Saturday, December 28, 2019


V. 33 - 7/14/35 - My daughter, and yet it will come; you measure the human ones, the sad times that involve the present generations and therefore it seems difficult to you but the Supreme Being holds the Divine measures which are so very long that what is to the human is impossible but to Us is easy. We should  not do other than an impetuous wind which will be so very strong that they will make carried by the currents of the wind, that will purify the unhealthy air of the human will and of all the sad things of these times; it will make of it a heap and will disperse it as dust invested by an impetuous wind. Our wind will be so very strong, impetuous and working that it will not prove easy to resist Him, more so that His wave will be stuffed full of graces, of light, of love that will drown the human generations and they will feel themselves transformed. How many times doesn’t a strong wind remove an entire city and transports men, trees, earth, water to other places and perhaps also distant without being able to oppose it? More so, Our Divine wind, wanted, decreed by Us with Our Creative strength. And then there is the Queen of Heaven Who prays continually with Her empire that the Kingdom of the Divine Will comes upon the earth and when have We ever denied Her anything? Her prayers are impetuous winds for Us, so that We can not resist Her and the same strength that She possesses of Our Will is for Us empire, command; She holds the whole right to impetrate It because She possessed Him on earth and possesses Him in Heaven; hence, She Who possesses can give what is Hers, so much so that this Kingdom will be called the Kingdom of the Celestial Empress; She will do as Queen in the midst of Her children on earth, She will put at their disposition Her seas of graces,, of sanctity, of power and She will put to flight all enemies; She will raise them in Her Womb , She will hide them in Her Light, covering them with Her love, feeding them with Her Own hand with the food of the Divine Will. What won’t this Mother and Queen do in the midst of Her Kingdom, as Her children and as Her people? She will give unheard of graces, surprises never seen, miracles that will shake Heaven and earth and We will give Her the whole field free because She will form for Us, the Kingdom of Our Will upon the earth and She will be the guide, the true model ; the Kingdom of the Sovereign Celestial Queen will be pure.

V.33 - 11/24/35 - Oh! If creatures might possess as Life My Will, immediately they would have known Me because He, Himself would have revealed Who I was, My Volition in them and that same Volition in Me, they would have immediately known, loved each other and would have crowded around Me nor would they have been able to separate from Me, recognizing Me under the likeness of their castoffs as Word Eternal, He Who loved them so much that He had dressed Himself as one of them. So, that I would have had no need to manifest Myself as My Will residing in them would have revealed Me; nor would I have been able to hide Myself, instead I had to tell them Who I was and how many did not believe Me? Therefore, such as My Will doesn’t reign in creatures, everything is veiled, the Sacraments themselves, that more than a new Creation with so much love I left My Church are veiled for them; how many surprises, how many beautiful secrets and marvelous things a veiled pupil impedes one from understanding, from seeing, from tasting; more so, that this veil is the human volition that forms and impedes them from seeing the things that are in themselves. When My Will reigns in creatures as Life, then this veil will be taken away and all things will be revealed and then they will see the caresses that We make them through means of created things, the kisses, the loving embraces, in every single thing, they will feel Our ardent Heartbeat that loves them. This will be the great prodigy that My Divine Will, will do to break all the veils, to abound with unheard of graces, to take possession of souls as proper Life in a way that no one will be able to resist and thus He will have His Kingdom upon the earth.

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