor the ability to create pain as intense as they wanted...

V. 15 - 6/18/1923 - Prodigies, Wonders, Excesses of Love of Our Lord in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament and in communicating Himself - can be read @

V. 15 - 6/21/1923 - ...My daughter, yet, there is a great difference between one who prays and acts because My Will envelops her, being everywhere by Its Own Nature, and one who, of her own will, having the knowledge of what she does within herself, enters into the Divine Sphere of My Will to operate and pray - Now, it is true that My Will is everywhere but the shade of the human will does not allow the soul to feel the vividness of the Light, the Heat and all the Good It contains. On the other hand, by wanting to enter into My Will, the soul lays down her own and removes the shade of her volition and My Will makes Its vivid Light shine, It invests her, It transforms her into Light Itself. And the soul, plunged into My Eternal Volition, says to Me: Thank You, O Holy Supreme Volition, for Your Light and for all the Goods You produce by filling Heaven and earth with Your Eternal Will; for all, I want to give You the return of the Good You do. And I feel such Honor, Glory and satisfaction that no other equals it. My daughter, how many evils the shade of one's own will does; it cools down the soul, it produces sloth, sleep, sluggishness. The opposite for one who lives in My Will. 

V. 15 - 7/11/1923 - The greater the Work God wants to do, the more necessary it is that the creature He chooses be unique and singular. The Paternal Goodness wants to open another Era of Grace ( a must read )  can be read @

V. 15 - 12/21/1922 - Oh, privation of my Jesus, how ruthless and cruel you are! Even death wuld be an absolute nothing compared to you. After all, death does nothing than bring one to eternal life, while the privation of Jesus makes life itself run away... - This pain strikes such fright, fear and heartbreak, that I could call it, pain of hell. Poor souls without God, how - can they go on? What pain must be the loss of God for them? Ah! my Jesus, do not allow anyone - anyone to lose You.

V. 15 - 7/1/1923 - ...This is why I do not tire anyone; I always have new things to give and to say and the irresistible force that pushes Me to manifest Myself in Love...

V. 16 - 7/23/1923 - The Divine Will is in continuous encounter with the creature in order to give her Its Goods - (The First/Second Commandments determines one's ultimate place - Frightful language! ) - can be read @

V. 16 - 8/13/1923 - The Virgin was the beginning, the origin, the seed of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. Upon this seed of His Own Will, which Jesus found in His Divine Mother, He formed the great plane of the human will in the Divine Will. Now, by means of another creature, He will open the field of this plane to the generations - can be read

V. 16 - 8/20/1923 - ...My Good Jesus says many admirable things about His Will and how there is nothing greater, higher, holier than the soul whom He calls to live in His Volition. If it were so, who knows how many admirable things I should be doing - how many sensational things, also externally. Yet, there is nothing charming or striking; on the contrary, I feel as I am the most abject and insignificant one who does nothing good; while the Saints - how much good did they not do? Sensational things, miracles...And yet, He says that the living in His Will leaves all the Saints behind. He told me: My daughter, when a Sanctity is individual, for a time and a place, it has more of external prodigies in order to attract those individuals, places and times to receive the Grace and Good which that Sanctity contains. On the other hand, the Sanctity of living in My Will is not an individual Sanctity, assigned to doing good to certain places, to certain people and to certain times; rather, it is a Sanctity which must do good to all, in all times and in all places. It is a Sanctity which must do good to all, in all times and in all places. It is a Sanctity which remains eclipsed in the Eternal Sun of My Will, while invading all, is Light without speech, fire without wood, without clamor, without smoke. But in spite of this, it does not cease to be the most majestic, the most beautiful, the most fecund; It's Light is most pure, It's heat more intense. The true image of It is the sun that illuminates our horizon...

V. 30 - 12/6/1931 - Before man sinned, My Divinity was not hidden to man because by rotating around   Me, he was My Reflection and therefore he was the little Light...

V. 16 - 10/30/1923 - One who lives in My Will must be exposed to the Rays of the burning and eternal Sun in order to live of Light, see nothing but Light and touch nothing but Light. This leads to the Deification of the soul. Only when the soul is all deified in God - then can it be said that she lives in My Will. Rather, come out from under this tree and stroll in this Celestial Eden of My Will, so that, scanning you thoroughly, the Sun may convert you into Light and may give you the final brush stroke of the Deification in God.

V. 16 - 11/10/1923 - The beauty of littleness. God performs the greastest Works in the little ones: for Redemption, He used the littleness of the Most Holy Virgin; for the Fiat Voluntas Tua, the littleness of Luisa - can be read @

V. 16 - 11/15/1923 - In order to come to reign upon earth, the Divine Will wants to find one who would receive It, comprehend It and love It for all. So did the Celestial Mama in order to obtain the Redemption. The creature is incapable of receiving the Works of her Creator all at once; this is why she needs to receive minor things first, to dispose herself to receive greater ones. can be read @ catholicdivinewill/

V. 16 - 12/8/1923 - First, you must know that My Divinity is one single Act; all Acts concentrate into a single Act. This is what it means to be God - the greatest portent of Our Divine Essence; not to be subject to succession of Acts...

V. 16 - 2/10/1924 - Necessity of complete abandonment in the Divine Will. The Doctrine on the Divine Will is the purest, the most beautiful and through it, the Church will be renewed and the face of the earth transformed  - can be read @

V. 16 - 2/16/1924 - Immense Sorrow and Infinite Joys of the Heart of Jesus. One who, with Love and submission, shares in His Sorrows, also shares in His Joys - can be read @

V. 16 - 3/22/1924 - ...And besides, do not worry about what you were told: My Mama also contained My Will as Life; yet, the world continued in its course in evil - in nothing did it appear to be changed. Not one external miracle was seen in Her; and yet what She did not do in the low world, She did in Heaven with Her Creator. By Her continuous living in the Divine Will, She formed the place within Herself in order to draw the Word upon earth. She changed the destiny of mankind, She performed the greatest of miracles, which no one else has done or will ever do - a unique miracle: to transport Heaven upon earth. For one who must do the greatest, it is not necessary to do the lesser. And yet, who knew anything of what My Mama was doing? - what She did with the Eternal One in order to obtain the great portent of the descent of the Word into the midst of creatures? It was known only that She was the cause of It, by few at My Conception, by many when they saw Me breathe My Last on the Cross. My daughter, the greater good I want to do to the soul - and this good must descend for the good of the human generations and must bring Me complete Glory - the more I draw her to Myself and I make this good mature and season between the soul and Me. I segregate her from everyone, I make her ignored; and when My Will wants her to draw close to some creature, it takes all My Power in order for her to submit to the sacrifice. Therefore, let your Jesus do and calm yourself.

V. 16 - 4/11/1924 - Scene of chastisements. Jesus does not force anyone but moves on when the soul is not ready to let Him in, just as He did with the people of Bethlehem at His Birth -

V. 16 - 5/19/1924 - My daughter, My Will is Eternal and only for one who lives in It, embracing Eternity, all other acts, from the littlest to the greatest, being animated by an Eternal Will, all acquire the value, the merit, the form of Divine and Eternal Acts...

V. 16 - 5/24/1924 - So, everything I have told you about My Will had this as My purpose: That My Will be known and come to reign upon earth - and what I have said will be. I will overwhelm everything in order to obtain this but everything must return to Me within that word - "Fiat". "Fiat" did God say and "Fiat" must man say - In fact, by virtue of My Will, new Graces which I had never issued before, Light more refulgent, portents unheard-of and never before seen, will come out of Me...

V, 17 - 12/8/1924 - On the Immaculate Conception. The test which the Virgin had to undergo.  - can be read @

V. 17 - 2/22/1925 - How, in creating man, God formed many paths in order to facilitate his entrance into His Will and therefore into the Celestial Fatherland -

V. 17 - 3/1/1925 - But do you know what true Light is? True Light is the Truth. The Truth, known, embraced, loved and put into practice by the soul is the True Light which transforms her into Light Itself and causes new and continuous births of Light to be placed inside and outside of her. This Truth forms the true Life of God within the soul because God is Truth and the soul is bound to the Truth - even more, she possesses It. God is Light and she is bound to this Light and is nourished with Light and with Truth...

V. 19 - 2/23/1926 - ...See, I too was born one time but that Birth makes Me be born continuously. I am reborn in each Consecrated Host; I am reborn every time the creature returns to My Gace. The first Birth gave Me the field to make Me be reborn always. This is how Divine Works are: after they are done once, their continuous Act remains without ever ending. The same will be with My little newborn of My Will: after she is born once, the act of her continuous birth will remain. This is why I am so careful not to let your will enter into you and I surround you with so much Grace - so that you may always be reborn in My Will and My Will may be reborn in you.

V. 19 - 2/28/1926 - ...Your very Angel, who is near you, remains on an empty stomach because every Act you do in the Divine Will, as you follow Its course, is one more accidental Beatitude which He enjoys, being near you; and it is a doubled Paradise of joys that you offer Him in such a way that he feels happy in His destiny of having you in His custody. And since the Joys of Heaven are communal, your Angel offers the accidental Beatitude He has received from you, His doubled Paradise, to the whole Celestial Court as the Fruit of the Divine Will of His protected One. All make feast and magnify and praise the Power, the Sanctity, the Immensity of My Will.

V. 19 - 4/16/1926 - ...In fact, the Creation was the beginning of Our Work towatd the creatures, the Redemption was the means and the Fiat will be the end...Therefore, Creation and Redemption must be enclosed in the Supreme Fiat...

V. 19 - 7/11/1926 - So, the Church knows so very little of the pains of the Celestial Sovereign Queen that one can say that She knows only the visible pains and this is why She gives the number of the seven swords. But if She knew that Her Maternal Heart was the refuge, the deposit of all pains and that the Light of My Will brought everything to Her, sparing Her nothing, the Church would not speak of seven swords but of millions of swords. More so, since they are intimimate pains and therefore God alone knows the intesity of the sorrow. This is why, by right, She was constituted Queen of Martyrs and of all sorrows.

V. 20 - 10/9/1926 - Those who will let themselves be illuminated by Its Light will feel the power of a new continuous creation of joy, of contentments and of goods without end. Therefore, as My Will dominates all the Acts of those who live in It, the Kingdom of My Will, will be a continuous creation. So, the creature will remain under a new continuous Act of this Supreme Volition which will keep her so absorbed as to leave no field of action to her own self. This is why I love so much that the Kingdom of My Will be known - for the great good that creatures will receive and for the field of action It will have...

V. 20 - 10/13/1926 - My daughter, each act, prayer and pain that the soul mkes enter into the Light of My Will, becomes Light and forms one more Ray in the Sun of the Eternal Volition. These Rays form the most beautiful Glory that the creature can give to the Divine Fiat in such a way that, seeing Itself so glorified by Its Own Light, It invests these Rays with new Knowledges which, converting into voices, manifest to the soul more surprises about My Will. But do you know what these Knowledges of Mine form for the creature? They form the eclipse for the human will. The stronger the Light is, the more the Rays are and the more strongly the human will remains dazzled and eclipsed by the Light of My Knowledges in such a way that it almost feels impotent to act and it gives field to the action of the Light of My Will. The human will remains occupied within the action of My Will and it lacks the time, the place to make its own will act.

V. 20 - 11/3/1926 - The more the soul has done the Divine Will on earth, the more paths she has formed for herself in order to receive suffrages in Purgatory. The more the soul possesses of the Divine Will, the more value her prayers, works and pains contain - can be read

V. 20 - 11/4/1926 - ...Now, in the Kindom of the Supreme Fiat, We will have the copies of the Sovereign Queen. So, She too longs for and awaits this Kingdom on earth in order to have Her copies. What a beautiful Kingdom It will be - a Kingdom of Light, of Infinite Riches, a Kingdom of perfect Sanctity and of Dominion. Our children of this Kingdom wil be Kings and Queens; they will all be members of the Divine and Royal Family. They will enclose all Creation within themselves; they will have the resemblance, the phsiognomy of Our Celestial Father and therefore will be the fulfillment of Our Glory and the Crown of Our Head.

V. 20 - 11/14/1926 - How, by not following the Divine Will in the Creation, the soul would lack the Reflection of It's Works. How great Graces are needed for the Sanctity of living in the Holy Volition - a great reading - can be read @

V. 20 - 12/24/1926 - ...My daughter, My Will is the Soul and all Creation is the Body for It - ... -Therefore, the living in My Will is the most happy and indescribable destiny; her Acts, her point of origin are always towards Heaven; her Life is in the midst of the spheres.

V. 20 - 12/25/1926 - How the little Baby made Himself seen, newly born, by His Mama. The Light that the little Baby sent forth which gave to everyone the greeting of His coming upon earth. Difference beween the Grotto and the Prison of the Passion - can be read @

V. 20 - 1/1/1927 - (Back to our origin)...Daughter of My Will. how I love, want that your will may end in you. Oh, how I accept your present! How pleasing it will be for Me to keep is as soft footstool at My Feet. In fact, as long as it remains in the creature, outside of its center which is God, the human will is hard; but when it enters again into the center from which it came, serving as footstool at the feet of your little Baby Jesus, it beomes soft and I use it to amuse Myself. Is it not right that, little as I am, I have an amusement? And in the midst of so many sorrows, privations and tears, I have your will to make Me smile? Now, you must know that one who puts an end to her will, returns into her origin from which she came and the new Life, the Life of Light, the perennial Life of My Will, begins in her...

V. 20 - 1/25/1927 - ( Back to our origin ) - My daughter, this is the true image of the living in My Eternal Volition; the soul copies the Divine Will within herself and the Supreme Will copies the soul in such a way that your Creator keeps the copy of your image impressed within His Womb. He holds her so dear because He sees her exactly as He issued her from her origin; she has lost nothing of her freshness and beauty...

V. 20 - 2/6/1927 - ...My daughter, to possess a Divine Will is something astounding; the human nature cannot comprehend everything - it feels, it possesses and knows not how to express.

V. 21 - 4/8/1927 - ...Adam fell from a very high place; he had been placed by his Creator at such an elevated point, that it surpassed the limits of the sky, the stars and the sun. Living in My Will, he lived above everything - in God Himself. See from where he fell? Falling from such heights, it is a miracle that he didn't totally perish. But if he didn't die, the blow he received in falling was so strong that it was inevitable that he remained crippled, broken and deformed in his rare beauty. He was left with all his goods smashed; he was indolent in his actions, dulled in his intellect, suffering from a fever which weakened him, withered in all the virtues and he no longer felt the strength to dominate himself. Man's most beautiful asset, dominion of self, had vanished and the passions had taken over to terrorize him, to render him restless and melancholy.. Because he was the father and head of the human generations, he produced a family of cripples. Many think that not doing My Will is of little importance; instead, it is the ruin of the creature and for as many acts as the creature commits of his own will, by so many times does his evils increase, along with his ruin and he only continues to dig an abyss ever deeper for him to fall into....

V. 23 - 10/16/1927 - My daughter, Our Queen Mama apparently it seems that all Her interest was for the Kingdom of the Redemption but that is not true; the external part was that but the interior was all for the Kingdom of My Divine Will because She knew all the Value and the complete  Glory to Her Creator and the maximum and complete good to creatures of It, She could do no less than ask the Kingdom of My Eternal Fiat, indeed She with obtaining the Redemption cast the foundations of the Kingdom of My Will as it can be said that She prepared the materials for Him; it is necessary that the small things are done in order to obtain the greater ones and therefore She had to give the field first to the Redemption so as to construct the factory of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. If a kingdom is not formed, how can one say that a king holds his kingdom and dominion? More so that the Sovereign Lady of Heaven is unique and singular in Glory in the Celestial Fatherland because uniquely and singularly She formed all Her Life in My Will and a Mother loves and wants that Her children possess the same Glory and She in Heaven can not communicate all Her Glory and Greatness and Sovereignty that She possesses because She doesn't find one who has made his same life continuous in the same Divine Will, therefore, She longs for the children of Her Kingdom in order to be able to reflect all Her Glory in them and to be able to say:I have My children who equal Me in My Glory, now I am more than happy because My Glory is the same Glory of My children. The happiness of a mother is more that of the children than her own, much more so for the Celestial Mother, that in My Divine Volition, She conceived more than a Mother all the Redeemed and formed Life Itself of the children of My Divine Will.

V. 23 - 10/20/1927 - How created powers are not able to neither embrace nor exhaust the Uncreated Power, not even the Virgin nor the Humanity of Jesus Itself. How the Divine Will possesses the Incessant and always New Act and holds the Virtue of alway making things new. Example, How He waits for His Kingdom in order to communicate this New Act as completion of His Glory.(beautiful) can be read @

V. 23 - 10/13/1927 - The little child. How the Divine Will is Kingdom of Life. Necessity of His Knowledges. How Heaven and earth are reverent to listen to the Knowledges of the Divine Fiat. Love and tenderness of God in creating man. - can be read @

V. 23 - 11/6/1927 - Who lives in the Divine Will doesn't descend from her origin and is owed the state of queen; instead who lives outside of Him lives in the state of servant. Difference that the Kingdom of the Redemption carries to the one and the other. How in every Truth, races within a Divine Life (Back to our origin) can be read @

V. 23 - 11/10/1927 - The soul alone with Jesus and Jesus alone with her and how He alone enjoys her. Order and harmony of the Creation; how every created thing had to undergo the action of Adam. God, first Model of the Creation, Adam, the second, the third who must make the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat return (Back to our origin) can be read @

V. 23 - 12/23/1927 - The little child. How the Divine Will is Kingdom of Life. Necessity of His Knowledges. How Heaven and earth are reverent to listen to the Knowledges of the Divine Fiat. Love and Tenderness in creating man. can be read @

V. 23 - 12/30/1927 - My daughter, if I might want to work a whole Eternity in order to manifest one single Knowledge on My Divine Will, it would not be enough because the Value is such and so much, of one alone of Him... - My daughter, in the soul there are two characters, the human and the Divine; the Divine descends from the Unity; and the soul in order to receive the Divine Character must live in this Unity of My Volition; in this Unity she forms her acts and they climb in the Unity of her Creator in that Single Act of God, that while in God the same becomes formed One Act alone; the Light of this Single Act descend in the depths, as It invests everyone and everything and embracing all, gives to each one the Act that is needed with multiplying to the infinite the multiplicity of all the possible and imaginable acts. Hence, as the creature does her acts in this Unity, they acquire the Divine Characters that while it is one Act alone, they enclose all the acts together. Oh! how beautiful it is to do one Single Act alone. Only God holds this Virtue so powerful that with One Single Act, He does all, embraces all, gives the Work to all....

V. 23 - 11/23/1927 - ...No one has had this power, no one until now has asked for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat with such power and empire; at the most, some have asked for the Glory of God, some the salvation of souls, some the reparation of so many offenses; all things that are referred to the external Works of God, instead asking for the Kingdom of the Divine Volition are His interior Works, the most intimate Acts of God, it is the destruction of sin, not salvation only but Divine Sanctity in creatures, it is the liberation from all spiritual and bodily evils, it is transporting the earth in Heaven in order to make descend Heaven on earth. Therefore, asking for the Kingdom of My Divine Will is the greatest thing, most perfect, most holy and therefore all reverently, they respond to your echo and the beautiful harmony resounds in the Celestial Country, "Your Will be Done as in Heaven so on earth"

V. 23 - 11/27/1927 - Who lets himself be dominated by the Divine Will, in virtue of Him, she receives in herself Divine fecundity and can generate in the Acts the Good that He produces. What is necessary in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Wll: first to move God, second to possess as Life the Divine Will - a beautiful reading - in re BVM - can be read

V. 24 - 3/26/1928 - (Back to our origin) -  ...After this, my sweet Jesus made Himself seen with His Divine Heart unleashing many Rays of Light; each Knowledge about the Divine Will was impressed at the point from which the Rays started in such a way as to form the most beautiful Crown of Light around that Divine Heart. And my beloved Jesus added: My daughter, look what a beautiful Crown of Glory and of Light My Divine Heart possesses! A more beautiful and refulgent Crown It could not possess. These Rays are all the Knowledges about My Will; however, these Rays are hampered as They cannot extend because Their Knowledges are not known and this is why They cannot extend so as to fill the whole earth with Light...

V. 24 - 4/4/1928 - (Back to our origin) - ...Knowledge is the bearer of the Life of Our Act and of the possession of Our Goods for creatures. Therefore, the Knowledges about My Will have the Virtue of forming Its Kingdom in their midst because this has been Our purpose in manifesting Them...

V.24 - 4/6/1928 - How the soul can place herself in the Divine Unity. Example of the Sun. The repeater of the Creator. How God gives sip by sip. Necessity for the Knowledges to make their way - can be read @

V. 24 - 4/12/1928 - Analogy between Eden and Calvary. A Kingdom cannot be formed with one Act alone. Necessityof the Death and Resurrection of Jesus - can be read

V. 24 - 4/16/1928 - (Back to our origin) - ...Such is the human will - a rotten seed, full of smoke, of rot and half putrefied. However, not all seeds are completely dead - some have a thread of life; and if these seeds which posses this thread of life are exposed to the Sun of My Divine Will, Its Light, Its Heat and Its penetrating and ruling wind will invest the seed of the human will and the Light and Heat will clear up the seed, removing what is rotten...

V. 24 - 4/29/1928 - ...Virtue is never formed by one single act but by repeated acts - ...On the other hand, My Will is not like the Virtues - but Life; and as the soul begins to be resigned, to look at My Will in everything and to live in It, the little Divine Life is formed in her. And as she advances in the practice of living in My Will, this Divine Life keeps growing and expanding, to the point of filling the soul with all of this Life that nothing is left of her but a veil that covers It and hides It within herself. And just as with Virtues, so with My Will....

V. 24 - 4/30/1928 - My daughter, everything you saw will serve to purify and prepare the human family. the turmoils will serve to reorder and the destructions to build more beautiful things. Besides, when I came upon earth, Our Divinity had not decreed the coming of the Kingdom of My Will, but that of Redemption; and in spite of human ingratitude, It was accomplished. However, It has not covered all of Its way; many regions and peoples live as if I had not come, therefore it is necessary that It makes Its way and walk everywhere because Redemption is the preparatory way for the Kingdom of My Will. It is the army that goes forward in order to form the peoples to receive the regime, the Life, the Kingdom of My Divine Will. And so, what was not decreed for that time, We decree today, for the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Our Fiat. And when We decree something, all is done as it is enough to decree in order to accomplish what We want..

V. 24 - 5/6/1928 - My daughter, My Love towards the children of My Will, will be so great, that I will not permit that they touch the earth. I will lay My Steps under their feet so that, if they walk, they may touch My Steps, not the earth - in such a way as to feel within them the Life of My Steps that will communicate the Life of the Steps of My Divine Will to the steps of the children of My Will. If they work, they will feel the touch of My Works which, lining up, will communicate to their works, the Virtue of My Will. If they speak, if they think, they will feel the Life of My Words and of My Thoughts which, investing them, communicate to their minds and words the Virtue of My Fiat. So, I Myself will be the carrier of the children of My Will; I will be very jealous that they may not touch anything, so that they may take part in nothing and may feel My Life flow continuously within them, forming the Life of the Eternal Will in theirs. Therefore, they will be the most beautiful works of My Creative Hands. Oh, how the Work of Creation will be reflected in them! They will be the triumph of My Redemption - everything shall triumph in them. Then, I will be able to say: "My Works are complete", and I will take rest in the midst of the children of My Supreme Fiat
V. 24 - 6/7/1928 - (Back to our origin) - So, Jesus told me: My daughter, how many prodigies of Ours concurred in creating man! With Our breath, the soul was infused in him and in the soul Our Paternal Goodness infused three Suns by which We formed in it the perennial and refulgent day - not subject to any night. These three Suns were formed by the Power of the Father, by the Wisdom of the Son, by the Love of the Holy Spirit. While being formed in the soul, these three Suns remained in communication with the Three Divine Persons in such a way that man possessed the way through which to ascend to Us and We possessed the way through which to descend to him. These three Suns are the three Powers: intellect, memory and will. While distinct among themselves, they hold hands and arrive at forming one single Power, symbol of Our Adorable Trinity, since while being Three distinct Persons, We form One single Power, One single Intellect and One single Will. Our Love in creating man was so great that It felt content only when We communicate Our Likeness to him. These three Suns were placed in the depth of the human soul, just like the Sun in the depth of the vault of the heavens which keeps the earth in feast with it's light and gives life to all plants with it's admirable effects, giving to each one the flavor, the sweetness, the color and the substance that befits it.... 

V. 24 - 6/12/1928 - (Back to our origin)...Then, with a more tender emphasis, He added: My daughter, Power I do not lack - neither do I lack Will; therefore, it is I Who must lift again decayed man and restore him because the human will rendered the Work of Our creative Hands a wreck. Then, moved to tears and sorrowful for poor man, He kept silent; and I thought to myself: How can we return to the original state of Creation since the human will has made man fall into an abyss of miseries, almost deforming him from the way in which he was created? And my sweet Jesus added: My daughter, My Will can do anything. Just as It made man from nothing, so It can draw the new man from his miseries - and without changing method from the way in which We created him. Leaving him his free will, We will use another device: the Light of Our Will, will unleash Its most refulgent Rays more powerfully; It will draw near him in such a way as to look as his human will face to face, which will receive the enchantment of a penetrating Light that dazzling it, draws it sweetly to Itself. And the human will, attracted by a Light so radiant and of rare beauty, will have the desire to see what is so beautiful in this Light. In looking, it will undergo the enchantment, it will feel happy and will love - not being forced but spontaneously - to live in Our Will...the Light of My Will, will not bother the pupils of the soul; on the contrary, she will have the good of seeing the very human acts converted into Light and will yearn for this Light to unleash Its Rays more powerfully so as to see her acts with the enchantment and the beauty of this Divine  Light. My Will has the Power to solve the problem of man but It must use a more excessive Act of greater magnanimity of Our Supreme Fiat; therefore, you, pray and plead for a cause so Holy on behalf of poor creatures... - Now, the condition in which poor humanity finds itself is still that of a poor ill one and I am waiting for My Will to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures, for It will give them true Health, Royal Garments and a Beauty worthy of Me. Then will I form again the true and original Marriage. 

V. 24 - 6/25/1928 - As man withdrew from My Will, his lot changed; and I wanted to go into the desert in order to call back the Blessings of My Celestial Father and, by calling My Will to reign, restore the earth, populate it everywhere and fecundate it in such a way that the earth will produce more seeds and more beautiful ones, such as to increase it a hundredfold, rendering it more fecund and of radiant beauty. How many great things will the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat do! So much so, that all the elements are all in waiting the Sun, the wind, the sea, the earth and the whole Creation - to deliver from their womb all the goods and effects which they contain. In fact, since the Divine Will that dominates them does not reign in the midst of creatures, they do not put out all the goods which they enclose within them, giving them only what they have as alms and as to servants. So, the earth has not produced all the seeds; the Sun, not finding all the seeds, does not produce all the effects and goods It contains; and so with all the rest. This is why all await the Kingdom of the Fiat -  to show creatures how rich they are and how many admirable things the Creator has placed in them for Love of the Ones who were to be the Children of His Will.

V. 24 - 6/29/1928 - As though fainting with Love, He kept silent; but a little later He added: My daughter, the creature has three kingdoms in her soul, which are her three powers. These can be called the capitals of these three kingdoms while all the rest of the creature - words, eyes, works, steps...-are cities, villages, rivers, seas and territories that form these kingdoms. The heart itself cannot be called a capital but the most important city of communication for the others. Now, in a war, if the capital is conquered, the war ends because all other cities are defeated along with the capital. If My Will arrives at taking over the three capitals of these kingdoms, raising Its throne in them, all of the other cities will be conquered and dominated by the Supreme Fiat. How much glory these kingdoms will acquire! They will be the happiest, the richest and most populated ones because the One Who rules them and dominates them is the invincible, the strong, the powerful One. No one will dare to molest and disturb their order; everything will be peace, joy and perennial feast. So, those who live in My Divine Fiat will possess three Suns, one more beautiful than the other - three peaceful kingdoms, enriched with all the joys, harmonies and happiness; and they will be crowned with three crowns. But do you know Who will crown the forehead of the children of My Will? The Sacrosanct Trinity. Enraptured by their Likeness to Us which We infused in them in creating them, seeing that Our Fiat has raised them and formed them as We wanted and wounded at the sight of Our Own features in them, the ardor of Our Love will be so great that each of the Three Divine Persons will place Its Own Crown, as the special distinctive Sign that they are children of Our Divine Will... - My daughter, when My Will has Its Kingdom upon earth and souls live in It, Faith will have no more shadows, no more enigmas but everything will be clarity and certainty. The Light of My Will, will bring in the very created things, the clear vision of their Creator; creatures will touch Him with their own hands in everything He has done for Love of them. The human will is now a shadow to Faith; passions are clouds that obscure the clear Light of It and it happens as to the Sun, when thick clouds form in the lower air; even though the Sun is there, the clouds advance against the light and it seems it is dark as if it were night time; and if one had never seen the Sun, he would find it hard to believe that the Sun is there. But if an impetuous wind dispelled the clouds, who would dare to say that the Sun does not exist, as they would touch Its radiant light with their own hands? Such is the condition in which Faith finds Itself because My Will does not reign. They are almost like blind people who must rely on others to believe that a God exists. But when My Divine Fiat reigns, Its Light will make them touch the existance of their Creator with their own hands; therefore, it will no longer be necessary for others to say it - the shadows and the clouds will exist no more. - He added: how I long for the Kingdom of My Will! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures and to Our Sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our Feasts and theirs will reacquire the order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a Veil over everything, so that the Feasts may never again be interrupted.

V. 24 - 8/2/1928 - ...Then after this, He made Himself seen in my interior. In the depth of it, I saw a most extensive field - not of earth but of clearest crystal. Every two or three steps in this field there was a Baby Jesus surrounded by a Light. Oh how beautiful this field looked with so many Babies! Each of Them has His Own Sun, radiant and beautiful - all for Himself. I was surprised at seeing so many Jesuses in the depth of my soul, each of Them all intent on enjoying His Own Sun; and my sweet Jesus, seeing my surprise, told me: My daughter, do not be surprised. This field you see is My Divine Will and the many Jesuses you see are My Truths regarding My Fiat. In each of Them, there is a Life of Mine which, forming It's radiant Sun, surrounds Itself with Light so as to spread It's endless Rays to make known that I am the springing Fount of My Truths. See then, how many Lives of Mine I put out; as many Truths as I have manifested to you, so many are My Lives that I put out along with the very source of the Sun - not just a simple light. And I have remained in Their midst so that all may feel the strength, the creative Virtue of these Truths; and I love each of Them as much as I love Myself. And whoever would not want to recognize My Life, My Sun, My creative Virtue in these Truths about My Fiat is either blind or has lost the good of the intellect. Also, it should be a great consolation for you to possess within you as many Lives of Mine for as many Truths as I have manifested to you; and do not be concerned - the Sun will know how to make It's way and since It is Light, no one will be able to prevent Its step. Then, He added with a more tender accent : My daughter, Our Adorable Majesty loves the creature so much that We put Our Life at her disposal to make of her one who is similar to Us...

V. 24 - 8/26/1928 - (Back to our origin) - The Divine Will is more than Mother. How It grows together with the soul and forms Its Life in her. The Lightning of the Act done in It. Return of the Breath of Jesus to make the Divine Will reign - can be read @

V. 25 - 3/31/1929 - (Back to our origin) -  ...If Adam had not sinned, the Eternal Word, Who is the very Will of the Celestial Father, was to come upon earth Glorious, Triumphant and Dominator, accompanied by His Angelic Army, which all were to see; and with the splendor of His Glory, He was to charm everyone and draw everyone to Himself with His Beauty; crowned as King and with the Scepter of Comand, so as to be King and Head of the human family in such a way as to give creatures the great honor of being able to say: "We have a King Who is Man and God". More so, since your Jesus was not coming from Heaven to find man infirm because he had not withdrawn from My Divine Will; no illnesses, either of soul or body, were to exist; in fact, it was the human will that almost drowned the poor creature with pains. The Divine Fiat was untouchable by any pain and so was man to be. Therefore, I was to come to find man happy, holy and with the fullness of the Goods with which I created him. But, because he wanted to do his will, he changed Our destiny and since it was decreed that I was to descend upon earth  and when the Divinity decrees, no one can move It - I only changed the manner and the appearance, but I did descend, though under humble guises;  poor, with no apparatus of Glory, suffering and crying and loaded with all the miseries and pains of man. The human will made Me come to find man unhappy, blind, deaf and mute, full of all misereies; and I, in order to heal him, was to take them upon Myself and so as not to strike fear in them, I was to show Myself as one of them, become brother and give them the medicines and the remedies which were needed. So, the human will has the power to render man happy or unhappy, a Saint or a sinner, healthy or sick. See then, if the soul decides always - always to do My Divine Will and to live in It, she will change her destiny and My Divine Will, will fling Itself upon the creature; It will make her Its prey and giving her the Kiss of Creation, It will change appearance and manner. Clasping her to It's Bosom, It will say to her: "Let us put everything aside, the first times of Creation have come back for you and for Me; everything will be happiness between you and Me; you will live in Our House, as Our daughter in the abundance of the Goods of your Creator"... 

V. 26 - 5/31/1929 - How true Love needs an outpouring. Creation was an outpouring of Love, as well as Redempton and Divine Fiat. What a Divine outpouring means - can be read @

V. 26 - 9/20/1929 - (Back to our origin) How Jesus alone has sufficient Words in order to speak about the Divine Will. How the creature can say: "I possess everything." How the Divine Will forms Its Paradise wherever It reigns. can be read @

V. 27 - 9/23/1929 - ...More so since, Our Divine Fiat being present in the littleness of the creature, she has the capacity and space to be able to enclose the All, and - oh! prodigy, to see the All enclose in the human littleness and to see her, brave, giving the All to the All, only to love Him and glorify Him. That the All of Our Supreme Being be the All - there is nothing to surprised about because such is Our Divine Nature to be All. But the All in the human littleness is the wonder of wonders - these are prodigies of Our Divine Volition that wherever It reigns, It cannot make of Our Divine Being a Being by half  but the whole of It. And since the Creation is nothing other than an outpouring of Love of Our Creating Fiat, wherever It reigns, It encloses all of It's Works and therefore the human littleness can say: I give God to God,,,,

V. 27 - 10/2/1929 - My daughter, only My Divine Will can render the creature happy. With It's Light, It either eclipses or puts to flight all evils and says, with It's Divine Power: I am perennial happiness. Flee you, all evils; I want to be free because before My happiness all evils lose life...

V. 27 - 10/7/1929 - How the Divine Fiat is inseparable from It's Works. The terrible monment of the all of Adam - can be read@

V. 27 - 10/12/1929 - ...So, there is great difference between one who has received an office from Us and one who has received no task. One who has received an office, whatever she does, does by right with freedom because such is Our Divine Will. She represents all those who must receive the Good We want to give by means of the office given to her. So, you are not the only one taking a step toward Heaven but there are those who will know My Divine Will; and, in descending, It descends through you into all those who will let It reign. Therefore, the only means in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat is to make use of Our Works to obtain a Good so great.

V. 27 - 10/15/1929 - How all are in waiting for the narration of the Story of the Divine Will. Void of the acts of the creature in the Divine Will - can be read @

V. 27 - 11/14/1929 - My little daughter, courage, it is true that you are too little but you must know that in My Divine Fiat only the little ones enter to live in Its Light; and at every Act that these little ones do in My Divine Will, they suffocate their own, giving a sweet death to the human will because in Mine there is no room nor place to let it operate. The human volition has no reason nor right, it loses its value before a Will, reason and right that are Divine - My daughter, there is a great difference between the creation of the whole Universe and the creation of man. In the first, there was Our creative and preserving Act and after everything was ordered and harmonized, We added nothing else that was new. On the other hand, in the creation of man, there was not only the creative and preserving Act but the active Act added to it - and of an activity ever new; and this, because man was created in Out Image and Likeness and since the Supreme Being is a New and Continuous Act, man also was to possess the new Act of his Creator who might resemble Him in some way. Therefore, Our active Act of continuous novelty remained inside and outside of him; and by virtue of this, man can be and always new in his thoughts, new in his words, new in his works. How many new things do not come out of mankind? And if man does not give his new act as continuous, but at intervals, it is because he does not let himself be dominated by My Divine Will. How beautiful was the creation of man - there was Our creative, preserving and active Act; We infused in him, as Life, Our Divine Will in his soul and We created Our Love as blood of his soul...

V. 27 - 11/20/1929 - ...The first rights of how all things were created, including man, are Sacred, are Holy and Just; and with Justice, all should stick to the first Act, as they were created. Only man was unable to maintain for himself the great Honor of the way he was created by God; but this cost him so much and therefore all evils swooped down upon him. Now, My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will possesses the rights of her creation and therefore, more than sun, she lives in the Unity of her Creator; she is the reproducer of the effects of the Divine Unity. In this Unity, she gathers everything, embraces everyone and with the Breath of the Divine Unity, she produces in the hearts of creatures all the effects that are present in the Kingdom of Grace...One who lives in My Divine Will is the true sun that is such that apparently one sees nothing but light and feels nothing but heat but how many goods are there not inside that light and heat? How many effects? The life and goods of the earth are enclosed inside that light and heat. In the same way, with one who lives in My Divine Fiat, apparently one sees a creature but inside there is a Divine Will that sustains everything - Heaven and earth and It does not want to keep inactive the one who possesses such a great Good.

V. 27 - 12/3/1929 - ...On the other hand, the Sanctity founded in My Divine Will is Sun - It is up high, the earth has nothing to do with It nor does the water need to nourish Its Light. It draws Its nourishment directly from God and in Its conitnuous motion of Light, It produces and nourishes all the virtues in a Divine manner. Human satisfactions, even holy, vainglory, self-esteem, have lost the way nor do they have any reason to exist because they feel vividley, the Divine Will that does  everything in them and they feel gratitude because this Divine Sun, lowering Itself, dwells in them and nourishing with Its Light, makes them undergo Its transformation, to form one single Light with this Divine Fiat.

V. 27 - 12/18/1929 - Ardor of Love. Specialities of the three ardors of Love of Jesus. The devouring Love and how It devoured all souls. Tears of Baby Jesus - @

V. 27 - 1/2/1930 - My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will is in communication with all things created by Us, because My Will is of all and belongs to all. Since one is the Will that dominates and operates, all things are to It like members to the body, whose Head is God, Who has such bond with all things - because Our Diving Volition flows as Prime Act of Life  - that they are inseparable from Him. Only the human will, if it wants to operate on it's own, without the union of Ours, can break this beautiful union, this bond of inseparability among God, created things and creatures. Therefore, My Divine Will is the bearer to the creature of all Our Acts done in Creation and Redemption; It is the revealer of Our secrets. Since Our Will is one with the creature who lives in It, how can It hide? - My daughter, there is not one good thing that does not come from My Divine Will; however, there is difference between Acts and effects of It. Creation was an Act of My Fiat... The creation of man was an Act of It... Another Act of Our Divine Will was the creation of the Immaculate Virgin... All the rest of the goods that there have been in the midst of creatures - virtues, prayers, good works, miracles - are effects of My Divine Volition which act according to the dispostions of creatures and therefore are always limited nor with that fullness as to fill Heaven and earth... In fact, you must know that the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven will be another Act of Our Supreme Fiat; It will not be an effect but an Act- but with such magnificence that all will remain stupefied...

V. 28 - 2/22/1030 - My daughter, if you only knew what it means to make yourself prey of My Divine Will! The soul remains surrounded by Our Immutability and everything becomes immutable for the soul; immutable - the Sanctity, the Light, the Grace, Love. So, the soul no longer feels the variety of the human ways but the stability of the Divine Way - It can be said that this is the sign for to know if one lives of the Divine Will: The immutability in the Good. And this is the sign to know if one lives of the human will: It changes itself in every little moment

V. 28 - 3/12/1930 - My daughter, when Our Infinite Wisdom must give a Good to the creature, It doesn't calculate the time, rather the acts of the creature because days and years do not exist before the Divinity, rather one sole perennial day. Therefore, We do not measure the time, rather We count the acts that creatures have done...

V. 28 - 4/23/1930 - In creating man, God did not detach man from Himself. Condition of necessity to love man. The last assault. The Great Gift of the Divine Will. The Order that God had in creating man. can be read @ 

V. 28 - 5/2/1930 - The Divine Will always runs towards the creature, to embrace it and make it happy and has the virtue to empty it of every evil. The Course of the "I love you" in the Divine Volition  can be read

V. 28 - 8/15/1930 - The Life of the Sovereign Queen was formed in the Divine Sun - can be read

V. 28 - 8/24/1930 - You must know that in creating Adam, all creatures came to be created in him. All were present, no one escaped Us. We loved all creatures like We loved him and We loved them all in him...

V. 28 - 8/29/1930 - My daughter, crosses, incidents, mortifications, acts, the abandonment of creatures and everything that can be suffered for My Love are none other than little stones that mark the road that conducts to Heaven. So, at the point of death, the creature will see that everything that she has suffered has been useful to form the road that marked with indelible ways and with immovable stones - the straight way that leads to the Celestial Fatherland. And, if in My Providence disposed for the creature to suffer, she suffered in order to fulfill My Divine Will, to receive not the pain but an act of Its Divine Life, the creature will form as many Suns for as many acts she has done and pains she has suffered in a way that the creature's road will be seen marked of Suns to the right and to the left which, taking the creature and investing her with Its Light, will conduct her to the Celestial Regions. Therefore, the many incidents of life are necessary because they serve to form the road and outline the road of Heaven. If roads are not formed, it is difficult to go from one country to another. Much more so, to reach the Eternal Glory.

V. 28 - 10/17/1930 - My daughter, in the creation of man, Our Supreme Volition already established all of the acts that all creatures must do and constituted Itself Life of all of these acts. So, there is no human act that does not have it's place in Our Divine Will...

V.28 - 10/18/1930 - Value of the Kisses and Embraces of the Virgin to Baby Jesus. Because She possessed the Divine Will, all of her Acts were rendered Infinite and Immense for Jesus. Resurrection of the Acts done in the Divine Volition. Effects of the "I love You" -

V. 28 - 11/9/1930 - ...Other than that, you must add, that the Creator, in creating man, endowed him with His Property. Therefore, He endowed him of His Love, of His Sanctity, Goodness, Intelligence and Beauty. In summary, We endowed man all of Our Divine Qualities, giving him free will so that he could put Our Dowry into business, always enlarging It more - according to how he more or less grew, even putting of his own acts in Our very same Divine Qualities, as the homework that he received to conserve and enlarge the Dowry that We gave him...

V. 28 - 2/8/1931 - Accusations, calumnies, condemnation, God's Will costs more than His Power. The Divine Will moves in two ways; In a willed way and in a permissive way. Round of chastisements that He will do to all nations. - can be read @

V. 29 - 3/16/1931 - My daughter, in order to be able to give Me a pure love, a look at your interior says everything; if your heart palpitates, sighs, desires only My Love; if your hands work only for My Love, if your feet walk only for Love, if your will wants only My Love, if your intelligence seeks always how to love Me and your "I love you" with your word, do you know what it does? It collects together all the entirety of the love that you have inside of  yourself and makes of it one alone and forms an act of pure and complete love that you have inside of yourself. But if inside is not all love, lacking the pure font inside, there can not be neither pure love nor complete love.

V. 29 - 4/2/1931 - ...In My Will force doesn't exist...force is of the human nature, it is mutability, force is the true character of the human will...

V. 29 - 5/16/1931 - ...What happiness is felt in the soul to be able to say: "I always do the Divine Will" - My daughter, all the Acts done by the creature in the Divine Will are confirmed by God as Divine Acts and this confirmation forms the Life of the same Acts and they become sealed with the Divine Seal as imperishable Acts, always new, fresh and of an enchanting Beauty. The Acts done by the creature in My Will, I could call them a new Creation that I make the creature...

V. 29 - 6/5/1931 - My daughter, the greatest sorrow that I had in My Passion, the nail that most transfixed My Heart was the abandonment and the dispersion of My Apostles; I didn't have a friendly eye in which My gaze could find. The abandoment, the offenses, the carelessness of friends exceeds, oh, how much! all the sorrows and even death that enemies can give. I knew the Apostles had to give Me this nail and cowardly they would flee from Me, but to this I didn't mind, because, My daughter, one who wants to do a work must not mind to his sufferings, rather he must make friends in the beautiful time, when everything smiles around him...

V. 29 - 10/8/1931 - My daughter, listen to the admirable secret of My Volition. If the creature wants to find all that has been done of beauty, of good, of sanctity in the whole story of the world, by Me, by the Celestial Mama and by all the Saints, she must enter in the Divine Will; in Him one finds all in Act. As you paid attention to every act, you remembered It, you offered It, thus the Saint that had done that act, that sacrifice, felt himself called by the wayfaring soul and saw his act palpitating anew on earth, hence the Glory to his Creator and to himself is doubled and you who offered it are covered with the Celestial dew of the good of that holy act; and according to the noble and high purpose with which it became offered, thus more intense and great is the glory and good that it produces...

V. 29 - 10/20/1931 - ...Now in this century We have chosen you as Center of all creation in order to make the great Good known with more clarity of what it means to do Our Will, so that everyone might long for and might call Him to reign in their midst; thus the scattered centers might unite themselves to the sole Center and form one alone. The Creation is a Birth gone forth by the Power of My Divine Will and it is just and necessary that everyone recognize Who is this Mother, Who with so much Love has given them Birth and put them forth to the light of day; so that all His children might live-united together with the Will of the Mother in them; and having One Will alone, it would prove easy to form a single Center, where this Mother would palpitate Our Divine Life and Our Working Love.  Much more so, that the predominate vice of this century, the idol of many -  is the human volition and even in the good itself that it does, one sees that from within this good goes forth many defects and sins; this says that the fount by which it  was animated was not pure but vicious because true good knows how to produce Good Fruits; and from this, one knows if the good that one does is true or false. Hence, there is an extreme necessity to make My Divine Will known, bond of union, powerful weapon of Peace and beneficent restorer of human society.

V. 30 /12/6/1931 -( Back to our origin ) ...My daughter, how many things these Veils hide of Our Divine Qualities, but it is given to no one to break these Veils if not to one who does and lives in Our Volition. She alone is the fortunate creature who doesn't see her God veiled but as He is in Himself. Since We are not recognized for what We are in Ourselves, they have ideas so base and perhaps also twisted of Our Supreme Being and this is because not having Our Will in themselves, they don't feel in themselves the Life of He Who has created them; they touch Our Veils but not what there is inside and therefore, they feel Our Power as oppresive, Our Light as eclipsing as in the act of removing them from Us and putting them at a distance. They feel Our veiled Sanctity that makes them ashamed and disheartened as they live immersed in their passions but the guilt is all theirs. Because there is a sentence said by Us in the terrestrial Paradise: "Here she doesn't enter. This place is only for one who does and lives in Our Will" and hence, the first creatures were put out; We put an Angel at watch so that He might prevent them from the entrance. Our Will is Paradise of creatures, terrestrial on earth and Celestial in Heaven and one can say that an Angel is put at watch over It; to one who doesn't want to do and doesn't want to live in His Arms and have common Life in His Residence, she would be an intruder, if she would do this but she can not even do it because Our Veils make Themselves so very thick that she would not even find the way to enter there. And as one Angel forbids them the entry, thus another Angel guides and gives the hand to one who wants to live of Our Will. Therefore, be content to die a thousand times, rather than not do Our Will...

V. 30 - 12/8/1931 - My daughter, our Celestial Mama holds the primacy over all the good acts of creatures. She, as Queen, holds the mandate and the right to make the retreat of all their acts in Her Acts. So much is Her Love as Queen and Mother, that as the creature disposes herself to form her act of love, thus from the  heights of Her Throne, She makes a Ray of Her Love descend, invests and surrounds the act of their love in order to put Hers there as first Love and as it is formed, this it  re-arises in Her same Ray of Love, in the source of Her Love, and She says to Her Creator: Adorable Majesty, in My Love that always rises for You, there is the love of My children fused in Mine, that I, with right of Queen, have withdrawn in My sea of Love, so that You might be able to find in Mine, the love of all creatures...I would not feel as Queen if I didn't race and put My first Act over all of their acts not would I taste the sweetness of Mother, if I didn't race in order to surround, to help, to make up for, to embellish, to strengthen all the acts of creatures and thus be able to say: the acts of My children are one with Mine; I hold them in My power and I press God in order to defend them, to help them and as sure pledge that they will reach Me in Heaven...

V. 30 - 6/19/1932 - My daughter, the living in My Volition encloses so many prodigies and secrets as to make Heaven and earth astounded - My Felicitating and Beatifying Will that is in Heaven and My Conquering One that is on earth, they plunge themselves together and inundate the Celestial Regions with the new Joys that My Conqueror Divine Will possesses. Because you should know that the Joys of My Conqueror Will are very distinct and different from those of My Felicitating One. The Conquering One doesn't remain in the power of the Blessed but in the power of the creature that she must send Him from the earth and they become formed in the midst of the fire of sorrow and of Love and upon the annihilation of one's own volition. Instead, the Felicitating Joys remain in their power and they are the fruits and effects of the Celestial Sojourn in which they find themselves. There is a great difference between the Joys of My Conquering Will and Those of My Felicitating. I can say that My Conquering Joys don't exist in Heaven but only on earth. And oh, how beautiful it is to see the creature who for how many times she does her Acts in My Volition, so many times she makes herself conqueror of Him and makes Him depart for Heaven, for Purgatory, into the midst of the terrestrial creatures, wherever she wants. More so, that My Will being everywhere and anywhere, he should not do other than to bilocate Himself in order to give the fruit, the joys of the new conquest that the creature has done with Him...

V. 31 - 10/30/1932 - ...Was it not a tear that the first man made from within Our Will with removing himself from Our Will? And this tear was so very grave that it turned the whole of Creation upside-down for him and he arrived to reject his Creator with the whole tide of His Divine Graces. Therefore, one who lives in Our Volition us the repairer of this tear so sorrowful that it cost Us so much and Our Divine Being armed all Our Attributes around Us. around her, so that the same trick is not repeated...

V. 31 - 12/21/1932 - Exchange of Gifts between God and the soul, continuous rebirth in the Divine Life, bond of wedding, feast for everyone. How the Divine Will holds the creature besieged. -  can be read @

V. 31 - 1/6/1933 - ...Whence I in hearing this, thought to myself: and if there be sin, passions, how can the creature receive this great good? And Jesus added: Blessed daughter, when the soul gives herself into the authority of My Will, she holds the virtue to make the life of evil be lost; there is no sin or passion that she not feeling, gives it death more than by deadly force, rather by themselves they die as My Will reigns in the soul, thus they feel themselves lose life...

V. 32 - 3/26/1933 - The littleness in the Divine Will. How God does the greatest Works gratuitously. Example, the Creation and Redemption, thus the Kingdom of the Divine Will. In the Incarnation, the Heavens abased themselves - can be read @

V. 32 - 4/9/1933 - My blessed daughter, Our Divine Being is most pure Light and Our Attributes, so many distinct Suns, the one from the other but united together and inseparable that makes themselves Crown for Us...- So, that one who lives in Our Will , one can call the little way in Our Divine Will, this in time. But in Eternity, it won't be the little way but long, rather they will never stop because this Light doesn't have an end and they will always hold a way in order to walk, in order to take new Beauties, new Joys, new Knowledges, of this Light that never ends. Our Love more than ever, showed off in this Eden in creating man and for conclusion of Our show and to hold him more secure, We formed the way by beating him in the Light of Our Attributes but he went out because he didn't want to do Our Will; but Our Goodness was so much that It didn't close the way but left it open to one who wants to live only of Divine Will.

V. 33 - 3/10/1935 - ...Now it is Our Decree that no one enters into Heaven, if her soul is not filled even to the brim, all with Our Will and with Our Love; it is enough, a little void of This, that Heaven is not opened for her, behold the necessity of Purgatory, in order to empty herself by way of sufferings and fire, of all that is human and to fill herself by ways of anxities, longings and martyrdoms, with pure Love and with Divine Will in order to to be able to enter into the Celestial Country and without acquiring with so many sufferings, neither merit nor great glory but only for the conditions that they want to be admitted to the Celestial Sojourn. Instead, if they have done on earth with calling Our Life in their acts, every act would be one greater glory, one beauty more sealed by the Works of her Creator...

V. 33 - 10/7/1935 - ...After this, I continued my abandonment in the Divine Volition, which had transported me outside of myself and oh, how horrifying it was to look at the earth; I would have liked to withdraw into myself in order not to see anything, but my Sweet Jesus, as if He wanted that I might see scenes so excruciating, stopped me and said to me: My daughter, how sorrowful it is to see so much human perfidy, one nation deceives the other and they dray by circumstances the poor people into the torment and into the fire, My poor children. You should know that the tempest will be so very strong that it will happen as when an impetuous wind transports with it's strength stones, earth, trees in  a way that it remains emptied by everyone, so much so, that with more ease new plants can place themselves. Thus, this tempest will serve to purify the peoples and to make arise the serene day of peace and brotherly union. Pray so that all serves to My Glory, to the triumph of My Will and to the good of everyone.

V. 34 - 11/3/1936 - Daughter of My Volition, listen to Me, pay attention to Me. I want to tell you the most beautiful Act, most tender and intense Love of My Fiat. Now you should know that all the acts, thoughts, words, past, present and future are all present before the Supreme Being. So that the creature didn't exist in time yet and their acts shone before Us and because of this, because before the creature My Fiat does the act, there is no thought, word, work that My Fiat doesn't begin. You can say that first it is formed in God, with all his acts and then We bring it forth to the light of day. Now the creature with doing her will, removed herself from the Divine Acts but she can not destroy that the life of her acts has had for origin the Fiat; all were His properties, that arbitrating Himself has changed into human the Divine Acts but if man refuses to acknowledge Who has given life to his acts, My Volition doesn't refuse to acknowlege his acts. Hence, you sense the greatest excess of the Love of My Volition, as the creature decides with immutable firmness to want to live of My Will, letting Him reign and dominate in her, more so that He doesn't want to see acts dissimilar from Ours in her, do you sense what He does? He covers all what she has done even then with My Will, moulds them, transforms them in His Light in a way that He sees everythig transformed with the Prodigy of His Love, that everything is His Will in the creature and with Love all Divine, He follows to form His Life and His Acts in the creature. Is this not an excessive and astounding Love of My Volition and together to have all decide, even the most ungrateful, to make My Will live in them, knowing that He wants to put everything aside and cover and supply what lacks in them of My Will? This also says the absoluteness of Our Will that He wants to reign in the midst of creaurs, that He doesn't want to mind anything nor to what she lacks, wanting to give not as payment that He goes finding if she merits, oh no, but as a free Gift of Our great liberality and as completion of Our Own Will. And completing Our Will for Us is everything.

V. 35 - 8/14/1937 - Empire/Rule that the acts done in My Divine Will possess. God, Head of the acts of one who lives in Him - can be read @

V. 35 - 8/29/1937 - ...Therefore, I love so much that one lives in My Will because I want what I created, only for Me; I demand My Knoll, My Throne, My Divine Room. Therefore, up to such that man doesn't return into My Divine Will and give Me My Regal Position in his, I cannot complete the Creation.We have so many other beautiful things to do in Our Space of the human volition, so many other things to say; and We are not able to either do nor say, because missing Our Will, We find Our Space encumbered, hence, We have nowhere to put Our Works and if We want to speak, he won't understand Us neither will he have the hearing in order to listen to Us. Therefore, We will do prodigies never heard of in order to reacquire what is Ours, the Space and the Divine Room.

V. 35 - 9/6/1937 - Purpose of Creation. Speaking and Working Life of God in the creature. Who is His Word?: Divine Will. How one who does own will loses the Divine One - can be read

V. 35 - 9/26/1937 - How God always gives to the creature without ever ceasing. Gifts that He makes to one who lives in His Volition. The Palpitating Life of God. The lttle victor -  can be read @

V. 35 - 11/29.1937 - My daughter, how you should thank Me for all that I have disposed for you and for all that I have made you suffer because everything has served to form My Life in you and to the triumph of My Will. What fortune for the creature, to see that her sufferings have served My Life, so Holy, that she will have for completion My Divine Will palpitating in her! Does it seem little to you that the Creator makes seen that He has need of the creature, He Who can do all, He Who can give all and gives Life to all? Is this not the greatest excess of Our Love?

V. 35 - 12/23/1937 - The Descent of the Divine Word. How He departed from Heaven and remained; Prodigies of the Incarnation. The Beginning of the Festival of the Divine Will. How in His Works, He puts aside human ingratitude. The Graft. How the Love of Jesus paid for everyone and ransomed us. can be read @

V. 35 - 1/2/1038 - In the Divine Volition, the miseries, the weakenesses, change into the most beautiful conquests. How all that one does in the Divine Volition becomes formed first in Heaven; all the Celestial Court takes part and from there It descends for the good of the earth  - can be read @

V. 35 - 1/10/1938 - The first Sermon that the little King Jesus made to the children of Egypt;  how each one held their Celestial Father in their own heart and that He loved them and wanted to be loved - can be read @

V. 35 - 2/14/1938 - ...Therefore, My Love is exuberant for one who wants to live in Our Fiat; We are all Eyes over him, We are almost on the spy, in order to see when she lends Us her act in order to let Us work Our Creative Virtue. She is for Us Our show of Love, the Activity of Our Power and makes herself a repeater of Our Own Life... - Now hear another surprise.When I, a little Baby, sucked milk from My Mama, I sucked souls because She held them in deposit and in giving Me milk, She deposited in Me all souls because She wanted that I might love them, might give a Kiss to everyone and might form Hers and My Victory from It; not only this, but in giving Me milk, She made Me suck Her Maternity, Her Tenderness and She imposed  Herself over Me with Her Love, so that I might love souls with Maternal and Fatherly Love; and I received in Myself, Her indescribable Tenderness and so I loved souls with Divine, Maternal and Fatherly Love.

V. 35 - 2/20/1938 - How Jesus, in the Incarnation, formed of Himself so many Jesuses for how many creatures had to exist, so that each one might have a Jesus at his disposition - can be read @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot,com

V. 35 - 2/26/1938 -  How many unheard of prodigies will We bring forth from Our Divine Bosom, for one who will let Our Will reign! Our Works will sing triumph and victory and with full hands they will be lavish in giving The Gifts, the Goods that they possess of their Creator. Everyone will be happy - the One Who gives and the one who receives.

V. 35 - 3/6/1938 - Then the most beautiful act of the creature is to throw herself into Our Arms, to abandon herself in a way to allow Us to do what We want to do with her, as much as in time as in eternity and then We take all gusto to make of her one of the most beautiful statues that should adorn Our Celestial Jerusalem - So, that how much more you will be abandoned in Our Will, so much more We will be liberal towards you and towards everyone and everyone (more or less disposed) will find new strength, new light, new guidance - It is Knowledge that puts us en route towards the creature and there prepares the place, forms the void to depose Our unheard of prodigies; it is the Knowledge that forms the eyes in order to be able to look and to appreciate Our Divine Wonders. Everything is Prodigy for one who lives in Our Will

V. 35 - 3/12/1938 - My daughter, one who lives in Our Will, her life is formed in Our Divine Being, she is conceived, born, reborn continually. As Our Divne Being is always in the Act of generating, so she is always in the act of being reborn and as she is reborn, thus she is reborn to new Love, to new Sanctity, to new Beauty and while she is reborn, she grows and always takes from Us - But do you know to what purpose these Lives of Ours will serve, formed with so much Love in the creature? They will serve to populate the earth and to generate in the human family the Life of Our Will. They are Our Lives, My daughter; Our Life doesn't die, It is eternal with Us; therefore all are in expectation of taking possession of creatures in order to form with them one Life alone - The value of one single Word on Our Fiat is so much, that all the Creation, oh, how It remains behind because the Creation is Our Work, instead a Word of Our Fiat is Life and Life always costs more than all the Works.

V. 35 - 3/16/1938 - Therefore, the living in Our Volition moves Heaven and earth, puts Our Work in aptness for a cause so Holy - My daughter, do you want to know why We want the creature to live in Our Divine Volition? Because We want to give her always new Gifts, new Love, new Charisms; We want to tell her always new things of Our Divine Being. And she, because she must receive and listen to Us; if she doesn't lve in Our Volition, she won't hold a place where to put Our Gifts and We won't put forth Our Gifts if We don't have a place to deposit Them and We remain in sorrow that We want to give and We are not able...In My Will things, sufferings, change themselves, from human they become Divine. I feel that it is not the creatue that suffers but I Myself form them in Me; I create those sufferings in Me in order to suffer them in My beloved creature; it is My Life repeating in her with the cortege of My Sufferings and therefore I call them My Sufferings; and if you might know what I do with these Sufferings! I put them between Heaven and Glory and perennial Love to My Celestial Father, as defense and refuge for creaturs, as remorse to one who offends Us, as a cry of Love to one who doesn't love Me, as light to one who doesn't know Me; in short, I make them do all the offices of the goods that are needed there near creatures.

V. 35 - 3/20/1938 - My daughter, born and reborn in Our Volition; you must know that the living in Our Volition contains such prodigies and unheard of wonders, that the heavens themselves are shaken and reverent they abase themselves in sensing them because in the creature, We can unfold Our Creative Work; We can depose Our Love, Our deliriums, Our anxities and sighs, Our Will; she will make Our Supreme Majesty understood, she will make Us loved with Our Love - Behold that the living in Our Volition awakens wonders in everyone and We Ourselves remain amazed by It, having to enclose the Infinite in the finite, the Immensity in the littleness. It is necessary that We make such Wonders and Prodigies, that only Our Love reigning over Our Divine Being induces Us to do the most outstanding Wonders, but so much so, that the Angels and Saints Themselves remain surprised and mute for the amzzement of it. 

V. 36 - 4/25/1938 - ...The He added: Besides the incessant Love, there is another sign if the soul lives in My Volition and He reigns there in her and this is the Immutability; one never changes from the good to the evil, It is only of God; a firm character, constant, nor being easy to change action, that only a Divine Patience can have; the constancy to always do an Act without ever tiring, without ever seem annoying or regretful is alone of God. Now, one who lives in Our Fiat feels His Immutability and feels herself invested with such Firmness that she would not change action neither for Heaven nor for the earth; she would be content to die rather than to leave and to repeat continually what she is doing...And oh, how one immediately sees, one who doesn't live in Him! Today she wants to do a thing, tomorrow another; one time it pleases her to make a sacrifice, another time she flees it; one can not trust her, always a reed that is moved to the puff of the winds of her passions; the mutability of the human will is so much that it arrives to render the creature the laughingstock of herself and maybe of the demons themselves. Behold, therefore I call the creature to live in Our Volition so that she might be sustained, fortified by Ours and so she might be able to do honor to Our Creative Work because only man is inconstant while all Our other Works never change...Only man, with not wanting to live in Our Divine Volition, descends from the ways of his Creator and he doesn't know how to conduct to term his work, hence he doesn't know how to love nor to appreciate them nor to receive the merit of his works.

V. 36 - 12/28/1938 - You must know that every Act in Our Volition never finishes; It becomes repeated continually and since My Will is found everywhere, thus the Act becomes repeated in Heaven, in created things and in everyone. Therefore, an Act in Our Will surpasses everything, fills Heaven and earth and gives Us such Love and Glory that all other works remain like so many drops before the sea because it is We Ourselves Who Glorify and Love Ouselves in the creature who is covered with her Creator and works together with Him...

V. 26 / 5/28/1929 - My daughter, My Fiat has Its Prime Act in Our Divinity, Its Prime Act in the Creation and Redemption and in all things and therefore It has It's just right to dominate everything and to envelop all and to be the Primary Wheel  which, in moving, moves everything  around Itself and all turn around It. So, one who takes My Will as Life takes everything; and as the Primary Wheel moves, all things give themselves to the soul, so much so, that she has no need to ask - as they turn around My Will. they all give themselves to her. Therefore, the most necessary thing is to take My Divine Will; and if she has done this, she has done everything and has taken everything - everything is hers. It happens as to an engine:  If the primary wheel in the center of it moves, all the secondary wheels rotate as well; but if the primary wheel does not move, all remain motionless and there is no power or artisan who would have the virtue of moving the secondary wheels. But if the first moves, the others rotate of their own and do their office. Therefore, the attention and the art must be on the Primary Wheel, everything else comes of its own. Such is My Will - one who possesses It has no need of anything.

V. 28 - 6/2/1930 - ...A Divine Will always fulfilled and a Love never interrupted is the greatest thing that can be found in Heaven and on earth, which is only of Our Divine Being and of who gives himself in dependency upon Our Volition.

V. 30 - 1/30/1932 - My daughter, you should know that Our Love gives of the incredible. Our Divine Will is the spy of the creature and goes spying when she is disposed to receive His puff of contained Love because He knows that the creature doesn't possess a great quantity of Divine Love as she hardly holds the particle of the Infinite Love when she was created and if this has not been fed, it is like the fire when it is under ash, that while the fire exists, the ash holds it covered and repressed in a way that the heat is not even felt. We don't want any human love and therefore Our Will uses His loving stratagems, He spies the dispositions and blows; His puff as light breeze puts in flight the ash that the human volition has produced; the particle of Our Infinite Love revives Itself, ignites Itself. My Divine Volition continues to blow and adds on other Divine Love. The soul feels herself emptied, warmed and she experiences the loving  refreshments and from inside the particle of the Infinite Love that she possesses, she loves Us and gives Us Our Divine Love as hers...

V. 31 - 3/5/1933 - ...My good daughter, aye, the human will wages war on God and war on herself and the weapons that she moves against her Creator wounds herself and her soul remains as a tattered body before God; every act of human will divides her from her Creator, from His Sanctity, from His Fortitude and Power, from His Love and Immutability. Without My Divine Will, the creature becomes as a besieged city in which the enemies constrain her to die of hunger and torture her in all her members, with this difference, that the executioners that tear her members are her own will; they are not enemies that torment her but she herself makes herself enemy of herself. If you might know the sorrow that I feel when I see souls torn to shreds, every act of her will is a division that she forms between God and her, it is a move away from the beauty of her Creation; it is chilling herself from the true and pure love, it is a move away from her origin; it is preparing herself, if the will precipitates into grave evil or an anticipated hell or a purgatory if the evil is slight. The human will is as gangrene to the body that holds the virtue of making the flesh fall in shreds and of deforming the beauty of the creature. Poor souls without My Divine Will because He alone holds the Unitive Virtue that uniting everything together, the thought, the desire, the affection, the love, the human will, He gives the beautiful form united to the soul of the creature. Instead, without My Will, the thought wants one thing, the will another, the desire wants another, the affection another, in a way that they struggle among themselves, they become entangled, they are divided. Ah! There is no peace nor union without My Will, she lacks one who puts the cement there in order to reunite the divided parts and render her strong against all the evils that can arise. Therefore, your Jesus does none other than cry over the ruins of these, more than Jerusalem thrown into confusion, that instead of knowing their Messiah, they refused to acknowledge Him and they gave Him death. Thus, My Will, they refused to acknowledge Him, while He is in the midst of them and in them and they form of their souls little cities thrown into confusion that constrain Me to make Me repeat that there won't remain stone upon stone for them. Because without My Will, they are citadels without king, hence, they don't have neither one who protects them nor one who defends them nor one who administers the necessary foods in order to do good and to not let them entangle themselves in the evil. And I cry over their fate and I pray that they recognize My Will, love Him and let Him reign and you pray together with Me. 

