V. 17 - 6/11/25 - There is nothing that can equal the great evil of not doing My Will
V. -30 - 4/2/32 - No matter how much evil, man can still regain his Divine Inheritance
V. -15- 6/6/23 and V. 16 - 9/6/23 - Why Adam sinned
V. - 19 - 8/12/26 - The three powers of the soul
V. - 19 - 4/16/26 - The three eras
V. - 20 - 11/21/26 - The tenderness of Jesus’s Heart at the moment of death
V. - 28 - 4/12/30 - The Divine Will never leaves the soul
V. -19 - 5/6//26 - The origin of one who lives in the Divine Will is eternal - inseparable from her Creator
V. - 24 - 7/7/28 - Now, as Adam sinned, his human will remained alone and he no longer had the one who would diffuse in his will the light, the varieties of so many fragrances which, being transfused outside, preserved the soul and the body as it had been created by God. Instead, thick clouds, putrid air, perfumes of weakness and of miseries began to emanate from within his human will in such a way that the body also lost it’s freshness, it’s beauty. It became debilitated and remained subject to all evils, sharing in all the evils of the human will, just as it had shared in the good. So, if the human will is healed by receiving again the life of My Divine Will, all the evils of the human nature will have life no longer, as if by magic
V. - 4 - 3/16/04 - The Cross has the title: “Feast Day”
V. - 9 - 7/4/10 - The three hours in the Garden are help in dying; the three hours on the Cross are help at the last breath
V. 24 - 4/26/28 - Virtues can form the ornament of the soul but not the life
V. - 30 - 1/30/32 - We don’t want any human love
V. - 14 - 11/8/22 - Ah, the leaders of these times are true incarnate devils who are banding together to do evil and cast confusion, slaughters and wars among the peoples
V. - 29 - 6/16/31 - The Lights of God
V. - 2 - 6/2/99 - The greatest favor I can do for a soul is to make her know herself
V. - 24 - 7/10/28 - The mirrors in heaven
V. - 10 - 11/18/11 - What the true crucifixion consists of
V. 12 - 1/24/20 - Continuing in my usual state, I was uniting myself with Jesus.praying Him not to leave me alone but to come and keep me company. And He, moving in my interior, told me: My daughter if you knew how I desire, yearn for and love the company of the creature ! So much so, that if in creating man I said, "It is not good for man to be alone, let Us make another creature similar to him, who may keep him company, so that one may form the delight of the other" ; I said these same words to My Love before creating man: "I do not want to be alone but I want the creature for My company". I want to create him in order to amuse Myself with him, to share all My contentments with him. With his company, I will pour Myself out in Love. This is why I made him in My Likeness; and as his intelligence thinks of Me and is interested in Me, he keeps company with My Wisdom and as My thoughts keep company with his, we amuse ourselves together. If his gaze looks at Me and at created things in order to love Me, I feel the company of his gaze. If his tongue prays or teaches what is good, I feel the company of his voice. If his heart loves Me, I feel the company of his love and so with all the rest. but if he does the opposite, I feel lonely and like a destitute King. But, alas!, how many leave Me alone and neglect Me.
V. 20 - 9/20/26 - ...My daughter, these dislocated members who give Me so much pain are the souls who do not do My Will. By coming upon earth, I constituted Myself Head of the human family and they are My members. But these members were formed, joined, bound by means of the virtal humors of My Will - It can be said that all communications between the members and the Head are broken and they remain in My Body to give Me pain. It is My Will alone that places the Creator and the creature, the Redeemer and the redeemed ones, the Sanctifier and the sanctified ones in accord and in connumication. Without It, it is as if Creation and Redemption were nothing for them because that which makes flow the life and the goods they contain are missing. The very Sacraments will serve them as condemnation because since My Will is missing in them, that which breaks the veil of the Sacraments so as to give them the fruit and the life they contain, is missing. Therefore, My Will is everything; without It, Our most beautiful works, Our greatest prodigies, remain extraneous to the poor creatures because It alone is the depository of all Our works and therefore, only through It can these be given birth for creatures. Oh! if all knew what it means to do or not to do My Will, they would all place themselves in accord with It in order to receive all possible imaginable goods and the transmission of the very Divine Life.
