Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 35 - 8/23/37 - My daughter, still listen to Me, where the soul can arrive who lives in Our Will. She puts all of Our works to daylight. Our Supreme Being always holds in continuous act all of her works. For the past and the future don’t exist, so that the Celestial Father generates continually His Son and between the Father and the Son, proceeds the Holy Spirit. This is Life in Us and is as the Heartbeat and the Respiration that forms Our Life: to Generate and Proceed continually. We would be missing the Life to the creature if she didn’t have a heartbeat and a continuous breath. Now, in this continual generating and proceeding becomes formed immense joys, felicity and such contentment that not being able to contain them inside of Us, They flow outside and form the joys and felicity of all of Heaven. From the immense goods that the continuous Generation of the Word and the Proceeding of the Holy Spirit produces, overflowed outside the sumptuousness and magnificence of the machine of all Creation of man, the Conception of the Immaculate Virgin and the descent of the Word upon the earth; and this and more is always in act in Our Divine Being, as it is always in act that the Father Generates His Son and the Holy Spirit Proceeds. Now, one who lives in Our Will is spectator of these Divine Prodigies and senses back to herself from the Father, the Son Who always Generates, the Holy Spirit Who always Proceeds and oh, the contentment, the love the graces that she receives…

V. 36 - 12/18/38 - Now, Our Will is Our Life, Love is food. You see to what a high, noble and sublime point that We want the creature who forms in herself the Life of Our Will, in which all things, circumstances, crosses even the air that she breathes convert into Love, in order to feed her in a way for Us  to be able to say: The Life of Our Volition is yours and is Ours and We feed with the same food as you - With this, We see the creature grow in Our Image and Likeness and these are Our true joys in the Creation; in order to be able to say to Our children: “We resemble each other”. And what should not be the joy of the creature to be able to say: “I resemble my Father”. Therefore, I want that she live in My Volition because I want My children who resemble Me. One who does not live in Our Volition, dishonors Us and forms Our sorrow; how can they resemble Us if Our Will is not theirs? Our Will feeds Our children with Our same Food and as Our children feed themselves with Our food, then Our Will forms in them Our sanctity and they remain embellished with Our beauty; they acquire such knowledge of their Father because Our Fiat with His Light speaks to them, tells them so many things of their Father even to make them fall in love so much so that they can not live without Him; and this produces the Likeness…
V. 24 - 9/21/28 - From the moment We created the Creation, We have always, always given to man without ever ceasing, while he has given nothing to Us; and if he tried to give Us something, they were things extraneous to Us, meager and unworthy of Us. But when Our Divine Will is recognized and the creature comes to live in It, she will take possession of Our works. Then will We cease to give because We have given enough, so much that she will not be able to embrace it all. The creature will begin to give to her Creator and she will give Us, not things extraneous and unworthy of Us but Our Own things  - the fruits of Our Own works. Oh, how glorified, loved and honored We will feel! So, the knowledge of the Divine Fiat, the return of It’s Life into the midst of creatures, will open the contest between Creator and creature; she will be able to give to Us and We will be able to let her possess. This will be the return of Our works into Our Womb.

V. 13 - 12/27/21 - This was the only purpose of the creation of man; through the exchange of our wills, he with Us and We with him, to form Our amusement as well as to render man happy in everything. As the union with Our Will was broken by man, Our bitterness began and his unhappiness. Therefore, the purpose of Creation failed. Now, who compensates Us for this failure ? Who puts Us in force the proceeds of Our Creation ? The soul who lives in Our Will. She leaves all generations behind and as though being the first to be created by Us, she places herself in order according to the purpose for which We created man; and as she operates with the Divine Will, Our Will acts in the human will - and here begins Our divine proceeds in the human will; the purpose of Creation is now in force. This is why We love her so much as to surpass all the love for all the other creatures. She has rendered decorum, honor, glory, regime and life to Our Will, oppressed and despised in the other creatures. How could We not give everything to her ?

V. 13 - 9/16/21 - Oh, how many mockeries they make of Me ! They are so many that I am tired of them, especially when they put the poison of evil under good. Oh, how they make fun of Me, as if I were for their amusement and pastime! But sooner or later Justice will make fun of them by punishing them severely. These mockeries grieve Me so much and are the cause for which I do not make Myself known for Who I am.

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