V. 33 - 6/16/1934 - ...Blessed daughter, you should know that the most beautiful thing created by Us was the human will, among all created things, it is the most beautiful that which resembles Us more; therefore, one can call it the Queen among everyone, as in fact it is...Behold therefore, among all things, We love the human will because We made her Queen; she can say she loves Us, she can feed Our outlet of Love, she can put herself in competition with Us, We to love her and she to love Us; therefore, We endowed her with such prerogatives, even to give her Our similarity; she is none other than a simple Act and yet she is the hand, the foot, the voice of her human being. If the creature might not have will, she would be similar to the beasts, slave of everyone without the imprint of Divine nobility, Our Divinity Most Pure Spirit; therefore, there is no shadow in Us of material and yet We invest everyone and everything and We are the life, the motion, the foot, the hand, the eye of everyone... 

V. 35 - 8/23/1937 - My daughter, listen still to Me, where can the soul arrive who lives in Our Will. She puts all of Our Works to daylight. Our Supreme Being always holds in continuous Act all her works. For Us, the past and the future don't exist, so that the Celestial Father generates continually His Son and between the Father and the Son proceeds the Holy Spirit. This is Life in Us and is as the Heartbeat and the Respiration that forms Our Life: to Generate and to Proceed continually. We would be missing Life if this were not so, as would be missing the life to the creature if she didn't have a heartbeat and continuous breath. Now, in this continuing Generating and Proceeding becomes formed immense Joys, Felicity and such Contentments, that not being able to contain them inside of Us, they overflow outside and form the Joys and Felicity of all Heaven. From the immense Goods that the continuous Generation of the Word and the Proceeding of the Holy Spirit produces, overflowed outside the sumptuousness and the magnificence of the machine of all Creation, the creation of man, the Conception of the Immaculate Virgin and the descent of the Word upon the earth; all this and more is always in Act in Our Divine Being, as It is always in Act that the Father Generates His Son and the Holy Spirit Proceeds. Now, one who lives in Our Will is spectator of these Divine Prodigies and senses given back to herself from the Father, the Son Who always Generates, the Holy Spirit Who always Proceeds and oh, the Contentments, the Love, the Graces that she receives! And she gives Us the glory, that We always generate in Our Volition; she finds in Act the Creation and We give her with legal claim all the Good of It and she is the prime glorifier of so many things that We have created, she finds in Act, the Conceived Virgin, Her Seas of Love, all Her Life and the Virgin makes her possessor of It and she takes and glorifies Us for the great Good that We did in creating this Celestial Creature; she finds in Act the Descent of the Word, His Birth, His Tears, His Life throbbing again, His Sufferings and We make her possessor of everything; and she takes everything and glorifies Us, loves Us for everyone and for everything. In Our Volition, the creature can say: Everything is mine, even God Himself, and My Divine Will.  Therefore, she feels the duty to glorify Us and to love Us in each thing and for everyone.

V. 35 - 11/7/1937 - ...You see, therefore, to what a Nobel, Divine and Precious Purpose, these Truths will serve, that I have had you write about My Divine Will in order to form his day? To some, they will form the dawn, to some the beginning of the day, to some the full day and lastly the full noon. These Truths, according to what they will know of Them, will form the different categories of the souls who will live in My Volition. One Knowledge more or less will make them climb or remain in the different categories. The Knowledge will be the hand in order to let them climb to the superior categories; it will be the Life Itself of the fullness of My Will in them...

V. 35 - 12/18/1937 - All that one does in the Divine Will acquires Life and these Lives swim and float in the Seas of Love in the Divine Volition - absolutely incredible - can be read @

V. 35 - 12/21/1937 - How the Kingdom of the Divine Will is decreed in the Consistory of the Adorable Trinity upon the earth. The new Breath of God with which the creature will be renewed - can be read @

V. 19 - 4/9/1926 - I was thinking to myself: My sweet Jesus says many great. admirable, highest and wonderful things about the Will of God, yet it seems to me that creatures do not have that concept that It deserves nor that great impression of the wonders that are in It. On the contrary, it seems that they place It on the same level as the virtues and maybe they care more about those, than about the Most Holy Will of God. And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, do you want to know why? Because their palates are not purged and they are accustomed to the ordinary foods of this low world which are the virtues and not to the Celestial and Divine Food, which is My Will. This Celestial Food is appreciated only by those who consider earth, things and even people as nothing or as fully ordered in God. The virtues which can be practiced on earth are rarely exempt from human purposes, from self-esteem, from self-glory, love of appearing and of pleasing people. All these aims are like many tastes for the ordinary palate of the soul; and many times one operates more for these tastes than for the good that the virtue contains. This is why virtues breach more easily -  because the human will always gains something. On the other hand, the first thing that My Will knocks down is the human will and It tolerates no purpose which gives of human. My Will is from Heaven and wants to place in the soul what is Divine and which belongs to Heaven; therefore one's own self remains on an empty stomach and feels itself dying. So, in feeling her own self dying and losing the hope of having any other food left, the soul makes up her mind to take the Food of My Will; and as she takes It, her palate being purged, she feels the Food of My Will, which is such that she would not change it at the cost of her life.

V. 21 - 2/23/1927 - My daughter, whoever - lives in My Will does exactly this: by virtue of My Will, he multiplies the acts of his soul for as many created creatures who exist. The soul receives the Divine disposition, so his first act becomes the act of all. Precisely, this is Divine behavior; an act which muliplies itself and can be done by everyone, just as if that act had been done for each individual. In reality, it was a single act but in the soul where It reigns, My Volition takes upon Itself the condition of God Himself, be it of Glory as well as of sorrow, depending upon if the creature receives or rejects the act. The Glory that the act can give - the Goods and the Life of Jesus - is great, exuberant and infinite; the sorrow of not having all creatures accept that Good and My Own Life, remaining suspended without giving the benefit of My Divine Life, is the suffering that surpasses all suffering.

V. 21 - 3/5/1927 - My daughter, firmness is of the Divine Nature and a Divine Gift and it is right that We give this participation and give of Our Divine Nature to who is to be the daughter of Our Divine Fiat and who lives in Our Kingdom. Thus continuing your acts in It without ever interrupting them, lets you know that you are already in possession of the Gift of Our Firmness. How many things does firmness say: it says that the soul moves only for God; it says that she moves with reason and with pure love, not with passion and personal interest; she is aware and knows the good she does. So always be firm in your acts and you will always have Our Divine Firmness in your working.

V. 21 - 3/13/1927 - My daughter, to you it seems as if I left you and you no longer felt My Life in you. My Will has never left you; on the contrary, It's Life in you was at It's fullness because It never leaves anyone - not even the damned in hell. There It is fulfilling It's unyielding and irreconcilable Justice becuase in hell there is no reconciliation. There My Will froms their torment. It is proper that whoever did not want to receive It so that they could be loved, made happy and glorified, receive it to be tormented and humiliated. Thus My Will leaves no one, either in Heaven nor on earth nor in hell. Everything is enclosed within It; It has everything in the Palm of It's Hand. It has It's sovereignty everywhere and extends It's Life reigning and dominating everything.

V. 21 - 3/19/1927 - ...You could not have any greater satisfaction than this - seeing the Glory of your Creator completed by His creatures, the natural order re-established, all of Creation with it's full splendor, and seeing man, Our deal jewel in his place of honor. How great will be Our and your utmost  satisfaction, glory and unending happiness to see the purpose of Creation realized! To you then, We will give the name of Co-Redemptrix of Our Will, declaring you mother of all the childdren of Our Fiat.

V. 21 - 3/22/1927 - ...Where My Volition rises, It puts to flight the night of the human will and removing every fear, It thoroughly forms It's gold in those pains and with It's Light It invests the bitter waters of suffering and crystallizes them into seas of sweetness so as to form an enchanting and admirable horizon. What can My Volition not do? It can do all and wants to give all; and where It reigns, It does things worthy of Our creative Hands.

V. 21 - 3/24/1927 - ...My daughter, not doing My Will is the evil that encloses all evil and is the downfall of all goods; it is the destruction of happiness, order and peace; it is the great loss of My Divine Kingdom.

V. 21 - 3/31/1927 - How the soul who lives in the Divine Will it It's triumph. Threats of war between men of all races. can be read @

V. 21 - 5/8/1927 - ...You can see of all that occurred within My Humanity, the greatest miracle was containing the whole immensity of My Divine Will within It. The miracles that I did may be called nothing in front of this one and even more so since it was natural in Me to be able to give life so that the creatures could be resurrected - to give sight to the blind, speech to those who could not speak and all the rest of the miraculous works I accomplished because it was in My Nature to give as many goods as I wanted. It was certainly a miracle for those who received these goods but for Me the greatest miracle  was to constrain in Myself, My Divinity, the immensity of My Will, It's interminable Light, It's Beauty and unreachable Sanctity. This was the Prodigy of Prodigies that only a God could do. Therefore, no matter how much I can give to a creature, it will always be giving little as compared to My giving the great Gift of My Will because in It there will be seen new heavens, more resplendent suns, unheard-of things and surprises never before seen. Heavens and earth tremble and kneel before a soul who possesses the great Gift of My Will and with reason because they see come forth from the soul, the Virtue and the vivifying and creative Force which conserves them in the new Life created by God. Oh Power of My Will, if they knew You, how ambitious they would be for Your great Gift. How they would give their life to have You!

V. 21 - 5/26/1927 - How in the Creation God created many rooms to live in so that He could always be found by man  and give him His qualities. Doubts, which Jesus disperses. How what seems difficult for the soul is easy for God. The laments of the soul. Jesus reassures her. can be read @

V. 22 - 6/26/1927 - How all the things of God have equal weight. How everything that God did in Creation is beaded with His Love and this is felt by one who lives in the Divine Will. can be read @

V. 22 - 7/1/1927 - ...Now, My daughter, the work of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat is the greatest work and while It holds hands with the work of Redemption because of the Divine Glory and the Good and Sanctity It will bring to creatures, It surpasses the very Redemption. This is why great sacrifices, innumerable pains and sorrows, incessant prayers are needed. Therefore, I had to choose a creature who, voluntarily, would accept the long sacrifice of many years, of many different pains; and I will make known to the children of My Kingdom how much this Kingdom of My Will cost you and Me, to make it so that all might enter into It, giving  them open ways from all points and in all manners, so as to win them to come...

V.  22 - 7/21/1927 - ...I do like the Love of Heaven but that of the earth I like more. That of the earth is always new for Me, it is new gains that I make, new glory. On the other hand, that of Heaven, I already possess, no one can take it away from Me - it is all My Own thing. But that of the earth I am in the act of acquiring and many times I lose the new gains I should make becauses souls do not always give Me the love and glory they should give Me. Now, you must know that when souls die in My Grace, they are confirmed in the nature of Love, in the nature of Glory and in the Life of the Divine Will. So, in Heaven everything is nature in all the Blessed, therefore they give Me  nothing more; rather, I give to them, constantly, that continuous Act of Joys, of Happiness, of Beatitudes ever new and without end. This is why I am all Eyes over the earth, as though putting all Heaven aside - because Heaven is Mine and I fix on and become all attention for the soul who lives in the exile, who, even though she does not possess the nature of Heaven, wants to give Me the new gains of love, of glory and of adoration...So, what I do in Heaven, giving to all the Blessed that new Act, never interrupted, of joys and of unspeakable contentments, you are destined to give to Me from the earth in the Light and Power of My Will...

V. 22 - 7/26/1927 - My daughter, My Divine Will has It's triumph in you and this is why It squeezes you, drop by drop, under It's Divine Press, so that not even a drop of your will may be left in you. Poor daughter, it is a Divine and unshakeable Will that works you in order to lay It's Kingdom in you, even in your littelest acts. Therefore, patience, do not lose heart. My Divine Will has two characters: unshakeable firmness and incessant act. This is why, when the soul has given herself to It, It's work is incessant. Don't you feel It's continuous motion within yourself? And when I manifest to you one Truth about It with a mastery which is all Its Own and Divine, It places It's incessant motion in attitude and It repeats it continuously within you; and while repeating it, It triumphs because It does in you what It does within Itself of It's Own nature. Is this not, then, the triumph of My Will?

V. 22 - 7/30/1927 - How life is in the incessant motion and how this motion produces the spring. The value of the interior acts. can be read

V. 23 - 10/2/1927 - How Adam was Most Holy before sinning. Fullness and totality of the Goods of the Acts done in the Divine Volition; how They extend Themselves to everyone. The pupil of the eye invested by the sun. The Divine Will as matter lends Himself and hides His Creator. Example of the Host. - this long reading can be read

V. 23 - 10/30/1927 - How the Divine Love regurgitated in the Creation. Liberality and Magnificence in creating the machine of the Universe, especially in creating His beloved Jewel without the merit of anyone. Decision of the Divine Will in wanting to come to reign in the midst of creatures. His balsamic Air, His enchanting Beauty. What His Knowledges will do. can be read

 V. 23 - 12/18/1927 - My daughter, My Celestial Mama possessed My Will, She was so very full of It that She gushed out with Light but so much so that Her waves of Light raised themselves even in the Bosom of Our Divinity and making Herself conqueror with the Power of Our Divine Volition that She possessed, She conquered the Celestial Father and in Her Light, She enraptured the Light of the Word and made Him descend in Her Bosom in the same Light that was formed in virtue of My Divine Will; I could never descend from Heaven if I didn't find in Her Our same Light, Our same reigning Will in Her; if this were not so, it would be to descend, even from the first moment into a strange house; instead I had to descend into My House where I should descend I had to find My Light, My Heaven, My Joys without number, and the Celestial Sovereign with possessing My Divine Will prepared this sojourn, this Heaven with nothing dissimilar from the Celestial Country; is it not perhaps My Will that forms the Paradise of the Blessed?. Whence as the Light of My Fiat pulled Me into Her Bosom and the Light of the Word descended, the Lights plunged together and the pure Virgin, Queen and Mother, formed the Veil of My Humanity around the Light of the Word with a few drops of Blood that She made flow from her ardent Heart...

V. 23 - 1/6/1928 - ...My Divine Will has given Life and space to these residences of creatures in Him because there is no point where one doesn't find Him nor Life that from Him doesn't go forth, hence the sorrow of My Will for who doesn't let Him dominate is immense and incalculable, to feel these lives in Himself throbbing, to form the heartbeat itself and to remain outside as estranged, as if they might not pertain to Him and the affront and monstrosity of those people who don't let Him reign, it is so very great that it would merit a life sentence and destruction. My daughter, not doing My Will seems nothing to creatures, instead it is a very great evil and an ingratitude so black, that there is no evil that resembles it...

V. 23 - 1/18/1928 -  How the Virgin remains isolated in Her Glory and She awaits the cortege of the other queens in order to have Her succession/train. How the Works of God give a hand between themselves. How the manifestations on the Divine Will, will be the Gospel of His Kingdom. Question on the writings. Necessity of the first Priests of the Kingdom of the Fiat. can be read @catholicdivinewill.blogpsot,com

V. 23 - 1/22/1928 - Insistences in asking for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat - Sign why He wants Him to reign. Martyrdom of the privation of Jesus. The human will, the profaner of the creature. can be read @

V. 23 - 1/29/1928 - Immense value of the wriings on the Divine Will. How they are characters transmitted from the Celestial Country. How they will make  the siege on the human volition. Desire of the Heart of Jesus. can be read @

V. 23 - 1/31/1928 - After this, I was thinking of how much evil the human will has done to the poor creature, hence I abhor it, I neither want to know it anymore nor to look at it because it is too nauseating but while I thought this, my beloved Jesus move in my interior and said to me: My daughter, the human will by itself is nauseating but united with Mine, it is the most beautiful thing I created, more so that the Divinity was never able to bring forth a thing created by Us that might make nausea; she united with Ours would hold the continuous motion of goods, of light, of sanctity, of beauty and with Our continuous motion that never ceases, it would have been the greatest Prodigy of the Creation...

V. 23 - 2/2/1928 -  How one must make up for who has not worked in the unity of the Divine Fiat. How for who doesn't possess Him, it is a strange language to her. Reason why until now they have not spoken of Him. How who doesn't live in the Unity receives the effects from the Divine Will, not the Life of Him. Example of the Sun with the earth. can be read @

V. 23 - 2/5/1928 - My daughter, as Adam sinned, God make them the promise of the future Redeemer, centuries passed but the promise didn't become less and the generations had the Good of the Redemption. Now, as I came from Heaven and I formed the Kingdom of the Redemption; before departing to Heaven, I made another more solemn promise of the Kingdom of My Will and this was in the "Our Father" and in order to give it more value and in order to obtain it more immediately, I made this formal promise in the solemnity of My Prayer, praying the Father that He might make His Kingdom and the Divine Will come as in Heaven so on earth; I put Myself at the head of this Prayer, knowing that such was His Will and that prayed by Me, He would not have denied Me anything, more so that with His Own Will, I prayed and asked a thing of which My Own Father wanted. And after having formed this Prayer before My Celestial Father, sure that He granted Me the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon the earth,I taught It to My Apostles so that they might teach it to the whole world so that one might be the cry of everyone: " Your Will be done, as in Heaven, so on earth". A more certain and solemn Promise, I could not make; the centuries for Us are as a single point but Our Words are Acts and complete Deeds...

V. 23 - 2/12/1928 - .. Now, you should know that My Humanity re-did in Itself all the acts rejected by creatures, that My Divine Will giving Himself to them wanted that they might do, I re-did them all and I deposited them in Myself in order to form His Kingdom, awaiting the propitious time in order to bring them forth from Me and deposit them in creatures as foundation of this Kingdom; if I might not have done this, the Kingdom of My Will could not take place in the midst of creatures because only I as man and God could make up for man and receive inside of Myself all the work of a Divine Will that creatures had to receive and to do and through My means, communicate It to them.. Because in Eden the two wills, human and Divine were as in hostility because the human one was opposed to the Divine, all the other offenses were as  a consequence, therefore first I had to re-do in Myself all the acts opposed to the Divine Fiat, to make His Kingdom extend in Myself and if It didn't reconcile these two wills in hostility, how could I form the Redemption? Therefore, all that I  did upon the earth, the first Act was to re-establish the harmony, the order between the two wills in order to form My Kingdom; the Redemotion was a consequence of this. And therefore, it was necessary to take away the consequences of the evil that the human volition had produced and hence I gave effective remedies in order to then manifest the great Good of the Kingdom of My Will...

V. 23 - 2/20/1928 - ...What Unity means. can be read 

V. 23 - 2/28/1928 - How God holds in Heaven the Hierarchy of the Angels with nine distinct Choirs, this It will hold the Hierarchy of the children of His Kingdom with nine other Choirs. Conditions of the deceased Confessors and how the memory of Padre di Francia will not be hidden in his work. This absolutely beautiful reading can be read

V. 23 - 3/8/1928 - My daughter, if you might know how much I love these writings, they cost Me more than the Creation and Redemption themselves; how much Love and Work I have put there in these writings, they cost Me a very great deal for there is within the whole value of My Will, they are the manifestions of My Kingdom and the confirmation that I want the Kingdom of My Will in the midst of creatures. The Good that they will do will be great and they will be as suns that will rise in the midst of the darkness of the human volition, as life that will put death in flight to poor creatures and they will be the triumph of all My Works, the most tender narration, most convincing, how I have loved and love man. Therefore, I love them with such jealousy that I will guard them in My Divine Heart nor will I permit that even one word becomes lost... - My daughter, as the soul decides to live in My Divine Will, without giving life anymore to hers, I in order to be sure and in order to give security to her, I tie her with chains of Light and I do this not in order to take away the free will, a gift I gave to the creature in the Creation, that which I give one time I don't take away, unless the creature herself rejects My Gifts, therefore I tie her with Light that wanting to she can go out from Him when she wants but in order to go out, she must make an incredible effort because these chains of Light will invest her acts; and in her every act she will feel and will see the beauty, the Grace, the riches that this Light communicats to her acts; It will  form the enchantment and the true eclipse to the human volition in a way that she will feel happy and honored to be tied with chains so noble that carry so much good to her and she will long that the human one won't have life anymore in her acts and she will yearn that the Divine Volition takes His place.. So that she will feel free and bound but not forced but spontaneous with free will, enticed by the great good that comes from them in a way that she will see her acts surrounded by so many rings of Light that forming chains, transforms her in the same Light. And in every act of the soul that will go forth so many harmonious and beautiful voices as silvery sounds that wounding the hearing of all Heaven, it will make known that My Divine Will is working in the creature.

V. 23 - 3/11/1928 - My daughter, all My hidden Life is so long that it was none other than the re-call of the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon the earth.; I wanted to re-do in Myself all the acts that creatures should do in Him in order to then hand  these Acts to them and I wanted to do it with My Mama; I wanted Her always together in My hidden Life in order to form this Kingdom. Two persons had destroyed this Kingdom of My Fiat, Adam and Eve, another two, I and the Height of the Sovereign Queen had to re-do It. So that first I thought of the Kingdom of My Divine Will because the human will had been the first one to offend Mine with redrawing from Him, all the other offences came in according degree as consequences of the first act. The human will is the Life or the death of creatures, her happiness or her tyranny and misfortune in which she is thrown, her good Angel that leads her to Heaven or transforming herself into a demon precipitates her to hell; all the evil is in the will as also all the good because it is as font of life, mass in the creature that can gush forth joys, happiness, sanctity, peace, virtue or also cast from herself fountains of troubles, of miseries, of sins, of wars that destroy all goods. Therefore, first I thought to the Kingdom of My Will in this hidden Life for a good thirty years and then with My public Life of hardly three years I thought to the Redemption; and while in forming the Kingdom of My Fiat, I had always near with Me the Celestial Mama, in My public Life it was less, less corporally of Her presence because it was the Kingdom of My Fiat that constituted Me King and the Virgin Queen in order to be the foundation of the Kingdom destroyed by the human will, I first and then She...

V. 24 - 8/15/1928 - My daughter, to live in My Divine Will is to let oneself be found by God in each created thing, so that the Supreme Being may find in all His Works the one whom He loved, whom He called from nothing out of Love and for whom He created so many varieties of beautiful and marvelous works. If He did not find you in each of His Works, He would lack the echo of your love, of your gratitude and would be as though without you in those works in which you would not go around, as if He had not done them for you; while Our purpose in calling you to live in Our Divine Will is precisely this: for Us to find you in Our Works and for you to find Us in each created thing - you, giving Us your little love; We giving you the great Love We had in creating so many things - and uniting you love and Ours together to form one single Love, so as to be able to say: "How much the little daugter of Our Divine Will loves Us" Otherwise Our Love and Our Works would remain isolated and without the company of the one for whom We created thing, while to live in the Divine Will is communism between Creator and creature; becoming inseparable, wherever one is, the other is as well and the creature finds her place in everything that God does. Don't you want to find your little place in all the works of Creation and Redemption?...

V. 24 - 9/2/1928 - The Divine Fiat is Light and extends It's Life of Light; It is Power; It is Purity and extends It's Life of Power, of Order, of Purity in all created things; and so with all the rest of It's Divine Qualities. Therefore, each created thing is Sacred, more than a relic, because it encloses within itself the creative Power and Will and the very Life of the One Who created it. So, while going around, I felt I waned to love, adore, embrace and kiss the sun, the heavens, the stars, the wind , the sea because they enclosed and veiled the One Who had created them, forming as though many residences for Him. But while my mind was wondering in the Creation, my sweet Jesus told me: My daughter, look at how beautiful Our Works are - pure, holy and all orderly. We made use of Creation in order to form Our veils, Our vast residences; however, We held back from giving them reason because they were created for man, not for themselves, and therefore, We reserved giving to man the capacity and reason of the whole Creation, so that, possessing It's reason, he would give Us the glory of light, of the sun, of the heavens,of the wind and of all the rest... - In fact, only Our Divine Will possesses the full reason of what It has done and We gave this Will of Ours to man, that It might give him the reason of all of Our Works. Everything came out of as orderly from Us and linked together as members to the body of man because he was Our first Love, the pupose of the whole of Creation and therefore in him We centralized all the reason that was needed for It. Now, My daughter, by withdrawing from Our Divine Will, man gave a blow and severed his dear and holy members. This is why he knows little about the value, the sanctity, the power, the light which, as his members, already belonged to him; and the Divine Maker remains without the glory, the love, the gratitude of the head of these members. See then, how necessary is the return of My Divine Fiat into the head, which is man, so as to restore the order created by Us, putting the head in its place and reuniting the members once again for the one who, so barbarously and with  harm to himself, keeps them severed. Don't you yourself feel how My Will alone has the Virtue of putting you in communication with the whole of Creation?...

V. 25 - 10/25/1928 - ...Only one who lives in My Volition can sit at the Divine Table, can open all His Treasures, can enter into the Sacrarium of the most intimate secrets of the Divine hiding places and as the owner takes them and gives them back to her Creator - So, she is the renewer of all joys and happiness for her Creator. See, as you wanted to give Me the kisses of the Queen Mama, you put them in motion and they ran to kiss Me - So it is for one who lives in My Fiat. She enters into the Royal Palace of her Celestial Father and finding many varied beauties, she puts them in motion, to gladden, delight and love the One Who lets her in. And since there is no good which My Eternal Volition does not possess, there is no joy, love, glory which the soul cannot give to her Creator. And, Oh! how pleasing she is to Us, as We see this fortunate creature in Our Royal Palace of Our Divine Volition, who wants to take everything, wants to put everything in motion, wants to touch everything. It seems that she is not content if she does not take everything in order to give Us everything, to make feast for Us and renew for Us Our Joys and Happiness. And We, in seeing her, welcome her and We Ourselves say to her: Dearest daughter, hurry, hurry, play for Us a little Divine Sonata of Ours, repeat for Us a touching scene of Love, renew for Us Our Happiness. And she renews for Us, now the Joys of Creation, now that of the Sovereign Queen, now that of Redemption. And she always ends with her, and Our, pleasing refrain: "Your Will be known and reign on earth as It does in Heaven"

V. 25 - 10/28/1928 - My daughter, all that has been done by Our Divinity, both in Creation and Redemption, has not all been absorbed by the creature but is all in My Divine Will, in waiting, to give Itself to creatures. If you could see everything in My Divine Fiat, you would find an army of Acts of Ours which came out of Us to be given to creatures; but because Our Will does not reign, they have neither the space in which to put them nor the capacity to receive them. And this Divine Militia has been waiting for as long as twenty centuries to place Itself in Office of exercise, so as to bring to creatures the Gifts, the clothings, the joys and the Divine weapons which each of our Acts possesses in order to form together with them one single Divine Army - a Celestial Militia. Now, so that the Kingdom of Our Divine Will may reign in the midst of creatures, it is necessary that the creature absorb into herself all of these Acts of the Divinity done for Love of them and absorb them so much into herself, as to enclose within herself everything that My Fiat possesses, interiorizing them and consummating them within herself. So, My Divine Will, consummated within the creature, will make this whole Divine Army reenter her. All of Our Acts that came out of Us for Love of them in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification, will reenter into creatures and My Divine Will, reentered and consummated within them, will feel triumphant and will reign, dominate, together with Our Divine Army...In fact, once I have done the first, from one creature It will pass on to the next in such a way that My Kingdom will be populated more than all the others... - My daughter, the Church does nothing but intuitively grasps what She must know on My Divine Will and how It's Kingdom must come. Therefore, this Feast of Christ the King is the prelude of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. Indeed, the Church is doing nothing other than honoring My Humanity with those Titles which, by right, are due to It; and when She has given Me all the honors that befit Me, She will move on to honor and to institute the Feast to the Kingdom of My Divine Will by which My Humanity was animated. The Church proceeds step by step and now She institutes the Feast to My Heart, now She consecrates the century in all solemnity to Christ the Redeemer and now She moves on with greater solemnity to institute the Feast to Christ the King. Christ the King means that He must have His Kingdom, He must have peoples worthy of such a King. And who will ever be able to form  for Me this Kingdom, if not My Will? Then, yes, will I be able to say: I have My people - My Fiat has formed It for Me. Oh! if the leaders of the Church knew what I have manifested to you about My Divine Will, what I want to do, It's great prodigies, My yearnings, My sorrowful heartbeats, My anguishing sighs, for I want My Will to reign, to make everyone happy, to restore the human family - they would feel that in this Feast of Christ the King is nothing other than the secret echo of My Heart which, echoing in them, without their knowing it, has them institute for Me the Feast of Christ the King in order to call their attention and reflection. "Christ the King....And His true people - where are they?" And they would say: "Let us hasten to make His Divine Will known; let us let It reign, that we may give a people to Christ the King Whom we have called so. Otherwise, we have honored Him with words but not with facts.

V. 25 - 1/6/1929 - ...My daughter, the inheritance given by My Father to this crowd of people was My Divine Will. In It they were to find food in order to grow to proper stature, balsamic air to be  rendered healthy and strong which was to portray on their faces the freshness of a child, the beauty of the young age and the dignity of a mature man. There was no good which this inheritance did not possess, of which man was to be the master and have at his disposal all the goods he wanted in the soul and in the body. So, as man went out of the inheritance of My Divine Will, he no longer found things at his disposal; he was no longer master but servant and he is forced to live of hardships. How can he grow to proper stature? This is why I await with so much Love the crowd of those who must live in Our inheritance of the Divine Fiat. It will form for Us the beautiful crowd with proper stature, beautiful and fresh, who will be fed with nourishing foods that will render them strong and developed; and they will form all the glory of Our creative work. Our sorrow is great in looking at this crowd, unhappy and deformed; and in Our sorrow We repeat: Ah! Our work did not come out of Our creative hands as infirm, without beauty and freshness but it was a delight to merely look at him; he enraptured Us so beautiful he was... - My daughter, wherever the Divine Will is present, there is the communicative strength of all the Divine Goods and like mighty waves, Our outpourings of happiness, srength, of light, etc., flow over the creature who posssesses It. Wherever My Divine Fiat is present, the hardest things become so very soft, pains change into joys, bitternesses into sweetnesses, the earth becomes Heaven, the sacrifices, conquests... - My daughter, to see the creature happy is My only contentment and since what renders her unhappy is the human volition, once this is removed, all the unhappinesses end nor do they have any more reason to exist. But what makes all human unhappinesses die is My Will alone. Before It, all evils feel themselves dying; My Will is like the sun that rises in the morning, which has the virtue of dispelling the darkness of the night. Before the light, darkness dies nor has any right to exist anymore. So it is with My Divine Will.

V. 25 - 2/27/1929 - Now, the effects of My Fiat are given to those who do My Divine Will, who adore It's dispositions, who bear with patience what It wants. By doing so, the creature recognizes that there is this Supreme Will and by seeing Itself recognized, It does not deny to her It's admirable effects. On the other hand, one who must live in My Divine Volition must possess within herself the whole Life and not only the effects - but the Life with all the effects of My Divine Fiat. And since there is no sanctity, past, present  and future of which My Divine Will has not been the primary cause in forming all the species of sanctity which exists, It therefore holds within Itself all the goods and effects of sanctity which It has issued; and so, the soul who will live in My Will, by possessing It's Life with all It's effects, will see within herself, all together, all the sanctities which have been issued. She will be able to say: The others have done one part of sanctity while I have done everything; I have enclosed everything within myself of all that each Saint has done. Therefore, the sanctity of the ancients, that of the prophets, that of the martyrs will be seen in her; the sanctity of the penitents, the great sanctities as well as the small ones will be seen. Not only this, but the whole Creation will be seen portrayed in her. In fact, My Divine Will loses nothing by issuing It's Works; on the contrary, while It puts them out, It holds them within Itself as Primary Fount. Therefore, one who lives in It, there is nothing that My Divine Volition has done or will do, of which she will not have possession...

V. 26 - 4/21/1929  - How the Divine Will if Fullness. How Adam, before sinning, possessed the Fullness of Sanctity. The Virgin and all created things possess this Fullness - can be read@

V. 26 - 4/28/1929 - ( Back to our origin) - My daughter, it is Our Will that the creature ascend again into Our Womb, in Our Creative Arms that We may give her again Our continuous Breath and in this Breath, give her the current that generates all goods, joys and happiness. But in order for Us to be able to give this Breath, man must live in Our Will because only in It can he receive It  and We, give It. Our Fiat has such virtue as to render the creature inseparable from Us and what We do and are by nature, she can do by Grace. In creating man, We did not put him at a distance from Us, rather, in order to have him together with Us, We gave him Our very Divine Will which would give him the first Act to operate with his Creator...- Therefore, so that man may return to his place of honor and enter once again to operate with his Creator and they may amuse themselves together; there are no means other than his reentering into Our Fiat that It may bring him to Us triumphantly into Our Arms that are waiting for him to clasp him tightly within Our Divine Womb and say to him: Finally, after six thousand years you have come back. You have gone wandering, you have experienced all evils because there is no good without Our Fiat. You have experienced enough and have touched with your own hands what it means to go out of It; so, never go out of It again and come to rest and enjoy what is yours because in Our Volition everything was given to you...

V.  26 - 5/4/1929 - My little daughter, if you knew what a continuous Act in My  Will means... This Act is incomprehensible to created mind. The creature is the bilocator of Our continuous Act, she enters into Our Act and makes arise and puts out Our rare Beauty, Our invincible Love, Our Power that can do anything, Our Immensity that embraces everything and showing them to all, she would like to say to all: "Look Who is our Creator." And We let her do it and We enjoy in seeing that the littleness of the creature wants to give Us Our Paradise and Our Divine Being, as Ours and as her own. What  can one who lives in Our Fiat not do and give Us? Anything! More so since, because this happy creature is on earth, by virtue of her free will, she possesses the conquering virtue which not even the Saints in Heaven possess; and with it she can conquer and multiply whatever good she wants. And Our Will, which keeps her within Itself, renders her the conqueror of Our Divine Being.

V. 26 - 5/25/1929 - My daughter, the soul who possesses My Divine Fiat has such power as to shatter the diabolical power to pieces; and I allowed you to touch with your own hand how, by just placing yourself over him, he was crushed, so that you may not fear him and he might feel the power of one who possesses My Will which scatters the diabolical strength like dust in the wind. Therefore, do not be concerned about him and continue your life in My Fiat. Indeed, you must know that each Prayer, each Act and Motion of one who lives in It, encloses within herself an Infinite and indelible Strength and Weight; and the Infinite extends everywhere, It contains the virtue-producer of all goods, It embraces eternity, It encloses God Himself. Therefore, an act done in My Will is an Act that never ends and has such Power as to enclose Heaven and earth. And Our Fiat with It's Infinite Power, encloses Our Divinity in the Act of the creature, forming with It's Veils of Light the most beautiful and delightful Royal Palace for Our Divine Being - My daughter, all generations hung upon the first Acts done by Adam in the fullness of My Divine Will because, being done in It, they were Acts full of Life and could give origin and life to all the other acts of all creatures. And even though creatures do not live of My Will, but of their own, yet it is always My Will that gives them life; and while It gives them life, they keep It as though suffocated and agonizing in their acts. Therefore, all the Acts of Adam done in My Will are there as Prime Act of all the acts of creatures. Who can destroy an Act done in My Divine Will? Who can ever take away from It the Sovereignty, the Power, the Beauty, the Life? No one. There is nothing that does not hang upon the first Act; all created things hung upon the first Act done by the One Who created them. And if I so much love, yearn and want that My Will be known and reign in the midst of creatures, the reason is precisely this - that It's Rights, Just and Holy, be given back to It and that all Creation, just as It had It's beginning, may, all of It, return into Our Divine Will.

V. 26 - 7/18/1929 - ( Back to our origin ) -  My daughter, I am working in your soul continuously, and while working, I am finalizing, so that nothing may be missing and solidifying to give My work the Divine stability and immutability and waiting with invincible patience for My work to become known, so that all may know My great Love, My great sacrifice and yours and the great good, if they want to, all can receive. What this is about is that this work of Mine is the renewal of the whole of Creation, it is the centralization of all Our Works, it is to establish My Divine Will in the midst of creatures, operating and dominating in their midst. Whoever will know this work of Mine will be a Kingdom of Mine. Therefore, I will have as many Kingdoms for as many as are the ones who will know what I have done and said in the littleness of your soul.; and, fused together, they will form one single Kingdom. So, My silence is centralization of more intense work that I am doing in you. Therefore, if I speak to you, it is new work that I undertake, calling you together with the work, giving you knowledge of what we are doing, so as to place new shades of beauty, of magnificence and of happiness in the Kingdom of My Divine Will which creatures must possess; if I keep silent, I reorder, I harmonize, I confirm what I have done.

V. 26 - 7/24/1929 - ...Now, before My coming upon earth, even though My Divine Will was present in the midst of creatures with It's immensity, the relationships that existed between It and them, were as if It lived in a foreign land and they received from afar the scarce communications, the brief news, which announced to them My coming upon earth. What sorrow, for It to be in their midst, while they do not recognize It and they keep It so far away from their wills, as if It were in a foreign land. With My coming, since I possessed It as Life and My Humanity recognized It, loved It and let It reign through Me, It drew closer to the creatures and the relationships It had with them were as if It lived no longer in a foreign land but in their own lands. But since they did not know It, nor did they give It dominion in order to let It reign, it cannot be said that My Divine Volition formed It's Kingdom. Therefore, My coming upon earth served to draw the two wills, human and Divine, closer to each other and to place them in intimate relations and to increase the news in order to make It known; so much so, that I taught the "Our Father", making them say: "Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven". If My Will does not live on earth as It does in Heaven, it cannot be said that It has It's Kingdom in the midst of creatures. And therefore, in the time of It's Kingdom, It will be present not only in their midst but inside each one of them as perennial Life; and in order to come to this, It must be recognized - how It is Head and Primary Life of each creature; and because this Head is not recognized, It's strength, It's Sanctity, It's Beauty does not flow to the members nor can It let It's Noble and Divine Blood flow in their veins and therefore the Life of Heaven cannot be seen in creatures. So, this is why I love so much that My Divine Will be known - Knowledge  will make Love rise; and feeling loved and longed for, It will feel drawn to come to reign in the midst of creatures.

V. 29 - 9/23/1929 - One who lives in the Divine Will, in her littleness, encloses the All and gives God to God. The Divine Prodigies - can be read @

V. 27 - 10/18/1929 - Beauty of the Creation. For one who lives in the Divine Will, God is in the Act of always creating. The creature who lives in the Divine Volition doubles her Love toward God. The two arms: Immutability and Firmness. can be read @

V. 27 - 10/27/1929 - Why the Kingdom of the Divine Will could not come before the coming of Jesus upon earth. The Graft of Jesus Christ and the graft of Adam - can be read @

V. 27 - 11/10/1029 - My little daughter, courage, it is true that you are too little but you should know that, in My Divine Fiat only the little ones enter to live in It's Light; and at every Act that these little ones do in My Divine Will, they suffocate their own, giving a sweet death to the human will because in Mine there is no room nor place to let it operate. The human volition has no reason nor right, it loses its value before a Will, Reason and Right which are Divine - Such is the soul; the more Acts she does in My Divine Will, the more entrances she gives It in such a way as to become all irradiated by the Light of My Divine Fiat - My daughter, there is a great difference between the creation of the whole Universe and the creation of man. In the first, there was Our creative and preserving Act and after everything was ordered and harmonized, We added nothing else that was new. On the other hand, in the creation of man, there was not only the creative and preserving Act but the active Act added to it - and of an activity ever new; and this, because man was created in Our Image and Likeness and since the Supreme Being is a new and continuous Act, man too was to possess the new Act of his Creator which might resemble Him in some way. Therefore, Our active Act of continuous novelty remained inside and outside of him; and by virtue of this, Our active Act, man can be and is always new in his thoughts, new in his words, new in his works. How many new things do not come out of mankind?  And if man does not give his new act as continuous, but at intervals, it is because he does not let himself be dominated by My Divine Will. How beautiful was the creation of man - there was Our creative, preserving and active Act; We infused in him, as Life, Our Divine Will in his soul and We created Our Love as blood of his soul. This is why We love him so much - because he is not only Our Work like the rest of Creation but he possesses part of Our Life in a real way; We feel in him the Life of Our Love. How not to love him? Who does not love one's own things? And if one did not love them, he would go against nature. Therefore, Our Love towards man gives of the incredible; but the reason is clear: We love him because he came out of Us, he is Our child and a birth from Our very Selves. And if man does not exchange his love with Ours, if he does not surrender his will to Us, to keep Ours, he is more than barbarous and cruel against his Creator and against himself because not recognizing his Creator and not loving Him, he forms a maze of miseries, of weaknesses, inside and outside of himself and he loses his true happiness. And by rejecting Our Divine Will, he puts himself at a distance from his Creator, he destroys the principle of his creation, consuming the blood of Our Love in his soul, to let the poison of his human will flow in it. Therefore, until Our Will is recognized and forms It's Kingdom in the midst of creatures, man will always be a disordered being and without the Likeness of the One Who created him.

V. 27 - 11/30/1929 - Condition of man before sinning. How in each of His Acts he looked for God, he found his Creator, he gave and received. How the human will is night for the soul. can be read @

V. 27 - 12/22/1929 - How the greatest works cannot be done on one's own for they would die at birth. The three Prisons of Jesus. The two Mamas - can be read @

V. 27 - 12/25/1929 - How the Birth of Jesus was the rebirth of the Divine Will in His Humanity and everything He did were rebirths of It, formed in Him in order to make It be reborn in Creatures. Jesus was the true Sacrificed One of His Will. - can be read @

V. 27 - 1/7/1930 - My daughter, every time you would like to give Me the gift of your willl I accept it as a new gift because I leave the human will in its free willing in such a way that the creature can be in the act of giving it to Me always. And I accept it as many times for as many as she gives it to Me because she sacrfices herself as many times for as many as she gives Me the gift of it...

V. 27 - 1/20/1930 - My daughter, how beautiful is the living in My Divine Will. It keeps, as though present, everything that has been done by God; and the creature finds everything that her Creator has done and takes part in His Works and can render to her Creator the Honors, the Love, the Glory of that Act. It can be said that one who lives in Our Divine Will places  Us in the condition of renewing Our most beautiful Works and makes herself the re-newer of Our Feasts. The Creation of the Virgin says in clear notes what Our Divine Will means and what It can do. As soon as It took possession of Her Virgin Heart, We did not wait even one minute but immediately We made Her Queen. It was Our Will that We were crowning in Her because it was not befitting for a Creature who possessed Our Will  not to have the Crown of Queen and the Scepter of Command. Our Divine Will wants to hold nothing back; It wants to give everything to one who lets It form It's Kingdom in her soul... - My daughter, when My Divine Will reigns in the soul, It takes on the Acting and Directing Role within her. There is not one thing she does in which My Divine Will does not take on It's first Act in order to call It's Divine Act upon the act of the creature. So, if she thinks, It forms His first thought and calls all the Sanctity, the Beauty, the order of the Divine Intelligence; and since the creature is incapable, nor does she have sufficient space to receive Our Intelligence, every time My Fiat does It's first Act in the intelligence of the creature with It's Power, It keeps expanding her capacity so as to enclose new Divine Intelligence in the mind of the creature. Therefore, it can be said that, there where It reigns, My Will is the first to Breathe, the first to Palpitate, the first Act of the blood to circulate, so as to form in the creature It's Divine Breathing, It's Heartbeat of Light and in the blood circulation the total transformation of It's Divine Will in her soul and body. And while It does this, It gives the Virtue to the creature and renders her capable of being able to breathe with the Divine Breath, palpitate with It's Heartbeat of Light and feel the whole of It's Divine Life, more than blood, circulate in all her being. Therefore, wherever My Will reigns, It is the continuous Actor Who never ceases to operate; and making Itself Spectator, It delights in It's Divine Scenes which Itself unfolds in the creature; and she lends her being like matter in It's Hands, to let It unfold the most beautiful and delightful scenes that My Fiat wants to do in the soul in whom My Divine Volition dominates and reigns.

V. 28 - 11/24/1930 - There is no point where the Divine Will does not perform Its operating Act towards creatures. Creatures receive the effects of that sole Act according to their dispositions. Jesus speaks of chastisements -  can be read@

V. 29 - 5/31/1931 - Whence one who lives in Our Will always acquries new Knowledges of her Creator and the new Knowledges brings her the current of the continuous new Act that God possesses. Don't you see the sky, the stars, the sun" Do you perhaps see some change in them? Or else after so many centuries are they not always fresh, beautiful, new as they were created? And why? Because they are under the empire of the creative strength of Our Fiat that created them and remained in them as perennial life. Therefore, the permanence of My Will in the creature produces with His Empire dominant, new life of patience, of prayer, of sacrifice and of infinite joys; that is My Will, such does He wants to render one who lives in Him...

V. 29 - 6/23/1931 - How the Creation manifests the Divine Paternity and how God feels Father of one who recognizes Him in His Works - can be read @

V. 29 - 6/30/1931 - How the greatest Grace that God made man in the Creation was to be able to do his acts in the Divine Will. How this Kingdom exists and living humanities have possessed It. -  can be read @

V. 29 - 7/13/1931 - The motion is sign of Life. The Passport in order to enter into the Kingdom of the Divine Will; the language and the city of It. The peacemaker between God and creatures. can be read @

V. 29 - 7/27/1931 - The great evil of one who doesn't do the Divine Will. Most interesting example of Adam - can be read @

V. 30 - 1/30/1932 - The Divine Will: Spy, Sentinel, Mother, Queen. His Puff forms the Knoll of Love in the soul in order to enclose His Truths. Ecstasies of Love of the Creator; Foods that He gives to His Gifts (beautiful) - can be read @

V. 30 - 5/8/1932 - I continued to think on the Divine Will and of the grave evils of the human volition and how this without the Life of the Divine Fiat is without guide, without light, without strength, without food, ignorant because she doesn't hold the Teacher who teaches her the Divine Science. So that without Him the creature knows nothing of her Creator. One can say that she is illiterate and if she knows something, they are hardly the shadows or some vowel but not with clarity because without the Divine Will, there is no Light but always night. Behold the reason that God is so little known; the Celestial language, the Divine Truths are not understood because the Divine Will doesn't reign as Life as first Act. It seemed to me that I saw the human will before my mind as dying of hunger, ragged, cretin, all stained, limping and enveloped in dense darkness; and since she is not accustomed to live of Light and to look at It, every little Light of Truth eclipses her sight, confounds her and blinds her more. Oh, how there is to cry over the great misfortune of the human will! Without the Divine, it seems that she lacks the life of good and the necessary goods in ordr to live. But while I thought of this, My Celestial Teacher Jesus, making me His brief little visit, said to me: My blessed daughter, doing one's own will is so very grave, that it would be a minor evil if the creature might impede the course of the sun, of the sky, of the wind, of the air, of the water. And yet this course would cause such disorder and terror that man could live no more. And yet, this great evil would be nothing in comparison to the grave evil of doing one's own will because with this, she doesn't impede the course to created things but to her Creator Himself.  Adam, with removing himself from Our Will stopped the course of the Gifts that He should give to His beloved creature. If he might have been able to, he would have constrained God to immobility. Our Supreme Being with creating the creature wanted to remain in continuous correspondence with her; He wanted to give her now one Gift and now another. He wanted to make her so many beautiful surprises not ever interrupted. Now as the creature does her will, thus silently she says to her Creator: "Withdraw, I don't have anywhere to put Your Gifts. If You speak to me I don't understand You, Your surprises are not for me. I am enough by myself and with reason she says this because without My Will that is her Primary Life, she has lost the Life and the capacity where to put My Gifts, to understand Our Celestial Language and she makes herself a stranger to Our most beautiful surprises. The creature with not doing Our Will loses the Divine Life, the most beautiful Acts, most interesting, more necessary than her Creation and of how she was created by God...

V. 35 - 8/23/1937 - ...From the immense Goods that the continuous Generation of the Word and the Proceeding of the Holy Spirit Produces, overflowed outside the sumptuousness and the magnificence of the machine of all Creation, the creation of man, the Conception of the Immaculate Virgin and the Descent of the Word upon the earth; all this and more are always in Act in Our Divine Being, as It is always in Act that the Father Generates His Son and the Holy Spirit Proceeds. Now, one who lives in Our Will is spectator of these Divine Prodigies and senses given back to herself from the Father, the Son Who always Generates, the Holy Spirit Who always Proceeds and oh, the Contentments, the Love, the Graces she receives! And she gives Us the Glory that We always Generate in Our Volition; she finds in Act the Creation and We give her with legal claim all the Goods of It and she is the prime glorifier of so many things that We have created; she finds in Act the Conceived Virgin, Her Seas of Love, all Her Life and the Virgin makes her possessor of It and she takes and glorifies Us for the great Good that We did in creating this Celestial Creature; she finds in Act the Descent of the Word, His Birth, His Tears, His Life throbbing again, His Sufferings and We make her possessor of everything; and she takes  everything, glorifies Us, loves Us for everyone and for everything. In Our Volition, the creature can say: "Everything is mine, even God Himself, as is My Divine Will." Therefore, she feels the duty to glorify Us in each thing and for everyone...

V. 19 - 5/3/1926 - Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: My daughter, this way of praying is only of My Will because It alone can say: I come in the name of all before the Supreme Majesty. In fact, with It's All-seeingness and Immensity, It sees everything and embraces everyone; so It can say - not as a manner of speaking, but in reality: I come in the name of all, to do for You all that the creatures owe You. No human will can say - in reality: I come in the name of all. This is the sign that My Will reigns in you...Therefore, the living in My Will is the prodigy of prodigies because everything is in the will both for God and the creature. How many things We could do but because We do not want them, We do not do them. When We want something, We are all Love, all power, all eyes, hands and feet; in sum, all of Our Being is centralized in that Act which Our Will wants to do. On the other hand, if Our Will does not want it, none of Our Attributes moves; it seems as if they have no life for anything that Our Will does not want to do. So, Our Will holds supremacy - dominion over Our Being and It is the ruler of all Our Attributes. This is why the greatest thing We could give to the creature was Our Will and in It, We centralized Our Whole Being. Could there be a Love so intense, a miracle more sensational than this? Even more, as much as We can give to the creaure, it seems nothing to Us compared to giving her Our Will, reigning and dominating in her...

V. 19- -5/10/1926 - ...Now, what would happen to the earth without the sun? Much more ugly and frightening would the soul be without My Will. How she decays from her origin! How the nightmare of passions and vices, more than darkness, makes her die and prepares the tomb in which to bury her. But you have seen that the light of the sun can do good insofar as the plants, the flowers and other things let themselves be touched and invested by the light, remaining  with their mouths open in order to receive the sips of life which the sun gives to them. So it is with My Will. It can do so much good, It can infuse so much beauty and Divine Life for as much as the soul lets herself be touched, invested, molded by the Hands of Light of My Will. If the soul gives herself prey to this Light, abandoning herself completely in It, My Supreme Will, will perform the greatest prodigy of Creation - the Divine Life in the creature... - On the other hand, when the Sun of My Will reigns in the soul with all It's fullness, It's Light penetrates everywhere - into the hearts and into the minds of the creatures who live down on earth. But what surprises is that It rises up high, It invests the whole creation and brings the kiss of the Light of the Supreme Will to the sun, to the stars, to the heavens.The Divine Will which reigns in the Creation and the Sun of the Divine Will which reigns in the soul meet, they kiss each other, love each other and make each other happy. And while remaining in the Creation - because the Sun of My Divine Will leaves nothing behind but brings everything with Itself - It penetrates into the Heavens, It invests everyone, the Angels, the Saints, the Sovereign Queen; It gives It's kisses to all, It gives new joys, new contentments, new Love. But this is not all. It pours Itself mightly into the Womb of the Eternal One. The Divine Will bilocated in the creature, kisses, loves adores the Will reigning in God Himself; It brings everyone and everything to Him and as they dive into each other, It rises again to follow It's course. In fact, since the fullness of the Sun of the Eternal Will is in the soul, this Sun is at her disposal and as she emits her acts, loving, praying, repairing, etc, this Sun continues It's course, to give to all the surprise of It's Light, of It's Love, of It's Life. So, while this Sun of the Eternal Will rises and follows It's course to perform It's setting in the Womb of the Divinity, another One rises to follow It's way, enveloping everything, even the Celestial Fatherland, to then have It's Golden Sunset in the Womb of the Supreme Majesty. So, the bilocations of My Will are innumerable; this Sun rises at each act of the creature done within the Sun of the Supreme Volition - which does not happen with the sun present in the atmosphere which is always one and does not multiply. Oh! if the sun had the virture of making as many suns  rise for as many times as it does it's course over the earth - how many suns could one not see up there? What enchantment, how many more goods would the earth not receive? Therefore, how many goods does the soul who lives completely in My Will not do, by giving her God the occasion to bilocate His Will, to let Him repeat the prodigies which only a God can do?. Having said this, He disappeared and I found myself inside myself.

V. 19 - 6/29/1926 - After I had gone through most bitter days of privations, when my beloved Jesus came to cheer me, He spent several hours with me. He made Himself seen of a very young age, of a rare enrapturing beauty; He sat on my bed, near me, and told me: My daughter, I know, I know that you cannot be without Me because I am more than your very life for you, so if I did not come, you would lack the substance of Life. Besides, we have so many things to do together in the Kingdom of the Supreme Will... - See how beautiful it is to live in My Will, in the unity of this Supreme Light and to be aware of the meaning of all created things and to praise, magnify, glorify the Supreme Creator with His very Will in all of Our images which each created thing contains. But, move on to look at the sun. Under the vault of the heavens one can see a limited circumference of light which contains light and heat and descending down below, invests all this earth. This is the image of the Light and Love of the Supreme Maker, Who loves everyone and does good to all. From the height of His Majesty, He descends down below, deep into the hearts, even into hell but He does it quietly, without clamor, wherever He is. Oh! how Our Will glorifies and magnifies Our eternal Light, Our inextinguishable Love and Our All-seeingness...

V 19. - 8/25/1926 - ...He moved in my interior, making His Presence felt in my heart and raising His Arm in the act of clasping me to Himself, told me: My daughter, My whole Life was one single Act coming from that single Act of the Eternal One that has no succession of Acts; and if in My Humanity, externally, one could see the gradual succession of My Acts - that is, being conceived, being born, growing, operating, walking, suffering, dying - in the interior of My Humanity, My Divinity, the Eternal Word united to My Soul, formed one single Act of My whole Life. Therefore, the succession of the external Acts that could be seen in It was the outpouring of the single Act, which overflowing outside formed the succession of My external Life. But in My interior, as I was conceived, at the same time I was also born, I cried, I moaned, I walked, I operated, I spoke, I preached the Gospel, I instituted the Sacraments, I suffered and was crucified... - Now, wherever It reigns, this Will of Mine does not know how to do separated Acts; It's nature is one single Act, multiple in It's effects but always one in It's Act. Therefore, It calls the soul who lets herself be dominated by It to union with It's single Act, that she may find all the goods, all the effects that only the single Act of a God can possess. Therefore, may your attention be to remain united to that single Act of the Eternal One, if you want to find the whole Creation and the whole Redemption in Act; and in that single Act you will find the length of My pains, of My steps, My continual crucifixion - you will find everything. My Will disperses nothing and in It you will be identified with My Acts and will take the fruit of My whole Life. It it were not so, there would not be a great difference between My operating and that of My Saints; on the other hand, since My operating is one single Act, between Mine and theirs, there is the difference that passes between the sun and a tiny little flame, between the great sea and a drop of water, between the vastness of the heavens and a little hole. Only the Power of My one single Act has the power to give Itself to all and to embrace everything and while It gives Itself, It never loses anything.

V. 12 - 12/30/1917 - ...And He: My daughter, it is not only ugly but awful. It is to turn upside down the order of the Creator, placing themselves on top and Myself underneath., telling Me: I too am good at being God - And if the fire of Purgatory will purify these souls, it will never be able to return and fill  the vacuum of one single affection which they took away from Me. Yet, this is not taken into account; on the contrary, it seems that some go along selling these affections without having any scruples. Ah! My daughter, I gave everything to creatures and I said: Take everything for youself - and for Me, leave only your heart. Yet, this is denied to Me. Not only this but they steal the affections of others. And this is done not only by secular people but also by sacred persons, by pious souls...

V. 12 - 3/3/1919 - Continuing in my usual state, I was all immersed in the Divine Volition and my always lovable Jesus came and pressed me to His Heart, telling me: You are My first born daughter of My Will. How dear and precious you are in My Eyes. I will keep you so guarded that, if in creating man I prepared a terrestrial Eden, for you I have prepared a Divine Eden. If in the terrestrial Eden the union between the first ancestors was human and I gave them the most beautiful delights of the earth for their enjoyment, while they enjoyed Me at intervals - in the Divine Eden, the union is Divine. I will make you enjoy the most beautiful celestial delights and you will enjoy Me as much as you want; even more, I will be your Life and we will share the contentments, the joys, the sweetnesses and, if needed, also the pains. The enemy had access to the terrestrial Eden and the first sin was committed; in the Divine Eden entrance is precluded to the devil, to passions and to weaknesses. Even more, he does not want to enter, knowing that My Will would burn him more than the very fire of hell; and upon merely feeling the sensation of My Will, the enemy flees. In My Will you will give a start to the first Acts in the Divine manner - Acts that are immense, eternal, infinite and embrace everything and everyone.

V. 12 - 4/15/1919 - Now, if My Resurrection symbolizes the Saints of the living in My Will - and with this reason, since each act, word, step, etc. done in My Will is a Divine Resurrection that the soul receives; it is a mark of glory that she receives; it is to go out of herself in order to enter the Divinity and to love, work and think, hiding herself in the refulgent Sun of My Volition - what is the wonder if the soul remains fully risen and identified with the very Sun of My Glory and symbolizes My Resurrected Humanity? But few are those who dispose themselves to this because even in sanctity, souls want something for their own good; while the Sanctity of living in My Will has nothing of its own- everything is of God. It takes too much for souls to dispose themselves to this - to strip themselves of their own goods. Therefore, they will not be many. You are not in the number of the many but of the few.

V. 12 - 1/24/1921 - My daughter, the first Fiat was pronounced in Creation with no intervention of a creature. The second Fiat was pronounced in Redemption; I wanted the intervention of the creature and I chose My Mama for the completion of the second Fiat. Now, for the fulfillment of both, I want to pronounce the third Fiat; and I want to pronounce It through you; I have chosen you for the fulfillment of the third Fiat. This third Fiat will bring to completion the glory and the honor of the Fiat of Creation and will be confirmation and development of the fruits of the Fiat of Redemption. These three Fiats will veil the Most Holy Trinity on earth and I will have the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven. These three Fiats will be inseparable - each one will be life of the other. They will be one and triune but distinct among themselves. My Love wants it, My Glory demands it; having unleashed the first two Fiats from the Womb of My Creative Power, It wants to unleash the third Fiat because My Love can no longer contain It - and this, in order to complete the work that came from Me; otherwise, the works of Creation and of Redemption would be incomplete... - So will the third Fiat be. It will germinate within you; the ear of grain will be formed; only the Priest will have knowledge of It. Then, a few souls - and then, It will spread and will follow the same path as Creation and Redemption. The more crushed you feel, the more the ear of the third Fiat grows and is fecundated in you. Therefore, be attentive and faithful. 

V. 16 - 9/21/1923 - Jesus will show the generations how Luisa's fidelity was tested by His Love, by His Cross and by His Will; how it is necessary to always look inside of it, never outside. can be read @

V. 11 - 9/12/1913 - ...Everything I have done before has been Graces to dispose you to the ecstasy of My Will because when I dispose a soul to live in a higher way in My Will, I have to manifest Myself in order to infuse Graces so great. Surprised, I said: What are you saying, O Jesus? What? Your Will is ecstasy? Yes, My Volition is true and perfect ecstasy and you break this ecstasy when you want to think about yourself...

V. 17 - 1/22/1925 - ...but no, I could just say to Him: Jesus do not leave me anymore; don't You see that without You I cannot last in this exile! And He, all goodness: I do not leave you, no, no - this is a mark you want to give your Jesus. I never leave anyone -  creatures withdraw from Me, not I from them; on the contrary, I go after them. So, do not want to give Me this affront - that I may leave you - ever again. And besides, did you not see that I was inside of you, not outside of you; and not only Myself but the whole world?

V. 17 - 5/4/25 - (Back to our origin) The Mission of My Will, will veil the Most Holy Trinity upon earth. Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, inseparable from One Another but distinct among Themselves, forming the whole Beatitude of Heaven; in the same way, on earth there will be three Persons Who, because of Their Missions, will be distinct and inseperable among Themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity that veils the Paternity of the Celestial Father and encloses His Power in order to fulfill Her Mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co-Redemptrix of mankind; My Humanity, for the Mission of Redeemer, which enclosed the Divinity, and the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, manifested My Celestial Wisdom - adding the bond of rendering Myself inseperable from My Mama; and you, for the Mission of My Will, as the Holy Spirit will make display of His Love, manifesting to you the secrets, the prodigies of My Will, the Goods It contains, to make happy those who will give themselves to knowing how much good this Supreme Will contains, to love It and to let It reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It reign within their hearts, that It may be able to form Its Life in them - adding the bond of inseparability between you, the Father and the Eternal Word. These three Missons are distinct and inseparable. The first two have prepared the Graces, the Light, the Work and with unheard of pains, for the Mission of My Will, to then fuse Themselves all in It without leaving Their Office, so as to find rest because My Will alone is Celestial rest... - Therefore, do not be surprised at the many great and marvelous things I tell you for the sake of this mission or at the many graces I may give you; because this is not about making a Saint or saving the generations. This is about placing a Divine Will in safety that all may return to the beginning, to the origin from which all came and that the purpose of My Will may have  It''s fulfillment.

V. 17 - 6/25/1925 - My Jesus and my Life, it seems to me that it takes complete sacrifice in order to do Your Will and live in It. At first sight, it seems nothing; but then in the practice it seems difficult. Not having a single breath of one's own, even in holy things, in good itself, seems to be too painful for the human nature. Therefore, will souls never be able to come to living in Your Will with the complete sacrifice of everything? And Jesus added: My daughter, everything  is in understanding the great good that comes to her by doing My Will, what this Will wants in this sacrifice and how this Will does not adapt Itself to mixing and living with a low, small and finite will. It wants to render the acts of the soul who wants to live in My Will Eternal, Infinite and Divine. And how can It do this, if she wants to put her breath of her human will, be it even a holy thing as you say? It is always a finite will; and then the living in My Will would no longer be a reality but a way of speaking. On the other hand, the Office of My Will is total Dominion and it is right that the little atom of the human will be conquered and that it lose it's field of action in My Will... - And Jesus: My daughter, it is My usual way and in the order of My Eternal Wisdom, to manifest My greatest works first to one soul alone, to centralize in her all the good that My work contains, to deal with her one on one, as if no one else existed. When I have done everything in such a way as to be able to say that I have accomplished My work completely within her, so much so, that nothing must be lacking to her - then do I let it flow as though from a vast sea for the good of the other creatures..

V. 16 - 3/19/1924 - ...But when the soul enters into My Will, it is her love - it is her acts that, being filled with Divine virtue, makes My Life arise according to how her acts are more or less extended and are done. This is the reason for My Feast in seeing that the creature takes of My Own and gives Me My Love, My Glory and even My very Life. My contentment is so great that it is not given to the creature to comprehend it while she lives in the exile; but she will comprehend it in the Celestial Fatherland when she sees herself repaid with as many Divine Lives for as many as she formed upon earth.

V. 16 - 5/9/24 - ...And while saying this, He showed secret meetings in which they were plotting how to assail the Church - some, how to cause new wars and some, new revolutions. How many horrifying evils could be seen. And my sweet Jesus resumed His speaking: My daughter, is it not right for My Justice to arm Itself against man, to strike him and almost destroy the many lives that dirty the earth and to make entire regions disappear together with them, so that the earth may be purified of so many pestiferous lives and of so many incarnate devils which, disguised under a thin veil of apparent good, are plotting ruins for the Church and for society?. Do you think My absence from you is something trivial? No; no- 0n the contrary, the more prolonged My absence from you, the graver the chastisements will be. And then, remember how many things I have told you about My Will; so the evils, the destructions will serve to fulfill what I have told you - that My Will come to reign upon earth. But It wants to find the earth purified and in order to purify it, destructions are needed - My daughter, I am posted  within you and from inside of you I look at what the world is doing. In you I find the air of My Will and I feel I can be there with the decorum that befits My Person. It is true that My Will is everywhere, but - oh! how different it is for It to be life of the creature and for the creature to live in It. In the other points, My Will in the midst ot creatures finds Itself, offended, unable to carry out the Goods It contains and to form a Life all from Itself and for Itself. On the other hand, wherever I find a creature who offers herself to wanting no other life but My Will, My Will finds company, It is loved, It carries out the Goods It contains and enjoys placing Them in common with the soul, so as to form a Life from Itself and for Itself. And in finding My Own things in the soul - that is My Sanctity, My Light and My very Will acting in her - I find Myself with honors and decorum, just as I was in My Humanity when I was on earth in which My Divinity, living within It, was as though posted and covered with the garment of My Humanity. In the same way, I cover Myself with the garment of the soul who does My Will; I live hidden within her as in My Own center and from inside of her I look at the evils of creatures and I cry and pray for them. And is seeing that one from their stock has My Will as Life also on earth, how many evils and chastisements do I not hold back out of regard for her? How many times I am in the act of destroying them and of ending it with them because of the great evils they commit; but by just looking at you and looking at My Will and It's stronghold in you, I post Myself again and I abstain from doing it. Therefore, My daughter, patience and let My Will always have complete Life in you.

V. 16 - 5/19/24 - My daughter, My Will is Eternal and only one who lives in It, embracing Eternity, all other acts from the littlest to the greatest, being animated by an Eternal Will, all acquire the value, the merit, the form of Divine and Eternal Acts. The Divine Volition empties those acts of all that is human and filling them with It's Divine Will, It makes them It's Own and places It's seal on them, constituting them as many Eternal and Divine Acts. On hearing this, surprised, I said: How is it possible, O my highest Good, that by just living in Your Will, the creature can receive this great good - that her acts become Eternal and Divine? And Jesus: Why are you surprised? It is a most simple thing: the whole reason is that My Will is Eternal and Divine and everything that comes from It, being a birth from an Eternal and Divine Will, cannot be excluded from being Eternal and Divine, as long as the creature puts her human will aside to give place to Mine. If she does so, her acts are counted among Ours, both the the great act and the littlest of them... - Now, if all created things, small or big, because they were created by virtue of My Omnipotent Fiat, can be called Divine works, much more can one call Divine  and Eteranl the acts which My Will works in the soul who, placing her human will at the feet of My Volition, gives Me full freedom to let My Will act. Ah! if creatures could see a soul who lets My Will live within herself, they would see astounding things, never before seen: a God operating in the little circle of the human will which is the greatest thing that can exist on earth  and in Heavin. The Creation Itself - Oh! how It would remain behind compared to the prodigies I keep working in this creature.

V. 16 - 5/24/1924 - So, everything I have told you about My Will had this as My purpose: that My Will be known and come to reign upon earth - and what I have said will be. I will overwhelm everything in order to obtain this but everything must return to Me within that word "Fiat". "Fiat did God say and "Fiat" must man say. In all his things, he will have nothing but the echo of My Fiat, the mark of My Fiat, the works of My Fiat, so that I may give the Goods which My Will contains. In this way, I will fulfill the complete purpose of all Creation. This is why I have set about the work of making known the effects, the value, the goods, the sublime things that My will contains and how the soul, tracing the same path as My Fiat, will become so sublimated, divinized, sanctified, enriched, as to make Heaven and earth astonished at the sight of the portent of My Fiat operating in the creature. In fact, by virtue of My Will, new Graces.which I had never issued before, light more refulgent, portents unheard-of and never before seen, will come out of Me...