V. 20 - 9/23/26 - ...See, My daughter, the first plane done in My Will in the name of all and for all creatures was done by the Sovereign Queen; and She obtained for all creatures the highest good of making the longed-for Redeemer descend upon earth. One who acts for all, in the name of all, and makes up for all, earns universal goods that can serve all. The second plane done in My Supreme Will was done by My Humanity as if all were one; I satisfied for all and I left not even one act of creatures without constituting My Act in it so that the glory, the love, the adoration to My Celestial Father might be complete for each creature. And this impetrated the fruit of My coming upon earth, it earned salvation and sanctity for all; and if many do not take it, it is their fault - not the fault of the Giver. Therefore, My Life impetrated universal goods for all; I opened the gates of Heaven for all. The third plane in My Will, will be done by you; and this is why, in everything you do, I make you act for all, embrace all, make up in the name of each of their acts. Your plane must be equal to Mine; it must be unified to that of the Celestial Empress; and this will serve to impetrate the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. Nothing must escape one who must do a universal good, so as to bind to all creatures the good she wants to give...
V. 20 - 10/2/26 - My daughter, I am looking at how much I have to expand the boundaries of the Kingdom of My Will to give possession of It to creatures. I know that they are unable to grasp the endlessness that the Kingdom of My Will contains because it is not given to them, as creatures, to cross and embrace a Will that corresponds to a Kingdom that has no boundaries. In fact, since they are created beings, they are always restricted and limited; but even though they are limited, I dispose more or less goods and the extension of the expanses which they must possess, according to their dispositions. And so I am looking at posterity - at the dispositions which they will have; and I am looking at those in the present, to see the dispositons which they have because those in the present must pray, impetrate and prepare the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat for posterity and according to the dispostions of posterity and to the interest of those present, so do I keep expanding the boundaries of My Kingdom because the generations are so linked to one another that it always happens this way: one prays, another prepares, another impetrates, another possesses.
V. 20 - 10/6/26 - But you must know that My Will is Life and everytime creatures do not do It and reject It, it is a Divine Life that they reject and destroy within themselves - And in place of this Divine Life which was cut off within them, they make arise the life of passions, of sin, of darkness, of weaknesses. Not doing My Will is Divine Life that creatures lose...
V. 20 - 10/9/26 - Those who will let themselves be illuminated by It's Light will feel the power of a new continuous Creation of joy, of contentments and of goods without end. Therefore, as My Will dominates all the acts of those who will live in It, the Kingdom of My Will, will be a continuous Creation. So, the creature will remain under a new continuous Act of this Supreme Volition that will keep her so absorbed as to leave no field of action to her own self. This is why I love so much that the Kingdom of My Will be known - for the great good that creatures will receive and for the free field of action It will have. In fact, the Supreme Will is now hindered by their own "self"; but when It becomes known, It's Rays, vivifying, penetrating and full of vivid Light, will eclipse the human will that will be dazzled by It's refulgent Light and seeing the great good that comes to it, it will give free action to My Will, giving It total dominion. So, in this Kingdom, a new Era, a new continuous Creation, will begin for My Will. It will put out everything that It had established to give to creatures, had they always done It's Will and which It had to keep within Itself for many centuries, as though in deposit, to then release them for the good of the children of It's Kingdom.
V. 20 - 10/13/26 - I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Divine Volition and while I was going around in It, doing my acts, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and told me: My daughter, each act, prayer and pain that the soul makes enter into the Light of My Will, becomes Light and forms one more Ray in the Sun of the Eternal Volition. These Rays form the most beautiful glory that the creature can give to the Eternal Volition. in such a way that, seeing Itself so glorified by It's Own Light, invests these Rays with new Knowledges which, converting into voices, manifest to the soul more surprises about My Will. But do you know what these Knowledges of Mine form for the creature ? They form the eclipse for the human will. The stronger the Light is, the more the Rays are and the more strongly the human will remains dazzled and eclipsed by the Light of My Knowledges in such a way that it feels impotent to act and it gives field to the action of the Light of My Will. The human will remains occupied within the action of My Will and it lacks the time, the place, to make it's own will act.
