Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 15 - 4/20/23 - If Jesus loves so much that this way of living in the Divine Will be known - since It will bring a new era which will bring so much good as to surpass the very goods of His Redemption - He could have spoken to the Pope who, as Head of the Church, having the authority, could immediately influence the members of the whole Church by making known this Celestial Doctrine and by bringing this great good to the human generations; or He could have spoken to some authoritative people. To them it would be easier; but how can I, poor ignorant one and unknown, make this great good known?  And Jesus, sighing and pressing me more tightly to Himself, told me: Daughter, so very dear to My Supreme Volition, it is My usual way to do My greatest works in virgin and unknown souls; and not only virgin by nature but virgin in their affections, hearts and thoughts because true virginity is the Divine Shadow and only in My Shadow can I fecundate My greatest works. During the times in which I came to redeem , there were also Pontiffs and authorities but I did not go to them because My Shadow was not there. Therefore, I chose a Virgin, unknown to all but well known to Me; and if true virginity is My Shadow, it was Divine jealously that, choosing Her unknown, wanting Her all for Myself, kept Her unknown to others. But even though this Celestial Virgin was unknown, I made Myself known, by making My way to make Redemption known to all. The greater work I want to do, the more I cover the soul with the appearance of the most ordinary things. Now, since the persons you mention are known people, the Divine jealously could not maintain It’s watch and the Divine
Shadow - oh, how hard it is to find It! And bedsides, I choose whomever I please. It is established that two Virgins must come to Humanity’s aid - one for the salvation of man and the other to make My will reign upon earth, to give man  his terrestrial happiness, to unite two wills, the Divine and the human and make them one so that the purpose for which man was created may have it’s complete fulfillment…

V. 15 - 4/21/23 - …And Jesus, sighing and highly afflicted, told me: My daughter, how you are deceiving yourself. This is the darkest point of the present society and their union means that they all have the same color. The enemies are no longer afraid and horrified to approach people from the Church because since the true fount of virtue and religion is not in them - on the contrary, some of them celebrate the Divine Sacrifice without believing in My existence; for others, if they believe at all, it is a faith without works and their lives are a chain of enormous sacrileges - so, what good can they do if they don’t have it within themselves? How can they call others to a conduct of a true Christian by making known what great evil sin is, if the life of grace is missing in them?…Pretence is the ugliest sin and that which most wounds My Heart

V. 4. - 1/12/02 - My daughter, I tolerate that they make wars and revolutions and that the blood of the new martyrs inundate the world - this is an honor for Me and for My Church: but this brutal law(of divorce in Italy) is an affront to My Church and it is abominable and intolerable to Me

V. 22 - 7/14/27 - Grace is the bi-located life of God

V.23 - 2/9/28 -  Twins born from the same birth - Jesus and Mary

V. 27 - 11/20/29 - I am Order and therefore, all of My Works are ordered - My very Divine Will is peace by nature

V. 13 - 8/13/21 - Now, these children, birth of My Will, in order to be recognized as My children, must resemble and have the same manners as the Mother who delivered them. If they look melancholic, they will be put out of heaven, being told: “ Melancholy cannot enter Our Residence”…

V. 7 - 5/9/07 - …Then, after quite a few days, as good Jesus came, He told me: My daughter, be consoled, for I want to tell you and show you where your mother is. Since before and after she passed away, you have suffered continuously what I earned, did and endured for her good in the course of My life, she partakes in what I did and enjoys in My Humanity. Only the Divinity is concealed from her but It will be unveiled to her as well and the fire you feel, and your prayers, receiving satisfaction from you, could not take it from both. At that moment, I seemed to see my mother within an immensity which had no boundaries and in it there were many delights and joys - for as many words, thoughts, sighs, works, sufferings, heartbeats…, in sum, for everything that the Most Holy Humanity of Jesus Christ contained. I understood that It is a second Paradise for the Blessed; and in order to enter the Paradise of the Divinity, all must pass through this Paradise of the Humanity of Christ. Therefore, the fact of having touched no other Purgatory had been a most singular privilege for my mother, reserved for very few. However, I understood that even though she was not amid torments but rather, amid delights, her happiness was not perfect, but almost halved. May Jesus be always thanked - I continued to suffer for twelve days, so much so, that I reduced myself to a thread of life but since obedience intervened, so that this thread of life might not break, I returned to my natural state…My daughter, the Blessed in Heaven give Me much glory because of the perfect union of their wills with Mine for their life is a product of My Will. There is so much harmony between them and Myself that their breath, their breathing, their movements, their joys and everything that constitutes their beatitude is the effect of My Will. However, I tell you that for the soul who is still a pilgrim, if she is united to My Will in such a way that she never detaches from It, her life is of Heaven and I receive from her the same glory. Or rather, I take more pleasure and delight because what the Blessed do, they do without sacrifice and amid delights; while what the pilgrim souls do, they do with sacrifice and amid sufferings and where there is sacrifice, I take more pleasure and I am more delighted. And the very Blessed, who live in My Volition, since the soul is still a pilgrim and lives in My Will, forms one Life with them and participate in the pleasure I take from the pilgrim soul…And He said to me: My daughter, the cross is a thorny fruit that is bothering and prickly on the outside but once the thorns and cortex are removed, one finds a precious and delicious fruit. But only one who has the patience to bear the bothers of the prickling(s) can arrive at discovering the secret, looks at it with love and goes in search of this fruit with avidity without caring about the prickling(s); while the others look at it with contempt and despise it. And I: But my sweet Jesus, what is the secret contained in the fruit of the cross ? And He: It is the secret of eternal Beatitude because in the fruit of the cross, there are many little coins that circulate only to enter into Heaven and with these little coins, the soul is enriched and makes herself blessed for eternity.

V. 8 - 6/23/07 - Daughter, the most beautiful act and most pleasing to Me is the abandonment in My Will. - but so great, that the soul would remember no more that her being exists; rather, everything for her is Divine Will. Even though sorrow for one’s own sins is good and praiseworthy; yet, it does not destroy one’s own being; while abandoning oneself completely in My Will destroys one’s own being and makes one acquire the Divine Being. Therefore, by abandoning herself in My Will, the soul gives Me more honor because she gives Me everything I can demand of the creature, reacquiring ,in Me, what had come out of Me. And the soul comes to reacquire what alone she should acquire - that is she reacquires God with all the goods that God possesses. However, as long as the soul remains completely in the Will of God, she reacquires God; but as she goes out of My Will, she reacquires her own being with all the evils of the corrupted nature.

V. 8 - 7/1/07 - When has My Will ever produced sins or imperfections ? My Will is always holy and one who lives in My Will is already sanctified and enjoys, nourishes herself with, and thinks of all that My Will contains. And even though she has committed sins in the past, finding herself in the beauty, in the sanctity, in the immensity of goods that My Will contains, she forgets the ugliness of her past and remembers only the present, unless she goes out of My Will. Then, as she would return to her own being, it is no wonder that she remembers sins and miseries. Keep well in mind that these thoughts of sins and of oneself cannot enter My Will; and if the soul remembers them, it means that she is not stable and fixed within Me but she makes some exits.

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