V. 16 - 6/20/1924 - ...See, then, how in order for My Will to come and reign in the soul, she must enclose within herself all that My Humanity did. And if the other creatures have share, in part, in the Fruits of My Redemption according to their dispositions, this creature will centralize them all within herself in order to form the noble cortege for My Will; and My Will, will centralize in the soul the Love which It gives to and wants from all in order to receive the love of all and of each one. It is not content with finding  in her the requital of her love only - It wants the requital of everything......

V. 24 - 5/20/1928 - Divine Messengers. The Celestial circular. The Acts done in the Divine Will form the Ecstasy of the Creator. Necessity of the continuation of acts; how they form many hours to call for the dawn. The Virgin, Dawn of Redemption - can be read @

V. 24 - 6/20/1928 - My daughter, God is One Single Act and if many acts can be seen in Creation, they are nothing but the effects of the One Act of God. It happens as to the Sun; the Sun is one, Its light is one but as Its light touches the earth and rapidly extends over it, the effects of It are innumerable... So, all that you see in the whole Universe are nothing but the effects of the One Single Act of God; and because It is One Single Act, It possesses the virtue of order and harmony in all the effects It produces. The same happens to the soul who lives in My Divine Will. By living in the One Act of God, she feels all the effects of that Single Act of God in all of her acts; she feels within her the order, the harmony, the beauty, the strength of the One Divine Act which, more than light, produces so many effects that she feels heavens, suns, seas, flowery fields and everything that is good in Heaven and on earth being produced in her acts. What can one who lives in My Will not enclose of great and of good? Everything.
She is the true Sun which, in whaever It does or touches, produces different shades of beauty, of sweetness, of goodness and of multiple effects because all of Its acts hang on the One Act of the One Who created It...- My daughter, I am behaving with you as I did with My Mama. During My Life, We always lived together, except for the three days when I was lost and besides, wherever the Mother was, there was the Son and wherever the Son was, there was the Mama - We were inseparable. Then, when the fulfillment of Redemption came and I had to carry out My public Life, We separated, even though the one Will that animated Us kept Us always identified with ech other. However, it is certain that Our Persons were far from each other - one was in one place, one in another. But since true Love does not know how to be separated for too long from the Beloved nor can it be because they feel the irresistible need to rest in each other and to confide to each other their secrets, the outcome of their undertakings and their sorrows, this is why, now I would make My little escapes to see Her again, now the Queen Mother would leave Her nest to see Her Son Who wounded Her from afar; and again, We would separate to give course to the Work of Redemption. So, I am doing with you...

V. 24 - 6/25/1928 - My daughter, My Mama did Her first Love and Her first Act in the Divine Will and since It was done in It, It  possesses continuity as if It were always in Act, loving and operating. Her Love never ends; Her works are the continuous repeaters in such a way that whoever wants to take Her Love finds It always in Act, while It is the effect of the first Love that is repeated and repeated always. Such is one who operates in My Will. Her acts acquire the continuity - they are always repeated without ever ceasing. They are the true Sun which, from the moment It was created by God, has given Its first Act of light - but so great, as to fill Heaven and earth with One Single Act...

V. 17 - 7/1/1924 - How beautiful and touching it was to hear Jesus pray! And since I was accompanying Him in the sorrowful mystery of His Scourging, He made Himself seen deluging Blood and I heard Him say: My Father, I offer You this Blood of Mine. O please! let It cover all the intelligences of creatures, rendering all their evil thoughts vain, dampening the fire of their passions and making holy intelligences rise again. May this Blood cover their eyes and be a veil to their sight so that the taste for evil pleasures may not enter into them and they may not dirty themselves with the mud of the earth. May this Blood of Mine cover and fill their mouths and render their lips dead to blasphemies, to imprecations, to all of their bad words. My Father, may this Blood of Mine cover their hands and strike in them terror for so many wicked actions. May this Blood circulate in Our Eternal Will to cover all, to defend and be a defending weapon for creatures before the Rights of Our Justice. But who can say how Jesus prayed and everything He said?

V. 17 - 7/16/1924 - Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus transported me outside of myself and told me: My daughter, the Creator goes in search of the creature in order to place on her lap the Goods which He issued in Creation. This is why, in all centuries, He always disposes that there be souls who go in search of Him alone, so that He may place His Goods in those who search for Him and want to receive His Gifts. So, the Creator moves from Heaven and the creature moves from the earth in order to meet: One to give, the other, to receive - ...Now, since I want to dispose him again to receive this Will of Mine, it is necessary that I breathe on him again so that My Breath may put to flight darkness  and infections from him and may render active the particles of Our Divinity which We infused in him in creating man. Oh! how I wish to see him beautiful, restored , just as I created him! And My Will alone can work this great prodigy.

V. 17 - 7/25/1924 - My daughter, the last act of My Life was to lay Myself on the Cross and to stay there until I died, with My Arms opened, unable to move or to oppose what they wanted to do to Me. I was the true portrait, the living Image of One Who lives, not of the human will, but of the Divine. Being unable to move or oppose Myself, having lost every right over Myself, the horrible tension of My Arms - how many things they said! And while I was losing My Rights, the others acquired My Life. The first  Right was of the Supreme Will which, using It's Immensity and All-seeingness, gathered all souls - innocent and sinful, good and holy - and placed them in My outstretched Arms, so that I might bring them to Heaven. And I refused no one. So, the Divine Will gave a place to everyone in My Arms. Now, the Supreme Will is a continuous Act, never interrupted and what It does once, It never ceases doing; and even though My Humanity is in Heaven and is not subject to suffering, It keeps searching for souls who do not move in the human will but in the Divine and who oppose nothing; souls who would lose all their rights, so that, the right being wholly of My Will, It may continue It's Act of placing all souls - sinners and saints, innocent and wicked - in the arms of one who offers to lay herself in My Will in order to repeat and continue what My Arms did, outstretched on the Cross. This is why I have laid Myself within you - so that the Supreme Will may continue It's Act of bringing everyone into My Arms. - ...So, the Sanctity in My Will brings into the soul the marking of the operating of her Creator - that is His continuous Love, the continuous preservation of all the created things created by Him: He never changes and is Immutable. One who is subject to changing belongs to the earth, not to Heaven. Changing is of the human will, not of the Divine; interrupting good is of the creature, not of the Creator.

V. 17 - 10/6/1924 - ...In sum. in everything, My Will has It's Life and forms with It's Power the act It wants. So, It maintains harmony in all created things and forms in them the different effects, colors, offices which each of them contains. But do you know why? To make Myself known to the creature, to go to her, to court her, to love her with as many different Acts of My Will for as many things I created. My Love was not content with placing My Will as heartbeat of life in the depth of her soul but It wanted to place My Will in all created things, so that, also from the outside, My Will might never leave her and she might be preserved and grow in the Sanctity of My very Will and all created things might be incitement, example, voice and continuous call for her, to make her always run in the fulfillment of My Will - the only purpose for which she was created. But the creature makes herself deaf to the so many voices of Creation, blind to the sight of so many examples; and if she opens her eyes, she fixes them on her own will. What sorrow! Therefore, I recommend to you: never want to go out of My Will, if you do  not want to multiply My sorrow and lose the purpose for which you were created.

V. 17 - 11/23/1924 - ...There should be a contest - the body, in breathing the natural air and the soul, in breathing the Air of My Will. Yet, there is enough to cry! If creatures feel the natural air lacking, they procure it for themselves by going up to high mountans and they express with sorrow the lack of air; but they have not one thought of sorrow for the Air of My Will. Even though creatures are forced to be as though soaked with the Air of My Will, because they do not love this balsamic and sanctifying Air, It cannot place in the soul the Goods It contains and It is forced to remain there sacrificed without being able to carry out the Life It contains. Therefore, My daughter, I recommend to you - if you want to fulfill It's designs within you, always breathe the Air of My Will, so that, as you breathe It, the Divine Life may vegetate in you and It may lead you to the true purpose for which you were created.

V. 17 - 5/30/1925 - ...How easily you think that I might leave you - I cannot do it; first you would have to leave My Will and then you could think that I have left you. But for you to leave My Will, will also be difficult, not to say almost impossible. You are in the condition which is almost similar to that of the Blessed in Heaven. They have not lost their free will; this is a gift which I gave man and what I give once, I never take back. Slavery has never entered Heaven; I am the God of Sons and Daughters, not of slaves; I am the King Who makes everyone reign - there is no division between Me and them. But the knowledge of My Goods, of My Will and of My Happiness is so great that they are filled with It to the brim, to the point of overflowing outside and their will finds no place to act. And while they are free, the knowledge of an Infinite Will and of the Infinite Goods in which they are immersed, leads them with an irresistible force to use their will as if they did not have it, considering this their greatest fortune and happiness but spontaneously free and of their own will...

V. 18 - 1/28/1926 - ...My Will never leaves man; if It left him, he would resolve into nothing. And if man does not give himself into letting My Will make him a Saint, My Will uses the ways to at least save him.

V. 13 - 10/23/21 - ...Therefore, if they read these Truths, not being disposed, they will not understand a thing. They will remain confused and dazzled by the Light of My Truths. For those who are disposed, it will be Light which will light them up and water which will quench their thirst in such a way that they will never want to detach themselves from these channels because of the great good they feel and the new Life which flows in them...

V. 13 - 11/8/21 - …Then, my Jesus told me: Do you see what it means to live in My Will ? It is to multiply My Life as many times as one wants and to repeat all the goods that My Life contains. And Jesus added: Blessed are you and all generations will call you Blessed. My Arm will make works of power in you. You will be the Divine Reflection: and filling the whole earth, you will make Me receive from all generations that glory which they deny Me.

V. 13 - 12/27/1921 - This was the only purpose of the creation of man: through the exchange of our wills, he with Us and We with him, to form Our amusement as well as to render man happy in everything. As the union with Our Will was broken by man, Our bitternesses began and also his unhappiness. Therefore, the purpose of Creation failed. Now, who compensates Us for this failure? Who puts in force the proceeds of Our Creation? The soul who lives in Our Will. She leaves all generations behind and as though being the first to be created by Us, she places herself in order, according to the purpose for which We created man. Our Will and hers are one and as she operates with the Divine Will, Our Will operates in the human will - and here begins Our Divine proceeds in the human will; the purpose of Creation is now in force. And since Our Will has infinite ways, as long as It finds a soul who offers herself to let Our Will act, It immediately recovers from the failure of all the other human wills. This is why We love her so much as to surpass all the love for all the other creatures together. She has rendered decorum, honor, glory, regime and life to Our Will, oppressed and despised in the other creatures. How could We not give everything to her?

V. 14 - 3/10/1922 - ...All purging souls know you, as they feel over themselves the continuous refreshment that the operating in My Will brings. The demons know you from the power of My Will which they feel in you. And if the earth does not know you for now, it will know you later. It happens, and I act with one who does My Will, just as I did with My Celestial Mothe; I constituted Her Queen of all and I commanded all to recognize Her and honor Her as their Queen; and I commanded Her to crush with Her foot the head of the infernal dragon. So I do with those who live in My Will; everything is under their dominion and there is no good that does not come from them.

V. 14 - 6/1/22 - ...My daughter, that was the first time in My terrestrial Life that I dealt with a gentile authority, who asked Me what My Kingdom was. And I answered him that My Kingdom is not of this world for if it were, thousands of Legions of Angels would defend Me. But with this, I opened My Kingdom to the Gentiles and communicated My Celestial Doctrines to them; so much so that Pilate asked Me: What? You are King? And immediately I answered him: I am King and I have come into the world to teach the Truth. With this, I wanted to make My way into his mind in order to make Myself known; so much so that, touched, he asked Me: What is the Truth? But he did not wait for My answer; I did not have the Good of making Myself understood. I would have said to him: I am the Truth; everything is Truth in Me. Truth is My patience in the midst of so many insults; Truth is My sweet gaze among so many derisions, slanders, contempts. Truths are My gentle and attractive manners in the midst of so many enemies, who hate Me, while I love them and who want to give Me death, while I want to embrace them and give them Life. Truths are My Words, full of dignity and of Celestial Wisdom - everything is Truth in Me. The Truth is more than majestic sun which, as much as one may want to trample upon it, rises more beautiful and bright, to the point of shaming it's very enemies and of knocking them down at its feet. Pilate asked Me with sincerity of heart and I was ready to answer. Herod, rather, asked Me with malice and curiosity and I did not answer. So, to those who want to know holy things with sincerity, I reveal Myself more than they expect; but with those who want to know them with malice and curiosity, I hide Myself and while they want to make fun of Me, I confuse them and make fun of them. However, since My Person carried the Truth with Itself, It performed It's office also in front of Herod. My silence at the stormy questions of Herod, My humble gaze, the air of My Person, all full of sweetness, of dignity and of nobility, were all Truths - and operating Truths.

V. 14 - 8/26/1922 - ...My daughter, just as the flower, when touched, gives off it's fragrance with greater intensity - so much so that, if it is not touched, it seems that it does not contain so much fragrance and the air does not receive the balm of that scent - the same for My Truths; the more one thinks about Them, reads Them, writes Them, talks about Them and diffuses Them, the more fragrance they give off in such a way as to perfume everything and reach into Heaven. And I smell the fragrance of My Truths and I feel like manifesting more Truths in seeing that the Truths I manifested spread the Light and the fragrance They contain. On the other hand, if My Truths are not touched, the fragrance and the Light remain as though compressed and do not spread; the good and the utility that My Truths contain remain without effect and I feel defrauded of the purpose for which I manifested My Truths. Therefore, if only to let Me smell the fragance of My Words and make Me content, you should be happy to make the sacrifice.

V. 14 - 9/20/1922 - ...Then He carried me outside myself, letting me see how everything is all upset and how they are plotting more wars and revolutions; and Jesus did a great deal to dissuade them but in seeing their obstinacy, He withdrew from them. My God, what sad times! I believe that man has never reached such an excess of perfidy- wanting the destruction of his own being.

V. 15 - 5/8/1923 - So, a supreme force made me go forward and I was forced to see the evils of the earth and those which will come - unfortunately horrifying. Then, after this, I found my sweet Jesus and tired, I threw myself in His Arms, telling Him: My Love, what a long way I had to go through - it seemed centuries without seeing You and finding the One Who forms my life. And Jesus, all Love: Ah, yes My daughter, rest in My Arms, come into your beginning from which you came. I too was anxiously awaiting you, to receive from you in My Will, all that Creation owes Me and to give to you in My same Will, all that I must give to all Creation. My Will alone can place in safety and keep with jealousy all the Goods that I want to give to the creature; outside of My Will, My Goods are always in danger and poorly kept, while in It, I abound and I give to one what I should give to all. This is why I want to bind all Creation in you; I want to place you at the original point of the creation of man. It is My usual way to deal one on one with one creature alone - and what I want to give her and what I want from her; and then from her, I let Goods derive for others. Ah! My daughter, I had created man like a flower, which was to grow, acquire color and fragrance in My very Divinity. By withdrawing from My Will, it happened to him as a flower that is snatched away from a plant...

V. 15 - 5/18/1923 - Then, after this, He said to me: My daughter, I do not pay attention to words but to facts. Do you  think it is easy to find a soul who really wants to suffer? Oh, how hard it is! With words, there are many who want to suffer, but with facts, they run away when one pain oppresses them or other sufferings surround them. Oh! how they would rather free themselves. And I always remain the isolated Jesus in pains. This is why, when I find a soul who does not shun suffering and who wants to keep Me company in My pains - even more, she waits and waits for Me to bring her the bread of suffering - this gives Me the delirium of Love and makes Me reach the point of doing follies and of abounding so much with this soul as to astonish Heaven and earth... - And He:And how many executioners of souls there are in My Church! There are executioners attached to interests who make a slaughter of souls and who with their example, instead of rendering souls detached from all that is earth, engulf them even more. There are the  immodest ones who instead of purifying souls, disfigure them. There are executioners of pastimes, dedicated to pleasures, to strolls and other things who instead of rendering souls recollected and infusing in them love for prayer and retreat, distract them. These are all slaughters of souls...

V. 15 - 5/29/1923 - ...And then, the harmonies and happinesses of the human soul - the will, the intellect, the memory - how  many harmonies and hapinesses do they not contain? It is enough to say that they are part of the happiness and harmony of the Eternal One. God created His true personal Eden in the soul and in the body of man - an Eden all Celestial; and then He gave him the terrestrial Eden as residence. Everything was harmony and happiness in the human nature and even though sin upset this harmony and happiness, it did not completely destroy all the good which God had created in man. So, just as God created with His Own Hands all the happiness and harmony in the creature, He created all possible pains in Me, to be repaid for the human ingratitude and to make the lost happiness come out from the sea of My pains, as well as the accord for the upset harmony. And this happens to all creatures: when I must choose them for  a distinct sanctity or for My special designs, it is My Own Hands that work in the soul and I create in it now suffering, now love, now the knowledge of Celestial Truths. My jealousy is such that I want no one to touch her; and if I allow creatures to do something to her, it is always in the secondary order; but I Myself have primacy and I keep forming her according to My design.

V. 15 - 6/6/1923 - Why did Adam sin? Because he removed his gaze from the Divine attraction and as Eve presented to him the fruit to let him eat of it, he looked at the fruit and his sight took pleasure in looking at it, his hearing took delight in hearing the words of Eve - that if he ate the fruit, he would become like God; and his palate took pleasure in eating it. So, taste was the first act of his sin. On the other hand, had he felt displeasure in looking at it, tedium and bother in hearing the words of Eve, disgust in eating it, Adam would not have sinned. On the contrary, he would have done the first heroic act of his life, by resisting and correcting Eve for having done that and he would have remained with the everlasting crown of faithfulness toward the One to Whom he owed so much and Who had all the rights for his subjection.

V. 15 - 6/15/1923 - In what does perfect charity consist - can be read @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot,com

V. 15 - 7/1/1923 - The good and the effect of prayer in the Divine Will. Delight of Jesus in manifesting His Truths. How God is ever new - can be read @

V. 15 - 7/14/23 - ...Now the nations want to fight against one another and those who believe themselves to be the most powerful are taking up arms to their teeth in order to destroy the weak nations. This is about total destruction, My daughter...My daughter, the whole world is upside down and everyone is awaiting changes, peace, new things. They themelves gather to discuss about it and are surprised at not being able to conclude anything and to come to serious decisions. And they hope that more conferences may serve to make serious decisions but they wait in vain. In the meantime, in this waiting, they are in fear and some prepare themsleves for new wars; some hope for new conquests. But, with this, the peoples are impoverished, are stirpped alive and while they are waiting, tired of the sad present era, dark and bloody, which enwraps them, they wait and hope for a new era of peace and light. The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon the earth. All were awaiting a great event, a new era, as indeed occurred. The same now; since the great event, the new era in which the Will of God may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming - everyone is awaiting this new era, tired of the the present one but without knowing what this new thing, this change is about, just as they did not know it when I came upon earth.. This expectation is a sure sign that the hour is near. But the surest sign is that I am manifesting what I want to do and that turning to a soul, just as I turned to My Mama in descending from Heaven to earth, I communicate to her My Will and the goods and effects It contains, to make of them a Gift for the whole humanity.

V. 21 - 4/22/1927 - My daughter, see how beautiful all of creation is: what fascination of light, what enchantment of varieties, what rare beauty! Yet, these are none other than the ornaments of Our Divine Being. If such are Our ornaments, Our Being surpasses in an unfathomable way Our Own ornaments and the creature is incapable of understanding the incomprehensibility of Our Own Being. The eye is incapable of enclosing within itself all the vastness of the light of the sun but the sun pours it's light into the eye for as much as it can contain. However, to enclose within the eye the measure of the length and breadth of wherever the light extends itself is impossible. The sun is similar to Our Being and the eye to human capacity; it is always Our adornments that the creature sees and experiences; he sees the sun, it's light touches him and makes it's warmth felt; he sees the immensity of the waters of the sea; he sees the blue expanse of the sky with many stars. But who can tell of what the light is formed? How much light does the heavens contain? How much water does the sea contain? How many stars are there and of what is the blue vault of Heaven made? Man doesn't  know how to respond in the least, he just sees and enjoys all those things; he is the first among the ignorant ones in arithmetic, weights and measures. If it is that way with Our ornaments, much more is it with Our Divine Being. But you must know that all of creation and each created thing gives a lesson to man. They all narrate Our Divine qualities and each thing gives a lesson about the quality that it contains; the sun gives a lesson in light and teaches that to be light, it is necessary to be pure, stripped of every material thing. Light always contains heat united to it - you cannot detach the light from the heat - so if you want to be light, you must love only your Creator and this will bring to you, like the sun, the fecundity of good. The sky gives you a lesson  about My Celestial Fatherland, it calls you continuously to your Creator, it gives you a lesson of detaching yourself from what is of the earth and gives you a lesson on the heights of holiness which you much reach. It teaches you that you must adorn yourself with all the Divine virtues more than the stars. Each thing gives a lesson and calls man to reflect himself in them, to copy and imitate them. I did not create My ornaments just to make themselves seen but so that by imitating them, man could be adorned. Yet who pays attention and listens to so many lessons? Almost no one!...My daughter, this is precisely the reason why I often come to you, even to the point that it might appear strange to some and out of My usual way of dealing with a soul - because there is hardly another to whom I have come to so very often. All this is to reorder My first Act, of the way that I created the creature. So I return to you and I tarry more than a loving father  would with his daughter. How many times have I filled you with My Breath to the point of you not being able to any longer contain My Omnipotent Exhalation? I poured forth in you My repressed Love, even to the pont of filling your soul to the very brim. All this was nothing other than the renewal of the solemn Act of Creation. I wanted to feel that great satisfaction as when I created man and so I come to you not only to renew it but to reorder the order, harmony and Love between Creator and creature, just in the way as he was created. In the beginning of man's creation, there was no distance between him and Me, there was only familiarity; and he had only to call Me and I was there. I loved him as a son and as a son, I felt so inclined toward him that I could not help but go and remain with him very often. With you, I am renewing the beginning of Creation, so be attentive to receive such a great Good.

V. 24 - 7/7/1928 - My daughter, you must know that the body did nothing evil but all the evil was done by the human will. Before sinning, Adam possessed the complete Life of My Divine Will in his soul; one can say that he was filled to the brim with It, to the extent that It overflowed outside. So, by virtue of My Will, the human will transfused Light outside and emitted the Fragrances of it's Creator - Fragrances of beauty, of sanctity and of full health. And the body was so embellished by these exhalations that it was delightful to see him beautiful, vigorous, luminous, so very healthy with an enrapturing Grace. Now, as Adam sinned, his human will remained alone and he no longer had the One Who would diffuse in his will the Light, the varieties of so many Fragrances which, being transfused outside, preserved the soul and body as it had been created by God. Instead, thick clouds, putrid air, perfumes of weakness and of miseries began to emanate from within his human will in such a way that the body also lost it's freshness, it's beauty. It became debilitated and remained subject to all evils, sharing in all the evils of the human will, just as it had shared in the good. So, if the human will is healed by receiving again the Life of My Divine Will, all the evils of the human nature will have life no more, as if by, magic.

V. 24 - 7/10/1928 - My daughter, when My Will dominates on earth, then will there be perfect union between Heaven and earth. One will be the order, one the harmony, one the echo, one the life because one will be the Will. Even more, in Heaven many mirrors will be seen and the creatures reflecting themselves in them will look at what the Blessed in Heaven are doing. They will hear their chants, their celestial melodies and by them imitating what they do - their chants - there will be the life of Heaven in the midst of creatures. My Fiat will place everything in common and there will be the true life of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. Then will My Will sing victory and the creature will sing the hymn of her triumph. Then He kept silent and after a little while He added: My daughter, the human will has produced so much evil as to form the unhappy state of the poor creature; it changed her lot, her fortune. Since I am happy by nature, everything that came out of Our Creative Hands in Creation, came out with the fullness of happiness; therefore,everywhere inside and outside of man, perennial joy and happiness flew. The human will drove this sea of true happiness and perpetual peace outside of itself, which driven out, took refuge in it's Creator Who had delivered it so that all of His works might be happy. And even though We are happy by Our nature, and no one can shade Our happiness, We are forced to see man unhappy, to whom primacy in Creation had been given; and to see Our children unhappy, to see that the sea of Our happiness is not enjoyed by the one who was the owner of it, even though it causes no harm to Us, is always a sorrow...

V. 24 - 9/10/1928 - My daughter, the first period of the life of Adam is unforgettable for Us, for him and for all Heaven...- So by virtue of the first period of his life, innocent and carried out all in the Unity of Our Fiat, Adam possessed such glory and beauty that no one can equal him. At the mere sight of him, all of the Blessed recognize how beautiful and majestic the creation of the first man was, enriched with so much Grace. In looking at him, they can see in him the incalculable Good of the Divine Will in the creature and the joy and happiness that the creature can possess. In him alone, as though within a mirror, the Blessed can see how man was created, the exhuberant Love that We had for him, the abundance which We enriched him. We gave him everything, as much as a creature could contain, to the point of overflowing outside and being able to flood the whole earth. If it were not so - if the whole magnificence of Our creative Hands could not be seen in Adam - then the great things We did in the Creation and what the creature does and can do in Our Will would not be known even in Heaven. It is Our Love that demands this and also Our Justice wants to keep in Heaven the reality of that Image, as man was created -  and not another man but the very one who came out of Our creative Hands, so that, if the earth does not know him, Heaven may know him. They look at their origin in Adam and grateful, they thank Me and pray that My Fiat may come to reign upon the earth and form more images, more beautiful than Adam because he was not a complete work in My Divine Will, but a period of life. Only the Sovereign Queen possesses life and works in My Fiat, therefore, there is no one who can equal Her. My Will wants to make more complete lives in It, so as to repeat what It did in the Creation, to make known to the earth the way and the order in which the creature was created and the great, beautiful, holy things that My Divine Will can do in her.

V. 24 - 9/28/1928 - My daughter, as the soul places herself in the act of doing her act in My Divine Will, she places herself within the source of Its Light and forms her own light. If you knew what it means to be able to form light...What glory, what honor for the creature to acquire the virtue of being able to form light! To no one is it given to be able to form light - only to one who lives in My Divine Will. In fact, My Will nourishes the soul with light and she, feeding on light, acquires the gift and the natural property of forming light. Oh! how delightful it is for Us to see that the creature, within the source of Our Light, forms her own, to give it to Us and say: Adorable Majesty, Eternal Light You are and light You give me; and I bring You my little light as the greatest, the most intense love, which squeezing the sponge of my little being soaked with Your Light, forms my light for You, to give it to You. So, many beautiful scenes of light form between the soul and God with the harmony of all the colors that light possesses.What does light not possess? It possesses colors, sweetnesses, fragrances, flavors of all kind... And so the scenes alternate - one more beautiful than the other. Here is how livng in My Divine Fiat calls again within Itself the beginning of Creation and repeats for Us the joys and the feasts of the beginning of It: the creature enters Our Order - into Our Acts and gives Us joys and happinesses; and We keep impressing Our Likeness upon her forhead.

V. 25 - 11/20/1928 - ...Therefore, greater thing than Our Will I could not give to man in creating him because only with It could he reach wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted, to the point of becoming the dominator of what belongs to Us; We did not do this in creating the other things- they are dominated by Us nor can they do what they want; their rights are limited. Indeed, in creating man, there was a more intense ardor of Love and in this ardor of Love, the All infused Himself in the nothing and the nothing received his life again in the All. And in order to keep him more safely, We gave him Our Divine Will as his inheritance, so that one might be the will, common the goods, as much as a creature is capable of and the love of one might be as great as the love of the other to the point of letting themselves be dominated be each other. Therefore, the most beaitiful thing for Us which enraptures Us and glorifies Us the most, is the soul in who Our Divine Will reigns because she alone does not make Our Love say, "enough of giving", but We have always something to give, always something to say; and in order to enjoy more, We render her the winner of Our very Selves.Therefore, be attentive, My daughter, if you want everything, let Our Will reign in you.

V. 25 - 12/2/1928 - And so, this is why all My aims, My cares and My interests are in making My Divine Will known and in making It reign in the midst of creatures; then will each creature be a living Tabernacle of Mine - not mute, but speaking; and I will no longer be alone but I will have My perennial company. And with My Divine Will bi-located in them, I will have My Divine company in the creature. So, I will have My Heaven in each one of them because the Tabernacle of My Divine Will possesses My Heaven on earth.

V. 25 - 12/14/1928 - My daughter, within Us, in Our Divinity, one single Act is enough to do everything and that Act is will, thought, word, work and step. So, a single Act of Ours is voice that speaks, it is hand that operates, it is foot that walks and enveloping everything; if the creature thinks, works, speaks and walks, it is the virtue of Our single Act that, echoing in each act of the creature, communicates the good of the thought, of the word and of all the rest...

V. 25 - 12/21/1928 - Therefore, you cannot comprehend the joy I experience, the happiness I feel and the interest I take in illuminating, in offering My very Heart, to one who occupies himself with making My Divine Will known. My interest is so great that I envelop him within Myself and, I Myself overflowing outside of him, I take the floor and I Myself speak about My Will operating in My Love. Do you think that it is your Confessor who speaks in these evenings in which he is speaking in public about the nine excesses of My Love? It is I who takes his heart in My Hands and make him speak.

V. 25 - 12/25/1928 - ...Then He added with a more tender tone: My daughter, in the created things, the Divinity did not create Love but the flowerings of His Light, of His Power, of His Beauty, etc. So, it can be said that in creating the heavens, the stars, the sun, the wind, the sea, the earth, it was Our Works that We issued and the flowerings of Our beautiful Qualities. Only for man was this greatest Prodigy of creating the Life - and the Life of Our Love Itself and this is why it is said that he was created in Our Image and Likeness. And this is why We love him so much - because it is Life and Work that came out of Us and Life costs more than anything.

V. 25 - 1/13/1929 - ...How necessary it is that the Knowledges about My Fiat be known; not only this but that it be made known that My Divine Will already wants to come to reign on earth as It does in Heaven into the midst of creatures. And it is to the Priests, as to new prophets, both through the word and through writing and through works that the task is given of acting as trumpeters in order to make known what regards My Divine Fiat; nor would the crime be lesser than that of the prophets had these hidden My Redemption, if they do not occupy themselves as much as they can with what regards My Divine Will. They would be the cause of a Good so great being neither known nor received by creatures; and to suffocate the Kingdom of My Divine Will, to keep suspended a Good so great, such that there is no other similar to it - is this perhaps not a crime?

V. 25 - 2/22/1929 - My daughter, you must know that in Our Divinity, there is the ordinary order for the whole Creation and this is not moved because of any incident; not one point, not one minute earlier, not one minute later; life ends when it is established by Us - We are Immutable in this regard. But, in Us, there is also the extraordinary order and since We are the Masters of the Laws of the whole Creation, We have the right to change them whenever We want. But if We change them, a great Glory of Ours must enter into this and a great good for the whole Creation; We do not change Our Laws because of little things...

V. 25 - 3/3/1929 - My daughter, the creation of man was the most beautiful, the most solemn Act of the whole Creation. In the fullness of the ardor  of Our Creating Love, Our Fiat created in Adam all other creatures and remained always in the Act of creating and of renewing over each creature what We did over the first man. In fact, all of his descendants were to have their origin from him. And so, Our Divine Volition took on the commitment, as creatures would come out to the light, to renew Our outpourings of Love, to put out all of Our Divine Qualities and to make new displays of beauties, of graces, of sanctity, of love over each one of them. So, each creature was to be a new Feast for Us - the well-issued one, the welcomed one and the happy increase in the Celestial family...

V. 25 - 3/8/1929 - My daughter, all Creation forms the celestial band because each created thing contains Light, the Power of My Word Fiat which produces the most beautiful music...So, the heavens contain one sound, each star has it's distinct sound, the sun has another and so with all the rest. These sounds are nothing other than the participation in the harmony which My Divine Will posessess...Oh! If creatures would let themselves be nourished by the Breath of My Omnipotent Fiat, all evils would no longer have life in them; It's generative and nourishing virtue would communicate to them, Light, Beauty, Order and the most beautiful Harmony. What can My Fiat not do and give?...My daughter, with One Single Act My Fiat produces many effects, sustaining the whole Creation...In fact, My Will has a continuous Act to give to creatures and when they have not done My Will, these Acts have died for them; and one who lives in It has the virtue of vivifying them and keeping them alive.

V. 26 - 4/16/1929 - My daughter, each Act done in My Divine Volition doubles My Love towards you. Therefore, after so many years you have been in It, I can say that My Love has grown so much, that I have to expand your capacity so as to allow you to receive My growing Love which arises in Me in each Act you do in My Divine Will. Therefore, My Love is more intense and increased a hundredfold compared to that of before. So, you can be sure that My Love will never be lacking to you - never.

V. 26 - 5/9/1929 - How it was necessary that Jesus centralize in Luisa the human sanctity in order to consummate it and give rise to the  Sanctity of living in the Divine Will. How voluntary suffering is something great before God. - Can be read

V. 26 - 5/12/1929 - My beloved daughter, you are My Hope - the Hope of the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth; that Hope which does not say "doubt" but "certainty" because Its Kingdom is already in you. Your ways, your prerogatives, your narrations are all apartments for My Divine Fiat; in you there are Its Foundations, Its Knowledges, therefore, I hope that Its Kingdom will be formed and will spread upon earth.

V. 26 - 5/16/1929 - My daughter, don't you feel how you cannot be without Me?  And when, in the world, they will read these papers, they will remain astounded in hearing of the long chain of My Graces, My daily comings - and for such a long time that I have done with no one else; My long conversations that I have had with you, the many teachings I have given you and everything that was to serve the Kingdom of My Divine Will. I feel the irrestible need to resume and redo with you all the conversations, to give you the Graces and the teachings which I would have give to Adam innocent, had he not rejected the precious Inheritance of My Fiat. But he broke My Speaking and reduced Me to silence and after six thousand years of silence, I felt the extreme need to resume My Speaking with the creature. Oh! how painful it was to contain so many secrets within My Heart that I was to confide to her and it was for her alone that these secrets were kept - not for others; and if you knew how much it cost Me to remain silent for such a long time! My Heart was suffocated and, delirious, It repeated dolefully: Alas! I created man to have someone with whom to speak but he was to possess My Divine Will in order to understand Me; and because he has rejected It from Me, he has rendered Me the God taciturn. What sorrow I feel! What suffocated Love, that made Me faint - and I raved...

V. 26 - 5/21/1929 - My daughter, My Divine Will is Light, Love is heat.  Light and heat are inseparable from each other and form the same life; this is the necessity of the fusion of My Will and of My Love - In addition to this, Life needs nourishment; My Divine Will is Life, My Love is Food. Each " I love  You" of yours, is a sip of nourishment that you give to My Fiat within you and each act of yours done in My Will makes the Life of It grow within you...

V. 26 - 6/9/1929 - And so this is why, My daughter, My Divine Will wants to make Itself known; It wants to form Its Kingdom - because these children belonging to It will live voluntarily within and of Its Light; they will remain with their mouths open to receive Its Kisses, Its Embraces and Its Affections in order to form Its Divine Life in them. Then, yes! will the Prodigies that My Volition knows how to do and can do, be seen. Everything will be transformed and the earth will become Heaven. And then, the sun which is there under the vault of the heavens and the Sun of My Eternal Volition will hold hands; even more, they will engage in a contest, to see which one can make more prodigies, the sun for the earth and My Will for souls. But My Will, will make a greater display, so much so, as to form a new enchantment of prodigious beauties never before seen for the whole of Heaven and for all the earth.

V. 26 - 6/19/1929 - The Divine Will and the operating Life of It in the creature. Difference between one who lives in the Fiat and one who does not. - can be read @

V. 26 - 6/27/1929 - Present for Saint Aloysius. How it is necessary that Jesus intertwine Luisa in the manifestations on the Divine Will. Transmission of human and Divine. Divine Rights that the creature acquires. can be read @

V. 26 - 8/3/1929 - When God decides to do Works which must serve for all, in His ardor of Love, He puts everyone aside. How the Supreme Being possesses the inexhaustible vein. can be read @

V. 27 - 11/6/29 - My daughter, I am the center of all Creation but isolated center; everything is around Me, everything depends on Me but since created things do not have reason, they do not keep Me company; they give Me glory, they honor Me but they do not break My loneliness. The heavens do not speak, the sun is mute, the sea tumults with it's waves, it murmurs tacitly but does not speak. It is the word that breaks loneliness; two beings who, in words, exchange their thoughts, the affections and what they want to do - this is the most beautiful joy, the purest feast, the sweetest company. Their secrets manifested in words, form the dearest company. And if these two beings blend their sentiments in the affections and one sees his will in the other, this is the most pleasant thing that can exist because one feels his life in the other. Great gift is the word - it is the outpouring of the soul, the outpouring of love; it is the door of communication, it is the exchange of joys and sorrows. The word is the crown of the works. In fact, who formed and crowned the Work of Creation? The Word of Our Fiat. As It spoke, the portents of Our Works came out, one more beautiful than the other. The Word formed the most beautiful crown for the Work of Redemption. Oh! had I not spoken, the Gospel would not exist and the Church would have nothing to teach the peoples. The great gift of the Word has more value than the whole entire world. Now, My daughter of My Divine Volition, do you want to know who breaks My loneliness in the midst of so many Works of Mine? One who lives in My Divine Will. She comes into the middle of this center and she speaks to Me; she speaks to Me about My Works, she tells Me that she loves Me for each created thing, she opens her heart to Me and speaks to Me of her intimate secrets; she speaks to Me of My Divine Fiat and of her sorrow for she does not see It reigning. And My Heart, in hearing her, feels in her It's Own Love and Sorrow; It feels as though portrayed again and as she speaks, My Divine Heart swells with Love, with Joy and unable to contain it, I open My Mouth and I speak and speak at length. I open My Heart and I pour My inmost secrets into her heart; I speak to her about My Divine Will as the only purpose of all Our Works. And while I speak, I feel true company - but a speaking company, not mute; a company who understands Me who makes Me happy and into which I can  pour Myself... - My Divine Will simplifies the creature, It empties her so much of everything that does not belong to It, that nothing else is left of the human being but a complex of simplicity. Simple the gaze, the word, the manners, the steps; the mark of the Divine Simplicity can be seen in her as though in a mirror. Therefore, when My Divine Will reigns on earth, pretence, lie, which can be called origin of every evil, will no longer exist...

V. 27 - 12/24/1929 - My daughter, when I speak I unleash Light of Truth and I want It to be accepted by the soul. If this Light is accepted and put in a place of honor in her interior, It calls for another Light; so, one calls for another. Otherwise, It goes back to It's source. And when the soul returns to read them, if they are written and to ponder them, My Truths are like wrought iron - as the iron is beaten, it becomes red-hot and gives out sparkles of light, if it is not beaten, the iron is hard, black and an ice-cold metal. So it is with My Truths; if the soul reads them over and over again in order to suck the substance that is inside My Truths that have been communicated to her soul which is symbolized by the iron, its blackness and coldness - she remains red-hot; and by pondering them, she strikes blows over herself, who has received the good of hearing My Truth, which, feeling honored, sparkles with light of more Truths...

V. 27 - 1/30/1930 - As Redemption unfolded, so will the Kingdom of the Divine Will unfold. Analogy between the two of Them. Leap of Joy and of Sorrow of Jesus - can be read @

V. 28 - 7/4/1930 - ...Therefore, My daughter, if you want to take all the Good of your Jesus and of the Sovereign Lady of Heaven, you will find them all in Our Fiat. Implore them upon yourself, recognize them and you will feel yourself under the rain of Our continuous Acts.

V. 28 - 9/30/1930 - ...The molestations of weaknesses, the enemies of the passions and the tenacious thieves that  make the creature fall headlong in sin - even to the point of making it fall headlong in the eternal darkness where there is no hope of light. What a difference there is between one who lives in the Light of My Divine Will and one who lives as imprisoned in their human will.

V. 28 - 10/7/1930 - ...The firmness, the fidelity and the immovability in good and in asking for the known good can be called Divine virtues, not human. Therefore, it would be to deny to Our very Selves - if We deny what she asks of Us. Now, it is the same in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. We want to find a faithful soul where We can operate, who with the sweet chain of  her fidelity, ties Us everywhere and from every part of Our Divine Being in such a way that We cannot find a reason to not give what she asks.We want to find Our firmness which is necessary support to be able to enclose the great good in the soul what she is asking. It would not be decorous for Our Divine Works to entrust them to souls who are inconstant and not disposed to face whatever sacrifice for Us. The sacrifice of the creature is the defense of Our Works. And, it is as to put Our Works in a secure place. Then, when We have found the creature to be faithful and the Work goes forth from Us to take It's place in the creature, everything is done. The seed is already thrown...

V. 29 - 2/13/1931 - ...And My Heart while It is human, It is Divine, It possesses the sweetest tenderness, they are such and so many the attractions and the powerful tendernesses of My Heart, that as I see one who loves Me suffer, My most tender Love liquefies My Heart and repours Itself out over the sufferings and over the heart of My beloved creature. Therefore, I am with you in the suffering and  I do two offices: as actor of sufferings and as spectator in order to enjoy the fruits of My sufferings that I want to go developing in her - ...So that the creature in Our Will becomes Our Knoll and Our rest; there is nothing that delights Us more than to find Our rest in Our creature, symbol of the rest that We took after having created all the Creation - ...Instead, who is the speaking work of the Supreme Being? In the creature. We, in creating her loved her so much that We gave her the great good of the Word; Our Will wanted to make Himself Word of the creature, He wanted to go forth from the muteness of created things and forming the organ of her voice, formed the Word in order to be able to speak. Hence, the voice of creatures is speaking veil in which  My Will speaks eloquently, wisely... - My daughter, the substance of Our Divine Being is an immensity of purest Light that produces and immensity of Love; this Light possesses all the Goods, the Joys, interminable Happiness, indescribable Beauties; this Light invests everything, sees everything, encloses everything for neither past nor future exist for It but One Act alone, always in Act, that produces such multiplicity of effects, as to fill Heavens and earth. Now the immensity of the Love that this Light produces, makes Us love Our Being and all that goes forth from Us, with such Love as to render Us true and perfect Lovers, so that We don't know how to other than to love and to give Love and to ask for Love. Now, one who lives in Our Will, Our Light and Our Love makes the echo in the creature and transforms her into Light and Love. Now, what is Our Happiness in forming Our types and models with the Work of Our creative Hands!...My daughter, Our labor towards the creature commenced with the Creation and Our labor remains in the Word because containing Our creative strength, He speaks and creates, speaks and forms the most beautiful and marvelous works. In fact, with the work of six Fiats that We pronounced there was formed the whole great machine of the Universe, I included man who should live in It and be the King of Our so many works Whence, after having reordered everything, Our Love called Us to rest but the rest doesn't say completion of the labor, it says a pause in order to resume the labor again. Now do you want to know when We resume Our work again? Every time that We manifest a Truth, We resume the work of the Creation...Our labor even to the end of the centuries will be alternated with labor and rest, with rest and labor...

V. 29 - 2/15/1931 - ...Oh, if everyone might know what it means to live in My Divine Volition, the great good that comes to them and in the simplest way! - My daughter, Love is life and when this Love goes forth from the soul who lives in My Will, it holds the virtue to form in God Himself the Life of Love; and since the substance of Divine Life is Love, hence the creature with her Love forms in God another Divine Life and We feel in Ourselves Our Life formed by the creature... - And oh, how happy  I felt thinking that My daughter was forming inside of Me My Own Life in Me, all of Love!  If you might know how moving this Act of the creature is that she gives God to God with her Love!  Oh, how it enraptures Us! And feeling Ourselves enraptured, We give other Love in order to have the contentment to have her repeat Our new Lives of Love. Therefore, love, love a great deal and you will make your sweet Jesus more happy.

V. 29 - 6/16/1931 - ...Daughter of My Divine Volition, look at this Immense Light; It is none other than an emanation of Our Will from the center of Our Divine Being; as We pronounced the Fiat, thus He extended Himself in order to form with His creative strength every created thing and in order to make that not one thing might go forth from inside His Light, He remained in that which went forth from Our creative Hands...

V. 29 - 7/17/1931 - My daughter, all the goods that the creature does in My Divine Will raise themselves to God because He holds the Divine Power in order to draw into the Celestial Country what one does in His Volition and then with His Own Power, He makes them re-fall as beneficent rain over the same creature in a way that if the creature loves, blesses, adores, thanks, praises, God reciprocates her with a new rain of love, of benedictions, rain of thanks because He has felt loved and thanked by the creature and bursting in rain of praises, the praise before the whole Celestial Court. Oh, how Our Divine Goodness is waiting for adoration, the pleasant " I love You " of the creature in order to be able to give Our Love the vent to be able to say: "Daughter, I love you". Hence, there is no act that the creature does for Us that Our Tenderness, all Paternal, doesn't give her the multiple exchange.

V. 29 - 8/22/1931 - My daughter, the acts done in My Will have such virtue and power that they change into Divine messengers that depart from earth for the vault of the Heavens...These messengers of Light, how many secrets don't they hide!  Already as by itself the Light of Our Divine Volition is the secretary of all things Divine and human and knows how to maintain the true secret and while apparently one sees Light, inside of this Light It hides all the secrets and all things, no one can escape. This Light contains the great secret of the entire story of the Creation and only confides It's secrets to one who wants to live in It's Light because the Light holds the virtue to dispose the creature to live and understand It's Divine secrets and if needs be, will dispose her to put forth her life in order to be able to give life to His intimitate secrets and the purpose of the Creation that was only that Our Will might reign as " in Heaven so on earth"... - Hence, new Heavens, more brilliant than the Creation Itself will be seen in the creature who lives in My Will because you should know that He holds a longing, an ardent desire  to always want to work but He goes finding one who wants to listen and one who wants to receive His Creative virtue in order not to expose His works to uselessness and in order to be secure, He goes finding His same Will in the soul and finding Him, He finds His works guaranteed by His same Divine Fiat; therefore He does not spare anything and He makes for you the most beautiful works and the greatest prodigies.  Oh, Power of My Omnipotent Volition, if everyone might know You, they might love You and might let You reign, earth would be changed into Heaven!

V. 29 - 8/30/1931 - ...But do you want to know who has the good to feel the strength, the union, the order, the inseparability of all created things alive and the course of all her being toward her Creator? One who lets herself be dominated and possesses the Life of My Will. She has changed nothing of how all things had beginning; but rather, the creature has changed things with not doing My Will, but for one who does It and lets herself be dominated, she holds her post of honor as created by God and therefore We find her in the sun, in the sky, in the sea, together with the union of all created things. And oh, how beautiful to find her, together  with all things created by Us, that only for her Love were they made by Us.

V. 30 - 11/29/1931 - My daughter, being in the Residence of My Divine Will  is to be at her post of honor, given to her by God when the creature was put forth to the light of day; and one who is at her post, God doesn't let her lack anything, neither sanctity, nor light, nor strength nor love. Indeed, He puts at the disposition of the creature what she wants to take from inside the Divine source; so that she lives in the abundance of all goods - Hence to feel her together with Us with Our Acts is the glory, it is the greatest happiness that We can receive. Does it seem little to you that We give to her the virtue to move all Our Divine Being? And since We enjoy it provided she is at her post, We let her do what she wants because We know for certani that she won't do other if not what We want. All to the contrary for one who lives of human will as her acts don't have the Divine, they are without impulse and they remain in the baseness and many times they embitter their Creator.

V. 30 - 2/10/1932 - You should know that the creature, with elevating herself in Our Divine Will, leaves everything and reduces herself in her nothing. This nothing recognizes her Creator and the Creator recognizes the nothing that went forth to the light, not the nothing encumbered with things that don't belong to Him, no, and finding nothing, He fills her with the All. Behold what it means to live in My Will; to empty oneself of all and lightly, lightly fly into the Bosom of the Celestial Father in order to make this nothing receive the Life of He Who created her.

V. 30 - 3/27/1932 - Conditions of assurance for the Kingdom of the Fiat to come upon the earth. The manifestations on My Will will be an army trained with Love, weapons, net in order to conquer the creature - can be read

V. 30 - 4/23/1932 - How the creature becomes called by the Divine Will. How many times she does her act in Him, so many times she is reborn in His Acts. Competition between Creator and creature. can be read @

V. 30 - 6/17/1932 - ...Beyond this, for one who lives in My Will, there is no thing that pertains to My Fiat in which the creature doesn't acquire her rights. Right over Our Divine Being, right over her Celestial Mama, over the Angels, the Saints, right over the sky, the sun, all the Creation. And God, the Virgin and everyone acquires the right over her. It happens as when two young espoused ones unite with an indissoluble bond, that on both parts they acquire the right over the same persons and over all that pertains to both. It is a right that no one can take away from them...

V. 30 - 7/14/1932 - ...The He added: My daughter, you should know that Our Acts that We do in the creature contain three Acts in one: the conservative Act, the nourshing Act and the prime, the Creative Act. With these three Acts in one, We give the perennial life to Our Acts and the creature that possesses them feels in herself the creative strength which takes away all the weaknesses of the human nature in her. The nourishing one holds her always busy to give her His Food in order to impede that she might take other food and it perserves her from all evils. This Food is like the embalming that impedes the corruption; and the conservative Act reconfirms and conserves the good pure and beautiful. These three Acts of Ours in one are as an impregnable fortress that We give to the creature who lets Our Will reign in her, that renders her so very strengthened that no one can harm her.

V. 31 - 7/24/1932 - ...You have not yet understood well the  Gifts and the Goods that your Jesus has given you. You should know that every word of Mine is a Gift and hence It encloses a great good because My Word holds the creative, communicative, strengthening virtue and as It becomes pronounced by Us, this It forms the new good to give to the creature - Now, My daugher, you should know another surprise of Our speaking; suppose that I speak to you on My Sanctity; this Word of Mine contains the Gift of Divine Sanctity to give to the creature always for how much it is possible to a creature. If I speak of Divine Goodness, My Word contains the Gift of Goodness, if I speak of the Divine Will, It contains the Gift of Our Will, in short what Our Word says of beauty, of goodness, of greatness, of sanctity, that Gift contains...

V. 31 - 8/7/1932 - Now you should know that one who lets herself be dominated by My Will and lives in Him, the evils, lose life, the fears, the disturbances lose the seed in order to be reborn, the soul and the body remain confirmed in good. She find herself in the condition of the Blessed in which evil doesn't have life anymore for them because in those Celestial Regions, in My Will, evil absolutely can not enter. So that one who lives in Him can be called and acquires the right of Citizen of Heaven...

V.31 - 8/21/1932 - ...Beyond this, you should know that Love is the blood of the soul. As My Will is the life and as in the natural order, life can not function without blood and blood cannot not circulate if it doesn't have a life...Therefore, there is much anemia in the world because there lacks the pure blood of My Love and accordingly they go toward a terrible consumption that brings them to ruin in the soul and in the body...

V. 31 - 9/4/1932 - My good daughter, the Creation was made by Our Supreme Being in order to give Love and in order to receive the exchange of the Love of creatures. There is nothing created by Us in which this was not Our purpose, to make it in order to receive the exchange of it otherwise Our works would not have been communicative, fruit bearing, nourishing works and full of life in order to facilitate man...- My daughter, My Will holds the virtue to make the centralization of all the human being into one single Act...

V. 31 - 12/16/1932 - My dearest daughter, you should know what I want and that more interests Me is that I want to make it known that I love the creature. I want to say to the ear of every heart, "child I love you" and I would be content if I might hear answered with My same little refrain:"Jesus, I love you". I feel the irresistible need to love and to be loved. Oh! how many times I remain suffocated in My Love because while I love, not feeling that they love Me, My Love doesn't find it's vent and I remain drowned in My Own Love. Behold, therefore I love so much your "I love you"...

V. 32 - 4/16/1933 - For Me, taking food was not necessary but I took it in order to make Love race more and make new conquests and triumphs. So that I gave course to the most humble and base things of life, that was not necessary for Me, but I did it in order to form so many distinct ways to make My Love race and form new conquests and triumphs over My Humanity to make a new gift to whom I love so much and therefore who doesn't receive My Love and doesn't love Me forms My hardest martyrdom. But I pass ahead in order to form the Redemption; one tear of Mine, one sigh was enough but My Love would not have remained content being able to give and to do more, My Love would have remained impeded in Itself and would not have been able to give the boast of saying: "I have done everything, I have suffered everything, I have given you everything, My conquests are superabundant, My triumph is complete"; I can say that I arrived even to confound human ingratitude with My Love, with My excesses and with unheard of sufferings, hence I Myself in every suffering put the intensity of the most intense and bitter sorrow, the most humiliating confusions, the cruelest barbarities and afterwards I equipped it for Me with all the most sorrowful effects that only a man and God could suffer; I exhibited Myself to suffer and oh, the admirable conquests in My sufferings and the full triumph that My Love made, no one would have been able to touch Me if I might not want it and here is the whole secret, My sufferings were voluntarily wanted by Me and therefore they contain the miraculous secret, the conquering strength, the love that moves one to remorse and they hold the virtue to sweep away the whole world and change the face of the earth.

V. 32 - 4/23/1933 - My blessed daughter, My life down here, as it commenced, thus it finished, from the first instant of My Conception, My one Act was continuous; I can say that in every instant, it put Me in the Hands of My Celestial Father, it was the most beautiful homage that His Son gave Him, the most profound adoration, the most heroic and complete sacrifice, the most intense Love of progeny that My full abandomnet into His Hands gave Him, it rendered My Humanity speaking and with commanding voice, that asked for all and obtained all that I wanted, to His one Son abandoned in His Arms, My Celestial Father can deny nothing, My abandoment in every instant was the most pleasant Act, so much so that I wanted to crown the last gasp of My Life with the words: "Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit". The virtue of abandonment is the greatest virtue, it is a pledge to God that He takes care of the abandoned one in His Arms and says to God: I don't want to know anything of myself, this life of mine is yours, not mine and yours is mine. Therefore, if you want to obtain all, if you want to love Me indeed, live abandoned in My Arms, let Me feel the echo of My Life in every instant; in your hands abandon all to Me; and I will carry you in My Arms as the dearest of My daughters.

V. 32 - 4/29/1933 - Therefore, be attentive and never go out from My Divine Volition, if you want to find the strength, the light, the support and your Jesus Himself at your disposition.

V. 32 - 5/25/1933 - Dearest daughter of My Divine Will, My Divine Volition is by Himself a continuous miracle, to descend into the baseness of the act of the creature in order to form there His Act, is the greatest of miracles that has been given to no one to be able to do; His investing virtue penetrates everywhere, with His kiss of light He enraptures the act of the creature, moves it, transforms it, conforms it and with His miraculous virtue forms there His Act in that of the creature and without destroying that of the creature, rather He makes use of the space, as to install there His Act and He makes use of the void as to form there His Life so much so that from outside one sees the human act, from inside the wonders, the sanctity, the great miracle of the Divine Act. Therefore, one who does My Will and lives in Him, she doesn't have need of miracles, as she lives under the rain of the miracles of My Volition and she possesses in herself the font, the source that transforms the creature in the miraculous virtue of My Divine Will in a way that one sees in her the miracle of unconquered patience, miracle of perennial Love toward God, miracle of continuous prayer without ever getting tired and if one sees sufferings, they are miracles of conquests, of triumphs, of glory that He encloses in her sufferings. For one who lives in My Will, He wants to give to the soul the miracle of Divine heroism and in the sufferings, He puts the infinite weight and value, He puts the imprint, the seal of the sufferings of your Jesus.

V. 32 - 5/28/1933 - ...You should know that every evil of human will is none other than so many distinct doors that she possesss in order to descend into the kingdom of evils, of vices, of the gruesome terrors of the living hell, even to render one nauseated, unbearable to God and to himself; and I, with making its evils known, do none other than wall up the doors and put there My seal and say: this door can not open anymore. Now as the human will holds its doors, its staircases in order to descend into the abyss of evil, not in order to ascend, thus My Divine Will holds His doors, His staircases in order to ascend, His Heavens, His immense Goods and It forms the living Paradise for one who possesses Him and every Knowledge that regards His is as a door that is opened and a staircase that is formed, it is a way that opens before you, that you should cross in order to possess with facts what you have known. You see the great good of so many Knowledges that I have manifested to you are so many doors that facilitate your entrance into His Kingdom; and in every door I have put an Angel at guard, so that He might give you a hand and conduct  you securely into the regions of the Divine Will; every Knowledge is an invitation, It is a Divine strength that I surrender to you and It makes you feel the extreme need, the absolute necessity, to live of Divine Will - Now the Knowledges on My Divine Will instruct the human volition and she acquires science and reason that not only is it justice to let Him reign and dominate as primary life in her soul but it is the highest good that she receives, honor and great  glory that this Holy Volition, with dominating, arrives to give her the state of Divine royalty because she feels herself daughter of the Great King; hence the royalty is also her property. When the creature has arrived to understand all this by way of Knowledges and lessons that My Divine Volition has made her, everything is done. My Will has conquered the human volition and the human volition as conquered the Divine Will. The Knowledges on Him are so very necessary as they serve to desiccate the bad humors and they substitute it with the Holy humors; they are as Sun that darts the human volition and they communicate His Life, His Sanctity and the ardent desire to possess the Good that He knows. Therefore, be attentive to listen to His lessons and correspond to such Good.

V. 32 - 6/15/1933 - Now, you should know that I don't look at the external action of the creature but the intention that forms the life of the action, it is as the soul of the action as this becomes as the veil of the intention. It happens as the soul to the body, that it is not the body that thinks, that speaks, that beats that works and walks but the soul that gives life to the thought, word, motion so that the body is the veil of the soul, that while it covers it and makes itself bearer of it but the vital part. the action, the step is of the soul. Such is the intention, true life of the actions. Now, if you call My Divine Will as life in your mind, as beat of your heart, as action of your hands and so on, you will form the life of the intelligence of My Will in your mind, the life of His actions in your  hands, His Divine step in your feet in a way that all what you will do, will serve as veil to the Divine Life, that with your intention you have formed in the interior of your acts. But what is this intention? It is your will that appealing to Mine, empties itself of itself and forms the void in its act in order to give the post to the action of My Will and she making herself veil, hides even the most ordinary and natural actions, the extraordinary action of a God, so much so that from outside, one sees common actions but if one takes away the veil of the human volition, one finds enclosed the operative virtue of the Divine action and this forms the sanctity of the creature, not the diversity of actions, not the works that make noise, no, but common life, the necessary actions of life of which the creature can do no less; they are veils that can hide Our Will and make Itself field where God abases Himself in order to make Himself the hidden actor of His Divine actions. And as the body veils the soul, thus the will veils God, it hides Him and forms through means of ordinary actions the chain of the extraordinary actions of God in her soul.

V. 32 - 6/29/1933 - ...Because you should know that one who lives in My Divine Will arrives to such and is able to do such, even to repeat Our Divine Life; Our Fiat gives all the necessary materials to the creature who lives in Him, that with her acts she makes herself repeater of the same Life of God and if you might know what it means to repeat Our Life, the glory, the honor, the love that she gives Us, the good that she makes descend on all the generations, it is incalculable what she does and only Our Will holds this power to make this prodigy so great that to no one is it given to make herself repeater of Our same Divine Life in the creature - My daughter, do not wonder, everything is possible to My Will, even to repeat Our Life. You should know that Our Supreme Being holds the virtue in His nature to be able to repeat how many times He wants, as in fact We repeat Our Divine Life all entire for every individual, for every created thing, wherever in each place and everywhere Our Immensity carries Us, Our Power forms Us and of Our single Life that We possess, He repeats, bilocates, multiplies Our Divine Lives so that only one who doesn't want It, doesn't take It...

V. 32 - 7/8/1933 - My daughter, how does one complete a complete Act of the Divine Volition? You should know that in order to form this complete Act, there is needed the Power of My Will; the creature alone can not do it; therefore, it happens that My Will invests the human littleness and the human one lends itself to let itself be invested, making itself the one prey of the other. Now, in this investment, the Power of My Fiat empties the creature of all that doesn't belong to Him and fills her up even to the brim with the Divine Being in a way that she feels the fullness of the Life of her Creator and there is no particle, even the littlest that doesn't remain filled in a way that she feels flow as in torrents, the Divine Life in all her being, so that she feels in herself the fullness and totality of the Supreme Being for how much a creature is capable...

V. 32 - 7/30/1933 - ...When I act, I act with Wisdom, Order and Divine Harmony; should I say to you that He wanted to form this Life of My Divine Will in you without making you know Him, without giving you the Divine materials in order to form Him and the continuous food in order to make Him grow.? I don't know how to do these things, if I say that I want it, I must give all what is needed and in a superabundant way, in order to make that the creature might be able to do what I want. And since creatures don't know My way of acting, some marvel, they doubt it and certain ones arrive to condemn My work; and the creature that I have made the aim in order to complete My great designs that will serve to the whole entire world because the Life of My Divine Will working in the creature is not subject neither to die nor to finish but He will have His perpetuity in the midst of the human generations.Therefore, leave Me to do it and you always follow your flight in My Divine Will.

V. 32 - 8/20/1933 - My blessed daughter, it is certain that all the Eternity won't be enough for you to cross over the immense sea of My Volition, much less however, the few hours of your life; it's enough for you to be within Us in order to make you happy and you will be attentive to take the drops that your little capacity can take...

V. 33 - 11/19/1933 - My good daughter, you should know that as the soul is disposed to do My Divine Will, it forms the passport in order to enter into the interminable confines of the Kingdom of the Fiat; but do you know Who lends you the material in order to form it and Who lends Himself to sign it and to give it the value of passage into My Kingdom? My daughter, the act of disposing oneself to do My Will is so very great that My Life, My Merits form the paper, the characters and your Jesus makes the signature in order to make It known and to give her free entrance...

V. 33 - 12/18/1933 - My Blessed daughter, you will cease your wondering if looking well in this sea of My Volition, you will see where, who , how and when every creature was fully formed. Hence where? In the Eternal Bosom of God. Who? God Himself gave them origin. How? The Supreme Being formed the series of her thoughts, the number of her words, the order of her works, the motion of her steps and the continuous palpitation of her heart. So that God gave such beauty, order and harmony as to be able to find Himself in the creature with such fullness that she would not find place where to put some of hers, that had not been put there by God...And when was this creature formed in Us? Ab Eterno, therefore she didn't exist in time but in eternity she always existed, she had her post in Us, her palpitating Life, her Creator's Love...

V. 33 - 1/14/1934 - My daughter, do not marvel, sufferings before the glory smile, they feel triumphant in seeing the conquests that they have acquired, the sufferings confirm and establish the greater or lesser glory in the creature and according to the sufferings, thus one feels painted the most beautiful and varied shades of beauty and seeing themselves transformed into the rarest beauty, they celebrate. So that the sufferings  on earth cry, at the doors of Heaven, they commence their eternal smile that doesn't end anymore; the sufferings on earth are bearers of humiliation, at the eternal doors, they are bearers of glory...

V. 33 - 1/28/1934 -  I love man because he is destined to populate Heaven and being My brother of glory, we will glorify each other. I will be his glory as Life and he will My glory as Work. Behold therefore, I love so much  that one who does and lives in My Will because with Him, My Divine Qualities find their place of honor and they can maintain the fraternization with the creature; without Him, they don't find the post nor do they know where to put themselves, the fraternization remains broken and My Life remains smothered. My daughter, what deadly change, when the creature withdrew from My Will; I don't find My Image anymore nor My Life growing in her, My Qualities are ashamed to be united with her because the human volition disunited from the Divine One, with Him you will be united with all that is holy, you will be the sister of all Our Works and you will hold in you power your Jesus Himself.

V. 33 - 2/4/1934 - Whence I, in hearing this was amazed and I said: And yet my Love there are the reprobates already separated from You, they are also Works gone forth from You, how it is therefore that they don't belong to You anymore? And Jesus: You are wrong My daughter, they don't belong to Me by way of Love but by way of Justice, My Immensity that involves them holds  His power over them and if they might not belong to My punitive Justice, It would not have to punish them because if things might not belong to Me at the instant they lose life but if this life exists, there is one who conserves it and who justly punishes...

V. 33 - 5/6/1934 - ...But who is it that doesn't think of saving oneself first and then the others? No one and if he can not save himself, it is a sign that he wouldn't hold neither virtue nor power to be able to save others. With restoring the Kingdom of My Will in the creature, I did the greatest Act, Act that only a God can do, that is to put in safety My Life Itself in the creature and saving Myself, everyone was put in safety; no more dangers, because they held a Divine Life in their power in which they would have found all the goods that they needed. Hence, My Redemption, My Life, My sufferings, My death will serve to dispose creatures to such a good and as preparation to the great portent of the Kingdom of My Will in the human generations.

V. 33 - 7/15/1934 - One who lives in the Divine Will puts herself in the condition of receiving and of being able to always give to her Creator. How one who prays disburses the coin, forms the void and acquires the capacity to possess what she asks - can be

V. 33 - 6/29/1934 - Ah! My daughter, the living in My Will is the living of Heaven; It is to feel in the soul the Life of the light, of the love, the Life of the Divine Action, the Life of the prayer that what she does, for her everything is palpitating Life in her acts. You should know that one who does the Divine Will and lives in Him becomes the magnet of the Divine Acts, her little motion, thought and works are magnetic, with such a powerful magnet, as to magnetize her Creator in a way that this magnet attracts Him so much that He can not move Himself away from the creature. Our Supreme Being feels the Look magnetized and He is always fixed in looking at her, He feels the Arms magnetized and tightly holds her to His Bosom, the magnet to Our Love and We pour forth so much that We arrive to feel that she loves Us as We love Ourselves...

V. 33 - 5/26/1935 - Fear, human virtue; Love, Divine virtue. How trust enraptures Jesus. Who does the Divine Will is found with all the Divine works and remains confirmed in Him - can be read

V. 33 - 6/17/1935 - ...Our Supreme Being is free, We don't have need of anyone and We can do what We want and since We are capable of everything, We don't work in doing the greatest works but it is enough that We want it and in that instant We do everything. Instead, when We want to work in the creature, almost that We have need of her, We must entice her, We must tell her the Good that We want for her and what We want to work; We don't want a forced will, therefore, We want that she know it and spontaneously opens the door to Us, feeling herself honored to give Us the working post in her will. In these conditions, Our Love put Us in the creation of man, It loved him so much as to arrive to give him free will so that he might be able to say: I can give to my Creator; he could love Him more. Therefore, the glory, the honor that the creature gives Me when she lets Me work in her will is so very great that no one can understand it; it is Our same glory and honor that she gives Us in all her acts, Our Life races, Our Love can say: I give God to God; it is the highest point where the creature can arrive, it is the most excessive Love where a God can arrive. Oh! If creatures  might understand the Love, the great Gift that We gave them with giving them a free will, it elevated her above the sky, the sun, the entire Universe, I can do over all what I want without anyone knowing anything; instead, with the creature, I abase Myself, I ask them with Love, a little spot in their will in order to be able to work in them and to do some Good for her. But alas! Many deny it to Me and render My Will inoperative in the human will; My sorrow is infinite to so much of their ingratitude...