V. 20 - 12/25/26 - …I looked at Him and I saw Him as a tiny little baby, of a rare and enrapturing beauty. From the whole of His little Humanity, from His eyes, from His mouth, from His hands and feet,, came out most refulgent rays of light that not only enveloped Him but extended so much as to be able to wound each heart of creatures, to give them the first greeting of His coming upon earth - the first knock, to knock at the hearts, to have them open and ask for a shelter in them. That knock was sweet but penetrating; however, being a knock of light, it made no clamor and yet, it made itself heard strongly, more than any sound. So, on that night, all felt something unusual in their hearts but very few were those who opened their hearts to give Him a little accommodation. And the tender Infant, in feeling Himself unrequited in His greeting and that no one was opening at His repeated knocking, began His crying with His lips livid and shivering with cold: He sobbed, wailed and sighed. But while the light that came out of Him was doing all this with creatures, receiving the first rejections; with His Celestial Mama, as soon as He came out of Her womb, He threw Himself into Her maternal arms to give Her the first embrace, the first kiss. And since His little arms could not reach to embrace Her completely, the light that came out of His little hands surrounded all of Her, in such a way that Mother and Son remained invested with the same light. Oh! How the Queen Mama requited Her Son with Her embrace and kiss that They remained clasped to each Other so as to seem fused One with the Other. With Her love, She compensated for the first rejection that Jesus received from the hearts of creatures; and the dear and charming little Baby placed His first act of being born, His graces, His first sorrow, in the Heart of His Mama, so that what could be seen in the Son could be seen in His Mama.
V. 13 - 10/27/21 - Our love is great, infinite and eternal, but if We did not have a Will that animated and gave Life to this love, Our love would be without Life and Works.
V. 12 - 1/24/20 - My daughter, if you knew how much I desire, sigh and love the company of the creature ! It is so much that, if in creating man, I said: It is not good for man to be alone; let us make another creature similar to him to keep him company, so that one forms the delight of the other, these same words I said to My love before creating man: I do not want to be alone, I want the creature in My company.
V. 12 - 5/28/20 - Thus, acts done in My Volition, as they are done in My Will, convert into light but light tied and merged with the Eternal Light. Therefore, they do not mingle with human acts, rather they have the virtue of changing human acts into Divine. Accordingly, they leave all behind and are the first among all.
V. 12 - 9/2/20 - Only My company is what makes everyone happy; it makes good arise and makes it grow. Isolation makes everything unhappy and sterile. Hence, those few who keep Me company form My consolation and My happiness.
V. 12 - 1/5/21 - It is only My Volition, which is Eternal and Immense, that finds everything. It reduces past, present and future to a single point; and in this single point, It finds all hearts palpitating, all minds alive and all My Work in act.
V. 12 - 2/8/21 - Oh, iniquitous world, you are doing everything to chase Me from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from the schools, from conversations and from everything…The creature always races more into evil. How many machinations of ruin they are preparing. They will go so far as to exhaust themselves in evil.. I will occupy Myself to prepare the era of the Third Fiat in which My love will be demonstrated in a marvelous and unheard -of manner. Ah, yes, I want to confound man in Love.
V. 12 - 2/16/21 - My daughter, to enter into My Volition, there are neither paths, nor doors, nor keys because My Volition is found everywhere…The creature does nothing more than remove the pebble of her will.
V. 12 - 3/23/21 - My daughter, My Will has the special virtue of making souls small, of reducing them so much as to make them feel the extreme need that My Will administer Life to them. Their littleness is so great that they do not know how to do one act or one step if My Will does not give It to them. Thus, they live entirely at the expense of My Will.
V. 12 - 4/26/21 - This Will of Mine, Militia of Heaven, with Divine arms will confound man, will overwhelm him and will give the light to see not evil but the gifts and wealth with which I want to enrich him. The acts done in My Will, carrying in themselves the Creative Power, will be the new salvation of man and descending from Heaven, will bring all goods upon the earth. They will bring the new Era and the triumph over iniquity.
V. 13 - 12/5/21 - I added: Tell me my life, who is my family ? What is my dowry ? And smiling, He continued: Your family is the Trinity…
V. 13 - 12/23/21 - My daughter, My sleep was very brief, but I slept; and I didn’t sleep for Myself but for creatures. As Head, I represented the entire human family and I had to extend My Humanity upon everyone in order to give them rest.
V. 14 - 4/13/22 - Know that whoever lives in My Will must rise to such heights that they live in the bosom of the Sacrosanct Trinity. Our lives must be one.
V. 15 - 1/ 2/23 - Oh, if everyone knew the power of My Fiat and the great good that It contains, they would all abandon themselves to My Omnipotent Will. Yet, there is to weep about. How many souls with these great voids within themselves, are worse than the great void of the Universe before My Fiat was pronounced!. Since My Fiat does not hover within them, everything is disorder, the darkness is so thick as to strike horror and fright. There is one heap, all mixed together - nothing is in place. The work of Creation is upset in them because My Fiat alone is order, the human will is disorder.