V. 18 - 11/19/25 - To live in My Will is precisely this: To keep company with all the Acts which My Will does. My Will does not want to live isolated in the midst of Creation but wants the company of the creature because of  Its much love for her - It maintains the order of the whole Creation and makes Itself Life of each created thing. And when It finds the soul who keeps It company in this life which It maintains in the whole universe, My Will rejoices, makes Feast and feels happy. It finds the one Whom It loves; and by whom It is loved in return; It finds one to whom It can make Itself known and what It posssesses; and in Its happiness, It narrates to the soul the secrets of Its Volition, Its Value and Its surprising effects. But this is nothing. As It narrates Its Knowledges, what It does and what It is, so It makes to her the donation of what It manifests to her. More than a valid script, it is Knowledge itself that has impressed in the soul with characters of light, the possession of the goods which the Knowledge of It contains. Oh! how beautiful it is to see the Sanctity, the Power, the Immensity of My Will, dwell with the littleness of the human will in the act in which It keeps it company. It wants to give always, It never stops; It wants to see the littleness beautiful, rich, powerful; It wants to keep it always close to Itself, to be able to give to it always. There is nothing more beautiful, more gracious. more surprising to be seen, than a soul who tries to follow the Acts of the Will of her Creator. There is a continuous contest between them, a reciprocal love, a continuous giving and receiving. Oh! if you knew how rich you are. As many things you know about My Will, so many goods do you possess; and if  you enumerate them, you will get lost and will remain drowned within them. Therefore, be attentive in following the Acts of My Will, if you want to keep It continuous company.

V. 18 - 11/22/25 - ...At that moment, my lovable Jesus came out from within my interior and clasping  me all to Himself, told me: My daughter, do you want to know what the soul receives by living in My Will? She receives the union of the Supreme Will with hers and in this union, My Will takes on the task of giving parity with Itself to the will of the soul. So, My Will is Holy, is Pure, is Light and It wants to make the soul equal to Itself in holiness, purity and light; and if the task of the soul is to live in My Will, the task of Mine is to give My Likeness to the human will in a perfect way. And this is why I want you always in It - so that It may not only keep you in It's company but It may make you grow in It's Likeness. And this is why I feed you the food of It's Knowledges - to make you grow in a Divine manner and with It's perfect Likeness... On hearing this, I said: My Love, Your Will is everywhere; so, everyone lives in It; yet, not everyone receives It's Likeness. And Jesus immediately added: And what does this have to do with it, My daughter? It is true that all live in My Will because there is not one point in which My Will is not present but almost all live in It as foreigners or as mercenaries; others, as rebels. These live in It but do not know It nor do they know Its Goods; on the contrary, they are the usurpers of that very life which they have received from My Will...In order to reach parity with My Will, one cannot live as a foreigner but as the owner; one must look at all things as one's own and have all the care for them. Therefore, it is necessary to know them in order to love them and  possess them...This is what the soul receives by living in My Will: She receives It as her own, she possesses It, she feels It's Celestial Aura, It's Life of Heaven, the Likeness of the One Who created her; and as she lives in My Will, she feels studded with the Reflections of her Creator. In everything, she feels the Power of that Fiat which gives life to all things; and in the sea of goods which she possesses, she says: How happy I am, the Will of God is mine - I possess It and I love It...

V. 13 - 10/27/21 - ...The earth is not a place of delights - its inheritance is pain and the cross is the bread of the strong...

V. 17 - 5/10/25 and 5/17/25 - Different ways of fusing oneself in the Divine Will. In the Divine Will, there is the void of the human acts which must be done in It. These can be read at:

V. 17 - 6/3/1925 - Everything was done in Creation; in It, the Divinity manifested all of Its Majesty, Power and Wisdom and made display of His complete Love towards the creatures. If man does not take the Divine Will as Life, the Works of Redemption and Sanctification will not have their copious effects. can be read @

V. 30 - 6/12/32 - My blessed daughter, for one who lives in My Divine Will, everything is present; the past and the future don't exit for her. Everything is in Act... - Therefore, in Our Will there are no things dissimilar between Creator and creature. If she loves, she makes use of Our Love in order to love Us; if she works, she works in Our Works, neither does she love nor work outside of Our Love and of Our Works. We can say that Our Love is hers and hers is Ours and We have done Our works together...

V. 30 - 6/17/1932 - ...The human volition and the Divine Volition kiss continually, they fuse together and God develops His Life in the creature and she develops her life in God. Beyond this, for one who lives in My Will, there is no thing that pertains to My Fiat in which the creature doesn't acquire her rights. Right over Our Divine Being, right over her Celestial Mama, over the Angels, the Saints, over the sky, the sun and all the creation. And God, the Virgin and everyone acquires the right over her - Thus, for one who lives in Our Volition, it forms the new, true, real wedding with the Supreme Being and with this becomes formed a marriage with all that belongs to Him. Oh! how beautiful it is to see this creature married with everyone; the dear, the darling, the beloved by everyone and with right everyone loves her and they long to enjoy her and she gives to everyone. Oh, if all creatures might understand what it means to live in My Divine Will, oh, how everyone would aspire and would make competition to make their Celestial Sojourn in Him - Blessed daughter, My Humanity so very loves the human family, that I carried them and I still carry them in My Heart; they are pressed between My Arms and every suffering, work, prayer that I did were new bonds of union between Me and them...and I said to each one of them: "I love you, My children, I love you a great deal and I want to be loved."...

V. 17 - 10/30/24 - ...In fact, when God decides, when He proposes, all adverse events do not change Him but He remains immutable in His Immutability. And this is why, moving on to another excess of Love, I, Word of the Father, came upon earth and taking on a Humanity, I gathered within Myself all this Love which filled Heaven and earth in order to requite the Divinity with as much Love for as much It had given and was to give to creatures; and I constituted Myself Love of each thought, of each gaze, of each word, heartbeat, movement and step of each creature. Therefore, My Humanity, even in It's littlest fiber, was worked by the Hands of the Eternal Love of My Celestial Father in order to give Me the capacity to be able to enclose all the Love that the Divinity wanted to give to creatures so as to give It the Love of all and constitute Myself Love of each act of the creature. So, each one of your thoughts is encircled by My incessant Acts of Love; there is nothing, inside and outside of you, that is not surrounded by My repeated Acts of Love. This is why, in this Garden, My Humanity, moans, pants, agonizes, feels crushed under the weight of so much Love - because I love and I am not loved in return. The pains of Love are the most bitter, the most cruel; they are pains without pity, more painful than My very Passion! Oh! If they loved Me, the weight of so much Love would become light because when Love is loved in return, It becomes quenched and satisfied in the very Love of the Beloved. But when It is not loved in return, It goes mad, It raves and It feels the Love which It had issued being repaid with an act of death. See, then, how much more bitter and painful was the Passion of My Love; because if in My Passion they gave Me only one death, in the Passion of Love they made Me suffer as many deaths for as many Acts of Love as came out of Me for which I was not requited. Therefore, you, My daughter, come to requite Me for so much Love. In My Will, you will find all this Love as though in Act; make It your own and, together with Me, constitute yourself Love of each act of creatures, to give Me the requital of the Love of all.

V. 17 - 9/18/24 - Difference that exists between living in the Will of God and doing the Will of God. In order to understand what living in the Divine Will means, one would have to dispose oneself to the greatest of sacrifices: that of not giving life, even in holy things, to one's own will. Can be read at:

V. 17 - 9/22/24 - .. I saw my sweet Jesus placing His mouth at the place of my heart and feeding me the words I was writing. At the same time, I heard a horrible din from afar, from some who were beating each other and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turning to my Jesus, said to Him: My Jesus, my Love, who is making such a din? They  seemed to be like enraged demons. What do they want that they rage so much? And Jesus: My daughter, it really is them. They would want you not to write about My Will; and when they see you write more important Truths on the living in My Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment all the damned even more. They fear so much that these writings on My Will might come out, because they see themselves losing their kingdom on earth, that they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his human will. Ah! yes, it was precisely then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if My Will could reign upon earth, My enemy, on his own, would shut himself up into the deepest  abysses. This is why they rage with such fury: they feel the Power of My Will in these writings and at the mere thought that they might come out, they fly into a rage and try anything they can in order to impede a Good so great. You, however, do not pay attention to them and learn from this to appreciate My Teachings.

V. 3 - 5/20/1900 - My daughter, all things have their origin from nothing. If this very machine of the Universe which you are admiring with it's great order had been full of other things before I created it, I could not have put My Creative Hands to make it with such mastery and to render it so splendid and adorned. At the most, I cound have undone everything that might have been there, to then redo it according to My Liking. But we always come to this: All of My Works have their origin from nothing and when there is a mixing with other things, it is not decorous for My Majesty to descend and operate in the soul. But when the soul reduces herself to nothing and rises to Me and takes her being within Mine, then I operate as the God that I am and the soul finds true rest. And here is how all virtues, from humility to the annihilation of oneself, begin.

V. 13 - 1/14/22 - Then Jesus told me: What you see is the Most Holy Trinity, as though holding all creatures in the Palm of Its Hand; and as It gives Life, preserves, purges and delights from Its mere Breath; there is no creature who does not hang upon It. It's Light is inaccessible to the created mind. If anyone wanted to enter, it would happen to him as to a person who wanted to enter into a great fire: not having heat and power to face this fire, he would be consumed by the fire. Therefore, being extinguished, he would never be able to say either how much or what kind of heat that fire contained. The Rays are the Divine Virtues. Some Virtues are less adaptable to the created mind; this is why the created mind is delighted in Them but is unable to describe anything. The other Virtues which are more adaptable to the human mind, can be described but like a stutterer would do because no one can speak about Them in a way which is right and worthy. The Virtues which are more adaptable to the human mind are Love, Mercy, Goodness, Beauty, Justice and Science. Therefore, together with Me, let us send our homages to the Most Holy Trinity in the name of all, to thank It, praise It and bless It for so much goodness towards all creatures.

V. 14 - 2/17/22 - Furthermore, what is most important to man is Love. Love is like bread for the natural life. One can do without science, power, wisdom, or at most, these are the things that one wants in time and circumstance. But what would one say if I had created man and did not love him? Besides, why create him if I were not to love him? It would be a dishonor for Me and a work unworthy of Me, Who can do no other thing but Love. And what would happen to man if he did not have an origin of Love and could not love? He would be a brute and unworthy even to be looked at. Therefore, Love must run in everything. Love should run in all the human actions, just as the image of the king circulates in the currency of a kingdom and if the coins are not marked with the image of the king, they are not recognized as currency. In the same way, if Love does not run in a work, it is not recognized as My Work.

V. 9 - 3/12/10 - My daughter, My Will perfects Love, It modifies it, It shrinks it and It expands it into something holier and more perfect. Sometimes Love would want to run away and devour everything; but My Will masters Love and says: Slow down, don't run away because by running away you can hurt yourself and by wanting to devour everything  you can be mistaken. Love is pure insofar as it is conformed to My Will; they walk together and they kiss each other continously with the kiss of peace. Other times, either because of an interior state or because in its escapes, it has not succeeded as it wanted, Love would constrain Me and almost sit down sluggishly; so My Will spurs it on and says to it: Come on, true lovers are not lazy - they don't remain idle. When it is enclosed in My Will - only then is Love safe. So, Love makes one appreciate and desire something and it is taken by follies and by excesses; while My Will tempers and calms Love itself and nourishes the loving soul with a food more solid and Divine. Therefore, in Love there can be many imperfections, even in holy things, while in My Will - never, everything is perfect. My daughter, this happens especially in loving souls who have received the Grace of My visits, of My kisses and caresses; they remain prey to Love when I deprive them of Myself; Love takes possession of them and renders them panting, fidgety, delirious, mad, restless, impatient. So, if it wasn't for My Will that nourishes them, strengthens them, Love would kill them. Though Love is nothing but the firstborn child of My Will, it needs to be corrected by My Will; and I love it as much as I love Myself.

V. 10 - 12/22/10 - Continuing in my ususal state, I saw various Priests before my mind; and Blessed Jesus was saying: In order to be able to operate  great things for God, it is necessary to destroy self-esteem, human respect and one's own nature, so as to live again of Divine Life and take into consideration only the esteem of Our Lord and that which regards His Honor and His Glory. It is necessary to crush, to pulverize what is human in order to be able to live of God...

V. 17 - 11/27/24 - I was thinking about the immutability of God and the mutability of creatures. What difference! Now, while I was thinking about this, my always benign Jesus moved in my interior, saying to me: My Daughter, look: there is not one point in which My Being is not present. I have no place where to oscillate, either to the right or to the left or to the back - no emply space which is not filled with Me. Finding not one point where I am not present, My firmness feels unshakeable. This is My Eternal Immutability. This immense immutability renders Me immutable in pleasures: what I like, I like always; immutable in loving, in enjoying, in wanting; once I have loved, enjoyed, wanted something, there is no danger that I may ever change. In order to change, I would have to restrict My Immensity - which I cannot do nor do I want to. My Immutability is the most beautiful Halo that crowns My Head, extends under My Feet and renders eternal homage to My Immutable Sanctity. Tell Me: is there perhaps one point in which you do not find Me? As He was saying this, this Divine Immutability made Itself present before my mind. But who can say what I comprehended ? In speaking about the mutability of the creature, He said: Poor creature! How tiny is her little place! And as tiny as it is, her place is not even stable and fixed: today she is at one point, tomorrow she is flung to another. This is the reason why today she loves, she likes someone, something or some place; tomorrow she changes and maybe even despises what yesterday she liked and loved. But do you know what renders the poor creature mutable? It is her human will that renders her fickle in love, in pleasures, in the good that she does. The human will is like an impetuous wind that moves the creature at every blow like an empty reed - now to the right, now to the left. This is why, in creating her, I wanted her to live of My Will - so that, arresting this impetuous wind of the human will, It might render her firm in good, stable in love, holy in operating. I wanted to let her live in the immense territory of My Immutability. But the creature was not content; she wanted her own tiny little place and rendered herself the amusement of herself, of others, and of her very passions. This is why I pray - I supplicate the creature to take this Will of Mine, to make It her own, that she may return into that Immutable Will  from which she came, so that she may no longer be fickle but stable and firm. I have not changed - I wait for her, I long for her, I want her always in My Will.

V. 13 - 7/26/21 - One can say that water is not only queen but it is like the soul of the earth; without water, the earth would be like a dead body. So is My Will:: It is not only Queen but more than Soul of all created things. It is the Life of each heartbeat, of each fiber of the heart. My Volition, like water, flows within everything - now remaining silent and hidden, now palpitating and visible. Man can substract himself from My Light, from My Love, from My Grace, but from My Will - never. He would be like one who wanted to live without water. It is true that there may be some crazy one who hates water; but  even if he hates  it and does not love it, he will be forced to drink it - either water or death. The same for My Will: since It is Life of everything, creatures will keep It with them either with love or with hatred but even though against their will, they will be forced to let My Will flow in them, like blood in the veins. And those who wanted to subtract themselves from My Will would be like the suicides of their own souls. But still, My Will would not leave them; It would follow the course of Justice over them, since It could not follow for them the course of the goods that My Volition contains. If man knew what it means to do or not to do My Will, all would tremble with fright at the mere thought of subtracting themselves from My Will for one single instant.

V. 14 - 8/19/22 - As I was in my usual state, sweet Jesus made me sufer part of His pains and of His deaths which He suffered for each  creature. From my little pains, I could comprehend how atrocious and mortal the pains of Jesus had been. Then He told me: My daughter, My pains are incomprehensible to human nature and the very pains of My Passion were shadows or similies of My interior pains. My interior pains were inflicted on Me by an Omnipotent God and not one fiber could dodge His blow; those of My Passion were inflicted on Me by men who, having neither Omnipotence nor All-Seeingness, were not able to do what they wanted nor to penetrate into every single fiber of Mine. My interior pains were Incarnate and My very Humanity was transformed into nails, into thorns, into scourges, into wounds,into martyrdom, so cruel as to give Me continuous deaths; and these were inseparable from Me - they formed My very Life. On the other hand, those of My Passion were extraneous to Me; they were thorns and nails which could be driven inside and eventually, they could also be removed; and the mere thought that a pain can be removed is a relief. But My interior pains which were formed of My Own Flesh - there was no hope that they might be removed or that the sharpness of a thorn or the piercing of the nails might be lessened. My interior pains were so great and so many that I could call the pains of My Passion reliefs and kisses given to My interior pains; and uniting together, they gave the last proof of My great and excessive Love for the salvation of souls. My external pains were voices that called everyone to enter into the ocean of My interior pains, to make them comprehend how much their salvation cost Me. And then, from your own interior pains, communicated by Me, you can somehow comprehend the continuous intensity of Mine. Therefore, pluck up courage - it is Love that pushed Me to this.  

V. 18 - 8/9/25 - My daughter, you must know that this way of praying - that is, to requite God in Love for all the things created by Him - is a Divine right and it enters the first duty of the creature. The Creation was made for Love of man - And if it seems that man lacks something, that life suffers hardships, it is because of sin which, barring the way of My benefits, prevents the things created by Me from being abundant for the ungrateful creature - Not requiting God in Love for everything He has done for man in Creation is the first fraud that the creature makes against God; it is to usurp His gifts without even recognizing where they came from and the One Who has loved her so much. Therefore, this is the first duty of the creature and this duty is so indispensible and important that She Who took to heart all Our Glory, Our defense, Our interest, did nothing but go around through all the spheres, from the smallest to the greatest thing created by God in order to impress Her requital of Love, of Glory, of  Thanksgiving for all and in the name of  all human generations...

V. 18 - 8/15/25 - So, it is My Will that walks constantly towards the creature within created things; It never stops, It is all motion towards the one whom It loves so much. Yet, who says a "thank you" to My Will, Who brings Him the light of the sun, the water for drinking in order to quench his thirst, the bread to satisfy his hunger, the fruit, the flower to cheer him and many other things that It brings to him to make him happy? Is it not right that, since My Will does everything for man, that man should do everything to fulfill My Will?

V. 18 - 10/24/25 - My Will alone is one single Act that has no succession of acts. This single Act is as though fixed to one point that never moves; and this point is Eternity. And while being one single Act, Prime Act, endless Act, Its circumference is so immense that nothing can escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with one single embrace because everything starts from that Prime Act, as one single Act. So, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are one single Act for the Divinity; and only because It is one single Act, It has the power to make all acts It's Own, as if they were one alone. Now, one who lives in My Will possesses this single Act...

V. 18 - 11/1/25 - ...My poor mind was speaking nonsense; I felt there was no pain that could be compared to the pain of the privation of Jesus. It is a pain without beginning and without end, incalculable and irreparable - that which Jesus is , such becomes the pain...

V. 19 - 5/6/1926 - My daughter, you must know  that the first before the Supreme Majesty are those who have lived in My Volition and who have never gone out of My Will. My Mama came to the world after four thousand years; yet, in the eyes of God, She came before Adam. Her Acts, Her Love are in the first order of creatures, therefore Her Acts come before all the acts of creatures because She was the closest to God, bound to Him with the tightest bonds of Sanctity, of Union and of Likeness. By living in Our Will, Her Acts became inseparable from Ours and being inseparable, these Acts are the closest, as something natural to Her Creator. "before" and "after" do not exist in Our Will but everything is first Act. Therefore, one who lives in Our Will, even if she came as last, comes always  before everything. So, it is not the era in which souls come out to the light of time who will be considered but whether the Life of My Will has been in them as center of life, reigning and dominating in all of their acts, just as It reigns and dominates in the Womb of the Divinity. These will be the first; their Acts done in Our Will, will rise above all the acts of the other creatures and all will remain behind; therefore, these souls will be Our Crown... - It would not be true living in My Will, nor a work of My Will, if It did not centralize everything that belongs to It and all of It's external works in the soul who lives in It, in whom It has It's Kingdom and Dominion. If it were not so, the Kingdom of My Will would be a divided Kingdom - which cannot be because My Will unites all It's works and makes them one single Act. And even though it is said that It creates, It redeems, It sanctifies and so on, these are the effects of that one single Act, which never changes Its action. Therefore, the origin of one who lives in My Will is eternal - inseparable from her Creator and from all those whom My Will has had Its Kingdom and Its Dominion.

V. 16 - 8/1/23 - ...Therefore, My daughter, I have chosen you as daughter of My Will so that , as faithful daughter, you may defend the rights of your Father. My Love absolutely wants the requital of the love of the creature. In My Will, you will find all My "I love you's" and you, by following them, will impress your "I love You" within Mine, for yourself and for all. Oh! how content I will be in seeing the love of the creature fused with Mine. This is why I give you My Will in your power - so that one creature defending the rights of My Love, may requite Me for that Love that I have given in Creation

V. 16 - 8/5/23 - I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Will of God and my sweet Jesus, investing me with a Supreme Light, told me: My daughter, if My Supreme Will had not let My human will enter into the Divine Will, My Humanity as Holy and Pure as It is, could not have formed the complete Redemption. My human will would have lacked All-Seeingness and therefore It would not have been able to see everyone. It would have lacked Immensity and would not have been able to embrace all Omnipotence and would not have been able to save everyone and to be able to embrace Eternity to take everything as one single point and to remedy everything. So, the first role in Redemption was of My Divine Will; the second, of My Humanity. If it wasn't for the Divine Will, Redemption would have been for few and limited in time. because not having the Light of the All-Seeingness which makes one know everyone, I could not have extended Myself to all. So, in order to form the Redemption, I did nothing other than open the doors of the Supreme Will to My Humanity - doors which the first man had closed; and giving My Humanity free field, I let It operate the Redemption within the very Bosom of the Supreme Will. From that time on, no one else has entered My Divine Volition to be able to operate as the owner, with full freedom, as if It were his own, so as to be able to enjoy all of It's Power and the Goods It contains. My Will in Me is like the soul to the body; and if doing My Will has been the greatest Grace for the Saints, as It entered into them as though by Reflections, what will it be not only to receive It's Reflections but to enter into It and enjoy all It's fullness?...

V. 16 - 2/22/24 - ...On hearing this, I said: My Jesus, how can it be as You say? It is true that our Mama passed into Heaven and so did Your Humanity; but did You not bring the joys with You, so as to be able to continue Your innocent amusements in Heaven with Your Celestial Father? And Jesus: The joys of Heaven are Our Own and no one can take them away from Us or diminish them; but those which came to Us from the earth, We are in the act of acquiring and the game is formed precisely in act of new acquirements - between the acquirement of the victory or of the defeat; so are the joys of the acquirement formed, and if one is defeated, sorrows are formed. Now let's come to us, My daughter. When I came, man was so engulfed in evil and so full of human will, that the living in My Will could find no place. So, in My Redemption, first I impetrated for him the grace of resignation to My Will because in the state he was in, he was incapable of receiving the greatest Gift - the living in My Will. And then I impetrated for him the greatest grace, as crown and fulfillment of all Graces - the living in My Will, so that Our pure joys of Creation and Our innocent amusements would resume their course once again on the face of the earth. See, about twenty centuries have passed since the true and pure joys of Creation were interrupted because We did not find sufficient capacity, total stripping of the human will, to be able to entrust the property of Our Will. Now, in order to do this, We had to choose a creature who would be more proximate and associated with the human generations. Had I placed My Mama as the example, they would have felt very distant from Her and would have said: How could She not live in the Divine Will, since She was exempt from any stain, even of origin? Therefore, they would have shrugged their shoulders and would not have given it a thought. And if I had placed My Humanity as the example, they would have been frightened even more and would have said: He was God and Man and since the Divine Will was His Own Life, it is no wonder that He lived in the Supreme Volition. Therefore, so that this living in My will might have Life in My Church, I was to go down the ladder, descend lower and choose a creature from their midst. Providing her with sufficient graces and making My way into her soul, I was to empty her of everything,making her understand the great evil of the human will, so that she would abhor it so much as to choose death rather than doing her own will.. Then, giving her the Gift of My Divine Will, assuming the attitude of teacher, I made her understand all the beauty, the power, the effects, the value and the way in which she was to live in My Eternal Will. So, that she might live in It, I established in her the law of My Will...Now, because We have chosen a creature who apparently has no great disparity from them, they will take courage; and finding the teachings, the way and knowing the great good contained in the living in MyWill, they will make It their own and so the pure joys of Creation and Our innocent amusements will no longer be broken on the face of the earth.... - The greatest thing, the most important, the most pleasing and which attracts God the most, is the living in My Will and one who lives in It conquers God and makes God give Gifts so great as to astonish Heaven and earth - Gifts which, for centuries upon centuries, could not be obtained...

V. 20 - 11/21/1926 - ...You know, in kidnapping her suddenly from the earth, My Will made Me surround her with the tenderness of My Humanity. My Heart, human and Divine, placed My most tender fibers into the field of action in such a way that her defects, her weaknesses, her passions have been looked upon and weighed with such finesse of tenderness - infinite and Divine. And when I place My tenderness into the field, I cannot help having compassion and letting her pass into a safe harbor, as triumph of the tenderness of your Jesus. And besides, don't you know that where human helps are lacking, Divine helps abound? Your fear that there was no one around her and that if she wanted help, she had no one from whom to ask for it. Ah!, My daughter, in that moment the human helps cease; they have neither value nor effect because the dying enter into the sole and Prime Act with their Creator and to no one is it given to enter this Prime Act. And then, for one who is not perverted, a sudden death serves in order to prevent the diabolical action from entering the field - his temptations, and the fears which, with so much art, he strikes into the dying because he feels them being snatched from him, without being able to tempt them or follow them. Therefore,what by men is belived to be disgrace, many times is more than Grace...

V. 20 - 12/24/1926 - Laments and sorrows because of the privation of Jesus. Pains of Jesus in the Maternal Womb. One who lives in the Divine Will is like a member bound to the Creation. This is a must read -  can be read @

V. 20 - 12/27/1926 - How one who does not do the Divine Will would want to cut through the Light and form darkness for himself. How true good must have its origin in God. How the soul who lives in the Supreme Will receives It's balance within itself and is present in the whole Creation, living Life together with It. - (stunning!) can be read @

V. 20 - 1/27/1927 - Why Jesus did not write - can be

V. 21 - 4/8/1927 - ...Many think that not doing My Will is of little importance; instead it is the total ruin of the creature and for as many acts as the creature commits of his own will, by so many times will his evils increase along with his ruin and he only continues to dig an abyss ever deeper for him to fall into... My daughter, Adam fell so low because he withdrew from an Expressed Will of his Creator in which was enclosed the test to try his faithfulness towards He Who had given him life and all the goods he possessed...And in this small sacrifice God wanted from him, He let Adam know that it was only because He wanted to be sure of his love and his fidelity. Adam should have felt honored that his Creator wanted to be sure of the love of His creature...On the other hand, when It is not expressed, the creature still has the obligation to pray that I make known My Will in his actions, if inside his acts there is an interest for good and My pure glory. But if this is not expressed, the evil is not as grave and it is easier to find a remedy. I do this to each creature to test their faithfulness and also to be assured of the love they say they have for Me...So to be sure, I make known that I want small sacrifices which will bring all goods, along with holiness and We will realize the purpose for which  they were created. Instead, if they are reluctant, everything will be upset in them and all evils will fall upon them. But not doing My Will is always an evil more or less according to the gratitude for It that they possess.

V. 21 - 5/12/1927 - As Jesus did with forming the Redemption that He might have freed us from all the chastisements, thus is it for who must form the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. How a power impedes her dying. How He calls souls to form the laws to govern the World - can be read @

V.  21 - 5/18/27 -  My daughter, the value of the Acts done in My Will is so great that the Angels deem Themselves fortunate to receive Them.They see in Them the Creative Virtue. They feel in these Acts the echo of the Divine Fiat and while They are Light, They are Divine Voices; and while They are Voices, they are Music, Beauty, Bliss, Holiness and Divine Science and since My Will is the Value of Heaven, the Angels strive to bring these Acts done in It into Their Residence. All that is done in My Supreme Volition cannot rest on earth; what's more they do them on earth but My Own Volition, as a magnet, brings Them back into their Source and gives birth to Them in Heaven... This is why there is no changing of conduct or ways of operating in the soul where My Volition reigns and dominates. As the soul operates in It, her Acts come forth with the multiplicity and fecundity of It's Divine Acts. All the Acts of God are One which embrce all and do all Acts together. See how in the Creation of man, One was Our Act but in this One single Act came forth from Us - all together - Holiness, Power, Wisdom, Love, Beauty and Goodness. In a word, there was nothing which came forth from Us that was not infused in man. We made him part of everything because when We work, We do not know how to do things partially; and when We give, We give All. Much more so because My Will is Infinite Light and It is the Virtue of Light to descned into the deepest abyss; It elevates Itself to the greatest heights, It diffuses Itself - there is no place where It cannot reach but neither what is material, nor things extraneous to It's Light may enter into It. It is intangible, Its office is to give and to always give without ever stopping. So it is for the soul who lives in My Divine Will. She becomes Light with the Light of My Divine Will and as Light, she descends into the lowest depths of hearts to bring the Good of her Light; she diffuses herself everywhere, as following, with her Light, everyone and everything to bring to each one her Light's effect - the multiplicity and variety of Goods that her Light contains...Living in My Will is praiseworthy and a continuous prodigy; it is the bearer of all goods, the seed that multiplies itself to the infinite - and it's fecundity is unreachable. Therefore, it is longed for by the earth and by all of Heaven. It is the victory of God over the creature; it is the soul winning over her Creator. How beautiful it is to see the greatness of the Supreme Being, the Eternal Majesty and the smallness of the creature singing victory; and in virtue of this Divine Will, they compete - the Great and the small, the Strong and the weak, the Rich and the poor - and both come forth victorious. Thus, I greatly long for My Divine Will to be known, that It's Kingdom come, so that the creature can win and put herself on equal footing with Me. Without My Will reigning in the creature, that cannot happen and there will always be a certain distance between Me and the creature. She will be the loser and will never be able to rejoice and sing victory. The Work of Our Hands will not have Our Likeness.

V. 21 - 5/22/27 - ...I thought to myself: How was it that my beloved Jesus did so many acts, thoughts and steps for all those that the creature should hav done? And Jesus moving in my interior, said to me: My daughter, because in the Creation My Divine Will established the number of all created things, everything was numbered - the stars, plants, species, even the drops of water. None of these things may be lost or increased according to the order established by the Supreme Fiat. So, My Will established all the acts of creatures; but in virtue of their free will which was given to them, they were able to do the same acts either for good or for evil. But to do more or less acts was not given to them; all was established by the Divine Volition. Now in the Redemption, the Eternal Fiat reigning in My Humanity knew all the acts all creatures should do; all the thoughts, words, steps - nothing escaped It. Thus it is no wonder that I multiplied My Acts for each act of the creature so that the Glory of My Heavenly Father would be completed by Me and completed by Me in the name of each creature and of each of their acts and that the good I beseeched for them would be with all fullness. In this way, not one of their acts, thoughts, words and steps would lack My Act to assist their act; each one of My Thoughts was to assist theirs and to be the light of each of their thoughts and so on in the rest of the creature, I enclosed everything within Me, I formed in Myself the New Creation of all the acts of creatures so that I could re-give them to the creatures. Nothing escaped Me, otherwise it would not have been a work worthy of your Jesus. If even a thought escaped Me, the creature would have found a void in My Thought and even though she wanted that thought, she would not have found the help, the strength and light of that thought. Now, My daughter, together with Me, the Divne Will formed this New Creation of all the human acts of creatures so as to be able to beg the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat from My Celestial Father. Creatures will find this threefold assistance of strength and light in all their acts so that the Kingdom of My Will will return - these three universal helps are: the workings of the Sovereign Queen, those of your Jesus and those of the little daughter of the Divine Volition.

V. 21 - 5/24/27 - My daughter, each Act that the Divine Will does in union with the soul forms a Divine Life because, being Divine, It cannot help but form a Divine Life in Its Acts. In this way, in the soul where My Will reigns and as the soul works, speaks, thinks, throbs, etc., My Divine Volition Works, Its Words, Its Thoughts and Its Heartbeats flow into those of the creature to first form Its Act, Its Word and to give a place to Its Divine Life. Thus in everything that the soul does, so many Divine Lives spring forth from her in such a way as to fill Heaven and earth with many Images of Divine Lives. The soul becomes the duplicator, the bilocator of the Divine Life. My Will is no less powerful in the soul where It reigns with the power of It's Sovereignty, than It is in the Bosom of the Three Divine Persons. Therefore, possessing the bilocating virtue not only forms in the soul as many Divine Lives as she wants but it forms her Heaven, sun, seas of Love, flowered yards and makes the soul say to her God. You have given me Heaven and I give it to You in return; You have given me the sun and I give it to You also; seas and flowered yards You have given me and seas and flowered yards I give to You. All that You have done for me in the Creation and Redemption, Your Will repeats in me in such a way that I can give to You all what You have given to me. Oh Power of My Will - what can It not do in the soul where It reigns? Where It reigns, It delights in placing the soul on par with Us because It knows that it is Our Will to want the creature similar to Our Image and as Our faithful executioner , the creature carries Our Will out and We call this creature where Our Supreme reigns: Our Glory, Our Love and Our Virtue. And only with Our Volition can the soul become as such; without It, there is a great difference between the Creator and the creature. Thus, I love it greatly when the Divine Volition reigns in the soul, making way for the field of action where Our Will can bilocate Our Works, Our Lives and elevate the creature to the purpose for which she was created. The creature came forth from Our Volition, so it is only right that she walk in the same steps of Our Will and that she return to her Creator by that same path from which she came forth, all beautiful and enriched by the prodigies of Our Eternal Fiat.

V. 22 - 7/4/27 - My daughter, just as in the Sacramental Host, there are the little accidents of the Bread and your Jesus hides inside of Them, alive and real, - and as many Jesuses for as many as are the Hosts - in the same way, in the soul there the accidents of the human will, not subject to being consumed like the accidents of My Sacramental Life and therefore more fortunate and more solid. And just as the Eucharist Life multiplies in the Hosts, so does My Will multiply My Life in each act of the human will, which, more than accident, lends itself to the mulitplication of My Life. As you were making your will flow into Mine and wanted to give Me to each one, so was My Will forming My Life in yours and from It's Light, It released My Life, giving Me to each one and Oh! how happy I felt that the little daughter of My Will was forming so many of My Lives in the accidents of My Will to give Me not only to animate creatures but to all things created by Me.... - Now, for one who lives in My Will, letting reign as in It's Own Kingdom, since My Divine Will possesses the source of the Sacrament, what is the wonder if one who lived in It possesses the source of all the Sacraments and feels within herself the nature of the Sacraments with all the effects and goods they contain? And as she receives them from the Church, she will feel that it is food which she possesses but which she takes in order to give complete glory to those Sacraments, whose source she possesses and to glorify that very Divine Will Who instituted them because in It alone there will be perfect glory for all Our Works. This is why I so much long for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat because It alone will give balance to everything; It will give to creatures all the good It wants and will receive the Glory which they owe It.

V. 22 - 8/15/1927 - ...My daughter, these are the dispositions of My Infinite Wisdom. It is My usual way that when I ask of the creature a small sacrifice for her good and, ungrateful, she denies it to Me, I no longer want to trust her, so I dismiss My designs to raise her to great things and I leave her like a creature put into oblivion...It is My usual way to ask for small sacrifices - depriving oneself of a pleasure, of a desire, of a small interest, of a vanity or detaching oneself from something which seems to do no harm. These small tests serve as little supports on which to place the great capital of My Grace in order to dispose them to accept greater sacrifices, so as to be able to abound yet more in giving and I make of her a portent of sanctity. How many sanctities begin from a small sacrifice; and how many, after denying Me a small sacrifice, as it seemed to them that it was something of no importance, have remained scrawny in good , cretinous in comprehending it, weak in walking on the way that leads to Heaven. Poor ones, they can be seen crawling and licking the earth in a way that arouses pity.

V. 22 - 9/4/27 - ...My daughter, the littlest motion, even the littlest breath done in the Divine Will is all of God; and because It is His Own, He finds in It everything that is His. In the Act done in My Divine Fiat, He finds Divine Sanctity, He finds His Light, He finds His Goodness, His Love, His Power; that Act lacks nothing of what belongs to God. Therefore, They can be called Divine Acts, which are the most beautiful, the Holiest and the most welcomed; and before these Acts, all other acts, as good as they may be, lose their value, their taste and can never please Me...

V. 22 - 9/8/27 - My daughter, when Our Divinity created the whole Creation, It left It all bound within Itself. So, it can be said that the heavens keep their relation with God, are fixed in God and from within God they spread their immensity. The stars are bound in God and from within God they adorn with gold the vault of the firmament. In God is the sun bound and from the Divine Bosom it spreads it's light that invests the whole earth. There is not one created thing that does have its links in God and while they come out, they do not separate from God. God is jealous of His Acts and He loves them so much that He does not permit that they be separated from Him. Therefore, He keeps them all fixed within Himself as perennial Glory of His Own Acts, as relaters of His Being to creatures, which, with mute voice, speak with facts of the One Who created them; and tell, with facts, that He is Most Pure and Endless Light, Love that is never extinguished, Eye that sees everything, hears and penetrates everything. The sun says this. Created things also say: Look at us, and with facts, we will tell you. This is why we do not speak  - because facts are greater than words. He is Power Who can do anything, He is Immensity Who envelops everything, He is Wisdom Who orders everything, He is Beauty Who enraptures everything. The Creation is the continuous narration of the Supreme Being from Whom It receives continuous Life. And as you go around from one thing to another, you remain bound through your Creator and receive the relations of light, of love, of power, etc., which each of them possesses.

V. 22 - 9/14/27 - My daughter, in each Act that My Celestial Mama did for Me - and they were continuous - I repaid Her with a degree of Graces because I do not let Myself be beaten nor surpassed by the acts of creatures - I am insuperable. Therefore, if My dear Mama gave Me Love, Acts, Steps, Words - I , in each degree of Grace, gave Her a Divine Life because Grace is nothing other than the bi-located Life of God that gives Itself to creatures. What a great difference between an act that a creature can give and a Divine Life which God gives at each of their acts. So, the Queen of Heaven was immensely rich with so many Divine Lives which She received at each instant; and She used Them to form the cortege, to honor, to love, with Divine Lives, Her Son Jesus for all... - My Will is not inferior to My Humanity and therefore, It deserves the same Honors that My inseparable Mama gave Me; and this is why I want your acts following Mine  - that I may give you My Divine Life as many times.

V. 23 - 10/10/1927 - My daughter, the earth is exile for one who doesn't do and live in My Will but for one who lives in Him, it can not be called exile but a step of distance, that when one least believes it, that step done, one will be found in the Celestial Country, not like one who comes from the exile who knows nothing of Him but like one who already knew that It was hers and knows of the beauty, the sumptuousness, the happiness of the Eternal City. My Will would not bear to hold the conditions of exile one who lives in Him...My Divine Fiat instead of stripping fills the soul even to the brim with His Goods, He gives her the dominion of herself, converts the passions into virtue, the weaknesses in Divine fortitude. He gives joys and happiness without number, He gives through Grace what He is by nature, firmness, perennial inflexibility. Exile is for who is tyrannized by the passions, without dominion of herself, without being able to space herself in her God and if she thinks of some good, she is mixed, surrounded by darkness. So that the virtues of the poor exiled one are forced, inconstant, she is enslaved by her own miseries and this renders her unhappy. All to the contrary for the one who lives in My Divine Will...

V. 16 - 2/10/24 - ...But in My all-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for My Church like a new sun which will rise in Her midst; and drawn by its blazing Light, creatures will apply themselves in order to be transformed into this Light and become Spiritualized and Divinized, in such a way, that as the Church will be renewed, they will transform the face of the earth. The Doctrine on My Will is the purest, the most beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, both in the supernatural and in the natural order. Therefore, like sun, It  will be the most penetrating, the most fecund and the most welcomed and appreciated. And being Light of It's own, It will make Itself understood and will make It's way. It will not be subject to doubts or suspicions of error; and if some word is not understood, it will be because of too much Light which, eclipsing the human intellect, will not allow them to comprehend the whole fullness of the Truth. However, they will not find a word which is not Truth. At the most, they will not be able to comprehend It fully. Therefore, in view of the good which I see, I push you to neglect nothing in writing...

V. 33 - 6/24/34 - Blessed daughter, you should know that the most beautiful thing created by Us was the human will; among all created things it is the most beautiful thing that resembles Us more, therefore one can call it the Queen among everyone, as in fact it is - Behold, therefore, among all things, We love the human will because We made her Queen and she can say that she loves Us, she can feed Our outlet of Love, She can put herself in competition with Us, We, to love her and she, to love Us; therefore, We edowed her with such prerogatives, even to give her Our similarity, she is none other than a single Act and yet she is the hand, the foot, the voice of her human being. If the creature might not have will, she would be similar to the beasts, slave of everyone, without the imprint of Divine Nobility, Our Divinity, Most Pure Spirit; there is no shadow of material in Us and yet We invest everyone and everything and We are the life, the motion, the foot, the hand, the eye of everyone; the human life flows in the midst of Our Fingers, as actor and spectator, breath and heartbeat of every heart and what We are for everything and for everyone, the human will is for herself; one can say that for the prerogatives that she posssesses, she can mirror herself in Us and We find Our little Mirror in her; Our power, wisdom, goodness, love, can form It's reflections in the simple act of the human will. Oh ! Human will, how beautiful you have been created by your Creator; beautiful is the sky, the sun but you surpass them and even if you might not have other beauty, only because you alone can say to Us that you love Us, you possess the greatest glory, the enchantment that you can enrapture your Creator.

V. 16 - 8/9/23 - My daughter, the human will has covered the whole atmosphere with clouds in such a way that thick darkness hangs over all creatures and  almost of them walk limping and groping. And each human act they do without the connection of the Divine Will intensifies this darkness and man becomes more blind because the light - the sun for the human will is the Divine Will. Without It, there is no light for the creature. Now, with one who operates, prays, walks, etc., in My Will, rises above this darkness and as she operates, prays, speaks, piercing these clouds, she sends flashes of light over all the earth, such as to shake those who live down below, at the level of their wills, preparing the hearts to receive the light - the sun of the Divine Will...

V. 16 - 10/4/23 - ...My Jesus, Your Will is everywhere, there is not one point where It is not present and You are saying that It is imprisoned in me?  And Jesus: It is indeed everywhere with It's Immensity, with It's All-Seeingness and with It's Power. Like Queen, It subjects everything to Itself, letting no one escape It's Empire. But as Life, in which the creature forms her life, to carry out her life in the Life of My Will and form the Life of the Divine Will on earth - It does not exist. For many, who do not do It, it is as if My Will did not exist... - In order for It to become the Life of the soul, the soul must make her will disappear in Mine; her will must no longer exist. My Will, as Primary Act, must take over all of her acts and It will give Itself to the soul, now as water to quench her thirst with It's Divine and Celestial waters; now as fire, not only to warm her but to destroy what is human and to rebuild the Life of My Will in her; now as food, to nourish her and render her strong and robust. Oh! how hard it is to find a creature who surrenders all her rights, to give My Will alone the right to reign. Almost all want to keep something of their own will and therefore, not reigning in them completely, My Will cannot form It's Life in all creatures.

V. 16 - 10/16/23 - My daughter, so that My Will may descend upon earth, it is necessary that your will rise up to Heaven. And so that it may rise up to Heaven and live in the Celestial Fatherland, it is necessary to empty it of all that is human, that is not holy, pure and upright. Nothing enters into Heaven to live communal life with Us, if it is not completely Divinized and transformed completely into Ourselves; nor can My Will descend upon earth and carry It's Life as within Its Own center, if It does not find the human will emptied of everything, so as to fill it with all goods which My Will contains. It will be nothing other than a most thin veil, which will serve Me to cover Myself and to dwell inside of it...

V. 16 - 1/24/23 - The story of the Divine Will. How the Most Holy Virgin, for the work of Redemption, made all the Acts of the Divine Will, Her Own and prepared the food for Her children; This is why She is "Mother and Queen of the Divine Will". Luisa must do the same for the work of the"Fiat Voluntas Tua"   can be read @

V. 20 - 10/22/26 - ( Back to our origin ) -  Each Truth about My Eternal Fiat contains more Power and prodigious Virtue than if a dead man were resurrected, a leper were healed, a blind one could see or a mute could speak. In fact, My Words on the Sanctity and Power of My Fiat will resurrect the souls to their origin; they will heal them from the leprosy produced by the human will. They will give them the sight to be able to see the Goods of the Kingdom of My Will because until now they have been blind. They will give speech to many mute who, while they were able to say many other things, only for My Will  were like many mute without speech; and then, the great Miracle of being able to give to each creature a Divine Will which contains all Goods. What will It not give them when It will  be in possession of the children of It's Kingdom? This is why I keep you all occupied with the work of this Kingdom of Mine - and there is much to do in order to prepare the great Miracle that the Kingdom of the Fiat be known and possessed. Therefore, be attentive in crossing the endless sea of My Will, so that the order between Creator and creature may be established; in this way, through you, I will be able to make the great Miracle that man return to Me - into the Origin from which he came - ...The Kingdom of My Will, will have the preserving nourishment and for whoever enters into It, there will be no danger that he might become blind, crippled or sick. Death will no longer have power over the soul; and if it will have it over the body, it will not be death but transit. Without the nourishment of sin and a degraded human will which produced corruption in the bodies and with the preserving nourishment of My Will, the bodies also will not be subject to decomposing and becoming so horribly corrupted as to stike fear even into the strongest ones, as it happens now; but they will remain composed in their sepulchers, waiting for the day of the resurrection of all... - Therefore, be attentive in crossing the endless sea of My Will, so that the order between Creator and creature may be established; in this way, through you, I will be able to make the great miracle that man return to Me - into the origin from which he came...

V. 20 - 11/20/26 - ...My daughter, all things have a continuous motion because, having come out of a Supreme Being Who contains a motion full of Life, as a consequence, all things that came out of God were to contain a vital motion that never ceases. And if it ceases, it means that life ceases. See, you yourself have a murmuring, a continuous motion in your interior. Even more, the Divinity, in creating the creature, gave him the Likeness of the Three Divine Persons. It placed in him three motions which were to murmur continuously, to unite themselves to that continuous motion and murmuring of Love of their Creator. And these are: the motion of the beating of the heart that never ceases, the blood circulation that always circulates without ever stopping, the breathing of the breath that never stops. This, in the body; in the soul, then, there are three more motions that murmur continuously: the intellect, the memory and the will... - Oh! how Our Celestial Father, more than Father, sighs, burns, raves for His children because He delivered them from His Womb and awaits their return in order to enjoy them in His loving Arms. And the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is precisely this: the return of Our children into Our Paternal Arms; and this is why We long for It so much.

V. 20 - 1/28/27 - The Creation, echo of the Celestial Fatherland, contains music, the royal march, the spheres, the heavens, the sun, the sea and all possess order and harmony among themselves and they go around continuously. This order, this harmony and this going around, without ever stopping, form such  admirable symphony and music, that it could be said to be like the Breath of the Supreme Fiat blowing into all created things like many musical instruments, and forming the most beautiful melodies, such that, if creatures could hear it, they woud remain ecstatic. Now, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will have the echo of the music of the Celestial Fatherland and the echo of the music of Creation. The order, the harmony and their continuous going around their Creator will be such and so great, that each one of their Acts, Words and Steps will be a distinct melody, like many musical instruments which will receive the Breath of the Divine Volition, in such a way that everything they do will be as many distinct musical concerts which will form the joy and the continuous Feast of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. For your Jesus, there will no longer be difference between remaining in the Celestial Fatherland and descending to stay in the midst of creatures in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat upon earth. Then Our Work of Creation will sing victory and full triumph and We will have three Kingdoms in one - symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity because all  Our Works carry the Mark of the One Who created them.

V. 20 - 1/30/27 - ... ( Back to our origin ) This is why I delight so much in writing what regards the Divine Fiat - because I write about things that belong to My Fatherland. Too perfidious and ungrateful will be those who will not recognize these manifestations of Mine, the echo of Heaven, the long chain of Love of the Supreme Will, the communion of goods of Our Celestial Father, which He wants to give to creatures; and as wanting to put aside everything that has passed in the history of the world, He wants to begin a New Era, a New Creation, as if the new history of Creation were just beginning. Therefore, let Me do, because whatever I do is of highest importance...

V. 15 - 3/23/23 - I was thinking of the Sorrows of my Celestial Mama and my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, I was the King of Sorrows, and being Man and God, I had to centralize everything within Me in order to have primacy over everything, even over Sorrows. Those of My Mama were nothing other than the reverberations of Mine which, being reflected in Her, made Her share in all My Sorrows, piercing Her, filled Her with such bitterness and pain that She felt Herself dying at each reverberation of My Sorrows. But Love sustained Her and gave Her Life again. Therefore, not only for Honor but also by right of Justice, She was the first Queen of the immense sea of Her Sorrows. While He was saying this, I seemed to see My Mama in front of Jesus and everything that Jesus contained, the Sorrows and the piercings of that Most Holy Heart, were reflected in the Heart of the sorrowful Queen. At those reflections, many  swords formed in the Heart of the pierced Mama; and these swords were marked by a Fiat of Light in which She was circumfused, in the midst of so many Fiats of most refulgent Light which gave Her so much glory that there are no words to narrate it. Then, Jesus continued, saying: It was not the Sorrows that constituted My Mama as Queen and made Her shine with so much Glory but it was My Omnipotent Fiat, which braided to Her every Act and Sorrow, giving Her the intensity of pain It wanted. My Fiat could place all the Sorrows It wanted in that pierced Heart, adding piercings, pains upon pains without a shadow of the slightest resistance. On the contrary, She felt honored that My Fiat would constitute Itself Life of even a heartbeat of Hers; and My Fiat gave Her complete Glory and constituted Her true and legitimate Queen. Now, who will be the souls in whom I can reflect the reverberations of My Sorrows and of My very Life? This Fiat will make them absorb My Reflections and I will be generous in sharing with them what My Will operates in Me. Therefore, in My Will do I await souls, to give them the true Dominion and the complete Glory of each act and pain that they may suffer. The operating and suffering outside of My Will, I do not recognize; I could say: I have nothing to give you; what is the will that animated you in doing and suffering this? Get your reward from that one. Many times, doing good or suffering, if My Will is not present in them, can be miserable slaveries which degenerate into passions while it is My Will alone that gives true Dominion, true Virtues, true Glory such as to transform the human into Divine.

V. 15 - 4/9/23 - I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition and I said to my sweet Jesus: Ah! I pray to You, never let me go out of Your Most Holy Will. Let it be so that I may always think, operate and love in Your Lovable Will. Now, as I was saying this, I felt myself surrounded by a most pure Light and then I saw my highest and only Good, Who told me: My beloved daughter, I love so much these acts done in My Will, that as soon as the soul enters into It in order to act, the shadow of My Light surrounds her and I run so that My Act and hers may be one. Because I am the Primary Act of all Creation; without My Primary Motion all created things would be paralyzed, without strength and incapable of the slightest movement. Life is in the motion; without it, everything is dead. I am the Primary Motion and I give life and attitude to all other motions; so that, at My first Motion, Creation begins to rotate. It happens as to an engine; at the first motion of the first wheel, all other wheels begin to rotate. See then, it is natural for one who operates in My Will to move in My Primary Motion; and by operating in My Motion, she finds herself and operates in the motion of all creatures. And as the creature flows in My Own Motion, I see her and I feel her in all motions of creatures, giving Me as many Divine Acts for as many human acts as others do; and this, only because she has operated in My Primary Motion. This is why I say that one who lives in My Will substitutes for all, defends Me from all and places My Motion, My very Life, in safety. And this is why to operate in My Will is the prodigy of prodigies but without clamor, without human acclamations. It is My true triumph over the whole of Creation; and since it is a triumph fully Divine, what is human remains silent and has no equivalent words with which to acclaim the triumph of My Supreme Will.

V. 15 - 2/22/23 - My Jesus, You say that You love me very much and then You permit this tearing of my soul away from You. How can Your Heart endure such a great pain of mine? And Jesus: My daughter, courage, do not lose heart. One who must rise above all, must descend to the lowest bottom, below everyone. It is said of My Mother, Queen of all, that She was the humblest of all because She was to be superior to all; but in order to be the humblest of all, She had to descend to the lowest bottom, below everyone. And My Celestial Mama with the knowledge that She had of Her God and Creator and of Who She was, descended so low that, as She descended, We would raise Her so high that there is no one who can equal Her.

V. 15 - 3/12/23 - ...Had I not been almost always with you, you would not have known Me nor loved Me and would not feel this pain of My privation nor could it form in you - the seed and the nourishment of  this pain would be missing in you. Oh! how many souls are without Me and maybe they are even dead; they grieve if they are deprived of some little pleasure, of whatever trifle but they have no pain and not even a thought if they are deprived of Me. So, this pain should console you because it brings you the sure sign that I have come to you, that you have known Me and that your Jesus wants to place in you, the glory, the goods and the happiness that others reject.

V. 19 - 3/9/26 - My daughter, all Creation says: Glory and adoration to our Creator - love to creatures! So, Creation is a mute glory and adoration for Us because no freedom was conceded to It - either to grow or to decrease. We issued It from Ourselves but We kept It within Us - that is in Our Will - to sing though mute, the praises of Our Power, Beauty, Magnificence and Glory... It was not so in creating man. Our Love for him was so great as to surpass all the Love We had in Creation. Therefore, We endowed him with reason, memory and will; to increase It a hundredfold - not for Us, Who did not need it but for his own good that he might not remain like the other created things, mute and fixed in that point at which We issued them, but he might grow ever more in glory, in riches, in love and in the Likeness of his Creator. And so that he might find all possible imaginable aids, We gave him Our Will at his disposal that he might achieve, with Our very Power, the good, the growth and the Likeness of his Creator that he wanted to acquire. In creating man, Our Love wanted to play a risky game by placing Our things within the little circle of the human will, as though on a counter: Our Beauty, Wisdom, Sanctity, Love, etc. And Our Will was to become the guide and the actor of his operating, not only to make him grow in Our Likeness but to give him the shape of a little god. Therefore, Our sorrow was great in seeing these goods being rejected by the creature; and for the time being Our risky game failed. But, even though it failed, it was always a Divine game which could and had to make up for it's failure. Therefore, after many years, My Love wanted to gamble again and It did so with My Immaculate Mama. In Her, Our game did not fail; It obtained It's full efect and therefore We gave Her everything and We entrusted everything to Her. Even more, We competed - We in giving, She in receiving. Now, you must know that Our Love wants to play this risky game with you, so that you, united with the Celestial Mama, may let Us win the game by allowing Us to make up for the failure which the first man, Adam caused Us; and so that Our Will, restored in It's victories, may place It's goods in the field once again, which, with so much Love, It wants to give to creatures. And just as through the Holy Virgin - because I had made up in My game - I made the Sun of Redemption rise in order to save the lost humanity; in the same way, through you, I will make the Sun of My Will rise again, that It may follow It's course in the midst of creatures. This is the reason for so many Graces of Mine which I pour into you. Therefore be attentive, that you may not cause Me the greatest sorrow I could receive in the whole history of the world: the failure of My second game. Ah, no, you will not do this to Me - My Love will be victorious and My Will, will find It's fulfillment... - ...These two little flames will be seen at the foot of the Supreme Being for all eternity, having no life of their own; and one of them obtained Redemption, the other the fulfillment of My Will - the only purpose of Creation, of Redemption and of My "return match" in the risky game of creating man...

V. 19 - 3/19/26 - ...My daughter, do not be surprised - it is the Sancity of My Will that requires it; what this is about is the greatest thing that exists in Heaven and on earth; if in Redemption I came to save man, now it is about rescuing My Will in the creatures and therefore making known the purpose of Creation and of Redemption, the goods which My Will wants to give, the Life It wants to form within each creature and the rights which befit It. Therefore, placing a Divine Will in safety in the midst of creatures is the greatest thing and My Will, known and reigning, will surpass the fruits of Creation and of Redemption; It will be the crowning of My Works and the triumph of Our Works. And if My Will is not known, loved and fulfilled, neither Creation nor Redemption will obtain their full purpose and their complete Fruit. Creation and Redemption came out from within My Omnipotent Fiat; and so that Our Glory may be complete and the creature may receive all the effects and the goods which They contain, everything must return into Our Will...My Redemption can be called the Tree, Whose Root is the Divine Will...Moreover, the Creation came out from Ourselves with the only purpose that Our Will be known and loved more than life itself; and therefore Our Will constituted Itself Life of everything, so as to be fulfilled. All the other things created by Us, and even Redemption Itself, were given as aids in order to facilitate Our purpose. So, if We do do not obtain Our primary purpose, how can We obtain Our complete Glory and how can the creature receive the goods established by Us? Furthermore, Creation, Redemption and the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven, symbolize the Sacrosanct Trinity. In fact, just as the Divine Persons are inseparable from one another, so these works are inseparable from one another: each one gives the hand to the other; each one helps the other - the triumph, the glory belongs to all three of them. And since Our Will has held the primary place in all Our Works, Creation and Redemption remain eclipsed and as though dissolved within the Immensity and the Endlessness of the Supreme Will. Our Will envelops everything and keeps the very things done by Us as It's Throne from which It reigns and dominates. So, if Our Will is everything, why are you  surprised that It will produce greater Fruits than Our other Works. And man will receive that Life which he has, but does not know, because he keeps It as though compressed, drowned, weakened, while It moans and sighs because It wants to carry out It's Life but It is not allowed to do so. Therefore, be attentive, because the Knowledge of My Will, will shake man and will be like cement on the woodworm which original sin produced in the tree of the human generations; so that, once the root has been strengthened, the creature may allow that Life, which she has rejected with so much ingratitude, to live within herself.

V. 19 - 5/27/1926 - The Divine Will envelops everything and everyone in the Unity of It's Light. How the whole Creation possesses Unity and one who must live in the Divine Will also possesses this Unity. - can be read

V. 19 - 5/31/1926 - Difference between one who lives in the Divine Will and one who is resigned and submitted to It. The first one is sun, the second is earth, who lives of the effects of the Light. can be read @

V. 19 - 6/20/1926 - "Ecce Homo". Jesus felt as many deaths for as many as were those who cried out "Crucify Him!" One who lives in the Divine Will takes the Fruits of the Pains of Jesus. The Ideal of Jesus in Creation was the Kingdom of His Will in souls.- can be read

V. 19 - 7/14/1926 - ...It was an enchantment to see Jesus - beautiful, all transformed in these Rays of Light that came out of His Adorable Person. But what gave Him Sumptuousness, Majesty, Magnificence, Glory, Beauty was the "Fiat". It's Light eclipsed  me and I would have stayed there for centuries before Jesus without saying anything to Him, if He had not broken the silence, telling me: My daughter, the perfect Glory and the complete Honor were given to My Will by My Humanity. It was precisely in My Interior, in the center of this Heart, that I formed the Kingdom of the Supreme Will...

V. 19 - 8/6/26 - ...Jesus kept silent; but then, as though by an irresistible emphasis of Love, He added: Oh, Power of My Will, how great You are !  You alone unite the greatest and highest Being with the littlest and lowest being, making them one. You alone have the virtue of emptying the creature of all that does not belong to You, to be able to form in her with Your Reflections, that Eternal Sun which, filling Heaven and earth with It's Rays, goes to blend with the Sun of the Supeme Majesty. You alone have this Virtue of communicating the Supreme Strength in such a way that, with Your Strength, the creature can rise to that single Act of God the Creator. Ah, My daughter, when the creature does not live in the Unity of My Will, she loses the One Strength and remains as though disunited from that Strength that fills Heaven and earth and sustains the whole universe as if it were the littlest feather. Now, when the soul does not let herself be dominated by My Will, she loses the One Strength in all her actions, therefore all her acts, not coming out of the same single Strength, remain divided among themselves - love is divided, the action separated, the prayer disjointed. Being divided, all the acts of the creature are poor, meager, without light; and so patience is poor, charity is weak, obedience is crippled, humility is blind, prayer is mute, sacrifice is without life, without vigor because My Will is missing, the One Strength is missing which, uniting everything, gives the same Strength to each act of the creature. Therefore, they are left not only divided among themselves but adulterated by the human will and so each one is left with it's own defect. This happened to Adam. By withdrawing from the Supreme Will, he lost the One single Strength of his Creator and since he was left with his limited strength, he felt hardship in his operating; more so, since the strength that he employed in performing one action would debilitate him and in having to do another, he would  not feel the same strength; they were not only divided but each one had it's own defect....So it happened to Adam; by withdrawing from My Will, he lost the One single Strength of his Creator and with it, he lost his lordship, his dominion nor did he feel the strength to show off in good any more. The same happens for one who is not completely abandoned in the Arms of My Will because with It, the Strength of Good converts into one's nature and poverty does not exist.

V. 19 - 8/12/26 - So, while I was anxiously waiting for His return, like a rising flash, He came out from within my interior and clasping me to Himself, told me: My daughter, man was created by God with three powers: memory, intellect and will; and this, so he might have the links of communications with the Divine Persons of the Sacrosanct Trinity. These were the paths along which to ascend to God, like doors through which to enter, like rooms in which to form the continuous dwelling- the creature for God, God for the creature. These are the royal paths of both of them, the Gold Doors which God placed in the depth of the soul through which the Supreme Sovereignty of the Divine Majesty might enter; the safe and unshakeable Room in which God was to have His Celesial Dwelling. Now, in order to be able to form It's Kingdom in the inmost place of the soul, My Will wants to find these three powers, given to the creature to raise her to the Likeness of the Creator, in order with the Father, with the Son and wth the Holy Spirit. My Will would not go out of It's Dominions if these three powers of the soul were in order with God and It's reigning would be happy and as though natural because her three powers being in order with God, the creature would have order within herself and outside of herself and the Kingdom of the Will of God and that of the creature would not be a divided Kingdom but a Single One and therefore, It's Dominion and Regime would be One...Ah! My daughter, how much disorder reigns in the three powers of the human soul. One can say that they have shut the door on Our Face, they have barricaded the paths to prevent Our passing and to break the communications with Us, while It was the greatest gift We gave man in creating him. These three  powers were to serve him to comprehend the One Who had created him; to grow in His Likeness and his will transfused in That of his Creator, to give Him the right to let It reign. This is why the Supreme Volition cannot reign in the soul if these three powers - intellect, memory and will - do not hold hands in order to return to the purpose for which God created man. Therfore, pray that these three powers may return to the order and the harmony of their Creator, so that My Supreme Will may reign with It's full triumph.

V. 19 - 9/5/26 - My daughter, My Will preserves the soul in her Origin and does not allow her to go out of her beginning, which is God. It maintains intact the Divine Image in the depth of her being which is enclosed in her intellect, memory and will; and as long as the soul lets My Will reign in her, everything is linked, everything is in relationship between Creator and creature. Even more, she lives in the reflections of the Supreme Majesty and Our Likeness in her grows continuously and this makes her be distinguished as Our daughter. On the other hand, the human will causes her to deny her Origin, it makes her decay from her beginning; her intellect, memory and will remain without Light and the Divine Image remains deformed and unrecognizable. The  human will breaks all the Divine bonds and relationships and therefore it makes the soul live in the reflections of all passions in such a way that she becomes ugly and the daughter of the infernal enemy, who tries to engrave his ugly image in her. How many evils does one's own will not cause! It devastates every good and produces all evils.

V. 19 - 9/7/26 - ...So the losses that My Will suffers when the creature is not united to It's center and does not live of the Volition of It's Light, are Divine losses and of Infinite Value. The evils for creatures, the ugliness they acquire are incalculable and indescribable; My Will remains without Kingdom in the creatures and they remain stripped without inheritance, with no right to any good whatsoever. Therefore, there is nothing more important, nothing greater, which will establish the balance, the order, the harmony, the likeness between Creator and creature, than My Will. This is why I want to make known what the Divine Will and the human will are - so that we may reconcile and My Will may acquire It's Kingdom and creatures may be given back all the Goods they lost.

V. 19 - 9/9/26 - My daughter, everything I have told you about My Will has been Gifts that I have given you. Knowledge is not enough if one does not possess the good which that very Knowledge contains. If it were not so, the Knowledge would render you unhappy because knowing a good and not possessing it is always a sorrow. More so, since I do not know how to leave things half-done but only fully complete; therefore, first I dispose the soul, I expand her capacity and then I give the Knowledge together with the Good It contains. And since the Knowledges about My Will are Divine, this is why her nature remains endowed with the Likeness of the Divine Nature and, more than a daughter, she does not wait for a command but, without being told, feels honored to do what her Father wants. Laws and commands are for servants, for slaves, for rebels. In the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, there will be no servants, no slaves, no rebels but one will be the Will - that of God and that of the creature - and therefore one will be the Life. This is also the reason why I am saying so much and so many things about My Will - to abound in Gifts, not only for you but for any soul who wants to come to live in My Kingdom, so that she may lack nothing but possess the source of Goods within herself. I would not act as the God that I am - great, powerful, rich, magnanimous - if in having to constitute the Kingdom of My Will, I did not endow those who must live in It with the prerogatives and qualities that My very Will possesses. Even more, you must know that just as all things have come out of that single Act of God, so must everything return to that single Act which has so successions of acts. But only one who leaves everything to live only of My Will, can return to that single Act because as the soul lives in It, everything she does converts into Light and her acts are naturally incorporated and identified with the Eternal Light of the Sun of My Will and as a consequence, they become one single Act with the single Act of It. On the other hand, in one who operates outside of It, one can see, not light, but each of the materials that her work contains, which cannot be incorporated with the Light of the single Act of God and therefore, it will show immediately that it is not Our thing- that it does not belong to Us. So, anything which is not done by virtue of the Divine Fiat will not be recognized by God....So it is with My Will: what Itself does in the creature is Light and it is no wonder that it becomes incorporated in the single Act of It's Eternal Light. Therefore, in these times so stormy and with a vertiginous race in evil, I could not give greater Grace than making known that I want to give the great Gift of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. And as a confirmation of this, I am preparing It within you with so many Knowledges and Gifts, so that nothing may be lacking to the triumph of My Will. Therefore, be attentive of the deposit of this Kingdom which I am making in you.

V. 19 - 9/13/26 - ...But while doing this, I thought to myself: If Jesus wants and loves so much that His Kingdom be established in the midst of creatures, why does He want one to pray for It with such insistence? If He wants It, He can give It without so many continuous acts. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, My Supreme Being possesses the perfect balance and also in giving My Graces and My Gifts to creatures; much more so, then for this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat which is the greatest Gift that I had already given at the beginning of Creation, and which man rejected with so much ingratitude. Does it seem trivial to you to place a Divine Will at his disposal, with all the goods It contains? And not for one hour, or one day, but for his whole life? The Creator placing His adorable Will in the creature to be able to put His Likeness, His beauty, His infinite seas of riches, of joys, of endless happiness in common? Only by possessing Our Will could the creature acquire the rights of communion, of likeness and of all the Goods of his Creator. Without It, there can be no communion with Us; and if he takes anything at all, it is just Our flowerings and the crumbs of Our endless Goods. Now, with a Gift so great, a happiness so immense, a right of Divine Likeness with the acquisition of the nobility of Our offspring which had been rejected, do you think it is something easy that the Divine Sovereignty, without being prayed, with no one giving a thought to receiving this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, would give It to creatures? It would be like repeating the story that took place in the terrestrial Eden and maybe even worse. And besides, Our Justice would be justly opposed to this...Now, who until now, has ever prayed with interest, with insistence, laying down the sacrifice of his own life so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat may come upon earth and may triumph and dominate? No one. It is true that the Church has been reciting the "Our Father" from the time I came upon earth, in which one asks, "Thy Kingdom come", so that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, but who thinks about the request they make? It can be said that the whole importance of such a request remained in My Will and that creatures recite it just to recite it, without understanding and without any interest in obtaining what they ask for. Therefore, My daughter, everything is hidden in secret while one lives on earth and therefore everything seems a mystery; and if anything is known, it is so limited, that man has always something to say about all that I operate in My Works through the veils of creatures. They reach the point of saying: And why have this good and these Knowledges not been given before while there have been so many great Saints? But in Eternity, there will be no secrets, I will reveal everything and will show all things and My Works with Justice and how Justice could never have given, had there not been sufficient acts in the creature to be able to give what the Supreme Majesty wants to give. It is true that everything that the creature does is My Grace but My Grace Itself wants to find the prop of the dispositions and good will of the creature. Therefore, in order to restore the Kingdom of My Will upon earth, it takes sufficient acts of the creature, so that My Kingdom may not remain in the air but may descend, to be formed upon the very acts of the creature formed by her to obtain a Good so great...