V. 13 - 8/20/21 - I repeat My Fiat to the degree that the soul acts in My Volition and new heavens, new suns and stars are brought into being. Since the soul contains intelligence, these heavens are new heavens of love, glory, light, adoration and knowledge. They create such a multiform beauty that I Myself am ravished at the sight of them. All of Heaven and the Saints and Angels do not want to look away. They see the Heavenly Kingdom reproduced within the soul who lives in My Volition.
V. 14 - 5/19/22 - In Heaven, the Blessed enjoy all the Blessedness that My Will contains and they live as if in It’s very center but they cannot multiply My Will, for in them, their merits are fixed. Therefore, you are happier than they are because you can multiply My Life, My Will and all My Beneficence(s) in Them..
V. 14 - 6/1/22 - But since My Person carried the Truth within, It also manifested Itself before Herod: the silence before his tempestuous questioning, the modest glances, My Countenance, full of gentleness and the dignity and nobility of My Person - all were Truths in action.
V. 14 - 6/15/22 - If you live in My Will, you will have possessed everything and you will give Me everything.
V. 14 - 7/16/22 - The sanctity of living in My Will has no pathway, nor keys, nor rooms. It permeates all. It is like the air one breathes - an air that all can and should breathe. It suffices for a soul to desire It and to put aside it’s own will for the Divine Will, to allow Itself to be inhaled by the soul, to give the soul life, to give it the effects and all the benefits of life in My Will.
V. 14 - 8/2/22 - When I saw Myself covered with the guilt of all and with the afflictions and deaths that each creature deserved, I was crushed before that Light and Supreme Majesty. It was the greatest affliction of My Life.
V. 14 - 8/15/22 - As soon as I was conceived in Her Womb, My Mother began to weave Herself into My acts. Since My Humanity had no life, no nourishment, nor purpose other than the Will of My Father, She too had no other purpose than My Father’s Will.
V. 14 - 8/19/22 - My internal pains were afflicted by an Omnipotent God and not even the slightest fiber of My Being could escape them. The pains of My Passion were inflicted by men, who lacking omnipotence, were incapable of doing what they wanted.
V. 15 - 11/28/22 - My daughter, My Will is the beginning, the means and the end of all virtue. Without the Seed of My Will, it is not possible to even speak about true virtue...This is why I love so much and I so much care that the fruits, the effects, the immense goods contained in My Will and the great good that the soul receives by living in It, be known. If they are not known, how can they be desired? Much less can anyone be nourished by them...
V. 15 - 12/1/22 - Riches are slavery and positions of power are swords by which many end up wounded or killed. True power is virtue, renunciation of everything, self-sacrifice for the sake of others, submission to others; this is true power that binds everyone in love.
V. 15 - 3/18/23 - In creating man, it was Our Will that he live in Our Will and therefore, take what is Ours and live by Our means, exchanging Our Will for as many Divine Acts as the human acts that he does in Our Will, thereby, enriching him with all the blessings that Our Will contains. But man wanted to live in his own will, by his own means and thus, exiled himself from his Fatherland and from all these blessings.
V. 15 - 4/9/23 - To act in My Will is the wonder of wonders but it is without human accolades or honors. It is My triumph over all creation since this triumph of My Supreme Will is wholly Divine. There are no words human words to express it.
V. 15 - 6/21/23 - My daughter, how many evils derive from the shadow of one's own will ! It makes the soul grow cold and brings about sloth, sleep, topor...It's different for one who lives in the light of My Will.
V. 19 - 4/4/26 - My daughter, all the things that I do in a soul, oh, how much they surpass all that I did in the Creation. See, each knowledge of My Perfections that I manifest, each Truth that pertains to the Divinity is a new Heaven that I distend to the soul.
V. 19 - 4/9/26 - On the other hand, who lets My Will reign in herself feels firmness in good and feels that all things bring her felicity and joy; much more so that all things created by Us have the imprint of the seed of the joy and the happiness of He Who created them.