V. 11 - 1/22/13 - I was thinking about the Passion of my lovable Jesus, especially of what He suffered in the Garden. I found myself all immersed in Jesus and He told me: My daughter, My first Passion was of Love because the first step with which man, in sinning, gives himself to evil is the lack of Love; so, since Love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of Love of the creatures, Love made Me suffer more than anyone; It crushed Me more than if I were under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life. The second step that occurs in sin is defrauding God of His Glory. So, in order to be repaid for the Glory taken away by the creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin such that each sin gave Me a special Passion. Although there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world. So, the Glory of the Father was restored. The third effect produced by sin is weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews - My third Passion - to restore in man his lost strength. Therefore, with the Passion of Love, Love was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of sin, the Glory of the Father was restored and placed at it's level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of the creatures was placed at it's level and restored. I suffered all this in the Garden and the pain was so much, so many deaths - the atrocious spasms inflicted upon Me, that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for My Death had arrived. Then, I began to think of when my lovable Jesus was thrown into the Cedron stream by the enemies, Blessed Jesus made Himself seen in a state that aroused pity, all wet with those filthy waters. He told me: My daughter, in creating the soul, I covered her with a mantle of Light and of Beauty. Sin removes this Mantle of Light and of Beauty, placing a mantle of darkness and ugliness, rendering the soul disgusting and nauseating. And I, in order to remove this mantle, so filthy, which sin puts on the soul, allowed the Jews to throw Me into this stream where I remained as though enwrapped, inside and out, because these putrid waters entered  even into my ears, into My nostrils and into My mouth; so much so, that the Jews were disgusted to touch Me. Ah, how much the Love of creatures cost Me - to the point of rendering Me nauseating even to Myself!

V. 11 - 9/21/13 - My beloved daughter, all the things that the soul does in My Will and together with Me - prayers, actions, steps, etc.  acquire My same qualities, the same life and the same value. See, all the things I did upon earth - prayers, sufferings, works - are all in Act and will remain in eternity for the good of whomever wants them. My operating differs from the operating of creatures - Now, My daughter, listen to a beautiful thing, not yet understood by creatures; all the things  that the soul does together with Me and in My Will, just as are My things, so are hers also. The connection with My Will and her operating together with Me participate in My same Creative Power. I remained ecstatic and with a joy that I could not contain and I said: How can all this be possible, O Jesus? And He: Whoever does not understand this can say that he does not know Me. And He disappeared...

V. 11 - 4/10/14 - Then Jesus made me pass to other steps of the Passion but I felt my heart being pierced in seeing Him suffer so much. And He, to cheer me, began to speak about His Holy Will again: My daughter, My Center on earth is the soul who does My Will... - My very palpitating Heart - the whole of Myself, is found in the soul who does My Most Holy Will as though in it's own center. This soul is so identified with Me that she becomes inseparable from Me and all My Wisdom and Power cannot find the means to detach from her in the slightest. Then, He added: Love has its anxities, desires, ardors and restlessness; My Will, instead, is perpetual rest...

V. 11 - 5/18/15 - Now, as I was in this state, my sweet Jesus, in order to somehow calm my fears and frights, told me: My daughter, courage. It is true that great will be the tragedy but know that I  will have regard for the souls who live of My Will and for the places where these souls live. Just as the kings of the earth have their courts, their quarters in which they keep safe in the midst of dangers and of the fiercest enemies - because the strength they have is so great that their very enemies, while they destroy other places, do not even look at that point for fear of being defeated - in the same way, I too, King of Heaven, have My Quarters, My Courts upon earth. These are the souls who live in My Volition, in whom I live; and the Court of Heaven crowds around them. The strength of My Will keeps them safe, rendering the bullets cold and driving back the fiercest enemies. My daughter, why do the Blessed themselves remain safe and fully happy even when they see that creatures suffer and that the earth is in flames? Precisely because they live competely in My Will. Know that I put the souls who live in My Will on earth in the same condition as the Blessed. Therefore, live in My Will and fear nothing. Even more, in these times of human carnage, I want you not only to live in My Will but to live also among your brothers - between Me and them. You will hold Me tightly within yourself, sheltered from the offenses that creatures send Me; and as I give you My Humanity and what I suffered as gift, while keeping Me sheltered, you will give to your brothers My Blood, My Wounds, My Thorns and My Merits for their salvation.

V. 11 - 3/8/14 - As I was not feeling well, on coming, Blessed Jesus told me: My daughter,  the soul who lives in My Will can say of everything I do: "It is mine". This, because the will of the soul is so identified  with Mine, that whatever My Will does, she does as well. So, as she lives and dies in My Volition, there is no good that she does not carry with herself because there is no good which My Will does not contain; My Will is the life of all the good that creatures do. Therefore, as the soul dies in My Will, she carries with her the Masses that are celcbrated and the prayers and the good works that are done because they are all fruits of My Will. And this is still very little compared to the operating of My Will Itself which the soul carries with her as her own. One instant of the operating of My Will is enough to surpass all the works of all creatures, past, present and future. So, as the soul dies in My Will, there is no beauty that matches her, nor heights, riches, wisdom, sanctity or love; nothing - nothing can equal her. As the soul who dies in My Will enters into the Heavenly Fatherland, not only will the Heaven's gates open but the entire Heaven will bow to welcome her into the Celestial Dwelling to honor the working of My Will. What should I tell you, then of the feast and the surprise of all the Blessed in seeing this soul completely marked by the working of the Divine Will; in seeing, in this soul who has done everything in My Will, that everything she has done during her life - each saying, each thought, word, work, action of hers - are many suns that adorn her, each one different from the other in light and in beauty; and in seeing in this soul many Divine rivulets that will inundate all the Blessed and flow also upon earth for the good of the pilgrim souls, since Heaven cannot contain them ? Ah, My daughter, My Will is the Portent of Portents. It is the secret to finding light, sanctity and riches - It is the secret to all goods; but It is not known and therefore not appreciated nor loved. You at least, appreciate It, love It and make It known to those whom you see disposed -  Try only to be abandoned in My Will and I will do everything for you because one single instant in My Will is more than all the good you could possibly do in your entire life - Another day, He told me: My daughter, one who does My Will can by no means go to Purgatory because My Will purges the soul of everything. After keeping her so jealously during her life in the custody of My Volition, how could I allow the fire of Purgatory to touch her ? At the most she may lack some clothing but My Will, before revealing the Divinity to her, will clothe her with all that she may lack. And then I reveal Myself. 

V. 35 - 8/23/1937 - ...And sweet Jesus put His Hand to my forehead and resumed His speech: My daughter, listen still to Me, where can the soul arrive who lives in Our Will. She puts all of Our works to daylight. Our Supreme Being always holds in continuous Act all her works. For Us the past and the future don't exist, so that the Celestial Father generates continually His Son and between the Father and the Son proceeds the Holy Spirit. This is Life in Us, the Heartbeat and the Respiration that forms Our Life: to Generate and to Proceed continually. We would be missing Life if this were not so, as would be missing the life to the creature if she didn't have a heartbeat and a continuous breath. Now, in this continual generating and proceeding becomes formed immense joys, felicity and such contentments that not being able to contain them inside of Us, they overflow outside and form the joys and felicity of all Heaven. From the immense Goods that the continuous Generation of the Word and the Proceeding of the Holy Spirit produces, overflowed outside the sumptuousness and magnificence of the machine of all creation, the creation of man, the Conception of the Immaculate Virgin and the descent of the Word upon the earth; all this and more is always in Act in Our Divine Being, as It is always in Act that the Father generates His Son and the Holy Spirit proceeds. Now, one who lives in Our Will is spectator of these Divine Prodigies and senses given back to herself from the Father, the Son Who always generates, the Holy Spirit Who always proceeds and oh, the contentments, the Love, the Graces that she receives! And she gives Us the glory that We always generate in Our Volition; she finds in Act the Creation and We give her with legal claim all the Goods of It. and she is the prime glorifier of so many things that We have created; she finds in Act the conceived Virgin, Her seas of Love, all Her Life and the Virgin makes her possessor of It and  she takes and glorifies Us for the great Good that We did in creating this Celestial Creature; she finds in Act the descent of the Word, His Birth, His Tears, His Life throbbing again, His Sufferings and We make her possessor of everything; and she takes everything, glorifies Us, loves Us for everyone and for everything. In Our Volition, the creature can say: Everything is mine, even God Himself, as is My Divine Will. Therefore, she feels the duty to glorify Us and to love Us in each thing and for everyone. Not to give what We have done and do to one who lives in Our Volition proves impossible, Our Love would not tolerate it, it would put Us in pain. More so, that We lose nothing with giving, rather We feel more glorified, more felicitated that creatures live with Us, are to light of Our works and are possessors of them. One can say: What is ours is Yours., it is our greatest happiness; disunities don't ever bring good: the "yours" and the "mine", breaks Love and produces unhappiness. In Our Will, there doesn't exist disunity, the "yours" and the "mine" but everything is Ours and of the highest accord.

V. 33 - 5/31/1935 - ...How happy I am that you feel that the life of your thought, of your heartbeat, of all of you, am I, you feel Me in you and I feel you in Me and we are both happy to do one single thing all and two. This is My Will that the creature feels, she knows that I am together with her, I abase Myself to all her acts and I do them together with her in order to give her the simile of My Life and of My Divine Acts; how much I grieve when they put Me aside and don't recognize My Dominion and that I am really He Who forms their life - The Redemption and the Kingdom of My Will are all One, inseparable between themselves. In My coming upon earth, I came to form the Redemption of man and as the same time I came to form the Kingdom of My Will in order to save Myself, in order to retake My Rights that with Justice are due to Me as Creator. And as in the Redemption, I exhibited Myself to so many humiliations, to unheard of suffering, even to die Crucified; I underwent everything in order to put in safety My residence and to restitute her with all the sumptuousness, beauty, magnifience with which I had formed her, so that she again might be worthy of Me... - If My Humanity might not have re-arisen, if I might not have had this Power, the Redemption would be bankrupt and it could be doubted that it might not be the work of a God; it was My Resurrection that made Me known Who I was and it put the seal to all the goods that I came to bring upon the earth. Thus, My Divine Will, will be the double seal. the transmission in creatures of His Kingdom which My Humanity possessed, more so that for creatures I formed this Kingdom of My Divine Will in My Humanity; why then should you doubt I give It? At the most, it will be a question of time and for Us the times are one single point; Our Power will make such prodigies as He will abound man with new Graces, new Love, new Light that Our residences will recognize Us and they themselves with spontaneous will, will give Us the dominion and Our Life will be secure with It's full rights in the creature.With time, you will see what My Power knows how to do and can do, how He knows how to conquer everything and knock down the most obstinate, rebellious ones; who can resist My Power, that with one single Breath I knock down, I will destroy and I remake everything as pleases Me more. Therefore, pray and let your cry be continuous: come the Kingdom of Your Fiat and Your Will be done, as in Heaven so on earth.

V. 33 - 7/21/1935 - ...My daughter, courage, your Jesus also suffers and the more sorrowful sufferings that they give Me are the intimate sufferings, that make Me pour forth Blood and flames; but My greater sufferings is the continual anticipation, My Looks are always fixed on souls and as I see that one creature is fallen in sin and I await and re-await her return to My Heart in order to pardon her and not seeing her come, I wait with pardon in My Hands, that waiting makes the suffering renewed for Me and forms for Me such a torment, as to make Me pour forth Blood and flames from My transfixed Heart; the hours, the days that I wait seems years to Me, oh, how hard it is to wait. We pass ahead, My Love so very loves the creature that in putting her forth to the light of day, I established how many acts of love she should do for Me, how many prayers, how many good works she should do and this in order to give her the right that I might always love her, that I might concede her the graces, the helps in order to work good, but creatures make use of it in order to form for Me the sufferings of waiting...

V. 35 - 10/19/37 - ...My daughter, do not marvel; everything is possible in My Will. True Love, when it is perfect, commences from oneself. The true Model is the Most Holy Trinity. My Celestial Father loved Himself and in His Love generated His Son, hence He loved Himself in the Son. I, His Son, loved Myself in the Father and from this Love, proceeeded the Holy Spirit. In this loving Oneself, the Celestial Father generated only One Love, only One Power and Sanctity and so on; It bound the inseparable Union of the Three Divine Persons. And when We created the Creation, We loved Ourselves...It is proper to love oneself when one wants to do and to produce; giving himself in order to be able to form another being similar to himself. Our Will is the fecundator and sower of Our Life; and where He finds souls disposed, He loves Himself with His Love, He fecundates them and there He sows His Divine Acts, which united together, forms the great prodigy of the Divine Life in the creature.

V. 19 - 7/1/26 - Now, My daughter, does it not seem easier to you, more encouraging, more within the reach of the human nature, that after they have known the Kingdom of Redemption, in which the blind, the lame and the sick can be healed - because the blind cannot enter the Kingdom of My Will, for in It all are straight and glowing with health - finding all possible means in the Kingdom of Redemption and the very passport of My Passion and Death in order to pass into the Kingdom of My Will, animated at the sight of such a great good, they will decide to take possession of It ? Therefore, be attentive and do not want to restrain or reduce the goods that are in the Kingdom of My Will - and you do this when you do not manifest everything what I make known to you - because Knowledge is the bearer of the Gift; and if now I abound in the Knowledges about It, it is Gifts that I make and in these Gifts I establish the more or less to be placed in the Kingdom of My Will for the good of those who are to possess It.

V. 19 - 7/2/26 - Now, one who will possess the Kingdom of My Will, will be for Us like a child born after about six thousand years. What joy, what feast will not be Ours in seeing Our Image in him, intact, beautiful just as We delivered it from Our Paternal Womb. All the caresses, the kisses, the gifts, will be for this child; more so, since, having given in Creation the Kingdom of Our Will to man as his special Inheritance and since this Kingdom of Ours has been in the hands of strangers, of servants, of traitors for so long a time, in seeing this son who wll possess It as a son and will give Us the glory of the Kingdom of Our Will, Our Inheritance will be placed in safety on the part of this son. Is it not right that We give him everything, even Our very Selves and that he enclose everything and everyone? While Jesus was saying this, I became concerned and I said to Him: How can all this be possible, my Love? And Jesus added: My daughter, do not be surprised. By possessing the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, the soul will possess a Divine, Infinite, Eternal Will that encloses all Goods; and one who possesses everything can give Us everything. What will be Our Contentment, Our Happiness and his, in seeing the littleness of the creature in this Kingdom of Ours, taking from Us continuously as the owner - as Our true child! And since what he takes from Us is Divine, he takes the Divine and the Divine he gives to Us; he takes the Infinite and the Infinite he gives to Us; he takes Immense Things from Us and Immense Things he gives to Us; he takes Light from Us and Light he brings to Us. He will do nothing but take and give to Us. We will place all things at his disposal, so that, in the Kingdom of Our Will, given to him by Us, nothing extraneous to Us may enter any more but only Our Own things; and We may receive the Fruits, the Glory, the Love, the Honor of the Kingdom of Our Will.

V. 11 - 11/11/15 - ...My daughter, in issuing the creature, My Divinity remained as though wounded by My Own Love for love of the creature. This Wound made Me come down from Heaven to earth and cry and shed My Blood and do all that I did. Now, the soul who lives in My Will feels this Wound of Mine vividly, as if it were her own. She cries and prays and would suffer anything to save the poor creature and so that My Wound of Love may not be exacerbated by the offenses of creatures. Ah! My daughter, these tears, prayers, pains, reparations, soothe My Wound and descend upon My Breast like shining Gems and I glory in keeping them on My Breast to show them to My Father so as to move Him to pity towards creatures. So, a Divine Vein ascends and descends between these souls and Me which keeps consuming their human blood and the more they share in My Wound and in My very Life, the larger this Divine Vein becomes. It becomes so large that they become other Christs. And I keep repeating to the Father: I am in Heaven but there are other Christs on earth who are wounded with My same Wound, who cry like Me, who suffer, who pray, etc. Therefore, We must pour Our Mercies upon the earth. Ah! only these who live in My Volition, who share in My Wound, are like Me on earth and will be like Me in Heaven by sharing in the same Glory of My Humanity.

V. 11 - 6/15/16 - So I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then, I felt the Queen Mama near me and She told me: My daughter, pray. And I: My Mama, let us pray together, for by myself I don't know how to pray. And She added: The most powerful prayers over the Heart of My Son and those which move Him the most, are for the creature to clothe herself with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as Gift to the creature. Therefore, My daughter, surround your head with the thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His tears, impregnate your tongue with His bitterness, clothe you soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His Wounds, pierce your hands and feet with His nails and like another Christ, present yourself before His Divine Majesty. This sight will move Him in such a way that He will not be able to deny anything to the soul who is clothed with His Own Insignia. But - oh! how little creatures know how to make use of the Gifts which My Son gave them! These were My Prayers upon earth and these are My Prayers in Heaven. So, together we clothed ourselves with the Insignia of Jesus and together, we presented ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved all; the Angels made way for us and remained as though surprised. I thanked Mama and I found myself inside myself.

V. 11 - 8/3/16 - ...And He: My daughter, good is always good. Even more, you must know that each prayer, each reparation, each act of Love, any holy thing that the creature does, is one more paradise that she acquires. So, the simplest holy act will be one more paradise; one act less, a paradise less. In  fact, every good act comes from God and therefore in every good act, the soul takes God and since God contains infinite, innumerable, eternal, immense joys - so many that the very Blessed will not arrive at enjoying them through all eternity - it is no wonder, then, that since each good act acquires God, God is bound to substitute them with as many contentments. So, if the soul suffers even distractions for love of Me, in Heaven her intelligence will have more light and will enjoy as many more paradises for as many times as she has sacrificed her intelligence; and so much more will she comprehend God. If she suffers coldness for love of Me, so many paradises will she enjoy of the variety of contentments which are present in My Love, so many more contentments in My inaccesible Light; and so with all the rest. This is what one prayer more or less means.

V. 11 - 8/10/16 - ...When My Humanity was on earth, It contained all the lives of creatures and these lives came all from Me. But how many of them would not return into Me because they would die and bury themselves in hell - and I felt the death of each one which tormented My Humanity. These deaths were the most sorrowful and cruel pains of My whole Life, up to My last Breath...

V. 11 - 8/12/16 - My daughter, only by one who lives in My Will, do I feel as thought repaid for Creation, Redemption and Sanctification and she glorifies Me in the way in which the creature must glorify Me. Therefore, these souls will be the Gems of My Throne and will take within themselves all the contentments and the glory which each Blessed will have for himself alone. These souls will be as though Queens around My Throne and all the Blessed will be around them; and just as the Blessed will be as many Suns who will shine in the Celestial Jerusalem, the souls who have lived in My Will, will shine in My Own Sun. They will be as though circumfused with My Sun and these souls will see the Blessed from within Me because it is right that, having lived on earth united wtih Me, with My Will, as they lived no life of their own, they have a place distinct from all others in Heaven and they continue in Heaven the life which they lived on earth - completely transformed in Me and immersed in the sea of My Contentments.

V. 11 - 10/13/16 - I was doing the Hours of the Passion and blessed Jesus told me: My daughter, in the course of My mortal Life, thousands and thousands of Angels were the cortege of My Humanity, gathering  everything I did - My steps, My works, My words and even My sighs, My pains, the drops of My Blood - in sum, everything. They were the Angels in charge of My custody and of paying Me honor; obedient to My every wish, they would rise to and descend from Heaven, to bring to the Father what I was doing. Now these Angels have a special office and as the soul remembers My Life, My Passion, My Blood, My Wounds, My Prayers, they come around the soul and gather her words, her prayers, her acts of compassion for Me, her tears and her offerings; they unite them to Mine and they bring them before My Majesty to renew for Me the Glory of My Own Life. The delight of the Angels is so great that, reverent, they listen to what the soul says and pray together with her. So, with what attention and respect must the soul do these Hours, thinking that the Angels hang upon her lips to repeat after her, what she says.

V. 11 - 11/15/16 - Another day, I was fusing all of myself, as usual, in the Will of Blessed Jesus and He said to me: My daughter, the more you fuse yourself in Me, the more I fuse Myself in you. So, it is on earth that the creature forms her Paradise; according to how much she fills herself with holy thoughts, with holy affections, desires, works and steps, so does she keep forming her Paradise. To one more holy thought or word, one more contentment will correspond and many varities of beauty, of contentments, of glory for as much good she has done. What will the surprise of this soul be when, once the prison of her body is broken, immediatly she will find herself in the sea of as many pleasures and happiness, as much light and beauty, for as many good she has done  - be it even a thought!

V. 11 - 9/8/16 - Then He added: The Acts in My Will are the simplest Acts but because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all. The light of the sun, because it is simple, is light of every eye - yet the sun is one. One Act alone in My Will, like most simple light, diffuses Itself in every heart, in every work, in everyone - yet the Act is one. My very Being, because It is most simple, is one single Act but an Act that contains everything; It has no feet but is the step of all; no eyes, but is the eye and the light of all; It gives life to everything but with no effort, with no toil, yet It gives the act of operating to all. So, the soul in My Will becomes simple and together with Me, she multiplies in all and does good to all. Oh! if all comprehended the immense value of the Acts, even the littlest, done in My Will - they would let not one Act escape them.

V. 11 - 12/30/16 - Oh , how My Will and My Love triumphed in the midst of My enemies! They would strike Me with scourges and I would strike their hearts with My Love; and with My Will, I would chain them. They would prick My Head with thorns and My Love would turn on the light in their minds to make Me known. They would open wounds on Me and My Love would heal the wounds of their souls. They gave Me death and My Love gave life back to them; so much so, that as I breathed My last on the Cross, the flames of My Love, touching their hearts, forced them to prostrate themselves before Me and to confess Me as true God. Never was I so Glorious and Triumphant as I was in My pains during the course of My mortal life down here. Now, My daughter, in My Likeness, I made the soul free in her will and in her love. So, others might take possession of the extenal works of the creature, but no one - no one can do so with her interior, with her will and her love. I Myself wanted her to be free in this, so that, freely, not being forced, this will and this love might run toward Me; and immersing herself in Me, she might offer Me the noblest and  purest acts which a creature can give Me; and since I am free and so is she, we might pour ourselves into each other and run - run toward Heaven to love and glorify the Father and to dwell together with the Sacrosanct Trinity; run toward the earth to do good to all; run into the hearts of all to strike them with our Love, to chain them with our will and make conquests of them. Greater dowry I could not give to the creature. But where can the creature make greater display of this free will and of this Love? In suffering. In it, Love grows, the will is magnified and as queen, the creature rules over herself, she binds My Heart and her pains surround Me like a crown, they move Me to pity and I let Myself be dominated. I cannot resist the pains of a loving soul and I keep her at My side like a Queen. In the pains, the dominion of this creature is so great that they make her acquire, noble, dignified, ingratiating, heroic, disinterested manners, similar to My Manners; and the other creatures compete to let themselves be dominated by this soul. And the more the soul operates with Me, is united with Me, identifies herself with Me, the more I feel absorbed in the soul. So, as she thinks, I feel My thought being absorbed in her mind; as she looks, as she speaks, as she breathes, I feel My gaze, My voice, My breath, My action, step and heartbeat being absorbed in hers. She absorbs all of Me and while she absorbs Me, she keeps aquiring My manners, My Likeness; I keep gazing at Myself in her continuously and I find Myself.

V. 35 - 10/25/37 - ...This Celestial Sovereign Lady, taken by Love, formed a pledge of Herself in Our creative Hands, in order to have that everyone might receive this Kingdom and since this pledge possessed the Life of My Will, it contained an infinite value that for everyone one She could pledge Herself. What a sweet and dear pledge was this Holy Creature in Our Hands! She, by making Her Life, Her Acts flow in Our Divine Volition, formed Divine coins to be able to pay Us for those who should inherit Our Divine Fiat. Then, My Humanity came, united to the Eternal Word, Who with My Life, sufferings and death, I disbursed the sufficient price in order to repurchase this, Our Divine Will and give Him to creatures as an inheritance that belonged to them. One act, one breath, one motion in Our Will contains such value, that it can buy Heaven and earth and what one wants. My daughter, the prodigies of My Will are unheard of. So much is His power that as the creature works in My Volition, He calls into act what He has done first; He unites it together and regives the merit , the good, His power to each act, as if again He Himself was doing it, enriching it with so much Grace and beauty as to form the enchantment of Heaven. Then, as Celestial dew, He invests all the Saints and gives them new glory and felicity that the work of the creature contains in My Will; He makes this dew rain on all wayfarers so that they feel the power, the Grace of it in their acts. How many souls burnt by passions, by sin, by brutal pleasures, feel the freshness of this Divine dew and transmute themselves in good.

V. 17 - 10/17/24 - ..And while my mind was wandering within this, my lovable Jesus said to me: My daughter, see with  how much Love, I love  the creature. Before coming out to the light of the day of this world, she was already in My Womb, and in delivering her, I did not leave her - a Ray of Light containing My Life follows her in order to administer to her everything that is necessary so as to carry out this life. And with how much care do I not raise her? Wih how much Love do I not water her! I, Myself make Myself light, heat, food, defense. And when she completes her days in time, along the same path of that same Ray, I withdraw her into My Womb to ler her wander throughout the Celestial Fatherland - I, Who am the true Sun of souls, do not leave them, either at night or at daytime. I, Myself form the souls; I give them the water of My Grace so as not to let them wither, I nourish them with the Light of My Truths; I strengthen them with My examples; I give them the Wind of My caresses to purify them, the Dew of My Charisms to embellish them, the Arrows of My Love to warm them. In sum, there is nothing I do not do for them and I place the whole of My Life at each one's disposal for their good. But how much ingratitude on the part of creatures!. They seem to be attached like branches to My Vine, not out of Love but by force because they can not do without Me; and so they grow like those branches which, not receiving all the good humors that the vine contains, grow thin without ever forming mature grapes but unripe ones, such as to embitter My Divine Taste. Ah! if all knew how I love their souls, all would be captured by the strength and attractiveness of My Love and they would love Me more! Therefore, you, love Me, and may your Love expand so much as to love Me for all.

V. 17 - 10/23/24 - And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, told me: My daughter, do you want to do My Will? And I: of course I want to do Your Will but Your Will is also in Heaven; so, if until now I have done It on earth, from now on I want to come to do It in Heaven. Therefore, hurry, take me, do not leave me any more; I feel I can endure no more  - have pity on me. And Jesus again: My daughter. you do not know what My Will on earth is. It shows how, after so many of My lessons, you have not understood well. You must know that the soul who lets My Will live within herself, as she prays, as she suffers, as she operates, as she loves, etc., forms a sweet enchantment to the Divine Pupils, in such a way as to enclose with her acts, the Gaze of God in that enchantment; in such a way that, as I am captured by the sweetness of this enchantment, it has the virtue of preventing My Justice from pouring Itself upon the face of the earth with many of the chastisements which creatures draw  upon themselves with their very grave sins because My Justice also receives the enchantment of My Will operating in the creature. Do you think it is trivial that the Creator sees in creatures who are still upon earth, His Own Will operating, triumphing, dominating, with the same freedom with which It operates and dominates in Heaven ? This enchantment is not  present in Heaven because in My Kingdom, My Will dominates as if in It's Own House and the enchantment is formed within Myself, not outside of Me; therefore, it is I- it is My Will that enchants all the Blessed with an enrapturing strength in such a way that their pupils are enclosed in My Enchantment to delight in It eternally. So, it is not they who form the sweet enchantment for Me, but I for them; and so My Pupils are free and They receive no fascination. On the other hand, while living in the creature who is crossing the exile, My Will is as though operative and dominate in the house of the creature; and this is why she is the one who forms the enchantment for Me as she fascinates Me and makes My Gaze receive such attraction as to capture Me to fix My Pupils upon her without being able to move Them. Ah! you do not know how necessary this enchantment is in these times. How many evils will come. The peoples will be forced to eat one another up; they will be taken by such rage as to become ferocious, one against the other. But the greatest fault is of the leaders. Poor peoples! They have true slaughterers, incarnate devils, as leaders, who want to make a slaughter of their own brothers. If the evils were not grave, your Jesus would not leave you as without Him. You fear that it may be because of other things that I deprive you of Me - no, no,be reassured; it is My Justice that, depriving you of Me, wants to unload Itself upon creatures. You, however, never go out of My Will, so that Its sweet enchantment may spare the peoples worse evils.

V. 17 - 10/2/24 - ...But while I was doing this, I felt somehow distracted in trying to find all created things in His Divine Will, so that one might be the love, the praise, the adoration to my Jesus. And Jesus in seeing me as though hampered, gathered the whole Creation onto His lap and said to me: My daughter, I placed all Creation on My lap, that It  may be easier for you to find and call everyone, together with you,  so that not one thing that came from Me may not give Me, through you, the return of love and adoration which befits Me, as things that belong to Me. I would not be fully content in you, if any of them are missing. In My Will, I want to find everything in you. Then it became easier for me to find and call all Creation together with me, so that we all might  praise and love my highest Good, Jesus. But - oh marvel! - each created thing contained a distinct reflection and a special love of Jesus and Jesus received the return of His reflections and of His Love. Oh! how content was Jesus! But as I was doing this, I found myself inside myself.

V.14 - 4/12/22 - Ah! If man did not sin, My Justice would have nothing to do with the creature. But as guilt begins, My Justice places Itself on the way. Do you think I wanted to strike man  No, no; on the contrary, it grieves Me - it is hard for Me to touch him. But he, himself forces Me to strike him. You, pray that man may mend his ways, so Justice, quickly reuniting the current of Love, will be able to withdraw.

V. 14 - 4/13/22 - I was continuing my usual prayers and my lovable Jesus, surprising me from behind my shoulders, called me by name, telling me: Lusia, daughter of My Will, do you want to live always in My Will? And I: Yes, O Jesus.  And He: but is it really true that you want to live in My Will? And I: It is really true, my Love nor would I adapt myself to live of another will. And Jesus, again: But do you say it firmly? Now, seeing myself confused, fearing, I added: My Life, Jesus, You make be fear with these questions. Explain Yourself better. I say it firmly, but always helped by You and in the strength of Your Will, which involves me completely in such a way that I could not do without living in Your Volition. And He, heaving a sigh of relief, repeated: How happy I am with your triple affirmation!  Do not fear, these are nothing but reassurances, reaffirmations and confirmations, so as to impress in you the triple seal of the Will of the Three Divine Persons. You must know that one who lives in My Will must rise high - so high as to live in the Womb of the Sacrosanct Trinity. Your life and Ours must be one; therefore, it is decorous that you know where you are and with Whom you are; that you conform to whatever We do and that, not by force, but willingly, with love and with full knowledge, you live in Our Womb.. 0nce We have made of you the first copy of the soul who lives in Our Will, more copies will come.

V. 14 - 4/17/22 - I remained so immersed and interwoven within the Light of Jesus that it seemed to me that I would no longer find the way out. How happy I felt and how many things I understood in that Light! I lack the words to express myself. I just remembered that He said to me: Daughter of My Will, this Light that you see is nothing other than My Will which wants to consume your will in order to give you the shape of Our Image, that is, the Three Divine Persons, in such a way that, transforming you completely in Ourselves, We will leave Our Volition in you as Divine Actor that matches Us in everything We do. So, Our Images will come out from Ourselves and Our Will acting within you will take as many of them from you. Oh, how the purpose of Creation will be fulflled!... - Then He made me notice a point of the world from which black smoke was coming out. And He: See, over there are statesmen who want to decide the lots of the kingdoms; but they do it without Me and where I am not present, there cannot be Light. They have nothing but smoke of their passions which blinds them more. Therefore, they will come up with nothing good. It will only serve them to embitter one another and cause graver consequences. Poor peoples, led by blind and interested men! But, let us withdraw, let us leave them at their own mercy, that they will know what it means to do things without Me.

V. 19 - 5/23/26 - ...Therefore,  the time in which the Sovereign Queen came out to the  light of the day can be called the time of My Mama. This, My daughter, can be called your time. All are turned toward you; I hear the voice of all, as if it were one alone, praying Me, pressing Me, that My Will may reacquire Its absolute Divine rights over you, so that, acquiring Its total dominion, It may pour into you all the fullness of good It had established to give if the creature had not withdrawn from My Will. So, the whole of Heaven, the Celestial Mama, the Angels and Saints - all are turned toward you for the triumph of My Will because their glory in Heaven will not be complete if My Will does not have Its complete triumph on earth. Everything was created for the total fulfillment of the Supreme Will and until Heaven and earth return into this circle of the Eternal Volition, they feel their works, their glory and beatitude as though halved because, not having found It's complete fulfillment in the Creation, the Divine Will cannot give what It had established  to give - that is, the fullness of It's goods, of It's effects, joys and happiness It contains. This is why they are all longing; My Will Itself is all for you and intent on you; It holds nothing back of Graces, of Light and whatever it takes to form in you the greatest of prodigies, which is It's fulfillment and It's total triumph. Which one do you think is a greater prodigy: that a little light remains enclosed in the sun or that the sun remains enclosed in the little light? And I: It would certainly be more prodigious if the little light enclosed the sun; and indeed, it seems impossible to me that this may happen. And Jesus: What is impossible for the creature is possible for God. The little light is the soul and My Will is the sun. Now, My Will must give so much to the little light as to be able to make of it a circle and be enclosed in it. And since the nature of light is to spread it's rays everywhere, while remaining in triumph within this circle, It will spread It's Divine Rays to give the Life of My Will to all. This is the prodigy of prodigies, that the whole of Heaven longs for. Therefore, give broad field to My Will - be opposed in nothing, so that what was established by God in the work of Creation may have it's fulfillment.

V. 35 - 10/31/37 - Now, you must know that an act of My Will in the creature contains such power, grace, love, sanctity that if My Volition did not work a prodigy, the creature could not contain it because it is an infinite act and to the finite, it is not given to be able to embrace it all. You feel where His love arrives; as the creature lends herself and calls Him in her act, My Divine Will works; into the work, He calls His Infinity, His Eternal Life, His Power that imposes Itself over all, His Immensity that calls and embraces everyone and everything; no one can put themself apart from His work. When He has enclosed everything, My Will forms His work. You see therefore what thing an act of His is?; and Infinite Act, Eternal, armed with Divine Power, Immense, in which no one can say: I was not there in that Act...These Acts are Divine Acts and can form the passport for other creatures in order to have them enter into the Kingdom of Our Volition. They will give a child into Our Kingdom; so that how many more acts will be done in Him, so many more will be populated and all the good will redound to those who have been the first ones to give life to My Will in their acts. Now, you must know that the first passports were formed by Me and My Celestial Mother to the first children of My Volition, that contain My Signature, written with My Blood and with the Sorrows of the Most Holy Virgin. To all the other Passports My Signature is needed, otherwise they would not be recognized. 

V. 35 - 12/18/1937 - All that one does in the Divine Will acquires Life and these Lives swim and float in the Seas of Love in the Divine Volition - absolutely fantastic - can be read @

V. 18 - 12/20/25 - ...Now, while I was thinking about this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and showed His Face wet with tears - but so many, that one flowed after the other, to the point of wetting His Chest and His Hands. And, sighing, He said to me: My daughter, My tears began from the very first instant of My Conception in the Womb of My Celestial Mama, up to My last Breath on the Cross. The Will of My Celestial Father entrusted to Me also the task of tears and I was to shed so many of them from My Eyes for as many as all creatures together would shed. Just as I conceived all of their souls within Me, so was I to shed all of their tears from My Eyes. See, then how much I had to cry. I had to shed from My Eyes the tears which shed out of passion, so that mine might extinguish their passions. I had to shed the tears which are needed after sin, to give them the sorrow for having offended Me and the conviction of the evil they had done, preparing, with My tears, the resolution not to offend Me any more. I had to shed the tears in order to move souls to compassion, to make them comprehend the pains of My Passion; and I also shed abundant tears of Love, in order to electrify souls to love Me, to draw their sympathy and their hearts, all for Me. It is enough to tell you that there is not one tear that arises on the human eye which I did not shed from My Eyes. No one knew of My many tears, of My much crying, hidden and secret. How many times, even as a tender Child, I flew up to Heaven and leaning My little Head upon the Knees of My Celestial Father, I cried and cried, and sobbing, I said to Him: My Father, You see, I am born in the world to tears and to sorrow, just  like My brothers, who are born to tears and die amidst crying. And I love these brothers so much that I want to shed all their tears from My Eyes. Not even one do I want to let escape, so as to give to their tears, tears of Love, of Sorrow, of Victory, of Sanctification and of Divinization. How many times My dear Mama in looking at Me, was pierced in seeing Me all wet with crying; and because of the pain of seeing Me cry, She united Her tears to Mine and We cried together. And sometimes I was forced to hide Myself to give vent to crying, so as not to always pierce Her Maternal and Innocent Heart. Other times, I waited for the moment when My Celestial Mama, out of necessity, had to occupy Herself with housework, to give vent to My tears in order to complete the number of tears of all creatures.

V. 18 - 12/20/25 - On hearing this, I said to Him: My Love, Jesus so, Your Eyes have shed also my tears, as well as those of our father Adam. And I want You to pour them upon my soul, to give me the Grace not only to do Your Most Holy Will but to possess It as my own thing and my own will. At that moment, Jesus shook His Head and from His Face tears flowed onto my poor soul; and He added: Daughter of My Will, indeed I shed your tears so that as they would pass through My Eyes, I might give you the great Gift of My Will. That which Adam could not receive with his tears, even though they too passed through My Eyes, you can receive. In fact, before sinning, Adam possessed My Will and with the possession of  My Will, he grew in the Likeness of his Creator; and he grew so much as to form the enchantment of all Heaven and all felt honor in serving him. After sin, he lost the possession of My Will and even though he wept over his fault and he sinned no more, he was able to do My Will but not to possess It because the Divine Offended One was missing who was to form the new Divine Graft between the creature and the Creator in order to let him cross again the thresholds of the possessions of the Eternal Volition. This Graft was made by Me, Eternal Word, after four thousand years when Adam had already passed on to the thresholds of Eternity. But in spite of this Divine Graft done by Me with tears, sighs and unheard of pains, how many reduce themselves to the conditions of Adam after sin - merely doing My Will? Others, do not want to know It; others rebel against It. Only one who lives in My Will rises to the state of Adam innocent, before falling into sin. In fact, there is great distance between those who do My Will and those who possess It - the same distance which passes between Adam innocent and Adam after sin. And I, in coming upon earth, was to act as God; I was to complete the work of man in everything; I was to raise him to the first point, by giving him the possession of My Will. And even though many make use of My coming as remedy for their salvation and therefore take My Will as medicine, as strength and as antidote in order not to go to hell, I will wait still, that souls may arise who take It as Life; and by making It known, they may take possession of It. In this way, I will complete the work of My coming upon earth and the Divine Graft formed anew with the creature, will have fruit. Then will My tears turn into Celestial and Divine Smiles for Me and for them.

V. 35 - 11/12/1937 - ...Now listen to Me. As the creature gives liberty to Him to let Him work, He calls His Immenstiy and Power, He encloses everything and everyone in that act and Our Most Holy Divinity receives in that act the love of every creature; We feel in that act the voices, the heartbeats of all hearts, that say to Us: We love You, We Love You! He gives Us the adoration of each one and what they are obliged toward their Creator. He animates everything and We feel in that act that even the sun, the sky, the stars and all creation say to Us: We love You, we adore You, we glorify You! So that on the part of Our operative Will in the creature, We receive everything and for each one Our Love remains repaid, Our Glory completed. He can give Us everything, although if He uses some act of the creature and taken with love towards one who has let Him work in her act, He says: I surrender all to you, My daughter; before Our Supreme Majesty, I find that you have loved for everyone and for each one, you have given Us the glory, the adoration of everyone, you have made Us loved by even the sun, the sky. All creation harmonized and said between themselves: Love, Love to Our Creator. Therefore, I surrender the merit of everything to you; everything is yours. My Will does neither know nor want to work, if He does not enclose everything and does not do everything. Whence, I remained surprised and said to myself "Possible? Possible all this? " And my dear Jesus added: My daughter, do not marvel. One act alone by My Will is greater than Heaven and earth; It's Immenstiy has no confines, It's Power has no limits, It holds in It's Own Fist everything and everyone; therefore, in It's work It has an Act of Infinite Love that can say for everyone, Love; and after having loved everyone, oh how much It advances! And then, Our Love is perfect; first We love Ourselves, We put into security Our interests, Our Glory, Our Love and We glorify Ourselves with Our work. Who is there that does not think first of himself? Hence Our Will, as much as He works in Us, as much in creatures, first she must give Us, by right, what is due and necessary to Us for everyone and each one and then creatures will have according to their dispositions...A soul who lives in Our Will is all for Us, she holds Us always occupied, she always loves Us but with Our Love; and everytime that she does her acts in Our Fiat, We renew the works of Creation and in order to amuse Ourselves and love her and make Us loved, in every act that she does, We make use of It as material to renew Our various created works; rather, Our Love is not content; It wants to add on more and It creates new prodigies of Grace, even to create Our Own Life in the beloved creature.

V. 35 - 3/28/38 - ...Therefore, My daughter, in order for the act of the creature to be perfect and complete, it must begin and finish in Our Will Who administers His Own Life of Light and of Love to her in order to make that act complete and nothing be missing of beauty, of sanctity and of good. If it doesn't begin in Our Will, there is missing the order, the sanctity and the beauty; hence, the human act cannot be signed with the signature of Our Volition as His Act. It is to cry, My daughter, in seeing so many human acts, upset, disordered, some remaining at the beginning, some at half; some missing one point, some another; and then worst yet, some dirtied with mud, some with rottenness, some as soaked in guilt/sin that don't do other than irritate Our Justice. Therefore, without Our Will there cannot be good in the creature and if it seems that they do some good, it is seeming good; and since there is missing the substance of the Life of Our Fiat, it cannot be enduring and it is enough that a contrast arise, a displeasure and the good ends and they are penitent/sorry for having done it. Instead, all that one does in My Will possess unshakeable firmness and before displeasures and contrasts, these acts are not stopped; they race on more in order to give the life of the good they possess. Now, you must know that one who does her acts in Our Volition does complete and perfect acts; instead one who always live in Him finds herself under a continuous rain of Light that, as she moves, palpitates and breathes, so rains on her all the effects and varied beauties of Our Divine Light. Our Divine Being is most pure Light and although interminable Light. It encloses all possible and imaginable goods. While It is Light, It is Word, It is all Eye, It looks everywhere; there is no thing that can hide from Us. This Light is Work, is Step, is Life that gives Life to everyone and everything. It encloses beauties that are not exhausted, joys and happiness without end...My daughter, it is always Love that strikes Me and wounds Me and induces Me to speak in order to reveal to My beloved creature My Secrets hidden from the one who does not love Me because not loving Me, they would not understand My Dialect of Love. Now, you must know that  all these Acts done by Me on earth contain each One a sorrow so intense, that if My Divinity might not have sustained Me, it would have been enough to make Me die. Hence, as I worked, My Supreme Will thus created for Me the sorrow of not finding the human will in Mine. in order to enclose it in My Acts and to give her the virtue and grace to have her live in My Will. In all that I did, even if I breathed, palpitated, looked, walked, I sought the human will in order to enclose it and to give her the primary place in My Breath, Heartbeat, Look and My Steps. What sorrow, My daughter! To want to do good and not find one to whom to do that good; to want to put her in a secure place where she would have been happy because My sufferings, My works, My Humanity Itself would have been not only her defense but would have formed for her the regal palace where they would have held her as Queen and instead of being grateful and listening to Me, she escaped from My Hands, from My sufferings in order to live unhappy in the midst of dangers and enemies without anyone who might defend her. What sorrow! What sorrow! I can say that My greatest sorrow down here that gave Me continous death, was seeing creatures who did not live nor do My Will because I saw that My Acts remained without the purpose for which I did them, without giving the Life with which they were invested; and if it was not that with My Omni-clairvoyance, I saw every century as presently acting in which I saw My Beloved children who should live of My Divine Volition of which they should make use of what My Humanity did and suffered in order to establish My Kingdom and to make use of It as the most beautiful of their Habitations, I would not have been able to support such a sorrow.

V. 33 - 10/4/1935 - My blessed daughter, every created thing is a distinct office that it occupies and although the will of one is all, not all however do the same thing, it would not be order, nor Virtue of Divine Wisdom that one created thing might repeat what the other does; but since one is the Will that dominates them, the glory that one receives, I give the other because all the substance that they possess and the good and the value with which they are invested, is that they can say: I am one continuous act of Will of my Creator, glory, honor, virtue more great, He could not give me, than to be one single act of my Creator, so much so that the little blade of grass with its littleness, the little space that it occupies of the earth, it seems that it does nothing, no one looks at it, and yet, because thus My Will wanted it nor does it seek to do more than what a blade of grass can do, in order to do My Will equals the glory that the sun gives Me, that rules with so much majesty over the earth, that one can call it the continuous miracle of all the Creation... - You see therefore that everything is in doing My Will, to never go out from His Divine and interminable enclosures; already with doing My Will, although it seems that one does nothing, it is not true, already one finds oneself together with the DivineWork and one can say: what God does, I do. And to you it seems little? God does everything and the soul takes part in everything. So that it is not the diversity of the actions or of the offices that the creature can say that she does great things but My Will confirms, annuls them, puts them in the Divine order and puts there His image, as seal of His Works. In regards to the diversity of offices and of action instead it is order, harmony of My Infinite Wisdom; also in Heaven there is diversity of Choirs of Angels, diversity of Saints; one is martyr, one is virgin, one is confessor. Upon the earth My Providence maintains so many diverse offices, one is king, one is judge, one priest, one is people, one commands, one is under; if  everyone might do one single office, what would be of the earth?. A complete disorder. Oh! If everyone might understand that only My Divine Will knows how to do great things and although they might  be little and insignificant, oh, how content everyone would be and each one would love the little spot, the office in which God has put her but since they let themselves be controlled by the human volition, they would like to give of themselves, to make great actions that they can not do, therefore, they are always discontent with the conditions or posts in which the Divine Providence has put them for their good. Therefore, content yourself to do the little united with My Will and not the great things without Him, more so than being immense, you will find yourself in all His Acts and you will find yourself in His Love, in His Power, in His Works in a way that you can not do anything without Him and He can not do anything without you. Behold therefore that with living in My Volition, such Prodigies race together that it gives of the incredible, the nothing of the creature in the Power of the All, the nothing in prey of a Will that can do everything. What thing wouldn't this nothing do? She will do works worthy of a Supreme Fiat. Hence, the most beautiful act, the most solemn, most pleasant for Us is the nothing of the creature giving Us freely in order to let Us do what We want..

V. 33 - 10/27/1935 - My blessed daughter, you have not yet understood what it means of My Will working in the human act of the creature. He descends in the human act with His creative Power, with His Majesty, with His Light and with His luxury of innumerable Graces and pouring Himself out again in the human act, He makes use of His Power and creates His Act in it and the human act remains as material with which He has made use of it in order to create His Act in it; and to create means that He creates so many Acts as many as He wants and of the times He creates so many of it for how many creatures are disposed who can receive that Act of His in which contains unheard of Prodigies of Graces, of Light, of Love; It contains the palpitating and creative Life of a Divine Volition. Behold therefore, having to do an Act so Great, He doesn't want to do It if the creature doesn't know it and that she herself doesn't long for It and doesn't call Him to undergo in the Act His creative Will of a Volition so Holy and Powerful... - My daughter, you should know that no sooner than the creature truly decides to want to live in My Divine Will and at whatever cost to not ever do hers, My Fiat, with and indescribable Love, forms the germ/seed of His Life in the depth of the soul, this with such Power, with such Sanctity, that He doesn't grow if first He doesn't put the soul at post, freeing from her weakensses, miseries and stains if there are some, one can say that He forms the anticipated Purgatory, purging her of all that would might impede that a Life of Divine Will might be formed in her; because My Will and sins can not exist nor remain together; at the most some apparent weakness could belong, that with His Light and Heat  becomes immediately purified. He always holds the purificatory Act in His Hands so that no obstacle might be in the soul that might  impede not only growth but development of His Acts in the acts of the creature. Hence, the first thing that My Will does is take away the Purgatory beforehand, making it done anticipated in order to be more free to make her live in Him and to form His Life in the acts of the creature. Whence, if the creature might die after a definite and willed act to live in My Volition, she will take flight toward Heaven, rather My same Will, will carry her in His Arms of Light as triumph, as His Birth and as His dear child and if this were not so, it could not be said: be done your Will as in Heaven so on earth; it would be a way of saying, not a reality, in Heaven because where He reigns there are neither sins nor Purgatory, thus on earth if He reigns in the soul, there can be neither sin nor fear of Purgatory. He knows how to clear everything because He wants to be alone in His post, regent and dominant.

V. 33 - 11/4/1935 - ...But this is not everything, one who lives in My Will possesses her Jesus in a perennial way because He holds the Virtue to form, to raise and to feed My Life in the creature and receiving Me in the Sacrament, I find another Jesus, that is Myself, that she loves Me, adores Me, thanks Me repairs Me, I can say that I repeat the great miracle that I did in instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist in which I communicated Myself, that is your Jesus received Jesus; it was the greatest honor, the most complete satisfaction, the exchange of the heroism of My Love to receive Myself. I lacked nothing of all what was owed to My Sacramental Life, a God equalized God Himself. I could say that what I gave Myself, she re-gives...

V. 35 - 9/20/1937 - My daughter, what sorrow in not being understood by creatures and hence We cannot have the good of saying to them Who We are, of making Ourselves known, as We are none other than Love and We want to give Love in order to receive Love. As I would like that everyone might know it. - Our Supreme Being loves the creature so much that We arrive to the excess of imitating her. We make Ourselves small, We enclose Ourselves in her and We want to walk with her feet, work with her hands, speak with her mouth, look with her eyes, think with her intelligence, palpitate and love in her heart. So that in order to do all that what she does and how the creature does it, We want to have feet, hands, mouth, eyes and heart as the creature has them and this We ask it of her, as if We were not the absolute masters. We say to her: Let us love each other; We give you of Ours and you give Us of yours. Because Our Supreme Being, being purest Spirit, is step without feet, without walking It finds Itself everywhere; does everything without need of hands; is word without mouth; is light and sees everything without eyes...

V. 35 - 10/3/1937 - Prodigies of Creation. Dose of power, of sanctity, et cetera, that God put forth for love of man. The Acts done in the Fiat will be always new and one more distinct and beautiful than the other. They will contain everything and will form the seas, the works, the speaking steps of their Creator. can be read @

V. 35 - 11/20/37 - My blessed daughter, speaking of My Will is for Me the greatest festival and Heaven unites itself with Me to celebrate; and as it arrives for Me to speak of My Volition, they all put themselves at attention to listen to Me. There is no festival more beautiful that I can give to the whole Celestial Court, than to speak of My Divine Will. He makes arise the operative Love in souls on earth and the Blessed in Heaven. Where there is no Love, I do not move nor do I go nor do I know what to do with the creature. And then, the Love that makes My Will arise is Immense and there is no point where one does not find one who lives in Him, all invested by My Love. 

V. 35 -12/6/1937 - You must know that the thing that is most urgent to Our Supreme Being is the company of the creature. We do not want to be the isolated God nor to hold her far from Us; isolation has never been the bearer of great works of of happiness; company matures the birth of good and makes arise the most beautiful works to the light. Behold therefore, We created so many things in order to have the occasions to have her company so many times for how many things We created and since what We did one time, We are always in the Act of doing it, one who lives in Our Volition is always in company with Us; she undergoes Our Creative Act and We receive the glory, the exchange of the created Love...

V. 35 - 12/8/1937 - On the Conception of the Queen. Her race of Love.Where She found Her Creator, She found Herself in order to love Him. How She remained conceived in each created thing and became constituted Queen of Heaven, of the sun and of everything. can be read

V. 35 - 12/25/1937 - The Descent of the Divine Word. How He departed from Heaven and remained; prodigies of the Incarnation. The beginning of the Festival of the Divine Will. How in His Divine Works, He puts aside human ingratitude.  The Graft. How the Love of Jesus paid for everyone and ransomed us. Can be read

V. 35 - 1/7/1938 - One who lives in the Divine Will forms the refuge of the Life of the Divine Will. The "I love you", refreshment of Divine Love. How God feels obligated towards one who lives in Him. can be read

V. 35 - 2/7/1938 - My daughter, the things, a forced will, We have never liked; rather We don't even want them; they give much of the human and they do not agree neither with Our Love nor with Our Works. Everything is spontaniety and full will, that We want it, We long to do good and We do it; and therefore We do it with such fullness of Love and Grace that no one can reach(equal) Us. So much so, that if We don't see spontaneity, the will that wants to receive the good that We want to do in her, We don't do anything; at most We wait, We make Our sighs, Our anxieties felt but We don't move to work if first We don't see that with Love she wants to receive the Work of her Creator...

V. 35 - 4/4/1938 - How God created the necessity of Our Will in the creature, how she cannot live without It; example, how He created the necessity of water and sun to the earth. How one who doesn't live in Him wants to conceal God in Heaven. Each further Word on the Divine Will gives a new and distinct Life. can be read @

V. 35 - 4/10/1938 - How in one who lives in the Divine Will, Jesus wants to find everything and He wants to find her in everything. How God wants to find in our Love, the knoll of His Works, the hideway of His Life- can be read

V. 12 - 1/8/19 - My beloved, courage. Enter into Me, come and swim in the immense sea of My Volition, of My Love. Hide yourself inside the Uncreated Will and Love of your Creator. My Volition has the power to render Infinite all that enters into My Will and to raise and transform the acts of the creatures into Eternal Acts. In fact, all that enters into My Will acquires Eternity, Infinity, Immensity, losing all that has a beginning that is finite, little. All that My Will is, so It renders their acts. Therefore, ssy - shout loudly in MyWill: "I love You". I will hear the note of My Eternal Love; I will feel the created love hidden inside the Uncreated Love and I will feel Myself being loved by the creature with an eternal, infinite, immense love - a love worthy of Me, that stands in for Me and that can compensate Me for the love of all. I remained surprised and enchanted and I said: Jesus, what are You saying ? And He: My dear, do not be surprised. Everything is Eternal in Me - nothing has a beginning nor will it have an end. You, yourself and all creatures were eternal in My Mind. The Love with which I formed Creation, which was unleashed from Me and which endowed every heart, was eternal. What is the wonder, then, if the creature, leaving her own will, enters into Mine and uniting herself to the Love that longed for her and loved her from Eternity and binding herself with that Eternal Love from which she came, performs her acts, loves Me and acquires eternal, infinite, immense value and power ? Oh, how little is known about My Will !  This is why It is not loved  nor appreciated; and because of this, the creature is content with remaining down below, operating as if she did not have an eternal origin but a temporary one...

V. 24 - 10/3/1928 - Exchange between Jerusalem and Rome. In creating man, God placed as many seeds of happiness in him for as many things as He created - can be read @

V. 25 - 11/14/1928 - ...This is why the living in Our Will is the greatest prodigy and if Our Divinity wanted to make a greater one, It could not; nor could It find anything greater, more prodigious, more powerful, more beautiful, more happy than Our Will to give to the creature because by giving Our Divine Will, We give everything. It's Power forms Our Echo in the depth of the soul and forms Our most beautiful Images; and the echo of the human littleness becomes one with Ours, in such a way, that, uniting to Our Prime Act, she runs and diffuses herself in all the effects which the Single Act of God produces - ...And while He was saying this, He showed me many little boys and girls around me; and the Child Jesus said to them: This is My mother and your mama. The little ones made feast and drew all around me together with Jesus; and Jesus added: These little ones you see are none other than the first cohort of the children of My Divine Volition. In It, all will be little because My Divine Will has the Virtue of preserving them fresh and beautiful, just as they came out of Our Creative Hands. And since It called your littleness to live in It, it is right that, as the first one, you be the tiny little mama of the tiny little children.

V. 25 - 12/8/1928 -  I was thinking: Why did all Creation exult with joy and celebrate so much the Immaculate Queen in Her Immaculate Conception? And my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, do you want to know why? Because the Divine Will had the beginning of It's Life in the Celestial tiny little girl and therefore the beginning of all goods in all creatures. There is no good which, in My Divine Will, does not begin, descend and ascend into It's source. Therefore, since this Celestial little girl, from Her very Immaculate Conception, began Her Life in the Divine Fiat and She was from the human stock, with My Will, She acquired the Divine Life and with Her humanity She possessed the human origin. So, She had the power to unite the divine and the human and She gave to God what man had not given Him and had denied to Him, which was His Will; and She gave men the right to be able to ascend to the embraces of Her Creator. With the Power of Our Fiat which She had in Her power, She bound God and men. So, all Creation - Heaven and earth and even hell felt in the Immaculate Conception of this Virgin little girl, just newly born in the womb of Her mama, the strength of the order which She was placing in all Creation. With My Will, She associated Herself with all as their sister, She embraced all, She loved everything and everyone; and all longed for Her, loved Her and felt honored to adore the Divine Will in this privileged creature. How could all Creation not celebrate? In fact, up until then, man had been the disorder among all created things; no one had the courage, the heroism, to say to his Creator; "I do not want to know my will - I give it to You as gift; I want Your Divine Will alone as Life". But this Holy Virgin gave Her will in order to live of the Divine and therefore all Creation felt the happiness of the order which, through Her, was given back to It; and the heavens, the sun, the sea and everyone competed among themselves to honor She Who, by possessing My Fiat, gave the kiss of the order to all created things. And My Divine Volition placed in Her Hand the scepter of Divine Queen and surrounded Her forehead with the Crown of command, constituting Her, Empress of the whole Universe... - After this, with a more tender emphasis, He added: My daughter, how beautiful, delightful, it was to see this Celestial tiny little girl, even from Her Immaculate Conception. One woul look and would see Her little earth, taken from the human stock; and inside this little earth one would see the Sun of Our Eternal Volition, such that, as She was unable to contain It, It overflowed outside of Her and extended, filling Heaven and earth. We made a prodigy of Our Omnipotence so that the little earth of the tiny little Queen might enclose the Sun of Our Volition. So, one would see earth and Sun. Therefore, in everything She did - whether She thought, spoke, worked or walked - Her thoughts were rays of light, Her words converted into light; everything was light that came out of Her because Her little earth was smaller than the Immense Sun which She enclosed, Her acts would get lost within the light. And since this little earth of the Celestial Sovereign was vivified, animated and preserved continuously by the Sun of My Fiat, it appeared always flowery but with the most beautiful flowerings which turned into most sweet fruits such as to draw Our Divine Gazes and make Us remain enraptured - but so much, that We could not do without looking at Her, so great was the beauty and the happiness She gave Us. It is enough to say that She was a prodigy of Our Will, to say everything. Oh, if creatures knew what it means to live of Will of God, they would lay down their lives to know It and live in It.

V. 26 - 7/30/1929 - My daughter, there was nothing to add to Her nature because it was not the human nature that sinned but the human will. In fact, the human nature was at it's place, just as it came out of Our creative Hands, therefore We used that same nature of other creatures in creating the Virgin. What contamnated itself in man was his will; and since this human nature was animated by this rebellious will, which dwelled in the human nature, it participated and remained contaminated. So, once the Divine Will and the human will are placed in harmony, giving dominion and regime to the Divine, as it is wanted by Us, the human nature loses the sad effects and remains as beautiful as it came out of Our creative Hands. Now, in the Queen of Heaven, all Our work was on Her human will, which received with joy the dominion of Ours; and Our Will, finding no opposition on Her part, operated prodigies of graces and by virtue of My Divine Volition, She remained sanctified and did not feel the sad effects and the evils which the other creatures feel. Therefore, My daughter, once the cause is removed, the effects end. Oh! if My Divine Will enters into creatures and reigns in them, It will banish all evils in them and will communicate to them all Goods - to soul and body.

V. 26 - 8/7/1929 - ..Is My Humanity not the first-born Brother Who possessed the Kingdom of My Divine Will and as first Brother, I have the right to communicate the right to possess It to the other brothers, placing My very Self at their disposal  in order to give them a good so great? Am I not the Head of the whole human family Who can make the virtue of the Head flow in the members and make the vital act of My Divine Will descend into the members? My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Volition always walks because she has the round of Eternity at her disposal, which never ends. And by never stopping, she always takes; and if she stopped, one little step, one step less, would cost her the loss of a Divine step and happiness. In fact, My Fiat is an Act ever new of happiness, of grace and of indescribable and unreachable beauty and if the soul walks, she takes, while if she stops, she does not take because not having followed, step by step, the path of My Divine Volition, she has known nothing of the happiness and beauty which My Will has issued in that step. And who can tell you the great difference between one who lives in My Divine Will and one who lives in the human will? One who lives in the human will stops constantly, her round is so short that if she wants to extend her step, she finds no place on which to put her foot. At each step she takes, she gets now a displeasure, now a disillusion and she feels one more weakness, which drags her even to sin. Oh! how brief is the circle of the human will - full of miseries, of precipices and of bitternesses. Yet, they love so much to live in its circle! What madness, what foolishness to be deplored!

V. 26 - 8/25/1929 - My daughter, one who places himself in the Unity of My Will places himself in the light; and just as the light has the virtue of descending down below and of laying itself like a mantle of light over each thing it invests, so it has the virtue of rising up high and of investing with it's light what is up high. In the same way, one who places himself in the Light of My Fiat, in It's Unity of Light with his acts descends down below to all generations and with his acts of light, he invests everyone in order to do good to all; and he rises up high and invests the whole of Heaven to glorify all. Therefore, in My Divine Will, the soul acquires the right to be able to offer the Light of the Eternal Fiat to all through the gift of her acts muliplied into as many as are those who want to receive It.

V. 26 - 9/8/1929 - You must know that this birth enclosed within itself the rebirth of the whole human family and all Creation felt reborn in the birth of the Queen of Heaven. Everything exulted with gladness as they felt happy to have their Queen. Up to that moment, they had felt like a people without it's Queen and in their muteness, they were waiting for that happy day in order to break their silence and say: Glory, love, honor to She Who comes into our midst as our Queen. This Celestial Baby Girl, by keeping Our Divine Will intact within Her soul without ever doing Her own, reacquired all the rights of Adam innocent before Her Creator and the sovereignty over all Creation. Therefore, all felt themselves being reborn in Her and We saw in this Holy Virgin, in Her little Heart, all the seeds of the human generations. So, through Her, humanity reacquired the rights lost and this is why Her birth was the most beautiful, the most glorious birth. From Her very birth, She enclosed within Her Maternal little Heart, as though in-between two wings, all generations, as children reborn in Her Virginal Heart, so as to warm them, keep them sheltered and raise them and nourish them with the blood of Her Maternal Heart. This is the reason why this tender Celestial Mother loves creatures so much - because all are reborn in Her and She feels the life of Her children within Her Heart. What can Our Divine Will not do wherever It reigns and has It's Life? It encloses everything and everyone and makes one the provider of good to all. So, all feel, under Her blue Mantle, the Maternal wing of their Celestial Mother and they find in Her Maternal Heart their little place in which to take cover. Now, My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will, renews her rebirth and redoubles the rebirths for all  human generations. When My Supreme Will lives inside a heart and lays the fullness of It's endless Light within it, It centralizes everything and everyone, It does everything, It renews everything, It gives back all that, for centuries upon centuries, It has not been able to give through the other creatures. So, this creature can be called the dawn of the day, the daybreak that calls the sun, the sun that gladdens all the earth, illuminates it, warms it and with it's wings of light more than tender mother, embaces, fecundates everything and with it's kiss of light, it gives the most beautiful shades to flowers, the most delicious sweetness to fruits maturity to all plants. Oh! if My Divine Will reigned in the midst of creatures, how many prodigies would It not operate in their midst? Therefore, be attentive; everything you do in My Divine Fiat is a rebirth that you have in It and to be reborn in It means to be reborn in the Divine order, to be reborn in the Light, to be reborn in the Sanctity, in the Love,  in the Beauty. And in each Act of My Will, the human will undergoes a death, dying to all evils and It lives again to all Goods

V. 25 - 3/31/1929 - ... My daughter, by not doing My Divine Will, the creature casts confusion in the order which My Divine Majesty kept in the Creation; she dishonors herself, she descends down below, she places herself at a distance from her Creator, she loses the origin, the means and the end of that Divine Life which, with so much Love, was infused in her in the Act of being created. We loved this man so much that We placed in him Our Strength, Our Power, Our Happiness and Our same continuous echo. And who could ever allow Us to feel and see all this, if not Our Divine Will bilocated in him? We wanted to see in man the bearer of his Creator, Who was to make him happy in time and eternity. Therefore, when he did not do Our Divine Will, We felt vividly the great sorrow of Our work disordered; Our echo ended, Our enrapturing strength which was to enrapture Us, to give him new surprises of happiness, converted into weakness - in sum, it turned upside down. This is why We cannot tolerate such a disorder in Our work; and if I have spoken so much about My Divine Fiat, the purpose is precisely this: We want to place man in the order that he may return to the first steps of his creation, and Our Will, flowing within him as vital humor, may form again Our bearer, Our royal palace upon earth, his happiness and Ours.

V. 27 - 12/29/1929 - ...My daughter, My Divine Will acted in Me as Queen because indeed It has always been such. In fact, It is Queen by nature; in Our very Divinity, It holds the first place, It rules and dominates all Our Attributes; there is not one Act of Ours in which It does not hold Its place of Queen. Therefore, wanting that man would do Our Divine Will and would give It the place of Queen was the greatest honor and the most insuperable Love that We gave him; and as one single Will would reign, We would let him sit at Our Divine table, sharing Our Divine Goods with him. We wanted him happy and wanted the glory of seeing him happy, whom We had created with so much Love with Our creative Hands. So, Our Divine Volition and Love could neither content themselves nor stop as the mere work of Redemption but want to move forward, up to work-fulfilled; more so, We know not how to leave work half-done and having the creature at Our disposal, We can reach wherever We want.

V. 27 - 1/10/1930 - ...Indeed everyone belongs to Me by bonds of Creation but there is great difference from one who belongs to Me not only by bonds of Creation but with bond of fusion of wills - that is, Mine is  her sole and only Will. I can say that these belong to Me with bonds of true Family of Ours because the will is the most intimate thing that can exist, both in God and in the creature; it is the essential part of life, it is the director, it is the dominator that has the virtue of binding, with inseparable bonds, God and the creature; and from this inseparability, it can be recognized that she belongs to Our Divine Family... - My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Fiat lives in God, therefore she possesses and can give the goods she possesses. The Divine Being surrounds her everywhere in such a way that she sees, feels, touches nothing but God.

V. 27 - 2/11/1930 - ...My daughter, more so, since in that little which was written of My Divine Will in the whole history of the world, having known only the legal share, they have written of It what they have known of My Fiat after sin, which relationships It has with creatures, even though they offend It and do not live in Our House. But as for the relations that passed between My Fiat and Adam innocent before sinning, they have written nothing.. And how could they write if no one has lived in My Divine Will as in one's house? How could they know Its secrets and the great prodigy that the operating Life of a Divine Will can do in the creature? Therefore, they could and can say of My Divine Fiat that It disposes everything, that It commands, that It concurs; but as for saying of My Divine Will how It operates within Itself, in It's House, the power of It's immensity that in one instant does everything, envelops everything in the creature as It does within Itself - this is science that the creature has ignored until now; It could not be written if not by manifestation of My Divine Fiat and to one whom It called to live in Our House as Our daughter, close to Us,  inside My Will - not far away; such that being able to amuse Ourselves with her, We would make her aware of  Our most intimate secrets. And if We had wantd to manifest what regards Our Will in relationship with the creature, and she were not living in It, she would not have understood Us; it would have been for her like a foreign and unintelligible dialect.

V. 28 - 3/9/1930 - My daughter, when the soul remembers what I did and suffered in the course of My life here below, I feel My Love renewed. As a result, My Love swells and overflows and the sea of My Love forms the highest waves to pour Itself out in a doubled way upon creatures - My Heart would suffer if the little daughter of My Divine Volition did not recognize all of My Goods - ...If it would be a pain for an earthly father, much more for your Jesus, Who is the Celestial Father. As I make known to you what I did and suffered and the Goods that My Divine Volition possess, thus My Love grows towards you and your love towards Me always grows more. And My Heart rejoices in seeing Out little daughter rich of Our very Goods. Therefore, your rounds in My Divine Volition is a vent of My Love and disposes Me to make you know new things and to give you one more little lesson - of all that pertains to Us and disposes you to listen to receive Our Gifts.

V. 28 - 4/18/1930 - So, it wasn't only Adam who was the fortunate one of Creation. All the other creatures came to be enriched of all the goods; and in him, owner of his same goods. What's more, everything that God does in one sole creature, all the other creatures acquire the right of Our Acts, except the one who does not want to make use of those Acts. Doesn't the same thing happen in the Redemption? As the  Sovereign Lady of Heaven had the good of receiving Me and of giving Me to the light of making Me be born, all the other creatures acquired the rights of the goods of the Redemption. Not only this but each and everyone acquired the right of being able to receive Me in their hearts. And only the one who is ungrateful, who does not want Me, remains deprived of Me. Now, My daughter, by disobeying Our Will, Adam lost Our Kingdom. And for him, all the Goods of Our Fiat were without the alimentary, vivifying life of Our Divine Will. One can say that he was like the destroyer of the Goods of the Kingdom of My Divine Will in his soul because for all the Goods, if they lack the vivifying virtue and continuous food, by themselves, they lose their life, little by little. You must know, that to call these Goods to life again in the creature, one was necessary who would call My Fiat again in their soul and refuse It nothing, making It dominate their soul freely. Then, My Fiat will be able to administer again It's vivifying and alimentary virtue to the Goods, to call the destroyed Goods to life again. That is why My Divine Will, by subduing you, and by you making yourself subdued, has received It's vivifying virtue in your soul...When I want to work a good to all creatures, I put the rising fount in one creature. From this fount, I open many channels and I give the right to everyone to take the goods that the fount possesses. Therefore, be attentive and make your flight in My Divine Volition be continuous.

V. 28 - 8/2/1930 - My daughter, how many of My Truths are suffocated by one who does not love to know them and by one who does not want to do his little work, to possess them! I feel that they want to suffocate Me if they could. And in My pain, I am constrained to repeat what is said in the Gospel and I do it with acts: I take away from the one who has nothing or who has some little thing of My Goods and I leave those souls in their wretched misery because these, not wanting My Truths and not loving Them, will hold them without esteeming Them and without fruit. And, I will give more abundantly to those who have, because these will hold My Truths as precious treasures that will always fructify them more.

V. 29 - 3/6/1931 - My daughter, Our Divine Being is purest Light, Light that contains everything, fills everything, sees everything, works everything; Light that no one can arrive to see where Our limits arrive, His height and profundity. The creature loses herself in Our Light because she doesn't find His shore, His door in order to go outside; and if the creature takes of this Light, they are hardly little drops... Our Supreme Being is always at one level, in perfect equilibrium, We can give how much We want, if We find souls who want to take of Ours without losing anything; indeed if We find one who wants to take, We put Ourselves to work because you should know that inside of Us is absolute rest, nor do We have anything to do, there is neither to take away nor to put forth; Our happiness is full and complete, Our joys are always new, Our unique Will, as agent in Us, gives Us perfect rest with the Beatitudes of Our Divine Being, which doesn't have beginning and neither will It end. So that this abyss of Light that you see contains an abyss of Joy, of Power, of Beauty, of Love, of so many, et cetera; and We, while We felicitate Ourselves, We rest in Them because it can then be called true and absolute rest, when nothing lacks and there is nothing to add on...

V. 29 - 6/30/1931 - How the greatest Grace that God made man in the Creation was to be able to do his acts in the Divine Will. How this Kingdom exists and living humanities have possessed It. A most beautiful, theological reading along with the reason for the Pater Noster - can be read

V. 29 - 10/26/1931 - My daughter, life, sanctity consists of two acts: God gives His Will and the creature receives Him and afterwards the life has been formed in herself with that Act of Divine Will that she has received, to re-give It as act of her will in order to receive It again and to give and to receive and to receive and to give; in this, is everything. God could not give more of His continuous Act of His Will to the creature; the creatue could not give more to God for as much as it is possible for the creature for His Divine Will to be received in her as formation of Divine Life. In this way, to give and to receive, to receive and to give, My Divine Fiat takes dominion and forms there His Kingdom and all the interior of the creature forms as people of the Kingdom of the Divine Will; the intelligence, faithful people who glories with being directed by the Sovereign Commander of the Divine Fiat and the crowds of thoughts that press around and aspire to know always more and to love the great King, Who takes a seat as enthroned in the center of the intelligence of the creature; the desires, the affections, the heartbeats that issue forth from the heart, augment the number of My Kingdom, and oh, how they crowd around His Throne! They are all attention in order to receive the Divine orders and even to put forth life in order to execute them. What an obedient, ordered people are the  people of the Kingdom of My Fiat! There are no contentions, no dissensions, but this entire crowd of people of the interior of this fortunate creature want one thing alone and as a trained army they put themselves in the fortress of the Kingdom of My Divine Volition. Whence, when the interior of the creature becomes all My people, He emerges outside from the interior and augments the people of words, the people of works, of steps; it can be said that every Act that this Celestial people forms contains the word, written in gold characters; "Will of God".  And when this crowd of people move in order to exercise each their office, they put forth the flag with the motto "Fiat" followed by the words written with living light: "We belong to the great King of the Supreme Fiat". You see therefore, every creature who lets herself be dominated by My Volition forms a people for the Kingdom of God.
Semper Deo gratias e benedetta la Divina Volonta
(Thanks be to God always and the Divine Will blessed)

V. 34 - 12/8/35 - ...More so, that the Sovereign Queen with possessing Our Will as Life holds always to give Us, always to say, She holds Us always occupied and We always hold to give and to communicate to Her always Our Loving secrets so much so that We do nothing without Her; first, We sense it with Her, then We deposit it in Her Maternal Heart and from Her Heart it descends in the fortunate one who should receive that good. So, that there is no Grace that descends upon the earth, there is no sanctity that is formed, there is no Love that departs from Our Throne, that first is not deposited in Her Heart of Mother that forms the maturation of that good, fecundates it with Her Love, She enriches it in a way that who receives it, feels the Divine Paternity and the Maternity of her Celestial Mother. We can do it without Her but We don't want to; Who would have the heart to put Her aside?  Our Love, Our Infinite Wisdom, Our Fiat Himself imposes Himself on Us and doesn't let Us do anything that doesn't descend through Her means.

V. 34 - 12/15/35 - Therefore, there is no honor greater that one can give Us than to come into Our Will; as We see her come, We put at her dispositon all the Creation because It is hers as everything was done for her and as she turns in every created thing, she finds Our creative Power that investing her communicates Our Love that each one possesses and she can love Us with Our creative strength that arises and she can love Us as she wants and how much she wants and thus the Love of the Creator and the creature give the kiss, the one rests in the other and all and both feel the contentment of loving indeed. Oh! how beautiful is the company of one who loves Us, so much is Our contentment that Our Love rises and invents other more beautiful works, other loving industries in order to love and make Ourselves loved...

V. 34 - 12/29/35 - ...Now I remained stupefied and fixed in the Divine Volition and I understood so many things of this union in the Divine Unity, and while It was one, It enclosed all the Creation and everyone was enclosed in this Unity, and lead by Him, but sustained, united, bound in this Unity; and since He is One, He is everything, He sustains and gives Life to everything, in this while I looked at the sky and so many varied Lights of varied beauty were seen that possessed all the variety of colors but with an admirable way that these Lights enraptured, meandered in the azure vault and while they were so many they formed one alone; they penetrated in the Heavens, they descended in the depths, they wanted to give Life of Light to everyone; they never stopped, they raced, they flew. And my sweet Jesus added: My daughter , these Lights are the wonders of the Acts done in My Divine Volition; how beautiful they are, they carry the Imprint of their Creator.

V. 34 - 5/20/1936 - Our Works don't suffer mutability for what We do one time, We always do. Beyond this, in this day of My Ascension, I had duouble Crowns, the Crown of My children who I brought with Me into the Celestial Country and the Crown of My children who I left upon the earth, they symbolized the few who will have beginning of the Kingdom of My Divine Will; all those who saw Me ascend to Heaven received so many Graces that everyone put forth their lives in order to make the Kingdom of the Redemption known and they cast the foundations in order to form My Church to make gathered in Her Maternal Womb all the human generations, thus the first children of the Kingdom of My Will, they will be few but the Graces will be such and so many with which they will be invested, that they will put forth their lives in order to call everyone to live in this Holy Kingdom. A cloud of Light invested Me that took My Presence away from the sight of My Disciples whom remained as statues in watching My Person, such was the enchantment of My Beauty, that it held their pupils enraptured so much so that they didn't know how to abase them in order to look to the earth, so much so that there was needed an Angel in oder to shake them and to make them return to the Cenacle. Also, this is symbol of the Kingdom of My Volition, the Light will be such and so much that It will invest His first children who will carry the beauty, the enchantment, the peace of My Divine Fiat in a way that they will easily surrender themselves to want to know and to love a Good so great. Now, in the midst of the Disciples there was My Mama who assisted in My departure for Heaven and this is the most beautiful symbol. So that She is the Queen of My Church, assists It, protects It, defends It. Thus She will sit in the midst of the children of My Will and She will be the engine, the life, the guide, the perfect model, the Majesty of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat that is so much to Her Heart, they are Her anxieties, Her ardent desires, Her deliriums of Maternal Love, who She wants Her children on earth in the Kingdom where She lived; She is not content that She holds Her children in Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will but She also wants them upon earth as She feels that the assignment given Her by God as Mother and Queen, She has not completed it, Her mission is not finished up to such that the Divine Will doesn't reign upon the earth in the midst of creatures. She wants Her children who resemble Her and who possesses the Inheritance of their Mama. Therefore, the great Lady is all eye in order to watch, all Heart in order to Love in order to help who She sees in some way disposed that they want to live of Divine Will. Hence, in the difficulties think that She is around you, supports you, strengthens you, takes your volition in Her Maternal Hands in order to make it receive the Life of the Supreme Fiat.

V. 34 - 5/31/1936 - How the Divine Will contains all the Acts of the Life of Jesus as in Act to always repeat Them for Love of creatures. The Life of Jesus symbolizes the call of the Kingdom, of the Divine Will upon the earth - can be read

V .34 - 12/8/36 - Now, My daughter, conceiving this Celestial creature in the Word Incarnate, was done by Us with highest Wisdom, with unreachable Power, with inexhaustible Love and with decorum that is appropriate to Our works. Having I, Word of the Father, to descend from Heaven in order to incarnate Myself in the bosom of a Virgin, it was not sufficient to the Sanctity of My Divinity, only the Virginity and to have made Her exempt from the stain of original sin, therefore, it was necessary to Our Love and to Our Sanctity that this Virgin first be conceived in Me, with all these Prerogatives, Virtues and Beauties that the Life of the Word Incarnate should possess, and therefore then I could be conceived in Who had been conceived in Me; and I found in Her My Heaven, the Sanctity of My Life, My same Blood that had generated and watered Her so many times, I found My same Will that communicating His Divine fecundity to Her formed Her Life and of the Son of God. My Divine Fiat, in order to make Her worthy of being able to conceive Me, held Her invested and under His continuous Empire, that possesses all Acts, as if It might be one Act alone, in order to give Her everything, He called in Act My anticipated Acts, all My LIfe and poured It continually within Her beautiful Soul... 

V. 34 - 12/24/36 - Hence, you should know that this Celestial Queen possessing all the fullness of Our Divine Fiat that possesses in nature His generative and bilocative Virtue, She together with the Divine Fiat can generate and bilocate how many times She wants Her Son God. Whence Our Love imposed Itself over this Celestial creature, and giving into delirium, with the Virtue of My Fiat that She possessed, It gave Her the power to let Her generate Her Jesus in every creature, to make Him be born, raise Him, do all what is appropriate to do for Him in order to form the Life of Her dear Son, She makes up for what the creature can't do; if He cries, She dries His tears, if He is cold, She warms Him, if He suffers, She suffers together and while She does as Mother and raises Her Son, She does as Mother and raises the creature. So that it can be said that She raises them together, loves them with one Love alone, guides them, feeds them, dresses them and with Her Maternal Arms, forms two wings of Light and covering them, hides them in Her Heart in order to give them the most beautiful rest.

V. 34 - 12/28/36 - Hence, as Her heirs and as Mother, She holds the right to generate in Her Maternal Heart Her children but to Ours and to Her Love, it was not enough; She wanted to generate in every creature and since She was heiress of the Divine Word, She holds the power to generate Him in every one of them. How is it, if they can inherit the evils, the passions, the weaknesses, why can't they inherit the goods? Behold therefore, the Celestial Heiresss wants to make known the inheritance that She wants to give to Her children; She wants to give Her Maternity to creatures, so that while She generates Him, they do as Mamas and love Him as She loved Him; She wants to form so many Mamas to Her Jesus in order to make Him secure and so that no one might offend Him anymore. Because the Love of Mother is well different from other loves as it is a love that always burns, it is a love that puts forth Life for Her dear Son Oh! how She will feel honored in seeing that creatures love her Jesus with Her Love of Mother. You should know that so much is Her Love towards me and creatures that She feels drowned and not being able to contain it anymore, She has prayed to Me that I might manifest what I have said to you, Her great Inheritance, that She awaits Her inheritors and what She can do for them saying to Me: My Son, do not wait anymore, do it soon, manifest My great Inheritance and what I can do for them; I feel more honored, more glorified that You say what Your Mama can do, than if I might say it Myself. However, all this will have it's full effect, Her palpitating Life of this Sovereign Lady, when My Will, will be known and creatures in the Inheritance of their Mother will take the possession.

V. 34 - 5/23/37 - My daughter, as the creature calls My Will in her acts in order to live in Him, He invests the creature, and her act, with His creative strength and He renews His Divine Life; and suppose that she calls Him while she is working, do you sense what My Volition does?; He calls in act how many times she has worked, unites them together, as if they might be one act alone and putting forth His creative strength, tranforms into Divine all that she has done and is doing, seals there the Sanctity of His works and gives her the new merit and glory as if she might have worked everything again for His Love; if she loves, He calls how many times she has loved and makes one love alone of it ; if she suffers, He calls to Life how many times she has suffered and gives the new merit of how many times she has loved and suffered; in short all that she has done and repeats, all re-turns in act with uniting herself together in order to receive the new beauty, sanctity, grace, freshness, love and new merit; in My Will there are not separate acts, nor divisions but highest unity, everything must give of Me, with this difference alone, that in the creature, there is Our creative and growing act, instead Our Supreme Being, is not subject to grow nor to decrease; so much is Our fullness, immensity and infinity, that for vent of Our Love, We feel the need of giving and of loving creatures and to be loved but without diminishing in anything.

V. 34 - 5/16/37 - My little daughter of the Divine Volition, you should know that the createst miracle that Our Divine Being can do is to manifest a Truth that pertains to Us because It first becomes formed, matured in Our Bosom and as Our Birth, We bring It forth, as carrier of Divine Life to the good of creatures...

V. 34 - 3/14/37 - Such is My Will, more than Sun as He finds the creature who wants Him, He calls her in His Act, descends in the depths of the human act, invests it, transforms it and since He possesses Life, He generates Life and forms there a Divine Portent.  And as Sun, if He doesn't find one who wants to live in My Volition and there form her acts, to My so many Divine Lives that I could give, they remain in Him, waiting with unconquered and Divine patience, one who lets Me generate My Life in her acts.

V. 34 - 1/4/37 - Hence, My daughter be attentive, think that in your every act, it hangs from a Divine Will that involves it and gives it Life and because He loves you, He wants that you know the Life that he gives you and this as confirmation of His Acts in you, therefore content yourself to die rather than to impede this wanted Act of My Will even from the beginning of your ixistence. How beautiful it is to able to say: I am Will of God because He has done everything in me, He has created me, He has formed me and will bring me in His Arms of Light into the Celestial Regions, as victory and triumph of the omnipotent Fiat and of His Love.

V. 34 - 5/28/37 - The Queen, Bearer of Jesus - the Great Gift that was consigned to Her. Assignment that She had from the Supreme Being - can be read @

V. 34 - 6/6/37 - My blessed daughter, you should know that the first thing of most interest is that Our Suprme Being wants that the creature do and live in Our Will, being that this state is the unique purpose for which We have given her life. Now when We want, We give all the means, the helps, the necessary things that they need in order to have that she might be able to give Us what We want from her and if a continuous miracle is needed on Our behalf, We do it provided that We obtain Our intent.You don't know what an act means wanted by Us and completed in the creature, so much is it's value, the glory that it gives Us, that it arrives to make itself a crown; it embraces the Eternal and so much is the contentment that it gives Us, that We put Our Divine Being at the disposition of the creature in order to make that Our Act wanted and completed might have It's Life in her. Now the first dowry that We give to the one who wants to live in Our Divine Will, the first support, the sure defense are the Truths; these open the entry, they pave the way and jealous, they put themselves as faithful sentinels around those who want to live in My Fiat - You see therefore, what great Dowry I will give to those who should live in Our Volition, all the Knowledges that I have manifested upon Him, the immense values, His merits, His Love and and Love He has pushed Me to manifest them; It will be the great Dowry and the Divine Dowry that I will give to those who will want to live in My Fiat in which they will find all the superabundant helps in order to become rich and happy. They will find in these Truths, the tender Mother Who taking them up in Her Womb as little babies... - Such am I, I will make known to the entire world that I want the people of My Divine Volition and provided that they give Me their names and they will make Me know that they want to come into My Kingdom, I will give them all the goods; unhappiness won't have a place in her as each one will possess her Kingdom, she will be the King of herself and they will have life together with their Creator. I will show off so much in giving, that everyone will remain enraptured by it. My daughter, oh! how I long for it, this living of the creature in My Will and pray and yearn together with Me for it and it will be sweet for you to put forth your life for a Kingdom so holy.

V. 34 - 7/12/37 - You see what difference there is between one who lives in My Will and possesses Him as working Life and one who recognizes Him as virtue and perhaps in the most sorrowful circumstances of life and in all the rest is if He might not be for them. Now I want to tell you another consoling  surprise; so much is Our gratification when the creature decides with immovable firmness to live in Our Volition, that what We should do at the point of death, of confirming her in the good in which she finds herself, because you should know that all that she has done in life, prayers, virtue, pains suffered, good works, these serve to form Our little Divine Life in her soul, not one Blessed enters into Heaven if she doesn't possess this Divine Life according to the good that they will have done; and if they have loved Me and completed My Will more, thus they will have some a little lesser, some a little greater because true happiness, true joys must be possessed within, so that they will have every one inside and outside of them their God, Who will always give them new joys, so much so that if the souls dying are not filled up to the brim with Love and with My Will, I confirm them yes but they don't enter into Heaven; I send them into Purgatory to fill these voids of Love and of My Will, by ways of pain, of anxieties and of longings and when they are entirely filled in a way that one doesn't see it in them, then they are indeed transformed in My Love and in My Will, and they will take flight toward Heaven. Now for the one who doesn't want to do her will anymore but Mine, We don't want to await to that point, Our Love brings Us with an irrestible strength to anticipate the confirmation of the good and to convert in nature Our Love and Our Will, so that she will feel that My Love, My Volition is hers. she will feel more My Life than hers but with that difference of those who are confirmed at the point of death, they will not grow anymore in good, their merits are finished; instead with these My Life will always grow, the merits don't finish, rather they will have Divine merits, as they continue to love Me and to live of My Will, thus they will know Me more and I love her more and I will augment their glory. I can say that I race in her every act in order to give her My Kiss, My Love in order to recognize that it is Mine and I give them the value, the merit as if I might have done it. Ah1, you can not understand what We feel for one who lives in OurVolition, howWe love her and to make her content in everything because in her, We find realized the purpose of Creation, We center all the glory that all things should give Us and then Our completed Will is all for Us

V. 32 - 6/25/33 - My daughter, dearest daughter of My Will, the reason, the cause, the purpose that I long so much that My Divine Will takes His Post, His Dominion and does as Sovereign in the creature is because Our Supreme Being goes in seacrh of finding Himself in the human littleness. Think well of what it means that a God goes in search of Himself, but where ? maybe in the extensions of the Heavens ? no; in the breadth of the light that occupies all the earth ? no; maybe in the multiplicity of the waters of the sea ? no, but in the little human heart; We want to hide Our Immensity, Our Power, Our Wisdom and all Our Divine Being in the creature; hiding Ourselves in great things is not great but in the little ones, We show off more in Love, Power, et cetera and since We are able to do all, it delights Us more and We take more gusto in hiding Ourselves in the human littleness rather than in great things; and if We don't find Our Will in her, We are not able neither to search for Ourselves, nor find Ourselves in her as We would lack the Post where to put Ourselves; all Our Divine Attributes would feel impotent to hide Our Divine Life where there is not Our Will. You see therefore the reason why We want, long for and that the creature longs for and prays that she live of Divine Volition, it is because We go in search of Ourselves in her and We want to find Ourselves in Our Own Center; and it seems little to you the great profit that We make, the glory, the honor that We receive that the little human heart hides Our Will and Our same Life in order to give Us double love, double power, wisdom, goodness in order to put Ourselves in competition with Ourselves ? If you don't understand this, it means that you are still blind in the interminable ways of My Divine Will. Now, if We, with wanting that Our Fiat reigns in creatures, We search and We find Ourselves in her, the creature with wanting it, searches for herself in God and finds herself in Him. You see therefore what exchanges, what work on both parts, what stratagems and loving genius, God Who continually searches for Himself in the creature; but where does He find Himself ?  in her center where His same Life resides, the creature imitates her God, turns and re-turns, searches and re-searches, calls and re-calls but where does she find herself ? in the Divine Center. This speaks of the exchange of  life between the one and the other, the same Will that dominated the creature and God, the same Love with which they are animated, hence, it is no wonder that what the one does, the other does. And only Our Will knows how to do these prodigies; without Him everything is sterile, everything is impeded on the part of God and on the part of creatures; We feel We that We are prisoners of Ourselves and she feels imprisoned by her human will, without flight and all impeded in herself and without Divine Life. Therefore being all this, is it not therefor just that We don't want other than Our Will be Dominate and Reign ? 

V. 13 - 11/26/21 - The only purpose of Creation was that all would fulfill My Will - not that man would do great things. I look at those as trifles and I despise them if they are not fruits of My Will. This is why many works turn to ruin at their peak: because the Life of My Will was not in them. So, having broken his will from Mine, man destroyed My best - the purpose for which I had created him. He ruined himself completely and denied Me all the rights that he owed Me as Creator. But My works carry the marks of Eternity and My Infinite Wisdom and My Eternal Love could not leave the work of Creation without It's effects and the rights that were due to Me. - But My Will and My Love do not want to be alone in My works - they want to make other images similar to Me. After My Humanity restored the purpose of Creation, I saw that, because of man's ingratitude, the purpose of Redemption was in danger and almost ruined for many. Therefore, so that Redeption might bring Me complete glory and give Me all the rights that were due to Me, I took another creature from the human family - My Mama, faithful copy of My Life in Whom My Will was preserved as whole and I centralized in Her all the fruits of Redemption. So, I rescued the purpose of Creation and Redemption; and if no one had taken advantage of Redemption, My Mama would give Me all that the creatures would not have given Me. Now, I come to you. I was true Man and true God, My dear Mama was innocent and holy and Our Love pushed Us even further; We wanted another creature who, being conceived like all the other children of men, would take the third place at My Side. I was not satisfied with the fact that only Myself and My Mama remained unbroken with the Divine Will. We wanted other children who, in the name of all, living in accord with Our Will, would give Us Divine glory and Love for all.. Therefore, I called you from eternity, when nothing yet existed down here; and just as I longed for My dear Mama, delighting in Her, caressing Her and pouring upon Her, in torrents, all the goods of the Divinity, so I longed for you; I caressed you and the torrents which were poured upon My Mama inundated you as much as you were capable of containing. They prepared you, anticipated you and embellishing you, they gave you the grace that My Will be whole in you and that My Will , not yours would animate even your littlest acts. My Life, My Will and all My Love flew in each of yours.What contentment, how many joys did I not feel ! This is why I call you the second support after My Mama. Not upon you did I lean - because you were nothing and I could not - but upon My Will that you were to contain. My Will is Life and whoever possesses It, possessess Life and is able to sustain the Author of Life Himself. Therfore, just as I centralized in Myself the purpose of Creation, I centralized in My Mama the fruits of Redemption and I centralized in you the purpose of the glory, as if My Will were whole in everyone. And from you, will come the small company of the other creatures. The generations will not pass away, if I do not obtain this intent...

V. 32 - 10/1/33 - My good daughter, there is no scene that more moves Me and enraptures Me than to see the human littleness under the empire of My Will, the Divine in the human, the great in the littleness, the strong in the weak, that hiding themselves, the one in the other, to conquer each other, it is so beautiful, so enchanting that I find the pure joys, the Divine happiness that the creature can give Me, although I see that underhandedly, she hands Me My same Will and she hands Me It  through means of the channel of the human will, if you might know how much I delight Myself, in order to make Me pleased you would make yourself conquered always by My Will; I can say that I leave Heaven, while I remain, in order to come to  enjoy the pure joys that My Will in the little circle of the creature on earth knows how to give Me...

V. 32 - 10/15/33 - My blessed daughter, there is nothing more beautiful, more holy, more pleasant and that pleases and glorifies Us, than forming the Life of Our Divine Volition in the creature; in her becomes formed a little Paradise, where Our Supreme Being is delighted to descend in order to make His sojourn there. You see, instead of one Paradise, We hold two, in which We find Our harmonies, beauty that enraptures Us, pure joys that double Our happiness because  of having formed one more of Our Lives in the little circle of the creature. In this Paradise for how ever little, for how much a creature can be capable, We find everything, everything is Ours; indeed We find the littleness that enamors Us more and We contemplate Our Divine Art, that in the little one, We have the virtue of power, enclosed the great One, We can say that with Our labyrinth of Love, We have transmuted things, the great in the little and the little in the great; without a Divine prodigy of Ours, We could not form, neither Our Life, nor Our Paradise in the creature and does it seem little to you to have one Life more of Ours and a Paradise doubled at Our disposition in order to felicitate Us all the more ? You should know that neither the Sky, nor the Sun, nor all the Creation costs Us so much, nor have We put forth neither so much mastery and art, nor so much Love, as much as We put forth in forming Our Life, all of Our Will in the creature in order to form for Us one Paradise more where to master Our beautiful ease and to enjoy Our delights...

V. 32 - 11/10/33 - My blessed daughter, in My Celestial Country, there reigns the Unique and Universal Act, One is the will of everyone, what one wants, the other wants; no one changes action nor will, every Blessed feels My Volition as their own life and with everyone having One will alone, It forms the substance of the happiness of all Heaven. More so that My Divine Will doesn't know how to do, nor can He do, broken, but Continuous and Universal Acts and since in Heaven, He reigns with His full triumph and with the totality of His Dominion, everyone feels, as in nature, His Universal Life and they are full to the brim with all the goods that He possesses; at most there can be according to the capacity of each one, and of the good that they have done in life but no one can change neither will, nor action, nor love. The power of My Divine Will holds all the Blessed absorbed, unified, fused in Himself, as if they were one alone. But do you believe that His Universal Act and His palpating Life and Communicativeness to every creature extends Itself only in Heaven ?  No, no, what He does in Heaven, He does on earth; He neither changes action, nor way as His Universal Act extends Itself to every wayfarer and one who lives in Him feels His Divine Life, His Sanctity, His Uncreated Heartbeat that while He constitutes Himself Life of the creature, with His Incessant Motion, He re-pours Himself always in her without ever ceasing and the happy creature who lets Him reign feels Him everywhere, inside and outside; His Universal 
Act  holds her surrounded from all sides in a way that she can not go outside of My Will and His continuous giving holds her always occupied to receive; so that wanting Him, she doesn't have time to do and think of other. Hence, the creature can say and be convinced that as one lives in Heaven, thus she lives on earth, only there is the  difference of place but one is the Love, one is the Will, one the Action. But do you know who doesn't feel the Life of Heaven in her soul and doesn't feel the Universal Act, the unique strength of My Will ?  One who doesn't let themselves be dominated by Him, not giving Him liberty to let Him reign; this so that action, love, will change every moment because living of human will, she doesn't hold the virtue nor the capacity to receive the Universal and Unique Act of My Will and the poor little one feels mutable, without firmness in the good, always an empty reed that doesn't hold strength to resist every little puff of wind, the circumstances, the meetings, creatures serve as wind in order to turn her around, now to do one action, now all fervor and now all coldness, now inclined to virtues, now to the passions, in short, as the circumstances ceases thus the act in them. Oh ! human will, how weak, changeable, poor you are without My Will because there is lacking to you the life of the good that should animate your will, therefore, the Life of Heaven is distant from you. My daughter, there is no greater disgrace, nor evil that merits more weeping than doing one's own volition. - My daughter,do you want to know why I have such interest that one does My Will ? because this was the purpose why I created the creature and her not doing It destroys for Me the purpose for which I created her; she takes away from Me My rights that with all Reason and Divine Wisdom I have over her and she puts herself against Me; doesn't it seem grave to you that the children put themselves against the Father ?...

V. 14 - 8/15/22 - ...As soon as I was conceived in Her Womb, She began the braiding with My Acts; and since My Humanity had no other life, no other food and no other purpose but the Will of My Father alone that flowing in everything, made Me the act of each creature so as to give back to the Father the rights of Creator on the part of creatures and to give Myself as Life to all creatures - in the same way, as She began Her braiding with Me, She too gave back to the Father His rights of Creator in the name of all and gave Herself to all creatures. Therefore, all creatures received with My Acts, the Acts of My Mama as Life. Now in Heaven, She embraces all the glory of each creature; My Will gives Her such glory on the part of each creature that there is no glory that She does not contain and no glory which does not descend from Her. And since She braided Her works, Her love, Her pains, etc. with Me, now in Heaven, She is circumfused with as much glory as were the braidings She did in My Will; this is why She surpasses everything and flows in everything. This is what it means to live in My Will. My beloved Mama could never have received so much glory, if all Her Acts had not run in My Will; Acts that constitute Her Queen and Crown of all. Now, I want you in My Will, so that the braiding may not be between two, but among three; My Will wants to expand in order to find all creatures together in one creature. Do you see the great good that will come to you, how much glory you will give Me and how much good you will do to all ? 

V. 32 - 9/17/33 - My blessed daughter, My Will is the engine that with iron constancy assails the creature from all sides, inside and outside in order to have her to Himself and to form the great prodigy of forming His Divine Life in the creature; It can be said that He has created her in order to form and to repeat His Life in her and at whatever cost He wants this intent. And in all things He turns around in her and it seems that He says to her: Look at Me, it is I, know Me, I come in order to form My Life in you; and doing as an assailant to her, He assails her inside and outside - My daughter, human life is composed of soul, of body, of distinct members, the one from the other but Who is the primary motion of this life ? The will, so that without it, she could not do beautiful works, nor acquire science, nor be able to teach them, therefore all the beauty of life would disappear from the creature and if she possesses beauty, dowry, value, talent, it must be attibuted to the motion of order that the will holds over human life. Now, if My Divine Will takes this motion of order over the creature, He forms there inside of her, Divine Life. So that provided that the creature submits herself to receive the motion of the order of My Will inside and outside of herself, as first motion of all her acts, already this Divine Life of Mine becomes formed and takes  His Regal Post in the depth of the soul. Motion says life and if the motion has beginning from a human will, one can call it human life; if instead the beginning is of My Will, one can call it Divine Life. You see how easy is is to form this Life, provided that the creature wants It, I to want It, nor do I ever ask  impossible things from the creature, rather first I facitate It, make It adaptable, practicable and then I ask for It; and while I ask for It, in order to be more secure that she can do what I want, I offer Myself to do together with her what I want that she might do, I can say that I put Myself at her disposition, so that she finds strength, light, grace, sanctity, not human but Divine. I abound her so much as to make her not feel the weight but the happiness of the sacrifice that My Divine Will knows how to give - Now in man, it was not only work that We made but human life and Divine Life that We created in him, therefore, We yearn, We want, We long to produce in him Our Life and Image; We arrive even to drown him with Love and when he does not let himself be drowned because he is free by himself, We arrive to persecute him with Love, not letting him find peace in all that  escapes from Us, not finding Ourselves in him, We stir them to incessant war beause We want Our beautiful Image, Our Life produced in him - All things possess the virtue to reproduce similar things; the seed produces other seeds, the flower other flowers, the bird other little birds and so on with the rest; not producing similar things is to go against Divine and human nature. Therfore, not having the creature similar to Us, is one of Our greatest sorrows and one who lives of Our Will can be joy and bearer of glory and of triumph for Our creative Work.

V. 28 - 11/30/30 - My little daughter, My Will is one. Although It has the bilocative virtue, It bilocates Itself in every instant, in everything and in every act in such a way that everyone can have It as their own act and their own life. But My Will never loses It's Unity. It is always One. And with It's singular strength, It maintains the union, the harmony, the order, the connunication and the inseparability where It reigns and holds everything inside of One Sole Act. The Act is One. But, it extends Itself everywhere without leaving even one atom of created things without It's operating and vivifying Life. Ah, yes ! Created things are really veils that hide My Will. My Will veils Itself of Light. And extending Itself in the sun with It's Light, My Will caresses creatures, embraces them, kisses them, warms and loves them. My Will extends Itself in the sky and makes Itself all eyes for as many stars there are, to look at creatures. And, the gentle sparkling of the stars are silent voices, as if the sparkling very quitely calls creatures to the Celestial Fatherland. My Will pours Itself in the air. And completely filling it, My Will makes Itself the breath of creatures. And blowing on them, My Will makes Itself be breathed and gives creatures life. My Will runs towards creatures in all created things to give them so many distinct effects to offer them It's Love., It's Life and their conservation. But, the Act is One. One is the Will that fills Heaven and earth. Now, My daughter, whoever does My Will and lives in It, when that creature does their acts, It draws in Itself all the Acts that My Fiat has done and that It continues to do. And, My Will draws the creature and their acts in the Act of My Will. So, by virtue of It's One Will, It draws the creature in the sky, in the sun, in the air, in everything. And then, do you know what happens ? No longer does one single Reason and Divine Will fill the sky and the earth but another reason and will - a human reason and will, which, with them dispersing themselves in the Divine Reason and Divine Will, it can be said that this remains as the veil of created things. But, a veil that has a human reason and will, sacrifice and fused in the Divine Reason and Divine Will. And then, it happens that My Fiat is no longer alone to love Itself, honor Itself and glorify Itself in created things, but there is another will - a human will that loves It, adores It in the sky, in the sun, in the air; So, as My Divine Will draws the human will in Itself and in My Will's Acts to make the creature love, adore and glorify with My Will's same love, adoration and glory, thus the creature who does not want to live of anything but My Will alone, draws all the Acts done by My Will in Itself and makes them love and sanctify like a Divine Will knows how to love and sanctify; and the Divine Will extends It's sky and forms It's sun. In summary, My Divine Will continues It's Divine Art, like It began and is continuing to do in Creation. Do you see then, what it means to do My Divine Will ? And, what not doing It - means to lose the sky of My Will, It's air, It's seas of Grace and It's Divine Art ? Therefore, I always want to find the daughter of My Divine Will in It.

V. 12 - 3/17/21 - Then He added: My beloved, up until now you have done before Me the office which My Humanity had upon earth. Now I want to change your office, giving you another one, more noble, more extensive. I want to give you the office which My Will had within My Humanity. See how  much higher and more sublime this is: My Humanity had a beginning - My Will is Eternal; My Humanity is circumscribed and limited - My Will has no limits and no boundaries; It is immemse; A more noble and distinguished office I could not give you. On hearing this, I said: My sweet Jesus, I can find no reason why You want to give me such an office; nor have I done anything to deserve such a great favor. And Jesus: The whole reason is My Love, your littleness, your living in My Arms like a baby who cares about nothing but her Jesus alone and the fact that you have never refused Me any sacrifice that I have asked of you. I do not let Myself be impressed by great things because in the things that appear to be great, there is always something human; but by small things - small in appearance, though great in themselves. And then you yourself should have understood that I was to give you a special mission in My Will. That continuous speaking to you about My Will; that making you understand Its admirable effects, which I have done with no one until now. I behaved with you like a teacher who wants his disciple to become perfect either in medicine or in history or in something else; it seems that he cannot speak about anything else; keeps harping on that point. So I did with you: I assumed the attitude of Teacher of Divine Will, as if I ignored all the rest. After I instructed you well, I manifested to you your mission and how the fulfillment of the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" on earth will begin in you. Courage, My daughter; I see that you are losing heart. Do not fear, you will have all of My Will as your help and support. And while He was saying this, He caressed my head, my face, my heart with His Hands as though confirming what He was saying. Then He disappeared.

V. 12 - 3/23/21 - Listen, I went around the earth over and over again; I looked at all creatures, one by one, in order to find the littlest of all. Among the many, I found you - the littlest of all. I liked your littleness and I chose you. I entrusted you to My Angels so that they might keep you, not to make you grow but to preserve your littleness. And now I want to begin the great work of the fulfillment of My Will; nor will you feel great because of this; on the contrary, My Will, will make you even smaller and you will continue to be the little daughter of your Jesus - the little daughter of My Will.

V. 12 - 9/28/17 - Continuing in my ususal state, my sweet Jesus told me: My daughter, darkness is thick and creatures precipitate more. Even more, in this darkness, they are digging the abyss in which they will perish. The mind of man has remained blind and it has no more light to look at good - only at evil; and evil will inundate him and will make him perish. So, where they believe to find safety, they will find death. Ah ! My daughter, Ah ! My daughter.  Then He added, The Acts done in My Will are like suns that illuminate all; and as long as the Act of the creature lasts in My Will, one more sun shines in the blind minds and those who have a little bit of good will, will find the light to escape from the precipice. All the others will perish. Therefore, in these times of thick darkness, how much good is done by the Acts of the creature done in My Will. For those who will escape, it will be only by virtue of these Acts. Having said this, He withdrew. Then He came back again and added: I can say that the soul who does My Will and lives in It is My Carriage and I hold the reins of everything. I hold the reins of her mind, of her affections, of her desires and I leave not even one of them in her power. And sitting on her heart in order to be more comfortable, My Dominion is complete and I do whatever I want. Now I make the Carriage run; now I make it fly; now it brings Me to Heaven; now I go around the whole earth; now I stop. Oh ! how glorious and victorious I am - I dominate and I reign. But if the soul who does not do My Will and lives from the human will, the Carrage falls apart. She takes the reins away from Me and I remain like a poor King Who has been thrown out of His Kingdom. And the enemy takes My place, while the reins remain at the mercy of her own passions.

V. 12 - 10/8/1917 - My Humanity was not to be suffering for a time but for as long as the world is world. And since My Humanity in Heaven is no longer able to suffer, I use the humanites of creatures, making them share in My pains in order to continue My Humanity on earth; and this with justice because when I was upon earth, I embodied all the humanities within Me in order to save them and do everything for them. Now, being in Heaven, I diffuse My Humanity, My pains and all that My Humanity did for the good of corrupted souls in them, especially in those who love Me, so as to say to the Father: "My Humanity is in Heaven but also on earth in the souls who love Me and who suffer." Therefore, My satisfaction is always complete; My pains are always in Act because the souls who love Me stand in for Me. So, be consoled when you suffer because you receive the honor of standing in for Me.

V. 12 - 10/23/17 - My Life, Jesus, tell me: What was the first act You did when You received Yourself Sacramentally? And Jesus: My daughter, the first Act I did was to multiply My Life into many lives, for as many creatures as can exist in the world, so that each one of them might have one Life of Mine only for herself; a Life Who continously prays, thanks, satisfies, loves only for her. In the same way, I multiplied My pains for each soul, as if I were suffering only for her. In that Supreme Moment of receiving Myself, I gave Myself to all, to suffer My Passion in each heart, to be able to conquer the hearts by dint of pains and of Love. In giving all My Divinity, I came to take the dominion of all. But, alas! My Love remained disappointed by many...

V. 28 - 12/21/30 - My daughter, how sweet it is to Me to look at a soul who lets herself be molded by My Divine Will. A triumph occurs on both parts. My Will invests the intelligence of the creature and the creature lets herself be invested. In summary, an agreement is formed from both parts. Then, My Will forms It's triumph over each thought of the creature. And, the creature acquires and bears in triumph so many Divine thoughts in her mind. So, My Divine Will triumphs by giving to and taking possession of the creature. The soul triumphs by wanting It and receiving  It. Then, if the creature looks, speaks, if her heart beats, is she works and walks, they are triumphs of My Will over the creature and the creature is triumphant and takes possession of so many Divine Acts. Between these exchanges of triumphs and possessions, such joy and happiness is formed on both parts, that you are not able to understand them all. You must know that the good, the triumph and the possession, brings joy and happiness when it occurs between two beings. Good that is isolated has never made anyone happy. As the good sees itself isolated, it loses all the beauty of the happiness. So, My Divine Will looks for It's creature to form It's triumphs to be able to form together with the creature It's joys and happiness upon the face of the earth.

V. 31 - 10/9/1932 - God created man in an ecstasy of Love. The Creation outfit of man. The sweet sound of the bell, each other's ecstasy of the Creator and of the creature. Prodigy of the Conception of the Virgin - can be read

V. 31 - 11/20/32 - My blessed daughter, all My works contain value and infinite goods.Therefore, while it seems to you that you have understood everything, returning anew in the midst of Our works, you find that there remains much and much to understand and this now occurs because the Infinite can not be enclosed in the finite; at most it can be filled but enclosing all the Infinite will be impossible for her. And being that your intelligence is finite, it exhausts itself before the Infinite, it fills itself and it seems that it has understood everything; but it is not true. It is rather that being filled, it doesn't have any place to put the other Divine Knowledges; but then chewing Them and reconsidering Them, she forms the new little post in her intelligence and finding herself again in the midst of Our works, she finds new things to take and to learn. Behold therefore, you always feel illiterate every time you turn, you find yourself before the magnificence of Our Divine works - We put the creature under the rain of Our happiness, through means of Our works in order to make them happy but since they don't dreaw near in order to understand them, they are unhappy and they feel the poisonous air of their human will - My daughter, do not wonder. Everything is possible in My Will; with Him, the creature holds the All in her power and she can do all. Rather, she feels His Empire over all of her being and not one act escapes from her, if not invsested by a Divine Act, Power and Strength. The human dies in Our Will but a happy and glorious death; it dies in order to re-arise with the Life of the Acts of a Divine Power and of a Will that is not hers. And so much is the Empire that she feels over herself, that if it might be given to her to do other things of her own volition, even good and holy, she would never do them..Because in Him, the creature understands with clarity what one single Act of My Will working in her act means that compared to a thousand of her acts, without the Divine Act, they would be nothing - And when she sees that creatures offend Us, ah! she as Our faithful one would like to hide Us in her littleness and to put forth her life for Ours, for defense. Oh ! how not to love this creature ? In Our Will, there are unheard prodigies and since they are not known, it is no wonder that they don't believe what I say to you, so do not stop, follow His Light and let yourself be His happy prey.

V. 31 - 11/27/1932 - ...Oh, if everyone might be able to see the sweet surprise, the unheard of prodigy, the Supreme Being enclosed in the brief round of the human act, they would remain so stupefied that the whole prodigy of the universe would be a beautiful nothing in comparison to this...

V. 29 - 10/4/31 - Now you should know how all the Acts of My Divine Will, that are innumerable, all reduce themselves to one point and one Act alone; it is the greatest wonder of Our Supreme Being to form, to possess, to see all the possible and imaginable Acts in one Act alone. Thus all the acts done by the creature in Our Will reduce themselves to one act alone. Now in order to have the virtue to enclose all acts in one act alone, the creature must form and possess in herself the continuous love, My Perennial Will that will give beginning and will make all the acts depart from inside the virtue of one Act alone. My daughter, Our Divine Being is great, immense, powerful, etc.; this doesn't arouse much wonder because all these Divine qualities of Ours are by Nature that form everything together of Our Supreme Being. So that by Naure We are immense in power, immense in love, in beauty, in wisdom, in mercy and so on, and since We are immense in all things, all that goes forth remains in the nets of Our immense Divine qualities. Now what arouses the greatest of wonders is seeing the soul who lives in her little act, the powerful and immense Act of her Creator; to see as lined up in the little acts of the finite being, the immense love, the immense wisdom, the infinite beauty, mercy without limits, the interminable Sanctity of He, Who has created her. That the little encloses the Great is more marvelous than the Great encloses the little; to Our Greatness, it is easy to embrace everything, to enclose all, nor are there needed arts nor industry because from Our Immensity no one can escape Us but the little enclosing the Great, there is needed an Art, a Divine Industry that only Our Power and Our Great Love can form in the creature; if We don't put forth of Ours, by herself alone, she could not do it. Therefore, it is the wonder of wonders; thus, living in Our Divine Fiat is the greatest of prodigies. The soul is made so specious and artful that it is an enchantment to see her; it can be said that in her very little act, there converges a Miracle of Ours, otherwise it could not happen that the little encloses the Great; and Our Goodness is so much that He takes the highest pleasure and waits with so much love that the creature gives Him the occasion to let Him do this Divine Art of continuous Miracles...

V. 4 - 2/17/01 - My daughter, man is born in Me first, receiving the Imprint of the Divinity; then, as he goes out of Me to be reborn from the maternal womb, I give him the command to walk a little stretch of the way; and at the end of that way, letting Myself be found by him, I receive him again into Myself, making him live eternally with Me. See now, how noble is man, where he comes from and where he goes and what is his destiny ? Now, what should the sanctity of this man be, coming out of a God so Holy ? But in covering the way to come to Me again, man destroys that of the Divine which he has received; he corrupts himself in such a way that at the encounter I have with him to receive him into Myself, I no longer recognize him, I no longer see the Divine Imprint in him and I find nothing of My Own in him; and no longer recognizing him, My Justice condemns him to go wandering on the way of perdition. How tender it was to Hear Jesus Christ speak about this - how many things He made me comprehend ! 

V. 12 - 5/28/20 - ...Then He added: The acts done in My Will are those that always excel over all and they have supremacy over everything. Since they are done in My Will, they enter into the sphere of Eternity, and taking the first places, they leave all human acts behind, running always ahead. Nor can whether, they are performed before or after, have any influence - whether in one Era or in another or whether they are small or great. It is enough that they be performed in My Will for them to be always among the first and to run ahead of all the human acts...

V. 12 - 4/15/20 - Ah ! My daughter, I feel your sorrowful state in My Heart. I feel the current of sorrow which passed between Me and My Mama being repeated again. She was crucified because of My pains; I was crucified because of Hers. But what was the cause of all this ? Love for souls. For love of them, My dear Mama bore all My pains and even My death; and for love of souls, I bore all Her pains to the extent of depriving Her of Me. Oh ! how much it cost My love and her Maternal love to deprive My inseparable Mama of Me. But love for souls triumphed over all.

V. 12 - 4/3/20 - Continuing in my poor state, I felt My lovable Jesus in my interior, Who was uniting with me in prayer. Then He told me: My daughter, My Whole Will in creating man was that he would do My Will in everything. And as he would continue to do My Will little by little, I would complete My Life in him in such a way that, after repeated acts done in My Will, forming My Life in him, I would come to him. And finding him similar to Me - as the Sun of My Life formed in his soul, It would absorb him within Me; and as the two would be transformed together, like two Suns into one, I would bring him into the delights of Heaven. Now, as the creature does not do My Will, or if she does It every now and then, My LIfe is halved by the human life and the Divne Life cannot be completed. It is obscured by the human acts and does not receive abundant food sufficient to the development of a Life. Therefore, the soul is in continuous opposition to the purpose of Creation. And, alas !, how many are those who, by living the life of passions and of sin, form the diabolical life within themselves.

V. 27 - 1/30/30 - I was thinking about how the Kingdom of the Divine Will could come upon the earth and in what way It may unfold. Who will be the first fortunate ones to have such a great good? And my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen, clasped me all to himself and giving me three kisses, told me: My daughter, in the same way as the Kingdom of Redemption unfolded, so will the Kingdom of My Will unfold. It can be said that Redemption is making It's round throughout the whole world, a round which It has not yet entirely completed because not all the peoples know about My coming upon earth and therefore they are without It's goods. Redemption keeps preparing and disposing the peoples for the Kingdom of My Divine Will. So, just as My Redemption had It's beginning, not in the whole world, but in the center of Judea, because in this nation there was the little core of those who were awaiting Me, there was She Whom I had chosen as Mother and Saint Joseph, Who was to be My foster father - in this nation I had manifested Myself to the Prophets by letting them know that I was going to come upon earth; it was right that where this was known, they be the first ones to have Me in their midst and even though they were ungrateful and many did not want to know Me, yet, who can deny that My Celestial Mama, the Apostles, the disciples, were from the Jewish nation and that they were the first criers who exposed their lives to make known to the other nations My coming upon earth and the goods that are in My Redemption? - so it will be for the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat; the towns, the provinces, the kingdom which will have been the first to know the Knowledges about My Divine Will and It's expressed Will of wanting to come to reign in the midst of creatures, will be the first to receive the goods that It's Kingdom will bring. And then, making It's way with It's Knowledges, It will do It's round in the midst of the human generations. My daughter, there is much analogy between the way in which Redemption unfolded and the way in which the Kingdom of My Will, will unfold. See, in My Redemption, I chose a Virgin, in appearance She had no importance according to the world, either of riches, or of height of dignity or position which would indicate Her; the very city of Nazareth was not important - a tiny little house was Her whole abode. But even though I chose Her from Nazareth, I wanted for it to belong to the capital city, Jerusalem, in which there was the body of the pontiffs and priests who represented Me and announced My laws. For  the Kingdom of My Divine Will, I have chosen another virgin who, in appearance, has no importance, either of great riches of of height of dignity; the very city of Corato is not an important city but it belongs to Rome in whic resides My representative on earth, the Roman Pontiff, from whom comes My Divine laws; and just as he makes it his duty to make My Redemption known to the peoples, so will he make it his duty to make known the Kingdom of My Divine Will. It can be said that one and the other will proceed in the same way and manner, as the Kingdom of My Supreme Fiat must unfold.

V. 16 - 2/2/24 - ..On hearing this I said: But tell me my love, what does eternity mean and what is this eternal round ? And Jesus added: Eternity is an immense circle, such that one cannot know either where It begins or where It ends. In this circle is God without beginning and without end and there He possesses infinite Happiness, Beatitude, Joys, Riches, Beauty, etc. At each Divine Motion, which never ceases, He issues, new Beauties, New Beatitudes, etc., from this circle of Eternity. But this new Act is an Act that is never interrupted, though one is different from the other; distinct among themselves; Our Contentments are always new; Our Beatitudes are such and so many, that while We are enjoying One, another surprises Us. And It is always so as they never end - They are Eternal, Immense, just as We are; and what is Eternal has the virtue of making ever new things arise. What is old, things that are repeated, do no exist in What is Eternal. But do you know who it is that, in Heaven, shares more in this newness which is never exhausted ? One who has practiced more good on earth. This good will be like the seed that will bring her the Knowledge of Our Beatitudes, Joys, Beauty, Love, Goodness, etc. And depending on the good that the soul has practiced on earth, which is in some harmony with Our varied Beatitudes, she will come closer to Us and will fill herself, in large gulps, with that Beatitude whose seed she contains, to the point of overflowing outside. She will share in everything that the circle of Eternity contains; she will be filled with It in place of the seeds acquired on earth... - The same with all other things. If this happens on earth, much more so in Heaven where Justice weighs with the scales of Love every little good act done by the creature and on that good act, places an unending happiness, joy and beauty. Now, what will it be for the soul who has lived in My Will in which all her acts remain with an Eternal and Divine Seed ? The circle of Eternity will pour Itself upon her to such an extent that the whole Celestial Jerusalem will remain stupefied and will make new Feasts and will receive new Glory.

V. 16 - 11/10/23 - ...The little ones are stripped of everything, nor do they care about whether they are rich or poor; they are concerned with nothing. Oh! how beautiful the tender age is - full of Grace, of Beauty and of Freshness. Therefore, the greater the work I want to do in a soul, the littler I choose her. I like childlike freshness and beauty very much; I like it so much that I preserve these souls in the littleness of the nothingness from which they came. I let nothing of their own enter into them, so as not to let them lose their littleness and therefore preserve the Divine Freshness and Beauty from which they came. On hearing this, I said: Jesus my Love, it seems that I am so very bad and this is why I am so little; and You are saying that You love me very much because I am little? How can this be? And Jesus, again: My little one, badness cannot enter the true little ones. Do you know when evil, when growth begins to enter? When one's own will begins to enter. As it enters, the creature begins to fill herself and to live of herself; the All goes out of the littleness of the creature and it seems to her that her littleness becomes greater - but, greatness to be cried over. Since God does not live completely in her , she moves away from her beginning, dishonors her origin, lose the Light, the Beauty, the Sanctity, the Freshness of her Creator. She seems to grow before herself and maybe before men; but before Me - oh, how she decreases! She may even become great but she will never be My beloved little one - one whom, taken by Love for her, I fill with Myself, that she may remain as I created her and I make of her the Greatest, whom no one will be able to equal. I did so with My Celestial Mama. Among all generations, She is the littlest because Her will never entered into Her as acting but always My Eternal Will; and this not only kept Her little, Beautiful, Fresh, as She had come out of Us but made Her the Greatest of all. Oh! how Beautiful She was, little in Herself but Great and Superior to all by Virtue of Ourselves. And only because of Her littleness was She lifted up to the height of Mother of the One Who formed Her. So, as you see, all the good of man is in doing My Will; all the evil is in doing his own. Therefore, in order to come to Redeem man, I chose My Mother because She was little and I used Her as channel in order to let all the Goods and Fruits of Redemption descend upon mankind...

V. 27 - 10/21/29 - My daughter, My Divine Will ! It can be paralleled to Me , Eternal Word,Who in descending from Heaven, enclosed Myself in the Womb of My Celestial Mother. Who knew anything ? No one, not even Saint Joseph knew at the beginning of My Conception that I was already in their midst. Only My inseparable Mama was aware of everything. So, the great portent of My descent from Heaven had occurred and in reality; and while, with My Immensity, I existed everywhere - Heaven and earth were immersed in Me, with My Person I was enclosed in the Maternal Womb of the Immaculate Queen - no one knew Me, I was ignored by all. And so, My daughter, here is the first step of the parallel between Me, Divine Word, when I descended from Heaven and My Divine Will that takes Its first step to come to reign upon earth. Just as I directed My first steps toward the Virgin Mother, so did My will direct Its first steps in you; and as It asked for your will and you surrended it, It immediately formed It's first Act of Conception in your soul; and as It manifested Its Knowledges, giving you as though many Divine sips, It formed It's Life and gave start to the formation of It's Kingdom. But, for a long time, who knew anything ? No one; only you and I were aware of anything and after some time My Representative, the one who directed you, became aware of what was happening in you...

V. 17 - 3/15/25 - ...And Jesus: My daughter, only My Will has his power of forming It's Life in the creature. It is understood that the soul must have given Me, who knows how many times, sure proofs that she wants to live of My Will, not of her own, because each act of human will prevents the forming of My Life. This is the greatest prodigy which My Will can work: My Life in the Creature. It's Light prepares the place for Me; It's Heat purifies and consumes everything that might be unseemly for My Life and provides Me with the necessary elements in order to develop My Life.

V. 12 - 3/18/17 - I was praying, fusing all of myself in Jesus and I wanted each thought of Jesus in my power in order to have life in each thought of the creature and to repair with the same thought of Jesus; and so with all the rest. And my sweet Jesus told me: My daughter, My Humanity on earth did nothing but connect with each thought of the creature with My Own. So, each thought of the creature was reflected in My Mind, each word in My Voice, each heartbeat  in My Heart, each action in My Hands, each step in My Feet and so with all the rest. With this, I offered Divine reparations to the Father. Now, all that I did upon the earth, I continue in Heaven and as the creature thinks, their thoughts pour into My Mind; as they look, I feel their glances in Mine. Therefore, a continuous electricity flows between Me and them, just as the members are in continuous communication with the head. And I say to the Father: My Father, I am not the only one who is praying, repairing, satisfying, appeasing You but there are other creatures who do within Me whatever I do. Even more, with their suffering, they make up for My Humanity, which is glorious and incapable of suffering. By fusing herself in Me, the soul repeats all that I did and continue to do. What will be the contentment of these souls who lived their lives in Me, embracing together with Me all creatures and all reparations, when they will be with Me in Heaven ? They will continue their lives in Me; and as the creatures will think or will offend Me with their thoughts, these will be reflected in their minds and they will contiune the reparations that they did on earth. They will be, together with Me, the sentries of honor before the Divine Throne; and as creatures on earth offend Me, they will do opposite acts in Heaven. They will guard My Throne; they will have the place of honor; they will be the ones who will comprehend Me the most - the most glorious. Their glory will be completely fused in Mine and Mine in theirs.

V. 17 - 3/8/25 - ...Then for a little while I felt all of myself in Jesus and I seemed to find in Him, as though in act, all the operating of the Divine Will for the good of creatures. I tried to follow, one by one, the acts of the Supreme Will but while I was doing this, everything disappeared. The delirium of wanting to find my sweet Jesus again made me agonize. Then, after many hardships, I felt Him behind my shoulders, extending His Arms toward me and taking my hands in His. With violence, I pulled Him to the front and with all the bitterness of my soul, I said to Him: "Jesus, you do not love me anymore". And He, immediately, giving me no time to say anything else, told me: "My daughter, what ? To Me you say: You don't love me anymore ? These words can be spoken to creatures but not to your Jesus- to the One Who can never fail in Love "  And while He was saying this, He fixed on me - deep inside, as if He wanted to find something in me which interested Him very much; and He kept looking and looking. Finally, I felt another Jesus come out from within my interior, all similar to the One outside. I remained surprised in seeing that my Jesus was inside of me and outside of me; and He, all goodness, told me: "Tell Me, my daugher, Who formed this new Life of Mine in you. Is It not Love ? Are they not My loving chains that not only formed Me within you but keep Me bound and clasped to you ?  And so this Life of Mine might always grow within you, I placed in you My Eternal Will; and as It is one with yours, we nourish ourselves together with the same Celestial Food in such a way as to make My Life One with yours. And with all this, you say: "You do not love me any more ? " I remained confused and did not know what to say...

V. 24 - 4/4/28 - I was doing my round in the Divine Fiat and many things about the Supreme Volition wandered through my mind; so I thought to myself: How can it be that if the Knowledges about this Divine Will become known, then It's Kingdom can come? If He did so much for the coming of the Kingdom of Redemption - the mere knowledge of It was not enough but He worked, suffered, died, performed miracles... - will the Knowleges alone be enough for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat which is greater than Redemption? But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: My daughter, in order to form the smallest thing, creatures need works, steps and raw materials; but God, your Jesus does not need anything to create and form the greatest works and the entire Universe. For Us, the Word is everything. Was the whole Universe not created with the Word alone? And in order for man to enjoy this whole Universe, it was enough to know It. These are the ways of Our Wisdom; in order to give, We make use of the Word; and in order to receive, man must have the knowledge of what We have said and done with Our Word...Knowledge is the bearer of the Life of Our Act and of the possession of Our Goods for creatures. Therefore, the Knowledges about My Will have the Virtue of forming It's Kingdom in their midst because this has been Our purpose in manifesting Them. And if in Redemption, I wanted to descend from Heaven to take on human flesh, it was because I wanted to descend into all human acts to reorder them. More so, since Adam had withdrawn from Our Divine Will to content his humanity and by doing this he disordered himself completely; he lost his state of origin; and I had to follow the same way: to descend into a Humanity so as to reorder him again; and everything I did in It was to serve as remedy, medicine, example, mirror, light, to be able to put decayed humanity in order...So, after about two thousand years of cure, it is just and decorous for Us and for man that he no longer be sick but that he be healthy again so as to enter into the Kingdom of Our Will. This is why the Knowledges about It were needed - so that Our creative Power which speaks and creates, speaks and communicates, speaks and transforms, speaks and wins, might speak and make new horizons, new suns rise for as many Knowledges as It manifests in such a way as to form so many sweet enchantments that, amazed, the creature will be conquered and invested by the light of My Eternal Will. In fact, nothing else is needed for It's Kingdom to come but the two wills kissing each other, one dissolving within the other , My Will, giving and the human will, receiving. Therefore, just as My Word was enough to create the Universe, It will be enough to form the Kingdom of My Fiat. But it is necessary that the Words I have spoken and the Knowledges I have manisfested be known, to be able to communicate the Good that My creative Word contains. This is why I insist so much that the Knowledges about My Will and  the purpose for which I manifested Them be known - to be able to realize the Kingdom which I so yearn to give to creatures. And I will overwhelm Heaven and earth to obtain the intent.

V. 27 - 10/24/29 - My daughter, in My Divine Will, the soul has everything in her power. There is nothing that Our Divinity has done both in Creation and in Redemption, whose fount Our Divine Fiat does not possess. In fact, It disperses nothing of Our Acts, but rather, It is the depository of everything; and one who possesses Our Divine Volition possesses the fount of My Conception, of My Birth, of My tears, of My steps, of everything. Our Acts are never exhausted and as she remembers and wants to offer My Conception, My Conception is renewed as if I were being Conceived again; I rise again to new Birth; My tears, My pains, My steps and works rise again to new life and repeat the great good that I did in Redemption. So, one who lives in Our Divine Will is the repeater of Our works because just as nothing in the Creation has been dispersed of what was created, so is everything of Redemption in act of arising continuously... - In addition to this, with one who lives in Our Divine Fiat, as she keeps forming her acts, these acts ascend to the beginning from which the creature came out; they do not remain down below but ascend so very high, to look for the Bosom of the One from Whom the first act of her existence came out. These acts line up around the Beginning, which is God, as Divine Acts. In seeing the acts of the creature in His Divine Will, God recognizes them as His Acts and feels loved and glorified as He wants, with His very Love and with His Own Glory.

V. 17 - 4/9/25 - My daughter, look at the state of the world. It is so grave that only through this cloud can I look at it. If I wanted to look at it outside of this cloud, I would destroy a great part of it. But do you know what this cloud of Light is ? It is My Will operating in you and your acts done in It. The more acts you do in It, the larger this cloud of Light becomes, serving Me as support and to make Me look at man with that Love which My Will created him. It forms an enchantment to My loving pupils and making present to Me all that I did for love of him; It makes a compassionate Will arise within My Heart and causes Me to end up compassioning the one whom I so much love.

V.  32 - 9/10/33 - Blessed daughter of My Will, and yet there is no doubt, it is more certain that My Volition will have His Kingdom in the midst of creatures as My descent from Heaven on earth was certain. Doing as King, He had to constitute the Kingdom of My Fiat that man had rejected. Hence, My Divinity united to My Humanity, descended from Heaven in order to buy My Divine Will for creatures; every act that I did was a disbursement of the price that was needed and that it gave to the Divine Majesty in order to repurchase what man had rejected and lost. So that My every act, suffering, tear and the death itself on the cross was none other than to disburse the sufficient price in order to buy My Divine Will and to give It to creatures. Hence, if the purchase was made, the price disbursed, the Divinity accepted It, the payment concluded with the sacrifice of My Life, how shouldn't His Kingdom come ? Rather you should know that as My Humanity worked, suffered, prayed, thus My Divine Fiat descended in the depths of My Human Acts and formed His Kingdom; and since I was the Head, the greatest brother of all the human generations, the Kingdom passed to My members and My smaller brothers. However, first the Redemption was necessary because this had to serve to till the ground of the human wills, to purify them, to prepare them, to embellish them and to make them know how much they have cost this Man and God, the purchase that this Divine Will has made in order to give Him to creatures, so that they can receive the Grace to be able to receive the great Gift of being dominated by My Will; if there might not have been the Redemption first, it would lack the disbursement price and the preparatory act for a good so great. Rather I say to you, that first the Divinity had decreed the Redemption that I might descend from Heaven and the Kingdom of My Will, the one having to serve to the disbursement of the other because He, being Divine and of Infinite value, there was needed a Man God Who might be able to acquire a Divine Volition in order to give Him again to who had lost Him; and if this were not so, I would not have moved from Heaven in order to come only to redeem, more so I took an interest to restitute the rights to Our offended and rejected Will, than to the Redemption Itself; and then I would not have done as God if I put in safety My creatures and put My Will aside, not giving Him the rights due Him and of restituting to Him, His Kingdom in the midst of creatures.

V. 36 - 4/12/1938 - ...Beyond this, with living in Our Volition, with her continuous contact, she acquires the Divine senses, she acquires long sightedness; her light is so very penetrating and clear, that it arrives to fix itself in God in which it watches the divine arcanum; with Our Sanctity and beauties are palpable to her, she loves them and makes them hers; with this eye of light she finds her Creator anywhere; there is no thing in which she doesn't find Him; with His majesty and with His Love, He involves the creature and lets her feel how much He loves her in feeling Himself loved, love Him and ,oh, the indescribable joys on both parts in feeling loved and in loving Him in everything. She acquires the Divine hearing and immediately hears what We want, she is always intent to listen to Us nor is there a need to say and to re-say what We want; a small sign is enough and everything is done. She acquires the Divine sense of smell and by only smelling is warned if what surrounds her is good and belongs to Us. She aquires the Divine taste so much so that she nourishes herself to satisfaction on Love and on all that is Heaven. Finally, in Our Volition she acquires Our touch in a way that everything is pure and holy nor is there fear that the least breath can overshadow her, all beautiful, graceful and fair is one who lives in My Fiat.