V. 19 - 4/16/26 - My daughter, all that you experience, your full abandonment into the arms of your Heavenly Father, your no longer feeling your own life, is the image of living in My Will because to live in It, one must live more of God than of himself; even more, "the nothing" must give life to "the All", to be able to do everything and to have her act at the topr of all the other acts of each creature. Such was the Life of My Divine Mama. She was the true Image of the living in My Will. Her living in It was so perfect that She did nothing but recieve from God continuously, all that She was to do in order to live in the Supreme Volition. So, She received the Act of Supreme Adoration, to be able to place Herself at the top of every adoration that all creatures were obliged to do for their Creator. In fact, true adoration has Life within the Three Divine Persons. Our perfect Concord, Our reciprocal Love, Our One Will, form the most profound and perfect Adoration within the Sacrosanct Trinity. Therefore, if the creature adores Me but her will is not in accord with Me, it is vain word-not Adoration - In fact, the Creation was the beginning of Our Work toward the creatures, the Redemption was the means and the Fiat will be the end; and when works are accomplished, they are loved more and they acquire their complete value...
V. 19 - 4/28/26 - While I heard this song, my Jesus said to me: My daughter, hear how beautiful it is ! This sound and song is a new canticle, formed by the Angels as homage, glory and honor to the marriage of the Divine Will with your human will. So much is the joy of all Heaven and of all Creation, that not being able to contain it, they sing and make music.
V. 19 - 5/31/26 - Such became Adam after sin; He lost the Unity of the Light and therefore, the source of the goods and effects the Sun of My Will contains. Therefore, losing the harmony with all Creation, he became the discordant note of all Creation. Oh ! how he descended to the bottom and cried bitterly. He lost the Unity of the Light which, elevating him above all created things, made of Adam the little god of the earth.
V. 19 - 6/6/26 - My daughter, everything was established - the epoch and time, both that of Redemption and that for making My Will known upon earh, so that It might reign. It was established that My Redemption was to serve as means of help; Redemption had not been the origin of man but It arose as means. after man moved away from his origin. On the other hand, My Will was the origin of man and the end in which he must enclose himself. All things have their origin from My Will and everything must return into It; and if not everyone will do it in time, no one will be able to escape It in eternity. Therefore, also for this reason, the primacy is always of My Will.
V. 19 - 6/26/26 - You must know that who possesses the Kingdom of My Will on earth has right to the Universal Glory in Heaven and this in a natural way and simple manner.
V. 19 - 7/26/26 - Therefore, there is a difference of degrees in the Kingdom of My Will according to how creatures want to partake of It's benefits. But the first degree will be incentives and ways for reaching the last.
V. 19 - 7/29/26 - My daughter, the first man, by sinning, lost a Divine Will; and therefore, it was necessary that My Humanity, united to the Eternal Word, should sacrifice totally the human will of My Humanity in order to re-acquire this Divine Will, to give It back to the creature.
V. 19 - 8/25/26 - My daughter, all My Life was a single Act, proceding from that single Act of the Eternal One, Who has no succession of acts.
V. 19 - 8/27/26 - The title to be given for the printing of the Book about the Will of God:
The Kingdom of My Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the order, the place and the purpose for which he was created by God.
V. 19 - 9/12/26 - But chastisements are necessary, also, that will serve to prepare the way so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat might be formed in the midst of the human family. Therefore, many lives who will be an obstacle to the triumph of My Kingdom will disappear from the face of the earth.
V. 19 - 9/13/26 - Therefore, to re-establish the Kingdom of My Will upon the earth, there are needed sufficient acts of the creatures so that My Kingdom not remain in the air but descend to form Itself upon the very acts of the creature, molded by it, to obtain a good so great.
V. 30 - 12/21/31 - Who is it who resembles Me ? Who knows how to imitate My sweet, harmonious and strong voice as to be able to shake Heaven and earth ? Who holds so much strength as to enrapture Me in her works in order to make Me work with her ? Who is it ? Who is it ? Ah! It is she who lives in Our Divine Fields. It is just that she resembles Us in all, for how much possible to a creature. She is Our daughter and it is enough. We allow that she imitates Us, that she resembles Us. She will be Our Glory, Our creative Work, the longed for one of her Celestial Father. These souls will form the new Hierarchy in their Celestial Country where there is a post reserved for them, that to no one else is it given to occupy.