V. 36 - 4/20/1938 - How the "Sitio' of Jesus upon the Cross still continues to cry out to every heart " ! Thirst". How the true Resurrection is in arising in the Divine Volition. How for one who lives in Him, nothing becomes denied to her - can be read @ 

V. 36 - 5/2/1938 - Now, the things created in the low earth, it seems that they die but it is not true, rather they re-arise more beautiful; this is none other than the new resurrection of the Love of God toward creatures and in order to make a sweet surprise of Love, while it seems that they die, they re-arise more beautiful and it puts the human eye under the new enchantment of the flowerings and of the fruits in order to be loved; one can say that every flower and plant brings the kiss, the I love you of its Creator to he who looks at it and takes possession of it. And therefore, Our Supreme Love waits that in every thing, he recognizes Us  and sends Us his I love You, but in vain We wai

V. 36 - 5/19/1938 - So that, who will read these writings with the intention of finding the truth will feel My flames and will feel transformed in Love and will love Me more. One who will read them in order to find with his intelligence cavils/quibblings and doubts by My Light and by My Love will remain blinded and confused. My daughter, the Goods, My Truths, they produce two effects, one contrary to the other: to the disposed, it is Light in order to form the eye in his intelligence and life in order to give Life of Sanctity that My Truths enclose; to the indisposed, it blinds them and deprives them of the Good that My Truths enclose.

V. 36 - 5/15/1938 - How the Word of God is Life and encloses all centuries. How It looks in one, all the human generates. How Jesus doesn't know what to do with one who doesn't love Him. How in the necessites of creatures, one can find Jesus - can be read@

V. 36 - 6/5/1938 - The sign if the creature lives in the Divine Volition, if she feels her life in Him. His working Act which is the greatest Gift that He makes the creature. Centralization of God in the creature and of the creature in God - can be read @

V. 36 - 6/12/1938 - Truths - bearer of Divine Seeds. How Knowledges form the new Divine Lives. Exchange of Glory that one will have in Heaven. One who lives abandoned in the Arms of Jesus is His preferred - can be read @

V. 36 - 6/20/1938 - ...Therefore, these writings are full of Divine Life that can not be destroyed; and if someone might want to try, it would happen to him as one who might want to try to destroy the sky, which offended, would fall on him from above... There is too much needed to touch what I have had you write on My Will because I call It the new, living and speaking Creation; it will be the last display of My Love toward the human generations. Rather you must know that every word that I make you write upon My Fiat, doubles My Love towards you and towards those who will read them in order to make them embalmed with My Love. Therefore, as you write, you give Me the field to love you more, to arrive at the great good they will do, to feel every Word of Mine and the palpitating lives of the creatures who will know the Good of My Word and will form the Life of My Will in them 

V. 36 -  6/30/1938 - Knowledge is the first ring of conjunction between them and Us; It is the wanting to live in Our Volition that removes the bars and opens all the doors in order to let them come into Our Arms and to delight themselves with Us; it is loving Us that makes Us pour out in torrents Our Love, Our Graces, even to cover them with Our Divine Qualities; if there is no Knowledge, We can give nothing nor they receive. Instead, one who lives in Our Voliton knows Us; as she enters into Him, thus she gives her kiss to her Father, she embraces Him, she puts around Us her little Love and We give her Our seas of Love, kisses with all Heaven; We can that the Feasts are opened between her and Us, between Heaven and earth. We Ourselves call her Blessed and We say to her: You are the most happy and fortunate creature because you live in Our Volition, you live and know Us, you live and love Us and We hold you hidden in Our Love, covered by Our Arms, beneath the rain of Our Graces. 

V. 36 - 7/11/1938 - How true Love is what one wants, the other one wants also. Every Act of Divine Will is a way that is opened between Heaven and earth. The Breath(fiato) of God in the creature. can be read

V. 36 - 7/24/1938 - Daughter of My Will, My Will if Life, My Love is Food; life can not be without food and if the food might exist without life that takes it, it would be rendered useless and useless things God doesn't know how to do...Beyond this My Will is Light, Love is heat; inseparable between themselves, light can not be without heat, nor heat without light; it seems that they are twins born from one birth but however, the first one to be born is the light and then arises the heat so that the heat is child of the light; thus My Will holds His Act first, love is his favorite daughter, his inseparable first-born...

V. 36 - 7/30/1938 - How in Heaven there are innumerable Offices(Mansions); every Blessed will hold a God to hinself as his. How Jesus loves us in all created things. Spontaneity of Jesus in the Sufferings. -  A Magnificent Reading! can be read @

V.36 - 8/15/1938 - The Feast of the Assumption is the most beautiful Feast, most sublime. The Working Feast of the Divine Will in the Celestial Queen - Wonderful! - can be read @

V. 36 - 9/5/1938 - The human will cross of the Divine; and the Divine cross of the human. How in the Divine Volition, things change themselves, dissimilarties don't exist. How Jesus makes up for all that can be missing to one who lives in His Volition. can be

V. 36 - 9/27/1938 - don't know what is an innocent pain suffered for My Cause; such is its power that the heavens remain astonished by it and everyone wants the satisfaction, the good of an innocent pain suffered; it can form with its power seas of graces, of light, of love, to the good of everyone; if it were not for these innocent sufferings that sustain My Justice, I would send in ruin the whole entire world...

V. 36 - 10/30/1938 - What can We not do with this creature who lives in Our Volition? We arrive to so much that We give her the right to judge together with Us and if We see that she suffers, that the sinner must undergo rigorous judgments, in order not to have her suffer, We make more mild Our rigorous Justices and she makes Us give the kiss of pardon...

V. 36 - 11/6/1938 - An Act in the Divine Volition encloses and embraces everything. All that the creature must do is in God. How the human acts find the Divine Acts - can be read @

V. 36 - 11/13/1938 - How the Truths on the Divine Will will form the regime, the laws, the trained army. The Knowledges will give the eyes in order to make such a Good possessed. The Distinction/Badge of the Most Holy Trinity. Sign in order to know if we live in the Divine Will. can be read @

V. 36 - 11/20/38 - You must know that how many more acts one does in Our Volition, so much more one enters into God and more We enlarge the little field in Our Divine Bosom and We can do more works more beautiful, as We can give more of Ours - ...The other creatures can give Us at most work of sanctity, of love but not life; only one who lives in Our Volition, it is given to her to be able to form so many lives with her acts because she has received from Us the generative virtue to be able to generate how many lives she wants in order to be able to say to Us: :Life you have given me and Life I give You. Do you see therefore the great difference? Life speaks, it is not subject to finish, it can generate, while work doesn't speak, doesn't generate as they are subject to disperse themselves - The fate of Adam underwent such mutation that he was almost not recognizable anymore; he descended into the abyss of miseries; the strength, the light were no more in his power; before sinning, his acts grew in him Our Image and Likeness because it was an assignment that We took in the act of creating him and We wanted to maintain Our assignment, to hold in vigor Our Creative Word, through means of his own acts; also to always hold him together with Us and to be in continuous communication with him. Hence, Our sorrow was great. If in Our Omniclairvoyance, It might not have made present to Us that Our Will should reign as Life in future centuries, that was a balm to Our intense sorrow, for force of sorrow, We would have reduced into nothing all Creation because Our Will not reinging, It served Us no more; He had to serve only to creatures, while We created all things that should serve Us and them. Therefore, pray that My Will returns as Life and you be His first victim.

V. 36 - 11/30/1938 - One who turns in the Divine Volition and recognizes Him in his works, receives the dowry that God has given them and forms her days, makes herself messenger of peace between Heaven and earth. The Divine Generation. The bearer. can be read

V. 36 - 12/25/1938 - The Descent of the Word. How easy it is to make Jesus be born provided that one lives in His Volition. The Paradise that let the Queen of Heaven find Her little Jesus on earth. can be read

V. 36 - 12/28/1938 (The last reading in the Volumes) - ...My Love was so much that I said to Her: My Mother, I want that You be the Mother of everyone and what You have done for Me, You will do to all creatures; let Your Maternity be extended in all their acts in a way that all I will see is covered and hidden in Your Maternal Love. My Mama accepted and remained confirmed that not only She should be Mother of everyone but to invest every act of theirs with Her Maternal Love. This was one of the greatest Graces that I did to all the human generations but how many sorrows doesn't My Mama receive? They arrive to not want to receive Her Maternity, to refuse to acknowledge Her; and therefore, all Heaven prays, awaits with anxiety that the Divine Will be known and reigns and then the great Queen will do to the children of My Volition what She did to Her Jesus, Her Maternity will have Life in Her children. I will surrender My place to one who lives in My Volition in Her Maternal Heart. She will raise them in Me, will guide their steps, will hide them in Her Maternity and Sanctity; one will see impressed in all their Acts, Her Maternal Love and Her Sanctity; They will be Her true children who will resemble Me in everything. And oh, how She would love that everyone might know that one who wants to live in My Volition has a Queen and powerful Mother Who will make up for what they lack; She will raise them in Her Maternal Womb in all that they will do, She will be together with them in order to model their Acts to Hers, so much so that they will know that they are children raised, guarded, educated by the Love of the Maternity of My Mama! And these will be those who will render Her  Contentment, Her Glory and Her Honor.


                                                          Adveniat Regnum tuum
                                                                Fiat Voluntad tua
                                                          sicut in coelo et in terra 

V. 19 - 8/31/26 - Now, how many things there are in My Will which I must give to creatures - but they have to come into It's Kingdom in order to receive them. Just as the human nature could never partake in the goods of Creation, it it did not want to live under the heavens and have a place on earth where the things created by Me surround it like a crown; in the same way, if the soul does not come to live under the heaven of My Will, in the midst of the goods that Our Paternal goodness issued in order to make her happy, to embellish her, to enrich her, she will never be able to partake in these goods - they will be as though foreign and unknown for her. More so, since each soul would be a distinct heaven, where Our Supreme Will would delight in adorning with a sun more radiant and with stars brighter than those that can be seen in Creation - one more beautiful than the other. See the great difference: for the human nature there is one sun for everyone, while for souls there is a sun for each of them; there is an individual heaven, there is an ever springing fount, there is a fire that is never extinguished, there is a divine air to be breathed, there is a celestial food that makes the soul grow in an admirable way in the likeness of the One Who created her. Oh ! how many things My Will keeps prepared and has established to give to one who wants to live in It's Kingdom, under It's liberal and sweet regime. It does not want to entrust It's goods outside of It's Kingdom because It knows that if they get out of It's boundaries, they will neither be appreciated nor understood... - How many souls paralyzed without My Will ! What a pitiful scene, to see the human generations almost all paralyzed in the soul and therefore irrational, blind for seeing good, deaf for listening to the truth, mute for teaching it, inert for holy works, immobile in walking on the path of Heaven because the human will, preventing the circulation of My Will, forms the general paralysis in the souls of creatures... and yet, there is the great remedy of My Will to avoid any evil of the soul, so as not to become paralyzed in good but to grow strong and robust in sanctity - and who takes It ? And still, it is a remedy given out for free, nor do they have to wander around to get It; rather, It is always ready to give Itself and constitue Itself as the regular life of the creature. What sorrow, My daughter ! What sorrow !  Having said this, He disappered.

V. 19 - 9/15/26 - ...Then, after this, I was thinking to myself: My beloved Jesus says so many admirable things about this Kingdom of the Supreme Will, so holy, but nothing of these admirable things seem to show on the outside. If It's prodigies, It's great goods and happiness could be seen, the face of the earth would change and a pure, holy, noble blood would flow in the human viens, such as to convert one's nature into sanctity, into joy and into perennial peace. At that moment He came out from within my interior and told me: My daughter, this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat must first be well established, formed and matured between you and Me; and then It must be transmitted to creatures. The same happened between the Virgin and Me: First I was formed within Her, I grew within Her Womb, I was nourished at Her Breast, We lived together to form the Kingdom of Redemption between the two of Us, one on one, as if no one else existed; and then My very Life and the fruits of Redemption which My Life Itself contained were transmitted to the other creatures. So it will be for the Supreme Fiat: first We will do It between the two of us only, one on one; and once It is formed, I will take care of transmitting It to creatures. It is easier to have a work come out well when it is formed in private in the hiddenness of the silence of two persons who really love that work; and once it is formed it is easier to manifest it and to give it to others as gift. Therefore, let Me do and do not be concerned. Deo Gratias

V. 12 - 1/17/21 - Then, my sweet Jesus took my hands in His Own and squeezing them tightly, told me: My daughter, the Fiat is all full of Life-even more, It is Life Itself and this is why all lives and all things come from within the Fiat. Creation came out from My "Fiat"; therefore in each created thing, one can see the mark of the Fiat. Redemption came out from the "Fiat Mihi" of My dear Mama, pronounced in My Volition and carrying the same power of My Creative "Fiat". Therefore, there is nothing in Redemption that does not contain the mark of the "Fiat Mihi" of My Mama. Even My very Humanity, My steps, words and works were marked by Her "Fiat Mihi". My pains, My wounds, My thorns, My Cross, My Blood had the mark of Her "Fiat Mihi" because things carry the mark of the origin from which they come. My origin in time was the "Fiat Mihi" of the Immatulate Mama; therefore all of My works carry the mark of Her Fiat Mihi:" So, Her "Fiat Mihi" is in each Sacramental Host; if man rises again from sin, if the newborn is baptized, if Heaven opens to receive souls, it is the "Fiat Mihi" of My Mama that marks everything, follows everything and from It everything proceeds. Oh, power of the Fiat! It rises every instant; It multiplies and It becomes life of all goods. Now I want to tell you why I asked for your "Fiat" - your "yes" in My Volition. I want the prayer that I taught - the "Fiat voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in terra" - this prayer of so many centuries, of so many generations - to have It's fulfillment and completion. This is why I wanted another "yes" in My Volition - another "Fiat" containing the creative power...Surprised and annihilated in hearing this, I said: Jesus, what are Your saying? Yet, You know how bad and incapable of anything I am. And He: My daughter, it is My usual way to choose the most abject, unable, poor souls for My greatest Works. Even My Mama had nothing extraordinary in Her exterior life; miracles - not a sign that would distinguish Her from other women. Her only distinction was perfect virtue, to which almost no one paid attention. And if to other Saints I gave the distinction of miracles and I adorned others with My wounds, to My Mama, nothing -nothing. Yet, She was the portent of portents, the miracle of miracles, the true and perfect crucified - no one else like Her... - So I do: the greater the work I want to do, the more I choose abject, poor, ignorant souls with no outward appearance which may expose them. The abject state of the soul will serve as safe custody for My work. The thieves of self-esteem and love of self will not pay attention to her, knowing her inability. And she, humble and trembling, will carry out the office entrusted by Me, knowing that she has done nothing by herself but that I did everything in her.

V. 19 - 7/1/26 - ...Now, the Saints of the Old Testament found themselves in the same condition as Adam: a Divine Repairer was missing Who, while rejoining the human will and the Divine, was to pay the debt of guilty man in a Divine way. However, both the ancient Saints and the modern ones have taken of My Will as much as they have known. The very miracles they performed were particles of the power of My Will communicated to them. So, all My Saints have lived, some in the shadow of It's commands, because there is no sanctity without My Will. But they have possessed of It the little they have known - no more, because only when a good  is known, does one then long for it and arrives at possessing  it . No one can possess a good, a property, without knowing it; and suppose one did possess it without knowing it - that good is as though dead for him because the life of knowledge is missing. Now, since My Will is the greatest thing, that encompasses everything and all things from the greatest to the smallest remain dissovled before It, so many things should be known about My Will as to surpass what is known about Creation, about Redemption, about all virtues and all sciences. My Will was to be a book for each step, for each act, a book for each created thing; the whole earth was to be filled with volumes of knowledges regarding the Kingdom of My Will, such as to surpass the number of created things. Now where are these books ?  There is no book - only a few sayings are known about It, while It should be at the origin of each knowledge - of anything. Being the life of each thing, It should be on everything like the image of the king impressed on the currency that circulates in a kingdom; like the light of the sun that shines over each plant to give it life; like water that quenches the thirst of burning lips; like food that satiates the hungry man after a long fast. Everything should be filled with the knowledges regarding My Will; and if it is not so, it is a sign that the Kingdom of My will is not known and therefore not possessed...

V. 13 - 2/4/22 - Continuing  in my ususal state, my sweet Jesus, on coming, told me: My daughter, the souls who live in My Will are the little wheels that rotate within the great wheel of Eternity. My Will is the Motion and the Life of the wheel of the endless Eternity. As they enter into My Will to pray, to love, to operate, etc., the wheel of Eternity makes them go around within It's interminable circumference. And since in that wheel they find all that has been done and all that should be done but is not done, as they rotate, they cast light and divine waves into what has been done and must be done, giving honor to their Creator in the name of all; and they redo what has not been done by creatures. Oh, how beautiful it is to see a soul enter into My Will ! As she enters, the great wheel of Eternity winds her up, to make her go around within It's great expanse; and the little wheel does its eternal rounds. The winding by the great wheel puts her in communication with all the divine windings and while she goes around, she does all that her Creator Himself does. Therefore, they are as though the first and the last to be created by Me because, in going around, they find themselves at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. So, they will be the crown of the whole human family; the glory, the honor and the substitution of all; and the return to God of the whole order of things created by Him. Therefore, let your rounds be continuous in My Will; I will give you the winding and you will be ready to receive it, won't you ? Then He added: You have not spoken about all the rounds that the little wheel of your will does within the geat wheel of Eternity. And I: How could I speak about them, if I don't know ? And He: As the soul enters into My Will-even with a simple adhesion, with an abandonment-I wind her so as to make her go around. And do you know how many times she goes around ? She goes around as many times for as many thinking intelligences, for as many gazes as creatures give, for as many words as they speak, for as many works as they do and as many steps as they take. They go around at each Divine Act, at each Motion, at each Grace that descends from Heaven... In sum, they form their round in anything that is done in Heaven and on earth. The round of these little wheels are fast and rapid, so they cannot calculate them. But I count them all - first, to take the glory and the eternal love that they give Me and then, to fuse all the eternal good; and to give them the capacity of surpassing everything, to be able to embrace everyone and become crown of everything.

V. 14 - 4/1/22 - My daughter, the most humiliating step of My Passion was precisely this: being clothed and treated as a madman.I became the amusement of the Jews - their rag. Greater humiliation My Infinite Wisdom could not bear. Yet, it was necessary that I, Son of God, suffer this pain. By sinning, man becomes mad - greater madness there can not be. And from the King he is, he becomes the slave and the amusement of most vile passions that tyrannize him and, more than madman, chain him as they please, casting him into mud and covering him with the most filthy things. Oh, what great madness sin is ! In this state, man could never be admitted before the  Supreme Majesty. Therefore, I Myself wanted to bear this pain, so humiliating, in order to plead for man that he might leave this state of madness, offering Myself to My Celestial Father to bear the pains which the madness of man deserved. That echo boomed over Me and subjected Me to pains, to scorns, to derisions, to mockeries and to all torments

V. 19 - 7/29/26 - ...So, My Humanity gave not even a breath of life to It's human will but kept it only to sacrifice ti and to pay for the freedom that man had taken, of rejecting this Supreme Will with so much ingratitude; and as he lost It, all of It's goods, It's happiness, It's dominion, It's sanctity failed him - everything failed him. If man had lost something human given to him by God, a Saint could have rendered it back to him but since he lost a Divine Will, another Man and God was needed Who would be able to give It back to him. Now, had I come to earth to redeem him, one drop of My Blood, one little pain of Mine would have been enough to put in him safety; but since I came not only to save him but to give  him back My Will, which he had lost, this Divine Will wanted to descend into all My pains, into My tears, into My sighs and moans - into everything I did and suffered, in order to reacquire the dominion in all and over all human acts and therefore be able to form once again, It's Kingdom in the midst of creatures. So, as a little child, when I cried, wailed, moaned, My Divine Will, more than solar ray, invested all Creation with My tears, with My  moans and sighs. The stars, the sun, the starry sky, the sea, the little flower - all cried, moaned, wailed and sighed because the Divine Will present in Me was the same as That which reigned in all Creation, and therefore, as though naturally, the stars cried, the sky moaned, the sun wailed, the sea sighed. The  Light of My Will brought My Echo into all created things and repeating My acts, they kept company with their Creator. Oh, if you knew the assault that the Divine Majesty received in hearing My crying, My moans and sighs in all Creation! All created things, animated by My Will, prostrate at the foot of the Divine Throne, deafened It with their moans, drew It with their tears, moved It with to pity with their sighs and prayers; and My pains, reverberating in them, bound It to surrender the Keys of Heaven and implored that the Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth once again. My Celestial Father, moved to compassion and tenderness by His Own Will that cried upon earth once again. But in order to be sure, He placed It in My Humanity, so that at the appropriate time, He might give It back again to the human family. Here is the necessity for Me to do the human actions and to descend into the order of the human actions -because My Divine Will was to take It's dominion and substitute the order of It's Divine Will in all the acts of creatures. See, then, how much this Kingdom cost Me, with how many pains I ransomed It. This is why I love It so much, and I want to establish It in the midst of creatures at any cost.

V. 33 - 2/24/35 - My good daughter, in My Will there are no intentions; the intention serves when the acts can not be done because it lacks One Who holds the virtue to give life to all the good that the creature wants to do and this is outside of living in My Volition and I give the merit to them not as acts but as holy intentions. Instead in My Will, there is the vivifying, active and operative  virtue in a way that what the creature wants to do, she finds One Who forms the Life to her acts; she feels the vivifying strength that vivifies her act and converts it into work. Therefore, in My Will all things change, all things possess life, the love, the prayer, the adoration, the good that one wants to do; all the virtues are full of life, hence, not subject to finish, to change because Who administers life to her, holds them within Himself for they have life together and I give her the merit of works animated by My Will. What difference there is between the intention and the works; the intention symbolizes the poor, the sick, that not being able to, they would like, at least with good will, to exercise charity, to propagate good, to do who knows how many beautiful things but the poverty, the infirmity, impedes them and renders them prisoners without being able to effect the good they want. Instead, working in My Divine Will symbolizes the rich, that holding the riches at his diposition, the intention doesn't have value because if he wants, he can do charity, he can go where he wants, he can do good to everyone, help everyone. They are so many riches of My Volition that the creature loses herself in Him and with full hands, she can take what she wants in order to help everyone and much more so without making neither shout, nor rumor, almost as tacit light, she offers the help and withdraws.

V. 17 - 1/27/25 - My daughter, you must know that whether you see Me or not, every time you fuse yourself in My Will from within your interior, I take your hand to push you up high and from Heaven I give you My other hand to take your hand and pull you up into Our midst, in Our Endless Will. So, you are in between My hands, in My arms. You must know that all the Acts done in Our will enter into the first Act when We created the whole Creation. And the acts of the creature, in kissing with Ours-because One is the Will that gives life to these acts- diffuse in all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere; and they constitute themselves return of love, of adoration and of continuous glory for everything We have issued in Creation. Only that what is done in Our Will begins together with Us, to give Us return of perennial love, adoration in a divine manner, glory that never ends...How different is Our operating from that of the creature, as well as the love with which We operate ! We operate and Our love for the work We do is so great that We do not permit that it go out of Ourselves, so that it may lose nothing of the beauty with which it was made. On the other hand, if the creature operates, she is unable to keep her work with herself. Rather, many times she does not know what has become of her work - whether it has become dirty or whether they have made a rag out of it - sign of her little love for her own works. And because the creature has gone out of her origin - that is, the Divine Will from which she came - she has lost true love toward God, toward herself and toward her works. I wanted man to be in My Will of his own will, not by force, because I loved him more than all other created things and I wanted him to be like a king in the midst of My works. But man, ungrateful, wanted to go out of his origin; therefore, he was transformed and lost his freshness and beauty and became subject to continuous alterations and changes. And as much as I call him to return into his origin, he plays deaf, pretending not to hear Me. But My love is  so great that I keep wainting for him and I continue to call him.

V. 17 - 2/8/25 - ...Finally, before leaving me, He told me: My daughter, you have soothed Me; I feel My bones in place; but do you know who can soothe Me and rejoin My dislocated bones ? One who lets My Will reign within herself. When the soul puts her will aside giving it not even one act of life, My Will acts as the master in the soul; It reigns, commands and rules and I act as the master and I dispose and place from My Own because, as My dwelling, I can place in it whatever I want, to make of it what I want and I receive the greatest honor and glory that the creature can give Me. On the other hand, if one wants to do her own will, she is the one who acts as the master, disposes and commands; and My Will remains like a poor stranger, neglected and at the occurrence, even despised. I would want to place from My Own but I cannot because the human will does not want to surrender a place to Me; even in holy things, it wants to act as head and I can place nothing of My Own. How uncomfortable I feel in the soul who makes her own will reign !

V. 23 - 10/6/27 - My daughter, when I was on the earth, My Divine Will by Nature reigned in Me  and that same Divine Will that existed and reigned in all created things, to every meeting they kissed together and longing for their meetings they made feast and created things competed in order to meet with Me to give Me the Homages that were appropriate to Me; the earth as it felt My Footsteps in order to give Me Homage re-greened and flowered under My Feet; it wanted to bring forth from it's bosom all the beauties that it possessed, the enchantment of the most beautiful flowerings to My passage, so much so that many times I had to command that it might not make Me these demonstrations and it, in order to give Me Homage, obeyed. The Sun always sought to meet with Me in order to give Me the Homage of it's light, emitting all the varieties of the beauties of the colors from its solar bosom before My sight in order to give Me the Honors that I merited. Everything and everyone sought to meet Me in order to make for Me their feast; the wind, water, even the little bird, in order to make for Me the honors of its trills, warbles and songs, all created things recognized Me and they put themselves in competition for whom might be able to more honor Me and make for Me a Feast. Who possesses My Divine Will holds the sight of knowing what pertains to My Own Will. Only man didn't know Me because he didn't possess even the sight and the sense of smell of My Divine Will. I had to tell him in order to make Myself known and many with all My Sayings would not even believe. Because who doesn't possess My Divine Volition is blind and deaf without sense of smell in order to know that which pertains to Him. Not possessing Him is the greatness unhappiness for the creature; she is the poor cretin, blind, deaf and mute, that not possessing the Light of My Divine Fiat, makes use of the created things with taking the excrements that they cast and leaves within them the true good that they contain. What sorrow, to see creatures without the nobility of the Life of My Divine Will.

V. 30 - 11/16/31 - My daughter, to love means to possess and to want to make one's own, the person or object that one loves. To love means bond, now of friendship, now of relative, now of progeny according to more or less the intensity of love. So that if between the creature and God there is not one void of Divine love, if all her acts race toward God in order to love Him, if they have beginning from love and they finish in love, if she looks at all the things that belong to the Supreme Being as hers, this says love of child towards her Father because in this way, she doesn't go out neither from the Divine properties nor from the Residence of the Celestial Father. Because true love constitutes a right in the creature: right of progeny, right of shared goods, right of being loved. Her every act of love is a vibrating note that palpates in the Divine Heart and with it's sound says "I love you", and "love me" and the sound doesn't end if it doesn't feel the note of her Creator, Who making echo to the sound of the soul, He responds " I love you, O child." Oh, how We await the " I love you " of the creature to make her take the post in Our Love in order to have the sweet gusto in order to be able to say to her " I love you, O child " ; and thus to be able to give greater right to be able to love Us and to make her belong to Our Family. A broken love doesn't make Our things hers, nor does she defend them; it can not be called love of child; at the most, it can be love of friendship, love of circumstance, love of interest, love of necessity that doesn't constitute  a right because only the children have the right to possess the goods of the Father and the Father holds the Sacrosanct duty, also with Divine and human rights, to make His goods possessed by His children. Therefore, love always, so that He finds in all your acts the love, the meeting, your kiss to your Creator.

V. 34 - 4/21/1936 - Now, who lives in Our Volition, finds herself in the act that conceives, she is the daughter who spontaneous of her will, searches for her Mama and takes her place, enclosing herself in Her Maternal Heart in order to let the Celestial Queen do to her as Mama. Now this one will take part in the riches of the Sovereign Queen, in Her Merits, in Her Love, she will feel in herself the Nobility, Her Sanctity because she knows to Whom it pertains and God will make her participant of the Infinite Goods and the exuberant Love that was in the Conception of this Holy Creature...

V. 34 - 6/14/36 - Blessed daughter of My Volition, you should know that at the Head of the Kingdom of My Divine Will is God Himself; Our Divinity doesn't do other than one continuous Act of His and We don't ever to the will of anyone but always Ours; the Crown of Our Attributes are dominated by Our Fiat; His Kingdom is inside of Us and extends outside of Us in Our Immensity, in Our Love, Power and Goodness in everything. So that for Us everything is Our Will - Beyond this Our Love, Our Eternal Wisdom has established all the Graces that We should give to the creature, the degrees of sanctity that she should acquire, the beauty with which We should pearl her, the love with which she should love Us and the acts themselves that she should do; where Our Fiat reigns, everything becomes realized, the Divine Order is in full vigor and not even a comma becomes moved; Our Work is in full harmony with the creature and oh, how We delight Ourselves and when We have given her Our last Love in time and she will have completed Out last Act of Divine Will in her mortal life, Our Love will give her the flight into the Celestial Country and Our Will, will receive her in Heaven, as triumph of His working and conquering Will that, with so much Love, conquered upon earth. So, that her last act will be the opening that she will make in Heaven , in order to give beginning in Our Will so very happy, that will never end. Instead, where Our Volition doesn't reign, the Divine Order doesn't exist; how many works of Ours are broken with no effect how many Divine Voids and filled perhaps with passions, with sins, there is no beauty but deformity as to make one pity. Therefore, be attentive and make that Our Volition reigns and lives in you.

V. 34 - 12/20/1936 - The Divine Fiat made the Virgin conceived in every creature so that everyone might have a Mother all hers. Dowry that God gave to the Virgin. Triumphs and Victories of God, Victories and Triumphs of the Virgin in which all creatures are endowed. - can be read @

V. 34 - 1/1/1937 - The Feast that the Queen of Heaven prepared for Her Son in His Birth. How Love is magnet, that transforms and embellishes. can be read @

V. 34 - 1/24/1937 - My blessed daughter, continue to listen to Me, let Me vent My Love, I can not take it anymore. I want to tell you where My Love arrives and where It can arrive and can do to one who lives in My Fiat. Do you believe that My Volition has content, has said enough because He has enclosed the value, Love and the different offices of all the Creation in the creature who lives as in harmony in Him with one will alone? no, no; you should know that I came upon the earth and in the heat of My Love displayed My Life, My Sufferings and My Death Itself in order to repurchase My Divine Will for the benefit of creatures that with so much ingratitude they had rejected and hence lost. So that My Life served as disbursement of the price that was needed in order to reacquire It and to give It in possession of My children, therefore, there was needed a God in order to be able to hold sufficient worth to be able to buy a Divine Will; you see therefore how it is certain that the Kingdom of My Volition will come because the purchase was made by Me... - So that in one who lives in My Will, I feel Myself repeat My Life and it doubles the worth in order to buy My Divine Life to the benefit of the human generations; one can say that there is a competition between Me and her, to whom wants to give more in order to make that My Will might be possessed again by the human family.

V. 34 - 2/10/1937 - The Kingdom of the Divine Volition will be the Kingdom of the Queen of Heaven; Her ardent desires and incessant prayers; assaults of Love that She gives to the Divinity in order to obtain it. How She will put Her Life at the disposition of creatures in order to give them the Grace to make them live of Divine Will. can be read @

V. 34 - 2/26/1937 - What One Act done in the Divine Will is - It is the Harmony, the Music, It is the sweeping away Heavens and earth; It is the installation that she forms in God and God in her. can be read @

V. 34 - 3/6/1937 - The Creation - first means of help in order to form the Life of the DivineWill in us; second, God directly; the third, the circumstances of life - can be read

V. 34 - 3/18/1937 -  The Divine Will makes a Gift of all His Works to the one who lives in Him. The Breath of God in His Works and in all the holy works of creatures. The Divine Will makes Himself supplier of what the creature lacks - can be read

V. 34 - 3/22/1937 - Now My daughter, Our Volition circulates as blood in all the hearts of creatures, in all the Creation; there is no point where He isn't found, His center is extensible as through everything and with His Powerful and Creative Love as within a single breath(fiato), He conserves and gives Life to everything and everyone and in everything He develops His Life of Love. So why does He create?: because He loves; why does He conserve and circulate in everyone? because He loves. Now who lives in Our Volition, We want to feel that she loves Us in all hearts, how beautiful is the note of love of the creature in every heart, that if these don't love Us, there is one who loves Us. In the sky, in the sun, in the wind, in the sea, in everything, We want her note of love. More so, that Our Volition transports her everywhere;; living in Him, the first Gift that He makes them is Love but He gives so much as to be able to receive the exchange of the love of everyone and everything.

V. 34 - 3/26/1937 - ...So that the Love is generative, that generates all the Divine Goods. Therefore My daughter, be attentive that you love and love in My Will and you will find so much love that you can love everyone and love for everyone He Who loves you so much.

V. 34 - 4/8/1937 - The first rights to make the Kingdom of My Volition possessed by the human generations was given by Adam because he, in the first epoch of his life, his acts were done in the Divine Volition and although he sinned and voluntarily lost the working Life of My Will in him and He in Us but his acts remained because what one does in Our Volition doesn't go outside because they are Our winnings, Our victories over the human volition, hence they are Ours and We never put aside what is Ours. Whence who enters  in Him, finds the first love of Adam, his first acts that give her the right to possess Our Fiat and to repeat the same acts that he did, his acts are still speaking, his love is still fused in Ours and incessantly loves Us with Our same Love.

V. 34 - 4/25/1937 - Prodigy of the working Act of the Divine Will in the creature. How who lets Him work in her is the longed for one, the welcomed one, the darling of the whole Celestial Court. All what one does in Him, acquires the Virtue to produce Divine Life.- can be read @

V. 34 - 5/10/1937 - My little daughter of My Volition, every Truth that I manifest to you on My Fiat is a growth that you make of Him, it is one mouthful more that serves in order to fortify you, warm you and conform you all the more in Him; it is one sip more that you drink from the immense sea of My Will, it is one Divine Property more that you acquire...

V. 34 - 6/18/1937 - What one obtains and what it means to submit oneself to the Divine Will. Change of abandoments between the Divine Will and the soul; Merit that one acquires. Outlet of love. How in every created thing there is the deposit of Love for Us. can be read @

V. 34 - 7/4/1937 - How God wants to form so many of His Divine lives in every single creature. How who lives in the Divine Volition makes himself bearer of everyone and of everything to his Creator. can be read

V. 34 - 8/2/1937 - How the Creation possess perfect happiness, as to be able to give the terrestrial happiness to creatures. How sin stopped the happiness. The great evil of who removes himself from the origin. Example - (Back to our origin) -  can be read @

V. 20 - 11/10/26 - And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter, Adam felt this tearing so harrowing but in spite of this, he fell into the maze of his will that gave him no peace, either to him or to his posterity. All Creation withdrew from him as though in one single breath, and happiness, peace, strength, sovereignty - everything withdrew. He remained alone with himself. Poor Adam, how much it cost him to withdraw from My Will. Just by feeling isolated, no longer surrounded by the cortege of the whole Creation, he felt such fright and horror that he became the fearful man. He was afraid of everything - even of My very Works; and with reason because it is said: One who is not with Me is against Me. Since he was no longer linked with them, by justice they were to put themselves against him. Poor Adam, there is much reason to have compassion for him. He had no example of anyone else who had fallen and of the great evil that had occurred to him, so that he might be watchful in order not to fall. He had no idea of evil. In fact, My daughter, the evil, the sin, the fall of someone else has two effects: for one who is evil, it serves as an example, as a spur, as an incentive to fall into the abyss of evil; for one who is good and does not want to fall, it serves as antidote, as deterrent, as help and defense so as not to fall. In fact, seeing the great evil, the misfortune of someone else, serves as an example not to fall and not to follow that same path, so as not to find oneself in that same misfortune. So, the evil of someone else causes one to be watchful and on gaurd. Therefore, the fall of Adam is for you a great help, a lesson and a call, while he had no lesson from evil because then, evil did not exist.

V. 20 - 11/10/1926 - ...This is why it is the prodigy of prodigies; the  living in My Will is the true tiumph of the Supreme Fiat - because the soul becomes the reflector of her Creator and of all Our works. In fact, only when It places in the soul what It can and knows how to do - then does Our Will triumph completely. It wants to see in her not only the One Who created her but all of His works; It is not content if she lacks even the slightest thing that belongs to It. The souls of the Supreme Fiat will be Our works - not incomplete but complete; they will be the new prodigies never before seen or known, either by the earth or by Heaven. What will not be the enchantment, the surprise of the Blessed when they see the first daughter of the Divine Fiat enter their Celestial Fatherland? - My daughter, My Celestial Mama was the first Who occupied the first place in Heaven as Daughter of the Supreme Volition; and because She was the first, She has around Herself the place for all the children of the Supreme Fiat. So, around the Queen of Heaven many empty places can be seen which will be occupied by no one else but Her copies. And since She was the first from the generation of My Will, the Kingdom of the Fiat will also be called "Kingdom of the Virgin". Oh! how the Sovereignty over all Creation will be recognized in these children of Ours. In fact, by virtue of My Will, these will enjoy indissoluble bonds with all created things; they will be in continuous relations of communication with them. They will be the true children in whom the Eternal Creator will feel honored, glorified to have them as children because He will recognize in them His Own Divine Will operating that has reproduced His true Images...

V. 20 - 12/12/26 - What Adam did in Eden was repeated under My Eyes on Mount Calvary. In seeing My garments being divided and My tunic gambled away - symbol of the Royal Garment given to man, My sorrow was so intense that I made of it a lament. It became present to Me when creatures, in doing their own will, make a game of Mine and the so many times in which they divide the Garment of innocence with their passions. All goods are enclosed in man by virtue of this Royal Garment of the Divine Will; once this is gambled away, he remains uncovered; he loses all goods because he lacks the Garment which kept them enclosed within himself. So, among the many evils that creatures do by doing their own will, they add the irreparable evil of gambling away the Royal Garment of My Will - a Garment which cannot be substituted with any other garment... - Therefore, by not doing Our Will, there is no good which one does not lose and there is no evil which one does not acquire.

V. 20 - 2/3/27 - My always lovable Jesus, drawing me all to Himself, told me: My daughter, the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will have one single Will as Its center - the Divine; therefore, one will be the Will of all which, diffusing to all and embracing everything will give happiness, order, harmony, strength and beauty to all. So, It will be the Kingdom of one single Will - one Will for all and all for one Will. What renders the Celestial Fatherland happy, if not the Will of God and Will of all ? Oh! if another will which was not that of God could enter into Heaven - which cannot be - the Saints would lose their perennial peace and would feel the disorder of a will which is not Divine, which does not contain all goods and which is not holy and bearer of happiness and of peace; and so, all unanimous, they would cast it out. Therefore, the Kingdom of the Fiat will have only My Will and It alone, as law, as regime, as dominion; and by virtue of It, all will be happy, of one single happiness; there will never be contentions but perennial peace.

V. 20 - 10/13/26 - .. I will never take free willing away from the human will - a great gift, given to man in creating him that makes creatures distinguishable as to whether they want to be My true children, or not. But, rather, with the Light of the knowledges about My Will, I will form more than solar rays and whoever wants to know them and look at them will be invested by this Light; in such a way that, eclipsed, the human will, will take delight and looking at this Light will feel fortunate that the action of the Light takes the place of It's own. And it will lose love and delight for other things. This is why I am saying so much about My Will - to form the strong Light, because the stronger It is, the greater is the eclipse It forms in order to occupy the human will.

V. 20 - 10/15/26 - Now, My daughter, of all that My Will has established to give to creatures, of all It's Acts, they have taken little - they have known little until now because It's Kingdom has not only not been known but not even possessed. Therefore, in Heaven It cannot give all It's complete glory or all the joys and happiness It possesses because It finds Itself in the midst of children who are incapable and of small stature. This is why It awaits the time of It's Kingdom with so much Love and yearning - to have It's total dominion and to give from It's Fiat all of It's goods. And only these children will make the glory for all the Blessed - for the children of the Kingdom of My Will, be completed in the Celestial Fatherland because they have enclosed what My Will wanted, giving It free field of action and of dominion. Therefore, they will have the "essential glory", as they will have the capacity and the space to contain It and, through them, the others will have the "accidental glory"; and, all together, they will enjoy the complete glory and the full happiness of My Will. So, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will be the full triumph of Heaven and of the earth.

V. 20 - 10/19/26 - ...And do you know what it means to possess these knowledges on My Will ?  It is as if one possessed a coin which has the virtue of making arise as many coins as one wants; and if one  possesses a springing good, poverty is over. In the same way, these knowledges of Mine possess light, sanctity, strength, beauty and riches that arise continuously. So, those who will possess them will have the source of Light, of Sancitity; therefore, darkness, weaknesses, the ugliness of sin, poverty in Divine goods will end for them. All evils will end and they will possess the source of Sanctity - So, I thought to myself: It is really true that the Fiat of the Divine Majesty contains the virtue- the source of a new continuous act. What happiness it is to let oneself dominated by this omnipotent Fiat - to be under the influence of a new act, never interrupted...And He added: My daughter, one who lets herself be dominated by My Will is under the influence of all It's Acts and receives the effects and the Life of what I did in Creation and Redemption. Everything is in relationship with her and bound to her.

V. 18 - 2/7/26 - ...My Will was the prime act of the creature; the creature had her prime act in My Will and therefore It wants to do It's course of Life in her. And even though It was suffocated at It's very first arising in the creature, It was not extinguished and therefore It awaits It's field in her. Don't you want to be It's first little field ? Therefore, be attentive; when you want something, never do it on your own but pray to Me that My Will may do it in you. In fact, that same thing, if you do it on your own, sounds bad, gives of human; but if My Will does it, it sounds good, it harmonizes with Heaven, it is sustained by a Divine Grace and Power, it is the Creator Who operates in the creature and it's Fragrance is Divine: and rising everywhere, it embraces everyone with one single embrace in such a way that all feel the good of the operating of the Creator in the creature.

V. 6 - 2/8/04 - ...So I added: My sweet Good, as for myself, I want nothing but Your Most HolyWill. I do not look at whether I suffer or I enjoy - Your Will is everything for me. And He added: And this is what I want , this is My design upon you and this is enough for Me and that she owes Me as her Creator; and as the soul does so, it can said that her mind lives and thinks in My Mind; her eyes, being in Mine, look through My Eyes; her mouth speaks through My Mouth; her heart loves through Mine; her hands operate within My Own Hands; her feet walk within My Feet. And I can say: You are My Eye, My Mouth, My Heart, My Hands and My Feet. And likewise, the soul can say: Jesus Christ is my eye, my mouth, my heart, me hands and my feet. Being in this Union, not only of wills but personal, when the soul dies, there is nothing left of her to be purged and therefore, Purgatory cannot touch her because Purgatory touches those outside of Me, whether completely or in part.

V. 33 - 10/27/35 - My daughter, you should know that no sooner than the creature truly decides to want to live in My Divine Will and at whatever cost to not ever do hers, My Fiat, with an indescribable love, forms the germ/seed of His Life in the depth of the soul; this with such power, with such sanctity, that He doesn't grow if first He doesn't put the soul at post, freeing her from her weaknesses, miseries and stains, if there are some; one can say that He forms the anticipated purgatory, purging her of all that might impede a Life of Divine Will be formed in her because My Will and sins cannot not exist, nor remain together; at the most some apparent  weakness could belong and with His light and heat, they immediately become purified. He always hold the purificatory act in His Hands, so that no obstacle might be in the soul that might impede, not only growth but development of His Acts in the acts of the creature. Hence, the first thing that My Will does is to take away the purgatory beforehand, making it done anticipated, in order to be more free to make her live in Him and to form His Life as pleases Him more. Whence, if the creature might die after a definite and willed act to live in My Volition, she will take flight toward Heaven; rather My Will, will carry her in His Arms of Light as triumph, as His birth and as His dear child; and if this is not so, it could not be said: be done Your Will as in Heaven so on earth; it would be a way of saying, not a reality in Heaven because He reigns where there are neither sins not purgatory; thus if He reigns in the soul on earth, there can be neither sins, nor fear of purgatory. He knows how to clear everything because He wants to be alone in His post, regent and dominant.

V. 26 - 6/4/29 - My daughter, as the soul keeps operating in My Divine Volition, so does It expand more within the creature in such a way that for each additional act done in It, as much more growth does It form within her; and so, the Divine Life can be seen growing in the creature in an admirable way. But this is not all; as the Divine Life grows in the creature, the more acts she does in My Divine Fiat, the more the creature grows within the Womb of her Celestial Father. The Supreme Being opens His Womb and enclosed in It this happy creature, to raise her in a Divine manner, to clothe her with Royal garments, to feed her the food with Their Own Hands, to embellish her with rare beauty. All of Heaaven remains amazed, enraptured in seeing that their Creator raises a creature within His Womb; and they say among themselves: He must be doing something great with her, for He loves her so much and keeps her in such great custody as to raise her within His Paternal Womb...

V. 36 - 12/18/38 - ...but the greatest Gift is when We see her carried in the Arms of Our Will; We feel so very drawn that We can not do less than to speak of Our Supreme Being, to tell her one Knowledge more of what We are. It is the greatest Gift that We can do that exceeds all the Creation; knowing Our works is Gift; to make Ourselves known is Our Life that We give, it is to admit her to Our Secrets, it is to entrust the Creator with the creature.To live in Our Volition, to be loved, is everything for Us. More so that the Love of Ourselves form Our continuous Food. My Celestial Father generates without ever ceasing His Son because He loves; with generating Me, He forms the Food as to feed Ourselves; I, His Son, loves with His same Love and the Holy Spirit proceeds; with  this, We form other Food in order to feed Ourselves. If We created the Creation, it was because We love; and We sustain It with Our creative and conservative Act because We love; this Love serves as Our Food. If We want that the creature knows Us in Our Works and in Ourselves, it is because We want to be loved and We make use of this Love to feed Ourselves. We never despise Love because it is Love; it serves Us, it is Our stuff; Our Love appeases the hunger with the beloved being; and having done everything for Love, We want that Heaven and earth, creatures and everything be for Us all Love; and if it is not all Love, then there enters the sorrow that gives Us the delirium that We love and We are not loved. Now, Our Will is Our Life, Love is Our Food. You see to what a high, noble, sublime point, We want the creature who forms in herself the Life of Our Will, in which all things, circumstances, the crosses, even the air that she breathes will convert into Love, in order to feed her in a way to be able to say: The Life of Our Volition is yours and is Ours and We feed with the same Food. With this, We see that the creature grows in Our Image and Likeness and these are Our true Joys in the Creation, in order to say to Our children: We resemble each other." And what should not be the joy of the creature to be able to say: " I resemble My Celestial Father " . Therefore, I want her to live in My Volition because I want My children who resemble Me. - How can they resemble Us if Our Will is not theirs ? Daughter, without My Will, there is neither one who feeds them nor  one who instructs them nor one who forms them nor one who grows them as children who  resemble Us. They go out from Our Residence and don't know what We do nor Who We are; nor how We love them nor what they must do in order to resemble Us; hence, Our Likeness is distant from them. How can we resemble each other if they don't know Us and there is no one who speaks to them of Our Divine Being ? 

V. 17 - 4/15/25 - ...And besides, what is it that opposes the truth ? Where is this exalting you too much ? Only because I told you that I placed you near My Divine Mother; because She having been the depository of all the goods of My Redemption, as My Mother, as Virgin, as Queen, I placed Her at the head of all the redeemed ones, giving Her a distinct, unique mission which no one else will be given. The very Apostles and the whole Church depend upon Her; it was right that, as My Mother, I was to entrust everything and everyone to Her Maternal Heart. Embracing everything and being able to give everything to everyone, was only of My Mother - It is said in the Holy Gospel: " Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect " - no less; it is also added that no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven if he is not similar to the image of the Son of God and many other things... - In fact, the mission of My Will is eternal and it is precisely the mission of Our Celestial Father, Who wants, commands, expects nothing else that His Will be known, loved, that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven. So you, making this eternal mission your own and imitating the Celestial Father, must want nothing else for yourself and for all that My Will be known, loved and fulfilled.

V. 17 - 10/2/24 - No other act of prayer can equal this Divine Will Act of Prayer:

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the name of all, I come before Your Supreme Majesty and offer You adoration, glory , praise, homage, thanksgiving, an embrace, a kiss and an I love you with the" Power of Your Will and with the Wisdom and the Will of Your Sweet Love. "

V. 13 - 6/28/21 - The Kingdom of My Will means “to reign”; therefore all are Queens; but true reigning is to not be excluded from anything created by Me.

V. 14 - 11/6/22 - My daughter, these little lambs that you see in My Arms are the children of My Will, legitimate births from My Supreme Volition. They will come out from within My Heart but will keep their feet in the center of My Heart, so that they may take nothing from the earth and may be concerned with nothing but Me alone. Look at them, how beautiful they are; how clean and nourished they grow, fed by My breath alone. They will be the Crown of My Creation. Then He added: My Will crystallizes the soul; and just as when any object is placed close to a crystal, another object is formed within it fully similar to the one that is placed in front of it; in the same way, My Will reflects all It does in these souls, crystallized by My Power; and they repeat and do all that My Supreme Will does. And since My Will is everywhere, in Heaven , on earth and in every place, by containing My Will, wherever My Will acts, these souls absorb It like crystal within them and they repeat My Act. So, as I act, I take delight in placing Myself in from of them to see My Own action being repeated in them. They are My mirrows and My Will multiplies them everywhere, for every Act It does; therefore, there is not one created thing in which they are not present: in the creatures, in the sea, in the sun, in the stars and even in Heaven; and My Will receives the requital for My Act from the creature in a Divine manner. This is also the reason why I love so much that the living in My will be known; to multiply more of these mirrows, rendered as crystals by My Will, to have My works repeated in them. Then I will not be alone anymore but I will have the creature in My company; I will have her with Me, intimately with Me, in the depth of My Will, inseparable from Me, as if she had just come out of My Womb when I created her, having followed no other ways contrary to My Will. How happy I will be !

V. 23 - 10/30/27 - ...What honor would it have been for Us if the Work of Creation might have been poor, wretched of Light, without the multiplicity of so many created things, without Order and without Harmony and Our dear Jewel, Our dear Child, that is Man, without the fullness of the Goods of He Who had created him? It would not have been the honor for Who possesses All and can do All, to do an incomplete Work; more so that Our Love regurgitating very strongly, more than impetuous waves wanted to give, to show off how much more It could, even to fill up Our beloved Jewel with all possible and imaginable Goods and to form the seas around him that overflowed from him that his Creator had put in him. And if Man lost this, it was he who rejected My Kingdom of his own will , his dowry and the substance of his happiness. Now, as in the Creation, My Love regurgitated strongly and the Kingdom of My Will is decided that He wants His Life in the midst of creatures and therefore showing off with all magnificence, without looking at their merits, with insuperable magnanimity, He wants to give His Kingdom again. Only He wants that creatures know It, knows His Goods, so that knowing them they long for and want the Kingdom of Sanctity, of Light and of Happiness; and as one rejected, thus another one calls It, longs for It, presses It to come and to reign in the midst of creatures. Behold the necessity of His Knowledges; if a Good is not known, one neither wants It, nor loves It; therefore, They will be the Messengers, the Forerunners who will announce My Kingdom. My Knowledges on My Fiat will pose now to be Sun, now to be thunders, now to be bursts of light, now to be impetuous winds, that will call the attention of the scholars and of the ignorant, of the good and also of the bad, that as lightning, they will fall in their hearts and with irresistible strength, will knock them down in order to make them re-arise in the good of the acquired Knowledges; they will form the true renewal in the world, they will take all attitudes in order to allure and to conquer creatures, assuming now to be peacemakers, that want the kiss of creatures in order to give them their kisses, in order to make them forget the whole past and to remember only to love each other and to felicitate each other side by side; now as warriors, certain of their victory in order to make certain the conquest that they want to do of those who know the Knowledges; now as incessant prayer, that will cease then to supplicate when creatures conquered by the Knowledges of My Divine Volition will say: You have won, we are already prey of Your Kingdom; now as dominant King and exhaling Love, that they will pray before Him in order to make Him dominate. What want My Will do? He will put all His Power in aptness in order to come  to reign in the midst of creatures. He possesses an enrapturing beauty, that if He makes Himself seen only one time with clarity, He enraptures, He embellishes, casting His waves of Beauty on the soul in a way that hardly can they forget a Beauty so rare, they will remain as within the labyrinth of His Beauty to not be able to go out from It. He possesses an enchanting Power and the soul remains fixed in His sweet Enchantment. He possesses a balsamic Air, that breathed, they will feel enter in them the Air of Peace, of Sanctity, of Divine Harmony, of Happiness, of the Light that purifies all, of the Love that burns all, of the Power that conquers all in a way that this Air will bring the Celestial Balm to all the evil products from the bad, morbid and deadly air of the human will. You also see in human life how the air acts in a surprising way: If the air is pure, good, healthy, perfumed, the respiration is free, the circulation of blood is regular and they grow strong, fed, colored and healthy; instead if the air is bad, malodorous and infected, the respiration is impeded, the circulation of blood is irregular and so on...Thus is the air of the soul; the Air of My Will maintains life, pure, healthy, holy, beautiful and strong as It went forth from the Bosom of  its Creator - Oh! My Will, how very Amiable, Admirable and Powerful You are! Your Beauty enamors the Heavens and maintains the enrapturing enchantment to the whole Celestial Court in a way that they can not move from their look from You, oh! with Your Enchanting Beauty that enraptures everything, enraptures the earth and with Your sweet Enchantment You enchant all creatures so that One is the Will of everyone, One the Sanctity, One the Life, One Your Kingdom, One Your Fiat as in Heaven, so on earth.

The last words of Luisa Piccarreta, Her spiritual testimony
March 4, 1947

Now I die with greater contentment because the Divine Will has consoled me more than usual with Its presence in these last moments of my life.

"Now I see a long, beautiful and spacious road, all illuminated by an infinite number of resplendent suns - Oh, yes, I recognize them! They are all my Acts done in the Divine Will!

This is the road that I must now take; it is the road that the Divine Will has prepared for me. It is the road of my victory: it's the way of my glory which will unite me with the immense happiness of the Divine Will.

It's my road; it's the road that I have prepared for you. It's the road that I will keep reserved for all the souls who will ever want to live in the Divine Will."

I salute you from afar!

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Meditations for the Month of May - May 6, 1930

Appendix - Day Twenty-three(c) - The Epiphany -  Now My blessed child, the Divinity Who can deny nothing to one who loves It, makes a new star more beautiful and luminous, arise under the azure heavens; and with its light, it goes in search of adorers, to say to the whole world with its mute twinkling: The One Who has come to save you is born. Come to adore Him and to know Him as your Savior. But - human ingratitude! among many, only three individuals paid attention and heedless of the sacrificies, put themselves on the way to follow the star...My dearest child, My Heart of Mother rejoiced at the faithfullness, correspondence and sacrifice of these Magi Kings., to come to know and adore MySon. But I can not hide from you a secret sorrow of Mine: among many, only three. And in the  history of the centuries, how many times is this sorrow of Mine and this ingatitude not repeated! My Son and I do nothing but make stars arise, one more beautiful than the other, to call some to know their Creator, some to Sanctity, some to rise again from sin, some to the heroism of a sacrifice. But do you want to know what these stars are? A sorrowful encounter is a star; a truth that one comes to know is a star; a love unrequited by other creatures is a star; a setback, a pain, a disillusion, and unexpected fortune are as many stars that shed light in the minds of creatures....With this, My Son bound all the Gentile Nations to the knowledge of the true God and placed the goods of Redemption, the return to faith of all peoples, in common for all. He constituted Himself King of the rulers; and with the weapons of His Love, of His pains and of His tears, ruling over everything, He called the Kingdom of His Will upon earth. And I, your Mama wanted to be the first Apostle...You must know that only when I see that My Son has the dominion, the possession and forms His perennial dwelling in the hearts who search for Him and love Him - then do I feel a true Mother...

Appendix - Day Twenty-five(a) -  Loss of Jesus. Joys and Sorrows - We continued to spend Our Lives in the quiet little house of Nazareth and My dear Son grew in Grace and in Wisdom. He was charming because of His Sweetness and the Gentleness of His Voice, the sweet enchantment of His Eyes, the loveliness of His whole Person. Yes, My Son was truly beautiful, immensely beautiful!...Overcome with sorrow, We went back hurriedly, anxiously asking those who we met: O please tell Us if you have seen Jesus, Our Son, for We cannot live without Him. And, crying, We would describe His features: He is all lovable; His beautiful azure eyes sparkle with light and speak to the heart; His gaze strikes, enraptures, enchains; His forehead is majestic; His face is beautiful, of an enchanting beauty; His most sweet voice descends into the heart and sweetens all bitternesses; His hair, curly and like finest gold, renders Him striking and charming. All is majesty, dignity, sanctity in Him. He is the most beautiful among the sons of men...He was speaking with such wisdom and majesty as to make those who were listening remain enraptured and amazed. Upon merely seeing Him, I felt life come back to Me and immediately I comprehended the secret reason of His being lost. And now, a little word to you, dearest child. In this mystery, My Son wanted to give to Me and to you a sublime teaching. Could you perhaps assume that He was ignoring what I was suffering? On the contrary, My tears, My searching and My sharp and intense sorrow, resounded in His Heart. Yet, during those hours, so painful, He sacrificed to the Divine Will His Own Mama, the One Whom He loves so much, in order to show Me how I too, one day, was to sacrifice His very Life to the Supreme Will...As Jesus finished speaking, We approached Him reverently and addressed Him with a sweet reproach: Son, why have You done this to Us? And He, with Divine dignity, answered Us: Why were You looking for Me? Did You not know that I have come into the world to glorify My Father? Having comprehended the high meaning of such answer and adored in It the Divine Will, We returned to Nazareth. 

Appendix - Day Twenty-five (b) - The Wedding of Cana- ...With Our presence, We renewed the sanctity, the beauty, the order of the Marriage formed by God in the Garden of Eden - that of Adam and Eve - married by the Supreme Being in order to populate the earth and to multiply the future generations. Marriage is the substance from which the life of the generations arises; it can be called the trunk from which the earth is populated. The Priests, the Religious, are the branches; but if it were not for the trunk, not even the branches would have life. Therefore, through sin, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam and Eve caused the family to lose sanctity, beauty and order. And I, your Mama, the new innocent Eve, together with My Son, went to reorder what God did in Eden; I constituted Myself Queen of families and impetrated the Grace that the Divine Fiat might reign in them, to have families who would belong to Me and I might hold the place of Queen in their midst.

Appendix - Day-Twenty - Three(a) - Heroism in submitting the Infant Jesus to the Harsh Cut of Circumcision - ...Furthermore, My child, you must know that as Adam withdrew from the Divine Will, after his brief life of innocence, his human will remained wounded, more than by a deadly knife and through this wound entered sin and passions. He lost the beautiful day of the Divine Will and degraded himself as much as to arouse pity. And My dear Son, after the joys of His Birth, wanted to be circumcised, so that this, His Wound, might heal the wound that Adam did to himself by doing his own will; and with His Blood, He prepared for him the bath to wash him of all his sins, to fortify him, to embellish him, in such a way to render him worthy to receive again that Divine Will he had rejected that formed his sanctity and his happiness. Child, there was not one work or pain that He suffered which did not seek to reorder again the Divine Will in creatures. Therefore, in all circumstances, even painful and humiliating, may you take to heart doing the Divine Will in everything because they are the raw material in which It hides in order to operate in the creature, so as to let her acquire Its Life acting in the creature. Now, dearest child, in so much sorrow, the most beautiful joy arises, such as to stop Our tears. As He was circumcised, We gave Him the Most Holy Name of Jesus, wanted by the Angel. In pronouncing this Most Holy Name, the joy, the contentment, was such as to sweeten Our sorrow. More so, since in this Name of Jesus all hell trembles; the Angels revere It and It sounds sweet to the Ear of the Celestial Father. Before this Name, all bow down and adore. Powerful Name, Holy Name, Great Name; whoever invokes It with faith will feel the marvels, the miraculous secret of the Virtue of this Most Holy Name. Now, My child, I recommend to you: pronounce this Name, "Jesus" always. When you see that your human will, weak, vacillating, hesitates in doing the Divine, the Name of Jesus will make it arise again for you in the Divine Fiat. If you are oppressed, call upon Jesus; if you work, call upon Jesus; if you sleep, call upon Jesus; and when you wake up, may your first word be "Jesus". Call Him always; it is a Name that contains seas of Grace but that He gives to those who call Him and love Him.

Appendix - Day-Twenty(a) - Visit to St. Elisabeth; Sanctification of John - After several days of travel, finally I arrived in Judea and I hastened to the house of Elisabeth. She came to meet Me in feast. At the greeting I gave her, a marvelous phenomena occurred. My little Jesus exulted in My Womb and fixing on little John in the womb of his mother with the Rays of His Divinity, gave him the use of reason and made known to him that He was the Son of God. And John leaped so vigorously with love and with joy that Elisabeth felt shaken. She too, touched by the Light of the Divinity of My Son, recognized that I had become the Mother of God; and in the emphasis of her love, trembling with gratitude, she exclaimed: Whence comes to me so much honor that the Mother of my Lord should come to me? I did not deny the highest mystery; rather, I humbly confirmed it. Praising God with the song of the Magnificat - sublime canticle through which the Church continuously honors Me - I announced that the Lord had done great things in Me, His Handmaid, and that because of this, all peoples would call Me Blessed. My child, I felt devoured with the desire to pour out the flames of Love that consumed Me and to reveal My secret to Elisabeth who also longed for the Messiah to come upon earth.  A secret is a need of the heart which, irresistibly, is revealed to persons who are capable of understanding each other. Who can ever tell you how much good My visit brought to Elisabeth, to John and to their whole household? Each one remained sanctified, filled with gladness, felt unusal joys and comprehended things unheard-of. And John, in particular, received all the Graces which were necessary for him to prepare himself to be the precursor of My Son. Dearest child, the Divine Will does great and unheard-of things wherever It reigns. If I worked many prodigies, it was because It had Its Royal Place in Me. If you let the Divine Will reign in your soul,you too will become the bearer of Jesus to creatures - you too will feel the irrestible need to give Him to all. 

Day - One- The First Step of the Divine Will in the Immaculate Conception of the Celestial Mama.- You must know that I knew My human will only to keep it sacrificed in homage to My Creator. My Life was all of Divine Will; from the first instant of My Conception, I was molded, warmed and placed into Its Light which purified My human seed with Its Power in such a way that I was conceived without original sin. Therefore, if My Conception was spotless and so glorious as to form the honor of the Divine Family, it was only because the Omnipotent Fiat poured Itself upon My seed and I was conceived pure and holy. So, if the Divine Will had not poured Itself upon My seed more than a tender mother, in order to prevent the effects of original sin, I would have encountered the sad destiny of the other creatures, of being conceived with original sin. Therefore, the primary cause was, entirely, the Divine Will; to It be honor, glory, thanksgiving for My having been conceived without original sin.

Day - Two - The Second Step of the Divine Will in the Queen of Heaven. The First Smile of the Sacrosanct Trinity over Her Immaculate Conception - So, listen to Me, My beloved child. As soon as the Divine Fiat poured Itself over My human seed in order to prevent the sad effects of sin, the Divinity smiled; It put Itself  in Feast in seeing, in My seed, that human seed, pure and holy, just as it came out of Their creative Hands in the Creation of Man. So, the Divine Fiat took the second step in Me, by carrying this human seed of Mine, purified and sanctified by It, before the Divinity, that It might pour out in torrents upon My littleness in the act of being conceived. And the Divinity, recognizing in Me Their creative Work, beautiful and pure, smiled with satisfaction and wanting to celebrate Me, the Celestial Father poured upon Me seas of Power; the Son, seas of Wisdom; the Holy Spirit, seas of Love. So, I was conceived in the interminable Light of the Divine Will; and in the midst of these Divine seas, as My littleness could not contain them, I formed gigantic waves, to send them back as homage of Love and Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. And the Trinity was all eyes upon Me; and so as not to be surprised by Me in Love, smiling at Me and caressing Me, sent Me more seas that embellished Me so much that as soon as My little humanity was formed, I acquired the enrapturing virtue of enrapturing My Creator. And He truly let Himself be enraptured; so much so, that between Me and God it was always Feast. We denied nothing to each Other - I never denied anything to Them nor did They. But do you know who animated Me with this enrapturing Power? The Divine Will which reigned in Me as Life. The Power of the Supreme Being was Mine and therefore, We had equal Power to enrapture each Other.

Day - Three - The Third Step of the Divine Will in the Queen of Heaven. The Smile of all Creation for the Conception of the Celestial Baby. - Listen, My child: As soon as the Divinity smiled and celebrated My Conception, the Supreme Fiat took the third step over My little humanity. Tin, tiny as I was, It endowed Me with Divine Reason; and moving all Creation in Feast, It made Me be recognized by all created things as their Queen. They recognized in Me the Life of the Divine Will and the whole Universe prostrated itself at My feet, though I was tiny and not yet born. And singing My praises, the sun made Feast for Me and smiled with its light; the heavens made Feast for Me with their stars which smiled at Me with their meek and sweet twinkling and offered themselves as refulgent crown over My head; the sea made Feast for Me with its waves, rising and falling peacefully. In sum, there was not one created thing that did not unite itself to the smile and to the Feast of the Sacrosanct Trinity. All accepted My dominion, My rule, My command and they felt honored because, after so many centuries from the time in which Adam had lost the command and the dominion of king by withdrawing from the Divine Will, they found in Me their Queen; and all Creation proclaimed Me Queen of Heaven and earth. My dear child, you must know that when the Divine Will reigns in the soul, It does not know how to do small things - but great. It wants to centralize all of Its Divine Prerogatives in the fortunate creature; and everything that came out of Its Omnipotent Fiat surrounds her and remains obedient to her wishes. What did the Divine Fiat not give to Me? It gave Me everything - Heaven and earth were in My Power; I felt dominator of all and even of My very Creator.