V. 30 - 4/2/32 - So that man, for how much he slipped form within Our Divine Will, he didn't stop being Our Work and although he disordered himself, Our Power for decorum of Our Work that should be perfect and complete as We want, with His Power, He will put a limit to man's disorders, to his weaknesses and He will tell him with His Empire: "enough even here; re-enter into the order, take your post of honor as worthy of your Creator." They are prodigies of Our Omnipotence that He will work that man won't have the strength to resist but without force, spontaneous, enticed and attracted by a Supreme Strength, by an Invincible Love...Many don't cease being sinners, weak, dirtied by the gravest faults. But if drawn with My Power, with My Love, when the two balances overflow a little more and they touch it, with Will to conquer it, man will feel shaken and knocked down in a way that he will re-arise from evil, in good and will re-enter in Our Will from where he went out in order to take his lost inheritance. Do you know where everything is ? Everything is if Our Will wants it and with Divine Decrees has decided on it; if there is this, everything is done; and it is so very true this decision, that they are facts. You should know that when I came upon the earth, while I made the office of Redeemer, at the same time which My Holy Humanity did enclosed so many Acts of My Will as deposit to give to the creature. I didn't have need because I was the Divine Will Himself...
V. 34 - 7/4/36 - ...And then in the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, I will have so many living Jesuses who love Me, glorify Me and will give Me complete Glory. Therefore, I so very long for this Kingdom and you also long for It, nor occupy yourself with other, leave Me to do, trust Me and I wll think to everything.
V. 17 - 6/3/25 - My daughter, everything was done in Creation. In It, the Divinity manifested all of It's Power and made display of His complete love toward the creatures. There is not one point, either in Heaven or on earth or in any created thing in which the completeness of Our Works cannot be seen - not one thing was left half-done... The Redemption was nothing other than a reparation of the evils that creatures had done; It added nothing to the Work of Creation. And Sanctification is nothing other than help, grace, light, so that man may return to his original state of Creation, to his origin and to the purpose for which he was created. In fact, in Creation, by virtue of My Will, the Sanctity of man was complete because he came out of a complete Act of God. He was holy and happy in the soul because My Will brought to him the Reflections of the Sanctity of his Creator; and he was also holy and happy in the body. Ah ! My Daughter, in spite of Redemption and the Work of Sanctification, the sanctity in man is incomplete and for some it is as though useless.. This says that if man does not turn back in order to take My Will as life, as rule and as food, to be purified, ennobled, divinized and to take the first Act of Creation, so as to take My Will as his inheritance, assigned to him by God, the very Works of Redemption and Sanctification will not have their copious effects.. So, everything is in My Will - if man takes It, he takes everything. It is one single point that embraces and encloses the goods of Redemption and Sanctification... - My Will makes one think differently; It makes one look at My Will in all created things, speak with the echo of My Will, operate through the veils of My Will. In a word, one does everything, all at once, according to My Supreme Volition, while the other virtues act slowly, little by little. My Redemption Itself without the first Act of My Will, serves to dress the deepest wounds; as medicine for man, so as to not let him die; as antidote, so as to not let him fall into hell. Therefore, take to heart My Will alone, if you really want to love Me and make yourself a Saint.
V. 27 - 1/30/30 - My daughter, in the same way as the Kingdom of Redemption unfolded, so will the Kingdom of My Will unfold...
V. 32 - 3/26/33 - ...Thus the strong wind of the Light of My Fiat will put to flight the evils, the passions, that as ash hide the Divine Life in them and feeling Him alive, they will be ashamed to have not let Our Will dominate. My daughter, time will say all and those who dont't believe will remain confused.
V. 24 - 4/26/28 - My daughter, We do not look at whether what the creature does is great or small; rather, We look at whether there is the prodigy of Our secret - whether her tiniest acts, thoughts and sighs are invested with the power of Our Will. This is all and it is all for Us.- Therefore, the virtues can form the ornament of the soul but not the Life. On the other hand, My Will is the prime act of all the acts of the creature; so, if she thinks, if she speaks, if she breathes, it is My Will that forms the thought and the word; and giving her the breath, It maintains the circulation, the heartbeat, the warmth. And just as no one can live without breathing, so no one can live without My Divine Will. There is always need of It in order to continure living; yet, while all receive It's continuous breath, It is not recognized. My Will is so necessary that one cannot do without It even for one instant because It is bearer, not only of all human acts but also of all created things. - Therefore, in all things, be they small or great even in the breath the creature can always do My Will; and by not doing It, it is an act of life of Divine Will that she loses - it is her breath that she suffocates continuously. She receives It's life, It's breath - but to convert it into human rather than to be, herself, transformed into My Divine Will.
V. 24 - 6/29/28 - And while He was saying this, Jesus made a wave of joy and of light come out of His Heart which will give more life to creatures; and with an emphasis of Love, He added: How I long for the Kingdom of My Will ! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures and to Our Sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our Feasts and theirs will re-acquire the order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a veil over everything, so that the Feasts may never again be interrupted.
V. 29 - 7/27/31 - If you might know what it means not to do My Divine Will. The creature dares to impede and to make that Motion die that never ceases and to give death to the Holy Acts that My Divine Will has established to complete in the creature. He wants to give Divine Life and while He remains to give, if the human will doesn't receive Him and opposes Him, she makes the knife in order to kill and to suffocate this Divine Life in her soul. It seems that not doing My Will is nothing while it is all the evil of the creature and the greatest offense for Our Supreme Majesty. Therefore be attentive and your abandoment in Him be continuous.
V. 16 - 5/13/24 - See, My daughter, the primary act of the Divine Persons is the perfect accord of Our Will. Our Will is so unified that Will of One cannot be distinguished from That of the Other; so much so, that even though Our Persons are distinct - We are Three - Our Will is One and this One will produces a continuous act of Perfect Adoration among the Divine Persons - One adores the Other. This accord of Will produces equality of Sanctity, of Light, of Goodness, of Beauty, of Power, of Love and establishes in Us the true reign of Order and Peace, giving Us immense joys and happiness and infinite Beatitudes...
V. 21 - 5/8/27 - You can see that, of all that occurred within My Humanity, the greatest miracle was containing the whole immensity of My Divine Will within My Humanity. The miracles that I did may be called nothing in front of this one and even more so since it was natural in Me to be able to give life so that they could be resurrected - to give sight to the blind, speech to those who could not speak and all the rest of the miraculous works I accomplished - because it was in My Nature to give as many goods as I wanted. It was certainly a miracle for those who received these goods but for Me the greatest miracle was to constrain in Myself, My Divinity, the immensity of My Will, It's interminable Light, It's Beauty and unreachable Sanctity. This was the prodigy of prodigies that only a God could do. Therefore, no matter how much I can give to a creature, it will always be giving little as compared to My giving the greatest Gift of My Will because in It there will be seen new Heavens, more resplendent Suns, unheard-of things and surprises never before seen. Heavens and earth tremble and kneel before a soul who possesses the great Gift of My Will and with reason because they see come forth from the soul, the virtue and the vivifying and creative force which conserves them in the new Life created by God. Oh, Power of My Will, if they knew You, how ambitious they would be for Your great Gift. How they would give their life to have You.
V. 11 - 2/5/13 - My daughter, one who does not do My Will has no reason to live on earth; her life becomes without purpose, without means and without an end. - One who does not do My Will has no rights and therefore I feel I am being continuously robbed. So, one who does not do My Will must be held as a noxious and fraudulent stranger and therefore it is necessary to chain him and cast him into the deepest prisons.
V. 32 - 3/26/33 - ...Thus the strong wind of the Light of My Fiat will put to flight the evils, the passions, that as ash hide the Divine Life in them and feeling Him alive, they will be ashamed to have not let Our Will dominate. My daughter, time will say all and those who dont't believe will remain confused.
V. 24 - 4/26/28 - My daughter, We do not look at whether what the creature does is great or small; rather, We look at whether there is the prodigy of Our secret - whether her tiniest acts, thoughts and sighs are invested with the power of Our Will. This is all and it is all for Us.- Therefore, the virtues can form the ornament of the soul but not the Life. On the other hand, My Will is the prime act of all the acts of the creature; so, if she thinks, if she speaks, if she breathes, it is My Will that forms the thought and the word; and giving her the breath, It maintains the circulation, the heartbeat, the warmth. And just as no one can live without breathing, so no one can live without My Divine Will. There is always need of It in order to continure living; yet, while all receive It's continuous breath, It is not recognized. My Will is so necessary that one cannot do without It even for one instant because It is bearer, not only of all human acts but also of all created things. - Therefore, in all things, be they small or great even in the breath the creature can always do My Will; and by not doing It, it is an act of life of Divine Will that she loses - it is her breath that she suffocates continuously. She receives It's life, It's breath - but to convert it into human rather than to be, herself, transformed into My Divine Will.
V. 24 - 6/29/28 - And while He was saying this, Jesus made a wave of joy and of light come out of His Heart which will give more life to creatures; and with an emphasis of Love, He added: How I long for the Kingdom of My Will ! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures and to Our Sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our Feasts and theirs will re-acquire the order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a veil over everything, so that the Feasts may never again be interrupted.