Day - Four - The Fourth Step of the Divine Will in the Queen of Heaven. - The Test. - Child of My Heart, pay attention to Me; It is My Heart of Mother that wants to pour Itself out with Her child. I want to tell you My secrets which, until now, have not been revealed to anyone because the hour of God had not yet been sounded, in which, wanting to bestow surprising Graces upon creatures which He has not conceded in the whole history of the world, He wants to make known the prodigies of the Divine Fiat - what It can operate in the creature if she lets herself be dominated by It. And this is why He wants to place Me in the sight of all, as model since I had the great honor of forming My whole Life of Divine Will. Now, My child, know that as soon as I was conceived and put the Divinity in Feast, Heaven and earth made Feast for Me and recognized Me as their Queen. I remained so identified with My Creator that I felt Myself as the owner in the Divine Dominions. I did not know what separation from My Creator was; that same Divine Will that reigned in Me, reigned in Them and rendered Us inseparable. And while everything was smile and Feast between Me and Them, I could see that They could not trust Me if They did not receive proof. My child, the test is the flag that says victory; the test places all the goods that God wants to give us in safekeeping; the test matures and disposes the soul for gains of great conquests. And I too saw the necessity of this test because I wanted to give proof to My Creator, in exchange for the so many seas of Graces that He had given Me, with an act of My faithfulness which would cost Me the sacrifice of My whole Life. How beautifu it is to be able to say: You  have loved Me, I have loved You - but without the test, it can never be said. Now, know, My child, that the Divine Fiat made known to Me the creation of Man, innocent and holy. For him too everything was happiness; he had command over all Creation and all the elements were obedient to his wishes. Since the Divine Will was reigning in Adam, by virtue of It, he too was inseparable from his Creator. After the so many goods that God had given him, in order to receive the act of faithfulness in Adam, He commanded him not to touch one fruit only, of the many which were there in the terrestrial Eden. This was the proof that God wanted in order to confirm his innocence, sanctity and happiness and to give him the right of command over the whole of Creation. But Adam was not faithful in the test and because he was not faithful, God could not trust him. And so he lost command, innocence and happiness and it can be said that he turned the work of Creation upside down. Now know, child of My Heart, that in knowing the great evils of the human will in Adam and in all his progeny, I, your Mother, though newly conceived, cried bitterly and with hot tears over fallen man. And the Divine Will, in seeing Me cry, asked Me, as proof, to surrender My human will over to It. The Divine Fiat said to Me: I do not ask of You a fruit, as with Adam; no, no - but I ask You for Your will. You will keep it as if You did not have it, under the empire of My Divine Will, which will be Your Life and will feel confident to make of You whatever It wants. So, the Supreme Fiat took the fourth step in My Soul, asking Me for My will as prood, waiting for My Fiat and for My acceptance of such a test.

Day - Five - The Fifth Step of the Divine Will in the Queen of Heaven. The Triumph of the Test - Child most dear to Me, oh! how I yearn to confide My secrets to My child; secrets which will give Me much glory and which will glorify that Divine Fiat which was the primary cause of My Immaculate Conception, of My Sanctity, Sovereignty and Maternity. I owe everything to the Fiat - I know nothing else. All of My sublime prerogatives for which the Holy Church so much honors Me, are nothing other than the effects of that Divine Will which dominated Me, reigned and lived in Me. This is why I yearn so much that What produced in Me so many privileges and admirable effects as to astonish Heaven and earth, be known. Now, listen to Me, dear child: As soon as the Supreme Being asked Me for My human will, I comprehended the grave evil that the human will can do in the creature and how it puts everything in danger, even the most beautiful works of her Creator. The creature, with her human will, is all oscillation, she is weak, inconstant, disordered. And this, because in creating man, God had created him united with His Divine Will as though by nature in such a way that It was to be the strength, the prime motion, the support, the food, the life of the human will. So, by not  giving life to the Divine Will in our own, we reject the goods received from God in Creation and the rights received, by nature, in the act in which we were created. Oh! how well I comprehended the grave offense that is given to God and the evils that pour upon the creature. I had such horror and fear of doing My will - and rightly did I fear because Adam too was created innocent by God and yet, by doing his own will, into how many evils did he not  plunge himself and all generations?  Therefore, I, your Mama, taken by horror, and even more, by love toward My Creator, swore never to do My will. And to be more sure and to better My sacrifice to the One Who had given Me so many seas of Graces and Privileges, I took this human will of Mine and I bound it to the foot of the Divine Throne in continuous homage of Love and sacrifice, promising never to use My will, not even for one instant of My Life but always that of God. My child, to you, perhaps, My sacrifice of living without My will may not seem great; but I tell you that there is no sacrifice similar to Mine - even more, all other sacrifices in the whole history of the world can be called shadows in comparison to Mine. To sacrifice oneself for one day - now yes, now no - is easy; but to sacrifice oneself in each instant, in each act, in the very good that one wants to do for one's entire life, without  evey giving life to one's own will, is the sacrifice of sacrifices, it is the greatest attestation that can be offered and purest Love, filtered through the Divine Will Itself, that can be offered to our Creator, nor can she find how to sacrifice more for her Creator. Now, My most dear child, as soon as I gave the gift of My will to My Creator, I felt triumphant in the test asked of Me and God felt triumphant in My human will. God was waiting for My proof - that is , a soul who would live without will - n order to adjust the balance with mankind and to assume the attitude of clemency and mercy.

Day - Six - The Sixth Step of the Divine Will in the Queen of Heaven. After the Triump in the Test, the Possession. - My child, you must know that the Divinity was assured about Me through the test It wanted - while everyone believes that I did not have any test and that it was enough for God to make the great portent He made of Me, of conceiving Me without original sin. Oh, how they deceive themselves. On the contrary, He asked of Me a proof which He has asked of no one. And He did this with justice and with highest wisdom because, since the Eternal Word was to descend into Me, not only was it not decorous that He find in Me the original sin but it was also not decorous for Him to find in Me a human will operating. It would have been too unseemly for God to descend into a creature in whom reigned the human will. And this is why He wanted from Me, as proof, and for My whole Life, My will, in order to secure the Kingdom of the Divine Will within My Soul. Once He secured this in Me, God could do with Me whatever He wanted; He could give Me anything and I can say that He could  deny Me nothing.  After the triumph in the test, the Divine Fiat took the sixth step in My Soul by having Me take possession of all the Divine properties, as much as it is possible and imaginable for the creature. Everything was Mine -  Heaven and earth and even God Himself, Whose very Will I possessed. I felt I was the possessor of Divine Sanctity of Love, of Beauty, Power, Wisdom and Goodness. I felt I was Queen of everything; nor did I feel a stranger in the house of My Celestial Father. I felt vividly His Paternity and the supreme happiness of being His faithful Daughter. I can say that I grew up on the Paternal Knees of God nor did I know other love or other science but that which My Creator administered to Me. Who can tell you what this Divine Will did in Me? It elevated Me so high, It embellished Me so much, that the very Angels remained mute, nor do they know where to begin to speak about Me.

Day - Seven - The Queen takes the Scepter of Command and the Sacrosanct Trinity constitutes Her It's Secretary. - As I took posssession of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Its steps within Me ended; more so, since these six steps symbolized the six days of Creation: each day, by pronouncing a Fiat, God took as though a step, passing from the creation of one thing to another. On the sixth day, He took the final step, saying: "Fiat - let Us make man in Our Image and Likeness: And on the seventh day, He rested in His Works, as though wanting to enjoy everything He had created with such magnificence. And in His rest, looking at His Works, He said: "How beautiful are My Works - everything is order and harmony."
And fixing upon man, in the ardor of His Love, He added: "But you are the most beautiful - you are the Crown of all Our Works." Now, My creation surpassed all the prodigies of Creation and therefore the Divinity wanted to take with Its Fiat, six steps in Me. As I took possession of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Its steps in Me ended and Its full Life, whole and perfect, began within My Soul; and - oh! at what Divine heights I was placed by the Most High. The heavens could neither reach Me nor contain Me; the light of the sun was small before My Light. No created thing could reach Me. I crossed the Divine seas as if they were My Own; My Celestial Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit longed for Me to be in Their Arms, to enjoy Their little Daughter. And oh! the contentment They felt in feeling that, as I loved Them, prayed Them and adored Their Supreme Height, My Love, My Prayer and Adoration came out from within My Soul, from the center of the Divine Will. They felt, coming out of Me, waves of Love, chaste fragrances, unusual joys, which started from within the Heaven that Their Own Divine Will had formed in My littleness; so much so, that They could not stop repeating: All beautiful, all holy, all pure is Our little Daughter. Her words are chains that bind Us; Her gazes are darts that wound Us; Her heartbeats are arrows that, darting through Us, makes Us go into a delirium of Love. They felt the power, the strength of Their Divine Will coming out of Me which rendered Us inseparable and They called Me, "Our invincible Daughter,Who will obtain victory even over Our Divine Being." Now, listen to Me, My child; the Most Holy Trinity, taken by excess of Love for Me, told Me: Our beloved Daughter, Our Love cannot resist; It feels suffocated if We do not entrust to You Our secrets. Therefore, We elect You Our faithful Secretary; to You We want to entrust Our Sorrows and Our Decrees. At any cost, We want to save man - look how he goes toward the precipice. His rebellious will drags him continuously towards evil. Without the life, the strength and the support of Our Divine Will, he has deviated from the path of his Creator and walks crawling on the earth - weak, ill and full of all vices. But there are no other ways to save him nor other ways out, that for the Eternal Word to descend, take his guise, his miseries, his sins upon Himself; become his brother, conquer him by dint of Love and unheard-of pains and give him so much confidence as to be able to bring him back again into Our Paternal Arms. Oh! how We grieve over the destiny of man. Our Sorrow is great nor could We confide it to anyone because not having a Divine Will to dominate them, they could never comprehend either Our Sorrow or the grave evils of man fallen into sin. To You, Who possesses Our Fiat, is given the ability to comprehend it. Therefore, to You, as Our Own Secretary, We want to unveil Our Secrets and place the scepter of command into Your Hands that You may dominate and take over everything and your dominion may conquer God and men, bringing them to Us as Our children, generated anew in Your Maternal Heart. Who can tell you, dear child, what My Heart felt at this Divine speaking? A vein of intense sorrow opened in Me and I committed Myself, even at the cost of My Life, to conquer God and the creature and to unite them together.

Day - Eight - The Queen receives the Mandate from Her Creator to place in Safety the Destiny of Mankind. - I did nothing other than bring Myself onto the Knees of My Celestial Father. I was little, not yet born; but the Divine Will, Whose Life I possessed, rendered My visits to My Creator accessible to Me. All doors, all ways, were open to Me nor was I fearful or afaid of Them. Only the human will causes fear, apprehension, distrust and puts the poor creature far away from the One Who so much loves her and Who wants to be surrounded by His children. So, if the creature is afraid and fears and does not know how to be as child with her Creator, it is a sign that the Divine Will does not reign in her. And therefore, they are the tortured - the martyred ones of the human will. Therefore, never do your will; do not want to torture and martyr yourself by yourself for this is the most horrible of martyrdoms without support and without strength. Listen to Me: I brought Myself into the Arms of the Divinity; more so, since They awaited Me and made Feast on seeing Me. They loved Me so much that when I would appear, They would pour more seas of Love and Sanctity into My Soul. I do not remember ever having departed from Them without Their adding more surprising gifts for Me. So, while I was in Their Arms, I prayed for mankind; and many times, with tears and sighs, I cried for you, My child and for all. I cried because of your rebellious will, because of your sad lot of seeing yourself reduced to slavery by it, which rendered you unhappy. To see My child unhappy made Me shed bitter tears, to the point of wetting the Hands of My Celestial Father with My crying. And the Divinity, moved by My crying, continued telling Me: Our beloved Daughter, Your  Love binds Us, Your tears extinguish the fire of Divine Justice; Your prayers draw Us toward creatures that We do not know how to resist You. Therefore, We give to You the mandate to place in safety the destiny of mankind. You will be Our Agent in their midst. To you, do We entrust their souls; You will defend Our rights, prejudiced by their sins; You will be in the middle between them and Us, to restore the balance on both sides. We feel in You the invincible strength of Our Divine Will which through You, prays and cries. Who can resist You? Your prayers are commands, Your tears rule over Our Divine Being. Therefore, forward in Your enterprise. Now, My dearest child, My little Heart felt consumed with Love at the loving ways of the Divine speaking; and with all My Love, I accepted Their mandate, saying to Them: Highest Majesty, I am here in Your Arms; dispose of Me in whatever way You want. I will lay down even My Life - and if I had as many lives for as many as are the creatures, I would put them at Your disposal and Yours, to bring them, all safe, into Your Paternal Arms. And without knowing then that I was to be the Mother of the Divine Word, I felt in Me the double Maternity; Maternity towards God to defend His just rights; Maternity towards creatures, to bring them to safety. I felt Myself Mother of all. The Divine Will that reigned in Me and which knows not how to do isolated works, brought God and all creatures from all centuries into Me. In My Maternal Heart, I felt My God offended, wanting to be satisfied and I felt the creatures under the empire of Divine Justice. Oh! how many tears I shed. I wanted to make My tears descend into each heart, to let everyone feel My Maternity, all of Love. I cried for you and for all, My child. Therefore, listen to Me - have pity on My crying. Take My tears in order to extinguish your passions and to make your will lose life. O please! accept My mandate - that you do always the Will of your Creator.

Day- Nine - The Queen is constituted by God Celestial Peacemaker and Bond of Peace between Creator and Creature - Child of My Maternal Heart, do not fear, I will never forget you. On the contrary, if you always do the Divine Will and live in Its Kingdom, We will be inseparable, I will always carry you clasped in My Hand, to lead you and be your guide in order to teach you how to live in the Supreme Fiat. Therefore, banish fear; in It everything is peace and security. The human will is the disturber of souls and puts in danger the most beautiful works, the holiest things. Everything is unsafe in it; sanctity, virtues and even the salvation of the soul are in danger; and the characteristic of one who lives of human will is volubility. Who could ever trust one who lets herself be dominated by the human will? No one - neither God nor man. She looks like those empty reeds that turn at every blow of wind. Therefore, dearest child of Mine, if a blow of wind wants to render you inconstant, plunge yourself into the sea of the Divine Will and come to hide on the lap of your Mama that I may render you firm and confident along the path of Its Divine Kingdom. Now, My child, follow Me before the Supreme Majesty and listen to me, With My rapid flights, I would reach Their Divine Arms and upon arriving, I would feel Their overflowing Love which, like mighty waves, covered Me with Their Love. Oh!! how beautiful it is to be loved by God. In this Love, one feels happiness, sanctity, infinte joys and one feels so embellished that God Himself feels enraptured by the striking beauty He infuses in the creature in loving her. I wanted to imitate Them, and, though little, I did not want to remain behind Their Love. So, from the waves of Love They had given Me, I would form My waves in order to cover My Creator with My Love. In doing this, I would smile because I knew that My Love could never cover  the immensity of Their Love. But in spite of this, I would try and My innocent smile would arise on My lips. The Supreme Being would smile, making Feast and amusing Himself with My littleness. Now, in the middle of Our loving stratagems. I remembered the painful state of My human family upon earth, for I too was of their offspring - and how I grieved and prayed that the Eternal Word would descend and put a remedy to it. And I would say this with such tenderness as to reach the point of changing smile and Feast into crying. The Most High was so moved by My tears, more so, since they were the tears of a little one; and pressing Me to the Divine Bosom, They dried My tears and said to Me: Daughter, do not cry, pluck up courage. Into Your hands We have placed the destiny of mankind; We gave You the mandate, and now, to console You more, We make of You the Peacemaker between Us and the human family. So, to You is given to reconcile us. The Power of Our Will that reigns in You compels Us to give the Kiss of Peace to poor humanity, decayed and unsafe.

Day - Ten - Dawn that rises to put to Flight the Night of the Human Will. - Her Glorious Birth - Child of My Heart, My Birth was prodigious; no other birth can be said to be similar to Mine. I enclosed within Myself the Heaven, the Sun of the Divine Will and also the earth of My humanity - but a blessed and holy earth that enclosed the most beautiful flowerings. And even though I was just newly born, I enclosed the prodigy of prodigies: the Divine Will reigning in Me, which enclosed in Me a Heaven more beautiful, a Sun more refulgent than those of Creation of which I was also Queen, as well as a sea of Graces without boundaries that constantly murmured: Love, Love to My Creator. Therefore, My Birth was the true dawn that puts to flight the night of the human will; and as I kept growing, I formed the daybreak and called for the brightest daylight, to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise over the earth. My child, come into My Cradle to listen to your tiny little Mama. As soon as I was born, I opened My eyes to see this low world, to go in search of all My children in order to enclose them in My Heart, give them My Maternal Love and, regenerating them to the new life of Love of which I was the possessor. I wanted to act as Queen and as Mother, enclosing everyone in My Heart, to place everyone in safety and give them the great gift of the Divine Kingdom. In My Heart, I had a place for everyone because for one who possesses the Divine Will there are no constraints but infinite expanses. Therefore, I looked also at you, My child - no one escaped Me. And since on that day everyone celebrated My Birth, it was also Feast for Me. But upon opening My eyes to the light, I had the sorrow of seeing the creatures in the thick night of the human will. Oh! In what an abyss of darkness the creature who lets herself be dominated by her will finds herself enwrapped. It is the true night - but a night with no stars; at most a few fleeting lightnings which are easily followed by thunders which, in roaring, thicken the darkness even more and unload the storm over the poor creature - storm of fears, of weaknesses, of dangers, of falling into evil. My little Heart remained pierced in seeing My children in this horrible storm in which the night of the human will had overwhelmed them. Now, listen to your little Mama: I am still in the Cradle, I am little; look at My tears that I shed for you. Everytime you do your will, it is a night that you form for yourself; and if you knew how much this night harms you, you would cry with Me. It makes you lose the light of the day of the Holy Will, it turns you upside down, it paralyzes you to good, it breaks true Love in you and you remain like a poor ill one, who lacks the necessary things to get well. Ah! My child, dear child, listen to Me; never do your will; give Me your word that you will make your tiny little Mama content.

Day - Eleven - In the first days of Her Life down here, forms a Most Refulgent Daybreak to make the longed for Day of Light and of Grace rise in the Hearts - My Cradel was surrounded by Angels Who competed among Themselves in singing lullabies to Me, as Their Sovereign Queen. And since I was endowed with reason and with science, infused in Me by My Creator, I did My first duty to adore, with My intelligence and also with My babbling little voice of a baby, the Most Adorable Trinity. And the ardor of My Love for a Majesty so Holy was so great that, feeling Myself languishing, I was delirious for wanting to be in the Arms of the Divinity, to receive Their Embraces and to give Them My Own. And so the Angels, for Whom My desires were commands, picked Me up and carrying Me brought Me into the loving Arms of My Celestial Father. Oh! with how much Love They awaited Me. I was coming from the exile and the brief pauses of separation between Me and Them were the cause of new fires of Love; they were new gifts that They prepared for Me, to give them to Me; and I would find new devices to ask for pity and mercy for My children who, living in the exile, were under the lash of Divine Justice. 
And dissolving Myself  all in Love, I said to Them: Adorable Trinity, I feel happy - I feel Myself Queen, nor do I know what unhappiness and slavery is. On the contrary, because of Your Will reigning in Me, the joys, the happinesses are so great and so many that, little as I am, I cannot embrace them all. But in so much happiness, there is a vein of intense bitterness in My little Heart. I feel in It My children unhappy, slave to their rebellious will. Have pity, Holy Father - have pity. O please! make My happiness whole - make happy these unhappy children, whom I carry, more than Mother, within My Maternal Heart. Let the Divine Word descend upon earth and everything will be granted. And I will not come down off Your Paternal Kness if You do not give Me the Deed of Grace, that I may bring to My children the good news of their Redemption. The Divinity was moved at My prayers and filling Me with new gifts, They said to Me: Return to the exile and continue Your prayers. Extend the Kingdom of Our Will in all Your Acts for at the appropriate time, We will make You content. But They did not tell Me either when or where He would descend. So I would depart from Heaven only to do the Divine Will. This was the most heroic sacrifice for Me but I did it gladly, so that the Divine Will alone might have full dominion over Me.

Day - Twelve - The Queen leaves the Cradle, takes Her first Steps and with Her childlike Acts, calls God to descend upon Earth and calls the Creatures to live in the Divine Will - Now, listen to Me: I departed from Heaven only to do the Will of the Eternal One; and even though I had My Heaven within Me - which was the Divine Will - and I was inseparable from My Creator, yet I enjoyed being in the Celestial Fatherland. More so since, the Divine Will being in Me, I felt My rights as Daughter to be with Them, to let Myself be rocked as a tiny one in Their Paternal Arms, to participate in all the joys and happiness, riches and sanctity which They possessed for as much as I could take of Them and to fill Myself so much as to be unable to contain any more. And the Supreme Being enjoyed in seeing that, without fear, but rather, with highest Love, I filled Myself with Their Goods; nor was I surprised that They would let Me take whatever I wanted. I was Their Daughter - One was the Will which animated Us; whatever They wanted, I wanted as well. So, I felt that the properties of My Celestial Father were Mine. The only difference is that I was little and could not embrace or take all Their Goods; as many as I would take, so many were left, that I had no capacity to contain Them because I was always a creature; while the Divinity was great - immense and in one single Act embraced everything. But, in spite of this, at the moment They would let Me understand that I was to deprive Myself of Their Celestial Joys and of the Chaste Embraces which We gave each Other; I would depart from Heaven without hesitation and would return to the midst of My dear parents. They loved Me very much; I was all lovable, striking, cheerful and filled with childlike Grace such as to captivate their affection for Me. They were all attentive over Me - I was their  jewel. When they took Me in their arms, they felt unusual things and a Divine Life palpitating in Me. Now, child of My Heart, you must know that as My Life down here began, the Divine Will extended Its Kingdom in all My Acts. So, My prayers, My words, My steps, the food, the sleep I took, the little tasks with which I helped My mother were animated by the Divine Will. And since I have always carried you in My Heart, I called you as My child in all My Acts. I called your acts to be together with Mine, so that also in your acts, even indifferent ones, the Kingdom of the Divine Will might extend. Listen to how much I have loved you; if I prayed, I called your prayer into Mine so that yours and Mine might receive the same value and power - the value and the power of a Divine Will. If I spoke, I called your word; If I walked, I called your steps; and if I did the little human actions, indispensible to the human nature - such as taking water, sweeping, helping My mother by handing wood to her in order to start the fire and many other similar things - I called thse same acts of yours that they might receive the value of a Divine Will; and so that, both in Mine and in yours, Its Kingdom might extend. And while calling you in each of My Acts, I called the Divine Word to descend upon earth.

Day - Thirteen - The Queen departs for the Temple and gives the example of total Triumph in the Sacrifice - Now, My child, listen to Me: I had just turned three years old when My parents made known to Me that they wanted to consecrate Me to the Lord in the Temple. My Heart rejoiced in hearing this - that is, consecrating Myself and spending My years in the house of God. But beneath My joy there was a sorrow - a privation of the dearest persons one can have on earth, which were My dear parents. I was little, I needed their maternal cares; I was depriving Myself of the presence of two great saints. Moreover, I saw that as the day approached on which they were to deprive themselves of Me, Who rendered their lives full of joy and happiness, they felt such bitterness as to feel themselves dying. But, through suffering, they were disposed to make the heroic act of taking Me to the Lord. My parents loved Me in the order of God and considered Me a great gift, given to them by the Lord; and this gave them the strength to suffer the painful sacrifice. Therefore, My child, if you want to have invincible strength to suffer the hardest pains, let all your things be in the order of God and hold them as precious gifts given to you by God. Now, you must know that I prepared Myself with courage for My departure for the Temple because as I delivered My will to the Divine Being and the Supreme Fiat took possession of My whole Being, I acquired all Virtues as My Own nature. I was dominator of Myself; all Virtues were in Me like many noble princesses and according to the circumstances of My Life, they promptly showed themselves, to do their office without any resistance. In vain, would they have called Me Queen, had I not possessed the Virtue of being Queen over Myself. Therefore, I had in My dominion perfect Charity, invincible Patience, enrapturing Sweetness, profound Humility and the whole endowment of the other Virtues. The Divine Will rendered My little earth of My Humanity fortunate, always flowery and without the thorns of vices. Do you see then, dear child, what it means to live of Divine Will? Its Light, Its Sanctity and Power convert all Virtues into one's nature; nor does It lower Itself to reign in a soul where there is a rebellious nature - no, no. It is Sanctity and it wants the nature in which It must reign to be ordered and holy. Therefore, by the sacrifice of going to the Temple, it was conquests that I made; and over the sacrifice, the triumph of a Divine Will was formed in Me. And these triumphs brought into Me new seas of Grace, of Sanctity and of Light - to the extent of feeling happy in My pains, in order to be able to conquer new triumphs.

Day - Fourteen - The Queen of Heaven arrives at the Temple, Her Dwelling and makes Herself Model for Souls consecrated to the Lord. -  Now, pay attention to Me and listen. I left the house of Nazareth accompanied by My holy parents. Upon leaving it, I wanted to give one last glance to that little house in which I was born, to thank My Creator for having given Me a place in which to be born and to leave it in the Divine Will, so that My childhood and so many dear memories - since, being full of reason, I comprehended everything - might all be kept in the Divine Will and deposited in It as pledges of My Love toward the One Who had created Me...Now, while I left everything in the Divine Fiat, since It reigned in Me and never left Me for one instant of My Life, I carried It as though in triumph within My Soul, and oh! prodigies of the Divine Will - with Its preserving Virtue, It remained the order of all My Acts, small and great, as though in Act within Me, as Its triumph and Mine. So, I never lost memory of a single Act of Mine; and this gave Me so much glory and honor that I felt Queen because each of My Acts done in the Divine Will was more than sun and I was studded with Light, with happiness, with joys. The Divine Will brought Me Its Paradise. My child, to live of Divine Will should be desire, the yearning and the passion of all, so great is the beauty that one acquires and the good that one feels. The complete opposite for the human will; it has the virtue of embittering the poor creature; it oppresses her, it forms the night and she gropes her way, always staggering in good and many times she loses the memory of the little good she has done. Now, My child, I departed from My paternal house with courage and detachment because I looked only at the Divine Will in which I kept My Heart fixed; and this was enough for Me in everything. But while I was walking to the Temple, I looked at all Creation, and - oh! marvel, I felt the heartbeat of the Divine Will in the sun, in the wind, in the stars, in the heavens; even under My steps I felt It palpitating. And the Divine Fiat that reigned in Me commanded all Creation, which concealed It like a veil, to all bow to Me, the honor of Queen. And all bowed, giving Me signs of subjection. Even the tiny little flower of the field did not spare itself from giving Me its little homage. I put everything in feast, and when, out of necessity, I would go out of the house, the Creation would place Itself in the act of giving Me signs of honor and I was forced to command them to remain in their place and to follow the order of our Creator.

Day - Fifteen - Continuing on the same Topic - Her Life in the Temple - Now listen to Me, My child: I arrived at the Temple only to live of Divine Will; My holy parents delivered Me to the Superiors of the Temple, consecrating Me to the Lord; and while they were doing so, I was dressed up in a festal manner and hymns and prophecies were sung which regarded the future Messiah. Oh! how My Heart rejoiced. Afterwards, with courage, I said good-bye to My dear and holy parents; I kissed their right hands and I thanked them for the care they took of My childhood and for having consecrated Me to the Lord with so much love and sacrifice. My peaceful presence, without crying and courageous, infused so much courage in them, that they had the strength to leave Me and to depart from Me. The Divine Will ruled over Me  and extended Its Kingdom in all those Acts of Mine. Oh! power of the Fiat- you alone could give Me the heroism, though I was so little, to have the strength to detach Myself from those who loved Me so much and whom I saw their hearts break separating from Me. Now, My child, listen to Me; I enclosed Myself in the Temple; and the Lord wanted it so, that I might extend the Kingdom of the Divine Will in My Acts which I was to do in It, so as to let Me prepare the ground with My human acts and the Heaven of the Divine Will which was to be formed over this ground, for all souls consecrated to the Lord. I was most attentive to all the duties which were usually done in that holy place. I was peaceful with everyone nor did I ever cause any bitterness or bother to anyone. I submitted Myself to the most humble tasks; I found no difficulty in anything., either in sweeping or in doing dishes. Any sacrifice was an honor - a triumph for Me. But do you want to know why? I looked at nothing - everything was Will of God for Me. So, the little bell that called Me was the Fiat; I would hear the mysterious sound of the Divine Will which called Me in the sound of the little bell and My Heart would rejoice and run to go wherever the Fiat was calling Me. My rule was the Divine Will and I saw My Superiors as the ones who imparted the commands of a Will so Holy. Therefore, for Me, the little bell, the rule, the Superiors and My actions, even the  most humble ones, were joys and feasts which the Divine Fiat prepared for Me; and extending Itself also outside of Me, It called Me to extend Its Will in order to form Its Kingdom in the smallest of My Acts. And I acted like the sea which hides everything it possesses and lets nothing but water be seen. So I did; I hid everything in the immense sea of the Divine Fiat; I saw nothing but seas of Divine Will and therefore all things brought Me joys and feasts. Ah! My child, you and all souls ran within My Acts.I could to nothing without My child; It was precisely for My children that I prepared the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Ah! if all the souls consecrated to the Lord in holy places would make everything disappear in the Divine Will, how happy they would be, converting the communities into many celestial families and populating the earth with many holy souls. But, alas, with the sorrow of Mother, I must say: how many bitternesses, disturbances and discords are not there? - while sanctity is not in the office given to them but in doing the Divine Will in whatever office that might be entrusted to them, for It is the peacemaker of souls, strength and support in the hardest sacrifices.

Day- Sixteen - The Queen continues Her Life in the Temple and forms the New Day to make the Refulgent Sun of the Divine Word rise upon Earth - Now pay attention to Me and listen to your Mama Who wants to share Her fortune with you, I continued My Life in the Temple but Heaven was not closed to Me; I could go there as many times as I wanted - I had free passage to ascend and descend. In Heaven, I had My Divine Family and I burned and longed to be with Them. The very Divinity awaited Me with great Love in order to converse with Me, to be happy and to make Me more happy, more beautiful, more dear in Their Eyes. After all, They had not created Me to keep Me far away -no, no. They wanted to enjoy Me as Their Daughter; They wanted to hear Me - how My words, animated by the Fiat, had the power to put peace bewteen God and creatures. They loved to be won by Their little Daughter and to hear Me repeat to Them: "Descend - let the Word descend upon earth". I can say that the very Divinity would call Me and I would run - I would fly into Their midst. Since I had never done My human will, My Presence requited Them of the Love and the Glory of the great Work of all Creation and therefore, They entrusted to Me the secret of the history of mankind. And I prayed and prayed again for peace to come between God and man.  Now, My child, you must know that the human will alone closed Heaven and therefore, it was not given to man to penetrate into those Celestial regions or to have a familiar relationship with his Creator. On the contrary, the human will had cast him away from the One Who had created him. As soon as man withdrew from the Divine Will, he became fearful, timid; he lost the dominion of himself and of the whole Creation. All the elements, because they were dominated by the Fiat, had remained superior to him and could do harm to him. Man was afraid of everything; and do you think it is trivial, My child, that the one who had been created as King, dominator of everything, reached the point  of being afraid of the One Who had created him? It is strange, My child, and I would say almost against nature, that a child would be afraid of his father; while it is according to nature that, as one generates, Love and Trust between father and child are also generated. This can be called the Primary inheritance that is due to the child and the Primary right that is due to the father. So, by doing his will, Adam lost the Inheritance of his Father; he lost his Kingdom and rendered himself the laughing stock of all created things. My child, listen to your Mother and ponder well the great evil of the human will. It removes the eyes of the soul and make her become blind in such a way that everything is darkness and fear for the poor creature. Therefore, place your hand upon your heart and swear to your Mama that you would rather die than do your will. I, by never doing My will, had no fear of My Creator. And how could I be afraid if He loved Me so much? And the Kingdom extended so much within Me, that with My Acts, I kept forming the full day to make the new sun of the Eternal Word rise upon earth. And as I saw that the day was being formed, I increased My supplications to obtain the longed-for day of peace between Heaven and earth.

Day - Seventeen - Leaves the Temple. Marriage with Saint Joseph. Divine Mirror to which She calls to reflect themselves, all those who are called by God to the Marital State. - Now, listen My child, in this step of My Life, in appearance it seemed that God wanted to put Me in a trial. I had never loved anyone in the world and since the Divine Will extended through My whole Being, My human will never had one act of life; therefore, the seed of human love was missing in Me. How could I love a man in the human order, as great a Saint he might be? It is true that I loved everyone and that My Love toward all was so great, that My Love as Mother had inscribed them in My Maternal Heart, one by one, with indelible characters of fire. But this was all in the order of Divine Love; and human love, compared to the Divine, can be called shadows, shadings - atoms of love. Yet, My child, what in appeatance seemed to be a trial and as though strange for the sanctity of My Life, God used in an admirable way in order to fulfill His Designs and to grant Me the Grace which I so much longed for - that is, the descent of the Word upon earth. God gave Me the safeguard, the defense, the help, so that no one could talk about Me - about My honesty. Saint Joseph was to be the cooperator, the tutor, who was to take care of that part of the human which We needed, as well as the shadow of the Celestial Paternity in which our little Celestial Family on earth was to be formed. So, in spite of My surprise, immediately I said: "Fiat", knowing that the Divine Will would not harm Me or prejudice My Sanctity. Oh! had I wanted to put one act of My human will, even in the aspect of wanting to know no man, I would have sent to ruin the plans of the coming of the Word upon earth. Therefore, it is not the diversity of states that prejudices sanctity but the lack of Divine Will and of the fulfillment of one's desires to which God calls the creature. All states are holy, marriage also, as long as the Divine Will is present in them, as well as the exact sacrifice of one's duties. But the great part are indolent and lazy and not only do they not make themselves saints but they make of their state, some a purgatory and some a hell. So, as I learned that I was to leave the Temple, I did not say a word to anyone, waiting for God Himself to move the external circumstances to make Me fulfill His adorable Will, as indeed it happened. The Superiors of the Temple called Me and said that it was their will and also the custom of those times, that I prepare Myself for marriage. I accepted. Miraculously, among many, the choice fell upon Saint Joseph; and so the marriage was formed and I left the Temple. Therefore, I pray you, child of My Heart, that in all circumstances you take to heart the Divine Will alone, if you want the Divine Designs to be accomplished over you.

Day Eighteen - Heaven and earth are about to exchange the Kiss of Peace. The Divine Hour is near. - Now, My dear child, listen to Me: I departed from the Temple with the same courage with which I entered It and only to do the Divine Will. I went to Nazareth and I no longer found My dear and holy parents. I went accompanied by Saint Joseph and in him I saw My good angel whom God had given Me for My custody, though I had cohorts of Angels Who accompanied Me on the journey. All created things made bows of honor for Me; and I thanking them, gave each created thing My kiss and My greeting as Queen. And so we arrived at Nazareth. Now, you must know that Saint Joseph and I looked at each other with modesty and we felt our hearts swollen because each one wanted to let the other know that we were bound to God with a vow of perennial virginity. Finally, silence was broken and we both manifested our vow. Oh! how happy we felt; and thanking the Lord, we protested to live together as brother and sister. I was most attentive in serving him; we looked at each other with veneration and the dawn of peace reigned in our midst. Oh! if all would reflect themselves in Me by imitating Me...I adapted Myself very much to the ordinary life; I let nothing appear outside of the great seas of Grace that I possessed. Now, listen to Me, My child: in the house of Nazareth, I felt ignited more than ever and I prayed that the Divine Word would descend upon earth. The Divine Will, which reigned in Me, did nothing but invest all My Acts with light, with beauty, with sanctity, with power. I felt It was forming the Kingdom of  Light within Me - but a Light that constantly arises; the Kingdom of beauty, sanctity and power that always grows. So, all the Divine qualities which the Divine Fiat extended within Me with Its reigning, brought Me fecundity. The Light that invaded Me was so great that My very humanity would remain so embellished and invested by this Sun of the Divine Will that It would do nothing but produce Celestial flowers. I felt Heaven lowering Itself down to Me and the earth of My humanity rising; and Heaven and earth embraced, reconciled, to exchange the kiss of Peace and of Love. The earth disposed itself to produce the seed in order to form the Just One, the Holy One and Heaven opened to let the Word descend into this seed. I would do nothing but descend and ascend to My Celestial Fatherland and throw Myself into the Paternal Arms of My Celestial Father, saying to Him with the Heart: Holy Father, I cannot endure any longer - I feel enflamed; and while I burn, I feel a powerful stength within Me that wants to conquer You. With the chains of My Love, I want to bind You in order to disarm You that You may delay no more; but upon the wings of My Love, I want to carry the Divine Word from Heaven to earth. And I prayed and cried that He would listen to Me. And the Divinity, conquered by My tears and prayers, assured Me by saying to Me: Daughter, Who can resist You? You have won; the Divine Hour is near. Return to the earth and continue your acts in the Power of My Volition, and by These, all will be shaken and Heaven and earth will exchange the kiss of peace. But, in spite of this, I did not know that I was to be the Mother of the Eternal Word. Now, dear child, listen to Me and comprehend what it means to live of Divine Will. By living of It, I formed Heaven and Its Divine Kingdom in My Soul. Had I not formed this Kingdom within Me, the Word could never have descended from Heaven to earth. If He descended, it was because He descended into His Own Kingdom which the Divine Will had formed in Me. He found in Me His Kingdom, His Divine Joys; nor would the Word ever have descended into a foreign kingdom - ah, no, no. First, He wanted to form His Kingdom in Me and then descend as victorious into His Kingdom. Not only this, but by living always of Divine Will, I acquired by Grace that which in God is by nature: the Divine Fecundity, in order to form, without the work of a man, the seed to let the Humanity of the Eternal Word germinate from Me. What can the Divine Will operating in a creature not do? Everything, and all possible and imaginable Goods. Therefore, may you take to heart that everything be Divine Will in you, if you want to imitate your Mama and make Me content and happy.

Day Nineteen - The Doors of Heaven are open, the Sun of the Eternal Word places Himself on the lookout. He sends His Angel to tell the Virgin that the Hour of God has come. - Now, child of My Heart, pay attention to Me and listen: several days before the descent of the Eternal Word upon earth, I could see Heaven opened and the Sun of the Divine Word at Its doors, as though to look out for the one upon whom He was to take His flight, to render Himself Celestial Prisoner of a creature. Oh! how beautiful it was to see Him at the doors of Heaven, as though on the lookout and to spy the fortunate creature who was to host her Creator! The Sacrosanct Trinity no longer looked at the earth as alien to Them because there was little Mary Who by possessing the Divine Will, had performed the Divine Kingdom in which He could descend safely, as in His Own dwelling in which He would find Heaven and the many suns of the many Acts of Divine Will done in My Soul. The Divinity overflowed with Love and removing the mantle of Justice which, for so many centuries, They had kept with creatures, They covered Themselves with the mantle of Infinite Mercy and decreed among Themselves the descent of the Word and were in act of sounding the hour of fulfillment. At this sound, Heaven and earth were astounded and all stood at attention, to be spectators of such a great excess of Love and a prodigy so unheard-of. Your Mama felt ignited with Love and echoing the Love of My Creator, I wanted to form one single sea of Love, so that the Word might descend upon earth within it. My prayers were incessant and while I was praying in My little room, an Angel came, sent from Heaven as messenger of the great King. He came before Me and bowing, He hailed Me: Hail, O Mary, Our Queen; the Divine Fiat has filled You with Grace. He has already pronounced His Fiat - that He wants to descend; He s already behind My shoulders but He wants Your Fiat to form  the fulfillment of His Fiat. At such a great announcement, so much desired by Me - although I had never thought I would be the Chosen One - I was stupefied and hesitated one instant. But the Angel of the Lord told Me: "Do not fear, Our Queen, for You have found Grace before God. You have conquered Your Creator; therefore, to complete the Victory - pronounce Your Fiat". I pronounced My Fiat, and - Oh! marvel - the two Fiats fused together and the Divine Word descended into Me. My Fiat, which was endowed with the same value as the Divine Fiat, from the seed of My humanity, formed the tiny little Humanity Who was to enclose the Word; and the great prodigy of the Incarnation was accomplished. Oh! Power of the Supreme Fiat - You raised Me so high as to render Me powerful, to the point of being able to create within Me that Humanity that was to enclose the Eternal Word, Whom Heaven and earth could not contain. The heavens were shaken and all of Creation assumed the attitude of Feast; and exulting with joy, they peeked over the little house of Nazareth, to give homages to the Creator made Man; and in their mute language, they said: Oh! prodigy of prodigies which only a God could do. Immensity has made Itself little, power has rendered Itself powerless, His unreachable height has lowered Itself deep into the abyss of the Womb of a Virgin and at the same time, He is little and Immense, Powerful and powerless, Strong and weak. My dear child, you cannot conprehend what your Mama experienced in the Act of the Incarnation of the Word. All pressed upon Me and awaited My Fiat, I could say, omnipotent. Now, dear child, listen to Me: how much you should take to heart doing the Divine Will and living of It. My Power still exists - let Me pronounce My Fiat over your soul. But in order to do this, I want your own. A true good cannot be done with one alone; the greatest works are always done between two. God Himself did not want to do it on His Own but wanted Me together with Him to form the great prodigy of the Incarnation; and in My Fiat and in His, the Life of the Man-God was formed, the destiny of mankind was restored; Heaven was no longer closed; all Goods were enclosed between the two Fiats. Therefore, let us pronounce them together: "Fiat, Fiat" and My Maternal Love will enclose in you the Life of the Divine Will.

Day - Twenty - The Virgin, Heaven studded with Stars - In this Heaven, the Sun of the Divine Fiat blazes with Its Most Refulgent Rays and fills Heaven and earth. Jesus in the Womb of His Mama - Now listen to Me, child of My Heart: as soon as the little Humanity of Jesus was formed in My Womb by the power of the Divine Fiat, the Sun of the Eternal Word incarnated Himself in It. I had My Heaven formed by the Fiat, all studded with most refulgent stars which glittered with joys, beatitudes, harmonies of Divine  beauty; and the Sun of the Eternal Word, blazing with inaccesible Light, came to take His place within this Heaven, hidden in His little Humanity. And since His little Humanity could not contain Him, the center of this Sun remained in It but Its light overflowed outside and investing Heaven and earth, It reached every heart. And with Its pounding of Light, It knocked at each creature and with voices of penetrating Light, It said to them: My children, open to Me, give Me a place in your hearts. I have descended from Heaven to earth in order to form My Life in each of you. My Mother is the Center  where I reside and all of My children will be the circumference in which I want to form so many of My Lives for as many as are My children. And the Light knocked and knocked again without ever ceasing and the little Humanity of Jesus moaned, cried, agonized and within that Light which reached into the hearts, He made flow His tears, His moans and His pangs of Love and of Sorrow. Now, you must know that a new life began for your Mama. I was aware of everything that My Son was doing. I saw Him devoured by seas of flames of Love; each one of His Heartbeats, Breaths and Pains were seas of Love that He unleashed, enveloping all creatures to make them His Own by force of Love and of Sorrow. In fact, you must know that as His little Humanity was conceived, He conceived all the pains He was to suffer, up to the last day of His Life. He enclosed all souls within Himself, because as God, no one could escape Him. His Immensity enclosed all creatures, His All-seeingness made them all present to Him. Therefore, My Jesus, My Son, felt the weight and the burden of all the sins of each creature. And I, your Mama, followed Him in everything and felt within My Maternal Heart the new generation of the pains of My Jesus and the new generation of all the souls whom , as Mother, together with Jesus I was to generate to Grace, to Light, to the new Life which My dear Son came to bring upon earth.. My child, you must know that from the moment I was conceived, I loved you as Mother, I felt you in My Heart, I burned with Love for you but I did not understand why. The Divine Fiat made Me do facts but would keep the secret hidden from Me. But as He incarnated Himself, he revealed the secret to Me and I comprehended the fecundity of My Maternity - that I was to be not only Mother of Jesus but Mother of all; and this Maternity was to be formed on the stake of Sorrow and of Love. My child, how much I have loved you and I love you. Now, listen to Me, dear child - what extent one can reach, when the Divine Will takes  operating Life in the creature and the human will lets It work without impeding Its step. This Fiat, which by nature possesses the generative Virtue, generates all Goods in the creature; It renders her fecund, giving her maternity over all, over all goods and over the One Who created her. Maternity says and means true Love, heroic Love, Love that is content with dying to give Life to the one it has generated. If this is not there, the word maternity is sterile, is empty and is reduced to words but does not exist with facts. Therefore, if you, My child, want the generation of all Goods, let the Fiat take operating Life in you which will give you the maternity and you will love everyone with Love of Mother. And I, your Mama, will teach you how to fecundate in you this Maternity, all Holy and Divine.

Day - Twenty - one - Rising Sun. Full Midday. The Eternal Word in our Midst - My child, the little Humanity of Jesus kept growing, united hypostatically with the Divinity. Ny Maternal Womb was so very narrow, dark - there was not even a glimmer of light. And I could see Him in My Maternal Womb, immobile, enveloped in a deep night. but you do know what formed this darkness, so intense, for the Infant Jesus? The human will in which man had voluntarily enveloped himself; and for as many sins as he committed, so many abysses of darkness he formed around and within himself in such a way that it rendered him immobile to doing good. And My dear Jesus, in order to put to flight the darkness of this night so deep, in which man had rendered himself the prisoner of his own tenebrous will, to the point of losing the motion of doing good, chose the sweet prison of His Mama and , voluntarily exposed Himself to the immobility of nine months. My child, if you knew how martyred was My Maternal Heart in seeing little Jesus in My little Womb, immobile, crying, sighing... His ardent heartbeat palpitated so very strongly; fidgeting with Love, He made His Heartbeat heard in every heart, to ask them - for pity's sake - for their souls, so as to enclose them in the Light of His Divinity because for Love of them, He had voluntarily exchanged Light for darkness so that all might obtain true Light in order to reach safety. My dearest child, who can tell you what My little Jesus suffered in My Womb? Unheard-of and indescribable pains. He was endowed with full reason - He was God and Man; and His Love was so great that He put as though aside the infinite seas of joy, of happiness, of light and plunged His tiny Humanity into the seas of darkness, of bitternesses, of unhappiness, of miseries which creatures had prepared for Him. And little Jesus took them all upon His shoulders as if they were His Own. My child, true Love never says "enough". It does not look at the pains and by dint of pains it searches for the loved one; and when it lays down its life to give life back to the beloved - then is it content... Now listen, My child: little Jesus, in spasms of Love, is in the act of taking the step to come out to the light of the day. His yearnings, His ardent sighs and desires for He wants to embrace the creature, to make Himself seen and to look at her in order to enrapture her to Himself. And just as one day He put Himself on the lookout at the doors of Heaven in order to enclose Himself in My Womb, so is He now in the act of putting Himself on the lookout at the doors of My Womb, which is more than Heaven. So, there will be night no longer for the poor creature nor dawn nor daybreak - but always sunshine, more than at the fullness of midday. Your Mama felt She could no longer contain Him within Herself. Seas of Light and of Love inundated Me; and just as I conceived Him within a sea of Light, so within a sea of Light He came out of My Maternal Womb. Dear child, for one who lives of Divine Will, everything is Light and everything converts into Light. Enraptured in this Light, I awaited to embrace My little Jesus in My Arms and as He came out of My Womb, I heard His first loving wailings. The Angel of the Lord placed Him in My Arms and I pressed Him so very tightly to My Heart and gave Him My first Kiss and little Jesus gave Me His.

Day - Twenty - two - Little King Jesus is born - The Angels point to Him and call the Shepherds to adore Him. Heaven and earth exult and the Sun of the Eternal Word, following Its course, dispels the Night of Sin and gives rise to the Full Day of Grace. The Home of Bethlehem - Now, child of My Heart, while you are all intent on longing for the little  Child Jesus, pay attention and listen to Me. You must know that it was midnight when the little Newborn King came out of My Maternal Womb. But the night turned into day; He, Who was the Lord of Light, put to flight the night of the human will, the night of sin, the night of all evils; and as the sign of what He was doing in the order of souls, with His Omnipotent Fiat, the midnight turned into the most refulgent daylight. All created things ran to sing praise to their Creator in that little Humanity. The sun ran to give its first kisses of light to little Baby Jesus and to warm Him with its heat; the ruling wind, with its waves, purified the air of the stable and with its sweet moaning said to Him: "I love you"; the heavens were shaken from their very foundations; the earth exulted and trembled down to the abyss; the sea roared with its gigantic waves. In sum, all created things recognized that their Creator was now in their midst and they all competed in singing His praises. The very Angels, forming Light in the air with their melodious voices which could be heard by all, said: "Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will. The Celestial Baby is now born in the grotto of Bethlehem, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes..." - so much so, that the shepherds who were in vigil, listened to the angelic voics and ran to visit the little Divine King. My dear child, continue to listen to Me. As I received Him into My Arms and gave Him My first kiss, I felt the need of Love to give something of My Own to My Baby Son; and offering Him My breast, I gave Him abundant milk - milk formed in My Person by the Divine Fiat Itself in order to nourish little King Jesus...Then I wrapped Him in poor but clean little clothes and I placed Him in the manger. This was His Will and I could not do without executing It. But before this, I shared Him with dear Saint Joseph, placing Him in his arms; and oh! how he rejoiced...And what did the Celestial little Child do in the manger? A continuous Act of the Will of Our Celestial Father, which was also His; and emitting moans and sighs, He wailed, cried and called to everyone, saying in His loving moans: Come all of you, children of Mine; for Love of you I am born to Sorrow and to Tears. Come all of you, to know the excess of My Love. Give Me shelter in your hearts...Now, My child, a little word to you: you must know that all  My Joy was to hold My dear Son Jesus on My lap but the Divine Will made Me understand that I should place Him in a manger, at everyone's disposal so that whoever wanted to, could caress Him, kiss Him and take Him in his arms as if He was his own. He was the little King of all and therefore they had the right to make of Him a sweet pledge of Love. And I, in order to fulfill the Supreme Volition, deprived Myself of My innocent joys, beginning, with works and sacrifices, the office of Mother, of giving Jesus to all...

Day - Twenty - three - Here sounds the First Hour of Sorrow - A Prophet makes himself the Revealer of the Sorrows of the Sovereign Queen - Now, dear child, you must know that the eighth day arrived after the Celestial Baby had been born to the light of the day and the Divine Fiat sounded the Hour of Sorrow, commanding Us to circumcise the charming little Baby. It was a most painful cut which little Jesus was to undergo. It was the law of those times that all the firstborn had to undergo this painful cut. It can be called the law of sin but My Son was innocent and His Law was the Law of Love; but in spite of this because He came to find not the man-king but the man-degraded in order to make Himself His brother and to elevate him, He wanted to lower Himself and He submitted Himself to the law. My child, Saint Joseph and I felt a shiver of pain but intrepid and without hesitating, We called the minister and We had Him circumcised with a most painful cut. At the bitter pain, Baby Jesus cried and flung Himself into My Arms, asking for help. Saint Joseph and I mixed Our tears with His; We gathered the first Blood shed by Jesus for love of creatures and We gave Him the name of Jesus - powerful Name that was to make Heaven and earth tremble and even hell; a Name which was to be balm, defense, help for every heart. Now, My child, this cut was the image of the cruel cut that man had done to his soul by doing his own will; and My dear Son allowed Himself to be given this cut in order to heal the harsh cut of the human wills and with His Blood, to heal the wounds of the many sins which the poison of the human will has produced in creatures...But what pierced Me the most were the words that the holy prophet spoke to Me: "This dear Baby will be the salvation and the ruin of many and will be the target of contradictions." If the Divine Will had not sustained Me, I would have died instantly of pure pain. But It gave Me life and used it to form in Me, the Kingdom of Sorrows within the Kingdom of Its very Will. So, in addition to the right of Mother which I had over all, I acquired the right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows. Ah! yes, with My Sorrows, I acquired the little coin to pay the debts of My children and also of the ungrateful children. Now, My child, you must know that in the Light of the Divine Will, I already knew all the sorrows I was to suffer - and even more than that which the holy prophet told Me. But in that act, so solemn of suffering, My Son, in hearing it being repeated to Me, I felt so pierced that My Heart bled and deep gashes opened in My Soul.

Day - Twenty - four - A Cruel Tyrant. Little King Jesus is brought by His Mama and by Saint Joseph into a foreign Land as Poor Exiled Ones. Return to Nazareth - My child, what sorrow! The One Who has come to give Life to all and to bring into the world the new era of peace and happiness, of grace - they want to kill Him! What ingratitude, what perfidy! Ah! My child, to what extent the blindness of the human will reaches! To the extent of becoming ferocious, of tying the Hands of the very Creator and of making itself the master of the One Who created it. Therefore, give Me your compassion, My child, and try to calm the crying of the sweet Baby. He cries because of the human ingratitude, because only a Newborn, they want Him dead; and in order to save Him, We are forced to flee. Dear Saint Joseph has already been told by the Angel to leave quickly for a foreign land. You - accompany us, dear child; do not leave Us alone and I will continue to give you My lessons on the grave evils of the human will. Now, you must know that as soon as man withdrew from the Divine Will, he broke off with his Creator. Everything had been made by God on earth - everything was His; and man, by not doing the Divine Will lost all rights and it can be said that he had no place on which to put his foot. So, he became the poor exiled one, the pilgrim who could not possess a permanent room; and this, not only for the soul but also for the body. All things became mutable for poor man; and if he has any fleeting thing, it was by virtue of the foreseen merits of this Celestial Baby. This, because the whole magnificence of Creation was destined by God for those who would do His Will and live in Its Kingdom. All others, if they manage to take anything, are the true petty thieves of their Creator; and with reason: they do not want to do the Divine Will, and want the goods that belong to It! Now, dear child, listen to how much I and this dear Baby love you for at the first dawn of His Life, He goes into exile and into a foreign land in order to free you from the exile in which your human will put you when you were created - that is, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. Child of My Heart, have pity on the tears of your Mother and on the tears of this sweet Baby as We, crying, ask you never to do your will. But, come back, We pray you, We implore you, into the Bosom of the Divine Will Which so much longs for you...So, We arrived in Egypt and after a long period of time, the Angel of the Lord told Saint Joseph that We should return to the house of Nazareth because the cruel tyrant had died. So, We repatriated to Our Native Lands. Now, Egypt symbolizes the human will - a land full of idols and wherever the little Child Jesus passed, He knocked down these idols and cast them into hell. How many idols the human will possesses - idols of vainglory, of self-esteem and of passions that tyrannize the poor creature...

Day - Twenty - five - Nazareth, Symbol and Reality of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. The Depository, Source and Perennial Channel - Now, you must know that for your Mama, for dear and sweet Jesus and for Saint Joseph, the little house of Nazareth was a Paradise. Being the Eternal Word, My dear Son possessed the Divine Will within Himself, of His Own Virtue; immense seas of Light, of Sanctity, of Joys and of infinite Beauty resided in that little Humanity. I possessed the Divine Will by Grace; and even though I could not embrace immensity as did Beloved Jesus - because He was God and Man and I was always His finite creature - yet, in spite of this, the Divine Fiat filled Me so much, having formed Its seas of Light, of Sanctity, of Love, of beauties and of happiness; and the Light, the Love and everything that a Divine Will can possess which came out of Us, were so great that Saint Joseph remained eclipsed, inundated and lived by Our Reflections. Now, dear child, listen to Me: in this house of Nazareth, the Kingdom of the Divine Will was formed by your Mama and in the Humanity of My Son to make of It a gift for the human family when they would dispose themselves to receive the good of this Kingdom. But even though My Son was King and I was Queen, yet , We were King and Queen without a people. Our Kingdom, thougt It could enclose all and give life to all, was deserted because Redemption was needed first in order to prepare and dispose man to come into this Kingdom so holy. More so, since It was possessed by Me and by My Son who belonged to the human family according to the human order, as well as to the Divine Family by virtue of the Divine Fiat and of the Incarnate Word and therefore creatures received the right to enter into this Kingdom. And the Divinity gave the right and left the doors open to those who wanted to enter. So, Our hidden life of so many years served to prepare the Kingdom of the Divine Will for creatures. And this is why I want to make known to you what this Supreme Fiat operated in Me, so that you may forget your will and as you hold the hand of your Mama, I may lead you into the goods which, with so much Love, I have prepared for you. Now listen, dear child, to another trait of Love which My dear Jesus made for Me in the house of Nazareth: He made of Me the depository of the whole of His Life. When God does a Work, He does not leave It suspended or in the empty space but He always looks for a creature in whom to be able to enclose and place the whole of His Work. Otherwise, there would be the danger that God might expose His Works to uselessness - which cannot be. Therefore, My dear Son placed in Me His Works, His Words, His Pains - everything. He deposited even His Breath into His Mama. And when withdrawn in Our little room, He woul speak sweetly and narrate to Me all the Gospels He was to preach to the public, the Sacraments He was to institure; He entrusted everything to Me and depositing everything in Me, He constituted Me perennial Channel and Source because His Life and all His Goods were to come from Me for the good of all creatures. Oh how rich and happy I felt in feeling that all that My dear Son Jesus did, was being deposited in Me. The Divine Will which reigned in Me, gave Me the space to be able to receive everything and Jesus felt the requital from His Mama of Love and Glory of the great  Work of Redemption. What did I not receive from God because I never did My will but always His? Everything; even the very Life of My Son was at My disposal; and while It remained always in Me, I could bilocate It, to give It to whomever would ask Me for It with Love...

Day - Twenty-six - The Hour of Sorrow approaches - Painful Separation - Jesus in His Public and Apostolate Life - Dear child, I had received My Son from the Divine Will and whatever this Holy Will gives, is not subject to either ending or to suffering separation -Its Gifts are permanent and eternal. Therefore, My Son was Mine and no one could take Him away from Me - neither death, nor sorrow, nor separation-because the Divine Will had given Him to Me. So, Our separation was the appearance but in reality We were fused together; more so, since One was the Will that animated Us. How could we separate?  Now, you must know that the Light of the Divine Will allowed Me to see how badly and with how much ingratitude they treated My Son. He directed His step toward Jerusalem; His first visit was to the holy Temple in which He began the series of His preachings. But- ah! - His Word full of Life, bearer of Peace, of Love and of Order was misinterpreted and badly listened to - especially by the erudite and the learned of those times. And when My Son said that He was the Son of God, the Word of the Father, the One Who had come to save them, they took offense that they wanted to devour Him with their furious gazes. Oh, how My Beloved Good, Jesus suffered. His Creative Word, rejected, made Him feel the death which they gave to His Divine Word; and I was all attention, all eyes, in looking at that Divine Heart and I offered Him My Maternal Heart to receive the same wounds, to console Him and give Him a support when He was about to succumb. Oh! how many times, after imparting His Word, I saw Him forgotten by all without anyone who would offer Him a refreshment; alone - alone, outside of the city walls; outside, under the vault of the starry heavens, leaning on a tree, crying and praying for the salvation of all. And I, your Mama, dear child, cried with Him from My little house; and in the Light of the Divine Fiat, I sent Him My tears as refreshment, My chaste embraces and My kisses as comfort. But in seeing Him rejected by the great, the learned, My Beloved Son did not stop nor could He stop - His Love ran because He wanted souls. So He surrounded Himself with the poor, the afflicted, the sick, the lame, the blind, the mute and with many other maladies by which the poor creatures were possessed - all of them images of the many evils which the human will had produced in them. And dear Jesus healed everyone; He consoled and instructed everyone. So He became the friend, the father, the doctor, the teacher of the poor. My child, it can be said that the poor shepherds were the ones who received Him with their visits at His birth and the poor are those who followed Him in the last years of His Life down here, unto His death. In fact, the poor, the ignorant are more simple, less attached to their own judgment and therefore they are more favored, more blessed and preferred by My dear Son; so much so, that He chose poor fisherman as Apostles, as pillars of the future Church.

Day Twenty-seven - Here sounds the Hour of Sorrow - The Passion -  A Deicide. The Crying of All Nature - Ah! if the Divine Fiat had not sustained Me and continued Its course with infinite Seas of Light, of Joy, of Happiness. along side the Seas of My bitter Sorrows, I would have died as many times for as many pains as My dear Son suffered. Oh! how tortured I felt, when He made Himself seen for the last time - pale, with a saddness of death on His Face and with trembling voice, as though wanting to burst into sobs, He told Me: Good-bye Mama. Bless Your Son and give Me the obedience to die. My Divine Fiat and Yours made Me be conceived and My Divine Fiat and Yours must make Me die. Hurry, Oh dear Mama, pronounce Your Fiat and tell Me: I Bless You and I give You the obedience to die crucified. So does the Eternal Will want and so I too want. My child, what a blow to My pierced Heart. Yet, I had to say it because there were no forced pains  is Us, but all voluntary. So, We Blessed each Other and exchanging that Gaze which is not able to detach any more from the Beloved, My dear Son, My sweet Life, departed; and I, Your sorrowful Mama stayed. But the Eye of My Soul never lost sight of Him. I followed Him into the Garden in His terrible Agony, and - Oh! how My Heart bled in seeing Him abandoned by all, even by His most faithful and dear Apostles. Dear child, the abandonment of dear ones is one of the greatest sorrows for a human heart in the stormy hours of life; especially for My Son, Who had loved them so much and done so much good to them and Who was in the act of giving His Life for the very ones who had just abandoned Him in the extreme hours of His Life - even more, they had run away. What sorrow! What sorrow! And I, in seeing Him agonize and sweat blood, agonized together with Him and sustained Him in My Maternal Arms. I was inseparable from My Son; His pains were reflected in My Heart, liquefied by Sorrow and by Love and I felt them more than if they were My Own. So I followed Him the whole night; there was not one pain or accusation they gave Him that did not resound in My Heart. But, at the dawn of the morning, unable to endure any longer, accompanied by the disciple John, by Magdalene and other pious women, I wanted too follow Him step by step, also corporally, from one tribunal to another. My dearest child, I heard the roaring of the lashes that fell upon the naked Body of My Son; I heard the mockeries, the satanic laughter and the blows they gave Him on His Head when they crowned Him with thorns. I saw Him when Pilate showed Him to the people - disfigured and unrecognizable. I felt deafened by the "Crucify Him", "Crucify Him". I saw Him take the Cross upon His Shoulders, exhausted, panting. And I, unable to refrain, hastened My step to give Him My  last embrace and to dry His Face, all wet with blood. But-no! there was no pity for Us. The cruel soldiers pulled Him by the ropes and made Him fall. Dear child, what harrowing pain, not being able to help My dear Jesus in so many pains. Every pain opened a sea of sorrow in My pierced Heart. Finally, I followed Him to Calvary. Only then was it conceded to Me to be at the foot of the Cross, to receive from His dying Lips, the gift of all My children and the right and seal of My Maternity over all creatures. Shortly after, amid unheard-of spasms, He breathed His last. All nature wore mourning and cried over the death of its Creator. The sun cried obscuring itself and withdrawing, horrified, from the face of the earth. The earth cried with a strong tremor, ripping itself open in various places, for the sorrow of the death of its Creator. All cried: the sepulchers, by opening, the dead by rising; and even the veil of the Temple cried with sorrow by ripping open. All lost joy and felt terror and fright. My child, your Mama remained petrified with sorrow, waiting to receive Him into My Arms, to close Him in the sepulcher. Now, listen to Me in My intense sorrow; with the pains of My Son, I want to speak to you of the great evils of your human will. Look at Him in My sorrowful Arms, how disfigured He is. He is the true portrait of the evils that the human will does to poor creatures. My dear Son wanted to suffer so many pains in order to raise this will again - fallen into the abyss of all miseries; each pain of Jesus and each one of My sorrows called it to rise again in the Divine Will. Our Love was so great that in order to place this human will in safety, We filled it with Our pains, up to the point of drowning it and enclosing it inside the immense seas of My sorrows and of those of My Beloved Son.

Day Twenty-eight - Limbo. The Expectation. Victory over Death. The Resurrection - Now, listen to Me, child of My Sorrows: as My dear Son breathed His last, He descended into Limbo, as triumpher and bearer of glory and happiness to that prison in which all the Patriarchs and Prophets, the first father Adam, dear St. Joseph, My holy parents and all those who had been saved by virtue of the foreseen merits of the future Redeemer. I was inseparable from My Son and not even death could take Him away from Me. So, in the ardor of My Sorrows, I followed Him into Limbo and was spectator of the Feast, of the Thanksgiving that the whole crowd of people gave to My Son Who had suffered so much and Whose first step had been toward them, to beatify them and to bring them with Himself to Celestial glory. So, as He died, conquests and glory began for Jesus and for all those who love Him. This, dear child, is symbol of how, as the creature makes her will die through union with the Divine Will, conquests of Divine order, glory and joy begin, even in the midst of the greatest sorrows. With this Act of Triumph, He placed the seal that He was Man and God; and with His Resurrection, He confirmed His Doctrine, His Miracles, the life of the Sacraments and the whole life of the Church. Not only this, but He obtained triumph over the human wills, weakened and almost extinguished to true good, to make triumph over them, the Life of that Divine Will which was to bring to creatures the fullness of Sanctity and of all Goods. And at the same time, by virtue of His Resurrection, He cast into the bodies the seed of resurrection to everlasting glory. My child, the Resurrection of My Son encloses everything, says everything and is the most solemn Act that He did for Love of creatures. Now, listen to Me, My child; I want to speak to you as the Mama Who loves her child very much. I want to tell you what it means to do the Divine Will and live of It; and My Son and I give you the example. Our Lives were strewn with pains, with poverty, with humiliations, to the point of seeing My beloved Son dying of pains; but in all this ran the Divine Will. It was the Life of Our pains and We felt triumphant and conquerors, to the extent of changing even death into Life; so much so, that in seeing the great good, We voluntarily exposed Ourselves to suffering because, since the Divine Will was in Us, no one could impose himself on It or on Us. Suffering was in Our power and We called upon it as nourishment and triumph, so as to be able to bring good to the entire world.

Day Twenty-nine - The Hour of the Triumph. Apparitions of Jesus. The Fugitives cling around the Virgin as the Ark of Salvation and of Forgiveness. Jesus departs for Heaven. - Now, listen to Me, dear child: you must know that after the death of My Son, I withdrew into the Cenacle, together with beloved John and Magdalene. But My Heart was pierced because only John was near Me and in My sorrow I said: And the other Apostles - where are they? But as they heard that Jesus had died, touched by special Graces, all moved and weeping, one by one, the fugitives drew around Me, surrounding Me like a crown; and with tears and sighs, they asked for My forgiveness for they had so cravenly abandoned their Master and had run away from Him. I welcomed them maternally in the ark of refuge and salvation of My Heart; I assured all of them of the forgiveness of My Son and I encouraged them not to fear. I said to them that their destiny was in My Hands because He had given them all to Me as My children and I recognized them as such. Blessed child, you know that I was present at the Resurrection of My Son. But I did not say a word to anyone, waiting for Jesus Himself to manifest Himself as risen, glorious and triumphant. The first one to see Him risen was the fortunate Magdalene; then the pious women. And all came to Me telling Me that they had seen Jesus risen, that the sepulcher was empty; and I listened to all and with an air of triumph I confirmend all in the faith of the Resurrection. By evening, almost all of the Apostles has seen Him and all felt as though triumphant at having been the Apostles of Jesus. What change of scene, dear child - symbol of those who have first let themselves be dominated by the human will, represented by the Apostles who run away, abandoning their Master; and their fear and fright is such that they hide and Peter reaches the point of denying Him. Oh! if they had been dominated by the Divine Will, they would never have run away from their Master but, courageous and as triumphers, would never have departed from His side and would have felt honored to lay down their lives to defend Him. Now, dear child, My beloved Son Jesus remained on earth, risen, for forty days. Very often He appeared to the Apostles and disciples to confirm them in the faith and certainty of His Resurrection; and when He was not with the Apostles, He was with His Mama in the cenacle, surounded by the souls who had come out of Limbo. But as the term of the forty days expired, beloved Jesus instructed the Apostles and leaving His Mama as their guide and teacher, He promised us the descent of the Holy Spirit. Then, blessing us all, He departed, taking flight for the vault of the heavens together with that great crowd of people who had come out of Limbo. All those who were there, and they were a great number, saw Him ascend; but as He went up high, a cloud of light removed Him from their sight. Now, My child, your Mama followed Him into Heaven and was present at the great feast of the Ascension. More so, since the Celestial Fatherland was not foreign to Me; and then, the Feast of My Son, ascended into Heaven, would not have been complete without Me.


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