V. 29 - 7/27/31 - If you might know what it means not to do My Divine Will. The creature dares to impede and to make that Motion die that never ceases and to give death to the Holy Acts that My Divine Will has established to complete in the creature. He wants to give Divine Life and while He remains to give, if the human will doesn't receive Him and opposes Him, she makes the knife in order to kill and to suffocate this Divine Life in her soul. It seems that not doing My Will is nothing while it is all the evil of the creature and the greatest offense for Our Supreme Majesty. Therefore be attentive and your abandoment in Him be continuous.
V. 16 - 5/13/24 - See, My daughter, the primary act of the Divine Persons is the perfect accord of Our Will. Our Will is so unified that Will of One cannot be distinguished from That of the Other; so much so, that even though Our Persons are distinct - We are Three - Our Will is One and this One will produces a continuous act of Perfect Adoration among the Divine Persons - One adores the Other. This accord of Will produces equality of Sanctity, of Light, of Goodness, of Beauty, of Power, of Love and establishes in Us the true reign of Order and Peace, giving Us immense joys and happiness and infinite Beatitudes...
V. 21 - 5/8/27 - You can see that, of all that occurred within My Humanity, the greatest miracle was containing the whole immensity of My Divine Will within My Humanity. The miracles that I did may be called nothing in front of this one and even more so since it was natural in Me to be able to give life so that they could be resurrected - to give sight to the blind, speech to those who could not speak and all the rest of the miraculous works I accomplished - because it was in My Nature to give as many goods as I wanted. It was certainly a miracle for those who received these goods but for Me the greatest miracle was to constrain in Myself, My Divinity, the immensity of My Will, It's interminable Light, It's Beauty and unreachable Sanctity. This was the prodigy of prodigies that only a God could do. Therefore, no matter how much I can give to a creature, it will always be giving little as compared to My giving the greatest Gift of My Will because in It there will be seen new Heavens, more resplendent Suns, unheard-of things and surprises never before seen. Heavens and earth tremble and kneel before a soul who possesses the great Gift of My Will and with reason because they see come forth from the soul, the virtue and the vivifying and creative force which conserves them in the new Life created by God. Oh, Power of My Will, if they knew You, how ambitious they would be for Your great Gift. How they would give their life to have You.
V. 11 - 2/5/13 - My daughter, one who does not do My Will has no reason to live on earth; her life becomes without purpose, without means and without an end. - One who does not do My Will has no rights and therefore I feel I am being continuously robbed. So, one who does not do My Will must be held as a noxious and fraudulent stranger and therefore it is necessary to chain him and cast him into the deepest prisons.
V.10 - 1/8/1911 - The family kills the Priest. Self-interest is the woodworm of the Priest can be read @catholicdivinewill.blogspot.com
V. 27 - 2/6/1930 - My daughter, the effects of living in My Divine Will are admirable. My Fiat keeps the creature always turned towards Heaven and It makes her grow, not of earth but of Heaven; and since My Will is one with My same Will that operates in the creature, this same Will of Mine places the creature in order with her Creator and keeps manifesting to her Who the One is Who created her, how much He loves her and how He wants to be loved - My Will has the Virtue of changing the nature of things - so, everything is Heaven for the creature who lives in My Divine Will; she grows for Heaven because the Heaven of My Divine Will reigns in her soul - Now, the Kingdom of My Divine Will is greater than the Work of Creation and therefore, it can be said, it is the call for Our Divine Being to operate more than Creation Itself. So, everything I did in your soul at the beginning symbolizes the Creation - Therefore, do not be surprised - this is the Order of Our Wisdom and Providence which does small things first and then the great as cortege and as decorum of the great things. What does My Divine Fiat deserve? What is not owed to It? And what has not been done by It? Therefore, when it is about My Will or about making It known, Heaven and earth prostrate themselves, reverent and all adore in mute silence even just one Act of My Divine Will
V. 29 - 10/8/1931 - ...Then, there is no greater honor that you can give to all Heaven, than to offer their acts that they did on earth for the noble, most high and sublime purpose than that the Kingdom of the Divine Will comes upon the earth
V. 36 - 6/16/1938 - How the Divine Volition wants to always give to creatures and wants to receive. Delivery/Consignment of both parts; rights that one loses and reign that one acquires. How God finds everything in the Act done in His Will - @ catholicdivinewill.blogspot.com
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